Dance Jota Rizal

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Jota Rizal

Source-Philippine Folk Dances Volume 6


Meaning- Popular Jota during Dr. Jose Rizal's time

Dance Culture- Christian lowland
Place of Origin- Batangas
Ethnolinguistic Group- Tagalog
Classification- Festival

During the Spanish regime, the Jota dances were among the most popular dances in
the Philippines. This version was very popular during the time of Dr. Jose Rizal.

Dace Properties
Female: Maria Clara
Male: Barong Tagalog and Black Trousers

Music: ¾ Composed of four parts A,B,C, and D.

Count: One, two three to a measure
Formation: Partners are opposite each other about six feet apart. When facing audience. Girls are
at the right side of boys.

Music Introduction
Partners face audience
Starting with the R take two steps forward, arms down at sides (cts.1.2), R close to L (ct 3), arms in
first position, repeat stamping, arms open to second position (ct. 1), pause (cts 2,3).

Partners face each other
(a) Step R sideward, bend R knee slightly, point L sideward, arms in fourth position, R arm high.
(b) Repeat (a) to the left, reverse arm positions
(c) Cross-step tum right in place, R overhead, salok L arm to fifth position.
(d) Repeat (-c) starting with the L foot
(e) Repeat all (a-d),

Partners face each other
(a) Starting with the R foot, take a step-brush swing hop forward to partner's place passing R to R.
Swing arms forward-upward.
(b) Quarter turn right and step L sideward (ct 1), tap R foot close to L two times, clapping hands at
the same time over the R shoulder and bending trunk slightly to the right (cts 2.3).
(c) Two cross-steps moving sideward to proper places, passing each other face to face with arms in
fourth position, R arm high Kumintang both hands every measure.
(d) Quarter turn right to face away from partner and repeat (a-c).

Partners face audience.
(a) Stamp R across L in front (1M), stamp it across L in rear (1M), stamp it again across R in front (ct
1), ratse R foot in front (ct 2), hop on L(ct.3). Boy's hands on waist, Girl holding skirt...
(b) Three-step turn right in place, hands as in (a)
(c) Repeat (a) and (b) with the L foot. Reverse turn in (b)

Face partner
(d) Do-si-do. Take two waltz steps forward passing R to R, two waitz steps. backward passing L to L.
Arms in hayon-hayon position and L arm in front alternately.
(e) Cadenilla. Face opposites and join R hands (Boy 1 with Girl 2 and girl 1 with Boy 2) Two waltz
steps turning clockwise, finish in proper places (2M) Release hold and join L hands with partner.
Take two waltz steps counterclockwise (2M). Repeat turn with opposite (2M) Girls take two
waltz steps turning right about to face in, forming a circle, while Boys Waltz R and L in place, all
join hands at head level (2M)
(f) Starting with the R foot, take six step-swings sideward R and L alternately
(g) Drop hands and take a four step turn right to proper places. Finish facing partner (cts 1.2,5; 1),
pause (ct 2), raise R foot forward (ct. 3). Girls hold skirt, Boys' hands on waist.

Face partner.
(a) Cut L with the R backward (ct. 1), four-step turn left in place, starting with the L(cts.2,3; 1,2),
raise L foot forward (ct.3) as in Figure III (g). (g)
(b) Repeat (a) with the opposite foot, reversing the turn, omit raising of foot.
(c) Step-brush-hop forward with the R foot (cts. 1,2,3). Waltz balance forward with the L (cts.1,2,3).
Swing R arm to fifth position, L hand on waist finish in one line by L shoulders.
(d) Starting with the R, take three steps backward (cts. 1,2,3), close L to R (ct. 1), pause (ct. 2), raise
R foot forward (ct.3). Bring R arm gradually down to side while taking three steps...
(e) Repeat all (a-d). Omit the raising of the foot at the end.

Partners face each other.
(a) Repeat Figure Il (a - d).
(b) Repeat Figure II (a - c) facing audience.
(c) Girls turn right about to face partner and join both hands. Waltz balance R forward, swing arms
sideward (1M). Waltz balance L backward, swing arms forward (1M).
(d) Starting with the R, take three steps forward to finish in one line at center with Girl in front of
Boy facing audience (cts. 1,2,3), step L foot in place (ct. 1), point R sideward and look at each
other, arms extended sideward in second position.
What is jota dance?
jota, courtship dance traditional in northern Spain, particularly Aragon; also a genre of folk
song that precedes and accompanies the dance or is sung only. The dancing couple hold their
arms high and click castanets as they execute lively, bouncing steps to guitar music and

What is jota dance in the Philippines?

The Philippine jota was among the most popular dances during the Spanish colonial
period in the Philippines and up to the early 20th century. It was originally performed in
social gatherings (like weddings, parties and baptisms) during the Spanish period in the

Music Introduction
Partners face audience
Starting with the R take two steps forward, arms down at sides (cts.1.2), R close to L (ct 3), arms in
first position, repeat stamping, arms open to second position (ct. 1), pause (cts 2,3).

Used Hayon-hayon- to place one forearm in front and the other at the back of the waist
Used second position- both arms raised sideward with a graceful curve
Used cross change step- Music: 2/4 time. Counts 1, and, 2.
Step R(L.) foot across I.(R) in front (ct. 1), step L(R) foot close to R(I.) foot quickly in third position in
rear first position (ct. and), step R(L) foot quickly in fourth in front (ct. 2). This step is commonly
done forward or sideward.
Used stamp- to bring the foot forcibly and noisily on the floor with or without transfer of weight.

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