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• UNESCO(UNESCO, the United Nations • It was founded in 1945 and has its
Educational, Scientific and Cultural headquarters in Paris, France UNESCO
Organization) is an agency of the United originally rebuilt schools, libraries, and
Nations that promotes world peace and
museums destroyed in Europe during World
security through international cooperation
War II, and now sponsors various programs
in education, science, and culture.
and conferences.
• Upon the proposal of CAME, a United Nations
• During WW2, the governments of the
Conference for the establishment of an
European countries met in the United
educational and cultural organization
Kingdom for the Conference of Allied
(ECO/CONF) was convened in London from 1
Ministers of Education (CAME) to look for
to 16 November 1945.
ways and means to rebuild their education
systems once peace was restored. • It gathered forty-four countries who decided to
create an organization that would embody a
• Members: India, United States, genuine culture of peace.
France, China, Brazil, Mexico,
Turkey, Australia
• Education: UNESCO mobilizes efforts to ensure Scientific Cooperation: UNESCO promotes scientific
programs and policies as platforms for development
that every child, regardless of gender, has access and cooperation by encouraging the exchange of
to quality education as a fundamental human knowledge and ideas across borders.
Freedom of Expression: As a fundamental right and a
• Intercultural Understanding: By protecting key condition for democracy and development,
UNESCO stands up for freedom of expression. It
cultural heritage and fostering support for
manages programs that facilitate the free flow of ideas
cultural diversity, UNESCO contributes to and knowledge
intercultural understanding. It created the
concept of World Heritage Sites to safeguard
places of outstanding universal value.

UNESCO’s founding vision

emerged in response to the
violence of World War II. It aimed
to establish the “intellectual and
moral solidarity of mankind” to
prevent another global conflict.

• Promotion of Education: UNESCO has

• UNESCO'S WORLD worked to ensure access to quality
HERITAGE PROGRAM – education for all by promoting:
It identifies and preserves
cultural and natural sites of • literacy
outstanding universal value • teacher training
from ancient monuments
• educational infrastructure development
to natural wonders.
Initiatives: Education for All (EFA), the
Global Education 2030 Agenda,
• Preservation of Cultural Heritage: • Media Freedom and Safety of Journalists:
UNESCO helps protect and preserve UNESCO advocates for press freedom and the
cultural heritage sites, traditions, safety of journalists worldwide.
languages, and intangible cultural
heritage worldwide. It works to combat censorship, attacks on
journalists, and promote freedom of
Initiatives: Convention for the expression.
Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural
Heritage, World Heritage Cities

• https://www.britannica.com/topic/UNESCO
• https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UNESCO
• https://www.nationalgeographic.org/encyclopedia/unesco/

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