Tomb Raider Angel of Darkness Prima Officialguide

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This game has received the

following rating from the ESRB®


A Division of Random House, Inc.
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Prima Games is a division of Random House, Inc.
Associate Product Manager: Jill Hinckley
Project Editor: Teli Hernandez
Prima would like to thank everyone at Core Design, Eidos UK, and Eidos US who
helped in the creation of this book. In particular, this guide would not have been
possible without the help and support of Mike Schmitt and Corey McCracken.
Thank you!
David S. J. Hodgson would like to thank his wife, Melanie; Mum, Dad, Ian;
Bryn G. Willia; Jennifer, Jill, and Teli from Prima for their help, support, and
merriment; Bryan Stratton for accidentally picking the difficult levels to
write; Carl McCoy and the real Nephilim (Blessed Be); and the letter "E",
for Ernest, who choked on a peach.
Bryan Stratton would like to thank Jill Hinckley, Teli Hernandez, and
everyone at Prima who put in the necessary long hours to get this
book into your hands. Thanks also to David Hodgson, with whom
I enjoyed losing my mind, and Steve Stratton and Holly Hannam
for reminding me to shower and eat occasionally.
Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness © Core Design
Limited, 2003. Published by Eidos Interactive Limited, 2003.
Core, Lara Croft and Tomb Raider are registered Trademarks of
Core Design Limited. Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Angel of
Darkness is a trademark of Core Design Limited. Eidos, Eidos
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Eidos Interactive Limited. All Rights Reserved.
All products and characters mentioned in this book are
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Please be advised that the ESRB rating icons, "EC", "K-A", "E", "T",
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Prima Games has made every effort to determine that the information
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The publisher cannot provide information regarding game play, hints
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require precise timing and may require repeated attempts before the
desired result is achieved.
ISBN: 0-7615-4039-3
Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 2002114069

Return of the Monstrum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 Returning to the Dig Site . . .102
How to Use this Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 Galleries Under Siege . . . . . . .106
Training: The Craft of Croft . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 Von Croy's Apartment . . . . . . . .109
Walking, Jogging, and Sprinting . . . .7 The Monstrum Crimescene . . . . .112
Making Turns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 Strahov Fortess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .116
The Walk Button . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 The Bio-Research Facility . . . . . . . . .123
360-Degree View . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 Sanitarium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .135
The Stealth Button . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 Maximum Containment Area . . . .140
Kurtis's Farsee Ability . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 Aquatic Research Area . . . . . . . . .145
Camera View . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 Vault of Trophies . . . . . . . . . . .151
Crawling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 Boaz Returns . . . . . . . . . . . .155
Combat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 The Lost Domain . . . . . . . .157
Jumping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 Eckhardt's Lab . . . . . . . . .161
Falling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 Lara's Notebook . . . . . . . . . . . . .167
Swimming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 Professor Von Croy's
The Hand Icon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 Notebook . . . . . . . . . . . . .170
The Inventory Screen . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 Notes from the Brotherhood
of the Lux Veritatis . . . .172
Upgrades . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17
Lara's Upgrade Chart . . . . . .174
Top Ten Tips for Surviving
and Thriving . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 Building the
Upper Body . . . . . . . . . . .174
The Book of Monsters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20
Building the
Friends . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20
Lower Body . . . . . . . . .175
Foes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23
Fiends . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26
Items and Weapons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32
Healing Items . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32
Valuable Items . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32
Mission-Critical Items . . . . . . . . . . . . .33
Weapons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37
Parisian Back Streets . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40
Derelict Apartment Block . . . . . . . . . .43
Industrial Roof Tops . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45
Margot Carvier's Apartment . . . . . . . .48
Parisian Ghetto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .49
Willowtree Herbalist . . . . . . . . . . .52
St. Aicard's Church . . . . . . . . . . . .52
Rennes' Pawnshop . . . . . . . . . . . . .53
Café Metro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .53
Parisian Ghetto Park . . . . . . . . . . .54
Le Serpent Rouge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .55
St. Aicard's Graveyard . . . . . . . . . . . . .63
Bouchard's Hideout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .65
Louvre Storm Drains . . . . . . . . . . . . . .69
Louvre Galleries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75
The Archaeological Dig . . . . . . . . . . . .82
Tomb of Ancients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .86
The Hall of Seasons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .91
Neptune's Hall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .95
Wrath of the Beast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .97
The Sanctuary of Fire . . . . . . . . . . . . .99
The Breath of Hades . . . . . . . . . . . . . .100


Return of the Monstrum

nt arr est s hav e been ma de for this latest spate of
As yet no significa . A woman was seen
the cap ita l; sev ent een have been reported so far
killings in y. Described
ent of the latest victim , Professor Werner Von Cro
leaving the apartm was wearing jeans, a
ian , bru net te, abo ut 1.8 m, and of slim build, she
as Caucas ous and probably armed.
a pony tail. She is danger
denim jacket, and sported rehending the suspect.
bei ng adv ise d to use extreme caution when app
Officers are
of killings as "The
alized this latest outbreak
The press have sensation atrocities in the capital
's Da rk Re na iss an ce," referring to similar
Monst rum are definite
, an d pos sibly as far back as the 1950s. There
over the last dec ade
k at least 50 years.
to atr oci ties in oth er European cities going bac
links lic eruptions
e ma de no hea dw ay reg arding the bizarre metal
Forensics hav g appears to link any of
nd on the bod ies of all victims. At present, nothin within
fou ers of casualties
have been significant numb
individuals involved. There
Parisian gangland factions.
chotic perpetrator. The
all app ear to be the wo rk of a single, highly psy
It would i,
with unintelligible graffit
ies we re des ecr ate d an d all crime scenes daubed se
bod own survivors of the
fixation. There are no kn
indicating some ritualistic
attacks so far.
ion should be made top pri
The suspect's apprehens


Flashback: Two Days Earlier

Lara and Von Croy are sitting in the professor's apartment study during a
thunderstorm. Werner asks Lara for help; he is tracking five Obscura Paintings
for a client named Eckhardt. Fearful for his life, Von Croy pleads with Lara to
help him deal with the psychotic client. After her treatment by Von Croy in
Egypt, Lara is less than enticed at this prospect and informs Werner that he
should handle it himself.
Seconds after Von Croy hands Lara a piece of paper with a colleague's
name on it, there is a flash of light. Gunfire echoes through the pattering
rain. Someone is slumped on the ground. There's a faint gurgle. Against the
backdrop of an open window, Lara bends down to inspect the prone form.
The professor has been murdered—and Lara has his blood on her hands.
Against the beating rain, a tactic K9 unit of French police screeches to
a halt near the apartment and unleashes a duo of specially trained Rottweilers to
apprehend the supposed murderess. Lara runs, slamming through a door and
fleeing to a ramshackle apartment complex with the growling beasts in hot pursuit.
She reaches the end of the corridor. There's no time to run. A dog rams Lara through
the window, and she lands outside, unscathed but missing her backpack, which the
hound is slobbering. Through a maze of connecting courtyards, Lara enters a dingy
back alley and begins the quest to free herself from this nightmare.


How to Use this Guide

Welcome to Lara Croft Tomb
Raider: The Angel of Darkness—
The Book of Monsters
Prima's Official Strategy Guide. This section of the guide details
Contained within these hallowed Miss Croft and Kurtis Trent, the
pages are expansive hints, tips, main protagonists in this
and detailed answers to the adventure. It then gives detailed
many puzzles Miss Croft faces accounts of every entity you
during her expedition through encounter in the game, from the
Paris, Prague, and beyond. hapless French gallery guard to
the ferocious and freakishly
CAUTION It is important powerful abominations later into
to remember that this guide your outing. Where appropriate, takedown tactics for the regular
contains gameplay-sensitive enemies are shown. Strategy for defeating boss beings are shown
information, and revelations in the walkthrough.
of shocking plot twists
abound. We recommend a
little self control in the
Items and Weapons
perusing of this guide, as it As you'd expect, both Lara and
reveals every single puzzle Kurtis keep a large collection of
and gameplay trait in detail. If you don't want to know items, arcane materials, and
what waits for you during your journey through the Hall of health items for use in a variety of
Seasons, keep your finger from turning those pages. You situations. This section of the
have been warned. guide attempts to list every item
available in the game. There are
weapons (each with detailed
Introduction and Training information on ammunition type
and usage), health (the various medicines and items to pick up),
The "Introduction" details the
and unique items (available in specific locations and important to
shocking commencement of
the the quest).
Miss Croft's European vacation.
The "Training" section shows you
how Miss Croft's upgrades are Walkthrough
awarded, gives tips on utilizing This section details the dozens of
all of her moves, offers hints on locales visited by both Miss Croft
completing leaps, shows combat and Mr. Trent during the course of
tips, reveals the mysterious their adventure. The walkthrough
Kurtis Trent and his anthology of movements, and gives general is segmented into specific areas,
advice on surviving and thriving. each with an overview and notes
on items, entities, and upgrades
NOTE It is important that you familiarize found. The walkthrough shows
yourself with the game manual prior to the preferred method for
reading the "Training" section, as completing each level. Where the walkthrough deviates from linearity
it shows you the basics of tomb (that is, where there is more than one path to follow), this is
raiding. "Training" gives specific mentioned, along with tips and notes. Delve into this section if you're
examples of putting Lara's moves after a quick fix of information on an area you're stuck in, but don't
into practice. venture too long or you'll complete the zone without trial and error.


Lara's Notebook and Upgrades

This section of the guide shows
fragments of notes from Lara,
Von Croy, and another more
secretive scribe. These are
designed to act as a cryptic
series of notes to refer to as the
game progresses. After this is a
chart showing all 20 of Lara's
upgrades, both to her upper and
lower body. There is also a visual description of where each
upgrade is available, as well as information on how to achieve the
upgrade in the easiest manner.

Training: The Craft of Croft

This "Training" section deals with Lara and Kurtis's many The jog is excellent for moving at higher speed.
maneuvers. Note that every move, with the exception of sneaking, The sprint is the only way to travel when you need real speed.
applies to both adventurers.
If you are using an analog joypad, you know that incrementally
pressing harder in a certain direction causes Lara to accelerate from
NOTE The following strategies incorporate the analog a walk to a jog. You don't need to press the Walk button in order to
stick for better handling and maneuvering. If you are a PC jog; just control Lara with moderate pressure on the analog stick.
gamer and you don't have an analog controller, maneuver Walk (without needing the Walk button) when you're positioning
with the Forward, Backward, Left, and Right arrows, and Lara near a context-sensitive area, such as a ladder or pipe. Jog at
use the mouse to adjust the view. all other times.
Later into her expedition, Lara upgrades her legs to allow her to
sprint (but only when you hold Sprint button). As soon as Lara
Walking, Jogging, and Sprinting receives this upgrade, use it continuously to cover large distances
with ease. Only stop sprinting when you're negotiating tight platforms
or corners, as Lara doesn't turn well when running at full tilt.

Making Turns
The walk is ideal for narrow or
unfamiliar ledges.

Tight turning helps in

tighter spots.


The Walk Button

Press and hold the Walk button

until the blue man appears. Press
again to remove him. Now never
fall off platforms.
A quick 180-degree spin is perfect for positioning yourself easily.
The skid and turn is less useful, as you slide instead of stopping.
The Walk button is the new friend of any Lara novice. Simply press
this button, and Lara cannot fall off the platform she is on, unless
you move her onto a slope. Then all bets are off. Use this exclu-
Jogging or sprinting increases sively until you've competently figured out her maneuvering
your turning radius. Only attempt repertoire. You can hop from the walk stance. Note that walking
in large areas. with the button and walking by not pressing the analog stick hard
enough are not the same moves; the Walk button doesn't allow you
to drop or fall.

Once you've mastered the art of pressing forward on your joypad,

you're probably ready to start turning as you move. At walking
360-Degree View
speeds, pressing Right or Left allows a tight turn, which is preferred
on all narrow surfaces. At jogging speed, Lara's turning radius is
elongated slightly, but she can still turn with some degree of
Sprinting was already covered
stability. Jog and turn in areas you have already explored. Finally,
earlier. This technique is for
when you're sprinting down a corridor, your turning radius is
looking around.
extremely wide, and your stopping distance is long. So make sure
you've already dealt with any hazards—or react quickly to them.
In addition to turning while moving, Lara can also execute two
types of 180-degree turns. The first is a spin, which is achieved by We've explored the benefits of sprinting. If you want an over-the-
stopping and then pressing your analog stick in the opposite direction. shoulder view of the action, press the Sprint button while Lara is
Use this for precise rotating on narrow platforms. The second is a skid standing still. Then use the right analog stick to look around, but
and turn. Travel at full speed and stop Lara by letting go of the direc- don't move or you revert to normal camera. Use this to check
tional control. Wrench the control in the other direction, and she skids heights and depths.
and turns around. This is dangerous if attempted by the edge of a
ledge, so employ the stop and spin unless you're in an area without
danger or that you know well.
NOTE Stealth. Walking. Sprinting. Each dominates
another. If you're in Stealth mode, you
won't walk or sprint unless you
release the Stealth button. If
you're walking, you can't sprint
You must walk on this narrow unless you release the Walk
ledge with slow steps and spin button, then press the Sprint
turns, not sliding ones. button. If you're
sprinting, you'll
move to a Walk or
Stealth mode.


From this stealth pose, Lara can

The Stealth Button attempt one of three additional
moves. First, she can move
silently. This is effective when
creeping through areas of heavily
armed enemies without
attracting undue attention. Next,
she can bring down a stopped
adversary (don't try it on a
moving one) with an Action button flurry. Lara grabs the goon by
the neck, flips him onto his back, and punches him with a critical
Lara strikes a stealth pose in an appropriate locale. strike. This saves on ammo. Finally, she can hug a wall with the
Action button, then peer around a corner. This has the added benefit
From the stealth pose, you can track an enemy in silence. Don't let
of keeping you close to an exterior wall if you're on a narrow ledge,
him see you.
and you won't fall off when you reach the end.

When an enemy stops and

doesn't see you, you can then lay
him out with the Action button.
This is a great alternative to
weapon and health expenditure.

You can only emerge from the stealth pose after laying out a victim,
pressing the Stealth button again, or drawing your weapon.
If you're near a wall, you can Unfortunately, Lara cannot carry a weapon while in Stealth mode—
press Action and hug it. You are or bring down a moving foe from behind. These are two points to
now "stuck" to the wall. consider before employing the stealth crouch.

Kurtis's Farsee Ability

Kurtis Trent does not have the
ability to sneak around like a
covert operative. Instead, his
Finally, while hugging a wall, you Stealth button is a Farsee ability
can come to a corner and peek (also known as Scrying), which
around to view the areas beyond allows him to remotely view
(and any incoming enemies). areas of the level he is about to
move into. This is only utilized
during specific periods and during
cutscenes; it cannot be attempted in real time. Kurtis's stealth
Early in her adventure, Miss Croft's ability to abilities aren't necessary to his survival either, as the entities he
silence her footfalls and hunch her shoulders encounters are more difficult to remove than a French policeman.
enables her to maneuver along guarded areas
without resorting to combat. This is
important at the beginning of her
outing, as she has no armaments.
Pressing the Stealth button allows
Lara to move at a half pace without
giving away her location. If an
enemy cannot see her, she is
effectively invisible.


If you want to run down a corridor but view the action from the
Roll left side, rotate the right analog stick clockwise and press Left on
the left analog stick. Lara will continue to run in the same direction.
This is useful if you're being attacked and quickly need to look all
around you but keep moving. Practice rotating both analog sticks
(one moves Lara, the other moves the camera) until you understand
Use the roll when you want to this move. Finally, press the right analog stick inwards to reposition
show off. the camera behind Lara. This is a godsend when you're attempting
fine and precise leaping.

The Roll button has but a single use—to make Lara roll forward,
then stand up in the opposite direction. This is very similar to the
skid and turn, but has the added benefit of working every time you
attempt it. It is excellent for changing direction during a fight, or in
an area you know well. You can also fire any drawn weapon at the
same time as rolling (Weapon button, then Roll and Action at the
same time). This can fend off attackers approaching from disparate

Camera View Ducking is only useful for getting into the crawl position.
Being on all fours is exciting for those wishing to avoid head-level

The Commando Crawl is the one-

move-fits-all crawling maneuver.

Repositioning Lara's camera behind her is helpful in enclosed areas.

Remember to change the direction you're moving in when turning
the camera to keep it pointing the same way. Lara's three techniques using the Duck button are rarely employed,
and are only used to avoid obstacles. The first is the crouch. This
leaves Lara on her haunches and shouldn't be used. (Duck then
Weapon, or Weapon then Duck, and Action). The other two moves
It's the only way to travel. Expert cannot be used with a weapon. The first is a crawl. Although
Lara handlers should turn her amusing to view, there's no real reason to use it over the
using the camera. Commando Crawl (hold Duck, then hold Stealth until the move
starts), which is your all-purpose technique for shifting under gaps.
You don't need to continue holding Stealth either; just keep pressing
Duck, or Lara stands up. Otherwise, let go during a crawl under an
Before moving on to more complex maneuvers such as combat and object, and Lara rises up as soon as possible—great for getting her
jumping, you should find the nearest large area and practice utilizing into position for combat quickly.
the camera. Most of the time (with the exception of some hanging
or jumping areas of the game), you have full control over the
camera. If you're stuck behind a shrub, it's the fault of your camera
TIP Don't press Stealth then Duck, as nothing happens.
Press Duck first, then Stealth.
work, not the game. So remember, to keep Lara pointed in the same
direction as the camera turns (or you turn the camera), adjust your
analog stick's direction. This is achieved by turning both analog
sticks in the same direction.


If you're fighting an opponent
that is shorter than you, such as
a dog, you employ kicks.
Hand-to-hand combat is for
when you're high on health, or
fighting someone bulky.

If you're very close to an

adversary, you fight with
punches. Vary the speed of the
Action button tapping for a
series of single punches (slow
taps) or two-hit combo attacks
Gun combat is the preferred and
with a punch, then overhand
healthiest method.
right (fast taps).

If you're fighting a larger

opponent or are farther away,
you employ kicks. These are
usually single kicks unless you
fiercely tap Action. You can score
a three-hit combo with two kicks
and a roundhouse to finish.

Ranged Combat
Stealth tactics—the grab, flip, and punch—are discussed in the
"Stealth" portion of this section. The alternate (and safer) way to dispose of your enemies is to
utilize the Weapon button. Note that this isn't necessary for hand-to-
Both guns blazing, Lara showcases a perfect melding of capabilities hand combat, only for ranged attacking. When you unhook your
and dual pistols. weapon from its holster (or your back if it is a shotgun or machine
gun), you can fire single shots with a press of the Action button.
During this time, your ammo is displayed near your health in the
top-left corner of the screen. You can keep firing until you holster
Kurtis's Chirugai is a unique your weapon, down your foe, or decide to stop fighting. Perform the
armament. It is only used in following techniques to ensure combat supremacy. Note that you
cutscenes. automatically face and aim at the enemy until you either step too
far away, another enemy comes closer (then your aim switches), or
you put away your gun.
The Circle Strafe
Hand-to-Hand Combat The classic, and easiest, way to
Combat can be divided into two categories—armed and unarmed. confuse foes while whittling
Unarmed combat is to be waged against weak or bulky enemies them down is to circle strafe.
with limited armaments of their own. Depending on how close (or Naturally, you must be able to
high) you are to your enemy, repeatedly pressing the Action button run around your enemy (if you
results in a number of aggressive actions. can't, move quickly from side to
side or in a semicircle). During
that time, continuously fire as
your foe attempts to strike you.
Normally, you come out ahead.


The Jump and Rotate Fleeing Combat

You can flummox an enemy if Some foes are invincible, and
you start side somersaults as some are just not worth wasting
you fire. Although you can't fire ammo. Enemies without carried
as you jump, you are more items should be ignored or
difficult to attack. Try a jump and avoided to save ammunition.
rotate (circle strafing, but leaping Humans who drop items when
around as well) for the ultimate killed should be targeted. Don't
in humiliating takedowns. overstay your fighting welcome
unless you must defeat your
foes. The walkthrough refers to
Firing through Scenery
specific examples when fleeing
Obviously, walls and scenery is necessary.
can't be blasted through, but
mesh walls and other partially Combat Examples
transparent objects can. This is Here are two examples of
no substitute for getting up inventive ways to deal with skilled
close. But if you have a lot of entities. The Knight refuses to give
ammunition, or cannot reach up and revives countless times.
your enemy, try firing from cover You can coax him into a trap,
or through plants. activate it (in this case, a
trapdoor), watch him fall in, then
Point-Blank Blasting
avoid him for the rest of the game.
You'd be surprised what a point-
blank shotgun blast to the skull You can also kick an enemy off a
can do. With this in mind, if your ledge. In this example, a Cabal
health and bravery are large soldier receives a sharp slap to
enough, pop caps into foes as the helmet and staggers off a
close to them as possible. You ledge. He isn't coming back from
inflict more damage, and you that fall, and neither will a Knight
save on ammo. if you employ this tactic on him.

NOTE You can fire your weapon while stationary,

crouching, jogging, and walking, but not while crawling, Rennes' Gun Emporium
sprinting, and in Stealth mode. When you're jumping,
You find ranged weapons on the
your weapon is drawn but not fired.
bodies of certain foes (such as
policemen and guards) and lying
TIP For continuous fire, keep your finger held down on on the ground. However, the
the Action button. You unleash the maximum number of Parisian Ghetto has Daniel
bullets and fire immediately after a jumping move. Rennes' Pawn Shop, which
comes fully stocked with
ordinance for every occasion. It is
NOTE The full complement of ordinance available to Miss imperative that you locate
Croft and Mr. Trent is detailed in the subsequent valuables (such as Vintage Cognac, Antique Doubloons, and jewelry)
"Inventory" section. to hawk at the shop in return for weaponry. Sell everything, as
there's no more shopping after this.



The sprinting jump (press Sprint, then Jump) is ideal for covering
huge gaps.
Use the vertical jump when you need to grab a ledge, rope, or The swan dive to a forward roll is a great alternative to a heavy
object above you. landing. Press Sprint when jumping (after upgrade).
The hop (walking and jumping) is used to cover short gaps and

Jumping up stairs saves time.

Avoid accidentally side jumping.
Use the side jump when you're
stuck behind objects.

Jump at an exterior wall that's

above the platform you want to
land on. You hit the wall and
slide down it without damage.
Do the back-flip to confuse an This is easier than judging
enemy, or get down from a distances.
ladder in style.

The key elements to Lara's continued success are her incredibly

powerful legs. As you can see from the previously detailed jumping
types, there is a leap for every situation—although the standing and
running jumps, not to mention the vertical jump followed by a grab,
are utilized most extensively. Sometimes it is incredibly difficult to
gauge how far you are from a platform separated by a chasm, so it
is important to time each jump and stretch out for a grab after each
launch. Finally, you may sometimes execute a side jump when the
camera is turning or you're pointing just slightly off center, and this
usually ends in disaster. You can't rush jumps, so make sure you're
facing directly ahead (with the camera directly behind) to avoid any
The standing forward jump (press the Jump anomalous results.
button) allows you to leap crevasses with six
feet of air.
TIP If you want a quick glimpse of Lara's many jumping
The running jump (jog and press the techniques, find a large, flat area, keep tapping the Jump
Jump button) hurls you 10 feet. button, and press different directions on your joypad. She
leaps from spot to spot. Impressive!


Hanging Around
The monkey swing is perhaps
the most terrifying move of all,
requiring you to maneuver with
Hanging from a ledge, maneuver only your hands. Complete these
yourself out of this predicament moves quickly.
post haste.

Pressing Duck while monkey

swinging allows you to place your
feet on the wire or chain and
continue moving. Unless your feet
The vault is a simple hop over an are dangling dangerously close to
obstacle. This can be used to an obstacle, this technique isn't
bound over balconies, but look recommended, as it takes a second
before you leap. to perform, meaning a second less
grip time for Miss Croft.
Hanging from various objects and scenic features is a staple of
Lara's incredible array of moves. This time, she has the added bonus
of rock climbing, clambering up slopes and ceilings, and even
monkey swinging across ropes. These techniques involve your grip
bar and turning corners. There are many occasions where you
should shimmy around a rock wall or ledge turn. Always check that
there are no upper-body upgrades in your area before you climb, or
you could fall.

TIP Remember that you

The hand-over-hand is useful for maneuvering along ledges using cannot grab everything. This
only your hands to grip. Extremely narrow platforms are no match mesh wall at grab height
for Lara's nimble and muscular fingers. proves too problematic for
Climbing pipes and ivy-covered walls takes more skill than a ladder. Lara. In these cases, look
There are no grip problems with the ladder. elsewhere for the solution to
your maneuvering.

Certain rock walls (note the rock

texture) can be climbed, but be Falling
wary of venturing too far without Some of the jumps are pretty
a rest. difficult, so falling is common.
Remember that the farther you
fall, the more damage you take.
Over 20 feet, and you lose a half
of your health. Much farther, and
you land with a sickening thud
Clambering on sloping ceilings (complete with a grotesque rag
can induce vertigo. You may doll animation for our heroine).
auto-turn at the top of these With this in mind, heed the
slopes and begin the next following advice and utilize the
technique. following techniques to minimize
the pain and suffering.


The Walk button prevents you

from falling on everything, but a
slope. Without it, you usually fall Finally, grab onto a ladder if
when you come to an edge and you're falling past it, just like the
keep moving. Afterwards, you lip of a ledge.
auto-turn and grab the ledge you
were just on. Decide to drop or
clamber back up from this point.

If you approach the same ledge
with speed, you'll fall off and Treading water allows you to
won't grab the ledge. Remember cross the surface of water
that the auto-grab only works if without losing oxygen. When
you don't leap from the ledge or you reach a ledge, pull yourself
run off it at great speed. out of the water with the Action

Diving underwater allows quick

breast strokes as Lara swims like
a fish. Unfortunately, she doesn't
breathe like one, so always be
on the lookout for the surface.
The dangle and drop is used to quickly descend. Don't fall too far.
Dangle and drop, then dangle when ladders aren't quick enough to
descend platforms directly underneath each other. Note the word,
Usually there are holes to swim
through. Gauge your available air
before swimming too far down
When you leap for a ledge and these passages.
don’t make it, use the jump and
grab. Press Action to stretch out
your arms and you grab the ledge.

With the appropriate upgrade,

instead of jumping and landing
feet-first in the water, you can
gracefully swan-dive.
A variant of the jump and grab is
to leap for a platform, hit it with
your waist, then slide down and
grab it. This is easier than landing Swimming is part of the tomb-raiding experience, and holding your
on top of the platform. breath while dodging spear traps is all part of the fun. Lara's breath
eventually runs out, so look for an air hole before venturing too far
into the unknown depths. It is better to take a couple of breaths and
backtrack instead of reaching your final location and drowning.
Simply tap Action to dive and swim underwater. Landing in water
keeps you alive, even after a plummet from a high platform. Aim for
water if you can.


Scenery The Hand Icon

A hand icon on the screen means something needs to be pushed,
pulled, activated, or opened. Try all of these techniques, just in case
Stairs are always climbed at you don't understand exactly what to do. For example, when
walking pace. Avoid this checking wall sections, don't just tap Action. Pull and push as well
laborious technique by jumping to ensure the entire section can't be shoved back and forth. Look for
up stairs six at a time. the hand, as this is the key to completing tasks or receiving clues.
There's something on the floor, in a cupboard, or nearby that looks

Ladders are part of the scenery,

and most are complete.
However, some end in midair,
forcing you to jump off or climb
back up to seek a different area.
Unlike pipes, you can stay on
ladders indefinitely. Back-flips
from ladders serve as shortcuts
to climbing if you know how far That door looks like it can be opened, or at least rattled.
you'll fall.
Doors that don't have a hand near them are either sealed or opened
with a lever.

There are various environmental

hazards during the course of your
adventure. The walkthrough
details how to complete these
difficult areas.

When you're sliding down a Levers, switches, valves, and buttons all feature the hand and
slope, you cannot stop. All you should be pressed.
can do is leap from the bottom of
the slope to safety. If you can't
jump, tap Action to turn and grab
the lip of the slope before you
slide off it. Then, you can
shimmy to safety.

The final piece of scenery

involves puzzles—such as
feeding a tendril tree trunk a
poison concoction, or tapping in
a five-digit pass code. The There are levers underwater.
walkthrough details all the They work in the same way as
puzzles to complete. land-based levers.


Although Lara doesn't change
physically, during the game she
receives 20 separate upgrades.
There are 10 upgrades to her
upper body and 10 to her lower
body. Upper-body upgrades are
awarded after pulling or pushing
This wall doesn't show you a hand, but you can still interact with it.
an object or scenery. Lower-body
Check everything.
upgrades are awarded for
Leap for hanging chains and wire above you. You automatically lengthy jumps or kicking doors open. Upgrades serve to increase
grab on. Lara's grip, award her with the sprint move, and allow her to open
doors she previously couldn't open.
Pulling boxes and pushing crates TIP Stuck at a door you're
is routine for any aspiring archae- not strong enough to open?
ologist. Remember that some Can't cross a gap because of
pieces of wall can be pushed or your weak legs? Then fear
pulled in the same way. not—there is a place nearby
to upgrade Lara's body. Go
find it, then return to the
area you couldn't access.

Kicking doors is another way of

entering areas, usually after
NOTE The complete list of
upgrades, what they do, and
collecting an upgrade.
where they are, is located in
the "Lara's Upgrade Chart"
section at the back of this
guide. You will be surprised
at how bulked up Lara
The Inventory Screen becomes. At the start of the
game, Lara only has enough
The Inventory screen is fully grip to hang off a ledge for
explained in the game manual. 14 seconds. At the
However, it is wise to contin- conclusion, she can hang for
uously check your Inventory for an amazing 30 seconds.
items you pick up and notes Lara
made that can help you with a
puzzle. Finally, only utilize
Top Ten Tips for Surviving
ammunition, weapons, and health
with manual button tapping.
and Thriving
Puzzle items are used automatically and do not need to be accessed. # 10: Let the Camera Turn You
Instead of using the left analog
stick to turn, press the Forward
button continuously in this
direction, then maneuver the
camera (and Lara) with the
right analog stick. This way, you
see everything, can quickly pan
or tilt without losing control, and
have a much better grasp of how
Lara handles.


# 9: Jump and Hit Walls # 5: Talk to Everyone

Individuals who aren't trying to
The technique of leaping at a kill you have something
wall, hitting it, and sliding down incredibly important to say. Talk
onto a ledge is the easiest to everyone and always save
method of maneuvering around your game before you do. Margot
platforms of indeterminate Carvier has a notebook that
distance. This saves hours of she'll only give you if you answer
trial-and-error jumping. her questions to her satisfaction.
Saving before talking to her
means you can replay the chat if
# 8: Close in for the Kill you insult her.
Don't waste time with a ranged # 4: Doors: Sealed, Locked, and Jammed
weapon, attempting to whittle an
There are many doors in Paris and
enemy down to size. Once you've
Prague, and most of them don't
realized what offensive strategy
lead anywhere. If a door doesn't
the enemy possesses, sprint into
offer you the hand icon, ignore it.
close quarters and fire. You save
If it is jammed or sealed,
on ammo, spend less time
disregard it. The only doors that
fighting, and generally feel better
concern you are those that you
about yourself.
aren't strong enough to kick open,
or those that are locked; usually a
# 7: Entity Bemusement nearby key solves that problem.
# 3: Items and Adjacent Puzzles
You'll be amazed at how close In most puzzles requiring a
you can get to enemies without specific item, the object in
them taking offensive measures. question is close by, usually
Enemies aren't bright, don't react within two or three rooms of the
well to you circling them, and puzzle. With the major exception
have restricted vision. Use this to of the elemental chambers in The
your advantage. Hall of Seasons, if you see a
puzzle, check the immediate
# 6: Avoid Five-Digit Disasters
# 2: Bring out the Big Guns
Whenever you investigate an area
that you haven't explored, or one
with enemies yet to be
dispatched, always carry your
weapons out of their holsters. If
foes appear, Lara auto-targets
them before you even know
they're there.
Pass codes with five digits are
the choice of the Cabal, and every
number puzzle you solve involves
the input of five separate figures.
If you see a five-digit number, jot
it down— you'll be using it soon.
All the digits are revealed in the
walkthrough, if you aren't close
enough to a pen.


# 1: Save Often NOTE Congratulations,

Miss Croft. You've
completed your training. Be
Save your game—before you aware that, although the
enter a room, prior to engaging levels to come are varied
an enemy, when you're about to and vast, they are linear in
locate a unique item in an nature. And more often
unfamiliar area, and most of all, than not, only one path is
just before a jump of unknown available. Utilize the
distance. walkthrough completely,
and you'll have no trouble
locating the real killer of
Professor Von Croy, as well
as uncovering secrets too
terrifying to utter.


The Book of Monsters

Traversing the many traps, puzzles, and dark alleys of this adventure The Early Years
is tough enough, but you're further tested when interacting with the
Lara was independent and outgoing at school, always preferring
host of misfits, law enforcement patrols, covert soldiers, and
individual to team sports. While at Gordonstoun, she excelled at
terrifying mutations that populate Lara's world. This section details
rock climbing, canoeing, horseback riding, and archery. A natural
the main players of the game—friends, foes, and fiends. Find out
athlete, she discovered a passion for firearms but was discouraged
the real story behind some of the game's most freakish participants.
by the school authorities. Later, in her Swiss finishing school, she
further developed her interest in firearms by charming her way onto
Friends the Swiss Armed Forces training range, where she proved to be a
natural and qualified markswoman. Later in life she felt drawn to
Lara Croft fast vehicles and any form of extreme sports, "just to keep me trim."
Finding Her Calling
As the daughter of Lord Henshingly Croft, Lara was used to the
security of an aristocratic background. Predictably, she rebelled
against the more confining aspects of her upbringing, and when she
moved to Gordonstoun in 1984, the mountains of Scotland gave her
an unprecedented degree of freedom. Her world changed further
when she came across the work of Professor Von Croy and heard
him lecture about his archaeological career. The experience had a
profound effect on Lara, triggering a passion for remote locations
Nationality: British and adventure.
Date of Birth: 14/02/????
Her First Field Trip
Birthplace: Wimbledon, Surrey
Lara discovered that Von Croy was preparing for an archaeological
Marital Status: Single expedition to Asia and persuaded her parents to let her accompany
Blood Group: AB him. Von Croy was convinced after being promised financial
Height: 5'9" assistance for the expedition. He was also impressed by the young
amazon's enthusiasm and energy. She could obviously take care of
Weight: 9st 4 herself, and the experience would be a unique and educational
Vital Statistics: 34D 24 35 opportunity.
Hair Color: Brown This expedition set the pattern for the rest of her life. For the first
Eye Color: Brown time, she experienced the hazards and mysteries of the ancient
world of antiquities. Terrifying dangers became an accepted part of
Distinguishing Features: 9mm
her life. In the intervening years, she has combated ancient mythical
forces, survived a Himalayan plane crash, and outgunned heavily
Education: armed opponents, always emerging with the prize.
Private Tutoring (3-11)
Wimbledon High School for Girls (11-16)
Despite inheriting the Croft mansion in Surrey, Lara lives the same
Gordonstoun Boarding School (16-18) way she prefers to work—alone. In her rambling home she has
Swiss Finishing School (18-21) installed a custom-built assault course and shooting range. With her
unique physical abilities, Lara could break many world athletic
records, but sees no challenge in this for herself. It lacks the
necessary ingredient of danger.


The huge rooms of the mansion are useful for storing the many 2002: Kurtis crosses paths with Lara in Paris, and they team up in
artifacts she has acquired in her adventures. There is also adequate Prague to combat the Cabal and Eckhardt. Lara first sees Kurtis
space for her favorite vehicles. Anything on two wheels and over tearing away from Le Serpent Rouge on his motorcycle. Their paths
650ccs is considered acceptable, but she finds both the Triumph cross several times during their adventure, but it isn't until the end
Speed Triple and the Harley V-Rod especially attractive. of the Maximum Containment Area level that Lara finds out if Kurtis
Apart from her archaeological successes, Lara is proud of her is a friend or foe. Kurtis has several psychic talents, including
achievements in other areas, too. She drove the dangerous Alaskan telekinesis and a Farsee ability that gives him a glimpse of areas he
Highway from Tierra del Fuego in record time. This escapade can't physically reach.
resulted in worldwide headlines confirming the opinion of the estab- Notes on the Chirugai
lished antiquities community that she was a loose cannon. She
loves this profile, but generally shuns the media spotlight, as it Chir-rug-ai: (Latin) Violent
interferes with her tomb-raiding activities. measures involving surgery
And Now This discus-like blade is an
ancient Lux Veritatis weapon,
Events in recent times have cast a shadow over Lara's life. She made from ferilium, a rare
went missing, presumed dead, after a disastrous field trip to the meteorite alloy. Kurtis inherited
Egyptian tombs with Von Croy. She refuses to confirm or deny it, along with the Periapt Shards,
rumors about time spent among obscure North African tribes. But when his father was killed by
whatever happened after Egypt, she has become reclusive since her Eckhardt. Kurtis's ability to control the terrifying weapon comes
return to Surrey. from his early years of training as a Lux Veritatis initiate.
Kurtis Trent Professor Werner Von Croy
A world-respected archaeologist
and part-time adventurer, Werner
was Lara's mentor in her early
years. Now in his late 50s, he
lives alone, pouring over
manuscripts and assorted antiq-
uities in his Paris apartment.
Lately he has been troubled by a
stranger with an odd-shaped
1972: Born on June 26 in Utah Salt hand, who has instructed him to search for
Flats, USA items known as the Obscura Paintings.
1975: Kurtis, three years old, is trained
by his father Konstantin as a Lux Veritatis Mlle. Margot Carvier
initiate. The ancient order is being
ruthlessly hunted by Eckhardt and the
1988: Kurtis, aged 16, undergoes the most
intense stages of his Lux Veritatis initiation.
1991: At age 19, Kurtis disappears and
joins the Foreign Legion, changing his name
to Trent. He remains hidden within the
legion for five years, constantly
assaulted by bizarre events linked to the A historian and academic at the Louvre
occult. In this time, he gets the nickname "Demon Hunter." Department of Medieval and Renaissance
Studies, Carvier is a stern woman involved in
1996: Kurtis leaves the legion and begins freelancing with a variety recent archaeological digs beneath the Louvre
of mercenary and less-than-legal agencies. He hears from his father, galleries. She is both a friend and colleague of
but never sees him alive again. Professor Von Croy. She lives alone in an
2001: Konstantin is murdered by Eckhardt. This is Kurtis's wakeup apartment near Paris's industrial district.
call. He receives two talismanic items, the Periapt Shards, and the
terrifying Chirugai blade. In a rage of vengeance, he goes after


Thomas Luddick Luther Rouzic

Thin to the point of ill health, Luther Rouzic works at
the Prague archives. The Librarian Honorarium, he is
acknowledged worldwide to be the authority on
dead languages and texts. He is also the keeper of
the Strahov archives.

NOTE The following characters are listed in

Luddick is a seedy, discredited reporter who has the order in which you encounter them.
been tracking what he believes are Mafia
activities in Prague, Czech Republic. He has
accidentally discovered (and unfortunately crossed)
the Cabal, whose members protect their operations
He also has the entry code to Strahov Fortress,
which he's only too happy to share with Lara in exchange
for her story of events in Paris—plus whatever she uncovers in the Lara runs into two hoboes in an
future. Unfortunately, Luddick has a bit too much confidence in his abandoned section of the Paris
journalistic immunity, which gets him in trouble with Eckhardt in the Metro at the start of the Parisian
Strahov Fortress. Ghetto. They claim not to know
who Louis Bouchard is, but they
Daniel Rennes do suggest that Lara visit the
Café Metro for more information.

Enterprising Young Salesman

This friendly chap is rather
insistent in his efforts to sell Lara
something to take her mind off
her troubles during the Parisian
Ghetto level. Being a straightedge
A gaunt Frenchman suffering from delusions
tomb raider, Lara doesn't take him
including (but not limited to) insanity and
up on his offer, but she does get
paranoia, Rennes makes a living hawking under-
plenty of information about
ground wares in the Parisian Ghetto. He is a
Bouchard and Pierre from him.
specialist in illegal documentation and black
marketeering, using his back street pawnbrokers
as a front for these operations. He is also a Janice
demolitions expert, thanks to time served in the This scarlet lady has an intimate
French Navy. knowledge of the comings and
Daniel Rennes owns and operates Rennes' goings of the citizens of the
Pawnshop in the Parisian Ghetto, a place where Parisian Ghetto, and the streets
you can buy or sell "extra-legal" merchandise. Here, Lara can turn she walks keep no secrets from
valuable items found in the Parisian Back Streets and Le Serpent her. If Lara converses with her
Rouge into cold hard cash, as well as purchase weapons and items. politely, Janice reveals infor-
Rennes is also in business with Louis Bouchard and is expecting mation about Bouchard, Pierre,
to take delivery of a Wad of Passports. But with the pressure he's and Bernard that is of
feeling from the Monstrum killings, Bouchard has had a hard time tremendous help to Lara.
getting the passports to Rennes. If Lara could deliver them, Rennes
would know that she's legit.


Willowtree Herbalist Bernard

A Parisian Ghetto shopkeeper A surly ex-janitor at Le Serpent
who specializes in healing herbs, Rouge, Bernard left Louis
the Willowtree Herbalist doesn't Bouchard's employ as soon as
have anything to do with the Monstrum started murdering
Bouchard, but he does have Bouchard's employees. He
some information about spends his days sitting in the park
Bouchard's doorman that may across the street from St. Aicard's
prove helpful to Lara. Church in the Parisian Ghetto.
Boxers If Lara gives him 160 Euros, he gives her the Ex-Janitor's Key to
Le Serpent Rouge and tells her that he has a password to get her
There isn't much call for a house past Bouchard's doorman. In exchange for the password, he wants
of God in the Parisian Ghetto, so the Trinket Box from the lighting rig of the club. Bring him the
St. Aicard's Church has been Trinket Box, and you find that Bernard is as good as his word.
converted into a gym, where
three boxers hone their skills. Francine
Zak and Carl spar in the ring
while a third pugilist works the The entrance to Francine's
heavy bag in the corner. apartment is in an alley near the
entrance to St. Aicard's
Their trainer, also a bit of a gambler, observes Zak and Carl in the Graveyard. If you give the Trinket
ring. If you've got 200 Euros to put up against his Golden Watch, Box to her ex-boyfriend, Pierre,
you can wager on the fighters. Carl's a much better boxer than Zak, he gives you the access code to
by the way. Francine's apartment. Enter the
apartment to get past Bouchard's
Bouchard's Doorman doorman and into St. Aicard's
Bouchard's unnamed doorman Graveyard.
guards the entrance gate to St.
Aicard's Graveyard in the Parisian Foes
Ghetto. If you want to get past
him, you'd better have either the
Trinket Box from Le Serpent
Pieter Van Eckhardt
Rouge and 800 Euros, or a
password given to you by
Bernard. While he's not overtly
menacing, Lara probably couldn't just force her way past him and
his Rottweilers and emerge unscathed.

Pierre currently owns Café Metro
in the Parisian Ghetto, but his last
job was bartender in Bouchard's History about this arch-fiend has been
club, Le Serpent Rouge. He left the notoriously difficult to pinpoint. Early
job in a hurry when his coworkers European texts mention an insane fourteenth
started getting murdered left and century genius known as the Black Alchemist,
right, but he still kicks himself for who seemed to share many of Eckhardt's charac-
leaving behind the Trinket Box in teristics. Unsubstantiated reports have borne
the club's lighting rig. witness to Eckhardt being imprisoned for 500 years
in a containment pit until he apparently escaped in
Pierre is one of Lara's options for getting into Le Serpent Rouge 1945. After this supposed occurrence, Eckhardt set
and St. Aicard's Graveyard. Find him in Café Metro to get the about reviving an ancient biblical race known as
Bartender's Key to the club, and bring him the Trinket Box to get the the Nephilim.
code to the apartment belonging to Francine, his ex-girlfriend. She
can get Lara past Bouchard's doorman.


The Sleeper Joachim Karel

Said by legend to be the last With a shock of white cropped hair, and a
intact specimen of the biblical corporate legal mastermind within his
Nephilim race, this creature is in furrowed brow, Joachim Karel's Paris
a permanent stasis field, office oversees the investments of a
supposedly buried in a state of new world order known as the Cabal, as
"death, but dreaming" in one of well as its recruitment drives. In
the subterranean cities of central addition, he takes particular delight in
Cappadocia in Turkey. protecting his client's interests in the
worldwide arena, and is a legal
The Cabal scholar not to be trifled with.
The Cabal is one of those
inscrutable organizations that
operates from the shadows,
manipulating events for its own
unfathomable purposes. Based in
the Strahov Fortress in Prague,
the Cabal is so dangerous and
powerful that it uses the Mafia as a front for its activities, which
currently involve recovering the five Obscura Paintings and using
their power to revive the ancient Nephilim race. Eckhardt and
Gundersen are senior members of the Cabal.

RESEARCHING THE NEPHILIM MYTH "The Book of Giants was another literary work concerned
Scholars from the Louvre archives have been pouring over with Enoch, widely read (after translation into the appro-
ancient texts and biblical tomes in order to present a little priate languages) in the Roman empire…. The 'giants' were
background to the race of Nephilim. The following infor- believed to be the offspring of fallen angels (the Nephilim;
mation has been gathered to provide a necessary backdrop also called Watchers) and human women."
to the hideous machinations that Pieter Van Eckhardt is said —Robert Eisman and Michael Wise, The Dead Sea Scrolls
to be undertaking. Uncovered
"There were giants in the earth in those days; and also
after that, when the sons of God came in unto the "The Hebrew word for giants (nephilum) literally means
daughters of men, and they; bare children unto them, the the fallen-down-ones because these tall celestial beings fell
same became mighty men which were of old, men of from the sky. Their half-breed progeny and their
renown." descendants are often mentioned in the early books of the
—Genesis 6:4 (King James Version) Old Testament until the last of them were finally killed off.
They were known as the Rephaim (Hebrew for 'phantoms'),
The root of Nephilim is nephel, which means "untimely Emim, Anakim, Horim, Avim, and Zamzummim. Some
birth, abortion, miscarriage." The biblical tradition says the scholars speculate that this tradition of giants born from the
Nephilim were on the earth before the great flood and union of gods and humans formed the basis for the demigod
afterwards, but they appear to be missing during the flood. of Greek mythology."
"The Nephilim were upon the Earth in those days and —Raymond E. Fowler, The Watchers
thereafter too. Those sons of the gods who cohabited with
the daughters of the Adam, and they bore children into "And there we saw the Nephilim, the sons of Anak,
them. They were the Mighty Ones of Eternity, the People of which come of the Nephilim: and we were in our own sight
the Shem." as grasshoppers, and so we were in their sight."
—Genesis 6:4 —Numbers 13:33


Louis Bouchard Marten Gundersen

Looking every inch the gangland czar he The chiseled cheekbones and broad
claims to be, the wide-collared, slightly shoulders of this veteran soldier allow him
paunchy (but nevertheless imposing) Louis to impose his will on his underlings without
Bouchard is responsible for running illicit uttering a word. A veteran of countless conflicts
operations throughout the French capital. His around the world, Gundersen is now fully
jovial nature can snap into rage at the click of committed to running a clandestine organization
a synapse, and he has a reputation for large known as the Agency. His organization, a thinly
scale ruthless and opportunistic violence, disguised mercenary recruitment service,
despite never being convicted of a crime. provides specialized forces for anything from
basic security to all-out invasions. He has been
Arnaud spotted in the company of Eckhardt.
Arnaud is one of Bouchard's Kristina Boaz
most capable men, but an attack
by the Monstrum has left him
critically injured and severely
deformed. Still, he's lucky
compared to the three of
Bouchard's employees who were
killed by the Monstrum prior to
his injury. Lara encounters him in
Bouchard's Hideout in the
Parisian Ghetto.
Originally based in Argentina, Boaz became the
Anton Gris head of corrective and remedial surgery at the
The massive physique of Anton Gris packs a Strahov Psychiatric Institute in Prague—a facility
considerable punch, and Louis Bouchard of which very little is known. Subjects have been
employs him as a coach and trainer within reported entering the building complex, but none
Bouchard's organization. Originally have been seen or heard from since. One item to
recruited in Marseilles, Bouchard note: Boaz's already grimacing visage was horribly
encouraged him to relocate to Paris disfigured from scars she suffered after a horrific
when illegal operations expanded into plane crash in 1987.
the capital.


Dr. Grant Muller Gendarme

Located: Parisian Back Streets,
Derelict Apartment
Strengths: Automatic surrender
by Lara if she's
Weaknesses: Slow to react,
easy to dispatch
Dispatch With: Stealth attack
This portly and once-jocular man now Remarks
has little time for amusement. Running the
research programs for the dubious World The bumbling French police have sent two types of Gendarme your
Pharmaceuticals Commission takes up all his way, and one is much less of a threat than the other. The regular
available time. Based in Rome, Muller also Gendarme poses little risk to you physically, but if you're spotted by
heads the botanical research wing of the one, Lara automatically surrenders, as she has no weapons.
Strahov Complex in Prague and has been Therefore, wait until the Gendarme has stopped and is looking away
seen conversing with Marten Gundersen on from you, then sneak up behind and grab him to pull him down and
more than one occasion. Muller's consid- knock him out.
erable talents are currently giving local
authorities cause for more than a little concern. Gendarme Riot Soldiers
Located: Derelict Apartment,
Fiends Margot Carvier's
Rottweiler Strengths: Well armed, invincible
Located: Parisian Back Streets, Weaknesses: None
Industrial Roof Tops, Dispatch With: N/A
Parisian Ghetto
Strengths: Ferocious, fast-
When the Gendarme locate you (as they suspect you in the murder
of Von Croy), they send officers in riot gear, usually carrying tear
Weaknesses: Doesn't jump, gas, to flush you out and block entrances. These officers stand at an
easy to avoid exit, preventing your escape. And when you reach them, your lack
Dispatch With: Kicking, any of weaponry forces you to surrender. Run away from them.
Police Helicopter
Located: Industrial Roof Tops
When they're not chained to a wall
(presenting an easy target), Rottweilers Strengths: Automatic weaponry,
are vicious attack dogs sent to tear you invincible
apart. Prevent this from happening by Weaknesses: Poor accuracy
moving your limbs away from their
Dispatch With: N/A
powerful jaws. Employ a series of
jumps around the hounds while firing
at them to confuse and finally Remarks
dispatch them. Kicking is an alter-
native, if you don't mind the bite marks. The Paris Special Branch is pulling out all the stops to catch you.
Otherwise, it's easiest to simply leap onto Subsequently, you're ambushed along the rooftops by a police
higher ground, or over a fence, then tackle helicopter. Alas, rocket-propelled grenade launchers are in short
the dog or ignore it. supply, so quickly flee from the roof. The helicopter can't be
downed, but the machine gunner is a lousy shot. Venture into hiding
when you see this piece of hardware arrive.


Le Serpent Rouge Guard Gendarme Security

Located: Le Serpent Rouge
Located: Louvre Galleries,
Strengths: Patrol in twos Archaeological Dig,
or threes Galleries Under Siege
Weaknesses: Slow rate of fire, Strengths: Powerful handgun,
low stamina reasonable shot
Dispatch With: Any gun, Weaknesses: Lightly armed,
hand-to-hand pathetic hand-to-
combat, stealth attack hand skills
Remarks Dispatch With: Fast-firing weapon, fists
There are a dozen guards in Le Serpent Rouge following the
Monstrum killings, and they shoot first and ask questions later. Move Remarks
in Stealth mode to avoid alerting them to your presence, and take As you enter the Louvre, but before the Agency soldiers arrive, you
them out from behind with a stealth attack if possible. If not, get in may come across special agents clad in light body armor and
close and attack them directly. They are drawn by loud noises, so if sporting baseball hats. They have been dispatched to help locate
you fire a gun near one, expect him to turn and investigate. those infiltrating the Louvre. These guards always spot you, or
appear in front of you, negating your stealth tactics. Therefore,
Rat charge straight in and strike them unconscious before they can fire
a shot, or attack with a weapon while circle-strafing them.
Located: Louvre Storm Drains
Strengths: Takes three bullets The Knight
to down
Located: Tomb of Ancients, The
Weaknesses: Not aggressive Hall of Seasons,
Dispatch With: Any pistol Neptune's Hall, Wrath
of the Beast,
Remarks Eckhardt's Lab
For those adventurers that wish to cause the maximum amount of pain, Strengths: Indestructible,
waste the most ammunition, and paint the floor of the Louvre Storm relentless
Drains in red specks of rodent offal, shoot any rats you see. Most won't
harm you; in fact, they scurry along, stop to sniff the air, then continue. Weaknesses: Slow and
A few bite you on the ankle, inflicting minimal damage. Brandish a cumbersome
weapon, and three bullets later, you have an incredibly embarrassing Dispatch With: Kick off a precipice
"small game hunt" to add to your manor house's collection of stuffed
critters. The best plan? Ignore them unless they attack you. Remarks
Warrior of a bygone age, the Knight is a resurrected entity,
Museum Guard awakened when strangers enter the nearby vicinity. Knights carry a
long sword and shield and are sometimes ablaze. Without ranged
Located: Louvre Galleries,
weaponry, Knights are no match for your guns and fall after five or
Archaeological Dig,
six shots. However, they don't stay down. Give them a wide berth,
Galleries Under Siege
blasting them only in close quarters (hand-to-hand attacks do work,
Strengths: Fast to react, good but you'll take damage), or coax them to ledges and kick them off.
Weaknesses: Weak weaponry, Bat
little armor Located: Tomb of Ancients
Dispatch With: Fists or any pistol Strengths: Flying ability, swoop
Remarks in-and-out attacks
Clad in a white shirt, and sometimes armed with a taserlike device, Weaknesses: Extremely weak
the guard isn't prepared to stop a professional tomb raider such as Dispatch with: Any ranged
Miss Croft. His lack of ranged weapons means all you need to do is weapon
pepper the guard at a distance. You can also get in quick and start
your kick or punch combinations before the electrocution starts. You
receive a nasty jolt if the guard connects, so dart in and out.

Remarks The Cleaner

Congregating at the ceiling of a gigantic cylindrical chamber, various Located: Von Croy's Apartment
nocturnal Bats have set up home in the crumbling fissures, ancient
ruins, and other decaying matter in this long-forgotten place. One Bat Strengths: Endurance, multiple
in particular isn't happy with Lara infiltrating its air space, and weapons, explosives
swoops in to nibble on her before flying away. A simple drawing of a training
pistol, and three well-placed shots, dispatches this bothersome pest. Weaknesses: Specific attack
Brother Obscura Dispatch With: Rigg 09 pistol,
Located: The Hall of Seasons fast-firing weapon
Strengths: Indestructible, fast Remarks
moving, a fearful sight
A mercenary for hire, the Cleaner works for the Agency under
Weaknesses: No ranged Marten Gundersen. He is part weapons specialist, part demolitions
attacks, easy to expert, chosen to dispatch unwanted subjects. To this end, he can
escape rig environments with bombs and explosives laced to laser trip
Dispatch With: V-Packer wires. Avoid these. When in a firefight, the Cleaner moves to
shotgun or fast- specific locations (noted in the walkthrough) as he takes more and
firing weapon more of your ranged weapon fire. Unload on him while stepping out
from cover only after he finishes firing.
Neither living in this world nor dead in the next, a hooded and Czech Policemen
frightening specter lurks in an old ceremonial chamber hidden in a Location: Monstrum Crimescene
distant tomb under the Louvre. Attacking with a sweeping charge,
this floating horror only activates in the presence of grave robbers. Strengths: Fast rate of fire, hard
Brother Obscura can be driven back, but never dispatched by to sneak up on
ordinary weapons. Force him back and take the item you've Weaknesses: Low stamina
endangered your life for, then flee. Dispatch With: Any gun, hand-
to-hand combat,
Agency Soldiers stealth attack
Located: Galleries Under Siege,
Strahov Fortress
Normally, Lara's much more respectful of
Strengths: Fast rate of fire,
local authorities. But these policemen are in
appear in pairs,
the pocket of the Cabal, and they're not
extremely observant
looking to arrest Lara when she shows
Weaknesses: Especially up in Prague—they'll gladly shoot her
vulnerable to and claim self-defense. Don't be shy
stealth kills, as about shooting first.
you can see
where they're looking
Dispatch With: Any gun, hand-to-hand combat, stealth attack
Hired by the Cabal, these are the Agency's foot soldiers. Dressed
from head to toe in urban combat gear, they patrol the Louvre and
the Strahov Fortress and are sent to various locations to do the
Cabal's dirty work. Although they're highly skilled fighters, they tend
to telegraph their movements by shining their flashlights in the
direction that they're looking. As long as you can avoid being seen by
them, you can take them out quickly and quietly with stealth attacks.


Abomination Phase II Leviathan

Located: Bio-Research Facility Located: Bio-Research Facility,
Strengths: Nasty spearlike arms Aquatic Research
Weaknesses: Slow, without
ranged attacks Strengths: Indestructible,
Dispatch With: V-Packer
shotgun, any Weaknesses: Unable to exist
ranged weapon out of water
Dispatch With: N/A
Dripping humanoids drenched in amniotic fluids, these degenerates Remarks
are early specimens in Doctor Grant Muller's continuing mission to Grotesque, as well as powerful, the shark-sized Leviathan is a
create host forms for the coming of the Nephilim. The beasts monster that prowls the waters of the Strahov Fortress. A gaping
stagger around in a state of confusion, homing in on living humans maw sits at the end of its sinewy body and tail, its yellow-and-black
and attempting to swipe them with large, needlelike claws. Back color scheme inflicting a sense of danger before the being attacks.
away from them, and plant well-aimed shots into their hides until If you are in water when you see one, remove yourself as quickly as
they fall. Close combat isn't favored. possible. One speeding thrust and it will lacerate you to death. Stay
on dry land (where the creature cannot follow). Do not move near
Abomination Grub these creatures, and if you are caught near one, swim directly to
the nearest ledge to climb out.
Located: Bio-Research Facility
Strengths: Hardy, quick, low Cabal Soldier
lying, ranged poison
attack Located: Bio-Research Facility
Weaknesses: Easy to avoid Strengths: Excellent endurance,
impressive armor
Dispatch With: Any ranged
weapon Weaknesses: Bulky, witless,
easily duped
Remarks Dispatch With: Kicks or
Abomination Grubs are malformed pupae V-Packer shotgun
from Doctor Muller's more hideous exper-
iments, usually kept in long pods encased Remarks
in a feeding solution. Recently, the The Cabal soldier is a biohazard-suited version of the Agency
creatures (which come in three colors) soldier. However, stealth takedowns from behind are not recom-
have escaped through maintenance mended, as you encounter these guards in large, open
ducts. They attack by spitting brightly environments. Instead, you can use a ranged weapon at distance,
colored, poisonous spores clouds at but the toughness of the Cabal soldiers' protective clothing makes
you, then rolling up to charge. React them hard foes to topple. Kick them to the ground, or off a balcony
by backing off and plugging them ledge, to take them out.
from a few feet away, or move to
higher ground as they cannot climb
stairs. Alternatively, leave them to
their own devices.


Tendril Trunk Sanitarium Zombie

Located: Bio-Research Facility Location: Sanitarium
Strengths: Impervious to Strengths: Freaky looking
weapon fire Weaknesses: Mostly harmless
Weaknesses: Susceptible to Dispatch With: Any gun, hand-
poisoned feed to-hand combat
Dispatch With: Poisoned feed
Remarks Remarks
The vast botanical gardens, tendered lovingly by the psychotic Dr. Kurtis finds these poor devils in the Sanitarium. Kidnapped by the
Grant Muller, are full of countless gigantic flora and fauna. Muller's Cabal and subjected to unholy experiments that destroyed their
experimentation with DNA and the dark arts has yielded intelligent, sanity and humanity, Sanitarium Zombies shuffle along the halls.
but vicious, plant life, which in turn provides valuable test data for Their attacks are limited to slapping at Kurtis with the loose sleeves
the construction of the Nephilim. One of the doctor's more useful of their straightjackets, or biting him with the teeth they've got left.
creations is the Tendril Trunk—a pustule-ridden tree with protruding Do them a favor and put them out of their misery. Shoot them from
appendages that wrap and hold with great force. It cannot be short range to conserve ammunition.
defeated by ordinary ordinance; pump poisoned feed into its trunk
so its tentacles recede. Proto-Nephilim
Carnivorous Horror Location: Sanitarium
Strengths: Fast, vicious,
Located: Bio-Research Facility
incredibly resistant to
Strengths: Close proximity to damage
Weaknesses: Predictable
Weaknesses: None attacks, vulnerable
Dispatch With: N/A to Boran X ammo
Dispatch With: Boran X
Remarks When she shuts off the power to the Maximum Containment Area
Doctor Grant Muller is responsible for in the Strahov Fortress level, Lara inadvertently frees Proto-
testing and perfecting a variety of secret Nephilim, one of the Cabal's most dangerous alchemical exper-
"projects" inside the Bio-Research iments. Resembling a cross between a wolf and a boar, the Proto-
Facility of the Strahov Fortress. Of Nephilim busts out of its chamber and proceeds to devour most of
course, these "projects" often result the staff. Kurtis spends the Sanitarium and Maximum Containment
in mangled creatures too hideous Area levels chasing Proto-Nephilim back to its lair, where he must
not to immediately shoot and ultimately destroy it.
dissect. One of the doctor's pet The Proto-Nephilim's preferred method of attack is to crawl into
projects is a ceiling-dwelling rooms through ventilation ducts and leap out at its startled prey. Not
entity with a gaping maw and a only is it unbelievably fast and possessed of sharp teeth and long
penchant for human flesh. The claws, it's also extremely dexterous, negotiating narrow ledges and
doctor is currently keeping this swinging from pipes with its five-fingered paws. It can also recover
deviant alive as a kind of "guard from severe damage quickly, appearing to rise from the dead, which
dog" more than anything else. This is as psychologically damaging to its prey as it is physically
becomes apparent when Lara witnesses it threatening.
swallow Kristina Boaz whole (thankfully,
Miss Croft doesn't have to fight this form of
the creature). Later, the mutation utilizes
Boaz's DNA and transforms into a frightful
beast (detailed later).


Sanitarium Mutant Kristina Boaz

Location: Sanitarium Location: Boaz Returns
Strengths: Fast, powerful close- Strengths: Incredible stamina,
range attack, usually two attack forms,
found in pairs variety of attacks
Weaknesses: Not bulletproof Weaknesses: Doesn't dodge
Dispatch With: Boran X your attacks
Dispatch With: Boran X
Sanitarium Mutants are Sanitarium Zombies infused with Nephilim Remarks
DNA, endowing them with huge, sharp claws and a terrifying Kristina Boaz is a Cabal scientist who makes the mistake of disap-
bloodlust. They tend to appear out of nowhere and quickly rush you. pointing Eckhardt, resulting in the termination of her employment—
If you don't have your gun drawn when they appear, expect to take and humanity. Fed to the Carnivorous Horror, she is transformed into
some damage before killing them. Fortunately, they're not much a mindless hybrid beast of great power.
more resistant to injury than Sanitarium Zombies, and Kurtis's Boran Kurtis needs to kill Boaz once and for all in the Boaz Returns boss
X pistol dispatches them quickly. fight level. Boaz falls after Kurtis shoots her more than a dozen
times, but she crawls out of the carcass of the Carnivorous Horror
in a new form that has razor-sharp claws, bioelectric energy blasts,
and insectlike wings, which give her great speed and agility. Shoot
her repeatedly to destroy her.


Items and Weapons

Spoiler Warning
Since you're reading a strategy guide, you probably expect
to find some game secrets, and you're absolutely right.
This section tells you about all the items in the game,
where they're found, and what they're used for. However,
Small Health Pack
it also gives away important plot points, so if you don't
want them revealed, don't read this section. These attractive little satchels match
Lara's shoes perfectly and contain
Healing Items enough medication to recover 60
percent of her health energy.
Healing items are found in several locations throughout the course
of the game. They're all stored in the Health subsection of your
Inventory; using them replenishes some of Lara's (or Kurtis's) health
Valuable Items
In the first two Paris levels (Parisian Back Streets and Parisian
Chocolate Bar Ghetto), Lara comes across several items that have only one use—
to be pawned at Rennes' Pawnshop in the Parisian Ghetto. Pawning
Chocolate Bars give Lara a quick burst
the items gives Lara enough Euros to bribe Bernard, Bouchard's
of energy and recover 10 percent of her
doorman, and Luddick later in the game.
health energy.

Health Bandages Antique Doubloons Antique Flintlock

Lara can use Health Bandages to patch

up wounds. Their healing capacity is
limited, but they do restore 40 percent
of her health energy.

Location: Several places in Paris Location: Le Serpent Rouge

(garage locker)
Health Pills
A miracle of modern science, Health Antique Record Diamond Ring
Pills give Lara a quick stamina boost and
recover 20 percent of her health energy.

Large Health Pack

Large Health Packs are among the rarest Location: Le Serpent Rouge Location: Margot Carvier's
health items in the game, but they (dance floor) Apartment (on a small table),
completely refill Lara's health energy, so Parisian Ghetto (metro tunnels)
go out of your way to find them.


Gold Watch Necklace Alchemic Phial #2

Location: Eckhardt's Lab
Purpose: This phial contains alchemically
purified hydrogen and is used with the
other phials to change the toxic elements
in Eckhardt's Lab into pure water.

Location: St. Aicard's Church Location: Parisian Back Streets

(win it from the boxing trainer (in a locked cabinet)
Alchemic Phial #3
by gambling on Carl) Location: Eckhardt's Lab
Vintage Cognac Wad of Cash Purpose: This phial contains alchem-
ically purified salt and is used with the
other phials to change the toxic elements
in Eckhardt's Lab into pure water.

Apartment Key
Location: Derelict Apartment Block (in a
fourth-floor apartment)
Location: Margot Carvier's Location: Several places in Paris
Apartment (in the kitchen), Le Purpose: This key unlocks a second-
Serpent Rouge (two bottles) floor apartment in the Derelict
Apartment Block that contains several
optional but useful items.

Bartender's Key
Mission-Critical Items Location: Café Metro (talk to Pierre)
Mission-critical items must be discovered in order to continue past Purpose: The Bartender's Key gets Lara
certain obstacles. Mission-critical items are almost always unique into Le Serpent Rouge via the stage
items that have only one purpose. entrance.

Air Crystal
Botanical High Access Pass
Location: Breath of Hades
Location: Bio-Research Facility
Purpose: The Air Crystal is used with
(on a guard)
the other three elemental crystals to
activate the elemental furnace in the Hall Purpose: This magnetic card opens
of Seasons. high-security doors in the Bio-Research
Alchemic Phial #1
Location: Eckhardt's Lab Botanical Low Access Pass
Purpose: This phial contains alchem- Location: Bio-Research Facility
ically purified oxygen and is used with (on a guard)
the other phials to change the toxic Purpose: This magnetic card opens
elements in Eckhardt's Lab into pure low-security doors in the Bio-Research
water. Facility.

Botanical Medium Access Pass

Location: Bio-Research Facility
(on a guard)
Purpose: This magnetic card opens
medium-security doors in the Bio-
Research Facility.


Café Owner's Contact Eckhardt's Glove

Location: Café Metro (trade Pierre the Location: Eckhardt's Lab
Trinket Box for it) Purpose: Eckhardt wore this glove as
Purpose: Return to Café Metro with the the Monstrum and used it to leave his
Trinket Box and threaten Pierre to get victims horribly disfigured. Lara takes it
him to exchange the box for the Café from his corpse after killing him at the
Owner's Contact, which has the pass end of the game, then uses it to
code (15328) to the apartment belonging to his ex-girlfriend, energize the chamber with the Sleeper in it.
Francine. Her apartment overlooks St. Aicard's Graveyard; Lara can
use her balcony to enter the graveyard. Ex-Janitor's Key
Carvier's Security Pass Location: Parisian Ghetto (speak
to Bernard in the park and pay him
Location: Louvre Galleries (in Mlle. 160 Euros)
Carvier's office)
Purpose: This key gets Lara into Le
Purpose: Carvier's Security Pass is a Serpent Rouge via the garage entrance.
high-level pass that unlocks any locked
door in the Louvre with a card reader
next to it, including the door to the Explosives
archaeological dig. Location: Rennes' Pawnshop (in the
vault in the back of the shop)
Cellar Key Purpose: Lara plants these on the boiler
at the end of the Louvre Storm Drains to
Location: Monstrum Crimescene (on blast open a passage to the Louvre
Bouchard's corpse) basement.
Purpose: The Cellar Key unlocks a door
in the basement of Vasiley's apartment Farsee Code 06289
that lets Lara return to street level and
Location: Sanitarium (at a locked gate)
proceed to the Strahov Fortress.
Purpose: Kurtis gets this virtual "item"
at a locked gate in the Sanitarium. It's
Crowbar not a physical item, but rather a
Location: Parisian Back Streets (on a reminder of a five-digit code (06289)
rooftop), Louvre Galleries (in a utility that he saw in his vision. This code
closet on the roof) unlocks the door he's standing in front of when he gets the vision.
Purpose: Use the Crowbar to pry
padlocks off a shed on a rooftop in the
Farsee Code 17068
Parisian Back Streets, and off a storage Location: Maximum Security Area (at a
area on the rooftops of the Louvre. locked door)
Purpose: Kurtis gets this virtual "item" at
Earth Crystal a locked cell door in the Maximum
Location: Wrath of the Beast Containment Area. It's not a physical
Purpose: The Earth Crystal is used with item, but rather a reminder of a five-digit
the other three elemental crystals to code (17068) that he saw in his vision.
activate the elemental furnace in the Enter the code at a nearby security console to unlock the cell door.
Hall of Seasons.


Fire Crystal Last Obscura Painting

Location: Sanctuary of Flame Location: Vault of Trophies (behind a
Purpose: The Fire Crystal is used with bookcase)
the other three elemental crystals to Purpose: Without all five Obscura
activate the elemental furnace in the Paintings, Eckhardt can't use their
Hall of Seasons. power to awaken the Sleeper and revive
the Nephilim. Lara's goal is to keep this
final painting out of his hands.
First Ancient Symbol Tracing
Location: The Archaeological Dig (on Lift Maintenance Key
the printer next to the scanner) Location: Derelict Apartment Block (on
Purpose: The First Ancient Symbol the floor of a fourth-floor apartment)
Tracing shows the image of one of the four Purpose: This key allows Lara to
symbols that you need in order to open the access the elevator maintenance area
lock that seals the Tomb of Ancients. on top of the Derelict Apartment Block.
It's an essential item for proceeding to the Industrial Roof Tops.
First Obscura Painting
Location: Tomb of Ancients (during fight Louvre Guard's Key
with Brother Obscura)
Purpose: This is one of the five Obscura Location: Louvre Galleries (on a guard)
Paintings originally created by the Black Purpose: This key unlocks a
Alchemist in the 1400s. Scan the First maintenance room on the rooftops of
Obscura Painting in the Louvre X-ray the Louvre that contains a Crowbar.
room during Galleries Under Siege to see the secret symbol
embedded in it. Lara attempts to keep the painting out of the hands
of Eckhardt and the Cabal, but she doesn't have much luck doing so. Louvre Low Level Security Pass
Location: Louvre Galleries
Gantry Gate Key (on a Louvre Guard)
Location: Parisian Back Streets (on a Purpose: The Louvre Low Level
ledge just below a rooftop) Security Pass allows Lara to temporarily
Purpose: The Gantry Gate Key is deactivate the laser trip wires around
guarded by a Gendarme. You must grab the Mona Lisa, giving her access to the
it to unlock a gate at the end of the ledge air-conditioning vent above it that leads
where it's found in order to progress to to the Louvre rooftops.
the Derelict Apartment Block.
Map of Archaeological Dig
Location: Rennes' Pawnshop (in the
Jackal Walking Stick vault at the back of the shop)
Location: Von Croy’s Apartment (just Purpose: This is an up-to-date map of
behind your starting location) the archaeological digs in progress
Purpose: An ancient cane; Von Croy’s under the Louvre, which Rennes was
favorite, and one with emotional holding for Von Croy. When Lara finds it,
attachment. Check your Notebook. it provides the necessary inspiration for
her to visit the dig site.

Map of Sewers Around Louvre

Last Obscura Engraving Location: Rennes' Pawnshop (in the
Location: Monstrum Crimescene vault at the back of the shop)
(in Vasiley's secret office)
Purpose: This tiny map tells Lara where
Purpose: The fifth and Last Obscura to place the explosives in the Louvre
Engraving contains a hidden map of the Storm Drains that blow open a hole to
location of the Vault of Trophies, which the Louvre basement, getting her inside
contains the Last Obscura Engraving. without having to get past the Gendarmes on the streets.

Rennes' Wallet Second Ancient Symbol Tracing

Location: Rennes' Pawnshop (after Location: The Archaeological Dig (in an
Bouchard's Hideout, at the back of office at the surface level of the dig)
the shop) Purpose: The Second Ancient Symbol
Purpose: Rennes' Wallet lies next to its Tracing shows the image of one of the
late owner after Lara speaks to four symbols you need to open the lock
Bouchard in Bouchard's Hideout. Pick it that seals the Tomb of Ancients.
up and use it in your Inventory to find the Scrap of Paper.
Respirator Location: Eckhardt's Lab
Location: Galleries Under Siege (in Purpose: There are three of these
X-ray room cabinet) crystal Shards. Lara receives two of
Purpose: The Respirator was originally them from Kurtis just prior to the boss
for Louvre staff members to protect fight with Boaz, and she finds the third
themselves from hazardous fumes Shard in Eckhardt's Lab. Eckhardt has a
during the restoration of artworks. But good reason for locking it away in the bowels of Strahov Fortress—
Lara gets two advantages from it. First, it protects her against the these three Shards combined is the only thing that can truly kill him.
gas that the Agency soldiers fire into the Louvre. Second, it gives
her a lower-body upgrade (Upgrade Dash Enable: Lower Body Level Socket Spanner
6) that allows her to dash for short periods of time. Location: Le Serpent Rouge (garage
NOTE You must view the Respirator in your Inventory Purpose: The heavy-duty Socket
and choose "Use" for Lara to actually put the Respirator Spanner activates a switch in the garage
on her face and filter out the gas. entrance of Le Serpent Rouge. The
switch activates a dumbwaiter and
draws the attention of a guard, who enters the garage to investigate.
He unlocks the door to the dance floor, allowing you to enter it.
Scrap of Paper
Location: Rennes' Pawnshop (in Rennes' Stage Door Key
Wallet) Location: Le Serpent Rouge (stage
Purpose: The Scrap of Paper in Rennes' entrance)
Wallet contains the five-digit code Purpose: The Stage Door Key unlocks
(14529) required to open the vault at the the door between the club's stage
back of the pawnshop. entrance and its dance floor.

Sanitarium Low Access Pass Strahov Assistant's Pass

Location: Maximum Containment Area Location: Sanitarium
(on the corpse of a guard) (on a researcher's body)
Purpose: This pass unlocks a door in Purpose: This magnetic key card opens
the Maximum Containment Area. the door to the Sanitarium kitchen, which
allows Kurtis to open a door that leads
Sanitarium Medium Access Pass into the Maximum Containment Area.
Location: Maximum Containment Area
(on the corpse of a guard) Strahov High Security Pass
Purpose: This pass unlocks the door to Location: Strahov Fortress (on an
the fight with the Proto-Nephilim in the Agency soldier)
Maximum Containment Area. Purpose: The Strahov High Security
Pass opens the door to the power room,
which allows Lara to disarm all of the
Strahov security systems and proceed to
the Bio-Research Facility.


Strahov Low Security Pass Wad of Passports

Location: Strahov Fortress (on an Location: Bouchard's Hideout (speak
Agency soldier) politely to Bouchard to get them)
Purpose: The Strahov Low Security Purpose: Bouchard needs someone to
Pass opens a door that allows Lara to deliver a handful of fake passports to
proceed deeper into Strahov Fortress. Rennes' Pawnshop, but the Monstrum
has left him with a lack of capable
couriers. If Lara delivers them for him, she'll earn Rennes' trust.
Ticket Office Key
Location: Le Serpent Rouge (control Water Crystal
room above dance floor)
Location: Neptune's Hall
Purpose: This old steel key unlocks
Purpose: The Water Crystal is used with
the door to the ticket office in Le Serpent
the other three elemental crystals to
activate the elemental furnace in the Hall
of Seasons.
Trinket Box
Location: Le Serpent Rouge (in a
nonfunctioning light above the
dance floor) All of the weapons you find in the game are firearms, and each has
Purpose: Bernard and Pierre both want its own unique form of ammunition. A weapon without ammo is
the Trinket Box, each claiming that the useless. Some weapons have more than one type of ammunition;
box is his. If you give it to either one, select "Ammo" on the Weapons section of the inventory to equip
they'll give you something that will get you into St. Aicard's different types of ammo for the weapon.
Graveyard. You can also give it (and 800 Euros) to Bouchard's
doorman to enter the graveyard. Boran X

Vasiley Full Fax

Location: Monstrum Crimescene (in
Vasiley's secret office)
Purpose: This fax from Vasiley to Mlle.
Carvier contains the five-digit code
(31597) to open the vault behind the Boran X Boran X Ammo
painting that contains the Last Obscura
Location: Kurtis is always equipped with this weapon
Ammo Type: Boran X Ammo
Von Croy's Notebook Rate of Fire: Semiautomatic
Location: Margot Carvier's Apartment Employed by: Kurtis Trent
Purpose: Werner Von Croy gave Wielded: Single handed
Margot Carvier his notebook for
The Boran X is a unique pistol created by Kurtis Trent, and it is the
safekeeping shortly before his untimely
only weapon he can use. Although it's semiautomatic, it fires as
demise. It contains all of the information
fast as you can press the button, and it's extremely powerful,
he accumulated regarding the Obscura
especially at close range. Kurtis begins his Sanitarium level with
Paintings, the Nephilim, and the various shady characters he came
plenty of ammo, and he finds more as he goes, so don't be shy
across prior to his death. Lara will need his information to complete
about using this weapon.
her quest. If Lara is honest and polite to Mlle. Carvier, she'll get Von
Croy's Notebook in Margot Carvier's Apartment.


Dart SS Location: Parisian Back Streets (in a locked shed on a rooftop),

Parisian Ghetto (taken from fallen Le Serpent Rouge guards)
Ammo Type: M-V9 Clip (12-round clips)
Rate of Fire: Semiautomatic
Employed by: Lara Croft
Wielded: Single handed
Dart SS Dart SS Tranq Darts The M-V9 is Lara's first and most basic weapon. A commonly-used
weapon by Parisian street thugs, it is easy to conceal and has a
Location: Rennes' Pawnshop (in a locked vault at the rear of the store) fairly quick rate of fire. It doesn't have much stopping power at a
Ammo Type: Dart SS Tranq Darts (four-dart packs) distance, but it's a deadly weapon when used up close. Most of
Bouchard's Le Serpent Rouge guards carry these weapons, so you
Rate of Fire: Single shot
don't lack for M-V9 Clips in the club.
Employed by: Lara Croft
Wielded: Single handed Mag Vega
The Dart SS is the ultimate in non-lethal stealth weaponry. Although
its range is limited, and ammunition for the Dart SS is rare, the gun
makes almost no sound when fired, and a successful shot drops
your target almost instantly with no alarm raised. Use it only when
you absolutely cannot afford to be detected.

K2 Impactor Mag Vega Mag Vega Clip

Location: Galleries Under Siege (on Agency soldier)

Ammo Type: Mag Vega Clip (30-round clips)
Rate of Fire: Single shot, semiautomatic, and full auto
Employed by: Lara Croft

K2 Impactor K2 Impactor Battery Wielded: Two handed

This baby is possibly Lara's best all-around weapon. It fires a lethal
Location: Rennes' Pawnshop (in a locked vault at the rear of the store) hail of 9mm lead at a blazing rate of fire, it's got a generous 30-shot
Ammo Type: K2 Impactor Battery (3-charge power packs) clip, and it's extremely accurate at long distances. Considering that
just about every Agency soldier Lara takes out in the Strahov
Rate of Fire: Single shot
Fortress leaves behind ammunition for the Mag Vega, there's no
Employed by: Lara Croft reason not to go hog wild with it when storming the Cabal's lair.
Wielded: Single handed
Rigg 09
The K2 Impactor is great for non-lethal self-defense. Used by the
Louvre guards to discourage intruders, it sends 50,000 volts into a
target within 21 feet, shocking him or her into unconsciousness.
However, it's not at all effective at long ranges, and batteries for it
are few and far between.

Rigg 09 Rigg 09 Clip

Location: Von Croy's Apartment

Ammo Type: Rigg 09 Clip (9-round clips)
Rate of Fire: Single shot
Employed by: Lara Croft
M-V9 M-V9 Clip
Wielded: Single handed


We don't want to disparage the Rigg 09. Back in the day, it might Vector-R35
have been a reliable sidearm, but that day was years ago. This
single-action 9mm pistol is incredibly inaccurate at distances, and
it probably has more value as an antique than it does as a
weapon. Pick it up as a backup weapon, but it should be used only
as a last resort.

Scorpion X
Vector-R35 Vector-R35 Ammo

Location: Derelict Apartment Block (in a locked second-floor

apartment), Von Croy's Apartment (second R-35 dropped by the
Ammo Type: Vector-R35 Clip (9-round clips)
Rate of Fire: Semiautomatic
Scorpion X Scorpion X Clip
Employed by: Lara Croft
Location: Strahov Fortress (interrogation room) Wielded: Single handed
Ammo Type: Scorpion X Clip (30-round clips) A punchy weapon with excellent penetration power, the Vector-R35
Rate of Fire: Full auto is a fine pistol for any tomb-raiding adventuress. It's best when used
Employed by: Lara Croft at short ranges. There aren't many of the 9-round Vector-R35 Clips
lying around, though, so save this bad boy for special occasions.
Wielded: Single handed
Once you face the Cleaner in Von Croy's Apartment, you can pick up
The Scorpion X machine pistol is one of the most versatile weapons in
the R-35 that he drops and turn Lara into a double-fisted engine of
Lara's arsenal. With a 30-round clip and fully automatic fire, Lara can
vengeance. Not only does wielding a pair of Vector R-35s double her
squeeze off a volley of rounds single-handedly. Designed as a medium-
rate of fire, she can also shoot at two different enemies simultaneously.
range weapon, the Scorpion X doesn't lose much accuracy at long
ranges, and it's not too unwieldy to use at point-blank range either. Viper SMG

Viper SMG Viper SMG Clip

V-Packer V-Packer Spread Cartridges Location: Von Croy's Apartment (dropped by the Cleaner)
Location: Tomb of Ancients Ammo Type: Viper SMG Clip (70-round clips)
Ammo Types: V-Packer Spread Rate of Fire: Full auto, semiautomatic
Cartridges (25-shell boxes), Employed by: Lara Croft
V-Packer Standard Cartridges Wielded: Two handed
(25-shell boxes)
The Viper SMG is guaranteed to take your breath away, as well as
Rate of Fire: Single shot V-Packer Standard Cartridges
the breath of anyone who so much as looks at you funny. With a
Employed by: Lara Croft 70-round clip and a blistering rate of fire, the Viper is ideal for taking
Wielded: Two handed out troublesome enemies—by the platoon. It's very accurate at long
range, but it's too big to wield effectively at short range.
The V-Packer pump-action 12-bore shotgun is Lara's best short-
range weapon. While it's almost useless from a distance, the
V-Packer takes out just about any enemy with one or two shots at
close range. Using the Spread Cartridges shortens the weapon's
already limited range, but it improves its accuracy, as the shot flies
in a wider arc. The weapon's only disadvantages are its fairly short
range and slow reload times.


Parisian Back Streets

Escaping Paris's elite police
units, Lara finds herself in a

gloomy alley. The only way out
• Rottweiler
is up. You'll quickly learn
• Gendarme
some of Miss Croft's most
useful maneuvers, and the


reason why the Walk • Crowbar
button is crucial. You'll • Necklace
climb up to a second • Gantry Gate Key
balcony, up a ladder, pause to ransack an apartment, then

work your way onto an apartment roof. Here lies a Crowbar AVAILABLE UPGRADES
(useful for locating your first weapon and for powering up your • Upgrade Grip: Upper Body Level 2
arms). You then a shimmy to a balcony, execute a stealth attack on A brief wrestle with a Crowbar to open a
a policeman, and descend to the nearby apartment courtyard. padlocked roof hut results in increased arm
strength—perfect for hanging and shimmying!

After landing in a dank Parisian

alley, Miss Croft must complete The ground floor alley houses a
one overriding task—locate and tethered Rottweiler. Ignore it, or
rendezvous with Margot Carvier. use the Action button to kick it
Her apartment is over a number until it keels over. A door at the
of rooftops, and your backpack is end of the alley is locked.
being chewed by an overzealous
Rottweiler. You need weapons
and items first, as well as a plan
to stay out of the shadows.
Climb onto the bin in the corner,
NOTE With the Gendarme near the "Martin Meallet" door. Turn
on your tail, make sure you right and jump to grab the balcony.
aren't spotted; otherwise, Pull yourself up. Once you're
you'll be at the receiving standing on the balcony, take a
end of a French baton. Stay look at the gap in front of you.
stealthy if you see the police
in your vicinity.
Run to the edge of the gap and
jump it (with the Jump button).
You can even make it from a
Walk forward, following Lara's stationary position. Once on the
maneuvering advice, and step other side of the gap, move past
under the door marked "Martin the door with the round window
Meallet" to pick up the Chocolate in it, to the ladder, and continue
Bar (an energy boost). The door along to a sealed gate. You
in front of you is locked. Turn and cannot progress further.
investigate the alley.


Exit the apartment, back onto the

Before you climb the ladder, balcony, and climb up the
there's a Large Health Pack on second ladder riveted to the wall.
the doorstep of the door you At the top, turn right and step
slammed behind you just before onto the balcony. The door next
this adventure began. to you is locked.

Reach this item by running, then

leaping over the railing and
across the alley. Land on the Follow the wooden ledge so you
other side of the metal door and can see the opposite rooftop.
pick up the Large Health Pack. Claim the second set of Antique
Leap down to the alley, or across Doubloons to the left of the gap,
to the balcony railing, back to then position yourself at the
the ladder. edge and jump.

TIP Keep falling off? Then make sure your Walk button is
pressed firmly when you're on a platform you want to stay
on. This saves you countless minutes of accidental You land on the jutting roof of the
plummeting. opposite building. Turn left, then
walk to the railing and stop. Push
forward to vault over the rail to a
small balcony next to a witch's
hat roof. Take the Chocolate Bar.

Leap over the railing and back

onto the roof ledge. Walk forward
to the end of the ledge and make
a right turn. Lara tells you about
the "hop" jump (a jump with the
The only way to gain entrance to the Derelict Apartment Block Walk button held down). This is
involves the ladder climb. great for leaping across
Climb the ladder, move left onto the upper balcony, and walk around treacherous terrain, but make
until you see a second ladder and the open window. sure you're facing the ledges to
your right before you launch.
Enter the empty apartment and
ransack the cupboards. You find a With the Walk button held down,
Wad of Cash in a cabinet, a move across the ledge, over the
Chocolate Bar in a drawer, and wooden plank, and walk into the
Antique Doubloons on the ground drainpipe so you grab hold of it.
near the bed (walk to the As you climb, maneuver the
camera). The armoire is locked camera to look right so you can
and requires a Crowbar to open see where you need to go.
it. Return with a Crowbar and
obtain the Necklace.


Return to the roof ledge where

At the top of the drainpipe, make you grabbed the Crowbar, drop
sure Lara moves to the right and onto it, then jump and grab the
grabs the rooftop ledge. Her grip roof. Shimmy to the left, quickly.
is failing, so quickly shimmy to If you're quick enough (and
the right until the pattern of the received your Upper Body
wall changes. Then press Action upgrade), you'll have enough
or let her drop onto the tile roof. strength to drop and land on the
other side of a locked gate.
Remember to return for the
Watch out. Even walking on this
Necklace inside the cupboard
tile roof can cause you to slide
before you start the shimmy, or
off the edge to your death.
you won't be able to return for it.
Instead, turn right and grab the
roof ledge. Shimmy to the right, The gate is your next area of
around the corner, and pull interest; it requires a key to open.
yourself up onto the roof of the Press the Stealth button, then the
apartment building. Action button, and hug the wall.
Carefully edge left and peer
As the crows flap away, climb around the corner. There's a
and walk on the roof. You pass a Gendarme guarding the walkway
locked hut to your right (you must ahead. Creep around the corner.
open the door with a Crowbar), as Continue with your stealth stoop,
well as the large scaffolding moving past the Gantry Gate Key
holding the water supply for the that Lara spies and up the three
apartment. Follow the instructions steps to position yourself behind
for moving the barrel away from the guard. Quickly press the
the edge of the roof. Action button, and Lara grabs the
Gendarme by the neck, flips
around, and brings him to the
Head to the gap in the wire fence
ground with a knockout punch.
diagonally opposite the area of
the roof where you started. Peer You can simply take the Gate Key
over the edge to spy a Crowbar without bothering with the guard
on a roof ledge below. Drop with (as long as you're stealthy). Don't
the Action button to claim it, wander up to him nonchalantly,
then jump back onto the roof. or he'll swing around, draw his
pistol, and force you to engage in
You can now move to the hut combat, ending your rooftop
atop the roof and force the lock escapades. Take the key and
with the Crowbar. Lara feels return to the gate.
stronger (Upgrade Grip: Upper
Body Level 2) when the door
opens. Inside are a couple of Unlock the gate and watch your
barrels and a red cabinet. Open step. Sidestep onto the long
the cabinet and take the M-V9 ladder and descend it. Ignore the
9mm semiautomatic. lower balcony and drop to the
NOTE Don't get too cocky with this new weapon yet,
Miss Croft. There's no ammunition for it.


Derelict Apartment Block

The race is on! After moving a
wardrobe to impede the oncoming

forces, Lara climbs to the central ENTITIES ENCOUNTERED
elevator landing. As she descends, • Gendarme
there are numerous obstacles to • Gendarme Riot Soldiers (x2)
avoid, such as a small hole in the


stairs, a larger landing gap, and • Lift Maintenance Key
a wardrobe that needs yanking • Apartment Key
out of her path. Once at the top


of the landing, she shoves a crate in place to leap to the elevator
maintenance room, where two keys of interest are found. One key • Upgrade Push Object: Upper Body Level 3
opens the exit onto the roof, while the other unlocks a lower Using a little legwork and pushing power to
apartment. Switching the lift on, she rides it down, taking care not maneuver a crate at the top of the stairs, Lara
to descend too far into enemy territory, and claims some more can now shoulder certain doors open.
regular items. Then it's back to ascending to the roof.

A team of special French police

TIP It's best not to punch a
agents and a helicopter corner
heavily armed Frenchman,
Lara, but she quickly kicks open
let alone a policeman with
the building door and slams it
backup. Lara will auto-
shut behind her. The police try to
surrender if the police draw
break open the door, but Lara
a weapon. Avoid them; do
quickly strengthens it with a
not engage.
metal beam. It'll hold—for now.

Now in the abandoned Cross the landing, around the

apartment building, you can turn elevator entrance (which isn't
and pull the green wardrobe next functioning). The locked door is
to the door so that it blocks the the entrance to Apartment 21,
door. Hopefully, this will stave off which you'll return to in a few
your French foes for a little minutes. For now, run around the
while. Climb the stairs. corner, and jump over the gap in
the stairs.

Make sure you leap the gap, as

the Gendarme is on your tail.
Continue to climb the steps until
you reach the next floor's
landing. Falling masonry tears
through the remaining flooring
just ahead of you, leaving a
gaping hole and bursting gas
pipes in the walls.
The police kick through the
barricades, and while two riot
guards lob in tear gas from the
You can leap over the gaping
door, a third Gendarme runs in
hole in the floor, grabbing the
after you. Continue with your
opposite side of the hole if you
progress to the landing above.
come up short. Check the next
Ignore the boarded-up doors to
alcove for Health Pills.
your left, and continue running
around the elevator.


Instead, move to the wardrobe Enter the elevator, picking a floor

blocking the continuation of the (choose any except one or zero,
stairs. Pull the wardrobe out, as the police are patrolling the
then run around it, up the steps, lower sections). Exit and
and to the next landing. Here descend until you're back at the
you'll find a Small Health Pack large hole in the landing. Leap
and a door that you can actually the hole, and move to the
open, although you have to apartment door (the only other
shoulder-barge it to enter the one not boarded up.
room beyond.
Use the Apartment Key to open
You enter Apartment 31B with a the door, and go through the
renewed sense of vigor (Upgrade desk and wardrobe. The
Pull/Push: Upper Body Level 2). wardrobe holds Health Bandages,
Ransack the place, opening the while the top desk drawers on
wardrobes to reveal V-Packer either side of the smashed chair
Spread Cartridges and a K2 yield a Chocolate Bar and a Large
Impactor Battery. Then go back Health Pack. Pocket these and
into the elevator landing. head upward.
Move to the top of the elevator
Sprint around the landing, collect
landings again, either using the
the Health Bandages, and head up
lift or leaping across the crate
the steps. If you turn right, you
once more. Head for the blue
reach an impassable blockade of
steel door that is opened with
beams, mattresses, and other
the Lift Maintenance Key, and
assorted debris. Move to the
step onto the rooftops. Make
small landing between the two
sure you've picked up all desired
sets of steps with the crate on it.
items first.

Pull the crate back, then run

around and push it to the top of
the lower set of stairs. Don't
worry; it won't fall down the
stairs. Now climb onto the crate
and look ahead.

Leap and grab the railing above

you, pull yourself over, and alight
on the top floor landing. From
here, you can inspect a door with
a semicircular window above it
(locked permanently) and the
other side of the barricade. Now
open the sliding door.

You enter the elevator

maintenance room. On the
ground is a Lift Maintenance Key,
and on the wall hook of keys is
the Apartment Key. Pick both of
these up, then activate the
heavy, green lever that winches
the elevator to the top floor.


Industrial Roof Tops

Once on the roof, Lara proceeds by
climbing onto the rooftops, shimmies

across a wire (flipping her legs to ENTITIES ENCOUNTERED
avoid a mesh wall), and reaches the • Police Helicopter
other side, hopefully before she • Rottweiler
runs out of grip. Once across the

buildings, Lara needs to descend • There are no critical items to locate on this level.
to the grimy streets below to

shove a heavy crate near a AVAILABLE UPGRADES
flaming barrel. With this new-found strength, she can leap across the • Upgrade Jump Level: Lower Body Level 2
interior of a warehouse, winding her away across gantries and fire- Pushing a large crate with a generator inside it
escapes to a rooftop near Margot Carvier's apartment. Note that there may not seem like a rewarding exercise
are two ways across this roof once the crate is shoved, depending on (especially when under chopper fire), but the
whether you exit off the main ladder or not. workout does allow Lara to leap further.

Now on the roof, the only way to TIP If Lara starts to drop before you reach the other roof,
continue is to leap onto the metal steer her to the foreground or the left roof, and as she
ledge and up the ladder to the slides, press the Action button so she grabs the gutter of
upper roof ledge. Carefully the roof. If you're quick enough, you can shimmy left to
position yourself under the the metal platform between the two buildings.
electrical wire (use the Walk
button), and before you begin
Shrug off the machine-gun fire and
your shimmy, save your game.
run around the right side of the
stacked boxes, picking up the
As you move hand-over-hand, Health Bandages. Bring the
with only slippery wire and the camera around so you're looking
rain separating you from a 200- down the gap in the fence at the
foot plummet, the French left rooftop. Slowly, walk down the
authorities' helicopter appears and narrow gripped strip of roofing.
circles you. Don't get rattled—
keep moving hand-over-hand.
If you stray off this strip, you'll
slide down the roof. Grab the
Lara comes to a jutting wire gutter to avoid a deadly fall
fence that blocks her legs. (Action button), then shimmy to
Immediately swing her legs up the metal platform between the
and continue moving along the two buildings. This is where you
wire. You must continue to hold should aim for eventually.
the Duck button, or Lara will drop
to her hand-over-hand pose and
With careful treading, you can
waste valuable time.
walk down the roof, then jump
across to the small, flat rooftop
Continue to shimmy until you balcony on the other side (you
reach the narrow rooftop on the can't grab the side of it if you fall
other side. If you lose your grip short). Duck on all fours, enter
and fall on your way to this the open crate, and secure the
rooftop, Lara will slide down the Health Bandages inside.
roof to a nasty demise.


Turn around, drop between the You can run into the main alley
roofs, and enter the metallic area, but all directions are
door to the next building (the one blocked by mesh fences with
you stood on to claim the Health barbed wire at the top. These
Bandages inside the crate). Or cannot be accessed. You can run
you can stand atop the second along the alley below the ledge
building, slide onto the skylight, between warehouses one and
and fall through it into the two; there's a Large Health Pack
second building. at the far end.

If you fall through the skylight, When you're finished lurking

you can't run through the claus- about, return to the crate with
trophobic passages to the main the generator in it and rest. Push
room. On the ground are Antique the crate toward the broken
Doubloons. Enter the main room ladder near the locked doors to
and locate the M-V9 Clip (12 the third warehouse. Push it until
shots) in one corner and it hits the immovable barrel.
Chocolate Bar on the chest. Move to the other side and finish
pushing the crate.

Lara exclaims that her legs are

Kick open the next metal door to now sturdier (Upgrade Jump:
find yourself between two more Lower Body Level 2). She can
warehouse buildings. Ahead of now leap the gap in the third
you is a metal door and a ladder warehouse. Either run around to
riveted to the side of the third the half-open garage door and
building. climb up inside the warehouse, or
stand on the crate you just
pushed, jump, and grab the
Climb down and drop off the end ladder. Climb it to the ledge you descended from earlier.
of the ladder. There's no point in
You now have two choices on
entering the interior of the
how to exit this area. One is via
warehouse, as you'll reach a ledge
the rooftops, and the other is
halfway down the warehouse that
through the interior of the third
you can't jump across yet.
warehouse. The interior method is
Instead, drop down by the flaming
detailed first (enter the
barrel and turn right.
warehouse door instead of
continuing up the ladder).

Method #1: Warehouse Workout

Once inside the warehouse,
move to the lower-level ledge.
This is done in one of two ways.
The first involves a heavy landing
and a slight health loss. Turn left,
walk down the steps to the
Run along the passage, around a corner, broken edge of the walkway, and
and pick up an M-V9 Clip. Two thirds of the drop to the floor below.
way down this alley is a mesh fence that
can be scaled (jump vertically). It is near
the half-open garage door leading to the
base of the warehouse you need to leap
across. On the other side is a vicious
Rottweiler. Ignore the Rottweiler.


The other way is to turn right, Clamber onto the very top perch
hang off the broken walkway, of the third warehouse, claim the
then shimmy to the drainpipe. V-Packer Spread Cartridges,
Once on the drainpipe, shimmy to worry a crow, then turn and slide
the lower ledge. Drop to the floor, down toward a final set of
pick up the Large Health Pack at rooftops. There are Health Pills at
the base of the drainpipe, and the left side of the flash gutters
shimmy back to the lower ledge. between the two buildings.

Climb on the ledge, and attempt Run right, along the flash gutters,
a running jump over the gap with to the ladder up to a final rooftop
Lara's now-strengthened legs. area. Once at the top, turn right,
Use Action to grab the ledge on ignoring the machine-gun fire,
the other side if you fall short. and look ahead. There's a gap in
Pull yourself up to a walkway on the railing and a drop between
your left where you can snag the buildings. Run and jump the
V-Packer Spread Cartridges. drop. Don't fall!
Jump the gap in the walkway
over the ladder, and open the Land on the roof of the opposite
metal door on the far side. Run building (the gap you leapt was
down the enclosed corridor, directly above the alley where you
ignoring the sealed door on your pushed the crate to the broken
left, and open the one to the ladder), and run around the left
right. You're on a tiny ledge side of the hut to obtain more
overlooking a fire escape. There's Antique Doubloons. Now make
a drop to the passage where the your escape to Margot Carvier.
Rottweiler is.
Leap the gap, then descend the
fire escape, ignoring the doors but
grabbing the Antique Doubloons
at the end of the ledge. Retrace
your steps to the top of the
structure, open the door, and
climb the small interior ladder to
emerge inside a hut. Open the
door; you're on the final rooftop.

Method #2: All Along the Rooftops

The other way to exit this area is
to continue up the ladder, past
the entrance to the warehouse,
and onto the roof of the third
building. When you reach the
water barrel ledge, run around
and climb a second ladder next
to the barrel.

NOTE You can climb this area and exit this zone without
dropping down or moving into the interior of the third
warehouse. However, it is wise not to, as you won't get
your increased Jump skill if you miss the pushing of the
crate on the ground.


Margot Carvier's Apartment

At Margot Carvier's apartment, you'll find that

the Mademoiselle gives you a rather chilly ENTITIES ENCOUNTERED
reception. The conversation becomes strained • Margot Carvier
as Carvier realizes that not only was Lara at the • Gendarme Riot Soldiers (x2)
scene of Von Croy's grisly demise, but she

cannot account for her actions during that time! CRITICAL ITEMS TO LOCATE
• Von Croy's Notebook
To Carvier, Croft is the prime suspect, and Lara
• Diamond Ring
must employ a mixture of cunning and
• Vintage Cognac
persuasion before Carvier hands over Von Croy's

Notebook. There's just enough time after the conversation ends for Lara to search

the apartment, taking a couple of items that will fetch a good price, then escape • There are no available upgrades on this level.
through an open window before the police arrive.

With only a 20-foot jump Fearing he was being stalked,

between her and a military Werner left a package with
helicopter, Lara takes the risk and Carvier in case something
leaps across to grab a piece of happened to him—a Notebook.
gutter. It can't take the impact After Lara explains what
and tears off the wall, taking Lara happened, Carvier either is too
with it and plunging her into a shocked to give you the book, or
dunpster. is bewildered and frightened
enough to hand it over before
she disappears.
Emerging bruised but nearing her
goal of locating Mademoiselle In order to retrieve Werner Von
Carvier's apartment, Lara Croy's Notebook, you must be
retrieves the address from her truthful and a little firm with
back pocket, notes it, and walks Mademoiselle Carvier. Make sure
to the flats nearby. Carvier's that your conversation ends with
buzzer sounds. She lets Lara in to you telling her you were a good
explain herself. friend of Werner, and firmly
suggest that the Notebook be
handed your way.
NOTE The conversation between Lara and Mademoiselle Carvier then abruptly departs her
Carvier has two different outcomes. Therefore, save the
apartment, leaving you with Von
game just before completing Industrial Roof Tops so you
Croy's Notebook and only a
can be sure to obtain the better outcome.
minute to check the place for
valuables before the French
police find you. Snag the
Lara and Carvier talk curtly. It Diamond Ring on the small table
seems Werner feared for his life in the corner of the room, near
and in recent weeks had been the fish tank.
babbling about a commission from
a client named Eckhardt. The
NOTE The content of Von Croy's Notebook is revealed in
research was on five medieval
“Lara’s Notebook” at the end of this guide.
Obscura Paintings said to be linked
to Alchemy and the Dark Arts.


Head into the kitchen, taking the Exit to the hallway to the right of
Vintage Cognac by the sink. If the fireplace, and pass the
Carvier didn’t hand you the potted plant on the side drawer.
Notebook, it appears in the Open the door, and you'll
cupboard on the right. Venture automatically run to a window,
back into the living room and leap out of it, and flee into the
open the ornate desk drawer for night. You seek sanctuary and
Health Pills. The doors in the refuge. You'll find it in the
room are firmly locked. Parisian Ghetto.

Parisian Ghetto
Having been chased relentlessly through the back streets of Paris, Lara finds herself in the Parisian
Ghetto, a hub level with several smaller areas in it. Life is cheap here, but the information that Lara needs
about Von Croy's death is very expensive. You must recover a valuable item from Le Serpent Rouge, a
club owned by crime lord Louis Bouchard. You must then deliver it to one of Bouchard's ex-employees in
order to gain access to St. Aicard's Graveyard, which is the secret entrance to Bouchard's Hideout. If you
play your cards right, Bouchard will take Lara into his confidence and share some valuable information in
exchange for her services.

• Hobo (x2) • Zak, a boxer
• Enterprising young salesman • Carl, a boxer
• Mysterious motorcyclist • Boxer (unnamed)
(Kurtis Trent) • Boxing trainer
• Janice, a streetwalker • Pierre, an ex-bartender
• Bernard, an ex-janitor
• Rottweiler
• Bouchard's doorman


• Bartender's Key • Café Owner's Contact (upon
• Ex-Janitor's Key returning the Trinket Box)
• Gold Watch

• Upgrade Jump: Lower Body 2
If you didn't get this in the previous chapter, you can
power-up Lara's legs by pulling or pushing the stone altar
in St. Aicard's Church.


After Lara's daring escape from

the local Gendarmes, she winds Face the metro car and jump to
up in an abandoned metro car in grab the edge of the roof, then
the seedy Parisian Ghetto. Exit pull yourself up.
the metro car through the only
open door.

Make a U-turn after leaving the Crawl under the pipes that run
metro car, and approach the two over the metro car's roof to get
hoboes near the train. Press the the Large Health Pack, then crawl
Action button to strike up a back under the pipes.
conversation with them.
The hoboes either don't know

Bouchard, or they don't feel like

sharing any information. The only
advice they offer is that you visit Walk toward the vertical strip of
the Café Metro in the Place fencing that leads up from the
d'Arcade. The owner might have top of the metro car. Lara
some information to share. After automatically climbs the fencing.
finishing the conversation, it's
time to get out of the abandoned
metro tunnel. Climb up the fencing until you
reach the top of the large pipe
you crawled under, then pull
yourself up onto the grating above
it. From here, speak to a young
Climb onto the broken section of "salesman" near the exit, or take a
pipe next to the metro car. quick detour for an optional secret
(see sidebar).

Want Some Candy, Little Girl?

Now make a second jump in the
From the top of the same direction and press the
large pipe, turn toward Action button in mid-air to grab
the hobos below you, the ledge in front of you. Shimmy
run toward the edge of along the ledge to the right.
the grating, and jump
just before you run off.
Press the Action button
in the air to grab the lip Shimmy around the corner of
of another grating above large pipe. Pull yourself up the ledge and pull yourself up
onto it. through a hole in the fence
above you. There's a Chocolate
Bar on this ledge.


Walk to the other end of the

grating to find a hole in the fence Janice
that runs around the perimeter of
the tunnel. Jump through the
hole to land safely on a dirt

There's a young fellow waiting

next to a door near where you
just landed. If you speak to him,
he tries to get Lara to buy some Standing in front of Le Janice isn't happy to see
of his illicit wares. Lara asks for Serpent Rouge is Janice, a Lara approach, figuring that
information about Bouchard “lady of the night,” with she probably isn't a
instead. The man tells Lara that information to share. prospective client. However,
she's looking for some dangerous if you say the right things,
information. Janice will provide you with
He also mentions that Paris is valuable clues.
being stalked by a serial killer
TIP To get the maximum amount of useful info from
dubbed "the Monstrum." No one
Janice, make the following choices in conversation
in Paris is safe from the
with her.
Monstrum's grisly murders, even
Bouchard. Bouchard, it turns • "Have you worked in this neighborhood for long?"
out, runs a club called "Le
Serpent Rouge," but he's been • "Oh? Trouble?"
having some trouble with his • "What makes this café owner so unlucky?"
staff. Many have been murdered, and the killings have shaken the
normally unflappable Bouchard. Like the hoboes, the young man
suggests that Lara visit the Café Metro. Once you've finished talking Janice says that Bouchard
to the young man, enter the Parisian Ghetto proper through the door had to leave Le Serpent
right next to him. Rouge after the murders at
the club, and he's lying low
NOTE It doesn't matter which choices you make during for the time being. She
your dialogue with the young man; you get the same infor- doesn't know where he is,
mation regardless. but if he's trying not to be
found, he won't be easy to
contact. No one knows
Lara's ultimate goal is to find why Bouchard has been targeted, and the Monstrum has
Louis Bouchard, and to do that everyone too afraid to discuss the matter openly.
she must retrieve an object from
She tells Lara about two
Le Serpent Rouge, Bouchard's
men who used to work at
club. The front entrance to the
Le Serpent Rouge. The first
club is just to your right as you
is the club's former janitor,
enter the ghetto streets, but the
Bernard, who can be found
doors are firmly shut and sealed.
in the park. The second is
You must find a way into the
Pierre, a former bartender
club; you should also visit several other areas of the Parisian Ghetto
at the club, who now runs
before going in.
Café Metro. Apparently,
Bouchard held back money or other valuables from Pierre.
Janice then drops a bombshell on Lara. She just heard on
the radio that Mlle. Carvier was murdered. There are a lot
of sickos on the streets.


Willowtree Herbalist
The church isn't being used as a
The Willowtree Herbalist is a small house of worship anymore. It's
shop specializing in medicinal been turned into a gym,
herbs and other beneficial flora. complete with heavy bags and a
Although its proprietor keeps to boxing ring. Two boxers spar as
himself, no one who lives or works their burly trainer looks on.
in the Parisian Ghetto can be
ignorant of Bouchard's ever-
present influence.
Appropriately enough, Lara can
strengthen her legs in this church
After speaking with Janice, run turned gymnasium. Push the
down the street past Le Serpent white stone altar at the front of
Rouge, take a left when it ends, the church to improve Lara's
and head uphill until you reach a lower-body strength. This
walkway to the right. Make a enhances her jumping distance.
U-turn onto that walkway and
enter the door to the Willowtree If Lara has 200 Euros, she can
Herbalist at the end of it. bet on the fighters in the ring.
Approach the hefty trainer as he
The elderly Asian proprietor observes the boxers, and press
doesn't know Bouchard, but he Action to talk to him. After a bit
shares what little information he of sassy talk, Lara convinces the
has with Lara. He knows that trainer to bet his watch against
there is a doorman nearby who her cash. Pick a fighter (Zak or
serves as Bouchard's bodyguard. Carl), and the fight begins. If you
If Lara had enough money and choose wisely, Lara wins the trainer's pawnable Gold Watch. If not,
the proper password, the she's 200 Euros lighter. Either way, you can only bet once.
bodyguard might take her to
NOTE Unfortunately, neither one of the fighters is a sure
Bouchard. The herbalist doesn't know the password, nor does he
bet to win the fight. You’ve got a 50-50 chance of winning!
know who might have it.

St. Aicard's Church The Doorman

This church-turned-gym doesn't Bouchard's doorman guards

hold many answers for Lara, but the entrance to St. Aicard's
if she knows what she's doing, Graveyard. To get past him,
she can get a lower-body you need one of the
strength upgrade and a Gold following items:
Watch to pawn at Rennes'
• The Trinket Box from Le Serpent Rouge and 800 Euros
St. Aicard's Church is near the • The password from Bernard
Willowtree Herbalist. To reach it,
Since you don't have either of those at the moment, make
keep walking along the street,
a mental note to return to this area after you complete Le
away from Janice and the
Serpent Rouge.
herbalist. You can't miss its
imposing gothic architecture (or TIP If you can get the access code to Francine's
the fact that a crosswalk in the apartment from Pierre (her ex-boyfriend), you can
street leads right to the front door). bypass the doorman altogether.


Key to Le Serpent Rouge

Francine's Apartment

You must meet either Pierre at Café Metro or Bernard in the park to
Just past Bouchard's
get a key to Le Serpent Rouge. Visit both of them if you desire
doorman and the gate to St.
access to both club entrances and all of the hidden goodies.
Aicard's Graveyard is a
locked door with a numeric Both of them want the same thing: an item hidden in a nonfunc-
keypad next to it. If you can tioning stage light. Giving the item to either of them gives you
find the code, you can open something that gets you into St. Aicard's Graveyard, which is the
the door to Francine's entrance to Bouchard's Hideout.
apartment and enlist her
assistance in getting into St.
NOTE Pierre gives you the entry code to Francine's
apartment; the apartment overlooks the graveyard and can
Aicard's Graveyard, without having to deal with Bouchard's
be used to enter it. Bernard gives you a password that gets
doorman at all.
you past Bouchard's doorman at the gate to the graveyard.
TIP To get the code, find the Trinket Box in Le Serpent
Rouge and return it to Pierre, who then gives you the
four-digit code to Francine's apartment.
Café Metro

Rennes' Pawnshop Café Metro might not have the

best food or friendliest service,
Rennes' Pawnshop is a no- but it is owned by Pierre, Le
questions-asked, one-stop shop Serpent Rouge's ex-bartender.
for buyers and sellers of all sorts Perhaps he can help you find his
of merchandise. The proprietor, old boss, Louis Bouchard….
Daniel Rennes, is justifiably
skeptical of anyone who comes
through the door. To access his
entire catalog of wares, prove
that you're not trying to bust him. To reach Café Metro, return to
the front entrance of Le Serpent
Rouge and climb the stairs
To reach Daniel Rennes' across the street.
Pawnshop, return to the locked
front entrance to Le Serpent
Rouge, and run down the street
(past Janice and away from Le
Serpent Rouge). Rennes'
Pawnshop is the last doorway on In the courtyard beyond the
the right side of the street, just stairs, look for the charcuterie
before the red-and-orange-striped (butcher) and the street beyond
barricade. it that is closed off by three
short, concrete pillars.
At Rennes' Pawnshop, you can
sell valuable items that you
collect for a fat stack of Euros.
Don't worry that you're going to
accidentally sell any mission- The café is to the right, just
critical items—you can only sell beyond the concrete pillars. A
items meant to be sold at the motorcycle sits in front of the café.
pawnshop. Sell every item you
can, and return here if you find
more valuable items. This is your only opportunity to do so, and you
can never have too many Euros.

Approach Pierre's counter and

speak to him. He's not willing to Approach Bernard and begin
give information away for free, speaking with him. He seems
but he is willing to help Lara find more than a little paranoid, but if
Bouchard if she'll do a favor for you make the correct dialogue
him. He left something of value choices he says that 160 Euros
behind in a nonfunctioning stage might jog his memory.
light at Le Serpent Rouge. He
can't go back to get it, as he left
Bouchard on less than ideal terms, and the club is no doubt staked If you've got the cash, Bernard
out due to the Monstrum attacks. He gives Lara the Bartender's Key, tells Lara that he wants a box he
which opens the back door to the club. had to leave behind in a broken
lighting rig in Le Serpent Rouge.
TIP To get the optimal results from your conversation If Lara gets it for him, he'll tell her
with Pierre, make the following dialogue choice. the password to get past
Bouchard's doorman. He gives
• "No, I don't, but I do deal with problems. Sort them out." Lara the Ex-Janitor's Key, which
unlocks the garage entrance to
Le Serpent Rouge.

TIP To get the information you need from Bernard, make

the following choices in conversation with him:
There's a customer sitting in the
café, but he's not talking at the • "Your name's Bernard. Janice said I might find you here."
moment. After getting the
Bartender's Key, leave the café. • "I'm trying to find someone."
• "Here. Now, how do I find Bouchard?"

Parisian Ghetto Park

The entrance to the park is

directly across the street from
St. Aicard's Church—follow the
crosswalk to the iron gate and
open it to enter the park.

NOTE You need to have spoken to Janice, and have 160

Euros, to get any information out of Bernard.


Le Serpent Rouge
Le Serpent Rouge ("The Red
Serpent") is a nightclub that
the crime boss uses as a

front for his illegal activities.
• Le Serpent Rouge guards (x9)
Since the Monstrum
started killing Bouchard's CRITICAL ITEMS TO LOCATE
men, Bouchard has fled • Antique Doubloons (x3) • Stage Door Key
Le Serpent Rouge, but • Socket Spanner • Antique Record
he's still got a dozen of • Antique Flintlock • Trinket Box
his foot soldiers staking it out. Once you have a key from • Vintage Cognac (x2) • Ticket Office Key
Bernard or Pierre, you can enter Le Serpent Rouge. Both • Wad of Cash
entrances lead to the dance floor, but you must
overcome an obstacle or two at each entrance before you
• Upgrade Jump: Lower Body 2
can reach it.
If you didn't get this in the previous chapter, you
can power-up Lara's legs by pulling a crate in Le
Serpent Rouge.
• Upgrade Kick Door/Wall: Lower Body 3
When Lara kicks down the catwalk bridge in the
rafters of Le Serpent Rouge, her leg strength is
powered up.
• Upgrade Shoulder Barge: Upper Body 4
This upper-body upgrade can be acquired by
pulling a lever in Le Serpent Rouge's garage.

Garage Entrance (Bernard's Key)

The garage entrance (which you
can open with Bernard's Ex-
Janitor’s Key) is on the side of Le
Serpent Rouge facing the street.
It's a green door to the left of a
corrugated metal garage door.
Press Action near the door to Pull the lever on the yellow lift to As the hydraulic lift raises the car,
automatically use the Ex- raise the car. the camera moves inside of the
Janitor’s Key and open the door. garage office to show you some
Antique Doubloons sitting inside.

There don't seem to be any

passageways from the garage to
the club's dance floor, but there is There's another lever next to the
a hidden passage that you can desk. Pull it to open a secret
open. Follow these steps to do so. passage under the hydraulic lift.

NOTE Pulling the lever that opens the secret passage

upgrades Lara's upper-body strength, allowing her to
shimmy along ledges for greater distances.


After enhancing her upper-body Activating the dumbwaiter draws

strength by pulling the second the attention of a guard, who
lever, Lara can break open the runs down to the storage room
door to the garage office with a from the dance floor. As soon as
well-placed shoulder thrust. you see him coming, switch into
Inside, you can pick up some Stealth mode and duck behind
Antique Doubloons. the short wall by the kegs.

TIP Before going down the secret passage to the club's dance The guard pokes his head in,
floor, you should pick up the following items in the garage: shines his flashlight around, and
leaves—but he doesn't lock the
door behind him. Go through it to
reach the dance floor (and skip
to the "Dance Floor" section of
this walkthrough).

TIP If you're quick and crafty, you can take out the
guard, leaving you one less guard to deal with on the
On the desk, grab the In the lockers, you find a dance floor. However, it's actually much easier to take him
Socket Spanner. K2 Impactor Battery, a out on the dance floor.
Desert Ranger Clip, Health
Bandages, and an Antique
Flintlock. Stage Entrance (Pierre's Key)
The stage entrance to Le Serpent
Rouge is in the alley around the
In the office, pick up the
corner from the garage entrance.
aforementioned Antique
As you enter, you see a quick
Doubloons from the garage
cutscene of the club's office area.
office desk.
There are several items in the
back office, but there's also a
guard there.

TIP After grabbing all of

the items in the garage, Instead of heading directly for the
drop through the secret office, head down the opposite
passage under the hydraulic hallway and pull the lever in the
lift and head along the middle of the hallway to kill the
hallway until you reach a lights outside the office.
ladder that leads up into a
storage area.
This causes the guard to walk out
of the office and head for the light
At one end of the room is a switch to see what's going on. If
locked door that you don't have a you duck into the room between
key for, and at the other end is a the office and the light switch, you
lever. Pick up the Vintage Cognac can watch the guard pass by and
on the floor near the lever. Use sneak up behind him (in Stealth
the Socket Spanner on the lever mode) to take him out without
to activate a malfunctioning firing a shot or drawing any
dumbwaiter near the door. unnecessary attention to yourself.


TIP Once you take out the guard, don't forget to grab his If you're feeling daring, check out
pistol to add an M-V9 Clip to your inventory. the bar on the dance floor. You
should probably sneak up on and
take out most of the guards on
With the guard disposed of, go the dance floor before you try it,
into the office to pick up the or you're almost certain to be
Stage Door Key, some Antique seen. The only guard you
Doubloons, and a Wad of Cash. shouldn't go after is the one in
Once you've picked up all of the the corner of the dance floor near
items, head back down the the yellow room, as another guard pops out from a nearby door if
hallway with the light switch to you attack him.
find the door to the dance floor.
Open it with the Stage Door Key
Pull the lever on the wall to
and enter the dance floor area.
activate the dumbwaiter You'll
NOTE Regardless of which entrance you use to reach the get some V-Packer Spread
dance floor, you appear in the same area. The doors leading Cartridges from it for your
from the back entrance and garage entrance are right next troubles.
to each other in the same corner of the dance floor.

You should also grab the Vintage

As soon as you enter the dance
Cognac and the Antique
floor, switch into Stealth mode
Doubloons from the bar before
and hide behind the nearby
you leave it. Both of these can
stacks of amplifiers and crates to
be fenced at Rennes' Pawnshop.
avoid detection by the guard near
the door. Sneak up on him and
take him out.

With the guard downed, sneak

onto the stage and pull the lever on Sneak along the wall to the first
the wall. This turns on the dance set of stairs leading up from the
floor music and lights. Although it dance floor.
draws a lot of attention, it also
starts the upper light rigging
moving up and down, which is
exactly what you need it to do. CAUTION Watch out for the guard who appears at the
top of the stairs once you start climbing. You can either
CAUTION As soon as you start up the lights and music,
rush him and take him out (which causes another guard to
two more guards appear on the floor. Stay in Stealth mode.
come out of the door at the top of the stairs) or try to
draw him down the stairs and sneak past him.
TIP There's an Antique Record on the stage that you
should grab. You can pawn it later.

Walk around the catwalk to the

other side of the room, where
you find a moveable crate and a
Leave the stage by climbing over
pile of junk blocking the foot of
the railing opposite the stairs you
the next set of stairs.
climbed up. This drops you right
near a pack of Health Pills.


Pull the moveable crate away Make another hop in the same
from the wall and onto the small direction to land on the other
landing on the catwalk. Line it up side of the lighting rig. Again,
so that it's under the overhead don't hold the Forward button
lighting rigging. after you jump, or you might
overshoot the rig and fall.

NOTE Pulling the crate gives Lara Upgrade Jump: Lower

Body Level 2.
From the far side of the rig, turn
left and climb onto the
scaffolding. Move 90 degrees
counterclockwise around it and
climb up it to reach the top of
Climb onto the crate and jump to
the moving lighting rig.
grab the edge of the lighting rig.
Pull yourself up and walk along it
toward the center of the room. Make one more nerve-wracking
jump across the lighting rig to
reach the other side of the top.
It's best to try and jump to the
Walk to the edge of the lighting
wider corner of the other side of
rig and jump toward the walkway
the rig, as it's a bit more
on the other side of the room.
You should be able to leap easily
without grabbing the edge of
the walkway. TIP If you overshoot the rig, press Action immediately. If
you're lucky, you'll grab the catwalk that you leapt from
onto the lighting rig.

CAUTION Once you land on the catwalk, a guard comes

out of a door in the corner of the room to investigate. Wait for the lighting rig to rise to
Take him out quickly and quietly. its highest position, then leap
from it onto the green catwalk
against the wall. Once you land
on the green catwalk, climb the
Grab the Large Health Pack from nearby ladder to reach the
the area of the catwalk you highest point of the room.
pulled yourself up to, as well as
the Health Bandages near the
At the top of the ladder is a short
guard in the corner of the room.
section of catwalk pointing
toward the center of the room.
There's a gap in the catwalk At the end of that catwalk is a
railing near the guard in the small box that hangs from the
corner and the Health Bandages. highest lighting rig. You can open
Leap from it onto the moving it (with the Action button), but
lighting rig when the rig is at its there's nothing in it at the
lowest point. Don't hold down the moment. Remember this
Forward button after you jump, or location, though; you'll find Pierre/Bernard's Trinket Box here in a
you may overshoot the rigging few minutes.
and fall off to your death.


Once the catwalk bridge is down,

kick in the door to the control
From the top of the ladder, walk room. There's a control console
along the wall to slide down an inside that lets you move the
angled section of catwalk. lights around overhead. Although
Quickly jump off of the catwalk to it looks like it's all one control
leap to a small platform in the panel, the console actually has
corner of the room. two different controls. If you
stand at the left side and hit
Action, you can rotate the four overhead lights counterclockwise. If
From that small platform,
you stand at the right side and hit Action, you can move the light
continue moving counter-
closest to the box at the top of the ladder into that box.
clockwise around the perimeter
of the room by jumping to the
next platform, then leaping off of Pull the left lever twice to move
the end of that platform. Press the sparking light close to the
Action while in the air to grab the box at the top of the ladder, then
rig beyond it. pull the right lever to move it into
the box. (Remember, both Pierre
and Bernard said the object they
There are some pipes running wanted was in the light that
over the rig, and you can't pull didn't work.)
yourself up until you're beyond
them. So quickly shimmy to the
left to get past the pipes before Once the light is in position, exit
Lara's stamina gives out and she the control room, cross the
falls to her death. lowered catwalk bridge, climb
the ladder, and open the box to
get the Trinket Box. Mission
complete. Now you just have to
get out in one piece.
From the top of this lighting rig,
leap down to the catwalk next to
the control room below you.

As soon as you land safely on the

catwalk, approach the raised
section and hit Action to kick and
lower it. You can now walk over
to the area with the ladder leading
to the box in the lighting rig.

NOTE Kicking down the

catwalk bridge also upgrades Lara's lower-body strength
and lets her break open the door to the control room.


Runback across the catwalk,

Metro Tunnels
take out the guard who appears There are several entrances to
in the control room, and grab the the metro tunnels that run
Ticket Office Key from the floor. underneath the Parisian Ghetto.
The main entrance is found in
the park across from St. Aicard's
Church, but it's locked.
Fortunately, you can also lift any
Before leaving Le Serpent Rouge, of the manholes in the Parisian
climb down the ladder in the Ghetto to drop into the metro
control room to find a delicious tunnels.
Chocolate Bar at the bottom of
it. Grab it, go back up to the
control room, and use the Ticket Here's one way (of several) to get
Office Key to unlock the control all of the items in the metro
room door. tunnels: Backtrack to Le Serpent
Rouge and press the Action
button near the adjacent manhole
CAUTION Don't go through the door at the bottom of cover to enter the tunnels.
the ladder! This takes you back to the dance floor catwalks,
and you can't go back through the door once you're there.
This also means you have to go back out through the stage
entrance or garage entrance to leave the club! NOTE Although the loading screen says "Bouchard's
Hideout," you're not actually going to meet the Parisian
Crimelord just yet.

The control room door takes you

to a fire escape outside of Le
Serpent Rouge. Descend the fire
escape to return to the street
level of the Parisian Ghetto.

TIP Before you proceed into St. Aicard's Graveyard, be

sure to clear up any loose ends in the Parisian Ghetto. If
you want to check out the unused entrance to Le Serpent From the manhole entrance to Clamber onto the largest box at
Rouge, now is the time to do so. the tunnel, run down the narrow the end of the tunnel and climb
corridor and take a left at the the rough section of wall to reach
four-way intersection. a small wooden platform.

Jump from that platform to the

platform on the other side of the
room. Face the wall, jump to grab
a ledge, shimmy to the right, and
enter a rectangular tunnel
between the two platforms.


Backtrack across the broken

pathway (by taking a running
leap across it again), then walk
to the right edge of the broken
Crawl to the end of that tunnel pathway to see a rough section
and jump up into the lighted, of wall that Lara can climb down.
elevated tunnel at the end of it. To climb onto it, hang from the
broken pathway and shimmy
over to the wall.

This takes you to the other side of

the entrance gate at the street Climb down the rough section of
level of the Parisian Ghetto. You wall and enter the small tunnel
can unlock the gate from this side, below the broken pathway.
and you can also pick up the There's a Diamond Ring in here!
V-Packer Spread Cartridges, Health Climb back up the wall.
Bandages, and Vector-R35 Clip.

NOTE Once you have the Large Health Pack, the Diamond
Ring, the V-Packer Spread Cartridges, the Health Bandages,
Now backtrack into the tunnels the Vector-R35 Clip and you've unlocked the main metro
to the four-way intersection. Take entrance, you've done all you can do down here. Head to
a left at the intersection to arrive the surface.
at a large round vertical room
with a broken pathway running You should also visit Rennes' Pawnshop to sell your valuable items
across the center of it. before proceeding. You won't have a chance to after St. Aicard's
Graveyard, and you won't find any pawnable items in the graveyard
Now that you've got the coveted Trinket Box, you must trade it for
access to St. Aicard's Graveyard, which leads to Bouchard's Hideout.
You've got a few options for how to go about it.
Take a running leap and grab the
edge of the other side of the

Pull yourself up and climb the

ladder leading to the other side of
the pathway.

Kick down the door at the top of

the ladder. On the other side of
the door are a Large Health Pack
and a hallway that leads out to a
catwalk that overlooks the area
you just came from. Grab the
Wad of Cash on the catwalk
before leaving.


Entering the Graveyard with Pierre's Make a running jump off of the
Assistance edge of the balcony without a
railing to grab the edge of the
Return to the Café Metro to find balcony in front of you. Pull
Pierre still behind the bar. yourself up.
Approach him and press Action
to begin a conversation. He
trades you the Café Owner’s
Contact for the Trinket Box. The
Café Owner's Contact has the Hop over the railing in front of
numeric key code to Francine's you to reach a vertical pole that
apartment, which overlooks you can climb up. It's easy to
St. Aicard's Graveyard. miss, as it's the same color as
the rest of the building. Press
Forward while walking toward it
NOTE The code to Francine's apartment is 15329. to get Lara up the pole.

The door to Francine's apartment

Pull yourself up to the ledge
building is right next to
above the pole and run along it.
Bouchard's doorman. Punch in
Sections of the ledge collapse, so
the code, enter the apartment keep running and jump off of
building, and go up the stairs to them if you need to, but don't run
reach Francine's apartment. off the end of the ledge!

Speak to Francine, who tells you

that Bouchard's Hideout is in the
basement of the old church. You Hang off the ledge and shimmy
need to enter it via a mausoleum around the corner of the building
in St. Aicard's Graveyard, which until you're directly over a
her apartment overlooks. You can balcony with a red wire
enter the graveyard through stretching across to another
Francine's window, but you need building. Drop onto that balcony.
to watch out for the ledges—
they're dangerous.

Jump up, grab the red cable, and

shimmy all the way to the other
Press the Action button near the end of it. Drop down onto the
window to the balcony, high balcony above the other end of
above St. Aicard's Graveyard. the cable.

Walk to the end of this balcony

and hang off the edge that
doesn't have a railing. When you
drop from this hang, you're in St.
Aicard's Graveyard.


Entering the Graveyard with Entering the Graveyard with the

Bernard's Assistance Doorman’s Assistance
You find Bernard in the park,
exactly where you left him. Give
him the Trinket Box, and he tells
Lara that the password for the
doorman is "Pluit Noir" (black rain).
Once you have the password, go
and speak to the doorman.

To convince the doorman guarding

St. Aicard's Graveyard to open the
The doorman is satisfied with the gate without Bernard's password,
password, and he opens the gate you need to give him 800 Euros
to St. Aicard's Graveyard in a and the Trinket Box. He opens the
gentlemanly manner. gate for you and lets you into the

St. Aicard's Graveyard

Two Rottweilers patrol the grounds
of St. Aicard's Graveyard. While

you can just charge forward and ENTITIES ENCOUNTERED

shoot them, there's a much more • Rottweiler
elegant solution—hopping from


mausoleum to mausoleum. • None
That way, you don't waste any

bullets, and you don't wind up AVAILABLE UPGRADES

on PETA's hit list. To reach • Upgrade Shoulder Barge: Upper Body Level 4
Bouchard's Hideout from St. Aicard's Graveyard, you must topple a This upper-body upgrade can be acquired by
statue into a crypt to reveal the entrance to Bouchard's Hideout. shouldering down a mausoleum door in St.
Aicard's Graveyard.

NOTE If you got the upper-body strength upgrade by

pulling the lever in Le Serpent Rouge's garage, you don't
need to get it again to push over the statue. But you forfeit
the 9mm ammo you get from doing it here. Jump up to grab the roof of the
mausoleum, pull yourself up to
the roof, and jump down inside
the fence of the adjacent tomb.
Either pick off the Rottweiler or
wait for it to pass, then run up to
the mausoleum that overlooks
the tomb surrounded by a fence
in the corner of the graveyard.


Stand in front of the tomb door,

press Action to shove the door
with your shoulder, and boost
Lara's upper-body strength. Pick
up the two clips of ammo inside
the tomb. Once you have the
strength upgrade, return to the
graveyard entrance.
Turn right and hop down onto the Finally, climb down from the
roof of the tomb in the area tomb, approach the angel statue,
Climb onto the third crypt from enclosed by a fence. and press Action to send it
the entrance to the graveyard. If crashing through the crypt.
you entered the Graveyard via
Francine's apartment, this is
where you begin.

Jump toward the tall mausoleum

in front of you and grab the edge Drop into the crypt to enter
of it to pull yourself onto the roof. Bouchard's Hideout.

Make another leap forward to Turn right and leap to the next
catch the lip of the roof of the mausoleum. Once again, you
next mausoleum. must grab the edge of the
mausoleum's roof.

Turn left and leap onto the Jump straight ahead to the next
adjacent mausoleum, grabbing mausoleum roof. Make sure to
the lip of the roof. grab the lip of the roof.


Bouchard's Hideout
Time to meet the Parisian crime

boss himself, and hopefully ENTITIES ENCOUNTERED
extract some information from • Arnaud, Bouchard's wounded henchman
him about Werner Von Croy's • Louis Bouchard, Parisian crime lord
final days. Louis Bouchard's • Tall dark stranger (Eckhardt)
subterranean refuge is • Daniel Rennes
designed to keep unwanted


visitors out, but that's never
• Wad of Passports
stopped Lara before.
• Rennes' Wallet
• Scrap of Paper
• Dart SS
• Map of Sewers Around Louvre
• Explosives
• K2 Impactor
• Map of Archaeological Dig

• There are no upgrades available in this level.

A pile of rubble blocks one of the

two ways through this tunnel, so
walk forward along the tunnel, TIP If you fall into the
past the locked door, until a second pit, there's a tunnel
section of the floor crumbles. at the bottom of it that you
Hang from the crumbled edge of can crawl through to reach
the floor and drop to the bottom the bottom of the first pit.
of the pit.

Walk forward along the bottom of

the pit until you reach the other
Just after the second pit is yet
side. Lara says she can climb the
another pit. This one drops you
rough rock face of the pit wall, so
into a pool of water. Dive under
go ahead and climb up to the
the water (with the Jump button)
floor of the tunnel again.
and swim forward under some
rubble to reach the other side of
the pit.
There's a second pit immediately
following the first. Face the right
wall and jump up to grab a pipe
that runs along the wall. Shimmy Lara can climb the wall at the
along the pipe to reach the other right side of the end of the third
side of the pit. pit. It takes some looking to find
it, but there is a climbable
patch there.


Beyond the pool of water is a

Once you climb to the top of the small room with a hole in the
pit, shimmy along the deep wall. Go through the hole to
crack above you to reach the reach the next area, an empty
end of the third pit. Drop onto cell. There's only one door you
the solid ground past the third pit can go through in here, so head
to continue. through it.

As soon as you enter the next

cell, you see a deformed man
Continue walking forward until writhing on a cot. It's hard to tell
you see a short, metal grate in the what sort of injuries he's suffering
wall. Press Action near it to kick it from; it looks as if half of his
open, then crawl through it. body has simply melted.

Follow the doors beyond the There's nothing to do in this cell,

grate to return to the beginning so exit it through the other open
of the level. This unlocks the door. There's another empty cell
door at the beginning of the level across the hall that you can
and lets you bypass all three explore, but there's no reason to
pits. Backtrack to the metal do so. Instead, open the door at
grate you kicked open after the the end of the hallway.
third pit.
Bouchard is on the other side of
the door. Approach him to
Approach the rubble just beyond engage him in conversation. He
the metal grate and hold both tells Lara that what happened to
the Action and Backward button Arnaud, his injured man in the
to pull a chunk of the rubble out cell, is none of her business. He
of the pile. The entire rubble pile claims not to recognize the
shifts, but you still can't get name Eckhardt and professes
past it. not to know Werner Von Croy.

Use the tunnel beyond the grate

CAUTION Be very careful about how you answer
you kicked open to return to the
Bouchard. If you offend him, he'll shoot Lara dead. To
beginning of the level. The rubble
achieve a positive outcome, give the following answers
pile that blocked one end of the
during the dialogue.
tunnel is the same rubble pile
you just pulled a chunk out of. • "Easy, Bouchard. I lost that friend yesterday. Now I'm
You can now move beyond it, so wanted for his murder."
go ahead.
• "A front, obviously."
• "Passports!"
Drop into the pool of water and
swim along the surface to the
other side. Press Action to pull
yourself out of the water and
keep going forward.


Bouchard is interested in hearing

anything Lara knows about a Pull yourself up to the loft and
previous Monstrum killing, but pull the lever there to open a
Lara doesn't volunteer any infor- door in Bouchard's office. Go
mation. After some conversation, through this door to exit
Bouchard tells Lara that Von Croy Bouchard's Hideout and return
wanted access to recent archae- to St. Aicard's Church.
ological finds inside the Louvre,
and Bouchard gave him a
contact. He offers Lara the same.
Lara asks for weapons and
Rennes' Pawnshop
equipment as well, but Bouchard Leave St. Aicard's Church and
tells her to go to Rennes' head for Rennes' Pawnshop. To
Pawnshop for that. In fact, he get there, go down the street
tells her that if Lara delivers some past the entrance to the park,
Czech passports to Rennes for toward Janice. Round the
him, Rennes will know that Lara corner near Janice and run all
has Bouchard's confidence. the way down the street until
you reach the red-and-orange-
Bouchard also tells Lara that his striped barricade. Rennes'
man Arnaud was the only Pawnshop is to your right.
survivor out of four attacks so As Lara enters the pawnshop, a
far, and he has no idea who or mysterious man wearing dark
what is doing the attacking. He clothes and sunglasses brushes
thinks it might be the Paris past her roughly on his way out
Monstrum, but he's still looking the door. As Lara approaches the
into it. As a result, he can't counter, she sees that the
spare any manpower or pawnshop has been torn apart,
firepower for Lara's errand. and there's no sign of Rennes.
She lays Bouchard's passports on
the counter.
After speaking with Bouchard, NOTE The mysterious man is Eckhardt, leader of the
you must open the exit from his Cabal, but Lara doesn't recognize him yet.
hideout. Pull the lever in
Bouchard's office to open a cell
door in the hall. Go into the back room behind
the counter to see Rennes'
lifeless form in a heap on the
floor. The letter "M" is written in
blood in front of the body—the
Enter the cell that just opened mark of the Monstrum. There's
and pull the moveable crate so nothing you can do for Rennes,
it's right next to the doorway. but be sure to pick up Rennes'
You should be able to climb onto Wallet and examine it in your
the crate, jump, and grab the inventory screen to find a Scrap of Paper inside with the numbers
edge of a loft above the door. "14529" written on it.


Explore the rest of the back

room to find a bundle of timed The explosion from Rennes'
explosives. There's a wooden Pawnshop propels Lara out of the
trapdoor in the floor that looks sewer like a bullet from a gun as
like a way out, but it's sealed the mysterious motorcyclist she
shut. There's also a locked door saw earlier looks on. Fortunately,
in the far wall with a numeric Lara was far enough from the
keypad next to it. blast that she's not injured.

Enter the code from the Scrap of

The scene then changes to a
Paper (1-4-5-2-9) into the
meeting of the enigmatic Cabal.
numeric keypad to open the
Eckhardt, the man that Lara saw
adjacent door. Inside is a virtual
in Rennes' Pawnshop, addresses
treasure trove of items and infor-
the group on the matter of a
mation. Pick up all of the
series of paintings called the
following items: Dart SS, Dart SS
"Obscura Paintings." They found
Ammo, Map of Sewers Around
three of them, and Werner Von
Louvre, Explosives, K2 Impactor, K2 Impactor Battery, and the Map
Croy found the fourth. The fifth is
of Archaeological Dig.
somewhere in Prague.
Once you've grabbed everything A man by the name of Gunderson is dispatched to Prague by
from the storeroom, an array of Eckhardt. Eckhardt places his hand on Gunderson's shoulder, and a
security beams activates, locking strange purple light emanates from it.
the door behind you. The camera Eckhardt tells the Cabal members that once they have the final
shows the timer on the Obscura Painting, they can try to awaken "the Sleeper." He hopes
explosives is counting down. that they will have more success doing so than they did during a
Don't panic; simply press the previous attempt.
large, yellow button in the
storeroom to open the door, then
exit the storeroom.

Walk to the trapdoor and press

Action to open it. Drop into the
trapdoor and run down the
corridor and into the sewers

There's only one path you can

take through the sewers, and as
soon as you run far enough, the
game switches into a cutscene.


Louvre Storm Drains

Sliding down to the filthy underbelly of a slowly-
decaying Parisian effluent overflow, Miss Croft
must now make haste in a watery wade toward

the boiler room underneath the Louvre gallery. • Rats
Once she's familiarized herself with the sights of

this unpleasant locale, it's off to locate six valves CRITICAL ITEMS TO LOCATE
in order to shut off the water gushing into a • Explosives (carried on you)
central conduit. A propeller fan needs calming

and moving to power Lara up to succeed in this
• Upgrade Turn Valve: Upper Body Level 5
task. Once up and down two conduit chambers, and into the boiler room, she must
Halting the rotation of a propeller fan, Lara builds
detonate explosives, then dive into the safety of water to avoid being fried to death.
her body into a valve-turning machine.
After a nimble skedaddle across the burning gantry planks, Lara steps through the
hole she created, and finally infiltrates the Louvre.

Slide down the overflow pipe at

the start of this sewer access Climb the ladder after diving
and begin your murky investi- beneath it to collect a Large Health
gation. Run to the collecting Pack. Clamber up this rusting
sewage in the semicircular pool ladder to emerge inside a steam
and you see two exits. There is a valve room. The valve ahead is too
corridor to the left and a sewer tight for Lara to budge.
tunnel to the right.

Run to the left side of the pool

stoop and collect the Chocolate
Bar. Run around the pool, through Run past the valve and down
the doorway, and up some a metal corridor leading to
narrow stairs. Turn left and reach another main sewer tunnel. On
an orange door with a cube the way, stoop to pick up the
marking on it. It is sealed. Take Vector-R35 Clip.
the Large Health Pack.

From either exit, the only way is

Return to the sewage pool and
down the sewer tunnel toward
drop right in. Ignore the bobbing
the cascade of water and
"matter," run into the tunnel, and
sewage raining from above. To
go over the beam at ankle height.
reach the boiler for the Louvre,
You can hear the sounds of
you must stop that waterfall.
rushing sewage ahead. But first,
Inspect this middle section.
check out the passage to your left.

Jog down the runoff passage from There are three sewage tunnels
the main sewer tunnel, then go feeding this central chamber.
swimming in the mire. Fortunately, There's the one that leads back
it's extremely clear. Swim to a to the level entrance (which you
junction that's partly underwater. cannot climb). There's also the
In the middle is a ladder. All other one that leads to a metal door
exits (aside from the way you and passage to the valve (where
came in) are blocked. you just found the ammo).


Run around the gantry platform

to the large green lever at the
other side. Pull it. This stops the
propeller fan downstairs. Retrace
your steps to the fan. Ignore the
crane pulley that juts from the
gantry; you'll come back here in
a moment.
TIP Although you can step
on the funnel-like central Climb the shabby ladder, then look
ground of this chamber, at the propeller and pull down
don't jump into the hard on one of the fins. Lara
waterfall—you'll plummet to exclaims that she's strong enough
a horrible demise. Come to turn the valves. She should be;
back here later in your she just increased her physique
adventure. (Upgrade Turn Valve: Upper Body
Level 5).

There's also a third tunnel to Turn the propeller once more,

explore. Head past the large pipe then use the Duck button and
on the left and stop at an opening crawl between the gaps in the
to your right. Up a small and fins. Once inside the metallic
rusting ladder is a rotating fan. tunnel, stoop to claim the
You must stop it to take the item V-Packer Spread Cartridges, then
twinkling behind it. run to the end and drop down
next to the barrel.

At the end of the tunnel, also on You must now locate all six valves
your right, is a steep sewage in order to stem the flow of the
chute, and there's no way you waterfall. Turn the valve on the pipe
can climb up it. You'll come here in this steam room. This releases
a little later. Head into the main pressure in pipe #3. Then enter the
circular sewage chamber and small corner alcove with the
halt that propeller. blocked metal door to claim a batch
of Dart SS Tranq Darts.

There are two areas of interest Head to the barrel, under the
in this circular chamber. The first propeller, vault over the railing
is the valve pressure unit, which atop the ladder, and go back to
shows how many valves there the main sewer area. Before you
are (six), and how many are climb that drainpipe again, move
sealed (none). Your job is to stop past the pressure gauge and
the flow of water so you can enter the sewer to the right of it.
escape through the upper sewer Move to the first valve you saw
tunnel where the water is in this level.
currently falling from.
This valve is located through the
The other area of interest is the metal door, or all the way back to
narrow platform surrounding the the flooded area and up the
central runoff area. There's a ladder. When you reach here, turn
drainpipe that Miss Croft reckons the valve and release pressure to
she can scale. Climb up to the pipe #5. Two of the six lights on
dilapidated mesh platform (either the pressure gauge unit are
hang on it and pull up, or keep green. Time for the other four.
climbing, then stand on it).


Run to the central waterfall area At either of these two points you
and climb that drainpipe. When can look up and spot a horizontal
you reach the gantry plank pipe spanning the diameter of
where you ran to switch off the this chamber. Jump and grab it,
propeller fan, press the Walk then shimmy across to your
button and carefully move across fourth valve. Turn it and pressure
the yellow and black warning is released to pipe #1. Only two
stripes of the gantry crane. more to go.
You walk through the falling water There's little else to accomplish
without a problem. Stay at a in this sewage chamber, except
manageable speed and don't fall, to investigate the doorway on
and you'll reach the opposite side, the opposite side of the crane
where the third valve is located. girder. Shimmy back to the
Turning it releases pressure to crane, drop on it, and run through
pipe #6 and floods the outflow the doorway. Turn left to see a
tunnels below the waterfall. You locked door. On the floor is a
can now enter the tunnels. M-V9 Clip.

You'll enter this corridor later. For

Before you drop down, there's
now, return to the rung ladder
some climbing to do. Walk to the
and descend. Run to the edge of
end of this new gantry and pick
the gantry below and drop onto
up the Desert Ranger Clip at the
the barrel. Run across the lower
foot of the barrel. Now climb
crane girder, across the gantry,
onto the barrel, whip around 180
and shimmy down the drainpipe
degrees, and jump up.
(or drop from this height).

Grab hold of another gantry. Pull NOTE Despite the outflow tunnels being flooded, don't
yourself up, turn left, and walk to attempt a swan dive from the top of this shaft, or leap
the end of this one. Now grab past the waterfall when you're at its same level. This
the rung ladder riveted into the simply ends in Lara's demise.
wall, and climb it to another
gantry. Once on top, you can
sidestep left or right.
Once at the base of the waterfall,
you see the sewer flood. Quickly
You cannot reach the very top swim and dive beneath the
gantry, as there's a rung missing waterfall. Follow the route of the
on the ladder you just moved tunnel—and don't delay, or you'll
from. Instead, you can run to the drown. Swim downwards.
right until fallen mesh floor
blocks your path, or (if you
sidestepped left) you can hold As the overflow tunnel joins a
the Walk button and move onto horizontal tunnel, swim along it,
another gantry crane and walk to away from a barred area.
the middle. Continue until you reach another
barred area on your left. Turn and
swim to the right. Ahead is
another barred area. As you
reach it, point Lara upwards.


Swim upwards immediately,

passing a green area with another
barred tunnel. You emerge, splut-
tering for air, inside a half-filled
central chamber. Swim to the
fallen gantry platform that hangs
into the water.

There's a gap, and it must be

Clamber up this gantry, pulling jumped (not hopped). On the
yourself onto the mangled other side is a small section of
remains, and walk onto the orange gantry leading to an
section still riveted to the wall. alcove, where the sixth and final
Run around the ledge until you valve is located. Turn this so that
spot a gap in the railings. There's the pressure is off on all six pipes,
a pipe above your head that you and the waterfall stops
can leap up and grab. completely.
You might want to try something
There are two ways to retrace
a little more daring. If so, move
your steps to the first tubelike
to the far end of the gantry and
chamber. One involves a scary
check the second gap in the
(but straightforward) jump, while
railings. Turn left and make a
the other has you sliding and
jump, landing on the yellow and
backtracking. We'll cover the
black crane girder. Not up to it?
frightening leap first.
Then shimmy along the pipe and
drop onto the girder.

Once on the girder, walk to the

left side to find yourself at
Boiler Room Roaming Method #1
another valve. This one releases From the gantry you're standing
the pressure from pipe #4. One on, turn and leap back to the
more to go. Now ignore the rung sewer entrance. Run past it,
ladder to your right (it leads staying on the length of gantry.
nowhere), and move to the Continue running as the gantry
middle of the chamber. begins to sag. Just before the
gantry falls away (the area you
Leap up from the crane girder climbed up on), jump, then
and grab the pipe. Now shimmy press Action.
to another piece of mangled You reach and grab the edge of a
gantry. Climb onto it and ascend new piece of gantry leading to a
to the metal ledge above. Walk familiar door with a broken
onto the ledge, then move window pane. Open this door (it
around the upper gantry couldn't be accessed from the
perimeter. other side), run down the small,
metal corridor, and turn right.
Remember the M-V9 Clip if you
You pass a large sewer tunnel didn't pick it up earlier.
entrance. Move to the edge of
the orange gantry next to the
sewer tunnel entrance, stop, and
look ahead.


You're back at, and to the right If you dive into this pool, there's
of, the first main tubelike a ladder halfway down the far
chamber. All that remains is for side of it. To the left and right of
you to move across the upper this ladder are two large
crane girder, then jump onto the overflow tunnels. Don't head
moss-lined sewer tunnel that the there yet. Above the gantry that
water was flowing from. You surrounds the perimeter of this
made it. Now to the boiler room. room are two rung ladders.
Each ladder leads to an upper
Boiler Room Roaming Method #2 gantry and a valve, but these
aren't in use. Drop onto the near
The second method for entering
gantry (below where you entered
the boiler room is less daring,
this chamber) and run to the far
and more lengthy. From the
end of it, to the boiler. The
gantry you're on, turn and leap
walkway is collapsing, but it will
back to the sewer entrance.
take your weight. Grab the
Enter this sewer tunnel, duck,
V-Packer Spread Cartridges at the
and crawl under the railings. Run
far end.
to the opening on your left.
TIP There's going to be an imminent firestorm with a 50
Slide down the chute, and back
percent chance of frying Lara. Time to save your game.
down to the sewer tunnel with
the propeller fan. Move past the
fan to the base of the main
chamber, run past the all-green As you round the corner, Lara
pressure unit, and climb the mentions that this looks like the
drainpipe. Follow the instructions place to insert the explosives.
to reach the top of this chamber, Consult the map, then turn and
then leap onto the moss-lined place the explosives on the boiler
sewer tunnel that the water was and on two oil drums. The timer
flowing from. You made it. Now is set for a five-second fuse.
to the boiler room. Time to dive.

Climb on the large sewer pipe As soon as Lara places the

and open the door. You step into explosives, back flip (press Jump
a large overflow pool chamber and back on the Control Stick)
with the boiler. Be wary of that over the railing and into the
smell of oil. water. Or jump in the pool as best
you can.

Enter the chamber by hanging

from the pipe and dropping onto You will die if you're not
a gantry, or dive off the pipe and underwater when the boiler goes
into the water. There's oil on the up. If you surface, or step in any
surface of this water, but it fire during this time, you'll be dead
doesn't damage you—yet. in three seconds. Avoid the flames.


The way out of this predicament Now on the gantry where you
is via the underwater tunnel started your chamber explo-
pipes. Swim into the right ration, run down the collapsing
tunnel, then forward at the first section, leap over a patch of
junction. Turn left at the second burning oil on the gantry, round
junction, continue forward, and the corner, and move directly
ignore all junctions until you through the hole in the wall.
emerge from the water. Don't stand on the fire.

You are now underneath Paris's

most famous art gallery. The
gigantic stone buttresses are
Wade out of the water and make cordoned off, so turn left at the
a left, following the two pipes up hole, and run around the
the large tunnel. stonework in the blue gloom
until you reach the double doors
on your left. You've made it into
the Louvre.
At the next junction, your way
is blocked to the right, so turn
left to find yourself overlooking
the inferno below. Great work.
The boiler is no more, and the
hole it created leads right under
the Louvre. Walk to the edge,
then hang off and fall onto the
stone ledge.

There is only one safe path to the

hole in the wall. Turn and head
left, up the ladder, toward the
upper stone ledge with the
railings on it. Run to the corner,
and instead of heading down the
other ladder, leap over it and land
on the gantry.

TIP If you descend on the

ladder instead, an area of
fire will burn you. As soon
as this happens, make a
back flip immediately away
from it, landing on the
gantry. Watch that gap
between the collapsing
gantry and railing; it's been
specifically designed for you
to fall through.


Louvre Galleries
Ah, the Louvre—not only the
repository of some of the Western

world's greatest cultural treasures, ENTITIES ENCOUNTERED
but also a grueling test of skills for • Museum Guards (x11)
tomb-raiding adventuresses. Lara • Gendarmes (x2)

doesn't have a chance to study the CRITICAL ITEMS TO LOCATE
works of the great masters— • Low-Level Security Pass
she's too busy avoiding the laser • Louvre Guard's Key
trip wires guarding them. With • Crowbar
more than a dozen guards on patrol and the finest security • Carvier's Security Pass


devices in Europe, the Louvre Galleries demand every ounce of
stealth and surefootedness Lara possesses, and then some. Her • Upgrade Pull/Push: Upper Body Level 4
mission is to find Mlle. Carvier's Security Pass to access the subter- Lara pumps up her arm strength by pushing a
ranean archaeological dig under the museum, and to probe the small display case near the Mona Lisa.
mysterious circumstances of Werner Von Croy's untimely demise. • Upgrade Shoulder Barge: Upper Body Level 6
After shimmying along a high wire, Lara's upper
body is stronger than ever.

After her adventures in the

Louvre Storm Drains, Lara
appears at the Louvre entrance. Double doors to the first gallery
From your starting position, are at the top of the stairs past the
switch into Stealth mode and two guards. Head inside—there
climb the stairs until you see the are no guards on the other side.
red light of a security camera
above you.

There are two museum guards at

the top of this staircase. If you
run through the security camera's The first gallery tests your
field of vision, the guards come jumping and shimmying abilities.
down the stairs and attack you Laser trip wires line the entire
with K2 Impactor stun guns. If gallery. If you do cross the trip
you move quickly and carefully, wires, steel grates drop over the
you can avoid the camera's gaze. doors and a Gendarme shows up
Once past the camera, sneak up to ruin your day.
on the guards and take them out from behind in Stealth mode. You
can also intentionally walk through the camera's red light to lure the
guards to your position, and ambush them from there.
TIP With active laser
trip wires in this
gallery, always use
NOTE There's a door underneath the camera that Lara walk-only mode. It's
can't open because she doesn't have the necessary upper- impossible to achieve the
body strength. We'll remind you to come back when you precision required to
can get in. navigate the obstacles in
this room if you run.


Whoops! You break one of the laser trip wires,

Climb onto the first display case
the steel grates
and turn toward the large, stone
drop in front of the
slab mounted on the wall. Jump
doors, and the
toward it and press the Action
alarms go off.
button to grab it.
What do you do

The first thing

Pull up and grab the Large Health to do is take out
Pack, then turn right so you're the Gendarme who rushes through the door.
facing the end of the gallery. Jump Use the display cases as cover; he draws his
from the top of the stone slab to pistol and isn't shy about using it.
the top of the display case in front Next, look to the left of the doorway (as you
of you. This takes you over the face it) to find a
first set of laser trip wires. big, square button.
Approach it and
TIP As soon as you land safely on the display case, save press Action to
your game. raise the steel
grates and
reactivate the laser
trip wires.
Remember, you
must make it to
the other end of the room with all of the trip
The next set of trip wires moves
wires intact if you want to proceed through
up and down. To pass them,
the Louvre. Fortunately, if you activate the trip
jump over the trip wires when
wires again, the grates drop, but no trigger-
they're at their lowest point.
happy Gendarmes show up.

Climb onto the display case after

the second moving trip wire and
face the end of the gallery.
Several horizontal laser trip wires
After you pass the second run across the room in front of
moving laser trip wire, drop to you, but the top two flicker on
the floor once you're past the and off. Make a carefully timed
horizontal trip wires on the jump to the display case on the
ground. other side of the flickering trip
wires as they turn off.

TIP If you've made it this far without TIP Made it past these trip wires? Nice work. Now save
triggering any trip wires, pat yourself your game.
on the back and save the game.
BUSTED! There's one last set of trip wires
to go, and it's one of the easiest
sets in the gallery. Walk to the
side of the display case and
press Action to hang off the end.
Shimmy to the end of the case,
past the laser trip wires.


There's a Large Health Pack in

one corner of the gallery. It's
To get past the last set of laser
guarded by a security camera, so
trip wires, jump and grab on to
take out the guard in the Mona
the display case on the right side
Lisa gallery (see following) before
of the room and pull yourself on
grabbing it. If you walk through
top of it.
the camera's field of vision, the
museum guard from the Mona
Lisa gallery pursues you. You
lose your chance to take him out from behind in Stealth mode.
Face the wall, jump to grab the
ledge above the display case, TIP You can also move quickly and carefully past the
and shimmy past the last of the camera's field of vision to avoid detection and grab the
laser trip wires. Drop to the Large Health Pack.
ground, and go through the
double doors to the next gallery. Across the gallery from the Large
Health Pack is a locked door with
a card reader. The Low-Level
Security Card doesn't open it, but
TIP Good job making it past the trip wires. Now you Lara recalls that Von Croy's
know what to do—save your game. Notebook mentioned that Mlle.
Carvier had a security pass in her
office. You need that pass to
When you enter the second
gallery, you get a panoramic view,
including the museum guard in Go through the only unlocked
the middle of it. There are laser door in the second gallery to
trip wires in this gallery as well, reach the Mona Lisa gallery. It's
but there's no way to pass them the door next to the one
without triggering them. monitored by the security
Walk in front of the museum
guard to lure him to you. If you
have a long-range weapon, pick
him off before he attacks you with There's a security camera on the
his K2 Impactor. Grab the Low- other side of the door to the Mona
Level Security Pass the guard Lisa gallery. Wait in the doorway
drops once you take him out. until its passes you by, then run
along the side of the room to enter
the main part of the gallery. As
soon as you see the vertical laser
Now walk through one of the trip wires around the Mona Lisa,
laser trip wires to drop a metal switch into Stealth mode; there's
grate over the door and attract a a museum guard inside the main
Gendarme. Quickly take out the part of the gallery.


There's a grate at the top of the

Sneak up and take down the ladder leading up from the
guard from behind while in maintenance tunnels, and a
Stealth mode. You can also museum guard patrols the
punch, kick, or shoot him, but rooftops on the other side of the
why waste the time, ammo, or grate. Watch the museum guard
health? until he's no longer visible from
the grate, then press Action to
knock out the grate.

Approach the small, glass display

case in the corner of the gallery If you wait long enough, the
and pull it out of the corner. This museum guard won't hear you
powers up Lara's leg strength and knock out the grate. Switch into
reveals a switch that temporarily Stealth mode and stalk him until
disarms the laser trip wires he stops, then take him out from
around the Mona Lisa. behind.

Pull or push the large display

case in front of the Mona Lisa. Climb on the air-conditioning unit
Get as close to the painting as it near the L-shaped air duct in the
will go, but do not cross the corner of the upper part of the
laser trip wires. If you do, a Louvre rooftop. From there, climb
choking gas spews from the floor onto the L-shaped duct, face the
and kills Lara instantly. wall, and jump to grab an
overhead ledge.
Once you've moved the display
case, hit the switch to disarm
Pull yourself onto the ledge, turn
the laser trip wires, climb onto
right, and walk along the ledge
the display case, leap from the
(in walk-only mode) until you
case to the ledge above the
reach a small obstruction. Press
Mona Lisa, and crawl through
Action to hang from the ledge,
the open maintenance tunnel on
shimmy past the obstacle, and
that ledge. It's very tricky, and it
pull yourself back up. You must
may take you more than one try
do this again in a few feet, and
to do it.
when you pull yourself back up
TIP Save your game once you've have everything in after the second obstacle, you
position. If you fail to do everything correctly, Lara dies. see a steel cable running
NOTE As long as you're on the ledge above the Mona
Lisa, you're safe from the gas when the trip wires turn
back on. Jump to grab the steel cable,
and shimmy to the end of it.
When you reach the end of the
cable, Lara's upper-body strength
There's only one way to proceed increases.
through the maintenance tunnels
above the Mona Lisa. Climb the
ladder at the end of the tunnels
to reach the Louvre rooftops.


From the end of the cable,

carefully walk along the narrow Walk along the length of this
ledge until you reach a gap in the ledge until you come to a ladder
ledge. You can climb down the leading down from a wire-mesh
pipe that runs through the center storage area. Climb down the
of the gap, or you can cross the ladder to reach the lower level of
gap by hanging from the ledge the Louvre rooftop.
and shimmying to the other side.
Climb down the pipe first.
Once you get halfway down the
pipe, there's an open window NOTE If you still have the Crowbar from the Parisian
that you can climb through. Wait Back Streets level, you don't have to descend the ladder to
for the guard on the other side of get a Crowbar from the maintenance room.
the window to pass by, then
sneak in and take him out from
behind in Stealth mode. Pick up
the Louvre Guard's Key that he
leaves behind. There is a blue utility door to the
right of the ladder (as you face
NOTE It is not necessary to grab the Louvre Guard's Key the ladder). The Louvre Guard's
(or take out the guard) if you picked up the Crowbar from Key unlocks the door, and there's
the Parisian Back Streets and still have it in your a Crowbar inside.

NOTE You can also unlock the door in the wire-mesh

None of the doors near the
fence that runs along this side of the lower level of the
museum guard can be opened,
rooftop, but it's not necessary to do so.
so climb back out the window
and continue down the pipe until
you reach the lower level of the
Louvre rooftop. Unlock the door
to the wire-mesh fence. After grabbing the Crowbar,
climb up the ladder and press
Action near the door to the wire-
mesh storage area to pop the
With the upper-body strength lock with the Crowbar and open
upgrade, Lara can shoulder open the door.
the utility doors on each end of
the lower level of the Louvre
rooftop. Behind one of the doors,
are some health bandages; there
is nothing behind the other door.

Once you've grabbed the loot

from behind the utility doors,
return to the pipe, and climb it
until you reach the top ledge. Pull
yourself up to the ledge to the Climb the metal device on the
right of the pipe and walk other side of the door, and use it
carefully along it. When you get to enter the maintenance tunnel
to the end of the ledge, hang above it. Climb down the ladder
from it, shimmy around the to reach a storeroom in the
corner, and pull yourself up to the adjacent ledge through the hole in Louvre offices.
the fence.


Watch the window for the guard MLLE. CARVIER'S RESEARCH

in the hallway. Wait for the guard
It seems that Mlle.
to pass, then open the door, stalk
Carvier was
the guard in Stealth mode, and
researching the same
take him out from behind.
thing that Werner Von
Croy was looking into
before he died. By
looking at the
parchment on the
At one end of the hallway is a
artist's desk, you find
locked door with a key card
that each of the Obscura Paintings contains a secret
reader. At the other end is the
engraving of an encrypted map that leads to another
locked door to Mlle. Carvier's
painting's location.
office; there's a numeric keypad
Take a gander at the
next to the door.
painting above the
fireplace to read about
a fellow named Pieter
To find the code that unlocks
Van Eckhardt who was
Mlle. Carvier's office, open the
the original keeper of
closest door to that office and
the Obscura Paintings,
sneak into the security office
each of which has a
beyond it. Creep through the
metallic symbol of
circular glass doors, and take out
power hidden in it. The five paintings hide something
the museum guard near the
called the Sanglyph ("blood sign"). They were seized by
security monitors.
the Lux Veritatis in the 1300's or 1400's and painted
over with religious imagery. Could the Eckhardt
There are four security monitors mentioned be an ancestor of the Eckhardt that Von Croy
you can view in here. The mentioned? Or…could they somehow be the same
leftmost one views Mlle. person?!
Carvier's office. Use the camera Inspect Mlle.
to zoom in on a piece of paper Carvier's computer to
stuck to her monitor. There's a find out some infor-
five-digit number written on the mation about a fellow
paper: 14639. named Brother
Obscura, who was
ordered to paint over
the original Obscura
images. The paintings
Return to the door to Mlle.
were hidden, but Brother Obscura made secret sketches
Carvier's office and enter 1-4-6-3-
of the paintings, known as the Obscura Engravings, and
9 at the numeric keypad to
hid them as well.
unlock the door. Press Action at
several places in the office to get
information on the Obscura
Paintings and Pieter Van Eckhardt (see sidebar). Open the cabinet to
the right of the desk to get Carvier's Security Pass.
Leave Mlle. Carvier's office and
walk down the hall. There's a
door to an X-ray room near the
door to the security office, but
there's nothing you can do here
right now.


NOTE Remember this room—you must come back here This raises the gate and gives
when you return to the Louvre after visiting the Tomb of you access to the first gallery,
Ancients. which no longer has any laser
trip wires in it. Go through the
first gallery and out the door at
the end. Head down the hall and
Carvier's Security Pass unlocks stairway until you come to the
the door at the end of the hall locked door. Press Action to bust
near the storeroom (press Action it open. You don't have to worry about the security camera, as
near the door's card reader). you've taken out every guard in the museum by now.
Proceed through it to the archae-
ological dig.

At the far end of this room, you

find some Health Bandages and
Descend the spiraling stairs, and a Small Health Pack.
walk through the open door at
the end of the hallway. There are
two doors in the room beyond
the door. Go through the only one
that opens.
Use Carvier's Security Pass on
the locked door that you couldn't
open previously. It has a sign
next to it that advertises an
There's a lone museum guard in archaeological dig site.
the gallery. If you're in Stealth
mode, sneak up on him and take
him out.

Head down the stairs. There's a

small gallery, but there's nothing in
there except a museum guard.
Lara can unlock the door at the There's no need to fight him.
other end of the gallery by using
Carvier's Security Pass. The door
leads to the second gallery you
came through, near the beginning
of the level.

Remember that room way back

at the beginning of the level that
you couldn't open because Lara
didn't have enough upper-body
strength? Well, thanks to the
strength upgrades you got in this
Go through the doors at the
level, you can now break it
bottom of the stairs to reach the
down. Backtrack through the
entrance to the archaeological dig
second gallery and use Carvier's
site. Open the metal double doors
Security Pass on the door with the metal grate.
to begin the next chapter of
Lara's adventure.


The Archaeological Dig

The location of anomalous findings underneath
the Louvre has been turned into a full-fledged

archaeological excavation. Work has progressed
• Museum Guard
steadily, and a deep fissure has been
• Gendarme Security (x3)
painstakingly cleared of dirt and debris. With the
dig currently closed, and with minimal security,


you can explore the surface for clues. You're • First Ancient Symbol Tracing
looking for two Ancient Symbol Tracings, after • Second Ancient Symbol Tracing
which you should descend into the main pit to

hunt for clues on opening the archaic locking mechanism. There are four symbols to AVAILABLE UPGRADES
locate and line up on the ancient lock itself. Once you achieve this, the past • There are no available upgrades in this area.
civilization reveals its entrance, and you are free to investigate the tomb.

Draw your weapon and continue

Stepping away from the Louvre's around the dig site surface until
security doors, enter this dank you reach a tent with computers
and deserted basement. reading telemetry data. Out
Fortunately, the mesh door is comes a guard wearing a heavy
open. Step forward. jacket. Deal with him at once,
then pick up the M-V9 he drops.

Ignore the area to the left, pass Check out the pair of double
the small digger, and run around doors to the right of the tent. Run
the right side of the sandy between the two corrugated
ground. You see a large walls of iron and push open the
excavation hole and a gap in the doors to enter an excavation area.
perimeter fencing. Don't go there
yet, though.
When you reach the makeshift
desk with the computer
Your movements disturb a equipment, maneuver the
security attendant who barks, scanner to the first Ancient
"You're under arrest!" in French. Symbol, then check the left
Disable him and take his K2 printer. On the tray is a piece of
Impactor, then investigate the paper. Pick it up and check your
porta-cabin from where he Inventory. This is the First
appeared. Ancient Symbol Tracing. It is an
unknown glyph, found with the giant scanner ahead of you.
NOTE You can activate the
Inside the porta-cabin are a remote controls next to the
number of air-conditioning units printer and view the infrared
that keep the temperature at the materials detector that's
dig constant. Activate the air currently scanning this room.
conditioning so that any elevator Maneuver the scanner around,
devices you interact with later point at the ground, and
have a better chance of working. uncover artifacts buried in the
Now exit. stone and sand below. The
First Symbol is in the top-left
corner of the dig area. The scanner only works when you
switch on the air conditioning and power in the first cabin.


When you've finished scanning, The leap from the right side of the
return to the main dig site scaffold to the ledge above the
surface and run right, past the rock wall is an alternate route. It
computer tent and into the takes longer, as you must
porta-cabin next to it. There's a shimmy across the underside of
door to open. Head inside; the arch. Make sure you run and
there's nothing of note around leap early, over the railing, if you
the far end of the structure. want to land these jumps.

This porta-cabin was used to Head along the left side of the
research data and weigh scaffolding planks, turn the two
samples. Look for a piece of corners, and clamber down the
paper lying on the fax machine yellow ladder to the next series
above the file cabinet. This is the of scaffold platforms. By now
Second Ancient Symbol Tracing. you've spotted a spinning
The glyph is a dot with a circle circular device embedded in the
around it. far wall.
The second tracing is a circular
symbol and the first looks like an
inverted "G." The second symbol
also appears on the wall. With Head toward this device. Walk
these two papers in your around the ladder, around the
backpack, step out of the porta- corner, pass under the ladder,
cabin and draw your weapon and stop by the gap in the planks
once more. next to the blue barrel.

Although you can leap across,

continue around, and clamber
Another guard has been alerted
down the yellow ladder, it is
to your presence. Once you deal
faster to drop off the edge near
with him, pick up his M-V9
the barrel, cling onto it, and drop
pistol, and run toward the
past a second plank to the
entrance to this level, stopping
bottom scaffolding area, above
at the gap in the mesh fence.
the excavated ground. By now,
you should have heard the radio
chatter and seen gunfire in the pit below.
There's a yellow ladder. Drop
onto the scaffolding below, and
descend to the base of the pit. TIP Should you mistakenly climb a ladder you don't
There are a number of ways to want to be on, press the Backward and Jump buttons to
go down here—the route leap off it. Make sure there's a place to land behind you.
described is the quickest and
safest, although there are two
shortcuts to take.

There is a final guard in heavy

If you already know the combi- padding down here. Shoot at him
nation to open the lock, you from one of the scaffolding
don't have to descend the ledges above. You can engage
scaffolding platforms. Instead, him in close combat—but you
you can leap to the jutting stone might not live.
pedestal under either side of the
stone archway.


Run left, locating the orange

battery power unit, and clamber
down the nearby ladder to the
excavation floor. There are
various machine parts, rubble,
wheelbarrows, and a hardhat
area of little interest. Head to the
lit area.
You drop onto the ledge on the
opposite span of the archway. Turn
There has been some feverish around and look at the rotating lock
deciphering going on at a mechanism from here.
computer table. On an easel
rests a sketch of the locking
mechanism currently whirring
above you. Study the board. TIP If you're feeling reckless, try a running jump from
this ledge. Point directly at the scaffold near the
mechanism, and grab it as you hit the scaffold poles and
drop. Pull yourself onto the wooden platform. You've
There are four "locking wheels."
executed an impressive shortcut. When you want to move
The unlocking symbols for the
to the opening you unlock, leap and grab the stone ledge
outer and inner ones have been
under the arch. It is difficult (save your game), but not
deciphered. They are a crescent
and an insect (possibly a scarab
beetle). Remember these two

Accessing the mechanism is the

tricky part. It is five stories up
from your current location, and
the only way to reach it is to
ascend the rock wall near the
Leap to the scaffold Leap back to the
two wheelbarrows.
platform. archway ledge.

Regain your grip strength

halfway up the wall by dropping
onto the small platform, then
continue up to the rock ledge
underneath the stone archway. The proper way to reach the
This is one of the ledges you mechanism is to pull yourself up
could have leapt to from the top from the ledge to the wooden
of the scaffold. Save your game. platform, then vault onto the top
of the archway. Make a right turn,
run across the top of the archway
Now stand under the archway bridge to the middle, then make a
and leap up. Lara grabs the left turn.
underside of the archway and
swings across the span of the
arch. Pull the camera behind her,
and don't stop.


Stop and turn each section

Cross the planks and investigate a independently, starting with the
round hole in the earth ahead. It outer one. Ignore the first lever.
looks like a door, but you cant' Now pull levers 2, 3, and 4 to
open it. This area is your final the lower position. Run back to
destination at the dig. the mechanism.

Walk to the planks near the

archway bridge, and locate the Move the pointer. Only the outer
lever that powers the cargo section moves. Continue to pull
elevator. Pull the lever, and the the pointer until the crescent
elevator descends to the level of shape lines up with the
the planks near the locking rectangular bar. Now run back to
mechanism. (Note: this only the levers. Pull lever #1 to the
works if you turned the air condi- "off" position.
tioning on at the first cabin.)
Return to the ledge under the arch. Now pull lever #2 only. Run back
to the mechanism. Pull the pointer
until the "inverted G" symbol lines
Leap from the ledge to the
up with the rectangular bar. Check
elevator platform, then walk onto
your inventory to make sure the
the scaffold. Look at the whirring
symbols are correct (as other
lock in front of you. There are
symbols on the mechanism look
four separate sections spinning
independently of each other.
Each has eight symbols on it.
Head to the levers. Pull lever #2
Stop the whirring, then rotate to the "off" position. Now pull lever
each section so the appropriate #3, return to the mechanism, pull
symbol lines up with the the pointer, and rotate the third
rectangular iron bar at "nine section until the dot and circle
o'clock" on the device. Move to symbol lines up in the metal
the "pointer" on the mechanism rectangle. One more to go.
and pull it down. All four
sections rotate at once. Rotate
one at a time. Move to the levers for the last
time. Pull lever #3 to the "off"
There are four long levers to the position. Now pull lever #4,
right of the mechanism that head back, and pull the pointer
achieve this effect. Run there until the inner section lines up
now. All the levers are in the "on the insect symbol with the metal
position," and each relates to a rectangle. Check the screenshot.
section. Lever #1 turns the That's the unlocking code.
outer section on and off. Levers
#2 and #3 turn the second and
third sections on and off, respec- As soon as you're finished, the
tively. Finally, lever #4 (far right) turns the inner section on and off. mechanism grinds to life, maneu-
vering dozens of metal rods and
retracting the entrance "floor" in
the circular pit at the top of the
excavation. The entrance to the
Tomb of Ancients is now open.


Save your game and move onto

There's a gaping hole in front of
the elevator platform. Leap to the
you. Run and jump into it, or fall
ledge under the arch, climb on
and hang off the edge of the
the wooden ledge, then up onto
circular pit. You are now about to
the arched bridge. Run across
enter the Tomb of Ancients, where
the bridge, turn left, and move
traps will test your very sanity.
into the now-open entrance.

Tomb of Ancients
This gigantic, cylindrical sinkhole with ancient

walls and carvings will test your mettle. You
• Bat
must climb down the walls, ensure your jumping
• The Knight
is accurate, and access two laborious sets of

jutting wall ledges in your quest to pull two

levers, the last of which opens a grating at the • V-Packer Shotgun
base of the chamber. Once in here, it is a short

jog to the Hall of Seasons. Ignore the broken AVAILABLE UPGRADES
bridge as you descend, and save before every • Upgrade Kick Door/Wall: Lower Body Level 5
jump. Finally, you'll return to this area when you make your escape. So remember A swift kick to a door below the main chamber
where you came in; it'll save your life. allows access to the Hall of Seasons.

TIP Even if you are sure of

You land on an area of rock your jumping, hanging, and
below the elaborate door, unable dropping capabilities, you
to leap back to the dig. Run along should still save your game
the tunnel until you reach the after each leap. Some
edge of it. Peer down to see a require precise lining up and
wooden beam below. maneuvering. Others are
simply devilishly difficult.
You have been warned.

Hang off the tunnel edge, land on Walk to the edge of the cave
and hang off the beam, then drop opening, and drop so you're
onto the sandy ground below. hanging from it. If you press the
Don't leap from the upper tunnel Backward button now, instead of
entrance, as you'll hurt yourself. falling, you shimmy down the
craggy rock face, finding nooks to
hold onto. Continue climbing down
this cliff wall, even as it overhangs.
Head to the cave entrance ahead
of you, and gaze at the gigantic
cylindrical hole you must Move down as the cliff continues
descend. As the camera sweeps to hang over. When it straightens
past the bats, you see two to a vertical wall, you can drop to
portions of a broken bridge, with a small, stone ledge at the base
the wreckage strewn about the of the cliff face. Turn and look left
bottom. The base of this when you reach the ledge.
structure is where you're headed.


TIP Your path isn't always a series of jumps and grabs. NOTE Don't go to the
There are certain points where you should look for other side of the bridge. It
textured cliff walls that can take your weight as you climb is almost impossible to leap
down them. If you're stuck, look around for a wall to the gap between the two
shimmy along. portions of the bridge. And
if you do make it across,
To the left of the green stone there is nothing of interest
ledge you're on is a wooden except a locked stone door
support beam. Stop for a and a locked trapdoor on
moment, bring out your ranged the floor in front of it. This
weapon for choice, and down a is where you'll exit this area;
pesky bat. Now execute a ignore it for now.
regular jump from the back of the
ledge, then grab that beam. Don't
jump from the front edge, or
Move to the left balcony on the
you'll overshoot.
left side of the bridge between
the door and the lantern. If you
peer over the edge, you see a
Don't hop (Walk, then Jump) gargoyle below. That's the area
either, as you won't have time to to aim for, although it is a deadly
grab the beam. Once you're on jump if you're not precise with
this beam, look down. There's a your timing.
broken bridge and ornate There are three ways to descend from the bridge to the lower
archway below you. ground, and each is dangerous. Save your game, then attempt one
of the following.

Do not fall from this ledge to the

broken bridge, as the drop kills
Descending the Bridge Method #1
you. Instead, look left at the This method involves vaulting
cave entrance on the exterior over the balcony, dropping past
wall. Save your game, then the ledge and gargoyle, and
run from the end of the beam, landing on the rock platform
turn, and leap at the entrance at below. You'll lose half your health
full speed. if you hit a wall to halt your drop
on the way down, but you'll make
it. If you miss everything, you will
Once on the cave ground, follow
expire in a crumpled heap.
it around to a natural sinkhole in
the floor. Dangle from the ground,
drop on the natural step, walk and Descending the Bridge Method #2
drop onto the next step, turn 180
degrees, and fall off the final step. Try a running jump a couple of
Don't fall and miss any steps or meters behind the balcony so you
you'll wound yourself. sail over it, then land on the
gargoyle. You can then dangle
from the ledge and drop to the
rock platform. However, the
You emerge from the ornate chances of an overshoot, or of
archway on the broken bridge slipping off the gargoyle are high.
span you saw earlier. There's a
sealed door behind you. Look left.


Descending the Bridge Method #3 Ahead is a wooden support

The simplest method is to get as buttress. The jump is tricky. Take
close to the doorway as possible, a couple of steps back from the
vault over the balcony so you're edge, then regular jump, landing
falling right next to the wall, and on the buttress. A running jump
land on a tiny lip. Dangle off the sends you over the buttress, and
lip, drop onto the rock platform, a walking jump is too short.
and count your blessings. You can
achieve the same effect if you
leap over the balcony at the wall, Once you're standing on the
hit it, then slide down to the lip. wooden support, move to the
wall and pull the lever jutting out
of the wall. A series of stone
platforms rumbles out of the wall
This rock platform reaches a below you. These giant steps
dead end. View the lever in the descend to the ground below.
square alcove on the opposite
wall (that's where you need to
go), then look for the brick-
TIP Save your game before each and every jump to
minimize anguish and backtracking.
patterned rock below you.

Dangle off the rock, then shimmy Jumping to step #1 is easy.

down, continuing as the rock Just walk, then hop to the
wall slopes into an alcove. Climb platform without any hassle.
into the alcove, then drop to the Make a regular jump to step #2.
ledge below. There's nowhere to Reach out and grab the step if
leap to from this area. Turn and you fall short. Take a couple of
look to the left area of the ledge. steps before you leap.

The climbable wall continues to

the left and wraps around the Leap to step #3 by running and
rock formation. To ensure you jumping. The step is higher, so
reach the next area without you can land on top of, or hit it
losing your grip, jump from the and slide down it, ending in an
left side of the alcove and Action button grab. Pull yourself
shimmy around the corners of up and onto the platform.
this rock outcropping, heading to
the green rock area.

Clamber down the green rock The next step is below you, but
wall, continue into the overhang, you cannot reach it by hanging
and drop onto the narrow off the platform. (You'll fall past it
platform below. Peer over the to your death). Instead, leap at
edge to see how high up you are. the wall above the step and slide
Save your game, then move to down onto it, or hop from the
the darkened end of the rock back of the upper step.


TIP When you're jumping to Run past the Knight to the top of
a step and think you'll the debris mound. Grab and pull
overshoot, leap at the wall yourself up the first new step.
directly above the step, slam Save your game. Once on top of
against it, then drop and land the step, move to the edge
on the step. There's no nearest the next step and hop,
damage, and no overshooting. then grab the step and pull
yourself up.

TIP Again, jumping at the wall, sliding down onto the

The next step (#5) is also below platform, and avoiding the risk of real jumping maneuvers
the one you're on, but this is a is the best way to ascend these steps.
longer drop. Jump into the wall
above the platform, and a slide
down onto it. When you land,
turn and look right. From step #2 to #3, take a
running jump, then stop as you
land on the third platform. Grab
There's damage to be had if you
the step if you fall short. Once on
drop from this platform, so leap
step #3, walk to the edge, jump,
to step #6 using a hop (Walk
and grab step #4 above you.
and Jump buttons). The platform
is closer than you think, and
you'll sail over it if you attempt a
regular or running jump. Dangle A running jump is required from
and drop onto the ground. step #4 to #5, but stop before
you fall off the far side. Attempt
You've finally made it to the base the same move from step #5 to
of this gigantic tomb. There's no #6, except grab the platform as
reason to inspect this area, you hit the side of it. Pull
especially since there's something yourself up onto step #6 and
carrying a flaming sword on the turn around.
far side of this arena. Ignore the
trapdoor (it is still locked), and Execute the same move from
avoid the Knight. step #6 to #7; try the running
jump, then grab and haul
Run to the small gap in the wall, yourself onto the platform. Walk
duck, and crawl under it into a to the edge of step #7, then
tiny alcove. There is a lever here. jump straight up and grab step
When you pull it, the six steps #8, clambering onto this jutting
retract, and eleven more appear. platform.
These lead back up the circular
wall to a torch-lit alcove with a
The next jump is tricky. Jump, but
lever in it. You saw this earlier.
point yourself toward the wall so
you come up short, then grab step
#9 and pull yourself up. Running
Your new adversary is deadly. jumps and hopping cause you to
Arcane magic prevents the come up too long or short. Now
Knight from dying, so avoid those look to your final two steps.
sword swings. Blast it with
weapons until it falls, which
gives you time to escape before
it regenerates.


For step #9 to #10 hop, then Avoid the Knight, move to the
grab the platform as you fall, open trapdoor, and fall through to
maneuvering yourself onto it. the ground below. You do not
Finally, try a running jump at the return here until this series of
last step (#11), grab the levels is complete. Run down the
platform, and haul yourself onto heat-filled passage, and at the
the torch-lit step. mine junction, make a right.

You come to an iron door. Kick it

open and strengthen Lara's legs
Turn left, clamber into the alcove, at the same time (Upgrade Kick
and pull that switch. No more Door/Wall: Lower Body Level 5).
steps appear, but the trapdoor at The blocked area beyond holds a
the base of the tomb falls open. discarded V-Packer shotgun and
You must now descend the steps. two sets of V-Packer Standard
Cartridges (a total of four boxes).

Save your game, climb down to After making the shotgun your
the step, turn right, and survey weapon of choice, return to the
the next two steps (#10 and junction and make a right. Run
#9). Try a running jump and down the tunnel to a second
bypass #10 completely metal door on your right. With
(remember to grab step #9), or your new leg strength, kick open
jump into the wall and slide this door. Too weak? Then
down to step #10. retrace your steps to the other
door and open that first.

If you land on step #10, hop to You appear in a long corridor.

#9. Now point yourself so you Stride over the ground mosaic,
jump from a standstill, hit the ignoring the two sealed doors,
wall, and land on step #8. and step through the doorway
Simply drop from step #8 to #7, ahead of you. Uh-oh! The door
directly underneath you. above slams down behind you.

From step #7 to #6, walk to the

edge and hop to it, then turn 180
degrees and survey the final five
steps. Move to the far edge of
step #6, turn so you face the
wall above step #5, and hop into
it, sliding onto the step itself.

You're left in a long, arched

Although it looks farther away, a chamber. On either side of you are
simple hop from step #5 to #4 darts springing out of traps in the
is all that's required. Now look walls. These inflict glancing
down and walk off this step, damage if you're hit. You can
landing on step #3. Hop to step make out a door at the far end of
#2, hop to step #1, and finally this narrow corridor. It is barred.
land on the debris below. Your
workout is almost complete.


This trapped hallway requires you

to stay at the entrance, turn
right, and pull a lever. This raises
the bars on the doorway ahead,
but also commences a nasty
spike-thrusting trap at each of
the three archways. Also, the
doorway seals after 15 seconds.
Save your game before you pull
The doorway seals behind you.
the lever.
Walk into a corridor with a large
As soon as you pull the lever, wooden door at the end. Open
turn and run toward the first the door, stride through into an
archway spike trap and leap identical chamber, then breathe a
early, sailing over it. Precisely sigh of relief. You've located the
time this jump, or you'll be hit by fabled Hall of Seasons.
the spike. Continue the run,
leaping over the second spike,
the third spike, and through the

The Hall of Seasons

This is a gigantic hub, and you return here many
times. Initially, you're inside a circular hall.

Unlock each of the sets of doors surrounding
• The Knight (x4)
you, and you end up in one of four elemental
• Brother Obscura
chambers. Your job is to locate four elemental

crystals (one from each chamber), attach them


to various parts of the furnace, release moving • Fire Crystal
columns in the main hall, and climb to the roof of • Earth Crystal
the hall, where a bizarre brother guards an • Air Crystal
Obscura Painting. If you choose the wrong door, you fall into the dungeon. In the • Water Crystal
dungeon, you negotiate many traps until you find an elevator back to the circular • Obscura Painting #1
hall, or if you've already located all four crystals, the entrance to the furnace.

• Upgrade Grip: Upper Body Level 7
Lara can scale steep overhangs with ease after
this workout.

Your main area of interest is the

central calendar on the floor of
the hall. It details the signs of
Enter the Hall of Seasons. the zodiac, coupled with the
Investigate the rubble fallen from months in Latin, and the four
the structure above. seasons in golden foot plates.
Medieval scenes signify each
month in question.


When the doors open, avoid the

There's little time to marvel at Knight and enter one of the doors.
this contraption, as a Knight is You'll find yourself in a short
trotting in to swipe at you. Ignore corridor leading to a lever. Above
or temporarily pulverize this the lever is a second glyph. This
beast, then look to the golden glyph is the one you should look
foot plates below. Each has a at to solve this puzzle. The glyph
symbol on the ground relating to above the lever and the glyph on
an element. the golden footplate you stepped
on should match.

Pull the lever. The gate or door

blocking your way raises,
allowing you access to one of
four different elemental chambers.

The element of earth is a stone- The element of fire is a sunburst-

shaped glyph with a line under it. shaped glyph.
These chambers are Neptune's
Hall, Wrath of the Beast, The
Sanctuary of Flame, and The
Breath of Hades. Collect a crystal
from each to access the upper
floors of the hall.

If you chose the wrong door and

pulled the lever, the floor
The air element is a glyph of The element of water is a glyph
crumbles and you fall into a dark
three lines ending in hooks. of three wavy lines.
tunnel. Follow the tunnel to a
slope and slide down it. See "The
Basement of Traps" section for
details on how to get back to the
Hall of Seasons.

TIP If you pulled the wrong

lever, you have a split-second
to attempt a sideways jump
away from the opening
below you, so you can stay
Many doors surround you, twelve on the ground floor of this
of which have a glyph sign above hall and try again. Jumping
them. If you step on one of the and landing to the side
golden foot plates, the three works in all sections, but is
doors closest to the golden foot very difficult!
plate open.


Entering Neptune's Hall: Water Entering The Breath of Hades: Air

Stand on the water glyph, then enter the left doorway. Inside is the Stand on the air glyph, then enter the right doorway. Inside is the
matching water glyph. matching air glyph.

Entering Wrath of the Beast: Earth TIP If you succeed in opening the portcullis inside the left
or right corridor, run straight through to the door leading
to the elemental chamber. Don't pull the lever in the
middle section out of curiosity, unless you want to drop
into the basement instead.

The Basement of Traps

If you pulled the wrong lever,
then you appear in one of four
Stand on the earth glyph, then enter the middle doorway. Inside is entrances. Pick up the Large
the matching earth glyph. Health Pack, then head into the
circular tunnel, as there are two
Entering The Sanctuary of Flame: Fire areas to investigate. The hazards
described in this portion of the
walkthrough begin from the
entrance where you appear if you
stood on the water floor plate.
The instruments of torture
described in this portion of the
walkthrough appear as if you are
running counterclockwise around
this circular basement. That
Stand on the fire glyph, then enter the right doorway. Inside is the means at the entrance you turn
matching fire glyph. right. When you enter this
section, you see a large, spiked
harvester on your left. Run right,
NOTE Walkthroughs for each elemental chamber are and it follows you on the rails.
covered later in this section.

Step to the far left or right of the

passage (before the lava pit), and
let this infernal contraption roll
past you without harming you,
jumping the pointy spikes. Make
a running jump across the lava
pit. Save your game first.


Once safely over the lava pit, run Pass another entrance on your
around the curved corridor until right (where you end up if you
you reach a door on your left. It choose the incorrect doorway
is the only door on the inside of when treading on the fire floor
this circular tunnel, and it leads plate), move between the
to the furnace deep under the descending spike arms, and
Hall of Seasons. Do not enter watch for the metal protrusions
here until you have all four sticking out of the ground. When
element crystals. you near them, they split into
Continue past the furnace until four knives.
you come to six wall spikes
shooting out of the wall. Four are Run around these four traps, then
on the right wall, two on the left watch the next trap. Three curved
one. Walk around each point as it scythes whip the corridor in front
protrudes, or leap over the hole of them. One is from the ceiling,
before the spike shoots out. Don't while the other two come out of
stray to the edges or you'll fall the walls. To avoid being sliced,
into a strip of lava. wait for them to swing, hug one
wall, and leap over them as they
Continue to a doorway on your retract. Keep moving.
right. This is another entrance (if
you failed to enter the elemental Stay away from the stone block
chamber associated with air). that falls from the ceiling, then
Parked to one side of the door is lifts up again. Moving under the
the spiked harvester. Run around it, block as it ascends is the best
then jump across another lava pit way to avoid it. Now execute a
(cling to the wall if you fall short). running leap across the lava pit,
and you’re back at the initial
Jump around the right side of the entrance area.
lava pit, as there are another two
running along both walls. This
means you must keep to the
right. Just beware of the
Exiting the Basement of Traps
retracting blade on the wall,
which spins horizontally, then
You can enter the furnace after
vertically. Nasty.
collecting all four of the elemental
crystals, so it is best to ignore it
Avoid the blade by running until your inventory has been
straight under it before it forms stocked with them.
properly. Or Commando Crawl to
avoid the spinning blade. Ducking
and regular crawling get you
minced. Continue past the end of
the inner wall lava pit. The proper exit to the Hall of
Seasons is the door leading to
the rope elevator on the outer
If you're searching for a way up wall. Move into the elevator and
to the Hall of Seasons (after pull the rope. Once you finish,
accidentally falling down here, or pull the rope a second time to
when you switch the furnace reach the appropriate floor.
on), check out the exit to your
right. This outer doorway leads
to an elevator. We're continuing
on with our hazard check,


You return to the Hall of Seasons

a total of five times (not including
trips to the basement or furnace,
which are part of the hall). You
return after each elemental
crystal has been obtained, and
again to escape after an
encounter with Brother Obscura.
You appear at a door; open it and Follow the notes outlined
jog through the connecting previously for entering each
corridor to the Hall of Seasons. elemental chamber. These can
be accessed in any order you
like, but are presented here in
order of difficulty. Save often.
First, access Neptune's Hall by
treading on the water floor pad
and entering the left door.

Neptune's Hall
Neptune's Hall consists of an underwater search
for the Water Crystal, which is embedded in a
rock column at the center of a water-filled

chamber. Initially, the chamber needs to be filled

with water, or you'll dive and land on tile. • The Knight
Negotiating a Knight, you find a smaller passage

to swim down, locate a lever to fill the water, CRITICAL ITEMS TO LOCATE
then return to the entrance chamber to dive into • Water Crystal
the central area. A quick search for a second

lever occurs, after which a swim through a maze of rock tunnels lands you under • There are no available upgrades in this area.
the central gate. After pocketing the crystal, you swim down to pull a final lever,
unlocking the circular door parts, and swim back to the initial chamber to return to
the Hall of Seasons.
Although the initial passageway
is lit by a number of torches, You can ignore the Knight and
there's only swimming to run around the four pillars to the
contend with. First, run around continuation of the corridor. At
the four pillars. Don't drop into the far end is an ornate gargoyle
the hole in the central area of the spitting a stream of water into
passage, or you'll land with a an open grating. Jump into
sickening thud in the large this grating.
chamber below.
This chamber must be filled
with water before you can high Dive downward. You only have a
dive. First, nullify the Knight limited air supply, so follow the
that's conjuring fireballs at you. route exactly. Pass the broken
Engage him in combat near the grating cover, down through the
hole, then push him in. You hole, and into a large underwater
destroy him and won't need to hallway with a checkered floor.
worry about him later.


This raises the water level so

Swim upward so you can see the you can swim back to the
far wall (the taller one that is circular chamber and clamber
open rather than the smaller one onto the narrow ledge
blocked by a lock). Wait for the surrounding the large pool. There
trap blades to swing, and slowly are five arched doorways that
rotate back into position, then are now accessible. All but one
dart through. lead to dead ends.

Head for the archway with an

Beyond the trap blades is a small orange tinge of light emanating
antechamber with a lever on the from it. Run through this archway
wall. Grab and pull the lever. This and make a left. You pass an
raises the water level in the archaic light, heading for a square
central chamber You're still on hole in the ground.
the same breath of air, so quickly
exit the antechamber. The hole is full of water. Save your game, then plunge right in,
swimming up slightly as you
Locate the hole in the hall ceiling reach a tunnel below. Now swim
and paddle up through it, past down this underwater tunnel. A
the grating, and surface at the third of the way along, you see
gargoyle fountain. Use the Action the ornate arched arrows of the
button to pull yourself out of the central chamber casting a
water, then run to the four shadow against the right wall,
columns and hole in the initial right near a Large Health Pack.
Continue to another square shaft
in the ground, and dive again.
Leap into the central chamber, When you exit into a farther
now filled with water. Below you underwater tunnel, grab a Large
is a circular door mechanism. Health Pack, then stop and look
Below this door is the Water behind you. There is a grating
Crystal. with a piece missing. Swim
through the gap in the grating to a
small pocket of air. You need this.
Now submerge again, swim
through the gap in the grating,
Return to the surface for air, then under the shaft you came down,
swim underwater. Look for the and prepare for nasty spike
locked door with the demon-head traps. First are three traps from
gargoyle above it. Swim to the the ground. Swim to the left or
right of that, looking for a mound of right sides to avoid them, then
sand with plants growing out of it. hug the floor.

Hugging the floor means you

swim under three spikes jabbing
To the left of this mound is a gap you from the ceiling. If you're hit
in the stonework. Swim through by one, you expire, so keep
to an antechamber, and locate alert. Finally, there are two sets
the lever above and to the left. of spikes, one from the bottom
Pull it, and the giant tubes and one from the side. Stay in
surrounding the main chamber the lower left or right corner of
spill out more water. the tunnel.


Swim through the gap in the

grating, and wait for the star Return to the murky column
shape of spikes to appear. Swim sides to locate and pull a lever,
through the gap between two releasing the ornate door lock
spikes before they retract, and below the demon-head gargoyle
finally head through the gap in carving. Surface in the large
the grating. At the end of this central chamber, then swim
tunnel is a shaft to your left. through the now-open door.

You appear inside the checkered-

Swim along it to find yourself floor hallway, where you first
underneath the door mechanism. found a lever. Ignore the lever,
There's no time (or air) to inves- head up through the hole in the
tigate this. Dive to the rock ceiling, and up to the gargoyle
column under the center of the fountain. Clamber out of the
door, and locate the blue stone. grating hole, run back around the
This is the Water Crystal. four columns, and head back to
the Hall of Seasons.

Pocket it. The door mechanism

released when you took the Follow the notes outlined
crystal, so swim upward, previously for entering The Wrath
through the open door of the Beast. Tread on the earth
mechanism, and take a breath. floor pad and pull the middle lever.

Wrath of the Beast

This level consists of unsteady platforms above
bottomless fissures. What looks to be an empty

hallway is transformed into a series of craggy ENTITIES ENCOUNTERED

platforms, which fall away as you land on them • The Knight (x3)
(some of them before you land on them). Follow


the pattern of platforms around and to the other
• Earth Crystal
side of the precipitous gap, then claim the Earth

Crystal. The floor reforms, but three Knights AVAILABLE UPGRADES

appear and should be thwarted so you can pull • There are no available upgrades in this area.
two levers on opposite walls to release the exit door. Flee this beastly area and
never speak of it again.

Enter through the wooden door Save your game before

and you watch as the flat and attempting any leaps. Walk down
easily accessible hallway turns to the bright yellow platform. As
into a series of fissures and you step the platforms, they
unstable ledges. The demonic crumble and fall (giving you a
statue crumbles, and an second to leap from them or die).
earthquake devours the hallway. Quickly leap back to the
entrance, and turn left.


Drop down onto the green platforms that are fixed to the side walls,
and go around them to the
corner. Turn right, then walk
forward until you drop onto a
green rock area. Don't jump to
this platform. Once here, hop to
the long thin platform ahead.
Don't overshoot, as the adjacent
rock beyond it is unstable.
Turn and look
right to see a curved
Once you're on this long thin pathway leading to a
platform, run along it until you large door. Save your game,
reach the gap, leap it, and land then run along the right edge of
on a rock jutting out of the the falling platforms (the left
opposite wall. Save your game! ledges fall earlier). Reach the gap
Once you reach this wall area, and leap over it. The remaining
turn left and check out the long platforms in this area crumble.
thin plinth. This can be edged
across with your back to the Don't leap too early or you'll fall
wall, or leapt with one quick bound. short of the solid ground ahead,
as well as the steps leading up to
Now comes the tricky part! Turn a great supply of V-Packer
left, and run left slightly onto the Cartridges, and a slot device
crumbling platform ahead, leaping holding the Earth Crystal. Take it,
onto the central platform just as and the ground behind you rises
the one behind you falls. This up to fit together in a series of
central section is also unsafe, so pentagons.
as you land, turn 90 degrees to
your right, and leap again. Step onto the platform, and draw
a weapon, as three flames form
You'll land on another unsafe rock
ahead of you. Each is a Knight.
on the opposite wall. Sidejump
Down a couple of them , then
immediately, making sure you
move to the left or right side of the
land facing the wall, or you
hallway and pull on a lever. Repeat
plummet to your death. Land on
the process at the other side.
the crumbling platform, then turn
90 degrees right and jump again
Do not fall into the maelstrom, as
onto the last rock piece. This one
it spells instant death. Instead,
doesn't fall. When you're done, leap to the corner.
struggle to open the exit door. It is
easier to down two of the Knights,
Save your game, then turn right
then attempt the lever; otherwise,
and execute a running jump to
you'll be blasted by their fire
the upper ledges. Cling to the
attacks. If you’re doused in fire,
ledge, pull up, and run and leap
run to one of the two water
again. Pull yourself up, leap, and
cascades over the entrances,
grab one more time before both
and snuff the flames. Head through the open door, back to the Hall
platforms vanish. Now clamber
of Seasons.
onto the sturdy, yellow platform.

Follow the notes outlined

previously for entering The
Sanctuary of Fire. Tread on the fire
floor pad and pull the right lever.


The Sanctuary of Fire

This lava-filled chamber is bristling with deadly
hazards. After dropping down the steps and
avoiding the channels of lava, you must hop

across a series of pentagonal platforms (some of • There are no enemies in this area.
which are booby-trapped) without slipping,

falling short, or jumping in the wrong direction. If CRITICAL ITEMS TO LOCATE
you do, you'll be bathing in molten rock before • Fire Crystal
you expire. If you reach the other side, take the

Fire Crystal and head onto a series of floating • There are no available upgrades in this area.
platforms. Again, some fall away or shoot up into the ceiling. Finally, on the
stepped area, escape this horrific place and pocket that well-earned crystal.

As you enter this chamber, you Leap to the two blocks ahead, but
notice two intertwined snake watch out as the nearer one
carvings on either side of the starts to sink into the lava—
entrance wall. These spill lava quickly move onto the left block.
down channels. Wait for the lava Ignore the block to your right, and
to disperse, then save your game. the two on your left side; all three
Carefully tread on the blocks. sink when you land on them.

Wait for any landing fireballs to Instead, execute a running jump

hit the ground and dissipate, to the cluster of blocks at the
then head down the steps to the end of this lake, and run over
right. Avoid the red blocks near them and onto the safety of the
the spouting lava, as these steps. Do this at once, as the
shake and explode into the air. initial block sinks, and the last
Walk until you reach the edge of block shoots high into the sky.
the lake of fire. Run to the top of the steps.

Pass under the scowling

gargoyle head and pry the Fire
Crystal from its mount in the
Head to the edge of the main
archway alcove. Save your
cluster of blocks, and try a
game, turn around, and take a
running jump on the trio of blocks
deep breath—you have to return
ahead of you.
over the lake of fire, and this
time it's harder.

When you land on this trio of As you run down the steps,
blocks, do not stand on the one platforms grow out of the
farthest from you; it shoots into molten mire to aid you. Step
the air (carrying you to a fiery onto the first block, and hop
demise if you're on it). Instead, onto the first floating platform.
move to the block to the right Leap to the right and use two
side, and make a running leap to standard jumps.
the duo of blocks ahead of you.


Don't head left up the series of Use a standing jump (not a hop)
five platforms; it ends in a to reach the trio of platforms, and
platform high above a central line don't overshoot. Move to the far
of blocks. Drop instead to here one and hop to the single platform
(you need a mixture of hopping ahead of you. Now hop again to
and jumping to reach the upper the single block, and back onto
platform). Otherwise, try one last the initial block area. Save your
standard jump from the third game, and leave this hideous
right-side platform. place through the door you came
in, back to the Hall of Seasons.
Now on the line of blocks, don't
stand on the ascending far one.
Instead, look left and right to see
two more sets of platforms Back in the Hall of Seasons,
forming. Don't head right, as the enter The Breath of Hades by
middle of these right-side stepping on the air floor pad and
platforms sinks when you stand on pulling the right lever.
them. Instead, look left and jump.

The Breath of Hades

If you thought jumping across The Sanctuary of
Fire was difficult, prepare for further frustration.
There's some swaying and narrow columns that ▼

need pinpoint accuracy to land on. Progression ENTITIES ENCOUNTERED
over this series of ledges is further impeded by • There are no enemies in this area.
wind from numerous directions, courtesy of stone

dragon heads that can blow you off course if CRITICAL ITEMS TO LOCATE
you're jumping, or even standing on the swaying • Air Crystal
stalk platforms. Be forward thinking and check

the wall to the right of your starting location for a lever that raises the portcullis on • There are no available upgrades in this area.
the other side of the gap, or you won't be able to reach the Air Crystal. With the final
crystal in your grasp, return across the airy crevasse, and enter the Hall of Seasons to
slot each of the four elements in the furnace beneath the main hall.

As you step into this frightful

chamber, you see there are ten
stone dragon heads lining the left,
right, and far walls. They randomly
blow out smoke, one at a time,
with no discernable pattern.

If you're hit by a blast of this

smoke, you're knocked off the
tiny stalk-like column you're
resting on (or jumping to),
making this leaping extra
treacherous. Peer into the gloom
at the back of this room.


A portcullis bars the way to the

holder with the final crystal on it,
and you don't want to waste time
leaping over this crevasse more
times than is absolutely
necessary. Find a way to raise
the portcullis.

Locate the section of darker wall

bricks, and push them just as
you would a crate. They
disappear into the wall, and the
entire section is shoved inwards,
revealing a hidden alcove with
two clips inside. At the end is a
lever. Pull it.
If you're taking the normal route,
This opens the barred portcullis. all movement to the second-to-
Now head to the edge of the last platform is achieved by
crevasse, and save your game. hopping. Judge each leap, as
Wait for the smoke from the some require you to wait until
nearest dragons to pass, and hop the columns are farther apart,
to the first column in the middle and you may need to leap from
of the crevasse area. the edge farther from your target
so you don't overshoot.
You can also move to the left When you're on the second to
area and try a standing jump to a last column, attempt a running
column slightly farther away on jump over the last column and
the left side of the crevasse. land on the solid, stone surface.
From here, hop forward to Run up the steps (you did
another column, and again to a remember to release the
third column along the left side portcullis, didn't you?) and grab
of the pit. As you land on the the Air Crystal. Now to retrace
third column, a rumbling occurs. your steps.
The dragon head to your left (the
third from the foreground when Save your game. Run down the
you enter the room) rumbles left side (if you're facing the
back, revealing a Large Health entrance) and try a strong
Pack and two V-Packer running jump to the fourth
Cartridges under its jaw. This is a column, ignoring the first three.
purely optional item to grab. Now This is easier than hopping over
jump (don't hop) onto the alcove the first three.
and claim your prize.

Stand on the edge of the dragon Now hop to the next column,
alcove and jump to the column then the second to last column
nearest you, then attempt a nearest the exit. From here, you
running jump off the column to can turn around and leap. Press
the second platform nearest to Backward and Jump to back-flip
the far side of the pit. This is onto the stairs, then exit this
possible, but incredibly difficult. chamber. All four crystals are
yours. Head out the door.


Returning to the Dig Site

Activating the Furnace TIP Want to show off?
Dangle from the upper,
curved platform and drop
off it. Now stab the Action
button and grab hold of the
Run back into the main Hall of lower, curved platform. This
Seasons, and move to the central saves time climbing down
floor pads. ladders. Don't dangle and
drop off this lower platform,
though; you'll fall into lava.

Climb down the lower platform

Now that you have all four of the ladder and onto the base of the
crystals, access the basement furnace. A lone Knight thwarts
traps area of the Hall of Seasons. you, but he is easily outrun.
Purposefully choose an incorrect Locate the ladder against the
lever, fall into the basement, and outer area of this structure and
head to the door on the inner wall. climb it before the Knight catches
up to you.

At the top of the ladder is a valve

This leads down a spiral
for the furnace. This is where you
staircase. At the bottom is a door
turn the valve associated with the
which opens to reveal a lever.
fire crystal. Because the furnace
Pull it to reveal a set of straight
has a series of traps set off after
steps leading to a circular
all valves are turned, come back
furnace area. Make a left turn,
here later. For now, turn the
jogging along a curved,
valve, or run around this wooden
wooden platform.
ledge next to the furnace.

You are looking for a chain

At the left side of this is a small spanning the furnace. Grab the
platform leading to a valve in the chain and shimmy along it to the
wall. This is part of the device to jutting wooden ledge on the
power the furnace, waiting for a outer side of this chamber. When
crystal to activate it. Turn the you're above it, drop and run
valve here, near the stone glyph toward the ladder.
for Air.

Climb the ladder adjacent to the

Now locate the three other vertical chain until you reach the
holders for the remaining top of it. Back-flip off onto a
crystals. Descend to the ground wooden ledge on the upper area,
area using the ladder near the above the wooden ledge and
entrance door. Move down the chain. Now turn and run around
rungs onto the wooden platform the small, wooden platform to the
below the upper one. ladder and climb it.


Shimmy off the right side of the Now run to the open furnace door
ladder to the small uppermost and around to the final valve.
platform, and turn right. The Ignore this if you already turned
giant pipe connecting the outer it. If you didn't, you can avoid the
wall to the furnace (and swinging blades that have
supplying fuel to four platforms activated. An incredible grinding
in the Hall of Seasons) needs a sound is heard as the furnace
valve turning . The Earth Crystal roars to life. Unfortunately, it also
helped you reach this point. sets off a number of thrashing
metal traps throughout this
Climb down the ladder to the chamber. Time to go.
small, wooden platform, but do Pay close attention to the
not descend the second ladder rotating blades nearby and leap
near the giant chain. Instead, turn to the left of them, across the
and look at the furnace. There is wooden circle platform, to the
an upper, circular platform. curved platform near the way
Execute a running jump to it. you came in. A running jump
makes it here (stretch out to
grab the edge of the platform).
Run around this platform until
you spot another chain, this one
leading to a high, wooden Climb down the ladder to the
platform you haven't visited yet. base level and crawl under the
Shimmy across to the platform, rotating blades, or wait for one to
drop onto it, then turn left and pass, and run after it before it
run to the base of the ladder. circles and catches you. Run to
Climb it to a tiny, upper alcove. the ladder and climb two floors
of curved, wooden platforms to
the exit.
Once atop the alcove, turn right
and locate the valve in the wall. Save your game, move to the
You hear a creaking noise from rope elevator entrance (in the
below and the sound of water outer wall of the basement of
gushing into the furnace. The traps), and utilize it to ascend
furnace door has opened and the two floors to the main Hall of
entire structure is activating! Seasons. Head through the doors
and you appear near the rubble.
Something has happened.

The central floor calendar is

alive. Four sections of it have
risen from the ground and move
up and down. Locate the
shortest of the platforms and
leap to grab it. Deal with the
annoying Knight beforehand.
You can drop from the alcove or
climb down the ladder to the
platform below. Shimmy across
the chain to the upper circle
platform of the furnace. From
here, dangle off the platform,
drop and press Action to catch
the lower platform, then pull
yourself up here.


TIP If you want to stay off Once at the top, there is a sealed
the floor, climb the rubble arch in front of you, a locked door
and make a running jump at to your right, and an entrance to
the column to your right. the upper balcony on your left.
Land on it, then continue to Run into the upper balcony, make
jump and climb. a left, and jog around the upper
balcony quickly.

Wait for your platform to ascend You can't enter the upper balcony
and the one to your right to and turn right, as there's a
descend. When they are at equal dangerous gap that you cannot
height, make a standing jump to leap. However, when you reach
the next one. Repeat this two the other side of the gap (after
more times until you reach the running around the balcony and
highest (fourth) column. Stand on dodging the Knights), check the
this as it ascends. wall to the left of the hole. It can
be climbed.
At the platform's highest point, Shimmy up the wall, then move
jump and grab the edge of the diagonally upward and right,
circular support with the four heading for the narrow ledge
girders protruding from it. Pull near the fallen rock wall.
yourself onto the circular girder, Continue until you're above the
turn left, and run to the flat girder ledge lip, then drop. Turn and pull
on this structure. Run along it. the lever. The locked door atop
the stairs creaks open.

You've made it to the lower

Don't leap to the stairs entrance
balcony of the Hall of Seasons.
from here—you'll fall. Instead,
Continue upward. Jump or vault
climb down to the upper balcony
over the balcony, then turn right.
the way you came, run around
If you turn left, you jog to a
the upper balcony, back through
barred wall that you cannot pass.
the entrance, and through the
Ignore the left area.
raised door.

As you begin your run, an alcove You find yourself at a dead end
in the outer wall shatters, and a with V-Packer cartridges to pick
Knight appears from it. Ignore it up. However, there is a patch of
and continue your jogging. Run darkened wall to push. Hold the
around the inside of the hole in Action button and shove the wall
the balcony. section into a small hidden
passage with a Large Health
Pack in it.
Run under and around the
Lara feels stronger; she has just
staircase. Ignore the bars in front
increased her grip (Upgrade Grip:
of you (this is where you'd end
Upper Body Level 7). She can
up if you took the left turn after
now hang longer while climbing
the girder) and instead climb the
or monkey-swinging. This is
stairs. If you want extra speed,
important, as you must exit this
jump the steps five at a time.
ancient place with haste.


Retrace your steps back around

the upper balcony to the lever.
Brother Obscura
From the narrow ledge, wall
climb upward, but this time keep Draw your weapon (the shotgun
going. Do not climb this wall is ideal for this battle) and take a
prior to Lara's upgrade, or you defensive stance. Brother
won't have the strength to Obscura has taken a dislike to
complete it. your presence here and will float
about you, readying himself for a
charge, which damages you.
Lara climbs, hangs, and climbs
up an overhang, then grabs the
rock roof, spins around, and Before Brother Obscura has a
continues to climb. Once she's chance to swoop in on you, blast
monkey-swinging, look for a him with your shotgun. The force
small ledge for her to move to of the attack backs him up. Alas,
(on the left rock wall) so she can he comes back just as strong. It
regain her strength. seems Brother Obscura suffers
the same immortal fate as the
Don't continue without this rest.
Cling to the roof, and follow the
seam of the rock so you aren't You cannot defeat Brother
spending time hanging around— Obscura, only ward him off for a
you need every second. Climb up few seconds. When you achieve
the overhang and continue up, this, scan the statues
into the roof structure. surrounding the sarcophagus for
a shining blue light. Sheath your
weapon and run to this light
Quickly move to the side and
drop onto the circular roof
Press Action at the light, and you
chamber. Run to the door, and it
can take Obscura Painting #1 from
opens. Dash into the narrow
the statue. Wait too long, and the
corridor with the T-junction at the
painting randomly moves to
end. To the right is a locked door.
another statue, and Brother
Obscura attacks again. Once the
painting is in your possession, flee.
To the left is a staircase. Climb
the stairs, and as you ascend, a
door opens at the top. This leads Head out of the altar room and
to a ancient altar, where the down the steps. Something isn't
bodies of certain Obscura exper- right—there is waist-deep water
iments were kept and rituals at the bottom of the steps. Taking
were performed. Lara steps past the picture triggered an ancient
the statues. trap, and the entire tomb is filling
with water. Move quickly through
Reading the Latin inscription on to the door that opens.
the sarcophagus, Lara translates
it to mean "through the spirit of
the keeper beholds the truth." It
seems that the "keeper" has
already shown himself. A
hooded, floating, monk-like figure
appears in the chamber.


You appear inside the Tomb of Point yourself forward and up,
Ancients. Slosh forward through but don't head for the small hole.
the water, and the corridor you're That's not the exit cave; it is
in completely fill up. Look at the farther up toward the ceiling. If
hole in the roof of the tunnel, and you’re running out of breath,
swim through as fast as you can. swim to the air hole at the very
Exit through an open trapdoor. top, grabbing the Health
Bandages on the ledge while
you’re at it. Swim into the upper cave hole, past the wooden beam,
and into the entrance to the tomb.
You appear out on the opposite
side of the broken bridge. Ignore
the sealed door behind you— You appear outside of the digging
swim into the now-underwater area, emerging from a secret exit.
cylindrical cavern, and swim Run to the crate next to the mesh
upward. wall, climb onto it and over the
wall, then turn and enter the large
double security doors. Time to
investigate this painting inside the

Galleries Under Siege

• Museum Guard
Back in the Louvre, there seems to • Gendarme Security (x2)
be something strange about the • Agency Soldier (x9)
Obscura Painting you obtained. A • Marten Gundersen
quick trip back to the x-ray • Kurtis Trent
machine inside the art gallery • Louis Bouchard
helps you find out what it is. • Bouchard’s Bodyguard
Alas, your progress has been

tracked by a paramilitary CRITICAL ITEMS TO LOCATE

organization known as the • Respirator
Agency, headed by a threatening Prussian named Gundersen. Agency

troops storm the Louvre, spreading poison gas throughout the gallery. • Upgrade Dash Enable: Lower Body Level 6
While fighting these assailants, you must ascend to the x-ray room, Locating the Respirators allows Lara the luxury
obtain the Respirator, x-ray the painting, and descend through the of sprinting.
unlocked door. Once in the lower gallery, you're surprised by the
appearance of the motorcyclist who's been watching you from the
shadows for longer than you know.

Head up the wide staircase, and

With the authorities now fully at the top of the steps, turn left.
aware of your infiltration, you To the right lies a dead-end
must take the Obscura Painting chamber containing a stack of
to the x-ray chamber near boxes. Once in the left portion of
Carvier's office. Run past the the connecting corridor, dash for
bright lights illuminating the the open double doors on the
entrance to the dig. right wall.


Press the Stealth button and

Ignore the remainder of this
silently edge forward toward the
passage. Jog up the staircase,
guard. Press Action to grab him
make a right turn, and follow
about the neck and bring him to
the stairs upward. As you make a
the ground. This doesn't attract
second right turn, draw your
any nearby guards and allows
preferred weapon or ready
you to grab his Mag Vega
your fists.
machine gun.

Aim at the incoming security

Walk through the door he was
guard, or launch a volley of non-
guarding (the display chamber
lethal flurries into him. Once he
you're in leads to a sealed door)
collapses to the ground, collect
and run toward the exit at the
the Vector-R35 Clip he drops.
other end of the room.
The chamber he was guarding is
of little interest.

Instead, continue up the stairs, On the way, you meet a second

past the information board, and Agency special forces soldier.
up another flight. You witness a Introduce him to your Mag Vega
stealth infiltration of the Louvre. (or any other weapon), then
Teams of soldiers wearing stoop to pick the Mag Vega
military-grade combat suits with ammo he drops when he
respirators flood the main areas crumples. If you have time, you
with gas, knocking out the guard. can retrace your steps to the
previous room.

Rappelling from the air ducts, There are two more special
Marten Gundersen arrives. These forces soldiers here who can be
soldiers are working for the taken out, and their ammunition
Agency. Gundersen barks orders: collected. However, a wiser
"Synch to sector A9! Fan out and move is to run toward the far
keep low! Maintain radio silence! end of the display corridor, past
You have your targets! Move the rope the soldiers rappelled
out!" This looks like trouble. on, and into the entrance
You disturb another guard at the There is only one exit, to your
top of the staircase, between the left through the open door (the
two bull statues. Beat down the others are sealed, with the one
museum guard and collect ahead of you lit by a red warning
another Vector-R35 clip. Enter the light). This leads to the corridor
corridor to the door around the and the metal staircase you
left corner. The gas is seeping descended after entering
through. Save your game. Carvier's office. At the base of
the stairs, gun down the waiting
As you open the door, you see Agency goon.
that the chamber is filled with
noxious gas. There are gas
masks in the area next to the
x-ray machine, so race there as
soon as possible. First, though,
there's a guard to handle at the
door to your left.


Climb the staircase with haste; Tackle the Agency soldier

you don't have much air left. rappelling from above, and collect
Keep going until you reach the any Mag Vega ammunition he
top, then open the door that drops. Once he's been subdued,
leads to the narrow corridor with keep your weapon primed and
Carvier's office at the far end. tackle two more soldiers on the
Ignore the door on your left, and stairs by the large Greek statue.
take the door to your right. Then descend the stairs.
You can run into the art
restoration room without the Turn left at the base of the main
soldier running from the far end stairs, then run down the narrow
of the corridor attacking you. Run set of steps to the connecting
into the room, through the two corridor below. Turn right and
glass doors, and claim the enter the open doorway. The
Respirator. All this running other side of this corridor is
strengthens Lara's legs (Upgrade empty, save for the sealed door.
Dash: Lower Body Level 6). Once through, make a left turn.
Inspect your inventory, and place
Lara is startled by a surprise
the Respirator onto your face.
attack. Whistling through the air
Lara can now run (using the
is an unknown discus-type
Sprint button) for short periods of
device (actually an ancient
time. Test this out in a moment,
weapon known as the Chirugai)
but first, tackle the soldier firing
that narrowly misses her. She is
at you. Blast or beat him to the
then ambushed by the
ground, and take his Mag Vega
mysterious motorcyclist.

You've already ransacked

Carvier's office and the room The man known as Kurtis Trent,
next to it, so head back into the disarms Lara, but she manages
room with the gas masks and to palm a ceremonial Shard. They
inspect the x-ray computer. Take stare at each other, then Kurtis
the Obscura Painting #1 and escapes. Lara begins to pursue
insert it into the x-ray machine. him just as Gundersen arrives on
The results are shocking. the scene.

With this newfound information The Agency power-player orders

pocketed, it's time to leave. Exit his underling to fire, strafing a
the x-ray room, run down the display cabinet as Lara runs for
corridor, open the door to the safety. As she makes a break for
metal staircase, and jog down the fire escape, the Chirugai
the steps. Turn left along the returns to Trent's grasp, and he
corridor, until you reach the uses it to dislodge a giant gong.
entrance chamber. Both Lara and Trent dive through
the door.
Just as you leave for the metal
stairs, the red light above the A hapless Agency goon is
double doors in this room crushed at the door by the rolling
switches off, and the door gong, and the path is blocked.
unlocks. You can now enter this Gundersen is upset. Back on the
doorway and secure the chamber fire escape, Trent executes an
beyond. This is the room with impressive acrobatic maneuver
the ancient rugs lining the walls. and disappears from view. Lara
Draw your weapon. runs down the stairs after him.


Appearing outside the Louvre in a Tearing apart the police cordon

deserted alley, Lara spies Trent tape, Lara relives the death of
lying comatose on the ground. Von Croy in her mind's eye.
As she inspects him, she's struck Ritual markings splatter the wall.
from behind by an Agency Lara steps on a picture of her
soldier. Through her flickering and Werner. The death of Von
eyelids, she spies a strange Croy is played over. This time,
figure (Bouchard’s body guard) the professor is agitated at the
striding away. shadows.
Regaining consciousness, and
with Trent nowhere to be found, Out strides a man with a strange
Lara rendezvouses with glove-like device strapped to his
Bouchard, and they ride in his hand. One swipe sends Lara
car to Werner Von Croy's sprawling into the wall. Now she
apartment. With her discovery of remembers—she didn't kill Von
identical occult markings on the Croy. She is innocent. She must
walls of the apartment and the locate the deviant responsible.
Obscura Painting, Lara needs to
solve a few riddles.

Von Croy's Apartment

Returning to Von Croy's apartment is a cathartic
experience for Lara, as she ponders the murder of
the professor and realizes who is responsible. ▼
There's no time to blame anyone, as the double- • The Cleaner
crossing Bouchard has left you a present in the • Louis Bouchard
form of a madman known as the Cleaner. Clock
him in a series of fraught battles throughout the
• Jackal Walking Stick
apartment complex as you avoid both his bullets
• Rigg 09 Pistol
and the numerous laser trip wires he leaves
behind. After stamping out this mercenary, you realize you can trust no one. You must AVAILABLE UPGRADES
follow the scene of the Monstrum crimes to the capital of the Czech Republic, Prague. • Upgrade Kick Door/Wall: Lower Body Level 7
A swift kick to a door behind the spiral stairs
The Cleaner is hiding, waiting for allows access upstairs and through a fire door.
you to make a mistake. Grab the
Rigg 09 pistol and three sets of
ammo from the floor to the right NOTE Don't try to escape. If you flee the apartment
of the sofa, or bring out your without dishing damage to the Cleaner, an inescapable
weapon of choice (the "Z"-shaped trip wire blocks your path. It's only deactivated
V-Packer shotgun is excellent) after the Cleaner leaves the area.
and prepare for battle.
Sometimes the Cleaner appears only after you have searched the You can move in on the Cleaner
apartment for ammunition. by running around the sofa (or
left column) and diving into the
Take cover behind the sofa, the open office adjacent to the
wall column to the right of it, or kitchen (there’s two more ammo
the wall column on your left. clips here). Plug away at your
Wait for the Cleaner to shoot a assailant until he makes a move
burst of machine gun fire, then from the kitchen. He runs either
dart out and blast him with your to the dining room table opposite
gun. Hand-to-hand combat is the office…
unwise and suicidal.


…or the sofa where you began There are two Rigg Clips on the
your fight. As he darts out, make floor, another by the bed, and
run into the kitchen for cover, another Rigg Clip and a Large
then fire your preferred weapon Health Pack inside the closet.
on him after he lets off a round. Head down the spiral stairs to
Continue to strike him, bob back the kitchen. If you ascended the
into cover, and hit him again. stairs, the door to the bathroom
After the fight, take the two Rigg wouldn't be accessible—you
Clips from the kitchen island. must kick open the hallway door
below. If you started this area without ranged weaponry, the Cleaner
After five or six good takedown appears now.
shots, the heavily armored
Cleaner moves from the sofas and Time to leave. Pass under the
through the exit door. Don't follow ransacked bookcase doorway,
him yet—he will be back later. make a left turn, and head out of
Instead, look around Von Croy's the apartment and into the
apartment. Start with the Rigg building. By the door with the
Clip behind the dining room table. police caution tape that you
ripped open earlier, be careful.
Turn left to see trip wires spread
There’s the Jackal Walking Stick
along the corridor.
near your starting point, and
arcane literature on the Sanglyph The backwards "Z" pattern of the
and Lux Veritatis in Von Croy’s trip wires impedes your
study. All three items are added progress; it seems the Cleaner is
to your Notebook. Move around more cunning than previously
the spiral staircase (don't climb thought. Turn around and move
that yet) and check out the door along the corridor toward the red
behind it, in the corner near the Health Bandages. fire door. You must have
Kick it open to check the other upgraded your kick to open it.
side, which is a small hallway and
stairs to the left. Fortunately, that Behind the red door is a landing
boot strengthens Lara consid- with a Small Health Pack and a
erably, granting her extra leg Rigg Clip. Don't step any farther
power (Upgrade Kick Door/Wall: into this area; another series of
Lower Body Level 7). Pick up the trip wires rigged to explosives
two Rigg ammo on the sideboard halts you dead in your path.
and on the floor, then head up Return to the main corridor.
the stairs.

The wall with the two doors isn't of

interest—only the open door on
your right (or left if you didn't
access the fire door). Head through
this door to a rummaged room
with papers scattered everywhere.
Take a Rigg Clip from the papers.
Save your game and draw your
weapon; the Cleaner is near.
Up the stairs is a bathroom. A
Rigg 09 Clip is in the left corner,
and a small Health Pack is near
the shower. Turn left and head up
the steps to another door. Kick it
open to enter Von Croy's spacious

As you round the left corner, you'll Save your progress. Deactivated
see an item behind an upturned trip wires are laid in front of you.
sofa to the left. As you pick up the Simply hop through them—they
Rigg 09 Clip, the Cleaner shoots a have a one-second timer and then
man-sized hole in the plaster and form a "Z" shape preventing
destroys the wall. React to this backtracking, but you won't be hurt
ambush by leaping and shooting if you move before they activate.
around the room, seeking cover Take the Rigg Clip from the corridor
behind the sofa and entrance wall. in front of you, then run, aiming at
The Cleaner drops his machine gun the alcove on the left.
in favor of two pistols. Blast him Reposition yourself in the corridor,
about four times until he's badly then dive to the doorway alcove
wounded and staggers away ahead and to the right as the
through an open door in the Cleaner takes potshots at you
adjacent hall. Heal, then step from the end of this passage.
through the wall opening the Stay here and don’t get shot by
Cleaner created. Pick up his dropped the Cleaner. Look at the set of
Viper SMG near the hole, plus the three trip wires, all blinking in
two Viper SMG Clips and Chocolate Bar on the covered table behind you. front of you.
The closed door is locked, but the There is one, low-level trip wire that remains on constantly. The
open one allows you to enter the other three sets of wires blink off
main corridor, on the other side of and on in order, starting with the
the "Z" trip wires. Turn and view ones next to you, then the ones
the remainder of the corridor. halfway down this passage
There are deviously positioned (above the one constant wire),
wires to navigate with skill and and the set nearest the Cleaner.
timing. Save the game. Put away your weapon and save
The three laser wires are easy to your game!
avoid. Execute a Commando
Crawl under the first, and As soon as the trip wires furthest
continue under the second and from you (the third set) switch on,
third. Stand up and peer around run and jump over the single
the corner. The landing looks safe middle trip wire, then land in the
enough—until it is destroyed by left doorway alcove. Bring out the
remote. Cleaner’s Viper SMG, and strafe
him until he staggers back and
Intense fire is enveloping the falls down the stairs. You can
landing ahead, so ignore this area faintly hear a phone ringing.
and head down the steps. Almost
immediately, there is a gap in the The phone is still ringing when
staircase. Jump this gap to avoid you reach the defeated Cleaner.
setting yourself on fire. All the Bouchard is on the line. "Is she
other areas of this landing are dead, yet?" croaks Bouchard,
either dangerous or dead ends. "We have to get back to Prague!"
Turn left, then drop down this hole. The double-crosser is about to
be paid back for his dealings
When you land on the staircase
with the Agency.
below, turn around and walk up
the three steps, then turn and Lara answers the phone, leaving
check out the lower floor corridor. the Frenchman sweaty and
It looks the same as the one you nervous. Taking a pass card from
just came from until you make a the Cleaner's body, Lara detonates
left turn. Head there after the remaining explosives with his
descending to the tile floor and timer and unlocks his SUV. It is
taking the two Rigg 09 Clips and time to visit Prague.
Large Health Pack from under the stairs and the nearby table.


The Monstrum Crimescene

After Lara's adventures on the streets of
Paris and underneath the Louvre, her

quest takes her to Prague. Despite the • Luddick, a reporter
chilly weather, she's in hot pursuit of • Czech policemen (x2)
Louis Bouchard, whose "Cleaner" • Rottweiler
didn't manage to tidy up his loose • Louis Bouchard
ends in Von Croy's apartment. Along

the way, she hopes to find Mathias • Vasiley Full Fax
Vasiley, who's also hunting for the • Last Obscura Engraving
Obscura Paintings. • Cellar Key

Lara's not the only person who's traveled from France to the Czech AVAILABLE UPGRADES

Republic recently—the Monstrum has preceded her and murdered Vasiley • Upgrade Shoulder Barge: Upper Body Level 8
in his apartment. All the doors are locked, and policemen patrol the crime By pulling a chest of drawers in Vasiley's
scene. Lara must enter Vasiley's apartment through the sewers and unlock apartment, Lara increases her upper-body
the secret of the fifth engraving, which leads to the final Obscura Painting. strength.

Upon arriving in Prague, head

toward Luddick, the reporter
After speaking with Luddick, go
standing next to the red car. He's
down the nearby alley and take
covering the Monstrum story. If
out the policeman at the end of
Lara has enough Euros in her
it. It's possible to sneak up on
pocket, he's willing to share some
him in Stealth mode, but it's
dossiers about the Monstrum
difficult. Instead, draw your pistol
killings and provide Lara with
and shoot him from a distance.
information about Eckhardt.
NOTE Don't worry if you don't have the cash. This infor-
mation is not essential, and you can pick it up from other Head out of the alley, and toward
sources as you go. the courtyard. Run to the opposite
corner from where you started.
There's a policeman here; sneak
According to Luddick, Vasiley was more than an art dealer, he was past him or take him out.
also involved with the Mafia. He found something that the Mafia
wanted, and when he tried to hold on to it, the Monstrum took him
out. All of the evidence was taken to the Strahov, the center of
Mafia operations in Prague. Luddick's crude "dossier" is nothing
more than a grainy photo of Bouchard and Eckhardt. Lara tells him Walk down either of the two
who Bouchard is, and Luddick tells her that he thinks Eckhardt is the alleys in this corner of the
Mafia's top dog. Eckhardt and the other five major Mafia figures courtyard; they join behind the
have met up at the Strahov. Luddick can get Lara into the Strahov, building. There's another
but he needs to work his contacts a bit. policeman and a Rottweiler back
here, so move carefully and keep
TIP To get the maximum amount of information from a weapon ready.
Luddick, make the following choices when in dialogue
with him:
• "The one you're watching? With police tape all round it."
• "I gather Vasiley was some kind of an art dealer."
• "How could you possibly know that?"
* "Keep talking till the money runs out."
* "All of them?"


end" that he wanted tied up. Eckhardt was responsible

Once you're rid of the policeman
for killing Bouchard's men and injuring Arnaud. Not
and Rottweiler, stand near the
only is Eckhardt a monster, he is the Monstrum.
steaming sewer grate, press the
Action button, and drop through Bouchard had to take a painting from the Louvre and
into the sewers. bring it to the Strahov in Prague on Eckhardt's
behalf. Eckhardt is protected by the Cabal, a
mysterious group based in Prague. The Cabal is
far older and more dangerous than the Mafia,
which it uses as a front for its activities.
Walk down the sewer tunnel and Anyone who asks too many questions
take the first right. Continue disappears, like Von Croy.
along the ledge of the sewer Von Croy was hired to find the Obscura
until you come to the hole in the Painting in the Louvre, but he figured out
sewer wall. Walk through that too much of the Cabal's plan and got in
hole and into the basement of touch with Vasiley in Prague. They
Vasiley's apartment. exchanged information, and Vasiley sent
Von Croy four of the Obscura Engravings, but
he kept one from Von Croy. The Obscura
Engravings contain encoded maps of the
locations of the Obscura Paintings, and
Von Croy used one of them to find the
Go through the open door and up Louvre Obscura Painting.
the stairs. However, the Cabal intercepted Von
Croy and Vasiley's faxes, which
meant that it no longer needed Von
Croy's services. He and Vasiley
At the top of the stairs, walk became liabilities that Eckhardt was eager to eliminate.
forward until a cutscene starts.
Bouchard doesn't know why Eckhardt wants the Obscura
Lara sees Bouchard rummaging
Paintings, but he knows that it has something to do with reviving
through Vasiley's papers. She
the Cubiculum Nephili, a.k.a. the Sleeper, the last of the extinct
sneaks up on him and puts a gun
Nephilim race. Eckhardt thinks he can use the Sleeper to breed the
to his head. As he slowly turns
Nephilim back from extinction.
around, she pistol-whips him and
knocks him out. Lara handcuffs The final Obscura Engraving shows the location of the Vault of
Bouchard to the radiator. When Trophies, one of the last Lux Veritatis strongholds. Eckhardt
the cutscene is over, press desperately wants to get into it. The Lux Veritatis rounded up all five
Action to speak with him. Obscura Paintings in the late 1400s and hid them in the vault; the
final Obscura Painting is almost certainly in that vault. The only
NOTE To get the most out thing Bouchard knows about the vault is that it's beneath the
of your conversation with Bouchard, make the following
choices during conversation with him.
Lara decides to have a look around Vasiley's apartment for the
fifth Obscura Engraving. When Bouchard asks Lara if she's going to
• "A psycho, huh?"
leave him cuffed to the radiator, she replies that she is. Bouchard's
• "The Cabal? Not the Mafia?" been moving around too much for her tastes.
• "I found Vasiley's faxes, and four Obscura Engravings he sent to
Von Croy."
Once the conversation is over
• "Killed like Vasiley, you mean! Why does Eckhardt do that to the and you regain control of Lara,
bodies, Bouchard? And what does he want the Paintings for?" head through the door opposite
Bouchard to search for the fifth
• "A Lux Veritatis vault!" Obscura Engraving.
Eckhardt ordered Bouchard to kill Lara in Paris. She was a "loose


TIP If you accidentally pull the chain too many times, you
In the great hall beyond the door, can angle the window back up by pulling on the chain on
climb the spiral staircase to the the other side of the stained glass window, above the chest
second story landing. of drawers you pulled.

Once you pull the chain for the

third time, the light hits the
Roman numeral “III” on the
design on the floor. This causes
Walk across the landing to find a the face of the nearby grand-
bluish-green chest of drawers. Pull father clock to pop open. Climb
or push it to enhance Lara's Upper- down the scaffolding and
Body Strength Upper Body 8. descend the spiral staircase.

Approach the grandfather clock

NOTE This strength near the door through which you
upgrade allows you to pull the chains on the scaffolding entered the hall, and press Action
around the stained glass window. to see a close-up view of the
clock face.

Return to the scaffolding above

the spiral staircase, then jump and
pull yourself up along its various Press Action repeatedly to move
levels until you reach the top. the clock hands to three o'clock,
just as the beam of light on the
"III" indicated.

Once you reach the top of the

scaffolding, turn and face the
large stained glass window
opposite the door you came This activates a secret
through. Walk carefully to the end mechanism that transforms the
of the scaffolding and jump to the insignia on the floor into a spiral
section directly in front of you. staircase leading into a hidden
office below the hall. Go down
the stairs—and don't fall off.
Approach the chain at the end of
this scaffolding and press Action
to pull it. Note that pulling the Pick up the piece of paper on the
chain angles the central, circular floor in front of the desk; this is
pane in the stained glass window the Vasiley Full Fax. The fax is
toward the ground. Pull it twice addressed to Mlle. Carvier and
more (three times total) so that refers her to a website
the window reflects a beam of (SHADOWHISTORIES.PR). There's
light at the design on the floor of also a five-digit code for
the room. accessing restricted information:


As she walks down the hall, Lara

hears a sound from behind a
By coincidence, there's a numeric
door. She shoulders it open, and
keypad next to the large painting
Bouchard's lifeless body falls out.
behind the desk. Press Action near
There's no hope for him, and
the keypad and enter 3-1-5-9-7.
there's no immediate danger to
Lara. Pick up the Cellar Key from
Bouchard's corpse.

Go back down the stairs that

This slides the painting back and
lead to the basement of Vasiley's
reveals a hidden alcove with the
apartment, and open the red
Last Obscura Engraving in it.
door with the Cellar Key to leave
Grab the Last Obscura Engraving
the apartment.
and walk back up the stairs.

Luddick waits outside of the

CAUTION Be careful not to run up the stairs too quickly
cellar entrance to Vasiley's
and fall off the end. It's a silly mistake, but it's easy to make.
apartment. Speak to him, and he
agrees to give Lara the code to
the Strahov Fortress, her next
Return to the room where you destination. In exchange, he
left Bouchard, only to find that he wants the whole story—the
is gone. There's no sign of his events in Paris and whatever
handcuffs either. Exit the room happens in Prague. Lara agrees,
and walk down the hall. and Luddick gives her a low-level pass code that will get her into
the complex. He even agrees to give her a ride to the fortress, but
that's as far as he's willing to go.


Strahov Fortress
After discovering the Last

Obscura Engraving at the ENTITIES ENCOUNTERED
Monstrum Crimescene, Lara • Agency Soldiers (x11)
accepts assistance from a • Rottweilers (x2)
Czech reporter, Luddick. He • Luddick
provides her with a low-level • Eckhardt
entry code to the Strahov

Fortress, a multipurpose • Strahov Low Security Pass
industrial facility used • Strahov High Security Pass
as a headquarters by the mysterious Cabal. • Scorpion X
Lara's goal is to descend through the many levels of the Strahov

Fortress. In this section, she must stealthily take out several Agency
• Upgrade Push Object: Lower Body Level 8
soldiers, find two different security passes, shut off the power to the
By rearranging a pile of crates in the saw room,
defense systems, and make it to the Bio-Research Facility.
Lara buffs up her legs and can push a pair of
stacked crates to a valve that she must turn to
shut off the gas in the area.

Method #1: Riding the Trailer

Lara's adventure begins at the
entrance to the fortress's loading
bay. Walk straight ahead from Climb onto the adjacent trailer,
the start of the level to find a wait for the crane to lift it, and
Large Health Pack in an open jump to the stacked trailers under
trailer. The camera angle the one that the crane just lifted.
prevents you from seeing it when
you're close, so look for the
"grab" icon in the lower-right
corner of the screen.

Turn and face the trailer that the
crane is carrying, and wait for the
crane to stop moving for a
Once you have the Large Health second. The crane's trailer is now
Pack, approach the metal door to within a running jump of the
activate an electromagnetic trailer you're on. Run toward the
crane in the rafters of the loading trailer, jump, and press Action to
bay. The crane swoops down grab the edge.
and latches on to a trailer.

Ride the trailer as it crosses over

NOTE You must reach the other side of the loading bay. the wall between the two
There are two ways to do it—riding a trailer or making a sections of the loading bay.
few tough jumps. We recommend the former method. Climb off when the crane sets it
down on the ground.


Method #2: Tricky Jumping Walk along this catwalk in

Stealth mode until you come to
CAUTION This is not the recommended method for yet another ladder, the end of
reaching the other side of the loading bay—only use it if you which is broken off. Climb down
fail to leap onto the crane trailer. the broken ladder, and drop off
the end of it to land on a stack of
wooden crates.

Jump onto the stacked trailers , TIP Staying in Stealth mode keeps the soldiers from
and face the opposite direction hearing your footfalls, but if you're caught in their
from the crane. flashlight beams, they'll attack with machine guns blazing.

Regardless of which method you

use to reach the other side of the
loading bay, you must sneak very
carefully around two Agency
Make a running jump toward the soldiers patrolling the floor and a
white air-conditioning unit with third soldier in a small booth. Take
the chain-link fence around it. out the two patrolling soldiers.
Press Action in midair to grab the Use Stealth attacks if possible.
lip of the fence. Pull yourself to
the top of the AC unit.

TIP You can climb into

some of the large, steel
Turn to Lara's right to face the pipes to hide from soldiers
other half of the loading bay. and get a safe view of the
Stand at the edge of the AC unit, loading bay.
jump, and press Action to grab
the edge of the wall separating
the two halves of the loading bay.

Once you've taken the two

patrolling soldiers out, sneak into
the small booth to dispose of the
third soldier. Be sure to grab the
Hop over to the adjacent catwalk third soldier's Strahov Low Security
and drop onto the catwalk below Pass after eliminating him.
the nearby ladder.

NOTE Most of the Agency soldiers leave behind 30-round

9mm Mag Vega Clips when you take them out. These slot
nicely into the Mag Vega you took off of the Agency
soldier eliminated in the Louvre, guaranteeing you
Walk in Stealth mode until you virtually unlimited ammo. Be sure to grab as many clips as
come to the ladder at the end. you can.
Climb the ladder to reach another


Once you have the Strahov Low

Security Pass, climb back onto Enter the control booth at the top
the stacked crates underneath of the ladder and get rid of the
the broken ladder that you soldier inside. Press Action near
dropped from (if you used the control panel to activate the
method #2 to reach the other electromagnetic crane in the
side of the loading bay). Climb all garage.
the way up the ladder to reach
the metal catwalk.

Walk to the left end of the Climb down the ladder to the
catwalk (as you face the ladder) garage, and walk around the
to find a green door. Go through catwalk until you come to the
this door and press Action on the long ladder leading into the
card reader inside to use the rafters of the garage. Climb all
Strahov Low Security Pass and the way up this ladder.
open the door to the garage.

NOTE There's another door leading to the garage at the

end of this catwalk, but you'll likely be detected if you use it.
Walk along the catwalk in the
rafters of the garage to reach the
stairs leading down to the electro-
CAUTION Do not drop to the ground floor of the garage magnetic crane's control booth.
yet. There are two machine gun turrets mounted below the
garage catwalks that will chew you to shreds if you set foot
on the ground before taking them out.

There are three soldiers on this As you approach the door to the
catwalk. It's extremely tough to crane control booth, you see a
take them out without being cutscene of Lara using the crane
hurt, but you must get rid of all to smash the two machine gun
three of them. We advise turrets on the rafters below.
sneaking in Stealth mode with a
weapon drawn. Take the soldiers
out from behind with a stealth With the machine gun turrets out
attack if possible—if not, just do of the picture, you can now safely
it quickly. set foot on the floor of the garage.
To reach it, climb back down the
last ladder you ascended, walk
along the catwalk until you're
Walk all the way around the above a tractor trailer truck, hang
catwalk after taking out the three from the railing, and drop onto
soldiers, and climb the ladder at the truck.
the other end of it.

Once you make it to the floor of

the garage, go through the green
door at the end of it to enter the
saw room.


Then, when you have the lowest

crates in position, pull and push
Most of the passageways in the the next highest level of crates
saw room are sealed with on top of them so that you can
glowing blue security lasers. slide the highest crate right into
Don't walk into them, unless you the corner where the fence
want to die. meets the wall. Presto! Instant
strength upgrade!

There's only one area in the saw

Now return to the center of the
room that's not sealed off by
room and pull the two stacked
security lasers—the area with
crates across the hall and up to
the giant saw itself. To reach it,
the air conditioning unit mounted
climb onto the stack of crates
on the wall.
near the locked gate.

Unfortunately, there's gas shooting

out of overhead vents that
prevents Lara from jumping Climb up onto the crates, and
across. To reach the valve that from there, climb up onto the A/C
shuts off the gas, you need to first unit. This lets you reach the
earn a lower body strength valve, and turning the valve shuts
upgrade, which you do by pushing off the gas.
the stacked crates around.

Your ultimate goal is to get the

highest crate in the corner
between the wall and the With the gas shut off, return to
barbed-wire fence. To do that, the stack of crates, stand at the
you need to position a line of edge of the highest crate, and
crates in the level below it so jump over the locked gate, into
that they lead right into that the area with the giant saw.
corner. And to do that, you need
to push the three loose crates on
the floor into position so that you can move the next highest level of
crates onto them.

It sounds rather confusing (and,

let's face it, it is), but all you There are two Rottweilers in this
really need to do is pull and push area. Take them out quickly.
two crates along the floor so that
they're between the stacked
crates and the floor.

If you want to investigate what

the giant saw is meant to cut up,
jump onto the large, stone slab
between the two saw blades.
The slab has a script engraved
on it that Lara doesn't recognize.


Pull yourself into the air duct and

Once you've gotten rid of your crawl along it until it drops off.
canine problem and investigated Press Action at the drop-off to
the saw area, climb the ladder somersault onto the lower level of
near the locked fence to reach the duct. Crawl forward to trigger
the saw controls. a cutscene, which Lara observes
through a grate in the duct.

One of Eckhardt's henchmen hauls

Rennick into an interrogation room
Stand at the saw controls and and throws him roughly into a
press Action to activate the saw, chair. Rennick frantically tries to
which starts cutting through the convince Eckhardt not to harm
slab but bounces off the stone him, claiming that his paper
and severs an overhead air duct. knows where he's gone and will
reveal the files Rennick has kept
on Eckhardt.

If any of Rennick's threats scare

After the saw cuts the air duct, Eckhardt, he doesn't show any
stand to the left of the saw sign of it. Instead, he grabs
controls and jump up to grab a Rennick by the throat with a
rafter above the controls. Pull gloved hand, electrocuting
yourself onto the rafter. Rennick with arcane energy.

Walk along the rafter as it runs

parallel to the air duct. You must As Eckhardt murders Rennick, a
hop over a couple of perpen- mysterious sign draws itself on
dicular rafters, but as long as you the wall of the interrogation room.
jump straight ahead, you're in no
danger of falling off.

Once you reach the severed part Once he's finished off Rennick,
of the air duct, face the duct, Eckhardt casually tosses the
back up a couple of steps, and reporter's charred body into a chair
jump on top of it. and exits the interrogation room.

Walk (in "walk-only" mode) to the

severed end of the air duct, and
When you regain control of
press Action to hang off of the
Lara, crawl to the end of the air
end of it. Double tap Action to let
duct and drop out of it onto a
go of the top end of the duct and
stack of tires.
quickly grab the bottom end of it.


In a different part of the Strahov

Fortress, a soldier frantically
There's an Agency soldier at the presses buttons on a control
end of the air duct. Take him out panel as the lights around a
silently from behind. He drops the research area turn off one by
Strahov High Security Pass. one. In the center of the research
area is what appears to be a
holding cell, the door of which
has been ripped off of its hinges.

After taking out the soldier, head An emergency hatch seals shut,
toward the door to the fortress's locking out two other soldiers in
power room (in the opposite the research area. Panicked, they
direction from the series of laser pound on the glass of the first
trip wires that stretches across soldier's control booth, to no
the hallway). avail—they are quickly killed by
some sort of hideous creature.

Use the Strahov High Security After slaughtering the soldiers,

Pass to unlock the door and enter the creature crawls on top of its
the power room. Take out the former cell and lets out an
Agency soldier on the other side unearthly growl. What has the
of the door quickly. Cabal been doing down here?

When you resume control of

Lara, you can either exit the
Move around the power room in power room immediately, or you
Stealth mode. There are two can take out the two soldiers in
soldiers in the back who are the rear of the power room and
alerted to your presence if you pick up items. Walk carefully into
make too much noise. the back area of the room with a
weapon drawn, and take them
out before they can resist.
Approach the controls at the
front of the power room to
automatically turn off the power
to the fortress's security
systems. While looking at the
power diagram, Lara asks herself
what in the fortress could require
so much power to operate? Her
question is answered in the
following cutscene.
There's a Candy Bar and a Mag
Vega Clip on the soldiers' table,
and two Scorpion X Clips in the
large, white cabinets near the
door. Add in the two Mag Vega
Clips that the soldiers leave
behind, and you've scored quite a
haul in this area.


This is a nasty hallway—

crossing a laser trip wire can kill
you instantly, and there are also
three mines that bounce into the
air and explode at chest height
when you draw near. To make it
down the hallway, you must
commando crawl (hold the Duck
button and the Stealth button
Shutting off the power to the while moving forward) and stay as far away from the mines as
fortress's defense systems possible. As long as you slalom around the mines and don't stand
lowers all of the blue laser up until you're well past the laser trip wires, you should be fine.
barriers that sealed off most of
the Fortress, including the But wait! There's an easier way!
entrance to the interrogation Aim and shoot at the red
room where Rennick was pressurized canister near the
murdered. Backtrack to the area giant spool of cable to send the
near the air duct exit to find the cable rolling down the hallway,
interrogation room entrance. activating the trip wires and
Unlock it using the Strahov High mines, while you remain at a
Security Pass. safe distance.

On the other side of the laser trip

wires is the main part of the saw
There's nothing you can do for
room, with all of the blue laser
Rennick, but there is a Scorpion
security fences deactivated. The
X pistol near his body that you
door to the Bio-Research Facility
can pick up.
is a green door with a card
reader next to it. Use the Strahov
High Security Pass to unlock the
door, and go through to proceed
to the Bio-Research Facility.

Open the white cabinet behind

Rennick to find a pack of Health
Bandages, handy for dressing
those battlefield wounds.

The only thing left to do in this

area is to reach the door to the
Bio-Research Facility. Exit the
interrogation room and face the
hallway with the red and yellow
laser trip wires.


The Bio-Research Facility

Moving into the Bio-
Research facility, Lara

experiences more of the ENTITIES ENCOUNTERED
• Dr. Grant Muller • Marten Gundersen
horrors that await
• Abomination Phase II (x2) • Pieter Van Eckhardt
mankind if the Cabal
• Abomination Grub (x8) • Kristina Boaz
succeeds. After talking
• Leviathan • Carnivorous Horror
to Muller, Lara checks
• Cabal Soldier (x5) • Kurtis Trent
a fountain to find an
• Tendril Trunk
exit, then deals with

two abominations in a gestation chamber before CRITICAL ITEMS TO LOCATE
• Botanical Low Access Pass
climbing along a pipe to unlock the drain under a pod. Once
• Botanical Medium Access Pass
through the maze of balconies in the subsequent room, she
• Botanical High Access Pass
faces an intelligent tree—or at least the remains of one.

Finally, she ascends a giant series of balconies, witnesses a

horrific demise, and secures three Botanical Access Cards • Upgrade Jump: Lower Body Level 9
before exiting. A leap across a gap in the largest greenhouse
area allows Lara to make even longer jumps.

Stepping out of the elevator and

into an antechamber, you see a Two of the gargoyles spill water
gigantic hothouse teeming with out of their mouths and into the
life ahead of you. Walk forward, shallow fountain pool. A third is
toward the pair of ornate doors, not spouting water.
and step into the heat.

Beyond the doors is a giant Before you encounter the old

greenhouse brimming with gardener (actually Dr. Grant
genetically manipulated plants of Muller) standing near the
all shapes and sizes—but mainly fountain, leave this central area
the huge kind. Cordoned off in and check the perimeter of the
the middle of the chamber are greenhouse chamber, including
four planting beds. either side of the initial balcony.

These beds contain the most

vicious flora, an affront to Mother On either side of the steps you
Nature. In the center of the descended from the entrance are
quadrangle is a fountain (where two gargoyle heads—one in
large butterflies often each corner. They are identical to
congregate). There are three the smaller pedestal heads in the
stone gargoyles peering out of fountain.
this pedestal fountain.


Check the sides of the The vital essences of this

greenhouse; you can run along creature have been extracted to
(or on) thin planter beds, some breed pure Nephilim, not the
of which have yielded their crops abominations that currently stalk
of seemingly carnivorous plants. the dark corners of Strahov
Head to the far left end of the Fortress—the Proto-Nephilim.
area and stoop to pick up the Muller ends his vision of the
Viper SMG Ammo as a tendril future with a quick insecticide
swipes at you. Just what is blast to Lara's face.
going on, here?
When you regain your
At the far end of the garden are a composure, don't attempt to
few examples of a new chase Dr. Muller. Instead, inspect
subspecies of fly-trapping flora, the central fountain you checked
the Dioaea muscipula Giganticus. out earlier. It seems that the
These plants have spiky stems gargoyle head without the water
(don't run into them) and will streaming from it can be manip-
whip you if you venture too close. ulated. Pull it back.
Other nearby plants wheeze a gas
that can choke you. Behind the
left side plants are three more Viper SMG Clips. One of the gargoyle heads shifts
back from its base, into a secret
When you've finished exploring, corridor. Run from the center of
move to the center of the the garden toward the far right
chamber to encounter Dr. Grant corner (if you're looking back at
Muller. He is tending to his the entrance).
"brethren" and is surprised to see
you. "Intruders don't last long in
Strahov!" he informs Lara.

Lara wants to know what Muller Run in to the corridor and look for
is up to. He tells Lara of the areas of interest. You find one
Cabal—the new order of life on almost immediately; there is an
earth. Scoffing, Lara then learns opening in the right side wall.
that the order of the Cabal Enter it.
controls everything in Prague,
and that arcane experiments by
the Cabal leader, Pieter Van You are now in a small
Eckhardt, have resulted in immor- antechamber with a wayward
tality for all. plant growing in it and a ladder
jutting upward. Climb the ladder
to a short, curved balcony. On
the wall next to another balcony
is a lever. Pull the lever after
collecting two more Viper
SMG Clips.

The security door to the exit of

this chamber unlocks. You can
now leave the greenhouse by
Muller then reveals that the Cabal plans dropping from the balcony or
to restore an ancient race of giants climbing down the ladder,
known as the Nephilim. To this end, the entering the small corridor tunnel
Cubiculum Nephili (prototype of the and emerging back into the main
final specimen) has been created. hothouse.


Once in the courtyard, ignore the

steps to the balcony that leads The security door at the far end
back to the area you started from of the structure is firmly sealed.
(don't get confused, as the two Out of the corner of your eye,
sides of the room look alike). you may see movement on the
Instead, run up the central steps upper side balconies. To exit, you
to the red-tile balcony and open must take an alternate route. But
the security door (with the two where to go?
"rivet" locks).
Step inside the cramped The answer lies above you. View
connecting chamber. Take a the scaffold structure feeding the
couple of steps forward and you'll incubation chambers; there are
spot an identical door to the one two ladders on either end. There
you just unlocked. Fortunately, must be some sort of incubation
there is a large, yellow unlock control up there. Alas, the
button next to the door. Press it, ladders are old and don't reach
and the door opens. down nearly far enough.

Instead, head to the left upper

Surveying the large incubation side balcony. The other one (if
chamber ahead of her, Lara spies you're looking from the entrance
something stirring in the fluid. door) yields nothing of interest.
Two abominations break free However, four chutes along each
from its confines and begin to wall randomly deposit
thrash about! Time to strap on Abomination Grubs that scuttle
those guns. towards you and attack!

Quickly run down the steps or Coax these disgusting specimens

vault over the gallery to the floor down to the main area, and keep
of the chamber. As you approach away from their rolling and
the creatures, remember they breath attacks. Shoot them until
have no qualms about ripping you every last drop of pus oozes from
limb from limb. their wracked forms. If you find
the necessary pipe to shimmy
over, you may wish to save
ammunition and ignore these
critters. They keep coming!
Keep shooting them until they When you regain composure,
both slump into a heap. Use any visit the left balcony, which
of your ranged weapons, as its sports a pipe running along the
swinging, claw-like appendages underside of the ceiling support
deal a lot of damage. buttress (check the far end for an
ammo clip). It is half-hidden by a
large fern, and under a Mag Vega
The sheer size of this area makes Clip. Pick up the clip, reach this
combat straightforward, as you pipe, and jump vertically.
always have space to run. Once
combat is over, you can inspect You grab the pipe (don't grab it
the remaining incubation from the ground, as you must
chambers. They hold a variety of hang with both legs dangling in
revolting grub specimens. Check order to start the maneuver) and
the underground on the other side can now shimmy across the
of the left entrance steps down floor, above the incubators, to the
one narrow stretch for Health Bandages. top scaffolding itself. When you
reach the end of the pipe, drop.


You land on a partially collapsed

walkway. In your next couple of You fall through the tube and land
moves, always remember to in a large underground vat filled
stay on the tile-like platform. with fluids. Swim to the surface,
Don't venture onto the sloping then grab the side of the structure
incubator tubes or you'll slide off. and haul yourself out of it. This
Your first plan of action is to visit chamber holds little of interest.
the end of the platform.

Venture through the doorway

Here you find a valve. Turn the with the lantern above it, and
valve on so the incubator fluids into a water reservoir, where
drain from the end incubator units, liquids from the entire facility are
where the abomination attacked routed through two massive
you. Run along the platform pumps above you. Ahead is a
sections hopping over the two ladder bolted to a wall, with a
broken areas halfway across. door at the top.
Continue to the other end of the
platform to a second valve and You cannot see it, but the area in
turn it. The incubator with the front of you is sloping. If you
smashed glass has a false stand there for any reason, you
bottom. This releases, revealing a start to slide and have only
chute heading straight down. You milliseconds to react. Use the
have now located the exit from camera to view this area before
this chamber. There are still a few you start wandering around.
Grubs slithering around on the Save your game here.
ground however (a total of eight
TIP The trick here is to line
appear in three different colors).
yourself up with the ladder
Now to get down. Your first so it is directly ahead of you.
option is to climb down the Failure to adhere to this
ladder from either end of the plan means Lara slides into
incubation chamber. Once you the water below, which is
can't descend any farther, you'll most unfortunate (as you'll
have to drop to the ground. You discover if you read on).
lose half your health if you try There is a metal floor piece
this, so be aware that it could to help line you up.
end in your demise.

Run and jump from the tip of the

sloping area, or from halfway
down the slope, leaping toward
the ladder and pressing Action to
grab hold of it. Now pull yourself
onto the ladder, climb it to the
top, take the Small Health Pack,
and open the door.
The other method is to return to the
area of the platform with the pipe above
it, and leap onto it before shimmying
back down to the upper side balcony.
From here, run back down to the main
incubator, find the one with the false
bottom, and leap in after ignoring or
defeating the second abomination.


Just before the door is a notice

reading "Bio-Dome. Level 3

Security Only." At least you know

Did you slip and fall where you are. Step through into
into the water? a large, long chamber with
Lara's shrieks stir a multiple balconies stretching into
dangerous killing the distance. Below is a pool of
machine, the water. This is where you'd end
Leviathan. Seething up if you'd fallen instead of
with tendrils, this grabbing the ladder.
beast from the deep
has no qualms about
destroying you. To avoid any unnecessary drops
into the water (and an audience
This beast cannot with the Leviathan), heed the
be harmed, and you following strategy. It saves a lot
need luck and a of needless running.
strong pair of lungs
to outfox it. Wait
until it loses interest
Start by equipping your favorite
in you, then swim
weapon and running along the
through the open
initial walkway. Turn right, then
grating and make an almost immediate right
left, and leap over the gap, or
turn, moving quickly to grab the ladder ahead.
check the stairs below. Depending
This ladder leads to on where you entered this area,
the next room you'd in either of these areas ahead, or
appear in if you had directly under the doorway
negotiated the entrance is one patrolling Cabal
jump properly, and soldier in a biohazard suit. Shoot or knock him with your fists into the
the walkthrough pool below.
mentions the two
locations where you
can swim to Once this soldier has fallen, jump
(terrible underwater attacks notwithstanding). back to the initial walkway and
The other ladder is a swim to the left, in the take the left path. There is a
middle of the pool. You’ll be shot by a soldier if junction where the gantry-way
you attempt the shorter, right turn. Run the continues to the right, or onward
gauntlet to the farther ladder instead. along the edge of the pool itself.

Move toward the left edge of the

room, next to the water. If you
haven't yet spotted the mutation
in the pool, it is visible here and
can even be shot at (just in case
you accidentally fall into the pool
later). Bullets simply zing off its
Assuming you didn't fall, open the hardened hide.
door at the top of the ladder and
enter the connecting tunnel. Air
seeps through crumbling pipes as
you run right, down a corridor,
left, up some stairs, and to
another blue door. Open it.


Walk to the end of the lower

This eventually allows you to haul
gantry. Carefully jump to and land
yourself onto an upper ledge.
on the middle of the pipe (don't
There is a door with a light above
slide to the right); walk to the
it and a ladder. The door is firmly
end, stooping to pick up a Viper
sealed and cannot be entered.
SMG Clip. Turn the valve and the
The ladder leads to your next area
compressed air seeping along
of interest.
the upper, right wall will stop.

This is important later in your Climb the ladder to an upper

room maneuvering. For now, walkway. Carefully walk (don't
though, move back onto the main fall off the sides) to the end of
gantry, up the steps, and head the gantry, turn left, and pull the
left instead of continuing upward. lever. At the other end of the
Then run down the other set of structure, a moving platform
stairs (you accessed these comes to life.
already if the Cabal soldier was
patrolling the grassy area below
the starting walkway).
The platform moves along a
You end up underneath the metallic coupling until it reaches
starting walkway near some a short-circuited portion, then
overgrown ferns and a ladder to stops. It then moves back to the
the right (this is where you'd gantry. It is much too far away to
appear from the water if you had contemplate reaching. Descend.
swum to this area and turned
right). The ladder is
unimportant—check out the ivy
The reason for summoning the
in the left corner.
erratically moving platform isn't
TIP If you don't want to go apparent yet, but it will be soon.
to all the hassle of "stair Move to the initial walkway and
walking," you can simply leap over the gap in it. To the left
vault over the railing from is a walkway leading to a ladder
the initial walkway and land and an upper planting bed full of
on this grassy area without strange and scary-looking flora
any problems. Don't forget with a Mag Vega, Viper SMG Clip, and Health Bandages.
to turn the valve off, though.
You needn't investigate this area
at all. Inside, look for the narrow
The ivy takes your weight and
metal ledge near the left turn in
can be climbed. Continue upward
the walkway. Hug the wall and
and head diagonally up and right,
sidestep along this platform. You
around the brickwork in the
can dangle and shimmy across if
corner, shimmying to the side.
you wish.
Don't head back to the starting
walkway. Instead, continue
heading straight up the ivy. At the end of the narrow ledge is
a pipe bolted to the wall.
Pressurized steam prevents you
from holding on to it, unless of
course you turned the valve of
the large pipe across from you
(this was covered earlier). With
no steam, climb up.


TIP If you're feeling reckless From the moving platform,

and don't want all that walk onto the upper gantry.
backtracking, you can leap This ends in a ladder that you
from the walkway, missing should immediately climb down.
the railing, and hitting the Now on an L-shaped (and all-
wall, then slide down to the new) walkway, move around it
lower gantry. Turn off the to another ladder, and descend
steam. But beware the loss this one.
of health required for the
landing, though. You can execute a back-flip off
this ladder, landing on the final
Climb the pipe until it disappears walkway. Run to the yellow wall
into the wall under narrow ledge. switch and press it firmly. This
Grab this ledge and shimmy to releases the security door and
the left. This may take several lets you through this room's exit.
attempts. Continue left along the Step inside and activate a
ledge until you reach a small second door switch.
This switch opens an adjacent
door leading to a curved
walkway. As you run around the
This walkway is covered in moss corner, a giant tendril wraps
and ivy. If you turn and look up around a pair of double doors,
and around, you see that the ivy firmly sealing them. The tendril,
is growing across the roof. Up unpleasant and pustule-ridden as
ahead of you is the upper gantry it is, is attached to something
and short-circuited moving even more unpleasant.
platform (this is vital to the next
step—make sure you moved the It seems this giant trunk has
platform here). rudimentary intelligence and has
been instructed to guard this
door. Either vault over the railing
Climb the ivy, straight to the top, or clamber down the ladder into
until Lara turns and faces left. the courtyard below. Look for the
Then move her left until she set of iron stairs after grabbing
reaches the main coupling in the the Mag Vega Clip below the
middle of the ceiling. With your walkway.
remaining strength, turn her to
the right. The stairs lead to a giant
sprinkler system and potting
Shimmy so she runs out of grip shed. A feed pipe sprouts from
strength just when she's blocked the wall adjacent to the tree that
by a cross-beam. She drops and enters the trunk. Perhaps this is
lands on the moving platform. If the source of the plant's flexibility
you aren't far enough, or don't and strength.
move to the corner where the
coupling and cross-beam meet,
prepare for splashdown. On the window side of the
balcony potting shed are two
low cupboards which appear to
be empty. Inspect these, but
ignore the table next to them.
Your main focus should be the
piping behind you.


There are a total of five valves When the correct mixture of feed
set against the wall; turning three is transmitted through the pipe,
of them activates a feed pipe that the tendril trunk shudders and
floods a small vat and pumps points upward, then dangles from
different types of feed into the its central trunk with a feeble
tendril trunk next to the door. A shake. All the smaller tendril
combination of feed types will pieces shrivel into the trunk, and it
relax the unusually taut weed. releases its iron grip on the door.

You may now pass through the

The answer to this conundrum double doors into a connecting
does not lie in arbitrarily turning chamber and push open a pair of
on and off different valves. larger, blue doors. A slumped
There's a list of approved body is sprawled near a plant on
mixtures pinned to the wall to a high walkway. You see a
the left of the quintet of valves. gigantic greenhouse structure as
the camera pans away.

Take a moment to study the four

pieces of paper pinned to the This chamber is far larger, and
wall. To view all four diagrams, patrolled by more guards, than
push the table obscuring the any you've previously been in.
bottom one to the side. Now you Save your game and begin your
can read the charts. They have exploration. There are four floors
the different valve names (repre- of walkways to ascend as you
sented by symbols) pointing to search this body for information.
the trunk.

The ground floor is vast and

The diagram with the large, red menacing, and can be explored
"X" through it is the one to in any manner you wish.
release the plant's freakish grip However, follow the directions
on the door. Although it's partly ahead to ensure success. Start
obscured by the first diagram, by running along the stone
you can make out lines from pathway.
valve 1, 2, and 4.

NOTE Did you simply turn on all the valves, or turn the Pause at the junction and turn
wrong ones? Wait for the feed to drain and start again. right. Sprint past the heat lamp,
along the side of a raised bed with
The pipes are represented by the numerous carnivorous plants in it,
symbols that look like a "Y", a and continue along the pathway
"+", and a bell shape (1, 2, and 4 as it curves left. As you round the
respectively). Turn these three corner, equip your weapon.
valves (and these three only),
and watch as the vat fills up with
yellow liquid. Nothing happens
until you pull the release lever at Ahead of you is a Cabal soldier
the vat. with a flashlight. Take him out.
There's no one else nearby,
allowing you to strike him down
with ease. Take his Botanical
Access Card.


Follow the pathway as it passes Immediately to your left is an

a green pool of water, then iron trellis with a locked door in
curves right into a doorway. This the center of it. No matter how
is where the soldier's patrol route hard you try, you cannot jump
began. As you enter this area, around it. It seems this area is
you see a door ahead of you that out of bounds. However, there is
is firmly locked with three a gap in the fence ahead of you,
security code locks. leading to a greenhouse roof.

Make a standing jump from the

middle of the walkway, over the
You must wait until you've gap in the fence, and onto the
collected all three Botanical flat portion of the greenhouse
Access Cards before attempting roof. If you over- or undershoot,
to open the locks. you'll land on the sloping glass
roof area, slide, then fall into the
green pond below.

Return to the ground floor, If this occurs, try to grab the lip
ignoring the green water (there's of the gutter before you fall,
little here of interest). Instead, shimmy over so you can actually
travel around the pathway to the land in the water, drop, and
initial junction, and take the other retrace your steps back to this
route. This leads to a plant-filled point. Alternatively, drop onto the
area on your left, full of wider lip, walk to the corner, and
disgusting mutations. take the Health Bandages before
you swim. Save your game first.
The path also meanders around
to a doorway, but this is firmly Assuming you land safely on the
sealed with ivy and moss. When flat roof section, turn and look
you've finished wandering, take right, down at the smaller flat
the shallow steps up to the roof section. You must jump to
raised plant bed. Jog to the reach this area next. Execute a
ladder in the center of the bed, standing jump from the middle of
avoiding the plants. the first flat roof to the second.

Climb the ladder to the first floor Move quickly, or you'll attract the
of a series of balconies. When attention of the Cabal soldier on
you reach the junction at the the walkway above and behind
wall, you can turn left or right. you (past the door you couldn't
Don't bother heading right yet, as open). Shrug off his machine gun
this path ends with a right turn fire if need be, then walk to the
and a collapsed section of edge of the second flat roof, and
walkway you cannot cross yet. hop to the third.

Instead, turn left and begin to There doesn't seem to be

sprint along the balcony. At the anywhere left to leap until you
far end of the walkway is a set of check the walkway ahead and
iron stairs heading upward. slightly to your left. Take a
Ascend them, then turn and running jump at the gap in the
ascend the next set of steps. railing, and press Action to grab
When you reach the top, you're the walkway and haul yourself
on the second floor of balconies. onto the balcony.


Run forward toward the NOTE Miss the jump and

"roundabout" balcony, where a land short? You fall onto a
suspended plant bed holds a small and previously
flourishing display of evil flora. unexplored piece of balcony
Move directly to the other side of under the walkways above.
the structure, and you see the Vault over a railing and land
balcony continues to a small gap. on a walkway underneath
Your running tremors cause the (don't fall onto the ground,
balcony to crumble. or you'll suffer damage).
This results in a much wider gap
as falling metal crashes to the Lara's jump to the Large Health
ground. You don't have the leg Pack, and back again, causes her
strength to make this jump. strength to increase (Upgrade
Instead, turn and view the side Jump: Lower Body Level 9).
exit to this roundabout, as well as Perhaps now she can attempt
the incoming Cabal soldier the leap across the unstable
running to intercept you. Bring ledge. Sprint back to the
out your big guns. "roundabout" section where the
bridge fell.
Take out the guard, then
Save your game, sprint to the
continue along the walkway (the
gap, then launch yourself with a
ledge that crumbled is still too
long jump. Land on the other
dangerous to attempt). You find
side, and ignore the Cabal soldier
yourself at a second junction.
patrolling the lower, right-hand
Make a left turn and run to the
section if you haven't inves-
trellis door you couldn't access.
tigated it yet (this is only
possible after the leg upgrade).

TIP Open the trellis door so Turn left and begin to ascend the
that if you incorrectly time stairs (these are the ones you
your jumps and fall (but saw earlier, just before the first
survive), you can head long jump). Continue around,
straight back into this watching out for the curved
section without leaping the corner with the gap that you can
greenhouse roof again. accidentally fall through (the plant
is growing out of it). Retrace your
steps if this happens.
Make a right turn at the junction, The time has come to ascend to
or head back from the previously the very top of this gargantuan
barred doorway. Follow the greenhouse. Sprint along the
balcony as it meanders ahead, long walkway to the very end.
left, and left again, hugging the Once at the railings, you notice
exterior wall. You see a staircase some ivy to your right. Grab hold
to the right as you turn, but this and climb it, then shimmy to the
cannot be accessed. right, and right again onto a
broken upper walkway.
Once on the stretch of corridor by
the exterior wall, look ahead at
the long gap with the Large
Health Pack at the far end. This
area tests your leg strength. Hit
the Sprint button, then leap over
the gap. Land on the other side—
don't fall into the gap.


Once the shock has subsided,

Pull yourself onto the walkway
remove yourself from this area as
and survey the scenery. Ahead of
quickly as possible. Run along
you is the slumped body of a
the walkway to the fallen form of
dead Cabal soldier. If you peer off
the decaying guard, and obtain
to the right, you can just make
the Botanical High Access Card
out an upper platform. You have
from the corpse.
no method of reaching it, though.

Viewing the upper, circular Now comes the laborious

balcony from her location, Lara process of descending the
watches Muller keying infor- structure you just climbed. Start
mation into a central computer by vaulting off the far end of the
with limited results. Gundersen walkway onto the lower
strides into view. Apparently, the walkway, then descend the steps
power is out throughout the to the gap you previously leapt
facility. Eckhardt then appears. over. Once at the "roundabout,"
head for the trellis door.
Eckhardt is understandably Exit the trellis door, head down
worried that everything in the the two flights of stairs, along
facility is locked down and the walkway, and stop at the
hopes that "nothing is loose." junction. Don't descend to the
Muller and Gundersen agree, but ground just yet, as you only have
one of the scientists, Kristina two of the three necessary
Boaz, hurries onto the balcony Botanical Access Cards. Run
to inform Eckhardt of some ahead, around the corner, to the
rather troubling news. gap over the entrance ground.
She didn't destroy the Proto-
Nephilim. Gundersen is both You couldn't reach this before.
surprised and disgusted, and he Now with a sprint and upgrade,
leaves to personally oversee this you can sail over the gap, run up
problem. It appears, however, the steps, and engage the final
that the beast cannot be Cabal soldier. When the guard
destroyed without a particular falls, stoop to claim the last
ceremonial Shard, so this mistake Botanical Access Card. Excellent.
isn't Boaz's fault.
This excuse isn't acceptable to
Eckhardt, who beckons Muller
over and instructs him to set
one of his creations on the
hapless Boaz. Descending from
the ceiling is a carnivorous
horror that devours the
screaming scientist whole. "This
mess must be sorted out at
once!" bellows Eckhardt as they You see a ladder descending from
leave the balcony. this section, but it stops high above
the ground (meaning you couldn't
have reached this area earlier).
Hang and drop from the lowest part
of the walkway. Now check your
Inventory. Have you acquired the
three Botanical Access Cards from
the three guards? Then head for the

Head for the far right corner of You find Health Bandages in the
the ground floor (when standing left locker and Health Pills in the
by the entrance). Enter the right. Now that you've fully
doorway and turn to the set of explored this area, descend
three security locks. One may through the hole in the platform,
already be flashing. Press the dive back into the water, and swim
other two buttons. to the square hole to emerge back
into the under-chamber.

The dead guard's card unlocks Trot up the stairs and back onto
the left lock. The card from the the mesh walkway. This ends in
guard on the small, lower-level a narrow pair of doors which
balcony opens the middle lock. open to reveal a containment
The ground floor guard's card passage. Step inside and move
opens the right lock. With all to the switch on the opposite
three lock buttons pressed, the wall. Press this, and the door to
door in front of you now opens. your left opens. Step through.

You can now descend a set of

You appear in a small connecting
stairs that ends in an entrance
chamber. In front of you is a
to an underground mesh
security door that is firmly
walkway. Before you speed
sealed. Look instead for another
across this walkway, stop for a
narrow pair of doors leading to a
moment and look to your left. A
second containment passage.
set of steps descends under the
Step through into the chamber,
mesh walkway to a mist-filled
heading for the switch.
Move along the chamber under Lara attempts to force the door,
the mesh walkway to find it but it is locked. Suddenly, she
deserted, except for a small, spies Kurtis Trent. As she bangs
square hole in the floor. Upon on the door to no avail, a smirking
closer inspection, you see it's Trent scolds her for "making a
filled with water. Take a deep mess of things." Trent is the
breath and dive right in. After a stalker who stole Lara's painting.
small, U-shaped tunnel, you She demands to know why.
emerge in a storage room.
Trent has little time for expla-
Climb onto the ledge next to the nations; he's more concerned
water, and observe the two crates with turning on the power to the
nearby. Pull the smaller of the two fortress. He also feels that Lara
crates along the wall twice. Keep has "caused enough problems,"
the box next to the wall, but don't and remarks, "It is safer if you
pull it all the way to the end. stay in one place." In turn, Lara
Position it under a hole in the reveals the Shard she has picked
mesh platform above you. up from the Louvre.
This causes Trent some conster-
Clamber onto the box, then jump nation, but he still wishes Lara to
and grab the lip of the opening to take a "breather from damaging
pull yourself up and onto the things." With that, Trent disappears
mesh platform. Ahead is a door from view, leaving Lara to pace
that is firmly jammed and cannot about in her enclosed prison.
be accessed. Instead, turn left Kurtis's destination is the festering
and ransack the three lockers. sore on the underbelly of the
Cabal—the dreaded Sanitarium.


Kurtis Trent is your playable character in the
Sanitarium and Maximum Containment Area of
the Strahov Fortress. After his ambush of the
voluptuous Miss Croft in the preceding chapter,

it's hard to tell if Kurtis is on your side or not.
• Sanitarium Zombies (x13)
But there's no time to ponder the question—
• Agency Soldier
you've got to get him through the lower levels of
• Proto-Nephilim
the Strahov Fortress in one piece.

Kurtis's adventures in the Sanitarium involve finding items (such as security CRITICAL ITEMS TO LOCATE
passes) to solve puzzles and unlocking the entrance to the Maximum Containment • Farsee Code 06289
Area. Along the way, Kurtis displays his psychic talents, including his Farsee ability • Strahov Assistant's Pass
that lets him peer around corners and look through locked doors. Also, every time you

see a five-digit number, remember it—you must open several numeric keypad locks. • You play as Kurtis Trent in this level, and Kurtis
The majority of the enemy creatures are Sanitarium Zombies, laboratory subjects does not have the ability to upgrade his physical
who have been exposed to experiments for so long that they no longer pass as strength.
human. Even though the Sanitarium Zombies do minimal damage, put them out of
their misery. Kurtis comes loaded with hundreds of bullets for his custom Boran X
pistol, so you may as well use it.

Press Action twice quickly. The

TRENT'S TRICKS first press releases Kurtis's grip

Kurtis Trent has some psychic abilities that on the ledge, and the second
Lara Croft lacks. They kick in automatically when press prepares him to grab the
you need them, so there's no need to activate next ledge below him. If you do it
them yourself. Kurtis has the power to telekinet- right, you'll snag the next ledge
ically move objects without touching them, and without plummeting to an
he also has a Farsee ability that lets him view untimely demise.
areas that he can't physically reach.
Despite his mental powers, Kurtis is physically After reaching the second ledge
less impressive than Lara. He cannot upgrade his safely, drop from that one and
upper- or lower-body strength, and he's slower to catch the ledge below it, then
stand up from a crouch. He also lacks a Stealth repeat the move twice more to
mode, so he can't do a Commando Crawl. Aside drop past the ledges. Pull yourself
from these quirks, Kurtis has an identical control onto this rust-colored ledge, grab
scheme to Lara's. the Health Pills, then return to the
edge and drop to the next one.

Drop off this ledge and land near

Walk to the edge of the long, a metal hatch in the floor of the
cylindrical shaft in front of you shaft. Press Action near the
and press Action to hang from hatch to open it, then drop
the edge . through the hatch.


Go through the gate and walk

down the hallway beyond it.
There's a dead Agency soldier in
the hallway and a clip of Boran X
ammo lying next to him.
Approach the Boran X ammo to
pick it up, and you trigger the
following cutscene.
Climb down the nearby ladder to reach a platform just below you.
From the platform at the bottom of the first ladder, climb down
another ladder that leads to another metal platform far
below you.

Walk to the end of the platform,

and face the shaft in the center
of the room and the overhead
platform directly in front of you.
Jump forward and press Action Another Agency soldier clings to Kurtis runs into the hallway, but
in midair to grab the edge of the life at the end of the hallway, but the soldier and beast have
platform and pull yourself onto it. not for long—a bestial claw grabs vanished, and only a dangling
the soldier and pulls him down grate to an air vent betrays the
the hallway. creature's escape route.

You resume control of Kurtis in

the hallway with the dead soldier
Go through the double doors at and Boran X ammo. Pick up the
the end of the platform to enter ammo and walk into the hallway
the Sanitarium. (shown in the previous cutscene).
There's a Sanitarium Zombie in it
now—shoot it.

At the entrance to the Sanitarium

is a reception area and a steel
TIP To avoid being surprised by enemies, always walk into
rooms and around corners with your trusty Boran X drawn.
gate that blocks the wards from
Since you automatically target any hostile creatures if your
the outside world. You see a
weapon is drawn, you'll never be caught unaware.
Sanitarium Zombie as it thrashes
toward you from the other side of
the gate. Shoot it through the gate, There's a cell with an open door
then open the door to the gate. at the end of this hallway. Go into
the cell to find a docile Sanitarium
Zombie. Put that pistol away and
TIP Although Kurtis has plenty of ammo, you can talk to him to learn that the
conserve it by holding your fire until you can see the creature that dragged off the
whites of the Zombies' dead eyes. The closer you are when soldier is called a Proto-nephilim,
you fire, the fewer bullets it takes to kill the Zombies. a.k.a. "the screamer" and "Black
Since the Zombies do little damage, you can afford to get Angel." It's on the loose and killing
close to them. everything that moves. The Sanitarium inmates were used as food for
the beast, but when Lara shut down the power in the Strahov Fortress
level, it started munching on Agency soldiers.
The Zombie used to be the Turkish truck driver who brought
Eckhardt's "Sleeper" to the Strahov Fortress. The driver was locked
in the Sanitarium with the Proto-Nephilim. He thinks he'll be safe in
his cell. Kurtis advises him to keep the door locked and, in a moment
of tenderness, doesn't shoot him in the head


There's nothing else to do around The next hallway has white

here except return to the hallway double doors at the end of it and
and approach the locked gate at an open room containing an
the end of it. To the left of the orange-clad Sanitarium Zombie.
gate is the first of several Take out the Zombie and go
numeric keypad locks in the through the double doors to the
Sanitarium. But what's the code? Sanitarium cafeteria.

Fortunately, Kurtis's Farsee ability

kicks in as you approach the The cafeteria is just to the side of
door. He gets a red-tinted a long, curving hallway. There are
glimpse of the areas beyond the four Sanitarium Zombies in the
gate, including a desk that has a area. Walk down the hallway and
slip of paper with a five-digit kill all four Zombies as you go.
code on it, 06289.

NOTE After the Farsee cutscene, Kurtis has a new "item"

in his Inventory, Farsee Code 06289. It's not so much an Halfway down the hallway,
actual item as it is a convenient way to remember the across from the cafeteria, is a set
number that Kurtis saw in his Farsee vision. of double doors with the number
38471 next to them. Remember
that number, and continue down
the hallway, guns blazing.

When the Farsee vision ends,

enter 0-6-2-8-9 into the numeric
keypad. The gate unlocks.

Go through the open gate with

your pistol drawn, and Kurtis
targets a Sanitarium Zombie in a
hallway beyond another gate.
Pick it off from the other side of At the end of the hallway is a
the gate if you wish (although the handicapped-accessible ramp
range limits your accuracy), and leading to a set of white double
the wounded Zombie flees. doors. Go through these doors.

Open the gate and go through it,

finishing off the Sanitarium
Zombie if you didn't get him from
the other side of the gate. At the
end of the hallway is another
gate. Open it and proceed into
the next hallway.


The white double doors lead into

a laboratory, where a dead Proto-
Nephilim sits inside a glass cage. Return to the stairs you just
The body of a researcher lies passed, and climb them to reach
slumped in the corner. Pick up a a catwalk above the floor of the
clip of Boran X ammo next to the cafeteria.
Proto-Nephilim cage, and the
Strahov Assistant's Pass near the
researcher's body.
Once you have both items, Walk counterclockwise around
backtrack down the long, curved the catwalk, but watch out—
hallway until you come to the there's a gap in it. Walk to the
cafeteria. There's another edge of the gap, jump forward,
Sanitarium Zombie inside the and press Action in midair to
cafeteria kitchen, but you can't grab the edge of the other side of
get to him. However, you can the gap. Pull yourself up and
pick up Boran X ammo and a keep going around the catwalk.
Chocolate Bar from the floor of
the cafeteria. At the other end of the catwalk,
you find a control console. Press
Action next to it, and you can
NOTE You can enter the enter a code on a numeric
open cells on either side of keypad. Enter the number you
the long, curved hallway, saw next to the locked double
but there's nothing of doors across from the cafeteria
interest in any of them. (3-8-4-7-1) to unlock those doors.

Once you have both items, walk Now backtrack until you're back
to the far right corner of the on the floor of the cafeteria. You
cafeteria (as you face the can take the stairs from the
kitchen) to find a locked door catwalk, or drop through the gap
and a card reader. Press Action in the catwalk into the kitchen.
near the card reader to use the
Strahov Assistant's Pass and
unlock the door.

Once back in the cafeteria, head

through the now-unlocked double
doors. Go down the short
hallway beyond them, and enter
the white door at the end of it to
trigger the following cutscene.

Go through the door, past the

stairs, and into the kitchen. Take
out the Sanitarium Zombie there.


The Proto-Nephilim is at it again.

This time, he pops out of a venti- Crawl into the duct and jump to
lation duct and chomps on a grab the edge of the duct as it
scientist studying the corpse of a continues overhead. Keep
Sanitarium Mutant. What's a crawling through it until you reach
Sanitarium Mutant, you ask? the end, and a cutscene plays.
You're about to find out.

The Proto-Nephilim snacks on an

Agency soldier on the other side
You resume control of Kurtis near of a ventilation fan; there's no
the locked doors to the lab. Run sign of the scientist it attacked
around the corner and encounter earlier. The Proto-Nephilim
one to three Sanitarium Zombies. catches sight of Kurtis, and
Destroy them. instead of attacking him as it has
everything else, it flees.

When the cutscene ends, drop

At the end of the corridor is a into the room. You can't walk or
floor-level ventilation duct. Press crawl past the fan, but there is a
Action near it to remove the broken ladder leading to a small
cover, then crawl inside. platform. Unfortunately, you can't
climb it. What to do?

After a short crawl, you come to

an area where Kurtis can stand Draw your pistol, stand in a
up; the duct continues overhead. corner as far from the fan as
Leap up, grab the edge of the possible, and shoot the
continuation of the duct, pull pressurized canisters near the
yourself into it, and keep fan until they explode.
crawling forward.

The duct ends in the lab where This causes the broken ladder to
you saw the Proto-Nephilim fall over, and you can now jump
consume its latest snack. Drop and grab the edge of the
into the lab to find that the Proto- platform. Pull yourself up and
Nephilim has once again escaped activate the switch that shuts off
with its meal. the fan.

The only thing you can do in the

lab is remove the cover to
another floor-level ventilation Don't forget to grab the Boran X
duct. That clever Proto-Nephilim ammo lying on the floor next to
must have escaped through it the fan.
and somehow replaced the
cover—from the other side of
the duct.


With the fan stopped, crawl

underneath it and into the From the end of the duct, take a
hallway beyond it. There's right and walk through the open
another ventilation duct here that double doors and into the
you need to crawl into. Maximum Containment Area.

Maximum Containment Area

As if the Sanitarium wasn't creepy
enough, Kurtis's journey through

the Maximum Containment Area
• Proto-Nephilim
takes him closer to the
• Sanitarium Mutant (x5)
defective Proto-Nephilim
• Agency Soldier
holding cell. Most of the

enemies in the Maximum

Containment Area are • Farsee Code 17068
Sanitarium Mutants—think • Sanitarium Low Access Pass
Sanitarium Zombies plus Proto-Nephilim DNA. They're fast and nasty • Sanitarium Medium Access Pass
customers, so don't spare the bullets.

Kurtis's ultimate goal is to reach the Proto-Nephilim's lair and kill it.
• Kurtis has no available upgrades.
To do so, he must find a variety of keys and codes to unlock doors—
and, of course, chew through a lot of ammo.

Now head down the hallway

with the bubbling green water at
From the entrance to the the end of it. The water is
Maximum Containment Area, poisonous and will eat away
head straight down the hallway your health energy if you land in
and through the metal gate at it, so jump up and shimmy along
the end. the wires that run down the right
wall. Get back across the pool
the same way.

From the other side of the gate, Finally, open the gate near the
you can go straight through security office to enter another
another gate, left through the cell-lined corridor, and go
security office door, or right to a through the double doors at the
pool of bubbling, green water. end of it.

Go into the office first, through

the green door left of the metal
gate. There's another numeric
At the four-way intersection
keypad in here. You haven't found
beyond the double doors, take a
another code yet, so there's no
right and hug the left wall as you
need to use it. But keep it in
walk down the hallway.
mind. Leave the office.


As Kurtis passes the second cell

door on his left, his Farsee ability CAUTION Watch out.
is automatically triggered. He Opening the giant, metal
gets a glimpse of the scene shutter releases two more
inside of the cell, which includes Sanitarium Mutants. Keep
the corpse of a Sanitarium your Boran X ready.
Zombie with the number 17068
on its back.

NOTE This gives Kurtis the Farsee Code 17068. It's not
actually an item, but you can view it in your Inventory to In an open cell near a set of
remind yourself of the code. locked double doors with a red
light above them, you find a clip
of Boran X ammo sitting on a
satchel on a bed.
Return to the security office near
the beginning of the Maximum
Containment Area, and enter 1-7-
0-6-8 into the numeric keypad to
unlock the two cell doors you
just walked past. Next to the aforementioned cell
is a long, sloping corridor with a
door at the end. Go through that
Return to the cell door where door to enter the next area.
Kurtis had his Farsee vision and
enter the cell. Walk inside, but
immediately back away from the
door and aim your pistol toward it
to shoot the Sanitarium Mutant
that tries to barge in. Hammer the Take an immediate right after
Action button as fast as you can going through the door, walk
to fill them with lead. down the corridor, and take your
first left to enter a lab. A
cutscene follows.

Once the Sanitarium Mutant is

dead, pick up the Sanitarium Low
Access Pass from the dead
Agency soldier and the Chocolate
Bar from the desk inside the room. The Proto-Nephilim runs past
Kurtis without attacking him,
then runs down the hall and
under a half-shut steel door.
Walk out of that room, take a
left, and follow the corridor to a
huge, metal shutter with a
blinking card reader to the right
of it. Use the Sanitarium Low Don't chase the Proto-Nephilim
Access Pass on the card reader immediately; a Sanitarium Mutant
to open the shutter. busts into the lab. Shoot them, exit
the lab, take a right, and continue
walking along the hall.


CAUTION There are two more Sanitarium Mutants

somewhere in the hallway—keep your finger on the
trigger. Jump and grab the edge of the
roof of the chamber and pull
yourself up to it. Walk along the
roof and face the broken section
of the upper catwalk.
Approach the half-closed steel
door and crawl under it. You'll
tread over the body of an unlucky
Agency soldier who was the
Stand at the edge of the Proto-
Proto-Nephilim's last meal.
Nephilim chamber and jump
forward toward the upper
catwalk. Press Action
immediately after jumping to
grab the edge of the catwalk,
Head down the spiral stairs then pull yourself up to it.
beyond the half-closed steel door.
At the bottom of the stairs is a
black-and-white-tiled hallway.
There's a gap in the upper
catwalk. Walk to the edge of the
gap, jump forward across it, and
press Action to grab the edge of
Run down the hallway until you the other side of the catwalk.
come to the steel door that leads
to the Proto-Nephilim chamber
area, which you first saw when
Lara shut off the power in the
Strahov Fortress.
At the end of the upper catwalk
is an open ventilation shaft.
Jump, pull yourself into it, and
start crawling down it.
Run along the lower catwalk of
the Proto-Nephilim chamber area
until you find a ladder leading up
to the middle catwalk. Climb it.
Although there are a couple of
drop-offs and some intersections,
there is literally only one path you
can take through the duct. Wrong
turns are blocked with grates.
Walk along the middle catwalk
until you come to the pathway to
the Proto-Nephilim chamber.
Walk right up to the Proto-
Nephilim chamber.
At the end of the duct is a small,
red chamber with a ladder. Climb
up the ladder.


In the cutscene that precedes the

fight, the Proto-Nephilim finally
At the top of the ladder are the stops running from Kurtis and
mutilated corpses of two Agency starts stalking him. It almost
soldiers and the Sanitarium pounces on Kurtis, but Kurtis
Medium Access Pass. Pick up telekinetically lowers a giant,
the pass. steel shutter, preventing the
Proto-Nephilim from attacking
him. The Proto-Nephilim's a
crafty devil, however, and it sneaks in through a ventilation duct.
The fight is on.
Press the button to the right of the
hallway leading out of the room to There's a very simple pattern to
open the door at the end of it. this boss fight. All you have to
do is keep moving in circles with
your Boran X drawn. The Proto-
Nephilim lurks on the ceiling and
drops to the floor to attack.
Before leaving, pick up the
Chocolate Bar on the floor of the TIP If you keep running, it won't land on you, and if your gun is
room. You're heading toward the drawn, you'll automatically target the Proto-Nephilim. The Proto-
boss fight against the Proto- Nephilim always growls just before dropping from the ceiling.
Nephilim, so you need all the
healing items you can get.
Continue running circles around
the Proto-Nephilim while firing at
When you're ready, walk down it like a madman. Eventually, it
the hallway through the door you falls over or runs back to the
just opened. You're back in the ceiling and drops on you again.
area near the half-closed steel
door and the last lab you saw. At
the first intersection, take a left
and follow the hallway as it turns.
If you manage to drop the Proto-
Nephilim, don't rest easy just
yet—it gets back up and runs
back to the ceiling to drop on
you again.

TIP There’s an unlimited supply of Boran X ammo on the

floor; pick it up when the Proto-Nephilim retreats the ceiling
or plays dead. There’s also a Large Health Pack in here as well.
At the end of the hallway, you
find a locked door and a blinking
card reader. Press Action near Repeat the attack pattern,
the card reader to use the running in circles and shooting at
Sanitarium Medium Access Pass the Proto-Nephilim, until you drop
and open the door. Go through it fourth times. At that point, run
the door to begin the boss fight up to it, and you see a cutscene
against Proto-Nephilim. of Kurtis plunging the crystal
Shard into the beast, killing it.


Kurtis says that the last

Obscura Painting is hidden in a
Once you've killed the Proto- Lux Veritatis vault beneath the
Nephilim, pull the big switch at the Strahov. To destroy the
end of the room to open a secret paintings, Kurtis needs the
chamber and free Lara Croft. Shard that Lara picked up at the
Louvre. Lara says that there
should be three of the Periapt
Shards, to which Kurtis
responds that Eckhardt has the last one. It's the only thing that can
destroy him permanently, so he keeps it safe.
The Shards are ancient weapons of the Lux Veritatis. Two of them
were entrusted to Kurtis's father, whom Eckhardt murdered in order
to prevent them from falling into Kurtis's hands. Obviously, the plan
didn't work, and now Kurtis wants revenge.
Convinced of his integrity, Lara suggests that they work together.
She gives Kurtis her Shard, and Kurtis tells her that Eckhardt must
Lara, however, has already be stabbed with all three Shards to be destroyed. Lara suggests
managed to free herself, and she that Kurtis go after the third Shard while she recovers and destroys
hides in the ceiling of her prison the last Obscura Painting. Kurtis knows that Eckhardt keeps the
chamber as Kurtis cautiously Shard in his old alchemy lab in the lower regions of the Strahov.
walks in, gun drawn. Jumping Lara sees on the fifth Obscura Engraving that the Obscura Painting
down, she kicks the gun from his is hidden in something called the Vault of Trophies, which has an
hand, draws one of her own, and underwater entrance.
fires—at a Sanitarium Mutant
directly behind Kurtis.
Lara and Kurtis formally introduce themselves, and Lara throws Kurtis
up against the wall to disarm him. When asked about the Obscura
Painting, Kurtis apologizes, saying it went AWOL at the Louvre.
Kurtis tells Lara that he and Eckhardt have business that only one
of them is going to walk away from. Lara confides that her beef with
Eckhardt is also personal.
Kurtis tells Lara that Eckhardt plans to use the five Obscura The scene shifts to Gundersen
Paintings to revive an ancient evil called the Sleeper and revive the and Eckhardt in conversation.
extinct Nephilim race. To do that, he's been collecting alchemically How did Lara get the Obscura
transmuted elements from the bodies of the victims he's murdered. Engraving and the map, asks
Eckhardt is the original Black Alchemist, and he's very close to Gunderson. Eckhardt doesn't
finding the last Obscura Painting. know, nor does he care. The
As he speaks, Kurtis shows off his telekinetic ability by mentally Cabal has been unsuccessful so
lifting a weapon and spinning it around the two of them, as Lara far in its efforts to open the Vault
keeps her pistol trained on Kurtis. of Trophies, so perhaps Lara's
talents will succeed where theirs failed. Regardless, he suggests
that they prepare for Kurtis's imminent arrival. Eckhardt doesn't
believe that Lara is capable of destroying the final Obscura Painting.
Is he right? There's only one way to tell for sure.


Aquatic Research Area

After sneaking past a handful of
motion-sensing machine-gun

turrets, you need to restore power
• Leviathan
to the aquatic labs while dodging
• Agency Soldier
a Leviathan. Only once Lara has

explored all of the secrets of CRITICAL ITEMS TO LOCATE

the deep will the biggest • None
secret of them all reveal

itself—the entrance to the Vault AVAILABLE UPGRADES
of Trophies, where the final Obscura Painting is rumored to be hidden • Upgrade Grip: Upper Body Level 9
in the Lux Veritatis vault. By preparing a cartload of raw chum for Leviathan,
Lara works those biceps and earns an upgrade
that lets her shimmy farther along ledges.

Duck and crawl while holding the

From the start of the level, press Stealth button to Commando
the big, yellow button in front of Crawl along the wall opposite the
you to open a door. machine-gun turrets. Crawl
through a hole in the support
beam to reach a valve.

You enter the next area on a Stand up near the valve, and
catwalk. There's a ladder at the press Action to turn it and release
end of it that leads down. a blue fog into the room. Wait a
Unfortunately, there are two few seconds for the room to fill
motion-sensitive machine-gun up. The fog completely nullifies
turrets on the floor that destroy the machine guns' sensors,
you if you get too close to them. rendering them harmless.

Instead of climbing down the With the machine guns

ladder, hang from the edge of the disarmed, side-jump over the
catwalk near where you entered obstacles to the right of the
the room, then drop from there to valve, and climb onto the pipe on
the floor. You're too far away the far wall.
from the nearest machine gun to
trigger its motion sensor.


Climb up the pipe, shimmy right Follow the hallway to pass

at the cross-shaped intersection through a set of thick steel doors
of pipe, and climb the next and enter the Aquatic Research
vertical pipe to the right. Area proper.

Walk past the doors as you enter

You reach a ledge. Shimmy right
the research area, and a console
along the ledge until you can pull
directly in front of you flickers,
yourself up. Walk to the platform
indicating that the research
below the ledge and drop onto it.
area's power levels are
dangerously low.

Go down the hallway leading

from the platform. Near the end, Walk counterclockwise around
you find a monitor for the the catwalks of the Aquatic
security camera in the next part Research Facility until you see a
of the hallway. Use it to see that smashed observation window
there are volatile chemicals under the water near you. You
stored near a blinking light, as also see a vicious shark hybrid
well as another machine-gun called Leviathan.
turret near the chemicals.
CAUTION The Leviathan can’t attack you unless you
Walk halfway down the next
enter the water, but if it hurts you even once, it kills you
section of hallway, and aim at
instantly. Stay out of the water unless there’s a barricade
the blinking light near the
between you and the beast.
machine-gun turret at the end.
Shoot the chemicals near the
light without stepping within
range of the machine gun.
Dive into the water and swim
through the broken observation
window. You‘re protected from
the Leviathan by a wire-mesh
Pop enough caps into the wall under the water.
pressurized containers near the
blinking light, and they explode,
taking out the turret as well.

There's a switch on the wall

inside the observation area. Pull it
to restore half power to the
Aquatic Research Facility.

Walk casually past the wrecked

machine-gun turret and climb the
ladder beyond it.


This also opens a door on the Press the large, yellow button at
surface of the research facility. the end of the hallway beyond
the door to open the thick steel
door next to it.

Swim through the yellow-and- Pull the switch to the right of the
black stripped tunnel opposite elevator door at the end of the
the power switch and follow room beyond the thick steel door
it into the underwater room you just opened. This restores
beyond. power to the elevator and calls it
to your level.

When you enter the underwater

room, swim up and through Push the yellow button to the left
another passageway lined with of the elevator door to activate a
yellow-and-black stripes. Swim security camera elsewhere in the
through the hole in the ceiling Aquatic Research Area (it's
just beyond it. actually in the room that the
elevator runs down to).

This brings you back to the

surface. Pull yourself out of the
water and walk along the Enter the elevator and push the
pathway into a dry room. There's button inside of it to ride down
a Small Health Pack here. to the observation area below
the water.

Press the yellow button near the

steel door to open it. Go through
it and follow the hallway to return Exit the elevator and head to the
to the main part of the door in the steamy room you saw
Underwater Research Area.] through the security camera.

The door that opened is on the

opposite side of the research
area from the smashed obser-
The door opens automatically.
vation window. It sits directly
Go through it to find another
above an intact observation
switch, and pull the switch to
window. Head over to it.
restore full power to the Aquatic
Research Facility.


Now pull or push the cart into

Once you've restored power to the room at the end of the
the facility, backtrack to the catwalk. Position the cart so that
surface by riding the elevator it's directly under the chum
back up. dispenser.

When you return to the surface,

you see a quick cutscene of
some changes that restoring the Pull the lever at the other end of
power has made to the facility. the room to send a generous
Power now runs to two switches serving of chum into the cart.
in two different rooms high
above the catwalk, and a hatch
opens above a previously
blocked ladder. Visit the switches
in the order they were shown.
With the cart filled, pull it back
onto the conveyor on the catwalk.
High above the center of the Lara's upper-body strength
Aquatic Research Facility is the increases (Upgrade Grip: Upper
mechanism designed to feed Body Level 9). She can climb and
Leviathan. Perhaps if you could shimmy longer.
offer him a snack, he'd stop
trying to munch on you.

Push the yellow button to send

Starting at the catwalk near the the cart back to the other end of
entrance to the facility, run the catwalk, then push it back
clockwise and follow the stairs onto the lift. Now you have to
and catwalks as they lead to the figure out how to drop the lift
high platform in the center of the into the water.
Backtrack to the entrance of the
Aquatic Research Facility. Then
run counterclockwise around the
In the center of the feeding
catwalks. Reach a platform with a
platform is a cart on a lift. Pull
pile of crates and a ladder leading
the cart off the lift so that it rests
up into an observation room. The
on the conveyor in front of it on
top of the ladder was blocked by
the catwalk. You may need to
a trapdoor, but restoring the
push it from behind to fully seat
power removed the trap.
it on the conveyor.

Climb up the ladder to enter the

observation room. You can press
Once the cart is on the dark
Action near either of the two
square, push the nearby yellow
white consoles to the right to
button to activate the conveyor
activate security monitors. The
and move the cart to the end of
monitors show the center of the
the catwalk.
bottom of the pool and a room
with wetsuits in it.


NOTE The security-monitor images let you know what Walk toward the giant hatch,
you must do after feeding Leviathan. which opens automatically.

Walk out of the observation room

along the catwalk, and walk to
the end of the broken catwalk.

Take a left after the giant hatch

to find a switch at the end of the
room. Pull the switch.
CAUTION If you get here and Lara says that the ledge
above her is too far to reach, then you haven't properly
upgraded her strength. You can't complete this part of the
Aquatic Research Facility until you get the strength
upgrade from filling the feeding cart with chum.
The switch lowers the cart of
chum into the water. Leviathan
Climb the pipe on the wall,
wastes no time in chowing down
moving to a horizontal pipe in
on it. And now that he's fed, he
order to reach another vertical
doesn't want to make a meal out
pipe next to the top of the first
of Lara anymore.
vertical pipe.

Return to the entrance of the

room you're in right now, press
the yellow button on the wall
Climb the second vertical pipe
opposite the entrance hatch, and
and shimmy onto the ledge to the
go through the door that opens
left of the top of it.
when you do so.

There's another door at the end

of a short hallway. Press the
Shimmy left until you're over the nearby yellow button to open it,
next platform, then drop onto and have a weapon drawn when
that platform. you do.

Press the yellow button to On the other side of the door is

summon a moving platform to an Agency soldier. Take him out
your current location. Step onto before he knows what's
it quickly, as it returns to the happening.
other side after a very short stop
on your side.


The aquatic tunnel bends

In the cabinets on either side of upward. Follow it up to trigger
the entrance are a Mag Vega the following cutscene.
Clip and a Viper SMG Clip. Pick
them both up and backtrack to
the entrance to the Aquatic
Research Area.

Lara swims to the surface at the

end of the tunnel to find a closet
full of wetsuits. She slips out of
Look in the water underneath the her current outfit and into one of
entrance to the research area to them, equipping herself properly
see a switch that has the number for the underwater entrance to
"1" above it. the Vault of Trophies.

Press Action to dive into the Lara then presses a yellow button
water, and hold down the Jump that floods the chamber with
button to swim toward the water, and the cutscene ends.
switch. Press Action near the
switch to pull it.

Before swimming out to the

main pool of the Aquatic
This opens a door at the bottom of Research Area, pull switch #2
the research area's central pool. near the wetsuit closet to open
the passage to the Vault of

Swim back to the surface and Swim back into the main pool of
climb up the ladder to return to the Aquatic Research Area, and
the catwalk from which you dove paddle through the now-open
into the pool. passage to the Vault of Trophies in
the middle of the floor of the pool.

Directly across the pool from

switch #1 is a tunnel labeled "2."
Take breath of air and swim into
this tunnel.


Vault of Trophies
Lara's marine adventures aren't
over yet. From the Aquatic

Research Area, she swims ENTITIES ENCOUNTERED
through an underwater maze to • Fire Knight (x2)
the entrance of the Vault of

Trophies. After a bit of puzzle • Last Obscura Painting
solving that literally takes her

breath away, she enters the AVAILABLE UPGRADES
vault, indulges in a bit of nerve- • Upgrade Pull Chain: Upper Body Level 10
wracking platform jumping, and faces two indestructible Fire Knights Pull the rusted lever in the area of the vault near
trying to get the fifth and final Obscura Painting. It's all in a day's the Fire Knights to beef up Lara's arm strength.
work for the world's most famous tomb raider, even if she's not This lets her pull the chain that raises the nearby
technically raiding tombs. tapestry.

From the start of the Vault of At the first intersection in the

Trophies, swim along the tunnel, tunnel, turn right and keep
and watch out for the spikes that swimming until you have to turn
protrude from the walls. right or left. Turn left.

Swim to the top of the first inter-

At the next intersection, take a
section to grab a breath of air
right and you arrive to a small, air-
before continuing. All of the inter-
filled chamber. Take a deep breath
sections in this first area of the
and dive back into the water.
vault have air pockets above
them, so use them.

From the air-filled chamber, swim

through two intersections to
reach a brick wall. Press Action
near the wall to kick it down and
swim into a large chamber with
eight statues of knights in it.

At the first intersection, continue past another set of spikes, and

take a left at the next intersection. You're swimming against the Each of the eight statues has a
current. name written on the back of its
When you see the gap in the left wall, swim into it. pedestal, and there's a chain
behind each statue. A mural on
the wall shows two dueling
knights with the letters "L" and
"V" above them.


There are only two knight statues At the end of the cavern is a
whose names begin with those switch. Pull it to cause several
letters: Vasiley and Limoux. Pull small, stone platforms to appear
the chains behind those statues over the yawning chasm ahead
to move them forward. of you.

CAUTION You probably won't have enough breath to CAUTION There's some frustrating jumps ahead. Save
find the Vasiley and Limoux statues and pull their chains. frequently (after every successful jump).
Double back to the air-filled chamber after moving the
first statue to make sure that you don't run out of air.

When you land on the platform,

all of the other platforms except
Once both statues' chains are the two in front of you crumble in
pulled, a magical bolt of energy the abyss. Jump to any platform
rises from their swords and that’s in the row closest to you.
strikes the center of the
chamber’s roof, revealing a
passage leading up.
TIP To jump onto the tiny
platform, stand one step back from the edge of the chasm,
face the platform, and hop onto it by holding the Walk
button as you tap the Jump button.
Swim through the passage to
reach a chamber filled with
sweet air, and continue to the
next part of the Vault of Trophies.
Even if you land safely, the
platform's going to crumble out
from under you in three seconds.

At the entrance to the vault

cavern, Lara strips off her
Stand in the center of the
wetsuit, changing back into her
platform you’re on and hop
usual raiding clothes.
toward one of the two visible
platforms in front of you. You’ll
notice that when you land on it,
two more platforms appear in
front of that one, just like when
you landed on the first platform.
Run down the cavern pathway
until you see the large, crushing
block fall from the ceiling on a In this way, keep jumping across
chain. Sprint under it when it the invisible platforms until you
raises to get past it. reach the plateau in the center
of the chasm, which is visible
and does not crumble out from
under you.


From the plateau above the Knock both Fire Knights down,
center of the chasm, hop across then run to the lever to the right
the three small platforms leading of the giant fireplace at one end
to the other side of the cavern. of the vault.

TIP Hold the Walk button and tap the Jump button to
ensure that you don't overshoot the platforms. Pulling the lever increases Lara's
Fortunately, these don't crumble out from under you, so upper-body strength (Upgrade
take your time lining up your jumps. Pull Chain: Upper Body Level 10)
and slides a bookcase that
conceals some Health Bandages.
Pick them up.

Walk down the tunnel at the

other side of the chasm to enter
the Vault of Trophies proper.
If the Fire Knights are getting up,
knock them back down. Run to
the chain next to the giant
There are two Fire Knights in the tapestry at the opposite side of
Vault of Trophies. Like other the room from the fireplace.
Knights, Fire Knights can never
be permanently destroyed. You
can knock them down, but they
get back up in 15 seconds. They
attack with flaming swords if
With her latest strength upgrade,
you're near them and with
Lara can pull the chain and raise
fireballs if you're at a distance.
the tapestry, revealing a scalable
surface behind it.
The Fire Knights also carry
shields that deflect your attacks.
To hurt them, wait for them to
lunge at you with their swords, As soon as the tapestry is up,
dodge the strikes, and shoot run to the wall behind it and start
them in the back. The V-Packer climbing. If you're quick, you can
shotgun is excellent for taking get above the heads of the Fire
them out. Knights before they can attack,
which keeps you safely out of
harm's way for the moment.

TIP Keep both Fire Knights in

front of you at all times to avoid
being hit from behind by one
while fighting the other.
Climb up and right along the wall
until you reach a ledge that you
can shimmy on.


Pull yourself onto the ledge and

Run to the fireplace and crawl
turn around to face a metal
through the tunnel behind it to
grate in front of you. Jump
escape the Fire Knights.
straight onto the platform.

Stand in the center of the platform

Stand up and go through the
and face the fireplace at the other
door beyond the fireplace to find
end of the room. Jump up to grab
the entrance to another
the underside of a grated catwalk
underwater tunnel.
over your head.

Monkey swing down the

catwalk until you reach the Dive into the pool and swim
chandelier in the middle of ahead to an intersection—
the room. go right.

Drop onto the chandelier to trigger

another sliding bookcase near the
fireplace. Jump to grab the catwalk
overhead, and monkey swing back
to the platform you started from.

Keep swimming until you come

to an intersection. Head right at
Jump onto the ledge next to the the intersection to reach the end
tapestry wall, hang from it, and of the Vault of Trophies.
drop to the ground. Watch out for
the Fire Knights waiting for
you—sprint toward the bookcase
you just moved.

The Last Obscura Painting is

behind the bookcase. Picking it
up shuts off the fire in the


Boaz Returns
When last we saw Kristina Boaz,
she was fed to Dr. Muller's

Carnivorous Horror as ENTITIES ENCOUNTERED
punishment for keeping the • Eckhardt
Proto-Nephilim alive. You'd • Gundersen
think that being devoured by a • Boaz
giant polyp with teeth would finish

most people off, but not Boaz. • None
Instead, she wound up melding

with the Carnivorous Horror and was locked away by Eckhardt for a AVAILABLE UPGRADES
special occasion—and that occasion is now. • You play as Kurtis Trent in this section, and
Kurtis does not have the ability to upgrade his
physical strength.

Lara makes it past oxygen- But Eckhardt isn't done, yet. As a

depriving underwater tunnels, consequence of Muller's failures,
vicious traps, and invincible Fire Eckhardt tosses him into the
Knights, only to pop out of the arena as well, and Boaz gobbles
water right in front of Eckhardt. him up.

Eckhardt, Gundersen, and Muller Kurtis gives Lara a boost out of

have Kurtis as their prisoner, and the arena, augmenting it with a
Eckhardt tells Lara that she and telekinetic push. He tosses her
Kurtis may leave if she gives him his two Shards and says he'll
the Last Obscura Painting. deal with Boaz.

For the first part of this fight,

Eckhardt raises a floor out of the Boaz remains in her Carnivorous
water, putting Lara on solid Horror form. Although she's large
footing—and cutting off her and unwieldy, Boaz moves
underwater escape route. She quickly and attacks with her
tosses Eckhardt the painting, and claws. Shoot her several times in
Eckhardt kicks Kurtis down to her. the face to get her to lob toxic
globs of green goo at you.

Dodge the green globs and strafe

You didn't expect Eckhardt to around to the side of her. On
keep his promise, did you? He either side of Boaz are two green
introduces Lara and Kurtis to the pods from which she fires the
new-and-improved version of green globs. Shoot each of them
Kristina Boaz, a freakish hybrid of repeatedly to destroy them. Only
her previous human body and shoot at the pods that are
the Carnivorous Horror. launching green globs, as
destroyed pods don't shoot globs.


NOTE You can only shoot the pods when Boaz is hurling Although Boaz is more
the green globs at you. If she stops firing them, move around dangerous in her second form,
in front of her and shoot her in the face several times to get your strategy should remain the
her to lob the green globs again.
same—keep dodging and
pumping bullets into her.

TIP If you're not able to target the correct pods, press the
Switch Target button to aim for an intact pod.

Once all four pods are destroyed,

Boaz drops to the ground—but
the fight isn't over yet! Boaz Eventually, your bullets do the
crawls out of the Carnivorous trick, and the lifeless Boaz drops
Horror carcass sporting a pair of to the floor. Well, maybe it's not
insectoid wings on her back. quite lifeless.
Time for round two!

TIP If you're low on ammo, there's a Boran X ammo on

the floor of the arena. It doesn't disappear when you pick
it up, so you can grab clip after clip—while dodging Boaz's
attacks, of course!
Kurtis makes the crucial mistake
of turning his back on his enemy.
In her humanoid form, Boaz is With her dying breath, Boaz
much faster and maneuverable. impales him on her claw.
She attacks with her razor-sharp
talons when close to Kurtis, and
with a bioelectric blast of lighting
when she's at a distance.
Kurtis throws his bladed disk at
Boaz, decapitating her, but the
damage has been done. The
screen fades to black as blood
seeps from Kurtis's wound.


The Lost Domain

Miss Croft must traverse three treacherous

tunnels in order to reach the hated Eckhardt's ENTITIES ENCOUNTERED
laboratory. Although the initial chamber structure • There are no entities encountered in this area.
seems confusing, it's actually quite simple once

you realize how to negotiate each area. You must
• There are no critical items to locate in this area.
merely leap across a series of rocky platforms

above instant lava death, upgrade your lower AVAILABLE UPGRADES
body for one last time, pass quickly through a • Upgrade Jump: Lower Body Level 10
dark tunnel, and emerge into a large and A series of precise jumps enables Lara to sprint
crumbling cavern with a trap-filled door at one end. The trap must be deactivated and jump, thus allowing her to exit the middle
before you can cross the last series of tiny ledges and reach the entrance door. This chamber.
level takes minutes to complete, but only after hours of trial and error.

Lara starts by sliding down the

Move to the opening of the first
tunnel entrance. You cannot
tunnel and peer into the heat
return from whence you came,
haze. You see a rickety wooden
so move forward through the
platform to your right and ahead
reddish gloom to the first cave
a slope to a gap with molten lava
junction. The path continues
beneath it. Save your game.
ahead and right.

Step forward onto the sloping

Check out the area ahead of you.
ground; you automatically start to
The tunnel opens into a narrow
skid. You have a second to jump
cavern with a nasty drop below, a
before you drop off the end of the
series of rock platforms to reach,
slide and down to a nasty
and a nearby lever. When you
demise. Leap and land on the
activate the lever, a door at the
collection of rock platforms ahead
far end of the cavern creaks open.
of you.

The door closes 13 seconds later,

Gingerly walk across the rock
leaving you trapped in this cave.
formations until you reach the
You don't have the necessary
third one. You can see a lever at
strength to bound across the
the end of this tunnel. That's
three rock platforms, and
where you're headed, but there's
shimmying along the sides of the
one last rock platform.
level takes far too long.

It is impossible to continue in this Walk to the edge of the platform,

direction. Return to the cave then hop to the small rock ledge.
junction and take the right (or left Don't perform a running or
if you're returning from the gray standing jump, or you'll fly over
cavern) entrance. You jog past a the ledge to your death—it's
barred opening with an nearer than it looks. Once on this
unobtainable Large Health Pack ledge, look around you. There's a
resting behind it. tiny ledge to your left.


Ignore the tiny ledge for now,

and instead perform a standing
Navigating the Gray Cavern: The
jump toward the outcrop with
the lever on it. Outstretch your
Incorrect Way
hands just in case you fail to
reach the outcrop. As Lara Before you realize that the lever
reaches the lever, she remarks opening the door is on a time
that her legs are stronger. release, you can optionally begin
a spot of spelunking. Drop from
the cave mouth to the collection
Congratulations, you've upgraded
of stone platforms in front of you.
Lara to her buffest level possible
Then move to the right wall ledge.
(Upgrade Jump: Lower Body
Level 10). With this ultimate
athletic power, you can now
Hop across the gap to the wall
sprint and leap huge distances
ledge, moving toward the far end
like never before. Move and pull
of it until there is no more
the lever next to you.
ground, then jump to grab a
crack in the wall. Shimmy across
This raises the barred gate at the this crack to the first set of rock
entrance to the tunnel, allowing platforms, or try a standard jump
you to access the Large Health from the ledge.
Pack. Turn and walk into the
edge of the wooden walkway
(don't jump up or you won't grab
it), and begin to cross back the Run left into a small cave mouth.
way you came. Follow this small passage right,
and right again; you appear at
the second set of platforms. Hop
TIP Use the wooden walkway to return to the main across to land on them.
corridor, and definitely do not try leaping back across the
rock platforms. The final slope at the cavern mouth cannot
be accessed, although you can slide down backwards and
back-flip to the central rocks for fun.

Step off the wooden walkway,

round the corner, and stoop to
collect the Large Health Pack
before moving under the open
barred gate. At the junction,
make a right and move to the
From here, move carefully onto the
long, gray cavern. Before you pull
lip of the right-hand ledge, jump
the lever, save your game.
vertically, grab the crack above,
and quickly shimmy left. You have
The following section details the just enough grip strength to make
two ways to complete this it to the final exit ledge. However,
chamber—one correct, and one the door closed minutes ago.
incorrect. You may wish to Follow the correct method after
shimmy and discover this entire upgrading yourself.
cavern the incorrect way and
prcatice your jumping, or simply
jump three times and skid under
the closing door (the correct way).


Navigating the Gray Cavern: The NOTE The easiest way through this area is to deactivate
the Cowled Cutter. Follow the advice in "How to
Correct Way Deactivate" for the easiest method out of here.

Move to the lever and pull it back The Cowled Cutter: How to Activate
until the grated gate at the far
end of the chamber opens. Run Ignore the ladder and ledge to
backward a little ways and start your left, and press the Walk
sprinting to the edge of the button to stroll to the edge of the
cavern mouth, leaping to execute rocky outcrop you're on. There's
a sailing sprint jump. a gap, and a huge gout of flame
roars upward. Hop to the
platform in front of you.
Position yourself so you don't
steer through the air, or you'll
This large ledge is lower than the
have problems continuing your
initial outcrop. From here, reverse
leaping. When you land on the
to the back of the ledge, line
first island of rock platforms,
yourself up with the small
ideally at the near end, continue
platform in front and slightly left
the sprint and jump again almost
of you, and perform a standard
immediately. This is possible.
jump. Hopping doesn't reach
quite far enough, and running and
TIP Problems leaping in one continuous sprint? Then
jumping overshoots.
stop on the first island, quickly retreat back to the near
end of the structure, and begin another sprint and jump.
From here, turn slightly right to
Continue from the first to the line yourself up with the group of
second clump of rock platforms, rock platforms ahead of you, and
sailing through the air to land make a standing jump over to
precisely on the far set of them. As you land, another blast
platforms. From here, ignore the of fire rockets upward. Wait for it
left cavern opening and the right to dissipate, then turn left.
narrow ledge, and sprint to a
final platform. Ignore the single platform to your
right, and instead simply make a
standard jump to the next group
Once through the door, you hear of flat rocks. Once there, ignore
it closing behind you—there's the small rock platform to the
no turning back now. Move right, very close to the group
through the connecting tunnel you're on, and leap to the larger
until the passageway opens into platform ahead.
a giant cavern with lava spilling
over rocks. You're very close to the steps
and the archway. Hop over the
You can just make out an
small separation between the
archway at the far end of the
next two rock platforms and land
chamber. This is where you're
on the final rock. From here, you
headed, but only after you
can jump onto the steps.
remove the torches from the two
However, before you leap, you
statues guarding the arch,
may spot a square groove cut
deactivating a trap. If you want
into the stairs themselves.
to explore the area and practice
your jumping, thus activating the
trap, heed the following section.


This is a running mechanism for The next jumping technique may

a nasty trap. Land on the steps take a few attempts, so save
(with the two statues still your game at the other side of
conjuring fire from their hands), the bridge. Turn and walk to the
and a horizontal harvester scythe sloping wood platform, and as
(known as the Cowled Cutter) you begin to slide down it, make
springs up and moves quickly at a jump across the gap. If you
you. You will die if you are struck don't, you'll slide into lava.
by it. Immediately back-flip onto
the rock in order to save yourself. You'll now have to backtrack, and During the jump, hit Action to
follow the advice in the following section, to deactivate the cutter grab the small ledge ahead of
and leave the area. you. Make sure you grab this
ledge, or you'll have to retrace
The Cowled Cutter: How to your steps to the broken bridge.
Once on the wooden ledge, pull
Deactivate the lever. The fire in both the
NOTE Deactivating the Cowled Cutter is the only way to statues' hands snuffs out.
escape this infernal zone, but you miss out on much of the
leaping from platform to platform. The trap is now deactivated.
Hang off the wooden ledge, drop
onto the rock platform near the
wall (you land on it and don't
From your initial outcrop of rock, need to grab for it), then walk to
make a running jump toward the the edge of the platform to peer
ledge on the left wall. You see down on the final group of rock
that there is an old, wooden platforms below.
ladder to climb once you reach
this area. Position yourself facing slightly
right, toward the single rock
platform next to the longer one by
the steps. Hop onto it. Anything
Once you reach the top of the
more strenuous, and you'll
ladder, step onto a tiny, wooden
overshoot. Once you land on the
platform and get a great view of
platform, pivot right and run onto
the turbulent lava below. Turn
the stairs.
around, grab the next wooden
ladder fixed to the rock wall, and
clamber to the topmost platform.

Turn around and see a dilapidated

rope bridge creaking in the heat.
This is easier to cross than you
might think—a running jump
with some steering gets you to
the other side with minimum
fuss. You don't need to stretch Run to the large archway with the
and grab the other side. imposing seal of the Cabal on it.
As you approach it, the door is
etched with fire around the seal,
splitting it in half. The fire recedes,
and the door rumbles open. You
are now entering the lair of the
madman Eckhardt himself.


Eckhardt's Lab
After a short but scary slide
through a nasty spike trap, you
emerge inside a medieval

torture chamber
• The Knight (x2)
masquerading as Pieter
• Pieter Van Eckhardt
Van Eckhardt's under-
• Pieter Van Eckhardt Clone
ground lair. Amid the
• The Sleeper
bubbling concoctions

and two pools of acid,

there are two Knights to engage, and three separate • Alchemic Phial #1
Alchemic Phials to obtain. Fix the purified oxygen vials to large • Alchemic Phial #2
incubation devices to turn the circular pool of liquid into • Alchemic Phial #3
harmless water. Only then can you dive into it, secure the Shard, • Shard
and slide into Eckhardt's main chamber for a final audience with • Eckhardt's Glove
the madman himself…as well as the being known as the Sleeper.

• None: Lara is now at maximum upgrade level.

With the door bearing the Cabal

Run to the edge of the corridor
seal firmly shut behind you, the
and through the pointed archway
tunnel ahead is your only way
into Eckhardt's laboratory itself.
forward. It is imperative to save
The madman isn't here at the
your game at this point, before
moment, but he's left a little
you reach the descending slope.
welcoming committee in the
Once you begin to slide, move to
form of two Knights.
the left wall of the tunnel.

From a cursory inspection of the

Below are four spike wall traps, a
chamber, it appears to be full of
lava pit, and two more spike wall
arcane devices, pits, and traps—
traps—just the welcome you'd
plus incubation channels to purify
expect from an immortal nutcase
the acid in the water of a circular
with a Nephilim fixation. Continue
pool to the right of the main
to slide until you near the spikes,
laboratory. Diving into this liquid
then leap over them and land on
now results in a quick and
the ledge.
agonizing demise.

This ledge, protruding from the

left wall, is the only way to keep This puzzle takes some working
safe in this tunnel, as the spikes out, but it hinges on purifying the
will dispatch you with one prod. acid in the pool. For this to
Once you're on the ledge, turn happen, you must locate three
and make a running jump, flying Alchemic Phials scattered around
over the lava pit and landing just this room, and slot them into the
on the other side of the final two appropriate wall mounting.


Start by running left and up the Ignore the slightly unnerving

first set of steps to the upper seismic tremor, save your game,
"throne" area. Jog around the and note that the phial fit into this
right side of the structure and the device. It does not fit into the
table to a small desk. The table other two devices (the one
holds Alchemic Phial #1. Under directly below you, and the other
the raised floor to your left is a one near the circular pool). Run
Small Health Pack. Nab that, too! around to the ladder you
Now is the time to open the Instead of heading back to the
trapdoor. Pull the lever and watch ground, you should be on the
as the trapdoor grinds open. The lookout for the two remaining
lever is now useless, so walk to phials. View the cage and see one
the edge and peer into the pit. of the phials inside. Reach the
Only drop into this pit after you cage by running and jumping off
have lowered the cage. the upper walkway, and landing
on the top of the cage itself.
TIP There's nothing more
satisfying than frying a The cage is sturdy except for an
Knight in acid, and there are opening at one side (the side
two methods to try. One nearest the circular pool). Step on
involves coaxing the two this and you fall through to the
Knights to the empty area of cage floor below. Walk carefully
ground near the trapdoor, to the phial and take it. This is
then running back to pull Alchemic Phial #2. Save your
the lever just as the Knights game just before you pick it up.
turn around. The other is to shoot both Knights so they
collapse on the trapdoor, then open it.

As soon as you pick up the phial,

At the main ground level, run
the cage starts to shake and
around the trapdoor, and head
lowers itself to the trapdoor pit
directly for the ladder enclosed
below. The cage descends until it
by the two vertical wooden
is submerged completely in acid.
struts against the wall. Ignore
the small, wooden ledge halfway
up—this was blocking your path
prior to your releasing the
trapdoor. Climb to the top.
As the cage descends, run to the
opposite side of the cage from
where you took the phial. Climb
up the side of it, turn left or right
at the top, and pull yourself out.

You still have time to climb out

and either jump to safety or ride
You find yourself on a narrow walkway that the cage down to the acid. As
surrounds the entire chamber. On the other long as you're on top of the cage,
side is a ladder broken halfway down you will be standing above the
(ignore this). Over the raised throne area is acid. Don't fall down the gaps
an upper incubation device. Take Alchemic around the cage, or into the cage
Phial #1 and slot it into this circular holder. opening, though.


Before you drop into the pit of Now move toward the smaller
acid, you should plant the next antechamber housing the circular
Alchemic Phial on the incubation pool. This is the first time you
device. This device is located need to enter this area. Jump
directly underneath the first one, over the pool of acid and land
at the top of some rickety stairs next to the circular incubation
on the raised area of ground. Slot device. Place the final Alchemic
it in and save your game. Phial here.

Now drop into the acid pit, After another seismic shock, a
taking care to land on the sturdy stream of white liquid streams
part of the cage, not the along the filtration channel in the
opening. Patches of dark mud center of this chamber. The liquid
line the walls around you. falls into the circular pool,
These aren't of interest to you changing the chemical compo-
yet, however. sition of the water so the acid is

Peer inside the rectangular

Back-flip or swan dive into this
hole in the wall underneath the
circular pool, and swim down to
lever. Something is shining
the submerged altar. Resting on
inside. Leap and grab the lower
the altar is a crystal Shard. Pick
lip of the hole; pull yourself up
it up, and the window
and into the hole, pressing Duck
overlooking the rock path in the
to crouch. Maneuver on all fours
main chamber opens.
toward the object.

Swim back to the surface of the

This is the final phial. Grab pool and climb out. Run out of
Alchemic Phial #3 and back out the pool area, into the laboratory,
of the hole, hanging on the lower and head straight for the opening
lip of the hole and landing on the you just created. As soon as you
cage again. Now there's the reach the top of the tunnel slope,
small matter of getting out of save your game. You are about
this pit. to witness the culmination of
this adventure.

The plan is straightforward. Save Step into the tunnel and you
your game, then turn and line slide all the way to the bottom.
yourself up with any of the Steering doesn't help you. When
patches of mud sprayed on the you reach the base of this
walls. Leap and press Action to tunnel, ignore the path you came
grab the mud. Do this quickly—if down, and instead open the
you're too slow, you'll fall and large, wood door in front of you.
dissolve in the acid below if you
drop into the open hatch.
You appear inside an
Now comes the impressive part. unbelievably vast subterranean
Clamber up the mud until you chamber. Take a moment to gaze
reach as far as you can, just around. There are three circular
below the lip of the ground. You balconies and what appears to
can't grab this, so back-flip off be a white entity strapped to a
the mud, landing on the ground focusing device. Eckhardt is
behind you. running around the base.


Eckhardt places a series of metal

objects inside a welding device
to meld them into a Glove of
power. Electromagnetic sparks
swarm about his roaring form as Eckhardt's blast of lightning.
he grows in strength. Above him,
a metallic embryonic chamber
opens. The Sleeper descends.

Lara's zinging bullets have their It is not possible to blast

desired effect. "Still alive, Miss Eckhardt while he is summoning
Croft?" queries Eckhardt as he his power, as he is temporarily
prepares to harvest her body impervious to your bullets.
parts to revive the sleeping Quickly avoid his succession of
Nephilim. Lara scoffs at his attacks from the center of the
arrogance. He is nothing but a great chamber.
cheap grave robber.

To wake the Sleeper, Lara must Once inside the four gantry
die, just as the Lux Veritatis were supports, Eckhardt raises a force
hunted down and dispatched. field, preventing you from
Eckhardt is temporarily taken escaping. Turn and thwart the
aback as Lara produces the attacks of the madman.
Shard, which is glowing in
power. Eckhardt has made up his
mind, lands on the ground, and
prepares for the final battle.
Eckhardt jogs around the
perimeter of the arena, pausing
Pieter Van Eckhardt between each support to launch a
fire or lightning attack. Jump
As soon as Eckhardt has finished over, or quickly retreat to avoid
his rambling diatribe, he turns these blasts, then wait as
and aims at you, brandishing his Eckhardt leaps onto an upper
Glove and forming a ball of light platform.
or fire. He then launches an arc
of fire or lightning blast directly
at you. Jump left or right, leaping He immediately drops back down,
early to avoid being struck. then spends the next 20 seconds
running around the outer edge of
the gantry supports, creating
three clones of himself!

Eckhardt's stream of fireballs.

Destroy these weaker Eckhardts

as they move toward you. Let rip
with every weapon you possess;
try the V-Packer or machine gun.


Once the three clones have

moved into the center of the Once fallen, Lara runs up to
chamber, they morph into Eckhardt and strikes him with
Eckhardt. He launches either a one of the three ceremonial
fireball array or a series of Shards.
lightning strikes. These attacks
also inflict a seismic ground

Eckhardt then launches himself

into the air, landing on the
perimeter and producing a fire or
Eckhardt's fire ball array. lightning attack. Three more
clones are created; they will
activate their "second" attack
before running to the middle of
the chamber.

Eckhardt's bolt lightning strike. After the second attack, pop

caps into Eckhardt until he
stumbles to his knees for a
second time. Lara will produce
Shard number two, stabbing it
into Eckhardt.
Eckhardt's seismic disturbance.
The pattern of attacks continues
in the same manner as before,
with an outer fireball or lightning
These attacks are deadly and all- barrage, a clone-creating jog
encompassing. Fortunately, you around the perimeter, the clones
can study the patterns and tell congregating in the middle of the
where the strikes are about to arena, and alternate fire and
hit. Move between the incoming lightning strikes.
blasts, whether fire or lightning,
and beware of falling rocks and
Bring Eckhardt to his knees for a
third and final time. As Lara
reached for the last Shard, it is
NOTE As soon as you see the tips of the shadows from taken from her by…Joachim
each attack, move between the shadows to avoid being Karel! Karel, it seems, is the real
struck. Do not stop shooting at the morphing clones. mastermind behind the Cabal,
and an actual Nephilim himself!
Karel is also a shapeshifter,
The best time to strike Eckhardt which explains why Eckhardt
is just after he launches one of killed Von Croy, who was
his attacks. Blast him repeatedly, undertaking a mission on his
at as close a range as you can behalf, and why Bouchard's
muster, continuously peppering bodyguard could take
him with bullets until he falls to the form of a Cabal
his knees. soldier. It was Karel
in Eckhardt's form
both times!


Ascend the ladder joining the

Lara is now offered a new first and second gantry
path—to join with Karel and take platforms. Once on top of the
on a new order of the world. gantry, survey the scenery.
With her immense power as a There is a third floor and the
Nephilim, there would be no end Sleeper above you.
to the power she and Karel could

Move toward the gantry support

with the ladder riveted to it and
Karel plunges the final Shard into climb to the top-most gantry
Eckhardt's blackened skull, and platform, now at the same level
Eckhardt slumps against one of as the Nephilim specimen. Once
the gantry support columns. you reach this area, move to the
Karel now turns on Croft. If she jutting platform over the middle
will not join him, he will enjoy of the gantry. Leap off it, straight
vanquishing her! at the Sleeper!
Lara jumps off the platform and
Joachim Karel grabs the foot of the Sleeper.
Karel circles Lara, floating in a Dangling precariously, she rams
green aura of power, and Eckhardt's Glove into the being.
thrusting forward with a Such a meeting of universal
continuous barrage of energy power strands creates an
blasts designed to knock you off unstable and highly volatile
your feet. Learn their timing (one situation. The Sleeper is
is launched about every five absorbing the power!
seconds), and leap before it
strikes you. Shattering its bracings, the
Ignore Karel’s frightening form, Sleeper dissolves into white
but dodge the single balls of light. Sending out shooting
energy he creates. Now complete bands of incredible energy,
the remaining objectives. You may Joachim Karel is flooded in this
find yourself under fire as you matter. The entire Sleeper
ascend, but ascend you must! chamber buckles and tears.
Congratulations, Miss Croft!

Leaping to the floor, and

staggering toward a blood-soaked
At this point, the slumped Chirugai, Lara bends down to pick
Eckhardt gives up a final and vital it up. It seems to react to her
object: Eckhardt's Glove. Pick up aura, and activates. Turning to a
this powerful item; the force field large door, Lara Croft stands and
has been removed and you can strides out into the darkness.
exit the center of the room and
jog around the supports.

One of the supports has a button

on it. Press it while you have
Eckhardt's Glove in your
possession, and two ladders
descend from above. Climb to
the first level, and at the top, run
left around the platform.


Lara's Notebook
This section details the notation
and studies undertaken by Miss
Lara Croft during her excursion
into the unknown. In addition,
material from the writings of
Professor Werner Von Croy have
also been uncovered and are
presented for the first
time in their
unabridged form. Please note that the wretched
condition of the pages, and damage to the paper
itself, means that some of the entries may be
in a misplaced order.

Entry #1 Entry #6 ash.

items to pawn for c
Find Bouchard Find

Entry #2 Entry #7
Check out Eckhardt Buy health

Entry #3 Entry #8 in Place d'Arc

Eckhardt—client. Be wary! Find Cafe

Entry #4 Entry #9 club Le Serpent

Louis Bouchard. Useful contact. Purchased Find Bouch
handgun. Discretion assured.

Entry #10 new premises (Le Serpent

Entry #5 ard's
Find Bouch d down).
Get to the Louvre and find Werner's Rouge clos


Entry #
Fi nd Bouc
hard's D
Entry #11
t the club Entry #
, ex-Janitor a
Find Bernard
D eliver p
pawnbro assports to Da
Entry #12 r Pierre, ex-ba
ker—Ru n
e St. M iel Rennes,
ark and
owne Cours la
Contact cafe Entry # Seine.
at the club. 18
G et into
the Lou
Entry #13
e. In
Box at Serpent Roug Entry #
n lig
Retrieve th g rig.
htin 19
broke Lo cate C
to reac arvier's office
h the a
rchaeolo . Need securi
Entry #14
gical di ty pass
ouchard. g.
stranger asking for B Entry #
Check out th
Ge t acc
second ess to the arc
Entry #15
buttres haeolog
s. ical dig
ominique. at the
t Francine. 17 Rue D
Code 0536

Entry #21 Entry #26 the keeper b

ehold the
e spirit of
X-Ray the Obscura Through th
Painting. truth.

Entry #22
Entry #27 BRAM, ECCE
Check out Von Cr GIL & UM
missing Obscura En apartment for four ULTRA VI

Entry #23 Entry #28

Check on Mathias Go to Prague
Vasiley in Prague.

Entry #24 Entry #29 a Engraving at

th Obscur
Look for 5
The wrathful sentin mises.
els guard the hall
within. Vasiley's pre

Entry #25 Entry #30

CUSTODIUNT. Get into the


Entry #31 Entry #3

Get Strahov entry co 6
de from Luddick. Find the
control ro
Entry #32 Entry #3
Locate the Vault of 7
Trophies in the oldes Gain acc
part of the Strahov. t ess to th
Last Painting there. e Biodom

Entry #33 Entry #3

Shut dow
Check the premises n
for a hidden area. Biodome power to clear a
to the Va
ult of Tro route through the
Entry #34 Entry #3
The three Periapts 9
joined together to bu Find Eck
glow) with righteous
light to confine evil.
rn (or Periapt S rdt's old lab. We
hard. need that
Entry #35 Entry #4
NU Find aqua

Entry #41
Rearrange the statues. They are the key.

Entry #42

Entry #43
The brothers reunited see the gates
thrown open.

Entry #44
Use all three Shards to destroy Eckhardt.

Entry #45
Use the Glove to destroy the Sleeper.


Entry #
Ter rified
Professor Werner Von Croy’s Notebook streets to go out. M
. onstrum
ing the
Entry #
Trie d co
respons ntacting Lara
e. Still a
not forg gain in London
iven me .
for Egy No
Entry # pt.
Obs cura
of black Paintings: Fiv
the Lux alchemic magi 15th century
c. All lo
s. st, hidd works
en by
Entry #
Five Obs
the Pai cura Engraving
n s
each Pa tings. Contain : Drawn copi
inting's encrypt e
location ed maps s of
? of

Entry #50 Entry #53 hidden

beneath surfa t
bol is ou
Mathias Vasiley in A metallic sym g. Check with Carvier ab
Pr ntin
Obscura Engravings ague. Has sent me four of each Pai ?
. ies in Louvre
Engraving back. Wa He kept the fifth X-Ray facilit
nts more money.

Entry #51 Entry #54 A secret

— Light of Truth.
Lux Veri tatis or monks who
Deciphered the en
cr ur y Order of warri the 1400s.
Engravings. One of ypted map in Vasiley's 12th c ent
ura Painting
s in
the Louvre. Where e Paintings is beneath hid the Obsc
the latest archaeol
digs are. ogical

Entry #55 s,
Periapt Shard ed
Entry #52 ess the three
Said to poss er, crystalline shards s
of p ow . !!??
Carvier says she artifacts s, w eapons of light
has a security pa arhead
digs in her office. ss for the like spe

Entry #56 Cabal of

suppress the s
tatis try to
Lux Veri e 1300
hemist from th
the Black Alc


Entry #5
Lux Verit
s to Nep
Entry #5
hybrid off om ENOCHIAN gos
s p
Extermina pring of angels a els. Cursed
ted in bib nd humans
lical time .
Entry #5
Related p
the Neph ophecy. Through t
ilim will e he Golde
inherit th ns n
e Earth. lave the sons of Lion
man and

Entry #6
The Sleep
sleeping r, or Cubiculum Ne
cask or c phili—lite
last intac ha r
t specime mber. Thought to ally
Supposed n of the N be the
ly buried e
in Anatoli philim race.

Entry #61 o me a
rtifact of a emist in
p h — s
The Sangly ed to the Black Alch
er? L ink
pow e.
e tails scarc
1400s. D

Entry #62 symbols are hidden close by

The two mis .
the buttres

Entry #63 s Order was said to posrdsess.s

ritati t Sha
The Lux Ve ght—the three Periap rground
li de
weapons of oted from ancient un
These were nt Turkey.
cities in an

Entry #64 were said to have destrouyelumd

ritatis r Cubic
The Lux Ve e Nephilim Sleepers o
the last of


Notes from the Brotherhood of the Lux Veritatis

Entry #65

Entry #66
The Black Alchemis
his devilish arts to Eckhardt, was to use
awaken the SLEE
and breed a new PER
race of Nephilim.
he created the Sa For this
nglyph forged of fiv
metallic symbols. e

Entry #67
Eckhardt was brou
ght low when he tr
betray his unholy ied to
Nephilim masters.
Veritatis brothers Good Lux
alchemist in the Pi w guard the accursed
t. only the power
three Periapt Shar of the
ds restrains him.


Entry #68
Autumn 1345, Prag
prepare for the reviv Have 100 summers to
bloodline. And the re ing of the Nephilim
ward for my labours
be immortality. will

Entry #69
1425. By the mean
s of human sacrifice
Sanglyph is complete the
Nephilim metals into Have today cast the
five symbols of powe

Entry #70
The Glove, attuned
in like fashion is alm
complete. With it I ost
shall harvest those
essences necessary
awakening. By the Gl r the Sleeper's
ove and Sanglyph
combined shall best
ir the Sleeper to my

Entry #71
My every attempt to extract Nephilim
essences have come to naught. I need the
true cask of the Sleeper. It must be found!

Entry #72
The thrice cursed Shard of the Lux Veritatis
maggots I have placed beyond reach. With it
hidden none will stand against me.

Entry #73
Get the Great Engine working.


Lara's Upgrade Chart

Perhaps the most important part of Lara's continued evolution throughout her expedition is her strength training regime. Lara begins her
game with both her upper-and lower-body strength at level 1. Throughout her adventure, when Lara must upgrade to continue. All of the
examples (including areas where you have a choice of when to upgrade) are shown in the following section.

Building the Upper Body Area: Louvre Galleries

Upgrade Type: Shoulder Barge
Area: Parisian Back Streets
Level: 6
Upgrade Type: Grip
Remarks: After shimmying along
Level: 2
a high wire, Lara's upper body is
Remarks: A brief wrestle with a stronger than ever. She can now
Crowbar to open a padlocked shoulder through heavier doors.
roof hut results in increased arm
strength—perfect for hanging Area: The Hall of Seasons
and shimmying. Upgrade Type: Grip
Area: Derelict Apartments Level: 7
Upgrade Type: Push Object Remarks: Lara can scale steep
Level: 3 overhangs with ease after this
wall-push workout at the top floor
Remarks: After using a little
of the hall.
legwork and pushing power to
maneuver a crate at the top of Area: Monstrum Crime Scene
the stairs, Lara can now shoulder
barge certain doors open. Upgrade Type: Shoulder Barge
Level: 8
Remarks: By pulling a chest of
drawers in Vasiley's apartment,
Lara increases her upper-body

Area: Aquatic Research Area

Upgrade Type: Grip
Level: 9
Area: Parisian Ghettos (two alternates)
Remarks: By preparing a cartload
Upgrade Type: Shoulder Barge of raw chum for Leviathan, Lara
Level: 4 works those biceps and earns an
Remarks: This upper-body upgrade can be acquired by pulling a upgrade that lets her shimmy
lever in Le Serpent Rouge's garage, or by shouldering down a farther along ledges.
mausoleum door in St. Aicard's Graveyard. Area: Vault of Trophies

Area: Louvre Storm Drains Upgrade Type: Pull Chain

Upgrade Type: Turn Valve Level: 10

Level: 5 Remarks: Near the end of the

Vault of Trophies, Lara winds up
Remarks: After halting the in a room with two Knights and
rotation of a propeller fan, Lara a large tapestry. Pull the large
can then build her body into a lever near the fireplace to earn
valve-turning machine. this strength upgrade, which lets
Lara pull the chain that raises
the tapestry.


Building the Lower Body Area: Galleries Under Siege

Upgrade Type: Dash Enable
Area: Industrial Roof Tops
Level: 6
Upgrade Type: Jump
Remarks: Locating the
Level: 2 Respirator allows Lara the luxury
Remarks: Pushing a large crate of sprinting.
with a generator inside it allows
Lara to leap farther.
Area: Von Croy's Apartment
Upgrade Type: Kick Door/Wall
Level: 7
Remarks: A swift kick to a door
behind the spiral stairs allows
access upstairs and through a
fire door.

Area: Strahov Fortress

Area: Parisian Ghettos Upgrade Type: Push Object
Upgrade Type: Jump (two alternates) Level: 8
Level: 2 Remarks: After rearranging the
Remarks: You can increase Lara's leg strength by pulling a crate in Le stacked crates so that the
Serpent Rouge, or by pushing the stone altar in St. Aicard's Church. highest one is next to the saw
room's fence, Lara becomes
Area: Parisian Ghettos strong enough to push two
Upgrade Type: Kick Door/Wall stacked crates at once.
Level: 3 Area: Bio-Research Facility
Remarks: When Lara kicks down Upgrade Type: Jump
the catwalk bridge in the rafters
Level: 9
of Le Serpent Rouge, her leg
strength is increased. Remarks: A leap across a large
gap in the largest greenhouse
Area: Louvre Galleries area allows Lara to make even
Upgrade Type: Push Object longer jumps.
Level: 4 Area: The Lost Domain
Remarks: Lara pumps up her arm Upgrade Type: Jump
strength by pushing a small display
Level: 10
case near the Mona Lisa. This
gives her the strength to move a Remarks: A series of precise
larger case in the same gallery. and strenuous jumps in an initial
tunnel enables Lara to sprint and
Area: Tomb of Ancients jump, thus allowing her to exit
the middle chamber.
Upgrade Type: Kick Door/Wall
Level: 5
Remarks: A swift kick to a door
below the main chamber allows
access to the Hall of Seasons.


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