Evil Genius Prima Official Eguide

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Levi Buchanan
The Prima Games logo is a registered trademark of Random House,
Inc., registered in the United States and other countries. Prima Games
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© 2004 by Prima Games. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be Roseville, CA 95661
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including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system
without written permission from Prima Games. Prima Games is a division of
Random House, Inc.
Product Manager: Mario De Govia Contents
Project Editor: Carrie Andrews
Layout & Design: Graphic Applications Group, Inc.
Everybody Wants to Rule the World ..............2
Game contents and software copyright © 2004 Elixir Studios Limited. Evil Genius
Controlling Your Empire..................................8
and the Evil Genius logo are trademarks of Elixir Studios Limited. All rights Minions ........................................................21
reserved. Published by Sierra Entertainment, Inc. Sierra and the Sierra logo are
registered trademarks or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries. Vivendi
This Evil Island ............................................52
Universal Games and the Vivendi Universal Games logo are trademarks of Vivendi World Domination ......................................104
Universal Games, Inc. Windows and DirectX are either registered trademarks or
trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the U.S. and/or other countries and are used Forces of Justice........................................114
under license from Microsoft. Pentium is a registered trademark of Intel Evil Genius Research & Development ........128
Corporation. NVIDIA and GeForce are registered trademarks or trademarks of
NVIDIA Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. The ratings icon is Walkthrough
a registered trademark of the Entertainment Software Association. All other Objective 1: Evil Intentions ....................138
trademarks are property of their respective owners.
Objective 2: Head of the Underworld ......150
All products and characters mentioned in this book are trademarks of their
respective companies. Objective 3: Better Living through
Please be advised that the ESRB rating icons, "EC", "K-A", “E”, "T", "M", "AO" Chemistry ..............................................166
and “RP” are copyrighted works and certification marks owned by the Objective 4: Loot and Pillage ..................174
Entertainment Software Association and the Entertainment Software Rating Board
and may only be used with their permission and authority. Under no circumstances Objective 5: Masterplan Machinations ....181
may the rating icons be self-applied or used in connection with any product that has Objective 6: Road to Doomsday..............189
not been rated by the ESRB. For information regarding whether a product has been
rated by the ESRB, please call the ESRB at 1-800-771-3772 or visit www.esrb.org. Objective 7: Global Chaos ......................198
For information regarding licensing issues, please call the ESA at (212) 223-8936.
Please note that ESRB ratings only apply to the content of the game itself and does
Objective 8: Doomsday Beckons ............208
NOT apply to the content of this book. Objective 9: Evil Ultimatum ....................216
Important: Bonus Objectives ....................................223
Prima Games has made every effort to determine that the information contained in
this book is accurate. However, the publisher makes no warranty, either expressed or
Acts of Infamy Glossary ............................229
implied, as to the accuracy, effectiveness, or completeness of the material in this Evil Chatting ..............................................256
book; nor does the publisher assume liability for damages, either incidental or
consequential, that may result from using the information in this book. The publisher
cannot provide information regarding game play, hints and strategies, or problems Acknowledgments:
with hardware or software. Questions should be directed to the support numbers The author and Prima would like thank Marcus Lindblom, Sandro
provided by the game and device manufacturers in their documentation. Some game Sammarco, and Lori Inman—a trio of right good evil geniuses.
tricks require precise timing and may require repeated attempts before the desired The author also thanks Mario De Govia and Carrie Andrews of
result is achieved. Prima for all of their help. And finally, to Mindy, the fam, Scissor
ISBN: 0-7615-4580-8 Sisters, PE, the makers of Bawls (must ... meet ... deadline!), and my
Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 2004107109 animal army for keeping me company at 4AM.


Welcome to the Dark Side

Congratulations on your decision to give in to your inner evil. Whereas some people find solace in being a
butcher, baker, or candlestick maker, you have the courage to admit that your satisfaction comes from
bending the world to your will in a mad quest for global domination.
Bottling up feelings like that for too long would inevitably lead to long sessions on the psychiatrist's
couch—so consider your need to plot nefarious deeds and fraternize with unsavory characters a
healthy one.
However, becoming the world's greatest Evil Genius is
not going to be easy. It's not all about torturing suave,
manacled secret agents with laser beams. Clawing your
way to the top of the evil pyramid takes work. Real dirt-
under-the-fingernails work.
No criminal mastermind would announce his presence
to the world without having a super-secret lair well under
construction. So before you send your minions out to
steal and cause trouble in your name, draw up a set of
blueprints for an underground den of disaster.

And where should you build this base of operations?

How about on your own uninhabited volcanic island of
undisclosed location? Nothing says you've arrived like a
rock in the middle of the ocean.

Everybody Wants to Rule the World

Oh, and a word about those Forces of Justice—they

come calling. To be recognized for the Evil Genius you
are, you must perform Acts of Infamy—audacious
missions that leave the world's leaders with their jaws on
the floor. The kind of missions that make the president of
the United States turn to the prime minister of Japan and
say, "Man, that dude sure is evil."
And once you start undertaking these not-so-
clandestine missions, the Forces of Justice send their top
agents to your island retreat. You'd better have some
serious defenses ready to keep them at bay. Stock your
lair with tricky traps that take out those slick secret
agents before they have a chance to think of a clever one-liner.
So, without further ado, let's get you started on the path toward notoriety, riches, and world domination.
This puny planet has waited too long to cower before the likes of you.

Evil Times Three

As much as you'd like to see your own mug plastered on the "Most Wanted" lists at the FBI or Kremlin, you
need to choose an evil avatar to represent your dreams of conquest.
There are three Evil Geniuses to choose from in the game. There are small differences between each
criminal mastermind. So do you want to order the theft of the Ark of the Covenant with a Teutonic accent,
or risk getting blood on your fabulous furs when striking down insolent lackeys? Check out the following
descriptions for information on each Evil Genius.

While each Evil Genius begins the game with the same physical and monetary
resources, each comes with a personal henchman. These powerful minions are the
real muscle of the operation. Each henchman has two special moves that can be
used to thwart the Forces of Justice, so peruse each starting henchman's bio and
factor that into your choice of super-evil conqueror.

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Short in stature but well stocked with insane plots, Maximilian
desires to rule the world. (Did you expect anything less from
an Evil Genius?) The filthy-rich industrialist has chosen to use
technology to lay waste to the world and the Forces of Justice.
He pays a smaller cash incentive for research than the other
Evil Geniuses. And look at the guy. He wears a monocle.
Anybody who wears a monocle is crazy enough to pull off
dreams of world domination, right?

This exquisite maniac wants the world to both fear her evil brain and
fall for her gorgeous face. And she's going to use more than a simple
poison apple to be the fairest in the land. Instead, Alexis is going to put
her multimillion-dollar inheritance to unsavory use by building up an
elegant secret lair and stocking it with only the finest equipment of ill
intent. Her minions have a Loyalty bonus, so they lose Loyalty at a slower
rate. Tall and graceful, Alexis is the most comely of the Evil Geniuses,
but this femme fatale most certainly has the capability to crush the
world beneath her stilettos.

Everybody Wants to Rule the World

Shen Yu
The man is a walking mystery. Few know the true evil that lurks in his dark
heart. And judging from the death and destruction left in his wake, many
would be wise not to try to find out. Shen Yu is a criminal genius who uses
his mystical nature to his advantage, casting a long shadow over the Forces
of Justice by devising the most devious plots an Evil Genius has ever dared
to carry out. With Shen Yu, agents have a shorter mission time and they
leave sooner. If you want to elevate evil to a true art, select this Zen
master of no good.

Evil Goals
The goal of Evil Genius? Make the world rue the day you were born. Create buzz among the world populace
by making your minions perform Acts of Infamy in your name.

The resulting boost to your public persona is called

Notoriety. Notoriety is perhaps the most desirable
currency in the circle of Evil Geniuses, valued even above
gold bricks. Having a zillion dollars doesn't buy fear and
impressive headlines—it just annoys people. Once you
have gained enough Notoriety, the world is forced to
acknowledge that the battle between good and evil has
fallen in your favor.

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There is a direct negative effect to gaining Notoriety. The resulting attention is called Heat. Heat is
measured by how much you've rattled the cage of a particular alliance of the Forces of Justice. If
you've racked up a lot of Heat in a corner of the globe, expect more agents from that alliance to
arrive on your island.
So, to succeed as an Evil Genius, you must maximize your Notoriety by pulling off outrageous Acts of
Infamy, but know when to pull back in a region before attracting too much Heat.

Evil Crash Course

This book aims to help you maximize your potential as an Evil Genius. In these pages, you learn the best
way to plan and construct your evil lair and make the most of your army of minions. Cash and Notoriety
are certainly much-needed resources, but if you don't understand how to best use your workforce, the
Forces of Justice will break your organization with ease, no matter how many poison gas cage traps you
use to decorate your doorstep.

When you begin the game, you find yourself on a

volcanic island with only a handful of lackeys and a
stockpile of $100,000 in gold bricks. You need to dip into
your coffers right away to start building your secret base
of operations.

Once your lair is under way, start recruiting minions to

help with construction, placing objects, and manning
purchased equipment. And as soon as you have access
to the world, send your minions across the globe to steal
additional funds and carry out Acts of Infamy.

Everybody Wants to Rule the World

But even though you always have your eye on the

globe, you must also keep tabs on the home front. You
must provide the right training and luxuries to keep your
minions in tip-top shape. You must also watch the bottom
line, as cash flow can be a serious problem for a budding
Evil Genius. Run out of dough and the Forces of Justice
may be able to strong-arm you into submission. Besides,
who's ever heard of a broke Evil Genius?

A successful Evil Genius must be able to take in information, analyze it, and make the right decisions.
The key to victory in Evil Genius is to maintain your island lair while causing havoc in the world. Once you
master the resource-management skills of an up-and-coming Evil Genius, you can bend the Forces of
Justice to your will.
So read up before setting foot on your island of undisclosed location. Know what each item does, what
all of your enemy agents are capable of doing, and which Acts of Infamy deliver the most bang for your
buck. And as soon as you have a solid grasp on the business of global domination, head out into the world
to be the Evil Genius you always dreamed of being.

All of the prices and statistics are based on the Medium difficulty level. Several
facets of the game will change slightly, depending on what difficulty you select. For
example, in Easy mode, object prices and enemy agent stats (such as Health) are 20
percent lower. In Hard mode, prices and enemy agent stats are 20 percent higher,
offering a greater degree of challenge.

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In-Game Menus
When you begin Evil Genius, either for the first time or for a return visit, there is a series of in-game
menus to navigate.

Main Menu
The top-level menu greets you upon starting Evil Genius.
The world is at your feet. (And if you play your cards
right, it is soon beneath your feet.) From this menu, you
can make these selections:

Tutorial: This opens an in-game tutorial that teaches

the beginning essentials for would-be criminal
New Game: This begins a new criminal empire.
Load/Save: Use this to load a saved
game, or save a current game for
later resumption.
Options: Here you adjust a selection
of in-game options, such as the rate
of the Auto-Save feature.
Quit: Put away your dreams of
world domination for another day.

Controlling Your Empire

Loading and Saving

From the Load and Save screen, you can access literally dozens
of saved games from any number of conquest sessions. You also
can rename saved files for easy reference, should you want to
replay certain moments in the game or see what would have
happened if you had played your hand a different way.
The game has an Auto-Save feature that saves your game at
specific intervals. You can select these intervals from the Options
screen. The auto-saved games appear at the top of the Load and
Save menu screen.
The game also saves automatically every time you complete an entire objective. Objectives are like
chapters. Finish one, and you go directly on to the next, which lays out a new set of subobjectives for
you to complete. Remember, the game automatically saves only after completed objectives—not after
completed subobjectives. If you quit the game without saving before completing an objective, you lose
any unsaved progress.

Campaign Menu
From this menu, you can select the level of resistance
you want to meet when trying to conquer the world as
an Evil Genius. The higher the difficulty setting, the
swifter and smarter the Forces of Justice.
You can also shut off the series of video hints the
game provides during the game. However, don't be too
quick to turn these off. If you are just starting out, you
definitely want to view every tip, hint, and detailed
instruction available.

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Select Your Genius

The final choice before starting the game is probably the

biggest. Which Evil Genius do you want to represent your
tainted desires in the game world? Will it be the mystical
Shen Yu? The comely (and deadly) Alexis? Or will you go
the more traditional madman route and select the portly,
monocled Maximilian? No matter which of the three
avatars you choose, you're sure to enjoy squeezing the
planet in your vise.

Evil Console
The main game screen is flanked by a heads-up display (called an Evil Console) that offers quickly
accessible information or shortcuts to other screens and menus to help you manage your empire.

3 16
2 6
1 7 14 15

4 5 8 9 10 11 12 13

1. Main Menu Shortcut: This instantly returns you 5. Evil Empire Status: From this screen, you can
to the Main Menu where you can change in- monitor the efficiency of your criminal empire,
game settings, save or load games, or quit. as well as check in on the activities of your
2. Mini-Map: This small map screen shows you a
less-detailed but expanded view of your 6. Status Bar: This bar lists all recent activity in
immediate surroundings. the game.
3. Power Levels: This meter displays how much 7. Cash: This displays your current financial
power is currently being generated and used at reserves. Keep an eye on this number. When it
your base. gets low, you better make with the stealing,
lest your empire fall into financial ruin.
4. Objective List: Click this button to instantly
reference a list of current subobjectives that 8. Minions: The number of minions currently
have been completed, as well as those still to employed in your evil empire.
be fulfilled. You can also access bonus subob-
9. Evil Genius: Click this button to instantly gain
jectives from this screen.
control of your Evil Genius.

Controlling Your Empire

10. Henchman: Click this button to instantly gain this button to direct the research efforts of your
control of your current henchman. Pressing it science minions.
multiple times cycles through he henchmen if
14. Alert Status: This three-button selector allows
you have more than one.
you to choose the level of alert at your lair.
11. Employed Henchmen: This indicator displays Minions behave differently according to the
how many henchmen your empire employs. base's alert status. (See Chapter 4 for a full
explanation of Alert Status.)
12. Minion Management: This button pops open
the Minion Management screen, where you can 15. World Domination: This button accesses the
select how many minions you wish to recruit, World Domination screen. From this screen, you
as well as how you would like them to be can control the global exploits of your empire.
trained. (See Chapter 3 for a full explanation of (See Chapter 5 for a full description of World
Minion Management.) Domination.)
13. Research: After you have successfully 16. Glossary: Click this button to bring up the in-
completed and stocked a science lab, click on game glossary, full of helpful information.

The mini-map on the Evil Console is a great quick reference for activity in the immediate
vicinity of the cursor. The map shows a basic outline of the island, as well as a schematic of
your lair. Humans also appear on the map, each type noted by a specific color.

Red: Enemy agents Blue: Evil Geniuses and henchmen Purple: Civilians

Clicking on any point on the mini-map automatically focuses the main game screen on that particular
location. It's an easy way to immediately target enemies or check up on what appears to be a slow-
moving herd of henchmen. Maybe they need a little encouragement to get back on task?

A night-and-day meter surrounds the World Domination button. As each day starts
and ends, this meter slowly rotates. Keep an eye on what time of day it is; when
the sun goes down, base activity may slow as minions hit the sack for some much-
needed rest.

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Evil Console features, such as Alert Status and Minion Management, are fully
explained in later chapters.

Basic Game Controls

Now that you've settled on an Evil Genius and set an appropriate level of difficulty for yourself (nobody will
blame you if you selected Easy), you hop right into the game. Before staking out the island and commis-
sioning construction on an underground lair, acquaint yourself with the game's controls. When the action
gets hairy or if you need to make quick decisions, you might not have time to consult the manual.

Camera Controls
As a budding Evil Genius, you want to have a full view of your volcanic island of undisclosed location. Use
either the mouse or the keyboard to move the camera around your lair and to zoom into particular spots
for greater detail.

Moving the Camera

Action Keyboard Control Mouse Control
Scroll camera up W Move mouse up toward edge of screen
Scroll camera down Z Move mouse down toward edge of screen
Scroll camera left A Move mouse left toward edge of screen
Scroll camera right S Move mouse right toward edge of screen
Rotate camera left s+A Hold mouse wheel down and move mouse to left
Rotate camera right s+S Hold mouse wheel down and move mouse to right
Zoom camera in s+W Scroll mouse wheel up
Zoom camera down s+Z Scroll mouse wheel down

Controlling Your Empire

The in-game cursor is a normal arrow during most

of the game. When you move the cursor to the
edge of the screen to reposition the camera, the
cursor turns into a larger pair of arrows.

Character Controls
As you look down on your Evil Genius lair, you can follow
the daily movements of your minions. However, you
cannot directly control them. Minions do as prompted,
such as kill or capture enemies and infiltrators, but you
cannot single out a specific minion for such a task. The
only real way to interact with your minions is to check up
on their individual statistics, such as Loyalty and Smarts.

You can exert much more control over your Evil Genius
and henchmen. Using the mouse, you can pinpoint exact
locations you want them to walk to. Where your Evil
Genius or henchman are positioned in your lair has
different effects, such as influencing the behavior of your
minions. For example, if you send your Evil Genius into
your minions' barracks, all nearby minions receive a boost
in Attention and Loyalty.

Your Evil Genius has quite an effect on the legions You can tell if a character is controllable by
of minions. Just by being in their master's selecting them and looking at the ring around
presence, the minions receive a significant boost their feet. If the ring is yellow, they cannot
of Loyalty and Attention. be controlled. If the ring is green, you can
control that character.

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For more information on minion stats—what they mean and how you can affect
them—turn to Chapter 4.

Moving Evil Genius or Henchman

Action Keyboard Control Mouse Control
Select Evil Genius — Left-click mouse on Evil Genius
Select henchman — Left-click mouse on henchman
Select movement location — Right-click mouse over area you want Evil Genius or
henchman to walk to


Pressing t cycles through henchmen by default.

Shortcut Clicks
Two on-screen buttons instantly place you in control of your Evil Genius or henchman
without having to physically locate them on the game screen.

Look for the portrait of your Evil Genius

and the henchman icon on the bottom of the
screen. Left-click the mouse on their
respective keys to instantly zero in on your
Evil Genius and henchman. From there, you
can issue movement commands—or, in the case
of the henchman, select a special attack.

Controlling Your Empire

Minion Interaction
Action Keyboard Control Mouse Control
Select minion — Left-click mouse on minion
View minion stats — Double-click left mouse button on minion

Naturally, you have zero control over the tourists and

encroachers who wander the island. However, you can
target them (called "tagging") for specific actions by
your minions and get a closer look at their personal

Pressing e while a character is selected
will zoom in on him.
Clicking on a minion brings up a small stats
display above his head. It's a quick way to
gauge your minion's psyche. If you need greater
detail, you must double-click on the minion.

The actions for which you can tag enemy characters or civilians are discussed in
greater detail later in this chapter.

Enemy and Civilian Interaction

Action Keyboard Control Mouse Control
View Stats — Double-click left mouse button on enemy or civilian
Tag character — Right-click mouse on enemy or civilian

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Building Controls
Since you're the one paying the bills on this island, you have far greater control over the construction of
your secret lair than the minions who just live there. When you want to build a new room in your base, you
control every aspect of it—from room shape and size to the objects that go in it.

These are just the basic building controls.
Chapter 3 contains an in-depth tutorial for
base building, as well as tips on how to
build the best lairs.

All building commands and decisions are made

with the mouse.

Building Controls
Action Mouse Control
Build room Right-click the mouse over an area of unmined dirt
Select room type Left-click on desired room
Select object type Left-click on desired object
Scroll through menu Roll mouse wheel up and down to scroll through available room and object types
Draw blueprint Left-click on unmined dirt and drag cursor to outline room shape
Draw blueprint square Left-click on unmined dirt, square by square
Open construction menu Left-click on room blueprint after designing it
Place object After selecting an object from the list, left-click mouse over the desired
object destination
Rotate object Right-click the mouse to rotate the object before placing it
Object properties Double-click left mouse button over object to review object properties

Controlling Your Empire

Extra Controls
Two additional in-game hot keys perform important functions. To return to the game's Main Menu, press
q. This allows you to load or save your game file, change in-game options, and essentially pause your
quest for world domination while you fetch a refreshing beverage. Conquest and plotting can take a lot out
of a person, you know.
There are hundreds of objects and room types in Evil Genius, as well as plenty of game features that
you must master to succeed. Fortunately, the good people behind the game included a comprehensive
glossary with everything you need to know to rule the planet. While playing, press 1 to bring up the
glossary and click through it to find all the info you need.

The glossary is an ever-expanding compendium
of Evil Genius description, instructions, hints,
and reminders. As new features are opened in
the game, the glossary grows to include the
necessary factoids.
For example, when you finally unlock the
building blocks for a hotel on your island, the
glossary is a great reference point for the uses
of the hotel.

Character Actions
While you cannot directly control your minions, you can
certainly direct how you wish them to treat intruders and
civilians on the island.
When you have spotted an infiltrator or civilian who
needs to be dealt with or disposed of, right-click on the
intended target to bring up a small menu of tags. You can
tag agents and civilians for several actions:

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Clear Tag: Select this tag to remove all Kill Tag: This crosshairs tag targets an enemy
previously applied action tags. agent for elimination. Once an enemy has been
issued a Kill Tag, any minion capable of dealing
death—construction workers, military minions, and
henchmen—will target the tagged agent upon
sight. Kill Tags are not affected by your lair's
alert status.

Capture Tag: Any enemy agent or civilian that is

tagged for capture is apprehended on sight by a
construction worker, military minion, or
henchman. If you have not yet built an armory
with a security holding cell, the captured agent is
left where he was brought down. If you have
ordered and assembled a security holding cell, the
capturing minion or henchmen takes the quarry
into the cell and locks him up.

Controlling Your Empire

Something to remember about capturing agents and civilians: if you do not have a
security holding cell, the unconscious person eventually regains composure and flees
the area. This may result in added Heat.

Weaken Tag: Issue the Weaken Tag on an enemy

or civilian you want to be weakened by social
attacks for social minions. Social attacks include
attempts to lower an enemy agent's loyalty to
the Forces of Justice or divert their attention
from objects in the lair.

For a great explanation of minion types, such as social or military minions and their
individual capabilities, turn to Chapter 3.

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You cannot leave a captured agent or civilian in the clink
indefinitely. A particularly dexterous agent may arrange a
jailbreak. A prisoner left alone for too long eventually expires
from hunger. While that does sound appropriately evil for a
criminal mastermind, leaving a prisoner to expire is a waste of
resources. That cell could be used to hold somebody with
information useful to
your cause.
Make sure you interrogate locked-up agents or
civilians in a timely manner. (Interrogation is discussed
in full in Chapter 6.) If you discover you have zero use
for the prisoner, either issue a Kill Tag or set your
captive free.

Tagging Minions
You can also issue action tags on your own minions and on enemy
forces and civilians. While capturing or killing minions is entertaining in
its own right, there is a real purpose to torturing your darlings. If your
minions are discouragingly low on Loyalty, slaying a minion in front of
his peers is a good way to remind people who's really in charge at this
secret underground base.

Everybody loves a good interrogation, so feel free to toss one of

your minions in an interrogation chair and put on a show for the little
people. They not only enjoy the spectacle, but they're also secretly
relieved not to be the one in the hot seat. This might restore a little
flagging Loyalty too.

A Little Help, Please?
It takes a big Evil Genius to admit an inability to conquer the planet alone. Whether it's boring into the side
of a volcanic island to build a new ultrasecret research laboratory, or stealing enough cash to buy that
impressive desk you've always had your eye on, you cannot get by without help from the little people.

Your evil empire is built on the backs of your minions.

These trained lackeys do your bidding and serve your
cause as long as there is proper motivation—whether it's
the perks in the underground base's staff room or
witnessing one of your henchmen run a lazy minion
As you gain more and more Notoriety and build big
enough facilities to house them, you can recruit and train
more minions to fulfill all of your evil needs. However,
when you begin the game, you have only three lapdogs at
your command.

As the empire grows, you soon have hundreds of

minions at your beck and call. Need to siphon some cash
out of Japan? Hop to it, boys. Want to steal the blueprints
to a new library facility in California so you can build your
own brainiac archives? Pack your bags, gentlemen. The
world is your oyster, and these hired hands are the ones
to pry it open for you.

Minion Statistics
Your minions are like any resource on the island—absolutely expendable. But instead of working minions to
death or just throwing them into combat situations unprepared, take the time to study your minions'
individual statistics. It's a good way to learn the behavior patterns of your lackeys, and if you spot a
problem, you can take steps to curb potential unrest in the ranks.

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The Five Stats

Every minion, henchman, civilian, and Evil Genius has five personal stats that can be
viewed and tracked.
Health: This is the equivalent of a minion's life force. It can be lowered in combat. Should it
bottom out at zero, the minion dies.
Loyalty: This measures how close the minion's heart is to the cause. Loyalty keeps minions
devoted, but there are ways to cause Loyalty to wane. For example, if a minion spots a body
bag lying around the base or the island, they're reminded that death in a part of this business.
This will lower their Loyalty a little. If enough Loyalty evaporates, a minion may desert your
empire—and even steal a little gold on the way out.
Smarts: The more brainwaves you get out of your minions, the better off your lair is. You want to have a base
full of smarty-pants. However, Smarts are slowly lowered by repetitive labor and training sessions.
Attention: This stat measures the mental focus of your minions. Working slowly lowers your minions' Attention
ratings, which could potentially result in a minion setting off your lair's traps by mistake. It's humorous to
watch, but it's a hassle to retrain a new minion and costly to replace sprung traps.
Endurance: Can your minions take it to the limit? This stat monitors their fortitude. Should their level of fortitude
lose altitude, they drop to the floor unconscious.

You can quickly check a minion's stats by left-clicking on
him once. A small tag appears above his head, revealing a
color-coded chart of his stats.


The biggest downer for minions? Spotting a body bag just lying around. Any
reminder of death is instantly unpleasant to your hired hands, resulting in a drop of
Loyalty and Attention, so keep your lair clear of errant corpses.
Build a freezer as soon as possible. As soon as you have a cooler installed, your
agents can courier body bags to a special rack inside. The minion carrying the
deceased feels the bummer effects of holding a cadaver, but at least the
surrounding workforce won't be affected by the body bag's prolonged presence.

Recharging Minion Stats

There are ways to replenish fallen stats. If you build certain rooms in your base and stock them with the
proper equipment, your lackeys are kept mentally awake and physically prepared for the rigors of being a
cog in your evil machine.

Boost Health by building an infirmary and installing all

available healing equipment.
Loyalty has a tendency to flag in tough situations.
Recharge potential deserters by allowing them to watch
interrogations in the armory, or view objects of art
captured during certain Acts of Infamy.
Reverse mental fatigue by building an archives room
and stocking it with several reading tables. Trips to the
base's archives provide Smarts-sufferers with a good
mental flossing.
Replenish Attention by installing a staff room in your
lair and filling it with things like a big screen to
entertain minions after a long shift in the control room These agents are increasing their Endurance by
or after dragging body bags into the freezer. getting some much-needed shut-eye in the
barracks. Make sure you have enough beds so
Restore Endurance by either getting a decent night's minions don't have to line up for a little
sleep in the barracks or by grabbing a bite to eat in a Endurance-replenishing REM sleep.
mess hall. Of course, the more food-prep equipment
you have installed in the mess hall, the better your minions eat.

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The blueprints for the archives room can only be unlocked by performing the Steal
the Library Blueprints Act of Infamy in the first objective of the game. Just
something to keep in mind.

Also, replenish minion stats by placing
objects stolen during Acts of Infamy
around the lair. Public viewing of
überloot, (special high-value objects like
the Ark of Covenant or a million-dollar
bill) can also help recharge a minion's
Loyalty and Attention.
You can also replenish depleted Loyalty and
Attention by having your Evil Genius walk the lair.
Your Evil Genius exudes an aura of influence; any
minion who passes through that aura is impressed
and recharged by his master's presence.

You can see the effects of stat-recharging activities, indicated

by small arrows next to minions engaging in the appropriate
behavior. The small arrows are color-coded with the particular
stat being affected. Here is a chart with the color-coding:

Red: Health Purple: Attention

Blue: Loyalty Green: Endurance
Yellow: Smarts


Types of Minions
Three types of minions work at your island base and carry out Acts of Infamy across the globe to boost
your Notoriety: military, social, and science. Each minion type is divided into four career categories. But all
minions begin as the most basic lackey type: construction worker.

Construction Worker
These minions are the real backbone of your evil empire. Without
Minion Stats legions of these lackeys, nothing is built or installed at your lair.
Health: 40 When you recruit new minions, they always begin as construction
Loyalty: 40 workers. While they are not especially skilled at any one task,
Smarts: 40 construction workers can fight and capture enemy agents as well
Attention: 40 as steal cash and commit Acts of Infamy, making them excellent
Endurance: 40 sources of labor.
As tempting as it is to train everybody into elite careers like
martial artist or biochemist, remember that there is always grunt work to do—keep a good
number of construction workers on hand.

Military Minions
There are four types of military minions: guard, mercenary, marksman, and martial artist. You can train
construction workers into these careers after capturing and interrogating military-oriented enemy agents.

Minion Stats
Health: 50 These trained minions have higher Endurance and Health stats
Loyalty: 40 than your garden-variety construction worker, making them
Smarts: 30 excellent lackeys to have around the lair. Guards can use rifles
Attention: 30 against enemy agents—as long as you have purchased and
Endurance: 60 installed a rifle cabinet in your base's armory.

To train your first guard, you must kidnap and interrogate a guard
during an Act of Infamy.

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Minion Stats Mercenaries, with their high Endurance, are excellent
Health: 60 warriors to use in melee-combat situations. If you have
Loyalty: 30 detected an intruder in the lair, mercenaries pretty much
Smarts: 30 guarantee that issuing a Kill Tag is no empty threat. If you
Attention: 30 have bought and installed a heavy rifle cabinet, mercenaries
Endurance: 70 use the weapons against attackers.

To train your first mercenary, you need to kidnap and interrogate a


Minion Stats Marksmen aren't especially strong in any one stat—in fact,
Health: 60 restoring their flagging Loyalty may require a well-orches-
Loyalty: 40 trated act of aggression against one of their own—but they
Smarts: 30 always carry a rifle. In the event of infiltration, marksmen
Attention: 50 need not rush the armory to grab a weapon before
Endurance: 45 attempting to turn back the encroaching force.

To train your first marksman, you first need to kidnap and inter-
rogate a marksman.

Martial Artist
Minion Stats
Training a martial artist minion guarantees you an excellent
Health: 80
response should an enemy agent infiltrate the lair. These hand-
Loyalty: 60
to-hand combatants are trained in several types of martial arts
Smarts: 30
and can drop enemies with well-placed chops and kicks. Martial
Attention: 50
artists have high degrees of Health, so they can withstand a
Endurance: 70
pretty heavy beating before expiring.

To train your first martial artist, you must first identify, kidnap, and
interrogate a martial artist.

Social Minions
There are four types of social minions: valet, spin doctor, diplomat, and playboy. These skilled smooth
talkers are excellent at psychological warfare. Should an enemy agent breach base security, dispatch these
minions to weaken his mental capacity. In addition to mind-bending, social minions also offer care to their
fellow minions and your henchmen. Should one of your heavies get badly injured, a social minion takes the
injured party to the lair's infirmary (build one as soon as you have a chance) to get patched up.

When extra Social Minions are assigned to an Act of Infamy, they will help lower
the amount of resulting Heat from a successful mission.

Minion Stats Valets are the first trained minions you can add to your
Health: 40 workforce. These social minions are skilled at housekeeping—
Loyalty: 50 they are the only minions able to use a fire extinguisher. Faced
Smarts: 50 with an enemy, a valet attempts to decrease the foe's
Attention: 60 Attention. If the valet's attacks are successful, an enemy
agent becomes confused and forgets where he is. In this
Endurance: 40
stupor, he is more apt to trigger any traps you have set.

You need to capture and interrogate a maid to train your first valet.
You can find maids on the island and on the world map.

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Spin Doctor
Spin doctors are advanced public relations social minions,
Minion Stats able to attack an enemy's Smarts by barraging them like
Health: 50 paparazzi. If the spin doctor can dumb down an enemy
Loyalty: 60 agent with such attacks, there is a chance of nullifying the
Smarts: 50 Heat the agent was bringing on your Evil Genius. Just
Attention: 70 remember that while spin doctors are skilled in the art of
Endurance: 40 talking enemies into stupidity, they stand no chance in a
violent confrontation.

You need to kidnap and interrogate a spin doctor before you can
train one for your own nefarious means.

Minion Stats These social minions are trained to seek a peaceful solution
Health: 50 to a problem between your evil empire and the Forces of
Justice. The difference between your diplomat and the guys
Loyalty: 80
hanging out at the United Nations building is that your guys
Smarts: 70
buy peace with bribes. If bribe attempts are successful, an
Attention: 80
enemy agent's Loyalty drops. Unfortunately, this dip in
Endurance: 40
allegiance to the agent's alliance is temporary, but while
under the influence of your cash infusion, the agent behaves
more like a tourist than a member of the Forces of Justice.

To train your first diplomat, you have to go into the world to kidnap
and then interrogate a diplomat.

Minion Stats Ah, the last of the famous international playboys. Dressed for
Health: 60 social high jinks in their deep-red smoking jackets, the
Loyalty: 60 playboys are an army of continental gabbers and schmoozers
Smarts: 70 trained in all of the above social minions' attacks. These are
Attention: 60 excellent minions to have lounging about the lair, just in case
enemy agents vulnerable to attacks on their Loyalty, Smarts,
Endurance: 50
and Attention try to crash the playboy's unending party.

You must kidnap and interrogate a playboy before being allowed to

train your first playboy.

Science Minions
Just like social and military minions, there are four kinds of science minions. These
minions are not used to thwart enemy attacks or help other injured compatriots. Instead, these bookish
lackeys (read: nerds) are best suited for working in your lair's laboratories, researching new technology.

Science minions are fragile both at home and in the field, but always try to send
one or two along for each Act of Infamy. Their brains will decrease the amount of
time it takes to complete the mission.

Minion Stats
Health: 30 Technicians are talented in the art of repair. Should an
Loyalty: 50 enemy saboteur infiltrate the lair and cause damage, your
Smarts: 50 technicians fix whatever is broken. Notice, though, that
Attention: 40 technicians are rather low on Health and are not suited for
Endurance: 30 being around combat situations.

You need to kidnap and interrogate a technician during an Act of

Infamy to train your first technician.

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Minion Stats
Health: 40 Your scientists staff the lair's secret laboratory, eagerly
Loyalty: 60 unlocking the secrets of the universe. And what should they
Smarts: 60 do with their findings? Serve the betterment of man? Why
Attention: 50 bother with that goody-two-shoes stuff when there are doomsday
devices to be built?
Endurance: 40

Once you locate a scientist on the map, kidnap and interrogate him.
With his skills, you can then begin training your own scientists.

Minion Stats
Health: 50 These brilliant science minions tinker away in your labs,
Loyalty: 30 researching new weapons that use chemicals or biological
Smarts: 80 technology to aid your efforts to subjugate the globe.
Attention: 90 Biochemists possess huge amounts of Smarts—which is a
Endurance: 50 relief, considering the hazardous substances they deal in.

Biochemists are not easy to come by. As soon as you locate one,
kidnap him. After you interrogate the biochemist, you can start
training your own in the training rooms.


Quantum Physicist
Minion Stats
Working alongside the biochemists, quantum physicists
Health: 50
research quantum mechanics and the mysteries of time and
Loyalty: 60
space. Why? To help you build better weapons, of course. If
Smarts: 50
you want to craft some of the best tech in the game, you
Attention: 70
need to have a few of these science minions in your
Endurance: 40

You need to kidnap and interrogate a quantum physicist during an

Act of Infamy to train your first quantum physicist.

Remember: Always be kidnapping. For example, a civilian maid wanders the
beaches in your first objective. Capturing and interrogating the maid gives you the
knowledge to start training valets. Some Acts of Infamy result in the capture of a
specialized worker, such as a scientist. When questioned, this abductee provides
the know-how to train some advanced science minions.

Minion Management
With potentially hundreds of minions willing to serve in
your empire, you need a tool for keeping track of what
types of lackeys are currently in your employ. That's the
purpose of the Minion Management Screen, a tiered
flowchart that allows you to choose just how many
minions you want trained in which career and category.

This is the Minion Management Screen.

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Minion Recruiting
When you first begin the game, you have only three construction workers in your service. When you have
built barracks, you can begin recruiting additional minions to join your empire.
You must use the Minion Management Screen to begin recruiting new minions.

Minions are completely expendable.
Should one die for any reason—falling
while attempting an Act of Infamy or
being cut down by your own evil whims—
minions are automatically replenished
based on the numbers the player specifies
The first Minion Management box on the as “minions wanted.” Remember that all
left controls the influx of help. The number on new recruits start out as construction
the left indicates the number of minions of that workers, so think twice before eliminating
type you currently have. The number on the one of your top scientists just because
right is how many you want to have and are "on you had a bad day.
order." Use the arrows above and below the
numbered box to raise or lower the number of
requested minions of that type.
Beneath the hierarchy of training minions on the Minion Recruitment Speed/Cost
Management Screen is a slider bar that controls how quickly you Seconds
enlist new recruits. On its default setting, you recruit a new per Recruit Cost
construction worker every 60 seconds. Move the slider bar to the
60 $0
right to accelerate the rate of recruitment.
40 $500
However, faster hiring costs you. And the price keeps going
up, depending on how quickly you need to boost the workforce 20 $1,000
at the lair. 1 $4,000


As you can see, speeding up recruitment efforts can seriously drain your cash
reserves. However, if you've suffered a huge loss in personnel due to Acts of Infamy
going awry or an unexpected, lethal intruder slipping into the base, you may need
to suffer through a little financial hardship to get more men back on the job.
Keep a constant watch over minion levels so you are never caught short-handed.
Always check in to see if your lair can house and employ more minions that you
currently have on staff. Finding out you could have hired an extra 10 minions over
the last 20 minutes but hadn't put in the order means you wasted time.

Minion Training
There are two methods to train basic construction workers into higher careers, like diplomat or mercenary.

The only way you learn how to initially train a minion in a
specific category is by questioning a captured specialist.
After you have an enemy agent
or trained professional locked up
in the security holding
cell, double-click them
with the left mouse button
to bring up a prisoner menu
with three options: Release,
execute, or interrogate.

When you wish to interrogate a prisoner, click this

button. Next, you select an interrogation device,
like the interrogation chair, with the right-mouse
button. A minion yanks the prisoner out of the cell
and grills him or her for relevant training infor-
mation. If the prisoner has the goods, that minion
is trained in the corresponding career.

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You can repeatedly interrogate prisoners to train minions, but it is much easier (and faster) to build training
rooms in the base, stock them with the appropriate training equipment, and use the Minion Management
Screen to allocate resources.
From this screen, you can look out over the hierarchy
of minion types and adjust numbers to increase or slow
the number of minions trained into upper services. Adjust
the requested minion training by clicking on the arrows
above and below the numbered box for that minion type.
As soon as you make these adjustments, training
happens automatically—as long as you have the proper
equipment in a training room. If you do not have the
proper equipment, training does not commence. And if
you have a dearth of available training equipment, training
progresses slowly.

These valets are training more social-minded Guards teach a construction worker how to kick
minions at the school desk. at the bayonet dummy punching bag.


Training Equipment
Minion Type Required Equipment
Valet School Desk
Spin Doctor TV Studio
Diplomat Diplomat Trainer
Playboy Playboy Trainer
Guard Bayonet Dummy Punching Bag
Mercenary Heavy Shooting Range

Nerds multiply at the laboratory workshop. Marksman Shooting Range

Martial Artist Dojo
As you play Evil Genius, you discover and Technician Laboratory Workshop
develop personal affinities for specific minion
types. Maybe your inner Bruce Lee urges you to Scientist Chalkboard
train martial artists, so you install more dojos in Biochemist Biochemist Workshop
your training rooms to assure a steady supply of
Quantum Physicist Electron Microscope
that minion.

Training requests are dynamic by nature. The equation constantly keeps
recruitment moving along. If you train construction workers into new professions,
the Minion Management Screen automatically hires new construction workers to fill
the void—provided you have the room and means to support more minions.

Training Hierarchy
You cannot train construction workers directly into advanced careers, like playboy or martial artist. There
are in-between careers that must be mastered before high-level occupation techniques can be doled out.
Every new recruit begins service as a construction worker, and from there can be trained into the lowest
levels of social, science, or military service.

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Construction workers on the military track must always first train as a guard. From guard, they can train
as mercenaries. Only from the mercenary level can they train to be either a marksman or a martial artist.
On the social track, construction workers begin as valets. Valets are then trained to be spin doctors,
which opens the career choice between diplomat and playboy.
Finally, science-minded minions must initially train as technicians. Next, they train to become scientists
before eventually choosing between biochemist and quantum physicist.

Should you lose all of your minions in a specific career type, like Mercenary, you
can always go out into the world to kidnap another. However, this will expose your
minions to extra danger and bring more Heat down on your organization. Try to
always keep at least one of each career safe inside the lair.

The nameless minions that do your bidding are certainly important assets to your criminal organization, but
sometimes you really need somebody you can trust—somebody you can lean on when a job is too big and
too important to leave to a lackey of such low origins. Enter the henchmen.

The henchmen are powerful characters that patrol the

lair, casting long shadows as they walk amongst your
minions. These characters do not perform rudimentary
base activities. Instead, they await direct orders from the
Evil Genius. And when you issue an order, they do not
cease until it has been completed or until they lie dead in
the sand.


Speaking of death, each henchman has three lives. When a henchman falls to one of the Alliance's
Super Agents, he is eventually resurrected within your lair. Should the henchman die the full three times,
he vanishes from your roster and you've lost one of your biggest assets. Be careful when you send your
henchman into combat. Keep a constant eye on the henchman's stats, and when Health is low, order him
to back off and lick his wounds.

Henchmen are controlled just like your Evil Genius. Select henchmen either by
clicking on the special button on the Evil Console or by left-clicking on henchmen as
they walk the base. You can then direct their movements by right-clicking on the
desired location.

If minions seem to be lacking in the appropriate amount of Loyalty an Evil Genius
deserves, direct one of your henchmen to dispose of a lackey in front of a captive
audience. This is guaranteed to eliminate any doubt about who's in charge of this
evil empire.

Henchman Attacks
Henchmen can be ordered to attack enemy
agents, and usually do a far better job at disposing
of rogue elements than even military minions.
Simple enemy agents like investigators quickly fall
before a henchman.

Should the situation require a little extra

help, click on the henchman's Gather Minions
button. The henchman calls for all available
minions in the area to follow him or her.

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However, each henchman possesses two special skills—attack moves or area-effect moves—that prove
really valuable.
These special attacks must be unlocked, by earning certain amounts of experience, before they can be
used. Henchmen earn experience points by killing or capturing enemy agents and by accompanying minions
on Acts of Infamy. Of course, earning these points puts a henchman in harm's way, so don't be overly
ambitious about scoring experience to the point where you lose one of your henchman's valuable lives.

Having a henchman along for the ride during an Act of Infamy increases the
chances of success, but it does put the henchman in potential danger. Should a
henchman fall in the field, there will be a delay between their return and
readiness for duty. Should a strong force of enemy agents attack during this time,
you may be in serious trouble.

Another thing to keep in mind: You cannot keep Use the special
using these special moves over and over in rapid buttons on the
main screen or
succession. That would be too easy, and enemy within the
agents would never stand a chance. You must allow henchman's stats
a special ability to recharge between uses. Each has to activate a
a different recharging requirement. special move.

Recruiting Henchmen
When you begin your assault on the world, you have only one henchman. But as your Notoriety in the
world increases, more henchmen offer their services to your organization. You can view these offers on the
World Domination screen.


Each Evil Genius begins the game with a
designated henchman. The katana-wielding
Jubei flanks Maximilian. Shen Yu can order
the ghastly Lord Kane to do his bidding.
Alexis has courted Eli Barracuda's services to
help her attempt at world domination.
As soon as you can recruit henchmen, they appear
on the world map as brightly flashing dots, setting
them apart from regular Acts of Infamy.

You can have up to seven henchmen in your private army, so never hesitate to hire a henchman when
offers start pouring in. You want to bolster your organization’s chances for success as quickly as possible,
and recruiting new, powerful henchmen is an excellent way to do it.
Often, multiple henchmen offer to join you at the same time, but you can only select one. To employ a
specific henchman, send your minions to advise him or her on your terms and the recruitment deal goes
through. When this happens, the other henchmen remove their offers until your Notoriety rises again.

Henchman Gallery
To help you make the tough decision of choosing during the henchman drafts, look over the biographies
and special moves of each of the henchmen available in the game. Consider their strengths and
weaknesses, and then make your play when the time is right. If you pull together an awe-inspiring roster of
henchmen, you are nigh unstoppable.

As cool as special moves are, definitely consider each henchman's individual stats.
Look at their Health rating. If it's low, you need to keep close tabs on their
constitution during combat. Attention is also an important attribute, because
stronger enemy agents try to weaken your henchman's awareness. What's the use
of having these superthugs in your employ if they forget their orders?

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Jubei once worked as a janitor at a prestigious Tokyo dojo,
Henchman Stats toiling with a broom while students his age mastered
Health: 80 graceful, but deadly, martial arts techniques. The
Loyalty: 100 young cleaning boy coveted their skills and training,
Smarts: 60 so after hours, Jubei taught himself the moves he
Attention: 50 saw during the day. The masters of the dojo noticed
Endurance: 50 Jubei's impressive skills and quickly accepted him as a
Jubei was an apt student, easily mastering the moves his teachers
carefully helped him rehearse. When it came time to graduate from
novice training, Jubei was summoned before the dojo's council. The
council informed young Jubei that while he was indeed a brilliant student,
his restless soul and lack of inner harmony forced them to cease his
training. Jubei reeled from this deeply personal attack on his character.
With great fury, Jubei produced his steel and sliced apart the council.
With his training advanced and his hands stained with blood, Jubei fled the
regimented life of a martial artist. Now, he serves as a ronin to the highest
bidder. While his services are pricey, to watch his deadly dance with a katana
practically makes your wallet fall open.

Jubei is Maxmilian's starting henchman.

Special Attacks
Wind Walk: Jubei calls down the power of the winds to instantly transport him anywhere
on the map. When you use this talent, the cursor turns into a target. Right-click on the
stop you wish Jubei to teleport to. Required experience: 600.
Samurai Evisceration: Jubei musters the ancient fury of his ancestors and unleashes it in
the form of a critical attack, draining his target of health. Required experience: 350.


Lord Kane
Little is known about the true nature of Lord Kane, a
Henchman Stats ghoulish figure in the criminal underworld. Urban
Health: 80 legends spoken only in whispers claim that Kane
Loyalty: 100 had a bony finger in almost every major unsavory
Smarts: 60 act of the century, from the Hindenburg disaster
Attention: 50 to the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand.
Endurance: 70 It is impossible to prove these allegations, as
Kane is a master at covering his tracks. What is
known, though, is that whatever master he
serves possesses the talents of one of the most audacious criminals
that ever lived.

The fearsome Lord Kane is Shen Yu's starting henchman.

Special Attacks
Psychic Terror: With only his mind, Kane can reduce an enemy agent to a quivering
mass. Required experience: 350.
Smooth Operator: This dastardly aristocrat can also use his charms to convince agents
that they see nothing suspicious at the lair. Required experience: 600.

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Eli Barracuda
Hailing from New York City, Eli Barracuda is 100 percent
Henchman Stats ghetto superstar. Young Eli's first criminal endeavor was
Health: 80 running a protection racket at his elementary
Loyalty: 100 school. And he hasn't looked back. As Eli grew,
Smarts: 60 so did his turf—eventually crowning himself the
Attention: 50 king of New York City.
Endurance: 70 Unfortunately, while it's good to be the king,
it's hard to stay on top. Eli's public downfall
came when the mayor of NYC accidentally spilled coffee on Eli's
trademark cream-colored suit. The gangster lost it and blasted the
mayor in broad daylight. Eli was forced to melt into the shadows of the
underworld, where he has stayed until now.

Eli Barracude is Alexis' starting henchman.

Special Attacks
Super Headshot: Eli is always packin', and when this special move is accessed, he fires a
single round with lethal accuracy. Required experience: 350.
Ghetto Posse: Producing a boombox that would rattle South Central, Eli's tunes cause
enemy agents to follow him like the rats of Hamlin. Required experience: 550.


Red Ivan
Capitalist pig-dogs, beware when crazy Red Ivan
Henchman Stats stalks the scene. The decorated Russian general
Health: 80 was the darling of the Red Army—specializing
Loyalty: 30 in kidnapping political opponents and
Smarts: 50 dissidents, then subjecting them to
Attention: 40 merciless interrogation and torture. The
Endurance: 80 problem was, Ivan became too good at his
grisly trade. His superiors engineered the madman's
downfall, and the one-time Soviet superstar was
sentenced to 90 years of hard labor in a Siberian prison camp.
Ivan escaped after a mere month, and now the disgraced Soviet general
harbors a bitter resentment toward the human race. Vengeance will be his, no
mater how much blood is spilled. And considering the violent streak bubbling
just beneath the surface, satisfaction will not elude him for long.

Red Ivan is an attractive recruit, but his attacks have area-effects. And the crazy
Commie doesn't consider for a second if one of your minions is near his target
when he lets fly. This will sometimes result in minion deaths, which, in the event of
an emergency inside the close quarters of the lair, can become a real problem.

Special Attacks
Cossack Grenade Jig: Though he appears as a brute, this Russian appreciates a few of
the finer things in life, such as dance. Unfortunately, Ivan colors his own soft-shoe
efforts with grenades. As soon as this death waltz begins, watch out—bombshells
burst all around him. Required experience: 800.
Minefield: Ivan can also salt the earth with lethal landmines. While he can also lay out
one minefield at a time, should any agent wander where angels fear to tread, they
soon join the heavenly chorus themselves. Required experience: 1,500.

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The Mad Matron

The grandmotherly Elsa Krabb was once employed by a
Henchman Stats Swiss mental institute where she supplied compassionate
Health: 60 care to an insanity ward. However, a medical mix-up at
Loyalty: 100 the institution resulted in Elsa swallowing an experi-
Smarts: 100 mental psychosis drug, rather than her usual sleepy-
Attention: 50 time sedative. The result turned this kindly Jekyll into
Endurance: 60 a Mrs. Hyde of the first degree.
Dubbing herself "the Mad Matron," Elsa
committed herself to a regiment of shock therapy
and ritual humiliation, plunging herself into further madness. She then
lost her right hand when a fellow patient bit her. Elsa replaced it with a
techno-wonder prosthesis that can operate electroshock machines by
remote control.

Special Attacks
Motherly Love: While the Matron lost most her humanity, she is still able to help out her
fellow henchmen. With this talent, she can juice the recharge rate of their special
attacks. Required experience: 650.
Electroshock Treatment: Using her prosthetic hand, the Matron delivers shocking blasts
of electricity that siphon away the Smarts of her foes. Required experience: 950.


High above the pampas crisscrossed by the Nazca lines, Machu
Henchman Stats Picchu, the Peruvian city closest to heaven, enjoyed
Health: 90 an undisturbed existence for centuries. However,
Loyalty: 100 when treasure hunters discovered its hiding place,
Smarts: 40 tombs were ravaged in the name of greed. What
Attention: 50 these spoilers didn't notice in their mad dash for
Endurance: 100 riches, though, was the angry awakening of Moko,
the guardian spirit of the city. The streets of Machu
Picchu ran red with blood that day.
Justice served, Moko came down from the mountaintop metropolis to
tour the splendors of Peru. He was shocked to discover what the modern
world had wrought on his paradise. Particularly incensed by the atrocities of
the Spanish conquistadors, Moko surrendered his ethereal form for flesh and
promised to deliver further retribution on this unclean world.

Moko is outrageously strong, but he's equally slow and dumb. In emergency
situations, the lug is sometimes slow to respond. However, when he does start
thumping enemy agents, he proves his worth.

Special Attacks
Feral Roar: Moko's earthly cry alerts all nearby minions to attend to all tagged agents.
Required experience: 700.
Monkey Pound: This rage-fueled attack, unleashed when Moko slams his massive fists
to the ground, produces a shockwave that knocks enemy agents on their posteriors.
The Monkey Pound stuns agents and saps them of precious Health. Required
experience: 1,100.

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If there was ever a person you didn't want to look
Henchman Stats at the wrong way, it's Montezuma. Whereas most
Health: 70 people in Haiti celebrate their voodoo rituals
Loyalty: 40 as a way to keep in touch with their culture
Smarts: 80 and ancestry, Montezuma embraces all that
Attention: 80 is dark and evil about it. This lanky voodoo
Endurance: 70 priest, easily identified by his black top hat,
will put a curse on a complete stranger for
kicks. In addition to laying waste to
innocent lives with hexes, Montezuma also breeds zombies at his
personal Haitian lair.

Montezuma is an excellent henchman to recruit after
you have drafted one strong, offensive henchman like
Red Ivan or Moko.

Special Attacks
Voodoo Puppetry: Using his voodoo mysticism, Montezuma can confuse agents into
believing their friends are their enemies while mistaking your minions for helpers.
Required experience: 1,200.
Voodoo Mind Fog: Montezuma casts a cloud of confusion that erases the minds of enemy
agents. They leave the island forgetting any evidence of evildoing they have seen. This
attack is excellent for preventing any unwanted Heat. Required experience: 800.


The Great Mesmero

Stanley Trotter was a good boy, enjoying life
Henchman Stats under the same roof with his mum and dad in
Health: 60 London. He dutifully worked every day at
Loyalty: 80 his parents' bakery, serving up pipin' hot
Smarts: 100 pies to the gents who frequented their East
Attention: 100 End eatery. The only catch? Stanley was
Endurance: 60 30—and as the very epitome of a
mama's boy, he was the laughingstock
of the neighborhood. Even his own
folks wondered what might be wrong with their son, not
wanting to live his own life.
Fate has a way of finding sad sacks like Stanley. One day,
Stanley discovered a dusty tome in an attic: The Art of Hypnosis.
As soon as Stanley cracked open the cover, he was hooked on the
sinister prose inside. Discovering hidden reserves of power, Stanley
decided he would leave the pie shop behind and embark on a career in
show business as the Great Mesmero. The talented hypnotist soon
became a legend, as audiences parted with many pence to see the
brilliant performer. But we all know what can happen when somebody
starts believing his own hype….

Special Attacks
Telepathic Mind Control: Mesmero's hypnotic skills allow him to physically take control of
an enemy agent. Under his spell, the agent does whatever Mesmero directs them to
do. Required experience: 1,300.
Willpower Drain: Perhaps one of the cruelest tricks in the game, this special attack
unleashes a Loyalty-sapping haze. Any agent caught in this mystical mist will
believe that his agency was responsible for his pet's untimely demise. Required
experience: 750.

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Dr. Neurocide
Dr. Valerie Neurocide is living proof of the old adage: Beauty
Henchman Stat is skin deep but ugly goes straight to the bone. The comely
Health: 60 biochemist was once a successful scientist, balancing
Loyalty: 80 careers in weapons research and cosmetics devel-
Smarts: 100 opment. Producing experiments in each field in the
Attention: 100 same lab was probably a mistake, but you also
Endurance: 60 know the equally old adage about hindsight.
Exhausted after a long night of research, the
good doctor primped in front of the mirror. Reaching for her foundation,
she mistakenly applied a weapons-grade compound to her face instead. The
biochem cream—codenamed Evil Juice—entered her bloodstream and found its
way to her brain. Her mind snapped as the juice took hold, and now Dr.
Neurocide is hard at work blending her two interests into a single career:
developing evil cosmetics.

Special Attacks
Poisonous Parfum por Homme: Dr. Neurocide keeps an atomizer of this deadly scent in
her purse at all times. Just one spray is enough to clear the immediate area, and the
lingering effects lower the Endurance of any agent who wanders into the cloud of
cadaverous cologne. Required experience: 900.
Hallucinogenic Powder: Dr. Neurocide's powder puff is laced with mind-scrambling
chemicals that make any agent forget any evidence of Evil Genius activity seen in your
lair. Required experience: 600.


The Butcher
Young Dr. Ethan Asia (with a name like that, you know
Henchman Stats where this is going) graduated at the head of his class,
Health: 70 excelling at almost all fields of medicine. His
Loyalty: 40 classmates and family expected him to enjoy a
Smarts: 90 lucrative private career, but the idealistic young man
Attention: 70 opted to leave riches behind and help the sick and
Endurance: 70 untended in Papua New Guinea.
One good turn deserves another, but fate did
not smile on Ethan in New Guinea. While helping a heart attack victim
in a small village, Ethan's pancreas burst. To save his own life, Ethan
transplanted the deceased's pancreas into his own body. (Naturally, this
operation was completed in stages, as Ethan passed out several times
from the absolute pain.) Miraculously, he survived the ordeal, but for
Ethan, every cloud has a dirt lining. The deceased was a cannibal, and his
pancreas was cursed and diseased. With the blood of a flesheater
coursing through his veins, Ethan was transformed into a horrible
butcher with an appetite for raw meat—human flesh, to be exact.

Special Attacks
Facade of Normality: Ethan can put on a show when he needs to. Remembering his old
bedside manner, he can charm his way close to enemy agents. But as soon the enemy
is convinced Ethan has his best interests at heart, the Butcher takes over and beats
him silly—just like an HMO. Required experience: 850.
Terror Tactics: Hanging out with a cannibal is creepy enough as it is, but your minions
continue to work through their own pain barriers to stay off the Butcher's bad side. This
special move, though, does not affect any stat damage inflicted during combat.
Required experience: 700.

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Colonel Blackheart
Colonel Blackheart is not much removed
Henchman Stats from the big game he hunts with an
Health: 70 obsession that borders on religion. To the
Loyalty: 70 Colonel, life itself is just one big hunt— Colonel Blackheart is only
Smarts: 50 and you're either the predator or the prey. available in the Special
Attention: 60 The Colonel respects only the natural law: Edition of Evil Genius that
Endurance: 60 survival of the fittest. shipped out to preorder
The Colonel has not always been on the customers. See what you
winning end of his exploits. He lost one of his legs in a fierce would have gotten if you
fight with a Bengal tiger. The Colonel ended up killing the had preordered? A rabid
ferocious beast with his two hands and even cooked it up in a monkey named Pendragon.
stew. Yes, that means he even ate the torn flesh of his own leg How's that for a premium?
still in the tiger's tummy. Hardcore? Yes. Gross? Very.

Special Attacks
Mantraps: The Colonel's gift for trapping comes in handy when enemy agents descend
on the lair. His special traps hold an agent for a few extra seconds, giving the hunter
enough time to close in. Required experience: 600.
Pendragon: The hunter has only one true friend in this world—a monkey. But not any
monkey. This sinister simian is trained to release a torrent of claws and kicks at nearby
enemies. To see this monkey freak out is to go into a panic and become a prime
target. Required experience: 1,100.


The Freak
Health: 100
Loyalty: 100
Smarts: 20
Attention: 20
Endurance: 100

Not much is known about the

Freak at this time. Perhaps some
scientific research would reveal
more about this helper's curious
origins, as well as how to get
him to work for your Evil Genius?

The Freak is not as easily controlled as a henchman, but his brute

strength is excellent for sweeping away enemy agents.

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Home, Evil Home

No Evil Genius is complete without a secret island lair to call his (or her) own. You know, a place where you
can wander the double-thick steel corridors and brush past legions of highly skilled minions obediently
doing your bidding. Some place where you can store all your ill-acquired gains, from gold bricks to the
Eiffel Tower (conveniently room-sized, thanks to a shrink ray), and marvel at just how deliciously evil you
really are.
That's the kind of joint you need. And with your vast financial resources, that's what you can build at
your volcanic island of undisclosed location.

Building 101
Physically constructing your lair is no job for an Evil Genius. That kind of dirt-under-the-fingernails labor is
best left for your minions, who quickly carve out new rooms and install equipment as soon as you order
them to do so. You have an incredible amount of customization available when it comes to the building
process, from prioritizing rooms to incessantly moving objects around until you achieve evil feng shui.

As much fun as it is to start digging into the rock and

laying out blueprints for armories and inner sanctums,
you must stick to a plan. You can always dispose of
unwanted items, but once a room has been dynamited
out of rock, it cannot be altered. You can always add on
to it, though, as you will likely need to do in the case of
the control room, which is almost always quickly
outgrown. To destroy a room, Freezers will need all
body bags removed first.

This Evil Island

This is something of a spoiler, so skip this small note if you want a pivotal plot point
to remain a surprise until you reach it during gameplay. (Although, a real Evil Genius
would give away the ending of The Sixth Sense just to be a jerk.) Here goes: You
lose your first island. Eventually you must relocate to a different island of undisclosed
location because this first one gets too much attention from the alliances, and it
doesn't have what you really need to construct the ultimate lair, such as a mountain
that could be turned into a rocket silo with a little elbow grease.

The (Un)welcome Mat

When it's time to break ground on your new base, the
first thing you must do is install a front door. This lets
your minions enter and exit the lair when they need to
complete tasks. The only downside is that enemy agents
can use the same door to infiltrate your base, but that's
what traps, guns, and raised alert statuses are for.

You cannot move your Evil Base entrance after it

has been installed, so pick a prime spot to install

it before you lock it down.

Install your Evil Base entrance in relatively

close proximity to the depot, which is where
your minions buy the equipment and supplies
required to build a room, as well as the
objects you install within each room. To keep
room development going at a decent clip,
minimize the hoofing your minions must do.

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Room Construction
Once you've installed your Evil Base entrance, you can begin building your lair to your liking. Your men do
not just build indiscriminately; they follow exact blueprints that you draw up onscreen. These blueprints are
extremely useful and flexible, as they allow you to tweak room size and layout before the dynamite is
bought from the depot.

To begin building a room, move the cursor over Next, right-click on the spot where you
the unmined dirt spot where you wish to begin want to build. The list of available room types
construction. The cursor turns into the Build Room appears on the left side of the screen. The list
icon, signifying that this is an acceptable place to also includes the cost for building a single unit of
design a new room or add on to an existing room. that room type.

Left-click on the room type you wish to build.

Another window opens, detailing what type of
room you are building, as well as the cost of
building the room. At the bottom of this window
are two buttons. The one on the left with the red
strikeout kills the current blueprint. The button on
the right commissions the room—construction
commences shortly thereafter.

This Evil Island

After you select the room type, you can begin There are impenetrable pieces of earth in the
laying out the blueprint for the new room. Either island that not even dynamite can blast through.
left-click and hold down the button to drag out a If you try to build a blueprint over this kind of
basic blueprint, or get creative and design the earth, the blueprint squares appear gray. If you
blueprint square by square. build too close to the edge of rock, the blueprint
also turns gray.

Causes of Red Blueprints

There is no way for a minion to reach
the area where you want to build the
new room. You must build an access
route, such as a corridor, so minions
can reach the area. Even if the corridor
has yet to be built, the blueprint for an
access point turns the red blueprint to
blue because the room is now
considered legal.
The room is too narrow. You must build
this particular area at least two squares
If you build an illegally shaped room or a room wide to allow access.
with no direct access to the rest of the base, the
blueprint appears red. This means that this room In the case of expanding an existing
cannot be constructed as you have laid it out. room, objects prevent your minions
from dynamiting out the dirt. You must
move an object to allow access.

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When the blueprint is finished, left-click on the new room plan. This gives you a small window of
additional options.

Return to the blueprint process to alter the shape Cancel this room and delete the blueprint. This is
and design of the room. irreversible, so if you choose to build the room
after all, you need to lay out a new blueprint.

This button orders construction to begin. As soon Buy and place objects inside the room you
as your minion can access the area for building, are planning to build. You do not have to wait
they fetch dynamite and start the process. until a room is built to decide where you want to
put equipment, such as school desks or interro-
gation chairs.

This Evil Island

As soon as you are pleased with the room layout

and any potential object purchase and placement,
click on the small hammer icon to order the room to
be built. Your construction workers spring into action
and run to the depot for dynamite.
You have control over whether or not you want your
minions to start building the room at the exact
moment the room is commissioned. Maybe you don't
want to spend the money for construction just yet, or
you are just laying out a series of rooms to evaluate
future building plans. You can put room construction
Buy and place traps inside the room you on pause.
about to build.

Every commissioned blueprint has a small tag, not Once the dynamite blows and the rock is
unlike the tags you give enemy agents you want successfully excavated, your minions put up tarps
to kill or capture. You can toggle this tag as they finalize the room. Once the room is done,
between "build" and "pause." Pausing a room any objects you ordered during the blueprint
keeps your blueprints valid indefinitely, but phase are bought and shipped in.
prevents your minions from actually building the
room. Remember, when you un-pause a room and A complete list of the room types, including price
a construction worker sets the dynamite to blow, and function, is available later in this chapter.
there is no turning back.

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Object Purchase and Placement

Fortunately, you don't have to rely on an evil Home Shopping Channel for all of your nefarious needs. You
have a depot right there on the island that is conveniently stocked with all the gear and goodies you need
for your lair. And what the depot doesn't offer, you can probably build yourself in your own laboratories.

You can order new objects either before or after A window on the left displays all the objects that
a room has been built. During the blueprint phase, can be purchased and placed in that particular
you had an icon for buying and placing objects. room type. Left-click on the object you want to
After a room has been built, the cursor turns into buy or build.
a boxlike Build Object icon. Right-click on the
room you want to place an object in.

Many objects can only be used in specific rooms. An object list in this chapter
details which items are room-specific, such as the control panel, which can only be
installed and used in the control room.

If you are unsure of the purpose or functionality of an object, click on the infor-
mation symbol (i) next to the object. This brings up the object glossary entry. Or,
you can consult our object index in this chapter.

This Evil Island

After you select an object from the list, place it

in the room. Right-click the mouse to rotate an
object to your liking, and then left-click where
you wish to place the object.

Objects must be accessible for minions to use them. Every item has hot spots that show where a
minion accesses it. These hot spots appear as green footprints. If an object has an essential hot spot,
these footprints are solid. Optional hot spots appear as sets of hollow green footprints. Some objects
have multiple essential hot spots. If one of these hot spots is blacked, minions can still access the
object, such as a bunk bed in the barracks. If you are placing an object somewhere that cannot
be accessed, a red outline appears around the object and the game informs you that minions will be
unable to use the object should you place it.

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If you block one of the hot spots on an

object with multiple hot spots, minions may
not be able to use the object efficiently,
because they must either find the available
hot spot or because only one minion at a
time can use the object.

Whereas only construction workers can build a new room, any minion can carry out
orders to buy, place, and move an object.

You can move almost every object an unlimited number of times once it has been placed in a room. Just
right-click on the object to view a quick menu. A wrecking ball icon indicates that you would like to
demolish the object. The head icon shows which, if any, minion is currently using the object. The arrow
icon indicates you wish to pack the item up and move it somewhere else in the room or move it to
another room suitable for the object.

Demolishing objects results in a 90 percent refund.

This Evil Island

When you choose to move an object, its new

location (chosen by a single left-click) is repre-
sented by a green outline of the item. This allows
you to see where you have placed the item in the
new room, even before a minion has successfully
moved it, and to plan additional object placement
accordingly. Any minion can move an object
around the lair.

You can bring up an object's properties by double-clicking

on it. An object properties window appears on the screen.
From this window, you can see the name of the object, and
choose to demolish or move it. You can also view the
object's wear rating, which indicates its condition. The
marker on the yellow wear scale moves left as the object is
used. Some objects must be replaced from time to time, as
too much wear renders them useless.
Some objects, such as a rifle cabinet or a security holding
cell, have Heat ratings. If base visitors spot these suspicious
objects, they pick up the designated amount of Heat. Should
the agent or tourist who spotted the object make it off the
island, the Heat is transferred to your overall Heat rating
within that person's alliance.

Manned Objects
Many objects in your lair, such as control panels and mess hall counters, require a minion to operate.
Manpower is a limited resource, however, and you cannot just have your minions running around the base,
making staffing decisions for themselves. If you leave these lapdogs to their own devices, you might find
them serving up spaghetti instead of crunching numbers at a control-room memory bank.
You can control staffing levels in the various rooms of your lair by installing time clocks. Time clocks
allow you to control the minimum number of minions working in a room at any given time.

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Set the bar on the control panel to red to

effectively turn a room off. This keeps
minions from attempting to work in this room.
Slide the bar to yellow to direct minions to
staff whatever objects in the room require a human hand.
Putting the bar into the green area creates a surplus of
available labor.
This surplus orders extra minions into the room so
that objects are never left unmanned. This is usually a
good idea for the control room, but not so much for the
mess hall. The only drawback to having a surplus of
After purchasing and installing a time clock, minions ready to work a particular room is that they
double-click on it to bring up the time clock's aren't performing duties elsewhere, like training or
controls. The multicolored bar in the center of the hiding body bags.
control panel is where you set staffing levels.

Electrical Needs
If you were to draw up a list of pros and cons about building a secret base on a remote island, place this
element firmly in the negative column: no electricity. It takes a lot of gizmos to monitor global activities or
build technological wonders, and there is no electrical socket on the island to just plug into.
Since there is zero chance your Evil Genius will embrace a Luddite lifestyle, you run a power deficit on
your island before you know it. To rectify the potential problem, you must build a power plant (or series of
power plants) to supply the lair with enough to juice to keep your evil machines online.
When you begin the game, you have a small power supply that keeps things up and running, but before
long you suffer your first blackout. Once this happens, the power plant room becomes available from your
room type list.

Monitoring Power Supply

A power meter on your Evil Console keeps track of the
electrical situation at your lair. The top number monitors
the production of electricity. The bottom number shows
how much power your equipment is currently consuming.

62 Your power meter on the evil console.

This Evil Island

These colors help clarify the electrical production and needs at your lair:
Green: Your generators are supplying more than enough electricity for your lair. Operations are not in any
risk of disruption due to a power shortage.
Yellow: Your generators are operating at near-maximum capacity to meet your current electrical needs.
Operating at this level, though, causes excessive wear on generators. This means technicians may be
pulled off their current tasks to repair the generators, or you might have to replace them with new units.
Red: You are in big trouble. You are using more power than you are producing, and the chance of blowing
one or more generators is extremely high. If this should happen, equipment at your base stops
functioning—leaving you more susceptible to enemy agent attack.

Always keep one step ahead of energy production. When you install enough new
objects that cause a jump in electricity consumption, build a new generator. Don't
wait for the meter to turn yellow, or even worse, red.

In Case of Blackout
Should something go amiss at your base and you lose a generator or two (or all), your base is plunged
into a blackout until power can be brought back online with new equipment. You can avoid this hazardous
situation by purchasing and installing capacitors. Like batteries, capacitors store a limited amount of
electricity. Your lair can use the juice from these units while you buy new generators.

Installing a time clock in energy-guzzling rooms like the control room can be an
enormous help in the event of a power crisis. When you see power levels getting
low, turn the room off to free up some juice until you install a new generator.

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Base Security
Even though you purposefully chose a remote island to keep people away, your enemies find ways to
infiltrate your lair. Of course, being an Evil Genius and all, you planned for such situations when you built
your base by installing an alert status panel that mobilizes the minions should an attack occur.
As any good coach knows, defense is the best offense. In addition to being able to raise or lower your
lair's alert status, you can also set up surveillance networks and agent-snagging traps to thwart any enemy
attack attempts. Using these three security measures in tandem helps keep your base reasonably safe.

Alert Status
Your minions cannot see every single corner of your base,
and calling for help only does so much good in the miles
of corridors burrowed into the island. For these reasons,
you have an Alert Status panel on your Evil Console that
gives you the power to put your minions at different
degrees of alert should agents infiltrate the island.

Stand Down: This green level is the default setting for

your lair's alert status. When the alert status is green,
your minions behave as normal because there is no
danger to the lair at the time. They still react to Kill and
This is the Alert Status panel on your Evil
Capture Tags assigned to enemy agents.
Console. It has three interactive buttons that
Yellow Alert: This heightened level of alert lets your allow you to adjust the level of alert in the lair.
minions know that there is some form of trouble in the The three levels of alert are stand down, yellow
base. If you have installed weapons cabinets, military alert, and red alert.
minions and construction workers arm themselves to
deal with any agents.
Red Alert: Raise the alarm to red alert when the lair is under siege from multiple enemy agents at the
same time, or a superagent has made it into the base. Under a red alert, minions rush the gun racks and
begin attacking any enemy agent in the base, regardless of whether a Kill Tag has been issued on not.

When your minions are operating under a heightened stage of alert, tasks around your lair go
undone. So as soon as a threat has been neutralized, reduce the alert status to stand down and get
things back to normal.

This Evil Island
While putting the lair on red alert certainly gets the results you need, there are ways to better pinpoint
reaction to an enemy presence in the base. Combining three objects—security camera, security desks,
and security loudspeakers—into complete surveillance networks is an excellent way to protect sections of
the lair without having to keep visual tabs on it.

The first step in building a surveillance network is Next, set up security cameras. These cameras can be
installing a security desk inside the armory. This placed in almost any area of the base, from corridors
observation desk acts as the hub of the network. to power plants. They are always activated,
Information from security cameras is fed into the sweeping the area for any sign of trouble. Should a
security desk; if a target is assessed and identified, tagged enemy agent wander into the camera's view,
the alert goes out over the security loudspeakers. that information is sent to the security desk.

Left-click on any part of the surveillance
network to view the object's range of
effectiveness, such as the security
camera's sweep.

You can create numerous security networks in

your lair, and we advise that you do so. However,
Finally, install security loudspeakers in areas where you must separate and identify each individual
your minions gather, such as the barracks and staff surveillance network by linking the three
rooms. When an agent is caught by the surveillance mandatory parts of the system together.
network, the alert is broadcast through these
speakers, calling your lackeys to arms.

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Left-click on an object in the surveillance network

to assign it a number. When you have a security
camera, security desk, and security loudspeaker
linked together with the same number, you have
created a fully operational surveillance network.

Surveillance Network Tips

Remember these helpful tips when designing and implementing your surveillance network.
1. Specific trouble spots in your lair require the watchful eye of a surveillance network. Be sure you install
surveillance networks to watch over the following rooms:
Evil Base Entrance Inner Sanctum Power Plant Control Room Laboratory
2. Should you place a stolen item from an Act of Infamy, such as überloot, in a public place to take advantage
of its stat-replenishing effects, install a nearby security camera. These valuable objects are often targeted
by burglars and thieves.
3. Enemy agents are faster than you can imagine, especially when they know they've been spotted. Make
sure you have the security loudspeaker attached to a surveillance network alerting a group of nearby
minions. It's useless to put the security loudspeaker for the surveillance network covering your Evil Base
entrance in the staff room on the other side of lair. You're better off installing the security loudspeaker for
that surveillance network in a nearby room, like a barracks.
4. While security cameras and security loudspeakers are always operational, security desks must be
manned with a minion to be effective. If you have important objects or areas that require round-the-clock
surveillance in the lair, install a time clock and set it so at least one minion is always sitting at the
armory desk.

This Evil Island
Surveillance networks and alert status are certainly good for mobilizing your minions, but sometimes you
require an absolute immediate response to an enemy presence. Traps are a good way to protect sensitive
areas from infiltrating agents. Besides, treacherous traps are often the calling card of a good Evil Genius.
Sure, you could send your goons to shoot an agent—but it's much cooler to dispatch those pesky visitors
by dropping them into a pit of fire.

Installing Traps
Much like surveillance networks, there are multiple components to a successful trap. You must not only
have the trap, but you must also set up a sensor that triggers the trap.

To lay down a trap, right-click in a room to bring The list of available traps appears to the left. As you
up the Build Object menu. Select the trap icon, get further into the game, more traps become
which looks like an old-fashioned bear trap. available. Some traps must be developed by your
science minions. Click on the trap you want and then
place it in the room, just as you would an object.

Now you have the two elements of a trap

installed in the room. You must, however, keep in
mind the reaction time between activating a sensor
and setting off a trap. You cannot have a sensor so
far away that the target is unaffected when the trap
springs. However, you cannot have it too close to
some traps, lest the sensor be damaged when the
trap springs.

Next, set up some sensors to activate the trap.

From the trap list, choose a sensor, such as the
aptly named sensor pad, and place it in the room
near the trap.
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Trap Link
Sensors are not automatically linked to a trap. They must be manually connected through the trap link
system. This color-coded system allows you to carefully set your clever little traps to spring when you
want them to.

Left-click on a trap or sensor to set up the Once you have selected the trap and a sensor to
system. The trap or sensor has a red circle around link it to, and it is possible to link them, you see
it, indicating that it is not yet linked up with a yellow circles around each object.
corresponding piece of equipment.

You can link as many sensors as you want
to a trap—and you may link traps to other
traps. But you cannot link two sensors
together to set up multiple traps.

Now you have an active trap. Your minions do not

set off the trap unless their Attention rating is really
low—and even if they do get caught in your trap,
Left-click on the trap or sensor you want to link it's still entertaining to watch somebody get gassed,
to the system. The circles turn blue, indicating roasted, or swallowed up. Enemy agents with high
that the link is successful. You now have a fully Attention ratings, however, may also be able to
functioning trap, ready to catch an enemy agent avoid setting off traps.
with his metaphorical pants down.

This Evil Island
The trap system is incredibly flexible. If you are devious enough, you can design some pretty wicked traps
to ensnare enemy agents in your lair. Try to link multiple traps to form almost Rube Goldberg trap systems
that catch agents in chain reactions. You can earn a money bonus by devising intricate, deadly traps systems
in your lair. Set up a Test Dummy Machine next to your new trap system to test its effectiveness. Test
Dummy Machines are incredibly useful for helping you tweak a trap system until it is suitably sinister.

Sample Trap System

Here is a sample trap system that we hooked up in our lair to keep some undesirables from nosing
around the joint.

First, we installed two wind machine traps in the Then, we installed two sensor pads near the wind
wall at the junction of a corridor. machine traps in a corridor. We linked the sensor
pads up to the traps so that as soon as an enemy
agent steps on the sensors, the wind machines
blow them down the next corridor. The system
has been linked so that when the sensor pads are
tripped, both wind machines rev into action.

Next, after testing to see how far the wind

machine will blow agents down the side corridor,
we installed two more sensor pads in the floor
at that point.

primagames.com 69


See how much fun it is?

Sure, setting up these trap
systems can get expensive,
but having a few clever trap
systems set up helps you
minimize the number of enemy
agents who make it deep into
the interior of your lair.

Finally, we put a poison gas cage trap in the

ceiling next to the sensor pads and linked them
together so that landing on either sensor causes
the cage to fall.

Room List
This is a complete listing of 15 room types you Note
can build inside your lair. Each entry details the
room's function, as well as the cost of building a Room icons are labeled on the
single square of the room. left side of this screen.

Archives Armory
Cost: 300 Cost: 250
Function: The archives serve as Function: Every lair needs an
mental floss, where minions armory or two. This is the only
can recharge their sapped room in the base where you
Smarts. You unlock the can place security holding cells
template for the archives by to lock up interlopers until they
completing the Steal the are either interrogated or
Library Blueprints Act of disposed of. (You can set them
Infamy. The archives serve primarily as a place to free, but what fun is that?) Gun racks can be
read, but a set of bookcases provides an alternative installed only in the armory, so make the room
form of entertainment. easily accessible in case you put the base on a
heightened state of alert. And when it comes time
to start building surveillance networks, you can
install security desks only in the armory.
This Evil Island

Barracks Freezer
Cost: 150 Cost: 300
Function: This is where your Function: If you want to leave
minions retreat at night to relax body bags out in the blistering
and refresh for the next day of sun or lying around the base,
work—evil work. If there is not that's your business. Not only
enough space in the barracks will the flies drive you crazy,
for them all to sleep, your but the resulting Heat and
minions wander the base with lowered morale of your minions
lowered Endurance. Snoozing in the bunks is the are a serious drag on your operations.
best way to restore Endurance. Build a freezer to store unsightly body bags. Your
However, beauty sleep can wait if your lair comes minions automatically scoop up cadavers and take
under attack. Install security loudspeakers in your them to the freezer, where they hang them on the
barracks to wake your men in the event of a siege. freezer rack. Inside the freezer, body bags no longer
They can nap once they've flushed the base of the drain your minions' Attention and Loyalty. However,
enemy presence. should prying eyes spy your museum of rigor
mortis, they can potentially transfer the resulting
Control Room
Heat back to their alliance. Be sure that, when
Cost: 500
available, you install heavy-duty security doors on
Function: The most expensive your freezers.
room in the base to build, the
control room is the brain of the Infirmary
entire lair. Once you install Cost: 300
control panels and control Function: Minions low on Health
room memory banks, you can can report to the infirmary to
begin your quest for world be healed. Be sure to install
domination by accessing the world map. The control pharmacy booths and other
room needn’t be perpetually manned, only manned infirmary equipment to deal out
when the player has minions out in the world, drugs and medical procedures
stealing, or doing missions. If you don’t have at a greater rate.
anyone in the world, it is sensible to turn the control
Inner Sanctum
room off with the time clock.
Cost: 250
Corridor Function: The inner sanctum is
Cost: 100 the proper place of residence
Function: Corridors link the for an Evil Genius when not
various rooms of your base mingling with minions. And
together. They are also the should you ever need to host
best places to set up trap other criminal masterminds,
system for ensnaring nosy the inner sanctum is the only
enemy agents. place to do it. Here, you and your ilk can talk nasty
business and view any installed überloot stolen
during Acts of Infamy.

primagames.com 71


Hangar Power Plant

Cost: 250 Cost: 150
Function: When it comes time to Function: It's a good thing the
really start pulling off some evil cost of building a power plant
schemes, you need to build a is so reasonable, because you
hangar to store your non- need to build decent-sized
earthbound experiments. rooms and stock them with
some expensive generators.
Power plants are where you get
Laboratory all the electricity used to power your lair.
Cost: 400
Function: Your science minions
Staff Room
require dedicated space to Cost: 150
research and perform exper- Function: Helping an Evil Genius
iments. After all, you can't plot world domination is really
expect them to invent the Next quite taxing. When your
Big Evil Thing in the middle of minions need to recharge their
a corridor, can you? As soon as flagging Attentions, they make
you have built a laboratory, you can install research their way to the staff room,
machines and experimental apparatuses to start where you have helpfully
unlocking the secrets of the universe—and then installed some pleasant diversions like table tennis,
perverting them for your own evil purposes. or at least a drink machine where caffeine can be
Mess Hall
Cost: 150 Strongroom
Function: When lunchtime rolls Cost: 400
around, your minions obey the Function: All that glitters in this
rumblings in their tummies. unassuming room is indeed
Filing to the mess hall, they gold. This is where you must
line up at the mess hall store your hard-stolen gold
counters or salad bars to bricks, which your minions use
replenish their Endurance. to buy objects and building
Knowing that your minions gather here at midday, it supplies. Naturally, this room is
might be wise to place security loudspeakers a prime target for thieves and burglars, so set up a
attached to your various surveillance networks on good surveillance network and install a security door
the walls. to keep your cash safe.

This Evil Island

Training Room AI Supercomputer

Cost: 250 Cost: 100,000
Function: When you want to train Heat: 5
your lowly construction workers Power: 12
into advanced careers like Wear: 350
martial artists and biochemists,
Function: The AI super-
you must send them to a
computer would eat HAL
training room. However, you
9000 for breakfast. This
cannot train minions without
computer is loaded with
teaching tools, so you must purchase and install
the latest in artificial intelligence tech, allowing it to
objects like school desks and bayonet dummy
analyze data at far greater speeds than a regular
punching bags to further your minions' careers.
machine—which would explain why it's such an
energy pig. And should you get bored of the interro-
Object List gation chair, the AI supercomputer doubles as a
sweet torture device.
The following is a complete list of the objects
Arcade Cabinet
you can buy and install in your lair. Not every
Cost: 15,000
object is available immediately. Many objects are
Heat: —
unlocked over time and some must be
developed in your laboratory before you can start Power: 3
using them in the base. Wear: 75
Function: Your researchers could be
Each entry contains the name of the object, busy dreaming up your doomsday
cost, how much Heat it generates if spotted by device, but instead they came up
enemy agents, how much wear and tear it can with this quarter-muncher. Oh
take before needing to be replaced, the amount well, the minions seem to like all the flashing lights,
of power it consumes while in use, and a full so you may as well put it in the staff room. Blasting
description. invaders from space seems to boost Attention.
Archives Reading Table
Cost: 2,000
Note Heat: —
Power: —
A list of all the objects stolen during Wear: 50
Acts of Infamy is in Chapter 9. A Function: Minions low
complete guide for researching and on Smarts can plop
down at this table,
developing many of these items is in
crack open a book,
Chapter 7. and recharge their minds.

primagames.com 73


Auto-Chef Bayonet Dummy Punching Bag

Cost: 20,000 Cost: 5,000
Heat: — Heat: 2
Power: 5 Power: —
Wear: 150 Wear: 100
Function: This fully Function: Guards require the use of
operational, but unmanned, grazing station allows these training items to teach
hungry minions to grab an Endurance-replenishing construction workers how to kick
meal between shifts. and punch their way to a new
career in handing out beat downs.
Cost: 15,000 Big Screen
Heat: 2 Cost: 50,000
Power: 10 Heat: 5
Wear: 250 Power: 3
Function: The auto- Wear: 200
surgeon helps Function: Television
replenish Health, apparently doesn't
like the infirmary chair, but it does not require a rot your brain after all. Installing one of these sets in
minion to operate it. However, because it's on auto, your control room boosts the Attention of anybody
it does require more juice to keep it running. standing within its impressive radius. Be sure to
click on the TV to verify that its area of influence is
Barracks Locker
Cost: 1,000
Heat: — Biochemist Workshop
Power: — Cost: 20,000
Wear: 75 Heat: 5
Function: Minions stash their Power: 3
personal gear in lockers. The more Wear: 50
lockers you have in your lair, the Function: The biochemist
more minions you can recruit— workshop is installed in
provided you have generated the a training room and
necessary Notoriety to prove yourself an attractive serves to help train
employer. more biochemists once you have successfully
kidnapped and interrogated a biochemist.

This Evil Island

Bookcase Briefcase Rack

Cost: 15,000 Cost: 5,000
Heat: 5 Heat: —
Power: 1 Power: —
Wear: 150 Wear: —
Function: Why would a simple Function: Carrying gold from
set of bookcases need to the base to the depot is
consume electricity? Try dangerous. Instead of
luring a person between the flashing your cash, install
shelves to find out. one of these racks in your strong room so minions
can safely cart money to the depot without raising
Cost: 50,000
Heat: 2 Bunk Bed
Power: 4 Cost: 500
Wear: 100 Heat: —
Function: Minions sans the Power: —
Smarts to be productive Wear: 50
deserve a trip to the brain- Function: Minions sack out
washer. This machine in bunk beds at night,
carefully sucks the brain out restoring the Endurance
of a minion's skull, deep- they lost during the
cleans it in a special fluid, then somehow shoves it workday.
back into their head. If you have the time, be sure
to watch the process at least once.
Brainiac Machine Cost: 5,000
Cost: 30,000 Heat: 1
Heat: 2 Power: —
Power: 4 Wear: 100
Wear: 100 Function: Capacitors store
Function: Minions use the energy produced by
archives to boost their generators. Should you ever
flagging Smarts, but have your own personal energy
reading a book, man? crisis, your capacitors supply
That takes time. The brainiac machine takes all the backup power until you can order and install new
hard work out of looking at words by just zapping generators.
them straight into a minion's gray matter, thus
restoring their Smarts much faster than a basic
reading table.

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Catwalk Console Communications Array

Cost: 7,000 Cost: 50,000
Heat: 1 Heat: 5
Power: 1 Power: 8
Wear: 100 Wear: 175
Function: Only the Evil Genius can Function: This array of
initiate the test of rocket radiowave dishes is
technology developed by powerful enough to
science minions. And since it's scramble the Forces
not a very good idea to stand of Justice's communications equipment. With their
close to an active rocket, this console allows the talk-time hit, alliances cannot communicate with
Evil Genius to fire thrusters from a safe distance their agents, lowering their activity on your island.
on the catwalks above. You can only have one communications array.
Centrifuge Conference Table
Cost: 50,000 Cost: 5,000
Heat: 2 Heat: —
Power: 5 Power: —
Wear: 150 Wear: 200
Function: Centrifuges are Function: When you host the
used to research and leaders of the criminal
develop new objects. The dizzying rate at which underworld in your inner
they spin things unlocks secrets. Should it spin a sanctum, you don't just gather them around a card
human, though, it unlocks the contents of their table. You must have this impressive conference
stomach. table installed so when everybody sits down, they
have a clear view of the Evil Genius—thus estab-
lishing the new pecking order of the underground.
Cost: 10,000
Heat: 1 Control Panel
Power: — Cost: 10,000
Wear: 100 Heat: 1
Function: That's Power: 2
one spendy Wear: 100
chalkboard. What, Function: You must install
is the frame made of solid gold? These teaching control panels in your
tools are required to train additional scientists in control room to breach the alliance's secrecy. The
your training rooms. more control panels you install (and man), the more
information you can gather about the different
regions of the world, as well as helpful information
about Acts of Infamy. It takes two minions to staff a
control panel.
This Evil Island

Control Room Memory Bank Databank

Cost: 7,500 Cost: 5,000
Heat: 1 Heat: 2
Power: 1 Power: 5
Wear: 100 Wear: 100
Function: You must have Function: Science minions
multiple memory banks use the databank as part
installed in the control room of the equipment suite
to store the information required to create new
your staffed control panels bring in. Without these objects in the lab. As science minions wander your
machines, you risk losing the intelligence you've lair, they determine which items can be used for
been gathering. Each memory bank requires one experimentation. Items deemed to be potential test
minion to run it. subjects appear in the databank.
Control Station Death Cubicle
Cost: 25,000 Cost: 30,000
Heat: 3 Heat: 10
Power: 5 Power: 5
Wear: 150 Wear: 300
Function: Your research staff Function: Before the invention
can offer you this upgraded of the death cubicle, you
control panel that requires had to actually execute a
only one minion to staff it prisoner yourself. Eliminate
instead of two. The trade- the wait with this version of the regular security
off (and there always is holding cell, which includes a built-in mangler that
one) is that it draws more Heat and electricity. disposes of captured enemy agents.
Cost: 20,000
Heat: 6
Power: 8
Wear: 125
Function: Sleep is time-consuming,
so when you need your minions to
replenish their Endurance in a
hurry, pack them into a cyro-
cubicle. This high-tech sleep box
uses tiny robots to reverse fatigue
and get them back on the job in no time.

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Diplomat Trainer Disguised Power Generator

Cost: 20,000 Cost: 20,000
Heat: 5 Heat: 5
Power: 5 Power: —
Wear: 200 Wear: 250
Function: This training Function: Generators attract
tool teaches spin a lot of attention for
doctors the art of the saboteurs wishing to do
bribe, making them serious damage to your
effective diplomats. lair. These units fool enemy agents into looking

Disguised Door Disguised Rifle Rack

Cost: 10,000 Cost: 10,000
Heat: — Heat: 5
Power: 5 Power: —
Wear: 250 Wear: 100
Function: This high-level security Function: Guns of any form
door is disguised so enemy draw Heat. These
agents pass it by without a advanced rifle racks are
second thought. Because they engineered to be less obvious than regular racks,
are expensive to install and thus lowering their Heat rating. It's important to note
use a decent amount of power, place them only at that heavy-rifle racks cannot be disguised, as the
entrances to sensitive areas. guns are just too big.

Disguised Holding Cell Disguised Security Camera

Cost: 15,000 Cost: 10,000
Heat: 5 Heat: —
Power: — Power: 2
Wear: 250 Wear: 100
Function: Holding cells attract a Function: This security camera is
lot of attention, as everybody carefully disguised to blend in with
knows just exactly what its surrounding, so as not to alert
they're for. These camou- enemy agents of the presence of a
flaged cells reduce the amount of Heat an agent can surveillance network.
report back after a trip to your island.

This Evil Island

Disguised Sentry Gun Egg Chair

Cost: 20,000 Cost: 5,000
Heat: 5 Heat: —
Power: 5 Power: —
Wear: 250 Wear: 100
Function: Disguised Function: The chair sure looks
sentry guns lock on to mod, but it trades comfort for
enemy agents bearing style. Sitting in it helps restore
Kill Tags and riddle Attention, but it's a slow
them with bullets. process. Beware of crowding
Their camouflage reduces the amount of Heat they your staff room with too many of these seats.
put off if an untagged agent is near.
Electron Microscope
Dojo Cost: 20,000
Cost: 20,000 Heat: 5
Heat: 10 Power: 5
Power: — Wear: 100
Wear: 150 Function: Electron microscopes
Function: You must help quantum physicists train
install a dojo in your scientists in the wonders of
training room if you the universe, thus turning
want to teach martial them into quantum physicists
arts to mercenaries, themselves. Install this in the training room.
advancing them to martial artists. You also require a
Environment Chamber
dojo if you plan on fighting Jet Chan, the A.N.V.I.L.
Cost: 100,000
super-agent, in what's sure to be a "fair fight."
Heat: 5
Drinks Machine Power: 12
Cost: 1,000
Wear: 400
Heat: —
Function: Science minions
Power: 1 use the environment
Wear: 50 chamber to research and
Function: Mmmmm. develop new objects and
Carbonated sugar water. This equipment. But should you ever tire of your other
elixir restores the Attention of torture devices, toss enemy agents in this machine
any minion who stumbles to give them the ride of their life.
into the staff room.

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Equipment Storage Rack Fire Extinguisher Locker

Cost: 5,000 Cost: 3,000
Heat: — Heat: —
Power: — Power: —
Wear: 175 Wear: 200
Function: Your science Function: Should a fire erupt in
guys came up with this your lair from an explosion,
advanced version of Valets can use fire extin-
the locker, which allows guishers to put out the flames
more minions to store their stuff in a smaller space. and minimize damage to your
Installing these in the barracks helps increase objects. Place these lockers in corridors.
minion recruitment counts.
Flamethrower Rack
Fake Research Machine Cost: 20,000
Cost: 5,000 Heat: 10
Heat: — Power: 3
Power: — Wear: 150
Wear: — Function: Should your mercenaries be
Function: This duplicate alerted to trouble, they pull
research machine throws flamethrowers from this storage
off the enemy agents who cabinet and use them on enemy
have infiltrated your base agents. (Good luck getting the smell
to steal the real deal. If of burnt hair out of your lair, though.)
alliance forces steal the fake, they mistakenly While an effective weapon, all visitors
believe they have set back your plans for world know a flamethrower is never used for anything
domination. Big mistake. good and try to leave your base with extra Heat.
Which, incidentally, is a good reason to use a
Field Barrier Door
Cost: 7,500
Heat: — Freezer Rack
Power: 5 Cost: 5,000
Wear: 300 Heat: —
Function: Your research Power: —
team has come up with Wear: 200
this advanced security Function: Install multiple
door to keep unwanted racks in your freezer
elements out of places where they don't belong. so you can store more
body bags. The fewer body bags lying around the
island the better, making these racks a worthwhile

This Evil Island

Generator Greenhouse
Cost: 10,000 Cost: 100,000
Heat: 5 Heat: 5
Power: — Power: 12
Wear: 100 Wear: 300
Function: Since electricity Function: Your science
doesn't grow on trees, minions use the
you need to install greenhouse to study some
generators in your power- intense strains of
plant room to produce the juice needed to operate vegetation. In fact, it
the base and all its equipment. seems one or two of them are rather violent
vegetables. Maybe you can find some fun food
somewhere in your base to feed the plants?
Global Stock Market Watchdog Perhaps that holding cell in the armory?
Cost: 25,000
Heat: 2
Power: 15
Handgun Cabinet
Cost: 2,500
Wear: 150
Heat: 5
Function: This financial
monitor helps your minions Power: —
in the field siphon cash Wear: 20
from the world economy Function: Construction
faster. With one of these doohickeys running, workers arm themselves
expect your cash inflows to come at a slightly with handguns when the
greater frequency. lair is under attack. Raising
the alert status to yellow or red prompts workers to
barrel into the armory and pick up their guns.
Gold Enhancer
Cost: 100,000
Heat: 2 Heavy Door 3M
Power: 7 Cost: 5,000
Wear: 200 Heat: —
Function: This clever Power: 5
piece of machinery uses Wear: 400
ancient alchemists' Function: This is an
processes (hint, hint) to increase the value of your advanced security door,
gold supply. You can only have one operational gold harder for enemy agents to
enhancer at a time. breach.

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Heavy-Duty Loudspeakers High-Density Capacitor

Cost: 6,000 Cost: 15,000
Heat: — Heat: 2
Power: 3 Power: —
Wear: 200 Wear: 175
Function: These high-tech Function: High-density capacitors
security loudspeakers have can store more electricity than
a much greater range than regular capacitors, providing your
conventional security lair extra power in the event of a
loudspeakers. They can transmit calls through walls, blackout.
increasing the number of minions responding to a
surveillance network alert.

Hotel Double Door

Heavy Rifle Cabinet Cost: 3,000
Cost: 10,000 Heat: —
Heat: 10 Power: 1
Power: — Wear: 200
Wear: 200 Function: This double door is
Function: Mercenaries use bigger installed in your hotel.
artillery than regular guards.
When alerted to an enemy
agent's presence, mercs head for
this heavy-duty rifle rack to arm Hotel Casino Baccarat
themselves for attack. Cost: 10,000
Heat: —
Heavy Shooting Range Power: —
Cost: 10,000 Wear: 100
Heat: 10 Function: Baccarat—the
game of choice for
Power: —
swinging, sophisticated
Wear: 200
gamblers—is a high-
Function: Heavy shooting stakes game that thrills
ranges are used to train tourists at your hotel for an extended period
guards as mercenaries. of time.

This Evil Island

Hotel Casino Craps Hotel Lobby Counter

Cost: 10,000 Cost: 5,000
Heat: — Heat: —
Power: — Power: —
Wear: 100 Wear: 75
Function: Gambling stations Function: When tourists
at the hotel keep tourists arrive at your island
busy. The craps table draws hotel, they stop at the
a large crowd of tourists, hotel lobby counter to check in, taking up time.
keeping them away from your lair. The problem with However, you must staff the counter with a social
craps, though, is that it's the epitome of "easy minion.
come, easy go." Craps tables do not hold tourists'
attention very long.
Hotel Lobby Piano
Cost: 5,000
Hotel Casino Roulette Heat: —
Cost: 15,000 Power: —
Heat: — Wear: 75
Power: — Function: Place this beautiful
Wear: 100 grand piano in a hotel
Function: This incredible lobby and a musically
game of chance can make gifted tourist may happen
a lucky man rich in no time, by and start tickling the
which is why plenty of ivories. Nearby tourists are likely to gather around
tourists crowd the table at the hotel casino. A social the grand to watch, keeping them distracted.
minion, however, must act as croupier to keep the
action going and the tourists distracted.
Hotel Lounge Bar
Cost: 7,500
Hotel Lobby Bench Heat: —
Cost: 2,500 Power: —
Heat: — Wear: 200
Power: — Function: Your hotel guests
Wear: 75 stop by the bar to sauce
Function: Place these pretty themselves up, becoming
benches in your hotel lobby too inebriated to wander
and tourists sit for a spell, anywhere near your lair. It requires a social minion to
cooling their heels away from keep these tourists at three sheets, though.
your lair.

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Hotel Lounge Dance Floor Impact Stress Analyzer

Cost: 5,000 Cost: 50,000
Heat: — Heat: 2
Power: — Power: 5
Wear: 75 Wear: 250
Function: Nobody can Function: This piece
resist the draw of a of research
dance floor. And technology helps
when tourists are busy shaking their tail feathers study the effects
on the floor, they're too busy to waltz through your of impacts on sample subjects. Can you think of any
front door. subjects to test high-velocity impacts on?
Inner-Sanctum Desk
Hotel Lounge Table Cost: 15,000
Cost: 5,000 Heat: —
Heat: — Power: —
Power: — Wear: 150
Wear: 75 Function: This awe-
Function: Tourists chat and inspiring desk allows
drink at these tables, your Evil Genius to
keeping them away from monitor lair activity
your lair. from the inner sanctum. When an Evil Genius is
seated in the desk's luxurious chair, his or her stats
are quickly replenished. Should your Evil Genius
Hotel Room ever rumble with the Forces of Justice, retreat to
Cost: 10,000 the inner sanctum desk as soon as possible.
Heat: —
Inner-Sanctum TV Studio
Power: 5
Cost: 10,000
Wear: 50
Heat: 3
Function: Visitors to your island
Power: 5
hotel hole up in hotel rooms at
Wear: 100
night, rather than mistakenly
wander into your lair after hours. Function: This evil TV studio
is required for your Evil
Genius to issue the final
ultimatum to the world's
alliances. It must be connected to a network of
transmitter aerials to broadcast your chilling final

This Evil Island

Infirmary Chair Laboratory Laser

Cost: 10,000 Cost: 50,000
Heat: — Heat: 2
Power: — Power: 5
Wear: 100 Wear: 150
Function: When seated Function: You cannot call
at the infirmary chair, yourself an Evil Genius if
injured minions receive you don't have a laser
medical attention that beam somewhere in the
replenishes Health. A minion must man the lair. This laser set-up is used to help develop new
infirmary chair. objects by combining other objects.

Interrogation Chair Laboratory Research Machine

Cost: 5,000 Cost: 100,000
Heat: 2 Heat: 10
Power: — Power: 6
Wear: 100 Wear: 300
Function: When you need to extract Function: You cannot start
information from captured profes- researching and developing
sionals, toss them in the interro- new objects until you have
gation chair and milk their minds. acquired a research
Stay and watch the interrogation, as machine. Science minions use canisters from this
your minions have some bizarrely machine to perform experiments, then return the
unconventional techniques that are canisters to the machine for analysis.
worth a laugh. This is one expensive piece of technology, and a
major target for enemy agents. Protect it well.
Laboratory Bio-Tanks
Cost: 50,000 Laboratory Workshop
Heat: 2 Cost: 5,000
Power: 10 Heat: 1
Wear: 300 Power: —
Function: These bio-tanks are Wear: 50
used to research and develop Function: Use this
exciting new objects. They're training
constantly emitting what equipment to train
appear to be hazardous fumes, so don't get too construction workers as technicians. It's the first
close. It might be fun to allow a captured enemy step on an exciting career in science!
agent, though, to get a whiff.

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Mess Hall Counter 1 Mouse Maze

Cost: 5,000 Cost: 3,000
Heat: — Heat: —
Power: — Power: —
Wear: 200 Wear: 50
Function: The small mess Function: For some reason
hall counter just has the or other, watching little
basic kitchen equipment a mice scurry around a
minion needs to serve his wooden labyrinth helps boost Attention. Install one
fellow workers an Endurance-giving meal. of these in the training room and your minions
slowly gather around it.

Mess Hall Counter 2

Cost: 15,000 Multimedia Educational Zone
Heat: — Cost: 25,000
Power: — Heat: —
Wear: 200 Power: 3
Function: This more Wear: 175
expensive mess hall Function: This
counter is a little bigger, broadcast allows
and it comes with an multiple minions to
industrial-strength mixer. In fact, that mixing bowl boost their Smarts
looks big enough to accommodate a person. at the same time, rather than having to line up
around the television.

Microfilm Table
Cost: 2,000 Multi-Gym
Heat: — Cost: 7,500
Power: — Heat: —
Wear: 100 Power: —
Function: The world's Wear: 150
newspapers are regularly Function: Minions who work
converted to microfilm out on multi-gyms
and placed in the archives so minions can get replenish their Endurance.
Smarts boosts by reading daily headlines.

This Evil Island

Nuclear Generator Pharmacy Booth

Cost: 25,000 Cost: 5,000
Heat: 10 Heat: —
Power: — Power: —
Wear: 350 Wear: 150
Function: Nuclear generators Function: From this
produce more electricity than convenient booth inside the
regular generators, and they infirmary, a minion can
take up far less space in the distribute Health-replen-
power plant. However, you ishing drugs to injured co-workers.
need to keep an even closer eye on power levels
with these babies, as the last thing you need on
your island is a meltdown.
Pinball Machine
Cost: 5,000
Heat: —
Outdoor Sentry Gun Power: 1
Cost: 10,000
Wear: 50
Heat: 5
Function: All the minions love to
Power: 5 see the lights flashing and hear
Wear: 200 those buzzers and bells. Those
Function: Sentry guns lock with the supple wrists of a pinball
on and riddle any enemy wizard receive boosts to their
issued a Kill Tag. flagging Attention levels.
However, this particular
model is outside the base and is capable of blasting
agents before they enter, so it arouses greater
suspicion. Wouldn't you be a little wary of a gun
posted on a rock?

Outdoor Security Camera

Cost: 5,000
Heat: 1
Power: 2
Wear: 50
Function: Place these security cameras
outside your lair to spot tagged
enemy agents before they can walk
through your front door.

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Playboy Trainer Rifle Cabinet

Cost: 20,000 Cost: 5,000
Heat: — Heat: 10
Power: — Power: —
Wear: 150 Wear: 200
Function: Spin doctors can Function: When the lair goes
be trained up into on high alert, guards rush
playboy status by taking rifle cabinets and pick up
classes from accom- firepower to turn back
plished playboys in this training facility. enemy agents.

Radio Alert Loudspeakers Salad Bar

Cost: 5,000 Cost: 7,500
Heat: — Heat: —
Power: 3 Power: —
Wear: 500 Wear: 100
Function: The advanced Function: Minions can
loudspeakers have a greater line up at the salad bar
audio range than regular to grab a quick, healthy
security loudspeakers. bite. Salads don't replenish as much Endurance as a
When a surveillance network picks up an intruder, full meal, but the salad bar doesn't require a minion
calls to arms issued through radio alert loudspeakers to operate it.
have the potential to reach more minions.

Schematics Station
Reclining Chair Cost: 25,000
Cost: 5,000 Heat: 2
Heat: — Power: 13
Power: — Wear: 150
Wear: 100 Function: This piece of
Function: This recliner is comfort supreme, rapidly hardware contains all the tech
improving a fatigued minion's Attention rating. manuals for every piece of
This special item, though, is only found in the equipment in your lair. Having
Special Edition of Evil Genius, available only to this machine up and running helps your technicians
preorders. keep the base in tip-top condition.

This Evil Island

School Desk Security Holding Cell

Cost: 5,000 Cost: 5,000
Heat: 1 Heat: 10
Power: — Power: —
Wear: 75 Wear: 200
Function: Valets can train Function: In order to hold
construction workers in the art captured agents, you must
of social service at school desks have at least one security
in the training room. holding cell installed in your
armory. Only one agent can be held at a time inside
a cell. From the security holding cell, you can issue
an order to interrogate prisoners, set them free, or
Security Camera execute them to make space for the next poor
Cost: 3,000 fellows.
Heat: —
Power: 1
Shooting Range
Wear: 50
Cost: 20,000
Function: Jacked into a surveillance
Heat: 5
network, a security camera can
Power: —
help spot tagged enemy agents.
Wear: 200
Function: Shooting ranges installed
in the training room enable
Security Desk marksmen to train mercenaries in
Cost: 3,500 their profession.
Heat: —
Power: —
Wear: 100
Function: Security desks
are the hubs of a
surveillance network,
where an attending
minion keeps watch over designated areas via a
network of security cameras. When a tagged agent
is spotted, the security desk issues a call to arms
over security loudspeakers.

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Standard Door Time Clock

Cost: 1,500 Cost: 5,000
Heat: — Heat: —
Power: 3 Power: —
Wear: 200 Wear: 200
Function: This basic door Function: Install time clocks in
has no security features, staffed rooms to regulate the
but at least it keeps casual number of minions working.
prying eyes from looking
into a room.

Transmitter Aerial
Table Tennis Cost: 1,000
Cost: 2,000 Heat: 5
Heat: — Power: 5
Power: — Wear: 150
Wear: 50 Function: When it comes time to
Function: This two- issue an ultimatum to the world,
minion game helps you need these transmitters to
frazzled minions broadcast your evil signal.
regain their Attention levels.

Test Dummy Machine

Cost: 1,000 TV Studio
Heat: — Cost: 7,000
Power: — Heat: 2
Wear: 75 Power: 3
Function: Need to test out your Wear: 100
new, ingenious trap system
Function: Valets can
before unleashing it on unsus-
be trained up as spin
pecting enemy agents? This
doctors by visiting this
single-serving crash test
mock TV studio set in
dummy machine spits out test subjects to help you
the training room.
tweak your traps for maximum effectiveness.

This Evil Island

Widescreen TV
Cost: 10,000
Heat: —
Power: 4
Wear: 100
Function: Installed in the
staff room, a widescreen
TV expands on the
radius of a big screen TV's Attention-boosting
power, but it doesn't take up as much room.
Trap List
X-Ray Machine The following is a complete list of the traps you can
Cost: 15,000 buy and install in your secret lair, including the
Heat: 2 available sensor equipment. Not all traps are available
from the beginning; some will be unlocked as you
Power: 3
play—others must be created in your evil labs.
Wear: 150
Function: Installed in

the infirmary, the x-
ray machine uses the
healing powers of
radiation to restore Health. There are rumors of side The formulas for creating the scientifically
effects, but it's nothing your minions need to worry engineered traps can be found in Chapter
about for now.
7, which discusses the research process.

Zoom-Lens Camera Beehive

Cost: 6,000 Cost: 10,000
Heat: — Attacks: Endurance, Health,
Power: 3 Smarts, Loyalty, Attention
Wear: 150 Heat: 1
Function: Zoom-lens cameras have Power: 1
a far greater field of vision than Wear: 100
regular security cameras, but they Function: There are five
do draw a bit more Heat. variations of the beehive trap,
each version filled with angry
genetic-freak bees that lower a different stat. Once
these bees start buzzing, enemy agents find
themselves gasping for air, as well as Attention,
Smarts, Health, Loyalty, and Endurance.

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Charge Cannon Do-Not-Press

Cost: 30,000 Cost: 13,000
Attacks: Health Attacks: Attention
Heat: 10 Heat: —
Power: 6 Power: 3
Wear: 150 Wear: 150
Function: The charge cannon Function: This is the Evil Genius
takes a moment to blow, equivalent of Alice's "drink
but when this trap connects, it dishes out damage me" bottle. A little sign warns
to any agent (or minion) unfortunate enough to be agents against pressing a button, but often curiosity
caught in its firing line. Death is almost certain. gets the better of them. And just what did curiosity
do to the cat?
Confusing Pop-Up
Cost: 5,000 Dreadmill
Attacks: Smarts Cost: 10,000
Heat: — Attacks: Endurance
Power: 1 Heat: —
Wear: 50 Power: 3
Function: This simple trap, when Wear: 150
triggered, causes a dummy to Function: The dreadmill is a devilish roller that forces
pop out of practically nowhere, agents caught on it to run as fast as their little feet
startling an enemy agent. Not only does this drain can carry them. If the dreadmill goes too fast or
their Smarts a little, but it causes them to stop dead comes to a quick halt, agents are fired off and
in the tracks for a moment, giving you an opportunity smashed into the nearest object.
to spring another trap or launch an attack.
Explosive Palm Tree
Damned Damsel Cost: 17,000
Cost: 10,000 Attacks: Health
Attacks: Smarts Heat: 10
Heat: — Power: 1
Power: 2 Wear: 500
Wear: 100 Function: This trap looks like a
Function: This simple trap entices regular palm tree, but when
do-right agents with a fake triggered, the tree drops
damsel-in-distress situation. When explosive coconuts that damage any nearby agents,
the rescuing agent discovers the tourists, and minions caught in the blast radius. The
dupe of a dame, they become confused. Confusion explosions have a tendency to start fires, so have a
breeds contempt, and that could potentially lead to fire extinguisher locker nearby—and a valet who
an agent disgusted enough with his job to desert. knows how to use it.

This Evil Island

Knockout Gas Cage Misdirection

Cost: 10,000 Cost: 7,500
Attacks: Endurance Attacks: Attention
Heat: — Heat: —
Power: 1 Power: 2
Wear: 100 Wear: 75
Function: The knockout gas Function: Misdirection traps sap
cage trap is installed in Attention by directing agents in a
the ceiling of your lair. series of conflicting directions until
When triggered by a sensor, the cage falls on an they practically collapse from
unsuspecting agent. The trapped agent is then dizzying frustration. This trap is fun
gassed with Endurance-sapping fumes. to stop and watch.
Laughing Gas Cage Money Madness
Cost: 12,000 Cost: 25,000
Attacks: Attention Attacks: Loyalty
Heat: — Heat: —
Power: 1 Power: 2
Wear: 100 Wear: 125
Function: This trap consists Function: When triggered, this trap
of a cage attached to the (disguised as an ATM machine)
ceiling that, when will start spitting out counterfeit
triggered, slams down on an agent and pumps money. Most agents believe the
Attention-sapping gas into the enclosed space. cash is real and are so entranced
Nothing makes an enemy agent forget his or her by it that they are swayed toward the dark side.
mission better than a goofball giggle fit.
Monkey in a Box
Loyalty Gas Cage Cost: 10,000
Cost: 11,000 Attacks: Loyalty
Attacks: Loyalty Heat: —
Heat: — Power: 2
Power: 1 Wear: 175
Wear: 100 Function: The trap releases a
Function: This cage trap curious little monkey that is
hangs in the ceiling, secretly controlled by a
waiting to be triggered. cerebral helmet. Any agent
When an agent makes a fateful misstep, the cage spotting the monkey is
drops and slowly fills with Loyalty-sapping gas. instantly charmed by its antics, leaving them
completely susceptible to the simian's impending

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Nut-Buster Flash Bang Poison Gas Cage

Cost: 17,000 Cost: 6,000
Attacks: Endurance Attacks: Health
Heat: — Heat: —
Power: 1 Power: 1
Wear: 500 Wear: 100
Function: The colorfully named Function: The poison gas
trap is a palm tree that drops cage trap is installed in
explosive coconuts on passing the ceiling of your lair.
agents. Any agent caught in the cloud of gas When set off, the cage drops on its targets (if they
emitted by the coconuts loses Endurance. This trap haven't moved too quickly) and dishes out
is only available in the Special Edition of Evil Genius. incredible damage with poison gas.
Prometheus's Revenge
Piranha Tank
Cost: 15,000
Cost: 20,000
Attacks: Health
Attacks: Health
Heat: 1
Heat: —
Power: 3
Power: 1
Wear: 20
Wear: 250
Function: This firetrap roasts
Function: It's really hard
agents alive. It's simple, but
to argue with the
deliciously effective. When
classics. This trap dunks an agent in a tank full of
triggered, the trap belches a massive burst of flame
hungry, flesh-eating fish. Wackiness ensues. It's no
from the wall. Any agent surviving the sizzle likely
tank of sharks with laser beams attached to their
tucks tail and runs. And if not, they have barely
heads, but effective nonetheless.
enough Health left to survive a few attacks from
your minions.
Pit Punisher
Cost: 12,000 Satan's Chimney
Attacks: Health Cost: 12,000
Heat: 5 Attacks: Health
Power: 1 Heat: 5
Wear: 300 Power: 2
Function: This trap Wear: 300
opens a hole in the Function: Satan's chimney is similar
floor beneath an to the pit punisher trap,
agent, who is swallowed into the abyss. After a swallowing agents into a pit. But
mauling, a mechanical arm tosses the agent back instead of being tossed around by
out, inflicting further damage. a robot arm, victims are roasted
by fire when blasted back up into the lair.

This Evil Island

Saw Blades Venus Man Trap

Cost: 12,000 Cost: 20,000
Attacks: Health Attacks: Health
Heat: — Heat: —
Power: 3 Power: 1
Wear: 300 Wear: 250
Function: When Function: This genet-
this trap is triggered, razor-sharp saw blades pop out ically altered Venus fly
of the floor and shred anybody unfortunate enough trap plant is big
to be standing on them. Whatever part of their body enough and mean enough to swallow any agent
hasn't been cut to ribbons can then be easily unfortunate enough to trigger its voracious
finished off by your lackeys. appetites. Feed me Seymour, indeed.

Stupid Gas Cage Wind Machine

Cost: 15,000 Cost: 10,000
Attacks: Smarts Attacks: Health
Heat: — Heat: 1
Power: 1 Power: 3
Wear: 100 Wear: 200
Function: This Smarts- Function: Installed in a wall, a
draining trap is installed triggered wind machine
in the ceiling. When unleashes a howling blast of
triggered, the cage crashes down on top of the wind that blows agents across rooms. And if you're
offending agent and dumbs him down real good. clever about setting up sensors, you can blow them
right into another trap system.

Sucker Trap
Cost: 15,000 Sensor List
Attacks: Health Naturally, these traps don't spring themselves.
Heat: 1 Enemy agents aren't exactly brain surgeons, but
Power: 4 they're smart enough not to go traipsing across a
Wear: 200 field of razor-edged saw blades. There are four
Function: This trap employs a types of sensors you can link up with traps,
freakishly strong magnet devising a deliciously evil welcome mat for
that can exert pull on the intruders.
tiny bits of iron in an agent's
bloodstream. Agents caught in the pull are slammed
into the wall or, if it's properly set up, yanked right
into another trap.

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Laser Beam Pressure Pad

Cost: 2,000 Cost: 2,000
Heat: — Heat: —
Power: 1 Power: —
Wear: 75 Wear: 100
Function: This optical trip wire operates Function: The pressure pad
with a higher degree of accuracy than the is the most elementary
pressure pad, as enemy agents have a sensor, available as soon as you can start laying
harder time spotting a laser beam. down traps. This is the easiest sensor to detect,
though, so expect a higher failure rate than from the
more advanced sensors.

Motion Tracker
Cost: 15,000 Buildings
Heat: — There are a few buildings you can erect on your
Power: 2 island, outside the boundaries of your evil lair.
Wear: 125 These buildings help you keep annoying tourists
Function: When an enemy agent treads busy, as well as create an outer ring of defenses
into the area surrounding a motion for when the Forces of Justice really step up their
tracker, the trap flies into action. While assault on your island.
not as stealthy as the laser beam—
agents can sometimes spot the unit on a wall—it
has much greater durability, should the sensor take
Hotel Hub
damage from a trap.
Cost: 150,000
Function: This piece
Outdoor Motion Tracker serves as the center
Cost: 15,000 of the hotel, which
Heat: — acts as a major
Power: 2 distraction for
Wear: 125 tourists who choose
to visit your island.
Function: This is an outdoor version of the
To keep tourists out
motion tracker. It functions as an early
of your evil
trigger for your first traps. However, since
business, build a hotel and stock it with distracting
it is outside, you must be careful not to
attractions, such as clubs and casinos.
let too many agents or tourists spot it,
grow wary, and report the resulting Heat
back to their alliance.

This Evil Island

Hotel Wing Hotel Lobby

Cost: 200
Cost: 100,000 Function: This grand entrance area is rife with oppor-
Function: You can build tunities to install distractions. Why not build a time-
onto your hotel hub consuming check-in desk staffed with your
with hotel wings, smoothest social minions, or place a piano off to
expanding the amount the side where musical guests can entertaining
of real estate filled other tourists—and you don't have to lift a finger.
with tourist traps. Hotel Lounge
Cost: 250
Function: Create social hubs inside your hotel, where
Topside Shack guests can busy themselves with booze and
Cost: 50,000 dancing. Combine those two things into a distracting
cocktail that keep tourists away while you continue
Function: Topside shacks can
your evil scheming.
serve as mini-lairs on the outer
rim of the island. Each topside
shack can be filled with any
type of room you can build
inside the lair, but you have a limited amount of
Contractor Tips
room to do so. There are four things to consider when building
Some rooms work better as topside shacks than your highly personalized, intricate, and
others. For example, an armory on the beach where labyrinthine base:
military minions can easily grab guns would be
much more beneficial than a mess hall. Barracks are Maximize real estate use by leaving little wasted
another good choice for topside shacks. space.
Build the rooms and buy the equipment you
Hotel Rooms need, not want.

Inside your hotel hub and hotel wing, you must Design with traps and surveillance networks in
build specific room types, just like you would inside mind, as enemy agents constantly attempt
your lair. There are only three room types, though, infiltration.
so planning is much easier than blueprinting out Leave room for your gains. You're going to
your base. Costs in this list are per square. acquire a lot of stuff.

Hotel Casino
Cost: 300
Function: Build casinos inside your hotel to host
roulette, craps, and baccarat tables. These
attractions keep the guests feeling lucky—and busy.

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Maximize Available Space

Islands really are the ideal location for building supersecret lairs, as they require the rest of the world to put
in a little extra legwork to pay a visit. But there is a drawback. You have a limited amount of space, leaving
little room for expansion. When you start building, consider trying out different combinations of blueprints
before issuing final work orders to your construction workers.
There are two different design philosophies when it comes to lair design. You can either lay out a basic
set-up of square and rectangular rooms and push them all right up against each other, or you can get
creative and start designing wild, uneven room shapes in an attempt to have the most unique lair among
your Evil Genius peers.
The problem with designing all your rooms in odd shapes is that you potentially waste the limited space
inside the rock. The drawback to setting up just a collection of rectangular rooms is that the irregular
borders of the island's rock are unused, and well, then your lair just ends up looking like some megacorpo-
ration's soul-sucking cubicle farm. (Wait, that would be evil…)

Consider combining these two design philosophies Then, lay out rectangular rooms in the center of
to really maximize the use of space on your the base. Pressing these rooms right up against
island. Construct irregularly shaped rooms each other really maximizes the use of space in
around the edges of the rock to squeeze out the middle of the island.
every last usable inch of space.

This Evil Island

Don't forget to build a small strong
room in your lair as soon as you can
afford it. To prevent thieves from
making off with your gold, automatically
transfer the cash to your inner strong
room by clicking on the outside
depository and destroying it.
You must lay out miles of corridor to link all of
Once you build a new strong room,
your rooms. Consider making any corridor that move your Briefcase Rack into it. Then,
leads away from your main passages only two destroy the outdoor store room to
squares wide. Minions are pretty adept on automatically move your cash
walking and running; narrower corridors do not inside the lair.
create bottlenecks.

Room and Object Choice

Every room in the game serves a purpose, but depending on your style of play, you get far more use out
of certain rooms than others at specific points in the game. You need to make sure that you have the
correct rooms to fulfill necessary base functions—as well as enough room to build additional rooms should
the need arise.

When you begin the game, you are required to build

a control room and install a control panel and control
room memory bank to satisfy the first objective. As
the game progresses, you need more and more
control panels to breach each territory's security.
However, you really don't have the spare funds at
the beginning to build a massive control room and
stock it with a dozen or more control panels. So,
when you build your control room in the beginning,
be sure to leave plenty of room around the control
room to expand as you have the funds to add more
control panels.

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Training rooms are incredibly important—especially later in the

game when enemy agents become much more efficient at
killing your minions. Because every minion begins his employ as
a construction worker, you need plenty of training rooms
stocked with the right training objects to keep the educational
system going smoothly.
Before military, science, and social minions can move into
advanced careers, they must be trained initially as guards,
technicians, and valets. Make sure you have enough space in
these rooms to host plenty of the necessary training tools:
school desks, bayonet dummy punching bags, and laboratory
workshops. Then, depending on what advanced minions you
want, you can buy and place the necessary training equipment.

Because training equipment takes up so much space, you may want to either build a
large training room (or several smaller rooms) and separate the minion classes—train
up all science minions in one room, all military in another, and so on.

Because the number of lockers in the barracks has a direct

effect on the number of minions you can have at your base,
make sure you leave plenty of space in each barracks to
place lockers. You need bunk beds to keep up your minions'
Endurance too. Barracks are cheap to build and bunk beds
and lockers are cheap compared to some later equipment).
Don't scrimp on providing space for your hired hands.

This Evil Island

The armory is another

room that grows in
importance as the game
goes on. When you first
begin, you just need a
small armory with a single
security holding cell and an
interrogation chair.
However, as you draw more
Heat, more agents swarm your
islands. Armories are the only
place you can keep the gun
racks that supply military
minions and construction workers with firepower when the base is in a high state
of alert. Make sure you leave some extra space—or room to expand—in your
armory for storing guns later in the game.

Freezers can be kept relatively small, because If you want to place security doors at the
their only use is to store body bags on simple entrance of your rooms, create at least one small
freezer racks. stretch of corridor that's one square deep and
two squares wide. Doors take up two squares
worth of space, so any entrance corridor wider
than that cannot host a door of any kind.

primagames.com 101


A small stretch of corridor for a security Generators take up a lot of space in your power
door is extremely important when building plants. Be sure you leave plenty of space in
an inner sanctum. You do not want to these rooms, or room on the island to build more
make it easy for enemy agents to infiltrate power plant rooms, to buy and install more
your Evil Genius's hiding place and make an generators. As you start installing bigger, more
attempt on his or her life. high-tech pieces of equipment, you need more
electricity. Without enough juice, your lair
suffers blackouts.

Always install fire extinguisher lockers in the corridors. Should a saboteur infiltrate
your base, they may set a fire to damage your items. If you have a nearby fire
extinguisher locker, valets will immediately grab their gear and put out the flames
before too much damage is done.

This Evil Island

Security Door Tips

Later in the game, you can buy and install different types of security doors in your lair. You can set the
security levels by double-clicking on the door and choosing one of four security settings:

Level 1: Anybody can pass through this door.

Level 2: All minions can pass through this door.
Level 3: Only the Evil genius can pass through this door.
Level 4: Only the Evil Genius can pass through this door, and minions and henchmen stand guard while the Evil
Genius is inside.

Skilled enemy agents can sometimes bypass security doors,

depending on how high the level is. If an agent successfully breaches a
security door, the security feature of the door remains broken until a
technician can get out and repair it.
You would be very wise to blow any extra money
on upgrading the doors at the entrances to your
sensitive areas, such as the armory, inner sanctum, and
control room.

You can effectively put your
entire lair under lockdown by
installing a security door at the
entrance and setting it to Level
4. When skilled forces, such as
Soldiers, land on the island, you
can keep them at bay while you
ready your men for assault.
There are drawbacks, though.
Anybody caught outside will be
stuck and forced to fend for
themselves. And should you have
minions out stealing cash, they
will be unable to deliver it to
your strong room.

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One Genius to Rule Them All

You may have absolute power over your island lair, but that's hardly enough real estate to satiate your
hunger for domination. No, you have no satisfaction until the entire planet is on bended knee, pleading for
mercy. And while a great deal of damage can be done from your lair, you need to stretch your organi-
zation's tentacles across the globe to really put the squeeze on the Forces of Justice.

World Domination Screen

From your Evil Console, you can navigate to the World Domination screen and cast your wicked peepers
across the global landscape. From this screen, you can access the entire planet, sending out minions to do
your dirty work in different territories. The resulting havoc from these infernal activities goes a long way
toward quenching your desire for global domination.
The World Domination screen is your springboard into a
number of activities. You can position your minions in
different territories, where they can plot, steal, or hide
depending on your commands. In fact, to earn money and
gather intelligence, you must send your lackeys to all four
corners of the world.
You can also monitor from this screen an Evil Genius's
most coveted commodity: Notoriety. The more Notoriety
you gain by doing dastardly deeds, the closer the world is
to surrendering power to you on a permanent basis. Heat
is also monitored from this screen. Heat usually comes as
a direct result of Notoriety, but its effects are a lot less desirable. The more Heat you draw, the more
attention you receive from the Forces of Justice's troops.

The Alliances
While differing ideologies and cultures may keep the world from truly sharing a Coke and a smile, the
presence of a wicked mastermind like you has prompted all regions to assemble in temporary alliances.
These alliances charge themselves with keeping evil in check by coordinating attacks and missions.

World Domination

There are five alliances, each comprising multiple

territories. All territories denoted on the map belong to
one of the alliances. In fact, the only rogue state right
now is yours.

Alliance Name Color Member Regions
P.A.T.R.I.O.T. Blue West Coast, Midwest, East Coast, Pacific Allies
H.A.M.M.E.R. Red Eastern Bloc, Central Russia, Siberia, Cuba
S.A.B.R.E. Green Europe, South Africa, the Indian Subcontinent, Australasia
A.N.V.I.L. Orange Polynesia, Southeast Asia, Central Asia, North China
S.M.A.S.H. Yellow South America, North Africa, Middle East, Antarctica

Many Acts of Infamy are designed to pit the alliances against each other. During
these Cold War times, there are some tenuous ties that can easily be strained by
your treachery.

Each alliance has its own army of troops and agents who descend on your island or act against your
minions as they try to disrupt peace in the world through various Acts of Infamy.

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The most powerful alliances are P.A.T.R.I.O.T. and H.A.M.M.E.R. Angering these
alliances later in the game is like shaking a hornet's nest—especially when soldiers
are in play.

As mentioned, there is no treasure greater to an Evil Genius than Notoriety. Above gold, it is the true
measure of success for a criminal mastermind. The more people know your name—and fear it—the better.
Your goal in this game is to achieve 100 percent Notoriety, where everybody from shopkeepers in
Shanghai to goat herders in the Scottish Highlands regard your name with a potent mix of fearful respect
and angered awe.
You earn Notoriety by committing evil deeds, known as
Acts of Infamy. Earning Notoriety serves your cause in
several ways:

It allows you the latitude to recruit more minions.

It brings lethal, powerful henchman out of hiding to join
your empire.
It unlocks even more audacious Acts of Infamy that
result in even greater amounts of Notoriety.
It gives you increased respect among the world's
criminal enterprises. You monitor the amount of Notoriety you have
And, finally, it leads eventually to world domination. earned on a Notoriety bar on the World
Domination screen. The higher your rating, the
more the bar moves to the right. When the green
mark hits the right side of the bar, you're
officially the most evil Evil Genius in the world.

World Domination

Notoriety is a liquid commodity. It can come easy, and go even easier. The alliance's
agents can perform actions on your island that drain your Notoriety, such as successful
raids on your lair. Turn to Chapter 6 to study which enemy agents, such as a burglars
and thieves, have the tools to strip you of your hard-earned Notoriety.

When you head into the world to commit Acts of Infamy and other crimes, you draw Heat. This is
undesirable baggage for an Evil Genius, but it's all part of the game for world domination. Unlike Notoriety,
which is dished out on a global scale, Heat is a local measurement. Every alliance territory has a different
Heat rating.
There are a number of ways to earn Heat while trying to take over the world:

Acts of Infamy
Stealing Cash

The more fantastic and daring the Act of Infamy, the

greater the amount of Heat you generate in that region.
And the more minions you have assigned to a territory to
drain money, the more Heat you receive. It's really a
trade-off as to what you value more in this equation. The
influx of cash is great, but you might have to spend more
of it on the security measures required to keep the
additional agents assigned to your island at bay.
Remember that the easiest measurement of Heat
comes in unwanted visits to your lair from an alliance's
agents. If you detect that you've generated far too much
Heat with a particular alliance, lay low and wait for the
attention to subside. Consider not stealing, plotting, or You can monitor the amount of Heat in a
committing any Acts of Infamy in that region for a little bit. particular region by looking at the Heat meter.
Order your minions to hide, or even pull them out of that
region to send them to another territory entirely.

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Minion Activity
Now that you understand what you're up against in the
world, it's time to show the leaders of the alliances that
you're not an Evil Genius to be trifled with. You will not sit
idle on your island, tinkering with evil plots you have no
intention of carrying out. You have the will—and the
means—to spread your menace across the globe.
Not that you spread said menace personally. That's a
job for your minions. Any type of minion can be sent into
the field, from construction workers to henchmen. In fact,
some minion types are better at specific tasks than
others, so in addition to balancing the careers of lackeys
at home, you need to consider what kinds of minions to
A minion can perform three kinds of
train for fieldwork.
non-Act of Infamy work in a region: plotting,
stealing, and hiding.

While henchmen can certainly increase the chances for success in the field, you must
consider the risk of leaving your lair with lower defenses or temporarily losing such
a powerful asset in action.

Travel Arrangements
When you want to send minions into the world, bring up
the World Domination screen. From that screen, click on
the territory you wish to infiltrate with your minions.

At the bottom of the screen, figures represent the

number of available minions at your lair.

World Domination

At the top of the screen, you can view the To send minions to a region or back to your lair,
number of minions you currently have stationed in left-click on the type of minion you wish to put in
that region, as well as how many you have the field. Depending on how many you send, a
heading to or leaving the area. negative number appears beneath that minion type.

You can save travel time by rotating
minions in the field. If you want to send
minions to a new region, and already
have minions on the world map, remove
them from the region you wish to exit.
Then, before the helicopter can take them
off the map screen, quickly click on the
territory you wish them to travel to.
Designate which minions you want in that
Travel is not instantaneous. Unfortunately, region—noted by the positive numbers
your scientists have yet to create a teleporter,
so you have to make do with helicopters.
beneath the minion counts at the bottom
When you send a minion into the world, he of the screen—and the helicopter drops
takes time to pack first, and then enjoys a them off instead of making a round trip
potentially lengthy helicopter ride. back to the base.

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Some Acts of Infamy must be uncovered before they can be carried out. To discover dangerous
missions that may result in a boost of Notoriety (and Heat), set the minions in this region to plot. If
there are crimes to be committed, your minions may uncover them. However, there are a handful of
objective-specific and henchman-recruiting Acts of Infamy that require specific Notoriety levels to
uncover them.

Any minion can plot, but science minions are the best at discovering new Acts of
Infamy. So, when you need to juice your Notoriety and you've already completed
every Act of Infamy within your power, send out a party of technicians and
scientists to reveal new, nefarious crimes.

Running an evil empire isn't cheap. Building new rooms,
purchasing new objects and equipment, and researching
spectacular technology can put a serious dent in your
finances. The quickest way to earn cash is to send
minions into the field to steal.
Regions have varying amounts of financial resources
for you to steal. Some territories are poor, such as
Siberia. Other regions are filthy rich, such as the oil-
drenched Middle East. The more minions you send into
that region to steal, the more booty they send back to
your lair. Cash influxes happen every 80 seconds. You can
monitor how much lucre is headed your way by
watching the small box in the lower left corner of
the World Domination screen. Send out more
minions to earn more cash, but beware of the
additional Heat your lackeys draw.

World Domination

Military minions are more accomplished thieves than other minion types. To
maximize your stealing power, send in guards or mercenaries rather than basic
construction workers.

When you begin the game, you do not have a
full listing of each region's earning potential.
You must build and man control panels in your
lair's control room to gather this intelligence.
When you are zoomed in on a particular
region, a meter in the upper left corner tells
you how many control panels must be fully
functional to unlock that area's secrets, such
as its financial potential.

There are two reasons to direct your minions to hide
when in the field. Either the Heat in that region is too
high for your comfort, or an Agent of Justice has
located them. Agents of Justice are lethal combat
specialists who can quickly dismantle one of your
field teams. Whenever you spot an Agent of Justice
acting against your minions, instruct them to hide or
just pull them out.



Acts of Infamy
As discussed, Acts of Infamy are the best, most
direct way for you to raise your Notoriety in the
global community. When these crimes have
been uncovered, you are presented with an
excellent opportunity to spread the word of your
arrival on the global crime scene.
While many Acts of Infamy result in only a boost
of Notoriety, other missions have added benefits.
Some Acts of Infamy are daring thefts that add
impressive pieces of art or important technology to your
growing collection. Others result in the kidnapping of
important professionals who can be interrogated to help
train your minions for new careers. Henchmen offer their
services in Acts of Infamy too.

On the World Domination screen, Acts

of Infamy appear as glowing white points on
the map. Tiny flags represent successfully
completed Acts of Infamy.

World Domination

When you zoom into a region, icons represent the Left-click on an icon to read a briefing on the Act
specific Acts of Infamy available. of Infamy. The text describes in detail what the
Act entails, what kinds of minions are required to
complete the Act, and the potential results of a
successful attempt.

When you are ready to attempt the Act of Infamy, click on the green "Go" button. If you see that you are
losing a lot of minions and success is unlikely, click on the red "Abort" button to abandon the mission. This
is a good strategy when the tide turns against you. It's better to turn tail with some minions than to lose
every man you sent in. Most Acts of Infamy can be attempted multiple times, so if you lose the day, don't
sweat it. Recruit some more minions, train them, and make another run at it.

Having as many control panels up and running as possible also reveals secrets about
Acts of Infamy. If you have enough intelligence-gathering technology in your control
room to breach a region's secrecy, you can see just how risky an Act of Infamy is,
as well as how long it will take to complete the mission. You can also review and
evaluate the amount of Notoriety to be gained by a successful Act, versus how much
Heat you receive.

A list of every Act of Infamy is included in Chapter 9, including how much Notoriety and Heat is
generated, as well as how long it takes to complete the Act.

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The Good Guys

If there's one thing that makes the world come together, it's rallying against the dangerous whims and
plots of a certified madman. The emergence of an Evil Genius with designs on enslaving the planet has
certainly brought together the nations of the world, forming a brotherhood of alliances with a single
mission: Thwart evil.
Each alliance trots out its finest agents to infiltrate and dismantle your organization, including their top-
secret super-agents, who possess skills matching those of your henchmen. To defeat your enemies, you
must understand them. Study the encroachers who make attempts on your volcanic island lair. With a little
knowledge and home turf advantage, you can keep these do-gooders at bay while finalizing your plans for
global domination.
Some alliances possess better resources than others
and can send out better agents, so be careful about who
you rile. You never know which Act of Infamy will open
the proverbial can of worms, causing a maelstrom of
enemy agents to descend on your island.
Each alliance has the same types of agents to send to
your island, from burglars to soldiers, but their differing
levels of training result in different personal stats. Later in
this chapter, a table details the stats of each alliance's
forces—use that intelligence to determine a course of
action when one of them dares to desecrate your island
hideout with an unwanted presence.

The Heat Is On
The greater the Heat that gathers in an alliance's region, the greater the chances of that alliance sending
out agents to investigate your island and either gather evidence against you or try to disrupt your
operations. Your goal as an Evil Genius is to keep Heat at an absolute minimum. The cooler your status,
the less trouble you have defending your lair from attacks.

Forces of Justice

At the beginning of the game, you only have to worry about uninvited visits from tourists and basic
agents, like investigators. As you raise the stakes in your quest to crush the planet, the alliances start
sending out stronger agents. When these powerful agents are in play, you must do everything in your
power to suppress Heat.

Agents of Justice
There are seven classes of enemy agents, not including each alliance's superstar secret agent. Carefully
inspect all the information on these enemy agents, because you need to spring into action when you
detect them.

Enemy Types
Each agent type has a specific purpose and unvarying course of action, no matter what alliance they hail
from. For example, when a thief arrives on your island, you know you need to keep watch on your gold
and ill-gotten acquisitions.
What do change from region to region are the stats of each agent. We have included tables detailing
everything about each alliance's forces, from their Health levels to their Endurance.
Each enemy agent is at one of four levels: pathetic, poor, good, and exceptional. When your island
starts getting crowded with exceptional agents, you know it's time to sound the alarm and clear them out
of the lair, no matter the cost in minions. Once that's done, you're advised to lay low for a little while to let
the Heat spikes in the world subside.

Agents & Investigators

These snoops are the first enemy agents you encounter. The alliances are aware that an evil force is
gathering somewhere in the world, so they have sent out their agents and investigators to gather evidence
of any wrongdoing and suspicious goings-on.
Agents and investigators are looking for telltale signs of a bad, bad man. They keep their eyes open for
things like body bags, security cameras, and traps. They also have a keen eye for violence, and record any
bloodshed they see at your base.
Collecting this evidence raises the level of Heat the agent or investigator has gathered. Once the
agent feels he has enough dirt on you to raise the alert back at alliance HQ, he attempts to leave the
island. It's up to you to put those peepers in the dirt, so act quickly if you spot an investigator trying to
slink out the door.

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Agents & Investigators

Agent Type Health Loyalty Smarts Attention Endurance
Pathetic P.A.T.R.I.O.T. Investigator 50 50 60 50 40
Poor P.A.T.R.I.O.T. Investigator 55 55 65 55 45
Good P.A.T.R.I.O.T. Investigator 60 55 70 55 50
Exceptional P.A.T.R.I.O.T. Investigator 65 60 75 60 55
Pathetic H.A.M.M.E.R. Investigator 50 50 60 50 60
Poor H.A.M.M.E.R. Investigator 55 55 65 55 65
Good H.A.M.M.E.R. Investigator 60 55 70 55 70
Exceptional H.A.M.M.E.R. Investigator 65 60 75 60 75
Pathetic S.A.B.R.E. Investigator 40 45 50 45 40
Poor S.A.B.R.E. Investigator 45 50 55 50 45
Good S.A.B.R.E. Investigator 50 50 60 50 50
Exceptional S.A.B.R.E. Investigator 5 55 65 55 55
Pathetic A.N.V.I.L. Investigator 40 40 40 40 30
Poor A.N.V.I.L. Investigator 45 45 45 45 35
Good A.N.V.I.L. Investigator 50 45 50 45 40
Exceptional A.N.V.I.L. Investigator 55 750 55 50 45
Pathetic S.M.A.S.H. Investigator 30 40 40 40 30
Poor S.M.A.S.H. Investigator 35 35 35 35 35
Good S.M.A.S.H. Investigator 40 45 45 45 40
Exceptional S.M.A.S.H. Investigator 45 45 50 50 45
Pathetic P.A.T.R.I.O.T. Agent 50 50 60 50 40
Poor P.A.T.R.I.O.T. Agent 55 55 65 55 45
Good P.A.T.R.I.O.T. Agent 60 55 70 55 50
Exceptional P.A.T.R.I.O.T. Agent 65 60 75 60 55
Pathetic H.A.M.M.E.R. Agent 50 50 60 50 60
Poor H.A.M.M.E.R. Agent 55 55 65 55 65

Forces of Justice

Agents & Investigators (cont’d)

Agent Type Health Loyalty Smarts Attention Endurance

Good H.A.M.M.E.R. Agent 60 55 70 55 70
Exceptional H.A.M.M.E.R. Agent 65 60 75 60 75
Pathetic S.A.B.R.E. Agent 40 45 50 45 40
Poor S.A.B.R.E. Agent 45 50 55 50 45
Good S.A.B.R.E. Agent 50 50 60 50 50
Exceptional S.A.B.R.E. Agent 55 55 65 55 55
Pathetic A.N.V.I.L. Agent 40 40 40 40 30
Poor A.N.V.I.L. Agent 45 45 45 45 35
Good A.N.V.I.L. Agent 50 45 50 45 40
Exceptional A.N.V.I.L. Agent 55 50 55 50 45
Pathetic S.M.A.S.H. Agent 30 40 40 40 30
Poor S.M.A.S.H. Agent 35 45 45 45 35
Good S.M.A.S.H. Agent 40 45 50 45 40
Exceptional S.M.A.S.H. Agent 45 50 55 50 45

Burglars & Thieves

The alliances do not take kindly to your pilfering of precious objects and scientific resources, so they fight
fire with fire. They dispatch burglars and thieves to your island lair to steal back loot, such as works of art.
And should you have nothing of theirs to steal back, these scalawags make off with your gold.
Should one of these sticky-fingered agents be successful in ripping you off, your Notoriety takes a hit.
(Apparently, it's bad form to allow such thievery to take place at one's own lair.) Conversely, though, the
more valuable the loot you steal from the alliances, the more highly skilled the agents sent to retrieve it.
Burglars and thieves are adept at outsmarting your traps and bypassing secure doors. You cannot count
on base defenses alone to do the job, so you're better off just resorting to violence when you spot a
burglar attempting to rob you blind.

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Burglars & Thieves

Agent Type Health Loyalty Smarts Attention Endurance
Pathetic P.A.T.R.I.O.T. Burglar 50 40 70 60 40
Poor P.A.T.R.I.O.T. Burglar 55 45 75 65 45
Good P.A.T.R.I.O.T. Burglar 60 45 80 65 45
Exceptional P.A.T.R.I.O.T. Burglar 65 50 85 70 55
Pathetic H.A.M.M.E.R. Burglar 50 40 70 60 60
Poor H.A.M.M.E.R. Burglar 55 45 75 65 65
Good H.A.M.M.E.R. Burglar 60 45 80 65 70
Exceptional H.A.M.M.E.R. Burglar 65 50 85 70 75
Pathetic S.A.B.R.E. Burglar 40 35 60 55 40
Poor S.A.B.R.E. Burglar 45 40 65 60 45
Good S.A.B.R.E. Burglar 50 40 70 60 50
Exceptional S.A.B.R.E. Burglar 55 45 75 65 55
Pathetic A.N.V.I.L. Burglar 40 30 50 50 30
Poor A.N.V.I.L. Burglar 45 35 55 55 35
Good A.N.V.I.L. Burglar 50 35 60 55 40
Exceptional A.N.V.I.L. Burglar 55 40 65 60 45
Pathetic S.M.A.S.H. Burglar 30 30 50 50 30
Poor S.M.A.S.H. Burglar 35 35 55 55 35
Good S.M.A.S.H. Burglar 40 35 60 55 40
Exceptional S.M.A.S.H. Burglar 45 40 65 60 45
Pathetic P.A.T.R.I.O.T. Thief 50 40 70 60 40
Poor P.A.T.R.I.O.T. Thief 55 45 75 65 45
Good P.A.T.R.I.O.T. Thief 60 45 80 65 45
Exceptional P.A.T.R.I.O.T. Thief 65 50 85 70 55
Pathetic H.A.M.M.E.R. Thief 50 40 70 60 60
Poor H.A.M.M.E.R. Thief 55 45 75 65 65

Forces of Justice

Burglars & Thieves (cont’d)

Agent Type Health Loyalty Smarts Attention Endurance

Good H.A.M.M.E.R. Thief 60 45 80 65 70
Exceptional H.A.M.M.E.R. Thief 65 50 85 70 75
Pathetic S.A.B.R.E. Thief 40 35 60 55 40
Poor S.A.B.R.E. Thief 45 40 65 60 45
Good S.A.B.R.E. Thief 50 40 70 60 50
Exceptional S.A.B.R.E. Thief 55 45 75 65 55
Pathetic A.N.V.I.L. Thief 40 30 50 50 30
Poor A.N.V.I.L. Thief 45 35 55 55 35
Good A.N.V.I.L. Thief 50 35 60 55 40
Exceptional A.N.V.I.L. Thief 55 40 65 60 45
Pathetic S.M.A.S.H. Thief 30 30 50 50 30
Poor S.M.A.S.H. Thief 35 35 55 55 35
Good S.M.A.S.H. Thief 40 35 60 55 40
Exceptional S.M.A.S.H. Thief 45 40 65 60 45

Saboteurs & Infiltrators

If you cannot be stopped by direct means, then the alliances attempt to destroy you from within.
Saboteurs and infiltrators are specialized agents on a mission to disable or ruin objects in your underground
lair. Most common targets are objects that pose a threat to the alliances, as well as traps that have been
particularly effective at stopping previous waves of agents.
As you begin developing technology that poses greater threats to the world order, the alliances start
sending in more skilled saboteurs and infiltrators. The best way to deal with discovered saboteurs is to
sound the alarm and allow your military minions to cut them down before they complete their destructive

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Saboteurs & Infiltrators

Agent Type Health Loyalty Smarts Attention Endurance
Pathetic P.A.T.R.I.O.T. Infiltrator 55 70 40 70 40
Poor P.A.T.R.I.O.T. Infiltrator 60 75 45 75 45
Good P.A.T.R.I.O.T. Infiltrator 65 75 50 75 50
Exceptional P.A.T.R.I.O.T. Infiltrator 70 80 55 80 55
Pathetic H.A.M.M.E.R. Infiltrator 55 70 40 70 60
Poor H.A.M.M.E.R. Infiltrator 60 75 45 75 65
Good H.A.M.M.E.R. Infiltrator 65 75 50 75 70
Exceptional H.A.M.M.E.R. Infiltrator 70 80 55 80 75
Pathetic S.A.B.R.E. Infiltrator 45 65 90 65 40
Poor S.A.B.R.E. Infiltrator 50 70 35 70 45
Good S.A.B.R.E. Infiltrator 55 70 40 70 50
Exceptional S.A.B.R.E. Infiltrator 60 75 45 75 55
Pathetic A.N.V.I.L. Infiltrator 50 60 20 60 30
Poor A.N.V.I.L. Infiltrator 55 65 25 65 35
Good A.N.V.I.L. Infiltrator 60 65 30 65 40
Exceptional A.N.V.I.L. Infiltrator 65 70 35 70 45
Pathetic S.M.A.S.H. Infiltrator 40 60 20 60 60
Poor S.M.A.S.H. Infiltrator 45 65 25 65 35
Good S.M.A.S.H. Infiltrator 50 65 30 65 40
Exceptional S.M.A.S.H. Infiltrator 55 70 35 70 45
Pathetic P.A.T.R.I.O.T. Saboteur 55 70 40 70 40
Poor P.A.T.R.I.O.T. Saboteur 60 75 45 75 45
Good P.A.T.R.I.O.T. Saboteur 65 75 50 75 50
Exceptional P.A.T.R.I.O.T. Saboteur 70 80 55 80 55
Pathetic H.A.M.M.E.R. Saboteur 55 70 40 70 60
Poor H.A.M.M.E.R. Saboteur 60 75 45 75 65

Forces of Justice

Saboteurs & Infiltrators (cont’d)

Agent Type Health Loyalty Smarts Attention Endurance

Good H.A.M.M.E.R. Saboteur 65 75 50 75 70
Exceptional H.A.M.M.E.R. Saboteur 70 80 55 80 75
Pathetic S.A.B.R.E. Saboteur 45 65 30 65 40
Poor S.A.B.R.E. Saboteur 50 70 35 70 45
Good S.A.B.R.E. Saboteur 55 70 40 70 50
Exceptional S.A.B.R.E. Saboteur 60 75 45 75 55
Pathetic A.N.V.I.L. Saboteur 50 60 20 60 30
Poor A.N.V.I.L. Saboteur 55 65 25 65 35
Good A.N.V.I.L. Saboteur 60 65 30 65 40
Exceptional A.N.V.I.L. Saboteur 65 70 35 70 45
Pathetic S.M.A.S.H. Saboteur 40 60 20 60 30
Poor S.M.A.S.H. Saboteur 45 65 25 65 35
Good S.M.A.S.H. Saboteur 50 65 30 65 40
Exceptional S.M.A.S.H. Saboteur 55 70 35 70 45

Soldiers & Veterans

Soldiers and veterans firmly believe in safety in numbers, which is why they attack your lair in groups. It is
very rare to see a single soldier wading ashore; they work as close-knit, well-organized groups capable of
delivering devastating damage to your lair.
The effectiveness and lethality of soldiers is directly related to their Heat level. The more bad stuff they
see going on in your lair, the angrier they become. Once they reach their boiling point, duck. They
commence an explosive assault, blasting your belongings and slaying your minions without blinking.
Platoons consist of between one and eight soldiers. The higher your Heat within a particular alliance, the
higher the skills of the soldiers that they dispatch to your island. As soon as you spot soldiers, you have
one course of action—set the lair to the highest level of alert and hope you have enough military minions
to turn them back.

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Soldiers & Veterans

Agent Type Health Loyalty Smarts Attention Endurance
Pathetic P.A.T.R.I.O.T. Soldier 80 70 60 70 60
Poor P.A.T.R.I.O.T. Soldier 85 75 65 75 65
Good P.A.T.R.I.O.T. Soldier 90 75 70 75 50
Exceptional P.A.T.R.I.O.T. Soldier 95 80 75 80 75
Pathetic H.A.M.M.E.R. Soldier 80 70 60 70 80
Poor H.A.M.M.E.R. Soldier 85 75 65 75 85
Good H.A.M.M.E.R. Soldier 90 75 70 75 90
Exceptional H.A.M.M.E.R. Soldier 95 80 75 80 95
Pathetic S.A.B.R.E. Soldier 60 65 50 65 60
Poor S.A.B.R.E. Soldier 65 70 55 70 65
Good S.A.B.R.E. Soldier 70 70 60 70 70
Exceptional S.A.B.R.E. Soldier 75 75 65 75 75
Pathetic A.N.V.I.L. Soldier 60 60 40 60 50
Poor A.N.V.I.L. Soldier 65 65 45 65 55
Good A.N.V.I.L. Soldier 70 65 50 65 60
Exceptional A.N.V.I.L. Soldier 75 70 55 70 65
Pathetic S.M.A.S.H. Soldier 55 60 40 60 50
Poor S.M.A.S.H. Soldier 60 65 45 65 55
Good S.M.A.S.H. Soldier 65 65 50 65 60
Exceptional S.M.A.S.H. Soldier 70 70 55 70 65
Pathetic P.A.T.R.I.O.T. Veteran 80 70 60 70 60
Poor P.A.T.R.I.O.T. Veteran 85 75 65 75 65
Good P.A.T.R.I.O.T. Veteran 90 75 70 75 50
Exceptional P.A.T.R.I.O.T. Veteran 95 80 75 80 75
Pathetic H.A.M.M.E.R. Veteran 80 70 60 70 80
Poor H.A.M.M.E.R. Veteran 85 75 65 75 85

Forces of Justice

Soldiers & Veterans (cont’d)

Agent Type Health Loyalty Smarts Attention Endurance

Good H.A.M.M.E.R. Veteran 90 75 70 75 90
Exceptional H.A.M.M.E.R. Veteran 95 80 75 80 95
Pathetic S.A.B.R.E. Veteran 60 65 50 65 60
Poor S.A.B.R.E. Veteran 65 70 55 70 65
Good S.A.B.R.E. Veteran 70 70 60 70 70
Exceptional S.A.B.R.E. Veteran 75 75 65 75 75
Pathetic A.N.V.I.L. Veteran 60 60 40 60 50
Poor A.N.V.I.L. Veteran 65 65 45 65 55
Good A.N.V.I.L. Veteran 70 65 50 65 60
Exceptional A.N.V.I.L. Veteran 75 70 55 70 65
Pathetic S.M.A.S.H. Veteran 55 60 40 60 50
Poor S.M.A.S.H. Veteran 60 65 45 65 55
Good S.M.A.S.H. Veteran 65 65 50 65 60
Exceptional S.M.A.S.H. Veteran 70 70 55 70 65

P.A.T.R.I.O.T. soldiers are incredibly powerful forces, but keep an eye out for an
invasion from H.A.M.M.E.R. soldiers. Not only do these trained killers possess an
incredible constitution, but their Endurance makes them unforgiving foes. When you
see H.A.M.M.E.R. soldiers land, unleash whatever military minions you have to
eliminate them before they get inside the base.

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Since you did pick an island paradise to host your lair, you better get used to the idea of tourists
wandering the island in search of fun and frolic. Remember, each tourist is a visitor from a particular
region of the world, meaning he or she is attached to an alliance.

As mentioned in the building section of Chapter 4, the best way to keep tourists in check is to build
diversions. Erect a hotel and stock it with as many distractions as you can afford. Tourists without
something to do have a nasty tendency to start poking their noses around the island, and that's when
trouble starts.

Tourists can start picking up Heat like investigators, so make sure they don't see anything they're not
supposed to. Should tourists witness an act of violence or spot a body bag, they panic. While panicking,
they run around the island (or worse, inside your lair). Once they manage to gather their wits, they try to
leave the island. Should they manage to escape, they can take word of their vacation disaster back to the
authorities in their region. And that means unwanted Heat for you.

Should a tourist start freaking out over a dead body or seeing one of your henchman perform an
evil deed, you have two choices. You can either dispatch social minions with psychological attacks in
hopes the tourist will forget everything, or you can kill the tourist outright. The problem with that final
solution? Another tourist may witness the execution and starting freaking out too. And thus begins a
vicious cycle.

Super Agents
In addition to swarms of agents like saboteurs and burglars, each alliance has a secret weapon—a super
agent. These almost mythic heroes are the ultimate thorn in an Evil Genius's side, as they are the
equivalent of a henchman for the Forces of Justice. Once an alliance unleashes a super agent on your
organization, it takes a lot of resources to stop him, and there's a good chance you lose considerable
manpower in doing so.
You don't have to defeat each alliance's super agent to win the game, but doing so certainly boosts your
Notoriety in the world and makes things easier. When you have the opportunity to challenge a super agent,
consider the pros and cons of engaging such a hero. While it would be nice to be known as the Evil Genius
who eats super agents for breakfast, is it worth the potential losses to attempt such an act of evil?

Forces of Justice

Fortunately, being an Evil Genius, you do have the resources to undermine a super agent's efforts. You
can send forth your operatives to discover three of the super agent's weaknesses. If you can learn and
exploit these Achilles' heels, you have a much better chance of defeating an alliance's super agent. Two of
the super agents can only be defeated in ways that require you to lure them into a specific part of your lair.
So, before you decide to get medieval on these super agents, read up on their strengths and special
moves. If you don't think you have the power (or the chutzpah) to do the job right, you may be better
letting these big fish go for now.
We have also included each super agent's weakness, so if you decide to take one on, you have advance
warning of what must be done to level the playing field.

Dirk Masters: P.A.T.R.I.O.T. Super Agent

Dirk Masters is the great American hero always
Health: 100 being called back for "one last job." The former
Loyalty: 100 Special Forces agent turned super spy is a
Smarts: 70 tough-talking battering ram of a man, as quick
Attention: 100 with the trigger as he is with a one-liner.
Endurance: 100
Masters' last official job for P.A.T.R.I.O.T.
was stopping a madman bent on turning the
Great Pyramids of Egypt into an array of nuclear missiles. But the
opportunity to take down the greatest Evil Genius the world has ever
known is just too tempting to pass up.
Masters attacks your lair like a soldier and also attempts to break
things like a saboteur. Watch out for this behavior.

Special Attack: Suppression Fire. Masters's massive pythons allow

him to pack dual M60 machine guns.
Weakness: An Act of Infamy sends your men to the gym where
Masters works out. Successfully completing the mission reveals
that Masters is addicted to illegal steroids. Perhaps subjecting
him to your biojuice will cause a bad reaction?

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Jet Chan: A.N.V.I.L. Super Agent

Jet Chan is the world's greatest martial artist. If he were to put
Health: 90 his hands in his pockets, he could be arrested for concealing a
Loyalty: 70 deadly weapon.
Smarts: 90
Chan's greatest victory was against the Mandarin madman,
Attention: 90
Xing Ho. Ho had tunneled into the Great Wall of China,
Endurance: 90
converting it into a secret base where he could hypnotize the
Chinese public into jumping up and down at the same time,
producing a global earthquake. Chan put a stop to Ho with his bare hands. Can Chan
top such a glorious victory by taking down the new Evil Genius on the block?
Chan infiltrates your lair and wreaks havoc like a soldier but also attempts to pilfer
objects like a thief.

Special Attack: Preternatural Speed. Using an incredible burst of speed, Chan can dodge any blow.
Weakness: Complete a special Act of Infamy to discover Chan's weakness. The martial artist's
mentor, if kidnapped and interrogated, reveals that Chan has vowed to retire from A.N.V.I.L. if
he's ever defeated in a fight. Maybe you can arrange that fight at one of your dojos? To be on
the safe side, lace his prebout meal with sedatives to guarantee a victory.

Katerina Frostanova: H.A.M.M.E.R. Super Agent

It takes a cold heart to kill in cold blood. Thanks to
Health: 95 witnessing the death of her parents as a child, Katerina
Loyalty: 95 Frostanova has only ice where the heart should be.
Smarts: 95 Trained up by the Soviet State Orphanage for Heroes of
Attention: 95 the Republic, Frostanova soon became one of the most
Endurance: 75 skilled assassins in the world. Can she get your Evil
Genius in her sights?
Frostanova possesses the talents of both a soldier and an investigator.

Special Attack: Cold Assassin. With lethal accuracy, Frostanova can maneuver
through an outpost and plunge her knife into the heart of any foe.
Weakness: Katerina has only one weakness—her childhood. An Act of Infamy will
reveal that she cares for her teddy bear, Mr. Snuggles. If you can steal the bear
and make Katerina watch its dismemberment, maybe she will tuck tail and run.

Forces of Justice

Mariana Mamba: S.M.A.S.H. Super Agent

Mariana Mamba hails from the rainforests of the
Health: 80 Amazon, where she learned true jungle hunting skills.
Loyalty: 80 When a bungled aerial strike from drug enforcement
Smarts: 80 officers decimated her people, Mamba emerged from
Attention: 60 the thick to become the greatest agent on the
Endurance: 80 S.M.A.S.H. payroll. Can this beautiful predator get close
enough to your Evil Genius to strike?
Mamba can ruin your lair like a saboteur as well as steal items like a thief.

Special Attack: Savage Allure. Mamba's beauty is a great source of power,

and she can use it to trick your minions into abandoning their posts.
Weakness: Lure Mamba into an infirmary chair and let your scientists give
her the worst face-lift the plastic surgery profession has ever seen.

John Steele: S.A.B.R.E. Super Agent

Steele is the world's unquestioned finest super agent, injecting some serious
Health: 120 double-oh charm into his chilling career. Steele's victories are
Loyalty: 100 too numerous to list, but highlights include thwarting plans to
Smarts: 100 build evil bases on the moon and stopping an army of robot-
Attention: 100 controlled sharks from releasing a poisonous payload. Can he
Endurance: 100 best even his own sterling record with an attempt on the life
on the globe's newest Evil Genius?
Steele snoops around your lair like an investigator and disables objects like a

Special Attack: Base Mayhem. Steele never goes into action unprepared. He can
cause great panic in your lair by hacking into computers and setting explosives,
making it easy to slip into your inner sanctum. Base Mayhem also resets the
security levels on your base doors, as well as potentially altering your base's alert
Weakness: A man like Steele deserves a death more fantastical than a mere bullet
to the head. The best way to dispose of this super agent for good is to strap him
to a rocket and blast him into space. But first, you're going to need a rocket. And
a silo to house said rocket. Better get your scientists on this one….

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Blind Yourself with Science

Achieving the status of ultimate world dominator requires a lot more than savvy shopping, evil travel-agent
skills, and being a tip-top minion wrangler. To make the planet truly tremble, you must put on a horror
show of science, unlocking the secrets of atoms, molecules, and the other itty-bitty building blocks of
creation. Once you have created a suitable lair, install what could possibly be the most important room in
the whole abode (even more important than your atrium-filled inner sanctum): the laboratory.
You need a laboratory fully staffed with science minions
and stacked to the ceiling with equipment that would
make NASA's headquarters look plebeian to create some
of the most fascinating (and terror-inducing) objects in
the game.
In the laboratory, you can create some fiendish traps,
such as the Venus man trap and the dreadmill, two
devices that are as much fun to build as they are to
watch in motion. Your science minions can also build
fantastic new equipment for your lair to speed and
streamline operations, such as the brainiac machine and
the arcade cabinet.

Even more pressing than building a better pinball

machine, though, is performing evil acts to cement your
place in the annals of wicked masterminds. Your lab staff
helps uncover the secrets of defeating the alliances'
super agents, a cabal of goody-two-shoes that deserve to
be humbled. And if you ever want to create your
doomsday machine, you better have a good laboratory.

Evil Genius Research & Development

It takes time to discover the formulas used to create these souped-up items and tricky traps. And
since an Evil Genius doesn't have spare time to wait for his lackeys to engage in cosmic arithmetic and
atom-smashing, we have a full list of the clever combinations that turn your laboratory from a nerd
hang-out to a smoothly running assembly line of evil, constantly spitting out devilish inventions to make
your enemies quake.

You cannot build a laboratory when you first land on your island of an undisclosed
location. You must complete the Act of Infamy—Coming in from the Cold. Your
minions steal the research machine, the centerpiece of a working laboratory. After
it's in your possession, you can carve your laboratory into the island and start
filling it with science stuff.

Building Blocks
Three pieces of laboratory equipment are essential to start research and development. The first two are
the research machine and a databank. Without these, you got bubkes. The third item is an experimental
apparatus, of which there are seven kinds to create different work environments.

These seven experimental apparatuses can double as torture machines. Select an
enemy agent for interrogation, then right-click on one of these devices. If you have
a spare second, linger in the laboratory to watch the show.

Once you have all three pieces of laboratory equipment, you can access the research process from your
Evil Console.

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This button appears on the Evil Console when

you are able to begin research and devel-
opment (R&D). It takes you directly to the
research screen, where you can indulge your
inner mad scientist.

Research Machine
The research machine is the hub of the laboratory. When
you want to begin an experiment, you must use the
research machine. After you finish trying out a formula,
the research machine interacts with the databank to save
the results.

The databank is the brains of the lab. Any information
your science minions gather about the research and
development processes is stored in this computer's
memory banks. Having all of this scientific know-how in
one place is convenient, but it also makes the databank a
prime target for enemy agents. Make sure the laboratory
is protected from spying eyes and unsavory sorts who
insist on doing the right thing.

Evil Genius Research & Development

Experimental Apparatus
After you install a research machine and databank, you
need an experimental apparatus to actually perform the
experiments. If you want to develop all the game's secret
objects, you need all seven of these machines:
AI Supercomputer Laboratory Bio-Tanks
Centrifuge Environment Chamber
Greenhouse Impact Stress Analyzer

Each of these machines creates different conditions for

an experiment, which often result in different objects. Of
course, not every machine produces positive results, so
keep trying different combinations. Or, just peek farther into this chapter for our textbook of formulas.

The Process
After you have gathered and assembled the necessary equipment in your laboratory, you are free to begin
the experimentation process. The process is a matter of creating effective combinations of objects and
experimental apparatuses.

Click on the research button on your Science minions, as they roam the lair, make
Evil Console to initiate the process. This brings observations about potential experimentation
up the research screen, where you make your material. If they see something could potentially
experimentation decisions. be tinkered with to make a new object, they
record it and store the information in the
databank. Those objects appear in the "object to
research" panel at the top of the research screen.

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Click on one of the objects to prep it for experi- Left-click on an experimental apparatus to select it.
mentation. The object pops up in the center of the You can select multiple experimental apparatuses for
giant circle that displays the available experi- a single experiment. The number of experimental
mental apparatuses in your laboratory. apparatuses you have chosen appears above the
selected object in the center of the circle. Now
that you have selected the equipment and set the
parameters for the experiment, just click on the
green "Go" button to make miracles happen.

Your science minions instantly start in on the legwork

of the research process. A minion reports to the
research machine and grabs an empty specimen
container. He lugs the container over to the item
you have chosen for the experiment and takes a
sample. After he takes the sample, it's whisked back
to the laboratory and put through the experimental
apparatuses. Finally, the container is returned to the
research machine and studied.

If the experiment is a failure, the process just fizzles out. However, if you've come up with the magic
combination, the machine alerts you and the new object appears in your purchase menus.

Evil Genius Research & Development

There is a way to speed up the process. You can

offer your science minions incentives to come up
with winning experiments. After you choose an
object for experimentation, click on the "Pay"
button in the cash incentive box. This rules out
any experimental apparatus that cannot be used
with this particular object.

Offering cash incentives is certainly a great bonus for your science minions, but we
can save you a truckload of gold by just divulging the research formulas at the end
of this chapter.

Here is a complete list of the research formulas, revealing what extra objects you can create in your
laboratory. You can only perform experiments on objects that your science minions have taken note of,
though, so you can't just start crafting new objects immediately.

Several of these new objects cannot be created without access to objects stolen
during Acts of Infamy, such as the crown jewels or sonic generator. So, if you want
to complete your evil collection, you must accept and complete all of the Acts of
Infamy that result in stolen objects.

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Object Formulas
The following formulas describe the process necessary to create these new items. Some of the
objects you can create are experimental apparatuses, such as the laboratory laser and the centrifuge,
which are essential to creating all the secret objects and traps. Create all the experimental apparatuses
as soon as possible.

Just as there is more than one way to skin a cat, there is sometimes more than one
way to create a new object. Some new objects are the product of two or more
formulas. These formulas make the exact same object, but they give you more
opportunities to make the object if you don't have all the experimental apparatuses.

New Objects
Result Object Apparatus 1 Apparatus 2 Apparatus 3
Arcade Cabinet Security Desk Laboratory Laser — —
Auto-Chef Pete Bog Impact Stress Analyzer Environment Chamber —
Auto-Surgeon Infirmary Chair Laboratory Bio-Tanks Greenhouse —
Big Screen Inner Sanctum TV Studio Laboratory Laser — —
Bookcase Archives Reading Table Impact Stress Analyzer — —
Brainiac Machine Archives Reading Table Laboratory Bio-Tanks — —
Brainwasher Sonic Generator Impact Stress Analyzer AI Supercomputer
Centrifuge Generator Laboratory Laser — —
Centrifuge Generator Impact Stress Analyzer
Communication Array Code Breaker Environment Chamber Centrifuge Impact Stress Analyzer
Communication Array Code Breaker Greenhouse Centrifuge Impact Stress Analyzer
Communication Array Code Breaker AI Supercomputer — —
Control Station Chalkboard Laboratory Laser — —
Cryo-Cubicle Pete Bog Centrifuge Greenhouse —
Death Cubicle Security Holding Cell Centrifuge — —
Disguised Door Standard Door Laboratory Bio-Tanks — —
Disguised Generator Generator Centrifuge — —
Disguised Holding Cell Chameleon Cloth Laboratory Bio-Tanks — —
Disguised Rifle Rack Chameleon Cloth Laboratory Laser — —
Disguised Security Camera Zoom-Lens Camera Centrifuge Laboratory Bio-Tank —
Disguised Sentry Gun Sentry Gun Impact Stress Analyzer Laboratory Laser —

Evil Genius Research & Development

New Objects (cont’d)

Result Object Apparatus 1 Apparatus 2 Apparatus 3
Equipment Storage Rack Heavy Shooting Range Impact Stress Analyzer — —
Field Barrier Door Mercury Mirror Impact Stress Analyzer — —
Flamethrower Rack Jetpack Environment Chamber Centrifuge Laboratory Bio-Tanks
Flamethrower Rack Jetpack AI Supercomputer Centrifuge Laboratory Bio-Tanks
Flamethrower Rack Jetpack Greenhouse — —
Global Stock Exchange Watchdog Aztec Amulet Environment Chamber Laboratory Laser Impact Stress Analyzer
Global Stock Exchange Watchdog Aztec Amulet Greenhouse Laboratory Laser Impact Stress Analyzer
Global Stock Exchange Watchdog Aztec Amulet AI Supercomputer — —
Gold Enhancer Crown Jewels Greenhouse Laboratory Bio-Tanks Centrifuge
Gold Enhancer Crown Jewels AI Supercomputer Laboratory Bio-Tanks Centrifuge
Gold Enhancer Crown Jewels Environment Chamber — —
Heavy Door 3M Standard Door Impact Stress Analyzer — —
Heavy Duty Loudspeaker Sonic Generator Centrifuge — —
High-Density Capacitor Disguised Power Generator Laboratory Laser Centrifuge —
Infirmary Chair Pharmacy Booth Laboratory Laser Laboratory Bio-Tanks —
Impact Stress Analyzer Standard Door AI Supercomputer — —
Impact Stress Analyzer Standard Door Centrifuge — —
Laboratory Bio-Tanks Multimedia Educational Zone Laboratory Laser Impact Stress Analyzer Centrifuge
Laboratory Laser Security Camera Centrifuge — —
Laboratory Laser Security Camera Impact Stress Analyzer — —
Multi-Gym Table Tennis Impact Stress Analyzer — —
Multimedia Educational Zone Mercury Mirror Laboratory Laser — —
Nuclear Generator Chalkboard Impact Stress Analyzer — —
Pinball Machine Roulette Table Laboratory Laser — —
Reclining Chair Multimedia Educational Zone Laboratory Bio-Tanks Centrifuge —
Salad Bar Pete Bog Bio-Tank — —
Schematics Station Antique Cannon Greenhouse Laboratory Laser Impact Stress Analyzer
Schematics Station Antique Cannon AI Supercomputer Laboratory Laser Impact Stress Analyzer
Schematics Station Antique Cannon Environment Chamber — —
Security Radio Loudspeaker Diamond AI Supercomputer Laboratory Laser Impact Stress Analyzer
Security Radio Loudspeaker Diamond Environment Chamber Laboratory Laser Impact Stress Analyzer
Security Radio Loudspeaker Diamond Greenhouse — —
Sentry Gun Handgun Cabinet Centrifuge — —
Widescreen TV Sonic Generator Impact Stress Analyzer — —
X-Ray Machine Pete Bog Centrifuge — —
Zoom-Lens Camera Security Camera Laboratory Laser — —

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Trap & Sensor Formulas

The following formulas detail how to create advanced traps and sensors. Just as with the new objects you
can create, you must first get some prerequisite objects through Acts of Infamy. And some new traps
cannot be created unless you have already created the trap it is based on.

New Traps & Sensors

Result Object Apparatus 1 Apparatus 2 Apparatus 3
Bee Hive Trap Salad Bar Laboratory Bio-Tanks Laboratory Laser —

Charge Cannon Nuclear Generator Laboratory Laser Impact Stress Analyzer Centrifuge

Damned Damsel Chameleon Cloth Laboratory Laser AI Supercomputer —

Do-Not-Press Inner Sanctum TV Studio Laboratory Bio-Tanks — —

Dreadmill Egg Chair Laboratory Laser Impact Stress Analyzer Centrifuge

Explosive Palm Tree Flamethrower Rack Laboratory Laser Greenhouse —

Knockout Gas Cage X-Ray Machine Centrifuge Impact Stress Analyzer —

Laser Beam Sensor Capacitor Laboratory Laser — —

Laughing Gas Cage Loyalty Gas Cage Impact Stress Analyzer Laboratory Bio-Tanks

Loyalty Gas Cage Pharmacy Booth Laboratory Bio-Tanks — —

Misdirection Communications Array Centrifuge AI Supercomputer —

Money Madness Global Stock Market Watchdog Laboratory Laser Environment Chamber —

Monkey in a Box Monkey Laboratory Bio-Tanks AI Supercomputer —

Motion Tracker Sensor Heavy Shooting Range Laboratory laser — —

Piranha Tank Venus Man Trap Impact Stress Analyzer Greenhouse —

Pit Punisher Pinball Machine Impact Stress Analyzer — —

Prometheus's Revenge Satan's Chimney Laboratory Laser Impact Stress Analyzer Centrifuge

Satan's Chimney Chalkboard Centrifuge — —

Saw Blades Mercury Mirror Impact Stress Analyzer Environment Chamber —

Stupid Gas Cage Inner Sanctum TV Studio Impact Stress Analyzer — —

Sucker Trap Nuclear Generator Centrifuge Environment Chamber —

Venus Man Trap Biochemist Workshop AI Supercomputer Centrifuge —

Venus Man Trap Biochemist Workshop Greenhouse — —

Venus Man Trap Biochemist Workshop Bio-Tank — —

Evil Genius Research & Development

Unleash the Freak!

The freak is a supersoldier created by some seriously bad, bad science. Take a broken body from your
freezer and perform some horrible experiments on it to unleash the power of the freak, a behemoth with
equally disturbing levels of strength and stupidity. The freak can be a powerful addition to your force.

New Minion
Result Object Apparatus 1 Apparatus 2 Apparatus 3
Freak Freezer Rack Centrifuge Impact Stress Analyzer Laboratory Bio-Tanks

Doomsday Devices


WARNING! Plot spoiler ahead!

The ultimate goal of an Evil Genius is to bring the world to its knees—and the best way to do that is to
threaten the alliances with a doomsday device. You can build one of three doomsday devices. The
doomsday device of your choosing is loaded onto the rocket ship you build on the second island of the
game, after you outgrow your first rock.
These are the three formulas for building a doomsday device. It is absolutely essential that you hunt
down and steal the Codex of Knowledge in the game's sixth objective. Only with the Codex can you finalize
your end-game plans.

Doomsday Research
Result Object Apparatus 1
Earthquake Beam Codex of Knowledge Environment Chamber
Gravity Disruptor Codex of Knowledge AI Supercomputer
ID Eliminator Codex of Knowledge Greenhouse

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Plotting and Conniving

World domination is a tricky mistress. Turn your back for one moment, and she finds comfort in another's
evil arms. You've been absent from the nefarious plotting scene for too long, and the planet's Forces of
Justice need a real Evil Genius to rally against.
This first objective in your quest to control the planet introduces you to concepts like secret lair building
and smart-object purchasing and placement. The world doesn't take long to intrude on your island
paradise, so you also have a chance to try out tagging people for death or imprisonment.
You must also learn how to properly delegate work to your army of minions.
Some need to stay at home to build and operate your evil island base, while
others must enter the world and steal cash to pay the bills. Be sure those globe-
trotters engage in some Acts of Infamy, as there's no point in being an Evil
Genius if nobody cowers upon hearing your name. There's nothing more
depressing to an Evil Genius than being met with casual indifference.

Level Objectives
Build your minions a barracks with at least one bunk bed and one
barracks locker. Building a barracks allows you to recruit and house more
Build a control room with at least one control panel and one control room
memory bank. You cannot send minions into the world to perform Acts of
Infamy on your behalf without a properly equipped control room.
Tag for elimination a squad of investigators who are combing the island for
suspicious activity.
Capture a maid from among the civilians vacationing on the island.
Interrogate the maid, who has extremely useful information for your cause.
Strap her into the interrogation chair and extract enough information to begin
training minions as valets.

Objective 1: Evil Intentions

Acts of Infamy
The following Acts of Infamy are available at the beginning of this objective.

Steal the Library Blueprints Ear Plug Forging Ahead Fishy Business

New Rooms/Buildings New Objects

Item Price Item Price
Evil Base Entrance $1,500 Bunk Bed $500
Corridor $100 Barracks Locker $1,000
Barracks $150 Time Clock $5,000
Control Room $500 Control Panel $10,000
Armory $250 Control Room Memory Bank $7,500
Freezer $300 Standard Door $1,500
Strongroom $400 Fire Extinguisher Locker $3,000
Archives $300 Briefcase Rack $5,000
Infirmary $300 Freezer Rack $5,000
Topside Shack $50,000 Security Holding Cell $5,000
Hotel Hub $150,000 Interrogation Chair $5,000
Hotel Wing $100,000 Archives Reading Table $2,000
Pharmacy Booth $5,000
Hotel Door $3,000
New Traps Hotel Grand Piano $5,000
Item Price
Hotel Lobby Counter $5,000
Pressure Pad Sensor $2,000 Hotel Room $10,000
Poison Gas Cage Trap $6,000 Hotel Lounge Table $5,000
Wind Machine Trap $10,000 Hotel Lounge Dance Floor $5,000
Confusing Pop-Up Trap $5,000 Hotel Lobby Bench $2,500
Test Dummy Machine $1,000 Hotel Lounge Bar $7,500

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Objective Walkthrough
Your boat arrives on a semideserted island paradise. Only a small township populates this rock, and the
initial batch of civilians should be easy to keep under tabs—and out of your business.

Your Evil Genius is holed up in a strongroom with his henchman, a few minions, and enough gold bricks
to make your dreams of world domination come true.
The first thing you must do to get your evil empire underway is start building the requisite Evil Genius
lair. Fortunately, the rock in the center of the island is prime real estate for a secret underground
hideout. In fact, it seems like it was almost designed with the express purpose of housing torture
chambers and bizarre science labs.

First, pick out your front door. The first of

those gold bricks must be traded in at the
local depot for an Evil Base Entrance.

Objective 1: Evil Intentions

Place the Evil Base Entrance close to the depot so your minions don't have to hoof it
too far with construction materials.

After you have placed the Evil Base Entrance and

work is under way, start recruiting more minions.
You can have up to five now.


Remember, it costs money to recruit

minions at a rate faster than one a minute.
This early in your quest, hold on to your
gold bricks and leave the recruitment
slider bar alone.

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Building Barracks

Next, build a decent length of corridor into the

rock. Be sure to keep the corridor only two
squares wide. Your minions don't need much room Create a corridor two squares wide and ones
to move and you should learn to conserve cash as square deep leading into the barracks. This
allows you space to install security doors later.
soon as possible. You don't have an evil money
tree, you know.

Even though you don't need to create

strictly rectangular rooms, be sure that you
As soon as work in the corridor is finished, leave enough space to maximize the number
draw up blueprints for the barracks. As soon of installed bunk beds and lockers.
as those bunk beds are available, you can
recruit more minions.

Objective 1: Evil Intentions

Constructing Control Rooms

After the barracks is under way, lay out

plans for the central nervous system of the lair:
the control room. The control room is where your evil organi-
zation's intelligence is gathered. This is not
the kind of place you want intruders and
interlopers poking their noses into, so
Tip placement is key. Build this room a little
deeper into the rock than the barracks and
other rooms (armory, freezer) that have less
As soon as the barracks is complete, you sensitive contents.
can start recruiting more minions. Order
up more minions as soon as the room is
done, as the heavy lifting in your evil
empire is about to increase tenfold.

When the control room is complete, you have

access to the rest of the world. You can send
your minions out to gather intel and cash, and
you can also commit Acts of Infamy that raise
After you draft the control room, you
your notoriety. need to install at least one control panel and
one control room memory bank.

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Four Acts of Infamy are available after you finish the control room. Completing these Acts is not as
pressing as securing more funds, but it's still a good idea to get the ball rolling and let the world know that
there's a new criminal mastermind in town.
Of the four Acts of Infamy, choose the easiest one first: Steal the Library Blueprints. This Act requires
only two minions and results in the prize of building plans for archives.

The investigators show up as red dots on
your minimap.

If left alone long enough, the investigators
With minions able to head out and raise cash—and stop patrolling the perimeter of the island
construction of your lair well underway—turn and brazenly waltz through your front door.
your attention to the four investigators snooping Be sure to deal with the investigators before
about the island.
diverting resources to time-consuming Acts
of Infamy.

Objective 1: Evil Intentions

Tag the four investigators for elimination. But be The better choice for thwarting these unwanted
careful not to target the snoops when your regular eyes? Your henchman. He can squash these
minions are nearby. Construction workers are not encroachers with little effort, and the resulting
well suited for combat, and you may lose some experience points get you closer to unlocking your
men in the melee. henchman's special moves.

The four body bags holding the The best room to build next is a freezer. The
dead investigators attract not only flies but body bags can cool in the freezer, away from
also unwanted attention. prying eyes.

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Building Freezers

One of the best things about freezers is that

they don't need to be terribly large. Just
build a smallish one off to the side of the
main corridor, fitting it between other rooms.

Money Management
When you have around 15 minions and the investigators
have been disposed of, start sending them out into the
world to earn their keep. Keep a small army of minions at
the lair, but building extra rooms like the freezer or the
archives puts the squeeze on cash flow.
The best place to send minions right now? Japan. The
country is rich in resources. Place as many minions as you
can spare in the territory (keeping an eye on the resulting
heat caused by your presence) and enjoy the boost to the

Objective 1: Evil Intentions

The last two subobjectives are to capture and then interrogate the civilian maid wandering around the beach.
As soon as you snatch her up and wear her down, the next objective begins. So, before grabbing the maid, steal
some money, finish off the available Acts of Infamy, and recruit the maximum number of available minions.

The maid is out beachcombing, enjoying the sand Tag the maid for capture, then let her keep
and sun in her little French maid outfit. roaming. She poses no immediate threat to your
organization. In the meantime, you need to build
the facility for interrogating her.

Armory Construction
The armory is one of the most important rooms in your lair, so
make sure there is enough room to install multiple security
holding cells and interrogation chairs.
You definitely want to create a small stretch of corridor
between the hall and
the armory, as you
want to install a door. If
other investigators or
would-be heroes
infiltrate the base, you
want to keep their pitiful, captured compatriots out of sight.
While your minions prepare to build the armory, place at least
one security holding cell and one interrogation chair in the
room. Keep them close to maximize floorspace.

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After capturing the maid, your minions When the maid is under lock and key, issue the
automatically bring her back to the completed interrogation order.
security holding cell.

One of your minions pulls the maid out The maid's information unlocks a new minion type:
of the clink and tosses her into the valet. You can now build a training room and
interrogation chair. He then uses his highly teach other minions in the art of valet service.
stylized interrogation techniques to extract
useful information from her.

Objective 1: Evil Intentions

Evil Strategies

Never allow a dull moment at your lair this

early in the game. These minions must
always be kept busy or refreshing their
traits, like health or loyalty.

Should any of your minions become injured

while on the job, you unlock the room plans
for the infirmary. While this room is not
essential to completing this objective, keep it
in mind when laying out your lair. Your minions
are sure to take plenty of damage in achieving
coming objectives, as the island gets a lot more

Evil Geniuses must command respect. If you discover

a minion lying about, do not hesitate to cut him down in front of his
peers. The minions are impressed by your ruthlessness. If you order
your henchman to kill, they respect that somebody is willing to
perform such harsh acts in your name.

If you have the time and resources, go ahead and build a

strongroom inside the base. There aren't any burglars sneaking
around the beach just yet, but you can't leave all of those
fabulous gold bricks in the open for very long.

The archives are only available once you complete the Steal the
Library Blueprints Act of Infamy. Make sure you complete this
task, as the archives help boost your minions' Smarts should
they become mentally fatigued.

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Greed and Gathering

You have successfully broken soil on your lair and are well on your way to constructing a diabolical under-
ground base of operations. Your minions are busying themselves by gathering intelligence via the control
room. Training has begun on a new class of minion: the valet. And global Notoriety is rising, thanks in no
small part to pulling off a few audacious Acts of Infamy.
There's just one problem. The rest of the world's criminal masterminds don't show you the respect you
deserve. That is simply unacceptable. These rapscallions and scalawags must see the light—they may be
twisted and immoral, but you have cornered the market in pure evil. And unless these horrible honchos
fully comprehend your unlimited genius and wrath, the Forces of Justices won't either.
What else is there to do but call a meeting? To complete this objective, gather the six underworld
overlords to your island retreat for a little powwow. Once all of these horror show heads of state are
together, you can use your evil means to show them that there is only one "I" in evil.
However, before you can expect RSVPs, you need a suitable space for such (in)dignitaries. You need a
chamber that drips with opulence. You need a desk covered in monitors and important-looking red buttons.
And a conference table so mammoth that invitees must squint to actually see the person across the table
from them.
You need an inner sanctum.

Level Objectives
Underworld crime lords will not deign to visit your island lair unless you have a suitable room to host them
in. Build an inner sanctum in your base, and make sure there are plenty of seats around the new
conference table.
Lei Ying Lo is the head of the organized crime families in China and Southeast Asia. Send an envoy to his
territory and persuade him to attend your meeting.
Marvin de Luca is the merciless mafia don of North America. The man is too full of pride for his own good,
so invite this gentleman gangster to the island for something of an intervention.
India's crime scene is controlled by one man: Armand Krishnan. He's able to corrupt government officials
according to his whims, he has fingers in many criminal pies, and he believes himself to be king of the
mountain. Let's show him it's really a molehill.

Objective 2: Head of the Underworld

Nikita Leonov earned his bloody stars as the butcher of St. Petersburg. You don't have to go to him; he's on
your island under the impression that he's calling the shots. Perhaps we can "aggressively negotiate" with
him and show him the error of his ways?
Nigel Ewing is a CIA agent who went off the farm a long time ago. He settled in Africa and quickly estab-
lished himself as the undisputed boss of all criminal activities on the continent. Ewing only sees truly
connected people, so unless you have enough Notoriety, don't even bother embarking to Africa to find him.
The lord of crime in East London, Bob "Barking" Caine, is the final holdout. Refusing to acknowledge he's
been bested, Caine has dispatched his men to our island. Bring out an appropriately violent welcome wagon
and show this cockney cad that he may be the guv'nah, but you're the emperor.

Acts of Infamy
When you began the first objective, you had a few Acts of Infamy available from the outset. This time out,
many of the Acts are unlocked only by sending your minions into the wild to plot. Here are a few of the
Acts of Infamy available in this objective, thanks to your rise in Notoriety.
You definitely should start performing Acts of New Objects
Infamy, not just to continue bolstering your Notoriety, Item Price
but also to go after missions that result in stolen
Bayonet Dummy Punching Bag $5,000
objects. These items help boost minion stats and are
Capacitor $5,000
also extremely helpful later when it's time to start
researching and developing new objects. Conference Table $5,000
Drinks Machine $1,000
And Another Ming Generator $10,000
Philosopher's Stone Handgun Cabinet $2,500
Shieking the Rug Impressive Desk $15,000
Eye Spy Laboratory Workshop $5,000
Mess Hall Counter 1 $5,000
The Sound of Music
Mess Hall Counter 2 $15,000
El Presidente's Painting
Mouse Maze $3,000
Outdoor Security Camera $5,000
New Rooms/Buildings Reclining Chair $5,000
Item Price Rifle Cabinet $5,000
Inner Sanctum $250 School Desk $5,000
Mess Hall $150 Security Camera $3,000
Power Plant $150 Security Desk $3,500
Staff Room $150 Security Loudspeaker $3,000
Training Room $250 Table Tennis $2,000

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Objective Walkthrough
The previous objective was all about getting acquainted
with the day-to-day activities of an Evil Genius. Now that
you know the ropes, let's start hanging people with them.
However, before we can start sending out invitations to
our evil soirée, we need to make the place presentable.

The more corridor you have tunneled, the
more space you have to lay down some You need to carve an inner sanctum into the rock.
devious traps. Traps are one of the best ways Because your Evil Genius primarily resides here,
build it fairly deep into your lair. Build a length
to dispose of intruders. of corridor into the rock so enemy agents really
have to go the distance to reach the EG.

Build an extra stretch of two-square-wide corridor so you can install a door at the
entrance of your inner sanctum.

Now that you have a corridor built, lay out the

blueprints for your inner sanctum. The room can
be a modest size, just big enough to hold an
impressive desk and a conference table.

Objective 2: Head of the Underworld

Installing Inner Sanctums

You only need a conference table to satisfy the requirements of this objective. However, it's strongly
recommended that you leave enough space to house an impressive desk and a few looted items from
Acts of Infamy.
The impressive desk is the best resource for boosting your Evil Genius's flagging stats, should he find
himself damaged by an intruder. And since stolen items are big targets for thieves and burglars, who
start infiltrating your base in this objective, you may want to stash a few in here.

Now that the inner sanctum is underway, give your construction workers another task. If you are to take
advantage of the knowledge gleaned from the maid, you must build a training room facility inside the lair.
With a training room full of the appropriate equipment, you can start sending your minions to school.

Somewhere off a corridor, draw up plans for a You can only install a school desk in the training
training room with enough room to house a lot of room to educate future valets, but you must leave
training equipment. enough room for bayonet dummy punching bags
and laboratory workshops, which take up almost
twice as much space. Always consider objects' hot
spots when placing them in a room.

Building two rooms at one time reveals the need for many more minions. To beef up your crew, you
must earn Notoriety and install more lockers in your barracks. The greater the number of each of these,
the more potential minions clamor to join your nefarious organization.

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From the World Domination screen, start looking It may get a little crowded inside the barracks,
for more Acts of Infamy to give yourself a bad but when the money starts rolling in, line those
name—a real bad name. walls with as many lockers as you can fit. Minions
seem only interested in serving your badness if
you have enough places for them to put their stuff.

When you have the funds, go ahead and commission the construction of a modest
mess hall and splurge for the more expensive mess hall counter. You'll be glad
you did.

By now, you should have a few minion crews in the world regularly stealing cash
for you, even if it's just one or two men stationed in a territory. The best
places to raid right now are the Pacific allies and the Middle East. You know, oil
fields and all.

Objective 2: Head of the Underworld

Remember, as a result of your Acts of Infamy
and stealing, you will receive bumps in Heat
from the alliances. While you expand your lair
and send out envoys to court the criminal
masterminds of the world, the alliances do not
slow their efforts to infiltrate your island. Keep
tagging enemy agents to be killed or captured
to keep them from reporting incidents at your
base or stealing back your gold.

Power Problems
Remote islands in the middle of the ocean really seem like a
good idea, but what they don't tell you in the brochure may bite
you in the behind later on. You see, you've got all this great
machinery and equipment gathering intelligence, researching
superscience, and serving up hot meals, but you have a limited
supply of electricity. And installing more sockets isn't going to
help the problem.
During this objective, your island suffers from a power
shortage, placing you in the early stages of a power outage. You
must remedy this problem immediately. Fortunately, you have the
tools and know-how to do so.

As soon as you are alerted of the potential power outage, you

have access to the blueprints for a power plant room. In addition
to the plans, your catalog now features the generator and
capacitor, two items necessary to generate the juice to keep this
evil empire rolling along.
Depending on your resources, you should build a room big
enough to house a few generators and capacitors, but you
should install only one of each for now. As you earn more gold,
you can always install more electricity-generating appliances.

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Power Problems (cont’d)

Like your inner sanctum, the power plants are prime targets for feisty enemy agents. Targeting and
taking out one of your generators could seriously cripple operations, so expect infiltrators to seek them
out in later objectives.
To prepare for this situation, build the power plant deep in your base, and install a door and an agent-
thwarting trap system at the entrance. Something simple, like a poison gas trap, will do for now. But
when bigger and better traps become available through research, consider upgrading to something more

By now, you've averted an energy crisis, built three new rooms, and
started training valets. It's time to start gathering the world's most
unsavory characters to your island for a little chitchat. Six criminal
masterminds must be seated at your table to complete this objective, and
very few come willingly.
Most of the bosses must be brought in via Acts of Infamy, accessed on
the world map. But there's a catch: You must send teams of minions to
territories to plot. Only by plotting in the correct territory for a specific
amount of time do the Acts of Infamy linked to the masterminds
become available.
Full details on the Acts of Infamy required for this objective can be found
at the end of this chapter.

Any of your minions can plot, but science minions are mobile think tanks trained specifically for this task.
As soon as the Capture Technician Act of Infamy is available, go for it. You want to train a decent team of
three or four technicians to help plot your way through this objective.

Objective 2: Head of the Underworld

Brute Strength
Having some brains around the outfit is certainly
important, but you need some brawn when trouble is
afoot. When the Capture Guard Act of Infamy is available
in South America, send two construction workers down
there to make with the binding and gagging.
As soon as the guard is back at the base, interrogate
him for his knowledge on all things violent so you can
start training your own minilegion of guards. Their muscle
is imperative if you want to complete several of the
upcoming Acts of Infamy.

Now that you have seized and interrogated guards and
technicians, you can start training construction workers
into three new minion classes. Install the proper
equipment in your training room—school desks, bayonet
dummy punching bags, and laboratory workshops—and
class is soon in session.
Use the Minion Management screen to dictate your
minions' skill sets. Right now, it's a good idea to have a
well-rounded force, but put a slight emphasis on valets
first, as the first criminal mastermind we're going after
needs some serious smooth talking to be convinced of
taking audience with your Evil Genius.

To corral the first three crime lords, you eventually

need five valets, five guards, and five technicians. As
soon as you have enough recruits at the lair, order up the
appropriate forces.

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The first criminal mastermind you need to hunt When the Act is completed successfully, the Indian
down is in India, so send a few technicians and a criminal boss peacefully takes a seat at your
construction worker or two to the Subcontinent conference table. Too bad some of the upcoming
and plot for a few minutes. They uncover the heavies aren't as agreeable.
Indian Crime Lord Act of Infamy. It takes five
valets to bring him in.

Next, it's time to convince the American mafia The third criminal overlord, Lei Ying Lo, is in
don, Marvin de Luca, he should take a seat. Send North China. Move your team of technicians into
your technicians to the West Coast and plot until the region and plot until the Oriental Crime Lord
the American Crime Lord Act of Infamy pops up. Act of Infamy appears on the map as a glowing
white dot. Once the technicians have discovered
Lo, send in five guards to convince the gentleman
criminal that he must accept your invitation.

Objective 2: Head of the Underworld

While in the region, your plotting technicians

discover other Acts of Infamy you can
undertake. Once you have corralled Lo, go
ahead and start in on the Acts to earn
some extra Notoriety.

The fourth crime lord, the Russian thug Nikita Send your henchman to meet him on the beach
Leonov, actually thinks he's just going to show up and beat him into submission. Issue a Capture Tag
on your shores and start calling the shots. so your henchman only takes him into custody and
deposits him in your security holding cell.

Leonov is a tough nut to crack. You must

"aggressively negotiate" with him, and your
interrogation chair is just not intimidating
enough to get the job done. Perhaps there is
another piece of equipment in the base that
can double as a diabolical torture device?

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Your Own Devices

In the case of Leonov, escort him to your mess hall and plop his 'fro in the
giant mixing bowl. Of course, you cannot do this unless you have installed
the more expensive mess hall counter 2, a steal at $15,000. After a spin
in the bowl, Leonov is sufficiently humbled to listen to your speech.

Several pieces of equipment double as torture devices, such as

archive bookcases and several of the laboratory's experimental
apparatuses. To determine if an object can serve double duty, select
the interrogate option on a captured agent and roll the cursor over
objects. If the interrogation option lights up, you have a match.

Your conference table is starting to fill up quite nicely. With four

formerly arrogant criminal overlords sitting like patient lap dogs in your
inner sanctum, it's time to rope the final two holdouts. These last
masterminds are a little trickier to corral, but you have the resources
by now to prove who really steers this ship.
Nigel Ewing, the rogue CIA agent who was last spotted in the
Middle East, won't come out of hiding unless you have enough
Notoriety points to warrant his interest. No matter how many
technicians you have plotting in the region, he stubbornly remains
under radar unless you have at least 70 Notoriety points.

Objective 2: Head of the Underworld

Your best bet at this point is to really bolster your rep by sending out minions to perform Acts of
Infamy. Send teams of technicians to territories like Cuba and North China to uncover some Acts you can
undertake, such as Steal El Presidente's Painting and Philosopher's Stone. Perform enough of these Acts
and you soon hit the required 70.

Henchman Recruits
With 70 Notoriety points, Ewing shows his face. But don't stop there.
Keep pushing yourself to 75 Notoriety points and you can recruit your
second henchman.
The henchmen willing to join your cause appear as bright white dots
on the world map. It only takes one of a specific kind of minion to
courier your offer to the henchman.

Several Henchmen are available at once, but you can only select
one for now. Choose carefully. Consider your gameplay styles. Do you
want a henchman with offensive special attacks? One with a lot of
Health? Or do you want one, like The Matron, who can really boost
stats among the minions?

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Henchman Recruits (cont’d)

Considering that you are
generating some serious Heat in a
few territories and the final crime
boss sends his minions to the
island to cause trouble, you may
wish to settle on one like Red Ivan
or Colonel Blackheart—the
firepower and strength are partic-
ularly useful this early in the game.
Having a set of deadly hands at the lair and out helping Acts of Infamy crews is of enormous help.

After you reach 70, Ewing comes out of The final holdout, Bob "Barking" Caine, dispatches
hiding in Tripoli (in the Middle East). Send five three waves of his evil minions to your island. You
or more guards to the region to bring in the can track their arrival at your ports of entry,
former CIA agent, leaving you with only one such as the helipads on the island's periphery.
more "tough guy" to invite.

Objective 2: Head of the Underworld

You may want to have your henchmen
do the bulk of the killing here, as the
resulting experience points help earn their
special moves.

As soon as you see the whites of their eyes, issue

Kill Tags and throw the joint on red alert. Send in
only your henchmen, as their expertise with death-
dealing is essential to wiping out all three waves.

Finishing off the third wave of Caine's minions forces the bad man to your island, where he reluctantly
takes a seat at your conference table. After you have all of the criminal masterminds in the audience,
your Evil Genius unveils his plan for world domination—and it looks like it has something to do with a
volcano and a rocket.

Too bad poor Caine won't be around to watch your

nefarious schemes come to fruition. To prove you mean
business—one of those "my way or the highway" things—
your EG incinerates him with a laser ray. The other
attendees applaud his ashes.
As they disperse, turn your attention to matters of
science. In the next objective, you must build a
laboratory and begin gathering science equipment to
operate a fully functional research and development
center inside your lair.

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Evil Strategies
If you have the time, spend an hour or so stealing from the richer nations in the world like the Middle East
or the Pacific allies. The resulting Heat won't be too bad this early, since the really powerful enemy agents
have not yet been called into duty. With a big bankroll, you can really invest in your lair—and have a nice
nest egg in case of an emergency.
Stealing draws Heat, and Heat begins drawing burglars to your island. If a burglar or thief steals back some
gold and manages to make it off the island, you lose some Notoriety in the world. Fortunately, the game
tells you when somebody is picking your pockets. When that happens, immediately issue Kill Tags. And
then send your henchmen to take care of business.
When you have enough cash, build a second barracks, or increase the
size of your current barracks. Install lockers so you can recruit more
Install a time clock in your control room and keep the
place fully staffed. You may miss the extra hands, but
with manned control panels and the memory bank
always running, you can breach the alliances'
security and gather intel on the different regions.

Required Acts of Infamy

At the each of each objective chapter, we detail the
required Acts of Infamy—the missions that must be
completed to fulfill the objective. Each Act of Infamy
listing includes the location of the Act, how many
minions are required, how much Heat and Notoriety are
generated, how long it takes to finish the mission, and
how much experience your henchmen can earn if they
tag along.

Objective 2: Head of the Underworld

Indian Crime Lord Oriental Crime Lord

Location: Subcontinent Location: North China
Resources Required: 5 Valets Resources Required: 5 Guards
Heat: 5 Heat: 5
Notoriety: 1 Notoriety: 1
Time: 3 min. Time: 3 min.
Henchman Experience: 25 Henchman Experience: 25
Description: Armand Krishnan is a charismatic rogue, Description: The Oriental underworld is controlled by a
adored by the Indian public who see him as a Robin very secretive individual known as Lei Ying Lo. After
Hood-like figure. His popularity is the only thing that a lengthy period of investigation, his hideout has
stops the Indian government from destroying him. If been discovered. Pay a visit to Lei Ying Lo and
India knew that his main source of revenue is persuade him to come out of hiding to attend the
kidnapping and selling untouchables for illegal crime boss meeting.
medical research, his reputation would be shattered.
Time for a spot of blackmail….

International Arms Crime Lord

Location: Middle East
American Crime Lord Resources Required: 5 Guards
Location: West Coast
Heat: 5
Resources Required: 5 Technicians
Notoriety: 1
Heat: 5
Time: 3 min.
Notoriety: 1
Henchman Experience: 25
Time: 3 min.
Description: Nigel Ewing, the ex-CIA operative who
Henchman Experience: 25 went rogue almost a decade ago, is reported to be
Description: Marvin de Luca is the head of America's in Tripoli. Ewing's business is gunrunning, and he's
most notorious family. The de Luca family originally currently believed to be in Africa with the intention
made their name by distilling and selling moonshine of sparking civil wars just so he can sell illegal
during Prohibition. Now they have their fingers in a weapons. Persuade Ewing to put his war mongering
number of criminal pies, from gambling to on hold for the crime boss meeting.
protection rackets. Seek an audience with de Luca
and make him an offer he can't refuse.

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Weird Science
Now that you've announced your evil intentions to your compatriots in badness, it's
time to start producing results. Muscle only takes you so far in this crazy world;
you need the latest technology to truly seize the day. And to do that, you need to
construct your very own evil laboratory inside the lair.
However, you cannot draw up the blueprints just yet. Unless you undertake a
special Act of Infamy in the Pacific allies region and steal a piece of impressive
technology, your operation is stuck in the metaphorical Stone Age.
After you have procured this special piece of Japanese high-tech,
you can commission a laboratory. As soon as you have it built, you
need to install some very expensive equipment to get this show on
the road. Unless you have a sizable nest egg, you must plan some
serious stealing to acquire the required pieces of laboratory
equipment to begin the science process.

Steal the research machine from the tech expo in the Pacific allies region.
This is the most important building block of a successful laboratory.
Leak information that points to you as the thief of the research machine.
Then build a false research machine and stand clear as alliance burglars
steal the counterfeit gadget.
Swipe an experimental apparatus, such as a giant laser, to complete your
laboratory and initiate the research process.

Objective 3: Better Living through Chemistry

Acts of Infamy
As soon as you are able to build the laboratory, you will be able to kidnap scientists and begin advancing
your efforts in the field of research and development. But without a special experimental apparatus, your
scientist has zilch to do, so make sure you steal one at the earliest opportunity.

Oriental Investigation Fool the Press Frikken Laser

Take Scientist Hostage Snatch Science Specialist

New Rooms/Buildings
Item Price

Laboratory $400

New Objects This list includes the objects that become

Item Price available to buy and includes experimental
Centrifuge $50,000 apparatuses you can make with your
Chalkboard $10,000
laboratory right away. Items you can
invent with an operational lab (and their
Databank $5,000
formulas) are found in Chapter 7.
Fake Research Machine $5,000
Impact Stress Analyzer $50,000
Laboratory Laser $50,000
Research Machine $100,000

Objective Walkthrough
Building your lab is a very expensive objective to complete. Science equipment, such as the research
machine and the centrifuge, is some of the priciest stuff you must buy in the game; if you don't have at
least $100,000, you need to start stealing from other regions on the world map.
While $100,000 is the bare minimum, $175,000 is a very comfortable place to be. Just be careful not
to get too greedy right away, because if you goose your Heat within too many alliances, you find some
pretty impressive firepower busting down your front door. If you send out enough minions to make more
than $3,000 every 60 seconds, expect trouble to come knocking.

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The best course of action is to slip a few military

minions into wealthy neighborhoods, like the Middle
East and Midwest, and let them work their magic. Don't
be afraid to toggle them between stealing and hiding
to keep Heat at a reasonable level.

Europe is a very lucrative zone, but don't
If you rile an alliance with your greediness, it raise too much Heat there by stealing for an
sends highly trained teams of soldiers and veterans extended period of time. An Act of Infamy in
to your lair. And unless you have the firepower to
turn them back, this is the result. Rooms are
the region is essential for completing this
burned to the ground and many minions fall. objective, and having too much Heat on your
Attacks by soldiers can send your minion training minions could really foul up their efforts.
program back to square one, forcing you to head
back into the world and kidnap more professionals.

At the beginning of this objective, you must send Now that you have the research machine, you can
a team of technicians and guards to the Pacific plot out a laboratory inside your base. Make sure
allies to steal the research machine during the you have some extra room, because several of the
Oriental Investigation Act of Infamy. It's a simple experimental apparatuses are quite big.
operation, and if you include a few extra science
minions, you can shave some time.

Objective 3: Better Living through Chemistry

After you build the laboratory, do not immediately

Scientists buy the research machine. Instead, invest in the

cheapie fake research machine. Your upcoming
actions prompt the alliances to start sending in
thieves and burglars to steal back the research
machine. If you leave the real deal lying out, you're
out $100,000.

As soon as you are able to build a laboratory,

start kidnapping and training scientists.
Scientists are absolutely essential to the
research process, as they have the advanced
intellect to get the lab running smoothly and

As strange as it sounds, you must alert the

alliances that it was indeed your minions who
carted off the research machine. Send a team of
four or five science minions to Europe and start
plotting. Within a few minutes, they uncover the
Fool the Press Act of Infamy.

As soon as you complete Fool the Press, the

world realizes it was you who stole the coveted
research machine. The alliances will stop at nothing
to get it back, so expect wave after wave of burglars
When you kidnap and interrogate a and thieves to arrive on your shores.
scientist, make sure to build a chalkboard
Make sure your real valuables, such as objects
right away in the training room. Because
stolen during earlier Acts of Infamy (like the Mercury
science minions are so weak, you want to
have extras.
mirror), are secured in your inner sanctum or
strongroom. You don't want these prized pieces

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Keep a close eye on teams of burglars Soon, one team of brave burglars creeps deep into
entering the base. Go ahead and tag infiltrators your lair and hits the laboratory. Allow them full
for death, but leave these crews alone as they access. They pack up the fake research machine
comb the hallways. and flee. Give them safe passage and allow the
world to be fooled into a hollow victory.

If your players are having trouble getting the fake research machine stolen, build a
small (2x2) laboratory near the base entrance and put the fake research machine in
that. It should get stolen quickly, then you can just delete the room.

As the world cheers, you laugh maniacally

(would an Evil Genius laugh any other way?)
Your next task is to send your minions
back into the world to steal an expensive
experimental apparatus. On the World
Domination screen, look for a flashing dot
on the West Coast.

The flashing dot indicates the Frikken Laser Act of

Infamy. Send out extra military and technical
minions to ward off attacks and shorten the
170 duration of the mission.
Objective 3: Better Living through Chemistry

Laboratory Set-Up

Now that you can purchase all three required elements for a
working laboratory, it's time to drain the bank. First, install a new
research machine in the corner. Next, purchase and install a
databank so your science minions can store your working
formulas. Without a databank, your successful formulas are lost,
and you must complete the research process again to regain a
previous invented object.

Next, install the laser you stole from P.A.T.R.I.O.T. With this
third piece in position, you can begin researching and developing
new objects. Your technicians instantly begin to scour the lair and
report back to the lab with objects they believe could be used to
create new items. Keep checking back with the research screen
to see what samples are currently suggested.
There are seven experimental apparatuses, including the laser.
The remaining six can be developed using the equipment
currently in your laboratory. Be sure to follow these formulas as
soon as possible to develop the next two experimental
apparatuses: centrifuge and impact stress analyzer.

When your technicians identify the standard door, use it with

the laser to develop the impact stress analyzer. And when your
technicians report back with the generator suggestion, research it
with the Laser or impact stress analyzer to create the centrifuge.
With these three experimental apparatuses, you can start
creating well over a dozen new objects, as well as start
developing the last four experimental apparatuses. Check out
Chapter 7 for the full list of formulas.

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The successful creation of a working laboratory satisfies this

objective’s requirement. The next two objectives are presented to
you at the same time. One requires you to flaunt your ability to steal
anything on the planet. The other begins the research process for
developing a horrible doomsday device that you can use to
threaten the globe.
You must carefully distribute your attention between these two
objectives, as events relating to each of them happen at the
same time.

Evil Strategies
Make the centrifuge and impact stress analyzer as soon as possible
to create bigger and better objects for your base.
Save money by reading the formulas in Chapter 7 instead of blowing
cash on incentives with your science minions.
Keep plotting to uncover more Acts of Infamy in the world while
building your laboratory. The resulting increase in Notoriety allows
you to recruit more minions—provided you have enough lockers in
the barracks to aid with housing.
Immediately put a standard door on the laboratory when it is built.
You don't need anybody walking off with any of the expensive
gear in there, and basic security measures certainly help prevent
that. In fact, splurge for a security camera to cover the area.

Objective 3: Better Living through Chemistry

Required Acts of Infamy Frikken Laser

Location: West Coast
Required Resources: 2 Technicians, 2 Guards
Oriental Investigation
Heat: 20
Location: Pacific Allies
Notoriety: 5
Required Resources: 2 Technicians, 2 Guards
Time: 4 min.
Heat: 20
Henchman Experience: 25
Notoriety: 5
Description: The research machine is useless without
Time: 6 min. research equipment with which to perform exper-
Henchman Experience: 25 iments. The laser is a relatively new invention that
Description: Our technicians have received word that has the potential to revolutionize the world of
a brand-new research machine is in development. science. By stimulating a research sample with
This equipment would let us develop new bursts from a high-intensity industrial laser, new
technologies. The scientists who came up with the research options can be pursued. Steal the experi-
machine are showing it off at the Brilliant Boffin's mental laser from the research lab where it is
Bazaar (or B3) in Tokyo next week. This is an currently kept.
excellent opportunity to steal the machine and kick-
start the evil research program.

Fool the Press

Location: Europe
Required Resources: 2 Valets
Heat: 10
Notoriety: 5
Time: 1 min.
Henchman Experience: 25
Description: The alliances know about the research
machine theft, and they won't rest until they've
stolen it back. A cunning duplicate fools them into
thinking that they've stolen the real thing. Make sure
that the alliances know who was responsible for the
theft by breaking into the London Messenger's print
works and changing the headlines. This should
ensure that a lot of retrieval experts are dispatched
to the island to steal the (fake) research machine.

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Snatch 'n' Grab Job

Now that you have a functional laboratory with a staff of science minions busy crafting high-tech doodads
to help further your evil empire, turn your attention back to one of the more primal instincts of an Evil
Genius: robbin' 'em blind.
This objective proves to the world that its greatest treasures are never safe from your clutches, because
you have the will and the means to steal anything your twisted little heart desires. And right now, your
heart desires six rare treasures called überloot.
The überloot is distributed throughout the world, consisting of such beautiful artifacts as the Ark of the
Covenant, a sarcophagus, and samurai armor drenched in ancient blood. Archaeologists say that treasures
like these belong in a museum, but your inner sanctum will just have to do.
In addition to scouring the globe for these rarities, you must also greatly increase your cash flow. Sure,
you've been pilfering and embezzling for some time now, but now it's time to steal big. You must maintain
a high influx of cash for a sustained period of time to prove your adeptness at thievery—and besides, after
building that tricked-out laboratory for those white coats, you could use the payday.
Just remember that such outrageous acts of theft invite retribution to your doorstep. To complete this
mission, you must play both offensively and defensively, because while you're out grabbing all you can
get, the good guys are headed your way to grab it back.

Level Objectives
There are six pieces of überloot, but you only need to steal four of them. Each alliance has at least one of
the treasures within its borders so search them out and bring them home to daddy. (Or momma, if you're
playing as Alexis.)
You must now generate, through world thievery, at least $10,000 in gold every minute for a total of five
While stealing the money, you must continue to hold on to at least four pieces of überloot. If one is stolen
back, you must reclaim it and restart the cash-siphoning process.

Objective 4: Loot and Pillage

Acts of Infamy
There are six required Acts of Infamy in this objective, one for each piece of überloot. But while you're out
there plotting, trying to uncover the location of the artifacts, you undoubtedly unlock other Acts of Infamy.
Several of these are opportunities to spirit professionals back to your base so you may train minions in
new, advanced careers.
For now, don't sweat the Heat you take from kidnapping spin doctors, diplomats, biochemists, and
quantum physicists. You want to initially concentrate on military minions, like mercenaries and marksmen.
Their talents prove invaluable as you fend off the inevitable attacks that result from your stealing.

Überloot: Ark of the Covenant

Überloot: Arthur's Excalibur New Objects
Überloot: Eiffel Tower Item Price

Überloot: Million-Dollar Bill Biochemist Workshop $20,000

Diplomat Trainer $20,000
Überloot: Mummy's Sarcophagus
Electron Microscope $20,000
Überloot: Samurai Armor
Heavy Rifle Cabinet $10,000
Kidnap Militia Leader
Heavy Shooting Range $10,000
Capture Mercenary Soldier Shooting Range $20,000
Capture Marksman Specialist TV Studio $10,000
Seize Military Sniper

Objective Walkthrough

Remember that you cannot just traipse around the world and collect the überloot
unchallenged. Check the next objective, as events from both occur at the same
time. You must be prepared for some of the trouble that is coming to your base

When you begin this objective, two überloot Acts of Infamy are already available to you: Million-Dollar Bill
and Eiffel Tower.

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Exercise a little self-control here. Just because you can

grab these two pieces of treasure doesn't mean you
should send your minions right into battle. Four other
überloot objects are up for grabs, and each one has its
own level of danger.
For example, stealing Excalibur from Europe only
takes two minutes, and that completion time drops if
you assign extra science minions to the task. In fact,
Excalibur is a good grab because it has a very low Heat
rating. Apparently the Lady of the Lake doesn't have
good enough ties with the alliances to warrant a
bigger response.
Remember these things when deciding which piece of überloot to grab—and when:

Plotting to find the überloot Act of Infamy increases the amount of Heat in the region. Once your science
minions uncover the überloot, you may want to back off for a while until the region stabilizes.
Notoriety is the same for each Act, so just balance the Heat with the amount of time it takes to complete a
mission. If you need to send a big team into a region for an extended period of time, consider that enemy
agents from that alliance are likely to arrive at your island soon. They may get there before your minions
can return to the lair. And if you had a lot of military minions out on assignment, that could be disastrous.
You can minimize completion times by assigning multiple science minions to the Act of Infamy.
You can minimize Heat by assigning multiple social minions to the Act of Infamy.
You multiply the chances of success if a henchman goes along for the ride.

You know where the million-dollar bill and the Eiffel Überloot
Tower are located. Plot in these territories to uncover the
Überloot Territory
remaining four pieces of überloot.
Ark of the Covenant Central Russia
Arthur's Excalibur Europe
Mummy's Sarcophagus Middle East
Samurai Armor North China

Objective 4: Loot and Pillage

While you only need four pieces of überloot
to satisfy this objective, consider stealing
five—or even all six. Not only does the
überloot have stat-replenishing powers, but
you also are likely to encounter some thieves
When the überloot is stolen, it is taken directly to trying to steal back the treasure.
your lair's strongroom. Consider moving it to your
inner sanctum and setting the door security to
Level 4 so only your Evil Genius can enter.

After you snatch up the required number of überloot

pieces, you must pump up your revenue stream for five
minutes to achieve the objective. Unfortunately, thanks to
your stealing binge, the world is pretty bent out of shape
with you.
Lay low for a little while and concern yourself with
facets of the next objective and building up your ranks
while the alliance Heat levels drop. When you finally
decide it is calm enough to go for it, you see enormous
spikes in Heat from your insane thievery that take a long
time to cool off.
Once the Heat from the überloot has blown
over and you have interrogated the three
Recommended territories to steal from:
enemy agent teams in the next objective for
their information on your potential doomsday
Midwest Pacific Allies
device, send out your stealing parties.
Middle East Europe
South Africa

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You only need $10,000 per minute, so don't go overboard. Sure, stealing $20,000
per minute would be great, but that would bring much more much Heat down on
you while you have too many minions in the field. With your ranks thin back home,
the lair would be too susceptible to attack.

Send a good mixture of minions to each territory. It's

tempting to put an emphasis on military minions, because
they steal more than other minion types, but resist
spreading your military too thin. Should vengeful enemy
agents attack your lair, you need some gun-toting
minions back home to keep them at bay.

If you installed a door at your lair's entrance,
this is a good time to jack the security up to
Level 4. Your minions won't be able to grab the
cash as it flows back to the island, but the extra
security helps keep enemy agents outside.
When a minute passes, you can briefly open
the doors to allow a minion to slip out and grab
the cash. Just be sure not to lock him outside
for too long, or enemy agents destroy him.

Objective 4: Loot and Pillage

Evil Strategies
Don't be afraid to lay low. When the Heat is on, it's just not worth it to run out and steal cash and complete
Acts of Infamy if it puts your lair under an extraordinary amount of risk from attack.
If alliance soldiers do manage to raid your lair and do great damage, take a breather from the main
objectives and just concentrate on replenishing your forces. Heat will go down, and besides, you cannot
hope to fend off attackers with a skeleton crew.
If you have not already installed fire extinguisher lockers in every corridor, do so now. Fires start becoming
a lot more common than you would like. And you better make sure you have a fair supply of valets to use
them, because they are the only minions who can put out fires.
Keep researching. Your technicians are always identifying new samples that can be experimented with, so
don't forget to keep checking in on the laboratory. You never know what new invention could save your
You don't necessarily have to go after the easiest überloot. You'll be looking at these artifacts for the
remainder of the game (unless they are stolen back), so pick the ones you like. If you have a taste for
Egyptology, wouldn't you rather have the sarcophagus in your lair instead of some funny munny?

Required Acts of Infamy Überloot: Arthur's Excalibur

Location: Europe
Überloot: Ark of the Covenant Resources Required: 4 Workers, 6 Guards
Location: Central Russia Heat: 10
Resources Required: 8 Guards Notoriety: 5
Heat: 20 Time: 2 min.
Notoriety: 5 Henchman Experience: 100
Time: 6:20 min. Description: An English rambler has just discovered
Excalibur, the legendary sword of King Arthur, on the
Henchman Experience: 100
shore of a remote Scottish loch. After a summer of
Description: H.A.M.M.E.R. has recently been
unusually hot weather, the loch's waterline receded,
scouting out potential missile silo locations in the
revealing the submerged sword. Police have
mountains of Afghanistan. One eminently suitable
cordoned off the site while archaeologists and
location was discovered—a vast cavern with an
historians examine the find, but a determined attack
entrance so well hidden that it was only stumbled
force should be able to steal the relic despite the
upon by chance. In this cavern was discovered the
security presence.
Ark of the Covenant—previously thought to be
irretrievably lost or even mythical. Relieve
H.A.M.M.E.R. of the burden that such a discovery
brings by stealing the relic.

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Überloot: Eiffel Tower Überloot: Mummy's Sarcophagus

Location: Europe Location: Middle East
Resources Required: 4 Technicians, 4 Valets Resources Required: 4 Technicians, 4 Guards
Heat: 15 Heat: 20
Notoriety: 5 Notoriety: 5
Time: 6:20 min. Time: 6 min.
Henchman Experience: 100 Henchman Experience: 100
Description: The shrink ray was successfully used to Description: Archaeologists have recently uncovered
deal with the crime lord, and now the science team the tomb of a previously unknown pharaoh in the
has managed to create a portable version that can Valley of the Kings. The prize find was a fabulous
be attached to the helicopter. Interrupt the Bastille mummy case, embossed with gold and studded
Day celebrations in Paris by shrinking and stealing with precious stones. The sarcophagus has been
the Eiffel Tower, then revel in the chaos and national moved to a Cairo museum, where it is to go on
indignation. display in a week. Steal it before the public gets a
glimpse of it—this should make the relic even more
Überloot: Million-Dollar Bill
Location: East Coast
Resources Required: 8 Valets Überloot: Samurai Armor
Heat: 10 Location: North China
Notoriety: 5 Resources Required: 4 Valets, 4 Guards
Time: 7:20 min. Heat: 15
Henchman Experience: 100 Notoriety: 5
Description: In an extraordinary vanity project, the Time: 4 min.
president of the United States last year printed a Henchman Experience: 100
million-dollar bill with his own face on it to Description: A respected samurai was felled by the
commemorate the 4th of July. The bill is not valid Chinese during the Sino-Japanese War of 1894 to
tender, but because only one exists—and because it 1895. Although China was ultimately defeated, this
is so highly valued by the president—it would be an samurai's armor became a symbol of Chinese
extremely prestigious item to own. Punish the defiance and a source of national pride. It is
president's narcissism by stealing his treasured currently kept under constant guard in the Forbidden
possession. City in Peking. Infiltrate the Forbidden City and
liberate the samurai armor.

Doomsday Plotting
Your minions are busy jet-setting around the planet in a mad attempt to collect the world's priceless
artifacts: überloot. And while these beautiful rarities are certainly going to be cherished pieces in your
collection of stolen items, you need to always keep your eyes on the real prize: planet Earth.
This objective blends into the previous one, Loot and Pillage. Things can get confusing, because you
must manage both objectives as well as keep up minion management and power supplies, and continue
the R&D advances in your laboratory. But you must concentrate, as the sub-objectives of this chapter have
far-reaching effects.
It is time to start gathering the required information for building a doomsday device, a machine of such
terrible proportions and monumental ill will that the world will buckle to your every demand to prevent you
from unleashing its awesome power. There are three potential doomsday devices, but while you have
ideas, you need stolen research from the world's top scientists to bring your plans to fruition.
When you begin the objective, you currently have the germ for each doomsday device idea. You need
two additional pieces of information to complete the plans. To fulfill this master plan, you must seize the
info by any means necessary. Fortunately, a few shreds of relevant information are close by.
Unfortunately, they're closer than you think.

Level Objectives
The world already considers you a dangerous presence, but you must reach the Insane level of Notoriety.
Raise your rating to 200 and watch the world squirm.
There are three potential doomsday devices—the plans for each device require three pieces of information.
You already have one piece of information for each device; you need to secure the other two to fully
pursue the plan. You must look for the information in the world via Acts of Infamy, or get it out of the
enemy agents patrolling your shores.

Acts of Infamy
This objective has only three necessary Acts of Infamy for completion, but none is easy to carry out. For
one thing, unless your Notoriety is at 200, they aren't available, no matter how much you plot. Once you are
at 200, and you have extracted the information out of invading teams, you can pursue these three Acts:

Acquire Some Doomsday Device Data

Acquire Some Doomsday Device Data
Acquire Some Doomsday Device Data

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Objective Walkthrough

While flying around the world to steal high-profile überloot, you must keep a
constant eye on your lair. Masterplan Machinations and the previous objective, Loot
and Pillage, unfold at the same time. If you ignore the events in this objective while
grabbing arks and mummies, your lair and minions suffer greatly.

You already have three of the nine required pieces of information relating to
potential doomsday device plans. The remaining six must be taken with
force. Three pieces of information are procured during Acts of Infamy,
which you perform later in the objective.
The other three arrive at your doorstep—fully armed. There are
three teams of enemy agents that arrive on your island to wreak
havoc, and unless you attend to them as soon as you see their
red dots appear on the mini-map, they slaughter your minions
and sabotage your equipment.
Each one of these teams, though, is in possession of one of
the required piece of information. Why they so foolishly have this
ultrasensitive intelligence on their person while near your base is
a major lapse in judgment, but it's one that you can take
advantage of.

It is extremely helpful to have a few highly
trained military minions, like mercenaries
and marksmen, in your ranks to take care of
these encroachers.

Objective 5: Masterplan Machinations

When you see the red dots on your mini-map, Each member of these squads possesses the same
immediately click to that location on the island. piece of information for your doomsday device. If
Intercept these agents before they reach your you click on the agent, you can see which of the
lair's perimeter. three equations his information is a part of.

Tag all of the squad members for death—except Once you manage to capture one of the intruders,
one. Tag one of the agent for capture so he can interrogate him. By now, you should have a fully
be brought in for questioning. If you slaughter the operational laboratory. Direct your minions to
whole team, the information dies with them and torture the agent in one of the experimental
you must wait for another team to arrive, which apparatuses to extract the information.
opens another opportunity for the Forces of
Justice to do damage to your base.

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Repeat this process two more times on different teams of enemy agents to capture three pieces of
relevant doomsday information. Once you have all three pieces of information, you can move on to the
final tier.
You must raise your Notoriety level to 200. Then the world recognizes that you are insane—a twisted
despot capable of anything.

Because the next part of this objective requires that you raise your Notoriety, try
to minimize the amount of Heat on your organization while interrogating enemy
agents. If any of the team members make it off the island alive, they report back to
their alliance.

Even if you are low on funds right now,
stop stealing temporarily. Stealing draws
extra Heat, and you need to lay as low
as possible while terrorizing the world.

When your Notoriety reaches 190,
Grabbing the überloot certainly helps bump up immediately recruit another henchman to
your Notoriety, but you must undertake more
Acts of Infamy, such as Raid Secret Submarine aid in your evil endeavors. You want the
Pens, to secure your rank. extra set of hands to help fend off enemy
agents as they swarm your island.

Objective 5: Masterplan Machinations

Super Agents
As you become more notorious, you attract the attention of the alliance's super agents. These do-
gooders have as much strength and potency as your henchmen and they do not hesitate to use it on
your minions and lair.

You initially see super agents, such as Mariana Mamba and Jet
Chan, appear on the world map in regions where you are working.
When a super agent appears in a territory you are occupying,
they do serious damage to your minions.
As soon as you spot the super agent, hide—even if you are in
the middle of an Act of Infamy. The super agent decimates your
minions as they connive and steal; it's better to start over later
on a specific act than have the super agent wipe out your ranks
and force you to recruit and train new minions.
Sometimes, these super agents pay visits to your island. This is
when the real trouble starts. Their initial arrival is marked with a title
screen, but future visits are only indicated by an ominous jingle.
Super agents can kill minions at an incredible rate. When one
is on your island, you have really only two options: pre-emptive
strike or ignore them, in hope they will just leave the island of
their own accord. Sometimes they just tour the island to make
sure nothing obviously evil is happening. Do not engage in any
violence outside your lair when they are walking the island, as this
immediately attracts their attention.
If you decide to attack the super agent, be careful not to use
your henchmen exclusively. If a super agent kills a henchman, the henchman loses one of his or her
three lives permanently. It's better to lose a few minions than the entire services of a henchman.

If the super agent goes into attack mode, you're much better
off capturing than killing the agent. (Death is only temporary for a
super agent anyway.) Capturing is easier, and torturing them is
fun to watch—especially for your Evil Genius. After capturing and
throwing a super agent in a holding cell, direct your minions to
interrogate the agent on one of your lab's experimental
apparatuses, such as the laser or impact stress analyzer.

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Super Agents (cont’d)

This kind of pulverizing drastically reduces the super agent's
stats. Once the torture is complete, one of your minions deposits
the motionless body outside. When the super agent recovers, he
or she flees to the alliance HQ. Expect a return visit, though,
when you raise the Heat with that alliance again.
Fortunately, there is a way to deal with each of the five super
agents on a permanent basis. Each super agent has a weakness
that, if exploited, insures you're never bothered by that agent
again. Defeating a super agent is a bonus objective, and all five
methods are detailed in the bonus objective chapter.

As soon as your Notoriety has increased to 200, finish off this objective. But if you have not completed
stealing the required pieces of überloot by now, do not continue this objective until you have done so. No more
teams of agents associated directly with this objective storm your island, so you can give the überloot task
your attention without worry of attack (at least not above what you would normally expect for causing trouble).
Three special Acts of Infamy must be uncovered and completed to get the final three pieces of infor-
mation regarding doomsday devices. You must send teams of plotting science minions into these territories:
Cuba Australasia North Africa

Wait until the Heat from plotting dies down
with the alliances of these regions before
attempting these Acts of Infamy.
Once you uncover the three Acquire Some Doomsday Device
Data Acts, you can send in teams to steal the information.
Little Notoriety is achieved by stealing the information, but
plenty of Heat. Make sure you send along a social minion or
two to minimize the amount of Heat from the acts.

Make sure you collect every single bit of Doomsday Device information. There are three
sets of information, and each of those corresponds to a piece of laboratory apparatus that
gets unlocked on Island 2. You have to collect at least two sets, but if you don’t get the
third, you’ll only get two from the AI supercomputer environment chamber or greenhouse.
186 This will limit your research, as well as limiting your choice of Doomsday Device.
Objective 5: Masterplan Machinations

Movin' On Up
Once you have acquired the final three pieces of information, you have the power to initiate the next
phase of your doomsday device program. Unfortunately, you discover that your current facility is ill
equipped to house such an enormously evil enterprise. You need to move.

Another island offers better real estate for your plans, and
lucky for you, it's both remote and available. The only drawback
is that you cannot just teleport all of your belongings to the new
island. You can take your minions, but you must abandon your
rooms and objects.
On the World Domination screen, there is a new button: New
Island. As soon as you are ready to evacuate the base, click on
the button to start the move.

As soon as you confirm the evacuation, your minions file out

of your lair and get on a boat to leave. This leaves the once-
bustling base eerily still. Because all operations cease
immediately, be sure that there are no active experiments.
Interrupted experiments cannot be restarted immediately on the
next island because you have no lab, nor have any of your
science minions identified objects for research. You start from
scratch on everything.

When all your minions are on the boat, you must direct your
Evil Genius to the port. Confirm that you are ready to depart, and
you are whisked away to your new island.

Before moving islands, it’s a good idea to destroy
absolutely everything in your base. You get a 90
percent refund on all objects destroyed, which
should set you up with a nice nest-egg for starting
out on the second island.

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Evil Strategies
Science experiments do not raise any Heat and
Acquire Some Doomsday Device Data
can be done quietly in the background without Location: Australasia
interrupting the objective. As soon as your Resources Required: 4 Mercenaries
science minions identify an object for research, Heat: 20
consult the formulas table to see if you can make Notoriety: 1
something useful out of it. Time: 7:20 min.
Super agents can really thin your ranks. If you have Henchman Experience: 25
a super agent on your island and you are running Description: An intercepted S.A.B.R.E. transmission
low on a particular type of minion, such as valets, indicates that a large proportion of the S.A.B.R.E.
send one to a territory and make him hide. In case weapons research division is being relocated to Perth
the super agent gets inside and starts thrashing in the belief that they will be able to maintain
your men, you have one minion safe who can train secrecy more easily in Australia. Their personnel and
new recruits after the super agent is gone. equipment have already made the move to Perth,
While you only need to reach 200 Notoriety to but they haven't yet fully secured the new lab. Break
complete this objective, push for 230. At this in and download some weapons schematics to help
level, you can recruit your fourth henchman. With with developing a doomsday device.
as much Heat as you draw in the next objective,
the extra help is useful—maybe crucial. Acquire Some Doomsday Device Data
Location: North Africa
Required Acts of Infamy Resources Required: 4 Scientists
Heat: 20
Acquire Some Doomsday Device Data
Notoriety: 1
Location: Cuba
Time: 7:20 min.
Resources Required: 4 Spin Doctors
Henchman Experience: 25
Heat: 20
Description: A plane belonging to S.M.A.S.H. has just
Notoriety: 1 crashed in the Sahara. The flight record indicates that
Time: 7:20 min. the passengers were all top-ranking S.M.A.S.H.
Henchman Experience: 25 scientists on their way to a conference on super-
Description: H.A.M.M.E.R. has just delivered a new weapons. Go to the crash site and recover the black
fleet of Soviet submarines to Cuba. The president box to get a recording of all the conversations that
has declared today a national holiday, and is holding went on in that plane—there should be some juicy
a dockside party to celebrate the arrival of the info that will help with developing a doomsday
submarines, which are moored just offshore. Wait for device.
the alcohol to start flowing, then sneak on board one
of the submarines and steal some weapons
blueprints that should help with developing a
doomsday device.

From the Ground Up
You arrive on your new island, a lush jungle paradise compared to the arid hot spot you previously called
home. And now you must set up camp all over again. Fortunately, you still have all of your funds from
before—but you have none of the stuff you bought with it. There is a considerable trade-off for this
massive inconvenience. The center of this island is a dormant volcano. Its empty cone would be a perfect
staging area for a giant rocket that can deliver your doomsday device anywhere in the world.
First, place your new entrance, and then slowly build up your base again. All the rooms you unlocked
previously are available, so now you can really plan out your lair rather than add rooms as you receive the
blueprints. With your minions wandering the island, it might be a good idea to build a barracks right away.
As soon as you have your base in reasonable shape, you need to rebuild your laboratory. Without it, you
cannot seek out and steal the Codex of Knowledge. This special tool is the key to fleshing out the
remaining details of your doomsday device plot. The Codex is an incredibly complex repository of
knowledge, and not even your brightest science minions have the minds to crack it. You must lure outside
help to your island—and then hope they don't desert before they break the Codex's secrets.
Once the Codex is open, you must make one of the toughest choices of your evil career: How do you
want to destroy the world? There are three possible doomsday devices, but unless you have the right
equipment in your laboratory, your weapons program isn't going to get very far.

Level Objectives
Build your laboratory as soon as possible so you can send your
minions into the world to steal the famous Codex of Knowledge.
The Codex is such a sophisticated tool that you cannot trust your
science minions to harness its awesome secrets. You must bribe
a mercenary scientist to come to your island and research the
Codex for you.
As soon as the mercenary scientist breaks the code of the
Codex, he has a distinct change of heart. Eliminate the scientist
before he can flee and alert his former employers of your
nefarious plot.
Use the secrets of the Codex with a piece of advanced laboratory
equipment—greenhouse, environment chamber or AI supercomputer—
to choose the doomsday device payload.
Convert the empty crater into a rocket silo and begin the next phase
of your doomsday device plot.

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Acts of Infamy
There are only two Acts of Infamy that you must complete to finish off this pivotal objective—Steal the
Codex of Knowledge and win the assistance of one of the five alliance mercenary scientists, which you can
achieve in one of several ways.
Steal the Codex of Knowledge
Employ Mercenary Scientist New Rooms
Item Price
Entice Mercenary Scientist
Hangar $250
Recruit Mercenary Scientist
Bribe Mercenary Scientist New Objects
Coerce Mercenary Scientist Item Price
However, you should definitely consider under- AI Supercomputer $100,000
taking other acts, as they enormously help your Bio-Tanks $50,000
cause. For example, martial artists are the military Environment Chamber $100,000
minions most adept at stealing, and since
Greenhouse $100,000
rebuilding your base in going to quickly deplete
Dojo $20,000
your funds, you want these competent thieves
working on your behalf.
You will have a laboratory soon enough, and there are some amazing inventions you can produce, as
long as you have the proper research samples. Objects like the gold enhancer and global stock market
watchdog also help you maximize your funds, so make sure you reveal and complete these acts, too.
Guatemalan Gold Rush
Grab the Garibaldi Crown Jewels
Capture Martial Arts Master

Objective Walkthrough
As this objective begins, your Evil Genius and his team of
minions have just landed on their new island. The minions
pile off the boat and start milling around. Some stay near
two corner shacks, where your gold and valuable holdings
like überloot are being stored. Having these glittering
goodies out in the open is no good, so you better get
cracking on building that new lair.

Objective 6: Road to Doomsday

Building your new lair is painstaking and expensive, but it really gives you a chance to build up the joint
the way you'd really like it. You have a chance to learn from any design mistakes from your previous lair,
such as too-small training rooms, and make different decisions.

Really lay out your base in advance. You don't One of the first things you need to do is build a
have to start building right away, so you can play barracks so your minions have a place to hang out.
with blueprints and leave all building commands Make sure you build some equipment like bunk
on pause. Play with different designs and see what beds or a multi-gym (which is unlocked with lab
works best for you. research) to keep the minions on their toes while
they wait for the rest of the lair to be constructed.

Before building anything that consumes power, As soon as you have a power plant up and
such as a control room, you need to build a running, build your control room. Without it, you
power plant and install a few generators. There's cannot harvest and process intelligence on the
no need to go overboard with generators just yet, alliances. Be conservative at first with your
because if you're both conservative with purchases, as you need to save some money for a
electricity and quick to build a lab, you can good-sized training room and laboratory.
research and develop nuclear generators that are
smaller and provide more power. primagames.com 191


Because you are conserving funds, you do not need to build giant rooms right away.
Just leave plenty of expansion space around each room you know will require it,
such as the training room and the laboratory.

Before you send any minions on Acts of Infamy, have a training room built with the
proper equipment to train up replacement minions should they be lost in the field.
With so much riding on science now, you need to have plenty of laboratory
workshops and chalkboards to train new technicians and scientists.

Do not leave your loot in the open for too
long. Enemy agents begin combing your
island soon—and they try to steal things.
Build a strongroom as soon as possible to
move your gold and precious items into.
And when financially feasible, build an
inner sanctum to store priceless objects,
like überloot.
As soon as you have a working base, it's time to
increase your cash flow. Start sending military
minions into the world to grab cash.

Objective 6: Road to Doomsday

Thanks to the three sets of information you stole in the previous objective, you are able to purchase
three major pieces of experimental apparatuses—greenhouse, AI supercomputer, and environment
chamber. You can also research and develop the seventh experimental apparatus, the bio-tanks.
There's just one problem. All of this laboratory equipment is really expensive. It takes a lot of stealing to
build up enough bank reserves to make these major purchases. This, of course, starts drawing Heat, so it's
now a constant game of balancing Heat and greed. Steal some cash, then lay low and let the Heat subside.
When it's manageable, start stealing again.

Note Tip
The advanced
This is when having a martial artist is
extremely important. If you can build
up a small team of them, you can
take up a lot
distribute them in the world's richest
space, so be
sure you leave regions and really start pulling in some
enough room to serious cash.
expand your laboratory to fit all of them.

Be sure to plot in South America long enough
to reveal the Guatemalan Gold Rush Act of
Infamy. The resulting loot of a successful
mission, the Aztec amulet, can be researched
with experimental apparatuses to create the
global stock market watchdog, which really
speeds up cash shipments.
The easiest way to create this item is to
steal the amulet, place it in your lab so science
minions see it right away, and build the AI supercomputer. There are two other
ways to build the machine, but if you have the AI supercomputer, it's the only
experimental apparatus you need.

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As soon as you have a fully operational laboratory with all seven of the experimental apparatuses, take the
next step in completing this objective: Stealing the Codex of Knowledge. This is not an easy task. The act
generates a lot of unwanted Heat with H.A.M.M.E.R., and after completing it, you can expect a visit from
that alliance's super agent, Katerina Frostonova.
To unlock the act, send a group of science minions to plot in Siberia. Unfortunately, this raises the
region's Heat—but it does have a side benefit. If the science minions plot long enough, they uncover a
mercenary scientist you can persuade to help decipher the Codex.

Because this is such a treacherous act, load up the

region with minions who not only complete the required
resources, but offer important backup. Extra social
minions lower the amount of generated Heat, military
minions provide excellent physical support, and having a
henchman or two riding shotgun ensures success.
You suffer losses, though. You may even lose one of
your henchmen temporarily, so make sure you have
enough support back at the lair should one or more
super agents breach your defenses.

Once you have the Codex of Knowledge, place it in your laboratory. Put it against the farthest wall from
the room entrance and be sure the lab has a security door. This is an item that thieves and burglars would
love to steal back.

There is just too much Heat in Siberia to return for the

mercenary scientist just yet. But searching the other
regions for the other four possible mercenary scientists
raises Heat in those areas, too. Instead, take the time to
replenish your minions and train them to higher levels.

Objective 6: Road to Doomsday

You receive progress reports on the
mercenary scientist's effort to research the
Codex. When the mercenary scientist is
approximately 60 percent finished, move a
couple henchmen into the lab as a precau-
tionary measure.
Once you have a full staff and the Heat in Siberia
is down, return and bribe the mercenary scientist
to join your organization. If the mission is a
success, the mercenary scientist automatically
shows up on your island and makes a beeline for
the Codex of Knowledge in your lab.

As soon as the mercenary scientist is finished

researching the Codex, he changes his mind about joining
your forces permanently. Regretful of his choice to help
you, he attempts to flee the lab. Cut him down before he
can even make it out of the laboratory, by having your
henchmen nearby. Seeing as he's just a scientist, his
Health is low enough that they can kill him almost
Depending on which of the advanced experimental
apparatuses you have in your lab—and hopefully you
splurged for all of them so you can research the latest
technology—you can choose between three doomsday
devices: Now that the secrets of the Codex of
Knowledge are yours, it's time to choose a
AI Supercomputer—Gravity Disruptor
doomsday device to pursue.
Environmental Chamber—Earthquake Beam
Greenhouse—ID Eliminator

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Once you choose a doomsday device, there is no

going back. All three wreak havoc on the globe, though,
so select the one you think sounds the most diabolical.
When you've selected a doomsday device, you are ready
to begin the next phase of your plot for world domination.
You must convert the dormant volcano into a massive rocket
silo so you can deliver your deadly payload to the planet.

Evil Strategies
By now, Jet Chan and Mariana Mamba, the two super
agents from S.M.A.S.H. and A.N.V.I.L., have made
repeated visits to your island. You finally have the
technology to defeat them once and for all, ensuring When you are ready, click on the crater and
they never darken your doorway again. Read the bonus choose to build the silo. Your construction workers
objective chapter to uncover the methods of disposing throw a giant tarp over the crater and work
of these annoyances. diligently for a few minutes. When they are done,
Build the gold enhancer and global stock market the tarp is pulled back to reveal the rocket silo.
watchdog as soon as possible.
Don't rush building your new lair. You don't have a third island to move to, so the construction decisions
you make are final.

Required Acts of Infamy Employ Mercenary Scientist

Steal the Codex of Knowledge Location: South Africa
Location: Siberia Resources Required: 5 Workers, 2 Valets, 2 Spin
Resources Required: 5 Workers, 5 Guards, Doctors
2 Mercenaries Heat: 15
Heat: 35 Notoriety: 1
Notoriety: 5 Time: 4 min.
Time: 3:40 min. Henchman Experience: 50
Henchman Experience: 75 Description: A brilliant scientist at a S.A.B.R.E.
Description: Intercepted transmissions indicate that research facility in Cape Town has recently been
top H.A.M.M.E.R. scientists have been working in making his dissatisfaction with the alliance very
Severnaya on a project known as the Codex of vocal. In an interview with the London Messenger, he
Knowledge. The Codex is an advanced computational poured scorn on his superiors for lacking vision. With
device that could well be the key to developing the a bit of persuasion, it should be possible to make
doomsday device. Infiltrate the research station and this scientist defect and start work on deciphering
steal the Codex, but be prepared for fierce the Codex.
opposition. A mercenary scientist is needed at some
stage if the Codex is to be understood and used.

Objective 6: Road to Doomsday

Entice Mercenary Scientist Bribe Mercenary Scientist

Location: West Coast Location: Siberia
Resources Required: 5 Workers, 2 Valets, 2 Spin Resources Required: 5 Workers, 2 Valets, 2 Spin
Doctors Doctors
Heat: 15 Heat: 15
Notoriety: 1 Notoriety: 1
Time: 4 min. Time: 4 min.
Henchman Experience: 50 Henchman Experience: 50
Description: Hacking into the P.A.T.RI.O.T. employee Description: A celebrated H.A.M.M.E.R. scientist has
records produced some interesting information. A become extremely disaffected with life under
talented young scientist has been repeatedly communism. His wife was dispatched to a gulag for
overlooked for promotion, much to his chagrin. attending an anticommunism rally in Moscow, and
When he lodged a formal complaint at this injustice, he now doubts she is still alive. If an approach is
he was sent to a remote research laboratory in the made, he should be more than willing to defect
Yukon as punishment. He is now quietly seething, from his Vladivostok research facility and begin work
and would no doubt welcome an opportunity to on the Codex.
strike back at his employers. Persuade him to
defect and start work on deciphering the Codex.
Coerce Mercenary Scientist
Location: Antarctica
Recruit Mercenary Scientist Resources Required: 5 Workers, 2 Valets, 2 Spin
Location: Southeast Asia Doctors
Resources Required: 5 Workers, 2 Valets, 2 Spin Heat: 15
Doctors Notoriety: 1
Heat: 15 Time: 4 min.
Notoriety: 1 Henchman Experience: 50
Time: 4 min. Description: In an isolated research station on the
Henchman Experience: 50 Larson Ice Shelf, a lone scientist toils away,
Description: An eminent scientist at a laboratory in analyzing an interminable series of ice cores. The
Hong Kong has recently voiced his unhappiness at boredom is slowly driving him to breaking point, so
the way his research plans are being meddled with. it should be possible to persuade him to abandon
Although the laboratory is officially under British his current research and turn his analytical skills to
colonial rule, A.N.V.I.L. has taken a strong interest the Codex.
and is imposing its authoritarian rule on the
scientist's research. Release the scientist from the
clutches of A.N.V.I.L. by offering him the chance to
help decipher the Codex.

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Resource Management
If you thought the world's alliances were perturbed at you before, wait until you pull off this next trick. With
your island lair expanding and the science secrets of the world now at your fingertips, it is time to start
physically assembling your rocket program in the center of your island retreat.
Unfortunately, the resources to build a rocket program are a little scarce in this tropical paradise. Unlike
the inhabitants of "Gilligan's Island," you cannot build a multistage orbiting rocket with coconut shells and
palm tree fronds. You must send teams of minions into the world to steal precious resources from the five
alliances. Once these are brought back to the island, your science minions can synthesize them into the
materials required to construct a working rocket.
However, there is an immediate problem that must be dealt with before you can get back to your
regularly scheduled pilfering. The world's alliances have dispatched five ambassadors to your island to
check things out, talk to a few people, and see what information they can bring back. You must intercept
and interrogate these ambassadors.
After a stern talking-to, the ambassadors give up enough government secrets and scandals that you can
install your own moles inside each alliance. The alliances don't take your infiltration of world governments
and theft of coveted resources lightly, though. When these criminal activities really get under way, expect
wave after wave of ferocious assaults on your lair.

Level Objectives
To build your rocket, you need precious resources that are unavailable on your island—titanium, rocket fuel,
top-secret ore, precision-cut diamonds, and high-tech polymers. You must infiltrate and take over the five
facilities across the globe that produce these materials, and steal 25 crates of material to begin the rocket
A P.A.T.R.I.O.T. diplomat is currently visiting the island. Capture and interrogate the diplomat until he gives
up enough secrets for you to install one of your diplomats in his government.
A H.A.M.M.E.R. diplomat has arrived on the island. Capture and interrogate him until he gives up secrets
that allow you to install one of your diplomats in his government.
An A.N.V.I.L. diplomat is vacationing on the island. Kidnap and interrogate the diplomat. He gives up enough
secrets to let you install an evil diplomat in his government.

Objective 7: Global Chaos

A S.A.B.R.E. diplomat has touched down on the island. Capture and interrogate the diplomat until he gives
up enough secrets to install a duplicitous diplomat in his place.
A S.M.A.S.H. diplomat has arrived unexpectedly on the island. Seize and interrogate the diplomat until he
gives up enough information that you can send one of your own diplomats to fill his vacancy.
Plant a diplomat in the U.S. Senate.
Send one of your diplomats to infiltrate the British consul in India.
Fly a diplomat to Singapore and replace the missing ambassador.
Send a diplomat to Uruguay to fill the vacancy.
Install a diplomat in the Soviet cabinet.

Acts of Infamy
This objective requires 10 Acts of Infamy—and none are available when you begin. You must plot to
uncover the Acts, which in itself generates a lot of Heat. Make sure you keep bouncing a team of science
minions across the globe to discover the 10 Acts.
Once you have discovered the Acts, you soon find that they generate a lot of Heat, too. In fact, the
repeated runs you must make on the resource facilities to get the 25 crates send your Heat through the
roof, so make sure you don't overextend your military minions and henchmen. They are needed back
home when the Forces of Justice pay an unwelcome series of visits.

Swindle a Seat on the S.A.B.R.E. Council

Bribe a Place on the P.A.T.R.I.O.T. Council
New Objects
Blackmail a Seat on the A.N.V.I.L. Council
Item Price
Plant an Agent on the H.A.M.M.E.R. Council
Rocket Stage 1 $50
Infiltrate and Coerce S.M.A.S.H. Rocket Stage 2 $50
Steal Oil from ESKO Oil Refinery Rocket Stage 3 $50
Buy Out De Laagers Diamond Mining Inc. Rocket Stage 4 $50
Take Over Wyotech Advanced Polymers Rocket Stage 5 $50

Infiltrate A.N.V.I.L.'s Top-Secret Ore Mine

Acquire Peruvian Titanium Source

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Objective Walkthrough
Your level of Heat should be calming down around the world, as much of the previous objective was
achieved on your island. If you did double duty in Russia—stealing both the Codex and a mercenary
scientist—you may wish to avoid that alliance's regions for a little while.
Fortunately, this objective gives you plenty to do at first on your island, as the five alliance ambassadors
arrive almost immediately. While you are busy kidnapping and interrogating them, your Heat levels continue
to drop, unless you're out stealing like, well, a madman.

The five ambassadors show up on your mini-map as purple dots. Some wander the jungle outside your lair,
others brazenly walk through the front door. Issue each ambassador a Capture Tag, not a Kill Tag.

When your minions take the ambassador back to

the armory, interrogate him in the chair as you
would any professional to train up a new minion
type. Once each interrogation is complete, you are
free to infiltrate the ambassador's alliance and
install your own diplomat.

Objective 7: Global Chaos


If you have not already kidnapped a

diplomat and trained your own, now is the
time to do so. You need to have at least one
diplomat of your own to complete the five
Acts of Infamy that let you seat yourself on
alliance councils.

Once you have kidnapped and interrogated the five

ambassadors, send a team of science minions to the
following five regions to plot until they uncover the
diplomat-switcheroo Acts:

Southeast Asia South America

Eastern Bloc East Coast
The Subcontinent

These diplomat Acts are time-consuming and

produce an abundance of Heat, so be sure to send
along extra science and social minions to reduce
those potential threats to your success.

Be careful about sending massive numbers of minions to a region for any of the Acts
of Infamy in this objective. If they arrive and are not sent in on the Act
immediately, the Heat from the region's alliance skyrockets before you can even
get to work. This not only causes problems at the lair, but it also quickly attracts
the attention of that alliance's super agent.

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Once you have managed to infiltrate all of the alliance councils, turn your attention on your rocket
program. You must plot and uncover five more Acts that provide you the resources to create the rocket's
five parts. Each part takes five crates from the resource-producing facilities, found in these regions:

South Africa Midwest Eastern Bloc South America Central Asia

Stealing Big
Just uncovering these Acts generates some Heat, but actually fulfilling them brings great and furious
anger down on your island. Do not attempt these Acts unless you are at full minion capacity and have a
decent number of military minions to protect your lair during the upcoming attacks from enemy agents.

You need 25 crates to build the rocket. Each run on these

Acts lasts only 30 seconds, but you must undertake the Act
multiple times to get several crates out of the region. As long as
you have minions there, the Act keeps repeating until you pull
out or your team is killed off. Each time you complete the Act,
your Heat with that alliance soars and enemy agents from that
region are sent to your island.

The best strategy is to stick with it as long as possible in each

region. Work on the Act until all of your minions are dead or you
have completed the Act at least five times. Then immediately
pull any remaining minions out of the region—don't even leave
one man to steal.
You can't work in that region for some time, as it takes some
time for the Heat to die back down. It is a good idea to include
an extra social minion or two to help minimize the Heat.

Objective 7: Global Chaos

While the crates are being collected, prep the As soon as the corridors are in place, lay down
rocket silo back at your base. Your minions place plans for a hangar over the rocket silo.
the crates in your freezers and strongrooms until
they have a way to get into the rocket silo and
deliver the goods to the attending science minions.
Build corridors that lead into the silo area,
marked by dirt along the edges of the crater that
can be mined through. Draw up blueprints for a
corridor that go right up to the edge.

When the corridors are complete, your minions

automatically start transferring the crates into
the rocket silo.

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You can now click on the rocket silo as if you Your nearly operational rocket silo is almost ready
were going to purchase and install objects. For for prime time. All you need now is a few last bits
each five crates you place in the silo, you can buy of science to finish the job, and then you can finish
one stage of the rocket. There are five stages. your master plan for world domination.
When you have 25 crates in the silo, your science
minions can synthesize all five pieces of the rocket
and the objective is complete.

Evil Strategies
Super agents visit your lair with greater frequency now, thanks to all of the Heat your activities have
generated. If possible, do what you can to defeat these do-gooders on your own terms. Research the
means of destroying super agents in "Bonus Objectives," later in this section.
You have to lay low for a while in this objective. Heat is just too high, thanks to your evil intentions. While
you wait for the alliances' ire to drop, keep busy at the lair by fighting off enemy agents, perfecting trap
systems, and installing surveillance networks.
If you notice your minions aren't training as quickly as you'd like them to, try moving the training equipment
or placing a piece of überloot in the middle of the training room. This helps boost their Attention and keeps
them on task.
Keep the Notoriety coming. You can recruit new henchmen at 300 and 400, and their talents are most
helpful in turning back the squads of enemy agents that land on your island during this objective.
Keep the research process moving along. If you notice a lull in activity, your science minions have likely run
out of items to research. Engage in Acts of Infamy to bring in new loot, such as the chameleon cloth or the
pete bog.

Objective 7: Global Chaos

Required Acts of Infamy Blackmail a Seat on the A.N.V.I.L. Council

Location: Southeast Asia
Swindle a Seat on the S.A.B.R.E. Council Resources Required: 1 Diplomat
Location: The Subcontinent
Heat: 20
Resources Required: 1 Diplomat
Notoriety: 1
Heat: 20
Time: 5 min.
Notoriety: 1
Henchman Experience: 50
Time: 5 min.
Description: Interrogating the high-ranking
Henchman Experience: 50 government official provided some interesting infor-
Description: After interrogating and disposing of the mation about the peccadilloes of the prime minister
high-ranking government worker, use the knowledge of Singapore. This information would be extremely
he provided to install a diplomat on the S.A.B.R.E. damaging to the prime minister's reputation if it
council. The government worker mentioned a were made public, so he'll do anything to keep it
contact of his who has the means to rig an electoral under wraps. Send a diplomat to blackmail the
ballot in our favor. Send a diplomat to talk with this prime minister into giving us a lofty position in his
contact, and we should be pulling strings on the cabinet and a seat on the A.N.V.I.L. council.
S.A.B.R.E. council in no time.

Plant an Agent on the H.A.M.M.E.R. Council

Bribe a Place on the P.A.T.R.I.O.T. Council Location: Eastern Bloc
Location: East Coast Resources Required: 1 Diplomat
Resources Required: 1 Diplomat Heat: 20
Heat: 20 Notoriety: 1
Notoriety: 1 Time: 5 min.
Time: 5 min. Henchman Experience: 50
Henchman Experience: 50 Description: The high-ranking government official
Description: Some useful knowledge was gleaned gave us a series of access codes before he
from the interrogation of the high-ranking succumbed to the rigors of our interrogation. Send a
government official. The public approval rating of the diplomat to sweet-talk his way into the centralized
senator from Illinois has dropped like a stone since H.A.M.M.E.R. records department in Yugoslavia, and
he made a number of unpopular decisions. He use the access codes to tweak a few files and add a
knows he won't be in office for much longer, and is new position to the H.A.M.M.E.R. council—a position
looking to make a quick buck by selling his power that will, of course, have one of our own diplomats
while he still has it. Send a diplomat to bribe him as its first incumbent.
into gifting us with a position on the P.A.T.R.I.O.T.

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Infiltrate and Coerce S.M.A.S.H. Infiltrate A.N.V.I.L.'s Top-Secret Ore Mine

Location: South America Location: Central Asia
Resources Required: 1 Diplomat Resources Required: 5 Guards, 4 Mercenaries,
Heat: 20 2 Quantum Physicists
Notoriety: 1 Heat: 30
Time: 5 min. Notoriety: 5
Henchman Experience: 50 Time: 0:30 min.
Description: Interrogating the high-ranking Henchman Experience: 75
government official revealed some valuable infor- Description: A quick hack into the A.N.V.I.L.
mation regarding the leader of Uruguay and his database of satellite imagery revealed an inter-
weakness for poker. Send a diplomat to meet with esting anomaly. The Le-Wu-Ting Shaolin temple in
him on some trivial pretext, and then challenge him Lhasa is built on a material that does not match
to a friendly game of poker once the "business" is any spectrometer profile. We believe this material
out of the way. We'll cheat, of course, but he won't to be an incredibly rare ore that has very special
be able to stop until he owes us the equivalent of properties, and could potentially be used to
Uruguay's GDP. He then has no choice but to grant strengthen the rocket superstructure. Take over
us a seat on the S.M.A.S.H. council in return for the temple and start shipping the ore back to the
canceling the debt. island for storage in your freezer unit.

Acquire Peruvian Titanium Source

Location: South America Take Over Wyotech Advanced Polymers
Resources Required: 5 Guards, 4 Mercenaries, Location: Midwest
2 Quantum Physicists Resources Required: 5 Guards, 4 Mercenaries,
Heat: 30 2 Quantum Physicists
Notoriety: 5 Heat: 30
Time: 0:30 min. Notoriety: 5
Henchman Experience: 75 Time: 0:30 min.
Description: The rocket superstructure needs to be Henchman Experience: 75
incredibly strong if it is to survive the stresses of Description: Wyotech Advanced Polymers is
the launch. The science team has insisted that dedicated to refining oil into plastic polymers that
titanium be used in the construction to ensure are both incredibly strong and flexible. Pay a visit
maximum durability. There is a very productive to the company's headquarters in Wyoming and
titanium ore mine in Peru, but the owner refuses to stage a hostile takeover. Once the processing
bow to our will. He should start cooperating once we plant is in your hands, start shipping the plastics
kidnap his pet llama, however. In return for its safe back to the island. The polymers are highly heat-
return, he gladly sends regular shipments of sensitive and must be stored in your freezer until
processed titanium to the island. The titanium is they are ready.
delivered to your freezer for safekeeping.

Objective 7: Global Chaos

Buy Out De Laagers Diamond Mining Inc.

Location: South Africa
Resources Required: 5 Guards, 4 Mercenaries,
2 Quantum Physicists
Heat: 30
Notoriety: 5
Time: 0:30 min.
Henchman Experience: 75
Description: The rocket superstructure features many
small components that have to be designed and
manufactured with great precision. Send some
minions to the De Laagers diamond corporation
headquarters in Pretoria, South Africa, and make the
CEO an offer he can't refuse. The diamonds, used to
focus the high-intensity lasers, will be shipped back
to the island in crates and stored in your freezer.

Steal Oil from ESKO Oil Refinery

Location: Eastern Bloc
Resources Required: 5 Guards, 4 Mercenaries,
2 Quantum Physicists
Heat: 30
Notoriety: 5
Time: 0:30 min.
Henchman Experience: 75
Description: If the rocket superstructure is ever going
to get off the ground, it'll need a tank full of rocket
fuel. The Ukraine is home to ESKO—one of the
biggest oil refineries in the world, and the biggest
provider of rocket fuel to the Soviet space agency.
Break into the complex's control room and hack into
the system mainframe, then change the shipping
address for the Soviet space agency account so that
the fuel gets delivered to us instead. It is highly
volatile and must be kept in the freezer until needed.

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Countdown to the Countdown

The five stages of your new rocket have been built and are sitting in the silo, waiting to be assembled.
But without some form of propulsion and a delivery system, your doomsday device is going to remain
You have twin goals now. First, you must risk your minions' necks again and send them into the world to
uncover and steal plans for an experimental new rocket engine. Once you have the plans in your
possession, your science minions can construct a propulsion unit for your rocket.
But that's only half of it. You must develop a satellite system to mount your doomsday device on.
Without the ability to orbit above the planet, your doomsday device simply falls back to earth—or worse,
floats away. Getting the satellite technology is much trickier than the engine plans, but there are three
methods of doing so.
All three methods attract a lot of attention. Make sure you have a full headcount in your lair before
starting out. You need some of the more advanced careers in this objective, such as the playboy, if you
want to sweet-talk your way into Armageddon.

Level Objectives
Plot in North Africa to uncover a rocket program currently under way in Casablanca. Of all the gin joints in
the world…
Steal and research the technology to develop a working satellite to serve as a delivery system for your
doomsday device.
Pilfer and research a top-secret piece of P.A.T.R.I.O.T. technology with three specific experimental
apparatuses. The angered alliance will certainly send troops to get the technology back.
Steal and research technology projects from A.N.V.I.L. and S.A.B.R.E., then research each with one specific
experimental apparatus. Both alliances send agents to retrieve the technology, using any means necessary.
Lure a Russian cosmonaut into your lair and then interrogate him on three devices to learn H.A.M.M.E.R.'s
satellite technology.

Objective 8: Doomsday Beckons

Acts of Infamy
Because there are multiple ways to satisfy the objectives, you do not need to complete all of these Acts of
Infamy. Before you attempt any of them, be sure you have the right resources and the Heat in that region
has died down since the last objective.

Steal the Rocket Engine Plans New Objects

Lure the Cosmonaut Item Price
Steal the Gyroscopic Plasma Inducer Playboy Trainer $20,000
Steal the Electromagnetic Flux Transponder Rocket Engines $50

Steal the Meteorite of Unfathomable Molecular Rocket Satellite $50


Objective Walkthrough
The world is pretty sick of your meddling. Thanks to your efforts to steal the 25 crates of precious
resources, Heat levels are through the roof with the alliances, and you're probably seeing a major increase
in the number of enemy agents on your shores. Not only are there more agents, they are getting more
skilled. Good soldiers and exceptional veterans are no longer uncommon sights on your island.

Just because there is a team of highly skilled agents on the island doesn't mean
they will infiltrate your base. Several of the agent platoons actually just sneak
around the perimeter and leave by their own volition.
If you issue Kill Tags and send your henchmen out to greet them, the team turns
instantly into a violent bunch of warriors, and bloodshed ensues. You also score a lot
of extra experience points for your henchmen this way. But that sometimes comes at
the expense of a few minions who get in the way.

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Stealing the rocket engine plans takes a suave
touch. You need to kidnap the last of the
famous international playboys and interrogate
him to train your own army of smoothies.

The first thing you need to do on this objective is

steal the rocket engine plans. Send a team of
science minions, including top-tier thinkers like
quantum physicists, to North Africa to plot until
the Act of Infamy is revealed.

Once you uncover the rocket engine plans in

Casablanca, you must send a sizeable team of
minions to the region to steal them. In addition to
playboys and diplomats, include henchmen and
science minions in the team. This prevents excess
fatalities and cuts short the duration of the Act.

Performing Acts of Infamy are certainly a lot safer if you have eliminated that
alliance's super agent. For example, with Mariana Mamba out of the picture, you
can swipe the rocket engine plans with a lot less of a headache.

Objective 8: Doomsday Beckons

The later half of the objective has three possible

solutions. None is easier than another—that is,
unless you have the exact formulas for researching
the high-tech super-secret gadgetry you must steal
from the alliances, or if you know exactly which
three objects you must use to interrogate the

As soon as you have stolen the rocket engine

plans, you can build a prototype unit in your
rocket silo for a bargain.

If you choose to go the cosmonaut route, there are If he's not on your island, you can snatch
two ways to grab him. Keep an eye out at the the cosmonaut in his native territory: Central
beginning of the objective, as the fellow might be Russia. You need to send a team of science
taking a stroll in the jungle. He appears as a lone minions to reveal the Lure the Cosmonaut Act
red dot on the mini-map, just like an enemy of Infamy before you send in the rest of your
agent. Tag the cosmonaut for capture. minions to pick him up. After completing the
Act, you need to find the cosmonaut on your
island and tag him for capture.

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To crack the cosmonaut, interrogate and torture him

in the archives' bookcase and the mess mall counter
with the big mixing bowl—the same equipment you
used a while back to torture the Russian criminal
mastermind. These devices lower the cosmonaut's
Smarts and Attention.
As soon as the cosmonaut can barely think straight,
really put him through the wringer. Zero out his health
by torturing him in an experimental apparatus like the
impact stress analyzer. When he breaks—and he will—
he spills his guts about satellite technology.
Once you finally capture the cosmonaut, you This process is lengthy, and it comes with a huge
must torture him with three objects in the base.problem. H.A.M.M.E.R. will send several teams of
To lower his stats, you must put him in each agents to free the cosmonaut. You must manage both
device at least twice. the agents and the torture sessions. If you take your
eye off the cosmonaut for too long between sessions, he may escape. And if he gets a head start, you're
up the creek. He's a fast, fast runner.
You can also choose to forget the cosmonaut, appropriate some supersecret technology gathered by
P.A.T.R.I.O.T., and perform three experiments on it. Or you can gather up two tech samples from A.N.V.I.L.
and S.A.B.R.E. and perform just one experiment on each.
There is a trade-off with each route. If you just snag the P.A.T.R.I.O.T. technology, you must fight off
agent teams sent by the alliance while you perform three full experiments. This gives P.A.T.R.I.O.T. plenty
of time to deliver several teams and certainly keeps your military minions and henchmen busy.
If you opt to go for the twofer, you cut down on the amount of experiment time, because you only have
to perform one bit of research on each item rather than three. However, now you have teams of skilled
agents from both A.N.V.I.L. and S.A.B.R.E. beating down the door.
Regardless of which technology you choose to steal, you must send science minions to that region to
plot until the Act of Infamy has been revealed. The P.A.T.R.I.O.T. technology is in the Midwest. The
S.A.B.R.E. technology is in Australasia and the A.N.V.I.L. technology is in Polynesia.

Objective 8: Doomsday Beckons

Of these four options, it is easiest to go for the P.A.T.R.I.O.T. technology in the
Midwest. We have the three required experimental apparatuses to perform the
experiments, so you don't have to waste time by trying different science machines
until you hit the right combination.

When you steal the P.A.T.R.I.O.T. technology, it When you steal the A.N.V.I.L. and the S.A.B.R.E.
automatically is taken to the laboratory where technology, they also appear in your laboratory
your science minions have immediate access to it. shortly after the Act is completed. You must
The three experimental apparatuses you must use research each piece of technology once, and you
to test the technology are the laser, the bio-tanks, can use the laser, the bio-tanks, or the
and the environment chamber. You must research environment chamber to do so. Research each piece
with each experimental apparatus individually. of technology with a single apparatus individually.

The technology from these Acts has enormous stat-increasing power, so once the
experiments are over, move the tech into key places in your lair so your minions
feel the effects. You may even want to steal all of the technology just for the

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While researching the technology, do not let your As soon as you have either crushed the satellite
guard down. The decidedly nonplussed alliances secrets out of the cosmonaut or unlocked them
send teams of skilled agents not only to steal from the alliance technology, you can click on the
back the technology, but also to cause any trouble rocket silo and build your doomsday device
possible inside your lair, such as setting charges delivery system for a song.
and blowing things up.

Evil Strategies Required Acts of Infamy

Alliance agents are going to be regularly Steal the Rocket Engine Plans
storming your base, so don't be hesitant to Location: North Africa
splurge on a few doors. A thick, secure door can Resources Required: 4 Playboys, 4 Diplomats
give you the time you need to rush a henchman Heat: 30
to the trouble spot and help deal with your foes.
Notoriety: 5
Super agents continue making visits to the Time: 3 min.
island. They do not always cause a problem, Henchman Experience: 25
though, so don't immediately sic your henchmen
Description: The rocket superstructure is useless
and minions on them. Sometimes the super
without the engine. The science team has
agent just wanders the perimeter and takes off.
attempted to build an engine block from scratch,
If you don't have the required objects to torture but their efforts have been pitiful. A blueprint of an
the cosmonaut, such as the bookcase, don't existing engine design is needed if the doomsday
spend the time or money buying and installing device is to ever get off the ground. The French are
them. Time is of the essence, and you need to known to be developing a rocket of their own in
get that satellite technology as soon as possible, Morocco, their colony. Infiltrate their testing lab in
because the alliances are stepping up the agent Casablanca and steal the vital engine plans.
deliveries to your island.

Objective 8: Doomsday Beckons

Lure the Cosmonaut Steal the Electromagnetic Flux Transponder

Location: Central Russia Location: Australasia
Resources Required: 5 Guards, 4 Scientists, 2 Martial Resources Required: 5 Spin Doctors, 5 Mercenaries
Artists Heat: 30
Heat: 30 Notoriety: 5
Notoriety: 1 Time: 3 min.
Time: 4 min. Henchman Experience: 25
Henchman Experience: 25 Description: A S.A.B.R.E. research facility in Sydney
Description: Yvgeny Abramovich is one of the most has perfected a device known as the electro-
experienced cosmonauts in the world, and knows magnetic flux transponder. Steal and research this
everything there is to know about rocket launch technology to calibrate the satellite design. The
systems. If we can interrogate him, he can provide payload is still needed before the satellite can
us with the information we need to construct the actually be constructed, but sources indicate that a
satellite and its payload. Abramovich is scheduled to meteorite in Manila might provide the answer…
take part in a launch on a Polynesian atoll later this
week. Covertly break into the Soviet space agency
in Moscow and change the coordinates of this island
Steal the Meteorite of Unfathomable
to those of our own. When Abramovich arrives,
Molecular Structure
capture and interrogate him.
Location: Polynesia
Resources Required: 8 Scientists
Steal the Gyroscopic Plasma Inducer
Heat: 30
Location: Midwest
Notoriety: 5
Resources Required: 4 Scientists, 4 Spin Doctors,
Time: 3 min.
4 Mercenaries, 1 Diplomat, 1 Biochemist
Henchman Experience: 25
Heat: 30
Description: A meteorite crashed in the mountains
Notoriety: 5
outside Manila last week, and is making headlines
Time: 3 min.
for its unfathomable molecular structure. The
Henchman Experience: 25 scientists who analyzed the rock claim that it's
Description: A number of people are convinced that unlike anything ever seen before on Earth. Steal and
P.A.T.R.I.O.T. has covered up a UFO crash landing at research the meteorite to develop the payload that
Roswell, N.M. This isn't something that would will make the world quail. The payload itself is
normally warrant attention, but some decrypted useless without the satellite that is used to control
memos seem to actually vindicate these conspiracy it—intercepted transmissions suggest that a helpful
nuts and their paranoid theories. P.A.T.R.I.O.T. has technology is in Sydney…
assembled something called a gyroscopic plasma
inducer, based on alien technology. Steal this device
and research it with your laboratory equipment to
gain the knowledge needed to build the satellite and
create its payload.

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Tough Talk
In the life of every Evil Genius, there is a time when you just have to put up or shut up. That time is now.
You have a rocket, an engine, a satellite, and a doomsday device. All that is left to do is announce your
intentions to the world's alliances, sit back, and wait for them to grovel for mercy.
However, before you hit the airwaves, you better double-check that engine technology. It was experi-
mental when you stole it, and it would be something of an embarrassment to threaten the world with
potential annihilation just to have it sputter out in the basement.
Once the technology has been field-tested, and with some rather unexpectedly amusing results, it's
time to command an audience. After installing a TV studio in the inner sanctum, your minions must set up
a series of transmitters around the island to broadcast your evil signal. Once the world's leaders see just
how crazy/serious you are about this global domination bit, they are sure to buckle like a belt.

Level Objectives
Install a launch button on the hangar catwalk above the rocket silo. When it is complete, your Evil Genius
can fire up the rocket engines for a minute-long test to verify the system works fine.
When the test results have been verified, broadcast a message to the world via a TV studio inside the inner
sanctum. You must build five transmitter aerials to carry the signal across the planet.

Acts of Infamy
There are no Acts of Infamy to complete for this New Objects
Item Price
Catwalk Console $7,000
Evil TV Studio $10,000
Transmitter Aerial $1,000

Objective 9: Evil Ultimatum

Objective Walkthrough
All of the actions in this objective take place directly on
your island. Enemy agents from the alliances infiltrate
the lair and try to interfere with your operations, though,
no matter how much Heat you have generated around
the world.
You must test the rocket engine and build a TV studio
set-up capable of delivering your ultimatum to the world.
Do not purchase and install transmitter aerials first. The
alliances send saboteurs to wreck them with explosives.
Instead, concentrate on testing the rocket engines.
First, purchase and build a catwalk console on the
walkway above the rocket silo. From here, Evil

Genius, you can initiate the engine test.

Testing the rocket engines requires the help of

several minions down on the floor of the silo.
They cannot get down there to maintain the
test unless there are several entrances to the
rocket silo—the doorways where your minions
delivered the crates. If you only have a couple,
build more corridors around the crater and
open extra doorways.

Once you're ready, direct the Evil Genius to

the console and press the button to initiate
the test.

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If you run out of minions during the test, you
have to start over. If you have a series of
entrances, you shouldn't have this problem.

The rockets roar into action. Unfortunately, they Now that you have seen the rocket engine
are so powerful the air crackles with electricity in
technology operate, it is time to send out your
the bottom of the rocket silo. Several minions are
broadcast, threatening the alliances with imminent
zapped during the minute-long test, but as long as
you have a steady supply of minions to tend to the destruction.
rocket, the test is a success.

First, build the TV studio inside the inner Next, build five transmitter aerials outside of
sanctum. You may need to move out some of your lair to broadcast the signal. Do not put all of
your loot to make room. the transmitter aerials in the same place—this
makes them easy pickings for saboteurs. Instead,
spread them around the island.

Objective 9: Evil Ultimatum

Although you only need five to broadcast your ultimatum, go ahead and install at
least seven transmitter aerials around the island. This way, if you lose one from
sabotage, you have backup units ready to go.

Once the transmitter aerials are up and ready

to broadcast, direct your Evil Genius to the TV
studio. The EG springs automatically into action,
addressing the world's alliances with his awful
ultimatum. You have a doomsday device and
you're not afraid to use it. You're an Evil
Genius on the edge!

Evil Strategies
By now you should be able to take care of super agent
Dirk Masters, so follow the instructions for disposing of
the gun-toting blowhard. It makes the last objective much easier
to complete.
The rocket silo and broadcast tech use a lot of energy, so install
some extra generators or nuclear generators to provide the
necessary juice to keep operations running smoothly.

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Omega Man
You would think that the world would tremble at the thought of a doomsday device hovering over its
head, ready to unleash disaster and chaos. But proving that even sure-fire programming doesn't always
connect with viewers, your ultimatum fell on deaf ears. It's time to prove to the world that you do not
make empty threats.
Begin the objective by assembling the rocket in the silo below your lair. This is a long process—it takes
12 minutes to fully configure the rocket for launch and payload delivery. During that agonizingly long time,
the alliances hit you with everything they have—including any remaining super agents.
The worst (meaning best) of the bunch is S.A.B.R.E. super agent John Steele. The immaculately
dressed, well-coiffed, charming spy descends on your lair and attempts to disrupt the launch. Perhaps
there is a way to do away with this nuisance once and for all?

Level Objectives
Assemble the rocket in the silo. This takes time, and while the rocket is being put together, the alliances
send multitudes of agents to your island.
It seems John Steele can get out of any tight spot. But you can use your rocket to get the upper hand. Do
you expect Steele to talk? No, you expect him to fly.
Launch the doomsday device into orbit and prove to the world that you are indeed a bad, bad man.

Acts of Infamy
There are no required Acts of Infamy for this objective.

Objective Walkthrough
You must show the world that you mean business, so initialize the rocket. It takes 12 minutes to assemble
the rocket, so for 12 minutes you must fend off the alliances' agents.

Objective 10: Take Over the World

John Steele arrives on your island right after
the objective begins. Instead of dealing with
him while trying to ensure a successful
launch, capture him and drag him into the
base before initializing the rocket
construction sequence.

Before initializing the rocket launch, make sure you

have at least two heavy doors guarding the entrance
to your base. Once you set the rocket to go, switch

the doors to the highest level of security. Nobody
comes in, nobody goes out. Any minions stuck outside
the lair just have to fend for themselves.
Sending any minions or henchmen outside to
confront the enemy agents requires you to
lower the security on the front doors. Your
minions can get out, but alliance troops can
also force their way in.

Should enemy agents infiltrate the lair,
throw the base on red alert and hit back
with everything you have. Don't worry if Keep your henchmen near the front door and
the base catches fire, the flames are ready for combat. The alliances are sending
soldiers and veterans to disrupt your plans. Should
likely to injure the enemy agents, too. they breach the front doors, you need some heavy
firepower right away to prevent them from
wreaking serious havoc inside the lair.

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While the rocket is being put together, keep John Eventually, the rocket is complete. A big red
Steele busy by torturing him on your various button appears on the screen. All you have to do
experimental apparatuses. Keep hitting him with a is press it and the world is yours. But first…
Capture Tag, and make sure he isn't left alone in
his cell for long. The agent has a knack for escape
and will blow up your armory as payback.

Make sure that John Steele is under lock and key Your minions gleefully grab Steele from his cell and
before you press the big red button. It's the only shove him aboard the rocket just as it launches into
way to eliminate him for good. space, neutralizing the super agent forever.
Your rocket takes off, blasting through the atmosphere into the cold reaches of space where it will
unleash your doomsday device on the world. The alliances were wrong to underestimate your desire to rule
the world, and for their poor judgment, they will pay.

In addition to the 10 main objectives of the game, you can complete a series of bonus objectives to earn
extra Notoriety, find new objects, and remove the threat of the pesky super agents. These objectives are
not required, but completing them—especially the super agent missions—is extremely beneficial.

Super Agent Disposal

There are five super agents in the game, one for each alliance. You can only get rid of S.A.B.R.E. super
agent John Steele at the end of the game, but you have the opportunity to dispose of the other four much
earlier. Getting rid of them as soon as possible is key to ensuring smooth, evil sailing.

Mariana Mamba
The comely S.M.A.S.H. super agent uses her looks to charm her way into your lair. Once inside, she seeks
out the Evil Genius and attacks. There is a way to neutralize her threat, but you need to have a functioning
lab before you can ruin her.

First, build an infirmary and install a pharmacy booth.

Then research and develop the biotanks experimental
apparatus. Finally, make sure you have kidnapped a
biochemist and have a trained one in your ranks.
Eventually, one of your science minions identifies the
pharmacy booth as suitable for research. Follow the
formula for creating an infirmary chair: experiment on the
pharmacy booth with the laser and biotanks.

Install the infirmary chair in your infirmary. Next,

capture Mamba and put her in a holding cell. When it
comes time to interrogate her, choose the infirmary
chair as the torture device. Your science minions take it
from there.

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Jet Chan
Jet Chan is from A.N.V.I.L. The accomplished martial artist's hands are certified lethal weapons, and it
would be nice to put them on ice. It would certainly help save a few henchmen's lives, yes?

When the bonus objective to defeat Jet Chan is

available, plot in Central Asia until you uncover the Kidnap
Jet Chan's Mentor Act of Infamy. Carry out the mission,
interrogate the wise old master, then use his secrets to
beat Chan.
The next time you get Chan under lock and key,
instead of issuing a regular torture order, direct him to the
dojo in your training room. The weakened Chan loses the
fight, and to save face, never bothers you again.

Required Act of Infamy

Kidnap Jet Chan's Mentor
Location: Central Asia
Required Resources: 10 Workers, 2 Martial Artists
Heat: 10
Notoriety: 1
Time: 4 min.
Henchman Experience: 100

Katerina Frostanova
The Russian ice queen, Katerina Frostanova, is one cold customer. She can unfeelingly dispatch your
minions without batting an eyelash. But is there a way to melt her heart—and then crush it?
When the bonus objective becomes available, head to Siberia and undertake the Steal Mr. Snuggles Act
of Infamy. Your minions steal the super agent's childhood toy, a cherished teddy bear, and then install it in
your training room.

Bonus Objectives

When you capture Frostanova, direct her to the Mr.

Snuggles punching bag. She recoils in horror as you tear
the plush bear from limb to limb. Psychologically
damaged from the ordeal, she gives up on further
harassing your operations.

Required Act of Infamy

Steal Mr. Snuggles
Location: Siberia
Required Resources: 6 Guards, 3 Diplomats
Heat: 15
Notoriety: 1
Time: 4 min.
Henchman Experience: 100

Dirk Masters
The gun-toting P.A.T.R.I.O.T. super agent packs a hard
punch, and there may be an illegal secret as to why.
When the chance to bring down the American idol is
available, send your minions to the Midwest to undertake
the Infiltrate Dirk Masters' Gym Act of Infamy.
As a result of the Act, your biochemists can research a
swiped towel, soggy with Dirk sweat. Use the biotanks to
extract some DNA from the towel to discover the action
hero is hopped up on illegal steroids.

The next time you capture Masters on your island, send

him to the laboratory and torture him with your biotanks.
The resulting chemical reaction between your vat of
biojuice and the 'roids turns the muscle-bound warrior into
a jarheaded freak.

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Infiltrate Dirk Masters' Gym

Location: Midwest
Required Resources: 5 Workers, 2 Mercenaries, 1 Playboy, 2 Biochemists
Heat: 20
Notoriety: 1
Time: 4 min.
Henchman Experience: 100

Extra Objectives
The following three objectives are entirely optional, but the results from undertaking them may be worth
the incredible effort.

Faking It
When the Steal the Clone Chamber Act of Infamy
becomes available to Antarctica, send a team of minions
to pilfer the technology. They return the chamber to your
lair, where you can make clones of your Evil Genius.
Stealing the chamber prompts a group of alliance
assassins to infiltrate the island. Once you create the
clones, allow them to be killed—but not by any old
enemy agent. Make sure one of the assassins kills the
clone. If an assassin kills the clone, your Heat drops
around the world. Should a regular enemy agent kill the
clone, your Notoriety drops.

When you create the clones, expect company immediately. Use your henchmen to
fend off any regular enemy agents while the special assassins target the clones.
(Hide your original Evil Genius in the inner sanctum during this.) Be sure not to tag
any of the assassins for death and do not throw the base on red alert.

Bonus Objectives

Stock Market Chaos

This special objective is only available if you create the
global stock market watchdog and set it up in your control
room. Once the machine is in place, eight accountants
from the outside world fortuitously take a holiday on your
very island.
The goal is to allow the accountants to see the global
stock market watchdog. This convinces them that your
evil enterprise is some sort of genius venture, and they
want to buy fake stock. The trick is getting them off the
island none the wiser of your evil intentions.

You must get four of the eight accountants off the

island without any Heat. The best way to do this is to tag
the accountants for psychological weakening. Your social
minions attend to the accountants and escort them off
the island. Their smooth talking keeps the accountants
from noticing anything suspicious.
When four of the accountants make it off the island
with zero Heat, you are rewarded with $250,000 from the
stock swindle.

Cursed Collection
This bonus objective requires four Acts of Infamy in which
you must steal pieces of a broken totem pole. As you
collect the four pieces of the totem pole, they appear
back at your base. There, you discover that the totem
pole pieces are cursed, and as long as they are
separated, they have a negative stat impact on your
minions, reducing Smarts and Attention.

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Send your minions around the globe to plot and uncover the four Acts of Infamy to collect the pieces of
the totem pole. While the individual pieces are a hazard, the assembled totem pole grants a huge stat-
replenishing area effect.

You cannot begin collecting the pieces until your Notoriety has reached 125. At 125,
the first piece is unlocked. For each 10 Notoriety points after that, the next piece is
unlocked. You must be at 155 to nab the final totem pole piece.

Required Acts of Infamy

Steal the Fourth Cursed Totem Pole Section
Steal the First Cursed Totem Pole Section Location: West Coast
Location: Polynesia Required Resources: 5 Valets
Required Resources: 6 Workers Heat: 20
Heat: 20 Notoriety: 1
Notoriety: 1 Time: 4 min.
Time: 5 min. Henchman Experience: 25
Henchman Experience: 25
Steal the Second Cursed Totem Pole
Location: Central Russia
Required Resources: 5 Guards
Heat: 20
Notoriety: 1
Time: 1 min.
Henchman Experience: 25
Steal the Third Cursed Totem Pole Section
Location: Middle East
Required Resources: 5 Technicians
Heat: 20
Notoriety: 1
Time: 3 min.
Henchman Experience: 25

Acting Up Notoriety and Loot
There are many Acts of Infamy to undertake in Evil Here is a full listing of the Acts of Infamy: a series
Genius. While many are optional to an extent (you of covert missions you must execute if you want to
really need to gather an intense level of Notoriety), increase your Notoriety. Only if you inflate Notoriety
several are directly related to objectives in the will the world tremble at the sound of your name,
game. There is also a collection of Acts that allows which really helps your cause when it comes time
you to kidnap trained professionals like spin doctors to announce your true intentions for planet Earth.
and martial artists. These Acts help you train your
Some of these missions have bonuses
forces in new careers.
beyond Notoriety. There are several pieces of
Some Acts result only in an increase of Notoriety loot—stat-boosting spoils that you can decorate
(and, unfortunately, Heat)—your minions are just your lair with. Not only can you pretty up your
running around the globe, stirring things up. base with these objects, but some of them also
Henchman-recruitment Acts pop up on the world are useful in researching and developing new
map when you have achieved enough Notoriety to objects, such as traps.
be considered worthy of their talents. Überloot Acts
Another side benefit of carrying out these
of Infamy result in the acquisition of beautiful
missions is that enough success draws
pieces to store in your lair.
henchmen out of hiding. When you're infamous
We have broken down the complete Acts of enough to warrant their services, your spies
Infamy into four smaller lists: receive word that they are ready to join up. (Each
henchman-recruiting Act of Infamy is detailed in
Notoriety & Loot
the following section.)
Henchman Recruitment
Each listing includes the territory the Act of
Überloot Thievery Infamy occurs in, as well as how much Heat and
Kidnapping Professionals Notoriety is generated. It takes specific types of
agents to pull off these missions, so pay attention
Any Act of Infamy directly related to the game's
to what human resources are needed. "Henchman
story, such as those you are required to undertake
Experience" indicates how many points a henchman
to complete objectives—are discussed in that
accompanying your men on the mission receives. If
specific walkthrough chapter. (Except for the
there is any loot to be pilfered and procured, it is
überloot Acts of Infamy, which are required for the
also mentioned.
game's fourth objective. Those Acts are detailed in
this chapter too.) Those listings contain all relevant
information, such as what kinds of minions are
required to undertake the mission.

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Ear Plug Oil Leak

Location: North Africa Location: Middle East
Resources Required: 4 Workers Resources Required: 5 Workers
Heat: 10 Heat: 10
Notoriety: 5 Notoriety: 5
Time: 1 min. Time: 1 min.
Henchman Experience: 25 Henchman Experience: 25
Description: Operatives have uncovered a S.M.A.S.H. Description: Decoded radio traffic indicates as-yet-
listening post and staging area for covert operations. unrevealed plans for a massive new oil storage
It appears that this cell has effectively curtailed facility. When fully operational, this facility is likely to
criminal activities in the region. Destroying this form the starting location for additional pipeline infra-
operation sends a clear message to the Forces of structure. Sabotaging the operation at such an early
Justice—a new power is rising, and no pesky do- stage causes unprecedented chaos, and the delays
gooders are going to stop it. cost the government and businesses involved
millions of dollars.

Steal the Library Blueprints Oilseed Inferno

Location: West Coast Location: South America
Resources Required: 2 Workers Required Resources: 3 Workers, 3 Guards,
Heat: 10 1 Mercenary
Notoriety: 1 Heat: 10
Time: 4 minutes Notoriety: 5
Henchman Experience: 25 Time: 3 min.
Loot: Archives Blueprints Henchman Experience: 25
Description: A prestigious California university is Description: Regional operatives have discovered that
building an extension to its campus library. Send the world's largest single shipment of oilseed is
some minions to the construction site to pilfer the being assembled in a series of storehouses within
blueprints and building materials. Once you have the region. This allows for the perfect demonstration
these, the archives room can be built in the base to of the ultimate criminal force. If an advanced
replenish minions' Smarts. chemical compound is liberally applied to the stores,
the oilseed is incinerated in place, leaving food
manufacturers around the globe short on product
and therefore forced to pay superinflated prices on
our own oilseed brand, Superseed-E-Oils.

Acts of Infamy Glossary

Chinese Whispers Fishy Business

Location: South Africa Location: Polynesia
Resources Required: 4 Workers, 1 Valet, 1 Guard Resources Required: 2 Workers
Heat: 10 Heat: 10
Notoriety: 5 Notoriety: 5
Time: 1 min. Time: 30 sec.
Henchman Experience: 25 Henchman Experience: 25
Description: A new opportunity to sow chaos and Description: Stolen secret documents reveal that
dissent for your own benefit has presented itself. A.N.V.I.L. is implementing a new round-the-clock
Two local warlords are negotiating land rights in the offshore patrol system using disguised junks filled
region. Both are wary of being scammed and are with the latest in electronic detection equipment. We
looking for infiltrators to see what the other's plans can stretch this fledgling operation beyond the
are. By secretly hiring out your services to both breaking point by feeding the local dolphin
parties, along with judicious application of misinfor- population fish-wrapped radio and sonar beacons.
mation, the warlords remove each other, leaving the
area under your control. Ming Bling Bling
Location: Central Asia
Coming in from the Cold Required Resources: 2 Workers, 2 Valets, 1 Technician
Location: Antarctica Heat: 10
Resources Required: 3 Workers, 3 Technicians Notoriety: 5
Heat: 10 Time: 1 min.
Notoriety: 5 Henchman Experience: 25
Time: 1 min. Loot: Priceless Vase
Henchman Experience: 25 Description: A gang of international grave robbers has
Loot: Pete Bog recently been making world news for the desecration
Description: An increase in coded radio traffic from of a royal crypt of the Ming dynasty. This is a partic-
Williamson Research Station indicates that they have ularly macabre act of evil—it's a shame we didn't
made some kind of important discovery. From what think of it first. No matter, the situation can be
we can decode, the research station is asking for remedied thanks to a helpful tip-off from our
extra base security—the response is likely to be top contacts in the region. The thieves are holed up in
S.M.A.S.H. agents. Won't they look stupid when they an abandoned factory in a little-visited town, along
arrive only to discover that we've stolen whatever it with all their looted treasure. Well aware of the heat
is they are charged with protecting? they have generated, the thieves are willing to
sacrifice a cut of their spoils for the protection of the
local mobsters as well as A.N.V.I.L. agents.

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Philosopher's Stone Forging Ahead

Location: North China Location: Subcontinent
Resources Required: 5 Workers, 3 Technicians Resources Required: 3 Workers
Heat: 10 Heat: 10
Notoriety: 5 Notoriety: 5
Time: 1 min. Time: 30 sec.
Henchman Experience: 25 Henchman Experience: 25
Description: Reports emanate from provincial villages Description: Bruce "The Dingo" McGraw is a master
regarding the discovery of a stone tablet that is said forger currently languishing in prison. His skills can't
to be engraved with previously unknown teachings be faulted, but his common sense leaves something
from the great philosopher Confucius. The relic is to be desired. He was caught only because he tried
under constant surveillance in the temple where it to spend his forged money before the ink had dried.
was discovered, as leading historians and archaeol- Prison security is relatively lax, so a breakout
ogists fly in from all corners of the globe to study shouldn't be difficult, and freeing McGraw will be an
the find. Send some minions in to grind the tablet effective two-finger salute to the S.A.B.R.E. agents
blank before it gets moved to a higher security who caught him.
location. It's doubtful that Confucius would approve
of our evil intentions, but he's been dead for more Philandering Panda
than two thousand years, so what's he going to do?
Location: Southeast Asia
Required Resources: 4 Guards, 3 Mercenaries,
Now You Steal It 1 Scientist
Location: Central Asia Heat: 10
Required Resources: 2 Valets, 2 Technicians, 2 Guards Notoriety: 5
Heat: 10 Time: 3 min.
Notoriety: 5 Henchman Experience: 25
Time: 1 min. Description: Chi-Chi is the pride of China, the only
Henchman Experience: 25 male panda in captivity with the ability and actual
Loot: Chameleon Cloth inclination to breed. Father of innumerable infants,
Description: The newly implemented Peoples' Defense Chi-Chi is prolific amongst notoriously reluctant
Research and Design Initiative, which operates at female pandas and is almost single-handedly
several key institutes across central China, has responsible for keeping the panda population at an
apparently turned up trumps. Several leaked reports all-time high. A.N.V.I.L. has gained much recognition
suggest that a textile has been manufactured that for preventing numerous kidnap attempts on Chi-Chi,
has some very interesting properties concerning the but our plan doesn't require moving him, so we have
reflection and refraction of light. Sounds fun—let's a fighting chance. Let's see them show their faces
steal it. after they find out that Chi-Chi has been neutered.

Acts of Infamy Glossary

Eye Spy In the Drink

Location: Australasia Location: Subcontinent
Resources Required: 6 Workers, 1 Technician Required Resources: 2 Valets, 1 Technician, 1 Guard
Heat: 10 Heat: 10
Notoriety: 5 Notoriety: 5
Time: 1 min. Time: 1 min.
Henchman Experience: 25 Henchman Experience: 25
Loot: Mercury Mirror Description: We have just found out that a large
Description: A large planetarium and observatory consignment of tea leaves bound for Great Britain is
facility in the region has recently become a hotbed being held up just offshore because of an outbreak
of activity—they are taking part in a research of dysentery. On its own, this information isn't of
experiment using revolutionary equipment still in much use. However, we have found out that the
development. Staring into space is such a waste of S.A.B.R.E. logistics division has purchased this
valuable time. Why don't we appropriate the new particular shipment. The whole world knows how
technology and see if we can come up with a more much stock the British hold in their tea-drinking; we
interesting application? A bonus is that the whole should not pass up this opportunity to scuttle this
place is under the protection of S.A.B.R.E., which batch and leave the operatives at S.A.B.R.E. without
gives us another chance to show the world what a their regular morning brew.
bunch of cretins they really are.
Royal Rumble
General Disarray Location: Europe
Location: South Africa Required Resources: 7 Valets, 3 Spin Doctors
Resources Required: 4 Workers, 2 Guards Heat: 10
Heat: 10 Notoriety: 5
Notoriety: 5 Time: 3 min.
Time: 1 min. Henchman Experience: 25
Henchman Experience: 25 Description: Princess Sophia, a glamorous young royal
Description: Dye Another Day, a hair salon in from a small Alpine principality, is currently indulging
downtown Kampala, is where local warlord General her passion for haute couture by attending a
Mbotha is hiding out with his personal wealth, gained celebrated fashion week. By dressing some of our
from selling ground tea leaves cut with sawdust. minions in outrageous costumes, we should be able
S.A.B.R.E. operatives are searching for him; it's only to gain access to one of the after-parties that the
a matter of time before they find him. We would princess is attending. Some spiked beverages,
receive a significant amount of respect if we were to fluorescent duct tape, a set of inflatable farm
help Mbotha make a dramatic escape from the animals, and a crowd of paparazzi—and another
authorities. pointless monarchy topples.

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Missile Crisis The Sound of Music

Location: Cuba Location: Central Russia
Resources Required: 7 Workers Resources Required: 6 Workers, 4 Technicians
Heat: 10 Heat: 10
Notoriety: 5 Notoriety: 5
Time: 1 min. Time: 2 min.
Henchman Experience: 25 Henchman Experience: 25
Description: It occurs to our forces in the region that Loot: Sonic Generator
having a Communist bastion off the coast of the Description: Top-secret documents procured from
capitalist empire offers some intriguing opportunities H.A.M.M.E.R. HQ indicate that the organization is in
to increase our notoriety. Just recently, for example, the final testing phase of new technology in crowd
we have discovered a P.A.T.R.I.O.T. cell operating in pacification, though we don't know where this
downtown Havana, probably on a covert fact-finding research is based. If nothing else, we should ensure
mission. Just think of the trouble H.A.M.M.E.R. that the process is sabotaged, and if possible, we
would find itself in if the mission were to discover should attempt to steal as much of the technology
plans for a nuclear ballistic missile build-up. Our as possible for our own use. Maybe H.A.M.M.E.R.
document forgers are standing by. can be tempted to field-test their equipment—if we
can induce a suitable situation. Riot, anyone?

Mines a Large One Esprit de Corpse

Location: Cuba Location: Eastern Bloc
Resources Required: 5 Workers, 2 Guards Required Resources: 2 Mercenaries, 2 Spin Doctors,
Heat: 10 2 Scientists
Notoriety: 5 Heat: 10
Time: 1 min. Notoriety: 5
Henchman Experience: 25 Time: 4 min.
Description: P.A.T.R.I.O.T. operatives constantly carry Henchman Experience: 25
out covert security patrols in the waters around Description: Tomorrow is the 25th anniversary of the
Cuba, ever vigilant for signs of Communist insurgent death of Comrade Dimitri Potrovkin, a vital figure in
activities. Fortunately, we have managed to bribe the Russian Revolution. Thousands of comrades are
officials and obtain their entire patrol route plan. A expected to attend a touring memorial service and
few well-placed mines and H.A.M.M.E.R. will be hard pay their respects to the embalmed body of
pressed to deny the attacks, increasing tensions Potrovkin. If we can infiltrate the security, we can
between the superpowers. add chemicals to the body to superaccelerate
decomposition. H.A.M.M.E.R. has been relying on
the memorial to bring some unity to the bickering
countries that form their alliance. The crumbling
cadaver on display will serve to increase the petty
squabbles and further destabilize their power base.

Acts of Infamy Glossary

Mammoth Task Samurai Sword Swindle

Location: Siberia Location: Pacific Allies
Resources Required: 8 Workers Required Resources: 3 Workers, 3 Guards, 3 Valets
Heat: 10 Heat: 10
Notoriety: 5 Notoriety: 5
Time: 30 sec. Time: 1 min.
Henchman Experience: 25 Henchman Experience: 25
Description: Russian scientists have been hard at Description: The sword of a legendary samurai is
work perfecting their genetic manipulation currently on display in a Sapporo museum. Even the
technology and have created a prototype gene Yakuza have nothing but respect for the blade and
machine for immediate testing. Archaeologists have would not dream of desecrating it by theft.
recently excavated a remarkably intact woolly Thankfully, we are not constrained by such scruples,
mammoth specimen in Siberia and have reportedly and the relatively light security makes breaking in
managed to extract DNA samples from the bone and corroding the sword using an acidic, oxidizing
marrow. The ultimate test of the gene machine solution a simple task for even the most dunder-
would be if it could resurrect this extinct beast. Of headed of our minions. This should prove to be a
course, on its own that would be far too benevolent, vast embarrassment to P.A.T.R.I.O.T., which is
so we'll be sure to infiltrate the operation and tweak charged with its protection.
the mammoth's evil gene before reanimation, to
ensure much trampling and rampaging. Felonious Fund-Raiser
Location: West Coast
Golden Opportunity Required Resources: 6 Valets
Location: West Coast Heat: 10
Required Resources: 10 Workers Notoriety: 5
Heat: 10 Time: 1 min.
Notoriety: 5 Henchman Experience: 25
Time: 1 min. Description: Rev. Jesse Studebaker is a television
Henchman Experience: 25 evangelist with a talent for inspiring gullible people
Description: Our American agents report that a to donate money to fund the continued existence of
significant proportion of the security personnel of his homily peddling show. Interrupt proceedings and
Fort Lancaster, a gold bullion repository on the East forcibly take the Reverend off the air, then use his
Coast, have been temporarily transferred to another TV studio to disseminate our own propaganda and
repository in Texas that is receiving large shipments dupe the easily led masses into supporting our bid
of bullion. Fort Lancaster will never be this vulnerable for world domination. Most people don't listen to the
again, so now is the perfect opportunity to teach the actual message; it's all about a sincere expression
capitalist swine a sharp lesson in worth. With enough and earnest gesturing.
explosives, we can send the gold into orbit, and
their currency plummeting.

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Pop Star Fracas Double, Double Oil and Trouble

Location: East Coast Location: Middle East
Required Resources: 6 Workers, 4 Valets, 3 Spin Required Resources: 6 Workers, 2 Valets, 2 Guards
Doctors Heat: 20
Heat: 10 Notoriety: 10
Notoriety: 5 Time: 1 min.
Time: 3 min. Henchman Experience: 50
Henchman Experience: 25 Description: A breakthrough in research looks to
Description: The Orsons are America's newest pop reduce the cost of refining oil by 20 percent across
sensations, a wholesome quartet of siblings the board. The research hinges on a newly created
specializing in slushy ballads and twee harmonizing. chemical compound being introduced to crude oil at
A startling number of people actually find these the start of the refining process. Researchers are
warblers loveable and talented rather than obnoxious calling this compound “ingredient X.” Swathes of
and irritating, as hard as that is to believe. Take refineries are involved in the tests, and, foolishly, are
advantage of this inexplicable popularity, and send a being supplied with the compound by a single
squad of minions to navigate their way through factory. Send men to sneak into the well-protected
backstage security and onto the stage where the factory and pollute ingredient X, turning it into a
Orsons are currently performing, to enact a very corrosive, refinery-destroying monster, forcing the
public execution. Well, everyone has to take a break researchers back to the drawing board, as well as
from being evil now and again. causing millions of dollars worth of damage to oil
production in the region.
Well Suited
Location: Midwest Collateral Damage
Required Resources: 5 Workers, 5 Technicians Location: South America
Heat: 10 Resources Required: 6 Workers, 4 Valets
Notoriety: 5 Heat: 20
Time: 30 sec. Notoriety: 10
Henchman Experience: 25 Time: 1 min.
Loot: Space Suit Henchman Experience: 50
Description: Any minions who get sent into space Description: It seems that P.A.T.R.I.O.T. and
need at least a modicum of protection. Why go to all S.M.A.S.H. forces are getting along too well these
the time and expense of researching a design of our days. A state of affairs has arisen that will allow us
own when the boffins at the National Aeronautics to remedy the situation. Our operatives have
and Space Administration have already done the discovered that P.A.T.R.I.O.T. agents are mounting
hard work for us? covert operations against one Jose Vitor Madeinusa,
a well-known drugs baron based in the region. The
plan is a simple one: we wipe out Jose, turning the
area into a veritable war zone. We make a clean
getaway with Jose's cash and his stash, leaving the
finger pointing squarely at P.A.T.R.I.O.T. forces.
Acts of Infamy Glossary

Sheiking the Rug Guatemalan Gold Rush

Location: Middle East Location: South America
Resources Required: 2 Workers, 2 Valets, 4 Guards Required Resources: 5 Technicians, 5 Guards,
Heat: 20 1 Scientist, 1 Mercenary
Notoriety: 10 Heat: 20
Time: 1 min. Notoriety: 10
Henchman Experience: 50 Time: 3 min.
Loot: Persian Rug Henchman Experience: 50
Description: Sources indicate that S.M.A.S.H. has Loot: Aztec Amulet
been receiving substantial donations from multimil- Description: Mayan folklore tells of a mysterious lost
lionaire Sheik Ahzar Al-Jabbar. The sheik seems to city buried somewhere deep in the Guatemalan
think that his cash injections might purchase him jungle, a city reputedly made of gold. Our Central
some form of extra protection from villainous organi- American agents report that a visiting archaeologist
zations like ours. Perhaps it's time to disabuse him is claiming to have found the legendary city and has
of this ridiculous notion. A raid on his palace seems even brought back bricks made of gold as proof. The
to be in order. world authorities are quickly mobilizing to protect
this fantastic discovery, and rival looters and oppor-
Elephant's Graveyard tunists are moving equally quickly to grab what they
can. Securing any treasure from the city before it
Location: North Africa
gets locked down will be a major coup for any
Required Resources: 15 Valets, 1 Guard
criminal mastermind.
Heat: 20
Notoriety: 10
Icy Reception
Time: 3 sec.
Location: Antarctica
Henchman Experience: 50
Required Resources: 5 Workers, 4 Valets, 1 Spin
Description: Regional operatives have seized top- Doctor
secret dossiers that reveal S.M.A.S.H. agents are
Heat: 20
getting close to breaking the largest ivory-smuggling
Notoriety: 10
operation in history. There have been several key
arrests, and a search is being conducted to discover Time: 3 min.
the location of a cache of ivory that will close the Henchman Experience: 50
case. The good news is that our men have found out Description: Radio traffic between research stations
where the ivory is. Wouldn't it look good if the heroic across the region report that several gigantic chunks
S.M.A.S.H. agents (and the inevitable press) found of ice are breaking from the Ross Ice Shelf because
the cache only to discover that it was filled with of rising temperatures. With a flotilla of stolen
several tons of squeaky toy elephants? icebreakers and tugs, we might be able to tow one
of these behemoths into busy shipping lanes, where
they cause havoc until they melt.

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Contradiction Buddha Buster

Location: Polynesia Location: Central Asia
Resources Required: 6 Workers, 1 Guard, 1 Valet Required Resources: 3 Guards, 3 Valets, 3 Technicians
Heat: 20 Heat: 20
Notoriety: 10 Notoriety: 10
Time: 1 min. Time: 1 min.
Henchman Experience: 50 Henchman Experience: 50
Description: Portugal's hold on this colonial outpost Description: In a Tibetan monastery high on a
has been crumbling for years. This is a great oppor- Himalayan peak, there sits a solid-gold Buddha,
tunity to stir up trouble and tie the hands of interna- placidly contemplating the saffron-robed monks who
tional law agencies. With the right men and capital, make pilgrimages to worship him. Journey to the
we can begin to foment an uprising against the local monastery and surreptitiously replace the gold
authorities that could escalate into all-out revolution. Buddha with a brass version, taking care to avoid the
numerous trained ninjas who patrol the mountain
And Another Ming aerie. For a religious order that claims to renounce
material possessions, they sure like their gold
Location: North China
Required Resources: 9 Workers
Heat: 20
Chairman Coup
Notoriety: 10
Location: Southeast Asia
Time: 1 min.
Required Resources: 4 Valets, 3 Guards, 2 Scientists
Henchman Experience: 50
Heat: 20
Loot: Priceless Vase
Notoriety: 10
Description: Following the desecration and looting of
Time: 1 min.
royal crypts from the Ming Dynasty, a number of rare
and extremely valuable artifacts have been popping Henchman Experience: 50
up on the black market. We have received word that Description: Chairman Tao Lu-Wan of the Chinese
A.N.V.I.L. has set up a special investigations squad Communist Party is a firm believer in the power that
to recover these national treasures. Even now, words of wisdom have to shape hearts and minds,
reports coming in reveal that a priceless vase from a and his little red book is all but standard issue for
set of three has been obtained and is being packed inhabitants of communist China. A small volume
for transport to a national museum. If we are quick, containing little phrases affirming the communist
we can steal the vase from this temporary credo, the little red book is a potent symbol of the
safehouse and plunge the agency into the murky entire regime and its ideals. If the Chairman's very
waters of humiliation. own copy of the book can be stolen and publicly
destroyed, you will get significant kudos from the
criminal underworld.

Acts of Infamy Glossary

Class Act Destabilize Stock Market

Location: North China Location: Pacific Allies
Required Resources: 4 Guards, 3 Scientists, 2 Spin Required Resources: 8 Technicians
Doctors Heat: 20
Heat: 20 Notoriety: 10
Notoriety: 10 Time: 1 min.
Time: 1 min. Henchman Experience: 50
Henchman Experience: 50 Description: Our legitimate business fronts haven't
Loot: Classical Girl Statue been making the most judicious purchasing
Description: In the hope of improving somewhat decisions of late, and our warehouses are full of duff
strained diplomatic relations, China is handing back products and outdated fads. The only way we can
to several European countries a number of ancient shift our surfeit of Ford Edsels and hula hoops is by
works of art that were illegally traded to parties engaging in some underhanded stock manipulation.
within the country more than a hundred years ago. Sneak into the Tokyo Stock Exchange and coerce
To allow such an improvement in relations between one of the traders to buy into the stock we own.
the Forces of Justice is not an option. This should cause a spate of panic buying, forcing
the stock prices up and allowing us to unload our
junk at a nicely inflated rate.
Ming the Worthless
Location: Southeast Asia
Required Resources: 5 Guards, 4 Valets,
Vodka Plot
4 Mercenaries Location: Siberia
Heat: 20 Required Resources: 5 Workers, 10 Technicians,
3 Mercenaries
Notoriety: 10
Heat: 20
Time: 1 min.
Notoriety: 10
Henchman Experience: 50
Time: 1 min.
Loot: Priceless Vase
Henchman Experience: 50
Description: A Ming Dynasty crypt was recently
sacked, and rumors suggest that a priceless set of Description: Vodka is big business in Russia, and one
three vases was among the looted treasures. The brand dominates the market: Vladivostok Red Label.
robbers took one, another fell into the hands of Home-distilled vodka is still the tipple of choice for
A.N.V.I.L., and the third is being held at a scientific the rural poor, but for the affluent (and those who
lab where we have a mole. The vase was taken value their sight), Vladivostok reigns supreme. The
there to be tested for veracity, and our mole present Russian premier is known to be an ardent
managed to convince his superiors that it was a aficionado of Red Label, and it is rumored that he
worthless fake. Of course, that couldn't be further refuses to perform any of his diplomatic duties
from the truth—break into the lab and save the vase without a bottle at his side. It should be child's play
from a fate of being used as a wastepaper bin. to commandeer the Vladivostok distillery and plant
explosives on the vats, then revel in the chaos of
the resulting vodka deficit.

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Steal El Presidente's Painting Grab the Garibaldi Crown Jewels

Location: Cuba Location: Europe
Resources Required: 10 Workers Required Resources: 6 Mercenaries, 6 Spin Doctors
Heat: 20 Heat: 20
Notoriety: 10 Notoriety: 10
Time: 1 min. Time: 1 min.
Henchman Experience: 50 Henchman Experience: 50
Loot: Work of Art Loot: Crown Jewels
Description: A famous painting by an old master has Description: The Garibaldi family has been sovereign
recently been bought at auction by the Cuban leader. over a tiny European state for hundreds of years,
"The Sour-Faced Cavalier" is scheduled to be maintaining their vast wealth and importance by
unveiled this week as part of El Presidente's "Isn't allowing their state to act as a tax haven. Those who
Communism Great?" festival. Spoil El Presidente's welcome innumerable tax dodgers and money
celebrations by grabbing the painting for your evil lair launderers into their bosoms are probably quasi-evil
before it goes on public display. themselves, but there's no honor among thieves, so
rob them blind. The Garibaldis have a set of crown
Destroy Diamond Mine jewels that would look particularly impressive in the
inner sanctum—infiltrate the Garibaldi palace and
Location: South Africa
purloin all the sparkling baubles.
Resources Required: 6 Workers, 6 Technicians
Heat: 20
Soviet Sugar Rush
Notoriety: 10
Location: Eastern Bloc
Time: 1 min.
Required Resources: 5 Valets, 4 Mercenaries, 4 Spin
Henchman Experience: 50
Doctors, 4 Diplomats, 3 Martial Artists
Description: Our sources in southern Africa have
Heat: 30
reported rumors that the diamond mining company
Notoriety: 15
De Laagers has quietly been drafting many more
men than usual to work in a particular mine. This Time: 2 min.
indicates that they have struck upon a particularly Henchman Experience: 75
rich vein of gemstones. Infiltrate the mining Description: It's no secret that the Communists are
compound and alter the composition of their blasting staunchly opposed to anything remotely American in
explosives to make them much more powerful. nature, and Western consumer products are not
When they try to use it to excavate the shaft further, allowed into the country under any circumstance.
they bring the mine down on their heads. De With a bit of evil ingenuity, we can take advantage of
Laagers has a lot of influence with S.A.B.R.E., so Soviet peoples' unfamiliarity with Americana for our
this act is sure to garner some notoriety. own twisted ends. Smuggle a truckload of cola and
candy across the border and distribute it to the
curious Communists—unused to the sugar, the
sucrose-fueled mob will rampage hyperactively
across the region. H.A.M.M.E.R. will have its work cut
out trying to keep the ensuing chaos under control.
Acts of Infamy Glossary

Out Clubbing Obtain Ancient Throne

Location: West Coast Location: Eastern Bloc
Required Resources: 6 Guards, 3 Mercenaries Required Resources: 8 Valets, 8 Technicians, 8 Guards
Heat: 20 Heat: 20
Notoriety: 10 Notoriety: 10
Time: 1 min. Time: 1 min.
Henchman Experience: 50 Henchman Experience: 50
Description: Word has it that a groovy young film Loot: Throne
starlet is taking part in a protest against the fur Description: Comrade Dimitri Potrovkin was a revered
industry that is scheduled to take place soon in revolutionary and remains a Soviet hero in his
Alaska. Her presence guarantees that the protest will homeland. H.A.M.M.E.R. has gone to great pains to
gain a great deal of media coverage, so this is an airbrush certain unsavory details out of Potrovkin's
ideal opportunity to hijack the event for our own history, most significantly the fact that he had
twisted ends. Send some minions out there to wait become greatly disillusioned with communism by
in the background until the television cameras are the end of his life. Potrovkin leaned ever closer to
rolling, then club some baby seals. The world should capitalism in his personal life, living on a throne in a
all see this grisly footage and be suitably aghast at miniature palace. This throne is kept in a
how evil we are. government warehouse—steal it to deliver a double
blow to H.A.M.M.E.R. The authorities are outraged by
Administer Steroids to Pamplona Bulls the theft, and many Soviets are devastated to learn
Location: Europe that their hero was a closet capitalist.
Required Resources: 2 Mercenaries, 6 Scientists
Heat: 20 Obliterate Nashville
Notoriety: 10 Location: East Coast
Time: 1 min. Required Resources: 8 Scientists
Henchman Experience: 50 Heat: 20
Description: Every year in Pamplona, Spain, young Notoriety: 10
men prove how macho they are by getting chased Time: 1 min.
through the town by furious bulls. Turn this year's Henchman Experience: 50
event into a gore-fest by pumping the bulls full of Description: Being evil all the time can become
steroids, making them so fast that the brave young tiresome—sometimes it's better to do an act of
idiots taking part won't be able to escape the bulls' good, so as to make the next evil deed all the
anger. The minions who administer the steroids will sweeter. That's why it might be a good idea to
be sure to leave a calling card to let S.A.B.R.E. know perform a humanitarian act and destroy the home of
that we're the ones responsible for the carnage. country-and-western music. Use a prototype
earthquake-generator to obliterate Nashville, and
make sure that the world never has to suffer the
twang of steel guitars again.

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Grab Priceless Model Raid Secret Submarine Pens

Location: Subcontinent Location: Central Russia
Required Resources: 8 Spin Doctors Resources Required: 2 Workers, 2 Valets, 2 Guards,
Heat: 20 2 Technicians
Notoriety: 10 Heat: 20
Time: 1 min. Notoriety: 10
Henchman Experience: 50 Time: 1 min.
Loot: Galley Henchman Experience: 50
Description: An archaeological dig in India has Description: H.A.M.M.E.R. has a series of secret
uncovered the original architectural model of submarine pens hidden away in a remote bay in the
Caesar's own magnificent Roman war galley—how it Barents Sea. We've received word that these pens
got there, no one knows. The galley itself has never have recently been made home to a new line of
been found, so this find is being hailed as a unique nuclear submarines that H.A.M.M.E.R. will begin
opportunity to gain insight into the way the great testing shortly. Infiltrate the pens and tamper with
Roman's mind worked. We don't much care about the submarine's navigation system. When
Caesar's thoughts, but the model war galley is H.A.M.M.E.R. take the subs out on maneuvers, their
hugely coveted, so go and steal it before any of the course will be locked on America, which should
archaeologists get a chance to examine it properly. cause a devilish spot of Cold War panic.

Burn National Park Hack into Automated Defense Network

Location: Australasia Location: Central Russia
Resources Required: 10 Guards Resources Required: 10 Technicians
Heat: 20 Heat: 20
Notoriety: 10 Notoriety: 10
Time: 1 min. Time: 1 min.
Henchman Experience: 50 Henchman Experience: 50
Description: It's tough trying to be an even-handed Description: H.A.M.M.E.R. and P.A.T.R.I.O.T. have both
Evil Genius, inflicting misery on the world in equal invested heavily in automated defense networks that
measures. Recent campaigns have tended to focus are intended to identify potential airborne threats
on urban areas, so perhaps it's time for a bit of rural and respond appropriately. Break into one of the
devastation. Darwin National Park attracts hundreds defense silos on the H.A.M.M.E.R. side, and make
of thousands of visitors a year and is often some critical adjustments to the threat-detection
described as "sublime" and "awe-inspiring." Once matrix. With the recognition patterns for “missile”
we've finished razing the park to the ground, the and "starling" switched around, the defense network
only suitable description will be "fetid hellhole." should launch a preemptive attack against
P.A.T.R.I.O.T. the next time so much as a flock of
birds comes within range.

Acts of Infamy Glossary

Cause National Power Cut Support Rogue General's Campaign

Location: East Coast Location: Southeast Asia
Required Resources: 10 Guards, 5 Valets Required Resources: 5 Valets, 4 Mercenaries,
Heat: 20 4 Quantum Physicists, 4 Playboys, 3 Marksmen
Notoriety: 10 Heat: 30
Time: 1 min. Notoriety: 15
Henchman Experience: 50 Time: 2 min.
Description: Nothing causes panic in the Western Henchman Experience: 75
world quite like a blackout. As soon as the power Description: A rogue general has been quietly raising
goes out, ordinarily rational people turn into savages, a large private army in Southeast Asia with the
willing to gouge other people's eyes out for the last intention of deposing the chairman of Communist
candles in the store. Induce this state of barbarism China. Without support, the general's campaign is
by introducing a computer virus into the secure doomed to failure—A.N.V.I.L. is keen to retain
systems of the American national power grid. Once stability in the region and quickly quashes the
uploaded into the central mainframe, it propagates embryonic revolution. Help the general convert
across all national power nodes, and the lights start more of the region to his cause by sponsoring
winking out nationwide. Let the blind chaos begin. propaganda campaigns. It's unlikely that he will
ultimately succeed, but causing internal strife is the
Steal National Treasure main goal here.
Location: Pacific Allies
Required Resources: 8 Spin Doctors Island Incursion
Heat: 20 Location: South America
Notoriety: 10 Required Resources: 5 Valets, 4 Biochemists, 4 Spin
Doctors, 4 Diplomats, 3 Marksmen
Time: 1 min.
Heat: 30
Henchman Experience: 50
Notoriety: 15
Loot: Work of Art
Time: 2 min.
Description: An important Japanese art museum has
recently been making extravagant boasts about their Henchman Experience: 75
state-of-the-art security system, including making Description: Puerto Poti is a tiny banana republic in
the rash claim that their prize painting is now the Pacific, currently ruled by an inconsequential
unstealable. Conveniently enough, we've managed dictator with limited ambition. Send in enough
to gain access to schematics of the security network minions, and it should be possible to overwhelm the
and have identified a rather severe weakness. The dictator's forces and oversee a coup d'etat. Once
laser trip beams, heat sensors, pressure sensors, the island is conquered, Puerto Poti makes an
and automated identification systems are all attractive offshore financial haven for Western tax
watertight—except that they're powered by the dodgers. The alliances respect us more once they
same generator in the museum basement. Simply realize that we have the world's richest citizens in
unplug this generator to pilfer the painting and leave our pockets.
the museum officials with egg on their face.

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Sabotage Jetpack Flight Test Assassinate Mr. President

Location: Midwest Location: East Coast
Required Resources: 3 Spin Doctors, 3 Mercenaries, Required Resources: 5 Valets, 4 Mercenaries, 4 Spin
3 Scientists Doctors, 4 Diplomats, 3 Marksmen
Heat: 20 Heat: 30
Notoriety: 10 Notoriety: 15
Time: 1 min. Time: 2 min.
Henchman Experience: 50 Henchman Experience: 75
Loot: Jetpack Description: The American president is taking part in a
Description: P.A.T.R.I.O.T. has scheduled the maiden parade today to boost the public's flagging support
flight of their prototype jetpack for later this week. If for P.A.T.R.I.O.T. We can't just assassinate the
the test flight is a success, the alliance may well put president outright—although that would be evil, it
the jetpack into full production, giving those pesky would also be a suicidal move at this time. There is
P.A.T.R.I.O.T. agents yet another way onto our island. an alternative, however. Position some minions on a
Infiltrate the test lab and disable the throttle—then grassy knoll along the parade route, and shoot the
as soon as the jetpack is turned on, it can't be president with a hypodermic dart filled with hallu-
turned off until the jetpack has run out of fuel, which cinogenic drugs. Not only will he make a spectacle
should be somewhere over the Pacific. We can then of himself, the world will also be aware that we had
fish out the luckless test pilot and keep the the opportunity to kill him if we had wished.
prototype as a trophy.
Pilfer Giant Diamond
Raid War Museum Location: South Africa
Location: Eastern Bloc Required Resources: 10 Valets, 3 Guards
Required Resources: 8 Workers, 3 Scientists, Heat: 20
3 Mercenaries Notoriety: 10
Heat: 20 Time: 1 min.
Notoriety: 10 Henchman Experience: 50
Time: 1 min. Loot: Giant Diamond
Henchman Experience: 50 Description: The chairman of S.A.B.R.E. has been
Loot: Cannon caught with his pants down one too many times,
Description: A Polish war museum has a world- and his wife is demanding that he buy her the
famous cannon in its collection. Used in the Russian world's largest diamond to make amends for his
victory over Napoleon, it is also the cannon used in many indiscretions. The Heart of Man diamond is
the inaugural performance of Tchaikovsky's 1812 going up for auction in southern Africa tomorrow,
Overture, which was inspired by that famous and the chairman is prepared to bid whatever it
triumph. Suffice to say, this cannon has a great deal takes. Bid against him to drive up the price he
of sentimental value to a great many Soviet people. must pay. Once he's won the auction and paid up,
So steal it. steal it anyway.

Acts of Infamy Glossary

Gambling Pay Off Monkey Magic

Location: South Africa Location: Europe
Required Resources: 4 Workers, 2 Guards Required Resources: 2 Technicians, 2 Biochemists
Heat: 10 Heat: 10
Notoriety: 5 Notoriety: 1
Time: 0:20 min. Time: 1 min.
Henchman Experience: 25 Henchman Experience: 50
Loot: Hotel Casino Blueprints Loot: Monkey
Description: S.M.A.S.H. operatives have raided the Description: Primates of some sort need to figure in
region's premiere coastal hotel casino for laundering our plans somewhere, but the native ones are too
drug money for the local crime cartels. Local unruly. What we need is one who is at home in a lab
authorities are holding the hotel's paperwork. It environment, and our spies have just the man, er,
should be easy to raid these premises and destroy chimp. Oliver has been living in a lab on the
all the damning evidence. The crooked hotel owners outskirts of Dannenberg for so long he is nearly
will be eternally grateful, and will obtain for us human—a humanzee if you like. If we lure him away
gambling licenses, free of charge, allowing casinos with crates of bananas and cigars he will come
to be built in hotels. quietly, ready to help us with our research.

Steal a Prototype Automatic Codebreaker Henchman

Location: Europe
Required Resources: 5 Valets, 4 Mercenaries, 4 Spin
Recruitment Acts
Doctors, 4 Playboys, 3 Martial Artists Throughout the game, you have multiple opportu-
Heat: 30 nities to recruit new, powerful henchmen into your
Notoriety: 15 ranks. These dastardly scalawags and ruffians come
Time: 2 min. out of hiding only when they are impressed with
your global standing, so you must keep pumping
Henchman Experience: 75
up your Notoriety. From time to time, you receive
Loot: Codebreaker
word from your spies and minions that some of the
Description: We've been trying to expose the indis-
henchman are interested in joining your cause and
cretions of the S.A.B.R.E. chairman for some time,
but he seems to be ever alert to our attentions and sticking to the man—or anybody who even vaguely
has employed a crack team of French cryptog- resembles the man.
raphers to make sure that all his correspondence is When you receive an alert that henchmen are
secure. The only way to break the chairman's code ready to pledge their allegiance to your flag, hit the
is by stealing the code-breaking machine used by
world map via the World Domination screen.
the cryptographers. This won't be an easy task, but
Investigate the locations listed with each henchman
once accomplished we should be able to discover
below to see if that foul fellow is ready and willing.
all manner of juicy gossip about the chairman,
which can be released to the tabloids to discredit If so, dispatch your minions to that territory to
him and S.A.B.R.E. convey your offer. If negotiations are successful,
the henchman accepts and joins your organization
shortly thereafter.
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Eli Barracuda Description: At first we thought this must be a hoax

Location: East Coast engineered by one of those pig-dog global agencies,
but our agents have confirmed that the near-
Required Resources: 1 Worker
mythical Lord Kane is ready to join with us. The arch-
Heat: 10
conspirator is renowned for perpetrating some of the
Notoriety: 5 most notorious acts of infamy over the last century
Time: 20 sec. and would clearly be a great asset for our evil cause.
Henchman Experience: 25
Description: Eli Barracuda, the notorious kingpin of the The Matron
New York underworld, has caught wind of our evil Location: Europe
doings. His ruthlessness toward his enemies is
Required Resources: 1 Worker
tempered by the great charisma he shows to those
Heat: 10
he leads. A crack shot with his pistol, he is most
definitely someone we should consider having on Notoriety: 5
our side. Time: 20 sec.
Henchman Experience: 25
Jubei Description: It has come to our attention that the
Location: Pacific Allies hideous psychopath known as The Matron has
expressed an interest in becoming part of our evil
Required Resources: 1 Worker
retinue. This conniving old biddy first came to the
Heat: 10
attention of the world when she was caught torturing
Notoriety: 5 the cretins housed at the Swiss mental institute
Time: 20 sec. where she used to work.
Henchman Experience: 25
Description: Jubei, the mercenary samurai, is a Red Ivan
master of the deadly art of swordplay. His hatred of Location: Siberia
authority is well known. Having been denied proper
Required Resources: 1 Worker
training because of this peasant background, he
Heat: 10
trained himself and went rogue. Our exploits have
reached his ears and he has expressed an interest in Notoriety: 5
joining our evil dominion. Time: 20 sec.
Henchman Experience:
Lord Kane Description: Our spies have found the hideout of the
Location: Central Asia villainous former secret police general, known simply
as Red Ivan. This man is a one-man army and is
Required Resources: 1 Worker
deliciously sadistic with it. Armed to the teeth and
Heat: 10
built like the proverbial brick latrine, it would certainly
Notoriety: 5 pay dividends to have him on our side in a fight.
Time: 20 sec.
Henchman Experience: 25

Acts of Infamy Glossary

Dr. Neurocide god who came forth and slew the treasure hunters
Location: North Africa who had desecrated his people's homeland. Now he
wanders the world seeking revenge. That man is
Required Resources: 1 Worker
Moko, and he has told us he is ready to join with us
Heat: 10
to battle the civilized world.
Notoriety: 5
Time: 20 sec.
The Butcher
Henchman Experience: 25
Location: Polynesia
Description: Our agents have received word from the
Required Resources: 1 Worker
infamous Dr. Neurocide that she wishes to add her
Heat: 10
considerable scientific skills to our cause. She is
currently enjoying a holiday in the Madagascar and Notoriety: 5
states this would be an ideal opportunity to squirrel Time: 20 sec.
her away with relative ease. Henchman Experience:
Description: It has been bought to our attention that
Dr. Mesmero the wickedly evil psychosurgeon known simply as
Location: Australasia The Butcher grows weary of exacting his sadistic
pleasures on the pitiful Indonesians where he
Required Resources: 1 Worker
currently resides. He seeks bigger and more worthy
Heat: 10
sport for his skills and has expressed an interest in
Notoriety: 5 joining our evil empire.
Time: 20 sec.
Henchman Experience: 25 Colonel Blackheart
Description: Our agents report that a man matching Location: North Africa
the description of The Great Mesmero has been
Required Resources: 1 Worker
seen with a traveling freak show in Brisbane,
Heat: 10
Australia. Mesmero, the hypnotist, is able to
manipulate even the strongest minds—he will be a Notoriety: 5
great asset on the island and we should dispatch Time: 20 sec.
minions to persuade him to join our cause forthwith. Henchman Experience:
Description: Colonel Blackheart, the famous big game
Moko hunter, has been slowly running out of things to
Location: South America hunt now that conservationists are stopping his kind
of work. Lately he has been hiring out his talents to
Required Resources: 1 Worker
anyone who can pay, as long as there is something
Heat: 10
to shoot at the end of the day! Send a man to the
Notoriety: 5 depths of the Congo to cut short his latest
Time: 20 sec. expedition. He should find our kind of quarry …
Henchman Experience: 25 interesting.
Description: A tale tells of an ancient divine defender
of the Incan people of Machu Picchu, a great warrior

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Überloot Thievery Afghanistan. One eminently suitable location was

discovered, a vast cavern with an entrance so well
The fourth objective in Evil Genius requires that you hidden that it was only stumbled upon by chance.
Discovered in this cavern was the Ark of the
pilfer four incredible überloot artifacts from around
Covenant, previously thought to be irretrievably lost,
the world. There are six available, from the Ark of
or even mythical. Relieve H.A.M.M.E.R. of the burden
the Covenant to the legendary Excalibur, each
that such a discovery brings by stealing the relic.
stashed in different regions of the world. You only
need four of these artifacts to complete the Überloot: Arthur's Excalibur
objective, so be choosy. Location: Europe
Resources Required: 4 Workers, 6 Guards
Each überloot Act of Infamy is worth the same
Heat: 10
amount of Notoriety, but the levels of accom-
Notoriety: 5
panying Heat differ. Also take into consideration the
Time: 2 min.
necessary time to complete each Act when
choosing which items to pursue. As cool as it Henchman Experience: 100
would be to have that million-dollar bill, is it worth Description: An English rambler has just discovered
putting your minions in harm's way for more than Excalibur, the legendary sword of King Arthur, on
the shore of a remote Scottish loch. After a
seven minutes? Especially if you decide to send
summer of unusually hot weather, the loch's
your henchmen along for the ride, since each
waterline receded, revealing the sword. Police have
überloot Act of Infamy is worth an impressive 100
cordoned off the site while archaeologists and
experience points. historians examine the find, but a determined
attack force should be able to steal the relic
Note despite the security presence.
Überloot: Eiffel Tower
Remember that überloot items can be Location: Europe
placed throughout the lair to juice Resources Required: 4 Technicians, 4 Valets
depleted minion stats. Heat: 15
Notoriety: 5
Überloot: Ark of the Covenant Time: 6:20 min.
Location: Central Russia Henchman Experience: 100
Resources Required: 8 Guards Description: The shrink ray was successfully used to
Heat: 20 deal with the crime lord, and now the science team
Notoriety: 5 has managed to create a portable version that can
be attached to the helicopter. Interrupt the Bastille
Time: 6:20 min.
Day celebrations in Paris by shrinking and stealing
Henchman Experience: 100
the Eiffel Tower, then revel in the chaos and national
Description: H.A.M.M.E.R. has recently been scouting indignation.
out potential missile silo locations in the mountains of

Acts of Infamy Glossary

Überloot: Million-Dollar Bill source of national pride. It is currently kept under

Location: East Coast constant guard in the Forbidden City in Peking. Infiltrate
the Forbidden City and liberate the samurai armor.
Resources Required: 8 Valets
Heat: 10
Notoriety: 5
Kidnapping Professionals
Time: 7:20 min. There are 32 Acts of Infamy dedicated to seizing
Henchman Experience: 100 and interrogating professionals. Once these career
specialists have been lugged back to the lair, you
Description: In an extraordinary vanity project, the
president of the United States last year printed a million-
can question them to train up new minions in
dollar bill with his own face on it to commemorate the exciting jobs like Mercenary and Biochemist.
4th of July. The bill is not valid tender, but because only These Acts involve a serious disadvantage,
one exists, and because it is so highly valued by the however. You receive huge amounts of Heat but
president, it would be an extremely prestigious item to very little Notoriety. On top of that, kidnapping
own. Punish the president's narcissism by stealing his some of the higher-level professionals, like martial
treasured possession. artists and quantum physicists, takes a lot of
Überloot: Mummy's Sarcophagus time—up to six minutes. That leaves your minions
Location: Middle East in the field for a long time, exposing them to a
Resources Required: 4 Technicians, 4 Guards greater risk of death.
Heat: 20 As soon as one of these Acts is successfully
Notoriety: 5 carried out, expect to see your minions haul the
Time: 6 min. specialist into the armory. Make sure you have a
Henchman Experience: 100 security holding cell (or death cubicle, you fiend)
Description: Archaeologists have recently uncovered vacant for their impending arrival.
the tomb of a previously unknown pharaoh in the
Valley of Kings. The prize find was a fabulous mummy
case, embossed with gold and studded with precious
stones. The sarcophagus has been moved to a Cairo
museum, where it is to go on display in a week. Steal
it before the public even gets a glimpse of it—this While these professionals are always available
should make the relic even more prestigious. to you should you ever need to swipe a
Überloot: Samurai Armor
specialist and train your ranks, you are
Location: North China
much better off keeping at least one minion
Resources Required: 4 Valets, 4 Guards
in a specific career safe at home, or at least
Heat: 15
on an easy assignment. If you need to go out
Notoriety: 5
and snatch another spin doctor or playboy,
Time: 4 min.
you get a serious bump in Heat in that
Henchman Experience: 100
particular territory. And you know what
Description: A respected samurai was felled by the that means—more unwanted visitors hailing
Chinese during the Sino-Japanese War of 1894–1895. from that territory's alliance.
Although China was ultimately defeated, this samurai's
armor became a symbol of Chinese defiance and a primagames.com 249


Social Minions Take Spin Doctor Hostage

Location: Midwest
Kidnap Hotel Head Maid (Valet)
Resources Required: 4 Workers, 1 Valet
Location: Middle East
Heat: 25
Resources Required: 2 Workers
Notoriety: 1
Heat: 15
Time: 4 min.
Notoriety: 1
Henchman Experience: 50
Time: 2 min.
Description: They have become a phenomenon in
Henchman Experience: 25
modern politics—spin doctors. These highly intel-
Description: Minions are expendable, but even so, it's ligent individuals have a special gift with words: They
not a great idea to work them into the ground. When can offer everything and promise nothing, turn lies
pitiful lackeys work to the point of exhaustion, they into truth and vice versa. Our sources have been
collapse in a crumpled heap, which is clearly not tracking one such individual in the pay of the U.S.
good for morale. The head maid of one of the administration. He is currently residing in Colorado,
foremost hotels in the Middle East has come to our which presents us with an ideal opportunity to send
attention. She has a solid reputation for taking good our forces in, capture this individual, and make his
care of her hotel's clients, as well as being skilled at methods our own.
finagling bigger tips. Kidnap this maid from the hotel
where she works, and interrogate her so that we can
create some valets.
Abduct Spin Doctor
Location: Europe
Resources Required: 6 Workers
Seize Hotel Head Maid (Valet)
Heat: 25
Location: Polynesia
Notoriety: 1
Resources Required: 4 Workers
Time: 4 min.
Heat: 15
Henchman Experience: 50
Notoriety: 1
Description: Anyone who engages in morally bankrupt
Time: 2 min.
deeds on a daily basis needs a spin doctor to distort
Henchman Experience: 25
the facts and twist the truth. Our sources have
Description: Minions are expendable, but even so, it's pinpointed one man who is regarded as the best
not a great idea to work them into the ground. When spin doctor in the business, able to transform a
pitiful lackeys work to the point of exhaustion they potentially career-wrecking scandal into a promotion
collapse in a crumpled heap, which is clearly not and a pay raise. He is chairing a conference on
good for morale. The head maid of one of the media-manipulation techniques in Athens, which
foremost hotels in Papua New Guinea has come to presents us with an ideal opportunity to capture him
our attention. She has a solid reputation for taking and appropriate his methods of confusion and
good care of her hotel's clients, as well as being beguilement.
skilled at finagling bigger tips. Kidnap this maid from
the hotel where she works, and interrogate her so
that we can create some valets.

Acts of Infamy Glossary

Kidnap Diplomatic Envoy Seize Hollywood Playboy

Location: Central Russia Location: West Coast
Resources Required: 4 Workers, 3 Valets, 1 Spin Resources Required: 4 Workers, 3 Valets, 1 Spin
Doctor Doctor
Heat: 35 Heat: 35
Notoriety: 1 Notoriety: 1
Time: 6 min. Time: 2 min.
Henchman Experience: 75 Henchman Experience: 75
Description: Agents are tirelessly infiltrating our island Description: The most talented spies are increasingly
sanctuary, unswerving in their dedication and loyalty. difficult to dispose of. To combat these agents, we
It takes more than adversity to make these agents need our own debonair dastard, somebody as suave
lose faith in their government—it takes the as they are to initiate a literal charm offensive. Our
mellifluous tones of an oratorical master versed in sources indicate that an international playboy is
the art of diplomacy. Our agents report that one of currently on vacation off the coast of California, with
the most preeminent foreign envoys is currently a harem of beautiful but deadly women trained in
mediating sensitive talks in Kiev. Infiltrate this combat who act both as his bodyguards and as his
meeting and kidnap the envoy, then bring him back playthings. If his security cordon can be breached,
to the island so he can be interrogated and his the playboy can be captured and induced to reveal
powers of persuasion harnessed. the secret of his magnetism and sophistication.

Capture Diplomatic Envoy Snatch Riviera Playboy

Location: Middle East Location: Europe
Resources Required: 8 Valets Resources Required: 8 Valets
Heat: 35 Heat: 35
Notoriety: 1 Notoriety: 1
Time: 6 min. Time: 2 min.
Henchman Experience: 75 Henchman Experience: 75
Description: Agents are tirelessly infiltrating our island Description: Agents are becoming far too clever
sanctuary, unswerving in their dedication and loyalty. these days. To combat these agents, we need our
It takes more than adversity to make these agents own debonair dastard, somebody as suave as they
lose faith in their government—it takes the are to initiate a literal charm offensive. The coastal
mellifluous tones of an oratorical master versed in region of Italy appears to swarming with these fops
the art of diplomacy. Our agents report that one of and dandies—we should move with haste to capture
the most preeminent foreign envoys is currently one and see if he can be persuaded to tell us the
chairing a summit in Saudi Arabia. Infiltrate this secret of his charms. Be advised, the attractive
summit and kidnap the envoy, then bring him back playthings who surround these individuals are
to the island so he can be interrogated and his typically highly trained bodyguards and deadly in all
powers of persuasion harnessed. forms of combat.

primagames.com 251


Science Minions Snatch Science Specialist

Location: Antarctica
Capture Technician Resources Required: 6 Workers
Location: North China Heat: 25
Resources Required: 4 Workers Notoriety: 1
Heat: 15 Time: 4 min.
Notoriety: 1 Henchman Experience: 50
Time: 2 min. Description: Research work in the laboratory is
Henchman Experience: 25 grinding to a halt without the fully trained scientific
Description: Today's newspapers contain a story about personnel necessary to operate all the complicated
a leading Chinese research facility that has recently machines. The minions currently manning the
given the credit for their success to their lead equipment are doing their best, but their idea of
technician, who works tirelessly to make sure that maintenance is kicking the machines if they stop
their research equipment is cutting edge and always whirring and beeping. A research facility called VRM
functioning. The base is in danger of falling into Vivisection is currently being picketed by protesting
decrepitude without someone like this to take care hippies—this will be an excellent smokescreen,
of maintenance, so capture this technician and inter- allowing us to enter the facility and capture a
rogate him to learn his secrets. scientist, then blame it on the beatniks.

Abduct Repairman Take Scientist Hostage

Location: Pacific Allies Location: South Africa
Resources Required: 2 Workers Resources Required: 4 Workers, 1 Technician
Heat: 15 Heat: 25
Notoriety: 1 Notoriety: 1
Time: 2 min. Time: 4 min.
Henchman Experience: 25 Henchman Experience: 50
Description: Technology pervades the lives of the Description: Technicians are great for fixing things, but
Japanese in everything they do; they are fastidious they are perilously slow at research work; we need
about keeping everything shipshape and in good some trained scientists to get the science team up
order. Dedicated to keeping their lives running and running at a proper pace. Antarctica has long
smoothly is an army of skilled technicians who move been a haven for science personnel. What better
swiftly and silently from machine to machine, place to make a raid? No emergency services;
ensuring that it is kept fully functioning at all times. nothing, in fact, for hundreds of miles. We can get
The base is in danger of falling into decrepitude in, kidnap one of these useful individuals, and be
without someone like this to take care of long gone before the spring supply ship has even
maintenance, so capture one of these technicians left Cape Town. Once back on the island, we can
and interrogate him to learn his secrets. extract the secrets of learning science out of this
useful individual.

Acts of Infamy Glossary

Kidnap a Biochemist Kidnap Quantum Physicist

Location: South America Location: Europe
Resources Required: 4 Workers, 3 Technicians, Resources Required: 8 Technicians
1 Scientist Heat: 35
Heat: 35 Notoriety: 1
Notoriety: 1 Time: 6 min.
Time: 6 min. Henchman Experience: 75
Henchman Experience: 75 Description: The science division has recently begun
Description: Project Utopia continues in Central research on quantum mechanics. Unfortunately, even
America—a dozen of the world's finest scientists our brightest minds are having difficulty grasping the
locked away in a self-contained environment, trying intricacies of the discipline. A discussion of
to maintain a balanced ecosystem for a possible Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle left several
future mission to Mars. Such lofty goals are of little scientists with a migraine, and attempts to perform
concern to us; let's concentrate of dominating one Schroedinger's hypothetical experiment have left the
world at a time. However, Project Utopia does lab littered with deceased cats. A renowned quantum
present us with the ideal opportunity to kidnap a physicist has just been honored with a Nobel Prize and
biochemist. The science team is struggling to grasp is to receive his award at a ceremony in Dublin later
some of the finer points of biochemistry. A little today. Gate-crash the ceremony and capture him—
interrogation and this character can be coaxed into there will be no uncertainty about his fate once he
filling this skills gap at our research facility. has divulged his secrets under duress.
Abduct Quantum Physicist
Seize a Biochemist Location: Midwest
Location: Europe Resources Required: 4 Workers, 3 Technicians,
Resources Required: 8 Technicians 1 Scientist
Heat: 35 Heat: 35
Notoriety: 1 Notoriety: 1
Time: 6 min. Time: 2 min.
Henchman Experience: 75 Henchman Experience: 75
Description: Work on Project Hybrid has stalled— Description: Recent forays by the science division into
further progress on the winged monkeys with lasers quantum physics have been somewhat suspect to say
for eyes cannot continue without a trained the least; first there was that near-disastrous black-hole
biochemist capable of making the necessary genetic incident, and let's just say the quantum chopsticks
alterations. An eminent biochemist at a leading experiment is something that would be best left alone
research center has recently been making headlines for a very long time. The science division needs some
for his progress in this new science of gene splicing. specialist help. Our sources indicate that quantum
His skill at gene manipulation is unparalleled. It will physicists have been coming and going from the United
be necessary to storm the institute and capture the States' highly secretive Area 51 on a fairly regular basis;
professor to extract the knowledge required to security at the nearby airport is fairly low-key, providing
continue research. us with an ideal opportunity for a smash and grab.

primagames.com 253


Military Minions Capture Mercenary Soldier

Location: South America
Take Guard Hostage Resources Required: 4 Workers, 1 Guard
Location: Central Russia Heat: 25
Resources Required: 2 Workers Notoriety: 1
Heat: 15 Time: 4 min.
Notoriety: 1 Henchman Experience: 50
Time: 2 min. Description: For the best part of a century, military-
Henchman Experience: 25 trained personnel have taken advantage of the
Description: One of your minions has defected, general disarray and political instability in South
ungratefully casting aside his tasteful yellow America to ply their trade. Our sources indicate that
jumpsuit and joining the ranks of a H.A.M.M.E.R. an extremely well-trained former Special Forces
peacekeeping force. Under ordinary circumstances, sergeant is on maneuvers somewhere in the
such transgressions would be summarily dealt with rainforest. This character hasn't worked for any
by remotely activating the minion's standard-issue known authority for over a decade, and hard
kill switch, but our sources indicate that he has currency is his only mistress—he should be easy to
received guard training at his new place of convince into joining us, then he can be double-
employment. As such, he is more valuable alive than crossed, captured, and tortured into telling us his
dead—capture him so that he can be interrogated combat skills.
and his new knowledge acquired.
Kidnap Militia Leader
Capture Guard Location: Midwest
Location: South America Resources Required: 6 Workers
Resources Required: 4 Workers Heat: 25
Heat: 15 Notoriety: 1
Notoriety: 1 Time: 4 min.
Time: 2 min. Henchman Experience: 50
Henchman Experience: 25 Description: A mercenary operating from P.A.T.R.I.O.T.
Description: Our monitors indicate that a defector has territories has been a thorn in your side for some
appeared in South America, working for a S.M.A.S.H. time now, interfering in your counterfeiting racket and
drug-enforcement unit. Of course, such a trans- generally making a nuisance of himself. He doesn't
gression should be dealt with with swift and work for the authorities, so eliminating him directly
summary execution, but perhaps this former minion won't gain you any notoriety—far better to take him
can still be of use to us. The minion is now a trained alive and make some use of him. He is only
guard. If captured, he could easily be coerced into motivated by cold hard cash, so if he can be duped
telling us his newfound skills—capture him so that into believing that his paid services are required, he
he can be interrogated and his knowledge acquired. can then be double-crossed. Capturing and interro-
gating the mercenary should reveal his secrets.

Acts of Infamy Glossary

Seize Military Sniper Capture Martial Arts Master

Location: Europe Location: Southeast Asia
Resources Required: 4 Workers, 3 Guards, Resources Required: 8 Guards
1 Mercenary Heat: 35
Heat: 35 Notoriety: 1
Notoriety: 1 Time: 6 min.
Time: 6 min. Henchman Experience: 75
Henchman Experience: 75 Description: According to modern lore, deep in the
Description: The control room is currently patched into heart of China, far away from civilization and the
a S.A.B.R.E. communication channel and is receiving distractions of modern man, there is said to live the
reports of a hostage situation in progress in Finland. last true Tai Chi master. Well, a cursory inspection by
A police team has been dispatched to end the siege, our agents has proven this rumor to be true. The
including a number of snipers positioned on the roof hideous old fogy busies himself growing rice and
of a nearby building. The snipers won't be expecting bean sprouts and living in his perilously ruined dojo
any close-range action, so this is an ideal oppor- that has seen little use for some decades. It seems
tunity to capture one of the hapless marksmen. clear that his fighting days are over, but he has a
Once imprisoned on the island, the marksman can vast store of knowledge in the fighting arts. If we
be interrogated to discover the secret behind such can capture him, we will be able to use his
accurate shooting. knowledge to train our own martial artists.

Capture Marksman Specialist Kidnap Ancient Martial Artist

Location: Siberia Location: West Coast
Resources Required: 8 Guards Resources Required: 4 Workers, 3 Guards,
Heat: 35 1 Mercenary
Notoriety: 1 Heat: 35
Time: 6 min. Notoriety: 1
Henchman Experience: 75 Time: 6 min.
Description: H.A.M.M.E.R. has long been renowned for Henchman Experience: 75
training some of the finest marksmen and snipers in Description: An Asian-American kung fu master by
military history. Our agents have uncovered one of the name of Alex Lim has long been coveted from
their training areas in deepest Siberia—here recruits afar for his extraordinary ability to take bumbling
are trained to lie in wait in the most inhospitable oafs and transform them into fearsome fighters after
conditions, malnourished and freezing, and yet they just a few hours of training. We have a surfeit of
still hit a target over a mile away. This is an ideal oafs, so this talent would be useful in the extreme.
opportunity for our forces to set an ambush and Lim has been unattainable thus far because his
kidnap one of their instructors so we can torture him American domain is too heavily guarded to
to discover the secrets of such brilliant marks- contemplate an attack on, but Lim is currently on a
manship. spiritual pilgrimage in China and is as vulnerable as
he is ever likely to be. Ambush Lim as he meditates,
and it should be possible to capture him.

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We had a chance to engage developer P: Did any henchmen not make it into You might go for a powerful minion
Elixir’s own evil genius, Sandro Sammarco, the final game? If so, who were they? force to run your base, or decide to use
in a one-on-one about his swingin', sexy a skeleton crew and rely on unlimited
madman sim. After a little time under the S: Yes, there were a few we really trap combinations.
lights, the lead designer spilled his guts wanted but couldn't justify because of
about how the henchmen were hired and the extra work they would have needed. P: Do you have any tips and suggestions
traps created—and how to better manage These included a homicidal robot and—I for lair construction?
your legion of lackeys. kid you not—a pink-leotard-wearing
midget wrestler. S: Don't be afraid to alter your base as
Prima: What were some of the pop- the game progresses. You receive
culture influences on Evil Genius? P: How much does your choice of Evil reimbursement when destroying rooms
Genius—Maximilian, Alexis, and Shen and objects, so as your lair grows, it's
Sammarco: The main influences were, of Yu—affect the overall game? Is there a often a good idea to move the more
course, the spy genre in all its variations: recommended avatar? sensitive areas deeper inside where you
serious, spoof, past and present, etc. can better protect them.
However, nothing was sacred when it S: The three Evil Geniuses have subtle
differences—Shen Yu, for example, Also, keep an eye on where different
came to searching for inspiration, though minions tend to congregate. It is
we tended to place our own, twisted makes agents spend a little less time
investigating the island, whereas Alexis possible to effect a level of control over
spin on it all. these guys simply by placing objects in
inspires greater loyalty in her minions.
P: Does Evil Genius take place in some However, there is no "best" genius to go certain areas.
sort of time warp? We've seen an with. We hope that players will enjoy P: Some of the best objects and traps
impressive mix of elements, such as using all of them. are created through science exper-
blending elements of the British swingin' iments, such as Prometheus's Revenge
'60s (the mod staff room) and the gung- P: Many of the traps are indeed quite
devilish. How did the team devise them, and the auto-surgeon. How important to
ho American '80s (Dirk Masters). completing the game is it to keep the
and were there some particularly
nefarious ones that didn't make the cut? lab working on these extra objects?
S: The world of Evil Genius is loosely
based in the '60s—albeit a rather S: You don't absolutely need all of the
perfect version, where all the men wear S: They had to be outrageous and pain-
inducing, and whenever possible, over- objects and traps that research will give
their best dress uniform, all the women you, but they will make life much easier,
are glamorously beautiful, and all the elaborate. For example, our pit traps don't
just make agents fall down a hole—they as well as hopefully entertain you, so my
bald dwarfs are psychotic megalo- advice is: build everything—you know it
maniacs. That said, we didn't let the fall down a hole only to be ejected on a
column of fire or spat out of a giant metal makes sense!
setting get in the way of adding
anything we thought would help make hose. Because we made a conscious P: Do you have a recommended ratio of
the game better, which is why we have decision to go with cartoon-style science to social to military minions?
guys like Dirk running around. animation, we had a lot of leeway with
what we could get away with. One trap S: You won't go far wrong with an even
P: The henchmen are quite the eclectic that didn't make the cut was the revolting split, though you'll need to adapt it to
crew—the aggressive Soviet ex-general, killer-toilet trap. I'll leave it up to you to your play style. You don't want to be left
the voodoo priest, the butchering imagine how that one worked. with nothing more than a bunch of
surgeon. How were the personalities of crinkly old quantum physicists when Jet
the henchmen created? P: How much of your success as a would- Chan is knocking on your front door.
be Evil Genius depends on building a
S: We had a simple set of rules: We better lair versus minion management or P: Is there potential for downloadable
wanted a diverse set of larger-than-life, completing Acts of Infamy? updates to Evil Genius in the future?
entertaining characters who would New henchmen, new objects, new Acts
support interesting special abilities. S: It really depends on play style. You of Infamy?
Then we just let the designers out of might want to spend ages attempting to
the cupboard under the stairs. I think build the perfectly defended secret S: We are already planning more
that many of our ideas were influenced base, then worry less about attracting content, but this will probably take the
by spy genre films and some excep- the attention of the Forces of Justice. form of an expansion pack. Stay tuned
tional concept art, though some just Or you might decide to plan your for more developments on this by
probably have to be movements on the World Domination visiting the official Web site,
attributed to our really, map very carefully so as to avoid www.howevilareyou.com.
256 really warped minds. unnecessary incursions on your lair.

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