Nano Ureathe Philosophyof Future

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Nano Urea the Philosophy of Future

Presentation · July 2021

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.15790.43845

0 2,710

3 authors, including:

Prem Baboo
Dangote Fertilizer Ltd


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Nano Urea the Philosophy of Future

Prem Baboo
Former Sr. Manager
National Fertilizers Ltd. India

Prills /granular urea are not only costly for the
Nano sized fertilizers are the new frontier of
producer but may be harmful to humans and the
nanotechnology towards a sustainable
environment. Furthermore, nano Urea may also
agriculture. Nano Urea manufacturing method
be used for enhancing abiotic stress tolerance.
provide a simplistic way to develop nano scale
Nano-Urea prevents environmental pollution and
material for better crop production while
improves physiological traits of wheat grown
significantly minimizing the agro chemical
under drought stress conditions. The nano urea
leaching to the soil. Nano Urea (Liquid)
consist of higher surface area because lesser in
contains nano scale nitrogen particles which
size of the nano particle and have high
have more surface area (10,000 times over 1
reactivity, solubility in water. Nano Urea are the
mm Urea prill) and number of particles (55,000
important tools in agriculture to improve crop
nitrogen particles over 1 mm Urea prill). ...
efficiency, yield and quality parameters with
Further, application of nano urea (liquid)
increase nutrient use efficiency, reduce wastage
improves yield, biomass, soil health and
of fertilizers and cost of cultivation. Nano-urea
nutritional quality of the produce.
is very effective for precise nutrient management
Technical specifications:
in precision agriculture with matching the crop
Major characteristic features of the Nano
growth stage for nutrient and may provide
Urea are as follows -
nutrient throughout the crop growth period.
Nano urea prepared by nanotechnology contains
Nano-Urea increase crop growth up to optimum
nano scale particles of Nano Urea. Average
concentrations further increase in concentration
physical size of Nano Urea particles is in the
may inhibit the crop growth due to the toxicity
range of 20 -50 nm. Nano Urea contains 4 %
of nutrient. Nano-Urea provide more surface
nitrogen by weight in its nano form. Nitrogen
area for different metabolic reactions in the plant
present in Nano Urea effectively meets the crop
which increase rate of photosynthesis and
nitrogen requirement. It has better use efficiency
produce more dry matter and yield of the crop. It
than conventional urea. Nano Urea is suitable for
is also prevent plant from different biotic and
application as a source of nitrogen for most of
abiotic stress.
the crops/plants.
Nano, Urea, efficiency, nano-nitrogen,
environmental pollution; drought stress; wheat;
physiological traits; conventional urea.

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Process Description 210°C. And a pressure of 180 bar. Reactions

Ammonia and carbon dioxide are conventionally involved in the manufacture of urea are as
used as reactants in the manufacture of urea. The follows:
ammonia and car bon dioxide are fed into a
reactor maintained at a temperature of 180-
2NH3 + CO2 →NH2COONH4 (ammonium for example, discloses chemical nano channel
Carbamate) reactors with micron-scale and nano scale pores
NH2COONH4 →H2O + NH2CONH2 (urea) for gas sensing applications. Nano-channel
Both reactions are reversible reactions with the reactors have high density nano-pores in the
first one being exothermic and the later reaction Zone which facilitate faster reaction and
endothermic. The overall con version rate of higher conversion rates. The nano channel
CO2 to urea is usually about 65%. reactor concept can be used to increase the
Present methods described herein allow for an reactivity of heterogeneous gas mixtures such as
increase in the conversion rate to over 85% and ammonia and carbon dioxide to molecular levels
also allow for the production of urea particles in-situ nano channels, thereby increasing the
with superior properties. The methods described conversion rates to produce nano urea particles.
herein can be used to produce a nano-urea which High density nano channels can be fabricated
can be easily absorbed in the soil and controlled with Suitable materials to carry-out liquid phase
hydrolysis to ammonia takes place. reactions such as the production of nano urea.
A first method involves the use of a spinning As described herein, carbon dioxide and
cone reactor as a Surface for carrying out the ammonia are fed into a nano-channel reactor.
synthesis of nano urea. Spinning cone reactors For example, the carbon dioxide and ammonia
are shown in the figure- 1.This technology uses can be fed through nano channels having pore
the rotating Surfaces for systems which are heat sizes in the range of 100-500 nm. The two step
and mass transfer limited, to achieve good reaction for the formation of urea can be carried
mixing and product yield for viscous reactants. out in-situ the channels. The reactants can be
Nano urea can be manufactured using such pressurized through the nano channels to
rotating Surfaces for a faster reaction and lower increase reactivity and lower residence times
residence times. In this method, the primary compared to conventional urea processes. A
reactants (ammonia and carbon dioxide) are further method involves the use of the
reacted on spinning cones which are axially combustion syn thesis technique. For example,
rotated on a common shaft. Centrifugal forces discloses a method of preparation of making an
produced by the spinning of the cones cause aqueous solution of a metal nitrate and an
shearing and formation of thin films leading to oxidizer by combustion synthesis. As described
process intensification and improvement in heat herein, an ammonia Source (e.g. ammonium
and mass transfer rates. Additionally this nitrate), a fuel (e.g. natural gas) and a CO,
mechanism also facilitates atomization of the Source (e.g. dry ice) are used. The ammonia
nano urea particles and can render Surface Source and CO2 are mixed (e.g., in an inert
modification for desired properties in the atmosphere) and heated until the ammonia
product. Source (e.g., ammonium nitrate) decomposes.
A second method involves the use of a nano- Once the decomposition temperature of the
channel reactor. Nano-channel reactors are know oxidizer is reached, a sudden gush of fuel is

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released into the reactor. The sudden flow of and an oxidizer by combustion synthesis. As
fuel causes combustion and its propagation with described herein, an ammonia Source (e.g.
very high reaction temperatures there by forming ammonium nitrate), a fuel (e.g. natural gas) and
nano sized urea particles when combustion is a CO, Source (e.g. dry ice) are used. The
complete and on cooling. The fuel used can be ammonia Source and CO2 are mixed (e.g., in an
natural gas. The combustion synthesis takes inert atmosphere) and heated until the ammonia
place with the reaction products being urea. Source (e.g., ammonium nitrate) decomposes.
A second method involves the use of a nano- Once the decomposition temperature of the
channel reactor. Nano-channel reactors, for oxidizer is reached, a sudden gush of fuel is
example, discloses chemical nano channel released into the reactor. The sudden flow of
reactors with micron-scale and nano scale pores fuel causes combustion and its propagation with
for gas sensing applications. Nano-channel very high reaction temperatures there by forming
reactors have high density nano-pores in the nano sized urea particles when combustion is
reaction Zone which facilitate faster reaction and complete and on cooling. The fuel used can be
higher conversion rates. The nano channel natural gas. The combustion synthesis takes
reactor concept can be used to increase the place with the reaction products being urea.
reactivity of heterogeneous gas mixtures such as An alternate method using a modified
ammonia and carbon dioxide to molecular levels combustion synthesis technique can also be
in-situ nano channels, thereby increasing the efficiently used in deriving more than one
conversion rates to produce nano urea particles. product utilizing minimum energy requirements.
High density nano channels can be fabricated In this technique, the processes such as
with Suitable materials to carry-out liquid phase combustion of certain metal nitrates to oxides or
reactions such as the production of nano urea. the nitriding combustion synthesis of metals to
As described herein, carbon dioxide and their nitrides generates excess amounts of
ammonia are fed into a nano-channel reactor. exothermic energy which can be utilized in the
For example, the carbon dioxide and ammonia production of urea. The excess energy released
can be fed through nano channels having pore from the combustion reaction can now be used
sizes in the range of 100-500 nm. The two step for two major purposes. Part of the energy is
reaction for the formation of urea can be carried used to decompose an ammonium salt (i.e.
out in-situ the channels. The reactants can be ammonium bicarbonate) into ammonia and
pressurized through the nano channels to carbon dioxide as primary raw materials for urea
increase reactivity and lower residence times manufacture and a major part in the synthesis
compared to conventional urea processes. for reaction to urea. This method is cost effective
example, discloses a method of preparation of route to synthesize two products using minimum
making an aqueous solution of a metal nitrate energy requirements.

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This is an open access article, Research Gate is a European commercial social networking site for scientists and researchers. 15th July 2021
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Benefits of Nano Urea When sprayed on leaves Nano Urea
Nano Urea (liquid) has manifold benefits: easily enters through stomata and other
1. Reduces the requirement of openings and is assimilated by the plant
conventional Urea by 50% or more cells. It is easily distributed through
2. Required less and produces more: phloem from source to sink inside the
Efficacy of one bottle of Nano Urea plant as per its need.
eed. Unutilized nitrogen
(500 mL) is equivalent to one bag of is stored in the plant vacuole and is
urea. slowly released for proper growth and
3. Environment friendly produc product, can development of plant. Nano Urea
improve Soil, Air & Water quality thus, (Liquid) does not involve any
helps in addressing the concerns of government subsidy and will be made
Global Warming and in meeting the UN available to farmers at a 10% lower
SDGs. price than a bag of subsidized
s Urea.
4. Cheaper than conventional urea. Transportation would be easier and
5. Reduce input cost to farmers, leads to economical, as one 500 ml bottle would
increase in farmers’ income. be equivalent to one bag of regular urea
6. Improves crop productivity, so soil health fertilizer. Due to the ultra-small
ultra size and
and nutritional quality of produce. surface properties of nano urea, it gets
absorbed by the plants when sprayed on

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their leaves. Upon penetration, these of nitrogen nutrient provided by one bag
nano particles reach plant parts where of conventional urea means 50 kg, As
nitrogen is required and release nutrients shown in the figure-4.
in a controlled manner.
7. Nano Urea is developed to replace To test its efficacy around 11,000 farmer field
conventional urea and it can curtail the trials were undertaken on 94 crops, an average
requirement of the same by at least 50 8% increase in yield has been witnessed. also
per cent. It contains 40,000 parts per Nano Urea Liquid can curtail conventional urea
million (ppm) of Nitrogen in a 500 ml requirement by at least 50% and promote a
bottle, which is equivalent to the impact balanced nutrition programme.

8. To test its efficacy, around 11,000 10. The new nano urea liquid will increase
farmer field trials were undertaken on the production of crops with improved
more than 94 crops across India and nutritional quality. Cheaper than
results showed an average 8 per cent conventional urea, the new product is
increase in crop yields. also expected to reduce the
9. Nano urea has been included in the environmental pollution caused by the
government''s Fertiliser Control Order granular form, by reducing its excessive
after the field trials were undertaken application that exacerbates soil, water
under National Agriculture Research and air pollution with climate change
System (NARS), 20 ICAR research problems.
institutes, State Agriculture Universities 11. The size of one nano urea liquid particle
and Krishi Vighyana Kendras on 43 is 30 nano meter and compared to the
crops conventional granular urea it has about

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10,000 times more surface area to for biosafety and toxicity according to norms
volume size. Due to the ultra-small size followed in India and the international
and surface properties, the nano urea guidelines developed by OECD, which are
liquid gets absorbed by plants more adopted and accepted globally.
effectively when sprayed on their leaves.
Apart from being cost-effective, nano urea liquid
also promises to provide a sustainable solution Mix 2 to 4 ml of Nano urea in one Liter of water
for plant nutrition as despite lower usage than its and spray on crop leaves at active growth stages.
current version, it provides higher nutrient For best results apply 2 foliar sprays.1st spray at
efficiency for crops while reducing soil, water active tillering / branching stage (30-35 Days
and air pollution. As of now, just 30-50 per cent after Germination or 20-25 Days after
of nitrogen from urea is utilized by plants in Transplanting).2nd spray 20-25 days after 1st
farms while the rest goes waste due to quick spray or before flowering in the crop.
chemical transformation because of leaching, Note – Don’t cut nitrogen applied through DAP
which contaminates soil and water bodies, or complex fertilizer at the basal stage. Reduce
and volatilization that causes emissions of only top dressed Urea applied in 2-3 splits;
nitrous oxide in the atmosphere — leading to air Number of sprays of Nano Urea can be
pollution and global warming along with low increased depending upon crop and its nitrogen
nutritional efficiency for the crop. However, requirement)
while conventional urea is effective just for 30- APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS
50 per cent in delivering nitrogen to plants, the 1. Shake well the bottle before use.
effectiveness of the nano urea liquid is over 80 2. Use flat fan or cut nozzles for spraying
per cent. A major reason for this increase in on the leaves.
efficiency is because of the fact that 3. Spray during morning or evening hours
nanotechnology, which is the base of this new avoiding dew.
form of urea, enables designing ultra-small 4. If rain occurs within 12 hours of the
particles that offer higher surface-mass ratios, spray of Nano urea, it is advised to
and help in the controlled delivery of plant repeat the spray.
nutrients. The size of one nano urea liquid 5. Nano Urea can easily be mixed with
particle is 30 nanometre and compared to the biostimulants, 100 % water-soluble
conventional granular urea it has about 10,000 fertilizers and agrochemicals. It is
times more surface area to volume size. Due to always advised to go for a jar test before
the ultra-small size and surface properties, the mixing and spraying for compatibility.
nano urea liquid gets absorbed by plants more 6. For better result Nano urea should be
effectively when sprayed on their leaves. used within 2 years from the date of its
Upon penetration, these nano particles reach manufacturing.
plant parts where nitrogen is required and
release nutrients in a controlled manner, thereby 1. Nano-Urea has been tested for bio
reducing usage while also reducing wastage into safety and toxicity as per the
the environment. Furthermore, aside from guidelines of the Department of
improving yield, soil health and nutritional Biotechnology (DBT), Government
quality of crop, nano urea has also been tested

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of India and OECD international role of nanomaterials in agriculture. In

guidelines. Microbial Inoculants in Sustainable
2. Nano urea is safe for the user; safe Agricultural Productivity; Singh, D.P.,
for flora and fauna and is non-toxic, Singh, H.B., Prabha, R., Eds.; Springer:
however, it is recommended to use a New Delhi, India, 2016.
face mask and gloves while spraying 3. Shang.,Y,K.H. Md,J.A. Golam,L.
on the crop. Mengqi,Y. Hanqin and Z.Jie .2019.
3. Store in a dry place avoiding high Applications of Nanotechnology in Plant
temperature and keep away from the Growth and Crop Protection: A Review,
reach of children and pets. Molecules.
In India, IFFCO developed nanotechnology
based Nano Urea (Liquid) fertilizer to address
the imbalanced and excessive use of
conventional Urea. According to the problem of
environmental pollution and hunger dilemma of
the growing population of the world, it seems
that the use of nano-urea can not only reduce
environmental pollution, eutrophication,
pollution of groundwater and diseases caused by
overusing of conventional urea prills/granular,
but also due to smaller particle diameters, with
more penetration into the roots and leaves of
plants can improve the physiological traits and
yield of crops. Therefore, it is recommended to
replace nano-urea with conventional fertilizers,
especially in sandy soils due to the possibility of
more leaching of conventional urea fertilizer and
groundwater pollution. The biotic and abiotic
constraints which limits the agricultural
productivity furthermore has an effect on human
health and use of exclusive nano fertilizers to
improving crop production in agriculture.
1. Intelligent, Nano-fertilizers: A New
Technology for Improvement Nutrient
Use Efficiency (Article Review) To cite
this article: Hayyawi W.A. Al-Juthery et
al 2021 IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ.
Sci. 735 01208
2. Dwivedi, S.; Saquib, Q.; Al-Khedhairy,
A.A.; Musarrat, J. Understanding the

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