Constitution of The Province of Cordoba

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We, the representatives of the people of the Province of Córdoba, gathered in the Constituent
Convention, with the purpose of exalting the dignity of the person and guaranteeing the full exercise of their rights;
and reaffirm the values of freedom, equality and solidarity; consolidate the representative, republican and democratic
system; strengthen the rights of the Province in the Argentine federal agreement; ensure municipal autonomy and
access for all people to justice, education and culture; and promote an economy placed at the service of man and
social justice; for the definitive establishment of a pluralist and participatory democracy and the achievement of the
common good; Invoking the protection of God, the source of all reason and justice, we sanction this Constitution.

PART ONE - Declarations, Rights, Duties, Guarantees and Special Policies

TITLE I - Declarations, Rights, Duties and Guarantees

SECTION I - Statements of Political Faith


Article 1.- The Province of Córdoba, with the limits that correspond to it by right, is an integral part of the
Argentine Republic, and is organized as a Social State of Law, subject to the National Constitution and this


Article 2.- The Province organizes its Government under the representative, republican and democratic
form, as established in this Constitution.


Article 3.- Sovereignty resides in the people, who exercises it through its representatives and other
legitimately constituted authorities and, per se, in accordance with the forms of participation established by
this Constitution.


Article 4.- Life from its conception, the dignity and the physical and moral integrity of the person are inviolable.
Their respect and protection is the duty of the community and, especially, of public authorities.


Article 5.- Religious freedom in all its breadth and freedom of conscience are inviolable in the territory of
the Province. Its exercise is subject to the prescriptions of morality and public order. No one can be forced to
declare the religion they profess.
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Article 6.-The Province of Córdoba recognizes and guarantees the Roman Catholic Apostolic Church the free
and public exercise of its worship. Relations between it and the State are based on the principles of autonomy
and cooperation. Likewise, it guarantees other cults their free and public exercise, with no more limitations than
those prescribed by morality, good customs and public order.


Article 7.- All people in the Province are free and equal before the law and discrimination is not allowed.
Social coexistence is based on solidarity and equal opportunities.


Article 8.- The Provincial State tends to a free, fair, pluralistic and participative society.


Article 9.- The Provincial State promotes the conditions to make real and effective the full political, economic,
social and cultural participation of all people and associations.


Article 10.- The provincial State guarantees private initiative and all lawful economic activity, and harmonizes
them with the rights of individuals and the community.


Article 11.- The Provincial State safeguards the ecological balance, protects the environment and preserves
natural resources.


Article 12.- The authorities that exercise the provincial government reside in the City of Córdoba, Capital of the
Province. Its dependencies may be based in the interior, according to principles of administrative decentralization.
By law, the change of seat of the capital or of some of the government bodies can be established.


Article 13.- No magistrate or public official can delegate their functions to another person, nor can one
Power delegate their constitutional powers to another, except in the cases provided for in this
Constitution, and what any of them acts as a consequence is insanely null.


Article 14.- All public officials, even the Federal Comptroller, take an oath to comply with this Constitution and
are jointly and severally liable, with the Provincial State, for damages resulting from poor performance of their
duties. They answer for all the acts that imply the violation of the rights that are enunciated in the National
Constitution and in the present one. When assuming and leaving their positions, they must make a declaration
of assets, in accordance with the law.


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Article 15.- The acts of the State are public, especially those related to income and assets belonging to the
Provincial and Municipal State. The law determines the manner and timing of its publication and the access of
individuals to its knowledge.


Article 16.- Corresponds to the Provincial Government:

1. Exercise the rights and powers not delegated to the Federal Government.

2. Promote a concerted federalism with the Federal Government and between the Provinces, with the purpose of
satisfying common interests and participating in consultation and decision-making bodies, as well as establishing
intergovernmental and interjurisdictional relations, through treaties and agreements.

3. To exercise in the places transferred by any title to the Federal Government the provincial powers that do
not hinder the fulfillment of the objectives of national utility.

4. Arrange with the Federal Government tax co-participation regimes and decentralization of the pension system.

5. Procure and manage the deconcentration and decentralization of the Federal Administration.

6. Carry out procedures and agreements in the international order, to satisfy their interests, without prejudice to the
powers of the Federal Government.


Article 17.- This Constitution does not lose its validity even when due to a violent act or of any nature its
observance is interrupted. Those who order, consent or carry out acts of this nature are considered infamous traitors
to the constitutional order.

Those who in this case exercise the functions provided for the authorities of this Constitution, are disqualified in
perpetuity to hold any public office or employment, in the Province or in the Municipalities.

It is the duty of every citizen to contribute to the reestablishment of the effective validity of the constitutional
order and of the legitimate authorities; The people of the Province have the right to resist, when no other
recourse is possible.

Any disposition adopted by the authorities in the presence or at the request of armed force or seditious assembly
that claims the rights of the people, is insanely invalid.

For all criminal and procedural purposes, the privileges, immunities and procedural privileges of officials directly
elected by the people in accordance with constitutional provisions are considered in force until the end of the period
for which they were elected, even if they are destroyed by acts or facts not foreseen by this Constitution.
Consequently, all criminal convictions and their civil accessories that have been issued or are issued in violation of
this rule are null and void.


CHAPTER I - Personal Rights

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Article 18.- All persons in the Province enjoy the rights and guarantees that the National Constitution
and the international treaties ratified by the Republic recognize, and are subject to the duties and restrictions
that they impose.


Article 19.- All persons in the Province enjoy the following rights in accordance with the laws that regulate
their exercise:

1. To life from conception, to health, to psychophysical and moral integrity, and to personal safety.

2. To honour, to intimacy and to one's own image.

3. To freedom and equality of opportunity.

4. To learn and teach, to intellectual freedom, to investigate, to artistic creation and to participate in
the benefits of culture.

5. To freedom of worship and religious or ideological profession.

6. To choose and exercise their profession, trade or employment.

7. To establish a family.

8. To associate and meet for useful and peaceful purposes.

9. To petition the authorities and obtain a response and access the jurisdiction and defense of their rights.

10. To communicate, express themselves and be informed.

11. To enter, stay, transit and leave the territory.

12. To the secrecy of private papers, correspondence, telegraphic and telephone communications and
those made by any other means.

13. To have free and equal access to the practice of sport


Article 20.- The rights enumerated and recognized by this Constitution do not matter without
prejudice to the others that derive from the democratic form of government and the natural condition of man.


Article 21.- Laws or regulations cannot be enacted in the Province that make the status of foreigner inferior to
national status. No law obliges foreigners to pay higher contributions than those borne by nationals, or to pay
extraordinary forced contributions.


Article 22.- The rights and guarantees established in this Constitution are of operational application,
except when legal regulation is essential.
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CHAPTER II - Social Rights


Article 23.- All persons in the Province have the right:

1. To the free choice of their work and to equitable, dignified, safe, healthy and moral working conditions.

2. To training, welfare and economic improvement.

3. To a limited working day, with a maximum of forty-four hours per week, with adequate breaks and paid
vacations, and to enjoy their free time.

4. To a fair remuneration, to equal remuneration for equal work and to a minimum, vital and mobile salary.

5. To the unattachability of labor compensation and a substantial part of salary and social security.

6. To anticipate and ensure the necessary means to meet the demands of their life and of the family in their charge,
in case of accident, illness, disability, maternity, old age, situation of

unemployment and death, which tends towards a comprehensive social security system.

7. To participate in the administration of the social security institutions of which they are beneficiaries.

8. To participate in the management of public companies, in the manner and limits established by law for the
economic and social advancement of the worker, in harmony with the demands of production.

9. To the defense of professional interests.

10. Free for the promotion of administrative or judicial actions of a labor, social security or union nature.

11. To associate freely and democratically in defense of their economic, social and professional interests in
guilds or unions that can federate or confederate in the same way.

Unions are guaranteed to enter into collective labor agreements, resort to conciliation and arbitration and
the right to strike.

12. To be managers or union representatives, with stability in their employment and guarantees for the fulfillment
of their management.

13. To stability in public career jobs, not being able to be separated from the position without prior summary,
which is based on legal cause and without guaranteeing the right of defense. Any dismissal that contravenes the
aforementioned, will be null with the pertinent reparation. To the ranks in an administrative career

In case of doubt about the application of labor standards, the one most favorable to the worker prevails.
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Article 24.- Women and men have equal cultural, economic, political, social and family rights, with respect to their
respective sociobiological characteristics.

The mother enjoys special protection from her pregnancy, and working conditions must allow her to fulfill her
special family function.


Article 25.- The child has the right that the State, through its preventive and subsidiary responsibility, guarantees
growth, harmonious development and full enjoyment of rights, especially when he is in an unprotected situation,
deprived or under any form of discrimination or abusive exercise of family authority.


Article 26.- Young people have the right that the State promote their integral development, enable their
improvement, their creative contribution and tend to achieve a full democratic, cultural and labor training that
develops the national conscience in the construction of a fairer society, solidary and modern, that roots him in his
environment and ensures his effective participation in community and political activities.


Article 27.- The disabled have the right to obtain comprehensive protection from the State that encompasses
prevention, assistance, rehabilitation, education, training, insertion in social life, and the promotion of policies aimed
at raising society's awareness regarding the duties of solidarity.


Article 28.- The Provincial State, the family and society seek the protection of the elderly and their social and cultural
integration, tending to develop tasks of free creation, personal fulfillment and service to society.


Article 29.- Consumers and users have the right to group together in defense of their interests.
The State promotes its organization and operation.

CHAPTER III - Political Rights


Article 30.- All citizens have the right and the duty to participate in political life.
The universal, equal, secret and compulsory vote for the election of authorities is the basis of democracy and the
only way of expressing the political will of the people of the Province, except for the exceptions provided for in this

The provincial electoral system must ensure pluralistic representation and full freedom of the voter on election day.
This Constitution and the law determine in which cases foreigners can vote.

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Article 31.- Citizens can propose to the Legislature bills and repeal of those in force for its consideration. The request
must be signed by the percentage of voters determined by law.

Projects of laws concerning reforms of the Constitution, approval of treaties, taxes, budgets, creation and jurisdiction
of courts cannot be submitted to this procedure.


Article 32.- Any matter of general interest for the Province may be submitted to popular consultation, in accordance
with what the law determines.

The referendum is authorized for the cases provided for in this Constitution.


Article 33.- All citizens have the right to associate freely in democratic and pluralist political parties.

The Province recognizes and guarantees the existence and legal status of those who support and respect the
republican, representative, federal and democratic principles established by the National and Provincial Constitutions.

They guide public opinion and contribute to the formation of the political will of the people. The law establishes the
regime of the parties that act in the Province and guarantees their free creation, democratic and pluralistic organization,
the economic contribution of the State to their support and the rendering of accounts on the origin of their funds. It ensures
the free dissemination of their ideas and equal access to the media.

Only political parties are responsible for nominating candidates for elective public office.

The law guarantees the existence of a Council of Political Parties of a consultative nature.

CHAPTER IV - Associations and Intermediate Companies


Article 34.- The family is the fundamental nucleus of society and must enjoy social, economic and cultural conditions
that tend to its consolidation and integral development.

The State protects it and facilitates its constitution and purposes.

The care and education of children is a right and an obligation of parents; the State undertakes to comply with it. The
right to family property is recognized.


Article 35.- The community is founded on solidarity. Organizations of an economic, professional, union, social and cultural
nature have all the facilities for their creation and development of their activities; Its members enjoy the widest freedom
of speech, opinion and criticism, and the unrestricted right to petition the authorities and receive a response from them.
Its internal structures must be democratic and pluralistic and the main requirement is the fulfillment of the duties of social


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Article 36.- The Provincial State fosters and promotes the organization and development of
cooperatives and mutuals. It assures them adequate assistance, dissemination and control that guarantees
its character and purposes.


Article 37.- The Province can confer the government of the professions and the control of their exercise to
the entities that are organized with the participation of all the professionals of the activity, in a democratic
and pluralistic manner in accordance with the bases and conditions established by the Legislature. They are
responsible for the defense and promotion of their specific interests and enjoy the powers that the law establishes
necessary for the performance of their functions, in accordance with the principles of loyal mutual collaboration and
subordination to the common good, without prejudice to the jurisdiction of the powers of the state.


Article 38.- The duties of every person are:

1. Comply with the National Constitution, this Constitution, the interprovincial treaties and the other laws, decrees
and norms that are issued as a consequence.

2. Honor and defend the Homeland and the Province.

3. Participate in political life when the law so determines.

4. Safeguard and protect the interests and the cultural and material heritage of the Nation, the Province and
the Municipalities.

5. Contribute to the expenses demanded by the social and political organization of the State.

6. Provide civil services in cases where the laws so require.

7. Be trained and educated according to their vocation and according to social needs.

8. Avoid environmental pollution and participate in ecological defense.

9. Take care of your health as a social good.

10. Work to the best of your ability.

11. Do not abuse the right.

12. Act in solidarity.

SECTION IV - Guarantees


Article 39.- No one can be punished except by virtue of a process carried out in accordance with this Constitution,
nor judged by other judges than those instituted by law before the fact of the cause and appointed in accordance with
this Constitution; nor considered guilty while a final sentence does not declare it so; nor prosecuted criminally more
than once for the same act. All process must conclude in a reasonable term.

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Article 40.- The defense of persons and rights in court is inviolable. All defendants have the right to technical defense,
even at the expense of the State, from the first moment of criminal prosecution. No one can be forced to testify
against himself in a criminal case, nor against his spouse, ascendant, descendant, brother and relatives, brother and
collateral relatives up to the fourth degree of consanguinity or second degree of affinity, his guardian or ward, or
person with whom lives in apparent marriage.

The statement of the accused given without the presence of his defense attorney lacks any probative value.


Article 41.- The evidence is public in all trials, except in cases where publicity affects morality or public safety. The
resolution is motivated.

Letters and private papers that have been stolen cannot be used in court.

The acts that violate the guarantees recognized by this Constitution lack all effectiveness, it extends to all those
tests that, according to the circumstances of the case, could not have been obtained without their violation and
were a necessary consequence of it.

In case of doubt about questions of fact, the most favorable to the accused must be.


Article 42.- The deprivation of liberty during the process is of an exceptional nature, it can only be ordered within
the limits of this Constitution and provided that it exceeds the maximum term established by law. The rules that
authorize it are of restrictive interpretation.

In case of dismissal or acquittal, the State may compensate the time of deprivation of liberty, in accordance with
the law.

Except in the case of flagrancy, no one is deprived of their liberty without a written and well-founded order
from a competent judicial authority, provided that there are sufficient elements of conviction of participation in
an illegal act and it is absolutely essential to ensure the investigation and enforcement of the law. In case of flagrancy,
immediate notice is given to the former, and the apprehended person is placed at his disposal, with proof of his
background and the rights attributed to him, for the purposes set forth in the preceding paragraph.

Once the deprivation of liberty occurs, the affected person is informed in the same act of the fact that motivates
him and of the rights that assist him, and can give notice of his situation to whomever he deems appropriate; the
authority arbitrates the means conducive to it.


Article 43.- Incommunicado detention can only be ordered by the judge to prevent the accused from hindering the
investigation and cannot exceed two days. Even in such a case, communication with the defender is guaranteed
immediately before carrying out any act that requires the personal intervention of the defender. In this regard, the last
paragraph of the previous article applies.


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Article 44.- Every official responsible for the custody of prisoners, when taking charge of them, must demand
and keep in his possession the order of arrest or imprisonment; His custody corresponds to him, with exclusivity. He
is responsible for wrongful detention or deprivation.

The regulations, of any place of incarceration, must attend to the protection of the physical and moral health of the
inmate, and facilitate his personal and affective development.

Torture or any humiliating or degrading treatment is prohibited, the official who participates in them, does not
denounce them, being obliged to do so, or in any way consents to them, ceases in his position and cannot perform
another for the term established by law.

Those prosecuted and convicted of crimes are housed in healthy, clean establishments and subjected to the
treatment recommended by the scientific, technical and criminological contributions made in this matter.

Women are housed in special establishments and minors cannot be housed in places intended for adult detention.


Article 45.- The domicile is inviolable and can only be raided with a reasoned, written and determined order from
the competent judge, which is not replaced by any other means. In the case of private dwellings, the search cannot
be carried out at night, except in extremely serious and urgent cases.


Article 46.- The secrecy of private papers, epistolary correspondence and any other form of personal
communication by whatever means is inviolable. The law determines the cases in which the examination or
interception can be carried out by reasoned court order.


Article 47.- Any person who currently or imminently suffers an arbitrary restriction of their personal freedom, may
appeal by any means, by themselves or by third parties on their behalf, to the nearest judge, so that they may take
cognizance of the facts, and of be appropriate, order to protect his freedom or stop the detention in less than twenty-
four hours.

This action may also be exercised by anyone who suffers an illegitimate aggravation of the form and conditions in
which the deprivation of liberty is carried out, without detriment to the powers of the trial judge.

Violation of this rule by the judge is cause for dismissal.


Article 48.- Whenever rights or guarantees recognized by this Constitution or by the National Constitution are
currently or imminently restricted, altered, threatened or harmed, arbitrarily or manifestly illegal, and there is no
other prompt and effective way to avoid serious damage, the affected person may request protection from the judges
in the manner determined by law.


Article 49.- In no case may access to Justice be limited for economic reasons. The law establishes a free
assistance system for this purpose.
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Article 50.- Every person has the right to know what is recorded in the form of a record, the purpose for
which that information is intended, and to demand its rectification and updating. Said data cannot be
registered for discriminatory purposes of any kind or be provided to third parties, except when it has a
legitimate interest.

The law regulates the use of information technology so that honor, personal and family privacy and
the full exercise of rights are not violated.


Article 51.- The exercise of the rights to information and freedom of expression is not subject to prior
censorship but only to subsequent responsibilities expressly established by law and intended exclusively
to guarantee respect for the rights, reputation of people and the protection of security, morals and public

The means of social communication must ensure the principles of pluralism and respect for cultures, beliefs,
currents of thought and opinion. Public or private monopoly and oligopoly and any other similar form on the
media at the provincial level is prohibited. The law guarantees free access to public sources of public
information and journalistic professional secrecy.

The legislature does not make laws that restrict the freedom of the press.

When a publication is accused in which the conduct of an individual as a magistrate or public personality
is censured in decorous terms, imputing misdemeanors or crimes whose investigation and punishment
is in the interest of society, evidence must be admitted about the reported facts and, if they are true, the
defendant is exempt from punishment.

Information and communication constitute a social good.


Article 52.- In the event that this Constitution, a law or other regulation imposes on an official,
department or administrative public entity a specific duty to be fulfilled within a certain period, any affected
person may sue for compliance judicially and request immediate execution. of the acts that the official,
department or administrative public entity had refused to comply with. The judge, after summary verification of
the facts set forth, of the legal obligation and of the claimant's interest, may issue a court order for prompt
dispatch within the term that is prudentially established.


Article 53.- The law guarantees every person, without prejudice to the responsibility of the State, the
legitimacy to obtain from the authorities the protection of diffuse, ecological or any other interests, recognized
in this Constitution.

TITLE II - Special Policies of the State

CHAPTER I - Work, Social Security and Welfare

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Article 54.- Work is a right and a duty based on the principle of social solidarity.
It is an activity and constitutes a means to prioritize the spiritual and material values of the person and the
community; It is the foundation of general prosperity.

The State is obliged to promote the full and productive employment of the inhabitants of the Province.
The law provides for special work situations and conditions to ensure the effective protection of workers.

The Provincial State exercises the labor police in the personal and territorial scope, without prejudice to the
faculties of the National State in the matter. Similarly, with regard to collective bargaining in matters of
compulsory conciliation, optional arbitration and compulsory arbitration; in the latter case, only in exceptional
situations, and in all the cases referred to, with the same reservation regarding the powers of the Federal


Article 55.- The Provincial State establishes and guarantees, within the scope of its competence, the
effective fulfillment of a social security system that protects all people from social contingencies, based on the
principles of contributory solidarity, distributive equity, accessibility , comprehensiveness and inalienability of
benefits and benefits. The social security agencies have autonomy and are administered by the interested
parties with the participation of the State and in coordination with the Federal Government.


Article 56.- The Provincial State promotes activities of social interest that tend to complement the
well-being of the person and the community, including sports, recreation, the use of free time and tourism.


Article 57.- The Provincial State, within the scope of its competence, grants workers the benefits of social
security and ensures mobile retirement and pensions, irreducible and proportional to the remuneration of the
active worker.

The pension regime must be uniform and equitable and must seek coordination with other pension systems.

The law establishes a general pension regime that contemplates the different situations or working
conditions, as established in article 110, paragraph 17 of this Constitution.

The resources that make up the equity of the pension funds are intangible and must be used only to meet
their specific benefits.


Article 58.- All inhabitants have the right to enjoy decent housing, which, together with related services and the
land necessary for their settlement, has a fundamental social value. The single dwelling is unattachable, under
the conditions established by law.

The State promotes the necessary conditions to make this right effective. To this end, it plans and
executes the housing policy and can arrange it with the other jurisdictional levels, social institutions or
with the solidarity contribution of the interested parties. The housing policy is governed by the following
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1. Use the land rationally and preserve the quality of life, in accordance with the general interest and the cultural and
regional guidelines of the community.

2. Prevent speculation.

3. Assist families without resources to facilitate their access to their own housing.


Article 59.- Saluda is a natural and social asset that generates in the inhabitants of the Province the right to the
most complete psychophysical, spiritual, environmental and social well-being.

The Government of the Province guarantees this right through actions and benefits promoting the
participation of the individual and the community. It establishes, regulates and oversees the health system,
integrates all resources and coordinates health policy with the Federal Government, Provincial Governments,
municipalities and public and private social institutions.

The Province, based on the provisions of the National Constitution, preserves and reaffirms for itself the authority of
the police power in matters of legislation and administration on health.

The health system is based on universal coverage, with comprehensive actions for the promotion, protection,
recovery and rehabilitation of health, and includes the control of social and environmental biological risks for
all people, from their conception. participation of the sectors interested in solving the health problem. It ensures
access throughout the provincial territory to the adequate, equal and timely use of health technologies and therapeutic

CHAPTER II - Culture and Education

Article 60.- The Provincial State disseminates and promotes all manifestations of culture from a national
perspective that complements the provincial and regional ones.

Culture and education constitute social functions, cement national identity and unity, and contribute to
Latin American integration with a spirit of openness to other peoples.

The State guarantees the right to education and access to culture with equal opportunities and
possibilities, without any discrimination.


Article 61.- The purpose of education is the integral, harmonious and permanent formation of the person, with the
reflective and critical participation of the student, which allows him to elaborate his scale of values, tending to fulfill
his personal fulfillment, his transcendent destiny , their insertion in socio-cultural life and in the world of work, for the
formation of a democratic, fair and supportive society.


Article 62.- The provincial educational policy conforms to the following principles and guidelines:

1. Exercise, the Provincial State, compulsory educational function; establish the policy of the sector and supervise
its fulfillment.

2. Guarantee the right to learn and teach; recognize the family as a natural and primary agent of education, and
educational function of the community.
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3. Recognize the freedom of teaching. Individuals, associations and Municipalities have the right to create
educational institutions adjusted to the principles of this Constitution, which are recognized by law. It regulates the
economic cooperation of the State with those that do not pursue profit.

4. Ensure the compulsory nature of general and common basic education and guarantee equal opportunities and
possibilities to access it.

5. Ensuring the free, assistance and dogmatism-free nature of state public education. Parents have the right
that their children receive religious or moral education in the state school, according to their convictions.

6. Promote access to the inhabitants, according to their vocation, capacity and merit, to the highest levels of
training, research and creation.

7. Generate and promote diverse means for permanent education; literacy, cultural creation, job training or
professional training according to regional needs.

8. Meet the requirements of the educational system, in terms of teacher training and updating.

9. Ensure sufficient resources in the provincial budget for the adequate provision of the educational service;
integrate community, sectoral and other jurisdictions contributions.

10. Compulsory incorporation in all educational levels, the study of this Constitution, its norms, spirit and institutes.


Article 63.- The Provincial State organizes and supervises the educational system at all levels, with political and
regulatory centralization and operational decentralization, in accordance with the democratic principles of
participation. It integrates representatives of the Government, teachers and other institutional and social agents
into collegiate bodies, at the levels of elaboration and execution of policies, in the form and with the attributes
established by law.

Schools are educational communities, whose action is linked to democratic practice and the participation of
its members.


Article 64.- The Provincial State protects, promotes and guides the progress, use and incorporation of science
and technology, provided that they reaffirm national sovereignty and regional development, that they do not alter
the ecological balance and contribute to the integral improvement of man.

The participation of all people in technological advances and their equal use is guaranteed; Monopolies,
anticipated obsolescence and distortion of the economy must be avoided.


Article 65.- The Provincial State is responsible for the conservation, enrichment and dissemination of cultural
heritage, especially archaeological, historical, artistic and landscape, and the assets that comprise it, whatever
its legal status and ownership.


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Article 66.- Every person has the right to enjoy a physical and social environment free of factors harmful to
health, the conservation of natural and cultural resources and aesthetic values that allow decent human
settlements, and the preservation of flora. and wildlife.

Water, soil and air as vital elements for man, are matters of special protection in the Province.

The Provincial State protects the environment, preserves natural resources by ordering their use and exploitation,
and safeguards the balance of the ecological system, without discrimination of individuals or regions.

To do this, it dictates rules that ensure:

1. The effectiveness of the principles of harmony of ecosystems and the integration, diversity,
maintenance and recovery of resources.

2. The compatibility of the physical, economic and social programming of the Province, with the
preservation and improvement of the environment.

3. A balanced distribution of urbanization in the territory.

4. Priority allocation of sufficient resources to improve the quality of life in human settlements.

CHAPTER IV - Economy and Finance


Article 67.- The economy is at the service of man and must satisfy his material and spiritual needs.

Capital fulfills a social function and is oriented to the growth of the economy.

The benefits of growth are distributed equitably and jointly. Entrepreneurs, workers and the State are
responsible for the efficiency, productivity and progress of the economic organizations that participate in the
production process.

Free private initiative is recognized and guaranteed, sanctioning monopolies, usury and speculation.

Private property is unbreakable; no one can be deprived of it except by virtue of a sentence based on law,
and its exercise is limited by the social function it must fulfill.


Article 68.- The Provincial State defends renewable and non-renewable natural resources, based on their
rational and comprehensive use that preserves the archaeological and landscape heritage and the protection
of the environment.

Land is a permanent good of production; the law guarantees its preservation and recovery, tries to avoid the
loss of fertility, erosion and regulates the use of application technologies.
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The waters that are in the public domain and their use are subject to the general interest. The State
regulates its rational use and adopts the conducive measures to avoid its contamination.

The Provincial State safeguards the survival and conservation of forests, promotes their
rational exploitation and correct use, tends to the development and improvement of species and their
replenishment through reforestation that safeguards ecological stability.

The deposits of mineral and fossil substances are exclusive, inalienable and imprescriptible
assets of the Province; its exploitation must be preserved for the benefit of current and
future generations.

The Provincial State recognizes the power of the Federal Government in the dictation of the
mining policy; promotes the prospecting, exploration and benefit of mineral substances in the
territory, performs an inventory of its resources and enacts laws to protect this heritage in order to
prevent the premature exhaustion of its exploitation and its irrational use.


Article 69.- The Provincial State guides economic activities in accordance with the principles set
forth in this Constitution; develops plans in which it promotes the participation of the interested
economic and social sectors, aimed at regional development and provincial economic integration.

The budget of the Province and that of the State companies are formulated within the framework of
said planning. The Province agrees with others and with the Federal Government to participate in
federal or regional planning systems.


Article 70.- The provincial budget foresees the pertinent resources, authorizes investments and
expenses and sets the number of public agents; it makes explicit the objectives that must be
quantified when their nature allows it.

It can be projected for more than one exercise without exceeding the term of the mandate of the holder of
the Executive Power.

The lack of sanction of the budget law on January 1 of each year implies the automatic
redirection of the credits in force at the end of the immediately preceding fiscal year.

State companies are governed by their own budgets.


Article 71.- The tax system and public charges are based on the principles of legality, equity,
taxable capacity, uniformity, simplicity and certainty.

The Provincial State and the Municipalities establish systems of cooperation, administration
and joint control of the taxes.

Progressive structures of aliquots, exemptions and other provisions may be established to graduate
the tax burden to achieve the economic and social development of the community.

No law can reduce the amount of the liens once the general terms for their payment have expired
for the benefit of delinquent or evading tax obligations.
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The law determines the mode and form for the origin of the judicial action where the legality of the payment
of taxes and fees is discussed.


Article 72.- The Provincial Treasury is integrated with resources from:

1. Taxes received directly and/or from co-participation schemes.

2. Income and proceeds from the sale of their goods and economic activity of the State.

3. Rights, agreements, participations, contributions or canons, derived from the exploitation of its assets
or natural resources.

4. Donations and legacies.

5. Loans and credit operations.


Article 73.- The Provincial State may contract loans on the general credit of the Province, issue public
titles and carry out other credit operations for the financing of public works, promotion of economic and social
growth, modernization of the State and other exceptional needs and of extreme urgency. The law determines
the resources allocated for the payment of amortization and interest on authorized debts that cannot
compromise more than twenty percent of the provincial income, for which purpose the calculation base must
be the lowest of the ordinary annual income of the three last financial year, considered at constant values.


Article 74.- The alienation of the goods of the Province or of the Municipalities is done in the terms
determined by the laws or ordinances.

All hiring of the Provincial State or the Municipalities is carried out according to their specific laws
or ordinances on the matter, through the selection procedure.


Article 75.- Public services originally correspond, according to their nature and characteristics, to
the Province or the Municipalities; they can be provided directly, or through cooperatives or mixed economy
companies, and by individuals. Users participate in the control of its provision as established by the
respective laws or ordinances.


Article 76.- The Provincial State, with prior participation and by guild, sets the remuneration of its agents,
and seeks its homogeneity on the basis that equal remuneration corresponds to the same task.

The remuneration of the public agents of the Powers of the State does not exceed that of the head of the
Executive Power.

SECOND PART - Authorities of the Province

TITLE I - Provincial Government

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SECTION I - Legislative Branch


Article 77.- The Legislative Power of the Province is exercised by an Assembly composed of a Chamber of Deputies and
another of Senators.

CHAPTER I - Chamber of Deputies


Article 78.- The Chamber of Deputies is made up of sixty-six representatives directly elected by the people of the
Province, considered as a single district.

Of the number expressed, thirty-six correspond to the political party that obtains the greatest number of votes.

The remaining thirty are distributed among the four political parties that follow it in order of the votes obtained and that
exceed a minimum of two percent of the votes cast. The distribution among the minorities is made in the following way,
according to the order that arises from the result of the election: twenty representatives to the second; five to the third;
three to the fourth and two to the fifth.

If any of the four parties does not reach the required electoral minimum, the number of representatives that
corresponds to it in order, is awarded among the minorities that have reached that minimum proportionally as
established by law.


Article 79.- The main members of the lists of proposed candidates who have not been elected, are considered
substitutes in the case of vacancy. When a vacancy occurs, it is covered immediately by the next in accordance with
the order established in the party list, and the substitute completes the period of the incumbent he replaces. Once the
list of non-elected holders has been exhausted, it continues in the order of the alternates, which number eighteen make
up the respective list.


Article 80.- To be a deputy it is required:

1. Having reached the age of twenty-one.

2. Have citizenship in exercise with a minimum seniority of five years, for naturalized.

3. Have residence in the Province immediately and continuously during the years prior to their election. For such
elections, the absence caused by the exercise of political or technical functions at the service of the Federal Government
or the Province does not cause interruption.


Article 81.- The Deputies last four years in their functions and are re-electable. The Chamber is constituted by itself.

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Article 82.- It is the exclusive responsibility of the Chamber of Deputies to initiate the discussion of bills on the
budget, taxes, and contracting of loans, and the attribution of accusing before the Senate the officials subject to

CHAPTER II - Chamber of Senators


Article 83.- The Senators are elected directly and by plurality of votes by the people of the Departments in which the
Province is divided.

Departments whose population does not exceed sixty thousand inhabitants elect a Senator; those who have between
sixty thousand inhabitants elect a Senator; those who have between sixty thousand and one hundred thousand elect
two, which correspond to the majority; those who have between one hundred thousand and three hundred thousand
elect six, of which three correspond to the majority, two to the party that follows in order and one to the third party; and
those with more than three hundred thousand elect eight Senators, of which four correspond to the majority, three to the
party that follows in order, and one to the third party in the election.


Article 84.- In the same electoral act, the same number of alternate Senators is elected; The main members of the
lists of proposed candidates who were not elected are considered such.

When a vacancy occurs, it is filled as follows:

1. By the incumbent candidate who had not been elected.

2. By the substitutes in the order established in the party list.

The substitute completes the term of the incumbent he replaces. Once the list of regulars and alternates has
been exhausted, the Senate informs the Executive Power so that it immediately calls a new election.


Article 85.- To be a Senator it is required:

1. Having reached the age of thirty.

2. Have citizenship in exercise with a minimum seniority of five years.

3. Have residence in the department they represent immediately and continuously during the two years prior to their
election, with the exception established in article 80, last part.


Article 86.- Senators last four years in the exercise of their functions and are eligible for re-election.
The Senate is renewed by half of Departments every two years.


Article 87.- The Vice Governor is President of the Senate, but has no vote except in case of a tie.
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Article 88.- The Senate appoints from among its members a Provisional President who presides over it in the
absence of the Lieutenant Governor or when the latter exercises the functions of Governor. The Provisional
President has voice and vote.


Article 89.- The Senate is exclusively responsible for:

1. Initiate the reform of this Constitution.

2. Judge the accused by the Chamber of Deputies, its members must take an oath for this act.

3. Give agreement in a secret session for the appointment of the magistrates and officials referred to in this

CHAPTER III - Provisions Common to both Chambers


Article 90.- The following cannot be members of the Legislative Power: members of the armed and security forces
in activity, those excluded from the electoral register and those disqualified by national or provincial laws.


Article 91.- The position of legislator is incompatible with:

1. The exercise of function in the Federal Government, the Provinces or the Municipalities, with the exception of
teaching in charge of simple dedication, and the eventual honorary commissions for whose performance prior
authorization of the respective Chamber is required.

2. Any other national, provincial or municipal elective position, except those of Conventional Constituent
or Conventional Municipal.

3. The exercise of managerial functions or representation of companies benefiting from concessions by

the State.

The agents of the Provincial or Municipal Administration, who are elected incumbent legislators, are
automatically granted leave without pay for the duration of their function.


Article 92.- No legislator can sponsor causes of patrimonial content against the Nation, the Province, or the
Municipalities, except in the case of acting in their own right.


Article 93.- No member of the Legislative Power may be accused, judicially questioned, or bothered
by the opinions, speeches or votes that he/she issues in the performance of his/her mandate as legislator.
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Article 94.- From the moment of their election or incorporation in the case of substitutes, until the end of their
mandates, legislators have immunity from arrest, except in the case of being caught in flagrante delicto of an
intentional crime and whenever it is necessary to maintain the deprivation of liberty to ensure the investigation and
enforcement of the law. This situation must be communicated immediately to the respective Chamber, with
summary information of the fact.


Article 95.- When a criminal action is brought against a legislator, the competent court practices a summary
information that does not violate the immunity of the legislator, and if applicable, requests the removal of jurisdiction
from the Chamber to which it belongs. This examines the actions in public trial, and can suspend the accused from
his duties with the vote of two thirds of those present and make him available to the requesting court for its purposes.

If the Chamber does not resolve within sixty days following receipt of the summary, the request is considered
rejected. In the case of the previous article, the period is five days.


Article 96.- The candidates, once the respective lists have been made official and until they are proclaimed
elected, have the following prerogatives:

1. Not to be harassed by the authorities or arrested for opinions expressed during the electoral campaign.

2. To request and receive information from the Executive Power.


Article 97.- Legislators enjoy a diet established by law; it becomes effective according to their assistance.

It only increases when there are increases of a general nature for the Public Administration. Per diems are
granted to legislators who reside permanently outside the seat city of the Legislature.


Article 98.- Casa Cámara is the exclusive judge of the elections, rights and titles of its members in terms of their
validity. In cases of integration, the minority is enough to judge the titles of the replacements, provided that it is in
an absolute majority with respect to itself.

In these cases, as in others in which one of them acts as a judge or as an electoral body, it cannot consider
its resolutions.


Article 99.- The Legislators take an oath in the act of their incorporation to perform duly in office and to act in
everything in accordance with what is prescribed by this Constitution and that of the Nation.

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Article 100.- None of the Chambers enters into session without more than half of the members, but a smaller
number may compel those who are absent to attend the sessions under the terms and under the sanctions
established by each Chamber.


Article 101.- The sessions of both Chambers are public, unless a serious interest declared by them
requires otherwise.


Article 102.- The Chambers meet by their own call in ordinary sessions every year, from the first of March to
the thirtieth of November. Ordinary sessions may be extended by the Executive Branch or by order of both
Chambers. During the recess, the deadlines set for them by this sanction are suspended.


Article 103.- The Chambers may be summoned to extraordinary sessions by the Executive Power, or by
one of its presidents at the written request of a quarter of the members of each Chamber. In this case, they can
only deal with the object or objects for which they have been summoned.


Article 104.- The Chambers, meeting in an Assembly presided over by the President of the Senate, open and
close their ordinary sessions and invite the Executive Power, in the first case, to attend to give an account of the
state of the Administration and, in the second, only for greater solemnity of the act.


Article 105.- Both Chambers begin and end their sessions simultaneously. None of them, while they are meeting,
can suspend their sessions for more than four days without the consent of the other.


Article 106.- Each Chamber dictates its regulations and can, with the vote of two-thirds of its members, correct
and even exclude any of them for disorderly conduct in the exercise of their functions or for indignity, and remove
them for physical or mental incapacity supervening to its incorporation; but the vote of the majority of the
members present is enough to decide on the resignation that they voluntarily make of their positions.

Each Chamber has the power to sanction offenses committed inside and outside the premises, which violate the
order of the sessions and can impose arrests on third parties that do not exceed thirty days, without prejudice to
putting them, if applicable, at the disposal of the competent Judge. . In all cases, the right of defense is guaranteed.


Article 107.- The Chambers can make the Ministers of the Executive Power come to the premises or their
commissions to request the reports or explanations they deem appropriate, prior communication of the points
to be reported or explained, and those who are obliged to attend. In all cases, the summons is made within a
period of not less than five days unless it is a
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matter of extreme gravity or urgency and the Chamber so decides by an absolute majority of its members.

The head of the Executive Power may attend, when he deems it convenient, in substitution of the summoned
Minister or Ministers.


Article 108.- Each Chamber to the legislators individually can ask the Executive Power for reports for
matters of public interest, for the best performance of their mandate. The reports requested by the
Chambers must be submitted within the term set by each of them.


Article 109.- The Chambers may appoint investigation commissions from their midst for the sole purpose of
fulfilling their purposes, which must respect the personal rights and guarantees of the Judiciary. In all cases,
the commissions have to rule on the result of the investigation.

CHAPTER IV - Attributions


Article 110.- Corresponds to the Legislative Power:

1. Enact all the laws that are necessary to make effective the rights, duties and guarantees
established by this Constitution without altering its spirit.

2. Approve or reject the treaties or agreements referred to in article 144, paragraph 4.

3. Admit or reject the resignations presented by the Governor or the Lieutenant Governor meeting both
Chambers in Assembly for such purpose.

4. Resolve on the licenses of the Governor and the Lieutenant Governor to leave the Province,
when their absences cover a period greater than fifteen days.

5. Instruct, gathered in Assembly with two thirds of the votes of the members of the same, to the National
Senators for their management, when it comes to matters in which the interests of the Province are involved.

6. Call for provincial elections if the Executive Branch does not do so within the term and with the
anticipation determined by law.

7. Establish the limits of the regions of the Province that modify the current system of Departments,
with two-thirds of the votes of the members of each Chamber.

8. Authorize with two thirds of votes of the members present the abandonment of jurisdiction of part of the
provincial territory, with the object of public utility; and authorize with a two-thirds vote of the members of
each Chamber, the transfer of property of part of the territory of the Province for the same purpose. When
the transfer amounts to the dismemberment of the territory, the law that so provides must be submitted to a
citizen referendum.

9. Dictate general plans on any object of regional interest, and leave application to the respective
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10. Dictate the municipal organic law in accordance with the provisions of this Constitution. In the
event of a merger, call the voters of the Municipalities involved to a referendum. Enact special laws
that delegate powers from the Province to the Municipalities.

11. Arrange with two thirds of the votes of each Chamber, the intervention of the
Municipalities in accordance with this Constitution.

12. Enact the organic law of education in accordance with the principles set forth in this

13. Legislate on industrial and technological development, immigration and economic and social
promotion. Establish schemes to encourage settlement and new productive activities.

14. Dictate the organic law of the Civil Registry and Capacity of the People.

15. Legislate on the use and disposal of land owned by the Provincial State. Dictate colonization
laws that ensure a more productive and rational exploitation of agricultural resources.

16. Enact the expropriation law and declare the public utility for such purposes.

17. Enact a general retirement, retirement and pension law, based on a mandatory discount on salaries
for all positions. This law can only be reformed with a minimum interval of eight years. In no case can
you grant retirement, pensions or gifts by special laws that import a privilege that differs from the
general regime.

18. Dictate the organic law of the Provincial Police and the Provincial Penitentiary Service.

19. Dictate general regulations on the preservation of the urban land resource, referring to
land use planning, and protecting the environment and the ecological balance.

20. Dictate the laws of Political Parties and Electoral.

21. Dictate the laws that establish the procedures of the Political Trial and the Trial Jury.

22. Dictate procedural codes and laws.

23. Create and eliminate jobs and legislate on all departments, offices and public establishments,
determining the powers and responsibilities of each official. This legislation must take into account
the administrative reform policy proposed by this Constitution.

24. Dictate the statute, the remuneration regime, and regulate the ranking of the personnel of the
Powers and organs of the Provincial State.

25. Legislate on the decentralization of Administration services and the creation of public companies,
State companies, banks and other credit and savings institutions.

26. Approve the execution of public works required by the interest of the Province.

27. Consider the general budget and calculation of resources sent by the Executive Branch before
October 15 for the following period or for a longer one, provided that it does not exceed the term of
office of the Governor in office.
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Dictate its own budget, which is integrated into the general budget, and set the rules regarding its personnel.

Increase the number and salary of the agents of the public departments, at the proposal of the Executive Power.

The execution of laws sanctioned by the Legislature and that import expenses is carried out from the moment in
which there are funds available in the budget, or the necessary resources are created to satisfy them.

28. Proceed to sanction said budget on the basis of the current one, if the Executive Power does not present the
project before the term established by this Constitution.

29. Approve or reject the investment accounts of the expired year, within the ordinary period in which they are sent. If
they are not observed in that period, they are approved.

30. Establish taxes for the formation of the provincial treasury.

31. Authorize the Executive Power, with the vote of two thirds of the members present in each House, to contract

32. Enact the organic law for the use of public credit and arrange

the payment of the debts of the Provincial State.

33. Enact tax co-participation laws for

Municipalities and approve subsidies for them.

34. Regulate the organization and functioning of the position of

Ombudsman to appoint said official with the vote of the

two-thirds of the members of each House meeting in Assembly.

35. Grant general amnesties.

36. Grant honors and incentive rewards for services of great importance rendered to the Province, which cannot be
disposed of in favor of officials during the performance of their duties.

37. Regulate the power of the police regarding the authorization and suppression of games of chance, the
exercise of which is the exclusive responsibility of the province, through the organisms that it determines.

38. Promote the common welfare, through laws on all matters of general interest that do not exclusively
correspond to the Federal Government.

39. Dictate all the laws and regulations that are convenient to put into exercise the antecedent powers and
all others granted by this Constitution to the Government of the Province.

CHAPTER V - Formation and Sanction of Laws

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Article 111.- Except for the cases in which the Chamber of origin is expressly indicated by this Constitution,
the laws may have principle in any of the Chambers at the initiative of one of its members, of the Executive Power
or by popular initiative in the cases that determine this Constitution and the Law.


Article 112.- Approved a project by the Chamber of origin for discussion in the other Chamber.
Approved by both, it passes to the Executive Branch for examination and promulgation.

It is also considered approved by the reviewing Chamber any project with half sanction, which has not been formally
rejected once four months have elapsed since it was received by it for its consideration.

Any project not returned within ten business days is deemed promulgated by the Executive Power.


Article 113.- No bill totally rejected by one of the Chambers can be repeated in the sessions of that year. But
if it is only added or corrected by the reviewing Chamber, it returns to the original Chamber, and if the additions
or corrections are approved by an absolute majority, it passes to the Executive Branch. If the additions or corrections
are discarded, the project returns to the reviewing Chamber for a second time, and if here it is approved again by a
majority of two thirds of its members, it passes the project to the other Chamber and it is not understood that it
disapproves said additions or corrections, if the vote of two thirds of its members present does not concur.

Each Chamber has a period of thirty working days to consider the modifications proposed by the other, after which
they are considered approved if no express pronouncement is made.


Article 114.- If a project is rejected in whole or in part by the Executive Power, it returns with its objections to the
Chamber of origin; it discusses it again and if it is confirmed with a majority of two-thirds of votes, it goes back to the
reviewing Chamber. If both Houses approve it with an equal majority, the project becomes law and goes to the
Executive Power for its promulgation. In this case, the votes in both Chambers are nominal for yes or no. If the
Chambers decide on the objections, the project cannot be repeated in the sessions of that year.

If a law is vetoed in part by the Executive Power, it can only promulgate the part not vetoed if it has normative
autonomy and does not affect the unity of the project, prior favorable decision by the Chamber of origin.


Article 115.- In any period of sanctions, the Executive Power can send projects to the Legislature with a request
for urgent treatment, which must be considered within thirty calendar days from receipt by the Chamber of origin
and in the same period by the reviewer. .
These deadlines are sixty days for the budget bill; when it is rejected, to consider the new project, each
Chamber has thirty days.

The request for the urgent treatment of a project can be made even after the referral and at any stage of its
processing. In these cases, the period begins to run from the receipt of the request.
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The projects to which the procedure provided by this article is imposed, which are not expressly rejected within
the established deadlines, are considered approved.

Each Chamber, with the exception of the budget bill, can annul the urgent procedure if the majority of its members so
decides, in which case the ordinary procedure is applied from that moment.


Article 116.- The Chambers may delegate their internal committees the discussion and approval of certain projects. The
publicity of the committee sessions must be ensured in these

These projects, if they obtain the favorable vote of the absolute majority of the members of the commission, go to the
other Chamber where the same procedure is observed for the sanction and, where appropriate, the Executive Power for the
promulgation, except that a fifth of the members and any of the Chambers or a Legislative Block requires the discussion of the
project in the respective body, within ten days of being brought to the attention of the members of each Chamber.


Article 117.- In the sanction of the laws, this formula is used:

"The Senate and the Chamber of Deputies of the Province of Córdoba sanction with the force of Law".


Article 118.- The laws are effective from the day of their publication, unless they determine another date.

They do not have retroactive effect unless otherwise provided.

The retroactivity established by law cannot affect rights protected by constitutional guarantees.

CHAPTER VI - Political Trial


Article 119.- The Chamber of Deputies may accuse before the Senate the Governor, the Vice Governor, the
members of the Superior Court of Justice and the Court of Accounts, the Ministers of the Executive Branch, the State Attorney,
the Attorney General and the Ombudsman, for poor performance, crime in the exercise of his functions, common crimes,
supervening physical or mental incapacity or indignity, after having known at the request of one or one of its members with the
guarantees of due process and declared having place to the formation of the cause by the majority of two thirds of the votes of
the members present in session. Once the accusation of any official subject to impeachment is sanctioned, the accused is
suspended until the conclusion of the trial.


Article 120.- The Senate judges the officials accused by the Chamber of Deputies in a public trial. When the accused is the
Governor or the Lieutenant Governor, it is presided over by the President of the Superior Court of Justice. None is found guilty
except by a two-thirds majority vote of those present.
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Article 121.- The decision of the Senate has no other effect than dismissing the accused, and even disqualifying
him from occupying any job of honor, trust or salary of the Province. But the convicted party, however, is subject to
trial before the competent courts if applicable.


Article 122.- The decision of the Senate is unappealable and must be given within the period of sessions in which
the trial was initiated, extending them if necessary, to process it.


Article 123.- In no case can the impeachment trial before the Senate last more than four months, after which, if a
resolution has been passed, the accused is acquitted.

CHAPTER VII - Ombudsman and Social Economic Council


Article 124.- The Legislature, with the vote of two thirds of its members gathered in Assembly, designates the
Ombudsman, as commissioner for the defense of collective or diffuse rights, the supervision of the effectiveness in
the provision of public services and the application in the administration of the laws and other provisions, in accordance
with what the law determines.

He enjoys the immunities and privileges of the Legislators, lasts five years in his functions and cannot be separated
from them except for the causes and the established procedure regarding the political trial.


Article 125.- The Economic and Social Council is made up of the production and labor, union, professional and
socio-cultural sectors, in the manner determined by law.

Said council is a consultative body of the Public Powers in this matter.

CHAPTER VII - Court of Auditors


Article 126.- The Court of Accounts is made up of three members; their number can be increased by law, which is
always odd and does not exceed seven. They must be Argentines, lawyers or public accountants, with ten years of
practice in the profession, five years of residence in the Province and thirty years of age.

They are elected by the people of the Province with representation of minorities and last four years in their positions.
They have the same immunities and remuneration as chamber judges.


Article 127.- The powers of the Court of Auditors are:

1. Originally approve or disapprove the investment of public funds made by officials and administrators of the
Province, and when so established, its collection, particularly with respect to the budget law and in general as
determined by law. .
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2. Intervene preventively in all administrative acts that have expenses in the form and scope established by

In case of observation, said acts can only be fulfilled, when there is insistence of the Executive Power in
Agreement of Ministers. If the observation is maintained, the Court makes available to the Legislature, within fifteen
days, the background of the case.

3. Carry out external audits in the administrative dependencies and institutions where the State has interests
and carry out investigations at the request of the Legislature.

4. Report to the Legislature on the investment accounts of the previous budget, in the fourth month of the ordinary

5. Act as the requesting body in trials of accounts and responsibility before the courts of justice.

6. Prepare and propose their own budget to the Executive Branch; appoint and remove their staff.

SECTION II - Executive Power

CHAPTER I - Nature and Duration


Article 128.- The Executive Power is held by a citizen with the title of Governor of the Province.


Article 129.- At the same time and for the same period, a Deputy Governor is elected who presides over the Senate,
replaces the Governor in accordance with this Constitution, is his direct collaborator and can participate in the
meetings of Ministers. You cannot be a spouse or relative of the Governor until the second degree.


Article 130.- To be elected Governor or Vice Governor, the following is required:

1. Be thirty years old.

2. Be native Argentine or by choice.

3. Have residence in the Province during the four years immediately prior to the election, except in case of
absence motivated by services to the Nation or the Province, or in international organizations of which the Nation
is a part.


Article 131.- The Governor and the Lieutenant Governor receive a salary, which cannot be altered during the
period of their mandate, except for general modifications. They cannot hold another job without receiving any
public emolument.

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Article 132.- The official title of the Governor and Lieutenant Governor, when they perform their functions, is that of "Mr.
Governor" and "Mr. Lieutenant Governor".


Article 133.- The Governor and the Vice Governor cannot be absent from the Province without authorization from
the Chambers, for a period of more than fifteen days; if the Chambers are in recess, they are duly informed.


Article 134.- In the event of the death of the Governor or his dismissal, resignation, absence, suspension or
other impediment, the functions of his position pass to the Vice Governor, who exercises them during the rest of the
constitutional period, if it is for any of the three first cases or other permanent impairment, and if due to indictment,
absence, suspension or other temporary impairment, until such impairment ceases.


Article 135.- In case of separation or simultaneous impediment of the Governor and Vice Governor,
the command is exercised by the Provisional President of the Senate, and in his absence by the President of the
Chamber of Deputies, who summons within thirty days to the Province to a new election to fill the current term, provided
that there are at least two years remaining, and that the removal or impediment of the Governor or Lieutenant Governor
is permanent. In the case of proceeding to a new election, it cannot fall on the person who exercises the Executive Power.


Article 136.- The Governor and Lieutenant Governor may be reelected or succeed each other for a new current period. If
they have been re-elected or it has happened reciprocally, they cannot be elected for either of the two positions except
with the interval of one period.


Article 137.- The Governor and Lieutenant Governor have the same immunities, disabilities and incompatibilities as

Immunity of opinion extends to the candidates for said positions, from their officialization as such to the proclamation
of the elected.


Article 138.- In no case can the Governor of the Province or any official exercise judicial functions, assume knowledge
of pending cases or restore those that have expired.


Article 139.- The Governor and Lieutenant Governor last in their functions for a period of four years and cease in them the
same day that term expires without any event that has interrupted it, which may be a reason for it to be completed later.

CHAPTER II - Election

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Article 140.- The Governor and Vice Governor are elected directly by the people of the Province by simple
plurality of votes.


Article 141.- The election of Governor and Lieutenant Governor is judged by both Houses gathered in Legislative
Assembly immediately after being constituted, which also decides in case of a tie. The act must be concluded
in a single session, which cannot exceed five days.


Article 142.- The Governor and Lieutenant Governor swear in the act of their reception, in the hands of the
President of the Legislative Assembly, before the people who have entrusted their destinies to them, the
rigorous oath that respects their religious convictions, to: uphold and comply with the Constitution of the
Province and the Nation; defend freedom and rights guaranteed by both; execute and have executed the laws
that have been sanctioned and are sanctioned by the National Congress and the Legislature of the Province;
respect and make respect the authorities of her and of the Nation.


Article 143.- The elected Governor and Lieutenant Governor must assume their positions on the day
their mandate begins, being considered resigned otherwise, except in case of force majeure duly
accredited in the opinion of the Legislature. In case they are considered resigned, the rules of articles apply. 134
and 135 of this Constitution.

CHAPTER III - Attributions


Article 144.- The Governor has the following powers and duties:

1. He is the head of the Provincial State, whom he represents, is in charge of its administration, formulates
and directs policies and executes the laws.

2. Participates in the formation of laws in accordance with this Constitution, promulgates and publishes them,
and issues decrees, instructions or regulations for their execution, without altering their spirit.

3. Initiates laws or proposes the modification or repeal of existing ones by projects presented to the Legislative
Chambers and may request urgent treatment in the terms and with the effects provided for in article 115 of this

It has the initiative exclusively for the dictation of the budget and ministries laws.

4. Celebrates treaties and agreements for the management of its own interests and the coordination and
unification of similar services with the Federal State, the other Provinces, the Municipalities and public entities
outside the Province, with the approval of the Legislature and duly reporting to Congress. of the Nation, if any.

It also enters into agreements, with identical requirements, with other nations, foreign public or private
entities and international organizations, and promotes negotiations with them, without affecting the foreign
policy of the Federal Government.
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5. Exercises the right of veto and, where appropriate, of partial promulgation, under the terms of article 114.

6. Prolongs the ordinary sessions of the Chambers and summons them to extraordinary sessions in the
cases provided for in articles 102 and 103.

7. Informs the Chambers gathered in Assembly with a message on the state of the Province at the opening of
their ordinary sessions.

You can also do it on a particular topic when you deem it convenient.

8. You can pardon or commute sentences for crimes subject to provincial jurisdiction, after the final judgment
and prior report from the corresponding court; Crimes against the Public Administration committed by officials
appointed by the same Governor who exercises this power or his legal substitute are excluded.

9. Appoints, with the agreement of the Senate, the members of the Superior Court of Justice and other lower
courts, and the members of the Public Ministry. In each case of recess of the Legislature, it appoints interim
judges or agents of the Public Ministry, who cease their functions thirty days after the opening of the Chambers.
The Governor, the Lieutenant Governor and the Ministers cannot be proposed to integrate the Judicial Power
until six months after having ceased to exercise their functions.

10. Appoints and removes by himself the Ministers, officials and agents of the Administration whose
appointment is not granted to another authority, or the power has been delegated, subject to this
Constitution and the laws, and with the agreement of the Legislature in the cases foreseen by it.

11. Submits the budget bill, accompanied by the resource plan, no less than forty-five days before the expiration
of the regular session of the Chambers.

12. Send the investment of the expired fiscal year, in the second month of the ordinary sessions of the

13. Makes the taxes and revenues of the Province be collected and disposes of them subject to the budget
law. It must send to the Legislature and publish quarterly the state of execution of the

budget and treasury.

14. Promotes incentive schemes for productive activities.

15. Adopt the necessary measures to preserve peace and public order.

16. It is the highest authority of the provincial security forces, and has under its custody and inspection, in
accordance with the laws, all the objects of the security and surveillance police and all the public
establishments of the Province.

It has the duty to provide the assistance of the public force to the courts of justice, the Public Ministry, the
presidents of the Legislative Chambers when they request it, duly authorized by them and to the Municipalities
and other authorities, in accordance with the law.

17. In accordance with the law, he is in charge of the labor police.

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18. Organizes the Public Administration, based on the principles enshrined in article 174 and may delegate,
expressly and in a limited manner, in accordance with the law, certain administrative functions, which may be
resumed at any time.

19. Directs the administrative reform, with the purpose of making the Administration more efficient and less

CHAPTER IV - Ministers


Article 145.- To be appointed Minister, it is required to be twenty-five years old and meet the other
conditions that the Constitution requires to be elected Deputy, with the same immunities.


Article 146.- The Ministers receive a salary that cannot be altered, except for general modifications.


Article 147.- The Governor appoints his Ministers, in the number and with the competence determined by
law. The Ministers endorse and legalize with their signature the acts of the Governor, without whose requirement
they are invalid. The Ministers can by themselves take all the resolutions that the law authorizes in accordance
with their competence and in those administrative matters that the Governors expressly delegate, in accordance
with the law.


Article 148.- Within the first month of the legislative period, the Ministers present to the Chambers a detailed report
on the state of the Administration of the Province in relation to the business of their respective departments.


Article 149.- The Ministers must attend the sessions of the Chambers, when they are called by them, and may also
do so when they deem it convenient.

CHAPTER V - Control Bodies


Article 150.- The State Attorney is in charge of controlling the administrative legality of the State and the
defense of the patrimony of the Province.

Must be a lawyer with no less than ten years of practice. He is appointed and removed by the Executive Power
and can be subject to impeachment.


Article 151.- The General Accounting Office of the Province has as its function the registration and internal
control of the economic, financial and patrimonial management in the administrative activity of the powers of
the State. It carries out in a decentralized manner the preventive control of all payment releases, with
authorization originating in the general budget law or laws that sanction expenses, without whose intervention
they cannot be fulfilled.
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It is headed by a Public Accountant, with ten years of experience in the profession, appointed and removed
by the Executive Branch.

The law establishes the organization of the Accounting Office, its powers and responsibilities.

SECTION III - Judicial Power

CHAPTER I - General Provisions


Article 152.- The Judicial Power of the Province is exercised by a Superior Court of Justice and by the other lower
courts with the material, territorial and degree competence established by this Constitution and the respective law.


Article 153.- The exercise of the judicial function corresponds exclusively to the Judicial Power of the Province.


Article 154.- The magistrates and judicial officials are irremovable and retain their positions for the duration of
their good conduct. They can only be removed for poor performance, gross negligence, delay in the performance
of their duties, inexcusable disregard of the law, alleged commission of crimes or physical or mental disability.
They enjoy the same immunity from arrest as legislators.

They receive a monthly compensation for their services that is determined by law and that cannot be reduced
by an act of authority or with discounts other than those provided for welfare or welfare purposes.


Article 155.- Judges and court officials are required to attend their offices during public service hours.
They must resolve the cases within the deadlines that the procedural laws establish, with logical and legal


Article 156.- Judges and judicial officials may not participate in politics, nor exercise a profession or
employment, with the exception of teaching or research, in accordance with the conditions established by the
regulations, nor perform any act that compromises the impartiality of their functions.


Article 157.- Judges and officials are appointed and removed in the manner established in this Constitution. The
procedures followed or the sentences and resolutions issued by persons who are not named in the prescribed
manner are null and void.

The law establishes the procedure that favors equal opportunities and selection by suitability in the
appointment of lower magistrates.

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Article 158.- To be a member of the Superior Court of Justice, it is required to have twelve years of practice as
a lawyer or magistracy, eight for Chamber Member, six for Judge and four for Legal Counsel. In all cases,
citizenship in exercise, thirty years of age for the members of the Superior Court of Justice and twenty-five for
the rest.


Article 159.- The magistrates and officials of the Judiciary referred to in Article 144, subsection 9, not subject to
impeachment, may be denounced by any of the people before a Trial Jury, for the sole purpose of their
dismissal, based on the causes that authorize it, with action by the Attorney General.

The Trial Jury is made up of a member of the Superior Court of Justice, four Senators, lawyers if any, three by
majority and not by minority. The defendant continues in his functions if the Jury does not order otherwise. The
ruling must be issued, under penalty of expiration within sixty days from the cause, which must be made within
thirty days of the filing of the complaint, under the personal responsibility of the Attorney General.


Article 160.- It corresponds to the Judicial Power of the Province the knowledge and decision of the
questions that deal with points governed by this Constitution, by the treaties that the Province celebrates, by
the laws and other provincial regulations of the causes that arise against employees. or officials who are not
subject to impeachment or prosecution before the Jury and the application of the rules of paragraph 11 of article
67 of the National Constitution.


Article 161.- The courts and tribunals of the Province, in the exercise of their functions, apply this Constitution
and the provincial treaties as the supreme law, with respect to the laws that the Legislature has sanctioned or


Article 162.- The law may determine the cases in which the collegiate courts are also made up of juries.


Article 163.- The collegiate courts make their sentences known in public.

CHAPTER II - Superior Court of Justice


Article 164.- The Superior Court of Justice is made up of seven members, and can be divided into
rooms. It annually elects a President from among its members.


Article 165.- The Superior Court of Justice has the following jurisdiction:

1. Know and resolve originally and exclusively, in full:

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a). Of the declaratory actions of unconstitutionality of the laws, decrees, regulations, resolutions,
Organic Letters and ordinances, which establish on matters governed by this Constitution, and
are disputed in a specific case by the interested party.

b) Of the questions of competition between public authorities of the Province and in those that arise
between the lower courts, unless they have another common superior.

c). Of the internal conflicts of the Municipalities, of one Municipality with another, or of these with
authorities of the Province

d). Of the actions, for civil responsibility promoted against magistrates and officials of the Judicial
Power, due to the exercise of their functions, without the need for prior removal.

2. Hear and resolve, in plenary session, the extraordinary appeals of unconstitutionality.

3. Hear and resolve, through its chambers, the extraordinary appeals that the procedural laws
agree upon.

4. Hear and resolve the challenge of its Members and complaints for denial or delay of justice in
accordance with the procedural rules.

Article 166.- The Superior Court of Justice has the following powers:

1. Dictate the internal regulations of the Judicial Power of the Province that must attend to
the principles of speed, efficiency and decentralization.

2. To exercise the superintendence of the Administration of Justice without prejudice to the

intervention of the Public Ministry and of the delegation that it establishes with respect to the
highest-ranking courts of each constituency or judicial region.

3. Create the specialization and training school for magistrates and employees, with
regulations for its operation.

4. Prepare and submit the calculation of resources, expenses and investments of the Judiciary to the
Governor for consideration by the Legislature within the general budget of the Province.

5. Submit to the Legislature, through the Executive Branch, bills on the organization and
functioning of the Judicial Branch.

6. Apply disciplinary sanctions to magistrates, officials and judicial employees, in accordance

with the regimen and procedure established.

7. Designate its staff based on a procedure that guarantees equal opportunities and selection based
on suitability.

8. Remove judicial employees.

9. Report annually to the Legislative Branch on the activity of the courts.

10. Supervise with the other judges the provincial prisons.

CHAPTER III - Justice of the Peace

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Article 167.- The law determines the number of judges of their functions, the salary they enjoy, their territorial
competence, in accordance with the principle of decentralization of their seats, and material, in the solution of minor
or neighborhood issues and contraventions or faults. provincial. The procedure is verbal, summary, free and arbitral


Article 168.- To be appointed a justice of the peace, it is required to be twenty-five years of age, citizenship
in exercise, three years of residence in the district, law degree if possible, and the other suitability conditions
established by law.


Article 169.- The justices of the peace are appointed by the Executive Power with the agreement of the Senate, which
cannot grant it before fifteen days after the corresponding request has been published.
During the period of their exercise they can only be removed by the Superior Court of Justice if the causes
enumerated in article 154 occur.

CHAPTER IV - Electoral Justice

Provincial Electoral Court

Article 170.- Electoral justice is in charge of a judge who has the competence and powers established
by a special law enacted for that purpose.

CHAPTER V - Public Ministry


Article 171.- The Public Ministry is in charge of a General Prosecutor and the prosecutors who report to him as
established by the respective organic law. It exercises its functions in accordance with the principles of legality,
impartiality, unity of action and hierarchical dependence throughout the territory of the Province. The Attorney
General sets the policies of criminal prosecution and instructs the lower prosecutors on the fulfillment of their
functions in accordance with the previous paragraph, in accordance with the laws.


Article 172.- The Public Ministry has the following functions:

1. Prepare and promote legal action in defense of the public interest and the rights of individuals.

Safeguard the jurisdiction and competence of the provincial courts and the normal provision of the service of justice
and seek before them the satisfaction of the social interest.

Promote and exercise public criminal action before the competent courts, without prejudice to the rights that the laws
accord to individuals.

4. Direct the Judicial Police.

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Article 173.- The Attorney General of the Province must meet the conditions required to be a member of
the Superior Court of Justice and has the same incompatibilities and immunities. It lasts in its functions five years
and can be appointed again.

The other members of the Public Ministry are irremovable for the duration of their good performance, enjoy all
the immunities and have the same incompatibilities as the judges.

They are appointed and removed in the same way and with the same requirements as the members of the
Judiciary, according to their hierarchy.

SECTION IV - Provincial and Municipal Public Administration


Article 174.- The Public Administration must be aimed at meeting the needs of the community effectively,
efficiently, cheaply and timely, for which it seeks to harmonize the principles of regulatory centralization, territorial
decentralization, operational decentralization, hierarchy, coordination, impartiality, subjection to the legal order
and publicity of norms and acts.

Admission to the Public Administration is made by suitability, with objective criteria based on public
competition of the applicants, which ensure equal opportunities. The law establishes the conditions of said
competition, and the positions in which, due to the nature of the functions, it must be dispensed with.


Article 175.- A special law establishes the regionalization of the Province in order to facilitate administrative
deconcentration, the most efficient provision of public services, and unify the various criteria of territorial division.


Article 176.- The Provincial and Municipal Administration subjects its action to the informal determination of
the truth, with speed, economy, simplicity in its processing, determination of deadlines to be issued and
participation of those who may be affected in their interests, through public procedure and Informal for managers.


Article 177.- Two or more jobs of the provincial departments cannot be accumulated in the same person, with the
exception of teaching and the professions of the art of healing, whose incompatibilities are established by law. In
the case of political positions, employment can be stopped without payment of salaries.


Article 178.- The State, the Municipalities and other public legal persons may be sued before the
ordinary courts without the need for formality or prior authorization from the Legislature and without having to
enjoy any privilege in court.

The actions of the State, Municipalities and other public legal entities in the exercise of administrative
functions are subject to judicial control in accordance with what is determined by the law of the matter and
without any other requirement that the interested party has exhausted the administrative channel.

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Article 179.- The assets of the Provincial or Municipal State cannot be subject to preventive embargoes.
The law determines the time to serve convictions against the State

Provincial and Municipalities.

TITLE II - Municipalities and Communes


Article 180.- This Constitution recognizes the existence of the Municipality as a natural community founded on
coexistence and ensures the municipal system based on its political, administrative, economic, financial and
institutional autonomy.

The Municipalities are independent from any other power in the exercise of their powers, in
accordance with this Constitution and the laws that are enacted as a consequence.


Article 181.- Any population with a stable settlement of more than two thousand inhabitants, is
considered a Municipality. Those to which the law recognizes the character of cities, can dictate their
Organic Charters.


Article 182.- The Municipal Organic Charters are sanctioned by agreements convened by the local executive
authority, by virtue of an ordinance sanctioned for that purpose. The Municipal Convention is made up of
double the number of Councillors, elected by direct vote and by the proportional representation system. To
be Conventional, the same conditions are required as to be a Councilor.


Article 183.- The Organic Letters must ensure:

1. The representative and republican system, with direct election of its authorities, and the universal,
equal, sacred, obligatory and foreign vote.

2. The election of a simple plurality of votes for the executive body, if any, and a system of representation for
the Deliberative Body, which ensures that the party that obtains the largest number of votes, half plus one of
its representatives.

3. A Court of Accounts with direct election and minority representation.

4. The rights of initiative, referendum and recall.

5. The recognition of Neighborhood Commissions, with participation in municipal management and

preservation of the representative and republican regime.

6. The other requirements established by this Constitution.


Article 184.- The Legislature sanctions the Municipal Organic Law for the Municipalities that do not have an
Organic Charter.
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These can establish different types of government, as long as they ensure what is prescribed in subsections
1, 2, 4 and 6 of the previous article. The law guarantees the existence of a Court of Accounts or a similar body,
chosen in the manner prescribed in paragraph 3 of the previous article.


Article 185.- Territorial jurisdiction includes the area to benefit from municipal services. The Legislature
establishes the procedure for setting limits; these cannot exceed those corresponding to the respective

By law, the Provincial Government delegates to the municipalities the exercise of its police power, in
matters of municipal competence in areas not subject to its territorial jurisdiction.


Article 186.- The following are functions, powers and purposes inherent to municipal jurisdiction:

1. Govern and manage local public interests aimed at the common good.

2. Politically judge the municipal authorities.

3. Create, determine and receive economic-financial resources, prepare budgets, invest resources and
control them.

4. Manage and dispose of the assets that make up the municipal heritage.

5. Appoint and remove municipal agents, with a guarantee of administrative career and stability.

6. Carry out public works and provide public services by themselves or through private individuals.

7. Address the following matters: health; health and care centers; hygiene and public morality; old age,
disability and helplessness; cemeteries and funeral services; building plans, opening and construction of
streets, squares and walks; design and aesthetics; roads, traffic and urban transport; use of streets and subsoil;
construction control; protection of the environment, landscape, ecological balance and environmental pollution;
slaughter of animals intended for consumption; markets, supply of products in the best conditions of quality and
price; preparation and sale of food; creation and promotion of institutions of intellectual and physical culture and
educational establishments governed by ordinances consistent with the laws on the matter; sightseeing;
prevention, social assistance and banking services.

8. Provide and promote policies to support and disseminate cultural, regional and national values; usually.
Preserve and defend the historical and artistic heritage.

9. Regulate the administrative procedure and the system of faults.

10. Establish restrictions, easements and qualify the cases of expropriation for public utility in
accordance with the laws that govern the matter.

11. Regulate and coordinate urban and building plans.

12. Periodically publish the statement of its income and expenses and, annually, a report on the work carried

13. Exercise the functions delegated by the Federal or Provincial Government.

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14. Exercise any other function or attribution of municipal interest that is not prohibited by this
Constitution and is not incompatible with the functions of the powers of the State.


Article 187.- The municipal organic provisions and the ordinances that are consequently issued may
authorize the authorities to impose fines; order the demolition of constructions, closure and eviction of
real estate; kidnapping, confiscation or destruction of objects, for which the Municipalities may require
the assistance of the public force and obtain search warrants.

They can also impose arrest sanctions of up to fifteen days, with sufficient judicial recourse and
suspensive effects before the judge determined by law.

The organic provisions may establish Misdemeanor Courts.


Article 188.- Municipalities have the following resources:

1. Municipal taxes established in the respective jurisdiction, which respect the constitutional principles
of taxation and harmonization with the provincial and federal tax regime.

2. Municipal public prices, fees, rights, patents, contributions for improvements, fines and all capital income
originating from acts of disposition, administration or exploitation of its assets.

3. Those from provincial and federal co-participation, whose percentages cannot be less than twenty
percent. The resulting amount is distributed in the municipalities and communes in accordance with the
law, based on the principles of proportionality and solidarity redistribution.

4. Donations, legacies and other special contributions.


Article 189.- The Municipalities may contract loans for public works or conversion of existing debt, for this
purpose they allocate an amortization fund, to which no other application may be given. The servicing of
all the loans must not commit more than a fifth of the resources for the year.


Article 190.- The Municipalities may enter into agreements with each other, and set up inter-municipal
organizations for the provision of services, the performance of public works, technical and financial
cooperation or activities of common interest within their competence. They may enter into agreements
with the Province, the Federal Government or decentralized entities, for the coordinated exercise of
concurrent powers and common interests.


Article 191.- The Municipalities agree with the Province their participation in the
administration, management and exercise of works and services that they provide or execute in their
radio, with the allocation of resources where appropriate, to achieve greater efficiency and operational decentralization.
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They participate in the preparation and execution of regional development plans, and agree to participate in the
execution of works and provision of services that affect them due to the

It is the obligation of the Provincial Government to provide technical assistance.


Article 192.- Municipalities must provide the cooperation required by the Government of the Province to comply with the
Constitution and its laws. The Provincial Government must collaborate at the request of the Municipalities for the
fulfillment of its specific functions.


Article 193.- In case of total acephaly of the Municipalities, the Legislature, with two-thirds of the votes of each
Chamber, declares the intervention, for a period not exceeding ninety days, and authorizes the Provincial Executive Power
to appoint a commissioner to to call for new elections to complete the term. The commissioner only has powers to
guarantee the operation of public services.


Article 194.- In stable populations of less than two thousand inhabitants, Communes are established.
The law determines the conditions for its existence, material and territorial jurisdiction, allocation of resources
and form of government that ensures a representative system with direct election of its authorities.

TITLE III - Constituent Power


Article 195.- The Constituent Power to reform all or part of this Constitution is exercised by the people of the Province in
the manner determined by this Constitution.


Article 196.- The declaration of the need for the reform and the call to the Constituent Convention that carries it out,
must be approved with the vote of two thirds of the total members of each Chamber. The point or points that are to be
the subject of the former must be precisely designated; the Convention cannot rule on others.


Article 197.- The declaration of the need for the reform cannot be initiated or vetoed by the Executive Branch. It must be
published thirty days in the main newspapers of the Province, together with the date of the election.


Article 198.- The Convention is made up of a number of members equal to that of the Legislature, elected directly by
the people, by the proportional system, considering the Province as a single district. Conventional members must meet
the conditions required to be a Provincial Deputy and enjoy the same immunities. The Conventional position is compatible
with any other public position other than that of Governor, Lieutenant Governor, magistrates and officials of the Judicial
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Article 199.- The declaration of the need for reform cannot establish a term of more than one year
for the Convention to fulfill its mission. It must be constituted within thirty calendar days from the date
of proclamation of the elected.


Article 200.- It is the Governor's responsibility to promulgate the reform carried out within ten
days and order its publication. If it does not do so, it is considered tacitly promulgated.


FIRST.- This Constitution enters into force the day after its publication, it must be done within
five days of its sanction.

The members of the Constitutional Convention swear this before dissolving the body.

The Governor of the Province, the Vice Governor, the Presidents of the Legislative Chambers and the
President of the Superior Court of Justice take an oath before the Constituent Convention.

Each Power of the State provides what is necessary for the officials that comprise it to swear this

On May 25, 1987, the people of the Province are invited to swear allegiance to this Constitution in
public acts.

SECOND.- For the purposes of article 83 of this Constitution, in the first election held in the
Province for partial renewal of the Senate, the Capital and San Justo Departments elect five and three
Senators, respectively, from those who correspond: in the Capital Department , two Senators to each of
the parties that come first and second in the election and one Senator to the party that comes third; and
in the Department of San Justo, one Senator for each of the parties that come first, second and third.

The Senators thus elected have a mandate until the term of the current Senators of said Departments
expires and may be re-elected.

THIRD.- The Superior Court of Justice continues to be made up of five members until the remaining
two are appointed.

FOURTH.- Until the assumption of the members of the Court of Auditors, as provided for in this
Constitution, the current members or those appointed by the Executive Power with the agreement
of the Senate continue in their functions.

FIFTH.- Any official or employee of any of the Powers of the Provincial State and Municipalities,
Court of Auditors, public companies and autarchic or decentralized entities, who are in a position to
obtain ordinary retirement under the provincial regime until December 31, 1987, they must avail
themselves of their benefits within that period, after which they automatically cease their positions. This
provision is applicable to Magistrates and officials of the Judiciary and the Public Ministry.

SIXTH.- The Political Chiefs continue in their functions until the end of the mandate of the current
Governor of the Province.
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SEVENTH.- Until the Legislature approves the law on press crimes, the pertinent provisions of the
Argentine Penal Code govern in this matter.

EIGHTH,- The elections whose purpose is the renewal of the authorities referred to in the Second Title
"Municipalities and Communes" of the Second Part of this Constitution, are called only once by the Executive
Power of the Province, according to the bases of this Constitution, of Law 3373 and complementary, and what is
prescribed by the National Electoral Code, in what is not foreseen by those.

NINTH.- All Municipalities existing at the time of sanction of this Constitution maintain that institutional rank,
even if they do not have two thousand inhabitants.

TENTH.- The Municipal Conventions must be convened after the sanction of the future Municipal Organic
Law, which replaces the current N{3373 and its complementary laws.

ELEVENTH.- The minimum percentage of co-participation provided for in article 188 inc. 3 is applied as follows:
15% in fiscal year 1988; 17.5% in fiscal year 1989 and 20% in fiscal year 1990.

TWELFTH.- Until the regulatory laws of this Constitution are enacted, the current legal regimes subsist, except
for the cases provided for in the other transitory norms.

THIRTEENTH.- The President of the Constituent Convention, with the help of the Secretaries and Assistant
Secretaries of the Body, is empowered to carry out all administrative acts that recognize the operation and
dissolution of this Constitution as the origin.

The members of the Coordination and Drafting Commission are responsible for the publication of this
Constitution in the Official Gazette.

FOURTEENTH.- The constitutional text sanctioned by this Constituent Convention replaces the one in
force up to now.

FIFTEENTH.- In compliance with the will of the people, this Convention is dissolved at midnight on
April 30, 1987.

Every official edition of this Constitution must include annexes the texts of the "Universal Declaration of
Human Rights", of the United Nations Organization of the year 1948 and the declarative part of rights of the
"American Convention on Human Rights"
(Preamble and Part I), signed in San José de Costa Rica in 1969, approved by the Argentine Republic through
the 1984 law, to which the Republic of Córdoba adhered by law No. 7098 of 1985.

Given in the Hall of Sessions of the H. Constituent Convention of the Province, in Córdoba, on the twenty-
sixth day of the month of April of the year one thousand nine hundred and eighty-seven.



Luis E. Medina Allende

MiguelH. D'Alessandro

Legislative Secretary
Administrative Secretary

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