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Name : Laura Wendari

Class : 12 IPS 3

Tenants advised to obey regulation on apartment

1. What is the source of the text?

The Jakarta Post, May 9, 2014
2. What is the text about? What is the social function of the text?
The text contains about the tenant must learn, obey the rules and advice that has been
determined when living in the apartment.
social function, This text is to inform readers of building architects' advice on being good
apartment tenants, so that they can create safety and security.
3. Which one is the headline? Write it down.
Tenants advised to obey regulations on apartmen.
4. Why do you think living in an apartment is getting popular?
In my opinion, living in apartments is more popular, because they are usually built in strategic
areas that are easily accessible to transportation, near shopping centers and others, this makes
it much easier.
5. Can you identify some regulation of living in an apartment? What are they
1. For families who are planning to live in an apartment to learn the rules before moving
2. Tenants must comply with the rules set especially those with small children
3. They must be ready to live in an apartment and differentiate between living habits in a landed
4. Must be selective in choosing apartments for those who have children, whether the building
is safe for children.
6. Who sets the regulations?
the owner of the high-rise building,
7. Did you find any information about who in the text?
A building architect, owner, tenants
8. Did you find any information about where in the text?
Jakarta. “According to him, the trend of living in an apartment in Jakarta  started only 10 years
9. Did you find any information about what in the text? Regulations
A building architect has advised families planning to live  in an apartment to study all the
relevant regulations prior to  in to help prevent unexpected security-related occurrences.
10. Did you find any information about why in the text?
Differences of living in an apartment and living in a landed-house.

E. Vocabulary Exercise
1.The government has just launched new regulations to make taxpayers comply with their
2. Tenants are required to pay a deposit, which usually amounts to a one-month rent.
3. The new governor advised the city residents to wake up and obey the rules so that the capital
city would develop as expected.
4. Many people had to abandon their residence because of the serious conflicts among ethnic
groups in the area.
5. Under the new regulations, the owner of the rented house has to be responsible for the
provision of convenient facilities.
6. Occurrences of traffic accidents in this highway are getting higher and higher, which implies
the need for more strict rules on speed limit.
7. At present, the concern of the government is related to educating girls living in rural areas.
8. The family members seem to be accustomed to the severe weather changes in this country

F. Grammer Review

1. The distribution of NKRI maps began last Friday at  Caturwarga elementary school.

2. The policy on higher minimum wages brought greater  prosperity to local workers.

3. Limited infrastructure and facilities such as clean water  resources, schools, and healthcare
services worsened the  life quality of the local residents.

4. My grandfather flew to Denpasar the other day for a senior citizen award  senior citizen award.

5. One victim told the online news portal about the incident  on Saturday night.

6. It’s so sad that many spectators threw trash in the city  stadium during the final football match last

7. The local people built the mosque in the 16th century,  and mosque now become one of the official
cultural heritage sites  heritage sites.

8. The online enrollment system was in accordance with the  central government’s instruction.

9. Local poets and musicians got wider recognition as  the provincial administration granted an award to

traditional artists.

10. The anniversary events drew large number of people to  come and celebrate.

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