JMB029-06-01 Fdoc 1
JMB029-06-01 Fdoc 1
JMB029-06-01 Fdoc 1
J. Microbiol. Biotechnol.
Biological Synthesis of Anthranilate Derivatives 841
Synthesis of N-Methylanthranilate
N-methylanthranilate is synthesized from anthranilate
in a reaction catalyzed by NMT. To synthesize N-
methylanthranilate, E. coli strain B1 was fed with anthranilate
and the culture filtrate was analyzed. As shown in Fig. 2,
the reaction product had the same retention time as N-
methylanthranilate. The structure of this reaction product
was analyzed by NMR and it was confirmed to be N- Fig. 2. Synthesis of N-methylanthranilate using E. coli harboring
methylanthranilate. NMT.
Anthranilate is an intermediate for the synthesis of A, anthranilate standard; B, N-methylanthranilate standard; C, the
tryptophan; however, it is also a substrate for NMT. The reaction product from E. coli harboring NMT.
production of N-methylanthranilate can be increased by
engineering anthranilate production. We examined the the conversion of chorismate to anthranilate. The resulting
production of N-methylanthranilate from glucose. As strain B2 produced 16.6 mg/l N-methylanthranilate. Then,
expected, the strain B1 synthesized approximately 1.6 mg/l we used E. coli tyrR and trpD double mutant (B-DR in
N-methylanthranilate without feeding anthranilate. In Table 1). TyrR is a negative regulator of transcription
order to increase the production, we next overexpressed and its deletion resulted in the activation of the first step
trpEG gene encoding anthranilate synthase that catalyzes of shikimate pathway [22]. TrpD encodes anthranilate
BL21 (DE3) F- ompT hsdSB(rB- mB-) gal dcm lon (DE3)
B-DR BL21(DE3) ΔtrpD/ΔtyrR This study
B-DRM BL21(DE3) ΔtrpD/ΔtyrR/ΔMetJ This study
B1 BL21 (DE3) harboring pE-NMT This study
B2 BL21 (DE3) harboring pE-trpEG-NMT This study
B3 BL21 (DE3) harboring pE-trpEG and pC-AMAT-pqsA This study
B4 BL21 (DE3) harboring pC-AMAT-pqsA This study
B-DR1 B-DR harboring pE-trpEG-NMT This study
B-DRM1 B-DRM harboring pE-trpEG-NMT This study
B-MMA1 E. coli BL21 harboring pE-trpEG-NMT and pC-AMAT-pqsA This study
B-MMA2 E. coli B-DR harboring pE-trpEG-NMT and pC-AMAT-pqsA This study
J. Microbiol. Biotechnol.
Biological Synthesis of Anthranilate Derivatives 843
J. Microbiol. Biotechnol.