Common Law Remedy
Common Law Remedy
Common Law Remedy
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Legal Disclaimer
While all attempts have been made to verify the information provided in this
publication through personal experience and research, the author does not assume any
responsibility for errors, omissions or contrary interpretation of the information. He
cannot and will not be responsible for any use anyone else might choose to make of
this information; he may risk his own well-being on the strength of his personal
research and understanding of the law, but he will not risk the negligence or
incompetence of others.
This publication is not intended for use as a source of “legal” advice. The
information contained herein may be subject to varying international, federal, state
and/or local laws or regulations. The reader of this publication assumes responsibility
for understanding the use of these materials and information. Adherence to all laws
and regulations which apply in a specific situation is the sole responsibility of the
This publication does not intend to give any “legal” advice regarding specific
legal problems as the answer may depend upon the facts and circumstances
surrounding the specific instance. In addition, statutory law is ever changing, and
though we try to keep everything up to date, it may be necessary for you to obtain
information more current than that contained in this publication. However, here is a
valuable hint: if you understand the difference between “legal” advice and lawful
“due process,” you should be standing on solid ground.
The author and publisher do not assume any responsibility or liability whatsoever
for what a reader may choose to do with this information. Any perceived slight of
specific people or organizations is purely unintended. The reader is advised to use this
information at his own discretion, according to his own due diligence and
understanding of the law and the various jurisdictions in which it is applied. However,
one should understand that corroborating research (in the form of legal rulings and
definitions of words, among other things) has been included in this presentation in
order to assist readers’ broadening of their education about the law and legal matters.
Yet, there is no guarantee that such corroborating research will be applicable to any
particular matter within the context of how that matter may become adjudicated.
Table of Contents
Information Resources
The subject of traffic infractions and the citations that can follow are a relatively
recent development in the course of social rules-law (confusingly and publicly labeled
as “law”) and rule-law making over the past several hundred years. It has only been
within the past one hundred years or so (since the invention and implementation of
the automobile in societies) that this phenomenon has occurred. The problem with
these so-called “laws” is that not one of them has ever been passed into Public law.
They are Private law. Why is that? Because they would infringe on the constitu-
tionally protected rights of the people, and therefore cannot be made part of the Public
law as that law was originally conceived in America.
Statutory law jurisdictions (where Private law has been legislated – written down
– and passed into effect and affecting only a certain circumstance that people find
themselves in) have over time been the source of the majority of these laws. In this
regard, it becomes incumbent upon the individual to know the difference and
significance between Public law and Private law in order to ascertain when, or even
if, a law may be applicable to him personally. Most of these social rule-laws were
written to protect people from unjust circumstances, and in many instances are
justified in being enforced. Anyone who breaks a rule or law that is recognized by
both the statutory and common law jurisdictions should certainly expect to have to
answer for their misdeeds.
However, not every infraction carries with it a cause which violates another
person’s rights or property. Such incidents are often referred to as “victimless
incidents.” Yet they are treated by the legal system that most of us are familiar with
as though there were an actual victim who was violated. How can this be, when there
is no actual cause of action to be decided? In other words, no one putting forth an
actual claim upon which relief may be granted. And yet, these “cases” get adjudicated
everyday with hardly anyone contesting them.
There is no doubt that municipalities and States are raking in large revenues
based on people’s ignorance of the law and how it works in matters involving traffic
citations. In the case of citations for speeding, only about 3% of these tickets are
actually contested. This means that 97% of people pay up! And the legal system
counts on this low number of contestants for expediency’s sake since the courts are
already overwhelmed with legitimate litigation. And because most people today have
become conditioned to be ignorant of their rights.
The answer to how the legal system “gets away with” being able to charge
people and prevail in cases in which there is no actual victim has to do with a little
known fact. This fact is not taught in driver education courses or anywhere else in the
education system, and is therefore little known by most people. And that fact is: when
you sign the application form in order to obtain a driver license (and later the actual
license itself), what you are agreeing to is in essence known as an “adhesion
contract,” which is in a classification of contract known as a “quasi-contract.” Quasi
means “as if, in a sense or manner; seemingly; in part.” In other words, a contract in
name only, but not a lawfully enforceable contract. In essence on the face of it you
agree to abide by the traffic codes and statutes put in place by the supervising
authority in exchange for obtaining the license.
The driver license provides one with permission to use the roadways for a commercial
purpose. Otherwise, it would be unlawful for one to carry on one’s commercial business on
the public thoroughfares without such permission and adherence to the published regulations.
When you are not using the roadway for a commercial application, you are within your rights
to travel without obstruction by the state’s regulatory rules. And herein is where the state
takes advantage of your ignorance of commercial law.
There are people who, when asked for their license, registration and insurance, and they
are not acting in commerce provide their passport as their authorization to travel outside of
commercial activity. To hand over the driver license without stipulating a condition (like,
“this is for competency only, not for identification”) is a prima facie (“on the face of it”)
indication that the driver is driving in commerce. A conscientious reader will look into
(research) this fact regarding the use of a passport before attempting to use it in the real
world. People who know what they are doing have been known to be left alone on a traffic
stop when first displaying their passport rather than a driver license.
By the same token, if you are, say, a farmer and you are hauling hay in your pickup
truck on a public roadway in order to deliver to a customer, you are assumed to be acting in
commerce and must display a driver license when ask to do so. The point being that there are
occasions when people are acting in commerce even though there may be other occasions
when they are not.
“Adhesion contracts” are a standardized contract form offered to consumers of
(mostly government) goods and services on essentially a “take it or leave it” basis
without affording the applicant/consumer a realistic opportunity to bargain the terms.
Under such conditions that person cannot obtain the desired product or services
except by acquiescing in form to the contract, which, in this case, allows him to act
in commerce with limited liability. A distinctive feature of the adhesion contract is
that the weaker party has no realistic choice as to its terms.
When you allow the officer at roadside to see your license and registration, you
are in essence testifying against yourself, providing prima facie (“on the face of it”)
evidence that you have contracted with the State to follow its “rules of the road.”
After you realize what you have done, it can almost seem hopeless to try to fight this.
However, this is far from being true.
As bad as this may appear at first glance, there are ways to overcome these
presumptions of law in order to bring the law onto your side. You just have to know
how to use the law (common law) in order to overcome the law or corporate rules
(statutes) and receive a fair and just outcome.
That’s what this small ebook is all about. Once you know and understand a few
important principles of law and how they are used, you can effectively put an end to
these baseless “nuisance infractions” that may trouble you from time to time.
At this point it should be pointed out that it will be to the reader’s benefit to read
this document all the way through to the end first before attempting to arrive at any
conclusions about the information being disclosed, and, in any of the sections, to seek
out clarification of any words or ideas that you become unclear about before
proceeding on with your reading. It is of the utmost importance that you understand
the meaning and implication behind every sentence in this document, because when
dealing with law, the law works to eliminate any ambiguity within an individual
presentation. This is to say: if you don’t know what you’re saying or the legal
implications behind what you are testifying to in court, it could work against your
better interests.
Everything that a person needs to know in order to successfully apply it toward
a “nuisance traffic infraction” has been painstakingly thought out and presented
(based on direct personal experience) in this book. In other words, there are no quick-
and-easy answers here beyond your competent understanding of the concepts pre-
sented and their application. You cannot just skim this information and expect to
understand any of it. You will need to work for your understanding by paying at-
tention to the details. In order to satisfy any doubts that may linger in your mind, you
may have to supplement what you find here from other sources. As a matter of fact,
you are encouraged to look up anything you read here that you think is doubtful or
dubious in its assertion in order to prove, as much a possible, the truth of the assertion.
Just understand that there may be instances where your proof may come only after you
make a positive stand to uphold your rights in a matter.
A Brief Introduction To Concepts Of Law
Know Your Choice Of Law
Not many people realize it, but when you are faced with going to court you, in many
instances, have a choice of which system of law that you wish to have jurisdiction
over you. You just have to know how to insist upon one system of law as opposed to
another, and how to rebut the presumption that a contract (which would limit the
choice of law) is in play. In order to retain rights recognized by the Constitution
(meaning certain “unalienable rights” as described in the Declaration of Indepen-
dence), you need to be able to enter a judicial “court of record” under the common
law and stay out of a legislative administrative court such as are found in traffic court
(which only impersonally administers law according to contract law).
In the case of traffic violations, the system that you want to stay out of is the
system that is bringing you into court in the first place. The legislative “statutory”
system of law. This can be either a county justice court or a city municipal court
which will adjudicate the Department of Transportation traffic codes in your State.
In either instance, these are not, as many people mistake them to be, judicial
courts. Rather, they are administrative courts. Administrative courts administer the
law – in other words the way they operate is cut and dried, and based on assumpsit or
presumption of your identity and its connection to the subject matter at hand. Unless
you know what you are doing and what is happening, whatever defense you put up
that is based on the understanding that you are in a judicial court will be pointless and
ineffective. That is, you are entering a losing battle.
Administratively, since you consented to identify yourself as a licensed driver
and did not rebut that fact, the court sees you as bound by the license agreement (or
constructive trust by operation of law), which is that you must follow the traffic codes
to the letter or suffer the consequences of not having done so. When there is no
dispute over the facts in such a case, you are presumed guilty and must suffer the
penalty if you are unable to prove yourself innocent. In an administrative court, the
burden of proof is switched to the defendant. This is how these courts prevail in the
majority of the cases brought before them. It’s like leading the unwary lambs to the
slaughter, and generally results in instant revenue for the city or state holding court.
In order to stay out of the jurisdiction of these administrative traffic courts, you
have to challenge jurisdiction (for example, through proof of a reservation of rights
when you signed the traffic citation). Administrative courts deal only with fictions in
law. They don’t deal with natural people (meaning flesh and blood human beings).
Legal fictions can bring action against only other legal fictions. Therefore, you have
to agree to be representing yourself as a legal fiction in order for this type of court to
gain personam jurisdiction over your “person” or “legal person.” Natural people can
bring actions against only other natural people. This is partially what is meant by the
phrase “equal protection under the law.” Only alike parties – or consenting parties to
the jurisdiction – may bring suit or complaint against one another. A person
representing himself as a legal fiction cannot bring a complaint against someone not
claiming also to represent himself as a legal fiction. Both parties must be of the same
legal makeup or capacity and in agreement regarding the type of law being used.
By reserving your rights as a natural man or woman (and not a legal fiction, as
the entity is identified on the driver license), you effectively challenge the court’s
jurisdiction. But you’d better know how to explain this, or if you find yourself in court
the judge will trick you into consenting to his jurisdiction. And in many instances, you
won’t even realize that this has happened!
The court needs to meet the test of jurisdiction in two ways: it needs both subject
matter jurisdiction as well as in personam jurisdiction. That is, in order to hear the
cause at action, the court must be able to hear cases on the subject matter at hand as
well as have jurisdiction over the persons involved. And the subject matter must be
evidenced (sworn testimony) on the record of the court when the prosecutor first files
the case with the court. If there is no sworn evidence in the filing paperwork, the
prosecutor has not properly set the court’s subject matter jurisdiction, and the case can
be dismissed. If either of these two jurisdictions is not in place, a court must recuse
itself of jurisdiction and dismiss the case. When you insist on identifying yourself as
a natural man or woman and properly rebut the court’s assumption with admissible
evidence of such, you retain your identity status as a non-fiction at law, thus forcing
the court to recuse its in personam jurisdiction.
A brief, but important, note (which will be expanded upon in a later chapter)
about the terminology being used in courts. When you consent to appear in court,
every detail about what you say has a legal significance before the court. Most lay
people are unaware of this fact. They naïvely believe that the words they use (their
definitions) are commonly understood, and that everyone understands their meaning.
However, in court, if you are unaware of the legal meaning of the seemingly innocent
words you use to describe your cause, then you can inadvertently be admitting to
something to which you did not intend to admit. The legal system, in its statutes, had
commandeered (redefined) certain words and phrases such that they no longer mean
what most people think they mean. The words “person,” “natural person,” and
“individual” are all examples of this practice. These have been redefined in the
statutes to include legal fictions (generally to entrap the unwary).
So, unless you have read through the statutes in order to ascertain the meaning
of certain key words you may be inclined to use, if you want to make clear to the court
that you are presenting yourself as a [sic] “natural person” and not as a legal fiction,
use the terms “natural man” or “natural woman” (or better yet “private person”) who
is made up of “flesh and blood” in order to make your point. Once this distinction is
“on the record,” it can seemingly throw a monkey wrench into the proceedings. More
about how to get this “on the record” in a later chapter. This can effectively remove
personam jurisdiction from an administrative court. However (and this is a very
important “however”), this objection must be done at the very outset of the matter
before anything else in the matter is discussed, meaning before an arraignment hear-
ing takes place.
The officer who issued you the citation is representing a fictitious public entity
(either a municipal city or a state county), and therefore is coming at you as a legal
fiction at law. Once you successfully identify yourself as a natural man, the only legit-
imate way the officer can come against you is as a natural man himself. In order to do
this, he must have a corpus delecti, that is to say, “the body of a crime” or an injured
party. If he has no one to swear out an affidavit of injury, he has no case. This is
because a corporation (in this case the state or a city municipality) cannot be the body
of a crime or an injured party because it is artificial, a fiction. It doesn’t exist, and so
how can a crime or injury take place! No corpus delecti, no case. It’s that simple.
For example, if the cause of action is that you were doing 50 MPH in a 35 MPH
zone, yet no one was harmed or injured by that (that is, no accident took place), then
there is no corpus delecti, no injured party. This being the case, there is no cause of
action (or claim) because the state does not have standing as an injured party in com-
mon law. Only in an administrative court where legal fiction is coming at legal fiction
in a cause of action would the state, as a legal fiction, have standing. It would have
standing through the constructive trust obligation of the driver license wherein the
“driver” agreed to play by the rules of the traffic code.
The point to take away here is one involving proper identity and proper juris-
diction. If you do not identify yourself as part of the class of people who must obey
the traffic code, and if there is no injured party involved in the infraction, and you
challenge jurisdiction by successfully rebutting the presumption that you are a
“driver” (“driver” is a legal word of art used to delineate someone “operating” in
commerce for compensation or pay), then the administrative court has no choice but
to recuse itself and drop the matter.
By rebutting the court’s assumption that you are a “driver,” you place the burden
of proof back on the state or city municipality to prove that there is a contract in play
that precludes your rebuttal. They have to produce the contact which you signed and
enter it into evidence, or come up with a verified complaint (in essence a corpus
delicti proving an injured party exists). However, it is unlikely they will be able to
accomplish either of these two things. Because, essentially, neither a valid lawful
contract with your signature on it nor a sworn complaint exists. Therefore the case
must be (or should be) dismissed.
Yet, beyond these technicalities of law, if you understand your Natural Right to
travel on the roadways of the country and in what context this Right is upheld, then
you may never fear a traffic stop again. We will take a look at this Right in more
detail in the next chapter.
Your Right to Travel Free Of Government Intervention
A Natural Right Cannot Be Converted Into A Privilege
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal,
that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights,
that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness...”
That the intent of this document was to champion and protect the concept that
certain “unalienable Rights” are inherent among natural men (and women) whether
or not they are associated with each other in a society. And that among these rights
is the right of liberty, including liberty of movement over the land.
This right – the right to travel pathways and roadways freely without hindrance
– has been upheld in courts in this country going back to the country’s inception.
There should be no question about the existence of this right. And yet in state
jurisdiction after state jurisdiction there are those who imply by their actions that this
right does not exist for you. That it is somehow a privilege over which only they (a
government official) may regulate. Regardless of how this situation came to be, you
should know that it is your unalienable right to be able to travel unimpeded on any
roadway in America.
No other statement has ever expressed the right to travel better than this
statement taken from Volume 13 of California Jurisprudence, 3rd Edition, which says
in Section 238:
by statutes, rules, or regulations that... burden or restrict this movement.
The right to travel freely... is secured against interference from any
source whatever, whether governmental or private... And the constitu-
tional right to travel between states implies a correlative constitutional
right to travel within a state.”
While this statement may seem to cover all applicable lawful concepts contem-
plated under this freedom, it is often best to obtain a second or third opinion as
expressed by the court in order to clarify any ambiguous details. In the case Chicago
Motor Coach vs. Chicago 169 NE 22, the court had this to say: “The use of the
highways for the purpose of travel and transportation is not a mere privilege, but a
common and fundamental Right of which the public and the individual cannot be
rightfully deprived.” That seems rather straightforward, doesn’t it.
However, there are other case holdings which express these concepts in even
more detail. In the case of Thompson vs. Smith, Chief of Police 154 SE 579 (1930),
the court expressed the following thoughts in a bit more telling detail:
“The right of the citizen to travel upon the public highways and to
transport his property thereon, either by horse drawn carriage or by
automobile, is not a mere privilege which a city can prohibit or permit at
will, but a common right which he has under the right to life, liberty, and
the pursuit of happiness. It includes the right in so doing to use the
ordinary and usual conveyances of the day; and under the existing modes
of travel includes the right to drive a horse-drawn carriage or wagon
thereon, or to operate an automobile thereon, for the usual and ordinary
purposes of life and business. It is not a mere privilege, like the privilege
of moving a house in the street, operating a business stand in the street,
or transporting persons or property for hire along the street, which a city
may permit or prohibit at will.”
of the public thoroughfares (such as running a for profit business) the state then
obtains a right to license and regulate such activities on the roadways. Therefore,
those who use the roadways for profit or business rather than for personal reasons are
exercising an “extraordinary use.” A use for which the state is within its right to limit
by licensed privilege.
An advisory statement on the driver license application form explains to the
applicant that: “...this information is public record and is regularly used by law
enforcement agencies and insurance companies... and will be available to various
authorized requesters (government agents).” What this tells the applicant is that he is
waiving his right to privacy in order to obtain a DMV document (the driver license
or state ID card). If one refuses to give up his right to privacy, there is no way that he
may obtain such state issued documents, and that makes the obtaining of a driver
license or ID card a voluntary act.
Not only does the person waive their right to privacy, but they consent (through
an implied contract, the license) to abide by the traffic codes. This consent, more than
anything else, is what brings a person under the jurisdiction of the Department of
Transportation and hence the attendant traffic codes.
Despite what traffic regulatory literature may say about there being a “require-
ment” for all “drivers” to have a license, that requirement only pertains to people
acting in commerce where such activities are regulated. If you understand the legal
words of art and how they are being used to deceptively influence your thinking and
perception of the law, then you won’t be fooled by these passages. This is because it
is the legal definitions (not the commonly understood definitions of ordinary speech)
that the court goes by in making its determinations in the application of the law.
The more you know, the less you can be deceived.
What Is A Motor Vehicle?
Know The Definition Of Legal “Words Of Art”
that the term “motor vehicle” is being used in strict connection with a “commercial
endeavor.” The same is often true of the words “drive” or “driver.” The word “drive”
took on a commercial meaning because the stagecoach “driver” pushed the horses that
pulled the stage, that transported the passengers, who paid a fee. However, it seems
to be that for the words “drive” and “driver” it depends upon the context of its use.
That whenever it is associated with a commercial activity (such as a chauffeur or one
who drives a vehicle for hire) it is to be construed in connection with that commercial
activity, and therefore falls under the regulatory codes.
So, when you read these terms in your state’s motor vehicle literature, it becomes
important to understand what is their true legal meaning and significance with regard
to a circumstance that you may be contemplating, rather than just assuming a common
definition as the word is ordinarily used in everyday language.
Your Right Not To Be Identified By The State
A Driver License Is Not For Identification
Most people assume, when asked for identification, that showing a state driver license
or state ID is usually a safe thing to do. But not when it comes to identifying oneself
to law enforcement in a traffic stop or under other circumstances where you want
there to not be any ambiguity surrounding your identity as a natural man (or woman).
Although there are ways around this if you happen to forget, it is best to know about
the importance of correctly identifying oneself to government officials, since one of
their primary duties (it seems) is to assume that everyone lies within their jurisdiction
(even though they know this is not true). That is, unless that assumption is properly
The first principle one must absolutely learn if they are to maintain their
unalienable rights is quite simply: “The government (as it is currently set up) has the
legal right to ‘absolutely control’ (e.g. disregarding the Constitution) anything that it
creates.” This is because the following documents that people accept from their
government are all “quasi-contracts” (driver license, social security card, voter
registration card, credit cards, motor vehicle certificate of title, motor vehicle
registration, summons and complaints, the registration of your real estate for taxation,
etcetera) and therefore can be adjudicated outside of the Constitution. Now, isn’t that
a kick in the head! (You can learn more about the development of this subject in terms
of its impact on the legal world in professor Joseph Vining’s 1978 book Legal
Identity, The Coming Age of Public Law.)
In other words, your name on all of the above-mentioned documents has been
“converted” into a “legal fiction,” and forms what is known as a “fiduciary trust” in
relation to the quasi-contract, which works like an adhesion contract. You might say
that the driver license is similar to a waiver of rights, although the rights waived may
be reclaimed at anytime provided that notice is given. As briefly explained in the
Introduction, an “adhesion contract is a standardized contract form offered to
consumers of (government) goods and services on essentially a ‘take it or leave it’
basis without affording the consumer a realistic opportunity to bargain” on the terms
of the contract. In other words, it is an unconscionable contract and therefore void of
effect (on people, but not on legal fictions).
Regarding your name, under the common law and according to the publication
American Jurisprudence:
This means you are not restricted (other than by use with fraudulent intent) with
regard to any name that you wish to use to identify yourself. According to this
common law principle, it is up to you to determine what your name is. In other words,
it is your right to make this determination with regard to your identity. Not even the
government can interfere with or force you to identify yourself by any name to which
you would otherwise not recognize nor consent.
When dealing with the government and its agents, in order to preserve your
identity and the rights that go with it, it is best to identify yourself by your True Name.
What do I mean by your “True Name?” The name your parents gave you: your first
and middle names. Your true name does not include your family name (or surname).
Only the first and middle names. John Steven rather than John Steven Jones (spelled,
of course, with upper and lower case letters, and not in a stylized form in all capital
letters). This way your name doesn’t become confused with the legal fiction recorded
by the government on their documents. It is crucial that you fully understand this
principle as it is the basis for which government contacts or has any business at all to
do with you. If you know when to consent (through identification) and when to
withhold consent, you’ll be able to avoid a lot of problems created by government in
order to create a legal controversy.
When government records a legal fiction name, it records that name written in
the “style” of ALL CAPITAL LETTERS. Have you ever noticed how your name is
presented on any bill that you receive in the mail (whether from the power company,
the telephone company, your bank, or a government entity like the county treasurer)?
It’s always typed in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS. This is a stylized usage used by
government and other corporations (fictitious entities) so that they can deal with you
in the capacity of “doing business as” (or DBA) in Roman civil law with another legal
But just because government wants to deal with you in this manner, doesn’t
mean that you have to deal with it in this manner. If you allow government to
construct a trust (such as the driver license, with all its undisclosed terms and con-
ditions) around your legal name (which, by the way, includes what government deems
to be one’s “last name”) and you agree to use that legal name as your identity when
dealing with government, then you’ve just opted into its jurisdiction and lost all your
unalienable rights! It all comes down to being aware of what you are consenting to
in any given situation. The question that comes up is: what authority gives govern-
ment agents the right to deem or presume anything about how you identify yourself
and make it stick in court?
If you find yourself in a situation where you are asked for your license and you
decide to turn it over, stop before handing it over and make it perfectly clear to the
officer that: “I’m showing this for competency not for identification.” Make sure the
officer understands what you have just done, because what you are saying is: “I do not
consent to being identified by this document.” There have been instances where
officers have gone back to their cruiser, presumably for some onboard commun-
ications with headquarters, and then returned to hand back the DL with only a
warning about whatever infraction they thought they had caught. In other words, no
citation, no written warning. Because you preserved your rights just by knowing how
to assert them through non-consent to be identified by government documents. If you
identify yourself properly the officer will not likely proceed against a name different
than that of the constructed fiduciary trust.
If asked what your name is, as was just mentioned above, use only your True
Name (i.e. First Middle), so that you can avoid making a connection with the FULL
or LEGAL name on the card. In order to further make this point, consider having
another card made and changing your signature on your driver license to First Middle.
It is likely the Department of Transportation won’t allow you to eliminate your last
name on the printed card, but you can change the way you sign the license. Then once
you have your amended card, if you ever have to give it to an officer, you can
announce clearly:
“Officer, I am not showing you this driver license for identification purposes. I
am only showing it to you to prove my competency to operate this auto, and so you
know I keep a valid insurance policy active on it. I am noting your name and hope that
you will recall this conversation accurately on the witness stand at trial – how I just
identified myself to you. My name is clearly spelled there on the signature line.”
What happens when someone neglects to take precautions – such as obtaining
an ANC or changing their status – is that the court will construct a trust contract (also
known as a “constructive trust” in legal terminology) from your consent to be
identified by the driver license. Your signature on the quasi-contract (license), implies
an agreement to follow the traffic code. However, even if you happen to make this
mistake, there are ways to overcome it. These exceptions (and what you have to do
in a timely manner) will be covered in more detail in a later chapter.
There are things you can do to preserve your rights. Whenever you find yourself
in a courtroom situation or when signing any paper or document (or instrument, such
as a traffic citation) pertaining to any government or corporate agency, you can
reserve your rights by signing above your signature with one or more of the following
reservations: “Without Prejudice,” or “All Rights Reserved,” or “Not Amenable,” or,
if you are being coerced to sign under threat of jail, “Under Duress.” Now, this isn’t
a silver bullet cure-all if you don’t know how to use it, however it does establish a
reservation of rights (as well as a fatal error for the courts) for the natural man (as
opposed to the legal fiction, who generally has no rights under natural law). It must
be understood that a reservation of Rights, by its declaration (or documentation)
alone, “vitiates” perjury and will not “sustain a promise or an appearance” (meaning
an “appearance” in court).
Consider the following court holding with regard to a reservation of rights:
the traffic codes. However, once you rebut that assumption, you have shifted the
burden of proof, and now it is incumbent upon your opponent (the plaintiff officer)
to disprove the rebuttal through verified (sworn) evidence. This means that the officer
or the prosecuting attorney has to come up with verified evidence (meaning sworn
testimony) that positively refutes your rebuttal. The only problem with this is: if there
was no injured party, they never have any such evidence. And therefore, they have no
Another way that you waive your right to due process is by not challenging
subject matter jurisdiction. One way to challenge subject matter jurisdiction is by
asking for a verified complaint from an injured or damaged party. The officer or
prosecuting attorney is representing a corporation, a fictitious plaintiff, and bringing
a claim on the presumption that a contract exists between the state and the defendant,
an ignorant victim. The ignorant victim (yourself) does not know that this presump-
tion even exists, does not know that the cause of action cannot be in the common law
because a crime in law requires a corpus delecti, that is, the “body of the crime” or an
injured party, and a corporation cannot be the body of the crime or an injured party
at the common law because it is artificial, a fiction. Without a verified (sworn) com-
plain from a real, live party to the action who has sustained an injury, there is no case.
What most ignorant victims are not aware of is: the state is attempting to pro-
secute the suit without entering evidence into the record of the contract which binds
the defendant to the law. Without such contract (and without your objecting to this on
the record and insisting that an actual contract be produced and entered into evidence)
the trial court is wholly in want of subject matter jurisdiction and venue jurisdiction.
If the court proceeds once this jurisdiction is challenged (that is, once the defendant
demands to see the contract from a real party to the action), it would be proceeding
without judicial immunity, therefore opening itself up to a civil law suit and a criminal
offense under federal law.
This means that the judge and everyone associated with this fraud can be sued
as perpetrators to a fraud; the officer for champerty, the prosecuting attorney (if there
is one) for barratry and bringing a case with unclean hands, the judge for lack of
jurisdiction, and all of them for conspiracy to fraudulently conceal the true nature and
cause of the accusation. Such a criminal act could even be taken to the federal courts
if need be. Title 18 of the federal United States Code at Chapter 13 section 241,
Conspiracy against rights, protects the public from criminal actions by public
Title 18 provides that everyone from the trainer of law officers to the judge to
the dispatcher to the director of revenue to the law officer himself may be named as
conspirators in any kidnaping (i.e. what they might call an “arrest” but which is,
rather, a false arrest).
They shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years,
or both; and if death results from the acts committed in violation of this
section or if such acts include kidnaping or an attempt to kidnap,
aggravated sexual abuse or an attempt to commit aggravated sexual
abuse, or an attempt to kill, they shall be fined under this title or
imprisoned for any term of years or for life, or both, or may be sentenced
to death.
For instance, if you were to prove the state’s failure to adequately train its
officers or agents (concerning rights, concerning diversity of jurisdiction etcetera) it
could be tantamount to a conspiracy against rights in violation of Title 18 U.S.C.
§241. If your state driver license was done with a reservation of rights, making clear
that there was no intent to become a fiduciary trust for JOHN S. JONES, that any
attempt on the government actor’s part to bypass the refusal for cause or the
reservation of rights would be deemed a conspiracy against rights per Title 18 U.S.C.
How To Handle A Traffic Stop
Be Courteous But Firm In Your Conviction
Being pulled over to the side of the roadway by a law enforcement officer (LEO) can
be an anxiety ridden event. However, if you have done nothing wrong and you know
your rights and how to assert them, there’s no need to become overly anxious. Relax
and be courteous. Yet, recognize that you are potentially being pursued by a revenue
agent for a foreign municipal or corporate state government. And that this agent has
certain limitations to the authority he wields of which he must be always mindful.
Reminding him of those limitations from time to time during your encounter with him
will be one of the things you will want to accomplish in order to inform him that you
know your rights and that you expect them to be honored.
When a police officer stops you on the street, the law says that the stop will fall
into one of three categories: consensual contact, detention, and/or arrest. In the event
that you are stopped for a traffic issue, the officer will likely attempt to engage you
in the first category, and the encounter may never proceed beyond that point. How you
handle this encounter at the very outset will determine which, if any, of these three
categories your stop falls into, and depends on how clearly you understand your right
to limit contact with government and its agents. It is up to you to question and to make
a determination of the authority of anyone who approaches you purporting to
represent a government agency.
If you can establish a courteous beginning, with respect shown by both sides,
you’re likely to obtain the outcome you want. But be aware that the LEO wants to
build a case against you for some traffic infraction. And that he needs your consent
and testimony in order to do that. Remember, anything you say (or documents you
provide) can and will be used against you in a court of law. If the stop has nothing to
do with an actual crime and you can establish that fact at the outset of the contact, you
can then put the officer on “good faith” notice that you do not voluntarily consent to
being detained, and then pose to him your own questions. The reason for doing this
is: if you do not personally establish by your own statement that you do not agree to
be stopped, then you are said to allow a presumption to be created (under their law)
that you do agree to being detained.
One thing to be aware of is that once you are stopped, you have the right to be
allowed to go on your way within a reasonable time limit. Once that time limit has
been reached and the attending officer has not established reasonable cause for the
stop, you are within your rights to be free to go, and there is nothing that the officer
can lawfully do to stop you. That time limit is established in statutory law as 15
minutes. In other words, if you inform the officer at the outset that he has 15 minutes
(starting now) to establish his reasonable cause for the stop and that if that fact has not
been established, then you will be on your way without any hindrance. This im-
mediately puts the officer on the spot, and puts a time clock on his actions. It also
informs the officer that you understand your rights under the circumstances, and that
you intend to assert them!
There are several ways to handle these encounters. The way you choose will
likely depend on how comfortable you are proceeding down that road, and whether
or not you are aware of how to defeat any citation that may be issued. Until you
become more aware of your rights in these situations and can get over the intimidation
factor of having to deal with what is essentially an armed thug, you may just cooperate
and get the ordeal over with. If the worse that happens is that you are issued a citation,
that is the least of your problems, and can be dealt with in a highly effective manner
which will be explained in the next chapter of this book.
However, if you are ready to stand your ground and to test this officer’s
professionalism and integrity, you may consider proceeding according to the outline
below. You will want to be certain to make clear, concise statements and to use closed
ended questions that can be answered with a yes or no.
Remember, the first objective of the Officer in dealing with you is to form a
contract, such as “May I see your driver’s license and registration?” or “Will you
please roll down your window a little further!” If you immediately comply with either
of these requests without questioning it or without objecting to it, it is deemed, in law,
an oral contract! In other words, you have just consented to the contact. (Remember
the first category above? “Consensual contact.”) Just be aware that you have the right
to ask the officer for his identification also (in the form of his business card, which
he is by law supposed to carry on his person at all times) in order to satisfy
yourself that he isn’t an impostor. Or that you can object to the contact by stating that
you “do not consent to this contact” at the very outset of the encounter. Remember,
under the Constitution you have a right to remain silent (Fifth Amendment) and to not
interact with government actors.
If you intend to interact with the officer, then the following five questions and
statement are really all that is needed to control most police encounters. They may
seem somewhat counter intuitive at first glance; until you realize that by consenting
to the contact, you waive your right to remain silent. It is almost never a good idea to
converse with law enforcement, especially when you are being stopped in a traffic
issue. These questions are simple and will generally solicit a predictable and reliable
response. The first four questions are designed to demonstrate knowledge of your
rights to the officer that unless he has specific and articulable facts to detain you or
a warrant, you should be free to leave.
1. What is the nature of your inquiry? (Let him state his cause.)
If he asks you for your driver license and registration, you should reply:
2. Is that a request or a demand? (Let him answer one way or the other. Once he has,
follow up with the third question. You should know that you are within your rights
to deny a request, but can only accede to a demand “under duress.” Make sure you say
something like: “I am handing this over under duress” to get it on the record.)
3. Do I have the right to remain silent? (This lets him know that you want him to
respect your rights. If he becomes belligerent about the matter, calmly follow up with
questions five and six.)
Once he agrees to recognize your rights, ask the fourth question:
4. Am I free to go?
5. Can anything I say to you or any documents I give to you be used against me in any
legal matter? (You and he both know that this is true.)
If you get as far as the fourth question and the officer is still attempting to detain
you, then this stop and detention becomes a Fourth Amendment issue. Unless you
have committed a known crime according to common law (and common sense) that
the officer has witnessed, then your Fourth Amendment rights against unwarranted
search and seizure apply and you cannot be forced to produce anything.
In a second scenario, rather than ask, “What is the nature of your inquiry,” you
can state right at the outset that: “Before we go any further, I do not consent to this
contact, and I reserve all my rights. I accept your oath of office as binding.” Accepting
their oath of office puts them on notice that they must abide by their Constitutional
oath and uphold your rights. If they do not, they can be held personally liable for any
injury they may cause you. You can even tell them this. After stating that you do not
agree to being stopped and detained for no articulable reason, you must ask the officer
if he is detaining you. If the officer answers he is not detaining you, then you inform
him that you will be on your way.
If the officer answers that he is detaining you, then you must ask the officer does
he have a well founded probable cause (“specific and articulable facts” is the phrase
that officers are taught and use to describe this) that you have committed a crime
known to the people’s common law as his basis for detaining you, and that you expect
a “good faith” answer from him. If the officer states he has no such well founded
probable cause, then you inform him that you will be on your way. It will be helpful,
at this point, for you to remind him that when an individual is detained, without
warrant and without having committed a crime (traffic infractions are not crimes),
the detention is a false arrest and unlawful imprisonment. If the officer goes silent,
continue to ask, “Am I free to go”, until you receive a yes.
If the officer states that he does have a well founded probable cause, it had better
be connected to your committing some felony crime against a person who has entered
a complaint or a breach of the peace known to the common law of which he has
personal knowledge. If his “probable cause” proves to be merely connected with the
state’s traffic regulatory rule scheme, which includes any local traffic regulatory
ordinance or code, then he is violating your sovereign right to life, liberty and
property; and by his detaining you he is holding you under false arrest and false
imprisonment pursuant to the common law.
With regard to whatever probable cause or “probable suspicion” he may come
up with, ask him if he has a license to make such a legal determination. If he answers
“yes,” ask to see his license. If he has one, this means he must be some sort of
attorney in addition to being a law enforcement officer. If he does not have an
attorney’s license, he is not legally competent (or licensed) to make a legal deter-
mination, and therefore must allow you to be on your way.
If a demand is made, ask the question, “Can anything I say to you or any
documents I give to you be used against me in any legal matter.” This is a dilemma
for the officer. They are supposed to take an oath which binds them to the Con-
stitution. Their oath to abide by the Constitution takes precedence over any request
or demand for information they may make. They may choose to repeat their demand,
and possibly become uncivil. Just keep asking the question until you receive an
If you are not willing to stay the course because you feel that the officer may
become violent, you can say “since you are using color (pretense) of law, threatening
me with bodily harm, and forcing me to do business with you against my will, I am
happy to cooperate under duress. May I please have your business card.” Then give
them what they are requesting. If you have a driver license, make certain to state
that it is not for identification purposes. Remember to give your identity as True Name
(First Middle) only. You do not want to create a nexus between the artificial person
(the legal fiction) and your status as a natural man or “private person.”
Make a mental note of what they say to you and write out a report of the facts
of the incident as soon as possible to be used in an affidavit in case you want to file
a tort claim against them later. If they refuse to give you their card, memorize their
badge number and/or name. In point of fact, refusing to supply you with their business
card is an infraction of their duty and a cause of action in a civil suit.
Then again, if at the time you are stopped you really are a party subject to the
administrative law or ordinance he thinks you have violated (which means that you
must be employed in using the roadway for profit or gain), then his probable cause
may have a legal basis. But unless you are stopped while driving a school bus or are
a state employee or are engaged in commercial activity (like transporting cargo or
persons for pay), the odds are slim indeed that you are subject to your state’s traffic
regulatory scheme. Know that there are constitutional grounds which will defeat a
traffic law violation charge no matter the circumstances.
If the officer should detain you without stating any probable cause reason after
your proper good faith demand for one or can only claim some administrative law
violation without being able to show his probable cause grounds (or evidence, like a
quasi-contractual agreement based on your having and identifying yourself with a
driver license) of why he thinks you are subject to it, then he is proceeding under
color of office.
If you haven’t shown him a DL and he starts asking for one, then he is fishing
for evidence, and that too is a no-no (Fourth Amendment violation). Under the Fourth
Amendment, you have the right to be secure in your person, papers and property from
unreasonable searches and seizures without a proper warrant being presented. He is
using color of process. This means he is proceeding under color of law. At this point,
it might be beneficial to warn him that tort damages and “civil rights” violation
damages are in the making should he continue with this line of pursuit.
Always keep in mind that the officer will do whatever he believes he can do. If
he becomes aware that you know your rights under this situation and that he can
personally be held liable, that may be enough to make him pause and reconsider his
course of action.
Of course it is always possible that an officer may have just cause for stopping
you. For example, if you are proceeding the wrong way down a one-way street, or the
like. You have a duty and an obligation to observe the customs and rules of the road.
In the case of any kind of unjustified detention, just remember the following: “It
must be recognized that whenever a police officer accosts an individual and restrains
his freedom to walk away, he has ‘seized’ that person.” Terry v. Ohio, 392 US 1, 16
Also be aware that: “An illegal arrest is an assault and battery.” State v.
Robinson 145 Me. 77,72 Atl. 2d 260, 262 (1950). So, the officer faces these possible
circumstances should he proceed with an actual arrest without probable cause. Of
course, you must understand that the officer may actually believe he has probable
cause because he has observed prima facie evidence that you are within his juris-
diction and that you have violated a regulation or statute within that jurisdiction.
If after the above-mentioned events (where you are being forced to do business
with the officer) you are asked to sign anything (like a citation) put the words “under
duress” above any signature you offer. This preserves your common law rights when
brought out in court proceedings, even if you have been forced to turn over a driver
license and registration. What matters in court is that you were not engaged in any
regulated activity (commerce for hire) at the time of the stop.
What is important to establish from the very outset of the traffic stop event is
your refusal to do business with the officer (if, indeed, you have committed no
offense). Once you’ve been able to determine his reason for stopping you, you are
perfectly within your rights to tell him: “I do not consent to this conversation.”
Always respond to any request for information or documents with the question: “Is
that a request or a demand?” If it is a request, ask: “Do I have the right to remain
silent?” To which he should answer “yes.” Then you follow that by asking: “Am I
free to go?” Your encounter can be this short if you stay focused, and no demands are
Asking “Am I free to leave” is important in establishing that you do not consent
to this contact. Ask this several times to make sure the cop will have a hard time
denying this and saying you didn’t mention it later on if you get to court. If it is really
a consensual contact, the officer ought to let you go on your way if you ask to go. If
you don’t actually verbally ask to leave, the court will presume that you consented to
whatever follows.
What To Do If You Are Cited
How To Handle This Matter Administratively
If the most that happens from your encounter at a traffic stop is that the officer issues
you a traffic citation (or promise to appear), this can be easily taken care of as long
as you are timely with your actions. It is a myth that you have 72 hours to handle this
administratively. The 72 hour (or three business day) right of recision is true if one
is claiming sanctuary under Regulation Z of the Truth In Lending Act. This means
that it refers to a legal contract (with offer and acceptance between competent parties,
providing consideration, that is in writing, and where there is a meeting of minds) in
reference to a loan and not to constructive commercial agreements subject to contract
law which is the category that a traffic citation falls under. However, within the
current corporate structure of government today, one can safely assume that any offer
(i.e., presentment) coming from a government officer can be subject to the 72 hour
right of recision if it is refused for cause timely. Courts have been known in the past
to honor such things, however under the present adversarial political climate nothing
is guaranteed.
Therefore, you may handle such matters administratively (i.e. process your
refusal for cause) up to the date stated on the ticket of when performance (appearance
in court) is to be accomplished. Meaning that under the common law such restrictions
as the three day right of recision do not apply; you have, theoretically, unlimited time
to apply your process. However, the sooner you take action, the better for you. If you
are able to handle this matter within the 72 hour (three business days) time period, you
are encouraged to do so in order to take advantage of the statutory abatement process.
Otherwise, you may have to use a non-statutory abatement process outside of the three
business day time limit.
Experience has proven that if the process which is explained below is followed
within the 72 hour time period, that courts will be more likely than not to ac-
knowledge it than if you follow the process outside of that three business day window
of opportunity for remedy. You should still be able to avoid having to attend the court
hearing, but you may have to put up more of a battle with the authorities in order to
obtain its acknowledgment of the process. Also, you will need to enter what is called
“Notice” of your proof of process (a copy of the “refusal for cause” of the citation
along with the original certificate of mailing) into the matter with the clerk of court
before the date of the stated appearance is due. This is a crucial aspect of the process
if you wish to stay out of court altogether. Once the court has received Notice of your
process, there is no need to attend the hearing because you will have reversed the
burden of proof onto your opponent. The ball will have been hit back into his court,
and now he must come up with a verified claim of injury.
The reason for this is because the likelihood of the officer (or his department)
intervening to intercept or withdraw the complaint (for lack of a verified claim as is
his duty under a de jure government) at the court or to notify the court of the refusal
for cause is ZERO! This is because these administrative courts are not representative
of a de jure government, and thus are not limited by constitutional law as they used
to be in the past. Also, the courts presume that the majority of people are ignorant of
actual law, and do not understand the nuance of the refusal for cause process. So, the
sooner you can execute the process the better in terms of your peace of mind.
What has just occurred when you are issued a traffic citation is: A revenue agent
(officer) for an insolvent municipal or state corporation used intimidation tactics in
an attempt to bully you, the motorist, into “voluntarily” entering – and thereby accept-
ing financial responsibility for – a constructive commercial contract (traffic ticket)
based on the stipulations of the driver license with regard to the state vehicle code.
One thing you need to become aware of is that traffic codes have not been
passed into positive law. Positive law is law that is applicable to natural men and
women under the Constitution. These traffic codes therefore have no effect on you as
a common law citizen, unless you are regulated under the commerce clause. If you use
the public roadways for gain or profit, then you fall into the category of people
required to have a license for that particular regulated activity. The traffic codes have
not been passed into positive law because they would be deemed unconstitutional.
The codes are private law (usually of incorporated states and municipalities). This is
how government gains control of issues involving “traffic;” by making these codes
private law it means that you have to contract with the corporate government to be
regulated for the privilege of “driving” a “motor vehicle” for profit.
It is interesting to note at this point that the word “traffic” has a specific meaning
in law. Most people relate to the word “traffic” as “the flow of vehicles and pedes-
trians along public right of ways.” This is true when the word “traffic” is used in its
ordinary sense; but not true when it is used in its legal sense under statutory law. The
word traffic used in its legal sense means an activity involving commerce – trans-
portation of goods and people for profit as revealed in the following definition for the
word “commerce” under U.S. Code, Title 42, 21, VI, § 2000e (g). “The term
‘commerce’ means trade, traffic, commerce, transportation, transmission…”
More than a century ago, America had a less tyrannical court system. In 1898 the
Illinois Supreme Court ruled in a case regarding the licensing of motorized methods
of private transport of people not engaged in “traffic.” It is proof of how at least one
state supreme court followed the Constitution back then.
“The license is designed to operate upon those who hold themselves out
as common carriers, and a license may be exacted from such as a proper
exercise of police power; but no reason exists why it should be applied
to the owners of private vehicles, used for their individual use
exclusively, in their own business, or for their own pleasure, as a means
of locomotion.” City of Chicago v. Collins et al., Supreme Court of
Illinois. 175 Ill. 445, 51 N.E. 907 (Oct. 24, 1898).
as discussed earlier in this book, sign only your “True Name” (i.e. First and Middle
name). This will provide direct evidence of your reservation of rights under the
common law. However, be aware that this is not a “silver bullet” or a “get out of jail
free” card if you go before a magistrate. Having signed the citation in this way
provides you with ammunition (which can be attested to in court) that you reserved
your right of avoidance in rebutting the presumption that you are the legal fiction
mentioned on the citation should you have to “visit” the court. It is interesting to note
here that the signing of this reservation of rights (“without prejudice”) above your
name is significant as it will limit the admission of that document into a legal matter;
the document can only be admitted as evidence with your consent. Otherwise, the very
complaint the officer wrote is inadmissible.
Most people do not know what is meant by the phrase “without prejudice” in
conjunction with their name when signing a contract. Generally, it means the
following: “I have exercised the remedy provided me under the common law whereby
I might timely, validly, sufficiently, and explicitly reserve my common law right not
to be bound by, nor be compelled to perform under any contract, franchise, or
commercial agreement in which I did not enter intentionally, knowingly, and
voluntarily, and by such reservation of right, I have notified all administrative
agencies of federal, state, and local governments that I do not and will not accept the
liability associated with the compelled benefits of any such unrevealed contract,
franchise, or commercial agreement.”
Once you have your copy of the citation, make sure you have the officer’s
mailing address at the police station, highway patrol or sheriff’s office, whichever the
case may be. It will often be printed on the citation itself; but check first to make sure.
As soon as you are able (and before the deadline for your court appearance), you will
need to do two things. You will be “refusing for cause” the citation and then preparing
a certificate of mailing (which will be your proof of service) for when you timely
mailed the refusal back to the officer. The court will accept a certificate of mailing as
reasonable proof of service back to the plaintiff/complainant along with a photocopy
of the citation with your refusal for cause verbiage written on it.
The phrase “for cause” in legal speak means “for legitimate reason, for just
reason, with cause, with justification.” The word “cause” here refers to “a ground of
a legal action” or “that which in some manner is accountable for a condition that
brings about an effect or that produces a cause for the resultant action.” When there
is a defect in the legal process, that is just cause or legitimate reason for an objection
to the legal process (citation/complaint), which if it is to go forward, needs to be
corrected first before the action can proceed.
To explain this very briefly, in a “refusal for cause” (R4C) what you are basically
telling the other party (and the court) is that the person captioned on this instrument
is not liable for any unrevealed contracts! This is your “right of avoidance” of
statutory law as a private citizen. In other words, this is a case of mistaken identity;
I, the natural man, do not accept responsibility for the legal fiction in this matter. As
far as the court is concerned, a “refusal for cause” is a non-responsive reply. This
means that when you proffer it, you are not pleading into the jurisdiction of the court
in the matter at hand, not admitting jurisdiction over your person, the flesh and blood
natural person. Therefore it is not properly construed as an “appearance” within the
court’s jurisdiction. The court has no other alternative, without refuting evidence
being submitted by the plaintiff/complainant (which it NEVER is), but to dismiss the
case for lack of personam jurisdiction.
Before we explore the nuts and bolts of the steps necessary to accomplish this,
you need to be aware of some simple yet important points when you are using this
process so that you don’t inadvertently (unintentionally) cross over jurisdictional lines
and make yourself eligible for prosecution by their court. Refusal for cause is a
remedy based on the “right of avoidance.” If you ever have to go to court, you always
go there by “special appearance” (also known as “special visitation”) to challenge
jurisdiction only. You would announce something like the following: “I am John
Steven [First Middle name], a man, here by special appearance to prevent a fraud
upon the court.”
This means you need to be careful not to explain ANYTHING in a “refusal for
cause” process (even, and especially, if you are forced to attend traffic court).
Attempting to explain anything other than the jurisdictional challenge or objection
will constitute a motion trying to move the court, trying to enter facts and law into that
court’s record of the case at hand (i.e., consenting to that court’s jurisdiction). The
only fact you want the court to acknowledge is your refusal for cause, which is non-
responsive to the matter at hand.
Whenever you motion a court, you are admitting to the jurisdiction of that court,
which in this case is something that you do not want to do. What you are saying by
your refusal for cause is that this court has no jurisdiction over my person until the
plaintiff brings forward hard evidence of a contract or agreement signed by me. Most
courts today (and especially traffic courts) are not a common law judicial court which
deals only with natural persons. Very likely you will be in an administrative court
which deals exclusively with legal fictions. This is why it is important that you know
how to maintain your identity as a natural man or woman if you are forced into one
of their courts, not to be confused with fictions at law.
Once you have the Defendant copy of the citation in front of you, find a blank
area (or any conspicuous space) in which to write your refusal. It is suggested that you
write it at an angle in order to distinguish it further. With a red pen, red flair pen, or
red magic marker, write the following in large lettering using cap and lower case as
shown in the example below. It can be broken up into as many lines as needed:
Refused for cause, timely, without dishonor and without recourse to Me.
You will be sending this document (the original Defendant copy with your wet
ink refusal for cause written on it) back to the presenter (the officer) who issued it to
you. But first you will take a couple of photocopies of this document AFTER your
refusal is imprinted on it. Keep one photocopy as your original Master copy of the
original Defendant copy with the refusal appearing on it. The other photocopy will be
sent as Notice to the court. This is all you need to do regarding expressing your
“refusal for cause.”
Next, you will want to make out a Certificate of Mailing in order to document
(proof of service) that you have timely returned this refusal for cause back to the
presenter. You need to use the descriptors already printed on the citation document
itself in order to describe it accurately in your certificate so that there will be no
mistaking what document you refused. Use whatever caption there is at the top of the
form (in the example below: CALIFORNIA TRAFFIC TICKET AND
COMPLAINT) along with the complaint number on the form when writing your
description on the certificate of mailing. It is recommended that you print out your
own Certificate of Mailing so that you can make sure that you are able to fully
describe the document (the citation), the sender (yourself and your mailing address),
and the recipient (the officer and his mailing address) along with the reason it is being
sent: a refusal for cause.
The example certificate of mailing below is provided to help guide you in this
process. Don’t forget to fill in the dates and to sign your True Name (First Middle
name) in the areas provided on the certificate. Spell out your state’s name when
writing your address, do not use the Postal Service’s two letter abbreviation and zip
code which provides prima facie evidence a federal residence (thus allowing a
presumption that the “person” is subject to the statutes and codes).
I hereby certify that on the ___11th_____ day of ___July_______, __2013___, a true and
correct original “Defendant Copy” of the document entitled “CALIFORNIA TRAFFIC
TICKET AND COMPLAINT, Complaint # 715349” was mailed with proper postage
thereon to the following party at the address listed below. This original “Defendant Copy”
was marked across its face: “Refused for cause, timely, without dishonor and without
recourse to Me.”
While the U.S.P.S. has a small form that can be filled out for a certificate of
mailing, you are much better off making up your own. Usually, the postal employees
will allow you to use your own certificate, especially if you specify it is for legal
purposes. A Certificate of Mailing cost $1.30 (at current rates). The clerk will either
place that amount in regular stamps on your certificate and cancel the stamps with a
round date stamp, or they will provide a machine printed stamp with the date already
on it for you to place on your certificate. They are not responsible for checking the
documents before you seal the envelope to verify they are the documents described
on the certificate. You are the one who is certifying that the documents in the enve-
lope are the documents that you mailed mentioned on the certificate of mailing. You
will need to have a first class stamp on the envelope in which you are sending the
refusal. So, for less than $2 you can rid yourself of this nuisance presentment. You
keep the original certificate of mailing (do not enclose it with the citation you are
returning to the officer), and make a photocopy of the certificate for your records once
it has been date stamped so that you have back up evidence of the original certificate
of mailing.
You now should have two photocopies of the original defendant copy of the
presentment with the refusal inscribed on them along with the original certificate of
mailing and a photocopy of that same certificate of mailing. You may need your
Master copy of these documents later on, so best to keep them filed in a safe place.
You will be mailing the original Defendant’s copy of the citation back to the officer.
It is preferable that you do this either the same day or the day after you received the
citation; the sooner the better.
Once you have completed this first step, you will need to Notify the court that
the officer’s process has been returned to him “refused for cause.” This second, and
final, step is known in legal terminology as GIVING NOTICE. You must notify the
court of your legal process, personally filing with the court clerk or mailing in the
photocopy of the R4C citation along with the original certificate of mailing so that the
court may take cognizance of your process. Once this is done, you will have hit the
ball, to use tennis terminology, back into your opponent’s court for him to deal with.
The burden is now up to the plaintiff to prove through whatever documentation he has
that he has obtained personam jurisdiction over you. Therefore until he amends his
complaint and serves notice of it on you, there is no need for you to attend the
The plaintiff officer is likely presuming that you will answer in the affirmative
if questioned about the ownership of the driver license and/or auto registration as
being the signatory person to those documents. In other words, he is expecting you to
testify against yourself to prove personam jurisdiction in the matter, and thereby keep
the matter in a statutory court. But if no one shows up to testify as a surety to the
state’s documentation, then the presumption must be that no surety exists! Therefore
since there is no person taking responsibility for the STYLIZED NAME on their
documentation, there must not be a surety in the matter willing to testify against
himself. Not testifying into the matter is your remedy for the issue. You walk into that
court at your own risk! This is how you exercise your right of avoidance of their
Recent experience tells us that even the best laid of plans can go astray (or be
forced to go astray)! In recent years courts have been instructed by the DMV to report
back to the alleged defendant that unless the defendant shows up in court to take care
of the matter, their driver license will be suspended. This threat is used in order to get
people to show up in court so that the magistrate may properly trick them into their
jurisdiction. So, sometimes it may be advantageous to show up anyway, but only if
you know what you are doing so as not to be tricked by a clever magistrate.
This is something only you are able to determine on a case by case basis. Often,
when someone fails to appear in court for the preliminary hearing (which can quickly
become an arraignment once the magistrate gets a plea out of his victim) the clerk of
court will swear out a complaint for the failure to appear (FTA) asking the magistrate
to issue a bench warrant. Ten times out of ten these complaints are assented to by
magistrates. So, you will need to determine whether or not you are willing to let things
advance to such a stage by not attending the initial hearing, even though you have
performed everything correctly to be able to not have to attend. Yes, the courts are
using coercion these days.
If you have been able to complete this process before the date of your appear-
ance time limit, you can expect one of the following outcomes. Either this will be the
last you ever hear of this matter (depending on certain circumstances occurring), and
the court date will come and pass without a warrant for the arrest of THE NAME on
their documentation being issued. Or, you may receive correspondence from the court
using threats and intimidation to draw you out into responding to the state’s
presentment. If you respond to their entreaties, you will have waived your objection
to personam jurisdiction, and they may very well come after you! The only proper
reply (one that is not a responsive action) is to R4C their correspondences and return
them back to them.
In the former instance, your R4C was likely noted by the system and no one
(meaning the legal fiction or fiduciary trust aka YOU) ever contacted the court asking
about THE NAME (first and last name) on the citation, thus triggering nexus between
the legal fiction and the natural man. In the latter instance, you may have, for
example, called the court and provided your name (first and last) when they ask for
it, thus triggering nexus between the natural man and the legal fiction. That alone
would be enough for them to claim your nexus with the NAME through a response,
and to maintain pressure on you to appear in their court to answer to the complaint.
There may be an instance where the court clerk will not accept your paperwork
except that it must be filed with the judge personally at the appointed date of the
hearing. In this case, you may need to prepare yourself for making a special appear-
ance before the court to hand over your documentation if you want to experience your
day in court. However it may not always be wise to do so. An alternative would be
to mail the Notice of R4C in and take your chances that a bench warrant won’t be
issued on an FTA. There are certain things you need to be aware of when entering this
kind of situation (i.e. attending a court hearing) in traffic court that will be covered
in a separate chapter.
If you are like most people who have never attempted this process before, you
may be a little anxious to know whether it works as described. If after having returned
the citation to its presenter you want to check with the court from time to time to see
if the citation has shown up on the docket, you can, but never give them the name on
the ticket (first and last names). Always insist that they look it up from the citation
number. If you do give your name by mistake, you will be creating a connection
between yourself and the legal fiction name, and the game will be on. What you
should experience as long as you don’t give them a name is that they will say: “No,
this citation hasn’t shown up in our system.” (This may vary with the local officials;
some may go ahead and enter the name on the docket anyway.) The moment you give
them a name, though, once they go back again and check through their stack of un-
entered paperwork, they will, as if by magic, find the citation, and then the game is
on. All because you acknowledged the NAME on the citation as being connected with
What is supposed to happen when you return the presentment to the officer and
the officer does not amend his complaint to include evidence of contractual obligation
or an actual injured party, is that the officer has a duty to file that “refusal for cause”
with the court so as not to defraud the court. But this rarely, if ever, happens. What
seems to be occurring is that there are two types of paperwork that get sent to the
court. Those which are without a refusal of any kind and therefore admit to the
jurisdiction of the court; these are entered on the court docket right away. The second
type are those which have been “refused for cause.” This second type seem not to be
entered on the court docket until someone calls in and admits to the jurisdiction by
identifying themselves with the fiduciary trust name (first and last name) on the
citation. However, as mentioned previously, you should be aware that this procedure
may vary between differing jurisdictions (states, cities, and counties), and therefore
all the tickets may be entered on the docket in some jurisdictions. But this does not
affect your refusal for cause in the slightest, unless you are tricked into appearing in
court where the judge is given an opportunity to contract you orally into the state’s
Remember, the triggering of this whole process revolves around the identity you
say you are. How you identify yourself determines which jurisdiction you admit to
being in. You can never admit to being JOHN STEVEN JONES, the fiduciary trust
entity (or JOHN JONES). You are John Steven, period, the natural man. Once you
admit to the connection between these two entities, as far as the legal system is con-
cerned the game is on, and they can come at you. That is, until you prove that you are
NOT that person by rebutting the presumption of the nexus by providing evidence to
the court that you refused this presentment for cause. Once you rebut the presumption,
they don’t have anyone that they can legally go after, and they have no case.
How To Get Your Case Dismissed
If You Neglect To Refuse For Cause The Presentment
Having to go to court, even traffic court, and stand before a “judge” (although in
traffic court it is usually an administrative magistrate and not a judge) in order to
assert one’s unalienable rights regarding a cause of action involving mistaken identity
can be stressful and anxiety ridden. However, if you know what you are doing and
what to expect, this knowledge alone can remove much of the stress and anxiety from
the process, while at the same time teaching you about the way our legal system
works. If more people took the time to research how the legal system actually works,
there would be less confusion on the part of the public and fewer people becoming
victims of a legal system that uses people’s ignorance of the law in order to have its
own way.
If you are forced to go to court, one way to obtain a judicial handling of your
matter is to insist on being in “a court of record.” All traffic courts are “courts of no
record,” which means that whatever goes on in the court by way of discussion is not
always being recorded on the record. That part of the record is therefore not available
for you to use in an appeal situation; or rather, it is an incomplete record of the
proceedings. You want them to know that you mean business. One way to insure you
are in a judicial court (where your constitutional rights as a natural man are protected)
is to ask the “judge” if he is an elected judicial officer. You might say: “I am here by
Special Appearance, to challenge jurisdiction only. Are you, sir, a duly elected
judicial officer?”
The “judge” may try to trick you into consenting to his jurisdiction by replying
to your question with another question: “No. I see that you have been ticketed for
speeding. How do you plead?” (Notice that the judge has answered “no” to the
question you posed, meaning that he is not a duly elected judicial officer. This same
status is also made apparent if one is in a county justice court where the “judge” is a
“judge pro tem” which means that he (or she) was temporarily appointed to the
position and was not “duly elected.”)
Rather than be sidetracked by his attempt at redirection, you stay on point and
reply: “Excuse me, sir, I accept Your Flag, your Oath and your Bond as
affirmations, declaring that You are Under Penalty of Perjury. According to the
state constitution, and Article 6, I am allowed a duly elected judicial officer. If you
are NOT one of those, then I disqualify you for cause.” (Note: You will need to
invoke the notice that you ACCEPT the judge’s OATH of office – if he has taken one
– or else they will presume the Constitution does not apply. Also, you will need to
look up in your own state’s constitution which Article applies to the Judiciary of that
state.) It is also helpful if, knowing the name of the judge beforehand, that you check
the county recorder’s office to see if this judge has sworn a valid Oath of Office. A
valid Oath includes a testament before God as his witness, such as “so help me God”
along with a promise to “support” the United States’ Constitution. Without that
testament, the oath is invalid. If the judge has a valid oath on file, you can obtain a
certified copy from the county recorder in order to hold him accountable and to use
should it become necessary to enter it into evidence.
Know that you have a right to demand a judicial hearing in a court of record
under the common law. And make that a stipulation in your demand after you recuse
the judge: “I want a hearing in a judicial court of record under the common law.” By
disqualifying the “judge” you have backed him into a corner, and he has no alternative
but to grant you a hearing before an elected “judge.” Don’t let the “judge” trick you
out of providing you with access to an elected judicial “judge.” Stand your ground and
insist on your disqualification of the “judge” or that the case must be dismissed for
lack of due process.
If the “judge” answers yes, that he is a “duly elected judicial officer,” then ask
if this is a court of record. Do NOT consent to being heard in anything less than a
court of record, especially if you have not had an opportunity to refuse the matter for
cause. Do not back down on this point. If you do, you will waive your rights. Also,
realize that if you are in a municipal city court, that you are NOT in a court of record;
i.e. don’t let the judge obtain consent by trying to deceive you that his court keeps a
record. All courts keep a record, however, not all courts in good faith record every
word of the oral testimony in a matter before it; therefore a bona fide “court of
record” is the only kind of court that you want to be in.
Be aware that in some states, like California, all courts are named as courts of
record. That is, they may keep a record of the written submissions of documents in a
matter before the court, but may not truthfully or accurately record the discussion
during the actual court proceeding. In an instance like that, however, the court is not
OPERATED as a court of record under the common law; hence they do not qualify
as such. Courts of record are by definition common law courts. A statutory court
cannot be a court of record. It takes more than a name to make a court of record. Even
though a court may be keeping a record of sorts, it is a “court of no record” if it does
not conform to the four requirements below for a lawful court of record.
A lawful court of record must meet the following criteria:
The judge and prosecutor both know that, although the hearings are taped in a
court of record, only the transcribed written record is admissible as evidence in a later
hearing. You can suspect they will try to get you to believe something or
communicate some lie or manipulation that will not appear on the written transcript.
Yes, they are just that devious.
The judge is very good at avoiding a response to questions when you put him on
the spot. So you must be even better at steering the judge into a corner with your
If they ask you if you understand the charges, say “No.” This is a sure-fire way
to control “the matter” (don’t call it a “case” as this can insinuate acceptance of
jurisdiction), and to employ the best strategy for dealing with them. If you answer
YES, you are giving up your 6th Amendment liberties by consenting to the jur-
isdiction. So just say NO, and use this opportunity to embarrass the judge into
admitting more of the truth, the law, or the judicial decisions relating to your “lack of
Your strategy in such a situation is to admit nothing and only ask questions.
Every question you answer in court can dig you deeper and deeper into the
jurisdiction hole. Your answers automatically give your implied consent to the court’s
jurisdiction and authority over you, entering testimony. Remember, you are not there
to testify; everything you say is already being used against you. They are trained, just
like the officer, to get you to admit things that supposedly indict you. So, it is in your
best interest to admit nothing, and keep asking questions. This way you can control
where the discussion and evidence is going.
Smile, give thanks, apologize, and ask. This is one of the most successful
strategies in the initial appearances, consistent with the previous tip above. It works
because the judge will form a favorable opinion about your honesty, innocence, and
sincerity, and then grant your request without suspecting anything (see details to
If you’re having a problem coming up with questions to ask, the following is a
list of rights that you can ask about. Pay special attention to numbers twelve and
thirteen. But remember one thing, if you are in a traffic court, don’t presume that
these rights exist, as traffic court is not a judicial court, but rather an administrative
“court of no record” which deals with legal fictions at law and not with natural
people. If you want to establish facts on the record in a judicial court, you have to get
into a legitimate court of record (or present the facts yourself using what is called a
Living Testimony in the form of an affidavit which is used to establish your facts on
the record in a manner of which they have to take notice).
1. You have the right to be informed of the nature and cause of the crime (6th
Amendment). This means you have a right to see the VERIFIED (sworn on penalty
of perjury) complaint against you and to know who is making the claim. But don’t
expect a traffic court “judge” to recognize this right. Remember, you are in a private
administrative court in his court, not a public judicial court.)
2. You have the right to specifically reserve any or all of your rights.
4. You have the right to say what you want and to be heard.
5. You have the right to present yourself “pro per.” (in propia persona, as a natural
person, and not re-present yourself as a fiction – “pro se” – in law; although as far as
these administrative courts are concerned, pro per is the same as pro se; they won’t
recognize the difference).
6. You have the right to object to any statement by the judge and/or prosecutor.
7. You have the right (after first making a statement of acceptance of the judge’s oath
to uphold the Constitution) to Recuse (dismiss) the judge. (Do not let them trick you
out of thinking that you don’t have this right!)
8. You have the right to face the injured party claiming damages. (Article III and the
6th Amendment; although the magistrate in traffic court will attempt to trick you,
saying the state is the plaintiff; the state is a fiction and in most instances cannot be
injured! But, this point has to be made in a court of record, not a court of no record.)
9. You have the right to face your accuser and any witnesses against you. (6th
Amendment applies except in their court)
10. You have the right to put the judge on notice of your intent to preserve your rights.
11. You have the right to Protest and Object if any of your rights or demands are not
being met. (Although do not be surprised if the judge disallows your objections, since
you are in a private court and not a common law court.)
12. You have the right to demand that the court place in evidence, any unrevealed
contract, statute, law, rule, or information being used against you. (6th Amendment
applies except in their court)
13. You have the right to demand that the code be construed in harmony with the
common law which allows you the “right of avoidance” to be compelled to perform
under a contract if any party has no right of action or recourse. If remedy is not
allowed in a contract (such as the presumed contract of the traffic code), THERE IS
14. You have the right to require translation of any citation of law or procedure into
plain English.
15. You have the right to challenge the subject matter jurisdiction of this court at any
time, even right up to the time of allocution before sentencing – after all matters have
already (presumably) been determined – and afterwards.
Bait, steer, and corner. This is the main tactic to use for manipulating the judge
into dismissing the case. The idea is to bait the court with questions concerning your
“confusion,” and then steer the judge into providing answers which force him to make
a judicial determination or ruling, which exposes his mistake or fraud. It’s like
painting the judge into a corner from which there is no legal way out that allows him
to continue the case against you. A classic cornering question to ask is “OK now, just
so I understand you precisely, have you Sir made a judicial determination that
_____ ?” (You fill in the blank with whatever unfairness you have observed,
something which clearly incriminates the judge; examples follow.)
Don’t let them rush you through anything. If they try this, you can bet they’re up
to no good.
OBJECT, Object, object. This is how you record the court’s unfairness on the
court record. If the judge or prosecutor says anything to violate your case, or the truth,
then OBJECT and give your reason. Regardless of how the case goes, you thus have
the evidence on record that validates an appeal. If you are in a court of no record,
make sure you have a friend or someone there with you who can act as a witness to
the proceedings and who can swear out an affidavit of the proceedings that will
become the record. You can compose the affidavit yourself, since you know what
went on that was injurious to your presentation, and have the friend agree to its
validity and sign it with either a witness notary or two common law witnesses of your
Don’t let the judge or prosecutor get away with interrupting you. They are just
trying to intimidate you into submission and silence. Take exception to their rude
behavior. You might use the strategy above to expose their injustice, and complete
what you were saying; e.g. “Has the court made a judicial determination that I am
not allowed to defend myself, or that I cannot have Freedom of Speech in this
courtroom?” Put them on the spot. If the prosecutor interrupts out of turn, motion the
judge to find the prosecutor in contempt.
Don’t let the prosecutor or judge get away with rude or offensive behavior
toward you. These are grounds to dismiss the case for the cause of Bias and or
Misconduct. Remember, as long as you are in a court of record, everything is
(supposedly) being recorded. If you let them get away with any offensive behavior,
even a demeaning tone of voice, object and get it on the record as to how it adversely
affects your mood and composure. Reflect the intimidation right back into their faces.
Watch out for lame excuses. You might get “I’m sorry, you’ll have to talk to
the legislators about that, as I only enforce the law...”, or “You’ll have to talk to
a licensed attorney about that, because I can’t give you legal advice...”, or “This
is not the proper forum for addressing that question...”, or “That issue is not
relevant to this case...” This is what you will often get when the judge knows that
he cannot answer your question without incriminating himself. You must not let them
get away without giving an answer or making a legal determination. Some winning
comebacks you can use are:
“Sir [Your Honor], I am not contesting the law as you suggest, I am merely
demanding that you interpret it in accordance with your own Oath of Office. And I
am asking you to do your job as referee, and to identify the source of the law you are
interpreting. Now please answer the question... ”
“Sir [Your Honor], you and I both know that the legislators and you are all part of the
same Legislative Branch, operating provisionally under Article I, Section 8, Clause
17; and there are no legislators here to identify the law and arbitrate a fair case; this
is your job, and I am simply asking you to do your job. Now please answer the
question... ”
“Sir [Your Honor], I am not asking you for legal advice. I have my legal counselors
for that. I am simply asking you to kindly identify yourself, the court’s legal
jurisdiction, and the nature and cause of the accusation. I am asking you to identify
the code of written law which supports your ruling. I am asking you to do your job.
Now please answer the question... ”
“Sir [Your Honor], if this is not the forum for addressing this issue, then how can you
now legally apply the issue for the first time to this case? If this is not the proper
forum, then we need to provide the forum required to resolve this issue, before we can
Always ask “why?”, when you don’t understand something. You may not always
get an answer (or one that you can accept), but you deserve one, especially if your
motion is denied or overruled. And your asking will notify the judge that all the “linen
is likely to be aired out” in your case. The judge may risk exposing some embar-
rassing truth, and choose to dismiss your case.
Catch them in the act. This is the most important reason for taking your time, and
thinking things through, with a clear head. Every violation of your rights, every abuse
of power, every incidence of misconduct, every disparaging remark, every subtle
threat to your well-being, is an opportunity to record evidence in your favor. Catching
them at it, as it happens, can easily get your case thrown out, because they have been
getting away with all this fraud for so long, that they will be surprised when they are
suddenly challenged on it. Here are a few more tips to keep in mind.
The Judge is NOT the Prosecutor. If he acts like one, this is misconduct and
grounds for dismissal. If the judge starts asking discovery questions (like: “Well,
what happened here? You got a ticket for speeding on such and such a date...”) then
he is acting like a prosecutor and not a disinterested third party who is trying the case.
You can come back and say to him, “If you are going to operate as the judge and
prosecutor, I’m going to object. On the record. As a mistrial.”
Police powers (law enforcement officers, sheriffs) are NOT intended to be used
as an instrument for sources of government revenue. They are properly provided by
government for the protection of the citizens and their property, period.
When a judge prevents the accused from introducing evidence tending to estab-
lish a defense (e.g. exculpatory evidence), the judge is making a mixed determination
of fact (i.e. what happened) and law (i.e. is it legal?). This, also, is unfair.
Your purpose in being in court is to challenge jurisdiction. This can be done in
more than one way. In order for a judicial court to establish subject matter juris-
diction, it must have a charging instrument. No charging instrument, no case. The
same is true of an administrative court, such as traffic court; yet most people are not
aware of this. A traffic citation without a verified complaint (a claim of injury or
damage) attached to it is not a charging instrument. As stated above, you have the
right to know the nature and cause of the accusation (6th Amendment), and this right
provides your greatest advantage for having the case dismissed.
A charging instrument can be a verified complaint sworn under oath with two
signatures and is needed for most “offenses” before court proceedings can begin. If
there is no formal charging instrument and you do not object or ask to see it and have
it introduced into evidence, then it is assumed that since you didn’t object to this that
you consent to the case moving forward without this vital piece of evidence. Yet most
of the time there is no such “complaint” because the plaintiff would have to swear
under oath that there was an injured party. On rare occasions such a complaint is
issued by crime victims. But neither the prosecuting attorney nor the enforcement
officer are empowered to issue such a complaint because they are part of the
government “fiction” which by definition of law cannot be injured. Not only that, but
if they were not in fact personally injured by your alleged actions, then they are not
a party to the action being taken against you, and cannot therefore testify to such.
When you are asked if you understand the charges against you, you will say:
“NO!” You will be standing on your 6th Amendment right to be informed of the
“nature and cause of the accusation.” Then you will steer the judge through a careful
series of questions about the nature, cause, and jurisdiction of the case. You are
guiding the judge to expose the court’s fraud in order to proceed with the case against
you. In the end, the judge will have to dismiss the case. There is simply no other
way for them to deal with this strategy, provided you stand your ground. And you are
going to be real polite and courteous.
The setup. They have to ask you if you understand the charges. There is no
way around it. They cannot legally proceed against you until you acknowledge the
charges (explicitly) and their jurisdiction (implicitly). The 6th Amendment says that
you have a right to know, and the authority to require the court to explain, and the
court has the duty to explain. So, by your declaring that YOU DO NOT UNDER-
STAND THE CHARGES you will steer the judge (court) into a legal position where
he must answer all of your questions. Then you will hang the judge up on the
questions, using the court’s own rules of procedure.
Steering with questions: Now that the judge has agreed to answer your questions,
he must answer all of them, until you are satisfied that you are fully informed of the
“nature and cause.” If he tries to back out of this decision, then you must point out
that the agreement has already been made and you intend to keep it. Start out with a
simple and indirect question about the nature and type of the case. You will lead the
judge into a corner.
“Is this going to be a CIVIL action or a CRIMINAL action?” If the judge
answers that it is a CIVIL action (not likely), then you must immediately object, and
then move for dismissal. The reason here is that you are now IN THE WRONG
COURT; the state cannot bring a case against you and judge its own case, it cannot
be both party to, and judge of, their own action. On the other hand, if the Judge
answers that it is a CRIMINAL action (most likely), then you can make the following
announcement on the record.
that this action against John Steven Jones [you] is a CRIMINAL ACTION. Now I
have another question: ...”
Your next question: “Your Honor, the Constitution grants this court two
different criminal jurisdictions: One is a criminal jurisdiction under a Common Law,
and the other is a criminal action that constitutes a condition of contract under the
criminal aspects of a colorable Admiralty jurisdiction. Under which of these two
jurisdictions does the court intend to try this criminal action?”
Not wanting to answer this, the judge might just dismiss the case now, but most
will still try to go ahead with it. The only choices now are to admit to which
jurisdiction applies, or to avoid answering. Get an answer. If the common law
criminal jurisdiction were to be declared, then you win by default of no sworn
complaint by an injured party, and no injured party present. There is no evidence at
all of your interfering with anyone’s life, liberty, or property. The case must be
dropped. If instead, the Admiralty criminal jurisdiction were to be declared (fool-
ishly), then you must be prepared to follow ALTERNATE PLAN B (below).
Therefore, most likely, here is where the judge will probably start squirming and
just try to avoid answering, by advising you to get a licensed attorney for such
‘legal advice’. So here is where you would make a stand by saying:
“Thank you Sir, but I don’t think that you’d be violating your Oath of Office if
you did your duty under the Constitution. You see I am not seeking legal advice;
what I want to know is your legal intent; and I have the right to represent myself
‘in my own person’ without a licensed attorney. In order to intelligently defend
myself, I have to know the jurisdiction that this court is operating under; because the
Rules of Criminal Procedure under a common law jurisdiction are very different from
the Rules under an Admiralty jurisdiction. I need to know which jurisdiction you
intend to try this case under, in order for me to proceed with this case. Now the 6th
Amendment grants me the right to know the jurisdiction being applied, and it grants
you the duty to inform me; and I don’t think you’d be violating your Oath of Office
for doing so. So please answer the question.”
The judge might dismiss the case here, but will probably continue stalling. He
is most likely to reprimand or threaten you for not getting a licensed attorney. The
judge will imply that only licensed attorneys have this information, that you have
to go see a licensed attorney in order to get the question answered. When this
happens, say:
John Steven [you] the accused in this criminal action against me, have asked this court
to divulge the nature and cause of the accusation, upon the authority of the 6th
Amendment, and that this court HAS FAILED in its duty to inform me of the nature
and cause of the action. Furthermore, LET THE RECORD ALSO SHOW that this
court intends to bring this criminal action against me UNDER A SECRET
Oops! Here is where a lot of judges will dismiss the case for whatever phony
excuse they can come up with. But there are still some diehards asking for more
embarrassment. If the judge is still onto the case here, he will have to come up with
an answer for your second question. He will probably make something huffy up like:
“This will be a statutory jurisdiction and I hope you’re satisfied!” So now, you
reply :
intends to conduct a criminal action against me, John Steven , under STATUTORY
JURISDICTION. But the problem is that I have never heard of such a thing as a
criminal action under statutory jurisdiction. I would be happy to accept this, your
Honor, if you could please tell me where I can find the published Rules of Criminal
Procedure under Statutory jurisdiction.” This is one way of OBJECTING to a judge’s
attempt at fraud.
You can also use the missing plaintiff argument (lack of a sworn complaint) to
further expose the court’s error. If the Prosecutor attempts to bluff his way through
by shooting down your written evidence with lame verbal excuses, simply ask the
judge “Do you have the charging instrument?” And remind him that the prosecutor
still has not proven anything. If need be, you can ask, demand, or require the judge
order the prosecutor to show cause, to prove jurisdiction with hard evidence sworn
under oath, or drop the charges against you. Get the case dismissed (i.e. Motion for
Dismissal) because jurisdiction has not been proven.
Please note that the preceding chapter was for your own personal education and
information about law regarding a hypothetical court event, and how it might be
handled in an actual court of judicial law and not an administrative court. It is not part
of the refusal for cause process. It is meant to provide readers with some idea of how
to approach this matter in a court of record, under common law, should they enter one.
How To Handle Yourself In Traffic Court
During A Special Appearance
Depending on the location (the town or city and state) in which you have promised
to show up in traffic court, you may be faced with any number of approaches in which
the court attempts to gain jurisdiction over your “person.” Because greater numbers
of people are becoming more aware and educating themselves about the “fraud”
attending this issue of traffic citations, municipal courts are resorting to more
inventive ways to entice people into consenting to jurisdiction. Just be aware that
anything you sign or attest to can be used as prima facie (meaning, “on the face of it”)
evidence of consent, opening the door to the court’s pursuit of jurisdiction. Read
everything that is handed to you very carefully, and know how to not consent by
objecting and asking questions.
For example, court officials may hand out, prior to the arraignment, a document
entitled “Notice of Charges, Etc., And Preliminary Entry of Plea” for you to look over
and sign. This is a sneaky way to get you to admit to jurisdiction and to enter a plea
BEFORE you are even standing before a magistrate or “judge.” Do not fall for this
trick! If the form is being truthful in informing you of your rights, it will have a kind
of disclaimer at the bottom in the form of a sentence which reads: “If You Have Any
Questions, Do Not Sign This Form.” Whether or not the form has this sentence (or
something like it) on it, you should never sign such a form. If they want to know why
you are not signing, tell them you have questions for the judge.
If they try to coerce you to sign anything, always put the words “under duress,”
or “without prejudice” above your signature (which should always be First Middle
name only, your true name) to indicate that you were being forced to sign, that this
was against your free will. In a judicial court of record (under the common law) on
appeal, this can be used to disqualify the document you signed.
Remember, you are attending this private court setting ONLY in order to set the
record straight and to challenge jurisdiction, not to testify, to swear oaths, or to plead
to any unsubstantiated charge. All that the “judge” is supposed to be doing is finding
facts. So establish all the facts around your refusal for cause, and do not allow
yourself to become distracted from that objective. Stay focused, and stay on point.
Once you have presented the judge with your refusal for cause, stand mute and say
nothing more! If the judge asks a question, you can reply: “I have nothing more to say.
It’s all in my filed papers, Sir.”
Fundamentally, the arraignment is used as a clever way to obtain your consent.
At an arraignment, the judge will assume jurisdiction UNLESS you OBJECT. One
way he assumes jurisdiction is by offering you three options of pleading: not guilty,
guilty, or nolo contendre (or “I do not contend” the charge without admitting guilt).
They never tell you that you do not have to choose any of those options, because as
soon as you enter a plea, you’ve opted into their jurisdiction, and they can come at
you. If they are persistent that you enter a plea, tell them, “If there is no charge, no
plea can be entered. What is being charged? And where is the charging instrument?”
They may reply that the signed complaint by the officer is the charging instru-
ment, and if you buy that, it will be. But it is not a charging instrument in a court of
record; that document can only be used as such in an administrative court. If you
surrender your position of having established the common law as your choice of law
by recognizing their paperwork as being valid, then you will have waived your
challenge to personam jurisdiction and consented!
No one can be forced to accept an offer. “Service” of paper from a government
corporate entity is an “offer to contract.” It is a distinct and separate “offer” from the
one contained in a valid Summons or Complaint. You must “volunteer” to receive the
papers, a consenting act. By returning the papers to the court, and by obtaining the
date stamp on your Certificate of Mailing (a witnessing event), you are “refusing for
cause” the documents. When you “rebut” the unverified complaint filed into the case
with your refusal for cause, you are filing into the case while remaining “outside” of
the case by appearing specially (special appearance) to challenge jurisdiction.
When a name sounding like your name (i.e. “Case of JOHN STEVEN JONES
verses the STATE”) is called, answer: “No sir. I am John Steven [first middle
name] here by Special Appearance only, to make sure the plaintiff is not de-
frauding the court. I would like to tender a copy of this refused for cause present-
ment to the bench please . . . to prevent fraud upon this court.” Hand over your
documents (the photocopy of the citation with the “refusal for cause” written on it and
your original certificate of mailing back to the presenter) proving you have refused
this action for cause, and then stand mute! Do not respond to any question the judge
may ask regarding the merits of the case. “All I have to say is in my paperwork. I have
nothing more to add.”
(Actually, you can walk out of court at this point and be perfectly within your
rights to do so without being interfered with. However, if you do not completely
understand this procedure, and the tricks that “judges” will use to compromise your
position, you could possibly end up granting consent to jurisdiction by accidently
responding to a judge’s order or direction. Therefore, if you aren’t aware of exactly
and precisely how to avoid contracting back into the jurisdiction, this can be a risky
(If, after you have handed over your documentation to the bench, you acknow-
ledge ANYTHING at all that is said to you by the judge or any other court officer,
such acknowledgment would be deemed evidence of acknowledgment of jurisdiction
by the court, and you will be stopped and held over. On the other hand, if you are able
to ignore whatever threats or entreaties that are shouted at you to “Stop” or “Come
back here,” you will (should) be allowed to leave. If a bailiff stands in your path on
the way out, ask him to arrest the judge for treason – abrogation of his oath of office
– and move on. Do not hesitate! Any hesitation or sign that can be taken as
acknowledgment of the court will be used by the court as a sign that you have given
consent to the court’s jurisdiction, and you will be held over. Not many people have
the emotional presence of mind to undergo such an ordeal. This is why it can be such
a risky move!)
The above statement about “special appearance” is the FIRST THING that must
come out of your mouth, NO MATTER WHAT ELSE HAPPENS, and no matter
what the “judge” says, does, or asks you. Be aware that “special appearance” does
NOT give jurisdiction to the “court.” But that “general appearance” does. Unless you
specifically state that you are there by “special appearance,” then the court will
PRESUME that you give it jurisdiction by “appearing” generally. Just do not expect
the court to automatically recognize your “special appearance.” It likely will not.
The reason you have to do it this way is because traffic courts are a form of what
is known as a “nisi prius” court. “Prius” means “first” and “nisi” means “unless.”
What this refers to is a rule of procedure in courts which essentially means that unless
a party first objects to something that they know is untrue (like a presumption the
court is making), then it is assumed that the party agrees to it and therefore the matter
can go forward. The agreement to proceed is obtained from the parties first to indicate
that the adjudication spoken of is one which is to stand as valid and operative unless
the party affected by it shall appear and show cause against it, or take some other
appropriate step to avoid it or procure its revocation.
What we have learned in recent times is that these courts are making several
presumptions before you even step foot into their courtrooms, and they are not dis-
closing this fact to their victims! Please read the article “The Twelve Presumptions
Of Court Which Must Be Overcome” to be brought up the speed on this development.
Because this is such new information, and we have no reliable data reported to us on
the effectiveness of this process, one should be cautioned and warned if they intend
to use this on a current matter before obtaining confirmation of its effectiveness.
It is suggested that if you intend to use the refused for cause process along side
the challenge to the twelve presumptions of law, which document must be sent with
the R4C, that you must first record on the public record (with the county recorder or
county clerk) the challenge to the twelve presumptions of law as public notice before
sending anything to the issuer of the citation or the court as notice. Your challenge to
these presumptions must be on the public record first before the court is obliged to
recognize it. Otherwise the court may disregard your challenge to its jurisdiction
through rebutting the presumptions it is making.
By entering your refusal for cause into the written record of the action, you have
now switched the burden of proof to the plaintiff (officer) and need say or do nothing
more. Do not allow the judge to trick you into testifying by arguing any of the merits
of their so-called “case” or answering any question he may pose pertaining to the
citation. For example, if he asks: “I see that you have violated section #5321 of the
traffic code. How do you plead?” You answer: “I have nothing to say. It’s all in my
filed papers, Sir.” Then stand mute.
If the judge asks anything NOT having to do with the refusal for cause or your
challenge to the presumptions of law, then you can remind him that you are here by
Special Appearance only, to challenge the plaintiff’s jurisdiction, and to please stay
on point! Then stand mute again. By entering your written refusal for cause on the
written record, you have placed into evidence a rebuttal of the presumption that you,
the flesh and blood natural person, are liable for a “color of law” quasi-contract that
is unreasonably favorable to the other party and which provides you with no remedy
at law. This speaks to your right of avoidance, or your right to avoid an uncon-
scionable contract or agreement.
The likelihood that the officer (if he’s still in the room) can prove jurisdiction
is zero! Especially if you have signed the citation with a reservation of rights,
“without prejudice,” above your signature (which fact can be pointed out in court if
necessary, in order for you to disqualify that document altogether). Yet, even without
such a reservation of rights, if the officer cannot produce an original written contract
that you signed attesting that you (or your legal fiction) would obey the traffic codes,
he has no standing in the action, and the action must be dismissed! Stand your ground
no matter how long it takes, and the action should eventually be dismissed. But do not
be surprised if the only way to obtain your remedy is through your actions, by not
accepting and returning “refused for cause” anything the court wishes to offer.
Another thing to be aware of is to always refer to the state’s “case” as “this
matter.” Never call it a “case,” or else you will infer jurisdiction by presumption. They
will PRESUME that they have jurisdiction if you ADMIT that they have a “case”
against you. Take your time and think things through when facing any kind of
questioning. The slightest hint of consent can hand your opponent jurisdiction. So
STOP and THINK before you open your mouth. Hold their feet to the fire of your
“refusal for cause” (keep returning to that fact that they have not recognized or
addressed yet) and box them in around this 2000 pound elephant in the room (your
refusal for cause) that they cannot get around.
Also know that there are federal codes in place that are meant to deter
government officials and employees from bypassing your right of refusal and your
rights in general. They can be criminally charged (as well as suffer civil litigation) at
Title 18 United States Code (U.S.C.) §241 Conspiracy against rights and §242
Deprivation of rights under color of law.
Competent Record Forming, The Power Of Affidavits,
And Your Identity Affidavit Of Administrative Notice
When having to deal with an administrative court system and legal entanglements,
while at the same time endeavoring to maintain your unalienable rights, the most
effective strategy you can employ is to keep and maintain your own documented
records about the truth of your life. Because without that record, the truth will become
lost in the shuffle of the statutory system. In other words, it won’t be heard or
recognized, and your chances of prevailing in the matter will be diminished if not
outright nullified. If you find yourself in an administrative court (like traffic court)
and you reasonably expect to be able to prevail in your position, you had better be
able to document your truth, otherwise your opponent (the government) will
document it for you within its jurisdiction.
Thus far we have not touched upon the documentation that you can prepare
ahead of time to help you establish your position in a variety of legal matters that may
confront you as up against government itself. Ideally, you will apprise yourself of
these matters long before ever needing to use them. However, in many instances, for
one reason or another, we don’t realize the importance of educating ourselves about
these issues until the very last minute, that is, until after we have been confronted with
having to defend ourselves in a matter at law. And then, it is often too late for us to
expect anything less than being railroaded through the system.
But take heart. There are things that you can do – even while in the very clutches
of the beast about to devour you – which can turn the tables around so that those in
the government system now tremble in fear of YOU!
Everything that proceeds from this moment on in this exposition depends upon
your having grasped an essential point involved in the concept of liberty, including
– and most specifically – liberty from compelled performance by governments. That
point being: If you want your truth to be told, ONLY YOU can testify to it. This
necessarily implies taking personal RESPONSIBILITY for documenting that truth in
a way that it cannot be denied by de facto government agents or officials. In other
words, in a way that will discourage any officer or agent from thinking about – much
less attempting – the rebuttal of your truth.
In regard to competent record forming, let’s look at an example of how to get on
the record your reasonable expectation of being adjudicated in a court where the judge
is obligated to uphold your rights under the U.S. Constitution. One of the first things
you will want to look into entails whether or not the judge has taken a valid oath of
office (on the public record) to uphold and support the Constitution. Be aware that
some municipal “judges” have taken an oath in support of several jurisdictions, for
instance upholding “support of the Constitution of the United States, the Constitution
and laws of the State of [whatever state], and the Charter, Ordinances and Laws of the
City of [whatever city]. . .”
The oath, to be valid, should be sworn before a witness that the oath maker
considers sacred (usually God) as a witness to bind his actions in the performance of
the duty of his office. Anything less than this is not a valid oath of office. Also the
word “support” in reference to the U.S. Constitution is important, since only a person
who swears an oath to “support” the Constitution is bound by that oath. To “preserve,
protect, and defend” the Constitution does not imply the same obligation in the legal
world as the word “support.” Not even the oath that the President-elect takes contains
this word, and therefore he is under no obligation to support the Constitution,
although the public perception is fooled by this nuance. (See example images of a
valid and an invalid oath in the links below. The Dan May oath is an example of an
invalid oath, while John Suthers’ oath is a valid oath.)
You will want to verify this oath of office by obtaining a certified copy of his
notarized oath of office. This can generally be found by contacting your local county
clerk and recorder (and, if not found there, sometimes the city clerk may have filed
the oath) to check if the judge’s oath is on file. Obtain a certified copy of the oath in
order to enter it into the record (filed into the court case) along with an affidavit from
you accepting the judge’s oath and thereby holding him in contract to its imple-
mentation. If the judge has no such oath on record or file, then he is impersonating a
judge, and you can have him disqualified and arrested for such violation. All judges,
by law, are obligated to maintain a publicly available oath of office, swearing “a
promise or a statement of fact calling upon something or someone that the oath maker
considers sacred, usually God, as a witness to the binding nature of the promise or the
truth of the statement of fact.”
When getting your truth on the record, it is often best to get it in writing
(documented) so that later no one can deny that they were made aware (given Notice)
of the facts being brought out in the matter. This keeps the judge and the prosecutor
from colluding together to keep your exculpatory evidence out of the proceeding.
When you have it in writing and have made it a part of the proceedings by entering
it onto the record, it can be used later in an appeal to a higher court of record (if such
becomes necessary).
Just what is an affidavit and why are they so important in legal matters? And
especially in legal matters involving commerce (or commercial law) which is more
often than not the case in the majority of today’s court proceedings. Black’s Law
Dictionary, Fifth Edition, defines a sworn affidavit statement as follows:
To understand the importance that an affidavit can have in any legal matter you
first must understand that in today’s world, nearly every matter that comes before a
government court in America is presumed to have a basis in commercial law. And that
commercial law is based on the maxims of commerce which are eternally just, valid,
moral precepts and truths that are recognized universally in virtually every civilized
country in the world.
The basis of commercial law is the law of Exodus (i.e. The 10 Commandments)
of the Old Testament and Judaic (Mosaic) Orthodox Hebrew commercial law. The
laws of commerce have remained unchanged for at least six thousand years, and form
the basis of western civilization, if not all nations. Real commercial law is non-
judicial and is prior and superior to the basis of – and cannot be set aside or overruled
by – the statutes of any government, legislature, governmental or quasi-governmental
agencies, courts, judges, or law enforcement agencies, which are under an inherent
obligation to uphold said commercial law.
In case you missed it the first time, let me repeat the significant passage
embedded in the previous paragraph: “Real commercial law is non-judicial and is
prior and superior to the basis of – and cannot be set aside or overruled by – the
statutes of any government, legislature, governmental or quasi-governmental
agencies, courts, judges, and law enforcement agencies. . .” Now, let the significance
of that passage sink into your mind for a moment. . . . Are you beginning to see what
is meant by “the power of affidavits?”
“Non-judicial” means that commercial law precedes any judicial setting (or
jurisdiction such as a government administrative or judicial court setting), meaning
that, when the correct circumstances are invoked, it supersedes any judicial settings
and cannot be overruled by the courts or the statutes of any government, PERIOD!
Combine that with the fact that government officials and agents are considered
“actors” under the law (in other words “fictions”) and are therefore effectively
foreclosed from swearing out an affidavit in rebuttal of a non-fictional sovereign’s
affidavit. Only like entities in standing may come at one another according to the law.
The reason for this is simple: because government (its agents and office holders) is
not found in nature (is not a natural phenomenon like a duck or a human being) and
is a creation of the mind of man, it therefore is considered by law as a fictional entity
that in reality has no substance and therefore does not exist to sustain injury. This
means that government can never wield any authority over those who created it,
unless the latter, by their consent, waive their right of avoidance and enter the
government’s fictional jurisdictional realm.
Commercial law is a “War of Truth” expressed in the form of an intellectual
weapon called an affidavit. In the statutory realm an affidavit is merely a written list
of facts or personal truths signed under penalty of perjury or usually notarized. In the
common law or at law realm, an affidavit is signed under penalty of bearing false
witness (as there are no penalties relating to perjury in that realm). The person
composing and signing an affidavit is called the “affiant.” It is “survival of the
fittest” where the last unrebutted affidavit stands as truth in law, and thus as final
judgment. In other words, in the case of an unrebutted affidavit no judge is needed to
rule; the law (regarding whatever issue that is at question) becomes self-evident and
This has its basis in the fact that since each individual experiences whatever he
does from his own particular perspective in time and space, and through his unique
nature and machinery of consciousness, all truth is subjective.1 Truth, like beauty, is
in the eye of the beholder. And it is the right of the sovereign to express his truth in
the form of an affidavit.
The laws of commerce are expressed in ten maxims, which are the eternal and
unchanging principles of the law:
1. A workman is worthy of his hire. Authorities: Exodus 20:15; Lev. 19:13; Matt.
10:10; Luke 10:7; II Tim. 2:6. Legal maxim: “It is against equity for freemen not to
have the free disposal of their own property.”
2. All are equal under the law (God’s Law-Moral and Natural Law). Authorities:
Exodus 21:23-25; Lev. 24:17-21; Deut. 1:17, 19:21; Matt. 22:36-40; Luke 10:17; Col.
3:25. Legal maxims: “No one is above the law.” and, “Commerce, by the law of
nations, ought to be common, and not to be converted into a monopoly for the private
gain of a few.”
3. In commerce, truth is sovereign. See Exodus 20:16; Psalms 117:2; John 8:32; II
Cor. 13:8. Legal maxim: “To lie is to go against the mind.” Oriental proverb: “Of
all that is good, sublimity is supreme.”
4. Truth is expressed in the form of an Affidavit. See Lev. 5:4-5; Lev. 6:3-5; Lev.
19:11-13; Num. 30:2; Matt. 5:33; James 5:12. Legal maxim: none.
5. A matter must be expressed to be resolved. See Heb. 4:16; Phil. 4:5; Eph. 6:19-21.
Legal maxim: “He who fails to assert his rights has none.”
6. An unrebutted affidavit stands as truth in commerce. See 1 Pet. 1:25; Heb. 6:13-
15. Legal maxim: “He who does not deny, admits.”
If someone expresses his subjective truth and others verify the same truth in their own subjective terms,
said “truth” is labeled as “objective fact,” i.e. the abstract map of reality is acknowledged by others as
accurately representing the territory.
8. He who leaves the field of battle first (does not respond to Affidavit) loses by
default. See Book of Job; Matt 10:22. Legal maxim: “He who does not repel a
wrong when he can, occasions it.”
9. Sacrifice is the measure of credibility. One who is not damaged, put at risk, or
willing to swear an oath on his commercial liability for the truth of his statements and
legitimacy of his actions has no basis to assert claims or charges and forfeits all
credibility and right to claim authority. See Acts 7, life/death of Stephen. Legal
maxim: “He who bears the burden ought also to derive the benefit.”
10. A lien or claim, under commercial law, can only be satisfied by one of the
following actions. See Gen. 2-3; Matt 4; Revelation. Legal maxim: “If the plaintiff
does not prove his case, the defendant is absolved.”
10.2. Payment.
10.3. Agreement.
Affidavit of Notice and Your Identity
If the legal maxim “Equality under the law is paramount” has any meaning to it
at all, then whatever one sovereign can do, all sovereigns can do, due to the fact that
all are regarded as being equal under the law (having equal access to all processes of
law). Pragmatically speaking, this means that if government (a political incorporated
government services business as opposed to a natural sovereign entity, i.e. a man or
woman or unincorporated government run by people and not corporate agents) can
give a Notice to its presumed constituents concerning its intents and purposes toward
its constituency, then the sovereign private individual (being the creator of all existing
government and, in a republic, ruling only over himself and no other sovereign
individual, becoming in essence a “sovereign without subjects”) can equally serve
Notice on a political incorporated government agency regarding his intents and
purposes toward some aspect of that government’s operation.
In order to better understand this concept of individual sovereignty being
inherent in the people of America, it helps to revisit an early Supreme Court decision
which speaks unequivocally to the recognition of the concept directly. As much as
government would like to sweep the recollection of this decision under the rug, the
fact remains that it is in the record and that its implication still stands. In Chisholm
v. Georgia (1793) Alexander Chisholm, the executor of the estate of Robert Farquhar,
attempted to sue the state of Georgia in the Supreme Court over payments due to him
for goods that Farquhar had supplied Georgia during the Revolutionary War with
Great Britain. Georgia, for its part, refused to appear in court, taking the position that
as a “sovereign” state, it could not be sued without granting its consent to the suit. In
a 4 to 1 decision, the Court ruled in favor of the plaintiff, Mr. Chisholm.
What is important about the case is the key principle expressed in the written
opinions from the majority side. The opinions concluded that, to the extent the term
“sovereignty” is even suitably applied to the newly-adopted Constitution, it rests with
the people, rather than with state governments. This thought was expressed by Chief
Justice John Jay when he wrote, “[A]t the Revolution, the sovereignty devolved on
the people; and they are truly the sovereigns of the country, but they are sovereigns
without subjects...with none to govern but themselves; the citizens of America are
equal as fellow citizens and as joint tenants in the sovereignty.”
Less well known, yet equally if not more striking, are excerpts from the opinion
of Justice James Wilson, the man who, just a few years prior, had introduced the
original jurisdiction clause at the Constitutional convention in Philadelphia. Justice
Wilson characteristically struck right at the heart of the matter when he stated that he
knew “the Government of that State [Georgia] to be republican; and my short
definition of such a Government is, one constructed on this principle, that the
Supreme Power resides in the body of the people.” Furthermore, he rejected the feudal
notion of state sovereignty on the ground “that another principle, very different in its
nature and operations, forms the basis of sound and genuine jurisprudence; laws
derived from the pure source of equality and justice must be founded on the
CONSENT of those, whose obedience they require. The sovereign, when traced to his
source, must be found in the man.”
In years past, the actors holding office in American government were much more
aware of their tenuous positions as servants of the people under the structure of a
republican de jure (or “according to law”) government, and therefore needed only the
slightest reminder of such to correct their actions whenever they sought to go outside
of the bounds of their delegated authority. But ever since the War Between the States
(often referred to in history books as the “Civil War”) when Congress (on March 28,
1861) adjourned without a quorum sine die (or “without day” to reconvene, even
though the Constitution fixed dates for their regular sessions), the country has been
run de facto (“in fact” and not “according to law” as originally intended) through the
unconstitutional use of the “law of necessity” under declaration of a “national
emergency” (which is essentially de facto martial law rule), and Congress has never
yet been reconvened under law. If you doubt this, documented historical fact does not
lie, and you can look up the following Senate Report issued by this same de facto
government and read it for yourself:
“Since March 9, 1933, the United States has been in a state of declared
national emergency. . . . A majority of the people of the United States
have lived all of their lives under emergency rule. . . And, in the United
States, actions taken by the Government in times of great crises have –
from, at least, the Civil War – in important ways, shaped the present
phenomenon of a permanent state of national emergency.”
And ever since the passage and ratification of the 14th Amendment to the
Constitution (in 1868) and the subsequent Congressional formation of a corporation
(for commercial agency and government for the “District of Columbia” in 1871, at
Chapter 62, 16 Stat. 419; which later was reorganized in 1878, at Chapter 180, 20
Stat. 102, and renamed “United States Government” and having privately trademarked
the names: “United States,” “U.S.,” “United States of America,” “U.S.A.,” and
“America”), the de facto federal government has operated under a doctrine of
assumpsit or presumption, assuming all people identifying themselves as a “citizen
of the United States” as being “subject to the jurisdiction thereof ”(14th Amendment
to the corporate constitution, meaning the “United States Government” incorporated
in the District of Columbia) thus “legally” transforming (at least prima facie)
everyone into subservience to the “government.” The only problem with this is: it will
not stand under the light of day! And only stands by one’s failure to withdraw their
In order to rebut this presumption that you are “subject to the jurisdiction
thereof,” it is advisable that you be able to document this fact so as not to cause the
government actors (agents and officers) confusion over this issue. This, we thought,
could be neatly done with an affidavit giving Notice of your Identity, notifying any
government official who presumes to know your political venue, of your stated-on-
the-record political status, thereby removing the onus of presumption. This is how it
should work if we were dealing with a de jure state under the common law. However,
it turns out that the corporate government agents now require proof on the record of
one’s having corrected their status from the one imposed upon him from birth,
bringing himself back onto the land and out of the corporate [dead] sea of the fictional
legal world created by a corporate Congress in 1871.
This is why the concept of being able to self-identify yourself with your own
documentation when confronted by public officials is so important. Without it, you
are presumed to be “subject to the jurisdiction” of the state, county, city or federal
territory in which you happen to find yourself. In other words, if you don’t state your
truth and your law in the form of a declaratory affidavit, in effect providing notice to
government officials, then the de facto government will, lacking any evidence on the
record to the contrary, assume you to be under its jurisdiction and governance. And
it will proceed against you on that basis.
When composing an affidavit, there are a few things of which you need to be
aware in order to insure that your affidavit meets the criteria of what the law views
as being a valid affidavit. Affidavits are testimony that set out facts. They cannot state
conclusions of law, and they cannot be argumentative. If an instrument does either
of these, it does not qualify as testimony. Regardless of what it is called, it does not
qualify as testimony by affidavit in a court of law. The following list of characteristics
and properties comprise those which should be fundamental to any affidavit that you
1. An affidavit should only state facts (“truth”) on the basis of firsthand, personal
knowledge, not conjecture, theory, or hearsay. The facts stated must express the direct
knowledge of the affiant (not “information and belief,” which is hearsay).
2. The affidavit should not be argumentative, that is, they should not make legal
arguments. You only want to lay out the facts in an unequivocal manner such that
your adversary (or a judge) will have no trouble understanding anything that you are
asserting as being your truth.
3. The affidavit must not draw conclusions of law. If written properly, the conclusions
you want drawn from the presentation of your affidavit should be apparent and self-
evident. When composing an affidavit, make either short, positive statements of fact
and/or negative averments. Place the burden of proof on your opponent.
An averment is a formal statement or declaration asserting some fact or truth. A
negative averment is an assertion in which a negative is asserted. For example, if your
opponent (and/or the court) assumes a fact about you which is untrue and which has
not been entered into evidence, a negative assertion will force your opponent to
provide the evidence on the record, or be estopped from making the positive asser-
tion. Rather than stating an opinion as a negative: “I did not run a red light.” Instead
state, “I am not in receipt of a verified complaint naming an injured party as a result
of any of my actions.” (The implication being: the action of running a red light.) If there
is no verified complaint from an injured party, there is no case. In other words, there
is no claim upon which relief may be granted.
5. The affidavit should have all paragraphs numbered, for the purpose of identifying
particular points or passages for future reference should a rebuttal by the opposing
party be attempted.
6. Your affidavit should contain as many points of fact as possible to state your truth,
each of which must be rebutted under oath by your adversary; the more points, the
more formidable.
7. An affidavit constitutes one of three kinds of testimony, the other two being a
deposition and direct oral examination. Additionally, it stands as uncontroverted evi-
dence (or truth) in the matter if not timely rebutted point-for-point by a proper counter
affidavit executed by the opposing party.
8. The affidavit must be executed with the following verbiage as being sworn “true,
correct, and complete,” that is, under oath, defining the degree and nature of the com-
mercial liability being claimed by the affiant for the veracity, accuracy, relevance, and
verifiability of everything stated in the document.
10. Your affidavit will stand in full as the judgment (application) of the law (under
common law) if your adversary fails to rebutted any or all of the facts so stated by
counter affidavit as above; this invokes execution of the law concerning the points in
the affidavit that are not expressly rebutted in a counter affidavit.
11. To be valid, your affidavit needs to contain an express certification of the facts
contained therein by the affiant. An exhaustive swearing used as the closing statement
in a commercial process would be:
A less exhaustive, but still very binding closing statement is: “I certify that the
foregoing is true, correct, complete, and not misleading.” It is interesting to note here
that use of the phrase “true and correct” is not the same as “true, correct, and com-
plete.” “True and correct” is perjury or lying by omission as to every material fact of
the matter; whereas the addition of the word “complete” alludes to the aspect of a
complete representation of all the facts in the material matter of the statement.
Someone who intends to commit fraud will leave out material facts of the matter, and
will not want to use the word “complete” in their closing statement.
Finally, always place a reservation of rights before (above) your signature:
“Subscribed and sworn with all rights reserved, without prejudice, no value assured,”
or something similar.
By making your choice of law known through your affidavit, you are challenging
the jurisdiction and venue of the setting, be it in a court of administrative law or the
court held out on the street by the attending officer, who presumes you to be within
his jurisdiction. Yet such a challenge, we are finding, will only be recognized when
you can show proof of change of status (to a living man or woman) from the one
(representing a legal fiction) being presumed by the court. When you properly rebut
the presumption, the fictitious charges (if they indeed are such) will miraculously
The procedure for changing one’s status is somewhat involved, and is therefore
beyond the scope of this presentation. Change of status will be briefly discussed in the
revised edition of the How To Handle The Five Scenarios publication, which will
contain references to a more complete discussion of this very important aspect of
being able to disconnect oneself from the presumptions of the legal system in
What Happens If I Follow This Advice And Things Go Wrong
And I Foul It Up?
If you’ve never been to court and actually had to defend yourself in front of a “judge”
(actually an administrative magistrate if in traffic court, otherwise known as an
“attorney in black robe”), it is likely that you can and will be tricked into believing
what the “judge” says when he rules against you, denying your attempt to enter
exculpatory evidence into the case or overruling any objections you may make. If you
allow yourself to slip up for even one second and you fail to deny, object, or rebut
what the “judge” is asserting and you accept (go along with) anything that he is saying
in reference to the alleged case, you may put yourself in danger of consenting to his
jurisdiction. You cannot acknowledge or recognized their side of the matter and must
stay on the common law side. As soon as you say or do anything that recognizes their
presentment, you have consented to their jurisdiction.
Despite what appears to be happening in the court, the only way that things can
go wrong is if you don’t stick to your guns and maintain your position, and you
become bamboozled by the sophistry and lies of the government actors by believing
what they are telling you is true. They will make it seem as though you are being
railroaded by the system, that you have no rights, no recourse, and that the Consti-
tution (should you, in your misguided state of mind, happen to bring it up) has no
place in his courtroom (which is true, because his administrative court is based on
contract law, and thus outside of Constitutional parameters). If anything like this ever
happens to you and you are in an administrative “court of no record,” you can safely
disregard anything that is happening on the stage of this court as long as you don’t
show any sign of consent to the proceedings.
The correct attitude you should take, if you want to prevail, is one of a belli-
gerent claimant. Occasionally, judges have provided rulings that hint at the proper
stance that one should take in the instance that no crime or damaging infraction has
occurred. Such is the case of federal Judge James Alger Fee. In U.S. v. Johnson (76
Fed, Supp. 538), Federal District Court Judge James Fee ruled that:
“The privilege against self-incrimination is neither accorded to the
passive resistant, not to the person who is ignorant of his rights, nor to
one who is indifferent thereto. It is a fighting clause. It’s benefits can be
retained only by sustained combat. It cannot be claimed by an attorney or
solicitor. It is valid only when insisted upon by a belligerent claimant in
In this ruling the judge has just instructed you how to proceed. He has said that
rights are not accorded the passive resistant. Rights are not available to the individual
who is ignorant of his rights. Nor are rights available to a person who is indifferent,
or in other words, a person who simply does not care. And further, Judge Fee has
clearly informed you that an attorney cannot claim your rights for you, which is
another way of saying that an attorney cannot truly represent you. He then tells you
that rights are only available to a belligerent claimant in person. His use of the word
“claimant” is key here; you must have a sworn claim before the court as a plaintiff if
you want to control the issue. He further states that to claim your rights in a court of
this country, you must be willing to engage in sustained combat.
Well, that’s one perspective. And a fairly sobering and straightforward one at
that, should one wish to fight a traffic matter out in court. But. . . what if you could
avoid having to go to court altogether?
What if. . .?
The following are a few hypothetical scenarios for you to test yourself on to see
how well you have understood the concepts presented in this book. Those who might
harbor some doubt about the validity of the concepts discussed here may wish to
pursue additional resources as well as anecdotal evidence from others who have
themselves successfully navigated through confrontations with the legal system. We
say anecdotal evidence because you will not find many (if any at all) case histories
where sovereign individual’s have prevailed over against fictional government actors,
as their cases, for the most part, have become dismissed! And therefore these cases
have never been entered into the case histories (meaning you cannot look them up in
order to learn from them).
Would you know how to handle the following five scenarios? (Hint: The answer
to each of these legal questions has already been provided in the material above, if you
have been paying attention.)
1. After having been stopped for a victimless traffic violation and consenting to
showing your license and registration, you are handed a citation, which you signed
without reserving your rights, which asks that you present yourself in an appearance
before a municipal court. Do you know how to handle this situation without having
to go to court?
2. After having been stopped for a victimless traffic violation and conditionally shown
your license and registration (conditionally, meaning that you have stated that the
license is not for identification purposes, but only for operational competence), you
are handed a citation, which you signed with a reservation of your rights, which asks
that you present yourself in an appearance before a municipal court. In this situation,
you were not aware that you could “refuse for cause” the citation and return it to its
presenter, and therefore did not perform that action. Do you know how to handle this
situation without having to go to court?
3. You are stopped for an expired license plate tag and are handed a citation which
you signed without reserving your rights which asks that you present yourself in an
appearance before a municipal court. Instead of “refusing for cause” the citation and
properly serving it back to its presenter (the officer), you end up having to enter the
court and defend yourself. In the intervening weeks before you are scheduled for
court, you obtain the proper license plate tags, thinking that you can use that as a
defense. You enter the court and do not plead to the offense, but show that you now
have valid license tags. The “judge” disregards your testimony (the fact of which –
i.e., consenting to testify – admits you into his jurisdiction), enters a plea of “guilty”
for you, and issues you a fine in the form of an order of the court! Would you know
how to handle this situation in such a way that you left the courtroom (and the
situation itself) without having owed or paid any fine?
4. You are stopped for a victimless traffic violation and conditionally show your
license, registration, and proof of insurance. In addition to the victimless traffic
violation, the officer notices that your insurance has expired. He issues you a citation
for the violation and the expired insurance proof. You sign the citation with a
reservation of your rights. Do you know how to handle this situation without having
to go to court at the appointed date?
5. You are stopped for an expired license plate tag and in the ensuing meeting the
officer learns that your driver license is also expired and so is your proof of insurance.
He issues you a citation for each of the three violations. You sign the citation with a
reservation of your rights. Later that same day, you take a photocopy of your “refusal
for cause” of the citation along with obtaining a certificate of mailing, and return the
refused citation to its presenter, having obtained his official mailing address.
The first week goes by and you are anxious about whether or not the citation has
been entered onto the court’s docket, so you call the court to enquire about the
citation, giving only the citation number to identify it. The clerk puts you on hold to
check to see if the ticket has shown up on the docket, but it hasn’t. The clerk returns
asking for more information that she can use to identify the citation. In the course of
your conversation, you forget about the injunction against mentioning your name
(First and Last) when asked by the court clerk, and you let your last name slip.
Suddenly, the clerk spots the citation and mentions that she is entering it onto the
docket as you speak. You mention to the clerk that the citation has been “refused for
cause,” but she doesn’t acknowledge what that signifies. So you say you will be down
to file some papers into the case and hang up.
The next day, you travel to the courthouse to give the clerk your photocopy of
the “refusal for cause” along with the original certificate of mailing. But the clerk
refuses to accept the papers to file into the case, saying that you need to present these
to the judge in person on the scheduled day for your appearance. (At this point, there
is something that you can do which will put an end to this; but let’s say, for the sake
of a learning experience, that you don’t figure that out and do nothing, thinking that
you will present the papers at the court hearing.)
At the court hearing, a name is called that is similar to yours and you answer by
stating that you are your First and Middle name only, and that you are here to take
care of this matter. The judge is unfazed and motions for you to step forward into the
bar. You realize that by doing so, you can be seen to be entering into his jurisdiction,
so you hesitate, stating that you do not consent to entering his jurisdiction. The judge
motions to the court officer to escort you to the bar, and reluctantly (under protest),
you allow him to do so. You are doing everything you can think of not to consent to
the jurisdiction. But you are unsure about what you are doing and what effect it is
At one point you make a statement that you are only here to challenge juris-
diction. And since the information you read about this tells you to stand mute after
having made your statement, that is exactly what you do. In a key moment of the
hearing, the judge makes a statement about his court’s having jurisdiction over such
cases, and you neglect to object, not really sure how to handle this situation, having
been instructed to remain silent after having handed over your refusal for cause. At
this point, it is very easy to become caught in the net of the judge’s snare if you are
not familiar with court procedure and what you can and cannot do to get your position
on the record.
The judge proceeds to issue three orders of the court to handle your seeming
RELEASE ORDER ordering a trial date, bypassing the preliminary hearing and
pretrial stages; an ORDER REGARDING COUNSEL appointing you an attorney to
handle this case “in the interest of justice”; and a NOTICE TO DEFENDANT stating
that defendant must not contact the court appointed attorney before a certain date, and
giving the name and address of the attorney being appointed. On this last document,
it states: “You have an obligation to remain in contact with the court (as to your
address and telephone number) and your attorney during the pendency of this case.
If you fail to appear for any scheduled court appearance, a complaint and warrant may
be issued.”
In this Fifth Scenario, all this sounds awfully scary and final, doesn’t it. If you
didn’t know what you were doing, you might accidently make a mistake and venture
into the court’s jurisdiction. But if you’ve read this book carefully, you should know,
for the most part, how to handle this scenario in order to prevail. So, what would you
If you are having trouble answering any of these questions, perhaps you didn’t
read the material closely enough. Perhaps you let too many nuances escape your
notice. Even on one or two readings, most readers, unless they are experienced in law
and the courts, will not realize all the nearly invisible clues and nuances mentioned
that they need to be aware of in order to be successful executing this process.
$ How to handle scenario number 5 above, and learn how to disqualify
the court orders (including the order for a trial) in order to avoid having
to go to court altogether, and make it stick? This one can be a little tricky,
but it can be done if you understand your rights and how to assert them
and stick by them.
$ What you can do and/or say in court to extricate yourself from a
situation where your identity is being stolen and assassinated by the
The additional publications offered on the Common Law Remedy website are
offered on a gratuity basis for your further education and clarification. We don’t view
these additional books as a product that we sell as though it were a fly swatter to rid
you of a pesky critter, but rather as educational references to assist those who intend
to implement the refusal for cause process to maintain the position they are taking.
If you are not familiar with law and how courts work, these additional reference
works can prevent you from making critical mistakes in executing your process and
thereby abandoning your status and a winning position.
This means that when someone demonstrates their willingness to learn about the
law and about the reality of self-governance, and they show their gratitude by offering
the suggested gratuity for the How To Handle The Five Scenarios ebook, this entitles
them to one hundred percent access to me to answer any additional questions they
may have either through emails or phone consultations at no added gratuity. When
someone obtains that ebook, it indicates that perhaps they are serious in wanting to
learn more about law and how to assert law, and are not just seeking a “silver bullet”
to vanquish their opponent to end a momentary problem.
If you’re not sure how to effectively respond to these scenarios, for a nominal
gratuity you need to obtain our follow-up ebook How To Handle The Five Scenarios:
An Explanation of The Concepts Behind The “Refused For Cause” Process. In
addition to finding out how to correctly handle the five scenarios, you will learn
several more secrets that the law profession hopes you never discover.
With your order of the How To Handle The Five Scenarios ebook, you will also
receive, at no added gratuity, our newest ebook Case Study Answers: A Series of
Answers To Frequently Asked Questions By Common Law Remedy Readers. This is
a six hundred (600) page supplemental book documenting actual questions from
thirteen Common Law Remedy subscribers and our response to those questions. This
book is designed to help you understand the nuances of the process that you missed
on first reading. The author has set out to clarify as many as possible of the most fre-
quently asked questions that arise about how to hold one’s position and status while
undergoing the process of maintaining that position.
For someone who has not had an opportunity to undergo the process of formally
changing their status prior to receiving a citation that they still wish to dispute, the
Case Study Answers ebook was written with you in mind as it provides a “heads up,”
so to speak, about what to watch out for when dealing with the court system. A
victimless traffic ticket can be defeated by challenging the court’s jurisdiction, but
only with the greatest of efforts, being able to stay on point by only asking questions,
never accepting an offer from the court, and never testifying into the matter. This
means not even agreeing to offer a plea. It should go without saying that you cannot
offer to plead to a matter if the matter does not even involve you. An example of the
effort needed to accomplish this can be found in a past newsletter (Belligerent
Claimant Claims Estoppel, Gets Case Dismissed) that can be found in the Newsletter
Archive section of the website.
There is another less strenuous way to avoid the jurisdiction of the court which
court should recognize, however this entails having planned and taken the suggested
action ahead of time before you are stopped and issued a traffic ticket. It may be
worth your time and effort to bite the bullet on your current matter (if indeed you have
a current legal matter pending) so that you can get this remedy in place before taking
on the system in a subsequent matter. It will also allow you the time to begin
completing the procedure for changing your status, which in the end is the preferred
way to avoid the corporate statues on frivolous traffic issues. You can find
information about this alternative method – which entails obtaining what is called an
Assumed Name Certificate (or ANC) – on the Articles page in an article entitled
“Take Control Of The Name With An Assumed Name Certificate.”
If you wish to use this method, be sure to watch and listen to all the linked-to
audio / videos in the article to ensure that you correctly understand what must be
done. It is suggested that you take notes of these audio / videos so that you have
something down in black and white to refer back to when you have questions about
the process. Once you have received the ANC, you will need to publish Notice of it
in a local newspaper or other legal publication for two or three successive days
(depending on local legal requirements) and receive back certified proof from the
publication of having done such. Publication of your intentions for the use of the
NAME provides sufficient public notice that the court has to recognize, and is a
requirement in many jurisdictions. This allows you to defend the NAME in court, as
the nameholder and not the owner of whatever document contains the NAME, with-
out being associated with it by presumption.
If you need help in creating identification documentation and/or in declaring
your truth and serving lawful notice on authorities of your Identity – including a
discussion of key concepts that ought to be included in your affidavit and why, in
addition to an example affidavit that you can use as a template to compose your own,
as well as how to compose and record your Declaration of Truth Notice and Affidavit
of Identity – click on the link to find out more.
Information Resources
Here are some further reference resources (in PDF format) which you can download
and read to help corroborate and expand on the information given in this book. These
pieces will be well worth your time to read, especially the documents on “Consent”
and “Presumption.” Even if you don’t read any of the others, make sure you read
those two. You must understand these two concepts thoroughly if you want to have
the shadow of a chance of prevailing.
Why Statutory Civil Law is Law for Government and Not Private Persons