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Subjective Data: Inability to Short Term After the nursing Rehabilitative  Home visit Human Goal was met.
“Inaatake yung anak recognize the Goal: interventions, the Intervention:  Interview Resources:
ko ng asthma kapag possible health family will be able Time and
After 1 week 1. Analyze the client's 1. Given that respiratory  Observation
nasa maalikabok na complications of to: \

of nursing and their family's adjustments or an effort of the Short Term Goal:
lugar, o kaya sa mga asthma
intervention, allergy histories, infection might trigger an nurse and the After 1 week of
mabalahibo na concerning taking
alagang hayop. Kung appropriate the family  Manage the taking into account asthma attack, this gives family. nursing
minsan naman measures due to: will be able occurrence of triggering factors, the the foundation for the intervention, the
inaatake siya pag to minimize asthma from frequency of asthma knowledge needed for family was able to
biglaang malamig  Due to the exposure getting worse. episodes. preserving health. minimize the
inadequate to allergens Financial
tapos iinit ang exposure to
knowledge (such as dust,  Implement all 2. Teach the client 2. This stops the spread of Resources:
panahon. Pero may allergens (such as
on handling smoking of the health how to cover their bacteria by airborne funding for
oras ding aatakihin dust, smoking
asthma cigarettes, recommendat mouth and nose when droplets. the nurse’s
siya ng hika kapag cigarettes, etc.) that
attacks. etc.) that ions they cough or sneeze, travel.
sobrang pagod galing triggers asthma
triggers regarding to prevent contact
eskwela. Namana  Due to being episodes.
asthma allergen with those who have
niya kasi ito sa side surrounded episodes. management. respiratory diseases,
ng asawa ko.” As by allergens and how to dispose of
verbalized by the at home. tissues.
mother of the client.  Raise their Long-Term Goal:
 Due to Long-Term 3. Instruct the client 3. This provides
awareness of After 1-month of
inevitable Goal: to avoid stressful information on how to
Objective Data: climate the possible
avoid circumstances that nursing
After 1- circumstances and
Upon observation change. effects of intervention, the
month of rigorous physical could lead to an asthma
and home climate family was able to
nursing activity. attack.
 Due to change on an
visitation, this said show signs of
insufficient intervention, asthmatic
family lives near 4. Give the family 4. To prevent dust. Since improvement in
understandin the family patient.
the rice field. They instructions on how to animals are regarded as how to handle an
g that will be able
change the home's indoor allergens, avoiding asthma attack and
have pets as well, second-hand to show signs  Understand environment to lessen animal allergens requires keep the household
and their house is smokers face of the risk of dust, pet exposure,
far from their greater improvement removing them from the clean from an
smoking and and other allergens.
daughter's school. dangers than in how to the effects it house, or at least the allergen. The
active handle an can have on bedroom. family was also
smokers. asthma attack people who informed about the
cigarette butts can 5. Encourage 5. Pursed-lip and
and keep the do not smoke. DOH services
be found scattered household breathing exercises abdominal breathing available in their
around the clean from an and controlled exercises assist to neighborhood.
household. allergen. breathing and strengthen the respiratory
relaxation. muscles, reduce the
collapse of tiny airways,
and offer the client with a
means to regulate
6. Educate the client dyspnea.
on the medical
6. This information will
condition, signs and
help to increase the
symptoms, and
effectiveness of
potential triggering
preventative measures and
factors that might
compliance with the
lead to an attack.
medical regimen.
7. Provide contact
with community
organizations for 7. This provides
information and assistance to families that
assistance. have a child who suffers
from asthma.

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