2015 - Analytical Investigation of A Nanosatellite Panel Surface Temperatures For Different Altitudes and Panel Combinations

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Applied Thermal Engineering 75 (2015) 1076e1083

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Applied Thermal Engineering

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Research paper

Analytical investigation of a nanosatellite panel surface temperatures

for different altitudes and panel combinations
Murat Bulut a, b, *, Nedim Sozbir a, c
Sakarya University Engineering Faculty, Mechanical Engineering Department, Esentepe, Sakarya 54187, Turkey
Turksat A.S, Satellite Assembly Integration and Test Directorate, Golbasi, Ankara 06389, Turkey
Turksat A.S, R&D and Satellite Design Directorate, Golbasi, Ankara 06389, Turkey

h i g h l i g h t s

 Dimensions of 10 cm  10 cm  10 cm and a weight of 1 kg of CubeSat were used.

 Initial and detailed thermal analysis were performed.
 Initial thermal analysis with different altitude from 500 km to 2000 km was performed.
 The surface temperatures of nanosatellite were not affected by the altitude of the nanosatellite.
 All electronic equipment and structural part were within allowable temperature range except the batteries.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The thermal control of future nanosatellite will be challenging due to dedicated panel surface area for
Received 9 June 2014 radiation. The thermal control concept is to keep the payload within allowable temperature ranges. In
Accepted 17 October 2014 order to predict the temperature for a nanosatellite in orbit, a basic thermal model of the nanosatellite
Available online 30 October 2014
was designed and analyzed. A thermal control system of the nanosatellite at an altitude 600 km with an
inclination of 98 is presented. A thermal analysis of the nanosatellite was also performed with different
altitudes from 500 km to 2000 km. A thermal control analysis of CubeSat's passive thermal control
system was conducted. A temperature distribution of the solutions was computed. All electronic
Satellite design
equipment and structural parts were within allowable temperatures, except the batteries. The batteries
Satellite analysis were out of their allowed range of temperatures in the cold case condition. The results of the study
showed that the panel surface temperature results for different altitudes and panel combination are
highly sensitive by the chosen surface coating of the nanosatellite.
© 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction CubeSat satellites allow universities to design, built, test and pro-
cure a launch provider at a reasonable cost in order to place the
Advances in computer technologies and miniaturization of satellite in orbit. The reasonable price is between $50,000 and
components allow small satellites, such as the CubeSat, to be used $200,000. Incentivized by this relatively low cost, many universities
for scientific research in space. The CubeSat concept was originally around the world have created new Cubesat programs in the last
developed in 1999 by Dr. Jordi Puig-Suari from California Poly- few years [3]. Typical payloads include GNSS receivers, CDD cam-
technic State University and Professor Bob Twiggs from the Stan- eras, etc. A recent survey of pico- and nanosatellite missions is
ford University [1,2]. CubeSats satellites are cubic pico-class given in Ref. [4].
satellites that measure 10  10  10 cm3 and have mass close to 1 kg Nanosatellites were developed to facilitate more space-based
and not to exceed 1.33 kg. Typical power consumption is on the experiments by reducing satellite size, mass, cost and develop-
order of a few watts, and available date rates do not exceed 1 Mbps ment time, thereby providing more universities and small entities
[3]. The short development time, small size and low mass of with the opportunity to build and fly satellites [5]. A large number
of groups all around the world are currently working on the design
and development of nano-satellites. Especially for students and
universities, a satellite project can only be realized if the total
* Corresponding author. Sakarya University Engineering Faculty, Mechanical
Engineering Department, Esentepe, Sakarya 54187, Turkey. Tel.: þ90 533 418 7825. project cost remains modest. As the cost of a spacecraft is related to
E-mail address: [email protected] (M. Bulut). the complexity of the system and the absolute size of the satellite, a

1359-4311/© 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M. Bulut, N. Sozbir / Applied Thermal Engineering 75 (2015) 1076e1083 1077

very small satellite is the perfect opportunity for these groups to structures and components [20]. Another recent study was done on
participate in space engineering and space science. The tendency micro-variable radiator for spacecraft thermal control. The impacts
towards smaller satellites culminated in the development of highly of the various factors, including the emission characteristics of gold
integrated compact systems with a mass as low as one kg. Minia- film, thickness of polyimide film, structures, and processing tech-
turization and improved performance of components allow for niques, on the thermal performance were experimentally and
much smaller designs, not only in the satellite payloads, but also in theoretically evaluated [21]. Torres et al. [22] presented the details
the supporting subsystems. There are a few options for the thermal of proposed architecture and mathematical model. The model is
control of such small spacecraft that can be explored. The small size used to provide novel thermal control architecture to maximize the
of the spacecraft limits the design freedom of the thermal engineer. available radiation areas by passively selecting the appropriate
The main reason for this limitation is that a passive thermal control radiators.
subsystem is usually implemented as a result of limited mass and This paper presents the thermal design and analysis of a nano-
power budgets. However, other limitations also impact the thermal satellite operating Low Earth Orbit (LEO). The nano-satellite is
control subsystem design for such satellites [6e11]. Rotteveel et al. designed for a circular and near sun synchronous Low Earth Orbit.
[6] presented on the specific thermal control issues regarding Cube satellite is a nanosatellite that has dimensions of
nano- and picosatellites. They showed that the nanosatellite of the 10 cm  10 cm  10 cm and a weight of 1 kg. Based on the mission
Technical University of Delft in particular served as a design of the satellite requirements, a passive thermal control has been
example to point out the specific design issues in thermal control designed. In the satellite, different type of surface coatings are used
for nano- and picosatellites. Simulation results and design solutions to achieve the required thermal control. The goal of this study is to
were presented. Spacecraft thermal control design using passive take suitable measures to ensure all the components will operate in
and active hardwares were presented by Bulut et al. [7e9]. They their safe range of temperatures with a proper rejection.
demonstrated that the thermal control of the satellite was affected
by thermal properties of passive hardwares. Sozbir et al. [10,11] 2. Thermal environments
showed that the common design approach was to use a combina-
tion of passive and active hardwares. They showed that the thermal Thermal control is a process of energy management in which
control of the satellite was impacted by the location of the elec- environmental heating plays a major role. The principal forms of
tronic equipments. environmental heating in orbit are direct sunlight (solar), sunlight
The nanosatellite thermal design, analysis and test information reflected off the Earth (albedo), and Earth Infrared (IR) emitted by
are available in the literature [2,5,12e19] but there is no paper Earth [23]. The amount of external heat absorbed directly from
established in analytical investigation of the nanosatellite panel solar energy is a function of an object's material properties and its
surface temperatures for different altitudes and panel combina- orientation with respect to the Sun. The energy balance between
tions. Thermal design, analysis and test have been studied at the satellite and space is shown in Fig. 1 [15]. The temperature of
various nanosatellites and published in various documents and the satellite is the result of a balance between absorbed and
journals [12e16]. Tsai used a general thermal mathematical model emitted energy of all of these sources.
for the entire satellite constructed from a combined conduction and
radiation heat transfer equation with environmental heating and
cooling as boundary conditions [13]. Escobar et al. [14] explored the 3. Nano-satellite thermal control
advantage of using genetic algorithms for the automated design of a
small satellite thermal control. Bulut et al. [15] modeled CubeSat The goal of this paper focus on the thermal design and the re-
and the thermal analysis was performed by using ThermXL- sults of an initial and detailed thermal analysis of the nanosatellite
spreadsheet-based thermal analysis tool. Onetto et al. [16] and analytical investigation of the nanosatellite panel surface
designed and analyzed the satellite on a Lower Earth Orbit (LEO). temperature for different altitudes and panel combinations. Ther-
There have been also many senior projects, master dissertations mal control system is to guarantee that all the components are
and PhD thesis which have been published from universities within their allowable temperature limits throughout the satellite
[2,5,17e19]. Thermal simulation of the CubeSat was performed mission. All the components have to work from the beginning to
using Thermal Desktop and ANSYS Icepak to make sure that the the end of the lifetime with required performances. The thermal
internal electronics were operating within the various specified control can be passive or active, depending on the design approach.
safety limits [2]. Garzon [5] studied the research, development, and
verification of a conceptual model and analytical model of the
thermal controls for the Orbital Satellite for investigating the
response of the ionosphere to stimulation and space weather
(OSIRIS-3U). The spacecraft thermal analysis was performed by
Bauer et al. [17]. They showed that COMSOL is a finite element
method solver. It was chosen due to its ability to import SolidWorks
models and for its extensive thermal modeling capabilities. Czernik
[18] presented thermal design and analysis of Compass-1. Com-
pass-1 is designed for a circular, Sun-synchronous Low Earth Orbit
(LEO) and dimensions 10  10  10 cm3 and a total mass of not
more than 1 kg. Moffitt et al. addressed thermal modeling used
during the design and analysis of the combat sentinel satellite
In recent study was done for thermal design of micro and
nanosatellites on the sun-synchronous orbit of the 500 km of
altitude and was pointing to the Earth [20]. The main purpose was
to keep the temperature within the design temperature range of
components according the combinations of optical properties on Fig. 1. Energy balance between satellite and space [15].
1078 M. Bulut, N. Sozbir / Applied Thermal Engineering 75 (2015) 1076e1083

A passive control is applied to most of the nano-satellites because of

the simplicity, cost reliability, mass, and power. The thermal design
is a key step to be taken at the beginning of the program, in order to
maintain the temperature of the components within the allowable
temperature range and minimize the mass/power requirements.
The CubeSat temperature is controlled by the selection of the sur-
face property and the insulation selection. The infrared emissivity
and solar absorptivity of the areas around the solar panels are
selected to ensure that the temperatures remain between the
operating limits of the components [24].
The model of the nano-satellite is shown in Fig. 2 [15]. The di-
mensions are 10 cm width, 10 cm length, and 10 cm height. By
design, the satellite structure is composed of a 1.27 mm thick
aluminum (6061T6) plate. The nano-satellite surface is covered
with solar cells and different surface coatings.
The structure of nano-satellite is shown in Fig. 3.
In the model of the nano-satellite, five sides (1, 2, 3, 5, and 6)
were covered with solar cells and coatings (aluminum or black
paint). Solar cells are not attached to one side (side 4). On this side
the communication antenna is mounted. Therefore, it is just
aluminum. The temperature requirements for each subsystem are
Fig. 3. Nano-satellite open panel structure.
shown in Table 1 [25,26].
The printed circuit boards (PCBs) are a major component of the
nanosatellite and contribute significantly to the thermal profile of Table 1
the nanosatellite. There are five printed PCBs, which are presented Operating temperature limits.
in Fig. 4. These are RFCM, EPM-1, EPM-2, DCM-1, and DCM-2. Components Tmin ( C) Tmax ( C) Note
The Geometric Mathematical Model (GMM) nodes of the
Electronics (PCB) 40 þ85
nanosatellite are shown in Fig. 4. Each face of the nanosatellite is LiPo batteries 0 þ45 Charge
modeled by one node for the face and one node for each pair of 20 þ60 Discharge
solar cells (each face has two solar cells). One node for each PCB, Main structure 40 þ85
which are RFCM, DCM-1, DCM-2, EPM-1, EPM-2 and Batteries' PCB, Solar cells 100 þ100
and one node for two batteries. The Radio Frequency Communi-
cation Subsystem (RFCM) is used for amateur radio communica-
tion. The Electrical Power Module (EPM) primary function is to
store the energy collected by the solar cells in the batteries and
provide the bus with the required voltages. The Digital Control
Module (DCM) controls data flow, deals with the different opera-
tional modes, ensures telemetry data formatting and storage, and
telecommands data decoding and management. Lithium-Ion
Polymer batteries may be considered, their major advantage over
Lithium-Ion cells being a higher energy density. The operation
temperature limits of the components are shown in Table 1. The
dissipation of the electronic components for the hot case condition

Fig. 4. Geometric mathematical model (GMM) nodes of nano-satellite.

is as follows: EPM dissipation is 0.3 W; RFCM dissipation is 1.75 W;

DCM dissipation 0.05 W; and cold case dissipation is none.
Table 2 provides approximate solar flux, Earth albedo, and Earth
IR values for the average, hot, and cold cases. A more detailed
description of each source is available in Gilmore's Spacecraft
Thermal Control Handbook [25]. For a circular orbit, the aero-
thermal flux decrease with the altitude from 1300 W/m2 at 150 km
to 7 W/m2 at 350 km. Therefore, this contribution will be neglected.

Table 2
Environmental heat sources: average, hot and cold cases.

Parameter Hot case Cold case

Solar flux 1414 W/m2 1323 W/m2

Earth albedo 494.6 W/m2 (a ¼ 0.35) 330.75 W/m2 (a ¼ 0.25)
Earth IR 260 W/m2 220 W/m2
Internal dissipation Full None
Fig. 2. Nano-satellite model [15].
M. Bulut, N. Sozbir / Applied Thermal Engineering 75 (2015) 1076e1083 1079

Material properties for covered surfaces are shown in Table 3. A For steady state thermal analysis in Eq. (1), dTi/dt is 0. For
more detailed material properties is available in Refs. [27,28]. In the transient thermal analysis in Eq. (1), dTi/dt is not 0.
analysis, these covered surfaces are considered as combinations of For most satellites, the thermal environment and the external
the panels. heat loads are determined by the specific orbit for the mission, the
orientation of the satellite, the surface properties, and the size of
4. Thermal analysis the system. From these, the absolute worst hot and cold case con-
ditions are determined [29]. At any given time the CubeSat has at
The primary task of the thermal control system is to balance the most three faces facing the sun, while the other faces are in the
thermal energy of the satellite to ensure that all of the internal shadow facing and absorbing the Earth's albedo [2].
components remain within their acceptable temperature limits During the hot case condition, the nano-satellite is in sunlight. It
during the worst hot and cold cases [29]. means that the satellite receives the maximum environmental flux
There are two types of thermal analysis which are a steady-state (solar, albedo, and Earth IR), orbit illumination, and electrical po-
thermal analysis and a transient thermal analysis. A steady state wer, mostly dissipated into heat. The closer the spacecraft is to
thermal analysis determines the temperature distribution and Earth, the larger Earth IR and albedo heat fluctuations it receives.
other thermal quantities under steady-state loading conditions. A During the cold case condition, there are minimum environ-
steady state loading condition is a situation where heat storage mental fluctuations, which means that there is the maximum
effects varying over a period of time can be ignored. A transient eclipse time and no internal dissipation. The farther away from
thermal analysis determines the temperature distribution and Earth the nanosatellite is, the less Earth IR radiation it receives.
other thermal quantities under conditions that vary over a period of Therefore, the only external load is the Earth IR radiation. As the
time. The calculation of the steady-state temperatures uses a basic emissivity does not suffer great variation over time, while the ab-
energy balance. The equilibrium temperature is obtained from the sorptivity tends to increase, the Beginning of Life (BOL) values are
condition Qin ¼ Qout. The effects included in the calculation are considered for the cold case condition and the End of Life (EOL) for
internal dissipation (Qid), Solar radiation (QSun), Albedo (Qalbedo), the hot case.
Earth radiation (QEarthIR) and radiation from the body to space. An important parameter to consider when performing thermal
The basic goal of thermal analysis is finding the spatial tem- analysis for the satellite is that the space vehicle often spins as it
perature distribution and the temporal temperature evolution. This orbits the Earth. This spinning effect causes the vehicle to receive
goal is achieved by solving the energy balance equation. heat on one side and dissipate heat through the remaining sides [2].
The general heat balance equation for node I coupled with nodes The combined effect of a rotating spacecraft and space solar heating
j though n is [25,27]. causes temperature variations on the external body, depending on
the orbit and position of the spacecraft relative to the sun [6].
MCp i i ¼ Qid þ ðQSun þ Qalbedo þ QEarthIR Þi
dt X X 5. Results and discussion
 Jij Ari ðsTi4  sTjr4 Þ  Kij ðTi  Tjk Þ
j j The initial thermal analysis used a steady state analysis for al-
titudes from 500 km to 2000 km. The detailed thermal analysis
In Equation (1), conduction and radiation couplings are pre-
used a transient analysis at 600 km.
sented as Kij and Jij , respectively. The subsystem specifications that
are needed for solving Eq. (1) are thermophysical of materials (Cp,
k), optical properties of surfaces (a, ε), mass, dimensions, and the 5.1. Initial thermal analysis results
assembly-integration date. In Eq. (1), the solar radiation may be
written Steady state analysis equilibrium temperature results for the hot
case and cold case conditions are listed in Tables 4e7. Figs. 5e8
QSun ¼ Ap $as $S (2) show the temperature results based on altitudes from 500 km to
2000 km.
where Ap is the projected area, as is the absorptance of external In Table 4, the temperature results of 60% solar cell and 40%
surfaces, and S is the solar constant. structure at 600 km altitude is shown. The highest temperature is
Albedo is given as follows, 78.9  C and the lowest temperature is 105.2  C. In Table 5, the
  temperature results of 70% solar cell and 30% structure at 600 km
Qalbedo ¼ Ap $Fsatearth $as $fa $S$cos q (3) altitude is shown. The highest temperature is 70  C and the lowest

where, fa is the albedo factor and can vary for different surfaces of
the Earth. Here the albedo factor assumed in Table 3 and q is the Table 4
angle of the satellite position with respect to the zenith. Temperature results of 60% solar cell and 40% structure at 600 km altitude.
For Earth radiation
Side (1, 2, 3, 6) Temperature Side 5 Side 5
QEarthIR ¼ Ap $Fsatearth $ε$G (4) 60% solar cell 60% solar cell

40% aluminum 40% black paint

where ε is the emittance of external surfaces and G is the Earth 
radiation flux. F is the view factor from the satellite to the Earth.
60% solar cell Tmax 67.2 78.9
40% aluminum Tmin 65.9 49.7
Table 3 100% aluminum Tmax 48.4 62.2
Material properties. Tmin 65.9 49.7
60% solar cell Tmax 18.7 26.8
Al 6061 T6 Solar cells Black paint
40% black paint Tmin 105.2 92.0
Emissivity 0.08 0.6 0.9 100% black paint Tmax 28.4 35.8
Absorptivity 0.379 0.68 0.94 Tmin 105.2 92.0
1080 M. Bulut, N. Sozbir / Applied Thermal Engineering 75 (2015) 1076e1083

Table 5
Temperature results of 70% solar cell and 30% structure at 600 km altitude.

Side (1, 2, 3, 6) Temperature Side 5 Side 5

70% solar cell 70% solar cell

30% aluminum 30% black paint


70% solar cell Tmax 61.7 70.0

30% aluminum Tmin 69.2 57.5
100% aluminum Tmax 41.0 51.0
Tmin 69.2 57.5
70% solar cell Tmax 20.5 26.8
30% black paint Tmin 101.5 91.7
100% black paint Tmax 32.0 37.5
Tmin 101.5 91.7

Table 6
Temperature results of 80% solar cell and 20% structure at 600 km altitude.

Side (1, 2, 3, 6) Temperature Side 5 Side 5

80% solar cell 80% solar cell

20% aluminum 20% black paint

C Fig. 5. Temperature results of 60% solar cell and 40% aluminum with altitude from
500 km to 2000 km.
80% solar cell Tmax 57.1 62.4
20% aluminum Tmin 72.0 64.5
100% aluminum Tmax 34.7 41.2
Tmin 72.0 64.5 Figs. 5e8 show the temperature results based on altitudes from
80% solar cell Tmax 22.5 26.7
500 km to 2000 km. The surface number 1, 2, 3 and 6 is % solar cells
20% black paint Tmin 97.9 91.3
100% black paint Tmax 35.6 39.3
and % aluminum. Surface number 5 is % solar cells and % black paint.
Tmin 97.9 91.3 In Fig. 5, the highest temperature varies between 65.4  C and
67.3  C in the hot case condition. The lowest temperature varies
between 65  C and 73  C. In Fig. 6, the highest temperature
varies between 59.8  C and 61.8  C in the hot case condition. The
temperature is 101.5  C. In Table 6, the temperature results of 80% lowest temperature varies between 68.7  C and 76.7  C. In Fig. 7,
solar cell and 20% structure at 600 km altitude is shown. The the highest temperature varies between 51.1  C and 53.3  C in the
highest temperature is 62.4  C and the lowest temperature hot case condition. The lowest temperature varies
is 97.9  C. In Table 7, the temperature results of 90% solar cell and between 71.4  C and 79.9  C. In Fig. 8, the highest temperature
10% structure at 600 km altitude is shown. The highest temperature varies between 51.1  C and 53.3  C in the hot case condition. The
is 55.7  C and the lowest temperature is 94.2  C. It can be seen
from Tables 4e7 that the highest temperature is 78.9  C and the
lowest temperature is 105.2  C in Table 4. Tmax is the allowable
temperature limit for all electronic equipment except batteries. The
cold case predictions yield worse conditions. The temperatures of
the nano-satellite subsystem are below the cold limits for the
eclipse equilibrium temperature. Tables 4e7 show that the lowest
temperature values are between Tmin ¼ 105.2  C and
Tmin ¼ 49.7  C. The nanosatellite is below the cold limit.

Table 7
Temperature results of 90% solar cell and 10% structure at 600 km altitude.

Side (1, 2, 3, 6) Temperature Side 5 Side 5

90% solar cell 90% solar cell

10% aluminum 10% black paint


90% solar cell Tmax 53.1 55.7

10% aluminum Tmin 74.3 70.7
100% aluminum Tmax 29.3 32.4
Tmin 74.3 70.7
90% solar cell Tmax 24.5 26.7
10% black paint Tmin 94.2 90.9
100% black paint Tmax 39.3 41.2
Fig. 6. Temperature results of 70% solar cell and 30% aluminum with altitude from
Tmin 94.2 90.9
500 km to 2000 km.
M. Bulut, N. Sozbir / Applied Thermal Engineering 75 (2015) 1076e1083 1081

Fig. 9. Temperature results of detailed thermal analysis.

between 40  C and þ85  C. The detailed calculated temperature

for PCBs is between 20  C and 35  C in the cold case condition.
Table 1 shows that the minimum temperature for PCB is 40  C.
Fig. 7. Temperature results of 80% solar cell and 20% aluminum with altitude from
500 km to 2000 km.
Therefore, the detailed calculated temperatures are within the
allowable range. In the hot case condition, the detailed calculated
temperature for PCBs is between 30  C and 40  C. Table 1 shows
that the maximum temperature for PCBs is þ85  C. The detailed
lowest temperature varies between 73.7  C and 82.6  C. It can calculated temperature is within the allowable range. The oper-
seen from Figs. 5e8 that the highest temperature is 67.3  C and the ating temperature of the batteries at charge is between 0  C
lowest temperature is 79.9  C. and þ45  C. On the other hand, the operating temperature of the
batteries at discharge is between 20  C and þ60  C. In the hot case
5.2. Detailed thermal analysis results condition, the temperature of the batteries is 37.48  C. It is within
the range of the allowable maximum temperature. In the cold case
In order to find an orbital temperature distribution of the sat- condition, the temperature of the batteries is 22.87  C. It is not
ellite component, Equation (1) is solved using ThermXL. The within the range of allowable temperatures. The operating mini-
maximum and minimum temperature results for the hot case and mum temperature of the batteries is 20  C.
cold case conditions at 600 km during transient analysis are shown
in Fig. 9.
The lowest temperature among all the faces is Face-4, because 6. Conclusions
Face-4 has the antenna. This face is aluminum. The operating of
temperature of PCB (RFCM, EPM-1, EPM-2, DCM-1 and DCM-2) is In this paper, the initial thermal performance of the nano-
satellite in the LEO from 500 km to 2000 km altitude was pre-
sented. The detailed thermal design and analysis of the nano-
satellite operating in LEO were also presented at 600 km altitude.
The main advantage of the initial and detailed models was that
solutions could be obtained rapidly and easily. Nano-satellite
components need to be maintained within their acceptable tem-
perature limits in order to remain operational. It was a goal to
provide an adequate control because of the low available thermal
A steady state analysis was performed for the initial thermal
analysis. The results of the temperature are equilibrium tempera-
ture. The results of the initial analysis involving only radiation
(environmental fluxes) of the satellite were represented by a simple
cube. It was seen that the temperatures were varied according to the
percentage of the material which covers the nano-satellite faces. The
surface temperatures of nanosatellite were not affected by the alti-
tude of the nanosatellite because the Earth IR flux is just a small
percentage of the total flux (solar flux, Earth albedo, and Earth IR
flux) that the nanosatellite received. Surface coatings and the per-
centage of the solar cell covering the face of the nanosatellite affect
the temperature of not only the hot case but also the cold case
condition. Increasing the percentage of solar cells from sixty percent
to ninety percentages also increases the Tmax temperature for 100%
Fig. 8. Temperature results of 90% solar cell and 10% aluminum with altitude from black paint and 60% solar cells and 40% black paint. Temperature
500 km to 2000 km. results indicate that in the hot case condition, the temperatures are
1082 M. Bulut, N. Sozbir / Applied Thermal Engineering 75 (2015) 1076e1083

well above the allowable temperatures of the LiPo batteries. The Superscripts
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For the cold case condition, the temperatures were well below the d associated with dissipated heat
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solar cells and the type of coating material need to be justified. These
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M. Bulut, N. Sozbir / Applied Thermal Engineering 75 (2015) 1076e1083 1083

Murat Bulut was born in Osmaniye in 1972. He holds a Nedim So € zbir got his Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering at
Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering _
Istanbul University in Istanbul, Turkey in 1995. He worked
from Selcuk University in Konya, TURKEY and a Master of as a Visiting Scholar at Mechanical Engineering Depart-
Science degree in Mechanical Engineering from Rochester ment, University of Miami, FL, USA from 1994 to 1995 and
Institute of Technology in Rochester, NY, USA. His masters worked as a Visiting Researcher at Thermal Science Lab,
thesis involved Experimental Investigation of Flow Boiling Mechanical Engineering Department, Carnegie Mellon
Heat Transfer with Ethylene Glycol/Water, under the su- University, Pa, USA from 2000 to 2004. He also worked as a
pervision of Prof. Dr. S.G. Kandlikar. He has been Ph.D. Thermal Engineer in Thales Alenia Space, France from
candidate since 2012 in Mechanical Engineering Depart- 2006 to 2008. His research interests are mainly at elec-
ment in Sakarya University, Turkey. He joined TURKSAT A.S tronic cooling, forced convection, heat transfer, spray
in 2006 as Satellite Thermal Engineer and worked for cooling and thermal system design. Now he is working as
Thales Alenia Space between 2006e2007 and 2010e2012 an Associate Professor at the Department of Mechanical
in Cannes, France. Before joining TURKSAT, he worked for Engineering, Sakarya University in Sakarya, Turkey.
Carrier Corporation at Large Rooftop Products as an
application and development engineer in Syracuse, New York, USA and McMinnville,
Tennessee, USA. His major interest of study is heat transfer, HVAC, Spacecraft Thermal
Control and Thermal Vacuum applications.

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