ADC Unit 1

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Analog and Digital


Dr. K. Sateesh Kumar
ECM Dept..

Signal, Message, Information
It is a physical quantity which varies with respect
to time or space or independent or dependent
It is electrical waveform which carries information.
Ex: m(t) = Acos(ωt+ϕ)
Where, A= Amplitude or peak amplitude (Volts)
w = Frequency ( rad/sec)
ϕ= Phase (rad)
Types of Signals
 Analog or Continuous Signal
 Digital Signal
Analog or Continuous Signal: If the amplitude of
signal continuously varies with respect to time or
if the signal contains infinite number of
amplitudes, it is called Analog or continuous

Digital Signal: If the signal contains only two

discrete amplitudes, then it is called digital signal.
With respect to communication, signals are classified into
 Base band signal
 Band pass signal
Base band signal: If the signal contains zero frequency or near
to zero frequency, it is called base band signal.
Ex:Voice,Audio,Video, Bio-medical signals etc.
Band pass signal: If the signal contains band of frequencies far
away from base or zero, it is called band pass signal.
Ex: AM, FM signals.
Message: It is sequence of symbols.
Ex: Happy NewYear 2020.
Information: The content in the message is called
Course Objectives:

•To develop ability to analyze system requirements of analog and digital

communication systems.
•To understand the generation, detection of various analog and digital modulation
•To acquire theoretical knowledge of each block in AM, FM transmitters and receivers.
•To understand the concepts of baseband transmissions, source coding and channel

Course Outcomes: Upon completing this course, the student will be able to

•Analyze and design of various continuous wave and angle modulation and
demodulation techniques
•Understand the effect of noise present in continuous wave and angle modulation techniques.
•Attain the knowledge about AM , FM Transmitters and Receivers
•Analyze and design the various Pulse Modulation Techniques.
•Understand the concepts of Digital Modulation Techniques and Baseband transmission,
source coding and channel coding.
UNIT-I: Amplitude Modulation
Need for modulation,
Amplitude Modulation - Time and frequency domain description
single tone modulation, power relations in AM waves
Generation of AM waves - Switching modulator
Detection of AM Waves - Envelope detector

DSBSC modulation - time and frequency domain description

Generation of DSBSC Waves - Balanced Modulators
Coherent detection of DSB-SC Modulated waves, COSTAS Loop

SSB modulation - time and frequency domain description,

frequency discrimination and Phase discrimination methods for generating SSB,
Demodulation of SSB Waves,
principle of Vestigial side band modulation (VSB).


UNIT-II: Angle Modulation

 Basic concepts of Phase Modulation,

 Frequency Modulation: Single tone frequency modulation,
Spectrum Analysis of Sinusoidal FM Wave using Bessel functions,
Narrow band FM, Wide band FM, Constant Average Power,
Transmission bandwidth of FM Wave –
 Generation of FM Signal- Armstrong Method
 Detection of FM Signal: Balanced slope detector, Phase locked
loop, Comparison of FM and AM.
 Concept of Pre-emphasis and de-emphasis.

UNIT-III: Transmitters and Receivers
-Classification of Transmitters
-AM Transmitters
-FM Transmitters
-Radio Receiver - Receiver Types - Tuned radio frequency
receiver, Superheterodyne receiver,
-RF section and Characteristics - Frequency changing
and tracking, Intermediate frequency, Image frequency,
AGC, Amplitude limiting
-FM Receiver
-Comparison of AM and FM Receivers.

UNIT-IV: Pulse Modulation and PCM
Pulse Modulation

-Types of Pulse modulation- PAM, PWM and PPM.

-Comparison of FDM and TDM.

Pulse Code Modulation

-PCM Generation and Reconstruction
-Quantization Noise, Non-Uniform Quantization and
-DPCM, Adaptive DPCM
-DM and Adaptive DM
-Noise in PCM and DM.
Digital Modulation Techniques
-ASK- Modulator, Coherent ASK Detector
-FSK- Modulator, Non-Coherent FSK Detector
-BPSK- Modulator, Coherent BPSK Detection.
-Principles of QPSK
-Differential PSK and QAM.

Baseband Transmission and Optimal Reception of

Digital Signal
A Baseband Signal Receiver
Probability of Error
Optimum Receiver
Coherent Reception
10 ISI, Eye Diagrams.
Introduction, advantages, Shannon’s theorem for Channel capacity,
Huffman code, Shannon-Fano coding, bandwidth –S/N trade off.


Introduction - types of errors, redundancy, detection Vs correction,

forward error correction Vs retransmission;
linear block codes, error detection and correction capabilities of
linear block codes
Hamming code, cyclic codes: encoding, syndrome calculation,
decoding, CRC codes – hardware realization; convolutional codes:
encoding using state, tree and trellis diagrams, decoding using
Viterbi algorithm

1. Analog and Digital Communications – Simon Haykin, John
Wiley, 2005.
2. Electronics Communication Systems-Fundamentals through
Advanced-Wayne Tomasi, 5th Edition, 2009, PHI.

1. Principles of Communication Systems - Herbert Taub, Donald
L Schilling, GoutamSaha, 3rd Edition, McGraw-Hill, 2008.
2. Electronic Communications – Dennis Roddy and John
Coolean , 4th Edition , PEA, 2004
3. Electronics & Communication System – George Kennedy and
Bernard Davis, TMH 2004
4. Analog and Digital Communication – K. Sam Shanmugam,
Analog and Digital
Need for modulation,
Amplitude Modulation - Time and frequency domain description
single tone modulation, power relations in AM waves
Generation of AM waves - Switching modulator
Detection of AMWaves - Envelope detector

DSBSC modulation - time and frequency domain description

Generation of DSBSCWaves - Balanced Modulators
Coherent detection of DSB-SC Modulated waves, COSTAS Loop

SSB modulation - time and frequency domain description,

frequency discrimination and Phase discrimination methods for generating SSB,
Demodulation of SSB Waves,
principle of Vestigial side band modulation (VSB).
 Communication is the transfer of information from
one place to another.
 It is the process of establishing connection or link
between two points for information exchange.
This should be done
 as efficiently as possible
 with as much fidelity/reliability as possible
as securely as possible
Communication System: Components/subsystems act
together to accomplish information

Elements of Communication System

Information source:
The message or information to be
communicated originates in information
Message can be words, group of words, code,
data, symbols, signals etc.
The objective of the transmitter block is to
collect the incoming message signal and
modify it in a suitable fashion(if needed),such
that, it can be transmitted via the chosen
channel to the receiving point.
Channel is the physical medium which connects
the transmitter with that of the receiver.
The physical medium includes copper wire,
coaxial cable, fibre-optic cable, wave guide and
free space or atmosphere.
The receiver block receives the incoming
modified version of the message signal from the
channel and processes it to recreate the original
(non-electrical) form of the message signal.
Limitations of Communication System
 Technological Problems:
To implement communication systems, Tx, Rx, channel
are required which requires hardware. Communication
system is expensive and complex.
 Bandwidth & Noise:
The effect of noise can be reduced by providing more
bandwidth to stations but due to this less number of
stations can only be accommodated.
 Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR): Noise should below to
increase channel capacity but it is an unavoidable
aspect of communication system.
 Modulation is the process of changing the parameters of the
carrier signal, in accordance with the instantaneous values of
the modulating signal.
 Converting low frequency signal into high frequency signal
 Converting base-band to band pass signal

Signals in the Modulation Process
Following are the three types of signals in the modulation process.
Message or Modulating Signal
The signal which contains a message to be transmitted, is called as a
message signal. It is a baseband signal, which has to undergo the
process of modulation, to get transmitted. Hence, it is also called as
the modulating signal.
Carrier Signal
The high frequency signal, which has a certain amplitude, frequency
and phase but contains no information is called as a carrier signal. It
is an empty signal and is used to carry the signal to the receiver after
Modulated Signal
The resultant signal after the process of modulation is called as a
modulated signal. This signal is a combination of modulating signal
and carrier signal

Need for Modulation

Baseband signals are incompatible for direct transmission.

For such a signal, to travel longer distances, its strength
has to be increased by modulating with a high frequency
carrier wave, which doesn’t affect the parameters of the
modulating signal.

To reduce the length or height of antenna

For multiplexing
For narrow banding or to use antenna with single or same
To reduce noise and interference.
Long distance communication
1 . Reduce the antenna size:
The effective antenna length is /4
Sol : wave length =c/f
f= 300Hz ; = 3*108/300= 106 m
f= 3*106Hz ; = 3*108/(3*106)= 100m
Increasing frequency will reduce the antenna size
2. To reduce noise and interference.
the efficient of noise more at some frequency and less at some
other frequency
If noise more at a particular frequency. Bymodulation , frequency
is shifted to other frequency band so interference is reduced
3 . Narrow banding signal
 Fh/Fl=~1  Narrowband signal
 Fh/Fl >1 Wideband signal
 Consider voice signal range is 300 -3.5 KHz
Carrier frequency is 106 Hz
After modulation :
The spectrum is shifted to 1000300-1003500 Hz
4. Multiplexing of signals:
Multiplexing allows transmission of more than one signal
through the same communication channel
Types of Modulation

 Carrier wave (sine ) can be described by three

parameters: Amplitude, Phase, Frequency
c(t) = A sin (ωt+ϕ)

1. Amplitude Modulation
2. Phase Modulation
3. Frequency Modulation

Frequency and Phase combined are known as

Angle Modulation
 Amplitude Modulation
If the amplitude of the high frequency carrier wave is varied in
accordance with the instantaneous amplitude of the modulating
 Angle Modulation
If the angle of the carrier wave is varied, in accordance with the
instantaneous value of the modulating signal, then such a technique
is called as Angle Modulation. Angle modulation is further divided
into frequency modulation and phase modulation.
1. Frequency Modulation
If the frequency of the carrier wave is varied, in accordance with
the instantaneous value of the modulating signal
2. Phase Modulation
If the phase of the high frequency carrier wave is varied in
accordance with the instantaneous value of the modulating signal
Fourier Transform
Frequency Shifting Property
Statement: x(t)  X(f)
x(t)*e 2π f t X(f-f )
0 0

Proof: X(f)= x(t) e -2π ft dt

t t -2π ft
F{x(t) *e 2π f }= x(t) e 2π f e dt
0 0

= x(t) e -2π (f-fo)t dt

= X (f-f )
Find Fourier Transform of cos 2πfot
Solution :
cos 2πfot =(ej2πfot +e-j 2πfot )/2 --(1)
Rewrite eq.1 as: 1* ej2πfot/2+1* e-j2πfot/2 --(2)

F[δ(t)]=1  1=δ(f) --- (3 )

From eq.3
F[1* e o /2]= δ(f-f o)/2
t/2]=δ(f+f )/2
F[1* e-j2πfo o

F[cos 2πfot]= {δ(f-fo)+ δ(f+fo)}/2

Find Fourier Transform of m(t)cos 2πfot
Solution :
cos 2πfot =(ej2πfot +e-j 2πfot )/2 --(1)
m(t)cos2πfot = m(t)ej2πfot/2+m(t) e-j2πfot/2 --(2)
F[m(t)cos 2πfot] =F[m(t)ej2πfot/2]+F[m(t) e-j2πfot/2] –(3)
By frequency shifting property
F[m(t)ej2πfot/2]= M(f-fo)/2 (4)
F[m(t)e-j2πfot/2]= M(f+fo)/2 (5)
Substituting eq.4,5 in eq. 3 we get
F[m(t)cos 2πfot] = {M(f-fo)+ M(f+fo)}/2
Frequency Translation
* By Frequency Shifting Theorem
F [m(t) cos(2πfct)] =1/2 [M (f – fc) +M (f+fc)]

Amplitude Modulation
 Modulating or baseband or Message signal is given by,
m(t) = Am Cos 2πfmt ---------- (1)
 Carrier signal is given by,
c(t) = Ac Cos 2π fct ---------- (2)

Where :
Am = Amplitude the message signal
Ac = Amplitude of the carrier signal
fm = Frequency of the message signal
Fc = Frequency of the carrier signal
 The amplitude of the carrier signal varies in accordance with the
instantaneous amplitude of the modulating signal.

 The standard modulated signal is

S(t)= AcCos2πfct[1+ka m(t)] -------- (3)
 The standard modulated signal is
S(t)= Ac Cos2πfct[1+µ] --------- (4)
Where µ ----> Modulation index or depth of modulation
µ = |ka m(t)|
Another formulas
µ = (Vmax-Vmin)/( Vmax+Vmin) = Am/Ac
From Eq.4
s(t)= AcCos2πfct + µ m(t)Ac Cos2πfct -------- (5)
Frequency domain representation

S(f) ={ Ac[δ(f-fc)+ δ(f+fc)]}/2 + {Ac µ[M(f-fc)+ M(f+fc)]}/2

Time Domain Frequency Domain
m(t) M(f)

Ac Cos 2π fct =
 Ac [δ(f-fc)+ δ(f+fc)]}/2
Ac(ei2π fct +e-j 2π fct )/2

{ Ac [δ(f-fc)+ δ(f+fc)]}/2 +
Ac Cos2πfct + µ m(t)Ac Cos2πfct 
{Ac µ[M(f-fc)+ M(f+fc)]}/2

BW = UCF - LCF= fc+W- (fc - W)

= 2*W

We observe that envelope of the AM wave s(t) has

same shape as the baseband signal m(t) provided
two requirements are satisfied.

 The envelope should be positive always, no matter

what values the message signal m(t) takes.
For this the amplitude of Kam(t) is always less than
i.e │Kam(t)│<1 for all t

 The carrier frequency is much greater than the highest

frequency component W of the message signal m(t)
i.e fc >> W

Single Tone Modulation

Let m(t) = Am Cos(2∏fmt)

From Standard AM
s(t) = Ac Cos2πfct[1+ka m(t)] -----(1)
= Ac Cos2πfct [1+ka Am Cos(2∏fmt)] ---(2)
µ = ka Am = Modulation index
s(t) = Ac Cos2πfct [1+µCos(2∏fmt)] ----(3)

Vmax = Ac(1+µ) Vmin = Ac (1-µ)

µ =(Vmax-Vmin)/( Vmax+Vmin)

From eq.3
s(t) = Ac Cos2πfct +µ Ac Cos2πfct Cos(2 π ----(4)
= Ac Cos2πfct + ½*{µ Ac Cos2π(fc+fm)t} + ---- (5)
½*{µ Ac Cos2π(fc-fm)t}
It contains three signals
1. carrier signal ( Freq fc, Amplitude Ac)
2. Upper side band ( Freq fc+fm, Amplitude µ Ac /2)
3. Lower side band ( Freq fc -fm , Amplitude µ Ac /2)

Bandwidth = USB-LSB = (fc+fm) - (fc -fm )= 2* fm ---- (6)

= 2* Message frequency
Power Calculations :
 Carrier Power Pc=Vrms2/R= (Ac/ 2)2/R= A c2/2R
 Upper side band power PUSB=(µAc /2 2)2/R= µ2Ac2/8R
Lower side band power PLSB=(µAc /2 2)2/R= µ2Ac2/8R
Total Power PT= Pc+ PUSB+ PLSB= Ac2/2R+ 2*µ2Ac2/8R
= Ac2/2R(1+ µ2/2)
PT = Pc(1+ µ2/2) -----(7 ) P=I2R
Total current It=Ic*sqrt(1+ µ2/2)
Efficiency (η)= (Side band power/Total power)
= {µ2Ac2/4R}/{(Ac2/2R)* (1+ µ2/2)}
= (µ2 /2)/(1+ µ2/2) = µ2 /(2+ µ2 ) ----(8)

 Frequency domain representation
s(t)= Ac Cos2πfct + ½*{µ Ac Cos2π(fc+fm)t} + ½*{µ Ac Cos2π(fc-fm)t}

S(f) ={ Ac[δ(f-fc)+ δ(f+fc)]}/2 +

{µ Ac [δ(f-fc-fm)+ δ(f+fc+fm)]}/4 +
{µ Ac [δ(f-fc+fm)+ δ(f+fc-fm)]}/4 ----(9)

 Types of AM with respect to modulation index:

 Under Modulation (µ<1)
 Critical Modulation (µ=1)
 Over Modulation (µ>1) (Leads to Envelope distortion)

Am Cos 2π fmt  A [δ(f-f )+ δ(f+f )]}/2 M(f) Cont’d
m m m

A m/2 A m/2

-fm fm
Ac Cos 2π fct  Ac [δ(f-fc)+ δ(f+fc)]}/2 A c /2 A c /2

-fc S(f) fc
A c /2 Ac/ 2
µA c /4 µA c /4 µA c /4
µA c /4

-fc -fm -fc -fc +fm fc–fm fc fc +fm

S(f) ={ Ac [δ(f-fc)+ δ(f+fc)]}/2 +

{µ Ac [δ(f-fc-fm)+ δ(f+fc+fm)]}/4 +
{µ Ac [δ(f-fc+fm)+ δ(f+fc-fm)]}/4
µ=Am/Ac<1 µ=Am/Ac=1=> Am=Ac µ=Am/Ac>1=> Am>Ac
=> Am<Ac

From eq. 8 µ=1 --> Efficiency (η) =1/3=33%

η = PSB/PT = 33%
=> PSB = PT/3

The equation of amplitude modulated wave is given by
𝒔(𝒕) = 𝟐𝟎[𝟏 + 𝟎.𝟖𝐜𝐨𝐬(𝟐𝝅 × 𝟏𝟎𝟑𝒕)]𝐜𝐨𝐬(𝟒𝝅 × 𝟏𝟎𝟓𝒕). Find the carrier power,
the total sideband power, and the band width of AM wave
Solution: s(t) = Ac Cos2πfct [1+µCos(2∏fmt)]
Ac=20V, fm=1000Hz, fc=2*105 Hz; u=0.8
BW=2*fm=2*1000=2K Hz
Pc= Ac2/2R=400/2=200W
Psb= µ2Ac2/4R=0.64*400/4=64W
A modulating signal 𝒎(𝒕) = 𝟏𝟎 𝐜𝐨𝐬(𝟐𝝅 × 𝟏𝟎𝟑 𝒕) is
amplitude modulated with a carrier signal 𝒄(𝒕)= 𝟓𝟎
𝐜𝐨𝐬(𝟐𝝅 × 𝟏𝟎𝟓𝒕). Find the modulation index, the carrier
power, and the power required for transmitting AM
SOL: Ac=50v; Am=10V; fm=1KHz; fc= 105 Hz
U=Am/Ac=10/50=0.2 or 20%
Pc= Ac2/2R=2500/2=1250W
=1250(1+0.04/2)= 1250(1.02)=1275W
1. Switching Modulator

2. Square law modulator

1.Switching Modulator
The output of the summer is µ = Am/Ac
V1(t) = m(t) + Ac Cos2π fc t ----- (1)
 Assume, the magnitude of the modulating signal is very small when compared to

the amplitude of carrier signal 𝑨𝒄.

 So, the diode’s ON and OFF action is controlled by carrier signal 𝒄(𝒕).
so, v2(t) = v1(t); c(t)>0
v2(t) = 0; c(t)<0 -----(2)
We can approximate as v2(t) = v1(t)*x(t); (3)

Where x(t) is a periodic train pulse ,T=1/f c

x(t)= { ( 1/2)+(2/ π) [(-1)n-1/(2n-1)]*Cos2πfct(2n-1) ---} -----(4)
 Sub eq.4 in eq.3 v2(t) = v1(t)*x(t);
 v2(t)={m(t)+AcCos2πfct}*
{(1/2)+(2/π) [(-1)n-1/(2n-1)]*Cos2πfct(2n-1) ---}
= m(t)/2+{AcCos2πfct}/2 + (2/ π) cos2πfct m(t)+
+ (2/ π) Accos22πfct +----
 The output of BPF is :

vo(t)={AcCos2πfct}/2+(2/π)cos2πfct m(t)
= {AcCos2πfct}/2 * [ 1+ m(t)* (4/Acπ)]
 Comparing Standard AM equation ka= (4/ A c π)

Demodulation or detection is the process of
recovering the original message signal from the
received modulated signal.

1. Envelope Detector
2. Square law Demodulator
1. Envelope Detector or Non-coherent
 Envelope detector is used to detect (demodulate) high level AM wave

Conditions :
 Rs C << Tc = 1/ fc

 (1/ fc )<< RLC << 1/W

Analog and Digital

Dr. K Sateesh Kumar
ECM Dept..
Drawbacks of AM:
1. Low Transmission efficiency:
Efficiency (η)= (Side band power/Total power)
= µ2 /(2+ µ2 ) = 1/3 =33.3%
2. Wastage of transmission power
s(t) = Ac Cos2πfct +µ Ac Cos2πfct Cos(2 π fmt)]
66.6% 33.3%

Double side band suppressed carrier modulation

Advantages over AM
 Effective utilization of Power
 Transmission efficiency is 100%
from AM PT=Pc+PLsb+Pusb
Efficiency (η)= (Side band power/Total power)
* Any modulator which generated DSB-SC signal is
called as product modulator
s(t) = Ac Cos2πfct +ka m(t) Ac Cos2πfct
s(t)= m(t) Ac Cos2πfct

Frequency domain representation



-W W
Ac Cos 2π fct  Ac [δ(f-fc)+ δ(f+fc)]}/2 Ac/2 Ac/2

-fc fc

-fc -W -fc +W fc–W fc +W

S(f) = (Ac/2){M(f-fc)+M(f+fc)}
Dr. Nanda kumar M III ECM-Analog Communications
Why phase reversal?
 Vmax=Ac(1+u) =2*Ac
 Vmin=Ac(1-u) =0 ; m(t)=-m(t)= phase reversal of 180
 U=1; from Am=u=ka m(t)

 M(t)=Cos2πfmt ; -m(t)= Cos(2πfmt+180)

Single Tone Modulation

Let m(t) = Am Cos(2∏fmt)

s(t) = Ac Cos2πfct m(t) -----(1)
= Ac Cos2πfct Am Cos(2∏fmt) ---(2)
= ½*{Am Ac Cos2π(fc+fm)t} +
½*{Am Ac Cos2π(fc-fm)t ----(3)
Frequency Domain Representation:
S(f)= Am Ac [δ(f-fc-fm)+ δ(f+fc+fm)]}/4 +
{Am Ac [δ(f-fc+fm)+ δ(f+fc-fm)]}/4 --- (4)

Bandwidth = USB-LSB = (fc+fm) - (fc -fm )= 2* fm ---- (5)

= 2* Message frequency
 Power Calculations :
 Upper side band power PUSB=(AmAc /2 2)2/R
 = Am2Ac2/8R
 Lower side band power PLSB=(Am Ac /2 2)2/R
 = Am2Ac2/8R
 Total Power PT= PUSB+ PLSB = Am2Ac2/8R + Am2Ac2/8R
= Am2Ac2/4R -----(6)

Efficiency (η)= (Side band power/Total power)

= (Am2Ac2/4R)/(Am2Ac2/4R)=100% ----(7)
Am Cos 2π fmt  Am [δ(f-fm)+ δ(f+fm)]}/2 Cont’d

Am/2 Am/2

-fm fm
Ac Cos 2π fct  Ac [δ(f-fc)+ δ(f+fc)]}/2 C(f)
Ac/2 Ac/2

-fc fc

Am Ac/4 Am Ac/4 AmAc/4
Am Ac/4

-fc -fm -fc +fm fc–fm fc +fm

S(f) ={Am Ac [δ(f-fc-fm)+ δ(f+fc+fm)]}/4 +

Dr. Nanda kumar M III ECM-Analog Communications
{Am Ac [δ(f-fc+fm)+ δ(f+fc-fm)]}/4
Power Saving (DSBSC over SAM)
 Power Saving= (Power saved/Total power)

 Total Power= Ac2/2R+ 2*µ2Ac2/8R

 Power saved = total power- DSBSC power

= Ac2/2R+ 2*µ2Ac2/8R- 2*µ2Ac2/8R
= Ac2/2R
 Power Saving= {Ac2/2R}/{Ac2/2R+ 2*µ2Ac2/8R}
= {Ac2/2R}/{(Ac2/2R) (1+µ2 /2)}
= 1/ (1+µ2 /2) =2/(2+ µ2 )
1. Balanced modulator
2. Product Modulator
3. Ring Modulator
1. Balanced modulator

 It consists of two amplitude modulators arranged in

balanced configuration to suppress the carrier
From AM
s(t)= Ac Cos 2πfct{1 + ka m (t)} ------(1)
The output of the First modulator
s1(t)= Ac Cos 2πfct{1 + ka m (t)} ------(2)
The output of the Second modulator
s2(t)= Ac Cos 2πfct{1 - ka m (t)} ------(3)
The output of the summer is
S(t) =S1(t)-S2(t)
= Ac Cos 2πfct{1 + ka m (t)} –
Ac Cos 2πfct{1 -ka m (t)}
= Ac Cos 2πfct + Ac Cos 2πfct *ka *m (t)
– Ac Cos 2πfct + Ac Cos 2πfct *ka *m (t)
= 2*ka* Ac Cos 2πfct *m (t)

S(f)= 2*ka*(Ac/2)*{M(f-fc)+M(f+fc)}

-fc -W -fc +W fc–W fc +W

-W W
Using Diodes
 e1= cos wct+f(t) and e2= cos wct-f(t)
 The diode will be act as a nonlinear
 i1=ae1+be12 and i2=ae2+be22
from diode equations => i1=ae1+be12
i1=a {cos wct+f(t)}+b {cos wct+f(t)}2
i2=a {cos wct-f(t)}+b {cos wct-f(t)}2
The output v is v=v1-v2
= i1 *R - i2*R
{a {cos w t+f(t)}+b {cos w t+f(t)}2}*R-
= c c
{a {cos wct-f(t)}+b {cos wct-f(t)}2}*R
 V= 2*a*f(t)*R+4*R*b*f(t)*coswct

 The output of band-pass filter is

V= 4*R*b*f(t)*coswct
Using Transistor
Demodulation or detection is the process of
recovering the original message signal from the
received modulated signal.

1. Coherent detection
2. Costas loop
3. Squaring Loop
1. Synchronous Detector or Coherent Detection
 Major blocks are product modulator and low pass filter (LPF)
 The input of the product modulator
S(t)= Ac Cos2πfct * m(t) ----- (1)
 Product modulator output is
v(t)=s(t)*c(t) -----(2)
= Ac Cos2πfct * m(t) * Ac Cos2πfct -----(3)
= Ac2 Cos22πfct*m(t) -----(4)
= m(t)*Ac2 (1+cos4πfct )/2 -----(5)
= (½)*m(t)*Ac2 +(½)*m(t)*Ac2 *cos4πfct ---(6)

 Output of the LPF

vo(t)= Ac2 *(½)*m(t)
 The input of the product modulator
S(t)= Ac Cos2πfct * m(t) ----- (1)
 Product modulator output is
v(t)=s(t)*c(t) -----(2)
= Ac Cos2πfct * m(t) * Ac Cos(2πfct+ ϕ)
 =Ac2 *m(t)* Cos2πfct *Cos(2πfct+ ϕ)
 = Ac2 *m(t)* (1/2){Cos(2πfct+ ϕ+2πfct )+ Cos(2πfct+ ϕ-2πfct )}
 = Ac2 *m(t)* (1/2){Cos(4πfct+ ϕ)+cos ϕ}
 Low pass filter output
 v(t)= Ac2 *m(t)* (1/2)*cos ϕ
 Φ=0 => v(t) = Ac2 *m(t)* (1/2)
 Φ=90 => v(t)=0
 This effect is called as quadrature null effect. {Very Important}
2. Costas Loop

 The other input for both product modulators is taken from

Voltage Controlled Oscillator (VCO) with -90o phase shift to
one of the product modulator as shown in figure.
 Common input of two product modulators is 𝒔(𝒕)
 DSB-SC wave is S(t)= Ac cos2πfct * m(t) -----(1)
 The VCO output is c1(t)=Ac*cos(2πfct + ϕ) ----(2)
 Product modulator 1 output is
V1(t)=s(t)*c1(t) ----(3)
V1(t)= Ac cos2πfct * m(t) * Ac*cos(2πfct + ϕ) ---(4)
V1(t)= Ac2 *m(t)*cos2πfct *cos(2πfct + ϕ) ----(5)
V1(t)= Ac2 *m(t){cos(4πfct + ϕ)+ cos(ϕ)}*(1/2) --(6)
Low pass filter output is
VLPF1(t)= Ac2 *m(t)*(1/2)*cosϕ --(7)
The output of -90 phase shifter is
c2(t)=Ac*cos(2πfct + ϕ - 90)= Ac*sin(2πfct + ϕ) --(8)
 Product modulator 2 output is
V2(t)=s(t)*c2(t) ----(9)
V2(t)= Ac cos2πfct * m(t) * Ac*sin(2πfct + ϕ) ---(10)
V2(t)= Ac2 *m(t)*sin(2πfct + ϕ)* cos2πfct ----(11)
V2(t)= Ac2 *m(t){sin(4πfct + ϕ)+ sin(ϕ)}*(1/2) --(12)
Lower Low pass filter output is
VLPF2(t)= Ac2 *m(t)*(1/2)*sinϕ --(13)

The output of this Low pass filter has -90o phase difference with the output of the
upper low pass filter. Eq. (7) and Eq. (13).
 The outputs of these two low pass filters are applied as inputs of the phase
discriminator. Based on the phase difference between these two signals, the
phase discriminator produces a DC control signal.
 This signal is applied as an input of VCO to correct the phase error in VCO
. An 400W carrier is modulated on a depth of
75% then calculate total power in DSBSC
Sol: Given Pt = ?, Pc=400W, µ=0.75
Total Power Pt = Pc (µ2 /2)
Pt =400(0.752 /2)
From calculations Pt = 112.5W
 The rms carrier current is 10A modulated on a
depth of 75% then calculate total current in
DSBSC wave?
 Sol: It = Ic (µ2 /2) 1/2
Where Ic =10A, µ=0.75 then
It = 10 (0.752 /2) ½ = 5.3 A
If the highest frequency component of message is
5 KHz. Bandwidth of DSBSC is ------
Sol: Given W-5KHz
B.W =2w=2*5KHz=10KHz
If the message signal m(t)=5cos 2000πt +5cos 3000 πt.
Bandwidth of DSBSC is ------
Sol: Given w1=1000Hz, w2=1500Hz B.W=2(Max input
Freq)=2(w2) =2*1500Hz=3KHz
Drawbacks of DSB-SC
1. High Bandwidth
2. Wastage of Transmission power
 The modulation process in which only one side band
is transmitted and with carrier suppression is called
Single side band suppressed carrier
S(t) = Ac Cos2πfct Am Cos(2∏fmt) ---(1)
= ½*{Am Ac Cos2π(fc+fm)t} +
½*{Am Ac Cos2π(fc-fm)t



Generation of SSBSC

 SSBSC can be generated by

following generation techniques
(i) Phase Discrimination Method
(ii) Frequency Discrimination
(i) Phase Discrimination Method
• Phase Phase
discriminationshift method
(Hartley modulator)
v(t) =E cos  t cos  t + E sin  t sin
m m c m m
Em cos ct
Message mt = Em cos (m - c)t LSB
m(t) Em cos mt cos ct

Carrier cos ct +

-90o 
phase shift -90o signal
Hilbert phase shift
Transform sin ct
Em sin mt sin
X ct
Em sin
mt v(t) =Em cos mt cos ct - Em sin mt sin
Phase Discrimination Method
Phase shift method
 Advantages:
No need for bulky and expensive band
pass filters
Easy to switch from a LSB to an USB
• Disadvantage:
SSB output
– Requires Hilbert transform of the

message signal. Hilbert transform

changes the phase of each +ve frequency
component by exactly - 90o.
(ii) Frequency Discrimination
Method (or)
Filter Method
 Disadvantage:
 As fc increases or fm decreases it is
difficult for the BPF to select an
appropriate band
 Hence this problem can be rectified
by n-stage SSBSC Modulator
In double stage
modulation, the
2-stage Modulator SSB wave at the
first filter output is
used as the
modulating wave for
the second product
modulator. The
second product
modulator produces
a DSBSC wave with
a spectrum that is
spaced about the
second carrier
 Disadvantage:
 As fc increases or fm decreases
,number of stages increases i.e.,
system becomes bulky to handle
 Hence this problem can be rectified
by Up conversion method or
Balanced Mixer method
Demodulation/Detection of
 The modulator circuits can be used for
demodulation, but replacing the BPF
by a LPF of bandwidth B Hz.
 Coherence Principle:The receiver
must generate a carrier frequency in
phase and frequency synchronization
with the incoming carrier.
 This type of demodulation is therefore
called coherent demodulation (or
SSB-SC - Detection
 Synchronous detection v(t ) 
cos mt
SSB-SC Multiplier pass
filter Message
Local oscillator AmAc
y(t )  cos (c  m )t  cos ct
c(t) = cos ct 2
AmAc AmAc
y(t )  cos ( mt )  cos (2c  m )t
4 4
•Local oscillator has the same information high frequency
frequency and phase as that of the
carrier signal at the transmitter. Low pass filter

m 2c+m
 SSBSC Output
S(t)=AcAm/2 {Cos2*pi*(fc+fm)t + cos 2*pi*(fc-

Y(t)=s(t)*Cos (2*pi*fc*t)
= AcAm/2 {Cos2*pi*(fc+fm)t + cos 2*pi*(fc-fm)t} *
Cos (2*pi*fc*t)
= AcAm/2 {Cos2*pi*(fc+fm)t * Cos (2*pi*fc*t)+
cos 2*pi*(fc-fm)t * Cos (2*pi*fc*t)}
= AcAm/4{Cos2*pi*(2*fc+fm)t + Cos2*pi*fmt+ cos
SSB-SC - Synch. DetectionA A cont.
 Case 1 - Phase error v(t ) 
m c
cos (m   )t
SSB-SC Multiplier pass
filter Message
Local oscillator AmAc
y(t )  cos (c  m )t  cos (ct   )
c(t) = cos (ct+) 2
AmAc AmAc
y(t )  cos (mt   )  cos (2ct  m   )
4 4
•Local oscillator has the same information high frequency
frequency but different phase as
that of the carrier signal at the Low pass filter
m 2c+m
SSB-SC - Synch. Detection cont.
 Case 2 - Frequency error
v(t )  c
cos (m   )t
SSB-SC Multiplier pass
filter Message
Local oscillator AmAc
y(t )  cos (c  m )t  cos (c   )t
c(t) = cos 2
(c+)t y(t ) 
cos (m   )t 
cos (2c  m   )t
4 4
•Local oscillator has the same information high frequency
phase but different frequency as
that of the carrier signal at the Low pass filter
m + 2c+m +
SSB-SC - Summary
 Advantages:
 Lower power consumption
 Better management of the frequency spectrum
 Less prone to selective fading
 Lower noise
• Disadvantage:
- Complex detection
• Applications:
- Two way radio communications
- Frequency division multiplexing
- Up conversion in numerous
Vestigial Sideband Modulation
 SSBSC modulated signal has only one
sideband frequency. Theoretically, we can
get one sideband frequency component
completely by using an ideal band pass
filter. However, practically we may not get
the entire sideband frequency component.
Due to this, some information gets lost.
 To avoid this loss, a technique is chosen,
which is a compromise between DSBSC
and SSBSC. This technique is known
as Vestigial Side Band Suppressed
 VSBSC Modulation is the process, where
a part of the signal called as vestige is
modulated along with one sideband. The
frequency spectrum of VSBSC wave is
shown in the following figure.
We know that the
Spectrum and Bandwidth OF
bandwidth of SSBSC
VSB modulated wave is fm
. Since the VSBSC
modulated wave contains
the frequency
components of one side
band along with the
vestige of other
sideband, the bandwidth
of it will be the sum of the
bandwidth of SSBSC
modulated wave and
vestige frequency fv.
i.e., Bandwidth of
 Highly efficient.
 Reduction in bandwidth when compared to
AM and DSBSC waves.
 Filter design is easy, since high accuracy
is not needed.
 The transmission of low frequency
components is possible, without any
 Bandwidth is more when compared to

 The most prominent and standard

application of VSBSC is for the
transmission of television signals.
Also, this is the most convenient and
efficient technique when bandwidth
usage is considered.
Thank You

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