76 Going To The Bank Can

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The key takeaways are learning banking terminology like deposit, withdrawal, cheque, PIN, statement, etc. and how to open and use a bank account.

To open a bank account, you need to fill out an application, make a deposit, choose a PIN, and you'll receive bank cards in about two weeks.

The bank offers services like online banking, overdraft protection, 24-hour ATMs and drive-through, and monthly statements are sent on the 5th of each month.

Everyday Dialogues

Going to the Bank

In this lesson, you will practise talking
to a bank teller. You’ll learn useful words,
expressions, and questions related to banking.

A. Warm-Up Questions

1. Do you prefer going to a teller or a bank machine?

2. How do you usually pay for purchases?

3. W
 hat is the difference between
a deposit and a withdrawal?

B. Vocabulary Preview

Match the words on the left with the correct meanings on the right.

1. manager a) a written slip of paper that represents a payment

2. account b) a small amount of money one pays for a service such as a withdrawal
3. chequing c) the person in charge of staff and decision-making
4. deposit d) Automatic Teller Machine, a bank machine
5. payroll e) the financial records of an individual or organization
6. service fee f) a type of bank account that allows one to make payments with cheques
7. cheque g) related to the regular payment of staff
8. overdraft h) Personal Identification Number, a number used as a secret password
9. PIN i) to provide proof with a signature
10. withdrawal j) a written record of finances and transactions
11. statement k) a person who works at the service counter in a bank
12. ATM l) the removal of money from one’s bank account
13. endorse m) the removal of more money than is available in a bank account
14. teller n) to place funds into a bank account

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Going to the Bank
Everyday Dialogues

Dialogue Reading
Read the dialogue with your partner a few times. Take turns
being each character. Practise your intonation and pronunciation.
Circle any new words or phrases that you need to practise.

Manager: Hello. I’m Francis Roberts, the Accounts manager. What can I do for you?

Hi. My name is Mark Johnson. This is my wife, Lynn. We’ve just moved
into town and would like some information about opening a bank account.

Manager: What kind of account would you like to open?

Customer: We want to open a chequing account.

Manager: How much would you like to deposit today?

Customer: I have $500 in cash as well as a payroll cheque for $800.

Okay. I’ll get you the application forms to fill out. You’ll receive your new bank
Manager: cards in about two weeks. Once you have chosen your PIN, you’ll be able to use the
bank machine for deposits, withdrawals, bank transfers, and bill payments.

Customer: Is there a service fee for this type of account?

There is no fee for a regular chequing account. However, for a small fee of $7.00 a
Manager: month, we offer 200 personalized cheques, full online banking services, and a $500
overdraft protection plan. Would you be interested in that service?

Customer: Yes, that sounds good. We’ll take it. Do you have a 24-hour ATM?

Yes, of course. We also have a 24-hour

drive-through service at the side of the building.

Customer: When do you send out the monthly statements?

On the fifth of every month. I’ll take your forms now. You can endorse
your cheque and go over to the teller. She’ll handle your deposit for you.

Customer: Thank you very much. You’ve been very helpful.

Manager: You’re quite welcome. Hope to see you again soon.

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Going to the Bank
Everyday Dialogues

Work with your partner. Role-play the dialogue on page 2,
substituting the different expressions below. Then switch roles.

1. Hello. I’m Francis Roberts. 8. I ’ll get you the application forms to fill out.

• Hi. My name is... • Here are the application forms to fill out.
• It’s nice to meet you. I’m... • I’ll get you the application form to complete.

2. What can I do for you? 9. Y

 ou’ll receive your new bank
cards in about two weeks.
• Is there anything I can do for you?
• How can I help you? • You’ll get your new bank cards right away.
• We’ll send you your new bank cards this week.
3. W
 e’ve just moved into town and
would like some information about 10. Once you have chosen your PIN...
opening a bank account.
• ...your personal identification number...
• We’re new in town. Could you give us some • ...your personal security number...
information about opening a bank account?
11. Is there a service fee for this type of account?
4. What kind of account would you like to open?
• Do you charge a service fee?
• What kind of account do you want to open?
• What kind of account are you interested in? 12. We offer 200 personalized cheques,
full online banking services, and a
5. We want to open a chequing account. $500 overdraft protection plan.

• We’d like to open a joint chequing account. • We provide 200 cheques and full
• We’re interested in a savings account. computer Internet services.

6. How much would you like to deposit today? 13. Would you be interested in that service?

• How much do you want to deposit today? • Would you like that service?
• Do you want that service?
7. I have $500 in cash as well
as a payroll cheque for $800. 14. Yes, that sounds good.

• ...in addition to a traveler’s cheque... • Yes, that sounds fine.

• ...and a money order...

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Going to the Bank
Everyday Dialogues

Practice cont.
15. We’ll take it.

• We’d like that.

16. Do you have a 24-hour ATM?

• Does this bank have a 24-hour automatic teller?

• Is there an automatic bank machine here?
• Do you have an automatic cash machine?

17. W
 e also have a 24-hour drive-through
service at the side of the building.

• We also have a drive-thru window at the back of the building.

• We also have drive-through at the rear of the building.

18. When do you send out the monthly statements?

• When do you mail out the monthly statements?

• When will we receive our monthly statement?

19. You can endorse your cheque

and go over to the teller.

• You can sign your cheque and take it to the cashier.

20. She’ll handle your deposit for you.

• She’ll look after your deposit for you.

• He’ll take your deposit.

21. Thank you very much.

• Thanks a lot.
• Thanks so much.

22. You’re quite welcome.

• You’re very welcome.

• It was my pleasure.

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Going to the Bank
Everyday Dialogues

Listening Practice
Listen to the recording of the dialogue from page 2. Fill in the missing
words as you listen. Listen again. Now look back at page 2 and check your
work. Did you fill in the correct words? Did you spell everything correctly?

Manager: Hello. I’m Francis Roberts, the Accounts             . What can I do for you?

Hi. My name is Mark Johnson. This is my wife, Lynn. We’ve just moved
into town and would like some information about opening a bank             .

Manager: What kind of account would you like to open?

Customer: We want to open a             account.

Manager: How much would you like to             today?

Customer: I have $500 in cash as well as a             cheque for $800.

Okay. I’ll get you the application forms to fill out. You’ll receive your new bank cards
Manager: in about two weeks. Once you have chosen your PIN, you’ll be able to use the bank
machine for             , withdrawals, bank transfers, and bill payments.

Customer: Is there a service fee for this type of account?

There is no fee for a regular             account. However, for a small fee of
Manager: $7.00 a month, we offer 200 personalized cheques, full online banking services, and a
$500             protection plan. Would you be interested in that service?

Customer: Yes, that sounds good. We’ll take it. Do you have a 24-hour             ?

Yes, of course. We also have a 24-hour

drive-through service at the side of the building.

Customer: When do you send out the monthly             ?

On the fifth of every month. I’ll take your forms now. You can endorse your cheque
and go over to the             . She’ll handle your deposit for you.

Customer: Thank you very much. You’ve been very helpful.

Manager: You’re quite             . Hope to see you again soon.

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Going to the Bank
Everyday Dialogues

Vocabulary Review
Circle the word that does not belong in each group,
and explain why it is the odd one out.

1. a) teller 5. a) sign 9. a) take out

b) manager b) deposit b) deposit
c) statement c) endorse c) withdraw
d) security guard d) write your name d) remove

2. a) safety deposit box 6. a) overdraft 10. a) traveler’s cheque

b) ATM b) negative balance b) teller
c) cash machine c) extra money c) money order
d) bank machine d) not enough money d) cash

3. a) security number 7. a) payroll cheque

b) PIN b) personal cheque
c) telephone number c) money from employer
d) personal d) paycheque
identification number

8. a) cash
4. a) deposit b) bills
b) teller c) cheques
c) withdrawal d) coins
d) transfer

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Going to the Bank
Everyday Dialogues

Write Your Own Dialogue

Write a dialogue with a partner using phrases from pages 3–4.
One of you will be a bank manager and one of you will be a customer.
Practise and present the dialogue to your class.

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Going to the Bank
Everyday Dialogues

Task 1


Listen to the conversation again and answer the questions.

Your teacher will tell you if you have to write or say the answers.

1. Why did the couple visit the bank today?

2. What are some things that clients can do with their bank cards?

3. What special type of ATM does this bank have?

4. How often is a statement sent out to clients?

5. What will the teller do for these new clients?

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Going to the Bank
Everyday Dialogues

Review cont.
Task 2


Imagine that you are a new bank client and your teacher is a bank manager.
Ask four questions about your new account.





Task 3


Imagine that you are a bank teller. Answer an elderly client’s

questions about banking. Speak slowly, carefully, and politely.
Make sure that the client understands your answer.

1. How can I get cash if the bank is closed?

2. What is a PIN?

3. What is this $7.00 monthly fee for?

4. What is an overdraft protection plan?

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Going to the Bank
Everyday Dialogues

Answer Key

In this lesson, students learn useful vocabulary and expressions to TIME: 1.5 hours
use at a bank and when doing banking transactions. They practise
TAGS:  everyday dialogues, bank, banking, financial,
talking to a bank teller, and they also create their own dialogues.
teller, bank machine, ATM, withdraw, deposit,
transaction, finances, business, PBLA

Pre-Reading Listening Practice

A. WARM-UP QUESTIONS Have students complete the dialogue by listening

Discuss as a class or in small groups. Answers will vary. to the recording or by having two students read
the completed dialogue from page 2.


1. c 3. f 5. g 7. a 9. h 11. j 13. i CLB Skill Competencies

2. e 4. n 6. b 8. m 10. l 12. d 14. k
Listening: I. Interacting with Others,
II. Comprehending Instructions
Dialogue Reading

Give your students time to read the dialogue in pairs.

Vocabulary Review

CLB Skill Competencies 1. c – The other three are people.

2. a – The other three are machines where you can get money.
Reading: IV. Comprehending Information
3. c – The other three are numbers you use with your bank card.
Speaking: III. Getting Things Done
4. b – The other three are things you can do with your money.
5. b – The other three involve signing your name.
6. c – The other three involve money one doesn’t have.
Practice 7. b – The other three are money you get from working.
8. c – The other three are actual, physical money.
Have your students read the dialogue again and 9. b – The other three involve taking/removing something.
practise subbing in some of the different expressions. 10. b – The other three are types of currency.

CLB Skill Competencies CLB Skill Competencies

Reading: IV. Comprehending Information Speaking/Writing: IV. Sharing Information

Speaking: III. Getting Things Done

(continued on the next page...)

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Going to the Bank
Everyday Dialogues

Answer Key cont.

Write Your Own Dialogue
CLB Skill Competencies

Encourage your students to use vocabulary from the model. Listening: II. Comprehending Instructions,
IV. Comprehending Information

CLB Skill Competencies

Writing: II. Reproducing Information TASK 2

Answers will vary. Assess your students’ ability to ask questions.

You can decide if you want to asses their speaking or writing skills.
Review (Assessment Tasks)

The following tasks can be used for assessment purposes CLB Skill Competencies

and/or review practice. You can save all of the tasks until
Speaking/Writing: I. Interacting with Others,
the end or assess your students throughout the lesson.
III. Getting Things Done

Personalize your own Assessment forms for your students’

portfolios by using Assessment Tools in the Resources section:
https://esllibrary.com/resources TASK 3

Answers will vary. Assess your students’ ability

TASK 1 to give instructions using some of the vocabulary
and expressions they’ve learned in this lesson.
Play the audio from this lesson. Then assign the questions. You
can decide if you want your students to say or write the answers. Mark the assessment form as “achieved success”
if the student responds correctly 70% of the time
1. The couple visited the bank because they are
and fulfills these expectations:
new in town and want to open a chequing account.
2. T he clients can use their bank cards for deposits, • Uses appropriate courtesy forms and structures.
withdrawals, bank transfers, and bill payments. • Uses clear references.
3. This bank has a 24-hour drive-thru ATM.
4. T he bank statements are sent out monthly.
5. The teller will make the deposit for the clients. CLB Skill Competencies
They have a cheque and some cash to deposit.
Speaking: II. Giving Instructions
Mark the assessment form as “achieved success” if the student
answers 70% correctly and fulfills these expectations:
(continued on the next page...)
• Gets the gist.
• Identifies factual details, key words,
and expressions as required.

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Everyday Dialogues

Answer Key cont.

Canadian Language Benchmarks Summary


Stage: 2 CLB Range: 4–6* Primary Skill Competency: Speaking – III. Getting Things Done


Reading: IV. Comprehending Information

2 Dialogue Reading
Speaking: III. Getting Things Done

Reading: IV. Comprehending Information

3–4 Practice
Speaking: III. Getting Things Done

5 Listening Practice Listening: I. Interacting with Others, II. Comprehending Instructions

6 Vocabulary Review Speaking/Writing: IV. Sharing Information

7 Write Your Own Dialogue Writing: II. Reproducing Information

8 Review Task 1 (PBLA)** Listening: II. Comprehending Instructions, IV. Comprehending Information

9 Review Task 2 (PBLA) Speaking/Writing: I. Interacting with Others, III. Getting Things Done

9 Review Task 3 (PBLA) Speaking: II. Giving Instructions

*Note: **Note:

This CLB range is suggested by ESL Library based on PBLA refers to portfolio-based learning assessment in
the descriptors in the Canadian Language Benchmarks the LINC program (though any teacher can use these tasks
guide: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/pdf/pub/language- for review or assessment). Visit our Resources section for
benchmarks.pdf Assessment Tools that you can print and personalize for
PBLA: https://esllibrary.com/resources

(continued on the next page...)

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Going to the Bank
Everyday Dialogues

Answer Key cont.

Canadian Language Benchmarks Summary cont.


The following descriptors from the Canadian Language Benchmarks

apply to this lesson and are used with permission. For more
detailed information see: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/pdf/pub/
language-benchmarks.pdf and visit: https://www.language.ca/


• Ask for and give information related to routine daily activities in one-on-one interactions. (5)
• Ask for and give information in some detail. (6)
• Give and respond to informal and somewhat formal suggestions and indirect requests. (6)

• Understand, with considerable effort, simple formal and

Listening informal communication on topics of personal relevance. (4)
(4–5) • Understand, with some effort, the gist of moderately complex,
concrete formal and informal communication. (5)

• Write short, simple texts about personal experience and familiar

Writing topics or situations related to daily life and experience. (4)
(4–5) • Write short, simple to moderately complex descriptions, narrations, and
communications about familiar, concrete topics related to daily life and experience. (5)

Reading • Understand simple and some moderately complex texts in predictable,

(5) practical, and relevant social, educational, and work-related situations. (5)

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Everyday Dialogues

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