Global Peace

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Global peace

Which factors affect global peace?

 Wars(nuclear war, weapon, United Nations for its failure to keep global peace and stop illegal
incursion of powerful states into the weak nations)
 Changing technology
 Economic difference
 Religious diversity
 Difference of civilization
 Difference of political belief
 Terrorism
 Global warming
 Refugees
 Power race
 Violation of human rights
 Lack of peace as lack of communication

How to bring and maintain global peace? ways to make our global peaceful

 Peace treaty(to resolve international conflict)

 Cooperation to reduce poverty disease
 By achieving Sustainability goal
 By maintain health
 Education
 Control arms sales(race of war/ nuclear weapon/denuclearization)
 Press freedom
 Respect sovereignty
 Multinational summit
 Global economic recovery
 (1) strengthening international norms and institutions against war; (2) eliminating the
conditions that give rise to war and violence

What is significance of global peace? importance of global peace

 Global peace brings security

 It brings sustainability
 Freedom of speech

What is disadvantage if it is threaten?

 World divided into different groups

 Prices of commodity increase
 creates a lot of instability and fear
 lack of progress

Role of UN:

 Resolve the issues of country and keep check on country

 To counter terrorism and extremism

Deal with war(end numerous conflicts….. Preventing Nuclear Proliferation)&( maintaining international
peace and security, including disarmament, and for the peaceful settlement of any situation that
might impair friendly relations among nations.)

Promoting Sustainable Development

Alleviating Rural Poverty
 Promoting Women's Well-being
Improving Global Trade and promoting economic reform
Improving Literacy and Education
Taking the lead on global issues( environment, women’s right)
Promoting Human Rights
Strengthening International Law
Assisting refugees
Protecting Health
Preventive disarmament
Preventing Genocide 
"To save succeeding generations from the scourge of war" are among the first very words of the UN
Charter (in its Preamble),

Global peace and role of UN:

1. Introduction

2. History of UN (how UN started):

The idea of an international body to promote global peace started with

President Franklin Roosevelt of the United States and Prime Minister Winston
Churchill of the United Kingdom. In August 1941, they signed the Atlantic
Charter outlining the goals of war against Germany, Italy and Japan.
The U.S. joined the war effort in December 1941 and on January 1, 1942, the
Declaration by United Nations was signed in Washington by 26 allied nations
led by the U.S., U.K. and Soviet Union. The United Nations Charter was
finalized in April 1945 in San Francisco, signed by representatives of 50
countries on June 26 and finally became operational on October 24, 1945 — 75
years ago this weekend.
The General Assembly, the Security Council, the Economic and Social Council,
the Trusteeship Council, the International Court of Justice and the U.N.
Secretariat are six main parts of the U.N. The central mission of the U.N. is the
maintenance of international peace and security, which is accomplished by
preempting and preventing conflict, and by persuading parties in conflict to
make peace and improving the conditions to preserve peace

3. Role of UN functioning parts in Global peace:

The United Nations (UN) has six main organs. Five of them — the General Assembly, the Security
Council, the Economic and Social Council, the Trusteeship Council and the Secretariat — are based at UN
Headquarters in New York. The sixth, the International Court of Justice, is located at The Hague in the

United Nations Headquarters in New York

The United Nations is neither a supra-State nor a government of governments. It does not have an army
and it imposes no taxes. It depends on the political will of its Member States to have its decisions put into
action and relies on the contributions of its Members to carry out its activities.

The six organs of the United Nations are outlined in the sections below:
General Assembly

The General Assembly is the main deliberative organ of the United Nations. It is composed of
representatives from all Member States, each of which has one vote. Read more about the General
Assembly here.

Security Council

Under the Charter, the Security Council has primary responsibility for the maintenance of international
peace and security. It has 15 Members, and each Member has one vote. Under the Charter, all Member
States are obligated to comply with Council decisions. Read more about the Security Council here.

Economic and Social Council

A founding UN Charter body established in 1946, the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) is the place
where the world’s economic, social and environmental challenges are discussed and debated, and policy
recommendations issued. Read more about ECOSOC here.

Trusteeship Council

The Trusteeship Council was established to provide international supervision for 11 Trust Territories and
to make sure that adequate steps were taken to prepare the Territories for self-government or
independence. Read more about the Trusteeship Council here.

International Court of Justice

The International Court of Justice is the principal judicial organ of the United Nations. The Court is
charged with settling legal disputes between States and giving advisory opinions to the United Nations
and its specialized agencies. Read more about the International Court of Justice here.


The UN Secretariat, consisting of staff representing all nationalities working in duty stations all over the
world, carries out the day to day work of the Organization. The Secretariat services the other principal
organs of the United Nations and administers the programmes and policies established by them. Read
more about the Secretariat here.

3. How UN fail in achieving (its) peace

1. Genocide in Rwanda and Srebrenica: The UN had an

“Assistance Mission” for Rwanda in 1994, which failed to stop
the majority Hutus from killing almost a million members of the
Tutsi minority. The massacre of more than 8,000 Bosnian
Muslim men at the hands of Serb forces in Srebrenica in 1995
was another UN failure. The sight of a UN peacekeeping force
commander drinking a toast with the Serb commander damaged
the UN’s reputation.
2. Spreading cholera in Haiti: Genome testing showed that the
world’s worst recent outbreak of cholera, which swept through
Haiti after the 2010 earthquake, was likely started by a Nepali
UN peacekeeping force who carried the disease. More 700,000
were infected and 8,000 died.
3. Iraq oil for food programme: This UN programme enabled Iraq
to gain relief from international sanctions by selling oil through
the UN, which would supervise the delivery of food and medicine
with the resulting cash. However, the money ended up in private
hands and became the worst financial scandal in UN history.
4. Rape and child sex abuse in the Congo: UN peacekeepers
were accused of paying for sex or raping women and young girls
they were supposed to be protecting in the Democratic Republic
of Congo in early 2005. There have been similar allegations in
countries ranging from Cambodia to Bosnia to Haiti.
5. Different ongoing war and conflicts in world: A number of
ongoing crises are indicative of U.N. inaction and paralysis, including
Russia’s takeover of part of Ukraine; China occupying disputed
territories in South China Sea; the Iraq War; the Israel-Palestine
conflict; civil wars in Syria, Yemen, Libya and the Democratic Republic
of Congo; and the treatment of Rohingyas in Myanmar, Ughyurs in
China and Kashmiris in India 
4. Factors which lead to failure

1. Member states selfishness: A General Assembly resolution is less legally binding, but
can indicate the general consensus between member states. Again a member state
can choose to ignore this general consensus.Why? Because the member states are
independant national states that have privileges and immuneties and fiercely defend
their national sovereignty and have chosen to temporarily adhere to the common
framework of conventions and international agreements that the United Nations
have facilitated. All these conventions and agreements are between member states
in their capacity as national sovereign legal persons, NOT as members of a club.So
the failure of the UN is due to the member states choosing to let their national
sovereignty weigh more than the international cooperation.
2. Depend on US money(financialy vulnerable) : It has to rely on the contributions of
member countries. US pays a major portion for its expenses.It can't stand and live
without US assistance which makes it a lot dependent on US.So when anything,any
decision goes against the interest of US,it vetoes that decision. As far as UN's failure
is concerned, if we see that behind the UN the super power USA has an effective
impact in order to make any decision. If we see in past all things were firstly decided
and then the things are mentioned in UN for international documentation. It would
not be false to say that US is the power which is running the UN because the most of
financial assistance are provided by US. Besides, before UN the US was also had
super authority over the world. But, after getting source of UN the USA has become
more power full. As far as UN's working goal is concerned, no doubt that UN has
been working effectively in certain sphere, such as in Health sector, financial
assistance, and other social programmings are the best works which have been done
by UN. But, the main and major issue is peace that is the main motto of UN's
organization. As a matter of fact, it can be seen that the UN has not been doing any
affective work in order to make the world peaceful owing to hurdle of US veto power.
It would not be false to say that the US has been protecting her self interest by
doing veto. So, with the sum up it can be said that the US is the hurdle on the of UN
3. Veto abusive power: Critics say that the veto is the most undemocratic element of
the UN, as well as the main cause of inaction on war crimes and crimes against
humanity, as it effectively prevents UN action against the permanent
members and their allies.
4. Not have an army(lacks the excutive machinery to implement its decisions): Might is
right.To relate this saying to the UN,you know every decision will be accepted if it
has some force on its back.In International affairs that force is present in the form of
military.Now the UN does not have any army of its own so it cannot implement its
decision and its decision are left to the free will of the advanced,developed and
powerful nations.

5. Suggestion to improve its functionality

1. Accountability and transparency: keep check on every member and take strict action against
2. Reform of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC): The General Assembly Task
Force on Security Council Reform[11] has delivered a report (on the question of equitable
representation on and increase in the membership of the Security Council) recommending a
compromise solution for entering intergovernmental negotiations on reform. [12]
3. Balance the power: On the UN security council, it is necessary to find a
more balanced regional representation. But we need to avoid increasing
the number of members too much. The risk is we end up with a very
indecisive council, even more than now.
4. Allocate more resources to human rights: There needs to be more
resources put into the Office of the High Commission for Human Rights
(OHCHR) because they are very stretched thin now. The OHCHR needs to
be empowered with support from the secretary general, and have the tools
to respond to rights crises as they
1 More than ever before in human history, we share a common destiny. We can master it
only if we face it together. And that, my friends, is why we have the United Nations. Kofi
2 The United Nations is our one great hope for a peaceful and free world. Ralph Bunche
3 The United Nations has a critical role to play in promoting stability, security, democracy,
human rights, and economic development. The UN is as relevant today as at any time in its
history, but it needs reform. Chuck Hagel
4 The United Nations is designed to make possible lasting freedom and independence for all
its members. Harry S Truman
5 The United Nations must focus on delivery rather than process and on people rather than
bureaucracy. Antonio Guterres
6 The purpose of the United Nations should be to protect the essential sovereignty of
nations, large and small. Nikita Khrushchev
7 We have actively sought and are actively seeking to make the United Nations an effective
instrument of international cooperation. Dean Acheson
8 The total elimination of nuclear weapons remains the highest disarmament priority of the
United Nations. Antonio Guterres
9 We need a reform of the Security Council. It must be perceived as truly representative by
all the 191 member states, to uphold the credibility and legitimacy of the UN as the main
political arena. Anna Lindh

 Create a high-level UN coordinator for counterterrorism

and countering violent extremism.
5.  The United Nations needs to create an Under-Secretary-General
position to provide dedicated leadership on coordinating and
implementing the organization’s work to counter terrorism and
violent extremism. Making the UN system more efficient and
effective on these issues is critical to building member states’
capacities to counter today’s threats and prevent future ones from
6. UN success story:

 Law of the Sea

Negotiated between 1973 and 1982, the UN Convention on the
Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) set up the current international law of
the seas. It defines states’ rights and creates concepts such as
exclusive economic zones, as well as procedures for the settling of
disputes, new arrangements for governing deep sea bed mining,
and importantly, new provisions for the protection of marine
resources and ocean conservation.

The idea of racial equality and of a people’s right to self-
determination was discussed in the wake of World War I and
rejected. After World War II, however, those principles were
endorsed within the UN system, and the Trusteeship Council,
which monitored the process of decolonisation, was one of the
initial bodies of the UN.

Protecting health:

International trade law: Depending on your politics, you might view

the World Trade Organisation as a huge success, or a huge failure.

The WTO creates a near-binding system of international trade law

with a clear and efficient dispute resolution process.

Protecting arms control

7. Conclusion


Nuclear race:

Instead of coping create harmonies

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