2020 Geography Honours Question Paper

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(1) T(3rd Sm.


Paper : SEC-A-1
(Coastal Management)
Full Marks : 80
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words
as far as practicable.
Category - A
Answer any ten questions (each within 50 words). 2×10
1. What is foreshore zone?
2. What are the differences between deep water wave and shallow water wave?
3. Why does velocity of wave get reduced when it comes close to the shore?
4. What is long shore current?
5. What is tidal wave?
6. What is meant by bioturbation structure?
7. Differentiate between swash and backwash.
8. What is a tidal bore?
9. Explain the role of wind in coastal erosion.
10. What is a fringing reef?
11. Name any two causes of coastal pollution in India.
12. What are the impacts of sand mining on coastal environment?
13. State the differences between ‘high tide line’ and ‘low tide line’.
14. Which morphodynamic variables shape the coastal landforms?

Category - B
Answer any six questions (each within 150 words). 5×6
15. Write a note on erosion hazard in West Bengal Coast.
16. Explain briefly the role of different morphogenetic factors that shape the coastal landforms.
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T(3rd Sm.)-Geography-H/SEC-A-1/CBCS (2)
17. What are the causes of estuarine sedimentation?
18. Why is sand encroachment considered as a major problem in coastal environment?
19. Classify coastal zones as mentioned under the Coastal Regulation Zone Act of 1991 in India.
20. Discuss the management strategies to control tourism in coastal area.
21. Describe in brief the different structural and non-structural measures to arrest coastal erosion problems.
22. State the adverse effects of a major tropical cyclone on coasts.

Category - C

Answer any three questions (each within 500 words). 10×3

23. Explain the role of waves and tides in shaping the configuration of a coastline.
24. Discuss with suitable examples the positive and negative impacts of land reclamation activities on coastal
environment in India.
25. Discuss the structural and non-structural measures necessary to control coastal flood.
26. What is meant by EEZ? Discuss the importance of EEZ with special reference to India.
27. What are the management strategies to control dune degeneration?

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