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The purposes of this article are to position mixed methods research writing style using the impersonal passive voice and technical ter-
(mixed research is a synonym) as the natura! complement to tradi- minology, in which establishing and describing social laws is the
tional qualitative and quantitative research, to present pragmatism major focus (Tashakkori & Teddlie, 1998).
Qualitative purists (also called constructivists and interpretivists)
as offering an attractive philosophical partner for mixed methods re-
reject what they call positivism. They argue for the superiority of
search, and to provide a framework for designing and conducting
constructivism, idealism, relativism, humanism, hermeneutics,
mixed methods research. In doing this, we briefly review the para-
and, sometimes, postmodernism (Guba & Lincoln, 1989; Lincoln
digm "wars" and incompatibility thesis, we show some commonali- & Guba, 2000; Schwandt, 2000; Smith, 1983, 1984). These
ties between quantitative and qualitative research, we explain the purists contend that multiple-constructed realities abound, that
tenets of pragmatism, we explain the fundamental principle of mixed time- and context-free generalizations are neither desirable nor
research and how to apply it, we provide specific sets of designs for possible, that research is value-bound, that it is impossible to dif-
ferentiate fully causes and effects, that logic flows from specific
the two major types of mixed methods research (mixed-model de-
to general (e.g., explanations are generated inductively from the
signs and mixed-method designs), and, finally, we explain mixed meth-
data), and that knower and known cannot be separated because
ods research as following (recursively) an eight-step process. A key
the subjective knower is the only source of reality (Guba, 1990).
feature of mixed methods research is its methodological pluralism Qualitative purists also are characterized by a dislike of a de-
or eclecticism, which frequently results in superior research (com- tached and passive style of writing, preferring, instead, detailed,
pared to monomethod research). Mixed methods research will be rich, and thick (empathic) description, written directly and some-
successful as more investigators study and help advance its concepts what informally.
Both sets of purists view their paradigms as the ideal for re-
and as they regularly practice it.
search, and, implicitly if not explicitly, they advocate the in-
compatibility thesis (Howe, 1988), which posits that qualitative
and quantitative research paradigms, including their associated
or more than a century, the advocates of quantitative and methods, cannot and should not be mixed. The quantitative
qualitative research paradigms have engaged in ardent dis- versus qualitative debate has been so divisive that some gradu-
pute.1 From these debates, purists have emerged on both ate students who graduate from educational institutions with an
sides (cf. Campbell & Stanley, 1963; Lincoln & Guba, 1985).2 aspiration to gain employment in the world of academia or re-
Quantitative purists (Ayer, 1959; Maxwell & Delaney, 2004; search are left with the impression that they have to pledge alle-
Popper, 1959; Schrag, 1992) articulate assumptions that are con- giance to one research school of thought or the other. Guba (a
sistent with what is commonly called a positivist philosophy.3 4 leading qualitative purist) clearly represented the purist position
That is, quantitative purists believe that social observations when he contended that "accommodation between paradigms
should be treated as entities in much the same way that physical is impossible ... we are led to vastly diverse, disparate, and to-
scientists treat physical phenomena. Further, they contend that tally antithetical ends" (Guba, 1990, p. 81). A disturbing fea-
the observer is separate from the entities that are subject to ob- ture of the paradigm wars has been the relentless focus on the
servation. Quantitative purists maintain that social science differences between the two orientations. Indeed, the two dom-
inquiry should be objective. That is, time- and context-free gen- inant research paradigms have resulted in two research cultures,
eralizations (Nagel, 1986) are desirable and possible, and real "one professing the superiority of'deep, rich observational data'
causes of social scientific outcomes can be determined reliably and the other the virtues of 'hard, generalizable' . . . data"
and validly. According to this school of thought, educational re- (Sieber, 1973, p. 1335).
searchers should eliminate their biases, remain emotionally de- Our purpose in writing this article is to present mixed meth-
tached and uninvolved with the objects of study, and test or ods research as the third research paradigm in educational re-
empirically justify their stated hypotheses. These researchers have search.5 We hope the field will move beyond quantitative versus
traditionally called for rhetorical neutrality, involving a formal qualitative research arguments because, as recognized by mixed
methods research, both quantitative and qualitative research are
important and useful. The goal of mixed methods research is not
Educational Researcher, Vol. 33, No. 7, pp. 14-26
to replace either of these approaches but rather to draw from the
OCTOBER 2004 |5
* The project of pragmatism has been to find a middle ground see what works, what solves problems, and what helps us to
between philosophical dogmatisms and skepticism and to find survive. We obtain warranted evidence that provides us with
a workable solution (sometimes including outright rejection) answers that are ultimately tentative (i.e., inquiry provides the
to many longstanding philosophical dualisms about which best answers we can currently muster), but, in the long run,
agreement has not been historically forthcoming. use of this "scientific" or evolutionary or practical epistemol-
* Rejects traditional dualisms (e.g., rationalism vs. empiricism, ogy moves us toward larger Truths.
realism vs. antirealism, free will vs. determinism, Platonic ap- * Endorses a strong and practical empiricism as the path to de-
pearance vs. reality, facts vs. values, subjectivism vs. objec- termine what works.
tivism) and generally prefers more moderate and commonsense * Views current truth, meaning, and knowledge as tentative and
versions of philosophical dualisms based on how well they as changing over time. What we obtain on a daily basis in re-
work in solving problems. search should be viewed as provisional truths.
* Recognizes the existence and importance of the natural or * Capital "T" Truth (i.e., absolute Truth) is what will be the "final
physical world as well as the emergent social and psycholog- opinion" perhaps at the end of history. Lowercase "t" truths
ical world that includes language, culture, human institutions, (i.e., the instrumental and provisional truths that we obtain
and subjective thoughts. and live by in the meantime) are given through experience and
* Places high regard for the reality of and influence of the inner experimenting.
world of human experience in action. * Instrumental truths are a matter of degree (i.e., some estimates
* Knowledge is viewed as being both constructed and based on
are more true than others). Instrumental truth is not "stagnant,"
the reality of the world we experience and live in.
and, therefore, James (1995: 1907) states that we must "be
* Replaces the historically popular epistemic distinction between
ready tomorrow to call it falsehood."
subject and external object with the naturalistic and process-
* Prefers action to philosophizing (pragmatism is, in a sense, an
oriented organism-environment transaction.
* Endorses fallibilism (current beliefs and research conclusions
* Takes an explicitly value-oriented approach to research that is
are rarely, if ever, viewed as perfect, certain, or absolute).
derived from cultural values; specifically endorses shared val-
* Justification comes in the form of what Dewey called "war-
ues such as democracy, freedom, equality, and progress.
ranted assertability."
* Endorses practical theory (theory that informs effective prac-
* According to Peirce, "reasoning should not form a chain which
tice; praxis).
is no stronger than its weakest link, but a cable whose fibers may
be ever so slender, provided they are sufficiently numerous and
* Organisms are constantly adapting to new situations and en-
intimately connected" (1868, in Menand, 1997, pp. 5-6). vironments. Our thinking follows a dynamic homeostatic
* Theories are viewed instrumentally (they become true and process of belief, doubt, inquiry, modified belief, new doubt,
they are true to different degrees based on how well they cur- new inquiry, . . ,in an infinite loop, where the person or re-
rently work; workability is judged especially on the criteria of searcher (and research community) constantly tries to improve
predictability and applicability). upon past understandings in a way that fits and works in the
* Endorses eclecticism and pluralism (e.g., different, even con- world in which he or she operates. The present is always a
flicting, theories and perspectives can be useful; observation, new starting point.
experience, and experiments are all useful ways to gain an un- * Generally rejects reductionism (e.g., reducing culture, thoughts,
derstanding of people and the world). and beliefs to nothing more than neurobiological processes).
* Human inquiry (i.e., what we do in our day-to-day lives as we * Offers the "pragmatic method" for solving traditional philo-
interact with our environments) is viewed as being analogous sophical dualisms as well as for making methodological
to experimental and scientific inquiry. We all try out things to choices.
offers the best chance to obtain useful answers. Many research Gaining an understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of
questions and combinations of questions are best and most fully quantitative and qualitative research puts a researcher in a posi-
answered through mixed research solutions. tion to mix or combine strategies and to use what Johnson and
In order to mix research in an effective manner, researchers first Turner (2003) call the fundamental principle of mixed research.
need to consider all of the relevant characteristics of quantitative According to this principle, researchers should collect multiple
and qualitative research. For example, the major characteristics of data using different strategies, approaches, and methods in such
traditional quantitative research are a focus on deduction, confir- a way that the resulting mixture or combination is likely to re-
mation, theory/hypothesis testing, explanation, prediction, stan- sult in complementary strengths and nonoverlapping weaknesses
dardized data collection, and statistical analysis (see Table 3 for (also see Brewer & Hunter, 1989). Effective use of this principle
a more complete list). The major characteristics of traditional is a major source of justification for mixed methods research be-
qualitative research are induction, discovery, exploration, theory/ cause the product will be superior to monomethod studies. For
hypothesis generation, the researcher as the primary "instrument" example, adding qualitative interviews to experiments as a ma-
of data collection, and qualitative analysis (see Table 4 for a more nipulation check and perhaps as a way to discuss directly the is-
complete list). sues under investigation and tap into participants' perspectives
* Basic research may receive less attention than applied research Strengths
because applied research may appear to produce more im- * Testing and validating already constructed theories about
mediate and practical results. how (and to a lesser degree, why) phenomena occur.
* Pragmatism may promote incremental change rather than more * Testing hypotheses that are constructed before the data are
fundamental, structural, or revolutionary change in society. collected. Can generalize research findings when the data
* Researchers from a transformative-emancipatory framework are based on random samples of sufficient size.
have suggested that pragmatic researchers sometimes fail to * Can generalize a research finding when it has been repli-
provide a satisfactory answer to the question "For whom is a cated on many different populations and subpopulations.
pragmatic solution useful?" (Mertens, 2003). * Useful for obtaining data that allow quantitative predictions
* What is meant by usefulness or workability can be vague un- to be made.
less explicitly addressed by a researcher. * The researcher may construct a situation that eliminates the
* Pragmatic theories of truth have difficulty dealing with the confounding influence of many variables, allowing one to
cases of useful but non-true beliefs or propositions and non- more credibly assess cause-and-effect relationships.
useful but true beliefs or propositions. * Data collection using some quantitative methods is rela-
* Many come to pragmatism looking for a way to get around tively quick (e.g., telephone interviews).
many traditional philosophical and ethical disputes (this in- * Provides precise, quantitative, numerical data.
cludes the developers of pragmatism). Although pragmatism * Data analysis is relatively less time consuming (using statis-
has worked moderately well, when put under the microscope, tical software).
many current philosophers have rejected pragmatism because * The research results are relatively independent of the re-
of its logical (as contrasted with practical) failing as a solution searcher (e.g., effect size, statistical significance).
to many philosophical disputes. * It may have higher credibility with many people in power
* Some neo-pragmatists such as Rorty (and postmodernists) com- (e.g., administrators, politicians, people who fund programs).
pletely reject correspondence truth in any form, which troubles * It is useful for studying large numbers of people.
many philosophers.
search is the degree of mixture, which would form a continuum the table. To construct a mixed-method design, the researcher
from monomethod to fully mixed methods. Another dimen- must make two primary decisions: (a) whether one wants to
sion pertains to where mixing should occur (e.g., in the objec- operate largely within one dominant paradigm or not, and
tive[s], methods of data collection, research methods, during (b) whether one wants to conduct the phases concurrently or
data analysis, data interpretation). Yet another important sequentially. In contrast to mixed-model designs, mixed-method
dimension is whether one wants to take a critical theory/ designs are similar to conducting a quantitative mini-study and
transformative-emancipatory (Mertens, 2003) approach or a less a qualitative mini-study in one overall research study. Nonethe-
explicitly ideological approach to a study. Ultimately, the possi- less, to be considered a mixed-method design, the findings must
ble number of ways that studies can involve mixing is very large be mixed or integrated at some point (e.g., a qualitative phase
because of the many potential classification dimensions. It is a
might be conducted to inform a quantitative phase, sequentially,
key point that mixed methods research truly opens up an excit-
or if the quantitative and qualitative phases are undertaken con-
ing and almost unlimited potential for future research.
currently the findings must, at a minimum, be integrated during
Toward a Parsimonious Typology the interpretation of the findings).
of Mixed Research Methods It is important to understand that one can easily create more
of a within-stage mixed-model design would be the useshould mindfully create designs that effectively answer their re-
of a ques-
search questions; this stands in contrast to the common approach
tionnaire that includes a summated rating scale (quantitative
in (qualita-
data collection) and one or more open-ended questions traditional quantitative research where students are given a
tive data collection). menu of designs from which to select.8' 9 It also stands in stark
Nine mixed-method designs are provided in Figure 2. The no-
contrast to the approach where one completely follows either the
tation used (based on Morse, 1991) is explained at the bottom
ofparadigm or the quantitative paradigm.
A Mixed Methods Research Process Model pose can be revised when needed. Figure 3 shows several arrows
Our mixed methods research process model comprises leading
dis-later steps to earlier steps indicating that mixed re-
tinct steps: (1) determine the research question; (2) search involves a cyclical, recursive, and interactional process. Re-
whether a mixed design is appropriate; (3) select thecursion can take place within a single study (especially an extended
method or mixed-model research design; (4) collectstudy); recursion can also take place across related studies by in-
the data;
forming future
(5) analyze the data; (6) interpret the data; (7) legitimate the research and leading to new or reformulated re-
data; and (8) draw conclusions (if warranted) and write the purposes
final and questions.
report. These steps are displayed in Figure 3. Although Three
re- in the mixed methods research process warrant
search starts with a purpose and one or more researchsome further discussion, especially purpose (Step 2), data analy-
sis necessar-
the rest of the steps can vary in order (i.e., they are not (Step 5), and legitimation (Step 7). As noted by Greene et al.
ily linear or unidirectional), and even the question and/or pur- are five major purposes or rationales for conducting
(1989), there
/ Collect Collect Collect
qualitative quantitative qualitative quantitative
data data data data
Note. Designs 1 and 8 on the outer edges are the monomethod designs. The mixed-model designs are Designs 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7.10
Emphasis QUAL + quan QUAL - quan
Decision qual - QUAN
Status QUAN -) qual
QUAN + qual quan -) QUAL
Note. "qual" stands for qualitative, "quan" stands for quantitative, "+" stands for concurrent, "->" stands
for sequential, capital letters denote high priority or weight, and lower case letters denote lower priority or
mixed methods research: (a) triangulation (i.e., seeking conver- titative data sources. Data integration characterizes the final stage,
gence and corroboration of results from different methods and whereby both quantitative and qualitative data are integrated
designs studying the same phenomenon); (b) complementarity into either a coherent whole or two separate sets (i.e., qualitative
(i.e., seeking elaboration, enhancement, illustration, and clarifi- and quantitative) of coherent wholes.
cation of the results from one method with results from the other The legitimation step involves assessing the trustworthiness of
method); (c) initiation (i.e., discovering paradoxes and contra- both the qualitative and quantitative data and subsequent inter-
dictions that lead to a re-framing of the research question); (d) de- pretations. Frameworks such as the Quantitative Legitimation
velopment (i.e., using the findings from one method to help Model (Onwuegbuzie, 2003; which contains 50 sources of inva-
inform the other method); and (e) expansion (i.e., seeking to ex- lidity for the quantitative component of the mixed methods re-
pand the breadth and range of research by using different meth- search at the data collection, data analysis, and data interpretation
ods for different inquiry components). stages of the study) and the Qualitative Legitimation Model
The mixed methods research process model incorporates (Onwuegbuzie, 2000; Onwuegbuzie, Jiao, & Bostick, 2004;
Onwuegbuzie and Teddlie's (2003) seven-stage conceptualiza- which contains 29 elements of legitimation for the qualitative
tion of the mixed methods data analysis process. According to component of the mixed methods research at the data collection,
these authors, the seven data analysis stages are as follows: (a) data data analysis, and data interpretation stages of the study) can be
reduction, (b) data display, (c) data transformation, (d) data cor- used to assess the legitimacy of the qualitative and quantitative
relation, (e) data consolidation, (f) data comparison, and (g) data phases of the study, respectively. We have begun working on a
integration. Data reduction involves reducing the dimensionality validity or legitimation typology specifically for mixed research
of the qualitative data (e.g., via exploratory thematic analysis, in Onwuegbuzie and Johnson (2004). It is important to note
memoing) and quantitative data (e.g., via descriptive statistics, that the legitimation process might include additional data col-
exploratory factor analysis, cluster analysis). Data display, in- lection, data analysis, and/or data interpretation until as many
volves describing pictorially the qualitative data (e.g., matrices, rival explanations as possible have been reduced or eliminated.
charts, graphs, networks, lists, rubrics, and Venn diagrams) and
The Future of Mixed Methods
quantitative data (e.g., tables, graphs). This is followed (option-
Research in Education
ally) by the data transformation stage, wherein quantitative data
are converted into narrative data that can be analyzed qualitatively Mixed research actually has a long history in research practice b
(i.e., qualitized; Tashakkori & Teddlie, 1998) and/or qualitative cause practicing researchers frequently ignore what is written
data are converted into numerical codes that can be represented methodologists when they feel a mixed approach will best he
statistically (i.e., quantitized; Tashakkori & Teddlie, 1998). Data them to answer their research questions. It is time that meth
correlation involves the quantitative data being correlated with the ologists catch up with practicing researchers! It is now time t
qualitized data or the qualitative data being correlated with the all researchers and research methodologists formally recognize t
quantitized data. This is followed by data consolidation, wherein third research paradigm and begin systematically writing about
both quantitative and qualitative data are combined to create new and using it. In general we recommend contingency theory f
or consolidated variables or data sets. The next stage, data com- research approach selection, which accepts that quantitativ
parison involves comparing data from the qualitative and quan- qualitative, and mixed research are all superior under different c
Note. Circles represent steps (1-8) in the mixed research process; rectangles represent steps in the mixed data analysis process; diamonds represent components.
cumstances and it is the researcher's task to examine the specific well as in our sister disciplines in the social and behavioral sci-
contingencies and make the decision about which research ap- ences, as the third major research paradigm.
proach, or which combination of approaches, should be used in As noted by Sechrest and Sidana (1995), growth in the mixed
a specific study. In this article we have outlined the philosophy of methods (i.e., pragmatist) movement has the potential to reduce
pragmatism, we have described mixed research and provided spe- some of the problems associated with singular methods. By uti-
cific mixed-model and mixed-method designs, and we have dis- lizing quantitative and qualitative techniques within the same
cussed the fundamental principle of mixed research and provided framework, mixed methods research can incorporate the
tables of quantitative and qualitative research strengths and weak- strengths of both methodologies. Most importantly, investiga-
nesses to help apply the principle. Also, we have provided a mixed tors who conduct mixed methods research are more likely to se-
methods process model to help readers visualize the process. We lect methods and approaches with respect to their underlying
hope we have made the case that mixed methods research is here research questions, rather than with regard to some preconceived
to stay and that it should be widely recognized in education, as biases about which research paradigm should have hegemony in
OCTOBER 2004 |
attaining accountability for educational quality. The time has first listed 6 of the mixed model designs (Designs 1, 2, 3, 5, 6
come for mixed methods research. Then Tashakkori and Teddlie (1998) built on this by adding
signs (Designs 4 and 7) that were left out by Patton and the
NOTES some labels to better fit their thinking (e.g., they introduced
mixed model). Finally, in its present form, we first used (in a
1 Thomas Kuhn (1962) popularized the idea of a paradigm. Later,
conference paper) the full set of eight designs identified by T
when he was asked to explain more precisely what he meant by the term,
and Teddlie (1998) while changing some labels to better fit our
he pointed out that it was a general concept and that it included a group
tualization. The term monomethods probably originated in
of researchers having a common education and an agreement on "exem-
and Fiske (1959).
plars" of high quality research or thinking (Kuhn, 1977). In this article,
11 In developing Figure 2, we were probably most influe
by research paradigm we mean a set of beliefs, values, and assumptions
Morgan (1998), Morse (1991), and Tashakkori and Teddlie (1
that a community of researchers has in common regarding the nature
eral of the designs shown in the figure were introduced by Mo
and conduct of research. The beliefs include, but are not limited to, on-
tological beliefs, epistemological beliefs, axiological beliefs, aesthetic be-
liefs, and methodological beliefs. In short, as we use the term, a research
Ayer, A. J. (1959). Logicalpositivism. New York: The Free Pre
paradigm refers to a research culture. We will be arguing that there is
Biesta, G. J. J., & Burbules, N. C. (2003). Pragmatism and ed
now a trilogy of major research paradigms: qualitative research, quanti-
research. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield.
tative research, and mixed methods research.
Brewer, J., & Hunter, A. (1989). Multimethod research: A synt
2 Campbell modified his view of qualitative research over time. For
styles. Newbury Park, CA: Sage.
example, based on criticisms by qualitative and case study researchers
Bryman, A. (1984). The debate about quantitative and qualita
of his term "one-shot case study" (which, unfortunately, is still used in
search: A question of method or epistemology? British Journa
several educational research books), Campbell changed this design
ciology, 35, 78-92.
name to the one-group posttest-only design; he madeCampbell,
this change as & Fiske, D. W. (1959). Convergent and discr
D. T.,
part of his endorsement of case study research as an important research
validation by the multitrait-multimethod matrix. Psychologi
approach (e.g., see Campbell's introduction to Yin's case study research
letin, 56, 81-105.
book: Yin, 1984).
Campbell, D. T., & Stanley, J. C. (1963). Experimental and
3 We do not mean to imply that there is anything inherently wrongdesignsfor research. Chicago, IL: Rand McNally.
with taking an extreme intellectual position. Most of theConstas,
great thinkers
M. A. (1992). Qualitative data analysis as a public ev
in the history of philosophy and science (including social and behavioral of category development procedures. America
science) were "extreme" for their times. Also, both qualitative and Research
cational quan- Journal, 29, 253-266.
titative philosophies continue to be highly useful (i.e., both have many
Creswell, J. W. (1994). Research design: Qualitative and quantita
advantages when used in their pure forms). proaches. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
4 Positivism is a poor choice for labeling quantitative researchers
Creswell, today
J.W. (2003). Research design: Qualitative, quantita
because positivism has long been replaced by newer philosophies of sci-
mixed approaches. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
ence (Yu, 2003). The term is more of a straw man (easilyCreswell,
knocked J.down)
W, Plano Clark, V. L., Guttmann, M. L., & Hanso
for attack than standing for any actual practicing researchers. A term
(2003). Advanced mixed methods research design. In A.Tas
that better represents today's practicing quantitative researchers
and C. is post- (Eds.), Handbook of mixed methods in social
positivism (Phillips & Burbules, 2000). havioral research (pp. 209-240). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
s Both of the authors of the current article prefer thede
label mixed
Jong, re-(2003). Causal and functional explanations. The
search or integrative research rather than mixed methods research. The alter-
Psychology, 13(3), 291-317.
native labels are broader, more inclusive, and more clearly
de paradigmatic.
Waal, C. (2001). On Peirce. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.
We chose to use the term mixed methods in this article because of its cur-
Dewey, J. (1948, 1920). Reconstruction in philosophy. Boston, M
rent popularity. con Press.
6 Here is a practical definition of science from an educational
L. C., & Abraham, J. L. (1993). The nature of inquir
textbook (Johnson & Christensen, 2004) that should being inclusive of
quantitative and qualitative research. Advances in Nursing
quantitative and qualitative research: ". . . the root of the 16,
word science
is the Latin scientia, which simply means 'knowledge.' We define J.
Greene, science
C., Caracelli, V. J., & Graham, W. F. (1989). Towar
in this book in a way that is inclusive of the different approaches to framework
ceptual educa- for mixed-method evaluation designs.
tional research. We define science as an approach for the generation of
tional Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 11, 255-274.
knowledge that places high regard for empirical data andGuba,
E. certain
G. (1990). The alternative paradigm dialog. In E. G
norms and practices that develop over time because of their usefulness.
(Ed.), Theparadigm dialog (pp. 17-27). Newbury Park, CA: S
... The ultimate objective of most social, behavioral, and educational
Guba, E. G., & Lincoln, Y. S. (1989). Fourth generation eva
research is improvement of the world or social betterment."Newbury Park, CA: Sage.
7 This is a very interesting empirical question that deserves moreL.T.
Hoshmand, at- (2003). Can lessons of history and logical ana
tention in the literature.
sure progress in psychological science? Theory and Psycholo
8 Note that Shadish, Cook, and Campbell (2002) have 39-44.
attempted to
move quantitative research away from this traditional "menu"
Howe, K.approach.
R. (1988). Against the quantitative-qualitative incompatabil-
In this latest edition of Campbell and Stanley (1963), there
or, Dogmas die hard. Educational Researcher, 17, 10-16.
focus on understanding how to construct or create a research design
Howe, K. that
R. (1992). Getting over the quantitative-qualitative debate.
fits a particular situation. American Journal ofEducation, 100, 236-256.
OCTOBER 2004 |[
R. BURKE JOHNSON is a Professor, University of South Alabama, Col- Manuscript received October 14, 20
lege of Education, BSET, 3700 UCOM, Mobile, AL 36688; bjohnson@ Revisions received March I and April 30, His area of specialization is research methodology. Accepted May 12, 2004
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