Multi-Objective Load Balancing in Cloud Infrastructure Through Fuzzy Based Decision Making and Genetic Algorithm Based Optimization

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IAES International Journal of Artificial Intelligence (IJ-AI)

Vol. 12, No. 2, June 2023, pp. 678~685

ISSN: 2252-8938, DOI: 10.11591/ijai.v12.i2.pp678-685  678

Multi-objective load balancing in cloud infrastructure through

fuzzy based decision making and genetic algorithm based

Neema George1, Anoop Balakrishnan Kadan2, Vinodh P. Vijayan3

Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Srinivas University Srinivas Nagar, Mangalore, Karnataka, India
Department of AIML, Srinivas Institute of Technology, Mangalore, India
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Mangalam College of Engineering, Kottayam, India

Article Info ABSTRACT

Article history: Cloud computing became a popular technology which influence not only
product development but also made technology business easy. The services
Received Jul 15, 2021 like infrastructure, platform and software can reduce the complexity of
Revised Sep 12, 2022 technology requirement for any ecosystem. As the users of cloud-based
Accepted Oct 12, 2022 services increases the complexity of back-end technologies also increased.
The heterogeneous requirement of users in terms for various configurations
creates different unbalancing issues related to load. Hence effective load
Keywords: balancing in a cloud system with reference to time and space become crucial
as it adversely affect system performance. Since the user requirement and
Data mining and analysis expected performance is multi-objective use of decision-making tools like
Distributed systems fuzzy logic will yield good results as it uses human procedure knowledge in
Fuzzy logic decision making. The overall system performance can be further improved by
Genetic algorithm dynamic resource scheduling using optimization technique like genetic
Intelligent and knowledge- algorithm.
based system
This is an open access article under the CC BY-SA license.

Corresponding Author:
Neema George
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Srinivas University
Srinivas Nagar, Mangalore, Karnataka, India
Email: [email protected]

Cloud computing can be explained as on-demand availability of services like cloud servers, resources,
storage and computing power, which is managed remotely in internet. The term is usually used to define data
centers accessible to consumers over the Internet. The service models of cloud computing [1]–[10] are platform
as a service (PaaS), infrastructure as a service (IaaS) and software as a service (SaaS) [8], [9]. Hence any user
they like to use the above-mentioned services can avail the services after paying the service coast but user always
enjoys the uninterrupted services without facing the difficulty of maintaining the same.
Amazon web service (AWS), Microsoft Azure, Server Space, Google Cloud Platform, Adobe
Creative Cloud, IBM Cloud Services, and VMware are the major cloud service providers. When the multiple
users have multi objective requirement the cloud infrastructure operation is difficult as it will not be able to
provide good QoS to all the clients. Service migration amid data servers may reduce the network overhead in
a cloud infrastructure and improve QoS to the clients but it will create serious load balancing problems which
ultimately degrade the performance of the system. Figure 1 shows basic cloud architecture with various services
like infrastructure, applications and platform which can be accessed by multiple users in multiple
configurations through internet. Infrastructure services contain services like server, computing power and data

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Figure 1. Cloud architecture

Application services include application software, middleware and compiler. Platform services may
contain various operating system as a service, all these services can be accessed through browser and internet.
While we plan for load balancing in cloud it is important to perform the same without affecting the principles
of cloud computing like virtualization, resource pooling, elasticity, metered billing and automatic resource

An improved particle swarm optimization (IPSO) [10], [11] algorithm was introduced to increase the
virtual machine resource scheduling performance in cloud computing environment. The designed algorithm
changed the constant coefficients of cognition and social items in the velocity variation to number of iterations.
IPSO algorithm was more balanced as stronger processing ability virtual machines were allocated with more
Fuzzy-based multi-dimensional resource scheduling and queuing network (F-MRSQN) [12] method
was introduced for integrated scheduling and load balancing algorithm F-MRSQN method used minimum
resource and time for scheduling and load balancing in cloud environment infrastructure. Fair load balancing
was achieved by multi-dimensional load optimization algorithm through increasing number of virtual
machines. Cloud workflow scheduling strategy [13], [14] was introduced to achieve efficient scheduling
process in cloud computing environment. Cloud workflow algorithm was introduced for performing scheduling
optimization. Heuristic-based dynamic load-balancing algorithm was introduced utilized that in turn monitored
the virtual machines in a continuous manner resulting in significant resource utilization [15]–[22].
Priority aware longest job first (PA-KJF) method that efficiently predicts overloading hosts, therefore,
minimizing the number of migrations [15]. Heuristic-based dynamic load-balancing algorithm was introduced
utilized that in turn monitored the virtual machines in a continuous manner resulting in significant resource
utilization PA-KJF method that efficiently predicts overloading hosts, therefore, minimizing the number of
migrations. For optimizing the load and effficient scheduling of resources [16] for each cloud user request with
the efficient evolution of the data center, multi-objective resource scheduling optimization technique was
applied by multi constraints through resource scheduling in infrastructure cloud services.
On Apache Spark, a parallel application towards accelerating N-FINDR [23] unmixing method and
support vector machine (SVM) classifier in a fusion-based hyperspectral image classification in a wireless
sensor application creates a trade-off between computational overhead and energy consumption. The cloud
resource management is proved as a combinatorial optimization problem where the complexity belongs to
NP-hard. When compared with classic techniques like, reinforcement learning (RL) as a special model of
machine learning devised techniques like DeepRM, DeepRM_Plus [24] could offer 37.5 percentage faster with
respect to the convergence rate. And the above two techniques are much beeter in case of parameters like
average-weighted turnaround time and the average cycling time. The application of the modern metaheuristic
whale optimization algorithm (WOA) [25] for the cloud task scheduling with multi-objective optimization
model could impove the performance of a cloud system for a certain computing resource which could also
contribute to improve accuracy and convergence speed in searching for the optimum task scheduling plans.

The load balancing in cloud environment [17], [18] can be of two types, viz., static and dynamic load
balancing. Through load balancing, it is expected to improve parameters like overall performance, system
stability, quality of service (QoS) [19], fault tolerance [20] as it is essential to improve the service. Static load
Multi-objective load balancing in cloud infrastructure through fuzzy based … (Neema George)
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balancing never gives better performance as load demand and configuration requirements changes frequently
and dynamically. The conventional dynamic algorithm also never gives good performance as the requirement
is multi-objective. The bio-inspired algorithm like genetic algorithm as an optimization tool is expected to give
improves solution without overhead due to its simplicity and operational principle.

3.1. Fuzzy based decision making and genetic algorithm-based optimization

Figure 2 shows the proposed system where the multi objective requirement of users are considered
and decision making is done using fuzzy logic [10], [21], [22], [26]–[28] without compromising the QoS. As
the actual load on the system is dynamic and heterogeneous in nature with multiple objectives to be considered
a dynamic scheduling of resources is required where genetic optimization is the sufficient tool. Figure 3 shows
the overall algorithm used for a stepwise approach to solve the cloud resource scheduling using the fuzzy
decision making and genetic alogorithm based optimization. The initial decision making based on fuzzy rules
which uses human expertizes mainly. The heterogeneous nature of environment and user requirement cerate
lot of loads inbalance and which ultimately degrades system performance. The application of genetic algorithm
with suitable selection, cross over and mutation technique can inprove overall system performance.

Figure 2. Fuzzy based decision making and genetic algorithm-based optimization architecture

Algorithm for Multi-objective cloud resource scheduling

Step 1: Collection of heterogeneous requests from various client.

Step 2: Fuzzy based resource allocation based on membership function and fuzzy rules.
1. Fuzzification and membership fixing
2. Fuzzy engine and fuzzy rules
3. Defuzzifcation and final decision.

Step 3: Measuring the performance parameters and load.

Step 4: Optimization using Genetic Algorithm.

1. Representation of parameters
2. Initial population selection
3. Cross over and muatation
4. Calaculation of fitness function and optimum value
5. If acceptable “stop “else go back to selection.
Step 5: Repeat step 1 periodically or when quick degradation in performance

Figure 3. Alogithm for multi-objective cloud resource scheduling

3.2. Fuzzy based decision making

Figure 4 shows a fuzzy logic system where all the input parameters are fuzzified using any of
fuzzification method. The major decision is done at inference engine using rule base made based on expert
knowledge. Finally, defuzzification is done, which the final decision is given to system. Figure 5 shows the
sample membership function for input load, the various linguistic variables are LOW, AVERAGE and HIGH,
the number of linguistic variables can be increased based on the user requirement similarly multiple parameters
can be considered as input membership function based on the multi-objective requirement of user.

Int J Artif Intell, Vol. 12, No. 2, June 2023: 678-685

Int J Artif Intell ISSN: 2252-8938  681

The membership function (MF) considered is a triangular MF due to the nature of input variable. The
triangular membership function can be defined as by considering Figure 6 and corresponding point a, b and c.
In (1) can be used to calculate membership value for any ‘x’ value which is nothing but measures load value.

0, 𝑖𝑓(𝑥 ≤ 𝑎)
, 𝑖𝑓(𝑎 ≤ 𝑥 ≤ 𝑏)
𝜇𝐴 (𝑥) = 𝑐−𝑥 (1)
, 𝑖𝑓(𝑏 ≤ 𝑥 ≤ 𝑐)
{0, 𝑖𝑓(𝑥 ≥ 𝑐) }

Figure 4. Fuzzy system

Figure 5. Sample membership function for input load

Figure 6. Triangular membership function

Figure 7 shows the output membership function for the system where linguistic variables are POOR,
GOOD and EXCELLENT, the fuzzy inference system will map the output to corresponding degree of linguistic
variable based on the rule base. The output membership function is Gaussian MF which can be represented as
Gaussian (x: c, s) where c represents the mean and s represents standard deviation. Now it is important that the
accuracy of the decision always depends on a rule base and the type of membership function selected. In the
sample case the input numbers if function is a triangle membership function and output membership function
is a normal distribution, the rule base can be e always improved through availing best expert knowledge.

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1 𝑥−𝑐 𝑚
𝜇𝐴 (𝑥, 𝑐, 𝑠, 𝑚) = 𝑒𝑥𝑝 [− | | ] (2)
2 𝑠

Figure 7. Sample output membership function for service quality

3.3. Genetic algorithm-based optimization and scheduling

Figure 8 shows genetic algorithm-based optimization where the effective scheduling can be done in
this multi-objective environment and genetic algorithm is always an excellent tool due to its simplicity and
bio-inspired modelling. The selection of crossover technique and mutation technique always have a role in the
effectiveness similarly the probability of mutation, percentage of crossover also have significant effect on the
output. Here as the requirement is a multi objective the chromosome representation seems to be challenging
hence it is important to choose a suitable representation technique.

Figure 8. Genetic algorithm-based optimization


The simulation of the network has been done in the cloudsim simulator with various possible
configuration and varying workload, arrival time. The types of jobs use for testing are batch jobs and long
running jobs. In the both case small, medium and large jobs are taken with different task time, CPU request

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and memory requests. Different workloads like bursty, slow and mixed are considered with variable batch and
service type. Table 1 shows the cost measurement for three different workloads.

Table 1. Cost measurement for three different workloads

Cost for various workload in Percentage
Slow Bursty Mixed
30 30 30
35 34 34
40 42 43
45 43 43
50 50 46
55 59 50
60 60 52
65 62 58
70 68 60
75 70 64

Figure 9 shows the cost occurred with reference to various workloads. And from the diagram it is
evident that the slow load doesn’t make much improvement in the proposed solution but the bursty load has a
slight cost reduction compared to slow load. Finally, the mixed load has a good impact on this scheduling
where there is significant reduction in the cost with reference to time.

Figure 9. Cost for various workload

Figure 10 shows the overhead occurred due to scheduling and decision making. The decision making
is done through fuzzy inference and optimized scheduling is calculated through genetic algorithm. Both of this
technique could improve overall system performance but the computational overhead is slightly increased. It
is visible from the diagram that the overhead is minimum for low load and it is maximum for the mixed load
due to the heterogeneous nature of the load.

Figure 10. Overhead in scheduling

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Figure 11 shows the computation overhead incurred due to application of optimization tool genetic
algorithm. It is clear from the graph that as the number of users increase the overhead increases, but in few
cases the overhead is random. And due to nature of genetic algorithm a lucky mutation can yield excellent
performance with low overhead.

Figure 11. Computational overhead of genetic algorithm

The high demand for cloud resources like infrastructure, platform and applications has created lot of
scheduling issues and also it creates serious load balancing issues and ultimately which degrades system
performances. Due the heterogeneous nature of resource requirement with respect to time, it is important to
use any dynamic scheduling algorithm to dynamically allocate the resources based on the user requirement.
The Genetic based optimization resources gave improves system performance by reducing the overhead and
cost. The fuzzy based decision making improves the allotment as it involved human procedure knowledge. The
result of system performance for various load conditions like low, average and mixed, shows that fuzzy based
decision making and genetic based optimization is effective for mix load condition essentially.

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Ms. Neema George is a Research Scholar in Computer Science and Engg, Srinivas
University, Mangalore. Working as an Assistant Professor in Mangalam College of Engg,
Kottayam, Kerala. Having 10 years of teaching experience in MLMCE. Master of Engineering
in Computer science and Engineering (M.E CSE) from Anna University Chennai and Bachelor
of Technology in Computer Science and Engineering (B.Tech-CSE) from MG University,
kerala. Her Area of interest Cloud Computing, Machinelearning, Artificial Intelligence and her
Research area is Cloud computing. She can be contacted at email: [email protected].

Dr. Anoop Balakrishnan Kadan is Professor in AIML, Srinivas Institute of

Technology Mangalore.He has received B.E degree from anna University Chennai in the year
2008, from VTU Karnataka in the year 2010 and Ph.D from APJ Abdul Kalam
Technological University Kerala in the year 2020. His area of research is Machine Learning.
He can be contacted at email: [email protected].

Dr. Vinodh P. Vijayan Principal, Mangalam college of Engineering, Ettumanoor,

India has completed UG in ECE, PG in CSE and Ph.D. in Computer Science and Engineering
in soft computing and Wireless Sensor Networks. His research area or research includes AI,
Softcomputing, Datascience and cloud computing. He can be contacted at email:
[email protected].

Multi-objective load balancing in cloud infrastructure through fuzzy based … (Neema George)

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