Gce Ol Model 2011 Part 1 8th Nov 20111

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English Language Paper 01

General Certificate of Education (Ord. Level) Examination, Model 2011

English Language I | One hour

Part 01

The following are some sentences taken from an article about production of
rubber. Read them and fill in the blanks.

The (1) ________ of rubber as a

Rubber is used in (3) _________
commodity is a (2) ________
America to make play (4)
one. ________
(production / balls / south)
(story / pen / fascinating)

The (5) ______ were successfully These seeds were (7) __________
cultivated. In 1919 seeds were at the Henarathgoda
first (6) ___________ to Sri (8) ________ gardens near
Lanka Gampaha.
(Balls/seeds/shipped) (botanical /water / planted)

There was little interest in

growing (9) ___________in the
(10) ___________ years.
(rubber / initial / industry)

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Part 02

Study the map. Fill in the blanks in the following text. Use words from the box.
The first one done for you.
Shopping Houses
Public Library
between, in, at, near, over, through

Post office


There aren’t many buildings (0) in our small town. The shopping centre which is situated (1)

______________ the junction is always crowded. There is a small hospital (2) ______________

the public library. Our school is (3) ______________ the library and the post office.

There is a long bridge (4) ______________ the river Mahaveli which flows (5) ______________ our


Part 03

Write FIVE sentences about the picture. There is an example.

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0. Some children are cleaning their school.

1. ___________________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________________

3. ___________________________________________________________

4. ___________________________________________________________

5. ___________________________________________________________

Part 04

Read the following advertisement and answer the questions given below it.


Government and Topic
Private schools are “Environment Conservation in Sri Lanka”
invited to send in their Basic Rules
essays  Essays must be certified by the class teacher as the original
work of the participant.
 Essays must be written in English
Categories:  Essays should be between 500-600 words.
 The decision of the panel of judges will be final.
Junior: 13-15 years
 All entries should reach the environmental Authority by post
Senior: 16-18 years on or before 31st December2008.
Director General, Environmental Authority, Colombo

1 What is the advertisement on?


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2 What would be the maximum length of the essay?


3 Who can participate in the essay competition?


4 What is last date for submitting the essays?


5 Find a word similar in meaning to the following:

a) Not copied ________________ (b) cannot be changed ______________

Part 05

Use the following sentences to fill in the blanks. Write the letter of the sentence in
the blanks. The first one has been done for you.

a. Aren’t they also going to Polannaruwa?

b. They went there last month.
c. Fine thanks and you?
d. Would you like to join us Ravi?
e. They can see the corals and go on boat rides there.
f. My cousin is studying international history.

Ravi: Hi Sonali. How are you today?

Sonali: (0) C .

Ravi: I am O.K thanks. You told me about your aunt’s family from the US. Are they still

here in Sri Lanka?

Sonali: Yes Ravi. At the moment they are in Sigiriya. (1)___________ So he wanted to see

the frescos in Sigiriya.

Ravi: Oh really. I was there last year. It is very interesting to climb the rock and see

those paintings. (2) ___________

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Sonali: No they aren’t. They have already visited the ruins. (3) ___________ I recommended

them to go to the down south where they can spend some time in the beach.

Ravi: That’s right. There are a lot of things to do. (4) ___________ Have they visited the

mountains in Nuwera –Eliya?

Sonali: Not yet. I want to join them. I think they are going there in May. (5) ___________

Ravi: Yes. Thanks for inviting. I will try to join you.

Part 06
Write a short paragraph about ONE of the following.

A. My mother / Father

B. My favourite teacher / colour

C. My best friend

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Part 07

Your friends from another town want to visit your village/town. Write FIVE
activities the can do in your town.


You should visit our temples.

You can bathe in the village river

1. _______________________________________________________________________________

2. _______________________________________________________________________________

3. _______________________________________________________________________________

4. _______________________________________________________________________________

5. _______________________________________________________________________________

Part 08

You read the following advertisement which appeared in a newspaper. Write a

short letter asking for an application form and more details (the closing date, the
course fee starting date of the course , etc.)

New English Courses are starting soon after the


Join the new Diploma In English course and prepare for your
A/L and University Education

Use our website – www.headwayls.com or write to us for more


Course coordinator,
Headway School of Language,
942, Bar Road, Batticaloa

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