Current Electricity Test

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XIIth Foundation Current Electricity Test Max.

Time:120 mins
Only one options is correct Marking Scheme :- (+3, -1)
1. A nonconducting ring of radius R has charge Q distributed unevenly over it. If it rotates with an
annular velocity , the equivalent current will be
ω ω
(a) zero (b) Q (c) 2π (d) Q πR
2. All the edges of a block with parallel faces are unequal. Its longest edge is twice its shorts edge. The
ratio of the maximum to minimum resistance between parallel faces is
(a) 2 (b) 4 (c) 8
(d) indeterminate unless the length of the third edge is specified
3. In the network shown below, the equivalent resistance between A and B is
(a) R/2 (b) R
(c) 2R (d)4R A R B

4. A and B are two points on a uniform ring of resistance R. The ACB =, where C is the centre of
the ring. The equivalent resistance between A and B is
(a) 4 gp 2
(2π −θ)θ
R 1−( θ
2π ) (c)
2π (d)
2π −θ

5. In the network shown, each resistance is equal to R. The equivalent resistance between diagonally
opposite corners is
(a) R (b) R/3
(c) 2R/3 (d) 4R/3

6. In the previous question, the equivalent resistance between adjacent corners is

2 3 8
(a) R (b) 3 R (c) 7 (d) 15 .
7. In the network shown below, the ring has zero resistance. The equivalent resistance between the
point A and B is
(a) 2R
3R A
(b) 4R B
(c) 7R 3R

(d) 10R
8. N identical cells are connected to from a battery. When the terminals of the battery are joined
directly (short-circuited), current I flows in the circuit. To obtain the maximum value of I,
(a) all the cells should be joined in series
(b) all the cells should be joined in parallel
(c) two rows of N/2 cell each should be joined in parallel
√ √ √
(d) N rows of N cells each should be joined in parallel given that N is an integer
9. N identical cells, each of emf  and internal resistance r, are joined in series. Out of these, n cells
are wrongly connected, ie. Their terminals are connected in reverse of that required for series
connection n < N/2. let 0 be the emf of the resulting battery and r0 be its internal resistance
(a) 0 = (N –n) , r0 =(N –n) r (b) 0 =(N -2n) , r0 = (N-2n)r
(c) 0 = (n – 2n) =, r0 = Nr(d) 0 = (N – n) , r0 = Nr)

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10. n identical cells, each of emf  and internal resistance r, are joined in series to form a closed circuit.
The potential difference across any one cell is
(a)zero (b)  (c)/n (d) n 
11. n identical cells each of emf  and internal resistance r, are joined in series to form a closed circuit.
One cell (a) is joined with reversed polarity. The potential difference across each cell, except A, is
2ξ n−1 n−2 2n
(a) n (b) n  (c) n  (d) n−2 
12. In the previous question, the potential difference across A is

(a) 2/n (b) 

(1− 1n ) (c) 2
(1− 1n ) (d) 
( n−2n )
13. A milliammeter of range 10 mA has a coil of resistance 1. To use it as an ammeter of range 1A, the
required shunt must have a resistance of
1 1 1 1
(a) 101  (b) 100  (c) 99  (d) 9 
14. To use the milliammeter of the previous question as a voltmeter of range 10 V, a resistance R is
placed on series with it. The value of R is
(a) 9  (b) 99  (c) 999  (d) 9999 
15. A miliammeter of range 10mA gives full –scale deflection for a current of 100 mA, when a shunt of
0.1  is connected in parallel to it. The coil of the milliammeter has a resistance of
(a) 0.9  (b) 1  (c) 1.1  (d) 0.11 
16. A, B and C are voltammeter of resistance R, 1.5R and 3R respectively. When some potential
difference is applied between X and Y, the voltmeter reading are V A, VB and VC respectively
(a) VA = VB =VC (b) VA  VB =VC B
(c) VA = VB  VC (d)VB  VA =VC C Y
17. an ammeter and a voltmeter are joined in series to a cell, Their reading are A and V respectively. If
a resistance is now joined in parallel with the voltmeter
(a) both A and V will increase (b) both A and V will decreases
(c) A will decrease, V will increase (d) A will increase, V will decrease
18. A cell of internal resistance r drives a current through a external resistance R. The power delivered
by the cell of the external resistance is maximum when
(a) R = r (b) R >> r (c) R << r (d) R =2r
19. The three resistances A, B and C have values 3R, 6R and R respectively. When some potential
difference is applied across the network, the thermal powers dissipated by A, B and C are in the
ratio 3R
(a) 2:3:4 (b) 2:4:3 6R C
(c) 4:2:3 (d) 3:2:4 B
20. An electric bulb is designed to draw P 0 power at V0 voltage. If the voltage is V, it draws P power.

( )
p= 0 P0
V (b)
p= P0
V0 (c)
p= p
V0 0
p= ( )
V0 2

21. An electric bulb rated for 500 watts at 100 colts is used in a circuit having a 200-volt supply. The
resistance R that must be put in series with the bulb, so that the bulb draw 500 watts is
(a) 10 (b)20 (c) 50 (d) 100
22. Two electric bulbs A and B are designed for the same voltage. Their power ratings are P A and PB
respectively, with PA>PB. If they are joined in series across a V-volt supply,
(a)A will draw more power than B (b)B will draw more power than A
(c)the ratio of powers drawn by them will depend on V (d) A and B will draw the same power

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23. n identical light bulbs, each designed to draw P power from a certain voltage supply, are joined in
series across that supply. The total power which they will draw is
(a) nP (b)P (c) P/n (d) P/n2
24. A 100-W bulb and a 25- W bulb are designed for the same voltage. They have filaments of the same
length and material. The ratio of the diameter of the 100-W bulb to that of the 25-W bulb is
(a) 4:1 (b) 2:1 (c)2:1 (d)1:2
25. An ideal cell is connected to a capacitor through a voltmeter. The reading V of the voltmeter is
plotted against time, Which of the following best represents the resulting curve?

(a) (b) (c) (d)

v v v v

t t t
26. In the circuit shown, when the switch is closed, the capacitor charges with a time constant

(a) RC (b)2RC R
(c)1/2RC (d) RC ln2
 
27. In the previous question, if the switch is opened after the capacitor has been charged, it will
discharge with a time constant
(a)RC (b)2RC (c) 1/2RC (d) RC ln2
28. A capacitor is charged and then made to discharge through a resistance .The time constant is . In
what time will the potential difference across the capacitor decrease by 10%?
(a) ln(0.1) (b)ln(0.9) (c)ln(10/9) (d)ln(11/10)
29. In the previous question, after how many time constants will the potential difference across the
capacitor fall to 10% of its initial value?
1 1
(a) 2 (b) 2.303 (c) 0.693 (d) 0.37
30. A capacitor charges from a cell through a resistance. The time constant is  IN what time will the
capacitor collect 10% of its final charge?
(a) ln(0.1) (b)ln(0.9) (c)ln(10/9) (d)ln(11/10)
31. In the previous question, after how many time constants will the charge on the capacitor be 10%
less than its final charge?
1 1
(a) 2 (b) 2.303 (c) 0.693 (d) 0. 37
32. A capacitor of capacitance C has charge Q. It is connected to an identical capacitor through a
resistance. The heat produced in the resistance is
2 2 2
(a) 2C (b) 4C (c) 8C (d) dependent on the value of the
33. The charge on a capacitor decreases  times in time t, when it discharges through a circuit with a
time constant .

(a) t =  (b) t =  ln  (c) t = (ln -1) (d) t = ln

( )
34. A beam of electrons emitted from the electron gun G is accelerated by an electric field E. The area of
cross-section of the beam remains constant. As the beam moves away from G,
(a) the speed of the electrons increases
(b) the current constituted by the beam increases E
(c) the number of electrons per unit volume in the beam increases e
(d) the number of electrons per unit volume in the beam decreases

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35. The charge flowing in a conductor varies with time as Q = at – bt 2. Then, the current
(a) decreases linearly with time (b) reaches a maximum and then decreases
(c) falls to zero time 2b (d) changes at a rate – 2b
1 1
Q=at− bt 2 + ct 3 ,
36. The charge flowing in a conductor varies with time as 2 6 where a, b, c are positive
constants. Then, the current
(a) has an initial value a
(b) reaches a minimum value after time p/c
(c) reaches a maximum value after time b/c

(d) has either a maximum or a minimum value

( )

37. When some potential difference is maintained between A and B, current I enters the network at A
and leaves at B.
(a) The equivalent resistance between A and B is 8 20 5

(b) C and D are at the same potential

(c) No current flows between C and D
5 D 20 B
(d) Current 3I/5 flows from D to C
38. In the circuit shown, the cell has emf = 10 V and internal resistance = 1.
(a) The current through the 3- resistor is 1 A 3 2 2

(b) The current through the 3- resistor is 0.5 A

  10v 8 8 4
(c) The current through the 4- resistor is 0.5 A
r  1
(d) The current through the 4- resistor is 0.25 A
2 2 2

39. In the circuit shown, some potential difference is applied between A and B. The equivalent
resistance between A and B is R. 2
(a) No current flows through the 5- resistor (b) R = 15 
A B 3 5 4
R= Ω 6
(c) R = 12.5  (d) 5
40. A uniform wire of resistance R is shaped into a regular n-sided polygon (n is even). The equivalent
resistance between any two corners can have
(a) The maximum value 4 (b) the maximum value n

(c) the minimum value

( n−1
n )
(d) the minimum value n
41. In the circuit shown, the cell is ideal, with emf = 15 V. Each resistance is of 3. The potential
difference across the capacitor is R  3 C  3F

(a) zero (b) 9 V R R

(c) 12 V (d) 15 V R R

 15v

42. An accumulator battery (storage cell) B of emf ε and internal resistance r is being charged from a
DC supply whose terminals are 1 and
T2 .
(a) Potential difference between 1 and
T 2 must be > ε

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(b) 1 must be positive with respect to 2
(c) In the battery, current flows from the positive to the negative terminal
(d) All the above options are incorrect
More than one options may be correct Marking Scheme : (+5, -1)
43. Capacitors C1 = 1 F and C2 = 2 F are separately charged from the same battery. They are allowed
to discharged separately through equal resistors at t = 0. Then:
(a) The current in the two discharging circuits at t = 0 is zero
(b) The current in the two discharging circuits at t = 0 are equal but no zero.
(c) The current in the two discharging circuits at t = 0 are unequal .
(d) C1 loses 50% of its initial charge sooner than C2 loses 50% of its initial charge.
44. In the circuit show , the cell is ideal with emf 9V. The resistance of the coil of galvanometer is 1 .

(a) No current flows in galvanometer

(b) Charge flowing through 8  F is 40 C
(c) Potential difference across 10  F is 5 V
(d) Potential difference across 10  F is 4 V

45. Which of the following statement is are correct :

(a) Potential difference between the terminals of non-ideal battery can

never be greater than its emf.
(b) If a non-ideal battery is short-circuited by a wire, heat generated in
the wire is less than electrical energy developed in the batter
(c) Emf of an ideal battery is measured by potentiometer and then by
voltmeter. Both the measurements are equally correct.
(d) The current inside the cell is always due to motion of both positive
and negative ions while outside it depends on the circuit elements
(conductor, semi-conductor, gas or electrolytes etc)

46. Two heaters designed for the same voltage V have different power ratings. When connected
individually across a source of voltage V, they produce H amount of heat each in time t 1 and t2
respectively. When used together (series and parallel) across the same source, they produce H
amount of heat in tome t :
t 1 +t 2
(a) If they are in series , t = t1 + t2 (b) If they are in series 2
t 1 t2 2 t 1 t2
t= t=
(c) If they are in parallel, t 1 +t 2 (d) If they are in parallel, t 1 + t2
47. Ammeter and voltmeter connected in the circuit are ideal. Then :
(a) Current passing through 3 resistance of 6A .
(b) Current passing through 10  resistance is 2 A
(c) Reading of ammeter is 4 A.
(d) Reading of voltmeter is 26 V
48. A charged capacitor is discharged through resister two times. The time dependence of the
logarithm of the discharge current obtained in two experiments is represented by two straight lines
1 and 2 in the figure. The experimental conditions differed only in one of the three parameters : the
initial capacitor voltage V, the capacitance C and resistance R. From graph one can conclude that :
(a) C is more in 1 than in 2.
(b) R is less in 1 than in 2.

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(c) V is more in 1 than in 2.
(d) R is constant
49. When capacitor discharges through resistance R, the time constant is  and maximum current in
the circuit is i0 :
(a) Initial charge on the capacitor was i0
i0 τ
(b) Initial charge on the capacitor was 2
i 2 Rτ
(c) Initial energy stored in the capacitor was 0

i 2 Rτ
(d) Initial energy stored in the capacitor was 2 0
50. An electric kettle has two coils. When one coil is switched on it takes 15 minutes to boil water and
when second coil is switched on it takes 30 minutes. Then :
(a) It takes 45 minutes to boil the same water when both cols are used in parallel
(b) It takes 10 minutes to boil the same water when both coils are used in parallel
(c) It takes 10 minutes to boil the same water when both coils are used in series
(d) It takes 45 minutes to boil the same water when both coils are used in parallel
51. a straight conductor AB lies along the axis of a hollow metal cylinder L which is connected to earth
through a conductor C. A quantity of charge will flow through C :

(a) If a current begins to flow through AB.

(b) If current through AB is reversed

(c) If AB is removed and a beam of electrons flow in its place

(d) If AB is removed and a beam of protons flow in its place.

52. A battery has an emf E and internal resistance r. A variable resistor R is connected across the
terminals of battery :
(a) Current in the circuit is maximum for R = 0
(b) Potential difference across the terminal is maximum for R = 
(c) Power delivered to the resistor (called load) is maximum for R = 0
(d) Power delivered to the resistor (load) is maximum for R = r
53. Two batteries having same emf E but different internal resistances r 1 and r2 (< r1) are connected in
series to an external resistor R .Then :

(a) The value of R that makes potential difference zero across

terminals of one battery is r1 – r2
(b) The value of R that makes potential difference zero across
terminals of one battery is r1 + r2
(c) For certain value of R, potential difference across terminals of
battery having emf E1 can be zero
(d) For certain value of R, potential difference across terminals of
battery having emf E2 can be zero.

54. Two identical cells each of emf E and internal resistance r are connected (a) in series (b) in parallel

with a load of resistance R. Maximum power transferred to the load is ( Pl ) max :

(a) In series, for
Pl to be ( Pl ) max R = 2r (b) In series ( Pl ) max = 2r

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r E2
Pl to be ( Pl ) max , R=
( Pl ) max = 2r
(c) In parallel, for (d) In parallel,

55. In the circuit shown when S is closed at t = 0.

(a) Ratio of charge stored in capacitors C and 3C at any time t will be 1 : 3
(b) Steady state charge in capacitors C and 3C are in ratio of 1 : 3

(c) Time constant of both capacitors are equal

(d) Rate of increases of charge is same in both capacitors

56. A battery of emf E and internal resistance r is connected across a resistance R. Resistance R can
be adjusted to any value greater than or equal to zero. A graph is plotted between the current
passing through resistance (i) and potential difference (V) across it:

(a) V-i graph can never be straight lone as shown .

(b) Maximum current delivered by battery is 3A

(c) Emf of battery is 15 V

(d) Internal resistance of battery is 5  .

57. Voltmeter reads potential difference across the terminals of an old battery as 1.20 volt, while a
potentiometer reads its voltage to be 1.40 volt. The voltmeter resistance is 240 . Then:
(a) Emf of battery is 1.20 volt (b) Emf of Battery is 1.40 volt
(c) Internal resistance of battery is 40  (d) Internal resistance of battery is 10 

58. Capacitor C is initially uncharged. X is joined to Y for a long time, during which H 1 heat is
producedin resistance R. X is now joined to Z for a long time, during which H 2 heat is produced in
R. Then;

(a) H1 = H2

(b) H1 = 2H2

(c) Energy supplied by ell during charging equal 2H2

(d) Energy supplied by cell during charging equals H1 + H2

59. A voltmeter of resistance R1 and an ammeter of R2 are connected in series across a battery of
negligible internal resistance. When a resistance R is connected in parallel to the voltmeter,
reading of ammeter increases three times while that to voltmeter reduces to one third. The value of
8R 8R
R1 is R is 8R R2 is
(a) 3 (b) 1 (c) 3 (d) R2 is 8 R
60. In the given circuit :
E1 = 3E2 = 2E3 = 6 volt , R1 = 2 R4 = 6 , R3 = 2R2 = 4, C = 5 F.
(a) Current in R3 resistance is 0.4A
(b) Current in R4 resistance is 0.2 A
(c) Energy stored in capacitor 5  F is 14.4 × 10-6 J

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(d) Energy stored in 5  F capacitor is 14.4 J

61. A resistance coil of resistance r connected to an external battery is placed inside an adiabatic
cylinder fitted with frictionless piston area A. Cylinder contains one mole of Helium gas. A current
flows through the coil such that temperature of the gas varies as T = T 0 + at + bt2, keeping
pressure P constant with time t. Atmospheric pressure above the piston is P 0 . Then:

[ ]
(a+2 bt )
(a) Current flowing through the coil at time t is 2 r

[ ]
(a+bt )
(b) Current flowing through the coil at time t is r
(a+2bt )
(c) At time t, the speed of piston is PA
(a+bt )
(d) At time t, the speed of piston is P
62. Battery shown of emf E has internal resistance r and a variable
resistor. At an instant current flowing through the circuit is i,
potential difference between the terminal of cells is V, thermal power
developed in external circuit is P and thermal power developed in the
cell is equal to fraction  of total electrical power generated in it, then
which of the following graphs is/are correct .

(a) (b)

(c) (d)


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Answer Key
Current Electricity Test

Que. 1 2 3 4 5
Ans. C B A +3 C
Que. 6 7 8 9 10
Ans. D A D D A
Que. 11 12 13 14 15
Ans. A C C C A
Que. 16 17 18 19 20
Ans. A D A C C
Que. 21 22 23 24 25
Ans. B B C B B
Que. 26 27 28 29 30
Ans. A B C B C
Que. 31 32 33 34 35
Ans. B B B A A,c,d
Que. 36 37 38 39 40
Ans. A A,b,c A,d A,d A,c
Que. 41 42
Ans. C A,c
Que. 43 44 45 46 47
Ans. B and D A, B, and D B, C, and D A and C A , B and D
Que. 48 49 50 51 52
Ans. C and D A and D A and B C and D A, B, and D
Que. 53 54 55 56 57
Ans. A and C A , B, C, and D A, B, and C B, C, and D B and C
Que. 58 59 60 61 62
Ans. A, C and D B and C B and C A and C A and B

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