It8075 SPM Unit V

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Final Year CSE IT8075 UNIT-5 Notes



Managing people – Organizational behavior – Best methods of staff selection – Motivation –

The Oldham – Hackman job characteristic model – Stress – Health and Safety – Ethical and
Professional concerns – Working in teams – Decision making – Organizational structures –
Dispersed and Virtual teams – Communications genres – Communication plans – Leadership.

5.1 Managing People

Understanding Behavior
 Handling of projects with practical experience becomes a vital role in the aspectof project
 The managers must be able to decide on whether it is better to have experiencedstaff or get an
expert advice.
 There are numerous theories defined to explain people’s behavior.
 The theories are structures based on “If A is the situation then B is likely to be thesolution”.
 Other than the structures, there a wide range of influences on a situation whichare invisible
to the users which makes it difficult to decide on the solution.

5.2 Organizational Behavior

5.2.1 Work Objectives

 Fredrick Taylor analyzed the productive way of doing things and trained theworkers
with these objectives:
 To select the best people for the job
 To instruct them in the best methods
 To give them incentives based on their performance
 These work objectives defined by Taylor emphasis exclusively on the financialbasis of the
staff motivation and performance-related pay.
 This encouragement to the staff will help the project group to work together inachieving
their goals which ultimately increases the productivity.
 People may be motivated by money, but they are motivated by other factors aswell.

5.2.2 Theory X and Theory Y

 Some managers’ work for money being instrumental or called as cash-oriented persons
can be categorized based on their individual attitudes.
Mrs.C.B.Selvalakshmi, AP/CSE and Mr. S. Murali, AP/CSE
Final Year CSE IT8075 UNIT-5 Notes

 Donald McGregor labeled two different attitudes as Theory X and Theory Y.

 Theory X includes
 On an average, not every human likes to work.
 Somebody must have the control and direct the person to work.
 Generally, people do not like hold responsibilities.
 Theory Y includes
 People must like to work not forced to do it.
 External control is not the way to reach organizational goals.
 There must a commitment towards the work allocated to individuals.
 An average human can learn to accept and seek responsibility.
 Creative qualities must be widely distributed.
 Individual’s behavior towards the organization can be observed when their boss is not
 Theory X environment makes everybody to relax which can be seen visibly whereas
Theory Y is more a goal oriented approach of the people involved in the development.
 A reward does not need to be a financial reward but it could be something like a sense of
 This theory explains the expectations which have a greater influence towards the
organizational behavior.

5.3 Best methods for staff selection

5.3.1 Selecting the right person for the right job

 Taylor formulated this factor of selecting the right person for the right job.
 The other factors which includes the use of software tools, methodologies,
programming productivity and so on.
 It is always better to have the best people employed in the right place of workfor effective
 Say for example, a study on comparing experienced programmer indebugging a code
with a less experienced person was futile when the results

were drawn.
 According to Gerald Weinberg, “Most programmers prefer to work alonewhere they are
not disturbed by other people”.
Mrs.C.B.Selvalakshmi, AP/CSE and Mr. S. Murali, AP/CSE
Final Year CSE IT8075 UNIT-5 Notes

5.3.2 Recruitment Process

 There is a lot of stress for every project manager about choosing the rightpeople to
make up their team.
 Recruitment is an organizational responsibility process of selecting theperson form their
 Meredith Belbin categorizes people in recruiting process into two differenttypes.
 Eligible candidates are those persons who have the right information needed by
the organization in paper, i.e. the curriculum vitaecontains the right number or
years and right paper qualifications.
 Suitable candidates can actually do the job well but are not officially eligible.
Ideal candidates once given a post are likely to be more loyal towards the welfare
of the organization.
 Actual skills have to be taken into account while selecting a person ratherthan mere
 The recruitment policy must avoid discrimination of race, gender, age orirrelevant
 A recruitment process must include:
 Creation of job specification: type of task that has to be carried out must be
documented and agreed.
 Creation of job profile: constructs a profile of the person needed to carry out
the job with qualities, qualifications, education and experience.
 Obtaining applicants: placing an advertisement within the organization or the
local press to get a maximum number of potential applicants.
 Examine Curriculum Vitae: all the received CV’s are compared with the job
holder profile and if satisfied are called for interview.

 Interviews: these include the aptitude tests, technical tests, personality tests and
examination of previous work. Group discussions are also used for evaluating and
examining the statements provided inthe CV.
 References: need to be verified and a medical examination test can also be
done if needed.

5.3.3 Instruction in the Best Methods

 The responsibility of the team leader becomes very high in case of recruiting new
Mrs.C.B.Selvalakshmi, AP/CSE and Mr. S. Murali, AP/CSE
Final Year CSE IT8075 UNIT-5 Notes

members into the team.

 Half way through the project process, maximum effort must be taken to make the
induction of a new member into the team as an effective one.
 Team members must be continually assessed by the team leader to meet their demands in
the development process.
 Proper training must be given to every staff member involved in the development of the
 There are many companies which provide training to the staffs by conducting specific
courses and giving hand-on training about the new software tool by demonstration.
 Whatever may be, the training process must be actually implemented by the team
members as a whole in order to meet the objectives.

5.4 Motivation

Motivation Theories
There are various theories formulated by different persons for motivating the people to
work. They are,
 Taylorist Model
 Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
 Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory
 Expectancy Theory of Motivation.

5.4.1 Taylorist Model

 In this model, Taylor emphasis on the piece-rates and day-rates.
 Piece-rates are those where the workers are paid a fixed sum for each single item they
produce whereas day-rates refer to the daily pay that is given to the workers on a timely
 The tendency towards dispersed or virtual projects where the staffs either work in
organization or work at home has a difference in the payment based on time worked.
 The amount paid to the workers will not directly relate to maximize the output in order to
maximize their income.
 The amount of output will normally depend on the working group and not based on an
 A reward based on piece-rates is directly proportional to the work produced. But a
support team cannot be adjudged by a single person, instead it is group activity and the
Mrs.C.B.Selvalakshmi, AP/CSE and Mr. S. Murali, AP/CSE
Final Year CSE IT8075 UNIT-5 Notes

reward must be given to the group as a whole.

 In Taylorist model, the reward system makes excessive distinctions between co-workers
that result in damaging morale and productivity.
 This can be balanced by giving bonuses to project team members after completion
of a successful project.

5.4.2 Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

The basic human needs placed by Maslow in an ascending order of importance are:

1. Physiological Needs: These are the basic needs for sustaining human life itself, such as
food, water, warmth, shelter, and sleep. Maslow felt that until these needs are satisfied to the
degree necessary to maintain life, other needs will not motivate people.

2. Security or Safety Needs: These are the needs to be free of physical danger and of the
fear of losing a job property, food, or shelter.

3. Affiliation or Social Needs: Since people are social beings; they need to belong, to be
accepted by others. It includes friendship, the need to love and be loved, socializing, etc.

4. Esteem Needs: Once people begin to satisfy their need to belong; they tend to want to
be held in esteem both by themselves and by others. This kind of need producessuch
satisfactions as respect, power, prestige, status, and self-confidence.

5. Self-actualization Needs: This is the highest need in the hierarchy. It is the desire to
become what one is capable of becoming—to fully realizes one's potential and to accomplish
what one is capable of achieving.

5.4.3 Herzberg’s Two-Factor

 People tend to be dissatisfied about their job due to certain factors. They are
 Hygiene or maintenance factors
 Motivators
 A hygiene factor makes the person dissatisfied if they are not rightly used. For
example, the working condition of the worker.
 Motivators can make the person feel that the job is worth doing it, like a sense of
achievement or the challenge of the work.
Mrs.C.B.Selvalakshmi, AP/CSE and Mr. S. Murali, AP/CSE
Final Year CSE IT8075 UNIT-5 Notes

 Higher-level of maintenance factors can be provided by large organizations whereas

better motivation can be provided to workers who work in smaller organizations.

5.4.4 Expectancy Theory of

 Vroom identified three influencing factors on motivation. They are:
 Expectancy
 Instrumentality
 Perceived value
 Expectancy is a belief that working harder will lead to better performance.
 Instrumentality is the belief that better performance will be rewarded.
 Perceived value denotes the resulting reward.
 When all these factors are high, then the motivation level will also be high. At the same
time, a zero level for any one of the factor can remove motivation completely.
 For example, when the developer is suppose to get a software package supplied by a third
party to work and it contains a bug, the worker gives up since how much hard work the
worker puts in it will not lead to success denotes zero expectancy.
 On the other side, if the user is not using the package supplied by the developer, instead
the user works on an alternative tool, it makes the developer feel that it is waste of time
and leads to zero instrumentality.
 Suppose if the user is using the package but keeps on complaining about the package and
makes the developer responsibility for all short-comings, then at some point of time the
developer will not like to get involved for implementing a newer package which leads to
low perceive value of reward.

5.5 The Oldham-Hackman job characteristic model

 Oldman and Hackman coined a rule that managers should group together the elements of
tasks that is carried out must be meaningful and satisfying assignments.
 The satisfaction of any job will depend on the following factors:
 Skill variety
 Task identity
 Task significance
 Autonomy
 Feedback
Mrs.C.B.Selvalakshmi, AP/CSE and Mr. S. Murali, AP/CSE
Final Year CSE IT8075 UNIT-5 Notes

5.5.1 Elements of Tasks

 Factors that make the job meaningful to the person who is doing it are skill
variety, task identity and task significance.
 Skill variety is the number of different skills that the job holder has theopportunity to
 Task identity is the degree to which the person’s work and its results are
identifiable as belonging to the person.
 Task significance is the degree to which the job has an influence on others.
 The autonomy factor is the discretion about the way the person works.
 Feedback is the information the person receives back about the results ofhis/her
 Personal growth needs and their working environment also influence theperception
of the job.
 In general, activities of the developing product should be designed in such amanner that
the person must feel personally associated with it.
5.5.2 Methods to Improve Motivation

 Managers must adopt the factors listed below to improve motivation.

 Set specific goals
 Provide feedback
 Consider job design
 Specific goals must be demanding goals but yet acceptable by staff andshould gain
approval from them.
 Providing feedback reflects the performance of the staff about how they are
 Considering job design makes the job more interesting and provides the staffwith
greater responsibility.

5.5.3 Measures for enhancing Job

 Managers must involve the following measures to enhance the job design: .
 Job enlargement
 Job enrichment
Mrs.C.B.Selvalakshmi, AP/CSE and Mr. S. Murali, AP/CSE
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 Job enlargement is exactly reverse of specialization where the person doing

the job carries out a wider variety of activities.
 Say for example, a software developer associated with maintenance group might be given
additional responsibility for specifying minor changes in otherphases.
 Job enrichment is where the job holder carried out tasks at managerial and supervisory
 Say for example, programmers in maintenance group might be given authority to accept
requests for changes for a very small period (five days) without getting manger’s
 Top-management-safety policy
 Delegation of authorities regarding safety must be clear
 Job descriptions reg-safety
 Deployment of safety officer
 Consultation on safety
 Adequate budgeting for safety costs
Responsibility for safety must be clearly defined at all levels. Some points that will need to be considered
 Top management must be committed to the safety policy
 The delegation of responsibilities for safety must be clear
 Those to whom responsibilities are delegated must understand the responsibilities and agree to
 Deployment of a safety officer and the support of experts in particular technical areas
 Consultation on safety
 An adequate budgeting for safety cost

5.6 Ethical and Programmed Concerns

Ethics relates to the moral obligation to respect the rights and interests of others – goesbeyond
strictly legal responsibilities.

Three groups of responsibilities:

 Responsibilities that everyone has

 Responsibilities that people in organizations have

 Responsibilities relating to your profession or calling
Mrs.C.B.Selvalakshmi, AP/CSE and Mr. S. Murali, AP/CSE
Final Year CSE IT8075 UNIT-5 Notes

Organizational ethics
There are some who argue that ethical organizational ethics are limited: Stockholder theory
(e.g. Milton Friedman). An employee’s duty is to theowners of the business (which often
means the stakeholders) above allothers – although legal
requirements must be met.
Competitive relationships between businesses.
Competition may cause you to do things that could have a negative impact onthe
owners or employees of competitive businesses Uniform Treatment

One example of organizational ethics is the uniform treatment of all employees.

Small business owners should treat all employees with the same respect, regardless of their
race, religion, cultures or lifestyles. Everyone should also have equal chances for promotions.
One way to promote uniform treatment in organizations is through sensitivity training. Some
companies hold one-day seminars on various discrimination issues. They then invite outside
experts in to discuss these topics. Similarly, small company managers must also avoid
favoring one employee over others. This practice may also lead to lawsuits from disgruntled
employees. It is also counterproductive.

Social Responsibility
Small companies also have an obligation to protect the community. For example,
the owner of a small chemical company needs to communicate certain dangers to the
community when explosions or other disasters occur. The owner must also maintain certain
safety standards for protecting nearby residents from leaks that affect the water or air
quality. There are state and federal laws that protect people from unethical environmental
practices. Business owners who violate these laws may face stiff penalties. They may also
be shut down.

Financial Ethics
Business owners must run clean operations with respect to finances, investing and
expanding their companies. For example, organizations must not bribe state legislators for
tax credits or special privileges. Insider trading is also prohibited. Insider trading is when
managers or executives illegally apprise investors or outside parties of privileged
information affecting publicly traded stocks, according to the Securities and Exchange
Commission. The information helps some investors achieve greater returns on their
investments at the expense of others. Executives in small companies must strive to help all
Mrs.C.B.Selvalakshmi, AP/CSE and Mr. S. Murali, AP/CSE
Final Year CSE IT8075 UNIT-5 Notes

shareholders earn better returns on their money. They must also avoid collusivearrangements
with other companies to deliberately harm other competitors.

A small company's organizational ethics can also include taking care of employees
with mental illnesses or substance abuse problems, such as drug and alcohol dependency.
Ethical business owners help their employees overcome these types of problems when
possible. They often put them through employee advisor programs, which involves getting
them the treatment they need. Employees may have issues that lead to these types of
problems. Therefore, they deserve a chance to explain their situations and get the help they

Professional ethics
Professionals have knowledge about the technical domain that the general public does
not. Ethical duty of the expert to warn lay people of the risks involved in a particular course
of action. Many professions, or would be professions, have codes of conduct for their

5.7 Working in teams

 Not all people involved in the development process like to work in groups.
 But major software projects always have to work in groups and many peopledo not like
to work in groups.
 Any organization involved in the development process will have variousdepartments
reflecting its structure.
 Formal groups can be formulated based on the different departments andtask groups
can be formed based on specific tasks carried.
 Task group can contain different people from different departments to worktogether to
carry out a specific task.
 Every task group formed for specific activities to be carried out are dissolvedonce the
task is completely achieved.
Mrs.C.B.Selvalakshmi, AP/CSE and Mr. S. Murali, AP/CSE
Final Year CSE IT8075 UNIT-5 Notes

5.7.1 Becoming a team

 Making people work together is the most difficult task that the projectmanager has to
carefully handle.
 A team cannot perform instantly; it has to develop over time.

5.7.2 Team Formation Model

 Every team has to go through five different stages of development asdepicted in the
Team Formation Model namely,
 Forming
 Storming
 Norming
 Performing
 Adjourning
 Forming : basic ground rules and general behavior are set up to try and get toknow each
other in the team.
 Storming: grouping methods of operation have to establish as there is achance of
conflicts arising due to leadership.
 Norming: a group identity emerges as the conflicts are largely settled.
 Performing: how the tasks are handled by the team.
 Adjourning: disbanding of the group.

5.7.3 Individual Characteristics

 Any project team must be formed with the best mix of different personalities.
 Belbin formulated the need of balanced teams based on individual
characteristics of people.
 Chair: these people must be good at conducting meetings, must becalm,
strong and tolerant. Need not be excellent leaders.
 Plant: these people must be good at generating ideas and givingpotential
solution to problems.
 Monitor-Evaluator: they must be good evaluators and best in selecting
Mrs.C.B.Selvalakshmi, AP/CSE and Mr. S. Murali, AP/CSE
Final Year CSE IT8075 UNIT-5 Notes

the most feasible solution.

 Shaper: helps in directing the team’s attention to important issues.
 Team worker: must be efficient in creating a good working
 Resource investigator: helps in finding resources in terms of bothphysical
resources and information.
 Complete-finisher: people who are concerned with completing thetasks.
 Company-worker: must be good team player willing to undertake less
attractive work for team’s success.
 To be a good team member, the person must be flexible, restrained, timelyand keeping
the common goals of the team in mind all the time.

5.7.4 Group Performance

 There is a strong question raised often: “Are groups more effective than
individuals working alone?”.
 It is the responsibility of the project manager to distinguish the tasks which are supposed
to be carried out together and those tasks to be carried out by individuals.
 Some works yield better results when worked together as a team, while some others are
slowed down because of the work be compartmentalized based onindividuals.
 There are four different ways of categorizing group tasks. They are:
 Additive Tasks: in this the effort of every person are added to reach the final
result. People involved in additive tasks are interchangeable.
 Compensatory Tasks: here, the judgements of individual group members are
taken and the results are then averaged. These result in effective group work
rather than the efforts of individuals.

 Disjunctive Tasks: these tasks have only one correct solution to the task. team
accepts it.

 Conjunctive Tasks: here, the progress is governed by the rate of the slowest
performer where until each and every person completes their own tasks, the
overall tasks do not attain its completion. In this case, a cooperative attitude of the
team becomes productive.
 A major problem can arise with additive tasks that lead to social loafing.
 Social loafing is a problem where some individuals do not make their proper contribution
Mrs.C.B.Selvalakshmi, AP/CSE and Mr. S. Murali, AP/CSE
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when carrying out group assignments.

5.8 Decision making

5.8.1 Categories of Decisions

 Decision making process can be categorized into structured and unstructured.

 Structured decisions are generally simple where the rules are applied ina
straight-forwards way.
 Unstructured decisions are often more complex and require a greatdegree of
 The amount of risk and the uncertainty involved in the development processcan
affect the decision making process.

5.8.2 Obstacles to Good Decision Making

 Few factors that affect good decision making process are:

 Faulty heuristics: the rules of thumb or heuristics are useful but can be
misleading. These are based on mere stereotypes.
 Escalation of commitment: this happens when a wrong decision is madewhich
cannot be altered easily later.
 Information overload: too much of information also might lead thedecision
process to choose a wrong one.

5.8.3 Group Decision Making

 In group discussions, different specialists and point of view of stakeholders

can be brought together to make a better decision.
 Decisions made by a team can be approved and accepted easily than decisions imposed
by individuals.
 Every group meeting takes the collective responsibility of having properly briefed of
solving complex problems.
 A group can arrive at better solutions for complex problems because the members of the
group have complementary skills and expertise.
 Group meetings provide an opportunity for people to communicate freely and easily
among the members of the group.
 Often, groups are less effective for poorly structures problems where brainstorming
Mrs.C.B.Selvalakshmi, AP/CSE and Mr. S. Murali, AP/CSE
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techniques can be used to helps the groups to make it structured

 Even though, group decision making is effective in achieving solutions, it has been
proved by research that people come up with more ideas individually than in groups.

5.8.4 Obstacles to Good Group Decision Making

 Group decision making process has its own disadvantages:

 It is time consuming process.
 Conflicts can arise among the members of the group.
 Decisions can be influenced by dominant personalities.
 Once established the group norms can survive many changes of membershipin the group.
 Experimental results have shown that people can modify their personaljudgements to
conform to group norms.
 Sometimes people in groups take hasty decisions that can cause more riskthen when
they make their decisions on their own known as risky shift.

5.8.5 Measures to reduce obstacles of Group Decision Making

 To make group decision making process to be more effective and efficientthe Delphi
Technique can be adopted.

Delphi technique endeavourers to collate the judgements of a number ofexperts

without actually bringing them face to face.
 The set of procedures is carried out as follows:
 Cooperation of a number of experts is enlisted.
 Problem is presented to the experts.
 Experts record their recommendations.
 Recommendations are collated and are reproduced.
 Collected responses are recirculated.
 Experts comment on the ideas of others and modify theirrecommendations.
 If the leader finds any discrepancy, the process is stopped,otherwise it is
recirculated to the experts.
 This method can be adopted to geographically dispersed experts but theprocess
becomes time consuming.
Mrs.C.B.Selvalakshmi, AP/CSE and Mr. S. Murali, AP/CSE
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5.9 Team Structures

5.9.1 Department Structure

 Departmentalization of organizations depends on staff specialties, product lines,categories of

customer or the geographical location.
 In general, the software development process approach is referred as eitherfunction-
oriented or task-oriented.
 Function oriented approach deals with different groups that are formed based ontheir
functional specialization.
 This approach leads to a more effective usage of staff both technically and inemploying
the standards that are needed to be concerned.
 With the task oriented approach, members are grouped together with respect toa specific
 The specific task has to be achieved by the group and the group is dissolvedafter the
successful completion of the particular task.
 Departmentalization is also based on life-cycle phase.
 In project life cycle phases there are separate teams for development and maintenance.
 Matrix form of departmentalization can also be formed where there are two managers
namely project manager and programming manager. The project manager deals with the day-
to-day activities while the programming manager focuses on future career development.
 Egoless programming suggests that the programmers and the programming team leaders
should read other people’s programs so that the programs becomea common property to both.

5.9.2 Team Structure

Team structure addresses the issue of organization of the individual projectteams. There are
mainly three formal team structures:

Chief programmer,
Democratic, and
The mixed control team organizations

Chief Programmer Teams

 If the number of groups is larger, then the work will be slower because of increased
communication. So large projects must be formalized and must be represented in an
Mrs.C.B.Selvalakshmi, AP/CSE and Mr. S. Murali, AP/CSE
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centralized structure.
 One way to avoid this, to reduce the number of people and giving them more support to
make the work done which led to the formulation of chief programmer team.
 The chief programmer defines the specification, design, code, tests and documents the
entire software.
 The chief programmer can have a co-pilot who can assist in writing some code and
 An editor can be used to write up the documentation drafted by the chief programmer, along
with a program clerk who maintains the actual code and a

tester who validates the code.

 The disadvantage of chief programmer teams is that the chief programmer is overloaded with
lots of information and cannot manage at some point of time.
 Extreme programming concept can overcome this disadvantage where the software is
developed by pairs of developers with a chief programmer / co-pilot relationship.

Chief programmer

Team Members

In this team organization, a senior engineer provides the technicalleadership and is

designated as the chief programmer.
The chief programmer partitions the task into small activities and assignsthem to the
team members.
He also verifies and integrates the products developed by different teammembers.


The chief programmer provides an authority, and this structure is arguably more
efficient than the democratic team for well-understood problems.
Mrs.C.B.Selvalakshmi, AP/CSE and Mr. S. Murali, AP/CSE
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However, the chief programmer team leads to lower team morale, since team-
members work under the constant supervision of the chief programmer.
This also inhibits collective and their original thinking.
The chief programmer team is subject to single point failure since toomuch
responsibility and authority is assigned to the chief programmer.
Since the chief programmer carries out many tasks individually, there is adanger of
information overload on the chief programmer

Democratic Team Structure

The democratic team structure, as the name implies, does not enforce any formal
team hierarchy. Decisions are taken based on discussions, where any member is free to discuss
with any other matters.Typically, a manager provides the administrative leadership. At different
times,different members of the group provide technical leadership.


The democratic organization leads to higher morale and job satisfaction.Democratic

team structure is appropriate for less understood problems,since a group of engineers
can invent better solutions than a singleindividual as in a chief programmer team.
A democratic team structure is suitable for projects requiring less than five or six
engineers and for research-oriented projects. For large sized projects, a pure
democratic organization tends to become chaotic.
The democratic team organization encourages egoless programming as
programmers can share and review one another’s work.


Consequently, it suffers from less man-power turnoverMixed

Control Team Structure

The mixed team organization, as the name implies, draws upon the ideas
from both the democratic organization and the chief-programmer organization. This
team organization incorporates both hierarchical reporting and democratic set up.

The democratic connections are shown as dashed lines and the reporting structure is
shown using solid arrows.
Mrs.C.B.Selvalakshmi, AP/CSE and Mr. S. Murali, AP/CSE
Final Year CSE IT8075 UNIT-5 Notes

The mixed control team organization is suitable for large team sizes.
The democratic arrangement at the senior engineer’s level is used to decomposethe
problem into small parts. Each democratic setup at the programmer level attempts
solution to a single part. Thus, this teamorganization is eminently
suited to handle large and complex programs.

This team structure is extremely popular and is being used in many softwaredevelopment

5.10 Virtual Teams

A Virtual Team – also known as a Geographically Dispersed Team (GDT) – is a group of

individuals who work across time, space, and organizational boundaries with links strengthened by
webs of communication technology. They have complementary skills and are committed to a
common purpose, have interdependent performance goals, and share an approach to work for
which they hold themselves mutually accountable. Geographically dispersed teams allow
organizations to hire and retain thebest people regardless of location. A virtual team does not always
mean teleworkers. Teleworkers are defined as individuals who work from home. Many virtual
teams in today’sorganizations consist of employees both working at home and small groups in the
office but in different geographic locations.

Why Virtual Teams?

Best employees may be located anywhere in the world.Workers

demand personal flexibility.

Workers demand increasing technological sophistication.

A flexible organization is more competitive and responsive to themarketplace.

Workers tend to be more productive – less commuting and travel time.The increasing

globalization of trade and corporate activity.

The global workday is 24 vs. 8 hours.

The emergence of environments which require inter-organizationalcooperation as well as


Changes in workers’ expectations of organizational participation.
Mrs.C.B.Selvalakshmi, AP/CSE and Mr. S. Murali, AP/CSE
Final Year CSE IT8075 UNIT-5 Notes

A continued shift from production to service/knowledge work environments.

Increasing horizontal organization structures characterized by structurally and

geographically distributed human resources.

5.11 Communication genres

A major influence on the nature of communication genres is the constraints oftime and
place. Modes of communication can be categorized as combinations of twoopposite: Same
time/Different time and Same Place/Different Place.

Same Place Different Place

Same Time Meetings, Interviews Telephone, Instant Messaging

Different Time Notice Boards E-mail, Voice mail, Documents

The nature of the information to be conveyed:

o What is the extent and complexity of the information to be conveyed?

A phone conversation if message is simple

o Is it easy to understand? Is the context well known to both the senderand the

Two way communication

o Where the communication is personally sensitive Face to face


At different stages of a project – different communication genres will be preferred

Early stages – meeting(s)

Team members need to build up their trust and confidence in theirco-workers

Decision making

Intermediate stages (design) – teleconferencingActivities executed

in parallel
Some points needs to be clarified

Implementation stages - emails
Mrs.C.B.Selvalakshmi, AP/CSE and Mr. S. Murali, AP/CSE
Final Year CSE IT8075 UNIT-5 Notes

Everyone knows his role, work can progress

5.12 Communication plans

A communications plan, in project management, is a policy-driven approach to providing

stakeholders with information about a project. The plan formally defines who should be given
specific information, when that information should be delivered and what communication channels
will be used to deliver the information.

An effective communications management plan anticipates what information will need to

be communicated to specific audience segments. The plan should also address who has the
authority to communicate confidential or sensitive information and how information should be
disseminated (email, web sites, printed reports, and/orpresentations). Finally, the plan should define
what communication channels stakeholders should use to provide feedback and how
communication documentationwill be archived as part of the project records.

In some organizations the communications management plan may also include a glossary of
common project terminology that will be used within the project. This

glossary may define and include samples of templates, reports and forms that theproject manager
will use to communicate information.

The result of the communication process could be documented in a table with thefollowing
column headings.

 What – This contains the name of a particular communication event

 Who/target – The target audience for the communication

 Purpose – What the communication is to achieve

 When/frequency – If the communication by means of a single event, then a specific date can
be supplied. If the event is a recurring one, such as a progress meeting, then the frequency
should be indicated

 Type/method – The nature of the communication, for example a meeting or a distributed


 Responsibility – The person who initiates the communication

5.13 Leadership

 Leadership means the ability to influence others in a group to act in aparticular way to
Mrs.C.B.Selvalakshmi, AP/CSE and Mr. S. Murali, AP/CSE
Final Year CSE IT8075 UNIT-5 Notes

achieve group goals.

 A leader need not be a very good manager or vice-versa since managers havedifferent
roles such s organizing, planning and controlling.
 It is very difficult to list the common characteristics of good leaders.
 But every leader have a greater need for power and achievement and musthave more
self-control and self-confidence than others.
 Leadership is generally based on the idea of authority or power.
5.13.1 Positional Leadership Power
 Power can take the form based on the position of the person. Positionalpower can
be analyzed as:
 Coercive power: ability to force someone to do something bythreatening
 Connection power: based on having access to those who have power.
 Legitimate power: based on person’s title giving a special status.
 Reward power: here the holder gives rewards to those who carry outtasks to
the satisfaction of their leader.
5.13.2 Personal Leadership Power
 Personal power depicts the person’s individual qualities. Personal power can be analyzed
 Expert power: person who is capable of doing specialized tasks.
 Information power: here, the holder has exclusive access to
 Referent power: based on the personal attractiveness of the leader.
5.13.3 Leadership Styles
 In order to make best use of the expertise and commitment of the people involved the
leaders must be an authoritative but at the same time more flexible and tolerant.
 Sometimes, the leaders must be democratic as well, to have a very disciplined execution of
the plan.
 Leadership styles can be classified as:
 Directive vs. permissive
 Autocratic vs. democratic.
 Directive autocrat makes decisions alone and will be person very closelyassociated
with the implementation.
Mrs.C.B.Selvalakshmi, AP/CSE and Mr. S. Murali, AP/CSE
Final Year CSE IT8075 UNIT-5 Notes

 Permissive autocrat also makes decisions alone, but subordinates havelatitude in

 Directive democrat makes decisions participative and will be a person veryclosely
associated with the implementation.
 Permissive democrat also makes decisions participative, but subordinateshave latitude
in implementation.
 The emphasis is that there are no one best style of leadership which has tobe chosen by
the management but it truly depends on the situation.
Mrs.C.B.Selvalakshmi, AP/CSE and Mr. S. Murali, AP/CSE

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