Circuit Breaker Authentication For Electrical Lineman Safety Enhancement
Circuit Breaker Authentication For Electrical Lineman Safety Enhancement
Circuit Breaker Authentication For Electrical Lineman Safety Enhancement
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1 author:
Kavitha Karthic
Annamalai University
All content following this page was uploaded by Kavitha Karthic on 07 February 2024.
The escalating frequency of critical electrical accidents during electric line repairs underscores the
imperative need for enhanced safety measures for maintenance staff, specifically electrical linemen.
This research proposes a solution aimed at safeguarding the lives of linemen by implementing a
circuit breaker control system operated via a password mechanism. The system's control for
enabling or disabling the power line is vested solely with the lineman, achieved through a password
input requirement for circuit breaker operation (on/off). This system is predominantly managed by a
microcontroller from the 8051 family, with a matrix keypad interfaced to input the password. The 4527
entered password is cross-checked against the stored password in the microcontroller's ROM.
Successful authentication enables the lineman to activate or deactivate the circuit breaker, visually
indicated by a lamp that illuminates or goes off accordingly.
Keywords: Circuit Breaker Control, Password-Based System, EEPROM, Microcontroller, Electrical
8051 family, the system incorporates a matrix this problem, proposed this system, which
keypad interface to input passwords [5]. ensures the safety of the electrical staff [9].
Successful authentication, by comparing the The person who is working on the line will
entered password with the one stored in the place his finger on the fingerprint sensor to
microcontroller's ROM, grants linemen the switch off the line. This information will be
authority to initiate or terminate electrical passed to the substation through IoT.
circuits. The system effectively communicates Protection of an installed electrical system is
the activation or deactivation status through a globally controlled and monitored through the
visual indicator, such as a lamp, providing centralized internet base communication
real-time feedback to linemen during their medium to make the system most reliable.
tasks [6]. Now a day’s researchers are also focusing to
Moreover, this research extends beyond its protect the Lineman from electrical Hazards
immediate implementation, envisioning that occur in the system [10]. Therefore, this
future enhancements to further fortify its work focuses on the protection of lineman
efficacy. The integration of EEPROM Through the help of an Automatic Password
functionality emerges as a prospective based circuit breaker using the Arduino
enhancement, enabling users to modify system.
passwords and bolster the system's security The electric line man safety system make use
features [7]. Additionally, contemplating of a new concept of one time password (OTP).
interfacing the system with a GSM modem It is found that fatal electrical accidents to the
holds promise for remote circuit breaker line man are increasing during the electric line
control through SMS commands, ushering in repair due to the lack of communication and
an era of expanded functionality and co-ordination between the maintenance staff
convenience.Through its proactive approach and the electric substation staff. Hence to
and technological advancements, the circuit avoid this we are implementing a password
breaker authentication system stands poised based circuit breaker. When the user put a
to revolutionize the safety landscape for request the system generates passwords and
electrical linemen, ensuring a safer and more a relay switches to turn ON or OFF the circuit
secure work environment. breaker [11]. OTP plays a major role in this
2 RELATED WORKS system. The one time passwords mean the
Security is the prime concern in our day to day generated passwords are different at each
life while performing any activity. In the time. These passwords provide total control
current scenario, accidental death of lineman to the system to turn on or off the supply to
is often read and evidenced. In this direction, each line.
a safety measure to safe guard the operator is Now a days we see fatal electrical accidents to
found very necessary looking into the present theelectric line man are increasing during the
working style. The electric lineman safety electric line repair due to the lack of
system is designed to control the control communication and co-ordination between
panel doors and circuit breaker by using a the maintenance staff.In order to avoid such
password for the safety [8]. Critical electrical accidents, the breaker can be so designed
accidents to lineman are on the rise during such that only authorized person can operate
electric line repair may be due to lack of it witha password. The system is fully
communication and co-ordination between controlled by the 8 bit microcontroller of
the maintenance staff and electric substation Atmegafamily. The password is stored in an
staff. EEPROM, embedded inthe microcontroller
Electrical accidents to the electrical staff are andcan be entered through a keypad or a
increasing during the maintenance and repair GSM modulewith a registered a mobile only
of the line. This is mainly due to the [12]. A relay is used to open or close circuit
miscommunication (or) lack of breaker, which is indicated by a lamp. Any
communication between the person working wrong attempt to open the breaker (by
on the line and the upkeep staff. To overcome
NeuroQuantology| July 2022 | Volume 20 | Issue 7 | Page 4527-4533|doi: 10.48047/nq.2022.20.7.NQ33541
NeuroQuantology| July 2022 | Volume 20 | Issue 7 | Page 4527-4533|doi: 10.48047/nq.2022.20.7.NQ33541
NeuroQuantology| July 2022 | Volume 20 | Issue 7 | Page 4527-4533|doi: 10.48047/nq.2022.20.7.NQ33541
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NeuroQuantology| July 2022 | Volume 20 | Issue 7 | Page 4527-4533|doi: 10.48047/nq.2022.20.7.NQ33541