Arajah Lore

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Handguide to Arajah, The World

Table of Contents
The Pantheon of the Beginning.........................................................................................................3
The Pantheon of the Heavens...........................................................................................................5
The Pantheon of the Hells.................................................................................................................8
The Pantheon of the Titans.............................................................................................................11
The Pantheon of the Demonlords...................................................................................................13
The Pantheon of Draconis...............................................................................................................15
The Pantheon of Seasons................................................................................................................17
The Pantheon of the Elements........................................................................................................19
The Pantheon of the Wilds..............................................................................................................21
The Pantheon of the Mountains......................................................................................................23
The Pantheon of the Beastlords......................................................................................................25
The Pantheon of the Golden Hills....................................................................................................27
The Children of Yickimeck................................................................................................................29
The Pantheon of the Sandman........................................................................................................31
The Pantheon of Dawn....................................................................................................................33
The Pantheon of Twilight.................................................................................................................35
The Pantheon of the Marauders......................................................................................................37
The Pantheon of Advancements......................................................................................................38
The Pantheon of the Accursed........................................................................................................40
The Pantheon of Inertia...................................................................................................................41
The Buramiän Beasts.......................................................................................................................43
The Forgotten Ones.........................................................................................................................45
The Root Gods.................................................................................................................................46
Ice sword, Bow, Staff, Hell Axe, Lightning, Thunder, Blood drawer, Blood blade, Lion Heart, True dead
of the club,
First Excursion
Second Excursion
Third Excursion
Operation Ironclad
The Pantheon of the Beginning
The Pantheon of the Beginning is filled with the original Gods of the world of Arajah, they are its
The Pantheon of the Beginning where created by the Lord Power and are tasked by The Lord Power
and Brenos to protect Arajah and the people and its creatures live.

Arajah began with only five Gods them being Ramalous, Alignment
Bäbyl, Mystiä, Bahra and Galaria, these Gods were all Ramalouses alignment is lawful good.
experts in certain fields and were able to shape and Bäbyl's alignment is lawful evil.
command them these being Light for Ramalous, Mystiä's alignment is lawful neutral.
Darkness for Bäbyl, Magic for Mystiä, Death for Thahill Bahra's alignment is neutral.
and Nature for Galaria. Each had different views on the Galaria's alignment is chaotic neutral.
how to treat and live with the people of Arajah Ramalous
wanted the people to worship the Gods and serve them while
Bäbyl wanted them to have more freedom and toy with them
from time to time. The other Gods didn't have large oppinions on
Ramalous is represented by a cross with
this matter Mystiä wanted to discover more of her magic, Thahill four white light beam coming from the side.
wanted to spread death and Galaria just wanted to care about
nature, so these three kept themselves outside of the conflict. Bäbyl is represented by an inverted
This conflict of Ramalous and Bäbyl was the first battle between pentagram made with blood.
Gods. This fight lasted days as they were still at the height of Mystiä is represented by a purple
their power. They however exhausted nearly all their power with pentagram with an eye inside.
this battle, what little Ramalous had left he used to trap Bäbyl in Bahra is represented by a small scythe
a location called the Nine Hells, he would keep Bäbyl trapped embedded within a humanoid skull.
here until he had repented for his crimes, but knowning Bäbyl Galaria is represented by three small vines
this would never happen. growing up with the one in the center
Ramalous, Bäbyl, Mystiä and Galaria also birthed forth a small blooming in a sun.
Pantheon by either creating them or giving the powers to a
mortal. The main pantheons who resulted from this were the Pantheon of the Heavens and the
Pantheon of the Hells.

The Gods
The Pantheon of the Beginning rule over quite different domains, as each god is quite different in
personality. These Gods only ineract when they absolutely need to.

Ramalous, God of the Law and Light.

Ramalous is a Major Deity
Ramalous or as he is often called in prayers the White Father is the
ruler of the Pantheon of the Heavens and most of the creatures
called the Celestials. Little is known about Ramalous as he has lost
nearly all his power and waits for an apologie from Bäbyl. Ramalous
however still exerts his power on the people of Arajah in the form of
giving the word of Law stength. Ramalous is very, very serious with
him never joking. He is also very egocentric, he believes that most of
everything revolves around himself and his followers.
Bäbyl, God of Pacts and Darkness.
Bäbyl is a Major Deity
Bäbyl is the leader of the Pantheon of the Hells. He has lost a lot of power from
fighting Ramalous and has lost even more power making surre the original
inhabitans the Devils were loyal to him and his children. He doesn't care much
about escaping as he crippled Ramalous and he can still make pacts and deals so
he sees hell more as a home than a prison. He is seen as the devil who makes
you evil, quick with his words and able to talk the clothes from your body.

Mystïa, Goddess of Magic and Balance.

Mystïa is a Major Deity
Mystïa is te sister godess to Bäbyl and Ramalous, she isn't intersted in the
squables of her brothers. She has somekind of contact with the Root Gods the
creators of the Pantheon of the Beginnings. They fore tell her of things that
happen around the universe. She mostly isn't interested in those kinds of
problems, as she spents her time studing the magic. She watches the world and
fixes the unbalances she sees.

Thahill, God of Death and Fear.

Tahill is a Major Deity
Thahill is a silent god, he watches the world from far away. People say he
appears right before someone death to bring them to the void where they will
be judged. His presences is always followed by a cold overflowing fealing of
dread. He unlike Ramalous, Bäbyl or Mystic he and Galaria have always been
around in the universe.

Galaria, Goddess of Nature and Regrowth.

Galaria is a Major Deity
Galaria is the goddess of nature and plants, she is one of the few gods who
influences nature and supports it. Galaria is a kind and gentle goddess, who cares
more about the land and the plants than the creatures who wander upon it. Most
druids don't follow her, but instead follow nature itself and worship the
interconnectedness of all things that live and roam the land. Galaria also brings
about regrowth in the lands and rebirth among the creatures.
The Pantheon of the Heavens
The Pantheon of the Heavens watch over the lands to protect everyone and help where needed.
The Pantheon of the Heavens exist out of Ramalous, his children
and the ones who deserved a place beside them, they are the rulers
Arlouses aligment is lawful neutral.
over the Seven Heavens and the commanders of the celestials.
Ralam's aligment is neutral good.
History Larmoses aligment is lawful good.
Ramalous rules and oversees the lands from his temple in the Sol's alignment is lawful neutral.
Luna's alignment is lawful neutral.
highest layer of the Seven Heavens. When Ramalous trapped Bäbyl
Üren's alignment is neutral.
within the Nine Hells he created his children Arlous, Ralam and
Verana's alignment is lawful good.
Larmos. He would task these Gods with watching and keeping the Öplees alignment is lawful good.
order of Arajah and the other planes while he would regenerate his Mayvil's alignment is chaotic good.
lost power and use it when needed like when he
had to smite down the Sandman.
Ramalous would eventually joining a Goddess in Arlous is represented by a wheel with three swords in side
marrige this Goddess would be Furia. She would
concieve two children Sol and Luna who watch Ralam is represented by a hand with a sun inside.
over the Sun and the Moon. He would also grant Larmos is represented by a shield with a sword and
power to Verena and create the God of Wealth hammer behind it.
Üren. Ramalous also created most of the Sol is represented by a blazing sun.
Celestials which are the servants of these Gods. Luna is represented by a half shadowed moon.
Üren is represented by a rose iron colored coin with a
The Gods scale on it.
The Pantheon of the Heavens is filled with Verana is represented by a pegasus.
warriors, protectors and healers who oversee Öplee is represented by a silver baby's cradle.
Arajah with good intent. Mayvil is represented by a cat o' nine tails.

Arlous, God of Order and Control.

Arlous is a Major Deity
Arlous the God of order and control is other wise know as Arlous the Flash. He
is one of the fastest being to have ever existed. Ramalous gave him his
domains to enforce control and order in the world. He is the commander of
the army of Celestials. His will is to enforce control by any means nececary. He
and his army of Celestials were stuck in a war for centuries with Bäbyl's son
Yvlkinmir and his Demons. Arlous eventully finshed him of after many a years
of battle. His greatest sin was the creation of the Demon race by his ruthless
murder of Yvlkinmir.

Ralam, God of Healing and Kindness.

Ralam is a Major Deity
Ralam the God of healing and kindness is other wise known as Ralam the Saint. He
is seen as very kind and caring for all creatures. He is the deity of most healers and
doctors. Ralam loves nearly all even if one is more evil, as they can be set on the
right path. He however was always disguted by Undead frm the moment he was
born. He also had a rivalry with Huntyr, as Huntyr would do anything to get under
the nerves of Ralam.
Larmos, God of Protection and Bravery.
Larmos is a Major Deity
Larmos the God of protection and bravery is also known as Larmos the Sentinel.
He is the God worshipped by most paladins. He is seen as a protector of the
weak and defender of the innocent. His followers are very devoted to the causes
they fight for they would even die for most of their causes. Larmos sees betrayal
as the greatest sin that can be committed.

Sol, God of the Day and Innocence.

Sol is a Major Deity
Sol is the lord of the Sun and the child of Ramalous and Furia, older twin of Luna. As
he protects the sun he also creates day and with his day he'll shine light upon the
innocent. He is as powerful as he is radiant, feared by most gods and beloved by
most mortals. He is an intimidating force who Ramalous tasked with the protection
of Arajah. He stands alone as a valiant bastion against the more otherworldy foes.

Luna, Goddess of the Night and Guilt.

Luna is a Major Deity
Luna the daughter of Ramalous and Furia is known as the princess of the Moon. She
had no responsibility from Ramalous, as she is the younger twin to Sol who was the
one they planned for. So she cowars in the shadows. She as a reluctive god was
easily persuaded by Coresick to bare his children of the Wilds, as she saw what
Elves who were Coresicks followers where doing it brought greater shame upon
her. She is now in hiding from the other Gods, yet she supports her followers all she can. She
believes she has commited a grievous crime and hides herself because of this.

Üren, God of Trade and Money.

Üren is a Major Deity
Üren was a God born from the inate emmotion of greed, as money started to hold
more and more value people started to depend on it more and more, as the need
for money rose people started worshipping it more and more. From this worship
sprung forth a God its name was Üren he was quickly picked up and taken in by
Ramalous who learned him the ways of being a god. Now Üren is one of the most
powerful Gods due to the worship of money and now indirectly him.

Verana, Goddess of Valor.

Verana is a Minor Deity
Verana was a strong and valoress general of a kingdom from ages past. She led
her army of battle maidens on a pegasus send down by Arlous himself. She was
favored very much by the Pantheon of the Heavens, as she held up all there
values. In a last reward to her army she claimed an island full of which was once
full of Orcs. She deafeat them and drove them of the island and claimed it for her
own. Later that day she died of old age in her bed, most acounts she rose with a
gleam of white light saddeld up her pegasus. She is now said to be the second in
command with the Celestial army.
Öplee, Goddess of Puriety.
Öplee is a Minor Deity
Öplee was a young and pure child who trusted the Gods. She wasn't rich
infact she was very poor, her parents had died at a young age and she had to
care for her family alone. She prayed every day for protection from the evils of
the land, but no one ever answered not even Ralam. One night a twitchy
man came into her home uninvited and killed her and her family, as she was
passing on to the afterlife Sol made her a Goddess as he didn't think some so
pure and innocent deserved death. He now treats her as he would his own

Mayvil, Goddess of Suffering.

Mayvil is a Minor Deity
Mayvils life and death are not well known, as there where no acounts of her
existing before ascending. However there where rumors about her existance as
being a saint who would leap into battle being pummeld over and over, but
always keeping a crooked insane smile. No one knows who gave her the powers
of a God. She is the ultimate mystery among the Gods. She is known as the right
hand woman of Larmos, as he respects her dediction to protecting others with
her using her own body as a shield for the people.
The Pantheon of the Hells
The Archdevils are Bäbyls children, they rule from the shadows of the Nine Hells with great power
over the Devils.
The Archdevils are Bäbyl, his children and anyone who Alignment
they think deserves the power. They are the prisoners Regnar's alignment is chaotic
of Hell and the bosses of the Devils. They are seen as neutral.
the evil Devils of the world who tempt people to the Huntyr's alignment is lawful evil.
darkness. Yvlkinmir's alignment is chaotic
History Throlam's alignment is lawful evil.
Bäbyl was cast down and trapped in the deepest layer Yachlima's alignment is neutral evil.
of the Nine Hells. While Bäbyl was stuck down here he Valitis' alignment is lawful evil.
would create two Gods by the name of Regnar the Lord Shisstilars alignment is chaotic Evil.
of War and Huntyr the Rotter of the Living. He would Talus' alignment is neutral.
also recruit a Titan by the name of Yvlkinmir and grant
him the power of a God it would only make him more powerful, as he already had the power of a
God. Bäbyl would strike up a pact with the inhabitants of the Nine Hells to serve him and his Gods in
exchange for his help. He and some other Gods would eventually start recruiting more Gods and
even creating them themself.

The Gods
The Archdevils are a bunch of battle hardend, tricksters Symbol
who make pacts with tricks in them. So a word of advice Regnar is represented by two
for anyone who makes a pact with them check it not battle axes crossing a skull.
once, not twice and not thrice, but four times and then Huntyr is represented by a small
maybe reject it. vial with a green liquid.
Regnar, Archdevil of Battle and Rage. Yvlkinmir is represented by
Regnar is a Major Deity
Regnar, the Lord of War. Praised by warriors and babarians alike that his rage
may flow through them and sustain them in battle. He is the only true
Archdevil in the lands of Volheim. They are his berserkers who stand up to
any challenge in the world. He thinks you should face everything head on in
life. He keeps mostly to himself taking care of his hobbies, but as soon as he
hears the bells of war he will let fury and rage flow through the warriors he
enjoys the most.

Huntyr, Archdevil of Betrayel and Disease.

Huntyr is a Major Deity
The Rotter of the Living otherwise known as the Archdevil Huntyr. Huntyr has a
strange obsession with the dead and making them not dead. He is the patron of most
necromancers and liches. He informs his servants to spread as a diseases over the
world. Not as a force of evil, but as the cleasers with rot. As they can clean the life
away for the as they see life as a disease and not the disease as one. He and Ralam
are always in war as Ralam tries his best to defeat Huntyr in battle while he mocks
him in battle.
Yvlkinmir, Titan of Chaos and Destruction.
Yvlkinmir was a Major Deity
Yvlkinmir the only not true born of the Archdevil Bäbyl out of the four
original Archdevils of the Nine Hells. Yvlkimir was the wanderer of the
Abyss. When Bäbyl gave him the powers of an Archdevil within the Nine
Hells he started to grew and grew. He needed to move him to, he found an
infinite realm called the Abyss. With a tear in his eye he had to cast him
down. Down in the deep dark Yvlkinmir grew fast as he became bigger and
bigger. Bäbyl found out he had a power a very deadly and destructive power
to create Demons from his blood. Arlous and his army of Celestials took notice of him. They went to
war for ages and ages at the end of the battle Arlous stood victorious as the corpse of Yvlkinmir lay
dormant. Hordes of Demons started to spew from his corpse. Soon the abyss turned into a giant free
for all. Arlous and his Celestials left sealing the Abyss of from the inside.
Yvilkinmir is dead, Long live the demons!

Trholam, Archdevil of Thievery.

Trholam is a Minor Deity
Trholam is Huntyr's relpica he was born to a magical artifact created by Mystiä
and stolen by Huntyr. Thanks to the artifact he looks exactly like Huntyr so they
made small changes to each other to not look like one another. He has gained a
very precious job to do. To train humans in the art of thievery pass it down and
afterwards relax and pester all of the goody tushu Gods until the end times. He
however later changed himself

Yachlima, Archdevil of Murder.

Yachlima is a Minor Deity
Yachlima known as the Shadow Patron as she holds the favor of all assasins. She
was born of Regnar and Vadaria. He wished for every domain kind of fighter to be
ruled by a God as magicians had Mystiä, as barbarians had Regnar and Paladins had
Larmas the assasins needed some Archdevil to rule them so he and Vadaria came
to an agreement to birth her into being. As she rose to the power of assasins she
was left unchecked she was corrupted with a morbid curiocity of laying schemes to overturn all Gods
and create true Chaos.

Valitis, Archdevil of Vices.

Valitis is a Minor Deity
Valitis is the creation of the great Bäbyl himself to start luring mortal to sell
there souls away for power and wealth. Valitis is the only Archdevil of Nine
Hells who is treated as equal to the original Archdevil of the Nine Hells, as
they see him as a brother due to Bäbyl creating him. He is a calm and reserved
Archdevil who once every so often walks the earth to advertise the domains
he rules over. He tricks men and women alike to take a walk down a district
he holds a stake in, afterwards he strikes and makes sure they will call this
place home.
Shisstilar, Archdevil of Cheating.
Shisstilar is a Minor Deity
Shisstilar is a tricky Devil to pin down as he will nearly never tell the truth or tell
you anything. Shisstilar has a difficult and weird origin compared to the others, but
he was a small Devil who leeched of Archdevils and Devils stronger than him to
become more powerful. He eventually started tricking humanoids and races as he
did with the Yuan-Ti and he became stronger because of it.

Colem, Archdevil of Insanity.

Colem is a Minor Deity
Colem was an Orc who lived alone in the woods for good reason as at a young age he got some of his
brothers flesh in his mouth, he just couldn't get enough he soon he had devored
his brother while he slept. Afterwards his mind started to escape, he started to go
insane. He escaped into the woods killing inocent travelers and feasting on there
corpse when Huntyr saw him commiting such heinous crimes he had a laugh and
thought what would piss the gods of light of the most. So he decided to make him
a god to spite the gods of light. Colem alines himself with the dark gods to no ones

Talus, Archdevil of Mazes.

Talus is a Minor Deity
Talus was born a minotaur. As a minotaur you'll be born with a nack for mazes, but even for a
Minotaur Talus had a supreme nack for mazes he could figure them out in a matter of minutes and
create some of the hardest mazes around. He said that a challenge should always
be equal to the reward gain from such a challenge. However one day the ultimate
maze appeared The Maze of Entril he was in the first party to enter, but this maze
took all of the lives who went in. Bäbyl saw this and thought it was a shame that
the best maze explorer never could make one, so he granted him the power of a
Greater Devil. Talus was never forced into working with the Archdevil so he didn't
and started making challenges and mazes filled with rewards.
The Pantheon of the Titans
The Pantheon of Titan is a large Pantheon filled with the fore fathers of the Giant races which now
roam the lands of Arajah. The Titans hold immense power and roam the lands of Gladsheim and
other planes.

History Alignment
There were originally only two Titans in all of existance the being Annam All-Father's alignment is neutral.
Yvlkinmir and Annam, Annam roamed the lands of Arajah alone
with his only brother Yvlkinmir being an Archdevil. Annam Stronmaus' alignment is chaotic good.
foresaw a land, nay a world ruled over by Giants. Annam sought Skoraeus' alignment is neutral.
out a Goddess of Fertiliy and Birth, Harin Thordeim. He came to Grolantor's alignment is chaotic evil.
her with a proposition let her birth he married her to let her Memnor's alignment is neutral evil.
create the beautiful life that she wants and let him shape them. Karontor's alignment is chaotic evil.
She agreed, but Harin Thordeim is not a very faithful wife, as soon Surtr's alignment is lawful evil.
after Annam left she started to reproduce with other creatures Thrym's alignment is neutral evil.
and create Demi-Giants like Ettins and Ogres. Annam forbade any
other titans or creatures to reproduce with Harin Thordeim, as to make sure that no more Demi-
Giants came into being

The Titans
There are eight Titans within the Pantheon of the Titans, there are more titans, but these are not
allowed any godlike powers by Annam All-Father, maybe in future times they will be accepted.

Annam All-Father, Titan of Giants and Power.

Annam All-Father is a Major Deity
Annam All-Father is the father of the Giant race. He was one of the most powerful
creatures ever born in the Material Realm. He left this realm in persuit of greater
purposes. He saw the kingdom of the Giants rise and become one of the best
empires ever, but he foresaw that the Giants would grow lazy and be overthrown by
the people who they enslaved and the Dragons which they rivalled for decades. He
warned the Giants, but they didn't take any measures against it and lost their empire. So he left
them to their own devices and would return once the Giants had taken back their empire.

Stronmaus, Titan of Philosophy.

Stronmaus is a Minor Deity
Stronmaus was the first born of the unification of Harin Thordeim and Annam All-
Father. Stronmaus pondered on the meaning of life and the meaning of existance.
Stronmaus is a calm and reserved God blessed with the power to see into the future.
Stonmaus is the patron of the Storm Giants and Good Cloud Giants.

Skoraeus, Titan of Stone.

Skoraeus is a Minor Deity
Skoraeus is a smiple God, he cares only about carving the stone he was born from.
Skoraeus is an artist by heart and inspires Stone Giants to do the same, he crafts
the most beautiful art works as if stone is like water. Skoraeus is the patron of the
Stone Giants, as he cares little for the other Giant races.
Grolantor, Titan of Combat.
Grolantor is a Minor Deity
Grolantor is one of the largest creatures ever in existance, as he only kills and eats
all day and night long. He gave his teaching of the beast and smartest way of living
to the Hill Giants. That being the biggest and fattest Giant is the smartest and
strongest, so in such that must be the best way of living. Grolantor is the patron of
the Hill Giants and many Frost Giants, Ogres and Ettins who follow him for his
great power and strength.

Memnor, Titan of Control.

Memnor is a Minor Deity
Memnor is a very prideful deity who cares not what other think of her, as her own
vision of herself is the only one that counts. Memnor was once the patron of all
the Cloud Giants, but since the Era of Giants the good aligned Cloud Giants don't
follow him anymore, as anyone who follows Memnor will feel their pride increase

Karontor, Titan of Deformity.

Karontor is a Minor Deity
Karontor and his followers have a weird relationship with one another, the
Fomorians where once a tall and beautiful race of Giants who lived within the
Feywild, their ego grew and grew until Karontor had enough of them and cursed
them with their new infamous and hideous appearance they now follow Karontor as their God.
Karontor is the patron of the Fomorian and other outcast Giant races like Verbeegs.

Surtr, Titan of Flames.

Surtr is a Minor Deity
Surtr is a minor God of the fire and flames, he wields this and views any other
race as below him except for his fellow Titans. This was a trait passed down to
the Fire Giants, he teached them how to smith the armor and weapon the Fire
Giants are now known for. Surtr is the patron of the Fire Giants

Thrym, Titan of Cold.

Thrym is a Minor Deity
Thrym is a master of the ice and cold, not as much as some other Gods, but he still
holds dominion over this. Thrym demands that his followers prove themselves each
day, by slaying one of the most powerful creatures they can find. Thrym is patron of
most of the Frost Giants, but many Frost Giants have left him as they only seek

Annam All-Father is represented byTwo hands with wrists together and fingers pointing down.
Stronmaus is represented by a circle with an detailed eye and eyelashes inside of it.
Skoraeus is represented by Stalactite.
Grolantor is represented by a simple wooden club.
Memnor is represented by an iron chain with a cast iron cuff on the end of it.
Karontor is represented by a Winter wolf's head.
Surtr is represented by a Flaming sword.
Thrym is represented by a white double-bladed axe.
The Pantheon of the Demonlords
These savage Lords of Demons are in the monsters who lurk in the dark and will gut you when they
The Demonlords reside in the Abyss an unending realm Alignment
with an infinite amount of layers. It was fused together Demogorgon's alignment is chaotic evil.
with the blood and corpse of Yvlkinmir, out of the blood Orcus' alignment is chaotic evil.
and guts of the once powerful titan sprung forth the Graz'zt's alignment is chaotic evil.
Demons. Baphomet's alignment is chaotic evil.
History Yeenoghu's alignment is chaotic evil.
There isn't much history surrounding the Demonlords, as Juiblex's alignment is chaotic evil.
no one knows when they came into being, but they do Fraz-Urb'luu's alignment is chaotic evil.
know how they became more powerful. Sometimes Kostchtchie's alignment is chaotic evil.
people worship the Demonlords, this however is illegal in Malcanthet's alignment is chaotic evil.
most countries, as demon worship often brings death and Zuggtmoy's alignment is chaotic evil.
demons with them. Kath's alignment is chaotic evil.

The Lords
There are ten Demonlords, none of them like eachother and all of them will try to kill one another
when they are given the chance. These lords care not for their worshippers, but will grant them

Vornth, Demonlord of Terror.

Demogorgon is a Minor Deity
Vornth is the cold and calculated prince of all demons. His speed matches even the
Gods and his pure brute and unending strength give him the rightful throne of being
the most powerful of the Demon Lords. He is a master of frost and heat being able to
first freeze you and the scorch you alive. He remains deep below within the Abyss on
the lowest layer he rules and kills all he can on this layer, gaining strength ever more.

Grival, Demonlord of Undeath.

Orcus is a Minor Deity
The self-proclaimed Lord of the Undead, Orcus had the legs and head of a ram, a long tail, bat-
like wings, and a humanoid body. He was the archenemy of Demogorgon and Graz'zt. Orcus has
many rumors surrounding him, that he can create liches whenever he likes or that he was born
from a dagger of Huntyr. He now resides in the Abyss, creating an undead army.

Gazthan, Demonlord of Vamperism.

Graz'zt is a Minor Deity
Also known as the Dark Prince, Graz'zt was a guileful, cunning demon lord that appeared
as a handsome, muscular humanoid with obsidian skin, six small horns on his head,
pointed ears, and six fingers on each hand. He was the archenemy of Orcus and
Demogorgon. Graz'zt is a master of pleasure who loved anything to do with debauchery
and the unholy.
Behimot, Demonlord of Minotaurs.
Baphomet is a Minor Deity
The Prince of Beasts looked similar to a gigantic minotaur with coarse black fur that
covered his body. He was widely worshiped among minotaurs as well. Baphomet is the
father of Minotaurs, he was the first Minotaur and commanded legions of them, well
as best as one can command Demons.

Yirthnagum, Demonlord of Savagery.

Yeenoghu is a Minor Deity
Similar in appearance to the gnolls who worshiped him, Yeenoghu, who was
also called the Lord of Savagery, maintained a feud with Baphomet. Yeenoghu
is the lord of Gnolls, he didn't start out like that though, he was first a regular
demon, but he started to take on the appearance of his worshippers.

Jilliglax, Demonlord of Oozes.

Juiblex is a Minor Deity
Juiblex, the Faceless Lord, was a monstrous, multi-colored ooze covered in
red eyes. He was mainly concerned with causing destruction. Juiblex or the
Faceless Lord is patron to the insane and Oozes, Juiblex has always thought
that Humans and creatures who look like them looked disgusting and

Lashum, Demonlord of Deception.

Fraz-Urb'luu is a Minor Deity
The self-styled Prince of Deception was a mysterious, winged demon lord, who
played tricks on the other demonlords, by way of his powerful magic. Fraz-
Urb'luu looked like a more fiersome creature than he was, he looked like a
brutish monster will in fact he was far more on the clever and cunning side,
this however doesn't mean he was a push over.

Vlakbrand, Demonlord of Wrath.

Kostchtchnie is a Minor Deity
Kostchtchie was a demon lord who corrupted frost giants into worshiping
him, and called himself the Prince of Wrath. Kostchtchie was once a
Humanoid like being, he looks to be quite stupid from appearances alone,
but he figured out how to make a good of Frost Giant corrupted to worship
him. Due to the worship of the Frost Giant he turned into a more Giant like

Linelle, Demonlord of Seduction.

Malcanthet is a Minor Deity
The Queen of the Succubi and one of the more subtle demon princes. Malcanthet
commands her Succubi and Incubi to seduce men and women alike so that she can
gain power within the mortal realm as well as the Abyss. 
Rungizmth, Demonlord of Fungi.
Zuggtmoy is a Minor Deity
A demon princess whose powers and concerns primarily involved fungi. Her only
desire was to infect living creatures with her spores, making them her mindless
slaves and, eventually, into rotting and decomposing hosts for mushrooms, moulds
and spores that she spawned.

Kath, Demonlord of Stray Cats.

Kath is a Minor Deity
Kath is an ancient Demonlord who is infamous for travelling to the
other planes, he was a powerful and gargantuan creature able to cast
deadly spells. He however faced a fierce opponent by the name of
Archmagius Brer, who cast a powerful curse upon Kath. He could no
longer retain his demonic form or any other form besides that of a Cat
for longer than a minute while alive. With hsi new cat appearance he
made his empire with the stray cats of the land of Yolm and Arajah in
total. He now spends his time messing with mortals and slowly gaining

Demogorgon is represented by a forked tail wrapped around a skull.
Orcus is represented by a mace with a human skull as the head.
Graz'zt is represented by a black, six-fingered hand.
Baphomet is represented by a twisted circular maze awash in blood.
Yeenoghu is represented by a three-headed flail.
Juiblex is represented by a pseudopod dripping slime.
Fraz-Urb'luu is represented by five bestial arms that splay outward to grip a horned and fanged humanoid skull.
Kostchtchie is represented by a hammer rimed in bloody ice.
Malcanthet is represented by an iron thorn drawing a drop of blood from the lower edge of a pair of feminine lips.
Zuggtmoy is represented by a skull without a jaw and a mushroom on top or blooming from within.
Kath is represented by a fanged humanoid skull with a hand coming from below and grasping it.

The Pantheon of Draconis
The Pantheon of Draconis comes from far away lands where Dragons rule the skies, they still hold a
place in Yolm.
Draconis is where the Dragons originally come from. It is a Alignment
far away land ruled by the dragons, they have their own Agoroth's alignment is lawful neutral.
goings on and they have their own Pantheon and Gods. Bahamut's alignment is lawful good.
These Gods are rumored to have created the Dragons this Tiamet's alignment is chaotic evil.
is not known if its true, but they at least hold a mayor Sodinor's alignment is neutral evil.
sway over them. Null's alignment is neutral.
Traskska's alignment is neutral evil.
Dragons are infamous on Yolm, as their once was an Era Erminarann's alignment is neutral evil.
where the Dragons ruled the land as tyranical rulers of the
sky, seas and land. The image the people on Yolm have of Kukurtull's alginment is lawful evil.
Dragons and their Gods is quite incorrect. They think the Dragons and their Gods are all evil and
have hoards of gold and magic items, the ladder being mostly true for all of the Dragons. On Yolm
their isn't much known about the origins of these Gods only the scrawlings on anient tablets, scroll
and wall remain.

The Gods
There are eight Gods within the Pantheon of Draconis, they range from being a good and peace
loving God to warmongers who call themselves Goddesses.

Agoroth, God of Royalty.

Agoroth is a Minor Deity
Agoroth is the most well known outside of this pantheon. Agoroth is seen
all over the place with Yolms royal courts all over the walls as statues and
decorations over the walls, as his presences is said to cause great fortune
to his royal patrons. Agoroth was the first Dragon emperor of the land of Draconis and was reverred
by its people, as a God. Due to his worship and his power he became a God of royalty. Agoroth battle
with his Draconic followers against villainous monster to make Draconis a safe heaven for

Bahamoth, God of Enlightend Justice.

Bahamut is a Minor Deity
Bahamut stands for justice and has many followers within the Metallic
Dragons and most of the good aligned Dragons. Bahamut was stern and very
disapproving of evil, always arguing with Agoroth about his wars against villainous monsters. He
accepted no excuses for evil acts, and didn't tolerate even minor offenses by evil creatures. In spite
of his stance, he was also considered one of the most compassionate beings in the multiverse.

Tiamet, Goddess of Vengeance.

Tiamet is a Minor Deity
Tiamet otherwise known as the Queen of Dragons. Holds her patronage with the many of the evil
aligned Dragons and many chromatic Dragons. Tiamet was arrogant,
greedy, hateful, spiteful and vain. She never forgave any kind of slight and
was focused on obtaining more power and wealth. She disdained mortals,
regarding them as mere disposable tools in her schemes. When needed,
she was charming and fey, but her self-serving and reptilian personality
betrayed her sooner or later.
Liong Wang God of Hoards.
Sodinor is a Minor Deity
Sadoir cares about his hoard and only his hoard. Sodinor however doesn't look
at his hoard in a normal way, as he would add living creatures to his hoard. The
sign of Sodinor is linked quite close to hoards as he is the God of hoards, his
mark would be carved around hoards made by Dragons and other greedy creatures. Sodinor is a God
who is feared by as many as he is followed.

Null, God of Dead Dragons.

Nnull is a Minor Deity
Null is feared most by all Dragons, as he is the God who claims their soul when
they die. Null was prideful and arrogant, fatalistic and utterly humorless.
Although he wasn't easily angered, he held grudges over offenses and attacks,
whether real or imagined, and these developed into undying hatred.

Traskska, God of Greed.

Traskska is a Minor Deity
Traskska inspires greed in Dragons. Traskska was once a king among Dragons, who was
greedy to all extent, he was an ancient Red Dragon who took a magical item worthy of a
God. He never wanted to part with the magical item, so when other came to take it he
swallowed it and dissapeared. When he woke up, he saw he was in a different realm
with more power than before, he now houses his power within the souls of greedy

Erminarann, Goddess of Pride.

Erminarann is a Minor Deity
Erminarann the prideful queen, was a chromatic Dragon. Erminarann was
known to be charming, intelligent, cultured, subdued. Her greatest flaw was
her strong sense of pride, though she was also known to be deceitful and
intensely cruel. Many of the stories within dragon society that recounted her
exploits emphasized her charisma and manipulative nature.

Kukurtull, God of Obediance.

Kukurtull is a loyal to a tea to the more villainous, such as Tiamet, Sodinor, Traskska
and Erminarann. He would follow them, as they were his inspiration. He is known as
the enslaver of Gnomes and did so with his fellow brethren. When Kukurtull got
captured by Gnister Glittergold, he was revered as a God by the Kobolds as he was
granted the powers of a God by mostlikely a Draconic God, the Kobolds now work to
collect magic items for their trapped God.

Agoroth is represented by a
multicolored crown.
Bahamut is represented by a silver
dragon's head in profile.
Tiamet is represented by a dragon
head with five claw marks.
The Pantheon of Seasons
The Pantheon of Season oversees the seasons and takes care of the people and the seasons.
The Pantheon of Seasons rule over the seasons and some other domains which can effect the lives of
many people such as the harvest, the warmth, the cold and
family. They are common place in most commoner
households, as they seem to be quite kind Gods who help
Vyrin's alignment is lawful good.
most anyone who pray to them even in small ways.
Illireian's alignment is choatic good.
History Uidar's alignment is lawful neutral.
The Pantheon of Seasons came in to origin after the Zindra's alignment is neutral.
Elemental Gods and influenced their creation heavily.
They were born by the same way as most mayor Gods are
made by the God Forge and the Lord Power. When they Vyrin is represented by a small pink
were created each of them trained a bit under the blooming flower called a Vyin blossom.
Elemental Gods with Vyrin under The Air God, Illireian Illireian is represented by a small red
under The Fire God, Uidar under The Earth God and blooming flower called a Illen flower.
Zindra under The Water God. Uidar is represented by a small brown
When they returned to one another their characters had blooming flower called a Hadyr bloom.
changed from the once innocent Gods to minor Zindra is represented by a small white
reflections of their mentors. They soon started to fight flower called a Dragons bane.
with one another, but for Vyrin and Uidar this didn't last
long as they saw no use in it. Uidar managed to calm them
down, but it is only a temporary truce as their tension is always high.

The Gods
These gods take care of their own and themselves, some of them battle in their home realm with a
war for their suppriority.

Vyrin, Goddess of Spring and Harvest.

Vyrin is a Major Deity
Vyrin is a kind Goddess with a harsh soft spot for all things cute and cuddly. She
influences the harvest with her powers which are limited as she tries to help with
the birth of most creatures to make them be born safe. She has given herself quite
a lot of work, so she is spread very thinly. She is also the youngest of the four gods.

Illireian, Goddess of Summer and Warmth.

Illireian is a Major Deity
Illireian is the Goddess of Summer she loves flowers and creating the warm waters
of the sea. She controls the heat of the sun which reaches Arajah this makes
certain places cold and certain warm, as to create balance. She is in constant strife
with her older brother Zindru. She is the second oldest Goddess.

Uidar, God of Autumn and Family.

Uidar is a Major Deity
Uidar is the God of Autumn he cares a lot about the natural order of the
world and keeping it in check. He however cares about the rebirth of life
aswell, which means he prepares the new cycle by making sure the old one
has fallen. He is the second youngest and does his best to keep his brother
and sisters in line.
Zindra, God of Winter and Cold.
Zindra is a Major Deity
Zindra is often seen as the evil one of the four gods while in nature he isn't he. He
sees himself as inevitable and the same goes for his views of winter and the cold.
He is the oldest of the Gods of the Seasons. He is the opposite of Illireian and has a
very serious rivalry with her.
The Pantheon of the Elements
These Gods wield their elemental powers like its their word of law and remain in their plane most of
the time.
The Pantheon of the Elements contain the Gods which rule
over their respective elemental plane. They also influence
Wustaas' alignment is neutral.
the elements in the other realms and planes.
Furia's alignment is chaotic good.
History Veritas' alignment is chaotic neutral.
In the world of Arajah the Material plane, the Feywild and
the Shadowfell outside there are many more planes, but Amnis' alignment is chaotic neutral.
these are separated from the Material plane by a barrier this
barrier is the Elemental Plane other wise known as the Elemental Chaos. There are four main
elements Air, Water, Fire and Earth each is separated from one another by smaller planes who are a
combination of two other main elements such as the Swamp
of Oblivion being a minor plane inbetween the Plane of Symbols
Water and the Plane of Earth, these are all still connected Wustaas is represented by three
and can be traversed through to go to one another. Each gusts of wind flowing down.
main element has a speciale relic which makes a powerful Furia is represented by a heart
elemental creature. These relics were made by a being that inside a red burning fire.
is a God among Gods. They were made to create some Veritas is represtented by three
semblance of order within these planes they were originally mountains next to on another.
in the hands of Wustaas the lazy God, Ignimerto the Amnis is represented by a tidalwave
Outraged, Duramolondon the Composer and Vhost the Ruler with three glints of light.
of the Waters. These were the original Gods, but most of
them are no more either they were seduced, defeated or betrayed. It does not matter as long as
some one

The Gods
The Pantheon of the Elements has been around as long as the Elemental Chaos has and the
Elemental Chaos has been around since the dawn of time.

Wustaas, God of Wind and Rest.

Wustaas is a Major Deity
Wustaas was the first Elemental God of the Winds, he claimed his crown while
he was still a simple Air Elemental. He however did have something that set
him apart from the rest he was larger and a good bit lazier than the rest, as he
didn't like to do to much, but when he did do something it would sure be
devastating. When he claimed the relic it turned out to be a flying cloud with
immense speeds, as he first sat on it his body changed to a more humanoid
state, but on the plumper side and with whit wool like hair and horns pretruding from there.
Wustaas was always a very kind, calm and tired God. If he wasn't sleeping he would most likely be
laughing or eating. He however did have one very bad habbit and that would be being friends with
the Archdevil Huntyr and who would do much trickery, pestering and mockery with him.
Furia, Goddess of Fire and Charm.
Furia is a Major Deity
Furia is the embodyment of beauty, she is said to be so beautiful to make men
grow insane by just her looks. She values beauty above all else in life as such
she won't help an ugly looking human or creature. She has mostly aligned with
the gods of light as she is enbodiment of light aswell. Later in life as her alliance
with Ramalous grew stronger she became his current wife and together they would
created more gods. Furia was not the first but the second God of Fire. Before her came
Ignimerto the Outraged, a gargantuan fire elemental who had made Furia her wife. He
was known for his power and his especialy short temper, she however married him and
while he was sleeping took his relic a crown that would make the person be able to create
gargantuan amounts of fire.

Terrin, God of Earth and Greed.

Terrin is a Major Deity
The Plane of Earth always had trouble with its rulership, as the rule of who ever is
the strongest is the ruler made sure that many tried and succeeded like the
first Duramolondon, the second Verintas, the third Belga and so on to now the
eleventh God of the Earth, Terrin. Terrin has rightfully earned the Gaunlets which
let one shape the earth like it is water. Terrin was once a child of Galaria, cast
down to the Plane of Earth to repent from stealing from her. He then went on
and killed the tenth God of the Earth, Odite a powerful warrior queen. 
Terrin is a large rock like monster who has hidden himself away, creating gems
and ores alike to keep for himself. He regularly goes out and scavenges the
Plane of Earth for gems and ores. 

Aguara, God of Water and Treason.

Aguara is a Major Deity
Aguara was the servant of Vhost. Vhost once had many Djinns and
especially Marids, many of them were scheming a way to take down
Vhost. That was the reason he kept many Marids close, as to strike their
schemes down from a close range. Aguara worked himself to the
position of right hand man of Vhost and tricked him with a deadly poison
that was so lethal it split his soul and relic into three parts the Pale Ghosts, the Dark Ghost and the
Radiant Ghost. Aguara enslaved the Radiant Ghost and forced it to give him the powers of the relic,
as the Pale and Dark Ghost already left to a different realm while not knowing
of the third ghost. Aguara is a large and bloated frog or fish like being, who's
skin color changes about every minute. He also wears a golden chain around his
waist which leads up to a flying shade, which presumably is his source of power.
The Pantheon of the Wilds
The Pantheon of the Wilds overlooks the forests and the Feywild, they guard these from outside
forces trying to enter.
The Pantheon of the Wilds is where the Gods who watch Alignment
over the forest, fey and the feywilds. Over the years they Coresick's alignment is lawful neutral.
have strayed away from watching over the fey and the Vadaria's alignment is chaotic neutral.
feywilds. Labiella's alignment is chaotic neutral.
Dueth's alignment is chaotic good.
The Pantheon of the Wilds are offspring from Galaria, she
gave them the task to watch over the Feywild and the woodlands. Galaria however only created
Coresick in the beginning. She tasked Coresick to be the forest. He however feld that the wilds
needed more gods, that the elves who lived in the wilds
and prayed to him, needed more gods. Galaria allowed Symbol
this so he and the Goddess Luna came together in Coresick is represented by a
marriage. They had many children together like blooming Nightshade flower.
Vadaria, Labiella and Dueth. Coresick gave them the Vadaria is represented by three
power of Gods, as they should have been. arrows crossing a target.
Labiella is represented by Sock and
The Gods Buskin fused together.
The Pantheon of the Wilds are an eccentric bunch of
Dueth is represented by a moon
four gods holding dominion over many varying things.
with two fairy wings behind it.
Coresick, God of the Woods and Duelling.
Coresick is a Major Deity
Coresick is the God of the Woods and Duelling punished by Mystic for his hubris.
Coresick was once a very powerful and mighty God along the likes of Arlous and
Regnar, but due to his betrayel of the Gods he was stripped of most of his powers. He
is not known as a kind god, but a fair one. As you will need to prove to him that your
worthy of his power, as such he is very disappointed in the Elves as they lost there
powerful empire to some Dragons. Currently he has his backturned on the Elves
leaving them alone. Until they can prove that they are worthy of his love again.

Vadaria, Goddess of the Hunt and Archery.

Vadaria is a Major Deity
Vadaria is the first born of Coresick and Luna. She is the misteress of the Hunt. Any decent hunter
who doesn't want to die and who wants to hit all his shots will pray to her before
hand as to please her. She demands of her hunters to hunt only what is needed and
not for sport. She cares for the the beasts awell due to some beasts holding her
favor. However she favor the humanoids as they are capable of worship to her while
beasts can only hope for her protection, she does have a handful of creatures she
created herself, as challenges for hunters.

Labiella, Goddess of Art and Music.

Labiella is a Major Deity
Labiella is the only Goddess of the Wilds who didn't seek the forest, but the city
and its forms of expersion outside of speak. When she sees potential in a creature
for great music, drama or art she'll give them a boon to help them to progress
quicker to there true potential. Many gods dispise her, as she loves to interfere with the lives of
mortals in either being a mentor towards them, creating drama or criticizing artists.
Dueth, Goddess of Fey and Jungles.
Dueth is a Major Deity
Dueth is the last born daughter of Coresick and Luna, she took more after her mother then
her father, as such her father saw no use for her and made her the overseer of the Feywilds
where she is adored as a Goddess to both the seely and the unseely court. She defends the
feywilds from any threat she can. She is the least impartial of the Pantheon of the wilds as
she cares equally as much for any creature she even tries to remove the threats as
peacefully as posible.
The Pantheon of the Mountains
The Guardians of the Mountains and the fathers and mothers of many of the races that now live
inside Yolm.
The Pantheon of the Mountains came in the Age Alignment
of Beasts and played a pivital role in the changing Moärnistran's alignment is lawful neutral.
of the lands, the people and the time of Arajah. Festrandir's alignment is neutral good.
They hold dominion over the Mountains, Artisans Undrigan's alignment is lawful neutral.
and so forth. The Pantheon of the Mountains Haria Thordeim's alignment is neutral.
where also the ones who created the Dwarves, Hinsetah's alignment is neutral.
Gnomes and the Giants. Dornum's alignment is neutral.
The Pantheon of the Mountains followed soon after the
Pantheon of the Forests. First came Moärnistran who Symbol
was once a minor deity with a different name which has Moärnistran is represented by a war horn.
been lost to the ages. He gained the power of a mayor Festrandir is represented by a barrel with a
deity and brought his brothers and sisters into being piece of bread besides it.
them being Festrandir, Undrigan, Haria Thordeim, Undrigan is represented by four gemstones a
Hinsetah and Lodigurr. Most of these are good aligned, ruby, a saphire, an emerald and a pieces of
but some of these are more on the villianous, but the quartz.
Pantheon of the Mountains doesn't interfere or fight Haria Thordeim is represented by a a
with one and another. After all of these Gods came into twilkling lights in the shape of a heart.
being the Moärnistran isolated himself from the other Hinsetah is represented by a toothed cog
Gods and started working on a creature he called a with four spokes.
'Dwarf'. After he made them he brought them to Arajah Dornum is represented by a small anvil made
and let them roam free on the World, struck by of iron
inspiration by seeing her brother create a species,
Undrigan tried making a creature herself this did not work and she abanndonned the gems that
would eventually birth the creatures that would become the gnomes, another species who came has
heavy roots connecting to the Pantheon of the Mountains are the Giants which where created by
the unifacation of the Goddess Haria Thordeim and Annam All-Father, they were born and trained as
warriors, but when they lost their rule Annam dissapeared. Soon after they had to dissown Lodigurr,
as he had commited a grave crime which led to the creation of the Duergar.

The Gods
The Pantheon of the Mountains, love to feast and celebrate. They can be fairly different from one
another, as they calue different things, but a good amount of mead and meat will make all of them

Moärnistran, God of Artisans and Mountains.

Moärnistran is a Major Deity
Moärnistran is the creator of the Dwarves and many pieces of art. Moärnistran cares a great
deal about his work and as such he cares a great deal about the Dwarves aswell. He is seen as
the eldest brother of the Pantheon of the Mountains. He works day in and out creating great
pieces of art, steel and statues.
Festrandir, God of Feasts and Booze.
Festrandir is a Major Deity
Festrandir is seen as the one of the best cooks and brewers amongst the Gods,
Festrandir doesn't care much about the goings on between the other God. He mainly
keeps to the patries and even walks among the people of Arajah to make sure they
enjoy their food and drink, when he does this he takes the form of either a drunk, a
cook or a sultry maiden. He is also know to mess with mortal and immortals alike.

Undrigan, Goddess of Gems and Mining.

Undrigan is a Major Deity
Undirgan is seen everywhere when someone goes down in the mine, she can create gems
at a whim and is credited for the creation of the Gnomes, she however did not intent to
create them, but they instead sprung forth from failed experiments on her gemstones.
She is now prayed to by most Gnomes, but she feels she doesn't deserve this.

Haria Thordeim, Goddess of Fertility and Birth.

Haria Thordeim is a Major Deity
Haria Thordeim is mother to many races, as she wishes to spread life all over the
lands. She doesn't care if they are evil or good, as all that matters to her is that life
exists and it envelopes the entirety of the world. She can take the form of anything
and anyone, she mostly takes the form of a very attractive creature of the opposite
gender of the one she is trying to seduce.

Hinsetah, God of Progress and Inventions

Hinsetah is a Major Deity
Hinsetah is a simple God, he only cares about progress and new inventions, he inspired the
Gnomes of Urkles to make and invent different weapons and items. He encouraged them to
keep building items hoard them and not share them with the rest of the world, as when they
would share them their process of creating new items would slow down.

Dornum, God of the Forge.

Dornum is a Minor Deity
Dornum is a smith who has never stopped a day in his life from the day Moradin blessed him, his
closest followers show a certain amount of dedication that is frightening. They
are like him as they would keep working even if they are on the verge of death.
He cares not for the squables of gods, demons or mortals as it isn't worth fussing
over. In his original Dwarven form he was one of the best smiths to have ever
walked Yolm.
The Pantheon of the Beastlords
The Beastlords once roamed the land as the most powerful creatures there were until they were
offered godhood.
The Pantheon of the Beastlords oversee their people and Alignment
things asocciated with them. These creatures roamed the Acthelis' alignment is neutral.
lands of Arajah in the Age of the Beasts, but now reside in Jikkekin Miré's alignment is lawful evil.
the Beastlands as Gods with their kin and followers. Sessminkal's alignment is neutral.
Crikkintarin's alignment is neutral good.
The Beastlords were once mighty, powerful and Nycticorax's alignment is neutral evil.
humongous beasts who lived in the Matrial Plane in the Ordea's alignment is neutral good.
Age of Beasts. These [Grab your reader’s attention with a Ujala's alignment is neutral good.
great quote from the document or use this space to Akkantarum's alignment is chaotic good.
emphasize a key point. To place this text box anywhere on
the page, just drag it.]
beasts threatend the balance of the world and it's people. Acthelis is represented by the
Many prayers came to the Gods to rid the world of them, incisor fang of a cat which is
but for some reason the Gods did not interfere until Mystiä sharpend.
stepped down to all of them and offered them the powers of a God and a realm in which they can
roam around, hunt and train to their hearts content. All of them took this proposition and now are
considered Gods and are as powerful as most Gods.

The Gods
The Beastlords are in battle with nature until eternity, there are eight Beastlords in total. They care
not much for the existance of one another. Sometimes they do battle with each other and it can be
felt througout the realms.

Acthelis, God of Felines and Obsessions.

Acthelis is a Major Deity
Acthelis is a large cat-like being who wanders the Hunting Ground by itself, as a beast
with lightning fast speeds. Acthelis was born out of its own power as it became one of
the strongest creatures ever in the Material Realm. Mystic offered it the power of a God,
as to remove it from the mortal plain. He accepted and started to favor the Tabaxi, as
they started to worship him. They however refer to him as the Cat Lord.

Jikkekin Miré, God of Frogs and Poisons.

Jikkekin Miré is a Major Deity
Jikkekin Miré is a large and bloated frog like being which excreeds poison from his skin. Jikkekin Miré
is seen by the Grungs as their creator and all father. Their legends state that they were born from
the Great Pond of Creation and that the eggs that they hatched from where laid by Jikkekin Miré.
Jikkekin Miré was garnted power in the same way that all of the Beastlords are. He is usually called
the Frog Father.

Sessminkal, God of Lizards and Survival.

Sessminkal is a Major Deity
Sessminkal was a the creature that the Lizardfolk are build upon. A large crocodilelike being who
stands upon his hind legs and is covered in armor made from stone and the scales of other beasts.
He was a fierce warrior who would do anything for his own survival. Sessminkal was the only being
close to what we now know as Lizardfolk. Before he was granted the powers of a God he was studied
intensly by the Verminking.

Crikkintarin, Goddess of Birds and Messengers.

Crikkintarin is a Major Deity
Crikkintarin was once a powerful beast roaming the so called Sky Island where the
Aarakocra come from. She was once the enemy of Nycticorax. They where both
highly advance createrus at the time, with them both being birdlike creatures with
hands and wings. She was a gentle being called the messenger of the Gods, she also
travelled the sky with her tearing down creatures left and right, but she was considered a kinder
being than the other Beastlords and mother of the Aarakocra.

Nycticorax, God of Corvians and Forgery.

Nycticorax is a Major Deity
Nycticorax a large being which resembles the Aarakocra, but combined with a Kenku. He was a
master of dark magic and resided in the lower caverns of the Sky Island or so the legends go. He is
credited of the creation of the Kenku's which in old times where have said to be enemies of the
Aarakocra. He led them do their own work and fight them until he was offered the
power of a God and stripped the power of flight and creativity from them. He is seen
as the smartest and most vile of the Beastlords.

Ordea, God of Fishes and the Deep.

Ordea is a Major Deity
Ordea is considerd a monster by all acounts, but a gentle one depending on what side you are on. He
was the protector of the deep and its residence the Locathah, who are kind creatures of the deep
who can tame nearly all underwater beasts. Ordea was a terror of the deep rivalling the Krakens
themselves, but he also attacked the coastline for food for his people and family. He was a kind
beast which now inhabbits the great lakes of the Beastlands and hunts inside them for food with his

Ujala, God of Elephants and Patience.

Ujala is a Major Deity
Ujala once a terrifying gargantuan elephant ate a piece of a world tree, as he eat the piece, he
started to shrink and walk on his hind legs. He spred the pieces to his tribe which became the first of
the Loxodons. Ujala waited and waited, for years under an apple tree until the universe clicked for
him. He was the first to recieve power from Mystiä and also the wisest among them. He actually
sought out the Goddess to remove the other beasts for the safety of his people.

Akkantarum, God of Turtles and Devotion.

Akkantarum is a Major Deity
Akkentarum was a giant turtle like creature which housed a vast eco system on his back, he was a
pacifist and carred more about the creatures he dubbed the Tortles who lived on
his back. He gave them a task, to devote one self to one task and to master it
and teach it to their young before their death. He also teached them the way of
the spear which is now past down through the generations. He
graciously accepted the gift and now roams the land and seas of the
The Pantheon of the Golden Hills
The patron's of Gnomes and the rivals of Kobolds, they represent the many different aspects of
Gnomish culture.
The Pantheon of Golden Hills has been around since the Alignment
existance of the Gnomish race which has been around Gnister's alignment is chaotic good.
since the Era of Gods, as they where created by Undrigan. Breancal's alignment is chaotic
The Pantheon of Golden Hills was founded by Gnister Barendar's alignment is neutral
Glittergold. Gnister Glittergold was once a normal good.
Gnome, one of the first actually. He like nearly all of the Flanden's alignment is neutral good.
first of the Gnomish race were enslaved by the Kobolds Greal's alignment is lawful good.
under the command of Chief Kukurtull, one of the most
powerful Kobolds. They were worked to death and
sometimes even eaten, but Gnister was a fun loving Symbol
trickster who had a great eye for plans and schemes. He Gnister is represented by a gold nugget.
was notorious with the Kobolds as an escape artist, when Breancal is represented by a dagger against
he saw and had enough of the trachery he saw, he layed on hooded cloak
down a plan together with Breancal, Barendar, Flanden Barendar is represented by a face of a
and Greal. He would activate a magical artifact that the raccoon.
Kobolds had scavenged and trap their leader within it Flanden is represented by a hammer and
together with himself and the other would lead a three nails.
rebellion towards a new and safer continent away from Greal is represented by an iron band.
the Kobold meneace. The plan succeeded and Kukurtull
was trapped within the artifact together with Gnister Glittergold. However they both had a
mysterious benefactor who would grant them power and help rule over their domains.

The Gods
There are five Gods in the Pantheon of the Golden Hills each was a part in the plan to take down the
Kobold tyrants, they succeeded, but no one knows who gave them their power.

Gnister Glittergold, God of the Humor and Pranks.

Gnister Glittergold is a Mayor Deity
Gnister Glittergold is trapped together with Kukurtull within an infinite maze, he still plays pranks
and tricks Kukurtull. He looks favorably on anyone who is a kind person with a good sense of humor.
He usually is a very relaxed and joking God trying to sneak in a pun in every sentence, but he hides a
very serious demenor.

Breancal Cloakshadow, Goddess of Illusions.

Breancal Claokshadow is a Minor Deity
Breancal Claokshadow is the mistriss of illusions, when one sees her one must ask if they really sees
her or meerly an illusion. Her dogma primarily concerned the protection of the Gnome race through
the art of illusion. When the plan fell in motion she was tasked with making sure everyone was
hidden until the battle was ready and then support them with her magic, she hid the Gnomish
people until they reached their new destination.

Barendar Wildwanderer, God of Travel.

Barendar Wildwanderer is a Minor Deity
Barendar was a kind of weird person even among the Gnomes, as he had been many a time outside
of the mountains where their people were held. He was a formidable tracker and could find a good
road and a road home anywhere in the world. When their plan was set in motion he would lead
them out and to a new land where they could thrive.

Flanden Woodskin, Goddess of Construction.

Flanden Woodskin is a Minor Deity
Flanden Woodskin was always gifted with her hands and quite capable of constructing buildings, she
was a kind woman who loved to build things for all kinds of people, except for the Kobolds as they
enslaved her and made her work on building things day in and day out. Her part in the plan was to
create shelters for everyone when they escaped.

Greal Ironhand, God of Vigilance.

Greal Ironhand is a Minor Deity
Greal Ironhand was a good warrior who cared about protecting the weak. Greal was the patron of
warriors and protectors of gnomish communities. As such, he was honored in some manner by
nearly all good-aligned gnomes, and one or two crusaders would be found in most sizable
settlements. Greals task was to protect everyone and lead the charge
The Children of Yickimeck
Yickimeck and her children are very caring and do their best to help everyone not only their followers.
Yickimeck is a kind Goddess who once roamed the lands with the mysterious Halfling, she was a kind
woman who made sure that people were well fed and taken care of together with her sons and
Yickimeck's alignment is lawful good.
Yickimeck's Childeren and Yickimeck herself represent
Jimmini's alignment is lawful good.
how Halfling communities are run nowadays, but in a
Odoro's alignment is neutral good.
more godly fashion. As they work together to make sure
Chimmes alignment is lawful good.
that they give everything to the people that they would
Lhimmes alignment is lawful good.
need. Yickimeck was one of the first creatures we now
would call Halflings, she gave birth to four children and
together they took upon the task of caring for their Symbol
tribe. This would take hold in many of the villages and Yickimeck is represented by a
towns ran by Halflings. Yickimeck had found her own cornucopia on a shield.
power in the form of a speciale spring, this spring would Jimmini is represented by a ripe grain
most likely be a power source from another God. She field.
would share what was in this spring with her children so Odoro is represented by crossed short
that they all were able to lead her people. They would swords.
gain immense power, as mortals, but later when they Chimme is represented by an open
would die or partake to much in the gift they would door.
become what they are now. Lhimme is represented by two hands
The Gods holding hands.
There are five Gods within the pantheon of Yickimeck's
Children, they each work together to do their best to help and protect their followers.

Yickimeck, Goddess of Birth and Luck.

Yickimeck is a Mayor Deity
Yickimeck is the Goddess who originally founded this pantheon. She found a magical spring which
she and her children channeld power from so that they might protect their people. She was a kind
and caring mother who put her community and most of all her family before herself , she always did
have a knack for luck.

Jimmini, Goddess of Agriculture.

Jimmini is a Minor Deity
Jimmini was always the smartest one in the family of Yickimeck, she was the eldest child and always
inventing and thinking up new ways of handeling things or as she often said 'I wouldn't be living'. She
loved making new ways of making life easier for her friends and family. She would be the first one to
recieve the offer of the spring, but at first refuse their mothers gift and be the last one to accept.

Odoro, God of Guardians.

Odoro is a Minor Deity
Odoro was head of their tribes guards and second born child, he would be the second one offered
the gift by their mother, but the first one to accept their mothers gift. He would do this to defend
their people and be able to be of more help. Odoro was a direct and outward man, he would easily
lay down his life to save even one person.
Chimme, Goddess of Home.
Chimme is a Minor Deity
Chimme was the second youngest by only a little bit as she was the older twin sister of Lhimme.
Chimme never went out of the house much, but to the rest of her family she was a delight always
cooking food and clean, but most of all making sure everyone was happy. She was very shy and
introverted, but didn't directly want to take part in the gift she waited a bit and got convinced by her
younger sister she was the second to last to take part in their gift.

Lhimme, Goddess of Trust.

Lhimme is a Minor Deity
Lhimme was the youngest by only a little bit as she was the younger twin sister of Chimme. She was
the complete opposite of her older sister, she was very outgoing and made vast friends with
everyone, she was also quite easy to trust other people she would be hard to tie down and keep
inside the house. When her mother offered her the gift she almost immediately took it as there
could be nothing wrong with it as her mother offered her, right?
The Pantheon of the Sandman
These gods rule the night and they rule your unconcious mind, none of them are trustworthy in any
shape way or form.
The Pantheon of the Sandman are the Gods who rule the mind when
one rests. They care not for their relations with other Gods. They
Morpheuses alignment is chaotic
remain neutral for the most part only interfering with the other Gods
if they are requested.
Exterpheuses alignment is chaotic
History evil.
The Pantheon of the Sandman where originally one god, who grew Somnurpheuses alignment is chaotic
to powerful. This God was called the Sandman, he ruled and good.
dominated the unconscious mind of mortals and he even terrified
the minds of Gods. He was a simple god who enjoyed the chaos of
messing with people, he gave nightmares so realistic he
Morpheus is represented by a small
traumatised children, he gave such realistic dreams peoples minds
bag of white sand.
got shattered and gave people visions of fake quests to lead them
Exterpheus is represented by a small
on. He scarred many men and women Mysitä had enough of this
bag of black sand.
and teamed up with Ramalous and the Pantheon of the Heavens to
Somnurpheus is represented by a
defeat him, this event was known as the Slaughter of Sleep. He was
small bag of brown sand.
split into three gods Veritaphues, the God of dreams, Mendapheus,
the God of nightmares and Proverphues, the God of Visions. They still share the choatic nature of
the Sandman, but are quite a bit weaker than the Sandman due to them being split into three.

The Gods
They are quite diffrent from each other and yet they still like to cause chaos,
but in different ways. The Sandmen are used to make deals with for power,
for gifts orr for tricks.

Veritaphues, God of Dreams and Truth.

Veritaphues is a Major Deity
Veritaphues likes to create things that look real and feel real, but aren't
real. He loves to weave elaborate dreams that are able to fake all senses. He
crafts these dreams to unleash once per month or so on an unexpected
person. Most of the time he will make fake projections of the mind of their
hopes and aspirations.
He is seen as the most trustable one of the Sandmen. If one wishes to make a deal with the
Sandmen one should come to Veritaphues as he never lies.

Mendapheus, God of Nightmares and Lies.

Mendaphues is a Major Deity
Mendapheus enjoys toying with the people of Arajah. He likes to wander the mind of his victims so
before he strikes he will go inside and find all their fears. He loves the smell of the fear from his
weakend mental opponents. His power is sealed by Ramalous, as he used his powers to spread
terror to everyone. He now waits and charges his powers for about five years to have saved up
enough energy to break through the seal Ramalous had set up and unleash his terror on an area of
quite a large scale.
He is seen as the most untrustable one of the Sandmen, as he never tells the truth and only lies.

Proverphues, God of Visions and Proverbs.

Proverphues is a Major Deity
Proverphues is seen as the leader of the Sandmen. He sees himself as a sherperd of the people who
have a greater purpose, as he gives them visions of their future in riddles and proverbs. The feeling
of Deja Vu is an after effect of his visions, but mostlikely of it on a minor scale. He is seen as the least
chaotic one of the Sandmen, yet everything he does is very chaotic as he doesn't explain anything
and his visions and proverbs often are just misdirections, as he like to mess with the people of Arajah
as much as the next one of the Sandmen.
He is seen as the leader of the Sandmen, as he shows the other Sandmen who to target. He gets
hired by many gods, devils and demons to put people into action.
The Pantheon of Dawn
The Pantheon of Dawn are the guardians and overseers of the good aligned side of the Feywild.
The Seelie Court is one of the two ruling factions of the Feywilds. The Pantheon of Dawn is the other
name of the rulers and members of the Seelie Court each
member is quite capable.
Queen Titania's alignment is chaotic good.
History King Oberon's alignment is lawful good.
The true origins of the Unseelie court is shrouded in Damhka's alignment is chaotic good.
mystery much like the Feywilds, all that is known is that Veneteras' alignment is neutral.
Dueth created the Queen of the Seelie Court Titania. The Sgurnis' alignment is chaotic good.
Seelie court is overseen by the kings and queens of the Emmantaris' alignment is chaotic good.
races which reside in there. Queen Titania is a very
powerful fey, she commands a part of the Eladrin who remain inside the Seelie Court, which ususally
are the good aligned Eladrin.
There once was a time when the Unseelie Court didn't
exist, the Seelie Court oversaw a land called Illandior and Symbol
the Sea of Kirri Gywl. There were a group of Dwarven Queen Titania is represented by a flower in full
Miners who were excavating the Mountain of Dethu Sulo bloom with yellow petal and a sun inside.
and found a great black diamond which they wanted to King Oberon is represented by the head of a
present to the court as a gift for Titania, who was not white elk crossed with two rapiers over it.
there that day. Instead, Titania's sister, Pricess Disirnia Damhka is represented by a jug of wine
accepted the gift, which began to corrupt her. Eventually, overlapt with a fiddle and a fiddlestick.
that pricess Disirnia took the diamond away in a chariot of Veneteras is represented by a Filigree-edged
fire and smoke. The mountain the dwarves had been silver mirror with a sharp blue reflection.
mining erupted soon after and the smoke caused sickness Sgurnis is represented by an acorn out of
in the whole land. The Seelie Court itself was forced to which a mighty oak is rising.
flee. The land once the Seelie Court then became the Emmantaris is represented by two acorns out
Unseelie Court within a great cavern. of one is growing a tree and one a face.

The Gods
There are six God who are considered to be a part of the Pantheon of Dawn, but there are many
more who aren't in the Pantheon of Dawn as they lay in the outer ring such as Nathairin Schiathach,
the patron of faerie dragons and pseudodragons, and Emman-Ell-Stien, who is the patron of
Unicorns and Pegasi.

Queen Titania, Goddess of Dawn and the Seelie Court.

Queen Titania is a Major Deity
Queen Titania is the ruler of the Seelie Court and the wife of King Oberon. She seemed flighty and
frivolous to some, but in truth she was a brilliant strategist both in court and on a battlefield. She
had a dry sense of humor and could be very pragmatic when needed. It was almost impossible to
make her angry, but if a truly despicable act roused her ire, the perpetrator would be faced with the
most powerful wrath. Titania was amused by mortals and had been known to take some as lovers.
She worries deeply about her sister.

King Oberon, God of Wilderness and Beasts.

King Oberon is a Major Deity
King Oberon is an anomily within the court as he is more direct and an actual warrior for a change,
he doesn't rely as much as the other members on illusions and is more of a warrior than them. He
and Queen Titania have been known to have a quite open relationship, as she has taken many a
mortal and immortal lover, but the same goes for King Oberon. King Oberon would command the
Eladrin in Queen Titania's stead.

Damhka, God of Satyrs.

Damhka is a Minor Deity
Damhka is the son of the union between Queen Titania and King Oberon, Damhka is the patron of
Satyrs and many of the Korred. Damhka always showed himself as a fool, but in secret was
exceedingly clever and manipulative, with a streak of vicious savagery. Damhka was essentially an
anarchist who opposed the influence of civilization on the Feywild. He openly resented the presence
of fomorians in the Feywild, but also secretly shared similar sentiments toward elves, eladrin, and
the Seldarine.

Veneteras, Goddess of Dryads.

Veneteras is a Minor Deity
Veneteras was a child born from Queen Titania and an unkown second party. Veneteras is described
as one of the most beautiful creatures to have ever lived. She however was very fickle, vain, and
jealous. She disdained the company of other goddesses of beauty, love, or romance. However, she
was also wise enough to know that the security of her worshipers was tied to the security of the fey
as a whole. She was utterly loyal to the Seelie Court. She is the patron to Dryads who are beautiful
fey trapped within a tree.

Sgurnis, God of Centaurs.

Sgurnis is a Minor Deity
Sgurnis is the patron of the Centaurs. Sgurnis was a benevolent and compassionate deity,
nevertheless he was a strong and skilled hunter and protector. He maintained the equilibrium in the
forests, allowing all forest creatures to fulfill their natural roles, he granted hunters prey and fed the
hunted. Sgurnis is on good terms with the Beastlords hunting side by side with most of them inside
the Beastlands.

Emmantaris, God of Treants.

Emmantaris is a Minor Deity
Emmantaris is a silent and powerful warrior, he cared deeply about the forest. He was grave and
quiet, Emmantaris was an God of few words, when he spoke, however, everyone listened, for his
wisdom was great. Emmantaris was once a great Treant, one of the strongest of their kin, he was
bestowed a great gift by Galaria, a gem stone to be placed inside his bark and roots this gem would
grant him more power than even Queen Titania herself.
The Pantheon of Twilight
Scheming in the dark leis the Pantheon of Twilight who challenge other pantheons and courts.
The Pantheon of Twilight or otherwise known as the rulers, members and overseers of the Unseelie
Court. The unseelie court was founded by Queen Disirnia otherwise known as the Queen of Air and
History Queen Disirnia's alignment is
The Pantheon of Twilight was founded by the Queen of chaotic evil.
Air and Darkness, the creature formerly known as the Archinides' alignment is chaotic evil.
Princess of the Seelie Court, Disirnia. Princess Disirnia
became the way she was by accepting a gift meant for her Lcuth's alignment is neutral evil.
sister Queen Titania. Princess Disirnia took the gift and it Chigak's alignment is neutral evil.
began to corrupt her, soon corrupting the land of the Warvyn's alignment is chaotic evil.
Seelie Court as well. The former lands of the Seelie Court Baba Yaga's alignment is chaotic
was claimed by the Unseelie Court and her Queen. She evil.
corrupted the land, as quickly as she was and conscribed
other Gods and Goddesses into her Court Symbol
Queen Disirnia is represented by a black gem
The Gods
out of which air and darkness radiats.
There are six Gods within the Unseeie Court, it is chaos
Archinides is represented by black spider with
within the court. This however is nothing speciale each
female drow head hanging from a spider web.
member only looks out for themselves and would kill
other as quickly as help each other.
Lcuth is represented by spider on a crossed
Queen Disirnia, Goddess of Twilight and the Unseely sword and mace.
Court. Chigak is represented by the mandibles of a
Queen Disirnia is a Major Deity Meenlock with skull behind it.
Queen Disirnia or more commonly known as The Queen Warvyn is represented by a red pointy hat
of Air and Darkness, as her form has changed over the dripping with fresh blood.
years from the once beautiful Queen Disirnia to now only Baba Yaga is represented by a cauldron filled
the remaining black diamond which has now become her with a weird green puss.
body. The Queen of Air and Darkness now resides in the
corrupted land within a cavern where the Unseelie Court calls their home. She oversees the evil
creatures which now reside in her domian.

Archinides, Goddess of Spiders and Bloodmagic.

Archinides is a Major Deity
Archinides was once an elven queen who was granted the power of a Demi-Gods, by the Pantheon
of the Wilds. However she turned her back on the Gods by using the forbidden vile art of Bloodmagic
and corrupted her very soul with this magic. Coresick disaproved and cursed her body to be one of a
spider, he also cursed her people. They are now the Drow. She swore vengeance on the Gods and
joined the enemy of the Pantheon of the Wilds, the Pantheon of Twilight. She is the most trusted
member of the court and one of the most feared.

Lcuth, Goddess of the Drow.

Lcuth is a Minor Deity
Lcuth was once the daughter of the Elven queen who is now known, as the Goddess Archinides. She
was thhe first queen of the Drow, she did the best they could. They migraded towards the
Underdark. They mostly propered here, practacing all that their Goddess Archinides was known for
bloodmagic and rituals to become closer to her. Lcuth enforced all these belief and traditions. She
was chosen by her mother to become a Goddess. She gained power from both Archinides and
Queen of Air and Darkness. She soon joined the Unseely Council with her Drow.

Chigak, God of Meenlocks.

Chigak is a Minor Deity
Meenlocks manifest after great fear and terror, Chigak manifested with the most fear ever. Chigak
was a Meenlock who was smarter, larger and stronger than your average Meenlock. Chigak always
favored the Queen of Air and Darkness, so he gladly accepted her offer her request of joining her
court. He now still commands his bandit-like Meenlocks, who terrorize the land of the Feywilds and
sometimes even beyond that.

Warvyn, God of Redcaps.

Warvyn is a Minor Deity
Warvyn was an exceptionally well-established Redcap who could pick up the scent of blood from
miles away. Warvyn was such a powerful Redcap he did not need to kill anymore to dip his hat in
blood. His hat was so bloody that other Redcaps would feast upon its trail. Warvyn slaughter the
original contender of God of the council and soaked his cap in her blood and became a God and
member of the Counrt due to the Queen of Air and Darkness.

Stag King, God of Feral Beasts.

Stag King is a Minor Deity
Stag King was the first creatures approached by the Queen of Air and Darkness to join the Court. The
Stag king didn’t care much for the court in the beginning, but still he joined. Sensing power in a
strong pack. He cares little for the political aspects of the Court, but would much rather harm any
good Fey that wander into his woods with his ravenous beasts. No one knows where he came from,
but that when he appears animals go into a wild berserk like state.
The Pantheon of the Marauders
The Pantheon of the Marauders where some deadly raiders once, now they give favors to the raiders.
The Pantheon of the Marauders where once simple
raiders and tribals until they where granted power by a Alignment
mysterious force. Now they are worshipped by their old Brarthu's alignment is chaotic
kind of people. neutral.
Crackrim's alignment is chaotic evil.
History Greniff's alignment is chaotic
The Pantheon of the Marauders has been into being for neutral.
a decent while. They came into being in the place now
called the Savagelands, in the Era of the First peace. They where the chieftains of their tribes master
raiders, pillagers and warriors. These warriors only cared
about one thing their own tribes survival. They would do Symbol
this with their fury, bloodthrist and brute strength. A Brarthu is represented by a broken
God, Devil or something else gave them their power the thigh bone.
main suspect is Regnar, as he would value such things in Crackrim is represented by a A
men and women. They now get worshipped by triangular eye with bony protrusions
barbarian, Volheimiäns, tribals and Orcs a like. forming spears.
Greniff is represented by a skull
The Gods riddled with arrows.
There are three Gods of the Marauders, they get anlong
with one another as they each love to kill raid and pillage. Together they are a real thorn in the side

of all the law making Gods.

Brarthu, God of Brute Strength.

Brarthu is a Minor Deity
Brarthu was a simple man who battle many beasts and many more people who lived in the lands of
Yolm before the more logical era's. He was a master in combat not by techniques, but more by sheer
brute strength. He carried the strength of a Storm Giant within a mere mortal. He is now beloved by
Orcs, Volheimiäns, barbarians and tribals a like. He blesses them with great strength and strength

Crackrim, God of Raiding.

Crackrim is a Minor Deity
Crackrim the pillager, Crackrim the raider or Crackrim the Goldthirsty are all names linking to the
same warrior. He who claims fortresses as his loot and the people as his food is known only by the
name of Crackrim. Crackrim never stopped raiding from the first moment he picked up an axe. He
was a warlord of great power and he now is patron to the most savage and goldthirsty warlord.

Greniff, God of Fury.

Greniff is a Minor Deity
Many tales were told about Greniff's exploits. There were tales that claimed to have him been
impailed a dozen times and knocking on deaths door and just keeping on killing and slaughtering on
pure fury and bloodlust alone. He was a warrior of great exploits and power, not on the level of the
other two, but he made up for it in pure unfiltered anger. He is now the patron to the angriest of
Orcs and Ogres.
The Pantheon of Advancements
The Pantheon of Advancements supports and inspire any and all kinds of progress made both
technical and scientific.
The Pantheon of Advancements are the masters of Alignment
inventions, they inspire great creativity and genius Ickbark's alignment is chaotic
within their followers and worshippers. Most of their neutral.
worship is outlawed, but they are devoutly followed Bvurnf's alignment is lawful neutral.
within the land of Yognirsh by the Svirfneblin. Who Otroto's alignment is neutral.
would never stray from their Gods path.

History Symbol
The Pantheon of Advancements was born out of the Ickbark is represented by a medallion with
smartest and best apostles of Hinsetah. After the fall of the sumbol of the philosopher's stone.
Urkles and the so called Fall of Inventions, he saw his Bvurnf is represented by three cogs stacked
three worshippers and gave them the way to claim a on top one another making a small tower.
piece of godly powers. These three claimed the power in Otroto is represented by a small simple
each there own way. Ickbark created a Philosopher's ballista loaded with a single bolt.
Stone and became the first one to claim her divinity.
Bvurnf created life from machine parts and a gemstone, he used these creatures to claim his divinity,
as the second one. Otroto created a siege weapon that shot bolts that killed a celestial and took it's
power and became the final one to claim her divinity.
These Gods beside Hinsetah are worshipped nearly no where in the land of Yolm, besides the
Underdark and few pockets of mad and insane inventors, as they control not how much intelligence
they give and bless people with nor do they control what they use their intelligence for.

The Gods
There are three Gods in total of this pantheon these Gods exist only to serve Hinsetah and rule over
the land of Yognirsh and support their people of these lands.

Ickbark, Goddess of Alchemy

Ickbark is a Minor Deity
Ickbark the Goddess of Alchemy is revered by alchemists, witches and inventors. She was once
known for her brews who could rival the best hags. Ickbark is also the first and only alchemist to
create Philosopher's Stone and imbue her own body with this strength. She now invents new potions
and elements each and every year that goes by in the Realm where she remains with her brother
and sister.

Bvurnf, God of Automatons

Bvurnf is a Minor Deity
Bvurnf the God of Automatons or the Replicator of Life was the creator of the Warforged. Which he
used to claim his divinity and become the God of Automatons, now some Warforged still remeber
how to craft another. Bvurnf also was credited for making the creation of the first prototype of the
Mechanical Armor, now used by some Dwarves and some Svirfneblin.

Otroto, Goddess of Projectiles

Otroto is a Minor Deity
Otroto is credited for creating many of the seige weapons used today like Catapults, Ballista's and
Trebuchet. She also crafted a weapon powerful enought to bring down a powerful colossus. This
weapon is rumored to be buried some where within the lands of Arajah or even further beyond
these lands. She also made some of the first crossbows, which are now used throughout the lands.
The Pantheon of the Accursed
The Pantheon of the Accursed home to the Duergar Gods and the Gods of the vile outcasts and evil
The Pantheon of the Accursed is home to the Gods of the Alignment
Duergar which range from Lodigurr the God who created Lodigurr's alignment is neutral evil.
them to a former king and queen both known for their Crotin's alignment is lawful evil.
uses to the Duergar kind. Yockikin's alignment is lawful neutral.
The Pantheon of the Accursed was founded after Lodigurr was smiten down from the Pantheon of
the Mountains, he left with quite a stir and swearing
vengeance on the Pantheon of the Mountains he ended up Symbol
in a completely different plane where he founded the Lodigurr is represented by an ancient
Pantheon of the Accursed. He gave power to the other two and wierd looking curse.
Gods and made sure they would support him against the Crotin is represented by a broken arrow.
other Gods. They are now worshipped by Duergar and
other vile creatures, but sometimes they are worshipped Yockikin is represented by a large and
by by warriors and builders, sometimes even a king in looming tower.
secret to gain their favor.  

Lodigurr, God of Curses and Corruption

Lodigurr is a Major Deity
Lodigurr was the most evil one out of all of the Gods within the Pantheon of the Mountains, as he
likes to corrupt people and make them wield Dark Magic and give curses to people. After corrupting
a group of Dwarves in the Era of Dragons into the Duergar of the Underdark he was cast out and fell
from grace out of the Pantheon of the Mountains, as he corrupted the work of Moärnistran, which
was once pure and near perfection.

Crotin, Goddess of Subjugation.

Cortin is a Minor Deity
Cortin the first queen of the Duergar chosen by Lodigurr her self. While she was in power she only
cared for expanding the domain owned by the Duergar. She was struck down by the Dwarven king
chosen by Moärnistran. After she was struck down and killed, Lodigurr claimed her soul and gave her
the powers of a Goddess. She now stands side by side with Lodigurr wanting not only to strike down
the Pantheon of the Mountains, but the Dwarves and anything related to their lineage as well.

Yockikin, God of Bastions.

Yockikin is a Minor Deity
Yockikin is the kinder of the three Deities, caring much more about the Duergar themselves and the
Bastions they build for their own people. Yockikin was once a mighty Duergar king who made sure
their people had homes to survive in, but the information to build these bastions was lost so the
newer ones are far weaker than the older ones build in the Era of the First Peace. He now oversees
the bastions and the cities and will help the other two when needed to confront the other Gods.
The Pantheon of Inertia
These Gods are not affiliated with any Pantheon they might favor one over the other, but they aren't
with them.
The Gods of the Pantheon of Inertia belong to no side, due Alignment
to this the people of Arajah have put these Gods together. The Lady of the Lakes Alignment is lawful good.
They can be good, bad or something in between, as they Achren's Alignment is neutral.
have no aligiance to one another. Kirrim's Alignment is neutral.
Erieena's Alignment is neutral good.
History The Pale Ghost's Alignment is neutral good.
The Pantheon of Inertia was first under control of the God The Dark Ghost's Alignment is neutral evil.
Inertia, God of Neutrality and Peace. He oversaw all the Brillgrim's Alignment is chaotic neutral.
actions taken by the neutral Gods and who they
supported. If they wished to be neutral he would moniter
and would make sure that they remained neutral. With neutrality The Lady of the Lake is represented by a
came some benefits, as he would guard them with his immense unicorn’s head.
power he could ensure them this. He did not forsee that one God Achren is represented by a gallow
within his own Pantheon would strike him down, this God has blowing in the wind.
been lost to the ages. Without the power of Inertia many Gods Kirrim is represented by a white human
have fallen from this Pantheon. Some still remain, but these Gods skull.
either have many devote followers or are on the point of joining a Erieena is represented by a three blue
different Pantheon. orbs floating in a triangle.
The Gods The Pale Ghost is represented by a wave
There are seven Gods who remain, sometimes a new God enters curling left and right.
the light of the Pantheon, as they are remembered, but other The Dark Ghost is represented by three
times they enter the Pantheon of the Forgotten Ones. lightning bolts radiating from a cloud.
Brillgrim is represented by an upright
The Lady of the Lake, Honor and Sympathy. poisoned sword.
The Lady of the Lake is a Major Deity
The Lady of the Lake was once a powerful and beautiful Archfey. She was the point of jealousy in
many courts, families and most worrying of all Deities. She was cast out of the Feywilds to be
trapped within the Lake of Creinsom. She was trapped here for ages. The longer she was trapped in
the lake the weaker her imprisonment was, however she could never quite escape. Some Humans
investigated a strange sound from the lake and she offered them purpose in return for their
servitude. She enlisted many great warriors known as the Knights of the Lady. They would become
more famous throughout the lands over the years and she would grow more powerful from their
good deeds.

Archen, God of Outcasts.

Archen is a Minor Deity
Archen was a young man when he died. His village had sufferd great losses and needed to explain to
the Count why this was. They had used all there rescources to celibrate a good harvest, but they did
not want to take the blame so they pinned it on a farmers son and said he stole and sold it all. He
was cast out and became a wanderer he had a high bounty on his head. He ran and ran but he could
not run fast enough and the bountyhunters cought up to him. After his demise he was granted
power by Trholam who saw his life as a big betrayel and thought why not my creator made one so
why not me to.
Kirrim, God of Graves.
Kirrim is a Minor Deity
Kirrim is the first king of the location now called the Necropolis. He cared much about the dead and
was an avid follower of the God Thahill. Thahill saw this devotion and gave him the powers of a God
and is now usually refered to as the Cryptkeeper he makes sure that dead stay if they are locked
within a crypt or in a graveyard protected by his blessing.

Erieena, Goddess of Good Spirits.

Erieena is a Minor Deity
Erieena the Goddess who can channel spirits throughout the lands. She protects the spirits from
corruption and being caputered. Her presence can be feld in many minor ways throughout the lands,
like a small light guiding adventurers or a book falling from a shelf to help out a person. She is active
all year long except for one day of the year which is All Spirits Eve, when her powers diminish greatly
and evil spirits roam the land instead.

The Pale Ghost, God of the Seas.

The Pale Ghost is a Minor Deity
The Pale Ghost and his brother the Dark Ghost weren't originally from this realm. they originally
came from the elemental chaos where they ruled as one being. However their servants the of the
being tricked the creature and split it in two. The Pale Ghost who became a kinder creature cared for
the other beings of the land and tried to keep the waters calm.

The Dark Ghost, God of the Storms.

The Dark Ghost is a Minor Deity
The Dark Ghost was a violent creature after the split. When their souls split he went to the material
realm and swore vengeance upon the djinn's who served and betrayed him. When the Pale Ghost
reached the Material Realm he tried to help the people of the realm, but when the Dark Ghost found
out he was furious creating stroms to throw a wrench in the plans of the Pale Ghost. He now waits
and plans for the destruction of the Elemental Chaos of the Plane of Water

Billgrim, God of Arena's.

Billgrim is a Minor Deity
Billgrim was once a proud warrior of an arena in the past. He was the most powerful warrior around
nothing could ever beat him, until he stumbled upon a woman who he fell in love with, she however
did not. She was a widow as her wife met her end in the arena against Billgrim. When Billgrim wasn't
looking she poisoned his food and killed him, his spirit filled with distraught of being poisoned by the
one he loved haunted the arena. Regnar saw potential within Billgrim and gave him the powers of a
God, he now holds a presence in every arena looking for a reïncarnation of the woman he once

Mythan, God of History

Mythan is a Minor Deity
Mythan is the god of History mostly known for being the patron of the League of Magic. They first
were a guild only known for exploring magic and its limits. He guided them onto a different path to
collect information of the world and still explore magic. In more recent years the League of Magic is
also known for assisting within matter than belong to the extraordinary events.
The Buramiän Beasts
The Buramiän Beasts are the some of the most powerful beings to have ever walked and stalked the
Material Realm.
The Buramiän Beasts or the Beasts of the Buramia are the Alignment
patron deities of Fushima. They hold power over concepts Sudorkami's alignment is chaotic
or emotion, as they hold their immense stength neutral.
themselves. Aguma's alignment is neutral evil.
Meaburu's alignment is chaotic
Not much is known about the ten beasts, but it has been
ruled out that they are gods or devils. They exemplify
the values that are now used by the many differing Symbol
schools of war within Fushima. The Buramiän Beasts The Buramiän Beasts are most
originally lived in the lands that are now called Fushima, commonly represented in either a
but in a very different time when the land was still called painting of their rumored likeness or
Burami and connected to the main land of Yolm. It is sculptures who look like what is
speculated that these were the beast originally put on known about their appearance.
Arajah by Vadaria to be a challenge for hunters.
The beasts are only whorshipped in Fushima and by some warrior clans, as this was their home
realm and they seek not to have many followers, but to have powerful followers. The Beasts are
feared by most of the Gods, as they do not respect their rules and laws.

The Beasts
The beasts have been around for a long time, but it is unclear when they became as powerful as they
are now.

Sudorkami the Beast of Stalking.

Sudorkami is a Minor Deity
Sudorkami was a great grey wolf with swords and daggers for teeth, he was feared as a hunter by
people and beast a like. He is and was a master of stealth chasing his enemies and prey for days on
end. He values the art of picking of a target and stalking them for days or even weeks.

Aguma the Beast of Crippling.

Aguma is a Minor Deity
Aguma was a feared humanoid who had grey skin, four arms and always wore a weird looking mask.
He faught like an animal, nothing close to how a human would fight. He would aim in battle for
maiming the opponent and making sure they either could not fight or get away.

Maeburu the Beast of Tracking.

Maeburu is a Minor Deity
Maeburu was a huge intimidating bird with six wings instead of two, whenever he would flap his
wings entire forests could be cleared. He would soar above the forests and plains to see his target
and he would track them until the end of the world until it let to their nesting ground.

Sogi-Burin the Beast of Trapping.

Sogi-Burin is a Minor Deity
Sogi-Burin was a rare breed of goblin with three heads, a deformatie if you will. He was prayed to by
goblins for his enginuity and tactics when it came to traps.He developed such powerful traps that
they could trap and kill creature ten times stronger than him.
Omwari the Beast of Ambushing.
Omwari is a Minor Deity
Omwari is a slugde like ooze, it holds many eyes inside it from which it could see from all sides. It
could hide in whatever size of hole it could find. It was rumored that anyone killed by Omwari would
still remain conscious and could see anything that happend, as the eyes of its prey still remained

Rareta the Beast of Infecting.

Rareta is a Minor Deity
Rareta is a beast shrouded in mystery looking like a flying head with wing and tenticals coming out of
it. He is surrounded by locust, flies, centipedes and rats who are all filled with diseases. He would
hunt with poisons and diseases weakening the opponent before striking them where it hurt.

Gobu the Beast of Feigning.

Gobu is a Minor Deity
Gobu is a small tiny furry looking creature who innocent and quite weak. He would use this to lower
the opponents guard and then attack them with shadow like spells, these spells where only known
to Gobu and his kind, which first roamed the land until they all dissapeared.

Heddo Rezu the Beast of Rampaging.

Heddo Rezu is a Minor Deity
Heddo Rezu was a the corpse of a long dead warrior revived by magical maggots who infected his
body after his death. The skill he had before death still remained in corpse while the maggots
controlling the body use it as a puppet and attack like a feral beast with sword in hand never

Juden-Ki the Beast of Charging.

Juden-Ki is a Minor Deity
Juden-Ki is seen as the Lord of beasts of battle like horses and oxes. He fought alone in battle
however. With his flaming eyes and his ghostly veil he had a distinct apperance on the battle field
and was feared among beasts and soldiers a like, as when he ran fire sprouded from his body and
enflamed all who are around him.

Osorete the Beast of Terrorizing.

Osorete is a Minor Deity
Osorete is a dragon who resembled a human is some area's. He was feared among the dragon
council and even the other beasts, who where said to be fearless. He is rumored to be the indirect
leader of the beasts and the reason why they ascended to their realm is his cunning.
The Forgotten Ones
Great and powerful beings who didn't want to be forgotten by time to strike again or scheme in the
The Forgotten Ones are Gods who have been lost to Alignment
time. Little is remembered about them leaving them to Valises alignment is neutral.
grant powers to those who seek them out and some Gaurnages alignment is neutral evil.
have fallen in strength, but they are still very powerful. The Dealer of Fateses alignment is lawful evil.
The Tabernacles alignment is neutral.
The Gods The Verminking's alignment is lawful neutral.
There are many forgotten Gods, but not every God gets The Pumpkin Lord's alignment is chaotic evil.
rembered of there is little known about each of these The Lord of the Wendigos alignment is chaotic evil.
Gods, but each God still has vast power.

Inanis, God of Emptiness. Symbols

Inanis is a Minor Deity These Gods are unkown to nearly all, as such they
Inanis is a whisper of a God travelling space and have no representation.
exploring the reaches within himself. He is but a soul
filled with the void and with emptiness.

Gaurnage, God of Slaughter.

Gaurnage is a Minor Deity
Gaurnage is a creature that engulfs a small pocket realm with his flesh and blood. It grants its power
to any it sees fit to welcome into himself.

The Dealer of Fates, God of Chance.

The Dealer of Fates is a Minor Deity
The Dealer of Fates has been known to offer powers to those he sees fit and make use of them for
his larger than life plans. Nothing else is known.

The Tabernacle, God of Records.

The Tabernacle is a Minor Deity
The Tabernacle was a tower made to hold spells, records and all kinds of books. It however got to
many magical artifact inside of it and gained its own sentience.

The Verminking, God of Vermin.

The Verminking is a Minor Deity
The Elusive Verminking creator of the Vermanoids and master of Vermapolis who wields unkown
magical powers. He has dissapeared and always held the rank of a God.

The Pumpkin Lord, God of Evil Spirits

The Pumpkin Lord is a Minor Deity
The Pumpkin Lord normally holds not much power over the world all until All Spirits Eve when his
power rises. He despises Erieena and would kill her glantly when the oppertunity would be given.

The Lord of the Wendigos, God of the Wendigos.

The Lord of the Wendigos is a Minor Deity
The Lord of the Wendigos is a minor fey diety cursing the cannibals and slowly turning them into
wendigos. He is a savage beast eating and killing all in his way.
The Root Gods
These Gods stand above all else, they are more powerful than anything a mortal or a normal God
could imagine.
The Root Gods the most powerful Gods around. They exist Alignment
in a place outiside of any logical universe. When one Drull's alignment is neutral.
follows the Root Gods one will go mad with intelligence Brenos' alignment is lawful neutral.
understanding everythins and yet also nothing. The place Ackrimalsif's alignment is neutral.
where the Root Gods reside is called Root Dimension, as it Lirves alignment is chaotic neutral.
is the Root of life and the world itself. There are five The Lord Power's alignment is neutral.
locations within this Dimension each with their own God.

History Symbols
Most gods of these gods have not been around for a These Gods are unkown to nearly all, but
fraction of the time that The Lord Power has been around, the few who know have made strange
as he has been around form the beginning of time itself. symbols connected to more strange
As The Lord Power has been around forever wandering symbols in a nearly endless loop.
the endless space between dimensions until he found a
place of immens power which was dubbed the Forge of Scerce with which he could craft planets,
universes, dimension and of course gods. He created the other Root Gods after seeing that his first
dimension, where he awakend himself was dead silent and empty.
This dimension was then divided into five parts the Library of all Lore, the Crossing of Time, the
Forest of Magic, the Ocean of Life and the Core of Gods.

The Gods
The Root Gods are the most powerful creatures everywhere just plain and simple nothing can kill
them and they can kill anything a tarrasque and a god are nothing compared to them.

Drull, God of Past and Future.

Drull is a Root Deity
Drull lives in a gigantic tower, which stands in a desolate wastelands there
is but a small entrance. When you enter it you see a library reaching
further than the eyes can see.
The keeper of the Library who knows everything the past, future and
present. He is a gigantic grey skinned titan, he has four arms and a cloth on
his head. He stands tall with his arms he organizes with tremendous speed.
There is little to know about Drull as he doesn't take control directly, yet he
is an important god he makes sure history exist and that the future lines up
with the action that have been taken.
Brenos, God of Time and Natural Law.
Brenos is a Root Deity
The Brenos is located on a tall mountain where a large temple stands, this location is called the
Crossing of Time. Brenos operates from here and
protect the multiverse. This location is called the
Crossing of Time, as with Brenosses powers time flows
here in all angles.
Brenos is a being with immense power and fortitude
who is compelled to keep time and the natural law of
things correct with great monsters and demons that is
needed. He however cannot do this fact as he is but
one being so he projects small parts of his soul in in a
mostly humanoid form. These projections will keep watch over their assigned dimension, but will
need to be replaced every thousand years or so.

Ackrimalsif, God of True Magic and the Elements.

Ackrimalsif is a Root Deity
Ackrimalsif lives in a large forest which is called the Forest of Magic and
which is as weird as the God himself, as many body parts of different
creatures, magical effect and of course plant life just grows on the trees
here. Ackrilsif is a combination of all differnt kinds of creatures with
tenacles, eyes and mouths. He is the origin of magic as he slept a forest was
created around him. Each tree in this forest holds all the magical power of a
diffrent dimensions. They are all sprouts from his body. All gods who hold power over magic take
from him.

Lirve, God of Life and Evolution.

Lirve is a Root Deity
Lirve doesn't look like a creature as it doesn't live in the Ocean of
Life as he is the Ocean of Life. All creatures who exist hold it to
Lirve as he creates life in even the smallest of form. Lirve is a mad
God more or less as he and Ackrimalsif create living beings
together. Lirve makes most creatures from his own waters and if
he feels like they deserve magic he will instruct Ackrimalsif to
grant it within them. He has created some of the weirdest thing.
A normal God or creature isn't responsible of the first being on a world, no that job falls to Lirve.

The Lord Power, God of Gods and Matter.

The Lord Power is a Root Deity
The Lord Power resides in a location called the Core of Gods, this is
just an empty crater where mortals would melt of the heat and die of
frostbite from the cold of the Forge of Scerce.
Little is known of the Lord Power as it is a form of energy who roams
around the Core of Scerce, a forge which only it knows how to
operate to create gods for dimensions who are in need of protection,
law or order. The Lord Power is a very egocentric God, as he sees
himself above all other with good reason to.
Helgeän, The Holy Lands of Divine Light
Helgeän is home to the Faithful and the Gods of Light.
The kingdom of Helgeän is one of the oldest kingdoms, its walls at the border have stood the test of
time defending it from all the none believers in the world. The kingdoms founder was enlightend by
Arlous to build a kingdom who will honor the will of the gods of light and serve the angels in their
time of need.

A plan to make a kingdom solely build on the protection of the worthy was the founding spark of
Arlous and Helg's vision, he started by chosing a child who's name was Helg. He founded the
kingdom with his pure devotion and power in the first peace after the rue of the dragons. He was the
first king of Helgeän and his power now lies dormant in the royal bloodline of Helgeän. Soon after
the founding of Helgeän four divine weapons where bestowed upon the people of Helgeän to
defend them from all kinds of monsters who live on the outside, these are Ruptor the Breaker
Sword, Clypeus the Protector Sword, Purgator the Cleansing Sword and Arcvius the Arch Sword.
These four sword where gifted to four powerful paladins who could wield it with their divine

Helgeän operates with the idea of having four pillars each aligning with a different God of Light,
these are the first pillar which is religion it stand for the belief of the people which is needs to be put
in rightful gods, the second pillar is about leadership it needs to be there to create control and order
among the people as with choas comes death and darkness, the third pillar represents healing which
is brought to the people by clerics of Light and the fourth pillar which aligns with protection brought
with the army and the paladins of Helgeän.

Helgeän's holy men and women will say they have survived by just their faith alone. This however is
partly true as the people have only survived by the planning of the Founder who was a chosen
created by Arlous to establish a great kingdom in the land where Helgeän now stands. It is a good
location with fertille soil and good overlooks thanks to the hills. The land is low on monsters
nowadays since regular patrols of capable warriors have taken care of most monsters and feral
animals. The only threats are small groups of bandit and the hostile animal once in a while.

There are fourteen different settlements of which four are forts who don't hold many civilians, there
is also one temple in Helgeän who isn't located inside a different settlement.

Alchioch, the City of Light

Antioch is where the founder rests and the royal bloodline rules, it holds the main church for the
Gods of Light as well. Antioch stands tall on a mountin with limited ways to climb it and guards
around every corner, this makes Antioch ruely an unconquerorable city.

 Anitoich is the capital city of Helgeän.

 Antioch is a Metropolis (40.000 avg).
 The level of patrolling in Antioch is High.
 The level of punishment in Antioch is High.
 The level of control in Antioch is High.
 Antioch has a High amount of facilities.
 Antioch has a High amount of luxury facilities.
 Antioch has a harbor (Medium).

Shirloh, the Brothers Hold

Shiloh is the city who guards the southern part of Helgeän, it supplies Fort Alpis and Fort Bravalos. If
one wanted to pas from a soutern country to Helgeän they would have to pass through Shiloh or be
shot down like a dog. Shiloh deals mostly with the Gealic and Slaktere tribes and their raiding parties
of greatsword wielding humans and bloodstarved giants.

 Shiloh is a Large City (17.000 avg).

 The level of patrolling in Shiloh is High.
 The level of punishment in Shiloh is High.
 The level of control in Shiloh is High.
 Shiloh has a High amount of facilities.
 Shiloh has a Medium amount of luxury facilities.
 Shiloh has no harbor.

Höchad, the Sisters Hold

Tyre like her brother city guards the western part of Helgeän, it supplies Fort Chares and Fort
Delramus like it sister city as well. Tyre is a heavily visited city as its border is quite close to that of
Yestrasse, it is the only point for traders to enter the city and enter Helgeän as a whole, most
suppliers just drop off their goods here as getting in means more paperwork.

 Tyre is a Large City (24.000 avg).

 The level of patrolling inin Tyre is High.
 The level of punishment in is High.
 The level of control in is High.
 Tyre has a High amount of facilities.
 Tyre has a Medium amount of luxury facilities.
 Tyre has no harbor.

Palas, the Trainingground of Helgeän

Palas is known for the one place in Helgeän where old and new recruits get refreshed and trained in
the art of war in all kinds of ways. Palas isn't only known for its training ground, but for its large roll
in the food industry of Helgeän as well, being home to a famous merchant the Earl of Western
Helgeän, a noble man in by trade, but a merchant by heart.

 Palas is a Large Town (5.000 avg).

 The level of patrolling in Palas is High.
 The level of punishment in Palas is High.
 The level of control in Palas is High.
 Palas has a Medium amount of facilities.
 Palas has a Low amount of luxury facilities.
 Palas has a harbor (Small).

Zagar, the Port of Helgeän

Zion holds the largest port in all of Helgeän, it is a well defended port. Ships from Helgeänites go in
and out all day long to go fish or transport stone from Shamir to Antioch. Zion is under constant
protection by rookie Paladins and newer soldiers from Palas, as quite far from the border and still a
key location.
 Zion is a Large Town (4.000 avg).
 The level of patrolling in Zion is High.
 The level of punishment in Zion is High.
 The level of control in Zion is High.
 Zion has a Medium amount of facilities.
 Zion has a Low amount of luxury facilities.
 Zion has a harbor (Large).

Karliah, the Agricultural Hub of Helgeän

Keilah has a thriving lumber industry and is home to a couple of influencial nobles as well, most
smaller villages are directed towards Keilah which can process all of those goods and send them
towards Antioch. Keilah is home to Duke Lacroise an important lord in the Heirarchy of Helgeän.

 Keilah is a Small Town (2.000 avg).

 The level of patrolling in Keilah is High.
 The level of punishment in Keilah is High.
 The level of control in Keilah is High.
 Keilah has a Medium amount of facilities.
 Keilah has No luxury facilities.
 Keilah has no harbor.

There are seven villages in Helgeän, they are the suppliers of the food, lumber and fish in Helgeän.
Shavir, Shamir is a mining village who operates on the Ephirany Island, they mainly mine the stone
and have some live stock. Not to many people live here, but they come and go to work in the

Gahileon, The people of Galilea work around the lake chopping trees, grow certain crops and of
course fishing, they don't have as big of an opertion as Antioch on the lake, but its still respectable.
Merayah, Merihah is used as the main supplier for Fort Aplis and Bravalos, they farm live stock and a
reasonable amount of crops. Their main export is their corn and cow meat.
Liddya, Lydda fishes around the Mid-Western Sea, as such it has a small harbor. There are a good
amount of soldiers incase some one tried to get around Helgeäns wall.
Etheilnam, Ethnam is located quite close to Antioch, they take care of a large amount of the food
requirments of Antioch, there live a good amount of nobles here as the farmland is nice and quiet.
Sharailem, Salem is quite centered in Helgeän and takes care of the center of its grasslands where it
has alot of different livestock roaming with some crops here and there.

Sikkeylo, Silo is another small fishing village who has some farming capabilities as well, it transfers
most of its goods to Palas or Zion to not worry about it going bad.

 These are all Villages (500-900 avg).

 They all have a High level of patrolling.
 They all have a High level of punishment.
 They all have a High level of control.
 They all have a Low amount of facilities.
 None of them have any amount of luxury facilities.
 Silo, Galilea, Shamir and Lydda have harbors (Small), the rest do not.
Fort Alpis, Giantsbane.
Fort Alpis stands tall with a large amount of soldiers ready to go to war, dealing mostly with the
tribes and Hillgiants of the Savagelands. Sometimes a group of refugees and monsters from Yvalken
tries to cross, but to no avail. This Fort is under command of General Graham.

 Fort Alpis has the capacity of a Large Town (4.000 avg).

 The level of patrolling in Fort Alpis is High.
 The level of punishment in Fort Alpis is High.
 The level of control in Fort Alpis is High.
 Fort Alpis has a Low amount of facilities.
 Fort Alpis has No luxury facilities.
 Fort Alpis has no harbor.

Fort Bravalos, The Smugglers Drop

Fort Bravalos has to deal day in and day out with giants trying to provoke them and somtimes a
group of smugglers and thieves trying to enter via the Savagelands, most soldiers here a grizzled
veterans who won't back down. This Fort is under command of General Jackson.

 Fort Bravalos has the capacity of a Large Town (4.000 avg).

 The level of patrolling in Fort Bravalos is High.
 The level of punishment in Fort Bravalos is High.
 The level of control in Fort Bravalos is High.
 Fort Bravalos has a Low amount of facilities.
 Fort Bravalos has No luxury facilities.
 Fort Bravalos has no harbor.

Fort Chares, Brigands Last Gasp

Fort Chares is the main Fort tasked with keeping out the smugglers, bandits and brigands. Most of
them are from Yestrasse, merchants looking to make a quick buck by selling to the pure people of
Helgeän, these soldiers are all that protect Helgeän from these snakes. This Fort is under command
of General Whitefield.

 Fort Chares has the capacity of a Large Town (4.000 avg).

 The level of patrolling in Fort Chares is High.
 The level of punishment in Fort Chares is High.
 The level of control in Fort Chares is High.
 Fort Chares has a Low amount of facilities.
 Fort Chares has No luxury facilities.
 Fort Chares has no harbor.

Fort Delramus, Helg's Scorch

Fort Delramus has to deal with the barbarians of Volheim and beast of Ravenar, Delramus is where
extra troops of Antioch get stationed as such it has the largest amount of troops of all four Forts.
They can hold their own with all these troops. This Fort is under command of General Vernon.

 Fort Delramus has the cpacity of a Small City (8.000 avg).

 The level of patrolling in Fort Delramus is High.
 The level of punishment in Fort Delramus is High.
 The level of control in Fort Delramus is High.
 Fort Delramus has a Low amount of facilities.
 Fort Delramus has No luxury facilities.
 Fort Delramus has no harbor.

Cleric's Pilgrimage
Cleric's Pilgrimage is a large monastery where not many people live and come, only a select few
clerics and sometimes military officials and paladins, they undertake training under the twenty
monks who live here. These clerics will clean, train and maintain the monastery. The leader here is
Pope Alexander.

 Cleric's Pilgrimage has the capacity of a Village (500 avg).

 The level of patrolling in Cleric's Pilgrimage is High.
 The level of punishment in Cleric's Pilgrimage is High.
 The level of control in Cleric's Pilgrimage is High.
 Cleric's Pilgrimage has No facilities.
 Cleric's Pilgrimage has No luxury facilities.
 Cleric's Pilgrimage has no harbor.

There is a heavy emphasis on the Gods of Light they will enforce these beliefs to a point of zealotry
the people of this country will not be in your favor if you do not believe in their gods.

Helgeän is located in the north-western corner of Yolm, it has many violent and or slimy neighbours,
these are Yestrasse and Volheim to the East and Yvalken and the Savagelands to the South.

Nearly all guilds have a at least one base in Helgeän, the work here is either easy or very difficult as
the criminals and beasts need to hide very good as not to be found.

 Antioch has an Adventurers Guild and a Monsterslayer Guild.

 Shiloh has an Adventurers Guild and a Fighters Guild.
 Tyre has an Adventurers Guild and a Bountyhunters Guild.
 Palas has an Adventurers Guild.
 Zion has an Adventurers Guild.

Important Figures
Helgeän has the royal family, the church and of course the four paladins.

 King Norman the Faithful, King Norman isn't the best king Helgeän has had, he is one of the
most faithful and is quite protective over his only heir the princess.
 Princess Joneta the Gentle, Princess Joneta is currently the only heir to the throne with
whispers about true power laying dormant inside her.
 Pope Alexander the Starry-eyed, Pope Alexander is always at the kings side making
advances in the church and Helgeäns intersts.
 Valihearth the Unbreakable, a fierce warrior who oversees the nothern side, he is the
wielder of the Ruptor and the Leader of the Templars.
 John of Hawkwood, a loyal guardian and a former cleric protecting the eastern borders, he
wields Clypeus.
 Godfrey the Cleanser, a devoted battle hardend warrior overseeing the soutern border, he
wields Purgator.
 Ysmeina the Divine Fury, Ysmeina over sees western side soaring through the skies, she
wields the Arcvius.
Grussfall, The Kingdom of Nobility
Grussfall is where noble knights and delicous wines find their origins.
Grussfall is the home to knights, vineyards and many a noble bloodline. The people put their trust
into the noble families to oversee all their needs and work. Said families look towards the noble
Houses for their guidance. Grussfall is known to be a kind and gentle place where the people are
protected for the dangers of the outside world.

Grussfall is not the oldest nor the newest, it started out as just a simple city named Argenbrough
who was well fortified and protected by a strong amount of guards. This city was established by five
families who have in recent days split up and started having a bit more in fighting. As the city grew
and grew more people started moving here as trading here was easy and the city was quite safe.
After a long while it started claiming land in battle with the Ferrum when it was nearing its end. It
soon became one of the biggest countries of Yolm, in the times when Grussfall started to grow
certain families showed their capabilities in battle and outside of it, if they had a certain amount of
wealth and power the family would become a noble family.

Grussfalls is a kingdom only by name, as it has a more democratic system than most countries as
there are five families vying for the rule of the country. They pander to the council which are nine
important families who stand away from the five ruling families. The council also represents nine
diffrent sectors of Grussfall these are Scolars, Doctors, Knights, Farmers, Merchants, The Church,
Mages, Guards and The Nobles. The most influential of the council are the representetives of the
church and the nobles as these two aspects are at the fore front of Grussfall. To be elected as King or
Queen one needs to have the the most backing from the council, the candidates have one year after
while the old ruler is still in power to gain the backing from the council with either great feats or
great promises, this year is called the Year of Verdict after the canididate is chosen they will be in
power for twenty years unless they get dethroned by a unanimous dicision of the coucil or if the
ruler perishes.

The five ruling houses of Grussfall are:

 The House of Redan, Members of House Redan know many things about battle and war they
wield their knowledge and place themselves as generals and marshalls a like. The current
head is Baldwin the Graceful and the heir is Jean the Restrained.
 The House of Ninsara, Members of House Ninsara are known for their leadership abilities
and charisma, many of them are generals and diplomates. The current head is Barus the
Kind and the heir is Edith the Beauty.
 The House of Lunvelle, Members of House Lunvelle are known for their knowledge on magic
and on technologies, most of them are scolars or court mages. The current head is Anvus IV
the Master of Flame and their heir is Anvus V the Master of Frost.
 The House of Baarchber, Members of House Baarchber is closely related to the Braach
Company and so its members have a head for money most of them are merchant and
aristocrats. The current head is Griel the Boar and the heir is Frenn the Hog
 The House of Gerensel, Members of House Gerensel care deeply about religion and the law,
the members of this house are highly ranked within churches and the guards. Their current
head Godemar the Champion and their heir is Gaillard the Grailseeker.
Grussfall is one of the safest location in Yolm as the land are patrolled by Grussfalls soldiers and
knights, there are even many knights who wander the land in search of glory or a mission, as is
tradition in Grussfall that knights without a mission wander the world in search of one. Grussfalls
soutern and western border do have monsters from the Savagelands and Rigania crossover, but
most of these monsters will be dealt with fairly quickly.
The seas around Grussfall are less safe as the ships here are prime targets for pirates, Grussfall has
taken steps to deal with this problem however.

Grussfall has many different cities, towns and villages. Each settlement has a different noble family
who is the ruling group there. The noble family takes care of all sort of matters surrounding the

Argenbrough, the Origin of Grussfall

Argenbrough is an old and beautiful city who has many different districts in many differing styles as
Grussfall has seen many different ways of making houses. Argenbrough is home to the royal throne
as well, making it the most important city of Grussfall.

 Argenbrough is the capital city of Grussfall.

 Argenbrough is a Metropolis (45.000 avg).
 The level of patrolling in Argenbrough is High.
 The level of punishment in Argenbrough is High.
 The level of control in Argenbrough is High.
 Argenbrough has a High amount of facilities.
 Argenbrough has a High amount of luxury facilities.
 Argenbrough has a harbor (Medium).
 Argenbrough has a skyport (Small).
 The noble family who oversees Argenbrough the Royal House.

Halmstat, the Heart of Military

Halmstat is most well known for being a route where traders would pass through to go further
towards Blancathy, over time Halmstat grew and grew. This growth brought unwanted attention
from vagrants, thieves and bandit. The king of Grussfall dicided at the time to station more troops
there and build a military outpost close to it

 Halmstat is a Large City (20.000 avg).

 The level of patrolling in Halmstat is High.
 The level of punishment in Halmstat is High.
 The level of control in Halmstat is High.
 Halmstat has a High amount of facilities.
 Halmstat has a Medium amount of luxury facilities.
 Halmstat has no harbor.
 The noble family that oversees Halmstat is House Redan.

Grims-Maud, the Port of Grussfall

Grims-Maud is the main port in Grussfall. Grims-Maud makes sure that there are no threads from
the ocean that reach the main land of Grussfall. They have battles with beasts and pirates a plenty.
Most ships who want to transport goods to Grussfall will do so in Grims-Maud as it is closer on sea.
 Grims-Maud is a Large City (15.000 avg).
 The level of patrolling in Grims-Maud is High.
 The level of punishment in Grims-Maud is High.
 The level of control in Grims-Maudis High.
 Grims-Maud has a Medium amount of facilities.
 Grims-Maud has a Medium amount of luxury facilities.
 Grims-Maud has a harbor (Very Large).
 The noble family that oversees Grims-Maud is House Braachber.

Rottersburg, the New Dawn

Rottersburg has always been under attack by many beast from either the Savagelands, Rigania or
even Grussfall itself, leaving it to have quite a bad reputation. This lead the establishment of a new
group of warriors called the Justiciars who seek to defend Rottersburg and make it enter a new
golden age of safety and prosperity.

 Rottersburg is a Small City (9.000 avg).

 The level of patrolling in Rottersburg is High.
 The level of punishment in Rottersburg is High.
 The level of control in Rottersburg is High.
 Rottersburg has a Medium amount of facilities.
 Rottersburg has a Medium amount of luxury facilities.
 Rottersburg has no harbor.
 The noble family that oversees Rottersburg is House Lunvelle.

Hielbrun, the Home of Knights

Hielbrun is loacted around the Lake Graselmere where a famous spirit called the Lady of the Lake
resides, she gives tasks to worthy knights and powers to warriors. Hielbrun is famous for its training
of knights who compete in tournaments and activities to gain the favor of The Lady of the Lake.

 Hielbrun is a Large Town (4.500 avg).

 The level of patrolling in Hielbrun is High.
 The level of punishment in Hielbrun is Medium.
 The level of control in Hielbrun is Medium.
 Hielbrun has a Medium amount of facilities.
 Hielbrun has a Low amount of luxury facilities.
 Hielbrun has no harbor.
 The noble family that oversees Hielbrun is House Ninsara.

Colgenmar, the Faith of Grussfall

Colgenmar is home to many of Grussfalls faithful, they hold the main church of Grussfall and the
Cardinal of Grussfall resides here. Many warriors, people and nobles come here to renew their faith
and bask in the light of the gods. Many missionaries hail from here, as well as clerics and paladins.

 Colgenmar is a Large Town (3.000 avg).

 The level of patrolling in Colgenmar is High.
 The level of punishment in Colgenmar is High.
 The level of control in Colgenmar is High.
 Colgenmar has a Medium amount of facilities.
 Colgenmar has a Low amount of luxury facilities.
 Colgenmar has no harbor.
 The noble family that oversees Colgenmar is House Gerensel.

Brugesch, the Town of Dungeons

Brugesch is different form most towns as the foundation was there before even the Iron Legion took
it over these walls are nigh invulnerable to attacks. The art of creating these walls was sadly lost over
time. There three important dungeons nearby some cleared and some not these are: Workshop of
Schlamders, Dragon Dungeon and Makels Maze.

 Brugesch is a Large Town (4.000 avg).

 The level of patrolling in Brugesch is High.
 The level of punishment in Brugesch is Medium.
 The level of control in Brugesch is Medium.
 Brugesch has a Medium amount of facilities.
 Brugesch has a Low amount of luxury facilities.
 Brugesch has no harbor.
 The noble family that oversees Grim is The Family of Lyttelon.

Tallinn, the Home of Taverns

Tallinn is a quite old town where one of the most famous franchises in Yolm, that is the Inn named
after the Town. Nowadays it is more known for the Tallinn intead of its quarry which is the biggest in
all of Yolm.

 Tallinn is a Small Town (2.000 avg).

 The level of patrolling in Tallinn is Medium.
 The level of punishment in Tallinn is Medium.
 The level of control in Tallinn is Medium.
 Tallinn has a Low amount of facilities.
 Tallinn has a Low amount of luxury facilities.
 Tallinn has no harbor.
 The noble family that oversees Tallinn is The Family of Byron.

There are nine villages in Grussfall, they supply food, stone, lumber and wine to cities all over Yolm.
Woodsike, Woodsike is a small lumber village who work around The Walds Forest. The sometimes
need to deal with an attack from ogres who live there, but Woodsike is protect by the Knights of
Bellmora, Bellmora is well known for its beautiful bell a top their church. They mostly farm the land
and mine in the iron mine located close by and then send it towards Brugesch for their adventures
into the Savagelands.
Ecrin, Ecrin is one of the three vineyards of Grussfall. Ecrin is located quite close to Halmstat, it leis
to far south for them to fish, but many nobles use it as vacation home.
Stamford, Stamford is one of the three vineyards of Grussfall. Stamford is quite close to Fort
Cradbury it is the Vineyard who produces the most wine, it is quite valued.
Bersted, Bersted is located on Iltirim, half of this island is completely dead like the Deadlands, they
mostly fish and have isolated themselves for the rest of Grussfall.
Halivaara, Halivaara is one of the three vineyards of Grussfall, Halivaara is located close to
Rottersburg. It makes some of the best tasting wine in Yolm, as such it is very well protected.
Ursin Falls, Ursin Falls is a small mining village where some outside workers take up residens for a
short while and work until they have made enough and head back to a city, there are only a handful
of official residents.
Waekefield, Weakefield shares the Kaisars Helm with Gopnir, while Gopnir uses Kaisars Helm to
transport prisoners to the Howling Fortress, Weakefield uses it to fish they are on friendly terms
with each other.
Warrington, Warrington is on the other side of the Lady's Lake, but they care not about the Lady to
much, they farm livestock around the lake.

 These are all Villages (400-900 avg).

 They all have a Medium level of patrolling.
 They all have a Medium level of punishment.
 They all have a Medium level of control.
 They all have a Low amount of facilities.
 None of them have any amount of luxury facilities.
 Ecrin, Waekefield and Warrington have harbors (Small), the rest do not.

Fort Cadbury, Argenbrough's Wall

Fort Cadbury is a huge fort along a giant wall, this wall is called the Cardbury wall named after a
general who proposed the building of the wall. Fort Cadbury is there to keep the riff-raff out it
mainly serves a purpose of being a checkpoint for people wanting to go to Argenbrough.

 Fort Cadbury is a Small City (8.000 avg).

 The patrolling level in Fort Cadbury is High.
 The level of punishment in Fort Cadbury is High.
 The level of control in Fort Carbury is High.
 Fort Cadbury has a Low amount of facilities.
 Fort Cadbury has No luxury facilities.
 Fort Cadbury has no harbor.
 The noble family that oversees Fort Cadbury is The Family of Scudamore.

There are no religions you are forced to follow most people follow the gods of light or conviction,
nearly all gods are allowed to be prayed towards except for the dark gods or gods of delictum.

Grussfall is on the central-eastern side of Yolm, it borders to Yestrasse to the north and the
Savagelands to the west.

Grussfall has many a great city and as such it has many a guild.

 Argenbrough has an Adventurers Guild, Bountyhunters Guild, a Monsterhunters Guild and

and a League of Magic.
 Halmstat has an Adventurers Guild and a Fighters Guild.
 Grims-Maud has an Adventurers Guild.
 Rottersburg has an Adventurers Guild and a Bountyhunters Guild.
 Hielbrun has an Adventurers Guild.
 Brugesch has an Adventurers Guild.
 Tallinn has an Adventurers Guild.
Important Figures
Each noble house has one representative who is in the fore ground of politcs.

 King Barus the Kind, King Barus is half way in his time as a king, he is known as a kind king
but one who fiercely hates thieves and criminals.
 General Baldwin the Graceful, Baldwin is known and feared on the battle field as he swings
his great axe with a certain grace not many can replicate.
 Anvus IV the Master of Flame, Anvus has researched fire magic for decades, he can nearly
wield all types of flames and swap them on the go.
 General Griel the Boar, Griel is one of the only members of his family who enjoys battle, he
doesn't have the head for money unlike his brother Burnus.
 General Godemar the Champion, Godemar is a paragon of the gods of light, he trained with
the four paladins and has the best relation ship with Helgeän.
Yestrasse, The Land of the Free
Yestrasse is and always will be a lawless land.
Yestrasse is the newest country on Yolm as they have only been around for about twohundred years.
These lands where formally just a plain with a thick forest on it. There where a few small settlements
with lumberjacks and farmers, when trade routes became more used three merchant groups with
four cities along with them.

Yestrasses land was used for a long time as neutral ground for the neighbouring countries, the land it
self was quite run of the mill, no speciale ores, trees or plants so they where used for free land for
farmers, there where no guards or form of grovernment so it came with it upsides and down sides. It
was peaceful until the trade route got established. Three merchant groups who settled in these new
cities. There isn't a government who is accepted by all the people as the three cities have there own
rules and merchant lord who are the unofficial and official leader of their repective city.

The people of Yestrasse have no ruler just the merchant lords who each rule over their city with
there merchant company, the lords care not that much about protecting the roads or the people
who don't live outside of the city. Ibirihyll, Porcularin and Vernandi each have a lord who oversees
the city, these lords are only in control of the people and such while the merchant lord takes care of
everything else this is the case with all the cities except for Ibirihyll where the lord works together
with the merchant lord. The three lords do not get along with one another and will do their best to
thwart each other even at the expens of the inhabitants of the cities.

Yestrasses roads and forests aren't remotly safe as the merchant lords care not for the safety of the
people who live outside of the cities as it wouldn't give anything back to them. The cities are well
defended from the cropfields towards the shopping districts of the inner city rings. Each city is
defended by there own guards mostly made up from mercenaries and guards who are hired by the
merchant companies.
Yestrasse is located in quite a difficult spot as they have to deal with the mosnters of Volheim,
Ravenar and the Savagelands. On top of that the forests are completely unclaimed by humanoids
and are home to greenskins a plenty. On top of that the ocasional raid from Volheim isn't out of the
question. Most wandering monster will be dealt with adventurers as Yestrasse is a prime location for
them due to the uncaring nature of the government.

Yestrasse has only three real settlements with a population count above twohundred inhabitants,
these three cities all lay on the border of Yestrasse and do trade with different countries, with it
being quite common that the merchants trade with the country closest to the city.

Ibirihyll, the Front of Magic in the North

Ibirihyll is the most western city of Yestrasse, it is home to The Bundi Union and of the only skyports
in Yolm. Ibirihyll is most well known for the production of its magical items and scrolls who they after
making sell to Helgeän and many other countries who have shown an interest in them.

 Ibirihyll is a Large City (21.000 avg).

 The level of patrolling in Ibirihyll is Medium.
 The level of punishment in Ibirihyll is Medium.
 The level of control in Ibirihyll is High.
 Ibirihyll has a High amount of facilities.
 Ibirihyll has a Medium amount of luxury facilities.
 Ibirihyll has no harbor.
 Ibirihyll has a sky port (Medium).

Borcularin, the Home of Divine Tastes

Borcularin is the most eastern city of Yestrasse, it is home to Braach Food and Wares. Borcularin is
home to a high grade culinary school with this school being located here it put Borcularin on the fore
front of good tasting food and trade related to food.

 Borcularin is a Large City (20.000 avg).

 The level of patrolling in Borcularin is Medium.
 The level of punishment in Borcularin is Medium.
 The level of control in Porcularin is Medium.
 Borcularin has a High amount of facilities.
 Borcularin has a High amount of luxury facilities.
 Borcularin has a Culinary School.
 Borcularin has no harbor.

Vernandi, the Fuelers of War

Vernandi is the most nothern city of Yestrasse, it is home to Volk. Vernandi is home to many an
amazing smith and craftsman as such one can't enter this fortress of a city easily. They fend of
barbarian and monsters while at the same time selling weapons to these monsters and barbarians.

 Vernandi is a Small City (9.000 avg).

 The level of patrolling in Vernandi is High.
 The level of punishment in Vernandi is High.
 The level of control in Vernandi is High.
 Vernandi has a High amount of facilities.
 Vernandi has a Medium amount of luxury facilities.
 Vernandi has a Fighters Guild supported arena, it is called The Arena of Hunters.
 Vernandi has no harbor.

There is no real enforced religion the most common god you will see being prayed to is Üren as most
people live here to make money and he is the god who represents the flow of the money.

Yestrasse is located on the Greater Plane, it borders to Ravennar, Volheim, Grussfall, Helgeän and
The Savagelands. A small part of Yestrasse touches the Corpis Mountains.

There are a decent amount of Guilds in Yestrasse

 Ibirihyll has an Adventurers Guild and a League of Magic.

 Borcularin has an Adventurers Guild and a Bountyhunters Guild.
 Vernandi has a Bountyhunters Guild and a Fighters Guild.

Important Figures
There are a couple important figures in Yestrasse like the Merchant Lords.
 Lord Bolig the Sloth, Lord Bolig oversees Vernandi while he calls it overseeing he barely does
anything and lets the wolf run wild with most things in Vernandi.
 The Wolf, The Wolf is one of the three merchant lords of Yestrasse, he is the leader of Volk a
group of grizzeld warriors selling food, weapons and armor
 Lord Burnus the Pig, Lord Burnus is the lord of Porcularin as well as the leader of Braach
Food and Wares, he emphasizes the power of nobility just like the lords in Grussfall.
 Lord Vevil the Ancient, a very old and wise elven man who people have appointed lord due
to being very trustworthy and knowledgeable on politics and people.
 The Owl, a mystirous and playful creature seen as helpful and caring towards Lord Vevil
supporting him while also being the leader of the Bundi Union.
 The Lawman, a silent and mystirous man who takes care of threats inside and outside the
cities, he is seen as a hero who is nearly always on time.
Ravenar, The Land of Mountains
The kingdom enveloping the Cropis Peaks has long been home to the deepest mines and the tallest
Ravenar is home to Dwarves, beasts and ores. Ravenar is based around the dwarven fortitude in
battle and the export of ores and stone. Dwarven city's don't reach the sky, but instead head for the
depths. The people who live on the Cropis Peaks are well trained and sturdy such are the Dwarves.

Ravenar has been since the end of the age of dragons where previously hidden Dwarves joined
forces with the other races to expuldge the dragons of this realm, they didn't completely succeed,
but they succeeded enough to be albe to make their own kingdom in peace. Their kingdom has
varied in size throughout the ages. The Dwarves city's are under siege by monster from above, below
and inside the mines as they have reached the underdark with one of their mines.

The Dwarves had never only males or female leaders, they had the eldest son or daughter ascend
the throne and watch over the people rule their daily lives and defend their borders. Each city or
town is overseen by three chiefs appointed by the king or queen personally, these chiefs take care of
the protection of the town, the finances and the well-being of its residents.
At one point in time of ruling a splinter faction of the royal family started worshipping dark powers,
they came corrupted by the god they worshipped and as a result where cast out and became known
as the Duergar, they now live in the Underdark with all other outcasts and abomanations.

Ravenar is a cold and friged place being mainly consisted of mountains and tundra's. Beasts and
monsters roam this land like Yeti's, Roc's and Trolls. These beasts are harsh like the land. The
weather here is harsh aswell, snowing and hailing most of the time. The Dwarves have worked
around this by making underground farms and facilities. They trade with the Goliaths aswell for meat
from their Mammoths. Ravenar doesn't need to worry about money aswell as they are the biggest
suppliers of stone and ores of Yolm.  

The city's and towns are well fortified and well stocked, they have seven settlements. They are
mostly inhabited by Dwarves and Goliaths, although the Goliaths are with far less than the Dwarves,
but they respect the other races values and don't interfere with each other.

Joll Hammers Ball, the Resting place of Harmün.

Joll Hammers Ball is the capital of Ravenar made around the resting place of Harmün the legendary
hammer who was wielded by the founder of Ravenar. Joll Hammer Ball has a sprawling mining
industry, they have mined down so far that they have established foothold in the Underdark.

 Joll Hammers Ball is the capital city of Ravenar.

 Joll Hammers Ball is a Large City (30.000 avg).
 The level of patrolling in Joll Hammers Ball is High.
 The level of punishment in Joll Hammers Ball is Medium.
 The level of control in Joll Hammers Ball is Medium.
 Joll Hammers Ball has a High amount of facilities.
 Joll Hammers Ball has a Medium amount of luxury facilities.
 Joll Hammers Ball has no harbor.
Allrumand the Brass City
Allrumand is a city made entirely of bronze and brass, with a coat of fire resistant metal making it
resistant to Red Dragon attacks, which happend quite often. The mining industry is quite good, as
Allrumand supplies its own ores for its walls.

 Allrumand is a Small City (11.000 avg).

 The level of patrolling in Allrumand is High.
 The level of punishment in Allrumand is Medium.
 The level of control in Allrumand is Medium.
 Allrumand has a Medium amount of facilities.
 Allrumand has a Low amount of luxury facilities.
 Allrumand has no harbor.

Yogmund the Heart of the Lake

Yogmund was build as a defencisve city to be albe to send the people of Ravenar in case of an
emegrency, it is well protected and stocked to a brim with supplies. There live a good amount of
people with more being able to live underground.

 Yogmund is a Small City (12.000 avg).

 The level of patrolling in Yogmund is High.
 The level of punishment in Yogmund is Medium.
 The level of control in Yogmund is Medium.
 Yogmund has a Medium amount of facilities.
 Yogmund has a Low amount of luxury facilities.
 Yogmund has a harbor (Small).

Grosnir, Krakens Grave

Grosnir is a town build on the bones of a gargantuan creature, a kraken which was slain by a hero of
old. The people live here with only a small amount of debris remains like the skull and some bones,
these are highly sought fter items. They fish for their food mostly nowadays.

 Grosnir is a Small Town (2.000 avg).

 The level of patrolling in Grosnir is Medium.
 The level of punishment in Grosnir is Medium.
 The level of control in Grosnir is Medium.
 Grosnir has a Medium amount of facilities.
 Grosnir has No of luxury facilities.
 Grosnir has a harbor (Medium).

Baktreimu, Giants End

Baktreimu is where the last giant king fell to the dragons, his weapon a gigantic greatsword still
looms large over the town, it now holds goliaths who have settled down and started work on making
clothes and pottery, these two items are crafted perfectly and supplied by the roaming goliath
tribes. The wares are sought after throughout Yolm.

 Baktreimu is a Small Town (1.500 avg).

 The level of patrolling in Baktreimu is Medium.
 The level of punishment in Baktreimu is Medium.
 The level of control in Baktreimu is Low.
 Baktreimu has a Medium amount of facilities.
 Baktreimu has No luxury facilities.
 Baktreimu has no harbor.

There are two villages, who supply lumber and fish to the city's.
Jacklimar, Jacklimar leis southern of lake Cor, they have a handful of hunter and fishers who collect
resources from around Mount Cropis. They trade most of these supplies to Yogmund.
Dotvir, Dotvir is a small villages located around the south of Sangris Forest, they hunt and chop
down trees here. They supply most of the lumber of Ravenar.

 These are both Villages (500-900 avg).

 They all have a Medium level of patrolling.
 They all have a Medium level of punishment.
 They all have a Low level of control.
 They all have a Low amount of facilities.
 None of them have any amount of luxury facilities.
 Jacklimar has a harbor (Small), Dotvir does not.

The Bellowing Bastion, Prisoners Last Sight

The Bellowing Bastion is a small, but sturdy fortress who keeps prisoners until they are ready to be
transported towards the Howling Fortress. Guards are always ready to kill on sight, without the
correct item you will be attacked.

 The Bellowing Bastion has the capacity of a Small Town (2.000 avg).
 The level of patrolling in The Bellowing Bastion is High.
 The level of punishment in The Bellowing Bastion is High.
 The level of control in The Bellowing Bastion is High.
 The Bellowing Bastion has a Low amount of facilities.
 The Bellowing Bastion has No luxury facilities.
 The Bellowing Bastion has a harbor (Medium).

The Howling Fortress, The Point of No Return

The Howling Fortress is a huge complex containing all sorts of criminals, these criminals work the
mines and supply Yolm with some of the most precious minerals. There has never been a succesful
escape from The Howling Fortress. As the walls are stocked with more soldier then even Helgeäns

 The Howling Fortress has the capacity of a Large City (20.000 avg).
 The level of patrolling in The Howling Fortress is High.
 The level of punishment in The Howling Fortress is High.
 The level of control in The Howling Fortress is High.
 The Howling Fortress has a Medium amount of facilities.
 The Howling Fortress has No luxury facilities.
 The Howling Fortress has a harbor (Medium).

Solitude, The Home of Pyromancers

Solitude is a home of peaceful pyromancers who study the flame and quide lost wanderers to either
there destination or to safety. Solitude is left alone by Ravenars royalty and has a positive relation
with each other.
 Solitude has the capacity of a Large Town (2.000 avg).
 The level of patrolling in Solitude is Medium.
 The level of punishment in Solitude is Low.
 The level of control in Solitude is Low.
 Solitude has a Low amount of facilities.
 Solitude has a No luxury facilities.
 Solitude has no harbor.

The Dwarves of Ravenar aren't preaching about their believes and they won't judge you for not
following theirs. The Dwarves have put their faith in the Gods of Light, but morely in the Gods of the

Ravenar is located North-East, most of it is on Corpis Peaks. It neighbours to Grussfall to the south,
Yestrasse to the west and Volheim to the North

A couple of Guilds are located in Ravenar, mostly to kill beasts or collect bandit bounties.

 Joll Hammers Ball has an Adventurers Guild, a Bountyhunters Guild and a Monsterslayers
 Allrumand has an Adventurers Guild and a Fighters Guild.
 Yogmund has an Adventurers Guild.
 Grosnir has an Adventurers Guild.

Important Figures
Ravenar has a handful of important people like the royal family and some generals.

 King Throdrum, a fierce passionate man, he is known for his strong arm in battle and his
personal way of facing problems.
 Queen Drelaka, a fierce and knowledgeable priestes, she is one of the best spell casters of
Yolm, with her kind but harsh words she protects the people.
 General Barizeak, a general known for his strategic eye, he is in charge of the defence of all
of Ravenar, he cares alot about his people, more then himself.
 General Eldrear, an intimidating presence even with his small stature, he shows little
emotion and is in charge of the defence of The Howling Fortress inside and out.
 Chief Maukhal, feared with a bow, he is a master hunter who protects his people who live in
Baktreimu. He values their relations with the other races.
 Abbot Kergoll, a master of the flame, who is a kind and gentle soul, he can control nearly all
flames except the golden flame as he isn't blessed by this power.
Volheim, The Land of The Fearless
There is a good chance the weather will kill you, if not the inhabitants most likely will.
Volheim is the land of the fearless and the battle hardend, they daily fight monsters, the land and
anyone stupid enough to enter their lands. They leap into battle with rage and fury, as they fear
nothing. All they wish to see is their enemies blood and to die a battle worthy death. They live in
harmony with the land, as they see the weather and land the same as them, strong and out for

The people of Volheim where always a rowdy bunch of barbarians who where originally just a group
of rowdy bandits, who over time settled and transformed into what is now known as Volheim. Their
beliefs now heavily conflict with that of other countries, as they pray to Regnar a dark god of war.
The High King of Volheim has always held the favor of Regnar which made them capable of wield
Regnars Five Sacred Armaments, which are immensely powerful weapons like axes and spears made
for war.

Volheim has three holds each governed by a so called jarl, who are overseen by the High King or High
Queen of Volheim who rules over the Jarls and Skalafell the only city of Volheim. These Jarls have
their children compete to see who becomes the new High King or Queen. The Jarls rule over their
hold themselves, but are over ruled by the High King who stands above them all. In total Volheim
has four holds.
Selvargr, Selvargr is ruled by the High King or Queen themself. Selvargr is known for having the only
city in Volheim and having many powerful barbarians train here. It is the coldest part of Volheim and
even on the continet of Yolm, somehow alot of people here still manage to wear little clothing.

 The leader of Selvargr is High King Durmig.

Laggerfjot, Laggerfjot is known for having some of the fierced slavors and pirates of the High Seas.
Laggerfjot is reasonably lower than Selvargr, but it is still very cold. They make some of the best
Longships of Arajah, as they dedicate themselves to this craft.

 The Jarl of Laggerfjot is Yorg the Lord of Wolves.

Ghallrem, Ghallrem is the colective name of the four islands of Volheim, which are Juren, Barstal,
Brochnech and Gerell. Each island holds different beasts and species and varying habitats. Some are
high mountains and others frozen lands.

 The Jarl of Ghallrem is Brisanna the Spearmaiden.

Branfield, Branfield is the agricultural core of Volheim with it being at a lower level of elivation than
the other holds, it has many druids who study nature and wield it in battle. Most opponent would
dare cross this border as they will be assaulted by vines, plants and even the trees.

 The Jarl of Branfield is Rürheggel the Beast Shifter.

Volheim is filled with dangerous creatures and even more dangerous people. The monster never
pose a threat to society as the warriors hunt many a beast for sport. Bandits are not quite common
in these lands, there is the odd hideout here or there, but no giant clan or anything as one as te
barbarians themselves can be seen as bandits as they raid and pillage many a location with their war
ships and raiding parties.

Each hold has either one mayor town or city and is support by one or more villages. The mayor town
is always where the Jarl has his or her home.

Skjord, The High Castle

Skjord is a small city surrounded by huge walls, this was formerly a stronghold build by the elves in
ages past. The barbarians of Volheim conquered this stronhold when they first settled here. They
now made it more suit their needs, like expand the city and make it more prepared for battle.

 Skjord is the capital city of Volheim.

 Skjord is a Small City (11.000 avg).
 The level of patrolling in Skjord is Medium.
 The level of punishment in Skjord is High.
 The level of control in Skjord is Low.
 Skjord has a Medium amount of facilities.
 Skjord has a Low amount of luxury facilities.
 Skjord has a harbor (Medium).

Hernar, The Crown of Wolves

Hernar is home to the raiders of Laggerfjot, many wolves live around these parts. They use them in
hunts and in battles while they make the Longboats of Volheim, it has a sprawling boating industry
which sells Longboats and parts all across Yolm. They handel slave captured by raiders and slavors,
who they can bring in land or send outwards to bigger slavemarkets across the continent.

 Hernar is a Large Town (5.000 avg).

 The level of patrolling in Argenbrough is High.
 The level of punishment in Antioch is High.
 The level of control in Antioch is Low.
 Antioch has a Medium amount of facilities.
 Antioch has a Low amount of luxury facilities.
 Hernar has a harbor (Medium).

Haugr, The Spearneck Isle

Haugr is located on Spearneck Isle, where they have to battle against ravaging beasts and fight of
invaders from the Underdark. The people of Haugr have dedicated themselves to defending the isles
and sending warriors to prove themselves against the beasts of the Underdark.

 Haugr is a Large Town (4.500 avg).

 The level of patrolling in Argenbrough is Medium.
 The level of punishment in Antioch is High.
 The level of control in Antioch is Low.
 Antioch has a Medium amount of facilities.
 Antioch has a Medium amount of luxury facilities.
 Haugr has an arena which isn't supported by the Fighters Guild, it is called Lödenbrok's Pit.
 Haugr has a harbor (Medium).

Trotnum, The Druidic Forest

Trotnum is the name of a small forest which people can pass through easily, however if someone is
granted acess to enter Trotnum they will see a glowing gate between two trees and will be able to
enter the Town of Trotnum where many druids live and hone their understanding of nature. There
still live many barbarians who live in Trotnum to fight the soldiers who plague Branfield.

 Trotnum is a Large Town (3.500 avg).

 The level of patrolling in Argenbrough is Medium.
 The level of punishment in Antioch is Medium.
 The level of control in Antioch is Low.
 Antioch has a Low amount of facilities.
 Antioch has No luxury facilities.
 Trotnum has no harbor.

Volheim has Three villages who all serve the hold they are located in, their purpose is vastly different
from each other..
Akranes, Akranes is a farming town which mostly focusses on herding animals like yaks, sheep and
goats. Arkanes is located in Selvargr and mainly supplies Skjord with its food which is kept for the
harsh winters
Hallarmuli, Hallarmuli is located in Laggerfjot, they are mainly a lumber village supplying Hernar with
wood for their Longboats. They harvest this wood from the Eternal Forest with its hardy trees.
Udford, Udford is the only mine of Volheim, where they have no special kinds of ore, but just your
regular iron, copper and a few gems here and there. Udford is located in Selvargr and supplies them
with the ores.

 These are all Villages (500-900 avg).

 They all have a Medium level of patrolling.
 They all have a Low level of punishment.
 They all have a Low level of control.
 They all have a Low amount of facilities.
 None of them have any amount of luxury facilities.
 None of them have a harbor.

The people of Volheim pray to Regnar for battle and not really any other as they wish for no help
from gods, as it breeds weakness.

Volheim is the most northern country attached to the continent, it neighbors to Yestrasse and
Ravenar to the south giving it some friendly, but quite fierce neighbors.

Volheim has only two guilds in one city.

 Skjord has an Adventurers Guild and a Bountyhunters Guild.

Important Figures
The Jarls and head druid are really the only important figures in Volheim.

 High King Drumig the Rampager, High King Drumig is known as a froce to be reconed with
on the battlefield, known for holding of an entire army all by himself.
 Jarl Yorg the Lord of Wolves, Yorg is a man of few words who is able to dominate and tame
wolves with ease, he uses them in battle and is feared on the sea due to his beast like
 Jarl Brisanna the Spearmaiden, Brisanna is a feared warrioress with her prowess of wielding
a spear in battle she can throw them with a remarkable speed.
 Jarl Rürheggel the Beast Shifter, Rürheggel is credited for the creation of the illusion that
hides Trotnum and its secrets, his power to shape shift can rival even the greatest magician.
The Savagelands, The Acrused Land
The Savage Lands where once a thriving counrty filled with inventors, magician and soldiers, they
where ruled by a man rumored to be Chosen, they fell to a huge attack from all sides followed by the
first huge appearance of the Slakteres, a gargantuan group of Hill Giants numbering in the
thousands. Beasts, savages, giants and many more monsters have taken up residence here.

Ferrum was a land feuled by their devotion to their own country. Soldiers fought for their people
and country while inventors made items to advance themselves futher and faster to be able to
protect themselves better and so on and so on. Ferrum was located around the major part of the
Greater Plains making it safer and located around the Verric Mountains which hold magical iron
which is easily forged, but hard to wield of which the Ferrum legion made use.
Ferrums last king was driven by the gods, he didn't pray towards them, but followed their order
instead. He was tasked with the elimanation of the heritical gnomes who lived in Urkles a gnomish
city in the Yestrasse, he gave the gnomes an ultimatum to leave the city and quit their heritical arts,
many gnomes left to found Yognirsh, but fifteen years later their city was burned down with the
ones who remained. Many other countries saw this show of power and ruthlessness decided that
their rain of terror should end.

As such came many armies from different countries to destroy Ferrum these where Helgeän,
Grussfall, Ravenar, Yvalken and Volheim. They made a swift and hard strike dismanteling the capital
and with that it brought the fall of the entirety of Ferrum, as when the city was brought down the
current ruler of the Hill Giants, Jrudrim. After the battle with Ferrum and the death of their emperor,
the Hill Giants approached and destroyed the other cities and took over Ferrum, it is now known as
the Savage Lands due to the Giants taking over and the Savages taking over who first lived on the
plains and aren't oppresed anymore.

The Savage Lands aren't ruled by anyone it is divided in many different groups of people each vying
for more power, the lands of the Savage Lands are dominated by the Slakteres who have made base
in Fercapiter the old capital of Ferrum, there are two othe main groups of savages who are roaming
the Savage Lands these are the Agzec a group of cannabalistic warriors who fight like drug fueled
lunatics in battle and Mayan-Tul a tribe of human sacrificing and dark magic wielding warriors, there
are also a handful of smaller tribe who haven't been discovered or are to small to matter in a big

Surviving here is more of a challenge. As the absence of the Iron Legion has left a lawless land no real
settlements to speak of just a small amount off villages on the border they already struggle greatly.

The beasts of these lands have made home in the mountains, the plains, the swamps and the
forests. They have lived for ten years in peace nature is slowly reclaiming the old iron world. The
once great iron towers are now ruins and the once busy streets are now filled with corpses and

There are no main religions here its a lawless and godless land.
The Savage Lands inhabit the main part of the Greater Plains, they are located on the center of Yolm
and border to nearly all countries.

The Savagelands holds no guilds, as it doesn't have any settlements

Important Figures
There is but one important figures as none are known.

 Jrudrim the Hill Giant King, Jrudrim is special for a hill giant as he is way more powerful than
a regular hill giant or even a giant and he has the smarts to back it up, he is feared by even
the most powerful warriors.
Fushima, The Archipelago of Honor
Fushima is the isolated Archipelago of honor, battle and the blade.
The Archipelago of Fushima is the land of swordsmanship and honor. Its warriors called the Samurai,
who are honorable warriors capable of killing beasts with great foritude. Fushima is a small nation
with a powerful army. Fushima has only opened up in recent years, about thirty years or so. They
now trade with the people of Yolm, but keep their distance from any porblems that arise.

Fushima has been around for a long time, it only was discovered about a hundred years ago, as it is
surrounded by a magical fog of unkown origins. Its people lived here since the time Fushima was
splintered of from Yolm. This was caused by the powerful and ancient swordsman Yuudai, who
wielded a legendary sword Doragonburei. He cut of Fushima from Yolm to not them get pulled in by
the corruption of Yolm. Most people thought this was just a myth, while powerful merchants hoped
they weren't a lie. When it first was discovered is was by the Braach Company who forced Fushima
to open its borders to, as the force they brought with the frightend the Emperor of Fushima who is a
cowardly man compared to the rest of Fushima who welcomed the opponents.

The politics of Fushima are divided into nine and a half clans who each have different cultures and
soldiers, but who in the end all serve the Emperor who rules above all. These clans each rule a part
of the Isles of Fushima, these are called their domain. They rule above a group called the Vagabonds,
these hold no real power and are kind of respected in somekind of way. The emperor is the first
born son of the last emperor, the emperors family was the founding family of Fushima guarded by
powerful swordsmen called the Emperors Blade, he was a feared swordsman who would exicute the
emperors will.
The Imperial Family was always a rich and magically capable bloodline, able to please its nobles and
commoners with coin and services. They technically own all of Fushima and enforce it with a semi
strong fist.

Most people on Fushima hold a distain for the people of Yolm, as they lack loyalty and honor, as
such most Fushimans will look in disgust towards people who hail from Yolm.

Fushima has about nine clans. All of the Clans have a lineage tracing back to the founding of
Fushima, as they have roots with the original founding groups. They each excel in certain aspects
and fall short in others. They all obey the emperor and work in his service.
The Peacock Clan, The Peacock Clan are otherwise known as the Imperials, they aren't the largest
clan, but it is the wealthies of the Fushiman clans. Most of them haven't ever picked up a sword or
will ever pick one up. They take care of non-physical jobs such as acounting and writing

 The leader of the Peacock Clan is Lord Akiro.

 The Peacock Clan has about 900 members.

The Lion Clan, The Lion Clan are seen as the loyal protectors of Fushima to follow in the honorable
footsteps of their ancestors. Their warriors wield weapons brought forth be the Buki-Neagini. They
have farmers and soldiers at their disposal. The Lion Clan is related closely to the Emperor and the
Peacock Clan.
 The leader of the Lion Clan is Lord Rayon.
 The Lion Clan has about 6.000 members.

The Bear Clan, The Bear Clan value strength and power while wielding simple weapons and
armaments, who they wield with great fortitude. The bodies of the members of the Bear Clan isn't
adapted to any kind of magical casting, but they have more strength and durablity. They use this for
battle and manual labor.

 The leader of the Bear Clan is Lord Okuma.

 The Bear Clan has about 8.000 members.

The Butterfly Clan, The Butterfly Clan are more aligned with delicate work, fine art and Fushima's
religious intrests. They are a mainly female dominated clan. They are both respected and feared in
Fushima as they wield glaives and more dexterous weapons together with Illusion spells to fight
their opponents.

 The leader of the Butterfly Clan is Lady Cho.

 The Butterfly Clan has about 7.000 members

The Eagle Clan, The Eagle Clan care for the forest they are hunters, gatherers, lumberjacks and even
marksmen. The eyes of a regular Eagle Clan member are more capable than the regular commoners
eyes. The people of the Owl get trained to be able to hit a traget 500 feet away.

 The leader of the Eagle Clan is Lord Fukuro.

 The Eagle Clan has about 8.000 members.

The Bat Clan, The Bat Clan is a Clan filled with apothecaries, spies and assasins. The Bat Clan has a
vast underground network as their main city where they grow special plants and mushrooms and
breed certain animals here. They have adapted to the night and dark.

 The leader of the Bat Clan is Lord Komori.

 The Bat Clan has about 7.000 members.

The Moose Clan, The Moose Clan are a battle hardend group of warriors who work directly under
the order of the emperor and the emperor alone. The members of the Moose Clan are towering
men and women who can wield weapons that require two hands with only one.

 The leader of the Moose Clan is Lord Muzu.

 The Moose Clan has about 100 members.

The Hummingbird Clan, The Hummingbird Clan are a pretty sizeable group of nomad who walk
Fushima in different sized encampments. They wander do some jobs here and there, then they move
on to the next city or town. They carry messages, their camps and their skills with them.

 The leader of the Hummingbird Clan is Lady Hachidori.

 The Hummingbird Clan have about 4.000 members
The Horse Clan, The Horse Clan have only a handful of members left on Fushima as most of their
clan left for mainland Yolm to live free from the emperor. They where masters of mounted combat,
but the remaining Horse Clan members have sealed of their isle to the rest of Fushima.

 The Horse Clan doesn't have a leader on Fushima.

 The remaining Horse Clan members are about 200 to 900.

The Raven Clan, The Raven Clan are equally respected as they are feared, they isolate themselves in
the Grand Archieve of Fushima, where they learn magic and put them on Fushima's famous scrolls.
They are very easily spotted as they wear long robes with a paper talisman on their heads.

 The leader of the Raven Clan is Lord Karasu.

 The Raven Clan have about 200 members.

Fushima is a diverce piece of land this is due to the legendary Beasts who roamed the land and
shaped it in times prior. The difference in climate makes it so that no one island is the same each
posing its own set of advantages and disadvantages.
Due to Fushima having a strange energy about it many different creatures came here or turned out
differently than their mainland counterpart. The beasts here are quicker, more devious, more
venomous and all around deadlier.

Fushima it self was left relativly untouched for many ages, as until thirty years or so it has been
surrounded by a thick fog and powerful storms. No one truely knows where these came from or why
they left, but as for now Fushima is open to the world for better and for worse.

Fushima has many cities and towns who aren't big, but they are culturally different from each other
with different customs, habits and priorities.

Shintora, the Heart of Fushima

Shintora is at the core of Fushima filled with soldiers, nobles and servants. Shintora is not the capital
for financial reasons or its size, but more due to it being the home to the Imperial family and it being
build around the defence of said family. It is only acesable by one bridge who has been there for
centuries, it is well defended and fortified, not many gain entrance.

 Shintora is the capital city of Fushima.

 Shintora is a Small City (5.000 avg).
 The level of patrolling in Shintora is High.
 The level of punishment in Shintora is High.
 The level of control in Shintora is High.
 Shintora has a Medium amount of facilities.
 Shintora has a Medium amount of luxury facilities.
 Shintora has a harbor (Small).
 The ruling clan is The Imperial Family.

Funawara, the Lions Pride

Funawara is the gate city to Shintora as it is the only entry way to Shintora. This is also the main
home of the Lion descendants who guard Shintora with their lives. They are the main suppleir of
Shintora as well. Funawara is the main hub for Fushima as all roads lead to Funawara, this lead to
Funawara becoming larger then any other city.

 Funawara is a Large City (25.000 avg).

 The level of patrolling in Funawara is High.
 The level of punishment in Funawara is High.
 The level of control in Funawara is Medium.
 Funawara has a Medium amount of facilities.
 Funawara has a Low amount of luxury facilities.
 Funawara has a harbor (Medium).
 The ruling clan is The Lion Clan.

Matsunokawa, the Bears Den

Matsunokawa is located in the mountains of Fushima, this is where they train, hunt and dual in their
arena. The mountains of Fushima who are called the Matsurona mountains are harsh and filled with
beasts like Tengu, Oni's and other fearsome beasts who can only be found here, as they evolved
differently or wielded different powers to create them.

 Matsunokawa is a Large City (15.000 avg).

 The level of patrolling in Matsunokawa is High.
 The level of punishment in Matsunokawa is High.
 The level of control in Matsunokawa is Medium.
 Matsunokawa has a Medium amount of facilities.
 Matsunokawa has a Low amount of luxury facilities.
 Matsunokawa has an arena which isn't supported by the Fighters Guild, it is called The
Dualling Ground.
 Matsunokawa has no harbor.
 The ruling clan is The Bear Clan.

Yamashina, the Butterfleis Perch

Yamashina is located directly in a Sakura tree forest which is a beautiful pink at certain times of the
year, these trees have a special sacred power which makes them unbareable for certain monsters, as
their sacred scent, people have tried to move them, but they don't survive for long. Ther aren't any
other places with this big of a density of Sakura trees.

 Yamashina is a Small City (9.000 avg).

 The level of patrolling in Yamashina is High.
 The level of punishment in Yamashina is High.
 The level of control in Yamashina is High.
 Yamashina has a Medium amount of facilities.
 Yamashina has a Medium amount of luxury facilities.
 Yamashina has no harbor.
 The ruling clan is The Butterfly Clan.

Minakoshi, the Eagles Nest

Minakoshi is located up in the trees of a huge forest called the Minar Forest, the trees are flame
retardent making it hard to sieze this city and allowing them to shoot and trap enemies form high up
above. They have a monopoly on the forest with everyone who wants safe passage need to request
this to the Eagle Clan who fiercly protect it.
 Minakoshi is a Small City (8.000 avg).
 The level of patrolling in Minakoshi is High.
 The level of punishment in Minakoshi is Medium.
 The level of control in Minakoshi is High.
 Minakoshi has a Medium amount of facilities.
 Minakoshi has a Low amount of luxury facilities.
 Minakoshi has no harbor.
 The ruling clan is The Eagle Clan.

Tangzihua, the Bats Roost

Tangzihua is located on the underside of a cliff with houses and tunnels carved out of the stone, it
has a complex design which people who aren't from here will get lost easily. They have many farms
who they use to farm mushrooms, mosses and other different fruits and vedgetables who aren't
found anywhere else on Fushima or even Yolm.

 Shakoshiri is a Small City (9.000 avg).

 The level of patrolling in Tangzihua is High.
 The level of punishment in Tangzihua is High.
 The level of control in Tangzihua is Medium.
 Tangzihua has a Medium amount of facilities.
 Tangzihua has a Low amount of luxury facilities.
 Tangzihua has a harbor.
 The ruling clan is The Bat Clan.

Nagiso, Warlords Last Rest

Nagiso is where the Tree of the Armory has taken root, it is said to be the last resting place of Yuudai
and his blade, powerdul warriors and Descendants of the Lion come here to recieve powerful
weapons made from fragments of Yuudai's soul. It is protected by all the clans, however the
Butterfly Clan is the ruling clan here.

 Nagiso is a Large Town (4.000 avg).

 The level of patrolling in Nagiso is High.
 The level of punishment in Nagiso is High.
 The level of control in Nagiso is High.
 Nagiso has a Medium amount of facilities.
 Nagiso has No luxury facilities.
 Nagiso has a harbor (Small).
 The ruling clan is The Butterfly Clan.

Yasaki, the Grand Archive

Yasaki is a town centered around the use, upkeep and protection of the Grand Archive of Fushima
which is where the Descendants of the Ravens live and maintain the archive. Many of Yolm most
feared spells and magic items hail from Yasaki. The Ravens rule isn't visible, the only thing they do
that resembles ruling is allowing people to enter the archive.

 Yasaki is a Large Town (5.000 avg).

 The level of patrolling in Yasaki is Medium.
 The level of punishment in Yasaki is Medium.
 The level of control in Yasaki is Medium.
 Yasaki has a Low amount of facilities.
 Yasaki has a Low amount of luxury facilities.
 Yasaki has no harbor.
 The ruling clan is The Raven Clan.

Cheosu, the Grand Temple

Cheosu isn't the largest, but it is seen as one of the most important towns as it has the Grand
Temple of Fushima, where the people pray for their needs such as harvests, courage or strength.
Every group pays their tribute to the Grand Temple of Fushima and the Butterflies maintain the
Temple it self.

 Cheosu is a Small Town (2.000 avg).

 The level of patrolling in Cheosu is High.
 The level of punishment in Cheosu is Medium.
 The level of control in Cheosu is Medium.
 Cheosu has a Low amount of facilities.
 Cheosu has a Low amount of luxury facilities.
 Cheosu has no harbor.
 The ruling clan is The Butterfly Clan.

Sounobe, the Town of Hot Springs

Sounobe is the home of hot springs which help the people who enter them relax to an unnatural
degree. Sounobe is under the care of the Bat Clan, but its seen as a neutral ground for all clans.
Sounobe is one fo the oldest towns of Fushima being there from the foundation, it hasn't expanded
much, but it did become more famous.

 Sounobe is a Small Town (1.600 avg).

 The level of patrolling in Sounobe is Medium.
 The level of punishment in Sounobe is Medium.
 The level of control in Sounobe is Medium.
 Sounobe has a Low amount of facilities.
 Sounobe has a Medium amount of luxury facilities.
 Sounobe has no harbor.
 The ruling clan is The Bat Clan

Strong Town, Town of Ogres

Strong Town is equally a laughing stock as it is feared. It was founded by Ogres and Half-Ogres who
somehow came to Fushima. They are left alone and not considerd a part of Fushima. They are left
alone due to their considerable size and strength.

 Strong Town is a Small Town (1.500 avg).

 The level of patrolling in Strong Town is Low.
 The level of punishment in Strong Town is Low.
 The level of control in Strong Town is Low.
 Strong Town has a Low amount of facilities.
 Strong Town has No luxury facilities.
 Strong Town has a harbor (Small).
 There is no ruiling clan.
Mori, the Wild Planes
Mori is a small town where the remnants of the Horse Descendants reside who where fierce in
mounted combat. The Horses left Fushima after being unable to enjoy their passion, they have left
for the mainland and are thriving there. Mori is nearly unable to be entered by outsiders as the
remaining Horse Clan members fight of anyone who tries to enter the Jit-Aril Highlands

 Jimitari is a Small Town (900 avg).

 The level of patrolling in Mori is High.
 The level of punishment in Mori is Medium.
 The level of control in Mori is Medium.
 Mori has a Low amount of facilities.
 Mori has a Low amount of luxury facilities.
 Mori has no harbor.
 The ruling clan is The Former Horse Clan.

Fushima has a decent amount of villages, as thye supply the bigger cities and towns.
Yoichi, Yochi has many delicacies made from the different foods they harvest here, which they
utalise with the plenty of dedicated techniques have been created to perfect this process of making
Jamigata, Soya is filled with Bear Clan farmers who use their unbeatable strength to herd animals
and farm the land, they use heavy and harsh equipment to farm the land.
Sai, Sai is a small fishing villages who use nets, fishing rods and of course the way fish on Fushima
spear fishing, their fishers are trained with the spear and could easily get four fishes in one throw.
Furuu, Furuu is the only mining town, city or village on Fushima. They get all kinds of ores from here
they aren't that special, but on Fushima its the wielder that makes them special.
Akan, Akan is a lumber village who doesn't have the most people, but it has some of strong and
dedicated workers who work day in day out collecting lumber for all of Fushima.

 These are all Villages (500-900 avg).

 They all have a Medium level of patrolling.
 They all have a Medium level of punishment.
 They all have a Medium level of control.
 They all have a Low amount of facilities.
 None of them have any amount of luxury facilities.
 Only Sai has a harbor (Small), the rest do not.

The people of Fushima mainly pray to the Eastern Beasts, but don't really discriminate towards the
gods and whorship most of them.

Fushima leis the most west out of all the countries of Yolm, it has no neighbors or connecfion
physically to Yolm.

Fushima has no guilds as they are seen as a corrupt influence from the east.
Important Figures
Fushima has its Clan leaders who each are as important as the last, yet the imperial family shines
above them all.

 Emperor Tenno the Cautious, A man who never picked up a weapon in his life or will, he
cares for his people and avoids war at all costs. He had a handful of children all of them are
quite young.
 Empress Hime the Tender, A beauty of a woman who is both kind and gentle, she is very
soft spoken while fierce about helping the people and most importantly children.
 Lord Akiro the Prosperous, Lord Akiro can wield his wealth and influence as a weapon that
cuts deeper as any sword can, not many rumors exist about him as he snuffs them quickly
 Lord Rayon the Lionhearted, Lord Rayon is a man who faced down dragons and demons
without flincing. He cares for the commoners and burns bright with passion.
 Lord Okuma the Feared, Lord Okuma is a battle hardend general who is lightning fast and as
strong as ten bears, he is an eccentric man whose mind jumps for subject to subject.
 Lady Cho the Shrewd, Lady Cho is the oldest lord of them all, she is seen as one of the wised
people on Yolm and Fushima, she uses many different fighting techniques to defeat her
 Lord Fukuro the Driven, Lord Fukuro could shoot a fly of a horses ass from twohunderd feet
away, he has a drive to protect their forest from any who threaten it.
 Lord Komori the Cheater, Lord Komori is known as a gambler with a nasty habit of cheating
and winning in the end, the same goes for his fighting stye.
 Lord Muzu the Hearty, Lord Muzu is taller, heavier and stronger than any other human
around his presence will always be felt in the enemies their bones.
 Lady Hachidori the Seer, Lady Hachidori is one of the seers of Yolm she could see weeks into
the future and it would all be correct, her power makes her an amazing leader for the
Hummingbird Clan.
 Lord Karasu the Anomaly, Little is known about Lord Karasu as he isolates himself even from
the Ravens.
Yvalken, The Grimlands of the Draken Woods
Where the hopeless come to die and monsters come to feast.
Giant trees, spike like mountains, ancient dungeons and a dark gloomy atmosphere. This sums up
the grimlands pretty well. The people here live in fear and squalid conditions. The cities are packed
to a brim with people who worked the mines and lumber around Yvalken.

Yvalken was founded when there where Black Iron veins deep within the forests of Yvalken, on the
Spear Mountains. The people who discovered the Black Iron were the first Yvalkians, there was one
family called the Arnelles. They where a noble family down on their luck, they took initiative started
hiring guards and mercenaries, starting supply lines and building homes. They were scene as the
leaders of this mining operation. It soon attracted more and more people, the Arnelles strated
treating themselves more as royalty and less as just a noble family. The people themselves started to
follow this and in a couple of years people had accepted that they were the royal family of Yvalken.
Over the years the people of Yvalken have started to live mostly in the city in Streinam and
Yoh'gohroth, Streinam is now one of the most inhabited places in Yolm. The people of Yvalken have
over the years accepted the dark slump of a life in Yvalken, not wanting to leave as it is all they

Yvalken is a patriarchy where the king chooses one of his sons to be his successor, they get married
immediately by a noble woman chosen by the royal family and a noble wizard who lives in Yvalken
will be chosen as an arcanist to support the kingdom magically. Most of the royal court serves for
thirty to forty years, the arcanists are nearly always at the kings side and have never gone missing.
There were some weird events surrounding the arcanist like nineth arcanist who went missing and
resurfaced for a short amount of time and the last arcanist the eleventh one, who tried to create
order in Yvalken.

Yvalken is a country who teeters on the edge of being destroyed, this has always been the case. No
one is intreseted in taking Yvalken over as only madmen would live here. The guards and soldiers
won't do anything about this being more interested in shaking down traders and the people of
Yvalken. The one organization known for fighting the monsters of the night are the Grimwatch a
group of honorless warriors who will do and use anything to kill the monsters of the night. There are
rumors of the king having struck a deal with the most powerful vampire family, he now trades
human life for them to keep the city free of such monsters.

There are five towns who respond to the kings commands, there are two bases who affiliate with the
Grimwatch and the Gallantwatch repectfully. The main races of Yvalken are Humans with some
Dwarves, Elvens and Gnomes as well, there are quite a bit of monsterous race who wander these
streets as well as its people don't care that much anymore.

Streinam, the City build on Corpses

Streinam is one of the biggest cities in all of Yolm, as living in small towns leaves your prone to
monster attacks. Streinam is easily recognizable due to its large shanty looking buildings and the tall
wals that reach higher than most. Streinam is home to most people they don't see the sun much due
to them living in the shadow of the buildings and the Spear Mountains.
 Streinam is the capital city of Yvalken.
 Streinam is a Metropolis (125.000 avg).
 The level of patrolling in Streinam is Medium.
 The level of punishment in Streinam is Medium.
 The level of control in Streinam is Low.
 Streinam has a High amount of facilities.
 Streinam has a Medium amount of luxury facilities.
 Streinam has an arena which is supported by the Fighters Guild, it is called The
 Streinam has no harbor.

Yoh'gohroth, the Gate to the Draken Woods

Yoh'gohroth has earned a reputation for being the last stop before the travel to Streinam where one
needs to enter the Draken Woods to reach Streinam. Yoh'gohroth is used as the only resting ground
in Yvalken as sleeping in the wilds will most likely lead to a monster attack, because of this reason
people will continue walking until they reach Yharnam.

 Yoh'gohroth is a Large Town (4.000 avg).

 The level of patrolling in Yoh'gohroth is Medium.
 The level of punishment in Yoh'gohroth is Medium.
 The level of control in Yoh'gohroth is Low.
 Yoh'gohroth has a High amount of facilities.
 Yoh'gohroth has a High amount of luxury facilities.
 Yoh'gohroth has no harbor.

Oürden, the Lifeblood of Yvalken

Oürden is the main source of food for Yvalken, working with mages and nobles, they produce large
amounts of food for Yvalken. Most of it won't see the common folk, as the king and the nobles
control the flow of food in Yvalken. This town is in much beter condition than the other settlements
as most nobles reside here and want it clean and well defended.

 Oürden is a Large Town (4.500 avg).

 The level of patrolling in Oürden is High.
 The level of punishment in Oürden is High.
 The level of control in Oürden is High.
 Oürden has a Medium amount of facilities.
 Oürden has a Medium amount of luxury facilities.
 Oürden has no harbor.

Iorskum, the Forefront of healing

Iorskum was known for its break throughs in medicine and healing, until a new noble family had
taken hold over the town. Now there is little contact with its people, former traders can't even seem
to find it as it doesn't seem like its not connected with the roads anymore, it has become a hot topic
of intrest for both the Grimwatch and the Gallantwatch.

 Iorskum was a Large Town (5.000 avg).

 The partolling level is Unknown.
 The punishment level is Unknown.
 The control level is Unknown.
 The amount of facilities is Unknown in Iosefka.
 The amount of luxury facilities is Unknown in Iosefka.
 There was a harbor (Medium).

Mine of Mersin, the Black Iron Mine

The Mines of Mersin have people entering and leaving twenty four seven, this is the only place in
Yolm dicovered so far where Black Iron can be found, when one uses Black Iron to make Black Steel
they can make armor and weapons that have a special property of all ways feeling cold and grim this
has the result of dealing cold damage and being more resistant to fire.

 The Mine of Mersin has the capacity of a Small Town (2.000 avg).
 The level of patrolling in The Mine of Mersin is High.
 The level of punishment in The Mine of Mersin is High.
 The level of control in The Mine of Mersin is High.
 The Mine of Mersin has a Low amount of facilities.
 The Mine of Mersin has No luxury facilities.
 The Mine of Mersin has no harbor.

Fort Horrud, the Home of the Grimwatch

Fort Grimwatch sits alone on its island looking over Yvalken, the Grimwatch have made it their goal
to not truely defend the people of Yvalken, but to slaughter the beast of Yvalkens Shade, they do this
with targeted hunts and small skirmishes. Their current leader Mithos is a fearless warrior who could
face any beast alone.

 Fort Grimwatch has the capacity of a Small City (7.000 avg).

 The level of patrolling in Fort Grimwatch is High.
 The level of punishment in Fort Grimwatch is High.
 The level of control in Fort Grimwatch is High.
 Fort Grimwatch has a Low amount of facilities.
 Fort Grimwatch has No luxury facilities.
 Fort Grimwatch has a harbor (Small).

Fort Dirms Fall, the Home of the Gallantwatch

The Gallant are a group of the Grim who splintered off after a mission where they discovered more
than what they bargained for. They now keep to themselves and keep silent about their mission,
threatening anyone who intents to ener their base. Their leader is Raglan the ex-right hand man of
Mithos. Nothing is known of what they saw or what they learned.

 Fort Dirms Fall has the capacity of a Large Town (3.000 avg).
 The level of patrolling in Fort Dirms Fall is High.
 The level of punishment in Fort Dirms Fall is High.
 The level of control in Fort Dirms Fall is High.
 Fort Dirms Fall has a Low amount of facilities.
 Fort Dirms Fall has No luxury facilities.
 Fort Dirms Fall has no harbor.

Religion is practiced heavily here as anything to give a small comfort is welcomed. They have not the
will to allow or ban certain religions. There are many people who don't pray as well, as no god can
comfort the dread people feel.
Yvalken is located on the west side of Yolm with it stretching most of the length of the Savagelands,
they connect to Helgeän to the north and are one lake seperated from Artranium.

Most guilds have a base in Yvalken as there are many monsters and more criminals.

 Streinam has an Adventurers Guild, a Bountyhunters Guild, a Monsterslayer Guild and a

Fighters Guild.
 Yoh'gohroth has an Adventurers Guild.

Important Figures
There are a few important figures in Yvalken like the Royal court.

 King Rensoris Karrelrein the Great Minded One, Rensoris is a fool of a king as he blindly
believe anything an advisor will say he is known as a fool by all the people of Yolm.
 Queen Yirdana Omond the Frost Queen, a cold and calculated queen who is the true ruler
of the two, she uses him as a puppet since the eleventh arcanist died.
 Alred the Twelfth Arcanist, an older war mage chosen by king Rensoris on Queen Yirdana's
advice, this man knows a good amount about magic and even more about war.
 Grand General Ulrim the Distant, Ulrim never liked to get his own hands dirty and would
much rather command from the comfort of his own home than be anywhere near the
 Mithos the Archaic, he is one of the oldest Grimwatch members, yet he still got it. He now
leads them as a wizened old man, but who still fights with them.
 Raglan the Visionary, Raglan had many a new ideas for the Grimwatch and he truely
improved them until he left and form the Gallantwatch.
 Chëal von Adelstein, The head of the family of Adelstein they oversaw the lands of Iorskum.
His family was always a strange, but now that the land of Iorskum became unreachable they
wish to speak with them at al costs.
Brÿn, The Last Winged Embrace of Verana's
Here fly pegasi and live a secluded group of people, they follow in the footsteps of Verana.
Brÿn is a land with beautiful land filled with all different kinds of flora and fauna with its inhabitants
being different than most they are the decendants of Verana's Battalion. It holds three island on one
they live, one they hunt and one they farm. In recent years they have been launching small attacks
towards Volheim in the name of their Goddess.

Brÿn wasn't always inhabited by the followers of Verana, they where previously inhabited by a race
called Orcs who where seen as savage brutal warriors. As Verana sought to find a location which she
could use for her followers she stumbled upon Brÿn, a mostly uninhabited group of island. She
removed the previous inhabitants and dumped them on Yolms main continent, she then then moved
the islandsr of Bÿn. Soon after this happend Verana died due to the exhaustion of all her powers. Her
followers took care of the pegasi and the islands to await her return

The inhabitans have a very strict matriarchy with females being warriors, politicians and leaders and
men being slaves, workers and husbands. As this is the will of Verana the Queen of Pegasi and Battle,
the pegasi on the island of Brÿn are very importand, as they are seen as the offspring from their
godess Verana. She herself cleared out this island for her followers when she still walked as a mortal.

They see little trade as they threaten most countries with their armada's of knights, warships and
pegasi riders. They are quite self sufficient as they have three main islands on one they farm, one
they live and one they hunt.

In the past Brÿn belonged to the Orcs of the continent they lived in peace until Verena rained heaven
and hellfire upon them, the orcs quickly fled to the mainland where they became filled with hatred
and bloodlusted.
After the banishment of Orcs the island was at peace, there are no monsters and there is enough
food for every one. They could live in peace and harmoney, but alas there is a threat against them a
war with Volheim.

Brÿn has only one city, two forts where food is stored and taken care of and a hidden town with a
very important purpose.

Mylilene, the Heart of Brÿn

Mylilene is the only city on Brÿn it is as big as the entirety of the second island, it has many civillians,
soldiers, politicians and royalty. Who all live in a peaceful city with the lowest crime rate of all mayor
cities of Yolm the law is enforced quite strict.

 Mylilene is the capital city of Brÿn.

 Mylilene is a Metropolis (50.000 avg).
 The level of patrolling in Mylilene is High.
 The level of punishment in Mylilene is High.
 The level of control in Mylilene High.
 Mylilene has a High amount of facilities.
 Mylilene has a Medium amount of luxury facilities.
 Mylilene has a harbor (Medium).

Esteltijn, the Sacred Ground

Esteltijn is a small town hidden in the nothern forests of Brÿn. This is sacred ground to the Brÿnians it
is heavily guarded as this is the native breeding ground of the Pegasi. Where they breed and near
there the old Pegasi go to die in peace.

 Estetijn is a Small Town (950 avg).

 The level of patrolling in Esteltijn is High.
 The level of punishment in Esteltijn is High.
 The level of control in Esteltijn is High.
 Esteltijn has a Low amount of facilities.
 Esteltijn has No luxury facilities.
 Esteltijn has no harbor.

Fort Oriat, Sabina's Fortress

Fort Oriat has been founded to guard the farms, tools and supplies of the soutern Isle, it also acts as
a guard post for the soutern isle, to spot any ships of people trying to enter with out their
knowledge. Fort Hygirna is protected by one of the three Generals of Brÿn, Aurelia the Spear of
Verana, she wield her spear elegantly and weaves in and out of combat with a certain flow.

 Fort Oriat has the capacity of a Large Town (6.000 avg).

 The level of patrolling in Fort Oriat is High.
 The level of punishment in Fort Oriat is High.
 The level of control in Fort Oriat is High.
 Fort Oriat has a Low amount of facilities.
 Fort Oriat has No luxury facilities.
 Fort Oriat a harbor (Small).

Fort Hygirna, Octavia's Fortress

Fort Hygirna is the place where new recruits get paired up and train together with their pegasi, this
is the place where hunters rest and stay as well before entering the sacred forest of Ullel to hunt
game like deer, panthers and other beasts. Fort Hygirna is protected by one of the three Generals of
Brÿn, Flavia the Flag of Verana a woman who is in compleet tune with her pegasus.

 Fort Hygirna has the capacity of a Small City (9.500 avg).

 The level of patrolling in Fort Hygirna is High.
 The level of punishment in Fort Hygirna is High.
 The level of control in Fort Hygirna is High.
 Fort Hygirna has a Low amount of facilities.
 Fort Hygirna has No luxury facilities.
 Fort Hygirna harbor (Small).

On Brÿn they have very strict rules on religion you need to follow in the footsteps of Verana or you
won't be welkomed, you might even be executed for your heresy.

Brÿn is far of the coast of Yolm, it has no neighbours close to them, but the closest to it is Volheim
with which they are currently in war with.
Brÿn has no Guilds, as they have a very restrictive way of entry and the military takes care of nearly
all of the problems Brÿn has.

Important Figures
There are but few important figures in Brÿn as most problems are solved by the queen or generals of

 Queen Pricilla the Chosen of Verana, Queen Pricilla is a stern woman who cares only about
Brÿn, Verana and her People. She is also known for her skill in battle, as it is on par with her
 General Cassia the Shield of Verana, The First of the three generals of Brÿn, a heavily
armored, war weary woman who is as devoted to the Queen as she to Verana. She guards
 General Flavia the Flag of Verana, The Second of the three generals of Brÿn, a woman who
is in compleet tune with her pegasus, she wields her flag with prowess. She guards Fort
 General Aurelia the Spear of Verana, The Third of the three generals of Brÿn she wield her
spear elegantly and weaves in and out of combat with a certain flow. She guards Fort Oriat.
Artranium, The Land Magecraft and Wizardry
The Land where Mages rise and expiriment.
Artranium is home to many of the best mages on Yolm, as most spells are able to be used freely.
Most of the magical advancements in Yolm hail from Artranium as its society is based around magic
and spells themselves. Artranium is home to many a weird thing nowadays, as its freedom of casting
spells comes to bite them in the back once in a while.

Artranium was founded by a group of powerful wizards after the rule of the elves, these wizards
where called The Arcane Eyes, they where the most powerful wizards to ever exist. Nowadays they
all have perished. They made Artranium to be able to expriment and have the freedom of casting
spells when ever they wanted. As time went on it attracted more and more people, Artranium
started to grow as the home of spellcasters. Artranium became less and less lawless over time and
more organized with magic at it forefront. It now regulates certain spell usage more with it still
offering more freedom than any other country in that aspect.

Artraniums politics value the magical capabilities alot, when one is a powerful spellcaster or has
many magical capabilities they will be valued higher than others. They decide everything with a
council of the eight most powerful mages. The magical energy of which could be probed with a
highly coveted magigcal atrifact. This council decides upon everything like exports, laws and military
deployment, as most of them studied hard on many a subject.
One of Artraniums most famous places in Yolm, Hillmzarts, the College of Magic. It is a school
dedicated to learing about magic and many more subjects, nearly all powerful spellcasters hail from
Hillmzarts. This is a huge school filled with diverse groups of teachers and students. Hillmzatrs is an
indipendent facility in Artranium guided by its own Archmage and directors, this allows Hillmzarts to
maximize its students potential.

Artranium is defended by many a great wizard and swordsman who wield unique magical items, it
still has problem with monsters, magical anomalies and rogue mages. These monsters could be
created by wizards or lured here by the magical energy and the anomalies are caused because of
spells gone wrong.
The land itself was never a problem as wizards have terraformed it to be suitable for their desire as
is the case with Lake Fasus a completly artificially created lake.

Artranium has thirteen settlements of which six are villages, the college is not counted as a
settlement even though it probably holds more people than some towns.

Viran, The Spearhead of Magic

Viran is on the forefront of magic and magical items, creating such things as potions, weapons and
tools, they even heralded in the invention of the airship and skyskiffs which are flying boats only
owned by the extremly rich or fortunate. Viran is well protected and well visited, there are many
people here who nearly all have the ability to cast spells.

 Viran is the capital city of Artranium.

 Viran is a Metropolis (32.000 avg).
 The level of patrolling in Viran is Low.
 The level of punishment in Viran is Medium.
 The level of control in Viran is High.
 Viran has a High amount of facilities.
 Viran has a High amount of luxury facilities.
 Viran has a harbor (Medium).
 Viran has a skyport (Large).

Glacier, The Chilled Island

Glacier is named after the island it is on, which has some a strange frost surrounding it, this frost was
caused by one of the Arcane Eyes who settled here. He used the island as his personal testing
ground, the people now live in a way cooler area than anywhere near Artranium, they have adapted
to it and rarely communicate to the outside.

 Glacier is a Large City (30.000 avg).

 The level of patrolling in Glacier is Low.
 The level of punishment in Glacier is Low.
 The level of control in Glacier is Low.
 Glacier has a Low amount of facilities.
 Glacier has a Low amount of luxury facilities.
 Glacier has a harbor (Small).

Archist, The Home of Electricity

Archist is home to technological inventions aided by their control of electricity and lightning. They
have weird items like lanterns who need no fire, oil or magic. Most of the things used in Archist
aren't being used in the same ways as in the rest of Yolm as Archist isn't keen on sharing these
secrets even with Artranium nor is Yolm interested in the use of these items.

 Archist is a Small City (11.000 avg).

 The level of patrolling in Archist is High.
 The level of punishment in Archist is Medium.
 The level of control in Archist is High.
 Archist has a High amount of facilities.
 Archist has a High amount of luxury facilities.
 Archist has no harbor.

Brosnim, The Archive of Yolm

Brosnim is an old city with much history behing it, there are many a facility here who seek to
preserve the history of Yolm like the Museum of the Ambelhart and the Library of Artranium, these
two hold invaluable information from nearly all ages. Brosnim is well stocked for battle by the nobles
who oversee the Museum and the Library.

 Brosnim is a Small City (11.000 avg).

 The level of patrolling in Brosnim is Medium.
 The level of punishment in Brosnim is Medium.
 The level of control in Brosnim is Medium.
 Brosnim has a Medium amount of facilities.
 Brosnim has a Low amount of luxury facilities.
 Brosnim has a harbor (Medium).
Spácerel, The Magical Workshop
Spácerel is a small town filled with dedicated mages and wizards who work away day and night to
create magical items and new spells to do nearly everything one can imagine. They have developted
many a unique spell and have acomplihed many a great feat like creating Lake Fasus, curing diseases
and other less positive feats like creating the Swirling Pools.

 Spácerel is a Small Town (2.000 avg).

 The level of patrolling in Spácerel is High.
 The level of punishment in Spácerel is High.
 The level of control in Spácerel is High.
 Spácerel has a High amount of facilities.
 Spácerel has No luxury facilities.
 Spácerel has no harbor.

Yimminar, The Grave of The Arcane Eyes

Yimminar is a small town hidden in a thick magical fog which can't be found or seen if one is not
welkomed in, this town holds the ancestors of the Arcane Eyes. Their bloodlines have been hunted
for their magical prowess and power, they now hide away here protecting the graves of their
ancestors while being protected by the Council and powerful spells and wizards.

 Yimminar is a Small Town (1.000 avg).

 The level of patrolling in Yimminar is Low.
 The level of punishment in Yimminar is Low.
 The level of control in Yimminar is Low.
 Yimminar has a Low amount of facilities.
 Yimminar has No luxury facilities.
 Yimminar has no harbor.

Kanza, The Tabaxi Resting Ground

Kanza is a small barren field where Tabaxi clans come and rest from their hunts, there are no groups
who stay here longer than a month as they trade stories, tales and trinkets. This is a peaceful ground
for Tabaxi and other races. Normally Tabaxies travel the world looking for jobs and items.

 Kanza is like a Small Town (1.000-2.000 avg).

 The level of patrolling in Kanza is Low.
 The level of punishment in Kanza is Low.
 The level of control in Kanza is Low.
 Kanza has a Low amount of facilities.
 Kanza has No luxury facilities.
 Kanza has no harbor.

There are six villages who all use magic or technology in the aid of farming.
Ferfé, Ferfé is a small village near Lake Os, they use magical tools and spells to help farm around the
land, they produce many a different food, like carrots, potato's and wheat.

Lummino, Lummino leis quite close to the Rigania, it is home to some of the weakest people in all of
Artranium live these people would be dregs in Viran, but they can make a decent living for
themselves. By doing honest work.
Hirtiem, Hirtmie is located between Viran and Archist, they farm exotic fruits and meat. They have
gained some of the technology from Archist and used it for their agricultural needs.
Rallmun, Rallmun is a simple village compaired to the others as they seem to only use the bare
essentials with farming. They need not much use of it as they use their skills more than their magic.
Nermu, Nermu leis really close to Hillmzarts, as such it is used quite a bit for it food supplies and
relaxation as most students will not see much of the outside world while studying in Hillmzarts.
Machorio, Machorio is the only vineyard in Artranium as such it is well stocked and well used, they
are rivals to Grussfalls wine industry. The noble who runs it is overflowing with money as Grussfall is
quite a bit away.

 These are all Villages (400-900 avg)

 They all have a Medium level of patrolling.
 They all have a Low level of punishment.
 They all have a Medium level of control.
 They all have a Low amount of facilities.
 None of them have any amount of luxury facilities.
 Nermu and Rallmun have harbors (Small) the rest do not.

Hillmzarts, the College of Magic

Hillmzatrs is the biggest college in all of Yolm not only teaching magic, but all sorts of topics to
expand the students knowledge. Many a noble gets send to Hillmzarts and trained up to adventurers
and commanders. There are not many commoners here, as you either need to have enough
potential to get requested entry or you will need pay for your entry.

 Hillmzarts has the capacity of a Large Town (2.000 avg).

 The level of patrolling in Hillmzatrs is Medium.
 The level of punishment in Hillmzatrs is Medium.
 The level of control in Hillmzatrs is Medium.
 Hillmzatrs has a Medium amount of facilities.
 Hillmzatrs has a Low amount of luxury facilities.
 Hillmzarts has no harbor.

Artranium allows nearly all belief in all kinds of gods. Most people worship Mystic, as she holds
magic under her domain and is seen as the catalyst of magic in and on Arajah.

Artranium is located south-west on Yolm, they neighbor to Yvalken and the Savagelands to the North
with Rigania to the east. Artranium also leis very close to Elareian, but they are not connected.

Artranium is home to a couple guilds and where the League of Magic.

 Viran has an Adventurers Guild, Monsterslayer Guild and a The League of Magic.
 Glacier has an Adventurers Guild.
 Archist has an Adventurers Guild.
 Brosnim has an Adventurers Guild.
 Spácerel has an Bountyhunters Guild.
Important Figures
Artranium has a handful of important figures mostly powerful mages.

 The Council of Nine, they are the rulers of Artranium they discuss and convers with each
other, each of them is a powerful mage in their own right.
 Headmaster Stanvoth Archibald, Stanvoth is a man of fair age who seeks the progression of
the new and younger generation, he guides students overlooking and taking care of
Hillmzarts as its Headmaster.
 Lady Ambelhart, she is the one who oversees the Museum of Ambelhart, she requests many
items and trinkets to be brought to her, she is quite the capable sorceress to boot.
 Tresal the Father of Electricity, Treslam is an old man nowadays, he invented many a great
spell and item powered by electricity, he now oversees the people of Archist and protects
 Yrt the Mad Spellmaker, Yrt is equally feared as he is respected, he finely crafted spells and
items, he is not seen very often, but is seen as the spiritual leader.
Elareian, The Elven Hunting Ground
The last remnant of the Elven empire
Elareian the last remaining bastion of the times when the proud and intelligent Elves, who once
ruled Yolm with an ironfist. The Elves now have only their hunting grounds left from their former
empire. Some of the Elven wizards experimented with demonic magic in Elareian, it was known for
being as a dumping ground for experiments made by the Elven High Wizards. Due to this there is a
major plague of demons, beast, abominations and all around nightmarish creatures who haunt the
shadows of all who live here.

Elareian is the old hunting grounds of the Elven empire. The Elven empire of Ärael was created by
the elven king Cronellel under the command of Corellon the father of the Wilds, Corellon desired to
his children the elves to be the most powerful race among any living creature on Arajah. The Elves
worked on this for ages and ages, they trained mages, bred beasts, sharpened swords and planned
tactics. When the Elves struck they struck fast and hard toppeling nations and kingdoms a like. They
rained supreme for nearly two thousand years enslaving the once free races working them to death.
Mystic saw what the Elves did and did not agree with what she saw and she empowered a part of
the dragon race, she created six divine dragons Grovamundir The Ruler of Minds, a giagantic black
dragon who could create liquids from his body who will allow him to dominate their minds, Juggalog
The Producer of Hellfire, The smallest divine dragen who could make flames so hot they would burn
anything, Perkiles The Spellslayer, a larger than life silver dragon who scales where so hard they
would reflect spells and most forms of attack, Rackzis The Traveler, an enraged shadow dragon who
could roar portals to diffrent planes into existance and Reavollus The Master of Magic, a huge
dracolich who understands magic as best as a god could he is also the right hand to Mystic, and
Jotturm, the keeper of the Deathchill, he is the hugest dragon ever who keeps a corruption at bay
known as the Deathchill as this infection would kill mere mortals instantly and gods would perish to
it over time. They brought hell upon the elves and retereated to there demi-planes where they wait
until they are called up again.

Elareian was always a patriarch, until the fall of Ärael where the council of Elven elder discovered
that the males of the royal bloodline where weakened to the power of the Gods of the Wilds. This
happened when the last emperor of the empire of Ärael, Crelleon the Mad cursed his own bloodline.
After this was found out Elareian became a matriarchy, as the daughters weren't cursed with this
weakness. So now the eldest daughter of the queen becomes the ruler of the Elareian. The e/Elves
seek the reclaimation of their lands from the demons, beasts and monsters that have driven them to
the brink of extinction. They do not seek help from any other race or group as they say that they are
above them and do not require help from any other races or group, but truely they are trying to
repent for their own sins.

The Elves of Elareian have been pushed back into a small corner of what was once just their hunting
grounds, food is not the problem for their survival and trade isn't doing to bad in the lands as well.
The real threat are the demons and other monsters who lurk the shadows. The monsters are savage
beasts who have no reason or intelligence, these monsters slaughter each other and raid the homes
of the inhabitants of Elareian, there are old papers, scrolls and scrolls that states that there is a
source of these demons, it states that this source could be destroyed, cleansed or removed if this is
done the demons will not be replentished.
There are four settlements falling in Elareian territory of which three only respond to the Elareian
queen or officials, they are mostly filled with Elves, Half-Elves, and Centaurs with some Humans,
Dwarves and Satyrs in between.

Mytho Anarith, the Last Elven City

Mytho Anarith or Mytho for short is the seat of the Elareian royal family, most of the buildings are
made from wood, stone or marbel they surround the queens palace, a small palace compared to the
elven buildings of old, but still quite big compared to those of now. They find them fighting these
foes around once a weak, it is never the same day two weeks in a row and the monster aren't always
the same.

 Mytho Anartih is the capital city of Elareian

 Mytho Anarith is a Small City (11.000avg).
 The level of patrolling in Mytho Anarith is Medium.
 The level of punishment in Mytho Anarith is Low.
 The level of control in Mytho Anarith is Low.
 Mytho Anarith has a Medium amount of facilities.
 Mytho Anarith has a Low amount of luxury facilities.
 Mytho Anarith has a harbor (Small)

Hanturluma, the Home of the Centaurs

The Centaurs appeared when the Elves ruled, they where used as enforcers of the Elven rule. They
have since abandoned their violent ways and split into two groups the Foreststripe Centaurs and
Cityhoove Centaurs, the Cityhoove Centaurs now have settled down and started to live in
Hanturluma, they recieve aid from Mytho Anarith and in return they hunt down packs of monsters in
the Hunting Grounds. Some Centaurs have taken up farming or fishing, but those are only a few
most see themselves to noble to do manual labour.

 Hanluma is a Large Town (4.500avg).

 The level of patrolling in Hanluma is Medium.
 The level of punishment in Hanluma is Medium.
 The level of control in Hanluma is Low.
 Hanluma has a Low amount of facilities.
 Hanluma has a Low amount of luxury facilities.
 There is a harbor (Small).

Alelin, the Empty Town

Alelin has taken up a different approach to deal with the monster instead of fighting the monster
they hide themselves on ships of shore every night, they somtimes suffer casualties when a beast
attacks from the skies or throws a huge rock, but for the most part they are quite safe. Their village
is looked down upon by the other two settlements for their cowardly ways. Alelin relies mostly on
their harbour for fishing and docking.

 Alelin is a Small Town (1.000 avg).

 The level of patrolling in Alelin is Low.
 The level of punishment in Alelin is Low.
 The level of control in Alelin is Low.
 Alelin has a Low amount of facilities.
 Alelin has No luxury facilities.
 There is a harbor (Medium).

Sergastrysj, the Restinggrounds of the Lizardfolk

Sergastrysj is the only regularly used restingground of the five Lizardfolk tribes, these tribes are The
Daggermaws, the Beastkillers, the Greenswamps, the Dawndusks and the Redglares. These tribes
roam the Great Bridge a piece of land that moves a small bit every so often, it currently falls under
Elareians territory, the Lizardfolk don't truely recognize them as leaders or rulers, they really ust
ignore the elves and go on their way.

 Sergastrysj is a Village (200-900avg).

 The level of patrolling in Sergastrysj is Medium.
 The level of punishment in Sergastrysj is High.
 The level of control in Sergastrysj is Low.
 Sergastrysj has a Low amount of facilities.
 Sergastrysj has No luxury facilities.
 There is no harbor.

The Elves have put their trust in the Gods of the Wilds, these are the gods who created them. They
won't punish you for not following their gods, however they will look down upon you. The Lizardfolk
will ot judge you what so ever.

Elareian is an island because of this fact it has no real neighbouring countries, the closest country is
Artranium which is still separaterd by the powerful whirlpools of the Swirling Pools.

All guilds who have a base in Elareian will have it based from Mytho Anarith, for its protection and its

 Mytho Anarith has an Adventurers Guild some bounties will be send here as well as it shares
a building here with the Bountyhunters Guild.

Important Figures
There are five important figures

 Queen Clorene the Kind, the current queen of Elareian, she is young and naïve with a kind
natured heart.
 General Drelmuïr the Masked, a masked warrior who commands the armies and guards of
Elareian on order of the queen.
 Tyirozk Bryzin the Sentinel, the leader of the centaurs, a vigilant warrior who protects his
people at all cost.
 Trader John, a former trader who settled down and became the unofficial leader of the
people of Alelin.
 Yvek the One who can Think, an old Lizardfolk who speaks for all five tribes and is on good
terms with all of them.
The Deadlands, The Land of the Outcasts
The Deadlands are home to pirates and thieves.
The Deadlands where always the dumping grounds for the rest of Yolm as the waste would naturally
come down here, there are also many more things wrong with the deadlands like it having very
infertile soil and the strong current pulling in ships and crashing them here or the strange power
who pulls masterless undead here, there are many a bone pits and corpse pile here on the land.
Then there is the problem of that these lands are the home of Gresel the City of Thieves and Braosile
the Pirate Haven, who aren't able to be found unless told.

The origins of the Deadlands is shrouwded in mystery. It has many similarities to the Scorch of
Almawat, as the land is dead and dry. Yet the Desert of Almawat is man made or how it truely is
snake made. Before there where the famous Yuan-Ti ruins and th scorching sun with the burrowing
sandworms there was a triving desert civilization, this was around the times the Elves ruled Yolm.
These people were the original Yuan-Ti before they became obsessed with snakes. They dissapeared
on night turning the once thriving chivilization into an abandonned ruin, it took not long until the
desert took back what was rightfully hers. After the desert took back the land it started to shift into a
darker sand, no longer the warm looking yellow sand, it now was a greyish sand which would give a
feeling of touching a corpse upon touching. The dirt in the Deadlands feels the same, yet a bit
different it feels more like it was tortured. Than there is the unexplained phenomenon of the
Undead being attracted to this location.
The Deadlands was known as the trash heap of Yolm for ages, lying dormant and not being claimed a
it would only bring more negatives with it than it would bring positives. It was ignored for ages by
everyone scholars, kings, knights and peasants a like except for outlaws like bandits, thieves and
pirates. They used the unlivable enviorment to their advantage, creating hidden shelter for everyone
dispised by the law. This Land of the Thieves is hidden from all other kingdom, as it would surely
raise problems if found. The City of Thieves and the Pirate Haven where both founded Crassim the
King of Thieves, he didn't do this alone with his crew of pirates, thieves and outlaws he cleared both
locations of undead and the likes since then the title of King of Thieves has been passed down a
powerful thief to another powerful thief.

The current ruler and protector of the Deadlands is Caine the King of Thieves. They all kinds of
criminals to enter both cities without a second thought. In Gresel you aren't allowed to commit any
crimes in the City of Thieves as they are a safe haven for criminals where they can hide from the law.
You can buy and sell anything here it doesn't matter if its stolen, dead, alive or human.
Bountyhunters can enter the city, but are carfully watched. Braosile however is a bit different it
holds more of what you expect from a city of outlaws they have bars, gambeling and brothels
around every corner. You can steal here and hurt one another as pirates are a rowdy folk. Ship
repairs here cost less than anywhere in Yolm as they don't require paperwork or legally obtained
supplies, yet there might be a chance that your repaircrew skipped town or where found dead in
their rooms.

The problems of the Deadlands don't end with infertile soil, it is also plagued by constant raid on
there ships by countries from all over Yolm such as Grussfall, Rigania, Ravenar and Brÿn. However
this is because most of their ships are pirate ships and slaver ships. They do have supply lines set up
directly with the Braach Company, Volk and Jakaad. These merchant companies let them use their
banners to sail needed goods such as food and alcohol to the Deadlands.
Then there is also the problem of The Deadlands attracting mindless undead who have no goal or
masters. Countless outlaws have gone missing trying to find the origins of this obstacle, but to no
avail there are some researchers who have found trace evidence of a weird magical substance all
over the Deadlands.

There are two settlements in the Deadlands one houses thieves and outlaw and the other drunkards
and pirates, the most common races are Humans, Elves, Half-Orcs and many more as it doesn't
matter who comes here and who leaves here. These two settlements are completly different yet
follow the same leader.

Gresel, the City of Thieves

Gresel is located on the smaller island of the Deadlands, it does it best to hide it self with only small
caves being able to be seen from the outside. Xandenburgh is where people lay low because
bountyhunters or outside forces aren't allowed to kill or kidnap anyone. Bounties mean nothing here
as does being a noble or general in an army. Anyone who comes from an outside army, who they
don't know their allegiance of

 Gresel is the capital city of The Deadlands.

 Gresel is a Large City (25.000 avg).
 The level of patrolling in Gresel is Medium.
 The level of punishment in Gresel is High.
 The level of control in Gresel is Medium.
 Gresel has a High amount of facilities.
 Gresel has a Medium amount of luxury facilities.
 Gresel has a harbor (Medium).

Braosile, the Pirate Haven

Braosile is under the protection of the Gadhka family, they where originally a crime family from
Grussfall, but now they are the underlords of Caine. Braosile is more of what you expect from a city
of pirates violence, alcohol, prostitution and gambling. People aren't watched here as hard as they
are in Gresel, yet bountyhunters and soldier from other countries aren't allowed to work, they are
allowed to drink and gamble, but not collect bounties or kill criminals. Boats can be repaired here for
a resonable price.

 Braosile is a Small City (12.000 avg).

 The level of patrolling in Braosile is Low.
 The level of punishment in Braosile is High.
 The level of control in Braosile is Medium.
 Braosile has a High amount of facilities.
 Braosile has a High amount of luxury facilities.
 Braosile has a harbor (Large).

There is no religion enforced here you are free to belive in wat you want, although its doubtfull that
any well manerd god reaches this place. The main pantheons that are prayed to here are the Gods of
The Deadlands are located the most south-east of all the countries attached to the mainland.
Its neighbouring countries are Rigania at western side and Grussfall on the nothern side which they
share an island with.

The Deadlands are the only place in Yolm where Assassins Brotherhoods and Thieves Syndicate
advertise themselves openly.

 Gresel has a Thieves Syndicate and multiple Assassins Brotherhoods.

 Braosile has a Thieves Syndicate and multiple Assassins Brotherhoods.

Important Figures
There are three important figures and one important family.

 Caine the King of Thieves, Caine is the king of the people who live in the Deadlands, he is a
intimidating but fair ruler.
 Abrel the Master of Ears, Abrel is the brother of Caine, he is the second in command an one
of the best intelligence agents in Yolm.
 The Gadhka Family, a family made up from gang members, they all excel in a different vice
of the people, the underlords of Braosile.
 Barbarossa the Cutthroat among Kings, Barbarossa is the master of marine combat and the
defender of Braosile and Gresel on the waters.
Rigania, The Black Rose Empire of Sands
The dominion of sand, storms, and monsters is home to the people of the Black Rose Empire. This can
be only one realm, Rigania.
Rigania is the land of merciless warriors, desert winds, and old ruins filled with sand. Rigania is one
of the biggest still standing countries. This is due to the lands looking uninhabitable, as the land is
trying to kill all who reside in here as the sun blasts these parts with heat and the winds picks up
sand to scratch past your skin tearing of small parts day by day. The only ones who would be able to
live here are the people from Rigania who have adapted to the sun and the sand.

The Riganian desert has always been around, but it hasn't always been inhabited by humans. They
were first home to the Yuan-Ti a race of human and snake hybrid. They were co-conspirators of the
elves but miraculously disappeared when the elves started losing footing in the world. From what
remains of the Yuan-Ti, it shows that the land is scorched nearly dead, there are many ruins here
which give off an eerie feeling. It started to attract more and more deadly creatures, like wild
sandworms or the undead turned husks. The sand is now greyish and feels dead somehow. This
location is now called the Scorch of Almawat.
Soon after a group of settlers came to Rigania and settle Zachelan. The desert holds many
opportunities like near-infinite ruins, deep quarries and mines, and farmlands to work. The people
don't leave the city often as outside is much worse than inside a settlement.

Rigania is a land of warriors and conquerors, they value winning a battle above all else as where is
the honor in death. The family who rules Rigania is known as the Al Sahrif family, their crest is a
black sun by their crests the army is labeled and are called the Black suns. They use torture, dark
magic, and many other outlawed or illegal items in battle. They are ruled by an Emperor who has
total control over the Empire he has given his sons power over certain parts like the army or the
magically gifted warriors. They are the most feared out of any southern country as their men are
unflinching and fight with a complete lack of honor or the rumors out of Rigania like that they have
master mind-control or a guild of assassins who can kill anything with one small cut. There are also
rumors of a secret organization ruling Rigania from the shadows.

As the lands of Rigania are unforgiving they only survive by the skin of their teeth, as even the
elements are against them. Somehow they found a way to cultivate their food with magically
created water or oases. They have used monsters to move around the land, as there are many
deadly monsters here who don't exactly make life easier, but some can be used advantageously.

Rigania has a handful of settlements most of them are either small villages mostly ignored, but there
are a handful of towns and there is Easima, the capital.

Zachelan the Last Desert City

Zachelan is home to many things, such as people and beasts. Zachelan is an ancient city with it
holding some districts that would be considered ancient, these were originally founded by Rigania's
oldest resident, the Yuan-Ti. Zachelan is now one of the most well-populated and stocked Cities of
Yolm, it is seen as one of the biggest places where merchants can trade.

 Zachelan is the capital city of Rigania.

 Zachelan is a Metropolis (110.000 avg).
 The level of patrolling in Zachelan is Medium.
 The level of punishment in Zachelan is High.
 The level of control in Zachelan is High.
 Zachelan has a High amount of facilities.
 Zachelan has a High amount of luxury facilities.
 Zachelan has an arena that isn't supported by the Fighters Guild, it is called The Furnace.
 Zachelan has a harbor (Large)

Alkhansa The Town of Thralls

Alkhansa is the home to many slavers and a big port, most goods are sent to Easimir and the Forts,
these goods include slaves, different kinds of foods, and animals. Alkhansa is more known for its
slave trade than anything else. They bring in slaves from all over Yolm to send them to Yvalken,
Elareian, Volheim, and many different countries.

 Alkhansa is a Large Town(4.500 avg).

 The level of patrolling in Alkhansa is High.
 The level of punishment in Alkhansa is High.
 The level of control in Alkhansa is High.
 Alkhansa has a Low amount of facilities.
 Alkhansa has a Low amount of luxury facilities.
 Alkhansa has a harbor (Medium).

Tajha Al'aard The Deep Desert Oasis

Tajha Al'aard is inhabited and maintained by Loxodons the most common race here, they are gentle
giants who care for the people resting and coming through Tajha Al'aard. The Black Suns look down
upon the Tajha residents, as they are weak and will be defeated by the desert and by the passage of
time. Because of this Tajha Al'aard is not considered a part of Rigania, they are independent of
Rigania and receive none of the boons or the burdens.

 Tajha Al'aard is a Small Town(1.200 avg).

 The level of patrolling in Tajha Al'aard is Low.
 The level of punishment in Tajha Al'aard is Low.
 The level of control in Tajha Al'aard is Low.
 Tajha Al'aard has a Medium amount of facilities.
 Tajha Al'aard has a Low amount of luxury facilities.
 Tajha Al'aard has a harbor (Small).

Rigania has five villages these vary from farming, mining, and even collecting water.
Hass-Hara, Hass-Hara is a small village of passionate workers, they breed the famous Dune Beetles
here, it is quite well guarded as not to reveal the secrets of how Dune Beetles are born.

Biir Ma'an, Biir Ma'an is dedicated to collecting water, it is fully on payroll by Rigania to collect water
and send it with caravans to Zachelan.
Kahm, Kahm is a decently sized mining town, it is made on rich grounds filled with many different
ores and minerals. They are the silver vein of Rigania
Taemae, Taemae is a farming town specialized in its underground farming of certain fungi and
plants. It is known as a dream of apothecaries making a lot of food and special ingredients.
Amal, Amal is a basic farming town that breeds and uses camels in its process of farming. It harvests
a lot of different foods with its rare rich ground.

 These are all Villages (500-900 avg).

 They all have a Low level of patrolling.
 They all have a High level of punishment.
 They all have a High level of control.
 They all have a Low amount of facilities.
 None of them have any amount of luxury facilities.
 Taemae and Amal have harbors (Small), the rest do not.

Fort Raspazir the Nahal Watchers

Fort Raspazir is a guardian fort, keeping an eye on both the Nahal and the people of Tahja Al'aard.
This fort is stacked with well-worn guards who have seen a good deal of battle, they know how to
handle the Nahal and the Loxodons. They are home to an old spellsword, who has torched his fair
share of Nahal in his lifetime.

 Fort Raspazir has the capacity of a Small Town(2.000 avg).

 The level of patrolling in Fort Raspazir is High.
 The level of punishment in Fort Raspazir is High.
 The level of control in Fort Raspazir is High.
 Fort Raspazir has a Low amount of facilities.
 Fort Raspazir has no luxury facilities.
 Fort Raspazir has no harbor.

Fort Wazram the Guardian Fortress

Fort Wazram is a station for most of Zachelans soldiers who aren't stationed there reside. Wazram
deals with most criminals either executing them, making them into slaves, or working them to death.
Wazram is home to a fierce general as well, who is a master of the whip. He is feared by men and
monsters alike.

 Fort Wazram has the capacity of a Small City(8.000 avg).

 The level of patrolling in Fort Wazram is High.
 The level of punishment in Fort Wazram is High.
 The level of control in Fort Wazram is High.
 Fort Wazram has a Low amount of facilities.
 Fort Wazram has no luxury facilities.
 Fort Wazram has no harbor.

Fort Acure the Shimmering Fort

Fort Acure is close to Grussfall, keeping an eye on the border as Rigania and Grussfall has always
been at each other's throats. Acure is seen as an untrackable fortress as it is veiled by magic and
shifts from place to place. This is caused by a war mage, who can create shimmers and sandstorms in
the blink of an eye.

 Fort Acure has the capacity of a Large Town (4.000 avg).

 The level of patrolling in Fort Acure is High.
 The level of punishment in Fort Acure is High.
 The level of control in Fort Acure is High.
 Fort Acure has a Low amount of facilities.
 Fort Acure has no luxury facilities.
 Fort Acure has no harbor.

Arma Sundher the Desert Dasher Outpost

Arma Sundher is the base of operations of the Desert Dashers, who are a group of mercenaries,
caravanners, and treasure hunters. They raise train their warriors and Dune Beetles here. They also
plan their jobs and rest here. The guards here aren't on high alert as it is more or less a giant tavern
with some stables and a training ground.

 Arma Sundher has the capacity of a Large Town (5.000 avg).

 The level of patrolling in Arma Sundher is Low
 The level of punishment in Arma Sundher is Medium.
 The level of control in Arma Sundher is Medium.
 Arma Sundher has a Medium amount of facilities.
 Arma Sundher has a Low amount of luxury facilities.
 Arma Sundher has no harbor.

There is no religion enforced here, within Rigania the people are opportunistic towards Gods only
praising and praying towards them when it fits them.

Rigiania is located south-west on Yolm neighboring Grussfall and The Savagelands to the north,
Artranium to the East, and The Deadlands to the west.

All guilds who are in Rigania are located in Zachelan.

 Zachelan has an Adventuring Guild, Bountyhunters Guild, a Monsterslayer Guild, and a

Fighters Guild.

Important Figures
There are a good amount of important figures in Rigania.

 Emperor Al Sahrif IX, Hamad Al Sahrif IX is a man who cares about himself and his bloodline
more than anything, due to this all his sons have different mothers as he has many
 General Quasimi Al Sharif, Quasimi Al Sharif is the first son of Emperor Al Sharif IX, he
refused his claim to the throne to instead hone his skills with a whip in battle as a general.
 Hamad Al Sharif X, Hamad Al Sharif X Always had a head for economics and cared little
about peoples lives, these are the values Emperor Al Sharif IX searched for to make Rigania
the greatest country.
 Ajman Al Sharif, Ajman Al Sharif seems like a regular dream boat prince, while he is more of
a mage than a prince as he is the right-hand man to Archmage Al Fhrabi.
 General Quitay, General Quitay is an old respected general who has seen many an emperor
rule Rigania, he cared not for them, but more about fighting the Nahal, which he dedicated
his life to.
 High Conjurer Ismal, a feared magician in battle who can make an entire castle teleport, the
soldiers of Grussfall never know what to trust when he enters the battlefield.
 Archmage Al Fharabi, Archmage Al Fharabi is shrouded in mystery, he is intrigued by the
Mindflayers of the Underdark and many more evil creatures, he researches them for the
name of Rigania's advancements.
 Chief Brooig, Chief Brooig is slow moving and talking gentle giant. He helps all who need it
and is a kind opposition against Rigania's harsh actions and decisions.
 Captain Arexon, Captain Arexon is the leader of the Desert Dashers, he is an experienced
treasure hunter, caravanner, and mercenary himself so he knows the business.
Yirgäll, The New World and Land of Monsters
Yirgäll the new world, its regarded as that because its the most recently dicoverd landmass around
Yolm its however seen as a hellish place as most of the people exploring it have never returned and
the ones who did return are mentally broken beyond all belief.

Yirgäll has been around for a long time, but has only been discovered about eighty years ago with
the first expedition ending quite quickly as all communication was ended nearly directly after the
group reached the island, nearly the same happend the second time around. The third while more
succesful also ended in death, as they had enough time to establish a decent encampment this might
be due to high quantity of powerful warriors wielding magical weapons like the legendary Lady Isis,
Lord Burlf Lionhearted and the former champion due of El and Ul. This helped, but it wasn't enough
as after about two months contact was lost with this group leaving powerful magical artifacts in their
Rumors of another expedition with intentions of mapping the area on a smaller scale instead of the
larger map they currently posses with the side goal of retrieving the magical artifacts of the former

As there are only monsters here as humanoids have never been able to setup a strong foothold
without being driven of immediately, there are two things who set this land apart however that
there are rumors of new never seen before monsters and giant flying lizards of the sky who most
resemble dragons. Are these just rumors for mad men or are they true stories? If they are true what
do dragons seek here and what are the new monsters who apparently roam this Island

There have been nearly no cases of surviving people or warriors to speak of mostly left behind
corpses and mad men.

There was only one small encampment which is now destroyed.

Religion There are hints of demonic and draconic worship here, but none else.

It is located far of the mainland of Yolm and is located eastern to the rest of the continent.

There are no established guilds however they did try to establish themselves in the first two

Important Figures There important figures who are currently alive.

The Archipelago of Cramona, The Home of Dremull
The Archipelago of Cramona is an unkown location as they have isolated themselves, they wait an
control the vulcano as they train themselves with the powers of fire magic. They do not asociate
themselves with Furia as they see Dremull, the guardian who lives in the vulcano, as a god itself a
gigantic mountain who controls lava the most powerful form of fire.

The Archipelago of Cramona had always been around with it inhabitants wielding lava magic which
burn at a way higher heat than its fire counterpart, the society living on the isle take care of the
guardian who is rumored to protect the vulcano and its followers who take care of Cramona and the

There is little known about te politics of Cramona as there isn't much outside contact with them. All
that is known is that there is a church whorshipping their guardian and that they stand on top of
their society.
Most people and creatures who come close to the Archipelago will have molten lava flung at them
which will eat through the boats and skin of the ones hit.

The only thing threatening the existance is the vulcano of Cramona itself, as it could erupt covering
the world in a thick layer of smoke, however the mages of the isle won't ever let that happen nor will
the guardian.

There is an unkown amount of settlements here, as most who enter will be killed or enslaved.

The inhabitants of Isle Cramona pray to their guardian Dremull, who oversees the vulcano and
makes sure it doesn't erupt.

Archipelago of Cramona is a group of islands and to the south of Yolm, it has no neighbors and is
made up of one vulcano and three island made from an obsidian like material which resemble walls.

The Archipelago of Cramona has no guilds as none may enter.

Important Figures
There are no well known important figures of the Archipelago of Cramona.
The Archipelago of Scharayaga, The Wild Core
To an outsider Schrayaga seems maddening, to the inhabitants it is maddening.
The Scharayaga Archipelago is a group of about ten large islands and many more smaller. This
archipelago has small traces of magical energy making it an unpredictable part of Yolm, due to this
different ecosystems can be located next to one another.

The archipelago has been around for ages and has been lived on for nearly all its time, but it has
never had the same inhabitants for all its time, as the magical nature of the archipelago leaves it
quick to change. This magic is the most chaotic form of magic, wild magic. This magic cannot be
traced back to a specific point of origin as it appears form every part at the same time and it feels
like it has been around there since forever and at the same time like it has just appeared.

There are ten different mayor islands who are counted among the archipelago.

 Vin is the center island it has the only settlement it is the Tabaxi, it has a warm but
temperate climate and is mainly plains and hill, it is the most stable aswell.
 Rul reaches into the skies with it high mountains and strong winds. It is very cold going
below zero and freezing harshly. It isn't as stable as Vin.
 Jik is a scorching desert, all water who comes to the center will evaporate immediately. Jik is
one of the most unstable of the ten islands.
 Tyn is a very swamp-like area with small hills in the bog poison plants thrive and are
plentiful. Tyn is very unstable one of the most passed in a landslide by Lon
 Qer has thick and lushes trees it is a very densly packed rainforrest with large amounts of
rain. It is one of the more stable and it is the largest island
 Lon is a barren savanna with little life as most things change on a whim, as mountain appear
within hours. This island is the most unstable
 Erk is a tundra filled with plains and some mountains and hill on the horizon, it isn't the most
stable nor unstable, it is in the medium of all the islands.
 Yni is an island filled with dark forests and holds many wandering spirits, who each shine in
the dark. Yni isn't only home to wild magic, but spirits and dark powers as well.
 Zke is a wasteland with salty ground and tall dead trees, the skies are filled with
thunderclouds and many different kinds of weather, due to the magic as it is unstable.
 Uij is a dry forest island filled with tall dry grass, it is prone to being lit on fire and this
happens a lot due to the unstable nature of this island it is one of the mediums.

The rule species on the largest island are the Tabaxi. They are under the rule of the Elder, who are
ten of the oldest Tabaxi who each is experienced with one of the islands and with the monsters of
said island. They are the ones who the outsiders have to go through to get anything done like
docking and trading.
Schrayaga has never been a point of interest and quite hard to reach as storm could appear in the
flick of an eye, these storms would eat through the ships and blast the sailors, it was reached about
four hundred years ago when a group of Tabaxi led a small expedition back to establish a trade route
with the mainland.
The archipelago is unforgiving and loaded with magic, normal magic against magic doesn’t work here
as dispelling magic will arch randomly towards the sky to try to dispell the wild magic, the same is
with detecting magic it will say everything is everywhere. Antimagic field will be destroyed and
distruped and the antimagic swords and shields will surge with power and be damaged upon use.
Spellcatching items will capture random wild magic which can vary in effect. More over beast who
tower above houses wander the lands with remnants from all the Era’s who all remain here.

There is on Settlement it handels all the import and export of course there are smaller settlements,
but these are so small they aren’t needed to be mentioned or they are small nomadic encampments
who travel the archipelago.

City at the Center, the Core of Civilization in Scharayaga

City at the Center or Cinter called for short, is the only settlement of city or town of Schrayaga, it was
very small before settlers came from Yolm. The Elders are still listened to and respected by
outsiders, but the people of Yolm are used to establish trade roads and better infrastructure. Due to
this it looks like a combination of all kinds of cultures and societies.

 City at the Center is the capital city of the Archipelago of Scharayaga.

 City at the Center is a Metropolis (33.000 avg).
 The level of patrolling in City at the Center is Medium.
 The level of punishment in City at the Center is Low.
 The level of control in City at the Center is Low.
 City at the Center has a High amount of facilities.
 City at the Center has a Low amount of luxury facilities.
 City at the Center has a harbor (Medium).

The Archipelago of Scharayaga is an epicenter of all kinds of cultures, as such there are many
temples, churches and alters. The Tabaxi enforce no god or religion, but have preferential treatment
towards Purral.

The Archipelago of Scharayaga is located South-East on the Commanders Sea, it has no neighbouring

All guilds are located in City at the Center.

 City at the Center has an Adventurers Guild, Mages Guild, Bountyhunters Guild and a
Monsterslayers Guild.

Important Figures
The Important Figures are only the Elders of the Tabaxi and all Elders have taken up the name of
their specialized islands.

 Vin the Elder, Vin is the oldest and is the caretaker, judge and protector of Vin.
 Rul the Dualtongued, Rul has two tongues and is the caretaker, judge and protector of Rul.
 Jik the Silent, Jik doesn't speak and is the caretaker, judge and protector of Jik.
 Tyn the Hunter, Tyn is one of the best hunter and is the caretaker, judge and protector of
 Qer the Fast, Qer is the fastest and is the caretaker, judge and protector of Qer.
 Lon the Smart, Lon is the smartest and is the caretaker, judge and protector of Lon.
 Erk the Strong, Erk is the strongest and is the caretaker, judge and protector of Erk.
 Yni the Durable, Yni is the most durable and is the caretaker, judge and protector of Yni.
 Zke the Wise, Zke is the wised and is the caretaker, judge and protector of Zke.
 Uij the Skeleton, Uji looks like a skeleton and is the caretaker, judge and protector of Uji.

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