Topper 2 110 7 1 Biology Question Up201711171729 1510919980 2874

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Sample Paper – 1

ICSE Board
Class VIII Biology
Sample Paper – 1
Time: 2 hrs Total Marks: 75

General Instructions:
1. All questions are compulsory.
2. Questions 1 to 15 carry one mark each.
3. Questions in 2 A and B carry one mark each.
4. Questions in 3 A carry one mark each and B carries 5 marks.
5. Question 4 A and B carries 5 marks each.
6. Questions in 5 A and B carry one mark each.
7. Questions in 6A and B carry one mark each.
8. Question 7 A and B carry five marks each.

Question 1
Choose the correct answer out of the four available choices given below each question. [15]
1. Combining the stem and buds of two best quality plants is called_________.
(a) Cutting
(b) Grafting
(c) Layering
(d) Tissue culture

2. Observe the given food chain.

Green plants  Grasshopper  Frog  Eagle
In the given food chain, the herbivore is
(a) Frog
(b) Grasshopper
(c) Eagle
(d) Green plants

3. An embryo of a seed consists of __________.

(a) Radicle, Plumule, Cotyledons
(b) Radicle and Plumule
(c) Radicle and Cotyledons
(d) Radicle, Plumule and Embryonal axis 1
Sample Paper – 1

4. In which of the following emergencies, a tourniquet is tied?

(a) Burns
(b) Bleeding
(c) Snake bite
(d) Heart attack

5. Leishmania donovani is the causative agent for________.

(a) Sleeping sickness
(b) Athlete’s foot
(c) Kala-azar
(d) Measles

6. Ringworm is caused by
(a) Bacteria
(b) Fungi
(c) Protozoa
(d) Virus

7. Evergreen broad-leaved trees are characteristic of

(a) Tropical rainforests
(b) Temperate deciduous forests
(c) Coniferous forests
(d) Deserts

8. ________________ is required for the synthesis of thyroxine.

(a) Calcium
(b) Iron
(c) Iodine
(d) Potassium

9. The eggs of fishes are kept in a ______ for developing into fry.
(a) Nursery tank
(b) Rearing tank
(c) Small tank
(d) Stocking pound

10. Universal donors belong to the blood group________

(a) AB
(b) A
(c) O
(d) B 2
Sample Paper – 1

11. If the xylem vessels of a plant are plugged______________.

(a) The leaves will turn yellow
(b) No food will be made
(c) The plant will wilt
(d) The plant will continue to grow

12. Which of the following is a false fruit?

(a) Tomato
(b) Apple
(c) Potato
(d) Pea

13. Amoeba reproduces by________

(a) Regeneration
(b) Binary fission
(c) Multiple fission
(d) Fragmentation

14. A state of mental or emotional strain is termed

(a) Stress
(b) Adolescence
(c) Puberty
(d) Disease

15. Cortisone hormone is secreted by the ___________.

(a) Medulla of the adrenal gland
(b) Cortex of the adrenal gland
(c) Anterior lobe of the pituitary gland
(d) Posterior lobe of the pituitary gland

Question 2
(A) Give a scientific word for the following: [5]
1. The process of the union of two gametes.
2. Protruding part of the throat seen in boys.
3. Type of interaction in which one partner receives advantage while the other is at
4. Domesticated animals reared for food or other uses.
5. The membranous covering of the heart. 3
Sample Paper – 1

(B) Fill in the blanks and rewrite the sentences: [5]

1. Ferns reproduce asexually by ___________.
2. ____________ vaccine is given for poliomyelitis.
3. __________ is the seat of intelligence and consciousness.
4. Phloem chiefly consists of ____________ and companion cells.
5. In ____________________ both the interacting species are benefited.

Question 3
(A) Match the items in column I with the appropriate items in column II. [5]

Column A Column B
1. Plasma a) polio
2. Oil producing glands in the skin b) Gujarat
3. Vaccination c) liquid component of blood
4. Gir forest d) Uttarakhand
5. Jim Corbett National Park e) sebaceous glands

(B) Study the diagram below and answer the questions that follow: [5]

1. Label the numbered parts.

2. Write the functions of part 1 and part 3. 4
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Question 4
(A) An apparatus shown alongside was set up in sunlight for about an hour. It was
observed that drops of water appeared on the inside of the polythene bag. [5]

1. Name the process which is being demonstrated.

2. Why are the pot and the soil left uncovered by the polythene bag?
3. Why was the plant left in the sunlight?
4. Suppose the pot in this experiment, was placed inside a room instead of placing it
in the sunlight. What difference would be noticed?
(B) Draw a neat diagram of the following and only label the parts mentioned against it. [5]
1. Structure of a seed.
2. Human sperm.

Question 5
(A) Give one point of difference between the following on the basis of what is given in the
brackets: [5]
1. Asexual reproduction and sexual reproduction (gametes)
2. Hypogeal germination and epigeal germination (cotyledons)
3. Calyx and corolla (function)
4. Fry and fingerlings (definition)
5. Red blood cell and white blood cell (structure)

(B) Choose the odd one out and give the category for the remaining three. [5]
1. Root, Stem, Leaf, Seed, Fruit
2. Thyroid stimulating hormone, Growth hormone, Adrenocorticotropic hormone,
Adrenaline, Anti-diuretic hormone
3. Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium, Iron
4. Pomphret, Tilapia, Bombay duck, Snapper, Mackerel
5. Stigma, Style, Embryo sac, Anther, Egg 5
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Question 6
(A) Complete the following and rewrite the table. [5]

Gland Hormone Major Function Effects of Effects of

hyposecretion hypersecretion
1 ___________ Insulin 2 ____________ Diabetes 3 ___________
Thyroid 4 ___________ General 5_____________ 6_____________
7 ___________ 8 ____________ Growth of the 9_____________ 10____________

(B) Define the following terms: [5]

1. Blood pressure
2. Disease
3. Semi-permeable membrane
4. Sericulture
5. Food web

Question 7
1. Given below is a diagram of a method of transportation in plants. Identify and
explain the method in brief. [3]

2. Which endocrine gland is called master gland? Why? [2]

1. State any three symptoms of protein deficiency kwashiorkor. [2]
2. Explain the process of blood clotting. [3] 6

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