3ds Max Tutorial

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_ Tutorials

3DS Max
Basic introduction to 3ds max

top front

shortcut to maximize or minimize a selected viewport is alt + w

left perspective

basic default viewports

specific viewport options which are available for each view

overall viewport layout options

viewport adjustments/managements
general settings basic model manipulation tools layering tools rendering tools

main toolbar for creating,

editing and manipulating
models, lights, camera's

main toolbar for creating, main toolbar for creating,

editing and manipulating editing and manipulating
models, lights, camera's models, lights, camera's
etc. etc.

toolbar functions


Q w
select object move

basic shortcuts
world axis of 3ds max indicating
the xyz directions

xyz worldspace
general layer settings


layer selection tools

layer search bar

display/filter toggle

layer visibility options

layer display options

layer filtering options

sorting layer options

to orbit around 3ds max, simply click and drag
the viewcube as highlighted below

orbit: alt + middle mouse (scroll) button

pan: click and drag middle mouse (scroll) button

zoom: middle mouse (scroll) button

basic primitives
main window where objects/primitives
lights, camera's etc. are created

basic primitives
1. for box primitive simply click and drag
mouse cursor on top view as shown. once for a more controlled creation or adjust-
created you can release the cursor ment to the primitive, you can type in desired
dimensions into "parameters" to edit the shape
or simply type in dimensions into "keyboard
2. once the footprint or plan of the shape is
entry" to immediately create desired shape
created, 3ds max will get you to create the
with wanted dimensions
height. simply estimate desired height by mov-
ing cursor up or down and click to finalise

example (box) primitive

3ds max can import many types of
files as listed in the drop down
menu. compatible software files
include autocad, illustrator, rhi-
no, .dwg files from gis softwares,
sketchup etc.

for this example we will import an object
from rhino. The file type needed is a .obj
file. once opened a window with options will
open up. simply tick the appropriate boxes
then press simply press "import".

when importing .obj files from rhino, tick
the "flip zy-axis" option to ensure model
is right side up. in rhino and 3ds max the
vertical axis is different

importing example
exporting options are also diverse.
you can export files from 3ds max
to illustrator, autocad, rhino, 3d
printing etc.

for this example we will
export an object to rhino.
the file type needed is a .obj
file. once opened a window
with options will open up.
simply tick the appropriate
boxes then press simply press

when exporting .obj files to rhino, tick the
"flip zy-axis" option to ensure model is right
side up. in rhino and 3ds max the vertical
axis is different

exporting example
basic modifiers
2. select modifier tab

1. select object/primitive

3. click drop down menu

and select "edit poly" to
open up available options
to modify object/primitive

editing poly/primitive
when manipulating points you can either use the
xyz axiz for a more control or simply click and
drag with mouse

4. in "edit poly" options

select vertices (represented
by 3 points)

5. select vertice/s and manipulate via

move tool to desired shape

for other types of manipulation

simply scroll through the modify
window after making the object
an editable poly and choose
desired modifications i.e. welding,
chamfering, soft selection etc.

basic vertice editing/manipulation

other modifiers are available
apart from manipulating points.
these can be found in the same
drop box menu as the "edit poly"
option i.e. twist

once modifier i.e. twist is selected

the options below on the right hand
side appears where you can change
the angle of the twist etc.

other modifiers
modifier stack keeps track of all the changes made
to the selected object. it is very similar to the
layering within photoshop where each adjustment is
a separate layer. each change can also be turned
on or off via visibility or deleted

modifier stack
animation and rendering
there are two methods to creating key-
frame animation in 3ds max; auto key and
set key which will be explained below

main animation tools are located below

the window including the keys, timeline,
play/pause buttons etc.

keyframe animation
auto key automatically sets keys for each change made so
make sure you edit the timeline first then change your objects

once the change has been made a

"key" with be automatically set on
the specified time as shown below.
simply repeat this if necessary to
create your animation

2. drag the timeline slider to

desired time e.g. 5 seconds and
then change objects orientation/ 1. to start simply click auto key
position via rotation, moving etc. and the perspective view will be
highlighted red, indicating that
animation is on

keyframe animation via auto key

once completed your timeline should
have a mark on the set time as shown
below. repeat the steps if necessary
to complete the animation

2. drag the timeline slider to desired

time e.g. 5 seconds and then change
objects orientation/position via rotation,
moving etc. once done click the button 1. to start simply click set key
with a key to set it and the perspective view will be
highlighted red, indicating that
animation is on

keyframe animation via set key

to add materiality to object
open the material editor via
right side of the horizontal
toolbar as highlighted and
select "standard". a material
library will open and you can
select the default materials
or download some online

once a material is chosen e.g.
concrete, select the object
you want to have this material
and select "assign material to
selection" as highlighted

there are two ways to create a light source in
3ds max. first is through the top menu bar. the
other method is through the creation tab on the
right side of the screen. for example we will use
the target directional light

make sure when choosing the type of light, the
standard one is selected

for example to create the tar-
get spotlight simply click where
the light source is wanted and
drag towards the object. you
can modify both the source and
target or each one individually
later on via move tool

there are two ways to create a camera in 3ds
max, just like lighting. first is through the top
menu bar. the other method is through the cre-
ation tab on the right side of the screen. for
example we will use the standard target camera

to look at the view from the
creating the camera is very camera created simply click on
similar to lighting. simply click the view e.g. "perspective" and a
where the camera is wanted and menu will pop up as seen below.
drag towards the object. you hover over cameras and select
can modify both the source and the camera lens you want to
target or each one individually look through
later on via move tool

to render an animation select
"range" to render specific frames
you want, "active time segment" for
the entire timeline or "frames" for a
chosen batch you want rendered.

shortcut to open render setup is f10

rendering animation
other things to change/keep in mind
will be the renderer located at the
top and bottom of the pop up window,
the view you want rendered, the size
of the image and where to save your
render which is also where you can
save the animation as a video

rendering animation
production rendering is very similar
to animation rendering. the only dif-
ference is ticking the "single" frame

production rendering

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