2013-07 - July and August 2013

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PARISH NEWSLETTER The Parishes of Skelton with Shipton and Newton-on-Ouse

The Revd Malcolm Wainwright, The Rectory, Church Lane, Skelton, York, YO30 1XT Tel: 01904 471351 [email protected]
The Revd Anna Lindley, 35 Manor Garth, Wigginton, York,YO32 2WZ. [email protected]

CHURCH WARDENS: July/August 2013

Skelton Newton
Carolyn Evans 01904 470125 Shipton Margaret Trowbridge 01347 848605
Mollie Haigh 01904 470361 David Theakstone 01904 470550

Sunday 7th July

I t’s a real joy to see a community coming
together to celebrate its history, its
Skelton 9.30am Holy Communion
Shipton 11.00am Holy Communion
achievements, its very spirit and its present
Shipton 3.00pm Closing Service in Methodist Chapel That’s just what Skelton will be
Newton 6.30pm Evensong with the choir doing in July, working with community
Sunday 14th July
Skelton 9.30am Family Communion With St. Giles Singers groups in the village to stage an exhibition
Shipton 11.00am Summer Family Service with refreshments in St Giles church to celebrate the village
Newton 11.00am Family Communion
Sunday 21st July and community in its many aspects. Please
Newton 8.00am Holy Communion note the events during the week of the
Skelton 9.30am A service of Thanksgiving &
Celebration for Skelton Village &
exhibition and do make sure you visit the
Community [NOT Communion] church to look at the rich tapestry of
Shipton 11.00am Family Communion with prayers
for healing
Skelton life.
Linton 4.30pm Family Service in Linton Village Hall It’s important that we give all this to
Sunday 28th July God, in thanks for all the gifts he gives us
Skelton 9.30am All Age Service
Newton 11.00am Holy Communion here, in this community – so on the last
Shipton 11.00am Holy Communion day of the exhibition our normal Sunday
Sunday 4th August
Skelton 9.30am Holy Communion service will be dedicated to just that - a
Shipton 11.00am Family Communion thanksgiving service for the life &
Newton 6.30pm Evensong with Choir
Sunday 11th August
community of Skelton – the readings and
Skelton 9.30am Family Communion with St Giles Singers prayers will reflect that [it will not be a
Newton 11.00am Family Communion
Shipton 11.00am Family Communion
communion service] It will be the ideal
Sunday 18th August place to do this, where people have
Newton 8.00am Holy Communion worshipped and prayed and sung for
Skelton 9.30am Holy Communion
Shipton 11.00am Family Communion hundreds of years.
Linton 4.30pm Family Praise All our villages, Newton, Linton,
Sunday 25th August
Skelton 9.30am Family Communion Shipton and Skelton deserve celebration
Shipton 11.00am Family Worship and thanks as lively communities, with
Newton 11.00am Family Communion
Sunday 1st September
proud and varied histories, with a lively
Skelton 9.30am Holy Communion present and an exciting future.
Shipton 11.00am Holy Communion
Newton 6.30pm Evensong with choir
May God bless all our lives in these
Baptism Reverend Malcolm
Sofia Johanna Raitala Hird, June, Newton
Christian Stephen Smith, June 9th, Skelton
Anne Hutchinson, June 6th, Newton If you are thinking about Baptism or Marriage in any of
Doreen Goforth, June 24th, Newton the three parish churches, please contact the Reverend
Anne Bulcock, June 13th, Skelton Malcolm Wainwright. Contact details can be found at
the top of this page.

Shipton Parish Council meet in the Community Centre Committee Room
Skelton Parish Council Next meets in the Village Hall at 7.30 p.m. on Wednesday July 17th and August 212st at 7.30pm.
Thursday July 25th and on Thursday August 29th. See Parish Notice
Boards for details. There is a vacancy for 1 Councillor, which the Parish Shipton Methodist Church. Thursday July 4th at 2.15 p.m. You are
Council may fill by co-option (a bye-election no longer being required). If cordially invited to listen to the choir from Forest of Galtres School which
you are interested in serving in the decision making affecting the village, will be followed at 3.15 p.m. by a Strawberry Tea. There will be a charge of
please contact either the Clerk or Chairman ( 470089 ) with your details. £1.50 for the tea. On Sunday July 7th at 3 p.m. a final service will be held
The duties are neither arduous nor time consuming. in the chapel celebrating many years of Methodism in Shipton
Skelton WI - Monthly meeting, July 11th, Village Hall, 7.30pm. Mr Richerd Coffee mornings at the Shipton Community Centre on the first Saturday
Willis will talk to us on the “Wonders of the Waterways”. Competition: “A of each month. Run by young & willing (!) Village volunteers it is a time for
Duck or Drake” Visitors always welcome. August 8th meeting will be our all in Shipton, family, friends & neighbours to come & have a drink & a
Annual Outing. Ring 470994 for further information. chat, using a Village Community facility. Next Coffee Mornings are
Skelton Gardening Club We remind members there will be no meetings Saturday July 6th and August 3rd at 10.00am. Entry is £1 & includes
in July & August. Meetings resume on September 19th. refreshments. Home baking, bring & buy, craft table & play area for
Skelton Walking Group Saturday July 6th. This will be a 5 mile walk on children. All donations of home baking & produce for bring & buy are
the North York Moors. Meet on The Green for a 9.30am departure and gratefully received. Proceeds for the upkeep of Shipton Church &
bring a picnic lunch. All welcome. Ring 01347 830138 or 470089 for further Churchyard. It would be good to see you - even just for a quick tea or
details. Saturday August 3rd, an easy 6.5mile walk in the Wharfdale area. coffee & a 5 minute chat.
Meet on the Village Green at 9.30am and bring a picnic lunch. All Shipton Parish Council have a vacant allotment available for rent this
welcome. Ring 470962 for further details. year. Anyone interested in taking it please contact the Chairman Alan
Cristian Aid House-to House collection in Skelton in May raised the Theakstone on 01904 470481
magnificent total of £908.06. A big thank you to our generous donors, and Shipton Churchyard - grass cutting. Thank you to all who responded to
also to our dedicated band of collectors. Margaret and Nancy our SOS message regarding the Church grass cutting & lawnmower. We
Summer Fayre 12-3pm at Skelton Primary School on Saturday July are still hoping to replace our ride on second hand mower with another 2nd
20th. Many stalls including Raffle, Bouncy Castle, Kids Zone, a range of hand mower, & in the meantime would like to thank Chris Addiman, Alan
Refreshments, B-B-Q and Bird of Prey display and handling provided by Theakstone, Pete Shields, Tony Huggins & Martyn Sellers for their kind
The York Bird of Prey Centre, please bring your camera. help & generosity during this time.
Summer Concert Thursday July 18th at 7.30pm, St Giles Church. The Church Roof & Church Clock As many of you will have noticed, the roof
York Palm Court Trio (Maria & Billy Marshall and Dr Richard Shepard). at our beloved Holy Evangelists is in need of some major repairs. We
Tickets £7.50 includes light refreshments available from church members hope to raise funds over the coming months to help with the repair costs.
and the village shop. Thank you to Mal Jackson and Alan Theakstone for climbing up to the first
St Giles’ Church is looking for more people to join the rota to clean the roof and sealing the leak we had over the winter.
brasses. This would be five times a year and takes about half an hour. If We are very pleased to say that our clock continues to chime under the
you could give your time, then please contact Carolyn Evans 470125 watchful eye of John Farbrother, Bill Eyeington and Ian Hebden. Thank
St Giles’ Church notelets showing 5 views of the church are available in you to our continued trusty band of volunteers. Many thanks to you all.
packs of 10 with envelopes for £5 from the Church or Village Post Office
Skelton Calendar 2014 Please note the deadline for photographs for the Super-Fast Fibre Broadband in Shipton By Beningbrough High-speed
Calendar, is the end of July. Send them to [email protected] or fibre broadband now available to over 340 homes & businesses in Shipton
telephone 470676 if you are not online by Beningbrough. The network is open to all service providers so contact
The Skelton Story. July 13th - 20th a major exhibition will be staged in St yours today to find out more or go to www.superfastnorthyorkshire.com
Giles Church illustrating chapters from the history of our village & church.
The event is a joint venture by the Village Trust, Friends of St Giles & the
Local History Group, whose aim is to encourage interest amongst Skelton
families in our heritage - through the exhibition & other activities with a NEWTON, LINTON &
historical theme. Extensive publicity is planned around York & beyond to BENINGBROUGH NEWS
attract visitors. Your support is invited in two ways: assistance with setting
up or stewarding the event or becoming a sponsor by making a donation WI Whist, Linton-on-Ouse Village Hall. Monthly on Wednesdays, next
towards the costs involved. Any surplus after expenses will be donated to meetings July 17th & August 21st, both at 1.30pm. £2 includes tea &
the care & maintenance of the church building. Further details from Philip biscuits. We are a mixed age group, welcoming & friendly, not 'keen' - the
Butler Tel: 470241 email: [email protected] or website object of the afternoon is enjoyment. Contact Ann Brown 01347 848712
www. skeltonvillagetrust.org/skeltonstory Beadwork Group Newton-on-Ouse Parish Hall. Saturdays July 13th &
The Skelton Story Exhibition. Tuesday July 16th in the late afternoon August 10th, 9.30-4pm. Tea & biscuits provided. Bring a packed lunch if
there will be a talk and demonstration of the stonemason's craft by Trevor you come for the full day. £10 for the day with adjustment for a half-day
Lancelot who was in charge of restoration of the church masonry a few covers tuition, rent & refreshments. Bring own beads/project or buy from
years ago. During the talk -at the main entrance to the church - one of the tutor (Colette Simpson) Contact Ann Brown, 01347 848712
Trevor's team will carry out work to an unrestored section of the porch. The Newton-on-Ouse WI Thursday July 4th, 7.15pm, Newton Parish Hall,
demonstration will last about half an hour and everyone is invited to this Stefanie Stead “A visit to Albania”. August—no meeting but Afternoon
unique event. The time of the talk and demonstration will be available from Cream Tea in a lovely garden. Come & join a friendly group of all ages for
Saturday July 13th a couple of hours. Contact Val Orwell, 01347 848314, Ann Brown, 01347
848712, Pam Bowes, 01347 838464
YOUR NEWSLETTER Notices for the newsletter should be
The Playing Field Committee Family Fun Day on July 6th. We would be
received by the 15th of August for the September issue. All grateful for any offers of help on the day or contributions for the Raffle &
notices should be sent to your village co-ordinator or to Ian Tombola Stalls & offers of Baking for the teas. It is a very happy Village
Holbrook, 20, Grange Close, Skelton, York YO30 1YR or via Day & hopefully we will be blessed with good weather this year. Please
email to [email protected] by this date. contact any of the committee if you have anything to contribute which
***Please be careful to submit accurate information (especially needs collecting or phone 01347 848373
dates and phone Nos.)*** Newton-on-Ouse Monthly Coffee Morning in JULY will be held on Saturday
The editor cannot be held responsible for the content of any July 13th at Tanglewood Cottage, the SEPTEMBER Coffee Morning will
notice submitted. be held on Saturday September 14th in Church. Both these events start
Note email for adverts: [email protected]
at 10.30am – please do come along and support and enjoy the occasion.

NEWTON & LINTON NEWS continued… Adverts:
Please mention the Parish Newsletter when contacting advertisers
Newton on Ouse Parish Hall 100 Club Winners of the June draw were
Stuart Cassidy (Number 11: £30); Tony & Kay Scott (Number 69; £15); & W.J.SHIELDS & SONS
Steve Calvert (number 46: £15). If you would like to join, please contact MOTOR ENGINEERS
Wendy Key on 844036
Newton on Ouse Church & Charity Coffee morning at “Watermeadow” in Servicing and MOT Preparation
June raised £200 . We supported the Alzheimer Society with £50 , and Work carried out on Cars — 4x4 — Light Commercial
£150 went towards the maintenance and Care of Newton Church. Thank TYRES . BATTERIES . EXHAUSTS
you to everyone who contributed in any way. Evy Wardill At very competitive prices
Newton-on-Ouse Parish Council Meeting Thursday July 11th at 7.30pm Bosch Diagnostics & full Hella Air Conditioning
in Newton Parish Hall Service & Repairs
Annual charity coffee morning in aid of Martin House Children’s
Hospice Saturday September 14th, 10.30am-12midday, Avon Cottage, 12 MAIN STREET, SHIPTON
Main Street, Linton-On-Ouse, York, YO30 2AX. Contact Helen Schofield, 01904 470263
01347 848 250
Linton-on-Ouse Gardening Club Linton Village Hall, Friday July 26th,
7.30pm, BBQ in a member’s garden or the Village Hall. August—no
meeting. We are a friendly group who love gardens, flowers etc and enjoy R BEAN & CO
learning more. Contact Chairman Jean Thompson, 01347 848464 or Domestic Appliance Engineers
Secretary Jean Brown, 01347 848712 Unit 1
Linton on Ouse Coffee Morning. Saturday July 27th and August 24th Wigginton Grange
10.30 am in the Village Hall York YO32 2RD
Linton Parish Council. Linton Village Hall, 7.30pm Tuesday July 9th and
August 13th. Tel: 07976 152 591
Newton Walkers meet for a not-too-strenuous walk of about 5 or 6 miles Hoover & Hotpoint Specialist
once a month, followed by a pub lunch or picnic. Thursday walks meet at Sales Repairs & Spares
the Green in Newton on Ouse at 9.30 & we share cars to our starting point.
Sunday walks are planned so friends & members of our local communities
who may not wish to walk 5 or so miles (or who may wish to cycle out for
lunch!) can join us for a convivial Sunday lunch in a pub. The dates for Would you like a helping hand to keep your
2013 are: Thursday July 25, Thursday August 22, Thursday September 26, garden beautiful?
Sunday October 27 & Thursday November 28. For further info please
contact Alan (01347 848095) or Tim (01347 844036)
 weeding  garden tidying  lawn edging
Wanted!! Choir Members For Newton Church We are looking to start up
an all-age choir at All Saints church, Newton. All welcome, whatever the Call Alex on:
experience Please phone Revd Malcolm on 01904 471351 tel: 01347 848060 GARDEN BEAUTIFUL
Newton & Linton Families You are invited to monthly family services at mob: 07530569026 garden maintenance
All Saints, Newton, every 2nd Sunday of the month at 11am also in Linton
Village Hall every 3rd Sunday of the month at 4 30pm. These will be quite
informal services with refreshments & will draw on material & activities for Wood Farm Bed and Breakfast
children, as well as adults Shipton By Beningbrough, York
4 Star Rating with Silver Award
GENERAL NOTICES FOR ALL VILLAGES Spacious farmhouse ensuite accommodation
with a superb level of comfort
Adult Confirmation Course starts on Monday June 17th for 6 weeks at
Tollerton. The Deanery confirmation service is on Sep 22nd. with the Tel: 01904 470333
Archbishop of York. Contact Malcolm or Anna if interested. Also let us
know of any young people who might be interested in being confirmed.
The Easingwold Bake Off Baking Bonanza on Sunday May 19th,
organised by the Forget-Me-Not Friends, raised over £1000 to support
activities and equipment for use within the Forget-me-Not Club which
provides day care provision for people with dementia and their carers.
The Hambleton Handyman
More than 200 people came along to support the event and it was great to John Burroughs
see the enthusiasm across the generations for cake baking, including lots No job too small so go ahead and call!!
of very creative young bakers! Thanks to everyone who came along and
supported the event. For more information about Forget-me-not Friends
visit www.forgetmenotfriends.org.uk Linton On Ouse Mobile: 07764 226511
Ouseburn Playgroup are holding a fun morning in Little Ouseburn village York Tel: 01347 848806
hall on Thursday July 18th, 10-12 noon. We have fun activities for all pre-
school children including a visit from Nuzzlets (10-11am). Entry is free. For E-Mail: [email protected]
more information please call 01423 339559 (Mon-Fri mornings).

If you feel the need for help or support, at any time, please do not
Opening times:-10.00am to 5.30pm Mon, Tue & Wed
hesitate to phone Rev Malcolm, or Rev Anna or your local churchwardens,
(closed Thurs) Fri, Sat & Sun 10.00am to 5.30pm
whose names and details are at the top of the newsletter.
Find us on the exit road from Beningbrough Hall
Stay in the beautiful surroundings of the Beningbrough Estate in our
The Parish Newsletter:- [email protected] www.homefarm-beningbrough.co.uk
The Advertising contact: - [email protected] Telephone 01904 470562

Please mention the Parish Newsletter when contacting advertisers

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 Clubhouse open for Non-Members
Periodic Inspection/Condition Reports & Testing  Bookings now being taken- –contact Tracy 01904 750287 Snacks,
Teas and Sunday lunches available, pre-booking essential
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