The Candy Land Mishap

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The Candy land mishap

Mayor plot points

1. Get send to Candyland
2. Figure out were you are
3. Go to King Candy
4. Go to the Arcantist
5. Go to the Black Dragon
6. Storm the Portal
Capital of Yvalken
The city of Yahargul is a city stumped in eternal darkness, shadows loom everywhere, the
plague hides on every corner, abominations roam the alley looking for prey and the crime is
high almost as high as the building are.
Yahargul has many building stacked on top of each other they reach high into the dark sky,
were creatures stalk the night and the guards laugh as the homeless get devoured this city is
a mess and corrupt so good money for an assassin.
You are in the assassins guild of the Myrkuls Finger
There have been 11 kings each who have chosen their own arcanist most reigns of kings end
at 60 years the kingdom of Yvalken has existed for over 500 years. Yvalken was known as the
land of nightmares and the free. Until the 9th kings anointed a man to be his 10th arcanist
who started influencing the king to create more law and order. Which the 11 th arcanist
continued, but he controlled the 10th king and started becoming more of a tyrannical leader
while the king became his puppet. No one has ever done anything against him since
everyone was to afraid to even come close to him. Until this day where the assassins of
Myrkul have gained a huge amount of money to kill him.
1. A sour Awakening
You awaken as always, but today is a bid different the you have been hired to be a part of
the biggest assassination that your chapter of Myrkuls Finger has ever seen the assassination
of Helminor The 11th Arcanist of Yahargul a tyrant who controls the king of Yvalken like a
shadow pupped master when this man is killed you will be payed very fairly as will everyone
who will be a part of this assassination. (Today is Monday the assassination will take place on
You have been summoned to a briefing just for you on Thursday
(You can buy supplies for the Job and you can train in a specific stat or skill to gain a small
2. The Recipe
You enter a small decrepit looking house you see three beggars lying on the ground they ask,
is thine flesh good (Code : It’s to die for and you show your mark)
You enter the hideout its dark the only light sources are far away lanterns and glowing
mushroom, it looks like an ants nest with path ways going up and down left and right, you
see a handful of people and animals you several well-armed men and women stand guard,
you can see a few hooded people standing and talking. You head through the main tunnel a
man nods at you and says he is expecting you to the left.
You enter the room and see two people a human male with black leather armour you can
see his bow with snake heads on both ends on his back you know him as the guild
leader(Jammer) and you see a high elf with a very thick suit of leather armour there are
many pouches on his armour you can see a lantern with a small face on it you know him as
the guilds arcanist or the mad spell slinger Vicar Ustarnafus
The mission is simple kill the 11th arcanist there will be 12 teams dispatched to kill him all in
different ways you will be the secret 13th team who only we five know about this will also be
an experimental way you will be teleported to a different reality where after precisely 1 hour
another portal will open you will be payed the double that a normal assassin will because of
the experimental technic (2000 Gold).
Ustarnafus will explain that you will go through a portal he created and tested out you
should end up in the arcanists tower he has a portal there your goal then is to defeat him in
his lair. Be here tomorrow at 1 in the morning directly then I will transport you rest up and
train up in the meantime.
3. A sweet Awakening
You enter a different small decrepit looking house you see three beggars lying on the ground
they ask, is thine flesh good (Code : It’s to die for and you show your mark)
As you enter the hideout you see that its more lit up now with more lanterns, there are now
a lot of people down here all in a hurry, leaving in one place and coming out the other,
sharpening there swords preparing spells testing out bows and collecting poisons.
You need to head to Ustarnafuses laboratory he looks very exited to get started with the
He stars chanting and wisps start coming out of his lantern they enter the sockets of the
portal and they start screaming an eerie noise they portal starts filling up with a thick syrup
like blue liquid he asks if anyone wants to go first if no one he pushes the closest person in
As you enter you feel like you are falling you see a blue streams going next to you and white
flashes as you look beside you, you see your comrades next to you ,you seem to be going
faster and faster as the feeling of your death slowly creeps in the back of your mind (Con
save 19 higher or pass out) as you start reaching the fastest speeds possible You see a bright
pink flash and you hear a loud whooshing and warping of sound you fall down as you open
your eyes you see a bright pink landscape this hurts your eyes as this doesn’t look like the
dark shadow filled lands you are accustom to this is very bright and almost hurts your eyes
as your eyes start to get used to the sight of a rich colourful land scape and as your mind
starts to cope with it you get hit in the face with an overpowering sweet scent you are not
used to this is strange but its not terrible ,its good ,it’s nice ,its energizing.
4. Toothache
 The Baronets town ship
Owner : Baronet Von Bonbon
Communities : 9 (Ginerveal, Sweetturfs, Jolly Ranch, Twizz Town, Choraisn, Hersley,
Big Reds Farm, Stimrola, Pralein)
Average Population : <5000
Buisness : Farming (Shusheep, Cucumbird, Buffaloaf) (Cottoncandy Trees and basic
As you wake(in order of Con save) you get used to the sweet smell and the bright view(Per
Check) You can see strange sheep like creatures who are divided into four parts with a
shrimp like tail (Shusheep) they seem curious and naïve, but not dangerous. As four of these
creatures approach you see a village in the distance where the houses are made out of a
brown material and white and redlining on the sides this looks like a small farming village.
In the distance you can see a gigantic castle made out of so many different colours.
As you come closer to the village you see that the trees have a pink fluffy texture instead of
trees and the people wear colourful clothing.

 Gingerveal (Hamlet)
Owner : Miss Baronet Von Bonbon
Representative : Miss Vandycorn
Housing : 7
Population : 21
Notes :
It’s a farming village there isn’t an inn or anything of the sort there isn’t a blacksmith
or shop. They mostly harvest the rice from Shusheep they have a giant rice silo where
most of there food resides. When asked about information they will be pointed
towards Miss Vandycorn who is an elder sitting outside of her house in a rocking
chair, She is the Rep of the village, she worked for Miss Von Bonbon in the past. The
village gets most of there goods from an old well-travelled safe route which leads to
a town where the Baroness (Pralein)
Quest Progress :
Talk to Miss Vandycorn to be pointed in the direction of Baroness Von Bonbon a woman who
would be able to get them to the king.
 Zotz Road
Zotz road is a safe road with not a lot of activity of bandits it’s a clear road with not
many Cotton candy trees
(Per Check 18) You see a regular cat not made out of food just a plain normal world
cat poof into existence behind you and trail a bit further back, if approached he will
hiss, run away and hide a bit further.
5. The Chocolate Baronet
You approach a gate made out of sugarcanes you see two guards standing and arguing about
which is which a mandarin or an orange(History check to figure out what both are) if the
argument was made and finished they will be let in and if the adventures ask where Von
Bonbon is they will start arguing about were she is they will argue about everything

 Pralein (Town)
Owner : Miss Baronet Von Bonbon
Representative : Miss Baronet Von Bonbon
Housing : 992
Population : 1984
Points of Interest
1. Blacksmith (The Fundue Iron) is ran by a meat dwarf
Sells Basic Weapons and Armor
2. Inn (Snack’s and Rests) is ran by a human
Sells basic food and resting
Has a bounty board with the pictures of 5 children with missing under them
3. General Goods (Horibo) is ran by a human
Sells Basic adventurer goods
4. Library (The Libuorice) is ran by a vegetable gnome
Sells Books and Maps
Notes :
This is a larger size town it is mostly connected to all 8 of the Baronets Hamlets and
Villages, this town focusses on trade and acts more like a hub to all the other places
apart of the township. When asked for where the Baronet resides they will be
pointed towards the baronets mansion on a hill.
Quest Progress :
Talk to anyone and ask where the baronet lives they will point to the baronets
mansion and give them a warning that its haunted.

 The Baronets Mansion

As you enter the baronets mansion it looks a lot more drab and dull then anything
outside when you call out no one responds. For as big as the mansion is there looks
to be no staff around
There are 10 different rooms
1. The first floor has not much on it there are some busts who look like a woman
with a very crooked and scary smile, the paintings on the lower floor always look
to be staring at you and follow you trough the room this floor has
Stairs to the second floor
2 doors to the left (Pantry and Study)
2 doors to the right (Dinning Hall and Kitchen)
1 trap to the left door sticking out under a carped (Passive per 14)
2. The second floor is reached by a stair case in the middle this floor has busts and
paintings as well, they are the same as the ones from the floor below
Stairs to the first door
1 door to the left (Guest Room)
1 door to the right (Bed Chamber)
1 trap door above on the ceiling above the left-hand room (Passive per 11) or
leave left-hand Room
3. Pantry
The pantry is filled with bags of rice, cucumbird eggs, cotton candy and bread
parts it also holds some basic supplies
4. Study
This study has mostly mad scrambling’s in Deep speech if read for more then
5 min make a (Int save of 12 or higher or take 2d4 Psychic damage as the
information is not made for the sane) you see a wax looking stick made out of
garlic paste it’s a long candle
5. Dining Hall
It’s a hall ready to seat about 22 people it looks like it’s already set up for
diner and the garlic candles are already lit there are plates already set with
food (Inv to see its been set out for about 4 hours)
6. Kitchen
The kitchen is well stocked the knives look odd even for this places standards
they are curled like a cork screw and shaped like a saw.
7. Guest room
When entering the guest room one sees about 12 heads of different food
animal heads and monster (Passive Per 12 all the eyes follow you)
8. Bed Chamber
The bed chamber is way more spacious then you would guess from the
outside there is a giant painting of her when pulled back it reveals there is a
small safe behind it (Slei 12 when open it reveal 10 x gold and a key)
9. The Attic
When you pull down the trap door a ladder will drop down which you can
climb, when you get to the attic you see Baronet Von Bonbon sitting on a
throne with her back towards you when you greet her she speak mumbling
and quick like an insane person a passive check of 16 reveals of blood on her
10. The Cellar
The cellar must either be opened with the key or Slei check of 16 when
opened you enter a dungeon with 3 cages hanging from the roof you see a
wooden chair with blood all around it, there are multiple sets of torture tools
with two sets of knifes missing
Inspecting the chair will reveal a knife with the blade part coming out of a
demons mouth
Knife of Drak Chola
This knife is the knife f a demon named Drak Chola he gave it two
his most loyal disciple this item has 1d4 +1 Charges
When you strike an enemy with this dagger you can use a bonus
action on the next turn to inflict 1d6 +2 Necrotic damage
As a dark sludge comes pouring out and pierces the skin
Inspecting the cages you recognize the three people who are in the are the
missing children from the posters on of them is long dead maggots a coming
out from the inside, the other two are dead as well there are no survivors
When you talk to Baronet von Bonbon she will invite you to dinner and she will ask you to
stay and sleep she will get you a carriage in the morning to the capital of the kingdom (if she
is refused she will beg them for the night it gets o so lonely and the carriage won’t be here
until morning)
Or if she is killed you find a card with 9 scratches on it with a dwarf smiling on it It says in
abyssal scratch me for a ride, ill come with my hide, only ten, for I am the one they call ben.
Scratch on the card and you hear the sound of faint hooves as portal opens and the wagon
come through a portal, Arcana check reveals it to be a demonic item
As morning comes she will wake them up with some breakfast on bed she seems very
cheery she shows them the stagecoach they will be riding in the creatures pulling it
are radish horses who look famished and rotten, you see a man sitting on top of the
stagecoach is a man who looks like a dwarf covered in tanned black leather he gives
you a grim smile he waves you down.
6. A rotten Union
As you go down the road you hear de clacking of the horses hooves for a long time, as the
wagon suddenly stops and comes to a halt you see three white looking goblins. You
can smell them from the inside (Survival check 10 to know that it garlic) they talk a bit then
you hear a the clack of something and a boom you see one of the goblin get shot in the face
and die directly the other two look in shock and horror. And the cart continues
As group of men stop the wagon they look roughed up and a bit bloodied they are armed,
you know that these are bandits. As they begin to scream for everyone to get out from the
wagon you here the driver say this isn’t boys here let me just. You hear all kinds of demonic
sounds from out side and see all the bandit run away
As the cart stops yet again you hear some talking outside from the you hear heavy foot steps
walk towards your cart and a knock on the door. As the door is opened you see a knight in a
heavy golden armour, a pink plume on his head and a rainbow coloured cape. He says that
he is the radiant knight, the strongest knight in all of the kingdoms. He asks a) if they are the
special gifts for the king who where send, or b) he asks who you are
He warns that he has eyes and ears every where every sin he will know so you better don’t
do anything stupid.
7. The Sweetness
As you approach the city you hear the driver say almost there, my service is over have fun on
foot no get out.
As you get out of the wagon you see that your already in the outside ring of the city there
are a lot of people are around here more. Its very bright, the houses are made out of a white
material and the roofs out of a bright yellow material. There are people talking, trading and
peddling items. There are some carts being pulled by some bread looking bulls (Buffaloaf)
There are some green looking birds (Cucumbirds) and some shusheep again, there are also
many more weird looking animals.
As you go to the gate you get in with out any questioning or searching this is quite weird
they seem very trusting and happy around here.

 Sagur The Capital of The Candy kingdom

Owner : King Von Eigenrich of Dickmann The III
Representative : King Von Eigenrich of Dickmann The III
Housing : 70.000
Population : 320.000
Points of Interest
5. Inn : Kings Gingerale
Is ran by an old perverted male with a lot of scantily clad women
6. Smith : The Hot Ceeto
Is ran by an fruit elf with a good eye for detail
7. General Goods : Jenna’s Candy store
Is ran by a small Hafling from the Fat lands
8. Potion Maker : The Bottle of Booze
A store ran by a creepy cultist like Orc from the liquor lands
9. Temple : Temple of the Five Gods
They worship the five gods here if asked where there isn’t a candy god they
reveal that he is a sinner and the reason why there are evil forces in the world
10. Doctor : Chocolate Kisses
A big burly gay man runs this store

8. Sugar High
The city is gigantic filled with colour you have never seen anything like this every one is super
happy. Even other places in this kingdom where less happy and cheery. The guards don’t
seem to be very active on patrol and have a marshmallow on their halberds.
As you walk further and further you can just walk anywhere this is much, much more
different then in Yvalken.
You walk straight to the castle the guards don’t hold you back at all or anything of the like as
soon as you enter you see the throne of the king a giant gold like the throne with a huge
circle made out of stone behind him.
The king you can see is very… Round. He is very excited to meet you he is as jolly as a kid.
He knows of a man who is like you he live in the chomping swamp you can take a boat to
there you will be there in a half a day. It’s a slow river right or fast doesn’t matter

9. The Jolly Boat ride down the river

You are given a boat by the king he smiles and waves you off as the boat goes down a small
calm river. River = chocolate
After an hour you can see the swamp but its at a really weird angle.
Passive of 12 to notice water fall can backdown or still go
Passive of 10 to notice Str check required to go back
Passive of 8 to notice water fall  you fall
As the boat descends the waterfall ask how the pcs will fall down themselves for cookie
crazy fun times the boat survives you can land on it take 5d10 bludgeoning dmg or acro
check 16 to take 2d10 bludgeoning as the river starts to calm down
As you approach the end of the river you see that the land is getting grey like Yvalken and
swampy, the closer you get the more corrupted it feels around here the more death wallows
over you.

10. The Chomping swamp

You reach the end of the river. You see a shadowy figure who has stuck his head in the river
and he isn’t coming up with his head
Perception check 8 to see that he is not like other people from around here, his skin looks
rotten covered in bite marks and ragged clothing mostly ripped off.
Zombie stat block
As you exit the boat you see about a 3 miles away a crooked, and dark tower with black bird
flying around it.
As you walk through the swamp you see an clearing without any trees around you see many
of the black creatures

 Perception 10 Hulking 2-3  2

 Perception 13 Latcher 2-4  3
 Perception 17 Chombies 12-14  12
 Perception 19 Chombie Glutton 1 who is banging his head against a tree Joins  end
round 3
When engaged in combat and the party is losing a murder of regular crow appear and they
come together in a thick cloud of feathery fury and suddenly disperse and fly back to the
tower and two rock golems appear and start pummelling the zombies
The golems and crow don’t look like anything from this world as the battle ends a gentle gust
comes and blow the golems to dust and a black cat stands behind where the golems once
stood. He is a very, very deep black and is the same cat from ep 2, he has one pure red eye
and one pure blue, he talks in a very posh accent.
If the heroes killed the zombies: Hm your sturdier than I would have expected from mortals
like you, my master is looking for you chop, chop come along and don’t trail behind
If the heroes almost died: Hm flimsy meat bags who can’t even finish of a couple of hungry
corpses, utterly pathetic. But hey my master wants you not I come on he is waiting. And
don’t die on the way

11. The Tower of Jazz

As the cat walks you to the tower the heroes see that it is surrounded by a greater plain with
a moat around it. It looks under attack at the moment by more chombies but there are eight
of the golems you saw pummelling.
The Cat says to ignore the zombies this isn’t new they do this every day.
He leaps over the pit and says you don’t want to land in there. Now come along.
The players need to cross it themselves and he starts to lick himself. If they land in the pit
they stink to high hell and fail all stealth checks automatically
As the Cat opens the door with a flick of his neck you enter a very clean and bigger location
then how it looks from the outside.
It your nose is filled with a cosy smell and soft background music starts to fill the room
nothing like you ever heard before.
The room is dimly lit with themes of red, black and brown all over the room you see magical
object every where and scroll and books it is rather clean. You see what looks like a stage
with a handful of very weird instrument floating around they are made out of brass.

End Session 1

Start session 2
Small recap: hired to kill arcanist for gold didn’t go well travelled universe met baronet von
bonbon killed her, went to the king gone down boat fought zombies, followed cat came to
the tower
You look in awe as a man walks down from the stairs next to the stage. His hair is nicely
combed to the back, he has a well-trimmed goatee, he is wearing a very formal suit and a
platinum pocket watch chain is dangling out of there. He greets you formally introducing
himself as Bermul Von Rechmuss
History check DC 12 to recognize the name as that being of the 9th arcanist
History check DC 14 to remember that he died 70 years ago
History check DC 16 to remember that he died in a magic explosion in his laboratory
he was the first arcanist who didn’t live until the end of his kings life
History check DC 18 to remember a picture of him and remember that this is not
what he looks like
If you talk to him about how he is still alive he says that it must be a magical anomaly a sort
of fuck up off magic if you will. He was trying to make a golem who has sentience, he
somehow messed it up and got teleported here. He was working with some core he made
from powerful beings so that mut have been his 2nd and 3rd power source
He asks how they got here.
If they want to get out of here and back to Yvalken they will need another powerful being we
got two and we need another one. Luckily I know where he is kind of I have used a tracking
spell for powerful magical signatures and found it hiding in the mountains
The third powerful being is around the dew mountains.
He isn’t going because he is allergic to a lot of things in the candy around here and we do not
need an asshole to go there so Cath can’t go I kind of need him at the home frond. You will
need to go through the forest I can’t really help but I’ll give some items.

Each a ring and 3 potions

Ring of the Guardian
A thick metal ring with a deep blue gem stone in the form of a
When the user goes unconscious a phantom bear appears behind
their body protecting it for 2 turn any one who targets the
unconscious hero will be targeted by the phantom dealing 1d8+3
bludgeoning damage per attack (+5 to hit). As the user wakes he
will feel weaker and loses -10 max Hp till a long rest (Min 1HP)
Yellow potion The Cats Surge (a Potion that has small bubbles
floating to the to it almost gives of a light) it taste like a nice
surgery and light drink. 4 Charges
The drinker starts becoming blind and very slow (Blindness, -6 DEX
and -20 Movement Speed) for an hour
After an hour the user gets a lot of energy and becomes hyper (+ 8
PER, +4 DEX, +10 Movement speed) For an Hour.
Green Potion Ogres Mucus (The potion has a green like he wit has
all kinds of time object floating in it) It tastes disgusting and smells
like puke the user must make a CON saving throw of 10 or higher
or he or she will vomit it up. 4 Charges
The Drinker starts becoming sick and becoming greenish for 5
minutes when this is over the user gains +2 Natural AC and 15
Temp Hit Points for
If the drinker vomits it up it will deal 1d8 poison damage to all
enemies in a 10 feet cone.
Blue Potion Stars Eyes (The potion looks like an open night sky with
wat looks like stars) It tasted like nothing else like something out of
this world. 6 Charges
The user becomes blind for 15 minutes after the 15 minutes after
the 15 minutes the user can’t see anything up to 60ft the user can
see up to the max of 1000ft anything between that has (+10)
He points in the direction of the mountain which can be seen from far away
As you leave the tower cath leads you to the path that needs to be followed, The road
should be semi clear maybe the odd chomby here or there but no real threat. Now listen
closely don’t fuck this up as my nose is very sensitive and I can’t stand this irritating sweet
smell everything is to sweet. I can’t stand it go on and scram out of here.

Road to mountain dew

As the players walk the road towards the mountain they see the road and it is decrepit the
trees look like faces mid screaming as you walk the road you can’t shake the feeling of being
watched. As you walk the road you hear some familiar wooshing sounds and see a pink cloud
appear it quickly devolves into a vortex and starts to slingback you hear the crackeling of
lightning bolts shoot outward nearly hitting you, as it reaches its maximum it launches out
Jelmers Pc.
After walking for a bit you come to what looks like a town at the foot of a giant mountain
A town of Cult and Shadows
As you reach the town you see nature has began to flourish again, the town looks small with
wooden shackes the walls are made from logs sharpent and look like stakes, there is a small
gate who stands open, in the middle of the town you see a small monolith made from stone
there are many people surrounding it and praying to the road up above there are no guards
but every one is praying and yelling in the middle. They all pray to a great black god.
The town is small it has an inn who also sells general goods and some weapons this place is
called Meat & Mead owned by a Tall Dwarf?? He is in the center aswell. Every one will
return in about half an hour. The people won’t talk about what it is or why they do it. They
will warn if the players go up. That dangerous beast live up and they will point to an old fort
half way up the mountain. As creatures have taken over that old damn fort.
As you look up the mountain you see no old fort or whatever.
As you try to leave an old small man walks to you and asks if your going up the mountain,
and if yes you would like a blessing to help you make it easier

 No  no blessing
 Yes  follow him to a small chapel.
You see a small fountain with a Green Goop as he touches it he makes a small prayer
and it turns black, he says you need to drink it. As you drink it he proclaims a verse in
in abyssal As you drink our blood with his, you will see our friends and foes. Gain his
strength, gain his knowledge know all he knows. For the first time open your eyes.
Con save 14 or belch it up as it is tasteless but your body rejects it.
Failed gain +1 to two stats of choice and +2 to skill of choice. You see small visions of
Succes gain +2 to two stats of choice and +3 to skill of choice. You see major visions
of truth. As the preacher says to open your eyes you open your eyes quickly en
violently. As you open your eyes black tendrils in your eyes start nestling to your iris.

He says you can go up the mountain now safely up the mountain, but you might need
some supplies and as you have shown you are apart of the people here you can get a
small discount in the tavern for supplies.
The Climb of Mountain Dew
As you look up to the mountain you see the stairs crafted out of the mountain it self and
some pathways to the top it looks like a periles journey as the higher the mountain goes the
less tress and grass you see the more and more snow you see. As the climbs begin you spiral
around the mountain. As the mountain trek begins you walk and walk up the mountain there
seems to be no end to. As you walk the mountain Minor truthseekers see some blue rabbits
dashing down the mountain. Try to touch em they explode for 2d4 force damage in area of
15 x 15 feet. Minor truthseekers see a man argueing with nothing Mayor truthseekers see
a beholder as well. They speek in abyssl and are talking about the great black one.
As night decends you see a campsight with a burned out campfire, it still has some logs next
to it. It is still half a day climb to the top.

 As you wake Minor truthseekers see a small stand with a creature with tentacles for
a face offering free food (MindFlayer)
Truthseekers can see can “eat” some food this gives 1d4 temp hit points.
As you climb the mountain you see more of these ruminations who all ignore you, but as you
reach the top there are no more trees, as you continue climbing you start hearing a low
growl from time to time. As you see the top of the mountain the path seems to wind up to a
As you enter the cave you get pushed back a bit by a wave of wind from time to time as you
get closer to the end you see a gigantic black dragon with pools of black puss around him.

 You can sneak around lower than 8 = Fail

 Any loud action must make a stealth check.
 There is a chest behind him lock (18) 1d10 x 1d20 gold
As you get close to him you see one of his eyes open. As he opens his eyes and rises from his
slumber he proclaims I am Grovamundir, the enslaver of races, the subjugator of life, the
ruler of minds. And who are you to stand against me.
He hates these lands as he doesn’t get subjugate anyone there is nothing here exept for
dumb idiotic people who would sell there soul for a mind chip, everyone whorships him as a
god and it all smell so sweet. There is no fun here as everyone would just lay down there
lives instead of fight.
As you explain who you are and why you are here, he will ask you to solve three riddles as he
has missed them very much. I might give you a reward for completing it.
1. What is so fragile saying its name breaks it? Silence
2. Where can you find cities, towns, rivers and roads but no people? Map
3. What has to be broken before you can use it? Egg
If completed 2/3 you get the chests gold if failed get half.
Now it time to return home as he walks out the cavern he looks around his eyes getting
adjusted to the light. He says to jump up and asks where to. He flies quickly you hold thight
to the scales he flies a bit wobbely as he hasn’t flown in a while and as you get closer to the
clearing you can see the golems in rest mode as the dragon lands Cath and Bermul they talk
a bit cath knows Grovamundir. Now the plan is to storm candy castle and activate the portal
to get home they will need to charge it as you defend them.

End Session 2
Start Session 3
The Session starts
Bermul explains that there is a giant portal frame in the kings chamber, he has already
investigated it and he requested to use it, but the king was very defensive about it and called
it a gift of the gods, they may not seem it but they are very religions.
We need three powerful magical beings to charge the portal its vital we get it started
immediately and we can’t stop once we start, as the energy can kill us if not contained.
 At this point a human walks in with peasant clothing and a thick black beard and a
full head of long rough black hair. Its Grovarmanur
They can infiltrate at night there will be no guards and charging up the portal is quiet.
Infiltration at night
As night falls Bermul conjures six giant ravens vial scrolls. As each rides a raven you see the
city coming closer and closer you see Grovarmanur touch his sides and collect some black
puss he uses it as warpaint, you see Darmul pull up a shown over his head and mouth and
you see Cath shifting from orange with red stripes to pure black.
As you land outside of the city, you see them sneak towards the gate where two guards
stand, as Grovarmanur produces black puss from his sides forms two balls and throws them
at there faces and they stand still with a black look on there face. The city is empty there is
no one, there aren’t even guards. As you approach the castle you see that the chains of the
gate stand open, inspecting the chains reveals that they are stuck.
When entering the castle you see that the tiles are in a red and white blocked pattern, there
is a purple carped with gold sides, the throne is made of gold and more supportive of a
heavier man. There is a small door next to the throne and there is a set of armour hanging
from the sky with a heftier build
The battle with the king
As Cath gets enveloved with a red energy, as Bermul shoots out two beams of light and as
Grovarmanur shoots out two beams of darkness. A loud Thunk is heard the portal starts
shifting, Bermul says we have to keep it going for about 15 minutes
As the door open next to the throne you hear arguing about, how the king is probably
pranking them as no one ever does anything in candy—kingdom. These guards can be
conviced easily to leave, if engaged combat starts with two candy guards, two more will join
in on turn 2 and two more on turn 3. After the third set of guards enter two of the gates
come down. When a guard is killed a small whisp leaves there body
When there are only 2 guards left, you hear heavy foot fall fill the room the only sounds of
the portal changing the guard heavy breathing and the food fall.
As you see a rainbow coloured feather and golden armour slowly approach the last gate, as
the last gate closes the radiant knight stands before it, as he unsheathes his sword, he says I
knew outsiders are never up to good, I knew it but no one listens then it’s time to kill.
As het enters he grants the all allies +4d6 temp hit points.

When the Radiant knight falls you start hearing frantic heavy food steps above you, as you
hear a crash through the sealing you see the king either land on his ass or enter his armour
before landing, when he falls on his ass his AC is 12 and uses 1 turn to enter his armour
As the warriors slay the king they enter the portal, as they enter it they start to feel
Portal time
As you enter the portal everything starts swirling with many colours you see in the beginning
mainly pink with red, white and black strands throughout it, it slowly starts to shift to be
more and more dark it is slowly corrupted you see grey black and green become more
prominent, You see human Grovarmanur with a stone cold look forward, while Bermul
seems to enjoy it and float around in it, as Cath sits in Grovarmanurs hair in fear. as each of
you get hit in the faces with a pink lightning bolt shot from a small opening Per Check as you
see weird looking dragon as its pink and it looks more smooth looking dragon everyone is
fully healed and has all there spell slots returned.
As you go faster and faster you see a fork in the tunnel a Green one and a Black one (Illusion
of choice) As you get surrounded with an energy tying you together.
As you leave the portal Bermul recognizes that your all in the Lair of the arcanist he tris
something you have no clue what it is. He explains that the lair is tied to an Arcanist he can
fully control it and the defences. He isn’t connected anymore however and he can’t connect
to it meaning that Helminor is home.
The Arcanists Lair
As you fully enter the arcanists lair you see its nothing like described, what was described
was a small tower. Bermul explains that space is a bit more optional for powerful wizards
What you see is a giant chamber bigger than King Candies it is huge about the size of four
soccer fields, its about 250m long and 100m wide as you look you see a throne, as you walk
further outside of the room you portalled through, you look back and the door has vanished.
As you walk closer to the throne you see six crystals, one holding two kobold, one holding a
worg, one a mushroom of some kind  Nature Check, one holding nothing  Per or Inv
Check, one holding a gigantic devil Religion Check and the last one a winged woman 
Religion Check. As you walk further you see the throne it feels like its going away further and
further the closer you get. Grovarmanur pounds his foot on the ground and the room stops
shifting, now as you approach you see another Crystal with a skeleton in robes in it and two
sets of armour next to the throne, you see Helminor sitting on the throne, he is wearing
plate armour with a black robe covering some parts, he has black hair in a bun and an
impressive moustache. He stands up form his throne and makes a speech.
You must be the last of the assassins send after me, if had it up to hear with all of you I can’t
even get a good nights sleep without someone trying to be the assassin who kills Helminor.
And now your even dragging corpses and curses into it, as he looks at Dremul and
Grovarmanur. As Grovarmanur chimes in Do you even know who I am? He replies I Simply
do not give a single fuck about who you are who you revived and who you killed. Your lives
end here.
As with a snap of his finger three of the crystals start to crack the Devil, Angel and the
Undead he points and says kill, kill, KILL THEM ALL. As Grovarmanur starts to slowly shift to
becoming a dragon again, Helminor pound the ground with his staff the chamber starts to
shift again Grovarmanur is almost completely transformed to a dragon he gets tackeld by the
lich who blasts him with magic to far back in the room.
Cath asks do you need my help? Dremul says sure casts a spell and Cath starts to deform,
first he loses all his hair it turns into a red skin, his ears start to shift to the sides and turn
into horn, he sprouts wings and and a row of hair grows to the back of his head, as cath
starts to grow his arms start to bulk up and become longer just like his hindlegs skull based
armor slowely appears into being. As Cath Stands tall he is now a Balor as he striks his fist to
the ground a blad of lightning appears and a whip of fire. He holds up his hand and motions
the Devil to come and fight they again get blasted away, as cath grapples the Devil and
smashes him into the hindwall.
You see Bermul stretch as he says I’ll take the fiend, if you guys take the arcanist. She is
much more powerful then you guys. As he creates some magic symbols in between his
hands he teleports her and him to around the middle as the start fighting
Battle with The Arcanist
As the Arcanists stands a bit perplexed, he says I didn’t expected you to bring dragons,
demons and Undead, but its fine. You seem like you’re going to fight me as he lowers a
barrier that separated you he animates the armour next to him and combat begins.
1 x Helminor
2 x Animated Armor
2 X Kobold
1 x Gelatinous cube
1 x Worg
1 x Violet Fungus
Add 1 either every 2 turns or if easy add 2 every 2 turns
As Helminor falls the pcs stand victorious each is congratulated by Bermul as you see Cath
devouring both Devils corpses in the background. You see Grovarmanur in human form
performing a ritual to banish the lich.
Bermul says he is going to remain here and become the arcanist again, Grovarmanur is going
to the Dragoncoucil in Yirgäll. As Cath eats the last of the corpses in his demon form. Bermul
says to go get your reward you deserved it and when you picked it up come back and I will
give you a small present. He teleports you down and gives you a stick to teleport all of you if
you break it.
The streets are empty a faint smell of smoke hangs in the air
As you return to the Assassins hideout entrance you see guards around it with smoke
coming out of it. The watchers have been killed.
Guard stat block
As you enter the hideout you see that its been raised with guard chatter everywhere.
As you return to Bermul he asks how it went and if your rich folk now.
He pities them as he and Grovarmanur stands behind Bermul. They ask what the plans of
every person is. Grovarmanur gives them all a big black scale which is the size of an average
torso it will sell for about 1000gp its one of the hardest materials ever. Bermul puts his hand
in a bag of holding he picks up behind the throne and gives them 10pp.
End campaign What happened to everyone
 Barbarian, Drok devoted his life to finding the meat mountains, he used his scale as a
 Bard, he became his apprentice, follower and musical troupe, he left bermul and
became the host of an adventurers guild, he earned money on the side as an alter
ego as a rock star. He used his scale as a chest plate.
 Druid, he travelled to the dragon coucil to become the host of the dragon council, he
perfected a technik to make it grow, He hung his scale in his house.
 Rogue/Wizard, He travelled with Grovarmanur until he didn’t swissy anymore, so he
gives it to a kid he randomly found who wanted to be an adventurer, he wove his
dragon plat into his armor.
The History of Candyland
The world of Cornocopia was first divided into 6 Kingdoms The lands of Candy, The Vegtable
forests, The Fruit Jungle, The Moantains of Meat, The Junker Dunes and The Grain Grotto’s
they al kept going to war to decide who would be the strongest when everyone was almost
wiped out the seven nut sages came down from there tree to warn everyone for that this
war will wipe everyone out if they do not stop the nuts helped restore the balance to the
world and rebuild the kindoms didn’t care anymore about the borders all the needs of each
kingdom where nullified by the other kingdoms.

Gods and Demons of Candyland

1. Drak Chola : The demon of torture, pain and sacrifice. Chaotic, Evil
2. Twihe Chola : The demon of purity, racism and extremism Lawful, Evil
3. Urep Chola : The demon of origin, death and bloodshed Neutral, Evil
4. Tun Chola : The demon of trickery, falsehood and lies Chaotic, Neutral
5. Kilm Chola : The demon of apocalypse, ruin and destruction Chaotic, Neutral

1. Rib Sprae : The god of protection, guarding and sentinals Lawful, Neutral
2. Baen : The god of poison, healing and growth Chaotic, Good
3. Paple : The god of exploration, curiosity and adventure True Neutral
4. Hiskey : The god of wisdom, intelligence and memories Chaotic, Good
5. Rettub : the god of light, darkness and balance Lawful, Good

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