Multi Objective Task Scheduling Using Hybrid Whale Genetic

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Wireless Personal Communications (2020) 110:1887–1913

Multi‑Objective Task Scheduling Using Hybrid Whale Genetic

Optimization Algorithm in Heterogeneous Computing

Gobalakrishnan Natesan1 · Arun Chokkalingam2

Published online: 17 October 2019

© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2019

The system of cloud computing comprises of several servers that are inter-connected in
a datacenter, provisioned dynamically to cater on-demand services through the front-end
interface for the clients. Improvement in virtualization technology has made cloud comput-
ing a viable option for various application services development. Cloud datacenters process
the tasks on the basis of pay as you use manner. Task scheduling is one of the important
research challenges in cloud computing. The formulation of task scheduling probes has
been depicted to be NP-hard hence identifying the solution for a bigger problem is intrac-
table. The dissimilar feature of cloud resources makes task scheduling non-trivial. NP-hard
problem arises due to the dynamic behavior of the dissimilar resources identified in the
cloud computing environment. Task scheduling can be optimized using a meta-heuristic
algorithm. In this paper, we have combined two meta-heuristic techniques, namely Whale
Optimization Algorithm (WOA) and Genetic Algorithm (GA) to devise a new hybridized
algorithm called as Whale Genetic Optimization Algorithm. Our aim is to minimize the
makespan and cost while scheduling the tasks. The simulation is done by using Cloud-
sim toolkit. The results obtained shows significant reduction in the execution time that was
measured in terms of enactment amelioration rate. These results were compared with the
classical WOA and standard GA. The results of the proposed technique provide higher
quality solution for task scheduling.

Keywords Cloud computing · Algorithm · NP-hard · Task scheduling · Hybrid ·

Virtualization and optimization

* Gobalakrishnan Natesan
[email protected]
Department of Information Technology, St. Joseph’s College of Engineering, Sathyabama
University, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
R.M.K College of Engineering and Technology, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India

1888 G. Natesan, A. Chokkalingam

1 Introduction

One of the most trending and the easily recognizable technologies among the academi-
cians, researchers and businessmen is cloud computing as it allows storage of infor-
mation and its utilities and allows it to be used from anywhere [1]. It abides a set of
non-similar processing nodes, virtual systems and services that are provided among the
opponent clients system dynamically on basis of their processing speed, accuracy and
QoS needs. The service provisions of the environment of cloud form three tiers: Soft-
ware as a Service (SaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS) and Infrastructure as a Service
(IaaS) [2]. These layers stakes administration and monitoring of distinct of the final
Several industries and forums send their data and services to the cloud everyday due
to its high flexibility and effective structures which enable QoS sanctioned processing
surroundings added with constructive services that can quickly be allowed for use with
optimal effort from management [3]. As several researches concentrate on processes
to provide efficient systems that has high system performance, the active researches
included several attributes like security, storage performance, etc. promoting the system
efficiency and making it avoided many obstacles.
Many achievements have been made in the research of the task scheduling in recent
years. In this research, cloud computing is designed for execution of several applications
of different types at the same time. The virtualization technology and automation manage-
ment in the cloud computing makes the nodes join freely and exit operationally gradually
reducing the cost of data center management. Task scheduling problem is considered as the
toughest problem according to research [4, 5]. Rather than performing the regular routine
of assigning tasks to resources to perform the needed operations, task scheduling works
like a traditional computer OS scheduling. The main aim of a good scheduling algorithm is
to improve the resource utilization rate. In NP-hard problem, the scheduling increases the
efficiency, mapping various tasks of services to a set of resources. Finding solutions to the
NP-hard problem is impractical with known algorithms, which requires an optimum sched-
uler which works with a particular computational speed. In general, NP-hard problems can
be solved by inventory methods, heuristic methods or deterministic method [6].
However, enumeration needs to be used to build an optimum schedules for which
it requires the process of building all scheduler that are possible and the results are
compared one by one in order to select the optimal one which is not applicable for
cloud scheduling due to the large number of tasks. Therefore, the proposed methods
of literature for resolving problem of task scheduling that are either heuristic or meta-
heuristic based [7–9]. The optimal solution can be found by heuristic based methods
basis on some predefined rules and the solution quality was obtained by these methods
on dependence of underlying rules and size of the problem. The solution was hence
acquired by search methods of heuristics are not feasible and are operated at a very high
cost. To solve highly complex problems, the meta-heuristic techniques are applied on
it extensively. These techniques use a set of solutions to tresses the space of solution
unlike the mathematical and heuristic techniques that uses a single candidate solution.
The meta-heuristic algorithm attribute makes them perform better than the heuristic and
mathematical techniques. Some of the well-known techniques for solving the issues of
task scheduling in clouds are Genetic Algorithm (GA) [10], Water drop Algorithm [11],
League championship Algorithm (LCA) [12], Firefly Algorithm [13], Ant Colony Opti-
mization (ACO) [14] and Whale Optimization algorithm (WOA) [15].

Multi‑Objective Task Scheduling Using Hybrid Whale Genetic… 1889

In this paper, we have proposed a cloud task scheduling algorithm on WGOA to satisfy
the needs of reducing both time and cost of task on the cloud environment. Hence in need
to check the proposition of the scheduler, we have implemented using cloudsim simulation
environment to execute a set of independent task on data centers with various models of
configuration and cost.
The manuscript is organized as follows: Sect. 2 describes the related work of author’s per-
taining to task scheduling. Section 3 shows the solution framework model of task scheduling
in cloud computing. Problem formulation and proposed hybrid WGOA technique for multi-
objective task scheduling are described in Sects. 4 and 5. Section 6 describes the simulation
results. Finally summary & conclusion of the proposed technique are described in Sect. 7.

2 Related Work

Several researchers have been performed on bag of independent tasks scheduling of applica-
tions on resources that are distributed in cloud computing. In such cases, many algorithms are
used for scheduling and apply a variety of methods and parameters of scheduling [16–19]. In
[20] author presents a multi-objective task scheduling techniques in cloud using resource cost
model. The scheme use improved Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) algorithm to minimize
the budget cost and execution time. Simulation outcome shows that the improved ACO tech-
nique presented is new adept of improving the performance of cloud, decrease the user cost,
increase the utilization of resource and minimize the deadline violation rate.
Thamaraiselvi et al., [21] proposed a framework for scheduling bio-informatics applica-
tion in the cloud environment. The author has used Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO)
algorithm to schedule the bio-informatics tasks to minimize the makespan, complete the
execution time of tasks within the time limit and cost. Self-adaptive learning—PSO based
resource allocation framework in hybrid IaaS cloud environment was proposed by author
[22]. In the hybrid IaaS environment the Cloud Service Provider (CSP) could outsource the
tasks to external CSP since the resources are not enough to accommodate the tasks.
The hybridization of SOS and simulated annealing for task scheduling in cloud environ-
ment was used by the author of [23]. The hybridization algorithm objective is to reduce
the response time, execution time and imbalance degree among VM’s. In [24] author sug-
gested a task scheduling scheme based on Global League Championship optimization to
minimize the makespan and response time in scientific applications.
The authors of [25] proposed Intelligent Water Drops (IWD) algorithm to optimize the
scheduling of workflow on the cloud where it was used and embedded inside the workflow
simulation toolkit and was checked in various environments of cloud with cost models. The
authors of [26] proposed DVFS technique to optimize the energy and cost consumed in
HCS framework by implementation of green service level agreement made between cloud
users. All empty slacks of schedule on processing elements and extended makespan.
Jiachen yang et al. [27] proposed a task scheduling algorithm having game theory
designed for management energy in cloud computing. On basis of game theory algorithm
the reliability of the balanced task is considered. It is implemented using cooperative game
model and game strategy in the task scheduling. The authors of [28] described the pre-
power determination and post-power determination algorithms to perform energy and cost
constrained scheduling on several many core processor of precedence constrained parallel
tasks to be performed on continuous or discrete speed levels by embedding equal speed
method onto our algorithms giving high performance.

1890 G. Natesan, A. Chokkalingam

3 Solution Framework

The cloud task scheduling system has three main sections namely the policies module, the
objective function and the scheduler module. The communication and interaction among
the three modules are depicted and implemented in Fig. 1. This is implemented using the
task scheduling technique.
The cloud consumers decide on what task has to be done and come up with a collec-
tion of tasks forming a task pool which all has to be completed on which the scheduling
process has to be applied along with the objective function and then on this data is formed,
the scheduler by making use of the WOA & GA techniques, provides the needed resources
like storage, CPU and memory to the respective servers from the cloud resource pool. The
first module of scheduling the system is the policies module on which contains scheduling
process are applied which are generally set by the cloud providers. These policies of sched-
uling are normally a set of constraints and rules to enable resource allocation and establish
SLA’s for all the applications of cloud. Resource conflicts occurs on a regular basis as the
cloud computing environment provides the illusion of infinite resources but in reality there
are no adequate resources available to satisfy their need/tasks. Hence, this can be settled by
using scheduling policies.
The second module is the objective/fitness function. It is used for determination and
evaluation of the rank and quality of a schedule. It is given for all the tasks and hence a
joint objective function is available for every schedule. It’s main purposes is to test and
make sure ‘n’ tasks are scheduled to ‘m’ cloud resources. So that the goal of minimum
makespan problem is an NP hard problem. The most important component is the sched-
uler which forms the third module of our system and it’s responsible for allocation of
tasks to resources using hybrid WGOA optimized scheduling technique. Initially it col-
lects tasks and needed resource information from the cloud information server and then
secondly it judges whether the resource R ­ j satisfies the requirements of the users task T
­ i,
if it does then in the end ­Rj is allocated to T
­ i.

Consumers or Users


Resource Pool

Resource Pool
Task Pool
Resource Pool
Scheduling Policies Scheduler
Resource Pool
Objective Function
Fitness Function f(x)

Fig. 1  Scheduling system framework model in cloud

Multi‑Objective Task Scheduling Using Hybrid Whale Genetic… 1891

4 Problem Formulation

The Cloud Broker (CB) receives the tasks to be scheduled and it uses the Cloud Infor-
mation Server (CIS) to find the services that are needed to perform the execution of
tasks that are received from the client and then{ scheduling of tasks} is performed on
the services that are discovered. For e.g., tasks T1 , T2 , T3 , … Ty are given to CB at
a particular time interval. The VMs are non-similar having different processing speeds
and memory showing a task { to be executed on } various VMs will end in disparate costs
for execution. Say VMs M1 , M2 , M3 , … Mx are present when CB receives the tasks.
FCFS is used for the execution of tasks to be scheduled present on the VMs. Our main
adage is to perform task scheduling on VMs to achieve higher resource utilization,
minimization of makespan and cost. Therefore expected time to complete (ETC) of the
tasks on which scheduling needs to be performed on each VM is used to make decisions
in scheduling by the proposed method. ETC values are depicted using MIPS ratio of the
task length of VM. ETC values are generally depicted in a matrix format, where the row
represents the no. of tasks to be scheduled and column represent the no. of VM’s that
are available of each matrix.
Every row in ETC matrix determines/depicts the given tasks execution time for each
VM while execution time of each task given on VM represents each column. Because
our aim is to minimize the makespan and cost by identifying the optimal group of tasks
to be performed on VMs. Let ­Cxy, y = 1, 2, 3 … m , x = 1, 2, 3 … n be consider as execu-
tion time of yth task is executing on the xth VM, where m → no. of VMs and n → no of
tasks. The notations and their descriptions used in our proposed system are represented
in Table 1.

4.1 Performance Metrics

The following metrics are the used to check proposed method performance.

Table 1  Notations and its description

Notation Description

Ty The task y, 1 ≤ y ≤ N
Rx The resource x, 1 ≤ x ≤ K
K, N The amount of resources and tasks
CPUCost (x), StorageCost (x), The cost of CPU, Storage, Memory and Bandwidth of ­Rx
MemoryCost (x), BandwidthCost (x)
CPUBase The lowest usage of CPU base cost
Storage Case The base cost of storage under the lowest usage
Memory Case The base cost of memory under 1 GB memory
Bandwidth Case The base cost of bandwidth under the lowest usage
Run time cost (x) The duration time of task ­Ty in resource R
­ x
CPUTran , StorageTran ,
MemoryTran , BandwidthTran The transmission cost associated with CPU, storage,
memory and bandwidth

1892 G. Natesan, A. Chokkalingam

4.1.1 Makespan

Makespan is the time when the execution of the last task is finished. It is one of the
famous metrics for performance of scheduling methods. Lower makespan depicts best
and optimal task scheduling of VMs.
{ }
makespan = minimizeSy =Sch maximumy ∈ Tasks Ty (1)

where Ty denotes the completion time of task ‘y’, the set of all possible schedules are rep-
resented as ‘Sch’ and ‘Tasks’ the set of whole tasks to be scheduled. To make (1) easily
estimable, makespan is expressed in terms of completion time of the virtual machine. The
reason for this assumption is that the time by which the final task is completed. It is equiva-
lent to the time taken to complete its tasks by the last virtual machine. Let completion be
a vector of size nb_VM completion [VM] indicates process finalizing time of VM for the
previously assigned jobs as well as of those already planned for the virtual machine.
∑ [ ]
completion [VM] = ready_time[VM] + ETC y [VM]
Also, makespan from 1 is as,
{ [ ] }
makespan = maximum completion y |y 𝜖 VM (3)

4.1.2 Enactment Amelioration Rate (EAR) Percentage

The EAR is termed as the percentage of amelioration of performance for the technique
y is proposed over the other technique z and is measured using the following equation
( ( ) ( )) 100
EAR(%) = Makespan Cz − Makespan Cy × ( ) (4)
Makespan C y

4.1.3 Cost

Resources and services are of wide range in cloud computing. Say for e.g.: few tasks
require high processing capability resources whereas few other tasks require more stor-
age. Also, different resources have different costs, even the task costs will be vary-
ing. Hence, if we take in the task demand difference for resources, it will reflect in the
relationship among the user budget and resource costs. To talk about this problem, a
resource cost that divides the cost of the resource into parts of memory and CPU can be
The CPU cost can be depicted as:
CPU Cost (x) = CPU Base × CPU of VM(x) × Run time cost (x) + CPU Tran cost (5)
where CPU Base
is the cost base i.e. needed for a resource when it is used by the lowest uti-
lization, run time cost is the time that the task is run on the VM and CPU Tran is the cost of
CPU transmission.
MemoryCost (x) = MemoryBase × Memory of VM(x) × Run time cost (x) + MemoryTran cost

Multi‑Objective Task Scheduling Using Hybrid Whale Genetic… 1893

Similarly, MemoryBase is the base cost when 0.5 MB memory used, run time cost is dura-
tion of the task is run on the VM. MemoryTran is the cost of Memory transmission.
The formula of storage cost is defined as,
StorageCost (x) = StorageBase × Storage of VM (x) × Run time cost (x) + StorageTran cost
StorageBase is the base cost of storage. The cost incurred by the storage transmission is rep-
resented by StorageTran. The run time cost is amount of data is stored during task execution.
The bandwidth cost is defined by the formula as follows:
BandwidthCost (x) = BandwidthBase × Bandwidth of VM (x) × Run time cost (x) + BandwidthTran cost
The cost incurred by the bandwidth transmission is represented by BandwidthTran. The
runtime cost is amount of bandwidth used during task runtime.BandwidthBase is base cost
of bandwidth.
The depiction of cost function can be represented as follows on basis of the CPU, Band-
width, Storage and Memory.
Cost(x) = CPU cost (x) + Bandwidthcost (x) + Storagecost (x) + Memorycost (x) (9)


Total Cost(x) = Cost(x) (10)

4.1.4 Fitness Function Calculation

To formulate the objective function, scheduling the tasks are taken into account. The main
intension of the cloud service provider is to maximize the profit, whereas the customers
expect to minimize the execution time and cost cutting. Thus to solve the above problem,
fitness function is calculated to evaluate the quality of feasible solutions. However, for each
optimization problem the fitness function is needed to find near optimal solutions. There-
fore, the fitness value is calculated for our proposed model by using Eq. (11).
( )
Fitness Function xit = 𝜆 ⋅ Makespan + 𝛿 ⋅ Total Cost (11)
( t)
where fitness function is denoted as xi and the values of λ and δ ranges between 1 > λ ≥ 0
and 1 > δ ≥ 0 respectively.

5 Hybrid WGOA Based Scheduling Techniques

WOA is a new Meta-heuristic algorithm devised by S. Mirjalili and A. Lewis [29]. it is

inspired form the natural phenomenon observed in hunting patterns of humpback whales.
Humpback whales are one of the most interesting species of the whale family. The most
interesting thing about them is their special hunting and foraging method called Bubble-net
feeding. They prey on krill or small schools of fish by creating distinctive bubble in a circu-
lar or ‘9’ shaped path after diving 10–15 m down. The WOA method is done in three steps.

1. Encircling the prey

2. Exploitation phase—Bubble-net attacking
3. Exploration phase—search for prey

1894 G. Natesan, A. Chokkalingam

6 Encircling the Prey

The best search agent is defined and the positions are updated as the whale gets closer to
the prey. This behavior can be denoted as vector equations given below:

D ⃗ | ⃗ �����������
������ � ⃗ ������⃗ |
dis = ||C ⋅ Xbestpos (t) − Xpos (t)|| (12)

⃗ �����������
� ⃗ ⃗ ������⃗ (13)
X pos (t + 1) = Xbestpos (t) − A ⋅ Ddis

where, current iteration is denoted as ‘t’, Coefficient vectors are A and C, best solution
⃗, X
position vector is X pos is the position vector.
′ ������

To calculate Coefficient vectors A ⃗ and C⃗,

⃗ = 2⃗a ⋅ ⃗r − a⃗
A (14)

⃗ = 2 ⋅ ⃗r
C (15)
Where a⃗ → Linearly decreasing from [2 to 0]. ⃗r → Random vector ranging from [0 to 1].

7 Exploitation Phase: (Bubble‑Net Attack)

There are two methods to demonstrate the bubble-net attacking method:

1. Shrinking encircling mechanism

2. Spiral updating position

7.1 Shrinking Encircling Mechanism

In this method, the coefficient vector A ⃗ is a arbitrary value in the interval [− a, a], we
decrease the value of a⃗ in subsequent iterations form [2 to 0]. The following Fig. 2 shows
the possible positions of whale from (X, Y) to (­ X*, ­Y*).

Fig. 2  Bubble net feeding methods of humpback whales

Multi‑Objective Task Scheduling Using Hybrid Whale Genetic… 1895

Fig. 3  Bubble net search spiral

updating position method


t=0.5 t= – 0.5 t= –1 t=0 t=1

7.2 Spiral Updating Position

The spiral updating position is shown in Fig. 3. In this method, the distance between the
whale and the prey is calculated first and the helix shaped movement of humpback whales
is traced using the given formula.
⃗ ������⃗ bl �����������
� ⃗
X pos (t + 1) = Ddis ⋅ e ⋅ cos(2𝜋l) + Xbestpos (t) (16)
| �����������
⃗ |
where Ddis = |Xbestpos (t) − Xpos (t)| and designate the distance of ith whale to the prey. Here,
⃗ � ������

| |
‘b’ → constant for logarithmic spiral and ‘l’ → random no ranging from [− 1 to1].
To elect the finest method, the following probability equation is used,
X � ⃗(t) − A
⃗ ⋅D
⃗ if p < 0.5
⃗ bestpos dis
X pos (t + 1) = �����������
⃗ (17)

D ⋅ e ⋅ cos(2𝜋l) + X �
(t) if p ≥ 0.5

Where ‘p’ is the random number between [0,1], ‘l’ is between [− 1,1] and ‘b’ is a constant
for the spiral shape.

8 Exploration Phase—Search for Prey

Based on variation of A
⃗ vector the prey can be searched using random variables from [− 1
to 1]. This mechanism emphasizes exploration and allows the WOA algorithm to perform
a global search.

D ⃗ | ⃗ ������������⃗
������ ������⃗ |
dis = ||C ⋅ Xrandpos (t) − Xpos (t)|| (18)

X ⃗ ������������⃗ ⃗ ������⃗
dis (t + 1) = Xrandpos (t) − A ⋅ Ddis (19)
In the proposed work, genetic algorithm crossover and mutation operations are inte-
grated with WOA. This hybridization is used to produce the near optimal solution for
multi-objective optimization process.

1896 G. Natesan, A. Chokkalingam

8.1 Crossover

Crossover is one of the genetic algorithm operators. Cross-overing occurs between pairs of
chromosomes. This operation is a method of replacing a few of the chromosomes in one
worst chromosome by the corresponding chromosome in the other worst chromosome. In
the WO algorithm half of the solution is considered as best case solution and the rest half
is considered as worst case solution. For worst case solution of the WOA, the two point
crossover has been employed in our work.
Consider seven whales, where the first selected whale W1 is assumed to obtain a worst
case solution from the worst population and the second selected whale is W2. Each whale
is coded with an integer array. This integer array is divided into segments. Some of the
integers segments are replaced during the crossover operation. In the below figure seven
tasks are consider and the detailed crossover operation is shown in Fig. 4.

8.2 Mutation

In addition to the two point crossover operation, a mutation process is used usually with
a low probability. A higher probability results in a randomized search. This is done
with the crossover solution. In particular, scramble mutation is deployed here. Scram-
ble mutation is popular with solutions including permutation representations. Scramble
mutation is to perform from the whole chromosome, a part of genes is elected and their
values are jumbled or shuffled randomly as depicted in Fig. 5.

Worst W1,
0 1 1 1 0 1 1 W1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1

Worst W2,
W2 1 0 0 1 1 0 0
1 0 0 1 1 0 0
After two point crossover

Child1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1

Child2 1 0 1 1 1 1 0

Fig. 4  GA cross over operation

Fig. 5  GA mutation operation

Before Mutation 0 1 0 1 0 0 1

After Mutation 0 1 0 0 1 0 1

Multi‑Objective Task Scheduling Using Hybrid Whale Genetic… 1897

9 Pseudo Code of WGOA

1898 G. Natesan, A. Chokkalingam

10 Experimentations and Results

The cloudsim toolkit is an event cloud simulation toolkit based on java. It is popularly
named structure for constructing and processing cloud computing architectures and ser-
vices and also enables the processing’s of large cloud computing nodes and environment.
It can supports to schedule data intensive application, computing intensive application
and scientific application. Therefore, to check the proposed task scheduling algorithm, the
cloud simulation tool has been used. It does not support only the checking of scheduling
techniques, but also allows the analysis of several failures that can be caused. So, we used
our WGOA in cloudsim. We verified our experiments by running it on a PC with Intel(R)
Core(TM) i5–457 OS, 4 CPU @ 2.9 GHz, a RAM of 8 GB and a 64-bit windows OS.

10.1 Simulations and Experimentation

To demonstrate the efficiency of the algorithm on a cloud based network of virtual

machines, we perform certain experiments using the CloudSim tool. We compare the pro-
posed algorithm with the following sets:

• Simulation of proposed algorithm in comparison with the given standard algorithms:

• First-Come-First-Serve (FCFS) algorithm
• Min–Min algorithm
• Max–Min algorithm
• Simulation of proposed algorithm in comparison with other meta-heuristic algorithms

10.1.1 Simulation of Proposed Algorithm in Comparison with the Standard


The above simulation cases are considered in four sets, where, in each set, the parameters
for the virtual machines are varied—with respect to the number of tasks allotted, number
of virtual machines used, bandwidth values and the completion speed for tasks. The param-
eter setting for standard algorithm experiment is shown in Table 2.
A homogenous configuration implies a collection of systems where the parameters
are fixed for all virtual machines, whereas, a heterogeneous configuration implies varied
parameters for each virtual machine in the network.

10.1.2 Evaluating the Performance of the Above Simulations

In the first set, let us assume 5 virtual machines. The number of tasks is 25, with same
task lengths of 15 MI.

1. Homogenous network:

Here, the value of MIPS and the bandwidth is considered to be 1200.

In the above & below results shown in Figs. 6 and 7 that is obtained for both the homog-
enous and heterogeneous configurations respectively, it can be seen that the proposed
Whale Genetic Optimization Algorithm obtains the least makespan whereas the FCFS

Multi‑Objective Task Scheduling Using Hybrid Whale Genetic… 1899

Table 2  The specific parameter Parameter Value

settings are given for standard
No. of data centres 1
No. of hosts 2
No. of virtual machines 5,10,20,25
No. of CPUs 1
Bandwidth Homogenous:
1200; Hetero-
geneous: > 500
to ≤ 1200
MIPS of CPU per virtual machine Homogenous:
1200; Hetero-
geneous: > 500
to ≤ 1200
RAM 0.6 GB

Makespan (s)

FCFS Min-Min Max-Min WGOA
VM's=10 248.3 119.83 117.25 103.62

Fig. 6  Makespan value of homogeneous environment (MIPS & Bandwidth = 1200)

Makespan (s)

FCFS Min-Min Max-Min WGOA
VM's = 10 131.19 101.86 101.86 87.13

Fig. 7  Makespan value of heterogeneous environment (MIPS & Bandwidth = 700, 900 & 1100)

algorithm takes the maximum completion time. Other algorithms such as the Min–Min
and Max–Min also obtain closely related results to each other and to that of the proposed
WGOA. The only difference between the homogenous and heterogeneous configurations is
that the ranges for the makespan are less for the heterogeneous configuration.

1900 G. Natesan, A. Chokkalingam

2. Heterogeneous network: Here, the values of MIPS and bandwidth are considered to be
700, 900 and 1100 consequently.

In the second set, let us consider 10 virtual machines. The experiment has 50 tasks, with
different task lengths and within the range of 10–50 MI.

1. Homogenous network:

Here, the value of MIPS and the bandwidth is considered to be 1200.

Similar to set 1, the results obtained in set 2, as depicted in Figs. 8 and 9 for both the
homogenous and heterogeneous configurations respectively, the proposed WGO algorithm
obtains the minimum makespan whereas the FCFS algorithm takes the maximum comple-
tion time. Other algorithms such as the Min–Min and Max–Min also obtain closely related
results to each other and to that of the proposed WGOA, despite the increase in the number
of virtual machines and heterogeneous task lengths.

Makespan (s)

FCFS Min-Min Max-Min WGOA
VM's =10 320.8 248.3 247.6 189.3

Fig. 8  Makespan value of homogeneous environment (MIPS & Bandwidth = 1200)

Makespan (s)

FCFS Min-Min Max-Min WGOA
VM's = 10 293.6 220.6 219.8 167.4

Fig. 9  Makespan value of heterogeneous environment (MIPS & Bandwidth = 500–1200)

Multi‑Objective Task Scheduling Using Hybrid Whale Genetic… 1901

2. Heterogeneous network:

Here, the values of MIPS and bandwidth are considered to be between the ranges of
greater than 500 and less than or equal to 1200.
In the third scenario, 10 and 20 virtual machines are considered for this simulation. This
simulation has 75 tasks, with different task lengths for heterogeneous configurations and
equal tasks length for homogeneous configurations. The results obtained have been depicted
in Figs. 10 and 11 for homogeneous and heterogeneous network configurations respectively.
The value of MIPS and the bandwidth are equal here and the task lengths are varied instead.

1. Homogenous network:

Here, all the task lengths are same length 20 MI

2. Heterogeneous network:

Here, all the task lengths are within the range of not more than 20 MI.

Makespan (s)

FCFS Min-Min Max-Min WGOA
10 VM's 383.26 339.6 335.1 313.2
20 VM's 326.81 276.3 275.9 246.4

Fig. 10  Makespan value of homogeneous environment for 75 tasks

Makespan (s)

FCFS Min-Min Max-Min WGOA
VM's = 10 348.4 311.4 311.4 287.3
VM's = 20 297.3 254.1 254.3 238.4

Fig. 11  Makespan value of heterogeneous environment for 75 tasks

1902 G. Natesan, A. Chokkalingam

In this set of experiments, 10, 20 and 25 virtual machines are used. This simulation has
100 tasks, with the following five cases:

• All virtual machines are homogenous (MIPS = 1200 and Bandwidth = 1200) and all
tasks have equal length (Task length = 25 MI). The result obtained for this case has
been depicted in Fig. 12.
• All virtual machines are homogenous (MIPS = 1200 and Bandwidth = 1200) and all
tasks are various length (Task length ≤ 25 MI). The result obtained for this case has
been depicted in Fig. 13.
• All virtual machines are heterogeneous (MIPS & Bandwidth range is > 500 to ≤ 1200)
and all tasks are same length (Task length = 25 MI). The result obtained for this case
has been depicted in Fig. 14.
• All virtual machines are heterogeneous (MIPS & Bandwidth range is > 500 to ≤ 1200)
and all tasks are different length (Task length ≤ 25 MI). The result obtained for this case
has been depicted in Fig. 15.
• 50 tasks are of equal length (Task length = 25 MI) and 50 tasks are various length (Task
length ≤ 25 MI). In this case, half of the VMs are homogenous (MIPS = 1200 and Band-
width = 1200) and half of them are heterogeneous (MIPS & Bandwidth range is > 500

Makespan (s)

FCFS Min-Min Max-Min WGOA
VM's = 10 313.7 276.2 274.5 234.8
VM's = 20 255.1 232.8 233.3 203.4
VM's = 25 239.4 214.6 214.6 192.1

Fig. 12  Makespan value of homogeneous environment for 100 tasks

Makespan (s)

FCFS Min-Min Max-Min WGOA
VM's = 10 172.9 142.3 141.8 129.8
VM's = 20 136.1 110.2 111.3 104.6
VM's = 25 112.3 104.01 104.01 101.3

Fig. 13  Makespan value of homogeneous environment for 100 tasks

Multi‑Objective Task Scheduling Using Hybrid Whale Genetic… 1903

Makespan (s) 200
FCFS Min-Min Max-Min WGOA
VM's = 10 277.2 264.1 262.5 231.3
VM's = 20 243.03 229.6 230.1 209.6
VM's = 25 210.4 205.9 206.8 172.3

Fig. 14  Makespan value of heterogeneous environment for 100 tasks

Makespan (s)

FCFS Min-Min Max-Min WGOA
VM's = 10 234.2 167.4 165.3 149.6
VM's = 20 228.3 135.8 134.6 121.7
VM's = 25 218.7 119.1 118.8 101.2

Fig. 15  Makespan value of heterogeneous environment for 100 tasks

Makespan (s)

FCFS Min-Min Max-Min WGOA
VM's = 10 252.4 183.7 182.6 168.1
VM's = 20 235.6 149.3 147.9 128.3

Fig. 16  Makespan value of mixed environment for 100 tasks

to ≤ 1200). In this scenario we considered 10 and 20 VMs. The result obtained for this
case has been depicted in Fig. 16.

10.2 Simulation of Proposed Algorithm in Comparison with Other Meta‑Heuristic


The proposed Whale Genetic Optimization algorithm is modeled and built to address
the problems of global scheduling of tasks in the cloud computing environment. For

1904 G. Natesan, A. Chokkalingam

understand and check the performance of the technique to measure the goodness and effi-
ciency of the WGOA scheme, cost and makespan parameters are kept. Hence, the main
aim of this section is to test and check the performance of proposed method with other
meta-heuristic algorithms such as standard GA and classical WOA. The experiments are
performed continuously up to 25 times and the average is calculated and it is used with
results that are available for comparison. Table 3 represents the setting the parameter of the
selected techniques to perform scheduling. The simulations are then used in four datacent-
ers with 20 hosts. Each host consists, 5 VMs and 10 VMs. If each host has 5 VMs, totally
50 VMS are considering for our simulation. Similarly, each host has 10 VMs the total VMs
are 100 for our experiment. The parameter settings of the cloud simulator are depicted in
Table 4. An assumption of simulation is considered that the tasks are independent and has
no constraint on priority among tasks during non-preemptive and execution. Three various
data sets were considered to check the performance of the proposed method. They are nor-
mal distribution, uniform distribution and HPC2 N [23]. Equal number of tasks of various
sizes namely small, medium and large can be portrayed using uniform distribution. Task of
size medium, few small and large ones can be effectively portrayed using normal distribu-
tion. The performance of distributed systems can be evaluated by HPC2 N set log, which is
one of the standard organized workloads.

Table 3  Algorithm parameters S. No Algorithm Parameter Value

1 WOA A [2, 0]
L [− 1, 1]
B 1
R [0, 1]
2 GA Crossover rate 0.4
Mutation rate 0.1

Table 4  Simulation environment setup details

S. no Entity type Parameter Value

1 Data centre No. of datacenter 4

No. of hosts 10
2 Host Host memory 10 GB
Host storage 50 GB
Host bandwidth 2500 Mbps
3 Virtual machine (VMs) No. of VM’s 50 and 100
Policy Time-shared
CPU capability 300–6000 MIPS
No. of CPU 1 on each
VMs RAM 0.5 GB
Operating system(s) Windows and linux
4 Task No. of tasks 100–500
Length 100–16,000 MIPS

Multi‑Objective Task Scheduling Using Hybrid Whale Genetic… 1905

10.2.1 Makespan Performance Evaluation

In this section, we present simulation results to explain the efficiency of the proposed
hybrid WGOA task scheduling in terms of makespan. Cloudlet length (task size) was gen-
erated from normal, uniform and HPC2 N distribution. Tasks of varying numbers are cho-
sen as input to portray the scalability of the algorithm. We vary the number of tasks from
100 to 500 and present a comparison between standard GA and classical WOA. In this
simulation, tasks were executed 50 times and an average was calculated. For all three dis-
tributions 50 VMs and 100 VMs were considered for task execution. Figures 17 and 18
shows the performance results of makespan for normal distribution.
Similarly Figs. 19 and 20 depicts the makespan of uniform distribution and Figs. 21
and 22 represent the HPC2 N distribution makespan. From the performance analysis, it
was inferred that the proposed hybrid WGOA optimization method has better capability
to attain near optimal value or gives better makespan for the tested task executions, when
compared with standard GA and classical WOA techniques.
Table 5 show the normal distribution EAR (%) on total makespan of the proposed
hybrid WGOA when compared with the classical WOA and standard GA schedulers. The
proposed hybrid WGOA produces 17.94%, 30.90% makespan improvements when com-
pared to classical WOA and standard GA respectively. A uniform distribution dataset is
tested with our proposed hybrid method with classical WOA, and standard GA. The pro-
posed hybrid WGOA approach makespan is fares 11.51%, 25.83% more in terms of EAR
(%) when compared with standard approaches and the results are shown in the Table 6.
Similarly when HPC2 N dataset is given as test input between our proposed hybrid
techniques and standard approaches, our proposed hybrid WGOA approach resulted in
an improved performance of 7.44% and 22.34%. The obtained results are presented in the
Table 7.

NMakespan of 50 VM's
Makespan (S)

100 200 300 400 500
GA 587.49 893.12 1241.6 1868.4 2413.4
WOA 481.3 797.9 1114.2 1653.5 2263.7
WGOA 438.42 721.3 1038.7 1219.3 1932.6
Number of Tasks

Fig. 17  Makespan of normal distribution 50 VMs

1906 G. Natesan, A. Chokkalingam

NMakespan of 100 VM's


Makespan (S)




100 200 300 400 500
GA 307.3 467.1 649.4 977.2 1262.2
WOA 251.72 417.30 582.73 864.78 1183.92
WGOA 229.29 377.24 543.24 637.69 1010.75
Number of Tasks

Fig. 18  Makespan of normal distribution 100 VMs

UMakespan of 50 VM's

Makespan (S)





100 200 300 400 500
GA 528.741 803.808 1117.44 1791.56 2472.06
WOA 433.17 718.11 1002.78 1528.15 2267.33
WGOA 394.578 649.17 934.83 1407.37 1949.34
Number of Tasks

Fig. 19  Makespan of uniform distribution 50 VMs

10.2.2 Cost

The second objective cost is simulated and the costs across the three methods are com-
pared. The results of comparison are summarized in the figures provided. In Figs. 23 and
24, the costs of normal distribution for 200 and 400 tasks at varying deadlines are shown.
Costs of uniform distribution for 100 and 300 tasks are depicted in Figs. 25 and 26. Simi-
larly, the costs of HPC2 N of 200 and 500 tasks at different deadlines are shown in Figs. 27
and 28.

Multi‑Objective Task Scheduling Using Hybrid Whale Genetic… 1907

UMakespan of 100 VM's


Makespan (S)




100 200 300 400 500
GA 290.81 442.09 614.59 985.36 1359.63
WOA 238.24 394.96 551.53 840.48 1247.03
WGOA 217.02 357.04 514.16 774.05 1072.14
Number of Tasks

Fig. 20  Makespan of uniform distribution 100 VMs

HMakespan of 50 VM's
Makespan (S)

100 200 300 400 500
GA 939.984 1428.992 1986.56 2439.98 3049.975
WOA 770.08 1276.64 1782.72 2140.825 2676.03125
WGOA 701.472 1154.08 1661.92 2013.335 2516.66875
Number of Tasks

Fig. 21  Makespan of HPC2 N distribution 50 VMs

HMakespan of 100 VM's

Makespan (S)

100 200 300 400 500
GA 535.79088 814.52544 1132.3392 1390.7886 1738.48575
WOA 438.9456 727.6848 1016.1504 1220.27025 1525.337813
WGOA 399.83904 657.8256 947.2944 1147.60095 1434.501188
Number of Tasks

Fig. 22  Makespan of HPC2 N distribution 100 VMs

1908 G. Natesan, A. Chokkalingam

Table 5  EAR of normal GA WOA WGOA

distribution makespan for 50
Total makespan 7004.01 6310.6 5350.32
EAR% over GA 10.98802 30.90824
EAR% over WOA 17.94809

Table 6  EAR of uniform GA WOA WGOA

distribution makespan for
50 VMs
Total makespan 6713.609 5949.54 5335.288
EAR% over GA 12.84249 25.83405
EAR% over WOA 11.51301

Table 7  EAR of HPC2 N GA WOA WGOA

distribution makespan for
50 VMs
Total makespan 9845.491 8646.296 8047.476
EAR% over GA 13.86946 22.3426
EAR% over WOA 7.441097

For normal distribution we considered 200 and 400 tasks with varied deadlines. From
the simulation, the maximum cost acquired by WGOA varies from 115.92–50.4 and
220.5–95.76. Similarly, for WOA the maximum costs are 128.83–67.67 and 244.77–116.25
and that of GA are 1151.50–77.15 and 287.85–146.59 both of which are higher than the
costs of WGOA.
In uniform distribution, for 100 and 300 tasks on a deadline of 10–100, the maximum
acquired cost of WGOA is in the range of 104.33–45.36 and 187.79–81.65 respectively.

Cost*10^3 ($)

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Fig. 23  Cost of normal distribution (Tasks = 200)

Multi‑Objective Task Scheduling Using Hybrid Whale Genetic… 1909

Cost*10^3 ($)

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Fig. 24  Cost of normal distribution (Tasks = 400)

Cost*10^3 ($)

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Fig. 25  Cost of uniform distribution (Tasks = 100)



Cost*10^3 ($)




10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Fig. 26  Cost of normal distribution (Tasks = 300)

1910 G. Natesan, A. Chokkalingam

Cost*10^3 ($)

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Fig. 27  Cost of HPC2N distribution (Tasks = 200)

Cost*10^3 ($)

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Fig. 28  Cost of HPC2N distribution (Tasks = 500)

Likewise, the maximum cost of WOA is in the range of 115.95–60.90 and 208.70–109.62
and that of GA varies from 136.35 to 69.44 and 245.43 to 124.99.
For HPC2 N distribution the cost statistics are quite similar to the above stated
algorithms. For 200 and 500 tasks, the maximum acquired costs are of the scale of
166.92–72.58 and 400.62–174. 18 in the deadline of 10–100, while using WGOA. The
maximum cost for WOA is from 185.51 to 97.44 and 445.23–233.86 and for GA, it lies in
the scale of 218.16–110.10 and 266.64–525.34–266.64

Multi‑Objective Task Scheduling Using Hybrid Whale Genetic… 1911

11 Conclusion

In this paper, we propose a new task scheduling algorithm suited for cloud computing envi-
ronment called hybrid WGOA. WGOA is a fusion, or in other words, a hybridization of
two algorithms namely, Genetic Algorithm and Whale Optimization Algorithm. WGOA
ensures the optimization in terms of three conflicting factors, makespan, cost and EAR.
The effectiveness of WGOA has been studied by comparing it with classical WOA and
standard GA and then following it with a simulation of three different datasets (Normal,
Uniform and HPC2 N). By far, WGOA has excelled in performance in all the three distri-
butions. WGOA can produce much better solutions in comparison with the WOA and GA.
From this, it is understood that the proposed method performs scheduling of tasks better
than the other methods. From the simulation, the proposed method has been provides near
optimal solution and significantly reducing the maksepan, cost and EAR. In future work,
we intend to consider other objectives such as energy consumption, security and reliability
in addition to the objectives in this work.

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Gobalakrishnan Natesan pursued his Bachelor’s degree in Information

Technology at Anna University, Tamilnadu, India in 2005. He then
obtained his Master’s degree in Software Engineering from Bharathid-
hasan University, Tamilnadu, India in 2008. Currently, he is a research
scholar in Sathyabama University, Chennai, India and working as
Assistant Professor in the Department of Information Technology, St.
Joseph’s College of Engineering, Tamilnadu, India. His current
research interests are Cloud computing, Virtualization and Big Data.

Multi‑Objective Task Scheduling Using Hybrid Whale Genetic… 1913

Dr. Arun Chokkalingam received his Ph.D. from Anna University,

Chennai, India. Currently, he is working as a Professor in the Depart-
ment of Electronics and Communication Engineering, R.M.K College
of Engineering & Technology, Tamilnadu, India. He has more than
15 years of teaching experience in various Engineering Colleges. He
has published research papers in various National, International Con-
ferences and Journals. His current research interests are Cloud Com-
puting, Image Processing, VLSI and Optimization Techniques. He is a
life time member of ISTE.


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