Unesco Recommendations On Communications and Cultural Heritage

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UNESCO’S Recommendations on Communication and Cultural Heritage

Matters ((1967 - 1984) and Implementation in Nigeria

Article · December 2018


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2 authors:

Ayodeji Awobamise Adebola A. Aderibigbe

Kampala International University (KIU) Bowen University


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Covenant Journal of Communication (CJOC) Vol. 5 No. 2, Dec. 2018

An Open Access Journal, Available Online

UNESCO’S Recommendations on Communication

and Cultural Heritage Matters ((1967 - 1984)
and Implementation in Nigeria

Ayodeji Olalekan Awobamise Ph.D &
Adebola Adewunmi Aderibigbe Ph.D

Department of Journalism and Media Studies
Kampala International University
Kampala, Uganda
[email protected]
Department of Communication and Performing Arts
Bowen University, Iwo, Nigeria
[email protected]

Abstract: This paper examines Unesco‟s recommendations on

communication and cultural heritage issues between 1967 and 1984 and
how they translated to action, using Nigeria as a case study. Nine
recommendations were analyzed in an exploratory desk research that
enabled the understanding of whether or not they were implemented,
and if they were, the extent to which the implementation achieved set
objectives. Findings show that 50 years on, Unesco‟s
recommendations, implementation of recommendations and
achievement of objectives are yet to form a coherent sequence.
Keywords: UNESCO, Communications, cultural heritage,
recommendations, implementation, Nigeria.

Introduction cultural diversity as well as the
The United Nations Educational protection of cultural heritage.
Scientific and Cultural Organisation 5. Communication and information.
(Unesco) is an agency of the United This paper is concerned basically
Nations that is charged with the with the 5th theme of Unesco which
responsibility of promoting peace, is Communication and information.
social justice, human rights and The theme is concerned with the
international security through free flow of ideas by word and
international cooperation on image to build a worldwide
educational, science and cultural community of shared knowledge.
programs. Its major aim is to
This paper examines the various
contribute to the building of peace,
conferences and debates organised
the eradication of poverty,
by Unesco on communication and
sustainable development and
related matters from 1967-1984, and
intercultural dialogue. To achieve
considers their conclusions,
these, Unesco has five fields of
recommendations and attempts to
analyse them thoroughly.
1. Education: the priorities for
education include basic Objective of study
education for all with emphasis This paper brings together all
on literacy, HIV/AIDS conferences organised by Unesco
prevention and teacher training with regard to communication
in sub-Saharan Africa, promoting during this period. The target
quality education worldwide, as epistemology is knowing how these
well as secondary education, conferences influence cultural
technological education and orientation and communication
higher education. activities today especially in terms
2. Natural Sciences and the of how the recommendations were
management of Earth‟s implemented or policies executed.
resources: it includes protecting Significance of Study
water and its quality, the ocean This study attempts to understand
and promoting science and the role of Unesco in bridging the
engineering technologies to technological divide and improving
achieve sustainable development. the communication and information
3. Social and human sciences: to industry. Furthermore, the study
promote basic human rights and expatiates on how recommendations
focus on global issues like racism translate to actions. The
and discriminations. examination of recommendation-
4. Culture: to promote and actualization ratios provides a
encourage cultural acceptance learning opportunity for policy
and at the same time maintain makers and implementers.

Ayodeji O. Awobamise & Adebola A. Aderibigbe CJOC (2018) 5(2) 87-107

Brief history of the UNESCO world once WWII was over. As a

The forerunner of UNESCO was the result, the proposal of CAME was
international Committee on established that focused on holding
Intellectual Cooperation (ICIC) a future conference in London for
established in Geneva under the the establishment of an education
League of Nations in 1922. The and cultural organization from
ICIC committee had as members November 1-16, 1945. When that
notable scholars such as Albert conference began in 1945 (shortly
Einstein, Marie Curie amongst after the United Nations officially
others. Its major responsibility was came into existence), there were 44
to promote international participating countries whose
cultural/intellectual exchange delegates decided to create an
between scientists, researchers, organization that would promote a
teachers and other intellectuals. culture of peace, establish an
Unable to secure the funding intellectual and moral solidarity of
required to maintain a significant mankind, and prevent another world
presence in Geneva, the war. When the conference ended on
organization was offered assistance November 16, 1945, 37 of the
from France to establish an participating countries founded the
executive branch: The International UNESCO.
Institute of Intellectual Cooperation After ratification, the constitution of
(IIIC), which became recognized in Unesco took effect from November
1926 and had its offices in Paris. It 4, 1946. The first official general
helped to implement plans and conference of Unesco was then held
policies made by ICIC. IIIC was an in Paris from November 19 to
institution with growing activities in December 10, 1946 with
universities, libraries, intellectual representatives from 30 countries.
property, arts, information and Since then, Unesco has grown in
media. significance across the globe and its
The UNESCO era began in 1942, number of participating member
during World War II, when the states has skyrocketed to 195.
governments of several European Review of relevant literature
countries met in the United The Unesco conferences we are
Kingdom for the Conference of discussing in this paper aim
Allied Ministers of Education basically to promote media
(CAME). During that conference, development and put in place, as
leaders from the participating well as execute, policies that help
countries worked to develop ways preserve cultural and natural
of reconstruct education around the heritage. This review focuses

Ayodeji O. Awobamise & Adebola A. Aderibigbe CJOC (2018) 5(2) 87-107

mainly on these two components of states that the involvement of locals

culture. Reference is made to in the conservation of heritage
Nigeria in order to drive home the ensures socio-economic and
point. ecological sustainability. Larkham
The conceptual understanding of (1996), in his work on cultural and
cultural and natural heritage is natural heritage conservations, sees
relatively new while deliberate the conservation of natural and
conservation efforts date as far back cultural resources as an opportunity
as the 19th century (Jax & Rozzi, to improve tourism in the countries
2004). Cultural heritage culture where these sites are located. He
provides the basis to understand the goes on to explain that if
traditions and identities of countries conservation efforts will lead to
and communities. According to increased tourism revenue, then the
Kammeier (2008), cultural heritage local communities must be
or heritage of mankind can be involved. He explains that the main
described as a precious but fragile problems in the attempt to preserve
gift that comes with a condition of and conserve heritage and culture is
care. the fact that government and non-
FIG (1991), on the protection of governmental organisations have
natural and cultural heritage for not considered the socio-cultural
sustainable development, asserts systems that participated in the
that there is indeed a need for creation of the conserved
careful management of all monument. Rukwaro (2016)
associated systems to promote the explains that people should have
quality of life in order to create constant access to decision making
opportunities for sound if economic growth and sustained
development. development is to be ensured.
From the foregoing, it is clear that
Fleischhauer and Kammeier (2008)
involvement by local communities
explain that to properly care for and
is one of the bedrocks of cultural
preserve our natural heritage,
and natural heritage conservation.
indigenous people must be brought
The people are the most important
on board, made to understand the
element in the conservation of
value of preserving our heritage.
heritage and culture because they
They explain that a lot of countries
are the most affected. If properly co-
have excluded the indigenous
opted they can play a crucial role in
people from participating in the
cultural preservation.
discussions on cultural heritage
preservation. This is further Generally, African media has seen
supported by Rees (1989) who tremendous growth. Print and

Ayodeji O. Awobamise & Adebola A. Aderibigbe CJOC (2018) 5(2) 87-107

electronic media (including the constantly seeking information that

internet) have grown exponentially can help them de-escalate the
on the continent (Middleton & violence, whereas in the absence of
Njogu, 2009). Regrettably, military such information, violence could
and civilian dictatorship, made aggravate. This view is also
manifest in one-party system and supported by Valdimir and Schirch
impunity, has greatly undermined (2007), who suggest that the mass
the exploits of the media especially media have a responsibility to
in post-colonial Nigeria. objectively report on conflicts and
Different scholars have promoted provide pertinent information to the
the mass media as important tools public in order to ensure that people
for promoting peace and are kept abreast of the situation and
international understanding. can make informed decisions. They
According to Joseph (2014), the stress also that the media are tools
mass media, especially international for peace-building as they are
media have a mediating role to play engaged in negotiating for peace
during times of crisis or war. He and disseminating peace building
explains that peace journalism messages.
should be used during times of Mbeke (2009), on the role of the
conflict as against conventional media in conflict resolution,
reporting. That means reporters explains that the media, if not
should, in the interest of peace properly used, can instigate more
report on the positives, focusing violence as they have been declared
more on the things that unite as culprits in the breakdown of social
against things that can stoke control on several occasions. He
violence. explains that, depending on the
Lake and Rothchild (1996) take a ideology and political leanings of
different approach to understanding the reporters, the media can be used
the role of the media in conflict to fuel conflict in a volatile and
resolution, they explain that the fragile community like those of
inability of the media to provide developing countries.
timely and relevant information The foregoing explanation shows
during conflict can lead to an that the mass media can be used as a
escalation of such conflict. tool to resolve conflict or escalate
Communication and information are conflict depending on the intention
two of the most important of the owner or editor (Morah, &
determinants in conflict resolution Omojola, 2011). One of the
(Peleg, 2007). The implication is objectives of Unesco is to ensure
that people involved in conflict are that the media are instruments for

Ayodeji O. Awobamise & Adebola A. Aderibigbe CJOC (2018) 5(2) 87-107

the promotion of peace locally and resources and sources. Researchers

internationally – a reason for several browsed through hundreds of pages
conferences, conventions, etc, it has on Unesco‟s website, identifying
organized over the years. Some nine relevant information on Unesco
conferences organized between meetings on communicating and
1967 and 1984 by the multilateral then downloading same as data for
organization are the focus of this analysis. Seminars, meetings and
paper. recommendations under the
Methodology communication and Information
The researchers adopted the desk theme were articulated. Cultural and
research method, which involves natural heritage and the media
collecting data from the existing emerged as recurring constructs.
Data Analysis
Table 1: Communication conferences held between 1967 and 1984
Sub- Sub-group Year Location Title of conference
group name
1968 Paris Recommendation concerning the
preservation of cultural property
endangered by public or private works
1972 Paris Recommendation concerning the
Cultural protection, at national level, of the
& natural cultural and natural heritage
heritage 1976 Nairobi Recommendation concerning the
international exchange of cultural
1 property
Recommendation concerning the
safeguarding and contemporary role of
historic areas
Recommendation on participation by
the people at large in cultural life and
their contribution to it
1978 Paris Recommendation for the protection of
movable cultural property
1980 Belgrade Recommendation concerning the status
of the artist
1972 Paris Declaration of guiding principles on the
use of satellite broadcasting for the free
Satellite flow of information, the spread of
broadcast education and greater cultural exchange
ing and 1974 Brussels Convention relating to the distribution

Ayodeji O. Awobamise & Adebola A. Aderibigbe CJOC (2018) 5(2) 87-107

other of programme-carrying signals

electroni transmitted by satellite
2 c media 1978 Paris Declaration on fundamental principles
concerning the contribution of the mass
media to strengthening peace and
international understanding …
1980 Belgrade Recommendation for the safeguarding
and preservation of moving images:
Source: UNESCO website

Subgroup 1: Cultural and Natural achievements of the past” (Unesco,

Heritage 1968) In coming up with these
This subgroup consists of all recommendations, some factors
meetings and conferences with their were taken into consideration:
recommendations as regards cultural 1. Contemporary civilization and its
and natural heritages. Seven future evolution are dependent
conferences were found with five of on the cultural traditions of
them recorded with people all over the world, their
recommendations as displayed on creative force and their
the table. These conferences were socioeconomic development and
held in Europe and Africa and were that the cultural property is an
primarily concerned with the important element in people‟s
preservation and maintenance of all personality worldwide.
cultural and natural heritages. 2. That it is very important to
According to the minutes of these preserve such culture as much as
conferences, the term cultural possible according to its artistic
property applies to immovable, and historical importance. It
historical and archaeological sites, should also be acknowledged
whether religious or secular. It that preserving cultural property
refers to ruins existing above the and making it accessible
earth and historical remains found constitute a means of
within the earth. The surroundings encouraging mutual
where such structures exist also understanding among peoples,
qualify as a cultural property. At the thereby promoting peace.
conference on the preservation of 3. People‟s wellbeing depends a
cultural property endangered by great deal on the existence of a
public or private work, cultural nice environment and by
property was described as the “the preserving cultural properties, we
product and witness of the different are directly contributing to the
traditions and of the spiritual

Ayodeji O. Awobamise & Adebola A. Aderibigbe CJOC (2018) 5(2) 87-107

development of such an recommendations, the delegates

environment considered fresh dangers at this
The conferences, in coming up with level. They recognised that the loss
the recommendations on cultural of any natural or cultural heritage
property preservation, also item would mean an irreversible
recognised the roles impoverishment of that heritage. It
industrialization plays in the was decided that every country that
development of people‟s spiritual had any heritage sites or items
and national fulfilment. The should be chiefly responsible for
however stated that a lot of safeguarding them and ensuring that
prehistoric and historic monuments they were handed down to future
and remains were being threatened generations. Some of the
by private and public works recommendations and debates were
resulting from urbanization and similar to those of 1968. However,
industrial development. These the meeting of 1972 approved some
conferences also agreed that it was protective measures including the
primarily the duty of the following:
government in whose country or 1. Regular surveillance of the
territory such a heritage was situated components of the heritage sites
to ensure that they were protected by means of periodic inspection.
and preserved. In carrying out their 2. Any work required on the
duties of socioeconomic heritage should be preceded by
development which is largely driven very careful and thorough studies
by industrialization, there is a need as may be required. These
for government to harmonize the studies should be carried out by
preservation of the cultural heritages specialists in the field.
with the changes that follow from 3. Any work done on the cultural
socio-economic development. heritage should be done with the
Finally, it was stated that the best aim of preserving its traditional
way to guaranty the preservation appearance and protecting it
and protection of cultural properties from any new construction which
would be by strengthening, through might impair it or its
adequate measures, the feeling of surrounding.
attachment and respect people have 4. Member states should investigate
for those heritages. methods of protection of those
In 1972 another convention with a components of the heritage sites
similar theme was held concerning before adopting them.
the protection, at national level, of 5. Member states should keep
the cultural and natural heritage. abreast of latest technologies in
While coming up with the transportation, communication

Ayodeji O. Awobamise & Adebola A. Aderibigbe CJOC (2018) 5(2) 87-107

and other appropriate areas for should also be set up to enlighten

the scientific study of the sites the public at these sites.
and for people‟s enjoyment These suggestions and
6. Components of the heritage recommendations were further
should be protected individually reiterated in future conferences held
or collectively by legislations or in 1976, 1978, and 1980. They all
regulations. shared similar views on the
7. No building should be erected nor preservation and maintenance of
demolition, transformation, natural and cultural heritages.
modification or deforestation Although their areas of focus were
carried out on any property slightly different from conference to
situated on or in the vicinity of a conference, the recommendations
protected site, if it is likely to and arguments generally followed a
affect its appearance, without similar pattern.
authorization by the officials in
In 1980, the Belgrade conference
was concerned with the status of the
8. The government should set aside
artist. It recognised that the art in its
a sizeable amount in the budget
broadest form and definition is an
for the protection of natural and
integral part of life (Unesco, 1980).
cultural sites and heritages.
Artist, according to the definition
9. Expenditure on these sites should
given by the meeting, is taken to
be borne by their users and
mean any person who creates or
owners as much as possible.
gives expression to or recreates
10. Consideration should be given
works of art; who considers his or
to indemnify owners of protected
her artistic creation to be an
properties for any loss they might
essential part of life; who
incur from their protective and
contributes in this way to the
preservation programmes.
development of art and culture and
The delegates at the meeting also
who is or asks to be recognised as
suggested that universities and
an artist, whether or not he or she is
places of learning should organize
bound by any relations of
regular courses on the history of art,
employment or association. This
architecture, the environment and
meeting, unlike others, was
town planning with regard to
basically concerned about people
preservation and protection of
with artistic destiny; about people
cultural and natural heritages.
who create cultural heritages
Member states should carry out
through their artistic mind and how
educational campaigns to create
they and their works can be
awareness and public interest in and
protected socially and financially.
respect for the heritages. Museums

Ayodeji O. Awobamise & Adebola A. Aderibigbe CJOC (2018) 5(2) 87-107

The meeting acknowledged that operating with relevant national

artists play an important role in the and international organizations
growth and evolution of a society. whose activities are related to
The conference extended their the objective of promoting
discussion about the artist to the artworks and artists. The
areas of vocation and training. It organizations include the
was recommended that artists National Commissions for
should be trained and given Unesco, national and
education to stimulate their artistic international artists'
talent while institutions should organizations, the International
develop curriculums for courses in Labour Organization and the
the arts, seek incentives like World Intellectual Property
scholarships and fellowships for Organization.
interested artists and so on. 2. Member States should, by the
most appropriate means, support
The conference also touched on the
the work of the above-
social status of the artist. This has to
mentioned bodies representing
do with granting the artists the
artists and enlist their
public recognition they deserve,
professional co-operation to
ensuring that they benefit from the
enable artists benefit from their
rights and protection provided for in
works and achieve greater
legislations relating to human rights
and recognising the rights of the
trade unions and other professional Subgroup 2: Satellite
organisations to represent and broadcasting & other electronic
defend their interests. On the issue media
The second subgroup consists of all
of employment, working and living
meetings and conferences on
conditions of the artist, the meeting
communication covering any issues
recommended that measures must
or recommendations as regards to
be taken to support artists at the
satellite broadcasting and other
beginning of their careers, promote
electronic media. From the data
the employment of artist in their
generated, there are four
own disciplines as well as stimulate
conferences under this category
the public and private demand for
from 1967 to 1983. These
the works of these artists amongst
conferences were held in Paris,
other things.
Brussels and Belgrade and were
Concerning the status of the artist, concerned primarily with the laws
the following were recommended: on broadcasting, the preservation
1. Member states should garner and safeguarding of moving images
support for artists by co- and the roles of the media in

Ayodeji O. Awobamise & Adebola A. Aderibigbe CJOC (2018) 5(2) 87-107

promoting peace and international to the report containing the

understanding. guidelines, the objective of satellite
The first meeting held in Paris in broadcasting for communication is
1972 was convened to discuss the to ensure the widest possible
principles and guidelines for the use dissemination of information among
of satellite broadcasting for the free the people of the world in a fair and
flow of information and the spread accurate manner. The dissemination
of education, and greater cultural should be guided by the principles
change. The convention recognised and rules of international law which
that satellite provides a new means includes but is not limited to the
of disseminating information, Charter of the United Nations and
knowledge and promoting the Outer Space treaty (NASA,
understanding between people, 1967). Moreover, the use of
thereby establishing a new satellites for broadcasting should be
dimension in international based on international co-operation
communication. and account must be taken of the
UNESCO‟S guidelines on needs and rights of the audiences, as
international communication well as the objectivity of narratives,
emerged in line with the United peace, friendship and co-operation.
Nations General Assembly With regards to education, the
resolution 2733 (XXV) of objectives of satellite broadcasting
December 16, 1970 (there is also a according to the Unesco report are
B version) on international and to accelerate the expansion of
regional cooperation in the peaceful education, extend educational
uses of outer space. These opportunities, improve the content
guidelines were meant to promote of school curriculums and assist in
the use of satellite broadcasting for the struggle against literacy. Article
the advancement of education and 6.2 of the guidelines suggests that
training, science and culture, in each country has control over
consultation with appropriate educational contents broadcast by
intergovernmental and non- satellite to its people.
governmental organisations. The next meeting regarding satellite
There are 18 guidelines for the use broadcasting was held in Brussels in
of satellite broadcasting. In a 1974 and was concerned with the
nutshell the guidelines promote an distribution of programmes carrying
apolitical use of satellite signals transmitted by satellite. At
broadcasting in a manner that the convention signal was defined as
respects the sovereignty and an electronically-generated carrier
equality of all countries. According capable of transmitting programmes
while satellite is any device in extra-

Ayodeji O. Awobamise & Adebola A. Aderibigbe CJOC (2018) 5(2) 87-107

terrestrial space capable of media regardless of frontiers. These

transmitting signals. Distributor is freedoms, adopted by the general
the person or legal entity that assembly of the United Nations in
decides what programme the 1965, were designed to eradicate all
emitted signals will carry (Unesco, acts of racial discrimination and
1974). prevent segregationist policies.
The contracting states were aware The convention‟s declaration states
that the use of satellites for that the mass media have an
broadcasting was rapidly growing in important role to play in countering
volume and geographical coverage. racism and incitement of war as well
They were concerned there were no as educating young people in the
laws or systems in place to prevent spirit of peace, justice, freedom,
transmitting the programme- mutual respect and understanding to
carrying signals which were not promote human rights, leading to
intended for the distributors. This socio-economic progress. With the
dilemma led to their conviction that declaration, the international
an international system should be community is expected to create the
established to provide measures that condition for a free flow, and wide
would prevent distributors from and balanced dissemination, of
distributing unauthorized signals. information. Bilateral and
They hoped to achieve this without multilateral exchanges of
prejudice to the existing laws and information among Unesco
agreements including the members shall be encouraged and
International Telecommunications developed.
Convention and the Radio The last conference concerning
Regulations. broadcasting and the use of satellites
In 1978 another convention was during the period under review was
held relating to broadcasting but, held in 1980 in Belgrade and was
this time focused on the declaration concerned with safeguarding and
on the fundamental principles preserving moving images. At the
concerning the distribution of mass conference, moving images were
media content to strengthen peace defined as any series of images and
and international understanding. recorded on a support with or
This convention was organised in without accompanying sound,
line with the fundamental human which when projected impart and
right of freedom of opinion and impressions of motion intended for
expression, which includes the communication and distribution to
freedom to receive and impart the public or made for
information and ideas through any documentation purposes. Three
categories of moving images -

Ayodeji O. Awobamise & Adebola A. Aderibigbe CJOC (2018) 5(2) 87-107

television productions, videographic Legal and administrative actions and

productions and Cinematographic procedures were also recommended,
productions – were identified. including that the material deposited
The following recommendations shall be preserved in officially
were considered at the conference: recognised film or television
1. Moving images are an archives. Where they do not exist,
expression of the cultural every effort shall be made to
identity of people and form an establish such institutions at the
integral part of a nation‟s national or regional level without
cultural heritage. delay. Such deposits shall be made
2. That moving images provide a within a stated time as legislated by
means of recording unfolding the government. Officially
events. recognised archives shall be
3. That moving images is a new empowered to ask users to make
form of expression. reasonable contributions to defray
4. That due to the nature of their the costs of the services provided.
material embodiments and the The legal and administrative
various methods of their framework suggested here is
fixation, moving images are basically to protect moving images
extremely vulnerable and should as a national treasure which would
be maintained under specific be recognised by law. It provided a
technical conditions. framework for all member states to
5. That each member state should legally protect and safeguard
take measure to safeguard and moving images.
preserve moving images for What is more, some technical
posterity. measures to protect moving images
6. That moving images created by were recommended which included
people of the world also form creating national filmographies and
part of the heritage of humanity catalogues of moving images and
amongst other considerations. description of their holdings;
It was recommended that collecting, preserving and making
appropriate measures should be available for research purposes
taken to give the moving image institutional records, personal
heritage the protection it needs from papers and other materials that
depredations brought about by time document the origin, production,
and environment. Measures should distribution and projection of
also be taken to prevent loss, moving images, subject to the
unwarranted disposal or agreement of those concerned.
deterioration of any moving image Standards applicable to the storage,
item of national importance. safeguarding, preservation,

Ayodeji O. Awobamise & Adebola A. Aderibigbe CJOC (2018) 5(2) 87-107

restoration and duplication of With regard to the implementation

moving images must be rigorously of recommendations on cultural
applied. heritage, the government of Nigeria
Each conference submitted that has conferred trusteeship of the sites
these recommendations, if properly to the respective state governments
implemented, would successfully under the Land Use Act of 1990.
create a proper way of protecting This ensures that the sites are well
and safeguarding moving images taken care of and have a sizeable
and invariably the cultural heritage budget for their maintenance. The
of the people. Osun-Osogbo Sacred Grove, for
instance, enjoys some assistance
Discussion of findings
from the federal government which
Recommendations regarding
provides some administrative
Cultural and Natural heritage
support through a site manager who
This study uses Nigeria as yardstick
is an officer of the National
to measure how Unesco
Commission for Museums and
recommendations translated to
Monuments. This is without
actions. Nigeria is signatory to, and
prejudice to the activities of the
has been a very active participant in,
Osun State government as a trustee.
Unesco meetings and conventions.
The relevant local government
It is impressive to note hat the
authorities also contribute to the
country has ensured that no fewer
protection and management in some
than two sites have been established
other ways, including maintaining
on the world heritage list - the Sukur
cleanliness and order during
Cultural Landscape in 1999 and the
Osun-Osogbo Sacred Grove in
2005. The country has also On the recommendation that people
submitted another 12 sites for should have a feeling of attachment
tentative addition to the list. This in and respect for these sites, the
itself is a welcome development, as Nigerian government has worked
it means Nigeria is beginning to with traditional leaders where these
place some value on its cultural cultural heritages are situated. In
heritage. This is not surprising. As a Osun state for instance, traditional
member of Unesco, Nigeria is laws, myths, taboos and customs
expected to participate in the that forbid people from causing any
discussions and implement kind of damage to heritage sites
recommendations made by the have been put in place and this
body. Being a signatory to the measure has been very effective in
body‟s existence and activities keeping poachers, miscreants, and
carries with it some responsibilities. unapproved explorers away.
However, it is not clear if people

Ayodeji O. Awobamise & Adebola A. Aderibigbe CJOC (2018) 5(2) 87-107

whose land is affected by these According to Adesioye (2011), the

protective measures have been duly buying and collection of Nigerian
compensated as recommended. It is art is on the rise as more exhibitions
also important to note that museums open, on the back of growing surge
or exhibition points are not visible of interest from the domestic and
near these sites as recommended by international contemporary art
Unesco. community. Mention should be
From the foregoing, it is viable to made of the fact that although these
aver that Unesco meetings, recommendations were set forth by
conferences and conventions have Unesco in 1980, significant progress
helped in ensuring that Nigeria in implementation was only
places the right value on some of noticeable in the late 1990s. In fact,
her cultural heritages. Before the first commercially successful art
Unesco intervention, these sites auction in Nigeria did not take place
were characterized by disorder, until 2008. Since then, some artists
decrepit buildings and low value. are believed to be laughing all the
Indigenes of Osun and Anambra way to the bank.
States – home to the two pioneering It should, however, be noted that
sites in Nigeria are very proud of much of the progress was made
these sites and the way they are possible by private individuals with
being maintained. The elation is little or no support from
understandable. The declaration by government. The overburdening of
Unesco as heritage sites has aided the private sector is contrary to the
development and encouraged many Unesco‟s recommendation that
diasporic citizens to come back government should support the art
home and invest. Besides that, these by creating an enabling
sites organize rendezvous quarterly environment, amongst other
or yearly (often with foreigners in responsibilities. Compared to
attendance) to encourage family European communities where local
reunions and generate revenue for artists are at the forefront of creating
the authorities. some of the most dazzling
Recommendations regarding the monuments and landmarks,
status of the artist Nigerian artists are hardly
Nigeria, in some ways, has considered in bids for arts contracts
implemented a lot of Unesco as most jobs are awarded to
recommendations as a lot of foreigners at exorbitant prices.
recognition is being accorded the art Local artists complain often about
industry with many artists receiving being poorly paid for job well done.
international awards for their craft. The Nigerian government must
encourage artists by creating the

Ayodeji O. Awobamise & Adebola A. Aderibigbe CJOC (2018) 5(2) 87-107

empowering environment for international understanding suggest

creativity and the business that access to information should be
architecture for the art value chain. guaranteed by the diversity of the
Recommendations regarding sources and means. But as noted
satellite broadcasting and other earlier, these rights are subjective
electronic media and the process of information
Noticeable progress has been made sharing is not the same in all
as regards satellite broadcasting and countries, as ideology and cultural
development of the mass media in makeup of those countries as well as
Nigeria. However, a lot still needs ownership of the media play a
to be done in the area of objectivity critical role. The crave for profit and
(Omojola, 2008; 2011; Okorie, et al. hyper-competition have made the
2017; Okorie, et al. 2018). It Unesco recommendations outdated.
appears that the principles guiding The body in its future meetings
journalism practice in the country must put into cognizance the role of
are in space and not in place. It is a the internet via the new media,
well-known fact that governments, citizen journalism, media
at various times, have implemented ownership, the hyper-competition
policies that restrained the freedom that characterize media practice of
of the press, leading to today and other critical factors
victimization, harassment, before coming up with fresh
imprisonment or death of journalists recommendations. Unesco must
and it wouldn‟t make a difference look beyond the fundamental rights
whether the government in power is and consider these foregoing factors
military or civilian. This harassment in order to be relevant in today‟s
hinders the practice and make world. If Unesco has already come
reporters dance to the tune of their up with fresh recommendations,
harassers. In May 2013, Nigeria they are not visible yet. The body
was added to the list of countries should let the world know about the
that are not safe for journalism latest developments concerning their
practice. In certain cases, reporters activities especially in the area of
are killed or harassed while the mass media and journalism
perpetrators escape arrest and practice.
prosecution (Armitage & Winckler, The weakness of UNESCO
2013). recommendations (which makes
Although the recommendations on implementation cumbersome or
the fundamental principles on the impossible) notwithstanding, the
contribution of the mass media to traditional mass media and the new
strengthening peace and media have played noticeable role in
Nigeria and the world. The highly

Ayodeji O. Awobamise & Adebola A. Aderibigbe CJOC (2018) 5(2) 87-107

significant eye-opening role played but the fact remains that the
during the Arab Spring (uprisings) recommendations and
of 2011 (Cottle, 2011) is a case in implementation of these guidelines
point. Furthermore, in spite of the are yet to form a seamless sequence.
challenges, the Nigerian media are Countries would continue to censor
believed to be doing all they could and control the media owing to
to hold the government accountable. cultural disparities and ideological
Today, the Nigerian media are being differences (Lull, 1980). More
touted to be the fairest and freest in attention needs to be given to the
Africa even when the concept of preservation and storage of moving
„free and fair‟ is yet to be images and the first step would be to
comprehensively defined and create an awareness and
operationalized. appreciation of these images and its
With regard to the safeguarding and accompanying technologies.
preservation of moving images, a lot Conclusion and
of recommendations and Recommendations
suggestions were made by Unesco, This article has looked at the
which, if properly implemented, communication meetings held
would help to preserve history for between 1967 and 1984 under the
posterity. However, what obtains in communications themes organised
most developing countries with by Unesco. Unimpressively,
particular reference to Nigeria, is however, the various
that there is hardly a central place to recommendations could not
archive moving images produced in translate to significant
these countries. The existence of a implementation owing to problems
central archive is crucial not only and challenges that span local,
for storage but also referencing, national, international and
entertainment or research purposes. multilateral levels. The foregoing
The Nigerian film and video census conclusion leads to the following
board is being saddled with the recommendations:
responsibility of vetting moving 1. Indigenes and locals where
images in Nigeria before they are cultural and natural heritages
released (Daramola., Hamilton, & are located should be
Omojola, 2014). It is not clear yet if encouraged to participate in the
the body can also pass for a credible promotion and conservation of
archive for moving images. these sites. To achieve this, the
From the foregoing it is clear that government needs to carry out
these Unesco guidelines were sensitization campaigns that
created with the best of intentions, inform indigenes of the
importance and pride in having

Ayodeji O. Awobamise & Adebola A. Aderibigbe CJOC (2018) 5(2) 87-107

these cultural and natural censor‟s board has been given

heritage sites. This should be this responsibility, then the
noted in subsequent Unesco body should be held
recommendations. accountable.
2. Museums should be situated 4. The arts need to be taken more
close to these cultural and seriously in Nigeria. The
natural heritage sites. This will Nigerian government as a
help provide the necessary matter of urgency should outlaw
information – its history, outsourcing of art works to
meaning, importance, etc.- for foreigners. Every state in
visitors and tourists. Unesco Nigeria needs to be encouraged
recommended this but the to organise at least one art
recommendation was not given exhibition every year to
the emphasis it desired. showcase local talents and
3. A physical and electronic library create an avenue to generate
should be set up by the Nigerian much needed revenue for the
government to store all moving country.
images. Standards and 5. The same emphasis placed by
benchmarks need to be set for the government on popular
movie and documentary in order music should also be placed on
to allow their movies to be the arts. Afterall, the arts are not
archived in this way. If the only about music, they are also
Nigeria‟s film and video about fine art.

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