11th Ch-5 Physical Fitness, Health and Wellness.
11th Ch-5 Physical Fitness, Health and Wellness.
11th Ch-5 Physical Fitness, Health and Wellness.
us discuss some of the following statements:
The condition of being physically and mentally
healthy may be called wellness.
Wellness is the condition of co-ordination between
society and environment of a person.
Wellness is a balanced living.
Wellness is a balanced status of a person's energy,
force, work and co-ordination.
Figure 5.1 Promoting Physical Fitness
Creativity of a person, innovation and acceptance
by the society is wellness.
5.1 Meaning and Importance According to the above statements, we can conclude
of Wellness, Health and Physical that wellness is that state of a person in which his
Fitness behaviour is balanced and he has the feeling of self
Meaning of Wellness There are many dimensions of wellness. For
Wellness means the ability of the person through example, physical wellness, mental wellness, emotional
c h he/she can live his life happily while wellness, social wellness, professional wellness and
level which will enable everyone
achieve such a
environmental wellness. All these dimensions are and economically
lifewith enthusiasm socially
described in this chapter. of the above definition, we can sav
On the basis say that
In recent years, the popularity of the concept of health is the ability in which a person develon t
about he
wellness has increased and there is awareness of adjusting, changing and coping with t
qualities he
wellness among the people. The concept of personality dimensions of the environment, keeni
people ever-changing hg
development is changing into wellness and many the mind balanced
and and ka
ofthe profession. the body functioning eep
have changed this concept into a form
the person happy.
Multinational companies are conducting In simple words, we can explain health in this ay -a
and companies, so
for the wellness of their employees can properly
operate his internal organo.and
may be
enhanced. person who
that the productivity ofthe company beautiful coordination with his extern.
himself free can establish
Besides this, an individual is able to keep is healthy.
towards work environment, that person
trom tension. As a result. proceeds
healthy life.
efficiently, while leading a 5.1.3 Physical Fitness
defined as "the ability to carry on
5.1.2 Health Physical Fitness is
and alertness, without undue
different views about health, many
consider a daily tasks with vigour
There are energy to enjoy leisure tim
some consider a
fatigue and with ample
strong body to be health while meet unforeseen emergencies."
health. presently, and to
body to be in different parts of the
Health is the harmonious Physical capacity is present
1. Ecological Concept: person for fulfilling needshis
body, which is used by
animals and
balance between trees, plants, a task without stress and
humans. Plants not only provide food, shelter, It is the ability to accomplish
circumstances, which a common man is
for humans, but also make in formidable
and medicines
the surrounding
environment healthy and unable to perform.
the meaning of physical
beautiful. In order to understand
the following definitions:
Humans get food, meat, eggs, fish, poultry
etc. from fitness, let us try to study
"Physical fitness
animals. Woolen clothes are
obtained from sheep, 1. According to Edward Bortz,
of a r e capable for
leather, clothes and shoes etc. from the skin implies that the body systems
goat etc. satisfactorily."
animals, milk is obtained from cow, buffalo, carrying on their activities
Health is the absence 2. According to Cureton, "Physical fitness' means
2. Bio ecological concept:
of any disease in a person
i.e. if a person is not the capacity to do physical activities appropriately
then he is called as a and for a long duration."
suffering from any disease It is
healthy person. 3. According to Webster's Encyclopaedia,
routine work
The individual lives in the the ability of a person to do daily
3. Bio-Social Concept:
without fatigue; m o r e o v e r to participate playful
traditions. in
society, the society has its own customs, to meet
Each society has its own culture and person
a who activities and still reserve enough capacity
behaves according to the same customs, any emergency."
and culture is called healthy. 4. According to David R. Lamb, "Physical fitness
formed in a is the capacity to meet the present and potenta
4. Holistic Concept: Healthy family is
healthy environment, and a healthy body lives
physical challenges of life with success."
a healthy family, and a healthy mind resides
in a On the basis of the above definitions, it is clear that
with overall health
healthy body. That is, person physical fitness is that ability due to which person
a a
56 Physical Education-XI
Importance of
5.1.4 Physical Fitness and the body. The importance of good health in a person's
life is undoubtedly great.
hysical wel llness is equally
as well as a common man.important for a
At the currentsports- A healthy person is a person who is able to
p e r s o n
and wellness
fitness time, himself, his nation and his conmunity. An unhealthy
hysical become very person who suffers from illness
s e e s himself weak
ieal fitness mdividual important.
makes an
and meager, unable to properly carry out the duties
forming daily chores and wellnesssuccessful in
makes him and responsibilities incumbent on him.
in emotional
essful and other
the importan of
dimensions. Given *Good health for a person saves him the costs of
below is physical fitness and wellness: treatment and the hassle of going to hospitals. A
healthy person who is far from the disease sees
himself saving money that he would have spent
on the disease if he neglected his health.
important role to promote
3. Emotional
showing balanced behaviour. In day-to-day 7.
properfinancial management
of a
wellness me:
stress and contradictory person
life, we face a lot of
balanced person is able his financial
situations. An emotionally ordination between
to live a balanced life without being
disturbed by fulfillinghis family needs. esides this, earnan
needs and its apnr
per the
contradictory situations money as
investments are the signiticant parts of f
4. Social Wellness: This ability means having
this wellness
affects the nu
individual in the society. wellness. Lack of othe
a good position of an wellness factors.
It also means the ability to establish good
society. Good behaviouir 8. Spiritual Wellness: Spiritual wellness is elater
relations in the
towards the other people in the society, and to peace. In order to enhance th
has to orient himself towar
having personal relationship, brotherhood,
a wellness, a person
included in this vices. One should eat
friendly behaviour a r e all virtues by giving up pur
behaviour makes himn food.
category. A person's good food by avoiding junk
a socially able person. This ability means characte
9. Moral Wellness:
formation. For this, a person's character shouic
5. Nutritive Wellness: Nutritive wellness
on. Now, watch what happens when you keep the jar
making it easier to achieve py
bottle stil. Does the water begin to clear? The samne
2. Mental statementi s
thing happens in our mind when we stop for a little Aspect: Plato's famous the
while and are mindful...bad or hard feelings start healthy mind resides in a healthybody". Makes
to go away and we can focus on other things that brain active and the health of the brain pro the
o v i d e s
According to Thorndike, satisfaction enhances child lives a happyand harmonious life. Healthy child
learning. According to him/her, when a child takes responsibility and duty in the society and provides
a new direction to the thoughts and behavior of the
Darticipates in physical and mental activities.
society. Through social cleanliness, the environment
an alert mind is formed in him/her and due to
2wareness his learning speed is accelerated. This around us can be made peaceful and harmonious.
belief in the mind of a healthy and happy child A child who is starting life as a unit of his/her society,
It happens that s/he is ful of strength, it is necessary to include social qualities from an early
ability, so s/he is able to better display his/her stage and these qualities can be acquired by a child at
self-reliance, self-confidence and decision-making the same stage when his/her place of education, family
ability. and society are involved. The environment should
provide self-satisfaction and happiness and develop
The above qualities create a conducive environment
his/her ability and potential. Olympie Games in the
in the mind of the children. Due to which s/he gets
modern world is such. a structure which has provided
attracted towards the activity and absorbs him/
opportunities for brotherhood, harmony of culture
and harmonious supremacy of one's nation among
Negative qualities such as feelings of inequality the people of the whole world. The events have been
arise. established as a unique example of the healthy social
i)Emotional Aspect: The environment we create environment of human civilization.
by our behavior or attitude is called emotional
environment. Emotions arise from our feelings. 5.2.3 Components of Physical Fitness
That is, we should control our emotions as Physical Fitness depends on various components of a
well as make them positive, not that negative person. The physical fitness of a person is determined
feelings do not arise, Of course, but we should according to the capacity of these components. Physical
not let negativity dominate our emotions and fitness has the following components.
with determination we should create a positive
environment by converting it into positivity. Only
then we can remain emotionally healthy.
(i) Spiritual Aspect: The utmost importance of Strength
spirituality in human life there is an important
place. On the basis of spirituality, s/he decides
the goal of life. Spiritual health is that aspect of
s/ Physical
the behavior of person, on the basis of
a which Ficness
he tries to know the reality of life by setting the
goal of his/her life and moving forward on his/her
life. Mind, soul, behavior are all aspects of his
Flexibil ty
neither Speed
Personality and a r e related to each other,
t 1s possible to s e p a r a t e t h e m n o r c a n a n y one
a b o v e - m e n t i o n e d
ivities, it is cle
ugh the
maximum strength is the ability to h a
the maximum obstructions. espond
Types of Strength
Different kinds of strength a r e required for various
of strength:
sports. The following a r e the types
Types of Strength
Figure 5.8 Maximum Strength
When the muscles work
(6) Explosive Strength:
Dynamic strength Static strength with speed and strength together, the strength
is called explosive strength. For examnple, javelin
in Handbal
throw, long jump, polo vault, shooting
and nerves
Maximum Explosive Strength
jump, etc. In explosive strength, muscles
need the co-ordination of a high level. Because,
strength strength
that time, it is important that the muscles and
1. Dynamic Strength: We also know that reflexes should be at the same time. Otherwise
activities increase dynamic strength. This type of cannot be used.
explosive strength
strength is used in most of the sports. For example,
pull-ups, push-ups, curling, etc.
Physical Education-XI
ength Endurance: This strength is the continuously with
(c) S t r
For example, pushing the wall
nbination of two kinds of abilities. When a the parallel bars,
maximum strength, hanging on
arSon uses muscular strength for a u s e of such strength
hand stand, etc. Generally,
riod, we call it strength endurance. It longer
means sports is negligible, though
such activities a r e given
scles are in a position to function in spite of in practice sessions by the players.
otigue. For example, long race, swimming for long
duration, long walk, cycling. ete
Endurance means the ability to continue an activity
for a longer duration without fatigue. It is the
Figure 5.10 Strength Endurance
internal energy or capacity of the internal organs of a
2. Static Strength: It is called isometric strength. sportsperson, on the basis of which he has the capacity
In this kind of strength, a player is able to use his to continue an activity, in spite of fatigue. It means, on
muscles continuously, but it is not visible clearly. the basis of muscular strength, maintaining the activity
It means the movement of the muscles is not visible. of the muscles for a long duration.
Types of Endurance: On the basis of activities, the types of endurance are as follows:
Types of Endurance
62 Physical Education-XI
to cover
Endurance: This is the ability
. Speed maximum speed,
maximum distance at the
a s well
depends o n speed
n spite of fatigue. It medium distance
e n d u r a n c e ability. For
race, football, etc.
Flexibility is known
Maximum extension of the joints of the body of
extension in the range
flexibility. It m e a n s the
the length
depends on
motion. Flexibility in the hody tendons, ligaments,
ot the muscles, structure of joints,
is essential for every
amount of fat and age. Flexibility
is im portant for the
activity. And good flexibility
of flexibility is
Figure 5.14 Simple Reaction Ability performance. For a player, the utility
the maximum range
present, so that s/he is able to have
(h) Complex Reaction Ability: Quick and this flexibility is helpful
appropriate reaction to an unusual clue or
ofmotion in his joints. Besides, and reducing pain
in protecting from injury, balancing
signal is known as complex reaction ability. in the lower part of the back.
Most of the teams in sports use this complex
Types of Flexibility
reaction ability. For example, in Kho-Kho, dosingg
by the runner or chaser, protecting from the The following are the types of flexibility:
punch of the boxers, goal keeper reaction to kick 1. Active Flexibility: Maximum extension of the
in football, etc. joints of the body is known as active flexibility.
It does not require external support. The angle
which an individual is able to turn o r twist the
joints of the body is taken into consideration. For
00 no
example, bending of the waist forward or backward
and sideways. It m e a n s at what angle cana person
turn or bend. Active flexibility is of two types.
periods of inactivity. Some games were almost universal always make us feel better.
while many others were limited to a small groups of 2. Intellectual Wellness: Most of these games
e v e n though w e
Deople or region. The games were commonly associated require o u r full attention. And
more games w e play, the
with simple and unwritten rules. They illustrated a may not realise it, the
on traditions. Many of the social control
more we exercise our ability to focus.
associated with participation was usually informal 3. Social Wellness: Most traditional games require
and handled by players. There was a great range have
multiple players. And during gameplay, we
and diversity of games amongst the various groups. to communicate with players o n o u r teams and
The games helped to reinforce the culture and the those on the other team. This increases social
values considered important to the people. They often interactions and fosters better relationships.
promoted goodwill and interpersonal relationships. 4. Physical Wellness: All these games require
Finally, traditional games in India have a rustie and some level of physical activity, and this is very
local flavour to their method and techniques. Their
beneficial to our health. Playing games not only
names, as well as the style of playing, are seeped make us active but also keeps our weight in check.
heavily into the local, regional, and cultural nuances 5. Moral Wellness: Traditional games help us bond
of its surroundings. And hence because of this, often
these always become much more than mere time with everyone. We might even not know each
of building teams, other, but the game will bring us together. And
passing games. They become a means
of most importantly, that could be the beginning of
characters, strategies and a deeper understanding a lifelong friendship.
true core values.
*Physical fitness is the ability of the body by which a person can complete his daily tasks without any fatigue and have energy