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RULES, 2016
Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs
Govt. of India Ministry of Environment, Forest &
Climate Change, Govt. of India

RULES 2016

Central Pollution Control Board National Productivity Council

RULES, 2016

Features of
With E-Waste
Rules 2016

Toolkit For
Manufactures, Details of
Producers, Extended
Dealers, Producer
Refurbishers Responsibility
bulk consumers

Your Guide For

Safe & Scien fic Management of
1 Edi on
June, 2019
Na onal Produc vity Council (NPC) is pleased to present to you the 'Toolkit on E-
Waste Management Rules 2016'.This toolkit has been cra ed specially for all the
stakeholders involved in the genera on, collec on, storage, transporta on &
treatment of e waste.
The toolkit has seventeen sec ons with toolkits for manufacturer, producer,
collec on centres, transporta on, dealers, refurbisher, consumer or bulk consumer,
dismantler, recycler, reduc on in the use of hazardous substances (ROHS) in the
manufacture of electrical and electronic equipment and their components or
consumables or parts or spares, producer responsibility organiza on (PRO),
miscellaneous stakeholders.
The toolkit has been brought together by a team of good technocrats and
environmentalists from various regulatory authori es in the country. It has been
carefully reviewed by experts.
This toolkit is to ensure safe and scien fic management of e waste for all the ci zens
everywhere at all mes.
NPC would welcome any sugges ons and feedback on this publica on so that 'The
Toolkit' becomes a trusted companion and part of all stakeholders.

K. D. Bhardawaj
Regional Director, Delhi
Na onal Produc vity Council
Compiled & Edited by:

Na onal Produc vity Council

Note: 1. All pictures used in the toolkit are from various sources, which have been duly referred to.
2. This publica on is purely for educa on purpose and not for commercial purpose.


Management Rules, 2016) 77
List of Tables
3.1 Hazardous Chemicals Contained in Some E- waste 6
4.1 Important metals used for electric and electronic equipment (based on demand
in 2006) 11
5.1 EEE as Per Schedule 16
5.2 Targets as per Schedule III 17
5.3 Responsibili es of Major Stakeholders for Collec on, Transporta on and Disposal
of E-waste 17
9.1 Local Authority Collec on Facili es Per Popula on in 2003 31
14.1 Input/ Output and unit opera ons for third level treatment of WEEE/E-waste 50

List of Figures
1.1 Breakup of IT Hardware 4 1
1.2 Trend of PC Sales in India 5 2
3.1 Evidences of air, water and soil pollu on and Occupa onal, Health and Safety
Hazards 8
3.2 CO2 emissions of primary metal produc on calculated using the EcoInvent 2.0
database 9
4.1 Material Content of Mobile Phones 10
4.2 Conceptual Material Flow Chain 12
4.3 Material Flow Chain in Developing Country 12
5.1 Conceptual EPR Applica on Material Flow Chain in Indian Context 15
5.2 Conceptual EPR Flow Chain in Indian Context 15
9.1 WEEE/E-waste Collec on Bins / Cage 32
9.2 Examples of WEEE/E-waste Collec on System (impermeable surface
& weatherproof covering) at a collec on facility 32
14.1 Simplified Flow Diagram for the Recycling of WEEE/E-waste 48
14.2 Simplified Flow Diagram for second Level WEEE/E-waste treatment 49
14.3 CRT Dismantling Opera on Procedure 49
14.4 Conceptual CFL/FL Waste Treatment Scheme and Process Flow 50

1.1 Introduc on

Rapid growth in waste genera on is a major by product of increasing consump on. As per
the World Bank (2012) es mates, by 2025, 4.3 billion urban residents will generate 2.2
billion tones per year of municipal solid waste. Over the years, the nature and composi on
of waste has undergone significant changes due to changed consump on and consumer
behavior. As a result, diverse waste streams are emerging crea ng problems for na onal
and local government for their sustainable management. Since waste management has a
strong bearing on environment, and public health, the adverse impacts of improper waste
management are very serious and well documented. As per UNU-IAS es mates the total
amount of WEEE/E-waste generated in the world in 2014 was 41.8 million metric tonnes
(Mt). It has been forecasted to increase to 50 Mt by 2018. This E-waste is comprised of 1.0
Mt of lamps, 6.3 Mt of screens, 3.0 Mt of small IT (such as mobile phones, pocket
calculators, personal computers, printers, etc.), 12.8 Mt of small equipment (such as
vacuum cleaners, microwaves, toasters, electric shavers, video cameras, etc.), 11.8 Mt of
large equipment (such as washing machines, clothes dryers, dishwashers, electric stoves,
photovoltaic panels, etc.) and 7.0 Mt of cooling and freezing equipment (temperature
exchange equipment). One such emerging waste stream is electronic waste (E-waste).

1.2 E-waste Scenario in India

The growing amount of E-waste is not only an environmental issue but also a source of
precious metals & rare earth elements. About 15.5% of the total E-waste generated is
ge ng scien fically recycled. Since the last two decades, many na onal governments in
Europe and other developed countries have made con nuous efforts for E-waste

The Indian IT Hardware market is es mated to be USD 15.87 Billion, contribu ng about
35% to the overall IT market in India. The hardware market is dominated by PCs
Smartphones and Tablets. PCs contributes 21% Smartphones and Tablets together
contributes 62% of the IT hardware market in 2014-15 as shown in Figure 1.1.

Figure 1.1: Breakup of IT Hardware

Figure 1.2 indicates that PC sales stood at 10.61 million in 2014-15, 1.23 million less than
that of previous year. Even though notebooks have de-grown by 15% over last year,
notebooks contribute 55% of overall PC sales. The smartphones sales in India grew 33% in
2014-15 to reach 69.67 million units, compared to a growth of 244% during 2013-14. Tablet
sales in India grew only by about 4% to reach 3.48 million units in 2014-15 as compared to a
growth of 76% during 2013-14. The average printer sales for last 5 years is around 3.0
million. The server market during 2014 has grown by 30% over the 2013-14 and posted
sales of 1.82 million. Servers growing consistently for the last 5 years.

Figure 1.2: Trend of PC Sales in India

The consumer electronics market in India is one of the largest in the world and is an cipated
to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 66.1% from US$ 31.6 billion in 2015
to US$ 400 billion in 2020. Some key factors behind this growth in the electronics market
are - rising disposable income, changing lifestyles, and easier access to credit. Television
industry is going to propel this growth. By 2020, the television industry in India is expected
to expand to US$ 16.8 billion from US$ 9.4 billion in 2016. Further, by 2020 demand of
telecom equipment in India is expected to rise to US$ 30 billion from US$ 20 billion in FY

The increasing growth trends of the IT & consumer electronics market in India indicate that
“end of life” electronic equipment will a major waste stream in the future. As per
CPCB/MoEF es mates, India generated 1,46,000 metric tones of E-waste from six items,
which were projected to exceed 8,00,000 metric tones by 2012. A report of UNU predicted
that 1.7 million metric tons of E-waste will be generated by 2014. Currently there are
registered 178 E-waste dismantling / recycling units with an installed capacity of 438086
metric tons in India. This waste stream needs to be addressed in future. In this regard, E-
waste (Management & Handling) Rules have been no fied in 2016 & have become effec ve
since 1st October, 2016. These are extended producer responsibility (EPR) based rules
wherein targets for collec on have been fixed. Further, producers are given major
responsibility to address this waste stream & seek EPR authoriza on. Currently 112
producers have received EPR authoriza on from CPCB.

1.3 Objec ves of Developing Toolkit

The major objec ve for developing toolkit is to assist the relevant stakeholders to
understand assist the relevant stakeholders to understand & implement their roles &
responsibili es for achieving not only regulatory compliance but also addressing E-waste
management. This toolkit will also serves both as reference material for training of trainers
as well as ready reckoner to the target audience.

1.4 Format of the Toolkit

This Toolkit has been compiled in sixteen sec ons. Sec on 1 gives introduc on &
background; Sec on 2 describes defini on of E-waste; Sec on 3 describes risks associated
with E-waste; Sec on 4 describes amount & composi on of E-waste & need for
management; Sec on 5 describes salient features of E-waste Rules 2016; Sec on 6
describes toolkit for manufacturer; Sec on 7 describes toolkit for producers; Sec on 8
describes toolkit for collec on centres; Sec on 9 describes toolkit for transporta on;
Sec on 10 describes toolkit for dealers; Sec on 11 describes toolkit for refurbisher;
Sec on 12 describes toolkit consumer or bulk consumer; Sec on 13 describes toolkit for
dismantler; Sec on 14 describes toolkit for recycler; Sec on 15 describes toolkit for RoHS
and Sec on 16 describes toolkit for miscellaneous stakeholders. The toolkit will enable the
user / stakeholder to read, understand and implement the simplified version of
regula on relevant to them. This simplifica on has been done based on defini on,
iden fica on of responsibili es, do's & don't infrastructure requirements & regulatory
checklist. Further, interna onal best prac ces have been included to give a fair idea to the
audience about prac cal aspects of implementa on.


2.0 Defini on as Per E-waste Rules

Defini on: 'e-waste' means electrical and electronic equipment, whole or in part discarded
as waste by the consumer or bulk consumer as well as rejects from manufacturing,
refurbishment and repair processes;

Defini on: 'end-of-life' of the product means the me when the product is intended to be
discarded by the user;

2.1 WEEE / E-waste Defini on and Classifica on (Interna onal)

AS per Step Ini a ve, WEEE/E-waste is a term used to cover all items of electrical and
electronic equipment (EEE) and its parts that have been discarded by its owner as waste
without the intent of re-use. It is also referred to as WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic
Equipment), electronic waste or E-scrap in different regions. WEEE/E-waste includes a
wide range of products, almost any household or business item with circuit or electrical
components with power or ba ery supply. WEEE / E-waste can be classified into following

Ÿ Temperature exchange equipment: Also more commonly referred to as, cooling and
freezing equipment. Typical equipment is refrigerators, freezers, air condi oners, heat
Ÿ Screens, monitors: Typical equipment comprises televisions, monitors, laptops,
notebooks, and tablets.
Ÿ Lamps: Typical equipment comprises straight fluorescent lamps, compact fluorescent
lamps, fluorescent lamps, high intensity discharge lamps, and LED lamps.
Ÿ Large equipment: Typical equipment comprises washing machines, clothes dryers,
dish washing machines, electric stoves, large prin ng machines, copying equipment
and photovoltaic panels.
Ÿ Small equipment: Typical equipment comprises vacuum cleaners, microwaves,
ven la on equipment, toasters, electric ke les, electric shavers, scales, calculators,
radio sets, video cameras, electrical and electronic toys, small electrical and electronic
tools, small medical devices, small monitoring and control instruments).
Ÿ Small IT and telecommunica on equipment: Typical equipment comprises mobile
phones, GPS, pocket calculators, routers, personal computers, printers, telephones).

These categories have been defined as per ease of WEEE/E-waste streams requiring
specific collec on, treatment & disposal mechanism. Further, defini on & classifica on
differs from country to country. Examples of defini on & classifica on as per European
Union is given below.

European Union

Defini on as per EU direc ve with status of its transposi on and varia on in major EU
countries is described in Annexure 1 followed by WEEE/E-waste's reference in Basel
Conven on. WEEE Direc ve (EU, 2002a) describes WEEE/E-waste as “Electrical or
electronic equipment, which is waste including all components, subassemblies and
consumables, which are part of the product at the me of discarding.”

Direc ve 75/442/EEC, Ar cle 1(a) defines “waste” as “any substance or object which the
holder disposes of or is required to dispose of pursuant to the provisions of na onal law in

'Electrical and electronic equipment' or 'EEE' means equipment which is dependent on

electrical currents or electromagne c fields in order to work properly and equipment for
the genera on, transfer and measurement of such current and fields falling under the
categories set out in Annex IA to Direc ve 2002/96/EC (WEEE) and designed for use with a
voltage ra ng not exceeding 1000 volts for alterna ng current and 1500 volts for direct

Annex IA

Categories of electrical and electronic equipment covered by this Direc ve.

1. Large household appliances

2. Small household appliances
3. IT and telecommunica ons equipment
4. Consumer equipment
5. Ligh ng equipment
6. Electrical and electronic tools (with the excep on of large-scale sta onary industrial
7. Toys, leisure and sports equipment
8. Medical devices (with the excep on of all implanted and infected products)
9. Monitoring and control instruments
10. Automa c dispensers


3.0 Hazardous Nature of E-waste

E-waste is poten ally hazardous waste due to unscien fic handling, treatment,

incinera on and dumping. A list of E-waste components containing hazardous substances
as per Interna onal Labour Organiza on (ILO) is presented in Table 3.1. The list indicates
that these components should be treated scien fically and should not end up in a landfill or
an incinerator or mixed with other types of waste.

Table 3.1: Hazardous Chemicals Contained in Some E-waste

Source in Electronic
Chemical Health Concerns

An mony CRTs, Printed Circuit Very hazardous in event of inges on, hazardous in event
Boards, etc. of skin of eye contact, and inhala on. Causes damage to
the blood, kidneys, lungs, nervous system, liver and
mucous membranes.

Arsenic Used to make Soluble inorganic arsenic in acutely toxic and intake of
transistors inorganic arsenic over a long period can lead to chronic
arsenic poisoning. Effects, which can take years to
develop, include skin lesions, peripheral neuropathy,
gastro-intes nal symptoms, diabetes, renal system
effects, cardiovascul ar disease and cancer.

Barium Front Panel of CRTs Short term exposure causes muscle weakness and
damage to heart, liver and spleen. It also produces brain
swelling a er short exposure.

Beryllium Motherboards of Carcinogenic (causing lung cnacer), and inhala on of

computers fumes and dust can cause chronic beryllium disease or
beryllicosis and skin diseases such as warts.

Cadmium Chip resistors and Has toxic, irreversible effects on human health and

semiconductors accumulates in kidney and liver (Op. cit.). Has toxic

effects on the kidney, the skeletal system and the
respiratory system, and is classified as a human

Chloro- In older fridges and Found to destroy the ozone layer and is a potent
Fluorocarbons coolers greenhouse gas. Direct exposure can cause
(CFCs) unconsciousness, shortness of breath and irregular
heartbeat. Can also cause confusion, drowsiness,
coughing, sore throat, difficulty in breathing and eye
redness and pain. Direct skin contact with some types of
CFCs can cause frostbite or dry skin.

Cobalt Rechargeable ba eries Hazardous in case of inhala on and inges on, and is an
and coa ngs for hard irritant of the skin. Has carcinogenic effects and is toxic
disk drives to lungs. Repeated or prolonged exposure can produce
target organs damage.

Copper Used as conductor Very hazardous in case of inges on, in contact with the
eyes and when inhaled. An irritant of the skin and toxic
to lungs and mucous membranes. Repeated or
prolonged exposure can produce target orga ns damage.

Dioxins Created when Highly toxic and can cause chloracne, reproduc ve and
electronics are burnt in developmental problems, damage the immune system,
open air interfere with hormones and cause cancer.

Gallium Integrated circuits, Hazardous in case of skin (may produce burns) and eye
op cal electronics, etc. contact, inges on and inhala on. Severe over exposure
can result in death. Toxic to lungs and mucous
membranes. Repeated or prolonged exposure can
produce target organs damage.

Hexavalent Used as corrosion Damages kidneys, the liver and DNA. Asthama c
Chromium protec on of untreated bronchi s has been linked to this substance (Osuagwu &
and galavanized steel Ikerionwu, 2010). Causes irrita on of the respiratory
plates and a decorator system (asthma) and skin, liver and kidney damage,
or hardner for steel increased or reduced blood leukocytes, cosinophilia, eye
housings (Osuagwu & injury, and is a known carcinogen.
Ikerionwu, 2010)

Indium LCD Screens Can be absorbed into the body by inhala on or

inges on. Is irrita ng to the eyes and respiratory tract
and may have long term effects on the kidneys.
Environmental effects have not been inves gated and
informa on on its effects on human health is lacking
therefore utmost care must be taken.

Source: McCann Duncan (2015). Solving the E-Waste Problem (Step) Green Paper; E-waste
Preven on, Take-back System Design and Policy Approaches (13 February, 2015).

3.1 Impacts of Unorganized / Informal E-waste Recycling

A number of studies have reported nega ve impacts of unorganized/ informal E-waste

recycling on surrounding environment and health of inhabitants. Some of the evidence in
developing countries including India is given in Figure 3.1.

Figure 3.1 indicates, air, water, soil pollu on as well as occupa onal health & safety hazards.
The material recovery techniques used by informal sector to recover recyclable materials

o en cause pollu on e.g., open-air burning of cables to recover the copper wire from PVC
coa ng. It has serious impacts on the health of the informal workers because of
hydrochloric acid produced, which causes acute respiratory problems. Other examples
include precious metal leaching using cyanide process, breaking & disposal of mercury
containing lamps etc.

Figure 3.1: Evidences of air, water and soil pollu on and Occupa onal, Health and Safety Hazards

Source: Compendium of Technologies for the Recovery of Materials from WEEE/E-Waste Final
Report UNEP / IETC. Jain Amit (20th April, 2017).

3.2 Environmental Health & Socio-economic Impact of Primary Produc on Vs

Secondary Produc on of Metals from WEEE/E-waste

The environmental impact/footprint of the primary metal produc on has been reported to
be significant, since they are mined from ores in which their concentra on is low. Some of
the impacts include large amount of land required for mining, genera on of waste water
and emissions of sulfur-dioxide (SO2), CO2 and energy consump on. Figure 3.2 indicates
CO2 emissions from primary produc on of metals.

Figure 3.2: CO2 emissions of primary metal produc on calculated using the EcoInvent 2.0 database

Source: Schluep Mathias, Hagelueken Chris an, Ruediger Kuehr, Magalini Federico, Maurer Claudia,
Meskers Chris na, Mueller Esther, Wang Feng (2009). Sustainable Innova on and Technology Transfer
Industrial Sector Studies; Recycling – From E-Waste to Resources; UNEP / STEP Solving the E-waste
Problem, Page No. 10

Recovery of metals from secondary sources like WEEE/E-waste require small amount of
land and generate a frac on of gaseous emissions and waste water.


4.1 Amount &I Composi on of E-waste

E-waste may consist of 60 different elements, which are valuable as well as hazardous and
non-hazardous in nature. Since electrical and electronic equipments are major consumers
of precious metals, they create huge global demand. E-waste may contain up to 60
elements, e.g. a mobile phone may contain over 40 elements like copper (Cu), n (Sn),
Cobalt (Co), Indium (In), An mony (Sb), precious metals & rare earth elements as shown in
Figure 4.1. The precious metal content in mobile phone may consist of 250 mg Ag (Silver),
24 mg Au (Gold), 9 mg Pd (Palladium) and 9 gm Cu (Copper), while PC & laptops may consist
of 1000 mg Ag (Silver), 220 mg Au (Gold), 80 mg Pd (Palladium) and 500 gm Cu (Copper).

Figure 4.1: Material Content of Mobile Phones

Source: Nokia

Studies indicate that metals represent on average 23% of the weight of a phone, the
majority being copper, while the remainder is plas c and ceramic material. One ton of
phone handsets (without ba ery) would contain 3.5 kg Ag, 340 g Au, 140 g Pd as well as 130
kg Cu. The Li-ion ba ery of a phone contains about 3.5 g Co.

Table 4.1: Important metals used for electric and electronic equipment (based on demand in 2006)
Metal Primary By Demand Demand/ Price** Value in Main
produc on product for EEE produc on (USD/ EEE** (10 applica ons
(t/y) from (t/y) (%) &/kg) USD/$)
Ag 20 000 (Pb, Zn) 6 000 30 430 2.6 Contacts,
switches, solders
Au 2 500 (Cu) 300 12 22 280 6.7 Bonding wire,
Pd 230 PGM 33 14 11 413 0.4 Mul layer
Pt 210 PGM 13 6 41 957 0.5 Hard disk,
fuel cell
Ru 32 PGM 27 84 18 647 0.5 Hard disk, plasma
Cu 15 000 000 4500000 30 7 32.1 Cable, wire,
Sn 275 000 90 000 33 15 1.3 Solders
Sb 130 000 65 000 50 6 0.4 Flame retardant,
CRT glass
Co 58 000 (Ni, Cu) 11 000 19 62 0.7 Rechargeable
ba eries
Bi 5 600 Pb, W, Zn 900 16 31 0.03 Solders,
capacitor, heat
Se 1 400 Cu 240 17 72 0.02 Electro-op c,
copier, solar cell
In 480 Zn, Pb 380 79 682 0.3 LCD glass, solder,
Total 4670000 45.4

** Using the average price in 2007

Source: Schluep Mathias, Hagelueken Chris an, Ruediger Kuehr, Magalini Federico, Maurer Claudia, Meskers
Chris na, Mueller Esther, Wang Feng (2009). Sustainable Innova on and Technology Transfer Industrial Sector Studies;
Recycling – From E-Waste To Resources; UNEP / STEP Solving the E-waste Problem.

Table 4.1 indicates the demand from EEE items as % of primary produc on. Further, it
also indicates valua on and their usage in EEE components. Broadly, E-waste consists of
ferrous and non-ferrous metals, plas cs, glass, wood and plywood, printed circuit
boards, concrete and ceramics, rubber and other items. Iron and steel cons tutes about
50% of the E-waste followed by plas cs (21%), non - ferrous metals (13%) and other
cons tuents. The presence of elements like lead, mercury, arsenic, cadmium, selenium,
hexavalent chromium and flame retardants in E-waste and their components beyond

threshold quan es render them hazardous in nature. These items of economic value
can be recovered depending on the recycling / recovery technologies.

4.2 Need for E-waste Management

Since E-waste consists of items of economic value and poses environmental & health risks,
it needs to be managed in an environmentally sound manner. The main challenge is to
manage the material flow chain shown conceptually in Figure 4.2 & in developing country
context (India) shown in Figure 4.3.

Figure 4.2: Conceptual Material Flow Chain

Source: United Na ons Environment Programme Interna onal Environmental Technology / Asian Ins tute of
Technology Regional Resource Centre for Asia and the Pacific Centre Compendium of Technologies for the Recovery of
Materials from WEEE/E-Waste Final Reportp

Figure 4.3: Material Flow Chain in Developing Country

Source: United Na ons Environment Programme Interna onal Environmental Technology / Asian Ins tute of
Technology Regional Resource Centre for Asia and the Pacific Centre Compendium of Technologies for the Recovery of
Materials from WEEE/E-Waste Final Report

Figure 4.3 indicates dominance of informal sector in E-waste recycling in India.

4.3 Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR)

Globally, E-waste management is carried out based on the principles of extended producer
responsibility (EPR) Principle. EPR term was coined in 1990, where extended means more
than before, producer signifies shi of responsibility from “Municipality to Business”.

The responsibility means responsibility for physical & financial management of E-waste.

Conceptual Features under EPR include:

Ÿ Environmentally Sound Management of Waste

Ÿ Physical Responsibility
Ÿ Financial Responsibility
Ÿ Informa on Responsibility
Ÿ Product design shi (mee ng ROHS, ease of dismantling/recycling, resource

Major Enabling Factors to Implement EPR include:

Ÿ Defining Targets & planning (short & long term) to achieve

Ÿ Clear demarca on of Responsibility (Physical/ Financial/Regulatory)
Ÿ Infrastructure to implement responsibility e.g. crea on of a backbone to integrate
stakeholders for enabling viable “take back” system
Ÿ Financial management
Ÿ Monitoring and Audi ng
Ÿ Consumer / Producer / Regulator's Acceptability

Steps to Implementa on of EPR (Each Stakeholder along the chain)

Step 1: Iden fy, quan fy & monitor upstream & downstream flow
Step 2: Carry out: Input & Output Analysis both current & historical (number/ weight)
Step 3: Quan fy, prepare database & monitor upstream & downstream flow
Step 4: Map regulatory requirements Vs. upstream & downstream flow
Step 5: Refer guidelines to assess requirements for EPR planning
Step 6: Prepare strategic EPR plan for implementa on i.e. Individual/ collec ve/ both or
some other mechanism
Step 7: Submit (if applicable) & implement the plan

E-waste (Management & Handling) Rules, 2016 have been formulated based on the
principles of Extended Producers Responsibility (EPR).


5.1 Major Features

Government of India in supersession of E-waste (Management and Handling) Rules, 2011

has no fied the E-waste (Management) Rules, 2016 vide G.S.R. 338(E) dated 23.03.2016
which will be effec ve from 01-10-2016.

1. These rules are applicable to every producer, consumer or bulk consumer, collec on
centre, dismantler and recycler of e-waste involved in the manufacture, sale, purchase
and processing of electrical and electronic equipment or components specified in
schedule – I of these Rules.
2. Two categories of electrical and electronic equipment namely (i) IT and
Telecommunica on Equipment and (ii.) Consumer Electricals and Electronics such as
TVs, Washing Machines, Refrigerators Air Condi oners including fluorescent and other
mercury containing lamps are covered under these Rules. The main feature, of these
rules, is Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR).
3. Target based approach for implementa on of EPR has been adopted in the E-Waste
(Management) Rules, 2016, which s pulate phase wise collec on target to producers
for the collec on of e-waste, either in number or weight, which shall be 30% of the
es mated quan ty of waste genera on during first two year of implementa on of rules
10% during 2017-18, 20% during 2018-19 followed by 40% during 30% during third year,
40% during fourth year, 50% during fi h, 60% during sixth year and 70% during seventh
year onwards.

Rules are applicable to:

Ÿ Used lead acid ba eries as covered under the Ba eries (Management and Handling)
Rules, 2001 made under the Act.
Ÿ Micro enterprises as defined in the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development
Act, 2006 (27 of 2006); and
Ÿ Radioac ve wastes as covered under the provisions of the Atomic Energy Act, 1962 (33
of 1962) and rules made there under.

5.2 Applica on of Rules

Conceptual EPR applica on to material flow chain in Indian context is shown in Figure 5.1,
while EPR flow chart in Indian context is shown in Figure 5.2. Applica on to EEE items is
given in Table 5.1, responsibili es of stakeholders in Table 5.2 and major compliance /
monitoring / repor ng in Table 5.3.

Figure 5.1: Conceptual EPR Applica on Material Flow Chain in Indian Context

Extended Producer Responsibility (Indian Context

Figure 5.2: Conceptual EPR Flow Chain in Indian Context

Source: Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change Govt. of India. Interna onal Workshop on
Extended Producer Responsibility in India: Opportuni es, Challenges and Lessons from Interna onal
Experience (May 12-13, 2016).

Table 5.1: EEE as Per Schedule I

Sr. EEE Average

Categories of Electrical and Electronic
No. Code Life
i. Informa on Technology and Telecommunica on Equipment
Centralized Data Processing ITEW1
Mainframe 10 Years
Minicomputer 5 Years
Personal Compu ng: Personal Computers ITEW2 6 Years
(Central Processing Unit with Input and Output Devices)
Personal Compu ng: Laptop ITEW3 5 Years
Computers (Central Processing Unit with Input and Output Devices)
Personal Compu ng: Notebook Computers ITEW4 5 Years
Personal Compu ng: Notepad Computers ITEW5 5 Years
Printers Including Cartridges ITEW6 10 Years
Copying Equipment ITEW7 8 Years
Electrical and Electronic Typewriters ITEW8 5 Years
User Terminals and Systems ITEW9 6 Years
Facsimile ITEW10 10 Years
Telex ITEW11 5 Years
Telephones ITEW12 9 Years
Pay Telephones ITEW13 9 Years
Cordless Telephones ITEW14 9 Years
Cellular Telephones ITEW15
Feature Phones 7 Years
Smart Phones 5 Years
Answering Systems ITEW16 5 Years
ii. Consumer Electrical and Electronics
Television sets (including sets based on (Liquid Crystal Display and Light CEEW1 9 Years
Emi ng Diode Technology)
Refrigerator CEEW2 10 Years
Washing Machine CEEW3 9 Years
Air-condi oners excluding centralized air condi oning plants CEEW4 10 Years
Fluorescent and other Mercury Containing Lamps CEEW5 2 Years

Source: E-waste (Management) Rules, 2016

Table 5.2: Responsibili es of Major Stakeholders for Collec on, Transporta on and Disposal of E-







Collection Manufacturing √

End of Life √
Take-back Individual √
Collectively √
Transportation to Producer √ √
Collection Centre √ √ √
Dismantlers/ Recyclers √ √ √ √ √
TSDF* Facility √ √ √
Financing √
Registration √ √ √ √
Filing of Annual Returns √ √ √ √ √
Return of Annual Inventory Handled √ √ √ √ √
Source: IRGSSA

Table 5.3: Compliance / Monitoring / Repor ng

Record Annual
EPR Authorization Renewal
Stakeholder Maintain Return
Form – 1 Form – 2 Form – 3 Form – 4
Manufacturer Ö 1 (a) Ö Ö
Producer Ö Ö Ö
Collection Centre Ö
Refurbisher Ö 1 (a) Ö Ö
Bulk Consumer Ö Ö
Dismantler Ö Ö Ö
Recycler Ö

Source: IRGSSA


6.1 Defini on

'manufacturer' means a person or an en ty or a company as defined in the Companies Act,

2013 (18 of 2013) or a factory as defined in the Factories Act, 1948 (63 of 1948) or Small and
Medium Enterprises as defined in Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Act,
2006 (27 of 2006), which has facili es for manufacture of electrical and electronic

6.2 Responsibili es of Manufacturer

Who Responsibility DO ’ s Don’ts

1. Person (1) collect e-waste generated during (1) Carry out safe
2. En ty the manufacture of any electrical opera ons in
3. Company as and electronic equipment and the authorized
defined in the channelize it for recycling or place only.
companies Act, disposal; (2) Make records
2013 (2) apply for an authorisa on in available for
4. Factory as Form 1 (a) from the concerned scru ny by the
defined in the State Pollu on Control Board, concerned SPCB.
Factory Act, which shall give the (3) Take all steps to
1948 authorisa on in accordance with comply with the
5. Micro, Small & Form 1 (bb); condi ons
Medium (3) ensure that no damage is caused specified in the
Enterprises to the environment during authoriza on.
Development storage and transporta on of e -
Act, 2006 waste;
(4) maintain records of the e -waste
generated, ha ndled and
disposed in Form-2 a;
(5) file annual returns in Form -3, to
the concerned State Pollu on
Control Board on or before the
30th day of June following the
financial year to which that
return relates.

6.3 Regulatory Checklist

1. Form 1 a E-waste Rules

2. Form 1 bb E-waste Rules

3. Form 2 E-waste Rules

4. Form 3 E-waste Rules

5. Authoriza on (if applicable) Hazardous Waste Rules

6.4 Procedure for Authoriza on (Manufacturer)

Form 7

Refurbisher SPCB
Appeal (30 days)
EPR Authorization
To apply within Renewal (After
Requirements: 5 Years) Power to:
90 days from 1. Form 1(a)
the date of 1. Refuse
2. Authorization for
enforcement. Hazardous Waste
under Hazardous
Wastes (Management
Handling &
Movement) Rules 2008

1. Form 1bb (120 days)

2. Validity for 5 Years


7.1 Defini on

'producer' means any person who, irrespec ve of the selling technique used such as
dealer, retailer, e-retailer, etc.;

(i) manufactures and offers to sell electrical and electronic equipment and their
components or consumables or parts or spares under its own brand;
(ii) offers to sell under its own brand, assembled electrical and electronic equipment and
their components or consumables or parts or spares produced by other manufacturers
or suppliers; or
(iii) offers to sell imported electrical and electronic equipment and their components or
consumables or parts or spares;

7.2 Responsibili es of Producer

Responsibili es
Who Func ons

Any Person: Selling (1) implemen ng the Extended Producers Responsibility (EPR)
1. Manufacturers with the following frameworks, namely:
offers to sell (a) collec on and channelisa on of e-waste generated from the
EEE own brand ‘end-of-life’ of their products or ‘end-of-life’ products with same
2. Offers to sell electrical and electronic equipment code and historical waste
EEE under its available as per Schedule I in line with the targets prescribed in
brand Schedule III in Extended Producer Responsibility - Authorisa on;
3. Offers to sell (b) channelisa on of e -waste including those from their service
imported EEE & centres to authorised dismantler or recycler or to TSDF as per
their EPR authoriza on.
components or (c) EPR Authorisa on should comprise of: general scheme for
consumables, collec on of waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment from the
parts or spares Electrical and Electronic Equipment placed on the market earlier,
such as through dealer, collec on centres, Producer Responsibility
Organisa on, through buy-back arrangement, exchange scheme,
Deposit R efund System, etc. whether directly or through any
authorised agency and channelising the items so collected to
authorised recyclers;

(d) the producer shall opt to implement Extended Producer
Responsibility individually or collec vely. In individual produ cer
responsibility, producer may set up his own collec on centre or
implement take back system or both to meet Extended Producer
Responsibility. In collec ve system, producers may e -up as a
member with a Producer Responsibility Organisa on or with e-
waste exchange or both. It shall be mandatory upon on the
individual producer in every case to seek Extended Producer
Responsibility - Authorisa on from Central Pollu on Control
Board in accordance with the Form -1 and the procedure laid
down in sub-rule (1) of rule 13;
(2) the import of electrical and electronic equipment shall be
allowed only to producers having Extended Producer
Responsibility authorisa on;
(3) maintaining records in Form-2 of the e -waste handled and
make such records available for scru ny by the Central Pollu on

7 .3 DO's & DON'Ts & Infrastructure Requirement

For disposal in Treatment, Storage and Disposal Facility, a pre-treatment is necessary to

immobilize the mercury and reduce the volume of waste to be disposed off;

DO’s Don’ts
· A producer can implement its EPR either through take- · Opera on without Extended
back system or by se ng up collec on centres or both for Producer Responsibility -
channeliza on of E - waste / end of life products to Authorisa on by any
authorized dismantlers / recyclers. producer, as defined in this
· The producers are required to have arrangements with rule, shall be c onsidered as
authorized dismantlers / recyclers either individually or causing damage to the
collec vely or through a Producer Responsibility environment.
Organiza on (PRO) or E -waste Exchange System as spelt in
their EPR Plan which is approved / authorized by Central
Pollu on Control Board (CPCB).
· providing contact detail s such as address, e-mail address,
toll-free telephone numbers or helpline numbers to

consumer(s) or bulk consumer(s) through their website
and product user documenta on so as to facilitate return
of end-of-life electrical and electronic equipment;
· creating awareness through media, publica ons,
adver sements, posters, or by any other means of
communica on and product user documenta on
accompanying the equipment, with regard to –
(i) informa on on address, e -mail address, toll - free
telephone numbers or helpline numbers and web
(ii) informa on on hazardous cons tuents as specified
in sub-rule 1 of rule 16 in electrical and electronic
(iii) informa on on hazards of improper handling,
disposal, accidental breakage, damage or improper
recycling of e-waste;
(iv) instruc ons for handling and disposal of the
equipment a er its use, along with the Do’s and
(v) affixing a visible, legible and indelible symbol given
below on the products or product user
documenta on to prevent e -waste from being
dropped in garbage bins containing waste des ned
for disposal;
(vi) means and mechanism available for their
consumers to return e-waste for recycling
including the details of Deposit Refund Scheme, if
· to provide informa on on the implementa on of Deposit
Refund Scheme to ensure collec on of end -of-life products
and their channelisa on to authorised dismantlers or
recyclers, if such scheme is included in the Extended

7.4 Content of EPR Plan

The EPR Plan requires es ma ng the quan ty of E-waste generated from their end-of-life
products, outlining a scheme for collec on and channeliza on of their end-of-life products
or products with same EEE code to authorized dismantlers/recyclers, es mated budget for
implemen ng EPR, outline the scheme of crea ng awareness, declara on on ROHS
Es ma on of E-waste Genera on: the genera on of E-waste from end of life products.

E-waste genera on (weight or number) in the financial year 'x – y' – Sales in the financial
year '(x-z) – (y-z)'

Where, 'x – y' = financial year in which genera on is es mated, and

Z= average life span of EEE (Examples are given at Annexure – 1)

Average life of the EEE to be used in the above formula is given below.
Sr. No. Categories of Electrical and Electronic EEE Code
i. Informa on Technology and Telecommunica on Equipment
Centralized Data Processing ITEW1
Personal Compu ng: Personal Computers ITEW2
(Central Processing Unit with Input and Output Devices)
Personal Compu ng: Laptop ITEW3
Computers (Central Processing Unit with Input and Output
Personal Compu ng: Notebook Computers ITEW4
Personal Compu ng: Notepad Computers ITEW5
Printers Including Cartridges ITEW6
Copying Equipment ITEW7
Electrical and Electronic Typewriters ITEW8
User Terminals and Systems ITEW9
Facsimile ITEW10
Telex ITEW11
Telephones ITEW12
Pay Telephones ITEW13
Cordless Telephones ITEW14
Cellular Telephones ITEW15
Feature Phones
Smart Phones
Answering Systems ITEW16
ii. Consumer Electrical and Electronics
Television sets (including sets based on (Liquid Crystal CEEW1
Display and Light Emi ng Diode Technology)
Refrigerator CEEW2
Washing Machine CEEW3
Air-condi oners excluding centralized air condi oning CEEW4
Fluorescent and other Mercury Containing Lamps CEEW5

Es ma on of Target for Collec on: The target for collec on of E-waste shall be based on
es mated genera on calculated for each EEE code for a specific financial year as specified

E-waste Target
Sr. No. Year E-waste Collection Target (Weight
(i) 2017-18 10% of the quantity of waste generation as indicated in Extended
Producer Responsibility Plan
(ii) 2018-19 20% of quantity of waste generation as indicated in Extended Producer
Responsibility Plan
(iii) 2019-20 30% of the quantity of waste generation as indicated in Extended
Producer Responsibility Plan
(iv) 2020-21 40% of the quantity of waste generation as indicated in Extended
Producer Responsibility Plan
(v) 2021-22 50% of the quantity of waste generation as indicated in Extended
Producer Responsibility Plan
(vi) 2022-23 60% of the quantity of waste generation as indicated in Extended
Producer Responsibility Plan
(vii) 2023 onwards 70% of the quantity of waste generation as indicated in Extended
Producer Responsibility Plan
Source: Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, No fica on, New Delhi 22nd March 2018

Extended Producer Responsibility targets for producers, who have started sales opera ons
recently, i.e. number of years of sales opera ons is less than average life of their products
men oned below.

Sr. No. Year E-waste Collection Target (Weight

(i) 2018-19 5% of the sales figure of financial year 2016-17
(ii) 2019-20 5% of the sales figure of financial year 2017-18
(iii) 2020-21 10% of the sales figure of financial year 2018-19
(iv) 2021-22 10% of the sales figure of financial year 2019-20
(v) 2022-23 15% of the sales figure of financial year 2020-21
(vi) 2023-24 15% of the sales figure of financial year 2021-22
(vii) 2024-25 20% of the sales figure of financial year 2022-23
(viii) 2025 onwards 20% of the sales figure of the year preceding the previous year
Source: Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, No fica on, New Delhi 22nd March 2018

7.5 Details of Extended Producer Responsibility

Ÿ etails of scheme / incen ve for returning of E-waste by consumers / bulk consumers

whether through dealers or buy-back arrangement or take-back systems or exchange
scheme for channeliza on of E-waste.
Ÿ If producer is op ng to manage its EPR responsibility through PRO, then details of PRO's
organiza onal structure and system of collec on and channeliza on to the authorized
dismantlers / recyclers of E-waste.
Ÿ If E-waste exchange is part of channeliza on then the details thereof,
Ÿ If producer is op ng for 'deposit refund scheme' (DRS) or exchange scheme for

collec on and channeliza on of E-waste, then the details of mode of refund of the
deposited amount taken from the consumer or bulk consumer at the me of sale has to
be specified along with interest that becomes due at the prevalent rate for the period of
the deposit at the me of take-back of the end-of-life products.
Ÿ Producers of item code: CEEW5 (fluorescent and other mercury containing lamp) may
provide list of waste deposi on centre or collec on points financed by them obliga on
under rule 17 (1) of the Solid Waste Management Rules 2016 for channelizing such
wastes to recyclers or TSDFs.

Collec on and Storage Plan: Informa on pertaining to collec on and storage

Channeliza on Plan: Details of Collec on Centres, Dismantlers & Recyclers & TSDF:
Producers shall specify details of their own collec ons centres or the collec on centres
with which they have agreement.

7.6 Regulatory Checklist

1. Form 1 E-waste Rules

2. Form 1 (aa) E-waste Rules

3. Form 2 E-waste Rules

4. Form 3 E-waste Rules

7.7 Procedure for Authoriza on (Producer)

Form 7
Producer CPCB SPCB
Appeal (30 days)
To apply within 1. Form 1 Renewal (merit
90 days from 2. EPR Plan case to case) Power to:
the date of 3. Copy of the permission from the
relevant ministries / Department 1. Authorize
enforcement of
for selling product 2. Refuse
these rules. 4. Copies of agreement with
dealers, collection centre, 3. Cancel
recyclers, TSDF etc.
4. Suspend
5. DGFT License / permission if
6. Self declaration for ROHS

1. Target Quantity to be collected based on EPR

Plan (based on average life & EEE placed in
previous year)
1. Form 1(aa) (120 days) 2. Validity for 5 Years

1. Documents related to EPR plan as envisaged in sections 2.1.

2. Details of proposed awareness programmes and allied initiatives.
3. Copies of agreement document with dealers, collection centres, dismantlers, recyclers, treatment, storage and disposal facilities (TSDFs) etc.
4. Self-declaration for compliance of RoHS as per the format.
5. The technical documents (supplier declaration description of product, document for materials, parts, and / or sub-assemblies and analytical test result) as an evidence that
the reduction of hazardous substance (RoHS) provisions are complied by the product based on standard EN 501581 of EU.
6. Copy of the permissions / licences from the relevant ministry / department for marketing various products or for doing the business are: (i) Tin details (ii) Pan details (iii)
Incorporation certificate (iv) Copy IEC in case of importers
7. Copy of authorization issued by the SPCBs / PCCs earlier under E-waste (Management & Handling) Rules, 2011 in case of those producers who are operating in the
country prior to 01-10-2016.

7.8 EPR Planning (Individual)


Dealers / Retailer

Collec on Point / bins Formal / Informal Sectors


Collec on Centre Formal / Informal Sectors

Take Back System -
(Accessible to any ci zen
located anywhere in country)
Deposit Refund Scheme
Source: IRGSSA Dismantlers / Recyclers

7.9 EPR Planning (PRO)


Dealers / Retailer

/ Informal Sectors
Collection Point / bins


Collection Centre

Collection Centre
Formal / Informal Sectors
Take -Back System (Accessible to any citizen
located anywhere in country)

Deposit Refund Scheme

PRO / E-waste Exchange Dismantlers
/ Recyclers
Source: IRGSSA


8.1 Defini on

'collec on centre' means a centre or a collec on point or both established by producer

individually or as associa on jointly to collect e-waste for channelising the e-waste to
recycler and play such role as indicated in the authorisa on for Extended Producer
Responsibility granted to the producer and having facili es as per the guidelines of Central
Pollu on Control Board, including the collec on centre established by the dismantler or
refurbisher or recycler which should be a part of their authorisa on issued by the State
Pollu on Control Board where the facility exists;

8.2 Responsibili es of Collec on Centre

Who Responsibili es
1. Registered Producer/s 1. Collect E-waste on behalf of producer or dismantler or recycler or
2. Authorized Refurbishers refurbisher including those arising from orphaned products;
3. Authorized Dismantlers 2. The collec on centres established by producer can also collect E -
4. Authorized Recyclers waste on behalf of dismantler, refurbisher and recycler including
5. Dealers / Retailers those arising from orphaned products.
6. Others / PRO on behalf of 3. Ensure that the facili es are in accordance with the standards or
1 to 5 (Provided all are guidelines issued by CPCB;
men oned in EPR Plan of 4. Ensure that the E -waste collected by them is stored in a secured
Producers) manner ll it is sent to authorized dismantler or recycler;
5. Ensure that no damage is caused to the environment during
storage and transporta on of E -waste;
6. Maintain records in Form-2 of the E-waste handled;

8.3 Func ons & DO's for Collec on Centres

Func ons Do ’ s

1. Loading · Loading, transporta on, and unloading & storage of end of life
2. Transporta on product should be carried out so that there is no damage to health,
3. Unloading environment and to the product itself.
4. Storage · Refrigerator, Air Condi oners and fluorescent and other mercury
containing lamps should be given adequate a en on to avoid
· Cathode Ray Tubes (CRT), LCD / LED / Plasma TV and fluorescent and
other mercury containing lamps should be stored either in containers
or stored in stable manner to avoid damage or breakage.
· Collec on Centre should store E-waste product category wise.
· Collec on Centre should maintain the records of E -waste collected
and account the same to respec ve producers.
· Spills involving broken fluorescent lamps, oils spills should first be
contained to prevent spread of the material to other areas. (use dry
sand, proprietary booms / absorbent pads, stabilizing chemicals etc.
for subsequent transfer of hazardous waste to TSDFs).
· Make records available to CPCB / SPCB.

8.4 Infrastructure Requirements
Collec on Infrastructure
1. Collec on Centre should have weighing equipment for weighing & record keeping.
2. The storage capacity of any collec on centre should commensurate with volume of opera ons
(weight & numbers) and category of E-waste.
3. Space needed for storage of different category of E -waste are: Mainframe, Minicomputer, Personal
Compu ng: Personal Computers (Central Proc essing Unit with input and output devices), Laptop
Computers (Central Processing Unit with input and output devices), Notebook Computers, Notepad
Computers & Printers including cartridges (ITEW1 to ITEW6) – 4.0m3/tonne; Monitors (CRT) –
5.0m3/tonne; Copying equipment, Electrical and electronic typewriters, User terminals and systems
& Facsimile ( ITEW7 to ITEW10) – 5.0 m3/tonne; Telex, Telephones, Pay telephones & Cordless
telephones ( ITEW11 to ITEW14) – 3.0 m3/tonne; Cellular telephones, Feature phones & Sm art
phones ( ITEW15) – 1.0 m3/tonne; Answering systems ( ITEW16) – 3.0 m3/tonne; Television sets
(including sets based on (Liquid Crystal Display and Light Emi ng Diode technology) (CEEW1) – 6.5
m3/tonne; Refrigerator ( CEEW2) – 10.0 m3/tonne; Washing Machine (CEEW3) – 7.5 m3/tonne; Air-
condi oners excluding centralized air condi oning plants (CEEW4) – 6.0 m3/tonne & Fluorescent
and other Mercury containing lamps (CEEW5) – 1.0 m3/tonne
4. Adequate facili es for managing leakage of compressor oils, coolant/refrigerant gases such as
CFCs/HCFCs and mercury from end of life fluorescent and other mercury containing lamp etc.
5. Covered shed / spaces have to be used for storage of E -waste.
6. Collec on Centre should necessarily have adequate fire-figh ng arrangement, escape route for
emergency exit.
7. Storage capacity for 180 days commensurate with volume (weight & number) of E -waste.


9.1 Defini on

'transporter' means a person or company or en ty engaged in the off-site transporta on of

e-waste by air, rail, road or water carrying a manifest system issued by the person or
company or en ty who has handed over the e-waste to the transporter, giving the origin,
des na on and quan ty of the e-waste being transported;

9.2 Responsibili es Related to Transporta on

Who Func ons Responsibility Sender Do’s

1. Person Off site The Manufacturer Iden fy transporter or make arrangements

transportat responsibility for a transpor ng E-waste.
ion of e- of safe
2. Company Producer Transporta on in such a manner that health
waste by transporta on
& environmental consequences of hazards
air, rail, of E-waste shall
associated are minimum.
road or be with the
water. sender of E- Recycler Transport of E -waste should be carr ied out
waste as per the manifest system

Dismantler The transporter will be required to carry a

document (three copies) as per form 6 of
the rules provided by the sender.

Bulk Fluorescent and other mercury containing

Consumer lamps may be transported to TSDF where no
recyclers of CFL are available.

Refurbisher The manufacturers and recyclers while

transpor ng waste generated des ned for
final disposal to a TSDF will follow the
provisions under Hazardous and Other
Wastes (Management and Transbou ndary
Movement) Rules, 2016.
Collec on

Accident Where an accident occurs at the facility

Repor ng processing E -waste or during transporta on
of E-waste.

· the producer
· refurbisher
· transporter
· dismantler
· recycler
Shall report immedia tely to the concerned
State Pollu on Control Board about the
accident through telephone and e-mail.

9.3 Infrastructure Requirement
1. Modes of transporta on with manifest system.

9.4 Collec on, Storage & Transporta on Planning of E-waste (Geographical Context)

Residential RWA
Dismantler /

Commercial Retail Office Complexes

Residential RWA &

Research Institution

Source: IRGSSA

Legend Collec on Point / Bins Sub Collec on Point Collec on Centre

9.5 Interna onal Best Prac ces for Collec on & Transporta on of E-waste

9.5.1 Logis cs / Collec on Channels

There are three primary channels of WEEE/E-waste collec on. These channels are:

1. Municipal sites / Municipal Collec on & Storage

2. In store retailer take-back & storage
3. Producer take-back & storage

All the three channels address “Business to Consumer” (B2C) and “Business to Business”
(B2B) WEEE/E-waste collec on.

9.5.2 Guiding Principles (Design Specifica ons of WEEE/E- waste Collec on Points)

(i) Layout of Collec on Point/ Storage Area

1. Collec on point/ storage area should be easily accessible i.e the
iden fica on of their loca on is very important.
2. Area of the collec on point/ storage should be able to accommodate
separated/ sorted WEEE/ E-waste with respect to size.
3. Collec on point/ storage area should have impermeable surface with
sealed drainage system.
4. Weatherproofing of collec on point/ storage area.

(ii) Area of Collec on Point/ Storage Facility

Area of collec on point and storage facility is an important feature for fixing
up layout of storage area.

Some of the examples of the collc on bins / cages & collec on system is
shown in Figure 9.1 & Figure 9.3.

9.5.3 Number of Collec on Point/ Storage Facility

Collec on target defines the number of collec on points. The number of WEEE/
E-waste collec on points will vary from country to country. An example of local
collec on facili es per popula on in some European countries.

Table 9.1: Local Authority Collec on Facili es Per Popula on in 2003

Country Popula on (million) Local Authority C ollec on Ra on (facili es /
Facili es person)
The Netherlands 16.0 600 1/27 000
Sweden 8.8 600 1/15 000
Norway 4.5 400 1/11 000

Source: EPA Ireland 2003, Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Collec on trials in Ireland.
Authors: Wilkinson, S. and Duffy, N. Environmental Protec on Agency, Wexford, Ireland

Source www.sens.ch

Different Types of Bins used by SENS in Switzerland


Source Waste Electrical and Electronic Equiment (WEEE)

Pilot Scheme Report. www.ehsni.gov.uk

Figure 9.1: WEEE/E-waste Collec on Bins / Cages

Source: UNEP E-waste Manual 2 & 3

Weatherproof covering

Impermeable Surface

Source Waste Electrical and Electronic Equiment (WEEE)

Pilot Scheme Report. www.ehsni.gov.uk

Weatherproof Covering

Impermeable Surface

Source : EIRetur. www.elretur.no

Figure 9.2: Examples of WEEE/E-waste Collec on System (impermeable surface & weatherproof
covering) at a collec on facility
Source: UNEP E-waste Manual 2 & 3


10.1 Defini on

'dealer' means any individual or firm that buys or receives electrical and electronic
equipment as listed in Schedule I of these rules and their components or consumables or
parts or spares from producers for sale;

10.2 Responsibili es of Dealers

Who Func ons Responsibili es

(1) Individual Buying & receiving (1) in the ca se the dealer has been given the
EEE, their components responsibility of collec on on behalf of the
or consumables. producer, the dealer shall collect the e -waste by
(2) Firm /
providing the consumer a box, bin or a
Company /
demarcated area to deposit e- waste , or through
Business en ty
take back system and send the e -waste so
collected to collec on centre or dismantler or
recycler as designated by producer;
(2) the dealer or retailer or e -retailer shall refund the
amount as per take back system or Deposit
Refund Scheme of the producer to the depositor
of e-waste;
(3) every dealer shall ensure that the e -waste thus
generated is safely transported to authorised
dismantlers or recyclers;
(4) ensure that no damage is caused to the
environment during storage and transporta on of

10.3 DO's & Infrastructure Requirement

DO’s Infrastructure Requirement

(1) Provide environmentally sound storage & 1. Provide box, bin or a demarcated area to
transporta on of E-waste to collec on centre, deposit e-waste.
dismantler / recycler.
(2) Maintain account of refund as per deposit
refund scheme or take back system.

10.4 Regulatory Checklist



11.1 Defini on

'refurbisher' for the purpose of these rules, means any company or undertaking registered
under the Factories Act, 1948 or the Companies Act, 1956 or both or district industries
centre engaged in refurbishment of used electrical and electronic equipment;

'refurbishment' means repairing of used electrical and electronic equipment as listed in

Schedule I for extending its working life for its originally intended use and selling the same
in the market or returning to owner;

11.2 Responsibili es of Refurbishers

Who Func ons Responsibili es Essen al Requirements

1. Company 1. Repairing of used 1. collect e -waste generated 1. A refurbisher has to

electrical and during refurbishing obtain consent to
electronic 2. Channelise the waste to establish under the Water
2. Undertaking
equipment. authorized dismantler or (Preven on and Control of
recycler through its Pollu on) Act, 1974, (25 of
under the
collec on centre; 1974).
Factories 2. Should not be
3. Apply for one me
Act, 1948 or any damage to
authoriza on
the health and 2. the Air (Preven on and
4. ensure that no damage is
Companies environment. Control of Pollu on) Act,
caused to the
Act, 1956. 1981 (21 of 1981) from
environment during
the concerned State
storage and
Pollu on Control Board /
3. District transporta on of e-waste;
Pollu on control
Industries 5. ensure that the
Commi ee.
Centre, refurbishing process do
engaged in not h ave any adverse
refurbishme effect on the health and 3. A refurbisher has to
nt of used the environment; obtain cer ficate of
electrical registra on and proof of
and installed capacity from
electronic District Indust ries Centre
equipment. 6. ensure that the e -waste or any other government
thus generated is safely agency authorized in this
transported to authorized regard;
collec on centres or 4. A refurbisher has to
dismantlers or recyclers; obtain one - me
7. file annual returns in authoriza on from
Form-3 to the concerned concerned SPCB.
SPCB, on or before the
30th day of June
following the financial
year to which that return
8. maintain records of the e -
waste handled in Form-2.

11.3 DO's , DON'Ts & Infrastructure Requirement

DO’s Don’ts Infrastructure Requirement

· Any e-waste generated during The refurbisher shall · The premise for refurbishing should have:
refurbishment should be not sell any (i) Water proof roofing and impermeable
collected separately and sent refurbished EEE surfaces
to collec on centre without having
(ii) As a general rule a refurbisher of
/authorised recycler.
EPR authoriza on. capacity of 1 Ton per day shall require a
minimum of 150 square meters’ area for
· In case of refurbisher not refurbishing, temporary storage of e waste
having own collec on centre, generated and space for refurbished EEE.
the e - waste may be
· The refurbishing area should be ven lated
channelized to an authorised
and have proper dus t control equipment.
De-dus ng system over refurbishment
tables should be provided
· If refurbisher opts to sell · System to manage leakage of coolant /
refurbished EEE then he is refrigerant gases and compressor oils from
required to seek EPR used electrical and electronic equipment
authorisa on from CPCB. during refurbishing opera ons.

11.4 Regulatory Checklist

1. Form 1 a E-waste Rules

2. Form 1 bb E-waste Rules
3. Form 2 E-waste Rules
4. Form 3 E-waste Rules

5. Consent to Establish & Operate Water Act

6. Consent to Establish & Operate Air Act

7. Cer ficate of Registra on DIC / Any Other

8. Proof of Installed Capacity DIC / Any Other


Application Form 7

Refurbisher SPCB
Appeal (30 days)

To apply within 1. Form 1(a) (Triplicate) Power to:
120 days form 2. CTE (Air Act / Water
enforcement of Act) 1. Authorize
E-waste Rules. 3. Certificate of 2. Cancel
registration (DIC or Any
Procedure for Authoriza on (Refurbisher)

Other) 3. Suspend
4. Proof of installed 4. Refuse
capacity (DIC / Any

1. Form 1bb (120 days)

2. One time Authorization

12.1 Defini on

'consumer' means any person using electrical and electronic equipment excluding the bulk

'bulk consumer' means bulk users of electrical and electronic equipment such as Central
Government or State Government Departments, public sector undertakings, banks,
educa onal ins tu ons, mul na onal organisa ons, interna onal agencies, partnership
and public or private companies that are registered under the Factories Act, 1948 (63 of
1948) and the Companies Act, 2013 (18 of 2013) and health care facili es which have
turnover of more than one crore or have more than twenty employees;

12.2 Responsibili es of Consumer or Bulk Consumer

Who Responsibility DO’s Don’ts

Consumer: Any (1) Ensure that e -waste generated · The end of life intact The consumer
person using by them is channelized through: fluorescent and other should not
electrical & mercury containing lamp throw e -waste
- collec on centre
electronic may be stored either in in municipal
- dealer of authorized producer
equipment the same boxes in which bins.
- dismantler
new lamps are brought
- recycler
or other boxes of similar
- through the designated take
Bulk Consumer: size.
back servic e provider of the
· They should be sorted
1. Central producer to authorised
Government dismantler or recycler;
· The d ue precau on may
2. State (2) bulk consumers shall maintain
be taken while packing
Government records of e -waste generated by
more than one used
3. Departments, them in Form-2.
lamp, so as not to cause
Public Sector
(3) Ensure that e - waste are not the possibility of
admixed with e - waste containing breakage during the
4. Banks,
radioac ve material as covered storage and
5. Educa onal
under the pro visions of the Atomic transpira on.
ins tu ons,
Energy Act, 1962 (33 of 1962) and · Bulk consumers should
6. Mul na onal
rules made there under; ensure that used lamps
organiza ons,
are not disposed in the
(4) bulk consumers shall file annual
7. Interna onal municipal bin but
returns in Form -3, to the
agencies, handed over (in a
concerned State Pollu on Control
8. Partnership and properly packed form)
Board on or before the 30th day of
public or to take back system /
June following the financial year to
private collec on and
which that return relates.
companies channeliza on system of
registered (5) In case of the bulk consumer producer or to a
under the with mul ple offices in a State, one collec on centre of an
Factories Act, annual return combining authorised recycler who
1948 (63 of informa on from all the offices is part of producer
1948) and shall be filed to the concerned channeliza on system.
Companies Act, State Pollu on Control Board on or
2013 (18 of before the 30th day of June
2013) following t he financial year to
which that return relates
9. Health care
facili es which
have turnover
of more than
one crore or
have more than
12.3 Infrastructure Requirement

· The bulk consumers must create special type of disposal bins (suitable for the purpose) at
site for deposi ng the end of life intact fluorescent and other mercury containing lamp only.

12.4 Regulatory Checklist

1. Form 2 E-waste Rules


13.1 Defini on

'dismantler' means any person or organiza on engaged in dismantling of used electrical

and electronic equipment into their components and having facili es as per the guidelines
of Central Pollu on Control Board and having authorisa on from concerned State
Pollu on Control Board;

13.2 Responsibili es of Dismantler

Who Func ons Responsibili es Essen al Requirements

1. Any Person 1. Dismantling of (1) ensure that the facility and · Connected to either
e-waste into dismantling processes are in accordance Producers or PRO or
their with the standards or guidelines e-waste exchange or
2. Organiza on
components prescribed by Central Pollu on Control take back system or
2. May set up Board from me to me; authorized recycler.
3. Registered their collec on · Obtain both consent
(2) obtain authorisa on from the
Society centre (details to establish and
concerned State Pollu on Control Board;
shall be operate from SPCBs /
entered in their (3) ensure that no damage is caused to PCCs under the Water
4. Designated
authoriza on & the health & environment during (Preven on and
shall not storage, transporta on and dismantling Control of Pollu on)
require process of e-waste; Act, 1974 and the Air
5. Company separate (Preven on and
(4) ensure that dismantled e- waste are
authoriza on). Control of Pollu on)
segregated and sent to the authorized
Act, 1981
6. Associa on recycling facili es for recovery of
· Obtain authorisa on
from SPCBs/PCCs
(5) ensure that non-recyclable or non - under E -Waste
recoverable components are sent to (Management) Rules,
authorized treatment storage and 2016, if fresh or post
disposal facili es; expiry of authoriza on
under the Hazardous
(6) maintain record of e-waste collected,
Wastes (Management,
dismantled and sent to authorized
Handling and
recycler in Form-2;
(7) file a return in Form-3, to the Movements) Rules,
concerned State Pollu on Control Board, 2008, and the E -waste
on or before 30th day of June following (Management &
the financial year to which that return Handling) Rules, 2011.

(8) not process any e -waste for recovery
or refining of materials, unless he is
authorized as a recycler for refining and
recovery of materials;

(9) Opera on without Authorisa on by

any dismant ler, shall be considered as
causing damage to the environment.

13.3 Dismantling DO's & DON'Ts


Dismantling Process DO ’ s Don’ts

1. Essen ally a manual · Maintain record of each delivery received by it. · Shall not carry out
opera on for · The unloading of e -waste/end of life products shredding / crushing /
segrega ng various should be carried out in such a way that there fine grinding/wet
components/ parts should not be any damage to health, grinding/ enrichment
and sending them environment and to the product itself. opera ons and gravity/
to respec ve users/ · Unloading of Cathode Ray Tubes (CRT), LCD / LED magne c/density/eddy
recyclers. / Plasma TV, refrigerator, air condi oners and current separa on of
2. Directly usable fluorescent and other mercury containing lamps prin ng circuit board or
components to be should be carried out under supervision to avoid the components a ached
sent to an breakage. with the circuit board.
authorized · Dismantler may use screwdrivers, wrenches, · Shall not be permi ed for
refurbisher. pliers, wire cu ers, tongs and hammers etc. for dismantling of
3. The other parts can dismantling. fluorescent and other
be sent to recyclers · The dismantled components should be sent to mercury containing
having valid CTO / authorised e -waste recyclers or recyclers having lamps, CRT / LCD / Plasma
authorized e -waste valid consent to operate (CTO). TV.
recyclers . · Manual dismantling opera ons should be carried · Shall not be permi ed for
4. Perform the out over the dismantling table with space de - chemical leaching or
following dus ng system as per the factories Act. hea ng process or
opera ons (i) De - · Collec on boxes should be placed near mel ng the material.
dus ng (ii) Manual dismantling tab le for keeping the dismantled
dismantling components.
5. Opera on shall · The workers should use proper personal
comprise of protec ve equipment such as goggles, masks,
physical separa on gloves, helmet and gumboot etc.
and segrega on · (i) Ba eries (ii) Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) of
a er opening the EEE (iii) Toner cartridges (iv) Plas c (v) External
electrical and Electrical Cables components must be removed

DO ’ s

DO ’ s

electronic from end of life products and stored in a safe

equipment into the manner for transporta on to recyclers.
component by
· Dismantled and segregated plas c from e- waste
manual opera ons.
shall only be given to registered plas c recyclers
having registra o n under Plas c Waste
(Management) Rules, 2016.
· In case of dismantling refrigerators and air
condi oners, only skilled manpower having
required tools and personal protec ve
equipment (PPEs) must be deployed to manually
separate compressors.

13.4 Infrastructure Requirement

1. Adequate facili es for managing leakage of compressor oils, co olant/refrigerant gases such as
CFCs/HCFCs and mercury from end of life fluorescent and other mercury containing lamp etc.
2. Spills involving broken Fluorescent lamps, Oils spills should first be contained to prevent spread of
the material to other areas (use of dry sand, proprietary booms / absorbent pads, stabilizing
chemicals etc. for subsequent transfer to hazardous waste TSDFs).
3. The premise for dismantling opera on should have: a) Water proof roofing and impermeable
surfaces. b) Storage space for disse mbled spare parts.
4. Separate containers for storage of ba eries, capacitors containing PCBs (Polychlorinated biphenyls)
or PCTs (Polychlorinated terphenyls)
5. Prior to dismantling the compressors, adequate facili es should be provided for collec on of
coolant/refrigerant gases and compressor oil.
6. During the volume/size reduc on of dismantled steel/aluminium/plas c parts, the dismantlers
should have arrangement for dust and noise controls. These opera ons should be under acous c
enclosure for noise reduc on.
7. Volume/Size reduc on may be carried out a er dismantling opera ons for the parts like
steel/aluminium/plas c, for ease of transporta on.
8. The de dus ng system should consist of suc on hoods over dismantling table connected with a
cyclone, bag filter and ven ng through a chimney of three -meter height above roof level.
9. Should have weigh bridge and other appropriate weighing equipment for Weighing
10. Should have facili es for destroying or permanently dele ng data stored in the memory of end of
life products (Hard Disk, Telephones, Mobile phones) either through hammering or through
data eraser.
11. Space for storage of electrical and electronic equipment up to 180 days, for process of dismantling
and volume reduc on and space for storage of dismantl ed and segregated material and free space
for movement and office/ administra on and other u li es (Layout Requirement).
12. A minimum of 300 square meter area for a dismantling capacity of 1T/day is required for storage of
raw material, segregated material, dismantling opera ons and office/ administra on & other
u li es.

13.5 Regulatory Checklist

1. Form 4 E-waste Rules

2. Form 2 (Record Keeping) E-waste Rules

3. Form 3 (Return Filing) E-waste Rules

4. Consent to Establish & Operate Water Act

5. Consent to Establish & Operate Air Act

6. Cer ficate of Registra on DIC / Any Other

7. Proof of Installed Capacity DIC / Any Other

8. If renewal the cer ficate of compliance SPCB


14.1 Defini on

'recycler' means any person who is engaged in recycling and reprocessing of waste
electrical and electronic equipment or assemblies or their components and having facili es
as elaborated in the guidelines of Central Pollu on Control Board;

14.2 Responsibili es of Recycler

Who Functions Responsibili es Essen al Requirement

(1) 1. Recycling and (1) shall ensure that the facility and · A recycler should be
Dismantling reprocessing of e- recycling processes are in accordance part of producer’s e-
along with waste. with the standards or guidelines waste channelisa on
recovery prescribed by the Central Pollu on system.
opera on. Control Board from me to me; · A recycler has to obtain
2. May set up the ir
consent to establish &
collec on (2) obtain authorisa on from concerned
operate from
centres, (details State Pollu on Control Board;
(2) Any SPCBs/PCCs under the
of which shall be
person who (3) ensure that no damage is caused to Water (Preven on and
entered in their
is engaged in the health & environment during storage, Control of Pollu on)
authoriza on &
recycling transporta on, dismantling / recycling of Act, 1974 and the Air
shall not require
and e-waste; (Preven on and Control
reprocessing of Pollu on) Act, 1981
authoriza on). (4) ensure that the frac ons or material
of e-waste · A recycler has to obtain
not recycled in its facility is sent to the
or authorisa on from
respec ve authorised recyclers;
assemblies 3. Obtain raw SPCBs / PCCs under E-
or their material such as (5) ensure that residue generated during Waste (Management)
components. waste electrical recycling process is disposed of in an Rules, 2016, if fresh or
and electronic authorised treatment storage disposal post expiry of
assemblies or facility; authoriza on under the
components or provisions of the
used components (6) maintain record of e-waste Hazardous Wastes
from producers / collected, dismantled, recycled (Management, Handling
PRO / e-waste and sent to authorized recycler in and Transboundary
exchange / Form-2; Movements) Rules,
dismantlers and (7) file annual returns in Form -3, to the
consumers / bulk concerned State Pollu on Control Board
consumers. as the case may be, on or before 30th · 2008, and the E-waste
day of June following (Management &
Handling) Rules, 2011.

4. The Product of
recyclers has to the financial year to which that return
be sent or sold to relates;
users or other
(8) may accept waste electrical and
recyclers having
electronic equipment or components not
valid CTO from
listed in Schedule I for recycling provided
that they do not contain any radioac ve
material and same shall be indicated
5. Any hazardous while taking the authorisa on from
waste generated concerned State Pollu on Control Board;
will be sent to
(9) opera on without Authorisa on by
any recycler, shall be considered as

14.3 Recycling
Recycling Process Do’s
(i) Manual / semi - automa c / automa c dismantling · Maintain record of each delivery received
opera ons by it.
(ii) Shredding / crushing / fine grinding/wet grinding/ · The unloading of end of life product should
enrichment opera ons, gravity/ magne c/de nsity/eddy be carried out in such a way that there
current separa on should not be any damage to health,
(iii) Pyro metallurgical opera ons - Smel ng furnace environment and to the product itself.
(iv) Hydro metallurgical opera ons · Unloading of Cathode Ray Tubes (CRT),
(v) Electro-metallurgical opera ons LCD/LED/Plasma TV, Refrigerator, Air
(vi) Chemical leaching Condi oners and fluorescent and other
(vii) CRT/LCD/Plasma processing mercury containing lamps should be carried
(viii) Toner cartridge recycling out under supervision to avoid
(ix) Mel ng, cas ng, moulding opera on s (for metals and breakage.
plas cs) · The recycling facili es shall comply with the
requirements as specified for dismantlers.
Processing of CRT are: · The discharges from the facility shall
(i) CRT monitors and TVs should be manually removed comply with general standards under
from plas c/ wooden casing. The CRT should be split E (P) Act, 1986 for discharge of wastewater.
into funnel and panel glass using different spli ng · In case of air emissions, the unit shall
technology such as Ni -Chrome hot wire cu ng, comply with emission norms prescribed
Diamond wire method or Diamond saw under Air (Preven on and Control of
separa on in a closed chamber under low vacuum Pollu on) Act, 1981.
condi ons (650 mm of Hg). · The workers involved in recycling
(ii) The funnel sec on is then li ed off from the panel opera ons shall use proper personal
glass sec on and the internal metal gasket is removed protec ve equipment such as goggles,
for facilita ng the removal of internal phosphor masks, gloves, helmet and gumboot etc.
coa ng.

· Adequate facili es for onsite collec on and
(iii) The internal phosphor coa ng from the inner side of storage of bag filter residues, floor cleaning
panel glass is removed by using an abrasive wire brush dust and other hazardous material shall be
with suc on arrangement under low pressure as given provided and sent to secure landfill by
above at (i). The extracted air is cleaned through high obtaining membership of TSDF.
efficiency bag-filter system and collected in appropriate · The CRT / LCD / Plasma TV should be
labelled containers and then disposed at an authorised processed only at a recycler’s facility.
· For recycling of CRT monitor and TVs care
(iv) Manual shredding, cu ng, and segrega on opera ons
should be taken to conta in release of
for CRTs should be carried out in low vacuum (650 mm
harmful substances.
of Hg) chambers where the dust is extracted through
cyclones, bag filters, ID fan and a suitable chimney.
(v) Segregated CRTs can also be shredded in
mechanical/automa c shredding machines connected
with dust control systems. The mixed shredded glass is
separated into leaded glass and glass cullet using
electro-magne c field or by density separa on.

The LCD / Plasma TV should be dismantled piece by piece,

star ng:
Ÿ The removal of the plas c backing shell,
Ÿ Printed circuit boards,
Ÿ Aluminium or steel frame,
Ÿ Screen,
Ÿ PET plas cs,
Ÿ LCD Panel and backlight.
Ÿ The metal frame, wire, other metallic material plas c
backing cabinet may be sent to recyclers with valid CTO.
Ÿ Printed Circuit Board and LCD panel may be recycled or in
case recycling facility is not available then sent to
respec ve authorized recycling facility.

14.4 Infrastructure Requirement

1. For fluorescent and other mercury containing lamp recycling, the unit shall have at least
following systems:
(i) Mechanical feeding system.
(ii) Mercury spill collec on system.
(iii) Lamp Crushing System, under vacuum, for separa on of mercury-contaminated
phosphor powder & mercury vapors from other crushed components, so as not to
cause release of any pollutant, including mercury vapor.
(iv) System for segrega on of mercury vapour from the phosphor powder through a
dis lla on system for separa on & recovery of mercury.
(v) Air pollu on control system (APCS) which shall include HEPA (High Efficiency

Par culate Arrestor) filter system or ac vated carbon filter system or any other
equivalent efficient system for separa on/ removal of mercury vapor from mercury
contaminated phosphor powder'
(vi) Arrangement for disposal of mercury contaminated filter pads to TSDF.
(vii)On line mercury monitoring system, to have check on emission of mercury, which
has to be in compliance to the consented norms.
2. For LCD and Plasma TV a recycler should have sealed vacuum dismantling pla orm for
dismantling of LCD / Plasma panels.
3. In case of furnace, a minimum stack height of 30 meter shall be installed depending on
emission rate of SO2.
4. Noise control arrangement for equipment like crusher, grinder and shredder needs to
be provided.
5. Fume hoods to be connected with bag dust collectors followed wet (chemical)
scrubbers and carbon filters shall be installed for control of fugi ve emissions from
furnaces or reactor.
6. De dus ng equipment such as suc on hood shall be installed where manual
dismantling is carried out.
7. A recycling facility shall install adequate wastewater treatment facili es for process
wastewater and air pollu on control equipment (off gas treatment,
wet/alkaline/packed bed scrubber and carbon filters) depending on type of opera ons
8. A recycler should have facili es for destroying or permanently dele ng data stored in
the memory of end of life products (Hard Disk, Telephones, Mobile phones) either
through shredding or grinding or through data eraser.
9. A recycler should have weigh bridge and other appropriate weighing equipment for
10. A recycler of capacity of 1 Ton per day shall require a minimum of 500 square meters
11. Authorisa on to recyclers may be preferred if they have minimum opera onal capacity
of 5 MT/day with an area of about 2500 square meter.

14.5 Regulatory Checklist

1. Form 4 E-waste Rules
2. Form 2 (Record Keeping) E-waste Rules

3. Form 3 (Return Filing) E-waste Rules

4. Consent to Establish & Operate Water Act

5. Consent to Establish & Operate Air Act

6. Cer ficate of Registra on DIC / Any Other

7. Proof of Installed Capacity DIC / Any Other

8. If renewal the cer ficate of complian ce SPCB


Form 7
Dismantler /
Recycler Renewal Appeal (30 days)

To apply within Requirements:

120 days form 1. Form 4 (Triplicate) Power to:
the date of 2. CTE (Air Act / Wa ter
Act) 1. Authorize
enforcement of
these Rules. 3. Certificate of 2. Cancel
registration (DIC or
Any Other) 3. Suspend
4. Proof of installed 4. Refuse
capacity (DIC / Any
5. If renewal then
Procedure for Authoriza on (Dismantler / Recycler)

certificate of
compliance (Effluent
Hazardous Waste)

(120 days)

14.7 Interna onal Best Prac ces for Dismantling and Recycling of E-waste

WEEE/E-waste (ICT, TV, Refrigerators

/ Air conditioners / CFL / Bulbs)

Resale / Reuse First Level

Test / Sort Product (if WEEE / E-
func onal)

Decontamination Resale / Reuse


Cathode Ray Tubes Disassembly


Size Reduction Second Level

Further Treatment
Treatment Separation by Disposal (Landfill /
Materials / Incinera on /
Material /
Components Storage)
Component Usage

Recycling /
Recovery of valuable
materials (precious Third Level
metals / Rare Earth WEEE / E-

Disposal (Landfill /
Incineration / Storage)

Figure 14.1: Simplified Flow Diagram for the Recycling of WEEE/E-waste

Source: Compendium of Technologies for the Recovery of Materials from WEEE/E-Waste Final Report.
Jain Amit (20th April, 2017).

Input (WEEE/E
-waste Fractions)

Sale / Reuse of components

Further treatment /
Hazardous Materials
Size Reduction
Further treatment

Vibrating Screen

Magnetic Separation Ferrous metals melting / smelting

Eddy Current Separation Nonferrous metals melting / smelting

Density Separation Plastics Treatment

Disposal Landfill / Incinerator

Figure 14.2: Simplified Flow Diagram for second Level WEEE/E-waste treatment

Source: Compendium of Technologies for the Recovery of Materials from WEEE/E-Waste Final
Report. Jain Amit (20th April, 2017).
CRT Monitors / Televisions


Plastic Case CRT Cone/PCB/Copper etc.

Wire Cutting

FrontPanel + Phosphor Funnel + Interface Glass

Phosphor Removed by Vaccum

Downstream Vendors
Phosphor Front Panel

Front Panel Glass Panel Dust Fines

Figure 14.3: CRT Dismantling Opera on Procedure

Source: Compendium of Technologies for the Recovery of Materials from WEEE/E-Waste Final Report. Jain
Amit (20th April, 2017

Table 14.1: Input/ Output and unit opera ons for third level treatment of WEEE/E-waste
Opera on/ Disposal/ Recycling
Input/ WEEE Residues Output
Sorted Plas c Recycling Plas c Product
Plas c Mixture Energy Recovery/ Incinera on Energy Recovery
Plas c Mixture with Flame Incinera on Energy Recovery
Retardants ( FR)
Lead Smelting Secondary Lead Smelter Lead
Ferrous metal scrap Secondary steel/ iron recycling Iron
Non Ferrous metal Scrap Secondary copper and aluminum Copper/ Aluminum
Precious Metals Au/ Ag separa on (refining) Gold/ Silver/ Platinum
and Palladium
Ba eries (Lead Acid/ Lead recovery and smel ng Lead
NiMHand LiION) Remelting and separa on
CFC Recovery/ Reuse and CFC/ Energy recovery
Incinera on
Oil Recovery/ Reuse and Oil recovery/ energy
Incinera on
Capacitors Incinera on Energy recovery
Mercury Separa on and Distilla on Mercury
Glass Remel ng Glass

Source: UNEP Manual, E-waste Volume II: E-waste Management Manual,

h p://www.unep.or.jp/ietc/publica ons/spc/ewastemanual_vol2.pdf, (Accessed on 14 July, 2016)

Input CFL / FL
1st Level Treatment

2nd Level
2nd Level Treatment


Solid Waste Metals Metals Plastics Glass


Lamps Powder
Sulfuric acid Leaching
3rd Level Treatment

Solid Solid
Mercury Secondary E-waste
E- Plastic Glass
Oxalic acid RE precipitation Waste Metal Recyclers Recyclers Recyclers
Filtration Wastewater
Rare earths oxalates

Rare earths oxides

Rare Earths Oxides Mercury

Figure 14.4: Conceptual CFL/FL Waste Treatment Scheme and Process Flow

Source: Compendium of Technologies for the Recovery of Materials from WEEE/E-Waste Final Report. Jain
Amit (20th April, 2017).

RoHS: Every producer of electrical and electronic equipment and their components or
consumables or parts or spares listed in Schedule I shall ensure:

Ÿ new Electrical and Electronic Equipment and their components or consumables or parts
or spares do not contain Lead, Mercury, Cadmium, Hexavalent Chromium,
polybrominated biphenyls and polybrominated diphenyl ethers beyond a maximum
concentra on value of 0.1% by weight in homogenous materials for lead, mercury,
hexavalent chromium, polybrominated biphenyls and polybrominated diphenyl ethers
Ÿ 0.01% by weight in homogenous materials for cadmium.


Ÿ Components or consumables or parts or spares required for the electrical and

electronic equipment placed in the market prior to 1st May, 2014 provided Reduc on of
Hazardous Substances compliant parts and spares are not available.
Ÿ The applica ons listed in Schedule II shall be exempted from provisions of sub-rule (1)
of rule 16.
Ÿ Manufacture and supply of electrical and electronic equipment used for defence and
other similar strategic applica ons shall be excluded from provisions RoHS.

Producers CPCB
(1) Every producer of applica ons listed in Schedule II shall (1) Central Pollu on Control Board shall conduct
ensure that the limits of hazardous substances as given in random sampling of electrical and electronic
Schedule II are to be complied. equipment placed on the market to monitor
(2) Every producer shall provide the detailed informa on on and verify the compliance of RoHS
the cons tuents of the equipment and their components provisions.
or consumables or parts or spares along with a (2) The cost for sample and tes ng shall be
declara on of conformance to the provisions in the borne by the Producer.
product user documenta on. (3) Random sampling shall be as per the
(3) Imports or placement in the market for new electrical and guidelines of Central Pollu on Control Board.
electronic equipment shall be permi ed only for those (1) Central Pollu on Control Board shall publish
which are compliant to provisions of RoHS. the methods for sampling and analysis of
(4) Every producer while seeking EPR – Authorisa on will Hazardous Substances to the it ems listed in
provide informa on on the compliance of the provisions. Schedule I and II.
This informa on shall be in terms of self-declara on. (2) Also enlist the labs for this purpose.
(5) If the product does not comply with RoHS provisions, the
Producers shall take correc ve measures to bring the
product into compliance
(6) Withdraw or recall the product from the market, within a
reasonable period as per the guidelines of the Central
Pollu on Control Board.


16.1 Defini on of PRO

Producer Responsibility Organisa on (PRO) means a professional organiza on authorized or
financed collec vely or individually by producers, which can take the responsibility for collec on
and channeliza on of E-waste generated from the end-of-life of their products to ensure
environmentally sound management of such E-waste.

16.2 Ac vi es / Func ons of Producer Responsibility Organiza on (PRO)

Who Role Ac vi es / Tasks Requirements
1. Firm / · A PRO can assist a 1. Collec on and ch anneliza on (1) A PRO should be
Company / producer or producers of E -waste on behalf of capable to
Any Business in mee ng their legal authorized producers for channelize E -waste
En ty e.g. obliga ons (achieving environmentally sound for mee ng the
Registered collec on targets, se ng management of such waste. collec on targets of
Society up of collec on centres Producers may engage PROs its producers.
/ points / implemen ng for specific or mul ple tasks (2) A PRO should
take back, carrying rela ng to management of specify its
awareness programmes their EPR. organiza onal
etc.), only if producer(s) 2. The ac vi es of PRO may structure in terms of
engage that PRO. include one or more of the human resource,
· PRO shall have an following tasks. collec on facili es,
agreement with · Establishment of collec on infrastructures for
producer(s) or a mechanism (door to door collec on, storage
consor um of collec on / collec on and transportat ion
producers. Such campaign / E -waste of E -waste.
agreement shall outline exchange pla orm / (3) A PRO should also
the role and procurement from specify its capacity
responsibility of PRO individuals). for handling E -
for managing EPR. · Implementa on of buy back waste, which include
/ take back / DRS / E -waste capacity for
exchange. collec on, storage,
· Establishment of collec on transporta on and
centres / points this may capacity of its
include se ng up of dismantler and
collec on godowns or recycler with whom
opera ng through it has agreement for
warehouses as per the dismantling and
guidelines of CPCB. recycling of E-waste.
· Implementa on of take back. (4) PRO should provide
· Logis cs arrangements. details of its
· Ensuring traceability of the collec on
E -waste collected and mechanism
channelized [collec on points /
· Ensuring Environmentally centres, take back
sound dismantling and arrangements / buy
recycling of E-waste back arrangement,
· Conduc ng awareness
details of reverse
programme among logis cs
consumer’s / bulk
arrangement (toll
consumers / producers for free numbers,
collection and channelization contact details for
of E -waste. the purpose of
giving back EEE by
· Helping producers in filing
of quarterly / annual returns
(5) PRO should be
as per the rules
capable to carry out
programme for
making consumers
aware about its
channeliza on

Application Feedback
PRO Registration (60 days) CPCB

After 5 Power to:
(25 days in case of shortcoming) Years
1. Refuse
Procedure for Registra on (PRO)

2. Cancel

Procedure for Registration (25 Days)

1. A PRO shall apply for registration to
Central Pollution Control Board in the
form given at Annexure – I.
2. On receipt of the application complete in
all respect, CPCB will carry out
evaluation for its capability and capacity
to handle E -waste collection, storage,
transportation, dismantling recycling and
its capacity for carrying out awareness
programme for channelization of E -
3. On being satisfied of its capability and
capacity, CPCB shall grant registration to
the PRO within 60 days of receipt of
completed application.


17.1 Central Pollu on Control Board, Delhi

i. Grant and Renewal of EPR - Authorisa on and monitoring of its compliance.
ii. Maintain informa on on EPR - Authorisa on on its web site.
iii. Set and revise targets for collec on of e-waste.
iv. Coordina on with State Pollu on Control Boards
v. Prepara on of Guidelines for Environmentally Sound Management of e-waste.
vi. Conduct random check for ascertaining compliance of the e-waste rules
vii. iden fica on of such importers or producers who have not applied for EPR
authorisa on or are not complying with RoHS provision.
viii. Seek the help of customs department or any other agency of the Government of
ix. Conduct random inspec on of dismantler or recycler or refurbisher.
x. Documenta on, compila on of data on e-waste and uploading on websites of
Central Pollu on Control Board
xi. Ac ons against viola on of these rules.
xii. Conduc ng training programmes.
xiii. Submit Annual Report to the MoEF&CC by 30th December every year.
xiv. Enforcement of provisions regarding RoHS in manufacture of EEE.
xv. Interac on with IT industry for reducing hazardous substances.
xvi. Set and revise targets for compliance to the RoHS.
xvii. Any other func on delegated by the MoEF&CC.

17.2 State Pollu on Control Boards or Commi ees of Union Territories

Authority DOs
SPCB / PCC i. Inventorisa on of e-waste.
ii. Grant and renewal of authorisa on to manufacturers, dismantlers, recyclers and
iii. Monitoring and compliance of EPR - Authorisa on as directed by CPCB and
that of dismantlers, recyclers and refurbishers authorisa on.
iv. Conduct random inspec on of dismantler or recycler or refurbisher.
v. Maintain online informa on regarding authorisa on granted to manufacturers,
dismantlers, recyclers and refurbishers.
vi. Implementa on of programmes to encourage environmentally sound
vii. Ac on against viola ons of these rules.
viii. Any other func on delegated by the Ministry under these rules.

17.3 Urban Local Bodies (Municipal Commi ee or Council or Corpora on)

Authority DO’s
Urban Local (i) To ensure that e-waste if found to be mixed with Municipal Solid Waste is
Bodies properly segregated, collected and is 1uthorized1 to 1uthorized dismantler or
(ii) To ensure that e-waste pertaining to orphan products is collected and
1uthorized1 to 1uthorized dismantler or recycler.

17.4 Port Authority Under Indian Ports Act, 1908 (15 of 1908) and Customs Authority Under
the Customs Act, 1962 (52 of 1962)

Authority DO’s
Port authority (i) Verify the EPR - Authorisa on.
(ii) Inform Central Pollu on Control Board of any illegal traffic for necessary ac on.
(iii) Take ac on against importer for viola ons under the Indian Ports Act,
1908/Customs Act, 1962.

17.5 State Government

Authority DO’s
State Government (1) Department of Industry / Other Department: to ensure earmarking or alloca on of
industrial space or shed for e -waste dismantling and recycling in the exis ng and
upcoming industrial park, estate and industrial clusters;
(2) Department of Labour / Other Department:
a. ensure recogni on and registra on of workers involved in dismantling and
b. assist forma on of groups of such workers to facilitate se ng up dismantling
facili es;
c. undertake industrial skill development ac vi es for the workers involved in
dismantling and recycling;
d. undertake annual monitoring
e. Ensure safety & health of workers involved in dismantling and recycling;

(3) Prepare integrated plan for effec ve implementa on of these provisions, and to
submit annual report to MoEF&CC.

17.6 Others

Accident Reporting

1. Producer

Facility 2. Refurbisher

3. Transporter E-mail

4. Dismantler

Liability (Who) Type

1. Manufacturer 1. Damage to the environment
2. Producer 2. Third Part
3. Importer
4. Transporter
5. Refurbisher
6. Dismantler
7. Recycler

Viola on by (Who) Type

1. Manufacturer Financial levied by SPCB a er approval
from CPCB.
2. Producer

3. Importer

4. Transporter

5. Refurbisher

6. Dismantler

7. Recycler


1. Balde, C.P., Wang, F., Kuehr, Huishman, J. (2015). The Global E-waste Monitor, quan ty
flows and resources.
2. Compendium of Technologies for the Recovery of Materials from WEEE/E-Waste Final
Report UNEP / IETC. Jain Amit (20th April, 2017).
3. E-waste (Management & Handling) Rules, 2016, Government of India Ministry of
Environment, Forest and Climate Change, New Delhi, the 23rd March , 2016
4. Hoornweg Daniel and Bhada-Tata Perinaz (2012). What a waste? A Global Review of Solid
Waste Management
5. Implementa on Guidelines for E-Waste (Management) Rules 2016, Central Pollu on
Control Board (CPCB) Delhi
6. ITOPS Report 2015, April 2014 – March 2015, for MAIT prepared by IMRB
7. McCann Duncan (2015). Solving the E-Waste Problem (Step) Green Paper; E-waste
Preven on, Take-back System Design and Policy Approaches (13 February, 2015).
8. Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change Govt. of India. Interna onal Workshop
on Extended Producer Responsibility in India: Opportuni es, Challenges and Lessons from
Interna onal Experience (May 12-13, 2016).
9. Schluep Mathias, Hagelueken Chris an, Ruediger Kuehr, Magalini Federico, Maurer
Claudia, Meskers Chris na, Mueller Esther, Wang Feng (2009). Sustainable Innova on and
Technology Transfer Industrial Sector Studies; Recycling – From E-Waste To Resources;
UNEP / STEP Solving the E-waste Problem, Page No. 10
10. UNEP Manual, E-waste Volume II: E-waste Management Manual,
11. UNEP Manual, E-waste Volume III: E-waste Take Back System
12. www.ibef.org/industry/chemicals-presenta on


Defini on: 'authorisa on' means permission for genera on, handling, collec on, recep on,
storage, transporta on, refurbishing, dismantling, recycling, treatment and disposal of e-waste,
granted to manufacturer, dismantler, refurbisher and recycler;

Defini on: 'component' means one of the parts of a sub-assembly or assembly of which a
manufactured product is made up and into which it may be resolved and includes an accessory or
a achment to another component;

Defini on: 'consumables' means an item, which par cipates in or is required for a manufacturing
process or for func oning of the electrical and electronic equipment and may or may not form part
of end-product. Items, which are substan ally or totally consumed during a manufacturing
process, shall be deemed to be consumables;

Defini on: 'channelisa on' means to direct the path for movement of e-wastes from collec on
onwards to authorised dismantler or recycler. In case of fluorescent and other mercury containing
lamps, where recyclers are not available, this means path for movement from collec on centre to
Treatment, Storage and Disposal Facility;

Defini on: 'disposal' means any opera on which does not lead to recycling, recovery or
reuse and includes physico-chemical or biological treatment, incinera on and deposi on in
secured landfill;

Defini on: 'environmentally sound management of e-waste' means taking all steps required to
ensure that e-waste is managed in a manner which shall protect health and environment against
any adverse effects, which may result from such e-waste;

Defini on: 'electrical and electronic equipment' means equipment which are dependent on
electric current or electro-magne c field in order to become func onal;

Defini on: 'facility' means any loca on wherein the process incidental to the collec on,

recep on, storage, segrega on, refurbishing, dismantling, recycling, treatment and disposal of e-
waste are carried out;

Defini on: 'historical e-waste' means e-waste generated from electrical and electronic
equipment as specified in Schedule I, which was available on the date from which these rules come
into force;

Defini on: 'orphaned products’means non-branded or assembled electrical and electronic

equipment as specified in Schedule I or those produced by a company, which has closed its
opera ons;

Defini on: 'part' means an element of a sub-assembly or assembly not normally useful by
itself, and not amenable to further disassembly for maintenance purposes. A part may be a
component, spare or an accessory;

Defini on: "spares” means a part or a sub-assembly or assembly for subs tu on which is
ready to replace an iden cal or similar part or sub-assembly or assembly including a component
or an accessory;


Schedule II from E-waste Rules

Applica ons,whichare exemptedfrom the requirementsof sub-rule(1) of rule16

1 Mercury in single capped (compact) fluorescent lamps not exceeding (per burner):
1(a) For general ligh ng purposes <30 W : 2.5 mg
1(b) For general lighting purposes ≥ 30 W and <50 W : 3.5mg

1(c) For general ligh ng purposes ≥ 50 W and <150 W : 5mg

1(d) For general ligh ng purposes ≥150 W : 15 mg
1(e) For general ligh ng purposes with circular or square structural shape and tube diameter ≤17 mm :
1(f) For special purposes:5 mg
2(a) Mercury in double-capped linear fluorescent lamps for general ligh ng purposes not
exceeding (per lamp):
2(a)(1) Tri-band phosphor with normal life me and a tube diameter < 9mm (e.g. T2): 4mg
2(a)(2) Tri-band phosphor with normal life me and a tube diameter ≥ 9 mm and
≤ 17 mm (e.g. T5): 3 mg
2(a)(3) Tri- band phosphor with normal life me and a tube diameter >17 mm and
≤ 28 mm(e.g. T8): 3.5 mg
2(a)(4) Tri-band phosphor with normal life me and a tube diameter >28 mm (e.g. T 12):3.5 mg
2(a)(5) Tri-band phosphor with long life me (≥25000 h):5mg
2(b) Mercury in other fluorescent lamps not exceeding(per lamp):
2(b)(1) Linear halophosphate lamps with tube >28 mm (e.g. T 10 and T12):10 mg
2(b)(2) Non-linear halophosphate lamps(all diameters):15mg
2(b)(3) Non-linear tri-band phosphor lamps with tube diameter >17 mm(e.g.T9): 15 mg
2(b)(4) Lamps for other general ligh ng and special purposes (e.g. induc on lamps):15mg
3 Mercury in cold cathode fluorescent lamps and external electrode fluorescent lamps (CCFLand
EEFL)forspecial purposes not exceeding (per lamp):
3(a) Short length( < 500 mm):3.5mg
3(b) Medium length(>500 mm and<1500 mm): 5mg
3(c) Long length(>1500 mm): 13mg
4(a) Mercury in other low pressure discharge lamps (per lamp): 15mg
4(b) Mercury in High Pressure Sodium(vapour) lamps for general ligh ng purposes not exceeding
(per burner)in lamps with improved colour rendering index Ra>60:
4(b)-I P ≤155 W : 30 mg
4(b)-II 155 W < P <405 W : 40 mg
4(b)-III P >405 W: 40 mg
4(c) Mercury in other High Pressure Sodium(vapour)lamps for general ligh ng purposes not
exceeding (per burner):
4(c)-I P<155 W:25mg
4(c)-II 155 W < P < 405 W:30 mg
4(c)-III P >405 W:40 mg
4(d) Mercury in High Pressure Mercury (vapour) lamps (HPMV)
4(e) Mercury in metal halide lamps (MH)
4(f) Mercury in other discharge lamps for special purposes not specifically men oned in this

5(a) Lead in glass of cathode ray tubes
5(b) Lead in glass of fluorescent tubes not exceeding 0.2% by weight
6(a) Lead as an alloying element in steel for machining purposes and in galvanized steel containing up to
0.35% lead by weight
6(b) Lead as an alloying element in aluminium containing up to 0.4% lead by weight
6(c) Copper alloy containing up to 4% lead by weight
7(a) Lead in high mel ng temperature type solders (i.e. lead-based alloys containing 85% by
weight or more lead)
7(b) Lead in solders for servers, storage and storage array systems, network infrastructure
equipment for switching, signalling, transmission, and network management for
telecommunica ons
7(c)-I Electrical and electronic components containing lead in a glass or ceramic other than dielectric
ceramic in capacitors, e.g. piezoelectronic devices, or in a glass or ceramic matrix compound.
7(c)-II Lead in dielectric ceramic in capacitors for a rated voltage of 125 V AC or 250 V DC or higher
7(c)-III Lead in dielectric ceramic in capacitors for a rated voltage of less than 125 V AC or 250 V DC
8(a) Cadmium and its compounds in one shot pellet type thermal cut-offs
8(b) Cadmium and its compounds in electrical contracts
9 Hexavalent chromium as an an corrosion agent of the carbon steel cooling
system in absorp on refrigerators up to 0.75% by weight in the cooling solu on
9(b) Lead in bearing shells and bushes for refrigerant-containing compressors for hea ng,
ven la on, air condi oning and refrigera on (HVACR) applica on.
11(a) Lead used in C-press compliant pin connector systems
11(b) Lead used in other than C-press compliant pin connector systems
12 Lead as a coa ng material for the thermal conduc on module C- ring
13(a) Lead in white glasses used for op cal applica ons
13(b) Cadmium and lead in filter glasses and glasses used for reflectance standards.
14 Lead in solders consis ng of more than two elements for the connec on between the pins
and the package of microprocessors with a lead content of more than 80% and less than 85% by
15 Lead in solders to complete a viable electrical connec on between semiconductor die
and carrier within integrated circuit flip chip packages.
16 Lead in linear incandescent lamps with silicate coated tubes
17 Lead halide as radiant agent in high intensity discharge (HID) lamps used for professional
reprography applica ons.
18(a) Lead as ac vator in the fluorescent powder (1% lead by weight or less) of discharge lamps
when used as specialty lamps for diazoprin ng reprography, lithography, insect traps,
photochemical and curing processes containing phosphors such as SMS ((Sr, Ba)2Mg Si2O7:Pb)
18(b) Lead as ac vator in the fluorescent powder (1% lead by weight or less) of discharge lamps when
used as sun tanning lamps containing phosphors such as BSP (Ba Si2O5:Pb)
19 Lead with PbBiSn-Hg and PblnSn-Hg in specific composi ons as main amalgam and with
PbSn-Hg as auxiliary amalgam in very compact energy saving lamps (ESL)
20 Lead oxide in glass used for bonding front and rear substrates of flat fluorescent lamps
used for Liquid Crystal Displays (LCDs)

21 Lead and cadmium in prin ng inks for the applica on of enamels on glasses, such as
borosilicate and soda lime glasses
23 Lead in finishes of fine pitch components other than connectors with a pitch of
0.65 mm and less
24 Lead in solders for the soldering to machined through hole discoidal and planar array ceramic
mul layer capacitors
25 Lead oxide in surface conduc on electron emi er displays (SED) used in structural elements,
notably in the seal frit and frit ring.
26 Lead oxide in the glass envelope of black light blue lamps
27 Lead alloys as solder for transducers used in high-powered (designated to operate for several
hours at acous c power levels of 125 dB SPL and above) loudspeakers
29 Lead bound in crystal glass
30 Cadmium alloys as electrical/mechanical solder joints to electrical conductors located directly on
the voice coil in transducers used in high-powered loudspeakers with sound pressure levels of
100 dB(A) and more
31 Lead in soldering materials in mercury free flat fluorescent lamps (which e.g. are used
for liquid crystal displays, design or industrial ligh ng)
32 Lead oxide in seal frit used for making window assemblies for Argon and Krypton laser tubes
33 Lead in solders for the soldering of thin copper wires of 100 µm diameter and less in power
34 Lead in cermet-based trimmer poten ometer elements
36 Mercury used as a cathode spu ering inhibitor in DC plasma displays with a content up to 30 mg
per display
37 Lead in the pla ng layer of high voltage diodes on the basis of a zinc borate glass body
38 Cadmium and cadmium oxide in thick film pastes used on aluminium bonded beryllium oxide
39 Cadmium in colour conver ng II-VI LEDs (<10 µg Cd per mm2of light- emi ng area) for use
in solid state illumina on or display systems.


[See Rules 5(1) (g), 13(1) (i), 13(1) (vi)]

Applicable to producers seeking Extended Producer Responsibility - Authorisa on

The applica on form should contain the following informa on:

1. Name and full address along with telephone :

numbers, e-mail and other contact details of
Producer (It should be the place from where sale
in en re country is being managed)
2. Name of the Authorised Person and full address :
with e-mail, telephone and fax number
3. Name, address and contact details of Producer :
Responsibility Organisa on, if any with full
address, e-mail, telephone and fax number, if
engaged for implemen ng the Extended Producer
4. Details of electrical and electronic equipment :
placed on market year-wise during previous 10
years in the form of Table 1 as given below:

Table 1: Details of Electrical and Electronic Equipment placed on the market in previous years -
Code wise
Sr. Electrical and Electronic Electrical and Quan ty, number and weight placed on
No. Equipment Item Electronic market (year-wise)
A Informa on technology and telecommunica on equipment:
1 Centralised data processing: ITEW1
Mainframes, Minicomputers
2 Personal Compu ng: Personal ITEW2
Computers (Central Processing
Unit with input and output
3 Personal Compu ng: Laptop ITEW3
Computers (Central Processing
Unit with input and output devices)
4 Personal ITEW4
Compu ng: Notebook
5 Personal Compu ng: Notepad ITEW5

6 Printers including cartridges ITEW6
7 Copying equipment ITEW7
8 Electrical and electronic ITEW8
9 User terminals and systems ITEW9
10 Facsimile ITEW10
11 Telex ITEW11
12 Telephones ITEW12
13 Pay telephones ITEW13
14 Cordless telephones ITEW14
15 Cellular telephones ITEW15
16 Answering systems ITEW16
B Consumer electrical and electronics:
17 Television sets CEEW1
(including sets based on (Liquid
Crystal Display and Light Emi ng
Diode technology)
18 Refrigerator CEEW2
19 Washing Machine CEEW3
20 Air-condi oners excluding CEEW4
centralised air condi oning
21 Fluorescent and other Mercury CEEW5
containing lamps

5. Es mated genera on of Electrical and Electronic Equipment waste item-wise and

es mated collec on target for the forthcoming year in the form of Table 2 including those
being generated from their service centres, as given below:

Table 2: Es mated genera on of Electrical and Electronic Equipment waste item-wise and
es mated collec on target for the forthcoming year

Sr. Item Es mated waste Targeted collec on

No. electrical and electronic equipment Number and weight
genera on Number and weight

6. Extended Producer Responsibility Plans:

(a) Please provide details of your overall scheme to fulfil Extended Producer
Responsibility obliga ons including targets. This should comprise of general scheme of
collec on of used/waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment from the Electrical and
Electronic Equipment placed on the market earlier such as through dealers and
collec on centres, Producer Responsibility Organisa on, through buy-back

arrangement, exchange scheme, Deposit Refund Scheme, etc. whether directly or
through any authorised agency and channelising the items so collected to authorised
(b) Provide the list with addresses along with agreement copies with dealers, collec on
centres, recyclers, Treatment, Storage and Disposal Facility, etc. under your scheme.

7. Es mated budget for Extended Producer Responsibility and allied ini a ves to create
consumer awareness.

8. Details of proposed awareness programmes.

9. Details for Reduc on of Hazardous Substances compliance (to be filled if applicable):

(a) Whether the Electrical and Electronic Equipment placed on market complies with the
rule 16 (1) limits with respect to lead, mercury, cadmium, hexavalent chromium,
polybrominated biphenyls and polybrominateddiphenyl ethers;
(b) P rov i d e t h e te c h n i ca l d o c u m e nt s ( S u p p l i e r d e c l a ra o n s , M ate r i a l s
declara ons/Analy cal reports) as evidence that the Reduc on of Hazardous
Substances (RoHS) provisions are complied by the product based on standard EN
50581 of EU;
(c) Documents required:
i. Extended Producer Responsibility plan;
ii. Copy of the permission from the relevant Ministry/Department for selling their
iii. Copies of agreement with dealers, collec on centre, recyclers, Treatment,
Storage and Disposal Facility, etc.;
iv. Copy of Directorate General of Foreign Trade license/permission as pplicable;
v. Self-declara on regarding Reduc on of Hazardous Substances provision;
vi. Any other document as required

(Authorised signature)
Place: __________
Date: __________

FORM 1(a)

[See rules 4(2), 8 (2), 13(2) (ii), 13(2) (vi) and 13(4) (I)]



From: ....................................
The Member Secretary,
................. Pollu on Control Board or……………… Pollu on Control Commi ee


I / We hereby apply for authorisa on/renewal of authorisa on under rule 13(2) (i) to 13(2) (viii)
and/or 13 (4) (i) of the E-Waste (Management) Rules, 2016 for collec on/storage/ transporta on/
treatment/ refurbishing/disposal of e-wastes.

For Office Use Only

Code No. :
Whether the unit is situated in a cri cally polluted area as iden fied by Ministry of Environment
and Forests (yes/no);

To be filled in by Applicant

1. Name and full address:

2. Contact Person with designa on and contact details such as telephone Nos, Fax. No. and E-

3. Authorisa on required for (Please ck mark appropriate ac vity/ies*)

i. Genera on during manufacturing or refurbishing* o

ii. Treatment, if any o
iii. Collec on, Transporta on, Storage o
iv. Refurbishing o

4. E-waste details:
(a) Total quan ty e-waste generated in MT/A
(b) Quan ty refurbished (applicable to refurbisher)
(c) Quan ty sent for recycling
(d) Quan ty sent for disposal

5. Details of Facili es for storage/handling/treatment/refurbishing:

6. In case of renewal of authorisa on previous authorisa on no. and date and details of
annual returns:

Place : __________ Signature ______________


Date : __________

Designa on: ___________


(1) * The authorisa on for e-waste may be obtained along with authorisa on for hazardous
waste under the Hazardous Wastes (Management, Handling and Transboundary
Movement) Rules, 2008, if applicable.
(2) Wherever necessary, use addi onal sheets to give requisite and necessary details.

FORM 1 (aa)

[See rules 5 (6) and 13(1)(ii)]


[Extended Producer Responsibility Authorisa on for Producer of the Electrical & Electronic

Ref: Your applica on for Grant of Extended Producer Responsibility - Authorisa on for following
Electrical & Electronic Equipment under E-Waste (Management) Rules, 2016

1 Number of Authorisa on:


2. M/s. ------------------- is hereby granted Extended Producer Responsibility - Authorisa on

based on:
(a) overall Extended Producer Responsibility plan
(b) proposed target for collec on of e-waste

3. The Authorisa on shall be valid for a period of ___ years from date of issue with following
condi ons:

(i) you shall strictly follow the approved Extended Producer Responsibility plan, a copy of
which is enclosed herewith;

(ii) you shall ensure that collec on mechanism or centre are set up or designated as per
the details given in the Extended Producer Responsibility plan. Informa on on
collec on mechanism/centre including the state-wise setup should be provided;

(iii) you shall ensure that all the collected e-waste is channelised to authorized dismantler
or recycler designated as per the details. Informa on on authorized dismantler or
recycler designated state-wise should be provided;

(iv) you shall maintain records, in Form-2 of these Rules, of e-waste and make such records
available for scru ny by Central Pollu on Control Board;

(v) you shall file annual returns in Form-3 to the Central Pollu on Control Board on or
before 30th day of June following the financial year to which that returns relates;

(vi) General Terms & Condi ons of the Authorisa on:

a. The authorisa on shall comply with provisions of the Environment (Protec on) Act,
1986 and the Rules made there under;

b. The authorisa on or its renewal shall be produced for inspec on at the request of an
officer authorised by the Central Pollu on Control Board;

c. Any change in the approved Extended Producer Responsibility plan should be informed
to Central Pollu on Control Board on which decision shall be communicated by Central
Pollu on Control Board within sixty days;

d. It is the duty of the authorised person to take prior permission of the concerned State
Pollu on Control Boards and Central Pollu on Control Board to close down the facility;

e. An applica on for the renewal of authorisa on shall be made as laid down in sub-rule
(vi) of rule of 13(1) the E-Waste (Management) Rules, 2016;

f. The Board reserves right to cancel/amend/revoke the authorisa on at any me as per

the Policy of the Board or Government.

Authorized signatory
(with designa on)

Concerned Producer

Copy to:

1. Member Secretary, Concerned State.

2. In-charge, concerned Zonal Office, Central Pollu on Control Board.

FORM 1(bb)

[See rules 4(2), 8(2)(a), 13(2) (iii) and 13(4)(ii)]



Ref: Your applica on for Grant of Authorisa on

1. (a) Authorisa on no. ................ and (b) date of issue ………………………….

2. .……..….…………………of……………………………is hereby granted an authorisa on for genera on,

storage, treatment, disposal of e-waste on the premises situated
at………………………………………… for the following:
a. quan ty of e-waste;
b. nature of e-waste.

3. The authorisa on shall be valid for a period from ……… to …………

4. The e-waste men oned above shall be treated/ disposed off in a manner ............ at

5. The authorisa on is subject to the condi ons stated below and such condi ons as may be
specified in the rules for the me being in force under the Environment (Protec on) Act,

Signature -------------------------

Designa on ---------------------- Date: --------------------

Terms and condi ons of authorisa on

1. The authorisa on shall comply with the provisions of the Environment (Protec on) Act,
1986, and the rules made there under.
2. The authorisa on or its renewal shall be produced for inspec on at the request of an officer
authorized by the concerned State Pollu on Control Board.
3. Any unauthorized change in personnel, equipment as working condi ons as men oned in
the applica on by the person authorized shall cons tute a breach of his authorisa on.
4. It is the duty of the authorized person to take prior permission of the concerned State
Pollu on Control Board to close down the opera ons.
5. An applica on for the renewal of an authorisa on shall be made as laid down in sub-rule
(vi) of rule 13(2).

[See rules 4(4), 5(4), 6(5), 8(7), 9(2), 10(7), 11(8), 13 (1) (xi), 13(2)(v), 13(3)(vii) and 13 (4)(v)]

Generated Quan ty in Metric Tonnes (MT) per year

1. Name & Address: Producer or Manufacturer or
Refurbisher or Dismantler or Recycler or Bulk
2. Date of Issue of Extended Producer
Responsibility Authorisa on*/ Authorisa on*
3. Validity of Extended Producer
Responsibility Authorisa on*/ Authorisa on*
4. Types & Quan ty of e- waste handled or Category Quan ty
generated** Item Descrip on
5. Types & Quan ty of e-waste stored Category Quan ty
Item Descrip on
6. Types & Quan ty of e-waste sent to collec on Category Quan ty
centre Item Descrip on
authorized by producer/ dismantler/recycler /
refurbisher or authorized dismantler/recycler or
7. Types & Quan ty of e-waste transported* Category Quan ty
Quan ty
Name, address and contact details of the
des na on
8. Types & Quan ty of e-waste refurbished* Category Quan ty
Item Descrip on
Name, address and contact details of the
des na on of refurbished materials
9. Types & Quan ty of e-waste dismantled* Category Quan ty
Item Descrip on
Name, address and contact details of the
des na on
10. Types & Quan ty of e-waste recycled* Category Quan ty
Types & Quan ty of materials recovered Item Descrip on
Quan ty
Name, address and contact details of the

des na on
11. Types & Quan ty of e- waste sent to recyclers Category Quan ty
by dismantlers Item Descrip on
Name, address and contact details of the
des na on
12. Types & Quan ty of other waste sent to Category Quan ty
respec ve recyclers by dismantlers/recyclers of Item Descrip on
Name, address and contact details of the
des na on
13. Types & Quan ty of e-waste treated & disposed Category Quan ty
Item Descrip on

(1) * Strike off whichever is not applicable
(2) Provide any other informa on as s pulated in the condi ons to the authoriser
(3) ** For producers this informa on has to be provided state-wise

[See rules 4(5), 5(5), 8(6), 9(4), 10(8), 11(9), 13 (1) (xi), 13(2)(v), 13(3)(vii) and 13(4)(v)]


[To be submi ed by producer or manufacturer or refurbisher or dismantler or recycler by 30th day
of June following the financial year to which that return relates].

Quan ty in Metric Tonnes (MT) and numbers

1 Name and address of the producer or manufacturer

or refurbisher or dismantler or recycler
2 Name of the authorised person and complete
address with telephone and fax numbers and e-mail
3 Total quan ty of e-waste collected or channelised to
recyclers or dismantlers for processing during the
year for each category of electrical and electronic
equipment listed in the Schedule I (A ach list) by
Details of the above TYPE QUANTITY No.
3(A)* BULK CONSUMERS:Quan ty of e- waste
3(B)* REFURBISHERS:Quan ty of e-waste:
i Quan ty of e-waste processed (Code wise);
i. . Details of materials or components recovered
and sold;
ii. . Quan ty of e-waste sent to recycler;
iii. . Residual quan ty of e-waste sent to
Treatment, Storage and Disposal Facility.
i. Quan ty of e-waste processed (Code wise);
ii. Details of materials recovered and sold in the
iii. Details of residue sent to Treatment, Storage and
Disposal Facility.
4 Name and full address of the des na on with
respect to 3(A)-3(D) above
5 Type and quan ty of materials segregated or Type Quan ty
recovered from e -waste of different codes as
applicable to 3(A)-3(D)

Date__________________ Signature of the authorised person

(1) * Strike off whichever is not applicable
(2) Provide any other informa on as s pulated in the condi ons to the authoriser
(3) In case filing on behalf of mul ple regional offices, Bulk Consumers and Producers need to
add extra rows to 1 & 3(A) with respect to each office.

[See rules 13(3)(i) and 13(3)(vi)]

(To be submi ed in triplicate)

1. Name and Address of the unit
2. Contact person with designa on, Tel./Fax
3. Date of Commissioning
4. No.of workers (including contract labour)
5. Consents Validity Water (Preven on and Control of
Pollu on) Act, 1974; Valid up to
Air (Preven on and Control of
Pollu on) Act, 1981; Valid up to
6. Validity of current authorisa on if any e-waste (Management & Handling)
Rules, 2011; Valid up to
7. Dismantling or Recycling Process Please a ach complete details
8. Installed capacity in MT/year Products Installed capacity

9. E-waste processed during last three years Year Product Quan ty

10. Waste Management:

a. Waste genera on in processing e-waste Please provide details material
b. Provide details of disposal of residue. Please provide details
c. Name of Treatment Storage and Disposal
Facility u lized for
11. Details of e-waste proposed to be procured from re- Please provide details
12. Occupa onal safety and health aspects Please provide details
13. Details of Facili es for dismantling both manual as
well as mechanised:
14. Copy of agreement with Collec on Centre
15. Copy agreement with Producer
16. Details of storage for dismantled e-waste
17. Copy of agreement with Recycler
18. Details of Facili es for Recycling
19. Copy of agreement with Collec on Centre
20. Copy agreement with Producer
21. Details of storage for raw materials and
recovered materials

II. In case of renewal of authorisa on, previous registra on or authorisa on no. and date
I hereby declare that the above statements or informa on are true and correct to the best of my
knowledge and belief.
Place:______________ Name:________________________
Date:______________ Designa on:________________________


[See rule 18 (1)]



The Chairman,
Central Pollu on Control Board,
(Ministry of Environment And Forests)
Government Of India, 'Parivesh Bhawan', East Arjun Nagar,
Delhi- 110 0032

1. Number of authorised manufacturer, refurbisher, :

collec on centre, dismantler and recycler for
management of e-waste in the State or Union
territory under these rules
2. Categories of waste collected along with their : Please a ach as Annexure-I
quan es on a monthly average basis:
3. A Summary Statement code-wise of e-waste : Please a ach as Annexure-II
4. Details of material recovered from recycling of e- :
5. Quan ty of CFL received at Treatment, :
Storage and Disposal Facility
6. The above report is for the period from ……………to .............…………………

Place: _________________

Date: ________________
Chairman or the Member Secretary

State Pollu on Control Board

[See rule 19]


1. Sender’s name and mailing address (including

Phone No.):
2. Sender’s authorisa on No, if applicable.:
3. Manifest Document No.:
4. Transporter’s name and address: (including Phone
5. Type of vehicle: (Truck or Tanker or Special
6. Transporter/s registra on No.:
7. Vehicle registra on No.:
8. Receiver’s name & address:
9. Receiver’s authorisa on No, if applicable:
10. Descrip on of E-Waste (Item, Weight/
11. Name and stamp of Sender* (Manufacturer or Producer or Bulk Consumer or Collec on
Centre or Refurbisher or Dismantler):
Signature: Month Day Year

12. Transporter acknowledgement of receipt of E-

Name and stamp: Signature: Month Day

13. Receiver* (Collec on Centre or Refurbisher or Dismantler or Recycler) cer fica on

of receipt of E-waste
Name and stamp: Signature: Month Day

Copy number with Purpose (2)
colour code (1)
Copy 1 (Yellow) To be retained by the sender a er taking signature on it from the
transporter and other three copies will be carried by transporter.
Copy 2 (Pink) To be retained by the receiver a er signature of the transporter.
Copy 3 (Orange) To be retained by the transporter a er taking signature of the
Copy 4 (Green) To be returned by the receiver with his/her signature to the sender


[See rule 22]



1. Name and address of the person making the appeal :

2. Number, date of order and address of the authority : (cer fied copy of the to which passed
the order, against which appeal is order be a ached)

3. Ground on which the appeal is being made :

4. Relief sought for :

5. List of enclosures other than the order referred in point 2 against which the appeal is being
filed. :

Name and address………….



Bishwanath Sinha
Joint Secretary to Government of India
(F No. 12-6/2013-HSMD)

ANNEXURE – 4: SELF DECLARATION FORM (as per E-waste Management Rules,

Self-Declara on Form
(As per E-Waste (Management) Rules, 2016)

Producer Details:

S.No. Required Informa on Details

1. Company Name
with Complete Address from where business/sale
in the en re country is being managed:
2. Name of Authorised Person
Mobile Number:
Complete Postal Address:
3. Brand name (if any):

Self-Declara on for Compliance of

Reduc on in the use of Hazardous Substances (RoHS)
(As per E-Waste (Management) Rules, 2016)

We being the Producer as per E-Waste (Management) Rules, 2016, hereby declare that all the EEE,
being offered for sale in the country by our company and covered in the Schedule – I of the E-Waste
(Management) Rules, 2016 and listed at enclosure – A comply with the sub rule (1) of the Rule16 of
the above said Rule.

Authorizing Signatory
Enclosed: Enclosure A

Enclosure – A

S. Product Product Model Weight of Date of Complianc RoHS In case Product

No. Category & name** No.** Product placing e Informa on is imported
Code* (as (kgs) or on with RoHS provided on from other
per Numbers market Yes/No/ product country, name
Schedule I (In case of Par al informa on of the country
of import, booklet where product
E-Waste date of Yes/No is manufactured
(M) entry in
Rules, 2016 the

**Add addi onal rows for products and models

Authorizing Signatory



1. General descrip on of the product

2. Documents for materials, parts and/or sub-assemblies

3. Supplier declara ons (covering specific material, part and/or sub-assembly, or a specific
range of materials, part and/or sub-assemblies) and/or contractual agreement, such as:

(I) Supplier declara ons, confirming that the restricted substance content of the
material, part, or sub-assembly is within the permi ed levels and iden fying any
exemp ons that have been applied
(ii) Signed contracts confirming that the producer's specifica on for the maximum
content of restricted substances in a material, part, or sub-assembly is fulfilled.

4. Material Declara ons:

(i) Material declara ons providing informa on on specific substance content and
iden fying any exemp ons that have been applied.


5. Analy cal test results:

(i) Analy cal test results using the methods described or referenced in EN 62321

Contribu on by:

Shri Amit Jain, Managing Director, IRG Systems South Asia Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi

Central Pollu on Control Board (CPCB) Team

Shri B. Vinod Babu, Scien st-E & Nodal Officer (Waste Management), Central Pollu on Control
Board, New Delhi

Na onal Produc vity Council (NPC) Team

Ms. Nikita, Assistant Director and Shri Vijay Kumar Nehra, Assistant Director

National Productivity Council
5-6, Institutional Area, Lodhi Road
New Delhi - 110003

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