GRADE 7 Chapter 2

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2 Unit 2 Physical Environment of Africa
In this unit you will learn about:
 The continents  Coastal plains
 Latitudes and longitudes  Basins
 The position of Africa  River valleys and drainage
 Land formation in Africa  Lakes and swamps
 Highland features  Ground water aquifers
 The Rift Valley  Climate of Africa
 Desert features  Natural forests ( natural vegetation )
 Natural forces of the earth

2.1 The position of Africa

Africa is one of the seven continents that make up the world. Continents are large landmasses.
Africa lies between 370 N and 350 N and longitudes 180 W and 520 E names the other six
continents Africa is the second largest continent after Asia. It covers an area of over
30,400,000 square Kilometers. This is about 20 % of the world's total land surface.

Latitudes and longitudes

Latitudes: the lines are going east to west and longitudes: the lines are going north to South.
These lines make used to describe the position of continents, countries, and climate and
vegetation zones The lines marked from west to east are called latitudes. The lines marked
from north to south are called longitudes.

1- Prime meridian: is major longitude. It is marked 00. This line is also called Greenwich
Meridian. In Africa it passes through the town of Accra Ghana.

2- Equator: divides the African continent into two parts. It passes through the following
countries in Africa. Congo (DRC) Uganda, Kenya and part of Somalia.

2.3 Physical features of Africa (land formation)

The land was formed many years ago. Different physical features developed. The main relief
features in Africa are:

 Highland features - mountains, hills and plateau.

Prepared by: Mowliid Dayib Husein 1

 The Rift Valley
 Desert features.
 Coastal plains.
 Basins
 River valleys and their drainage basins.
 Lakes.
 Highland features

High physical features such as hills and mountains rise above the surrounding land and are
measured in meters above sea level. Another word for this is altitude.

 Mountains
The highest part of Africa is the Eastern Highlands, which lie near the coast and extend from
the Red Sea south to the Zambezi River. The average height of the highlands is 1500m but in
Ethiopia rises to 3000m. Ras- Dashen at 4620m is the highest peak in Ethiopia. South of the
Ethiopian highlands there are a number of volcanic Peaks including
Mountains Countries where found
Mt. Kilimanjaro Tanzania
Mt. Kenya. Kenya
Mt. Elgon Kenya / Uganda
Mt. Cameron Cameroon

2.3.2 Plateau
Plateaus: is a high area which is generally level or flat at the top. Plateaus surfaces are usually
made up of very old and hard rocks.
2.3.4 The Rift Valley

Valley: is along depression on Surface of earth. Great Rift Valley begins. The In Turkey and runs
down the Jordan Valley (Middle East Asia) the Dead Sea (Asia) and the Red Sea before it
Reaches Africa. In Africa, it runs down the eastern side From the Red Sea to Mozambique (east
2.4.1 Rivers their drainage basins
Africa has several of the world's greatest rivers. They are
 First river Nile 5584 km Uganda , Sudan , Ethiopia , Kenya ,Egypt
 Second river Congo 4700km republic Congo , Angola, Tanzania , Cameroon, Ruanda
 Third river Niger 4180km Mali, Nigeria ,Niger
 the Zambezi (1,700 miles) is the fourth-longest river in Africa, Angola, Zambia, Namibia,
Botswana, Zimbabwe,

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1. The River Nile
The River Nile is the longest river in the world. From its major source, Lake Victoria,
River Nile it containing two branches the White Nile and Blue Nile
The White Nile: flows north through Uganda and into Sudan where it meets the Blue Nile at
Khartoum. The river then continues north into Egypt and finally flows into the Mediterranean
Sea. (South Europe, south Asia and North Africa) Nile is 5584km long.

2 The River Congo

The River Congo accounts for 38 % of the water which flows into the Oceans from the continent
of Africa. It drains an area of more than 4.1Million sq. km. (sq= square) (4.1 million =
3. The River Niger

The River Niger is the third largest river in Africa only 250km from the Atlantic Ocean.
However, bend and finally flows into the Atlantic 4200km from its source.
 2.4.2 Lakes and swamps
A lake: is a hollow on the earth's surface in which water collects. Africa has some of the biggest
lakes in the world such as Lake Victoria
2.4.3 The Water Masses That Surround Africa
 Indian Ocean to the east
 Atlantic ocean to the west
 Mediterranean sea to the north
 Red sea to the north east
 Antarctic Ocean to the south
 Exercise:

1- Which is the third largest river in Africa? …………………………………………………………………………………

2- Where is the major source of the river Nile?…………………………………………………………………………..

3- Name at least four great rivers in Africa?…………………………………………………………………………………

 2.5 Desert features of Africa

Many people think that deserts are very sandy places with lots of sand dune Is this idea correct

Prepared by: Mowliid Dayib Husein 3

 2.5.1 Ergs (lamadagaan ciideed)

These are vast seas of sand. They cover about 20 % of the Sahara The vast sand “hills “can reach
a height of 300m. Each mound of sand is called a sand dune. Sand dunes are built up by
Windblown sand.
Lee ward side
Windward side

Regs (lamadagaan dhagaxeed):

Reg: Is mixed up with black, red or white gravel. An example Libyan reg which covers for
340,000.they are the dried up remains of ancient se and rivers but are now completely
 Wadis (dooxo):
Wadis are temporary watercourses located mainly in the mountains. As heavy rain rushes
down the steep slopes it cuts deep Gullies. The water carries away rock and sand particles.
 Chotts (Haro milixeed):
Chotts are depressions that contain salt left behind after ground water has evaporated. The
salt in chotts was used in Trans - Saharan trade.
 Oases: (biyaha dhulka hoostiisa)
Oases: are usually small depressions which get water from underground sources. They are
fertile and, because of the water, can support both animals and plant life.
 2.5.2 Coastal plains
The land is usually at Avery low Level -starting at sea level and rising up to about 400m . In
Africa the coastal plains are very narrow
 2.5.3. The main African hot deserts
Desert is geographical region that receives 10 inch or less (1 inch is equal to 25.4 millimeters) of
annual rainfall. Africa is the second largest continent in the world. 25 % of its area is desert.
Although it is difficult to live but there are animals and plants that adapted its harsh conditions.
There are three main deserts in Africa which are as the following.
 Sahara Desert
This is the largest desert in Africa and also in the world. It is locates in the following countries
Sudan , Chad , Algeria , Egypt , Libya , Mali , , Morocco , Nigeria .
 The length of Sahara desert is 4800 Km
 The width of Sahara desert is 1800 Km.
 Area is (400,000Km2)
 Animals include 90 species of birds, 20 species of mammals and 100 species of reptiles

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 2. Kalahari Desert
Kalahari lies among: Botswana, Angola, Zambia, Zimbabwe and Namibia

 Kalahari Desert has good grazing areas when it receives rainfall.

 The animals that live in Kalahari are more than the animals that live in Namibia.
 Temperature reaches about 450 C
 Dry areas of this desert receive rain fall of 4.3 to 7.3 inches , while wet areas receive 4.3 to 9
inches annually
 The length of Kalahari desert is about 400 km
 The total area of this desert is about 930,000 km²
 3 Namibia Desert:
This desert occurs in the following countries such as Angola, Namibia and South Africa.
 Its length is about 2000 Km
 Its width is about 200 Km
 Its total area is about 8100 Km²
 Its name was derived from the word which mean the wide land
 Average rainfall is 200 mm in the wet time
 It is believed that in Namib desert is the oldest desert in the world
 It is famous to its sand dunes which can reach about 300 height and 32 km
 The temperature is about 350 C in the summertime
 Basins:
The open area usually circular vessel with sloping or curving sides used typically for
holding water for washing.
 The major basins of Africa are:
 The Chad Basin surrounding Lake Chad
 The Sudan ( Nile River ) Basin
 The Congo River Basin
 The Kalahari Basin
 Ground water aquifers
One of the most valuable resources is the water beneath (hoos yaal )the earth -Something you
can't see and may not even know it is there. Such water can collect in vast underground. This is
called an aquifer(biyo haye). Such water digging a well or a borehole (ceel biyood). Sometimes
such water comes to the surface in a small area. This is called an oasis (godanbiyoodle).

Prepared by: Mowliid Dayib Husein 5

 2.6 Climate of Africa:
Climate: climate refers to the average weather conditions of a place recorded over a long
period of time usually over 30-35 years. Or
Is the average weather in a given area over a longer period of time.
Climatic regions: regions which experience more or less the same conditions of temperature,
winds, and rainfall.
 Africa has the following climatic zones
The equator passes through the middle of the continent. Most of Africa lies between the two
tropical latitudes: the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn. Climate in Africa is
determined by latitude, except in the east where highlands. The climate of lands between the
two tropics is called tropical.

Africa has six major climatic zones

 1: The equatorial zone (cimilada badhaalaha)
The equator climate is also called hot and wet climate.
 Rainfall : High - average of 1780mm per year Up to 3200mm in some places This type of
rain is called convectional rainfall
 Temperature: Remain high throughout the year, averaging more than 270 C Annually and
rarely falling below 210 C
 Characteristic: Hot and Wet
 2. The tropical savannah zone:(cimilada safaana kulaalayda)
Tropical Savannah climate is also called tropical climate. This zone occurs both north and south
of the equatorial zone.
 Rainfall: high between 500 and 1500mm per year. Can be as high as 3800mm
 Temperature: In the north average 30 C over the year. Cooler in the south and east because
of high altitudes.
 Characteristic : it is hot and wet but has dry seasons
 3 The semi - arid steppe zone: (cimilada lamadegaan u ekaha)
Semi - arid dessert is regions of low rainfall and higher temperatures.
 Rainfall: Rainy season of up to three months with 250 to 500mm of rain per year.
 Temperature: the average daily highs ranging from 220 C to 380 C
 Characteristic: Hot and dry although there is a rainy season

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 4. The Arid zone (Desert)(cimilada lamadegaanka qalalan)

About one - third (1/3) of all the arid lands in the world are in Africa .
 Rainfall: Receive very little rainfall. Less than 250mm per year.
 Temperature: daytime temperatures can exceed 500C but some nighttime temperatures
can drop to 00C
 Characteristic: Hot and dry
 5. The Highland Zone: (cimilada dhulka sare ee afrika)
 Rainfall: Is not uniform other areas rain can go up to 2000mm per year.
 Temperature: On average the temperatures are about 50C cooler than the lower plateau
areas. Can go down to 160C
 Characteristic: cool and wet
 6. The Mediterranean Zone:( cimilada badda cad ee dhexe)
There are two Mediterranean climate zones in Africa: One in the extreme North West and the
other in the extreme southwest.
 The temperate grassland zone:(caws-layda cimilo dhexaadka)
Rainfall: Ranges from 762mm in the east to 400mm in the west.
Temperature: Average annual temperatures are low between 100C and 180C
Characteristic: cool and wet
 2. The warm temperate zone(gobolka cimilo dhexaadka diiran)
This type of climate is found along the southeast coastal lowlands Africa. This zone is influenced
by closeness to a warm ocean current and the prevailing winds.
 Rainfall: Gets rainfall all year round gets up to 1000mm
 Temperature: Averages about 200C per year
 Characteristic: warm and wet
 2.6.1 Influences on climate we have noted that
 Latitude: is the imaginary that came from west to east
 Altitude: is the height above the sea level
 winds : is moving air
 Atmospheric pressure and air masses: force per unit area exerted by an atmospheric
 Sunshine: is the light that comes from the sun
 Humidity: is the concentration of water vapor present in the air.
 Temperature: is the measure of hotness or coldness
Types of rainfall that experience in Africa
 Relief rainfall = (joog kuhoor)
 Convectional rainfall =(dulka hoor )

Prepared by: Mowliid Dayib Husein 7

 Cyclonic rainfall =(gufaacaale)

Recording temperature:
Example of temperature
Month J F M A M J J A S O N D
Temperature 21 24 26 33 35 38 38 40 38 33 30 24
Rainfall 0 0 0 78 65 59 0 0 0 46 33 20

 What is the annual temperature above the table?

= the annual temperature is 380C
 Compute the annual rainfall above the table
= annual rainfall is 301
 Find compute mean annual Temperature = = 31.70c or 320c
 Find the average rainfall in this year = 𝟏𝟐 = 25 mm
 Find the range Temperature in this year 40 – 21 = 190c
 The soil
The soil: Is the loose material on the surface on the earth that supports the growth of
vegetation. Soil formed from rocks through process called weathering
 Semi-arid vegetation: the true desert regions annual rainfall is usually between 250-500mm
 Mangrove forest(Portuguese means trees): they are roots and branches reaching from 8-23m
 Characteristics of mangrove forest:
 The trees grown in salty water
 Vegetation consist of medium height and hard wood
 The trees close together and are every green
 The trees have roots which above the ground
 Rivers and lakes
 Areas near rivers and lakes usually get enough rainfall
 Alluvial soil created by the rivers is very fertile and attractive to crop-growing farmers
 The earthquake: Is the suddenly violent movement that shakes the earth.
There are three types of earthquake waves
 Primary waves: these waves are fast and have no influence
 Secondary waves: another type of body waves
 Surface waves: these ways are responsible for the damage and loss that earth quake result
 The natural forces or events (disaster) and their types
 is a serious problem occurring over a short or long period of time that causes widespread
human, material, economic or environmental loss
 types of disaster
 Hurricanes. or storms
 Floods.
 Earthquakes.
 Drought.

Prepared by: Mowliid Dayib Husein 8

 Volcanoes eruption
 The impact of earthquake
 Structural damage = houses ,schools , and bridges will collapse
 Fire also occur
 Disease outbreaks
 Large deaths of people
 Hurricanes. or storms may occur
 The advantage of volcanoes
 Volcanic soil is very fertile that is good for farming
 Volcanic area are found minerals such as gold, diamond and uranium
 Volcanic create beautiful features which attract many tourists
 Flood:
When it rains or snows some of the water is retained by soil some is absorbed by vegetation
some evaporates and some reaches stream channel is called Runoff. Flood occur when soil and
vegetation cannot absorbed all of the water rapid running water can cause soil erosion

Part one Circle the correct Answer
1. Which of the following statement is correct about natural deserts
a) Always high temperature
b) Always deserts are sandy
c) Receive rainfall in the January
d) They receive less than 250mm of rain
2. The rainfall in equatorial region is mainly
a) Cyclonic type
b) Convectional type
c) Orographic type
d) Frontal type
3. The desert vegetation is characteristics by
a) Shedding leaves
b) Large stems
c) Water storing
d) Having needles like thorny
4. Which of the following regions have the largest Temperature rage
a) Desert
b) Tropic
c) Equator
d) All of them
5. The equatorial climate is characteristics
a) Hot and dry throughout the year
b) Hot and rainy throughout the year
c) Hot and cold throughout the year
6. Convectional rain are experience in

Prepared by: Mowliid Dayib Husein 9

a) Equatorial climate
b) In the poles
c) Tropical savanna climate
d) Cool savanna climate
7. Which of the following rules apply to the climate
a) The climate become hotter the further west you go
b) The higher in altitude the hotter it becomes
c) Climate gets cooler as you move away from equator
d) The climate of a depends on the vegetation found there
8. The number continent in the world is
a) Six continent
b) Five continent
c) Four continent
d) Seven continent
9. The highest parts of Africa is
a) Western highland
b) Eastern highland
c) Southern highlands
d) None of them
10. Third largest river in Africa
a) Nile river
b) River Congo
c) Niger river
d) Non
1) What are sources of water for Oases?
2) Name three major rivers in Africa?
3) What type of rain is experience in the equatorial zone?
4) What things influence weather condition?
5) Where do mangrove forests grow?
6) Where in Africa can you find a Mediterranean?
7) What creates alluvial soil?

Prepared by: Mowliid Dayib Husein 10

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