Recessand PEGamesand Activities

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Lemont-Bromberek Combined School District 113A

Wellness Committee Resource:

Recess and Physical Education Activities

Amoeba Tag
Two people are it. They hold hands and chase people, the person they catch joins the chain by
linking hands. When another person is caught they can stay together or spilt 2 and 2 they must
split even numbers and can link together at will. This game is played till' nobody is left.

The Blob is another variation of tag. It requires no equipment, but it does require a large
playing area. In this game, everyone is "It" and everyone is being chased. The object is to
capture all the other players. Everyone starts off in pairs. Everyone tries to capture everyone
else while avoiding capture. In order to capture others, a pair or group must surround another
group. The pair or group must be able to hold hands around the group being captured. When a
group is captured, the players must join hands with the other team. They are now a larger
"Blob." Play continues until a stalemate between two large groups occurs or until one group
captures all other groups

Catch one, Catch All

The game is generally played in a large field with at least 10 participants. One person in the
group is "it". The first person s/he tags is also "it". The two chase the others, and so on, until
the last person is caught. The last person caught is "it" for the subsequent round of play. There
is no real winner, per se, but there are bragging rights for the last caught.

Colored Eggs
One person is the "wolf". The other people line up next to each other, with the wolf facing
them. Everyone in line picks a color in their mind. The wolf then says..."knock-knock", the line
answers "who's there?". Wolf replies "a big bad wolf with (curly or some other variation) hair".

The line says.."what do you want?" Wolf answers "colored eggs". The line yells "what color?".
The wolf then says a color. Whoever had "picked" that color then runs around a selected area
(to the far oak tree in the yard and back to the line, for example), with the wolf giving chase.

If the wolf catches the "egg", then that person becomes the wolf with the game starting over.
If not, and all eggs make it back to line successfully, the wolf then calls out the next color, etc.
Farmer in the Dell
Participants (probably 15 or more) stand in a circle. One person is chosen as the Farmer and
stands in the middle.

Everyone sings:

"The farmer in the dell, the farmer in the dell;

Heigh ho, the Derry-oh the farmer in the dell"
and walks around in the circle.

The next verse is:

"The farmer takes a wife . . .,"
which is sung as the first person chooses another person from the circle to come to the inside.

The next verse is:

"The wife takes a child . . .,"
when the second person inside the circle chooses a third person to be the child.

The game continues with:

"The child takes a dog . . .,"
"The dog takes a cat . . .,"
"The cat takes a rat . . .," and
"The rat takes the cheese . . ."
The final verse is
"The cheese stands alone . . .,"

-until all people on the inside of the circle go back to the outer edge of the circle and sing as
the last person chosen "stands alone" in the circle.

Fox in the Hole

This game is like partner tag. You get into groups of 3. There is a hound, and the hound tries to
get the fox. The groups hold hands but one is the fox. The fox is in the middle of the 2 people.
When a fox is getting chased by the hound the fox can go to another hole and that fox who was
in the hole needs to run to another hole. If the hound tags the fox, they switch so the person
that was a fox would be the hound and the hound would be a fox.
You do it over and over until you want to quit.

Man from Mars

One player stands in the middle of an open area and says "I'm the man from Mars. I'll chase you
to the stars because you have on (you can say any color).” The people who are playing with that
specific color on have to run to the other side. If the man from Mars gets you, you are out. The
last person tagged is the winner.
Area: Gym or field with marked lines. Equipment: None

Play: Choose one person to be the caller. Teach everyone the meaning of the following calls:

Roll Call - players run right end of the field and stand with arms straight down at their sides.
Inspection - players run to the left end of the field and salute.
In the Galley - players run to the middle line. They stand with arms straight out to their sides,
horizontal to the ground.
Shipwreck - players must pair up and sit on the floor with feet touching. Players hold hands and
rock back and forth like they are rowing.
Man Overboard - player pair up. One player gets down on all fours. The other player gently
places his knee on the back of the first player. He then puts his hand over his eyes as if he is
looking over the side of the boat.
Hit the Deck - players fall to the ground in push-up position.
Hurricane - players must get their whole bodies off the ground. (This is where creativity comes
in to play.)

The caller shouts one of the calls. Players must do whatever the call tells them to do.
This game is most exciting when the caller shouts one command after another without waiting
until everyone completes the first call.

Octopus Tag
One person stands in the middle of the boundary area, in our case it was the gym. The rest of
the kids line up at an end of the bounds and when the tagger says “go” they all run to the other
side of the bounds. Whoever the tagger tags then has to stay and help him, except that the
additional people that are tagged have to sit down, and can only help "It" by using their arms.
This goes back and forth until you’re down to the last person who then starts the next round.
This game is fun when played with a lot of kids.

Partner Tag
Partner Tag is a fast paced game, perfect for large groups. No equipment is needed.

Have each person find a partner. Partners must stand around a large circle. Partners need to
hold hands.
Choose one person to be "It" and one person to be chased.
The person who is "It" chases the other person around and through the circle of partners.
The person who is being chased can grab hold of someone else’s hand. When this happens, that
person's partner is now being chased.
If a person is tagged, the chased person becomes "It" and the old "It" has to run.

This game is especially fun if the players trade off frequently.

Prisoner’s Base
The class was divided in half and a line of chalk was placed down the middle between the two
teams. About 20-30 feet in back of each team a large square (prison) was drawn on the ground
using chalk. Each team picked one person to be the prisoner of the other team (usually someone
who could run fast). Then each team would try to free their prisoner by sending a team member
to the prison through the opposing team to bring him/her back without getting captured by a
member of the opposing team. If the person attempting to rescue their own prisoner made in to
the prison through the opposing team without being caught, he/she was safe while in the prison
and could pick their own time to run with the prisoner back to their own side of the line. If the
team member was caught by the opposing team, they also became a prisoner needing rescue. So
each team was busy both trying to rescue their own prisoners and protect the prisoner(s) from
the opposite side from getting rescued. At the end of recess, the team with the most prisoners

Shark Attack
Shark Attack is a favorite with large groups. (This one was played at recess, a lot!)

Area: large playing field or gym Equipment: none

Choose one player to be the Shark. All other players are Fish.
The Shark goes to one end of the playing field and turns his back to the Fish (No peeking!). The
Fish go to the other end of the field.
The Shark says, "Fish, fish, _________ in my ocean." (The Shark fills the blank with any action
command, such as swim, walk, run, jump, hop, skip, duck walk, snake walk, etc.).
When the Shark thinks the Fish are close enough, she yells "Shark Attack." When she yells
"Shark Attack," the Fish try to run back to the starting line while the Shark tries to catch as
many Fish as she can.
If a Fish is tagged, he becomes another Shark. All Sharks must turn their backs on the Fish.
The original Shark keeps control of the game. As Head Shark, only she can give the action
commands or yell "Shark Attack."
Play continues until all but one Fish is left. That Fish is now the new Shark and the game begins

Freeze Tag
In this version of Tag, one person is still "it", but when they touch someone, that person is
"frozen" in place. They cannot move and must stand with their feet apart. The only way they can
become unfrozen is if a person crawls under their legs. Play continues until all the players are
frozen. Then the last person to be frozen is "it" for the next game.
Steal the Bacon
The object of Steal the Bacon is take the "bacon" back to your own side without being caught.
In this game, two teams are chosen, and one umpire is selected. One object is required to the
bacon (a glove is a common choice). The members of each team are numbered. They form two
opposing lines and place the bacon in the exact center between them. The umpire then calls out
a number. The players on each side who are assigned that number are the players for that
round. No other team members leave their side of the field. Neither player may touch the
other until someone touches the bacon. Once a player touches the bacon however, the other
player may tag him/her.

If a player is able to grab the bacon and carry it back over to his/her own side, that team
scores a point. (VARIATION: in some games, points are scored by carrying it to the other
team’s side or either team's side) If a player is tagged after touching the bacon and before
he/she returns their own side, the team that tagged him/her scores a point.

Note that the sequence of play usually involves the two kids running out and hovering over the
bacon, waiting for a slight advantage to grab it and run back before the other player can react.
The game is over when a predetermined number of points are scored, or when all numbers have
been called.

VARIATION: The umpire can call more than one number, in which case several players from
each side participate. In some games, players may tag any player on the opposing team, in
others, a player may only tag the player on the other team that they share a number with.

TV Tag
In this variation, when the person who is "it" tags someone, they are frozen in place. To be
unfrozen, someone must touch them and must yell out the name of a TV show ("The Simpsons!").
A TV show name can only be used once.

Play continues until all are frozen. The last person to be tagged is "it" for the next game.

Can also be played using any other category (e.g., Movie Tag or Football Team Tag, or for the
slightly older crowd Noble Peace Prize Winner Tag).


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