Fasv Xii Biology MS PB 2023-24

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FAS/Pre-Board /Class XII (2023-24)/ Biology (044)


Maximum Marks: 70 Time: 3 hours

General Instructions:
(i) All questions are compulsory.
(ii) The question paper has five sections and 33 questions. All questions are compulsory.
(iii) Section – A has 16 questions of 1 mark each; Section–B has 5 questions of 2 marks
each; Section – C has 7 questions of 3 marks each; Section – D has 2 case-based
questions of 4 marks each; and Section – E has 3 questions of 5 marks each.
(iv) There is no overall choice. However, internal choices have been provided in some
questions. A student has to attempt only one of the alternatives in such questions.
(v) Wherever necessary, neat and properly labeled diagrams should be drawn

Section - A
1 In a fertilized ovule, n, 2n and 3n conditions occur respectively in 1
a) antipodal, zygote and endosperm

2 The figures of the developmental stage of a microspore into a mature pollen 1

grain are given below. Choose the option showing the correct labellings for A,
B, C and D.

Generative Male
a) Vegetative cell Vacuole
cell gamete
b) Generative cell Vacuole Male gamete
c) Vegetative cell Nucleus Vacuole
d) Generative cell Vacuole Nucleus
3 In Pisum Sativum, the pod colour may be green (G) or yellow (g). What 1
percentage of offsprings with green pod colour trait would be obtained in a
cross of Gg X Gg?
a) 25% b) 50% c) 75% d) 90%

4 In which of the following organisms in male heterogamety observed? 1
A. Grasshopper B. Honey bee
C. Fowl D. Fruit fly
Choose the correct option:
a) A and B b) B and C c) A and D d) C and D
5 Select the option that gives the correct description of the process of Natural 1
Selection with respect to the length of the neck of giraffe.

Number of giraffes

Neck length giraffes

a) Stabilising selection as giraffes with longer neck lengths are selected

b) Disruptive selection as giraffes with smaller and longer neck lengths are
c) Directional selection as giraffes with longer neck lengths are selected.
d) Stabilising selection as giraffes with medium neck lengths are selected.
6 At which stage during evolution, did humans use hides to protect their bodies 1
and buried their dead?
a) Homo habilis b) Neanderthal man
c) Java man d) Homo erectus
7 The number of different types of gametes that would develop in an organism 1
with genotype AABBCCDd:
a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4
8 An example of a human trait where a single gene can exhibit multiple 1
phenotypic expression is
a) phenylketonuria b) cystic fibrosis
c) thalassemia d) haemophilia
9 Which among the following biofertilizers does not fix atmospheric nitrogen? 1
a) Oscillatoria b) Rhizobium
c) Azospirillum d) Glomus
10 Which of the following is not a plasmid? 1
a) SalI b) YAC c) BAC d) pBR322

11 Nematode-specific genes were introduced into the tobacco plants using vector 1
a) p BR322 b) plasmid c) bacteriophage d)
12 Given below is a diagram of an ecological pyramid of numbers. Choose the 1
correct food chain from the list of food chains given, that represents the given

a) Grass → Goat → Fox → Tiger

b) Mice → Cat→ Hyena → Cheetah
c) Grass → Rabbit → Fox → Flea
d) Grass → Insects → Sparrow → Snake
Question No. 13 to 16 consist of two statements – Assertion (A) and Reason (R). Answer
these questions selecting the appropriate option given below:
a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
b) Both A and R are true and R is not the correct explanation of A.
c) A is true but R is false.
d) A is False but R is true.
13 b 1

14 a 1

15 a 1

16 b 1

Section B
17 1+1
a) Fimbriae-move closer to ovary to collect ovum
b) Oxytocin-results in muscle contractions, helps in expulsion of baby
Intimate connection between chorionic villi and uterine tissue, release hCG,
hPL, estrogens and progestrones to maintain pregnancy
18 The linkage is the tendency of certain loci or alleles (genes) to be inherited 2
together while, crossing over is the segregation of genes, e.g. the genes on a
chromosome either follow linkage path or cross over, to form the gametes during
gametogenesis in human. In Drosophila a yellow bodied white eyed female was
crossed with brown bodies red-eyed male, F1 progeny produced and intercrossed
the F2 phenotypic ratio of Drosophila deviated significantly from Mendel’s
9:3:3:1, the genes for eye color and body color are closely located on the ‘X’
chromosome showing linkage and therefore inherited together, recombinants
were formed due to crossing over but at low percentage.
19 During the initial stage of infection, memory cells are generated in the body. 2
The memory cells create data about the pathogen that causes measles in the
human body for the first time and generate antibodies for them.

During the second stage of measles infection, the memory cells are activated
that are formed during the first encounter these memory cells produce an
antibody against the antigen that cause measles and kills the virus that causes
20 Cry protein is a crystal protein that is poisonous to insects and is expressed by 1+1
the cry gene. Bacillus thuringiensis bacteria manufacture it in an inactive state.
The alkaline pH in the insects helps in the activation of cry proteins when they
consume them.
21 a) The rate of decomposition is dependent on the climatic conditions of the 1+1
system. The tropics have hot and humid climate which favours the growth
of aerobically decomposing microbes. Hence, decomposition is faster in
tropics than in any other environment.
b) Decomposition is also an oxygen-dependent process. In the presence of
oxygen, complex carbon compounds are oxidized to produce carbon
dioxide. In this sense, decomposition is essentially equivalent to
respiration. If oxygen is absent or in scarce supply, specialized bacteria
decompose organic matter anaerobically.

Section – C

22 1+2

(i) Trophoblast - helps in implantation / attachment to endometrium /

attachment to uterus.
(ii) Inner cell mass - gets differentiated into an embryo.
23 a) What are the suitable technical terms used for the following? 0.5+
i) Days 8-12-folicular phase 0.5+
ii) Days 19-28-luteal phase 2

b) Explain the role of ovarian and pituitary hormones during the following time
i) Days 19-28-estrogen, progesterone level rises
ii) Days 12-15-LH surge
24 a) The two defining characteristics of a stem cell are perpetual self-renewal 1+2
and the ability to differentiate into a specialized adult cell type..
b) Stem cells can also treat diseases such as Parkinson's disease and
Alzheimer's. These can help to replenish the damaged brain cells.

25 a) a) Two types of IUDs are - 2+1

Copper releasing IUDs (CuT, Cu7, Multiload 375)- IUDs increase
phagocytosis of sperms within the uterus and the Cu ions released suppress
sperm motility and the fertilizing capacity of sperms.

b) Advantages of using Saheli as a contraceptive -

They inhibit ovulation and implantation as well as alter the quality of

cervical mucus to prevent/ retard entry of sperms..

26 Adaptive radiation - It is The process of evolution of different species in a 2+1

given geographical area starting from a point and literally radiating to other
areas of geography (habitats). The phenomenon of adaptive radiation was first
observed by Darwin when he travelled to a place called Galapagos Island.
Darwin’s finches
27 a) Sewage water contains harmful substances. It is a complex mixture 1+2
containing suspended solids, organic and inorganic impurities, nutrients,
saprotrophic and disease-causing bacteria, and other microbes. So, when
sewage is discharged untreated into rivers or seas, it becomes dangerous
for aquatic plants and animals.
b) What are the different steps carried out in the treatment of sewage water?
28 ‘Biodiversity plays a major role in many ecosystem services that nature 3
a) Describe any two broadly utilitarian arguments to justify the given
b) State one ethical reason for conserving biodiversity.

Section – D

29 1+2+
a) A palindrome in DNA consists of two closely spaced or adjacent inverted 1
b) EcoRI, phosphodiester bond
c) Sticky ends
c) SalI, BamHI.

30 1+1+
a) conformer. 2
b) The internal body temperature of crocodilians falls as the temperature
drops, and they become sluggish. They may become more active on warm
days, but do not usually feed at all during the winter.
c) If ice forms on the water, they maintain ice-free breathing holes, and there
have been occasions when their snouts have become frozen into the ice..
c) No as they cant survive for long they require water too for survival

Section - E

31 a) Heterogenous nuclear RNA, RNA polymerase II, eukaryotic nucleus 2+3

b) hnRNA undergoes two types of processing:

i. Capping: In capping an unusual nucleotide (methyl guanosine

triphosphate) is added to the 5'-end of hnRNA.

ii. Tailing: In tailing, adenylate residues (200-300) are added at 3'-end in a

template independent manner.

The fully processed hnRNA is called as mRNA which is transported out of

the nucleus for translation.
a) mRNA (messenger RNA): it provides the template for protein synthesis 3+2
during translation. tRNA (transfer RNA): it brings amino acids and reads
the genetic code during translation. rRNA (ribosomal RNA): it plays a
structural and catalytic role during translation.
b) Dig
32 a) ’Contact inhibition’ is the property exhibited by normal cells. It prevents 2+2+1
their uncontrolled proliferation when they are in contact with other
neighboring cells. But cancerous cells seem to have lost this property and
continue to divide despite being in contact with other cells, which leads to
masses of cells called tumors.’ Metastasis’ is the property exhibited by
malignant tumors which grow rapidly, invades, neighboring tissues and
are capable of reaching distant sites through blood and lymph thus,
spreading malignant tumors to other organs or parts of the body.
b) The two techniques useful in detecting cancers of internal organs are CT
(Computed Tomography) and MR1 (Magnetic Resonance Imaging).
c) As tumor cells are capable of avoiding recognition and destruction by the
immune system, the cancer patients are given α-interferons which are
biological response modifiers. It helps activate the immune system and
destroy tumors.
The diagram shows the life cycle of a pathogenic protozoan. 1+1+1

a) sporozites
b) asexual reproduction and multiplies in liver
c) ruptures it
d) malaria, haemozoin
33 a) one diff each 2+3
b) mature dicot, laabelling (0.5x4).

a) There are two ways by which apomictic seeds can be produced: 2+1+2
Agamospermy: In this method, seeds are produced from diploid cells
without meiosis and fertilization e.g., apple.
Adventive embryony: In this method, nucellus and integuments extend
into the embryo sac and develops an embryo. In this method, the
formation of more than one embryo takes place and this condition is
called as polyembryony e.g., citrus fruit.

b) Seedless fruits
c) The fruit of orange is an example of polyembryony. The egg is fertilized
and leads to the formation of multiple embryos. This phenomenon is
known as polyembryony. There are many embryos produced from the
single fertilized egg of ovule.

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