2013-04 - April 2013 2010 Version

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PARISH NEWSLETTER The Parishes of Skelton with Shipton and Newton-on-Ouse

The Revd Malcolm Wainwright, The Rectory, Church Lane, Skelton, York, YO30 1XT Tel: 01904 471351 [email protected]
The Revd Anna Lindley, 35 Manor Garth, Wigginton, York,YO32 2WZ. [email protected]


Skelton Newton
Carolyn Evans 01904 470125 Shipton Margaret Trowbridge 01347 848605
Mollie Haigh 01904 470361 David Theakstone 01904 470550


J esus said 'unless a grain of wheat falls into

the ground and dies, it remains alone; but if it
Sunday 7th April
dies, it produces many grains'.
Skelton 9.30am Holy Communion I wonder what He meant? I have been
Shipton 11.00am Family Communion thinking recently about how things grow. If I
Newton 6.30pm Evening Prayer plant a seed in the ground, eventually it will
germinate and spring to life, it is a miracle, but
Sunday 14th April it happens time after time. The seed itself is
dead, it is from an old plant but somehow it
Skelton 9.30am Family communion
still has the potential of life. The apostle Paul
With the St. Giles Singers
Shipton 11.00am Family Communion
says in his letter to the Corinthians : 'when
Newton 11.00am Family Communion anyone is joined to Christ, he or she is a new
person, the old is gone, the new has come'.
Sunday 21st April This is what being born again is about. You
cannot be born again by holding on to the old
Newton 8.00am Holy Communion life. When a seed germinates, the husk or shell
Skelton 9.30am Holy Communion is discarded, so it is with the spiritual life – old
Shipton 11.00am Family Communion ways of thinking and doing will drop away as
With prayers for healing the new life grows in us.
Linton 4.30pm Family Service That new life will have the stamp of Jesus' life
because we are born into His family and will
Sunday 28th April
have His family likeness. What makes a seed
Skelton 9.30am All Age Service come to life again? Water. What makes us
Newton 11.00am Holy Communion come to life again? The action of the Holy
Shipton 11.00am Family Communion Spirit. Let us pray for the Holy Spirit to be
active in us and bring us that spiritual rebirth,
Sunday 5th May as we approach Pentecost, the celebration of
the coming of the Holy Spirit on the first
Skelton 9.30am Holy Communion disciples. Jesus said 'I have come so that you
Shipton 11.00am Family Communion might have life - life in all its fullness'.
Newton 6.30pm Evening Prayer Christianity and Church is about nothing if it's
not about that life.

Anna Lindley
Owen David Oliver, February 24th, Skelton
Lily Johnstone, February 25th, Shipton If you are thinking about Baptism or Marriage in any of
the three parish churches, please contact the Reverend
Malcolm Wainwright. Contact details can be found at
the top of this page.

Shipton Parish Council meet in the Community Centre Committee Room
Skelton Parish Council The next meeting will be held in Skelton Village Wednesday April 17th at 7.30pm.
Hall on Thursday April 25th at 7.00 p.m. The meeting is open to members Shipton Methodist Church. Sunday services have now ceased but the
of the public & there will be the usual open forum during the meeting. The building remains in use for the immediate future. There will be a
agenda will be posted on the village notice boards & Council website Strawberry Tea on July 4th & a Celebration service on July 7th (more
www.skelton-york.gov.uk about a week before the meeting. details later). Anyone willing to loan relevant memorabilia or artefacts
relating to the Methodist church, which could be exhibited, please contact
Church Flower Arranging - we are looking for someone to do flowers in Yvonne Jackson on 01904 471936
church up to five times in the year. You do not have to be an experienced Coffee mornings at the Shipton Community Centre on the first Saturday
flower arranger. If you can help please contact Carolyn tel. 470125. of each month. Run by young & willing (!) Village volunteers it is a time for
all in Shipton, family, friends & neighbours to come & have a drink & a
Skelton WI - Monthly meeting, April 11th, Village Hall, 7.30pm. Mrs Gina chat, using a Village Community facility. Next Coffee Morning is Saturday
Smith will talk to us on “The Desert Lands of Namibia'. Competition: "From April 6th at 10.00am. Entry is £1 & includes refreshments. Home baking,
The Desert". Visitors always welcome. Ring 470994 for further information. bring & buy, craft table & play area for children. All donations of home
baking & produce for bring & buy are gratefully received. Proceeds for the
Skelton Village Hall. The Management Committee will hold the AGM on upkeep of Shipton Church & Churchyard. It would be good to see you -
Wednesday April 24th at 7.30pm. All welcome. There is a vacancy for one even just for a quick tea or coffee & a 5 minute chat.
independent committee member/trustee -for details ring 470241
Pig Racing Event & Raffle hosted by the Dawnay Arms, Shipton by
Skelton Gardening Club- The Annual General Meeting will be held on Beningbrough, 8pm til late Thursday April 25th to raise funds for Shipton by
Thursday April 18th in the Village Hall starting at 7-30pm. There will be an Beningbrough Children’s Playground ticket £2.50 per person meals
open session for interested members to share new or trusted ideas. available but must be pre-booked. For tickets call Peter 471903/Dawn
Visitors welcome at a small charge of £2, light refreshments included. 470749 or from the pub
Skelton Walking Group - Saturday April 6th. Join us on our 140th Walk ! Bingo Night in aid of Shipton Pre-School, Thursday May 9th. Dawnay
Meet on the Village Green at 9:30am for a moderate 6.5 mile walk taking in Arms, Shipton by Beningbrough, Start time 7.30pm - For further
Studley Deer Park and the medieval moated Markenfield Hall. Bring a information contact Rebecca Shedden 470737
picnic lunch. Ring 470454 for further information. Quiz Night in aid of Forest of Galtres School, Thursday June 20th.
Dawnay Arms, Shipton by Beningbrough,Start Time 8.00 pm. Contact
Easter Flowers – if anyone would like to contribute towards the cost of details to follow next month.
flowers for the church, please leave your donation with Jill at 7 Pasture
Close or Carolyn at 21 The Meadows. Shipton Pre-School is a committee-led playgroup with fully qualified
Handrail – on behalf of St. Giles’ Church P.C.C.I would like to thank David welcoming staff who give full attention to your child. We provide a
Aked for the excellent job of making & erecting the handrail at the steps up stimulating environment where children can play together. We offer
to church. This will be of great benefit to those who find the steps difficult. activities that are fun, to develop children's confidence, independence &
Without the Ward Grant it would not have been possible to complete this imagination. See www.shiptonpreschool.btck.co.uk or call Caroline on
project so soon – thank you. Also thank you to Ian Burlingham for rectifying 07546 571089 for more information. Free funding available for over 3's.
& improving the lock on the church door. Carolyn Evans, Churchwarden Toddlers is a lively group for children aged 0-5, meeting Tuesday at the
Thank you to all who helped and supported the Lent Lunch in Skelton on new time of 9.15am to 11.30am. This informal group is designed to help
March13th. Our profit of £120 will be shared between St. Leonards’ toddlers with their social skills whilst parents / carers can enjoy play, coffee
Hospice and St. Giles’ Church. Jill and Carolyn & a chat. Pre-School & Toddler sessions all take place at Shipton
St Giles’ Church notelets showing 5 views of the church are available in Community Centre.
packs of 10 with envelopes for £5 from the Church or Village Post Office
The Skelton Story. July 13th - 20th a major exhibition will be staged in St BENINGBROUGH NEWS
Giles Church illustrating chapters from the history of our village & church.
The event is a joint venture by the Village Trust, Friends of St Giles & the WI Whist. NEW VENUE—Linton-on-Ouse Village Hall. Monthly on
Local History Group, whose aim is to encourage interest amongst Skelton Wednesdays, next meeting April 24th at 1.30pm. £2 includes tea &
families in our heritage - through the exhibition & other activities with a biscuits. We are a mixed age group, welcoming & friendly, not 'keen' - the
historical theme. Extensive publicity is planned around York & beyond to object of the afternoon is enjoyment. Contact Ann Brown 01347 848712
attract visitors. Your support is invited in two ways: assistance with setting Beadwork Group Newton-on-Ouse Parish Hall. Saturday April 27th, 9.30
up or stewarding the event or becoming a sponsor by making a donation -4pm. Tea & biscuits provided. Bring a packed lunch if you come for the
towards the costs involved. Any surplus after expenses will be donated to full day. £10 for the day with adjustment for a half-day covers tuition, rent
the care & maintenance of the church building. Further details from Philip & refreshments. Bring own beads/project or buy from the tutor (Colette
Butler Tel: 470241 email: [email protected] or website Simpson) Contact Ann Brown, 01347 848712
www. skeltonvillagetrust.org/skeltonstory Newton-on-Ouse WI Thursday April 4th, 7.15pm, Newton Parish Hall,
Chris Cade “Re-enacts and tells the story of the Titanic” Come & join a
David and Marion Martin would like to say Thank You to everyone who friendly group of all ages for a couple of hours. Contact Val Orwell, 01347
supported them with love, prayers and practical help during David's time in 848314, Ann Brown, 01347 848712, Pam Bowes, 01347 838464
hospital and also since he came home. He is very slowly on the mend! Parochial Church Council, Anyone wishing to become a member of the
PCC, involving 4 meetings a year, please contact either Margaret
YOUR NEWSLETTER Notices for the newsletter should be Trowbridge 01347 848605 or David Theakstone 01904 4700550.
received by the 15th of April for the May issue. All notices Coffee Morning Thank you to Mrs Ibbotson for hosting the March Coffee
should be sent to your village co-ordinator or to Ian Holbrook, 20, Morning. An excellent total of £161 was raised. The next Coffee Morning
Grange Close, Skelton, York YO30 1YR or via email to will be held at White House Farm on Saturday April 13th at
[email protected] by this date. 10.30am.Please come and enjoy a relaxed morning
***Please be careful to submit accurate information (especially Boden Party Saturday May 11th, 11am – 4pm, Village Farm – Newton on
dates and phone Nos.)*** Ouse. Please come along – everyone welcome. In aid of Newton Parish
The editor cannot be held responsible for the content of any Hall. Contact Yvonne 01347 844100
notice submitted. AGM of the PCC will be held in the Village Hall at 7pm on Monday April
Note email for adverts: [email protected] 15th

NEWTON & LINTON NEWS continued… Adverts:
Please mention the Parish Newsletter when contacting advertisers
Newton on Ouse Parish Council Newton Parish Hall, 7.30pm, Thursday April 18th
Newton on Ouse Parish Hall Association 100 Club. Winners for the March W.J.SHIELDS & SONS
prizes were Lucy McGann (£30 – number 3), Steve & Tina Charlton (£15 –
number 9), & Mick Rawlings (£15 – number 66). Congratulations! If you
would like to join the 100 Club please contact Wendy Key on 01347 844036
Servicing and MOT Preparation
Evening of Entertainment. Charles Marwood & Lloyd Lockwood of The Singing
Farmers Group. April 6th 7pm for 7.30 pm Helperby Village Hall. Tel. David Work carried out on Cars — 4x4 — Light Commercial
Theakstone 01904 47055 or Margaret Trowbridge 01347 848605 TYRES . BATTERIES . EXHAUSTS
Linton-on-Ouse Gardening Club Linton Village Hall, Friday April 26th, 7.30pm, At very competitive prices
Gill Evans, Pudsey—”Hardy Plants”. We are a friendly group who love gardens, Bosch Diagnostics & full Hella Air Conditioning
flowers etc and enjoy learning more. Contact Chairman Jean Thompson, 01347 Service & Repairs
848464 or Secretary Jean Brown, 01347 848712
Linton on Ouse Monthly Coffee Morning. Saturday April 27th from 10.30 am in MAIN STREET, SHIPTON
the Village Hall 01904 470263
Linton Parish Council. Linton Village Hall, 7.30pm Tuesday April 9th
Mitchener Award Each year Linton Parish Council invite nominations for
the Mitchener Award which is given to the child under 18 who has made
the greatest contribution to their community or school in the last year. The
award is a shield engraved with the child’s name (held for the year) & £50
Domestic Appliance Engineers
in gift tokens. Nominations for the 2013 award, in writing, should be sent to
Unit 1
The Clerk Linton Parish Council c/o 13 Petercroft Lane, Dunnington, York
Wigginton Grange
YO19 5NQ or by email to [email protected] by April 15th stating child’s
York YO32 2RD
name, contact details & reasons why the award should be made
Newton Walkers meet for a not-too-strenuous walk of about 5 or 6 miles once a
month, followed by a pub lunch or picnic. Thursday walks meet at the Green in Tel: 07976 152 591
Newton on Ouse at 9.30 & we share cars to our starting point. Sunday walks are Hoover & Hotpoint Specialist
planned so friends & members of our local communities who may not wish to walk 5 Sales Repairs & Spares
or so miles (or who may wish to cycle out for lunch!) can join us for a convivial
Sunday lunch in a pub. The dates for 2013 are: Thursday April 25, Sunday May 26,
26-28 June – two nights in the Dales, Thursday July 25, Thursday August 22,
Thursday September 26, Sunday October 27 & Thursday November 28. For further
info please contact Alan (01347 848095) or Tim (01347 844036) Would you like a helping hand to keep your
garden beautiful?
 weeding  garden tidying  lawn edging
Christian Aid Week May 12th to May 18th We will be carrying out our annual
House-to House collection for this very good cause, which seeks to eliminate Call Alex on:
poverty throughout the world. Success of this collection depends entirely on the tel: 01347 848060 GARDEN BEAUTIFUL
faithfulness & enthusiasm of our collectors, most of whom have been doing it mob: 07530569026 garden maintenance
for many years. Some eventually have to retire, so there is always a welcome
for new volunteers. If you would be willing to deliver or collect envelopes in
your village, please contact Gillian (01347 848219) for Newton, Linton or
Shipton; with Margaret (01904 470241) or Nancy (01904 470507) for Skelton.
Wood Farm Bed and Breakfast
Let’s all be as generous as we can! Shipton By Beningbrough, York
CHOIR FOR NEWTON CHURCH Newton church is looking to establish a
formal choir. Malcolm would love to hear from anyone who would be willing to 4 Star Rating with Silver Award
rehearse and lead a choir – it may only be, initially, once a month. This could Spacious farmhouse ensuite accommodation
be possibly an organist or separate choir leader. If you are at all interested, with a superb level of comfort
please contact Malcolm for an informal chat.
Leonard Cheshire Disability, Alne Hall Martin Wintermeyer is running the Tel: 01904 470333
London Marathon on April 21st. He has recruited the 27 residents & staff at www.woodfarmbedandbreakfast.co.uk
Leonard Cheshire Disability, Alne Hall to help with his training & the race.
Fundraising efforts are going very well & the use of Mr Google, the words
‘Cheshire’, ‘Martin’ and ‘Blog’ will help you find any information you may need!
He has been awarded a grant from Vodaphone under their ‘World of The Hambleton Handyman
Difference’ scheme where Vodaphone will ‘employ’ an individual on behalf of a
charity to undertake a specific project at Alne Hall to develop a sensory garden John Burroughs
from a ¾ acre disused kitchen garden. There is a lot of work to do! If you feel No job too small so go ahead and call!!
you could help in any way with this then please contact him on 07792592027
Baby/Toddler Nearly New Sale at Little Ouseburn village hall. Saturday April
13, 10am–1pm. £10 for a table to sell any baby/toddler things that you no Linton On Ouse Mobile: 07764 226511
longer need. Contact Sarah on 01423 339853 or [email protected]. York Tel: 01347 848806
Book early to avoid disappointment. Free entry for buyers!
Toddler Open Fun Morning at Little Ouseburn village hall. Thursday April 25, E-Mail: [email protected]
10am–12 noon. Everyone with pre-school children are welcome to come &
enjoy the craft activities & fun. Free entry & refreshments provided.
If you feel the need for help or support, at any time, please do not hesitate to Opening times:-10.00am to 5.30pm Mon, Tue & Wed
phone Rev Malcolm, or Revd Anna or your local churchwardens, whose names and (closed Thurs) Fri, Sat & Sun 10.00am to 5.30pm
details are at the top of the newsletter. Find us on the exit road from Beningbrough Hall
Stay in the beautiful surroundings of the Beningbrough Estate in our
The Parish Newsletter:- [email protected] www.homefarm-beningbrough.co.uk
The Advertising contact: - [email protected] Telephone 01904 470562

Please mention the Parish Newsletter when contacting advertisers

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