0014-5793 / 00 / $20.00 ß 2000 Federation of European Biochemical Societies. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 0 1 4 - 5 7 9 3 ( 0 0 ) 0 1 1 3 3 - 9
enzymatic activity. A series of mutations was introduced into mM sodium phosphate, pH 7.5, containing 300 mM NaCl (bu¡er A),
the At4CL2 reading frame, and the puri¢ed, mutated proteins lysed by soni¢cation with a Branson soni¢er, and insoluble compo-
nents removed by centrifugation (20 000Ug, 20 min, 4³C). One ml of
were analyzed for their kinetic properties with respect to the Ni-NTA agarose (Qiagen, Hilden, Germany) equilibrated with bu¡er
substrates ca¡eate and ATP. Based on these data, the reaction A was added to the supernatant, and for adsorption of the His6 -
mechanism previously postulated for 4CLs is disproved and tagged proteins the suspension was stirred on ice for 1 h. The Ni-
the close relationship between 4CL and other adenylate-form- NTA agarose was washed twice with 40 ml of bu¡er A and three
times with 40 ml of 50 mM sodium phosphate, pH 7.5, 300 mM
ing enzymes, such as peptide synthetases, luciferases and fatty NaCl, 30 mM imidazole, 15% glycerol (bu¡er B). Subsequently, the
acyl-CoA synthetases, is experimentally substantiated. agarose was packed to a column and the protein eluted by stepwise
increase from 0.1 to 0.5 M imidazole dissolved in bu¡er B. Fractions
2. Materials and methods (1 ml) were collected and aliquots analyzed by SDS^polyacrylamide
gel electrophoresis which was performed as previously described [21].
2.1. Bacterial strains, plasmids, primer sequences and DNA After addition of dithiothreitol to a ¢nal concentration of 2 mM, the
manipulation techniques At4CL2-containing fractions were stored at 380³C.
Standard DNA manipulation techniques were performed as previ-
2.3. Enzyme assays
ously described [19]. For plasmid ampli¢cation E. coli strains XL1-
Blue (Stratagene, La Jolla, USA) or DH5a (GibcoBRL Life Technol- 4CL activity was determined with the spectrophotometric assay as
ogies, Rockville, USA) were used. Protein expression was performed previously described, using ca¡eic acid as the preferred phenolic sub-
strate [9,12]. The change in absorbance was monitored at 363 nm, the
using E. coli strain M15[pRP4] (Qiagen, Hilden, Germany). The
absorption maximum for ca¡eoyl-CoA [22]. The Km values for caf-
pQE30-based At4CL2 expression plasmid used for mutagenesis ex-
periments has previously been described [12]. Site-directed in vitro feate were estimated at ¢xed concentrations of ATP (5.5 mM) and
mutagenesis of the At4CL2 GEICIRG motif was achieved by replace- CoA (0.3 mM) by linear regression of v/s against s (Hanes plot), and
the Km values for ATP at ¢xed concentrations of ca¡eate (0.2 mM)
ment of the respective DNA region by synthetic oligonucleotide
and CoA (0.3 mM). Since Vmax values could not be determined for all
adapters. For this purpose the pBluescript derivative containing the
At4CL2 cDNA as a BamHI/KpnI fragment was digested with AvrII mutant enzymes, speci¢c activity was determined under standard con-
and MscI, resulting in deletion of the GEICIRG coding region. The ditions (0.2 mM ca¡eate, 5.5 mM ATP, 0.3 mM CoA). Protein con-
centrations were determined according to Bradford with bovine serum
deleted DNA fragment was replaced with a compatible oligonucleo-
albumin as standard [23].
tide adapter carrying the desired mutation. After ampli¢cation, the
modi¢ed At4CL2 constructs were inserted into the pQE30 expression
vector using the BamHI and KpnI restriction sites. One strand each of 3. Results and discussion
the adapters used in this study is listed in Table 1. All other mutations
were introduced into At4CL2 by PCR ampli¢cation of the entire
double-stranded At4CL2 expression plasmid using two mutated oli- 3.1. Site-directed mutagenesis and heterologous expression of
gonucleotide primers, each complementary to opposite strands of the At4CL2
vector. All components necessary for this mutagenesis procedure were For in vitro mutagenesis a recently described expression
included in the commercial QuikChange1 kit (Stratagene, La Jolla, plasmid was used in which the At4CL2 reading frame was
USA). One primer sequence of each pair of complementary muta-
genesis primers is listed in Table 1. To facilitate the identi¢cation of fused to a N-terminal His6 tag and placed under the control
the mutated plasmids, a new restriction site was introduced together of a strong inducible E. coli promoter [12]. To verify that the
with the point mutation whenever possible (Table 1). The entire DNA N-terminal tag has no in£uence on activity and substrate spe-
sequences of all mutated reading frames were determined on ABI ci¢city of 4CL, the Km values for ATP and ca¡eate ^ which in
Prism 377 DNA sequencers (PE Applied Biosystems, Foster City,
USA). Sequence alignments were generated using the BestFit, Gap,
comparison to 4-coumarate is the preferred substrate of
or PileUp programs of the GCG software package, version 10.0 [20]. At4CL2 [12] ^ were determined for both enzyme variants,
At4CL2 containing or lacking the six additional histidine res-
2.2. Expression and puri¢cation of At4CL2 proteins idues. Both enzymes showed nearly identical Km values of
All At4CL2 coding constructs were expressed in E. coli strain
about 160 WM for ATP and 25 WM for ca¡eate, which is in
M15[pRP4] using the expression vector pQE30 (Qiagen, Hilden, Ger-
many) and thus contained a His6 tag at their N-termini. For At4CL2 accordance with our previous results [12] and those reported
puri¢cation, E. coli transformants were grown overnight in 50 ml LB for many native, puri¢ed 4CLs [1,10,24]. Therefore, the His6 -
medium with 60 mg/l kanamycin and 100 mg/l ampicillin at 37³C. tagged version seemed to be well suited for mutagenesis since
Cells were harvested by centrifugation and suspended in 400 ml of it allowed easy puri¢cation and further protein chemical stud-
fresh medium without kanamycin. To induce expression, cells were
grown for 7 h at 37³C in the presence of 5 mM isopropyl-1-thio-L-D- ies.
galactopyranoside, collected by centrifugation and stored at 380³C. Positions for in vitro mutagenesis were chosen either for
For protein puri¢cation, pelleted cells were suspended in 80 ml of 50 their absolute conservation within all known 4CLs or for their
Table 1
Sequences of DNA adapters and PCR primers used for the construction of At4CL2 mutant proteins
Sequencea Mutation Restriction siteb
DNA adapters
PCR primers
Modi¢ed codons are underlined.
Restriction sites were introduced or deleted (v) to facilitate the identi¢cation of plasmids carrying the desired mutation.
Fig. 1. Sequence comparison of conserved peptide motifs from selected members of the adenylate-forming enzyme superfamily. Amino acid res-
idues common to at least 10 of the aligned sequences are shaded (i.e. identity s 60%). The mutations introduced in At4CL2 are marked by ar-
rowheads, labeled with numbers, and speci¢ed below the sequences. The proteins included in the alignment are as follows (with accession num-
bers given in brackets): Arabidopsis thaliana 4CL2 (AAD47193), 4CL1 (AAD47191), 4CL3 (AAD47194); Photinus pyralis luciferase (P08659);
Hotaria parvula luciferase (AAC37253); Pyrocoelia miyako luciferase (AAC37254); Brevibacillus brevis gramicidin S synthetase 1 (GrsA)
(P14687); Brevibacillus brevis tyrocidine synthetase 1 (TycA) (P09095); Bacillus subtilis surfactin synthetase 1 (SrfA) (P27206); Escherichia coli
enterobactin synthetase component F (EntF) (P11454); Emericella nidulans ACV synthetase (AcvA) (CAA38631); Bacillus subtilis long-chain
acyl-CoA synthetase (LCACS) (P94547); Escherichia coli long-chain acyl-CoA synthetase (FadD) (A45062); Saccharomyces cerevisiae fatty acyl-
CoA synthetase (Fat2) (P38137); Brassica napus acyl-CoA synthetase (ACS) (CAA64327); Homo sapiens long-chain fatty acyl-CoA synthetase
2 (LACS2) (AAD17853).
high conservation within the superfamily of adenylate-forming dividual replacements of four lysine residues in At4CL2 by
enzymes consisting of 4CLs, luciferases, peptide synthetases neutral amino acids (Fig. 1). After site-directed mutagenesis,
and long-chain fatty acyl-CoA synthetases (Fig. 1). The ¢rst the complete modi¢ed reading frames were veri¢ed by se-
set of mutations included the substitution of a cysteine residue quencing before the respective plasmids were used for protein
(Cys403 ) postulated to be directly involved in thiol ester for- expression. Western blot analysis of crude protein extracts
mation by 4CLs [2]. Since multiple ion pair interactions with from IPTG-treated E. coli cells showed that all mutant en-
lysine side chains have been observed in several nucleotide- zymes were expressed at approximately the same level without
binding proteins [25], a second set of mutations included in- detectable degradation (not shown). Puri¢cation by Ni2 -che-
late a¤nity chromatography resulted in almost homogeneous
protein preparations (Fig. 2) that could be stored at 380³C
for several months with a low decrease in enzymatic activity
ranging from 15 to 20%.
conclusion that the cysteine residue of the GEICIRG motif is resulted in a strong decrease in enzyme activity, whereas Km
not essential for enzymatic activity may be derived from the values and ATP-binding a¤nity were only slightly a¡ected
fact that this amino acid is not strictly conserved in lucifer- [14,27]. In contrast, substitution of either one of two lysine
ases, peptide synthetases and acyl-CoA synthetases (Fig. 1). residues in the putative nucleotide-binding motif of surfactin
The glutamic acid residue at position 401 in At4CL2 was (SrfA) from Bacillus subtilis (corresponding to Leu209 and
chosen for substitution based on sequence comparison of Lys211 in At4CL2) had only moderate e¡ects on the adenyla-
numerous members of the adenylate-forming enzyme super- tion activity of the mutated enzyme [31]. Accordingly, it ap-
family which revealed that this is the most highly conserved pears questionable whether the SSGTTGLPKG signature mo-
charged amino acid residue of the GEICIRG motif (Fig. 1). tif of At4CL2 is directly involved in nucleotide binding. A
However, the substitution Glu401 /Gln also did not greatly af- similar conclusion was recently drawn from the crystal struc-
fect the enzymatic properties (Table 2). A direct participation ture of the phenylalanine-activating subunit of gramicidin
of the GEICIRG motif in the catalytic mechanism is therefore synthetase 1 (PheA) in a complex with AMP and phenylala-
unlikely, although its strict conservation in all 4CLs may in- nine [32]. In this conformation, this conserved signature motif
dicate an important function. Such importance is underscored forms a £exible loop between two L-strands and was sug-
by the total loss of activity in the mutant enzyme, vGEI- gested to accommodate the pyrophosphate leaving group dur-
CIRG, from which the whole GEICIRG motif had been de- ing catalysis rather than directly participating in ATP binding
leted (Table 2). However, the most likely explanation for its [32].
inactivity is a gross perturbation of the structural integrity of
the enzyme due to the deletion of an important peptide motif 3.4. At4CL2 mutant enzymes with alterations in the C-terminal
rather than the loss of amino acids that are essential for cat- domain
alysis. The arginine corresponding to position 449 in At4CL2 is
invariant amongst all adenylate-forming enzymes and was
3.3. At4CL2 mutant enzymes with an altered putative therefore mutated in several of these proteins. In At4CL2
nucleotide-binding domain the substitution Arg449 /Gln reduced the enzymatic activity to
A second highly conserved peptide motif found in all mem- 3% of the wild-type level with a concomitant 10-fold increase
bers of the superfamily of adenylate-forming enzymes [13] is in the Km values for ATP and ca¡eate (Table 2). Substitutions
the putative AMP-binding domain signature as de¢ned in the of the corresponding Arg416 in tyrocidine synthetase 1 (TycA)
PROSITE database (PDOC00427, [28]). This motif is rich in from Bacillus brevis or Arg453 in fatty acyl-CoA synthetase
Gly, Ser and Thr and contains near the C-terminus an abso- (FadD) from E. coli resulted in a profound loss of catalytic
lutely conserved Lys (Fig. 1). These structural features resem- e¤ciency in both cases, indicating that the charged arginine
ble the Walker type A motif or P loop, GXXXXGK(S/T), residue in this position is important for activity [14,33]. In
which is found in numerous ATP- or GTP-binding proteins tyrocidine synthetase 1, as in At4CL2, this substitution not
[29,30] where it forms a so-called phosphate-binding loop. In only lowered the catalytic capacity of the mutant enzyme but
this £exible loop the Lys is proposed to interact with the Q- also reduced its binding a¤nity for the acyl substrate. From
phosphate of the nucleotide triphosphate [29,30]. Therefore, the crystal structure of gramicidin synthetase 1 (PheA) it has
substitution of the corresponding Lys211 in the been deduced that the invariant Arg428 is located in a £exible
SSGTTGLPK211 G motif of At4CL2 was expected to have loop connecting the two subdomains of this adenylation sub-
profound e¡ects on enzyme activity and on the Km for unit, and it was proposed to function in cooperation with the
ATP. Indeed, the mutant enzyme with the Lys211 /Ser substi- likewise conserved Lys of the SSGTTGLPKG motif (see
tution exhibited only about 3% of wild-type activity. How- above) in coordinating the pyrophosphate release during ade-
ever, the Km values for both, ATP and ca¡eate, were not nylate formation [32]. In spite of their similar putative func-
signi¢cantly a¡ected (Table 2). tions, the di¡erences observed for the Lys211 /Ser and Arg449 /
Similar results were recently described for the heterolo- Gln mutations in At4CL2 may indicate that Arg449 has a
gously expressed adenylation domain of tyrocidine synthetase stronger in£uence on the structural integrity of the enzyme
1 (TycA) from Bacillus brevis, where substitution of the con- than Lys211 .
served Lys198 in the TSGTTGKPK198 G signature motif also Two point mutations (Lys455 /Thr, Lys457 /Ser) were intro-
Table 2
Enzymatic properties of heterologously expressed At4CL2 variants
Mutant Km ca¡eate (WM) Km ATP (WM) Speci¢c activity (nkat/mg) Speci¢c activity (% of wild-type)
Wild-type 24 163 209 100
Lys211 /Ser 14 151 5.6 2.7
Glu401 /Gln 28 240 44 21
Cys403 /Ala 18 173 94 45
Arg449 /Gln s 400a 1507 6.2 2.9
Lys455 /Thr ^ ^ 0.33 0.16
Lys457 /Ser 5 29 7.7 3.7
Lys540 /Asn ^ ^ 6 0.07 ^
DGEICIRG ^ ^ n.d. ^
All values are the average of three independent determinations.
n.d., not detectable.
^, not determined, enzyme activity too low.
Enzyme activity increased linearly up to the highest applicable ca¡eate concentration (400 WM).
duced into the region next to the putative £exible loop which during long-term storage, the simple optical enzyme assay,
in peptide synthetases has been proposed to be related to the available sequence information of a large number of
aminoacyl adenylation [25,34] and was recently shown to be 4CLs from di¡erent plants, render 4CL2 from Arabidopsis a
stabilized against proteolytic cleavage upon adenylate forma- suitable system to study the steric requirements or constraints
tion [35]. The substitution Lys457 /Ser in At4CL2 resulted in a determining di¡erential utilization/conversion of various cin-
96% reduction of enzymatic activity, comparable to that ob- namic acid derivatives as described for numerous 4CL iso-
served with Arg449 /Gln (see above), however, with the oppo- forms [12]. The identi¢cation of individual amino acids a¡ect-
site e¡ect on the Km values for ATP and ca¡eate, i.e. 5-fold ing the substrate speci¢city of 4CL is not only of academic
decreases compared to wild-type (Table 2). Lys457 is not interest. The position of 4CL at a metabolic branch point
strictly conserved amongst adenylate-forming enzymes; it is connecting general phenylpropanoid metabolism with the dif-
present in 4CLs and luciferases, whereas in peptide synthe- ferent endproduct-speci¢c pathways generating a myriad of
tases the corresponding position is occupied by an arginine biologically important compounds, makes 4CL a particularly
residue and in fatty acyl-CoA synthetases no positively suitable target for pathway or product engineering. Designing
charged residue is found. Therefore, it seems unlikely that enzymes with altered properties could give rise to new or
Lys457 is directly involved in adenylate formation. However, modi¢ed combinations of phenylpropanoid compounds in
the unusual properties of the Lys457 /Ser mutant, i.e. decreased plants [36,37]. To unravel the molecular basis of substrate
Km values, indicate that at least in 4CL this position plays an speci¢city has been attempted for various adenylate-forming
important role in coordinating the sequential reaction steps or enzymes, in particular acyl-CoA synthetases and peptide syn-
in product release. Substitution of the neighboring lysine res- thetases [33,38], and at least in some cases, a correlation be-
idue (Lys455 /Thr) resulted in reduction of the catalytic activity tween the polarity of the acyl substrate and some amino acid
to less than 0.2% (Table 2). This very low activity prevented residues forming the hypothetical substrate pocket could be
the determination of reliable kinetic constants, but estimates revealed [32]. However, the ultimate goal of designing novel
seem to indicate decreases of the Km values for ATP and substrate speci¢cities has not yet been achieved and progress
ca¡eate, as observed above for the Lys457 /Ser substitution. is possibly impeded by the large sizes and complex, modular
Protective a¤nity labeling of tyrocidine synthetase 1 by £uo- compositions of these enzymes. The relatively low structural
rescein 5P-isothiocyanate (FITC) identi¢ed the conserved complexity and ease of handling suggest that 4CL may serve
Lys422 , corresponding to Lys455 in At4CL2, as one of two as a suitable model for such studies.
residues associated with ATP binding [25]. Our enzymatic
data support the notion that the equivalent of Lys455 is func- Acknowledgements: We thank Drs. Imre E. Somssich and Wolfgang
tionally important in most adenylate-forming enzymes, with Knogge for critical reading of the manuscript and Roswitha Lentz for
excellent technical assistance. H.P.S. is recipient of a post-doctoral
the possible exception of bacterial and yeast fatty acyl-CoA fellowship of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Stu 251/1-1).
synthetases in which this position is not conserved.
The second labeled lysine residue of tyrocidine synthetase 1
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