Radio Frequency Work Sheet

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Radio Frequency Work Sheet

1. Define The Conversion efficiency of a power amplifier.

2. What is the value of Conversion efficiency for a class C power
3. Define cross over distorsion and indicate how can it be eliminated.
4. Define thermal resistance.
5. Define harmonic distorsion.
6. Indicate the drawback of class B amplifier.
7. Indicate the difference between class B and class AB amplifier.
8. What is the difference between voltage amplifier and power
9. Derive the expression of efficiency of class A power amplifier ,
providing the circuit diagram.
10. Prove that the maximum efficiency of class A transformer
coupled amplifier is 50% and that of class B type is 78.5%.
11. Draw the circuit of Push Pull class B amplifier coupled using
transformers and explain the operation prove that all the even
harmonics get eliminated. What is the assumption made for this?
12. Explain the basic operation of an oscillator providing a
schematic diagram.
13. State the conditions needed to get the sustained oscillations.
14. Sketch the circuit diagram of FET phase shift oscillator.
15. Given the FETvesistance rd= 12KΩ and the drain resistance
RD = 5KΩ
a) Calculate loud resistance RL
b) Calculate the FET conductance for the minimum gain
c) Calculate the resonance frequency for C=2nF
16. Calculate the capacitance needed to have a resonance
frequency of 100KHz, if the inductances values of Hartley
oscillator are:
L1 =20 H and L2=30 H
17. Sketch the electrical equivalent circuit of piezoelectric
18. Providing circuit diagrams explain briefly the series and
parallel resonant circuits of crystal oscillator.
19. What is a non linear circuit ?
20. Sketch a block diagram of a mixer and derive the expression
of output signal considering VS,(t)=VSZ (t)
21. State the low types of spectrum analyses.
22. Providing a block diagram the theory of operation of
spectrum analyser.
23. Indicate the adjustment parameters of spectrum analyser to
calibrate RF signal.
24. Sketch a block diagram of a completer transceiver indicating
all abbreviations of components
25. Sketch a block diagram of low IF receiver.
26. Sketch a block diagram of digital IF receiver.
27. Providing a block diagram, phasor diagram and data flow
diagrams, explain QPSK modulation in a transmitter.
28. Sketch a block diagram of a digital transmitter.

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