ResearchGate 78890460 A Digital Protective Relay As A Real-Time Microprocessor System
ResearchGate 78890460 A Digital Protective Relay As A Real-Time Microprocessor System
ResearchGate 78890460 A Digital Protective Relay As A Real-Time Microprocessor System
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O-8186-7889-5197$10.00 0 1997 IEEE
Proceedings of the 1997 Workshop on Engineering of Computer-Based Systems (ECBS '97)
0-8186-7889-5/97 $10.00 © 1997 IEEE
2.1. Reliability cost of software, particularly in power system protec-
Digital relays can be designed to monitor themsel- tion which is rather low-volume industry, often
ves. The process of self-monitoring may be organized dominates the overall cost. However, the substantial
in a number of ways including execution of special improvement in performance of digital relays made
software functions and/or performing additional possible to reduce the cost-to-benefit ratio [1,2].
2.5. Other functions and features
The separate problem is how to handle the results
of self-checking. Usually the following actions have With the introduction of microprocessor technol-
been taken by a self-monitoring relay: ogy, totally new features and facilities have been
made possible. Particularly they include:
restart the microprocessor system and/or,
l communication between relays to improve
lockout certain functions of a relay and/or,
reliability and speed-up the operation,
switch the protection functions to back-up relays 0 post-fault analysis of all observed transient
raise the alarms. 0 post-fault calculation of a distance to a fault
(fault location),
It should be noted that self-monitoring does not in 0 adaptivity,
itself directly improve reliability, but it does provide
a means of signifying the operational state of protec- 0 settings controllable by hierarchical systems (sub-
tion equipment. This, in turn, has an indirect benefi- station computers),
cial effect on overall reliability by reducing the num- 0 and others.
ber of potential hidden failures.
Certainly, reliability is also improved by building
3. Hardware of digital relays
a degree of redundancy into hardware and/or The general arrangement of the hardware of a
software of a digital relay [1,2]. digital relay is shown in Fig.1.
2.2. Flexibility 3.1. Input transformers
Digital relays as programmable devices are much The analogue input variables, e.g. currents and
more flexible than their analogue predecessors. voltages are electrically insulated from the internal
Usually the same hardware platform is used as a base circuits by input transformers with grounded screens
for different types of relays. It reduces the develop- between primaries and secondaries. The cu.rrent (1A
ment, manufacturing and maintenance costs, im- or 5A rated) and voltage (1lOV rated) signals are
proves reliability, etc. Customizing relays becomes conditioned and converted to their voltage repre-
very easy by modifying the software to meet variety of sentation.
needs of utilities.
As far as the basic protection principles are con- Few years ago the scientific efforts have switched
sidered the following protection techniques are from the approaches born in the era of electro-
broadly distinguished: mechanical relays to Artificial Intelligence (AI)
methods [6]. Researchers identified the task per-
4.1. Differential protection formed by any protective relay as pattern recognition
with only two classes of patterns to be recognized:
In this technique (used for protecting power trans- “internal faults” and “other conditions”. Fig.3 il-
formers, generators, busbars, transmission lines) the lustrates the problem. Fig.3a and 3b display the dif-
instantaneous values of currents or powers are com- ferential current of a power transformer relay for a
pared at each terminal of a protected element. The
differential signal indicates on an internal fault.
Saturation of current transformers, inrush and over-
excitation phenomena in power transformers and a
number of other phenomena bring out, however, cer-
tain problems when applying this protection law.