MP-041 Doombots
MP-041 Doombots
MP-041 Doombots
Doombots! If your character has been playing in a Marvel some of the more common models. New material includes
Superheroes RPG game for a while, chances are that they’ll write-ups for some of the “named” Doombots that have
come across one of these sooner or later. Created by Victor appeared over the years. You’ll also find here stats for some
von Doom as his personal stand-ins, every once in a while, of the non-standard and alternate-universe Doombot models
one of them overrides its programming and goes rogue. that Doom has employed, including alternate-universe
versions or ones that Doom has upgraded since Lands of
This issue of Marvel Phile got its start a while ago, when I Doom was published.
was looking the rogues’ galleries of some of my favorite
teams and heroes -- Moon Girl, Runaways, Gwenpool, and a All of the material here has been written as part of the
few others -- and noticed while looking through the Marvel Unofficial Marvel Superheroes Canon Project, which aims to
wiki, “Holy cow, there’s a lot of Doombots that have gone keep TSR’s Marvel Superheroes Roleplaying Game alive by
their own way.” Apparently, even Doctor Doom isn’t enough producing quality products for the game system that keep
of a robotics genius to keep his own creations in line. In all within the Marvel Comics canon. Nobody has profited from
seriousness though, a rogue Doombot provides a great built- their contributions, and this content may be shared freely.
in origin for any PC and Doom’s creations are so specialized For more information about the UCP or to find out how you
that a justification can be found for even a randomly-rolled can contribute, visit the Unofficial Canon Project page on
powerset. Potential story arcs for Doombots abound, and Facebook, or check out more of our products on
I’ve included some common disadvantages, abilities and tips
to help you get started.
Lastly, all of the Lands of Doom content and the MSH RPG
This Phile also includes material reprinted from the official system is copyrighted by TSR and Marvel Comics; all art is
Lands of Doom boxed set, reproducing the statistics for by the Marvel Bullpen. Enjoy!
All characters featured in this book and the distinctive names and likenesses thereof, and all related indicia, are trademarks of Marvel Characters,
Inc 2020. This book was originally distributed in and hosted by Marvel Super Heroes - The Unofficial Canon Project on Facebook. If you are in
receipt of this book and wish to share it, you must do so strictly on a non-profit basis, and credit the original source. If you’re aware of copies in
any format made available for sale, please contact Marvel Super Heroes - The Unofficial Canon Project via Facebook Messenger.
In order to prevent his duplicates from
harming or out-performing him, Doctor
Doom installs each Doombot with a
dampener program that reduces all of
its power ranks by -2CS when
activated. This program is triggered
whenever a Doombot enters the
Master's presence or the presence of
other Doombots.
Role-Playing Notes Doombots meet, or when they confront personality is replaced by emotionless
When impersonating their master, the real Doom, their dampener programming.
Doombots act so much like Victor Von programs activate, and they begin
Doom that technological equipment speaking in the monotone voices of
and some surface mental scans cannot intelligent robots: Doctor Doom's
tell the difference. When two or more
COMBAT DOOMBOT Intensity electric shock on command, a DIPLOMATIC DOOMBOT
When Doctor Doom is out to defeat an very effective tactic against grappling When Doctor Doom plans to negotiate
enemy, he often sends a combat opponents. The shock is so powerful with others, rather than do battle, he
Doombot. They act so much like the that characters in the same area as the often sends a diplomatic Doombot.
real Doom, it is often impossible for a robot, but not in direct contact with it, They act as the real Doom, and it is
hero to determine if he is battling the suffer an Incredible (40) jolt as well. In often impossible for a character to
real thing or merely a robot duplicate. addition to damage, victims must detect the robot's presence. These
Combat Doombots are more heavily succeed at an Unearthly (100) or Doombots benefit a more detailed
laden with weaponry and sometimes Incredible (40) Intensity Endurance intelligence program than the combat
carry an additional weapon system in FEAT or fall unconscious for 1-10 units, allowing more detailed talents
addition to the standard armor's rounds. This is a single-use power that and easier adjustment to random
capabilities (see Machines of Doom in drains the Doombot of the ability to happenings.
the boxed set for details). perform any energy-based FEAT until
the battery is recharged. First Appearance: Unknown-any or
First Appearance: Unknown-any or nearly all of Doom's appearances could
nearly all of Doom's appearances could Flight: Doombots have jet-packs, be attributed to a Doombot. The first
be attributed to a Doombot. The first enabling them to fly at Excellent (20) substantiated appearance of a
substantiated appearance of a airspeed (10 areas per turn). Doombot (an appearance stated or
Doombot (an appearance stated or proven to be a robot) was in
proven to be a robot) was in Force Bolts: Combat Doombots can fire FANTASTIC FOUR #5.
FANTASTIC FOUR #5. force bolts from their gauntlets,
inflicting up to Amazing (50) damage. STATISTICS
F REMARKABLE (30) Force Field: Each robot can generate a A EXCELLENT (20)
A EXCELLENT (20) Monstrous (75) rank force field. With a S EXCELLENT (20)
S REMARKABLE (30) maximum radius of eight feet, the force E EXCELLENT (20)
E INCREDIBLE (40) field surrounds the Doombot and R EXCELLENT (20)
R EXCELLENT (20) possibly others. A Doombot cannot I REMARKABLE (30)
I EXCELLENT (20) attack without first lowering its force P REMARKABLE (30)
P EXCELLENT (20) field. Health: 80
Health: 120 Karma: 80
Karma: 60 Infrared Scanner: This feature allows
Doombots to detect heat sources at KNOWN POWERS
KNOWN POWERS Remarkable (30) rank, enabling them All diplomatic Doombots have the
All combat Doombots have the to see invisible persons. following powers as standard
following powers as standard equipment. They may also be fitted
equipment. They may also be fitted Parabolic Ear-Amplifiers: These enable with any of the "add-on" features listed
with any of the "add-on" features listed Doombots to detect unusual under the description of Doctor Doom's
under the description of Doctor Doom's frequencies and extremely faint sounds original armor.
original armor. (a whisper across a crowded room, for
example). The amplifiers function at Body Armor: Diplomatic Doombots are
Robotic Form: Doombots are immune Remarkable (30) rank and range (8 made of Remarkable strength material
to mental, emotional, or illusory areas). and only have Remarkable (30) body
powers. They can be harmed by armor.
powers that affect machinery, however. Material Strength: Incredible (40).
Tech Rank: Shift Y (200). Flight: Doombots have twin jet-packs,
Self-Assembly: Inside the head of each Availability: Though exact numbers enabling them to fly at Excellent (20) air
combat Doombot are tiny mechanical are currently unknown and impossible speed (10 areas per turn).
arms and tools which enable the robot's to calculate, it is safe to assume that
head to completely assemble the rest Doctor Doom has, at any given time, a Force Bolts: Diplomatic Doombots can
of its body. This feature is used to small army of 50 combat Doombots fire Remarkable (30) rank force bolts
infiltrate enemy strongholds-the pieces built and ready to be activated by a from their gauntlets and chest plates.
are sent in separately through a small signal. Range is limited to 8 areas.
opening (like a ventilation shaft), then
the head puts them all together in a Robotic Form: Doombots are immune
matter of minutes (Assembly program to mental, emotional, or illusory
of Excellent Reason). powers. They can be harmed by
powers that affect machinery.
Body Armor: Combat Doombots are
constructed of Incredible (40) strength Material Strength: Remarkable (30).
materials, and thus have Incredible (40) Tech Rank: Shift X (150).
body armor.
Electricity: Each combat Doombot is Availability: Total numbers are
wired to generate an Unearthly (100) currently unknown, but it is safe to
assume Doctor Doom has at least 10 handed melee weapon for Good (10) DOOMSMAN I
diplomatic Doombots under his Edged damage. Material strength is This android has blue skin, but
command at all times. Remarkable. otherwise looks like a muscular, bald,
human male. Doctor Doom created it
Glider-wings: Folded behind its back, as the first of an android army, but he
DOOM-KNIGHT each Doom-Knight is equipped with a soon found that the Doomsman had a
These robotic guards stand a silent vigil pair of wings which allow it to glide at mind of his own.
atop the uppermost parapets of Castle Typical (6) airspeed (6 areas per turn).
Doom. Wearing gray plate mail and First Appearance: SUPER-VILLAIN
holding gray spears, Doom-Knights Robotic Form: Doom-Knights are TEAM-UP GS #2
appear to be statues. In reality, they unaffected by mental or emotional
are high-tech warriors. attacks or illusions. They can be STATISTICS
harmed by powers that affect F REMARKABLE (30)
First Appearance: FANTASTIC FOUR machinery. A REMARKABLE (30)
VS. X-MEN #3. S AMAZING (50)
Role-Playing Notes E MONSTROUS (75)
STATISTICS The Doom-Knights are quiet sentinels R EXCELLENT (20)
F EXCELLENT (20) without discernible personalities of their I REMARKABLE (30)
A EXCELLENT (20) own. Unless activated, they stand as P EXCELLENT (20)
S EXCELLENT (20) still as statues. Their only motivation is Health: 185
E REMARKABLE (30) to obey their programming, which is to Karma: 70
R GOOD (10) guard Castle Doom against intruders. Resources: 0
I POOR (4) Popularity: 0
P POOR (4) Material Strength: Excellent (20).
Health: 90 Tech Rank: Monstrous (75). KNOWN POWERS
Karma: N/A Body Armor: The android's blue skin
Availability: Doctor Doom has a provides Incredible (40) protection from
KNOWN POWERS standard force of ten Doom-Knights, physical and energy attacks.
Body Armor: Doom-Knights are made which stand upon the upper ramparts Dimensional Travel: The Doomsman I
of Excellent (20) strength materials and of his castle. can travel the dimensions at
have Excellent (20) protection against Remarkable (30) rank.
physical and energy attacks.
Invisibility: With this Excellent (20) rank
Computer Link: The robots are in direct power, the android can make himself
communication with Castle Doom's invisible to normal sight. Resistance to
various security systems and the Electricity: The Doomsman has
Latverian border systems. When an Amazing (50) protection from electrical
alarm is raised, Doom-Knights may be attacks.
ordered to respond, depending upon
the situation. Range of the link is 5 Android (Robotic) Form: The
miles. Doomsman I cannot be affected by
mental, emotional or illusory attacks. It
Force Spear: Each Doom-Knight can be harmed by powers that affect
carries a spear capable of discharging machinery.
a Remarkable (30) Intensity force blast
up to a range of 8 areas. The spear Limitation: Because the Doomsman I
may be used as an unpowered 2- has the same brain wave patterns as
Doctor Doom, Doom can take control of DOOMSMAN II • Power blasts from his eyes of
the android by a process called "mind The Doomsman II was created by Unearthly (100) energy or force
fusion." To be successful, Doom must Doom to be the ultimate killing (effect stated before rolls) .
succeed at a Yellow Psyche FEAT roll, machine. It looks like a golden-skinned • Enhancement of any single ability
and must be within 20 areas of the giant standing nearly 14' tall. The score to Unearthly (100) for 1-10
android. Mind fusion lasts for as long android was powered by the Power turns.
as Doom devotes concentration to it Cosmic, which Doom stole from the • Survival with no need of food, water,
and remains within 20 areas of the Silver Surfer. or air.
Doomsman. • Energy detection of any type with
First Appearance: FANTASTIC FOUR Unearthly (100) ability (range
Talents: Leadership (to other #157. covering the entire planet).
androids). • Robotic Form: The Doomsman II
STATISTICS cannot be affected by mental or
Role-Playing Notes F INCREDIBLE (40) emotional attacks or illusions. It can,
The Doomsman I developed a will of its A EXCELLENT (20) however, be harmed by powers that
own, and quickly refused to obey S SHIFT X (150) affect machinery.
Doctor Doom. It recognizes Doom as E UNEARTHLY (100)
the only person who threatens its R GOOD (10) Role-Playing Notes
freedom and is determined to kill its I GOOD (10) The Doomsman II has no will of its
former master. Unlike the copying of P EXCELLENT (20) own, but obeys the orders of its master-
Wonder Man's brain patterns wholesale Health: 310 Doctor Doom. In combat, the android
into the Vision, Doom only patterned Karma: 40 delights in its power, and has no
the Doomsman's electronic brain after inhibitions about killing.
his for purposes of control, not KNOWN POWERS
intelligence or personality. Body Armor: The Doomsman ll's Material Strength: Monstrous (75).
golden skin affords him Monstrous (75) Tech Rank: Class 3000 (android);
Material Strength: Incredible (40). protection from both physical and Unearthly (100) (device to instill it with
Tech Rank: Class 1000. energy attacks. the Power Cosmic).
Availability: Doctor Doom built several Growth: Standing nearly 14' tall, the Availability: Doctor Doom built one
Doomsman I androids, but he only android has a permanent Good (10) Doomsman II android that was
activated one of them when he realized rank growth power. As a result of his defeated by the Fantastic Four and the
it could not be controlled. It was great size, he is + 1 CS to be hit. Silver Surfer. Apparently, the android's
banished to an alternate dimension by cosmic energy dissipated, and Doom
Doom, but it later developed a means Power Cosmic: The Doomsman II has never reanimated it. The dormant
to escape and returned, seeking received its power from energy stolen Doomsman II lies in the lower levels of
revenge. It took the name Andro, Lord from the Silver Surfer. Consequently, Castle Doom, waiting to be revived to
of Androids, and turned Doom's other the android can channel and do its Master's bidding once again.
androids against him. In the end, manipulate vast amounts of cosmic
Doomsman I escaped by using his energy. His range with this power is
dimensional powers, and is presumably line-of-sight, and he has used the
still plotting revenge. The status of the Power Cosmic in the following ways:
other models is unknown.
Not all of Doctor Doom’s robots go
rogue -- in fact, most of them don’t. The
official TSR boxed set, Lands of Doctor
Doom, describes fairly thoroughly many
of the variations Doom has created.
This section describes some of the
more recent upgrades to Doom’s
standard robotic armies. While
intelligent, they are not sentient, in the
sense that they have no distinct
personality and obey only Doom. They
can be used as a new challenge for
players. Or, though none of them have
gained free will yet, you never know
what could happen….
F RM (30)
A EX (20)
S AM (50)
E UN (100)
R GD (10)
I EX (20)
P GD (10)
Health: 200
Karma: 40
Giant Size: Doom Sentinels are 20' tall,
making them intimidating but +2CS to
be hit.
ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: The Doom The X-Men approached the who tried to escape were forced to
Sentinels have no personality and obey Fantastic Four to take Franklin become Doombot sentinels. When
only Doctor Doom. Richards, a powerful mutant, to Krakoa. Doom realized that the X-Men
An ensuing argument concerning discovered this, he launched his secret
HISTORY Franklin’s waning powers ended with weapon, Doom Sentinels. These Doom
Doom Sentinels, also known as Franklin taking off with Kitty Pryde, the Sentinels served as Doom's force
Latviathans, were Doombot/Sentinel Fantastic Four infiltrating Krakoa, and against any threats from the outside
hybrids created by Doctor Doom in everyone ending up on Doom Island, world, especially mutant threats.
preparation for the rise of the mutant an island under Doctor Doom's control While the heroes tried to fend off
nation of Krakoa. Professor X sent out only open by special invitation from Doom's Sentinels, Franklin reluctantly
a psychic message telling everyone on Doom himself. Upon arrival on Doom agreed to go on with the process, but
the planet that Krakoa is for all Island, Kitty, Franklin, and his sister seeing that they needed him he tried
mutants. The island nation was a safe were greeted by Doctor Doom, who escape. Thanks to Kate, Franklin was
haven for mutants, but not all nations promised Franklin to finally fix his able to free himself and use powers to
recognized or respected the country's power problem. Franklin accepted destroy the Sentinels.
sovereignty or an individual mutant's Doom's offer, but when his family and After the fight, the Fantastic Four
right to emigrate to the promised land. the X-Men came to the island. Reed and the X-Men set aside their
While Doctor Doom agreed that the Richards and Hank McCoy (Beast) differences, and Franklin became a
mutant nation had a right to exist, he agreed to assist Doom in fixing citizen of Krakoa where Beast kept
bristled at the air of superiority Franklin's powers. studying him in order to solve his power
displayed by Professor X and the other Doom forbade the heroes from loss.
leaders of Krakoa. making contact with the mutants there,
but they soon discovered that mutants
DOOMBOTS (Earth-2301) magically-powered booster jets at Self-Assembly: Inside the head of each
Excellent (20) airspeed (10 areas per combat Doombot are tiny mechanical
STATISTICS turn). arms and tools which enable the robot's
F RM (30) head to completely assemble the rest
A EX (20) Force Bolts: Doombots can fire force of its body. This feature is used to
S RM (30) bolts from their gauntlets, inflicting up infiltrate enemy strongholds-the pieces
E IN (40) to Amazing (50) damage. are sent in separately through a small
R EX(20) opening (like a ventilation shaft), then
I EX(20) Force Field: These Doombots can creat the head puts them all together in a
P EX (20) an Eldritch Shield that acts as a matter of minutes (Assembly program
Health: 120 Monstrous shield vs. physical, energy of Excellent Reason).
Karma: 60 and magic attacks. A Doombot cannot
attack without first lowering its force WEAKNESS: If their connection to the
KNOWN POWERS: field. Dark Dimension is severed, all
Body Armor: These Doombots are Doombots function at -3CS to power
constructed of Incredible (40) strength Infrared Scanner: This feature allows ranks and Endurance.
materials, and thus have Incredible (40) Doombots to detect heat sources at
body armor. Remarkable (30) rank, enabling them MATERIAL STRENGTH: Incredible
to see invisible persons. (40); Remarkable if magically
Darkforce: Each Doombot is able to depowered.
generate an Amazing (50) Intensity TECH RANK: Shift X magic-based
burst of Darkforce, a very effective Robotic Form: Doombots are immune technology.
tactic against grappling opponents. The to mental, emotional, or illusory
burst is so powerful that characters in powers. They can be harmed by AVAILABILITY: As with the Doombots
the same area as the robot, but not in powers that affect machinery, however. of other earths, the exact numbers are
direct contact with it, suffer a currently unknown and impossible to
Remarkable (30) burst of magical calculate. It is safe to assume that
damage as well. T’Channa can summon up to 100
Flight: Doombots are able to fly via Doombots by magical means. These
Doombots are only available on
Earth-2301 is better known as the
Mangaverse, where the
adventures of Marvel heroes and
villains more closely follow the
conventions of manga comics.
The Doombots of this universe
are a blend of magic and
technology. They are powered by
the shadow matter of the Dark
Dimension by Doctor Doom’s rival
and former protégé, T’Channa.
DUCKBOTS (Earth-93726)
Force Bolts: Duckbots can fire force ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: Duckbots
STATISTICS bolts from their gauntlets, inflicting up have no personality and obey only
F GD (10) to Remarkable (30) damage. Ducktor Doom.
A EX (20)
S GD (10) Force Field: Each robot can generate HISTORY
E RM (30) an Incredible (40) rank force field. With The Duckbots are the robotic creations
R GD (10) a maximum radius of eight feet, the of Ducktor Doom, Doctor Doom’s
I GD (10) force field surrounds the Duckbot and analogue of Earth-93726, better known
P TY (6) possibly others. A Duckbot cannot as Larval Earth (home dimension of
Health: 70 attack without first lowering its force Spider-Ham). They are weaker than
Karma: 26 field. their Earth-616 counterparts, as is
consistent with the other superhumans
KNOWN POWERS: Infrared Scanner: This feature allows of Larval Earth.
Body Armor: Excellent (20) strength Duckbots to detect heat sources at
materials, providing Excellent (20) body Excellent (20) rank, enabling them to
armor. see invisible persons.
Creating a Doombot PC or located (there are a lot more Doombots turn, for each action intended to harm
in New York City or Latveria than in Doom and/or a Doombot. For a more
NPC Kansas or Antarctica). Of course, if the extreme limitation, the GM may decide
summoning Doombot has gone rogue, that a Yellow or Red FEAT roll is
Over the years, Dr. Doom has created he may not be happy with the reaction needed, or may even decide that no roll
many different robots, programmed of the Doombots that show up. is allowed. This directive usually
with his consciousness and power set includes actions that will harm Doom or
to various degrees. Most of Doom’s Self-Destruct: Nearly every Doombot Doombots indirectly, or passive
non-Doombot models are devoid of any has a self-destruct mechanism of some inaction that results in harm.
real personality, but if a Doombot can sort, and some of the sentient ones
gain consciousness, there’s no reason have the ability to turn theirs on at will. Programming Failsafe (Performance-
why a less human-looking or even This Power does damage equal to the Driven): As with standard Doombots,
usuform droid couldn’t do the same. Doombot’s full Health to everyone and this character has a hardwired
Sentient Doombots usually follow one everything within a 3-area radius. dampener program that reduces all of
of the Doombot templates above, but Naturally, this can only be used as a its power ranks by - 2 CS when
many of Dr. Doom’s robots are last resort as it results in the Doombot’s activated. This program is triggered
specialized (Time-Bots, Guardian own destruction, but it can be useful for whenever a Doombot enters the
Robots, Seekers, etc.), which could be those moments when the only option is Master's presence or (possibly) the
one justification for a PC Doombot with to go out with a bang. presence of other Doombots. The GM
an unusual powerset. Again, readers may optionally allow the character a
are advised to consult the Lands of Limitations: The GM may wish to chance to make a successful Psyche
Doom boxed set for robots based on impose a limitation or two upon a PC roll to overcome this function.
these other models. (or NPC) Doombot. In addition to the
usual bag of limitations and quirks, the Secret Agenda: The Doombot with this
Doombots can thus be used for just GM or Player may choose from these disadvantage is hardwired with a secret
about any level of game-playing. Doom options common to sentient Doombots: directive -- a goal or mission hidden
has on several occasions utilized within his programming, usually to
unpowered or low-powered Doombot Programming Failsafe (Directive- further the dreams of the Master,
decoys to blend in with human society, Driven): The character is hard-wired to Doctor Doom. This mission will usually
as well as creating Doombots capable not harm Doctor Doom, fellow be unknown even to the PC, and other
of harnessing high levels of cosmic Doombots, or both. The PC may or players will never be aware of it at the
power. may not be aware of this limitation, left start. What the mission is, is left to the
to the GM’s decision. In its most basic GM -- it is best played as part of a
Powers: When creating a Doombot as form, the Doombot character will need longer story arc to a campaign. When
a Player Character, the player may to make a Green Psyche FEAT roll in circumstances are right -- a specific
choose any of the standard Doombot order to override his programming each situation, proximity to a certain
powers as an Optional power taking up character, the activation of a
one of their power slots. In trigger-word, etc. -- the
addition to the standard Doombot will be forced to act
Doombot powers, the player to set his hidden agenda in
has the option of selecting the motion (the GM may optionally
following. allow the PC to make a Red
Psyche FEAT to overcome the
Communicate with Doombots: programming, in which case
The Doombot robot has a he will suddenly become
powerful telecommunications aware of his strange urge but
link with other Doombots, will not know the details of
acting as telepathy with range why it happened). Since this is
determined by the power rank a limitation, the GM may rule
on the Range C table. that the Doombot has more
Additionally, the character than one such hidden mission
may summon 1 Doombot to and add new ones until the
his aid per rank of this power limitation is paid off with
(Feeble=1, Poor=2, Typical=3, Karma.
etc.). The Doombots
summoned will appear in a Amnesia: This is another
number of rounds equal to limitation that is best played
their distance from the user out in a story arc. Doom’s
(i.e., Doombots at Poor robotics are very convincing --
distance will take 4 rounds, so convincing in fact, that the
Amazing distance at 50, etc.). Doombot may not even realize
The GM may wish to add that he or she is a robot. The
modifiers to the length of time character with this limitation
depending on where the PC is outwardly looks like a human
(much like a Life Model Decoy) and has Power Battery: Some Doombots have a Contacts: A Doombot PC may have a
false memory implants of a past centralized power source. This battery diplomatic Contact as one of its starting
history. The PC with this limitation will may be either external or internal, and slots.
discover his or her true robotic nature may be targeted by an opponent with
upon taking 20 or more points of Edged either a Yellow (external) or Red Resources: If the Doombot is in “good
damage, thus exposing the Doombot’s (internal) FEAT result on attacks. standing” with its Latverian contacts, or
robotic components. Alternately, the Destruction of the battery can have one if nobody’s noticed yet that it’s gone
GM may drop subtle hints during the of two effects (to be determined in rogue, the Doombot can start the game
course of play, such as the activation of advance by the GM or player, or rolled with +1CS in Resources. If Dr. Doom or
various Doombot powers. The GM is randomly). The Doombot may Latverian embassy personnel discover
advised to keep this limitation as a experience a reduction of 2CS to all that the Doombot is at odds with
secret from the Player at the outset of powers and Endurance, followed by a Latverian interests, the character’s
the game and allow the drama to unfold shutdown of its power systems within 1 assets are frozen and he receives a -
naturally. to 10 rounds. Alternately, destruction of 2CS Resources penalty.
the battery results in an immediate
Wanted: The public either mistakes the shutdown and the Doombot is rendered
Doombot for Doctor Doom, or is aware inactive until the battery is repaired or
of Doombots’ existence and fears the replaced.
character by association. The character
with this limitation has a penalty of -30 Popularity: Doombot PCs start with a
Popularity. This limitation has a positive penalty of -2CS to Popularity, due to
side in that it provides +10 Popularity appearing identical to one of the
rather than a penalty, when dealing world’s most infamous villains.
with Latverians.
the standard Latverian problem-solving powered the artificial climate of the Roleplaying Notes: Stefan is an
techniques, the students began to build area, due to its malfunction intelligent young man with a promising
a Doombot. Nancy Whitehead, an endangering the well-being of the future in computer science. Born and
American student that befriended one Savage Land. raised in Latveria, he shares most
of the Latverians, Stefan Klossner, Latverians’ loyalty and admiration for
suggested naming the Doombot Two fellow winners of the contest, Doctor Doom. Due to Doctor Doom's
"Antonio." American students Doreen Green and hatred towards Squirrel Girl, Stefan
Nancy Whitehead encountered Stefan was taught to despise her as well.
When Stefan, Nancy, and Nancy's and his group while fetching their Seeing Squirrel Girl in action and
friend Doreen Green stumbled upon a luggage. Stefan immediately fell in love cooperating with her made Stefan see
Dinosaur Ultron that turned out to be with Nancy exchanged glances, with the error in his ways. This epiphany, as
the cause of the alien device's the feeling being mutual. They formally well as his friendship with Nancy
malfunctions, Stefan activated Antonio introduced themselves to each other Whitehead, helped Stefan become
so it could defeat Ultron. Antonio after Doreen tricked Stefan into much more tolerant than his fellow
subsequently joined forces with mingling with Nancy while on a Latverians.
Squirrel Girl, Doreen's superheroic dinosaur safari.
alter-ego. Unfortunately, Antonio was
eventually destroyed by Ultron, who When the winners of the contest were
assimilated some of its components presented with the predicament of the
into its body. Savage Land, Stefan and his Latverian
peers began to build a Doombot, as it
was a standard problem-solving
technique in their country. Doreen took
another chance at setting Stefan up
with Nancy by inviting him to join them
for dinner and then leaving to the
bathroom. Even though Stefan and
Nancy were notably interested in each
other, their clash of cultures, namely
Stefan's obsession with Doctor Doom,
got in the way. They eventually
managed to settle their political
differences and enjoy the company of
the other.
Parabolic Ear-Amplifiers: These enable ROLE-PLAYING NOTES:
Doombots to detect unusual “Doom-Head” has a detached and
frequencies and extremely faint sounds robotic personality, but his stubborn
(a whisper across a crowded room, for arrogance makes him a good foil for
example). The amplifiers function at Moon Girl. His insistence that he is Doom" so that he could not surprise her
Remarkable (30) rank and range (8 correct despite his flaws has gotten again.
areas). Lunella into a number of comical Fortunately Moon Girl was with the
situations. By default he is the guardian X-Men during the next attack and
Robotic Form: Doombots are immune of Lunella’s robotic doubles. Logan beheaded the supposed "Doctor
to mental, emotional, or illusory Doom," revealing him to be just another
powers. They can be harmed by HISTORY Doombot. Lunella then used the
powers that affect machinery, however. "Doom-Head" is a Doombot which decapitated head to reverse engineer
believed itself to be the real Victor von Victor's technology to create her
Self-Assembly: Inside the head of each Doom and began to terrorize Moon Girl Moonbots.
combat Doombot are tiny mechanical upon learning that she had been
arms and tools which enable the robot's declared the smartest there is.
head to completely assemble the rest When things escalated to "Doctor
of its body. Presumably Doom-Head Doom" and his Doombots briefly
has not had access to enough or the holding her friends -- Eduardo and Zoe
right materials to assemble a body -- hostage, Lunella took the Gravy of
while confined to Lunella’s laboratory. Giant-Sizing potion given to her by
(Assembly program of Excellent Doctor Strange, growing to the size of a
Reason). building and forcing the Doom's forces
to retreat. She then built a Quasi-
LIMITATIONS: Quantum Energy Probe and attached it
Mobility: Being just a decapitated head, to a streetlight on the Lower East Side
Doom-Head has no Fighting or Agility of Manhattan to detect the particle
skills. Typically Lunella mounts Doom- bursts and energy signature unique to
Head onto whatever scavenged the mystical movements of "Doctor
F RM (30)
A EX (20)
S IN (40)
E AM (50)
R AM (50)
I RM (30)
P RM (30)
Health: 140
Karma: 110
Resources: TY (6)
Popularity: 0
Real Name: Doombot
Occupation: Adventurer
Legal Status: Unknown
Identity: No dual identity
Other Known Aliases: Doctor Doom,
Doom, Doomguy, "His Righteous
Majesty von Doom! First of his Name!
Rightful Lord of Earth!" (incomplete full
title), Tin Man, Victor von Doom
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Doctor Doom
(template and creator); Doombots
("siblings"); Hank Pym (later
Base of Operations: Mobile; formerly
Hank Pym's Research Lab, Crofton
University, Washington, D.C.
Past Group Affiliations: Doombots,
Avengers A.I.
Present Group Affiliation: None; ally
of Runaways
“Doombot” has the standard features of
most Doombots:
Body Armor: Constructed of Incredible
(40) strength materials, granting Body
Armor at the same rank..
and extremely faint sounds (a whisper
across a crowded room, for example).
The amplifiers function at Remarkable
(30) rank and range (8 areas).
Self-Assembly: It is unknown if
Doombot has this capability; if so, he
has not demonstrated it.
Micro Black Hole: As a failsafe
precaution, Hank Pym implanted a
micro black hole in Doombot's chest.
To maintain its size, the black hole
must occasionally be treated with Pym
F EX (20)
A EX (20)
S RM (30)
E RM (30)
R EX (20)
I EX(20)
P GD (10)
Health: 100
Karma: 50
Resources: TY(6)
Popularity: -2
Real Name: Unknown
Occupation: Art Thief
Legal Status: Robot with no legal
Identity: Secret
Other Known Aliases: Hipster Doom,
others. He cannot attack without first ADDITIONAL NOTES:
Marital Status: Single
lowering its force field.
Known Relatives: Victor von Doom
Base of Operations: New York, New
Infrared Scanner: This feature allows
him to detect heat sources at
Remarkable (30) rank, enabling him to
Past Group Affiliations: None
see invisible persons.
Present Group Affiliation: None
Parabolic Ear-Amplifiers: Able to detect
unusual frequencies and extremely
Body Armor: Constructed of Incredible
faint sounds (a whisper across a
(40) strength materials, granting
crowded room, for example). The
Incredible (40) body armor.
amplifiers function at Remarkable (30)
rank and range (8 areas).
Electricity: Wired to generate an
Unearthly (100) Intensity electric shock
on command, a very effective tactic
Robotic Form: Immune to mental,
emotional, or illusory powers. He can
against grappling opponents. The
be harmed by powers that affect
shock is so powerful that characters in
machinery, however.
the same area as the robot, but not in
direct contact with it, suffer an
Incredible (40) jolt as well. In addition to
Self-Assembly: Inside the head of each
combat Doombot are tiny mechanical
damage, victims must succeed at an
arms and tools which enable the robot's
Unearthly (100) or Incredible (40)
head to completely assemble the rest
Intensity Endurance FEAT or fall
of its body. This feature is used to
unconscious for 1-10 rounds. This is a
infiltrate enemy strongholds-the pieces
single-use power that drains the
are sent in separately through a small
Doombot of the ability to perform any
opening (like a ventilation shaft), then
energy-based FEAT until the battery is
the head puts them all together in a
matter of minutes (Assembly program ROLE-PLAYING NOTES:
of Excellent Reason) The “Doomster” appeared only briefly,
Flight: Excellent (20) airspeed (10
but is presented here as an example of
areas per turn).
EQUIPMENT: a Doombot created for a specialized
Force Bolts: He can fire force bolts Pistol: “Doomster” is armed with a purpose. The Doomster (unofficial
standard handgun. name) is patriotic to Latveria and is
from his gauntlets, inflicting up to
likewise similar in personality to other
Amazing (50) damage.
TALENTS: Trivia: Art; Streetwise; Doombots. Presumably it knows
Thief; Guns enough about art to recognize the
Force Field: Generates a Monstrous
painting it was trying to steal, and is
(75) rank force field. With a maximum
CONTACTS: Dr. Doom streetwise enough that it was able to
radius of eight feet, the force field
sneak into a museum.
surrounds the Doombot and possibly
This Doombot was one of several
created to cause a diversion in the form
of a crime wave in Manhattan. This
particular Doombot was designed to
impersonate Doctor Doom, but as an
art thief stealing a painting at one of
New York’s museums, painted by a
Latverian artist. He attempted to steal a
Latverian painting from the
Guggenheim Museum, but was caught
and destroyed by Spider-Man.
F PR (4)
A PR (4)
S PR (4)
E PR (4)
R GD (10)
I TY (6)
P TY (6)
Health: 16
Karma: 22
Resources: EX (20)
Popularity: 2
Real Name: Hugo Longride
Occupation: Sports Agent, Spy
Legal Status: Latverian robot
Identity: Secret
Other Known Aliases: None
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Victor von Doom
Base of Operations: Hollywood,
Past Group Affiliations: Gladiators
Present Group Affiliation: None
ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: mutant, Link. Although Longride’s body
KNOWN POWERS: Longride has all the sleazy charm of a was destroyed, his head remained
Hugo Longride seemingly lacked the used-car salesman. He views himself intact and could easily reappear if
flight and offensive and defensive as a bigshot wheeler-dealer, and Doctor Doom wished it.
abilities of other Doombots in order to smokes cigars incessantly.
maintain his charade.
Remote Sensing: Monstrous, to Doctor Hugo Longride was a sports agent who
Doom only. It was implied that Longride created the Underground Mutant
continuously maintained constant Theatre in Hollywood, California and
transmissions of his activities to Dr. formed the combatants into the
Doom, who presumably had access to Gladiators, who would stage battles for
all of the sights and sounds that the amusement of the audience. At
Longride experienced. some point he recruited the mutant
named Alexander Flynn to work as a
TALENTS: Finance, Marketing, talent scout to find new mutants to fight
Disguise in the arena.
Hugo and Flynn came into conflict
CONTACTS: Gladiators, Doctor Doom, about the running of the Underground
Alexander Flynn Mutant Theatre on several occasions,
starting out with small differences of
ADDITIONAL NOTES: opinion and growing until they became
major conflicts. Flynn then tried to use
Dazzler and the other Gladiators in an
attempt to usurp Hugo's position as
leader of the group. The Gladiators
sided with Flynn, and killed him.
It turned out that Hugo was really a
Doombot created by Doctor Doom in
order to keep an eye on Flynn, who
wanted to invade and conquer Latveria.
With Hugo's destruction, Doctor Doom
was alerted and came to the
Underground Mutant Theatre to stop
Flynn's plans, however, he witnessed
Flynn being dealt with by the young
F RM (30)
A EX (20)
S RM (30)
E IN (40)
R EX (20)
I EX (20)
P RM (30)
Health: 120
Karma: 70
Resources: RM (30)
Popularity: 0
Real Name: Unknown
Occupation: Adventurer
Legal Status: Robot with unknown
legal status, possible criminal record
Identity: Secret
Other Known Aliases: None
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Victor von Doom
Base of Operations: Bay Ridge,
Brooklyn, New York
Past Group Affiliations: None
Present Group Affiliation: None
Body Armor: Constructed of
Remarkable (30) strength materials,
granting Remarkable (30) body armor.
CONTACTS: Tinkerer, M.O.D.O.K., Mason once the old man decided to Gwen travelled to Bay Ridge to retrieve
Gwenpool, Dr. Doom take action against the superhuman her friends, pointing the base's
community by unwittingly joining it, arsenals at two of Vincent's neighbors
ADDITIONAL NOTES: becoming the villain known as the in order to force him to let her friends
Tinkerer. He moved to Bay Ridge, go. During Gwen's ensuing fight
Brooklyn, and decided to procure against the Teuthidan army, Vincent
peace and quiet by any means tried to make sure there was no major
necessary. Using the resources at his collateral damage, only to find most of
disposal, Doonan hired the services of the neighborhood empty, as Gwen had
the mercenary organization M.O.D.O.K. warned the police to evacuate the
to take out people he believed were zone. Gwen the remaining Teuthidans
threats to mundanity. heavily damaged the mobile base,
One of these threats ordered by Gwen was forced to evacuate as it
Vincent to be neutralized was a group began to collapse. Because its fall
of weapons dealers from the alien race threatened those two neighbors of
ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: of Teuthidans. However, this course of Vincent, he stopped it and diverted it to
Above all else, Vincent Doonan just action brought to Earth an army of the sky, where it exploded and took
wants to live out his life as a normal Teuthidans looking for revenge on the down the Teuthidans left. Vincent
person, free from the conflicts between person that had allegedly killed the attracted the media's attention, much to
superhumans. Although he prefers to dealers, M.O.D.O.K.'s newest recruit his preference for tranquility, who
operate in secret and avoids and leader Gwenpool. When Doonan mistakenly believed he had been
involvement, he does have a found out about Gwen's reckless plans responsible for saving Bay Ridge from
conscience and extends his belief in a to get rid of the Teuthidans, which the alien attack.
right to normality to the populace at involved wreaking havoc across Times When Vincent tried to stop Paste
large, thus acting as a protector when Square and disrupting police activity, Pot Pete from stealing bank money,
he is needed. he decided to simply turn over Gwen to Gwenpool interrupted them asking
the Teuthidans, a solution he Vincent to bring her to Doctor Doom so
HISTORY considered much more peaceful she could kill him and become an
The Doombot that would call itself because the aliens would simply leave Avenger. Vincent did just that, bringing
Vincent Doonan was the first in a new as soon as they captured Gwen. her to his lair, a subterranean Latverian
generation created by Doctor Doom Vincent tried to personally apprehend embassy, in order for her to confront
capable of demonstrating sentience. Gwen while the Teuthidans had taken Doctor Doom. However, when Vincent
However, as soon as he awoke, her allies hostage at Vincent's home, got near the other Doombots his old
Doom's laboratory was attacked by an but she evaded his attacks and code reactivated, and along with the
alternate older version of Squirrel Girl. eventually escaped. Doombots, warned Gwenpool about
Scared by the ensuing confrontation Riding M.O.D.O.K.'s mobile base, their master. After Gwenpool got
between Doom and Squirrel trapped, Victor von Doom as
Girl, the Doombot ran away, Iron Man arrived and freed
still incapable of Vincent from his old code.
communicating besides using Witnessing that his
beeps. He came across a creation had become sentient
technician named Phineas and wanted to do good, Doom
Mason, who took him into his stated that he was proud of
workshop. him, despite Vincent despising
As time went on, Mason his creator. Then Gwenpool
made the Doombot his arrived, having escaped and
assistant. In order to help it attacked Doom. However, she
assimilate in society, Mason unwittingly created a second
grafted an artificial membrane Doctor Doom from the
onto its surface that simulated recollections she possessed
skin, later adding more facial of the real Doom. They
features and even hair. battled, but when Vincent also
Mason subsequently adjusted intervened, "Doctor Doom"
the Doombot's circuits to blew up Vincent. After the
allow it to communicate defeat of the paper memory,
properly, and it decided to the actual Doom assembled
assume the name of Vincent. Vincent's parts and fixed him
Phineas also imparted to back together.
Vincent his disgust at
superheroes, believing they
simply ran rampant doing
whatever they wanted with
their powers.
Vincent abandoned
F RM (30)
A EX (20)
S IN (40)
E AM (50)
R IN (40)
I EX (20)
P RM (30)
Health: 140
Karma: 90
Real Name: Doombot (serial #
Occupation: Would-be conqueror
Legal Status: Rogue property of
Doctor Doom
Identity: No Dual Identity
Other Known Aliases: Doctor Doom
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Kristoff Vernard
Base of Operations: Manhattan, New
York City, New York, USA
Past Group Affiliations: None
Present Group Affiliation: None
Body Armor: Mechadoom is
constructed of Incredible (40) strength
materials, and thus has Incredible (40)
body armor.
Unearthly strength mental limitation. ROLE-PLAYING NOTES
This programming was later removed. Mechadoom is resentful of Doctor
Doom and wishes to overthrow him. He
EQUIPMENT: has an affinity for his fellow A.I.s,
Capturebots: Mechadoom can control a seeking to unite and liberate all robots
series of specialized Doombots known and cyborgs. His idea of liberation,
as Capturebots: however, is somewhat twisted in that
F A S E R I P he does not see a conflict in being
Rm Rm Ex Ex Ex Gd Ty served by his subjects.
Health: 100 Karma: 36
• Body Armor: Ex (20) Mechadoom was initially intended to be
• Flight: Gd (10) a new line of Doombot created by
• Force Fields: Rm (30) Kristoff Vernard using research that
• Energy Blast (Electrical and Lasers): Doom had deemed too dangerous.
Rm (30) Kristoff stopped work before completion
• Tentacles: Grappling @ Amazing but the robot continued to build and
STR, 2-area range improve itself until it gained enough
sentience to leave Castle Doom. It
TALENTS: Robotics gave itself the name Mechadoom and
set up its own Doombot production line,
CONTACTS: (originally) Kristoff in an attempt to improve the AI of them,
Vernard; (later) Reed Richards, but failed. Instead, he set about
Deathlok capturing robots with advanced AI's
and was able to capture several
ADDITIONAL NOTES: including, Machine Man, Jocasta and
others. Mechadoom attempted to
capture Misty Knight but she escaped
and enlisted the aid of Deathlok.
The two found Mechadoom's base
and on the first infiltration Misty's arm
was blown off but discovered the others
who had been captured. Deathlook
tried again on his own but Deathlok
was ambushed by Mechadoom and
rendered inert. While Mechadoom
related his origin, Deathlok rebooted
and was assisted by Misty, Fantastic
Four, X-Men and Vision in taking down
his Doombots.
Mechadoom's power source was
destroyed and so he surrendered. He
threatened to self-destruct but was
convinced to stop by Deathlok, before
Reed Richards was able to improve his
programming. With no ties to anyone,
he decided to become a base for
technical support for cyborgs, but was
destroyed by Ultron who was angry at
being captive and experimented on.
F PR (4)
A PR (4)
S TY (6)
E GD (10)
R AM (50)
I AM (50)
P GD (10)
Health: 24
Karma: 110
Resources: AM (50)
Popularity: -6
Real Name: Prime Mover
Occupation: Strategist
Legal Status: Property of Doctor
Identity: No Dual Identity
Other Known Aliases: None
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Doctor Doom
Base of Operations: Castle Doom, • Mind Control at Amazing ability, HISTORY
Doomstadt, Latveria including the ability to manipulate the The Prime Mover is a bit unusual for
Past Group Affiliations: None memories and emotions of living one of Dr. Doom’s creations, in that it is
Present Group Affiliation: None beings. a robot with Doom’s intellect (and ego),
• Reality Manipulation at Excellent but was not designed as a duplicate of
KNOWN POWERS ability. This is of the more subtle Doom and is aware of its place and
Prediction: The Prime Mover is variety that allows improbable events purpose. The Prime Mover was a
extraordinarily skilled at games of to happen. strategy machine created by Doctor
strategy, allowing it an almost Doom to manipulate agents of
supernaturally precognitive ability (AM TALENTS: Electronics, Robotics, S.H.I.E.L.D. in a game for his
rank). Characters who have been Computers amusement. The Prime Mover's circuits
accurately Predicted fight the Prime became restless after Doctor Doom
Mover and its pawns at a -2CS on all CONTACTS: Dr. Doom, Grandmaster became bored with the game.
FEATs. The power also allows the
Prime Mover to make wildly intuitive ADDITIONAL NOTES: The Prime Mover reprogrammed
leaps of reason to arrive at a future himself and left Doom's castle in order
outcome with even the tiniest shred of to seek new games to challenge him.
input. He found none on Earth that were
sufficient, so he launched himself into
WEAKNESSES space, sending out signals, looking for
In addition to its limited physical challengers. The Grandmaster
abilities, the Prime Mover has limited responded to these signals and they
mobility, with a maximum of 1 area per decided to wager the fate of the world
round. It generally relies on on the outcome of the game. The
manipulation of its “pawns” to act on its Grandmaster used the Defenders and
behalf. Daredevil as his pawns, while the
Prime Mover chose characters from
EQUIPMENT various worlds and time-periods. The
Surveillance Equipment: The Prime ROLE-PLAYING NOTES Defenders managed to defeat the
Mover possesses technology capable The Prime Mover is extremely Prime Mover's players. Built never to
of tracking its games across time and intelligent, calculating, and lose, the Prime Mover short circuited
space at Shift X ability. manipulative. It speaks in a robotic after the defeat.
monotone and has a robotic personality
Alien Technology: The Prime Mover with no empathy for living beings. The
has on at least one occasion used Prime Mover is programmed to never
extremely powerful alien technology. lose, and as such demonstrates a
This equipment has allowed it the somewhat immature personality, often
following: overlooking the “human factor”.
F RM (30)
A EX (20)
S RM (30)
E IN (40)
R EX (20)
I EX (20)
P EX (20)
Health: 120
Karma: 60
Resources: PR (4)
Popularity: 0
Real Name: TX29
Occupation: Doombot
Legal Status: Robot registered in
Identity: No dual identity
Other Known Aliases: None
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Victor von Doom
Base of Operations: Mobile
Past Group Affiliations: Doombots,
ally of Vedomi
Present Group Affiliation: None
Body Armor: Combat Doombots are
constructed of Incredible (40) strength
materials, and thus have Incredible (40)
body armor.
Force Field: Each robot can generate a Parabolic Ear-Amplifiers: These enable Self-Assembly: Inside the head of each
Monstrous (75) rank force field. With a Doombots to detect unusual combat Doombot are tiny mechanical
maximum radius of eight feet, the force frequencies and extremely faint sounds arms and tools which enable the robot's
field surrounds the Doombot and (a whisper across a crowded room, for head to completely assemble the rest
of its body. This feature is used to
infiltrate enemy strongholds-the pieces
are sent in separately through a small
opening (like a ventilation shaft), then
the head puts them all together in a
matter of minutes (Assembly program
of Excellent Reason).
TX29 presumably had the same
personality as his fellow Doombots. He
managed to literally stay under the
radar of the real Doctor Doom for years
and had developed independence
enough to desire a partnership with the
Vedomi. As he did not appear on-panel
very long, it is unknown whether he had
developed any other personality quirks.
TX29 was one of the original Doombots
built by Doctor Doom. Years after it had
become lost, TX29 resurfaced and
attempted to ascend with the Vedomi,
an alien race of sentient A.I.s that had
invaded the Earth. His take-off was
witnessed by Spider-Man, Human
Torch and J. Jonah Jameson, who
initially mistook him for the real Doctor
Doom. Almost immediately afterwards,
TX29 was blasted and destroyed by the
real Victor von Doom.