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Cliff Notes Index 

Adams, Mike
The Health Ranger
Episode 1, 00:41:20​ - Vaccine Industry has legal immunity, so they have no reason for quality
control in their vaccines. They put known neurotoxins in vaccines.
Episode 1, 1:13:57 - ​Claim that vaccines pose zero risk is distorted science.
Episode 1, 1:14:09 ​- Truth is, vaccines themselves have risk. If you look at large populations of
children who are vaccinated, there are more children with side effects than would have caught
the disease if not vaccinated.
Episode 1, 1:14:24​ - No such thing as a completely safe vaccine. Every medical intervention
has risk. That risk is completely ignored or denied by the vaccine industry. Risk vs benefits ratio.
Episode 1, 1:33:32 -​ I am not opposed to the “Theory” of Immunization. Vaccination is not
Immunization. Vaccines compromise the Immune system​.
Episode 1, 1:57:34 -​ ​Science is accessible to anyone who wants to learn it. That’s the beauty of
what I do and what we have in this world. Any of us can pursue science and use it to expose the
toxins that are in medicines.

Episode 2, 00:12:16​ - Comparison of someone with strong immune system versus weak
immune system. Strong immune system does not need vaccine. Weak immune system can’t
have a response to vaccine, so chemicals are added to the vaccine to create a stronger immune
Episode 2: 1:43:07 -​ Allopathic Medicine takes a contrarian approach to viruses. Look at the
results of that. We have drug resistant superbugs that threaten humanity. We have reached an
ear of the end of Antibiotics, per the World Health Organization. We have reached a time when
you can die from a superbug infection, from getting a scratch, and going to a hospital where you
are now more likely to be infected.
The system of modern medicine is doing more of the spreading than the prevention. Now a
holistic approach to this would say let’s strengthen the vitality of the patient, and give them the
biochemistry tools to have a different terrain. If you have natural immunity in your system,
If you go the vaccine right you have to be luckily that they give you the right strain. You need an
adaptive response. Remember that you cannot turn off your immune response.

Episode 3, 00:03:09​ - If vaccines offered immunity, then outbreaks would happen only among
unvaccinated children.
Episode 3, 00:04:30​ - Virologists who worked for Merck filed a false claims act with the Federal
government saying that is was all fraud. The company ordered them to spike the blood samples
with antibodies with animals so it would pass FDA scrutiny.

Episode 3, 00:28:37 ​- The greatest weapon against medical freedom or medical choice is fear,
which the vaccine industry uses as they highlight pandemics that may have even been caused
by vaccines.

Episode 4, 1:20:21​ - If you look at the history of government oppression, Chairman Mao said,
“All political power comes from the barrel of a gun.” And that is what the vaccine industry is now
turning to. Same tools as Adolf Hitler and the communists, purging people, invoking violence
with guns and threats, turning healthy people into disabled people, harming children,
suppressing science, etc. It is a criminal enterprise committing mass violence against people
throughout the world. I believe there will be a day when those who have committed crimes
against our children in the form of vaccines will be held accountable, if not in this world, beyond
this world. They will be held accountable.

Episode 5, 00:10:09 -​ When you read the Gardasil package insert, it says beware the person
receiving may lose consciousness, fall down and hurt themselves. If a vaccine doesn’t affect
your brain, how can it cause loss of consciousness to so many people that they have to print it
on the label?

Episode 6, 00:51:26 ​– The CDC knew that vaccines increase the risk of autism in young African
American boys. There is a genetic and biochemical reason for that. The CDC was aware of that,
they chose to cover it up committed scientific fraud, and altered the data to eliminate the
statistical certainty of that conclusion, and they knew that over a decade ago. For the last really
15 + years black children in America have been medically harmed, tortured, desecrated by a
medical system that knew that those children would have their lives destroyed.
Episode 6, 01:00:45​ - Pfizer used children in Nigeria for vaccine experimentation that was so
heinous that the Nigerian government handed down criminal indictments against Pfizer CEOs.
The NIH funded medical experiments in Guatemala. The system of government and
pharmaceutical interests has exploited people for medical experiments in order to maintain
profit, power and control over populations.

Episode 7, 00:41:29​ - How do you save children’s lives? You boost nutrition to activate genetic
code that causes the expression of immunology which gives them the adaptive response to
exposure to diseases in the wild. Invoke the power of genetics.
Episode 7, 1:15:57​ - This is where we’re headed: Governments working in conspiracy with
vaccine manufacturers to commit acts of extreme violence against families who do not
obediently accept vaccine interventions. This is war against humanity. This is scientific
totalitarianism. This is vaccine violence. Happening in California and is heading all across the
country, if we don’t change.
Episode 7, 1:30:35​ - Humanity has been ruled by myths for a very long time. People believe
what they are told. Our medical system is based upon layers and layers of false mythology.

Bark, Dr. Toni

Episode 1, 00:06:54 ​- When people question vaccines they are labeled a quack.

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Episode 1, 00:46:32​ - What we are seeing with VAERS is not 1/10 of the injury, but more likely
1/1000 because she did not know to report to VAERS. Doctors are not always reporting injuries
Episode 1, 00:52:27 - ​So, legally vaccines are classified as unavoidably unsafe. When I say that
in court, the judges always stop me and say “what” ?
Episode1, 1:48:56 ​- It is such a religious belief that when you present a physician or someone
who believes it and they don’t know why, with contrary information they immediately get furious.
It means that everything they have been taught to believe is really not true. I’ve had doctors tell
me I don’t want to know anymore because then I’ll have to change the way I do things, and that
is overwhelming.
Episode1, 1:53:20 ​- I began looking at the playbook. The playbook for vaccines is the same
one they are using for GMO. In the vaccine world the CDC is looking for “mommy bloggers” to
blog and use people to promote vaccines. Federal funding is being used for these initiatives.

Episode 2, 00:21:31​ - Polysorbate 80 is used to open up the blood brain barrier.

Episode 2, 00:27:09​ - Aluminum is used as an adjuvant to boost the immune response for killed
virus vaccines.
Episode 2, 00:30:00​ - Ingesting aluminum is very different than injecting aluminum in terms of
how the body reacts.
Episode 2, 00:46:54​ – They looked at mercury in thimerosal in vaccinations and they looked at
the association and how early infants are exposed to it. The earlier the exposure, the greater the
risk for autism.
Episode 2, 00:47:16​ – So what happens? At the same meeting we see a recommendation to
push the flu shot on pregnant women. The flu shot has mercury in it. This information came from
a conference where Dr. Brian Hooker was presenting his FOIA documents.
Episode 2, 1:35:25​ - We don’t give polio shots since 2000, because every case of polio since
the 60’s is from the vaccine. We halted the use of it. It’s what they use in 3​rd​ world countries
because it’s cheat. The gates foundation when to India in 2010/2011 and had a polio campaign
and within 2 years there were 47,500 cases of “Flaccid Paralysis” or Polio. They changed the
name of it, and what seemed to be Bill Gates came out in the Huffington post and said “we’ve
eradicated wild polio in India.” They used the word “Wild.” You can’t use live viruses in a
vaccine in areas where there is no sewage and clean water.

Episode 3, 00:04:51​ - If you look close enough you will find discrepancies on safety. Efficacy is
another issue. What is the price we are paying?

Episode 4, 00:06:19​ - Started looking at data regarding flu vaccine and The Cochrane
Collaboration which puts out meta analysis showing the flu vaccine barely effective (if at all) and
that for every 100 patients told they have flu, 7 actually have it. Influenza is not even as
prevalent as we think. The WHO changed the definition of pandemic in 2009 to make everyone
believe that we were having this major pandemic (swine flu) to sell flu vaccine and tamiflu. The
WHO were taking advice from a group called ESWI, a small group of physicians who were
working for either the makers of tamiflu or the makers of the swine flu vaccine.

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Episode 4, 00:13:56​ - Wrote a letter to AAOG regarding flu shot, “I understand you recommend
the flu shot, can you at least recommend the single dose vial because it’s mercury free.” They
wrote back and said “we believe thimerosal to be safe.” The MSDS sheet states that thimerosal
is a mutagenic for mammalian somatic cells, which means it causes mutations in mammalian
germ cells (eggs/embryos).
Episode 4, 1:31:05​ - Some really smart doctors just don’t hear it, and they don’t want to hear it.
They tell me I am a quack, and dangerous. I asked them to tell me what they know about the
table of index, what’s a passage, a very cell, Who sits on the ASA committee, who is the ASA
committee, and they all just look at me, they don’t know. They claim the learned immunology in
medical school, I did too, but they don’t study innate immunity, and what are in vaccines, they
just have to memorize a vaccine schedule. That’s not studying vaccines.

Episode 5, 00:08:09 -​ They used several placebos in testing but only a small number got the
saline placebo, but most got the aluminum adjuvant. In some cases they got multiple doses of
the aluminum adjuvant. We know aluminum is neurotoxic. There are many studies and we know
that aluminum is not benign.
Episode 5, 00:10:30 -​ We know from a Canadian study, that 10% of the people who get
Gardasil wind up in an ER visit and 3% of those wind up hospitalized.

Episode 6, 00:14:23​ - Advisory committee at FDA and CDC approve and recommend vaccines.
FACA - Federal Advisory Committee Act says anyone on the advisory committee can’t have
undue conflict of interest. It turns out, that it’s not the case. CDC automatically grants a waiver
for anyone on the ACIP committee because they believe they need experts.
Episode 6, 00:18:45 -​ There is a lot of doctors and scientists they believe in what they’re doing
but they have been captured by the regulatory agencies.

Episode 7, 00:28:48 ​- Ketogenic Diet: you see inflammatory markers dissipate when you are in
Ketosis. The brains like Ketones and can use them readily. Diet matter and the Ketogenic Diet
is great for children with Autism.

Bell, Dr. Robert Scott

Episode 1, 1:24:30 - ​Story of Dr. Jenner and cowpox to vaccinate against smallpox.
Episode 1, 1:48:34 ​- It’s no longer about a real scientific endeavor it’s about a Holy Grail attempt
if you will to achieve artificial antibody stimulation. They like us to believe they are as good as
real, and that it compares to your body creating the immunity naturally and that is the big
Episode 2, 00:08:01​ - What are the ingredients in vaccines? The cumulative effect of the
ingredients and amount of vaccines have not been studied.
Episode 2, 1:05:43 -​ Because it’s in a syringe its got to be real scientific.

Episode 4, 00:32:37 - ​For me, the flu shot is one of the worst examples. It is useless and
dangerous to be accepted every year.

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Episode 7, 00:02:11​ - There are much safer ways to sensitize the immune system than the
injection of toxic medicaments. Homeoprophylaxis uses nosodes - it’s a safe way to take a killed
form of a pathogen and diluting into a form that is safe to take orally which can sensitize the
immune system without devastating effects.
Episode 7, 00:05:12​ - Nosodes can be used in place of vaccines, or to prepare the body for
vaccines, or to detoxify from vaccines.

Bigtree, Del & Tommey, Polly

Episode 1, 00:34:15 ​- The consensus of vaccines is like tobacco science.
Episode 1, 1:42:41​ - Science is not taking place here. Fraud is taking place. We have to get
back to more science. “Just Because” seems to be the answer these days. Vaccines do not
have to go through the same safety test as other pharmaceuticals. These poor doctors have
spent a fortune on an education that has robbed them of actual information. You realize this
fraud and mantra that “vaccines are safe” is just not true.

Episode 4, 1:14:39​ - We’ve gone from 1 in 10,000 children with autism in the 70’s and 80’s to 1
in 45 today based on a poll in 2016. Doctors involved in this say it looks like it may be 1 in 25
this year on the autism spectrum. MIT professor graphs it out and we will be at 1 in 2 by 2032 if
this isn’t stopped.
Episode 4, 1:21:30​ - When I worked on “The Doctors” We literally said this is a medical fact.
This will be the first generation of children that would not live to be as old as their parents. The
3​rd​ leading cause of death are hospitals themselves. People die for reasons other than why they
went into the hospital. 250- 400 hundred thousand people a year dying in hospitals every year
for no reason, and no one even cares.
Episode 4, 1:31:53​ - What’s happen is that there is such a high regard for the doctors because
we look at the fact they went through 8 years of medical school. They may feel they didn’t get
that much education themselves and so they regard and esteem the education of the doctors. I
have a simple test for anyone that thinks like that. Ask the doctor this simple question, “What
are the ingredients in the shot you are about to inject my child with?” and I assure you that over
90% of the doctors will not be able to tell you those ingredients. There are only 16 vaccines; I
would assume that in your 8 years of study you would learn what are in these 16 vaccines. A
mechanic can tell me about every nut and bolt in my engine, a chef can tell me every ingredient
and its process in a cake they made. How as a pediatrician, who only does 3 things, measure a
baby’s head, and weight, and then begin injecting them with vaccines not know everything
about your business and your job. How is it that in all your years of practice you have not been
able to sit down and read and learn the ingredients of a vaccine? I am not asking you to even
study or learn about all the safety test that are done or should have been done. I am just asking
about the fundamentals of knowing the ingredients of what you inject in a child, which is the
main part of our job. You were trained to study, learn, and memorize. So please do the job like
my mechanic does his job.

Episode 5, 01:00:18​ - No one takes responsibility if your child is affected or injured from a
vaccine. The pharmaceutical industry is protected under the Vaccine Injury Compensation Act,

The Truth About Vaccines Index: EPISODE 1 – 7 Page 5


meaning the vaccine manufacturer cannot be sued if a vaccine injured a child. After this act was
signed in 1986, the number of vaccines jumped from 10 vaccines to 69 vaccines, and more than
270 vaccines are in the pipeline now. This creates drug dependent children and families. There
is a drug for everything now. The future for pharmaceutical companies is the profits from
vaccines which do not have to be as highly tested as drugs do. The Hep B vaccine was only
tested 4 days before it was put out.

Episode 6, 00:56:15​ – I got into it as a producer of a daytime TV show “The Doctors”. Was
always into how do we do this better? Always went to stories that corporations were getting
involved, or overly involved. When I saw that we had a whistle blower from our most important
health agency. When I saw what he was saying in four hours of recorded interviews, and not
just saying these things but having the documents to back it up. It was a shocking discovery. If
they’re lying about that, what else are they lying about?
Episode 6, 1:31:45 ​- If you have ever taken a science class, the first thing you are taught is that
science is never settled. The earth would still be flat; it’s the question that keeps science
advancing. When you hear this statement from every politician and trusted people like Sanjay
Gupta, that's the least scientific statement you can make.

Episode 7, 00:58:52​ - In CA where I live we just passed SB 277 which is a mandated vaccine
law. What is crazy to me is the disconnect. It’s the same people that wanted GMO labeled,
liberal and progressive Democrats that are pushing this vaccine agenda. I can't figure that out!

​ lack, Edwin
Episode 4, 1:19:31 - ​Josef Mengele chose to vaccinate people with viruses, and do live
autopsies to see how people reacted. He would do this with twins and infect one.

Boden, April
Activist and Mother of vaccine injured child
Episode 2, 00:58:41​ ​- With 13 month we went in for his immunization shots, then he stopped the
words that he was learning and he started to have some bizarre behaviour.

Bollinger, Charlene
Episode 7, 1:19:01- ​We vaccinated Brianna and at her 9 month well visit in 2001. She was
vaccinated and came home a rash from head to toe. Pediatrician said it was just eczema and it
happened all the time. Just put lotion on it. She’ll be all right. Brianna was just starting to be
verbal, and all of a sudden it just stopped. I knew something wasn’t right. Shares her experience
in dealing with the doctors.

Bollinger, Ty
Episode 1, 00:00:18​ - Introduction
Episode 1, 00:00:55 ​- Pro Vaccine or Anti Vaccine - only 2 options?

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Episode 1, 00:02:24​ - We all want to make sure our kids are safe and healthy. This docuseries
focuses on scientific integrity of vaccine studies, safety and efficacy of vaccines that are in the
CDC schedule, and vaccine freedom of choice.
Episode 1, 00:05:04​ - Collateral damage. Vaccines are credited with reduction and elimination
of many diseases. Antibodies and immunity addressed in next episode.
Episode 1, 00:07:12​ - Sums up the reason for this docuseries (Dr Thomas AAP) - we need more
investigation, discussion, and honest debate.
Episode 1, 00:08:46​ - Looking back at history of those scientists who were discredited for their
views and later proven correct. Over next 7 series we are presenting expert testimony, scientific
studies, and medical data so that you can make wise decisions based on informed choice.
Episode 1, 00:13:25​ - There is no federal requirement for informed consent with vaccines.
Episode 1, 00:14:37​ - Vaccine laws are at the State level. How much education do physicians
get on vaccines?
Episode 1, 00:18:01 ​- There is a lack of vaccine education in medical school. Take a look at the
courses. What is “vaccine hesitancy?”
Episode 1, 00:21:19 ​- Why do pediatricians need to convince and coerce parents to vaccinate?
AAP has an entire web page dedicated to helping pediatricians deal with vaccine hesitant
parents. Is it possible that some vaccines work and some don’t?
Episode 1, 00:26:00​ - Adjuvants in vaccines can cause different side effects, each have their
own ingredients, risks, side effects and benefits.
Episode 1, 00:36:20​ - We need more studies on vaccine safety. CDC recommends 8-in-1
vaccine combination be given to infants 2, 4 and 6 months old, but this combination has never
been studied for safety. A CDC report states that mixed exposure to chemicals including
pharmaceuticals and stressors can produce unexpected health consequences.
Episode 1, 00:43:54​ - The National Vaccine Information Center worked with Congress to pass
the National Vaccine Injury Act of 1986, which included a reporting system, the Vaccine
Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS), which is operated by the FDA and CDC.
Episode 1, 0:55:53​ - Over the course of my travels I was able to interview parents and attorneys
who could personally testify that the 2011 Supreme Court decision was no joke.
Episode 1, 1:10:20​ - Hannah Polling’s father is Harvard trained medical doctor who claimed his
daughter’s autism was caused by vaccines.
Episode 1, 1:11:11 ​- Court ruled in his favor; awarded more than $1.5 million paid by vaccines
industry trust fund, also known as NVICP, funded by 75¢ tax on each vaccine.
Episode 1, 1:15:48 - ​US Dept. of Human Services website reported through January 31, 2017
there were over $3.56 billion paid to families of people injured from vaccines; need to weigh the
risks and the benefits and then come to our own conclusions.
Episode 1, 1:16:10 ​- Precautionary principle defined.
Episode 1, 1:23:08 - ​ Any red flags with vaccines should be considered a problem and we
should apply the brakes until it is proven safe. Gives the purpose of this series.
Episode 1, 1:23:28 ​- From the DHHS Federal Register concerning polio vaccine
Episode 1, 1:23:54 ​- Here to explore uncomfortable subjects.
Episode 1, 1:24:06 ​- Intro into discussion regarding smallpox vaccine

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Episode 1, 1:27:43 ​ - More about Dr. Jenner’s experiments. Smallpox vaccine linked to
Episode 1, 1:28:12 - ​Epidemics of smallpox occur when vaccinations become mandatory in
England in 1853.
Episode 1, 1:28:45​ - Mandatory smallpox vaccination in United States in 1855 followed by
smallpox epidemics. Similar occurrences in other countries. As vaccinations increased, so did
the deaths and incidences of smallpox increase.
Episode 1:31:41​ - More about Leicester, England and smallpox.
Episode 1:32:27 -​ Mentions Dr. Suzanne Humphries book, “Dissolving Illusions”
Episodes 1:32:39- ​Decline of infectious diseases regardless of vaccination rate.
Episode 1, 1:33:04 ​- Variolation or inoculation
Episode 1, 1:38:52 - ​It does make sense that if vaccines conferred real immunity there would
not be a need for booster shots. We are never naturally exposed to a virus by injection, but
rather by breathing. To be clear the terms immunization and vaccines are two different things.
The purpose of TTAV is to facilitate discussion and debate on this controversial topic.
Episode 1, 1:47:50 ​- Dr. Wolfson, Wakefield, Levatin are 3 amongst of hundreds if not
thousands that have suffered ramifications for attempting to facilitate discussion about vaccines
and giving patience the freedom of choice. When questions are not allowed to be asked, and
name calling takes place, the subject of vaccines almost becomes a religious sort of debate as
opposed to a rational scientific event.
Episode 1, 1:50:34​ - How could the opinion that all vaccines are safe and effective has become
so entrenched in our society that is not up for debate. I saw on TV doctors basically mock
parents that don’t vaccinate their children. How can we have an honest debate on vaccines if
those that are questioning it are mocked on national TV. The purpose of TTAV is to promote a
free and open dialogue. The media appears to show one side of the debate.
Episode 1, 1:55:17​ - The power to ignore those who question vaccines and not cover the
debate is an enormous power. Just because the media chooses to ignore we don’t. Keep in
mind that when we refer to doctors, these are noble people in a noble profession.
Episode 1, 1:57.17​ - Doctors are good people who are just trying to help. Hamstrung by a
broken system.
Episode 1, 1:59:21​ - Thank you for watching, we have 6 more episodes coming. Tell your
friends and family. Thank you and God Bless.

Episode 2, 00:00:20​ - Introduction

Episode 2, 00:00:51​ - Goal of TTAV. Focusing on science, creating awareness, evaluating
studies to determine if vaccines are safe and effective.
Episode 2, 00:03:54​ - Clinical trials and vaccine testing
Episode 2, 00:07:12​ - Gardasil studies used aluminum placebos. 91.8 % of drug trials and
73.3% of vaccine trials do not describe the ingredients used in the placebo.
Episode 2, 00:13:52​ - Are the toxic chemicals in vaccines in large enough quantities to injure a

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Episode 2, 00:15:09 ​- ICD - 9 codes for vaccine injuries that doctors use. Formaldehyde and
Triton x-100 are known to cause cancer. The types of cancer common in children are the types
most closely associated with formaldehyde. MSG is also in vaccines and is an excitotoxin.
Episode 2, 00:18:44 ​- In DC met with senators and representatives who are attempting to
sponsor legislation to look into vaccine safety.
Episode 2, 00:21:02​ - There is a consensus in the scientific community that something is
happening to the brains of our children. Surfactants are in vaccines. Polysorbate 80 acts as an
emulsifier in vaccines.
Episode 2, 00:25:04​ - We need more testing of vaccines that contain substances like
Polysorbate 80. Polysorbate 80 has been shown in studies to be slightly hazardous when in
contact with the skin, and also to cause adverse reproductive effects based on animal testing,
but no studies have been done regarding Polysorbate 80 on human health. What are the
cumulative effects of multiple vaccine ingredients? Aluminum is also in many vaccines as an
additive that helps them work better.
Episode 2, 00:30:40 ​- How much aluminum is safe?
Episode 2, 00:33:48​ - According to the FDA document for the Code of Federal Regulations Title
21 Volume 4, the FDA maximum allowance for peripteral aluminum is 5 micrograms per
kilogram, and any product that has more than 25 micrograms per kilogram should have a
warning label stating the aluminum may be toxic to the body. Vaccines are not required to have
this label or follow the maximum level for safety. Ty breaks down the math of what the maximum
allowance would mean per weight of babies, children and adults and how much aluminum is
actually in each dose of various vaccines.
Episode 2, 00:39:10​ – Possibly the most widely known, and controversial ingredient in some
vaccines is a preservative known as thimerosal.It is commonly believed that thimerosal
(mercury) was removed from all childhood vaccines over a decade ago.
Episode 2, 00:40:11 – Trace Amounts. Which, is the title of an amazing documentary produced
by Robert. F. Kennedy Jr.
Episode 2, 00:40:21​ – On the CDC’s vaccine acceptant summary many vaccines such as
DTAP, Hep A, Hep B, and single dose flu vaccines have thimerosal listed as an ingredient but it
has an asterisk. On the bottom of the document it says “Where “thimerosal” is marked with an
asterisk (*) it indicates that the product should be considered equivalent to thimerosal-free
products. This vaccine may contain trace amounts.” Thimerosal free products may actually
contain thimerosal. It’s kind of like Stevia, it’s listed as having zero calories… So I thought.
Episode 2, 00:41:53 - ​Exactly how much is a trace amount?
Episode 2, 00:43:00​ -Traveled to Washington DC and attended a press conference where
Robert F Kennedy, and Robert Di Niro offered 100,000 dollars to anyone who can find a study
proving thimerosal is safe.
Episode 2, 00:43:58​ – There are at least 240 studies that have focused on thimerosal and have
found it to be harmful.
Episode 2, 00:44:23​ – MSDS for thimerosal indicates it is mutagenic (effects genetic material).
Episode 2, 00:44:43​ – The toxicity of thimerosal was the focus of a meeting in June of 2000 at
the Simpsonwood Conference center in Atlanta Georgia. The CDC commissioned a meeting
with the World Health Organization, FDA, the institute of medicine, and representatives of

The Truth About Vaccines Index: EPISODE 1 – 7 Page 9


several vaccine manufacturers.According to the transcripts (which are readily available online)
the gist of the meeting was to convey the fact that the CDC data showed a statistically
significant relationship between neuro developmental disorders (especially autism) and
thimerosal that children received through their vaccines.One of the most telling quotes from that
conference is from Dr. Weil of the American Academy of Pediatrics. “The number of dose
related relationships between mercury and autism are linear and statically significant. You can
play with this all you want. They are linear. They are statistically significant”.
Episode 2, 00:50:11​ – Robert F Kennedy Jr. just mentioned that thimerosal (ethyl mercury) is
fifty times as toxic to brain tissue and twice as persistent as methyl mercury. These figures were
taken from the 2012 Guzzi study and the 2005 Burbacher study.
Episode 2, 00:50:27-​ A recent 2017 CDC study published in the reviews of Environmental
Contamination and toxicology also confirmed that ethyl mercury Is more toxic than
methylmercury. Mercury toxicity is one of the CDC’s top concerns.
Episode 2, 00:55:30​ - The official position of the CDC is that thimerosal is safe and there is no
relationship between thimerosal vaccines and autism. There are six studies that are used by the
CDC to exonerate thimerosal from the autism epidemic. Paul Thorson who is the co-author of
the 2003 Matson study , which was one of the studies. It was a CDC sponsored study and it
was published in the journal of Pediatrics. The authors looked at Danish data between 1970 –
2000 Thimerosal was removed from the Danish vaccines in 1992 and they proclaimed that not
only did the autism rates go down, but in fact they went up. Of the 7 coauthors of the study, 3
had received direct funding from the CDC, one was Paul Thorson who was a CDC employee,
two of them were employees of Statens Serum Institut which is a Danish vaccine manufacture.
None of these conflicts of interest were mentioned in the study. Paul Thorson parlayed that
study into a long term relationship with the CDC. He built a research empire called the NANEA
that advertised a close relationship with the CDC autism team. A relationship that paid Thorson
and his team over 14,000,000 dollars in total to create a variety of research. Many of them
assuring the public of vaccine safety. In 2011 it was proven he falsified documents and he was
indicted by a Federal Grand Jury on 22 counts of wire fraud and money laundering. Then he
fled to Denmark, he isn’t in hiding. He remains a free man living in the open.
Episode 2, 1:04:26 - ​That’s our goal; protecting children. What about vaccines considered being
Episode 2, 1:07:20 -​ After our interview, Dr. Tenpenny shared the entire CBR (Center of
Biological Evaluation and Research) transcript with me.
Episode 2, 1:11:12​ - Medical Intervention must always be a choice.
Episode 2, 1:14:26​ - 95% of people with Polio had not symptoms and only 1% suffered from
Episode 2, 1:16:15 ​- HIstory of DDT. Examines the possibility of polio cases actually being DDT
Episode 2, 1:19:29​ - Dr. Jonas Salk first polio vaccine in 1955 was inactivated type. Albert
Sabin’s live polio vaccine came into use in 1960. Definition of polio changed.
Episode 2, 1:20:15​ - Graph of Los Angeles County infectious diseases before and after use of
polio vaccine.

The Truth About Vaccines Index: EPISODE 1 – 7 Page 10


Episode 2, 1:23:03​ - Talks about incident with Cutter Laboratories with too much live virus in the
polio vaccine. Over 40,000 children were infected and many died.
Episode 2, 1:23:16 ​- In 1977. Dr. Jonas Salk along with other experts testified mass inoculation
was the cause of most cases of polio in the US since 1961
Episode 2, 1:23:25​ - Are there cases of polio vaccines causing other diseases, such as cancer?
Episode 2, 1:32:45​ - In 2002 British Medical Journal Lancet published evidence of the link
between vaccines and cancer. Article asserted vaccine contaminated with SP40 responsible for
at least half of 55,000 cases of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma diagnosed each year.
Episode 2, 1:33:05​ - Dr. Maurice Hillerman, developer of Merck’s vaccine program, was one of
the first to suggest link between SV40 virus and cancer.
Episode 2, 1:38:42​ - According to Dr. Humphries we still have polio and paralysis today, but just
no iron lungs. In Oman between 1988 and 1989 an outbreak occurred amongst thousands of
vaccinated children. The region with the highest infection rate had the highest vaccine
coverage and the lowest infection rate had the lowest vaccine coverage. While India has been
deemed “polio free” there has been an outbreak of non polio acute flaccid paralysis (NPAFP).
In 2011 there were extra 47,500 newly diagnosed cases of NPAFP all linked back to oral polio
vaccines received. This data was not investigated.
Dr. Jacob P. is the head of pediatrics in St. Stephens Hospital in New Dali, India. In February of
2015 he published a study in pediatrics in the leading pediatrics medical journal in the world.
He found that the tenfold increase in paralysis was due to the polio vaccine itself.
Western medicine is based on “germ theory disease” this theory is based on the idea that germs
are bad and they cause disease and illness.
Episode 2, 1:46:46​ - There is no anti or pro, it’s just making good decision and exercising our
freedom of choice. We should all do our due diligence. Here is Erin Elizabeth who sustained a
vaccine injury to offer some encouragement.
Episode 2, 1:48:38 ​- Hopefully this information has been useful and valuable when making
decisions for you and your family. Stay tuned for the next episode.

Episode 3, 00:00:19​ - Introduction.

Episode 3, 00:00:50​ - MMR vaccine made by Maurice Hilleman. He was also one of the early
vaccine pioneers to warn about the dangers of vaccines. There are several vaccines that
contain human DNA from aborted fetal tissue.
Episode 3, 00:04:03​ - Harvard mumps outbreak in 2016 was in a fully vaccinated population. In
2010 Merck was sued for selling a vaccine that caused mumps and measles outbreaks.
Episode 3, 00:07:30​ - Looking at graphs of measles deaths and the introduction of the vaccine,
deaths had gone down long before the vaccine was introduced. However, infections did decline
after the vaccine, but at what cost?
Episode 3, 00:20:20 -​ Andrew Wakefield’s studies investigating a link between MMR and
gastrointestinal disease have been replicated in at least 28 different studies, including ones in
different countries.
Episode 3, 00:27:08 ​- Why are we not given the option to spread out the MMR vaccines?
Something happened to cause the view of measles to go from a common infection to a deadly

The Truth About Vaccines Index: EPISODE 1 – 7 Page 11


Episode 3, 00:30:25 ​- The media pushed for vaccines after the Disneyland outbreak, but a
California study showed 86% of those cases were vaccinated. This outbreak was used to push
mandatory vaccines in California.
Episode 3, 00:32:07​ – Rubella, That’s the “R” in the MMR vaccine.
Episode 3, 00:33:54​ – There are hundreds of articles from peer reviewed medical literature that
document other chronic adverse conditions from the MMR vaccine. Including neurological
disorders, serious blood disorders, sensory impairments, immune system damage, bowel
disease, severe allergic reaction, and atypical measles.
Episode 3, 00:37:49 ​– There is no doubt that vaccines can injure. That’s why there we have the
vaccine injury compensation fund. The question if the risks outweigh the benefit.
Episode 3, 00:38:00​ – About a decade ago I had a conversation with a pediatrician about the
Pertussis vaccine. He clearly believed there was very few risks and enormous benefits from
that vaccine. They are generically referred to as the DTaP given to children. The TDaP is
generally given to adolescents and adults.
Episode 3, 00:50:44​ - What do you you think about the fact that pharmaceutical companies
know that a vaccine causes a percentage of babies to die and then they put an actual prize on
Episode 3, 00:54:10 - ​According to Dr Tetyana Obukhanych there are no regulations in the US
regarding the amount of endotoxins that can be included in vaccines.
Episode 3, 00:58:06 ​- 1986 we had the landmark case Graham vs Wyeth where $15 Million
were awarded for permanent brain damage attributed to the DPT serum.
Episode 3, 00:11:13​ - There are health benefits of being exposed to viruses like measles - there
are many studies confirming this.
Episode 3, 1:12:06​ - Using vaccines the way we do is upsetting but goes by the philosophy of
what’s good for the greater good.
Episode 3, 1:17:33 ​- There’s a potential for targeting minority populations. Introduction of Dr.
Larry​ ​Palevsky and the Zika virus.
Episode 3, 1:19:25​ - Research shows government knew as early as 1991 there were adverse
effects of pertussis and rubella vaccines.
Episode 3, 1:26:11​ - We all need to stand up for freedom of choice in medical intervention.

Episode 4, 00:00:18​ - Introduction

Episode 4, 00:00:49​ - Influenza and the flu vaccine
Episode 4, 00:02:10​ - CDC changed annual flu deaths to 3300 - 49,000. CDC places
pneumonia deaths in the same category as flu which inflates the numbers.
Episode 4, 00:04:38​ - CDC admitted that the 2014 flu vaccine was ineffective because the virus
had mutated. The Cochrane Collaboration assesses published literature to determine if
interventions such as surgery, medical drugs, and nutritional supplements are effective at
treating patients.
Episode 4, 00:09:55​ - In 2010 CDC began recommending flu vaccine for children older than 6
months. A 2012 Cochrane Collaboration review found that flu vaccines are not significantly
more efficacious than a placebo for kids under the age of 2. A 2010 Cochrane review showed
no evidence that flu vaccines are safe or effective for people over the age of 65.

The Truth About Vaccines Index: EPISODE 1 – 7 Page 12


Episode 4, 00:11:55​ - The flulaval vaccine insert states, “there have been no controlled trials
adequately demonstrating a decrease in influenza disease after vaccination...”
Episode 4, 00:15:05​ - MSDS for thimerosal shows that it is a mutagen. Most vaccines have
never been tested for mutagenicity or carcinogenicity.
Episode 4, 00:17:47​ - I visited Washington DC and Robert F. Kennedy JR. and his team. We
met with several Congress women and men and discussed the topic of the multi dose flu
vaccine which still contains thimerosal.
Episode 4, 00:22:14 - ​The multi dose flu shot has 50,000 PPB of Thimerosal. The shot has 250
times the allowable amount of mercury / toxic hazard.
Episode 4, 00:29:18 - ​What is the probability that the virus strain in the vaccine is like the virus
strain that is currently circulating?
Episode 4, 00:35:36​ - While interviewing Dr. Thomas, he discussed quality control and the
pressure on pediatricians to vaccinate. He also mentions the financial incentives in place for
pediatricians to vaccinate on the CDC schedule
Episode 4, 00:44:37 ​- Takes conviction and fortitude to deviate from CDC schedule, especially if
you’re a pediatrician. Japan and other countries have a delayed vaccination schedule, that
choice is not readily available in the US and Australia.
Episode 4, 00:46:12 - ​United States is not the only country to offer incentives and to penalize
doctors who don’t vaccinate. In 2016, Australia implemented what they call the “No Jab, No
Pay” policy - New Immunisation Requirements for Family Assistance Payments requiring
compliance to receive benefits and Family Tax Benefit Part A end of year supplement. Excerpts
from actual document.
Episode 4, 00:46:53 ​- In Australia, children must follow the National Immunisation Program
before the age of five and be recorded on the Australian Childhood Immunisation Register.
Episode 4, 00:47:03​ - “Conscientious objection and vaccination objection on non-medical
grounds will no longer be a valid exemption from immunisation requirements,” in Australia.
Episode 4, 00:47:16​ - Two vaccines that are on the Australian and CDC schedules are the
Haemophilus influenzae (Hib) and the Pneumococcal vaccine (Prevnar). Both are for protection
against meningitis, among other things.
Episode 4, 00:53:20 -​ Many people don’t realize newborns must receive a vitamin K shot at
birth, even though it’s been administered since 1961 by recommendation of the AAP, American
Academy of Pediatrics. According to the CDC, babies are born without enough vitamin kK.
Without enough vitamin K babies can’t make enough of the substance needed for blood clotting
and are at risk for VKDB or vitamin K deficient bleeding. A shot at birth is the best way to
prevent VKDB.
Episode 4, 00:55:28​ - Dr. Sahni mentioned the generic name of vitamin K, phytonadione. On the
package insert, there’s actually a black box warning. An alternative is oral vitamin K. There are
no studies showing oral vitamin K causes childhood cancer. However, a 1992 study in the
British Medical Journal shows there’s a link between the vitamin K shot and childhood cancer.
Episode 4, 00:56:31​ - Dr. Thomas mentioned Prevnar. Let’s learn about it.
Episode 4, 00:59:10​ - The placebo for the Prevnar 13 vaccine was the Prevnar 7 vaccine. The
placebo for the Prevnar 7 was an experimental meningococcal vaccine. So, Prevnar has never
been studied with a true placebo control group.

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Episode 4, 00:59:26​ - Barbara Loe Fisher mentioned the term reaction profile. Made me think of
what pediatricians commonly say when a child is having a reaction to a vaccine. What do you
do? You give them a dose of acetaminophen. I can’t count how many times we gave our
children a dose of children’s Tylenol.
Episode 4, 1:06:30 - ​In 2011 Drs. Goldman and Miller published a study comparing worldwide
infant mortality rates and the number of vaccine doses in those infants
Episode 4, 1:09:31​ - Iceland and Norway were two of the five countries in the Goldman -Miller
study with the lowest infant mortality rates.
Episode 4, 1:13:01​ - According to 2009 report entitled, “Autism and Vaccines Around the World:
Vaccine Schedules, Autism Rates, and Under 5 Mortality”, rates for autism were 1 in 1100 for
Iceland and 1 in 2000 for Norway. At that time, the US rate for autism was 1 in 150. Now, it’s
estimated to be around 1 in 50.
Episode 4, 1:22:24​ - We must continue to facilitate debate on this important issue of vaccines.
Are you familiar with the concept of herd immunity?
Episode 4, 1:26:53 ​- We must make smart decisions for our health and for our children. We
must learn to do our own research and trust our own instincts. We are more than able to make
learn and make wise decisions on our own.
Episode 4, 1:34:54​ - In order to properly evaluate the risk and benefits of vaccines, it’s vitally
important to know the ingredients in a vaccine.
Episode 4, 1:37:22​ - Thanks a lot for watching I hope you have learned a lot and I really hope
you will tell your friends and family about it, and that you will tune back in for the next episode.
Thanks God Bless.

Episode 5, 00:00:18 - ​Introduction

Episode 5, 00:00:52 - ​HPV is a group of more than 150 related viruses. Approximately 26% of
girls and women age 14 to 59 have some strain of HPV. In over 90% of those cases, HPV goes
away on it’s own within 2 years and does not cause any health issues. Cervarix and Gardasil
vaccines and stats.
Episode 5, 00:05:50 - ​The vaccine may have reduced the incidence of the particular HPV
strains, but new virulent strains are being created by the vaccine, according to researcher Neil
Miller. A study found that although the 4 types of HPV in the vaccine have decreased, the
prevalence of HPV infection has actually increased by 3.7%.
Episode 5, 00:09:45 -​ A placebo is an innocuous or inert medication; given as a pacifier or to the
control group in experiments on the efficacy of a drug or vaccine. In 4 of the 5 trials for Gardasil,
the placebo contained aluminum, a known neurotoxin.
Episode 5, 00:12:58 -​ 2014 there were 180 deaths from Gardasil. As of December 31, 2016,
there were 43,532 vaccine reactions reports made to VAERS for Gardasil including 250 deaths.
HPV vaccines account for 25% of all VAERS reports.
Episode 5, 00:15:40 - ​POTS study showed that of 35 women who participated in the study who
were vaccinated with HPV vaccine, 21 of them were diagnosed with POTS.
Episode 5, 00:21:13​ - Dr Lee found free viral DNA in the HPV vaccine with every sample that he
tested. Despite the FDA claim that the vaccine does not contain free viral DNA.

The Truth About Vaccines Index: EPISODE 1 – 7 Page 14


Episode 5, 00:22:48​ - Dr Lee is well known to be involved in the Joel Gomez case. Medical
records show he was a healthy 14 year old boy.
Episode 5, 00:26:44 - ​There was no other plausible cause in the death of Joel Gomez. Gardasil
did cause or contribute to myocardial infarction. The second dose finally caused the fatal
hypotension in this case the day of the vaccine.
Episode 5, 00:27:02 - ​In an ABC interview in September of 2009, Dr. Diane Harper admitted
that the rate of serious adverse events is greater than the incidence rate of cervical cancer. And
why do we vaccinate boys if the virus causes cervical cancer?
Episode 5, 00:28:48​ - According to the CDC every year in the US around 11,000 men get
cancers caused by HPV infections.
Episode 5, 00:58:16 -​ The Hepatitis B vaccine contains a massive amount of aluminum.
Episode 5, 01:04:36 -​ The Hepatitis B vaccine was tested 4 days before it was released. The
United States has more infant deaths than any other country.
Episode 5, 01:09:09​ - According to the CDC, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) is not
caused by vaccines and there is no connection, and it is purely coincidental that the peak age
for SIDS (2-4 months of age) coincides with the introductions of 11 shots containing 16 vaccines
within the CDC vaccination schedule.
Episode 5, 01:12:21 ​- There are many parents in prison for killing their baby by shaking them
death, called Shaken Baby Syndrome.
Episode 5, 01:13:29 - ​Doctors need to try to determine when a condition started in order to
determine if it was vaccine related. This practice has led to parents being exonerated after
autopsies showed they could not have injured their baby and there must have been another
cause of death. In the VRBPAC (2016), the Gardasil Vaccine was shown to actually increase
the risk of cancer in patients who had an inactive infection of HPV.
Episode 5, 1:21:38​ - What a powerful story. I am happy to tell you that Erin is doing well today.
Epigenetic is “the study of changes in organisms caused by modification of gene expression
rather than alteration of the genetic code itself. “ Here is Palevsky, Dr. Larry, M.D. speaking on
transgenerational epigenetic.
Episode 5, 1:27:40 ​- I think we can all agree with Sayer Ji that we want our children to be safe.
Episode 5, 1:33:46​ - I hope you have enjoyed this episode and learned a lot. Please tell your
friends and family about this and join us for the next episode. Thank you and God bless.

Episode 6, 00:00:19​ - Introduction

Episode 6, 00:00:49​ - Our goal is to present the information in clear, concise, and unbiased
method as humanly possible.
Episode 6, 00:02:40​ - We want to question the dogma. We want to discuss the issues. If there is
corruption in the industry, those who question are dismissed and fired.
Episode 6, 00:07:00​ - The coverup of adverse effects is not science. It’s dogma. It’s working
backwards to arrive at a predetermined conclusion. Why would the CDC be engaged in ideology
rather than science?
Episode 6, 00:12:55​ - The CDC sells vaccines and holds patents on vaccines. Patent search
showed that the CDC has over 50 vaccine patents.

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Episode 6, 00:17:50 -​ Conflicts of interest, apparently filled by greed are ramping at the CDC
and other agencies. This is called “regulatory capture” and it is very commonplace as we will
Episode 6, 00:22:03 - ​Dr Goldman’s research was not the only one that indicated that the
chickenpox vaccine causes shingles. Research published in 2011 in the journal of infectious
disease confirms this link.
Episode 6, 00:25:45 ​- The topic of chickenpox vaccine is controversial today. When I was a kid I
remember the chickenpox parties everybody had.
Episode 6, 00:27:21​ - The subject of aborted fetus tissue in vaccines is definitely something to
be aware of.
Episode 6, 00:28:30​ - Robert F. Kennedy JR mentioned that the Immunization Office of the
CDC has been compromised. One whistleblower that came forward from that office is Dr William
Episode 6, 00:53:43​ - The CDC knew the MMR was causing autism in black baby boys. Ty
reads a statement by Dr. William Thompson on August 27, 2014. Was this a criminal act?
Episode 6, 01:00:19​ - Dr. Wakefield’s research has been reproduced by at least 28 other
studies. If we are not being given informed consent, mandatory vaccines are in direct violation
of the Nuremberg Code set up after WWII to provide guidelines for medical experimentation in
the future.
Episode 6, 01:03:45​ - Why did Merk not do anything even though they knew there was a
problem with the CDC schedule and the amount of thimerosal children were getting? There was
no longer any accountability after the late 1980s Vaccine Act.
Episode 6, 01:10:01​ - Paul Offit has made over $29 million in profit from his rotateq vaccine. Ty
introduces a clip from “Vaxxed” where Paul Offit was asked to comment on his profit made from
Episode 6, 01:19:48 ​- The retroviruses have been found in the rotavirus vaccine, and Judy
Mikovits has found XMRV in vaccines.
Episode 6, 1:29:51 ​- Judy Mikovits Has amazing conviction and ethics. She would not sign a
paper that her studies finding retroviruses in vaccines were fraud because they were not. This
is an incredible case of the suppression of data and persecution of a doctor who just wanted to
tell the truth. Considering the exponential increase in autoimmune diseases is it reasonable to
suspect that inserting elements foreign debris along with the retrovirus into your body will reeks
havoc with natural immune function? Does this have scientific plausibility? Is science ever really
Episode 6, 1:34:46 ​- This series was created to spur discussion and debate and to provide real
scientific studies on the safety and efficacy of vaccines. In order to do this we must share the
truth and be honest. Our children deserve honesty and truth. They deserve to be healthy and
to be protected.
Episode 6, 1:39:46 - despite the fact that Dr. Andrew Wakefield career was destroyed because
of some of these happening with the CDC, I want to read to you what Dr. wakefield said to
William Thompson, “I forgive you completely and without any bitterness.” I hope you have
enjoyed this 6​th​ episode. Tune back in tomorrow night you don’t want to miss it. We will talk

The Truth About Vaccines Index: EPISODE 1 – 7 Page 16


about some alternatives if you chose to not vaccinate, and we also address the important topic
of freedom of choice with vaccinations. Tell your friends and family.

Episode 7, 00:00:17​ - Introduction

Episode 7, 00:00:47​ - HP is homeoprophylaxis, homeopathic immunization. “Like to cure like.”
Any substance which can produce symptoms in a healthy person, can cure similar symptoms in
someone who is sick.
Episode 7, 00:06:25​ - HP is the use of potentiated substances called nosodes in a systematic
manner to prevent the development of the characteristic symptoms of disease. With HP the
source material is diluted until no original molecules remain. In India, HP is an approved
treatment and preventative of many diseases.
Episode 7, 00:12:17​ - Another crucial piece of the overall health puzzle for infants is
Episode 7, 00:15:36​ - Probiotics are essential to restore gut flora and balance the immune
system. Essential oil is another ancient remedy used to provide natural immunity.
Episode 7, 00:19:35​ - Essential oils are time tested medicine and they help to support natural
immunity and the entire immune system. Macrophages are an important part of the immune
Episode 7, 00:28:36 -​ While discussing nutrition, one of the things that Dr Ruggiero mentioned
was the Ketogenic diet.
Episode 7, 00:30:36​ - Dr. Bark mentioned the use of healthy oils and maintaining ketosis. I do
remember the Atkins Diet in the 1990’s when I was a competitive body builder. The problem
was that nobody really paid attention to the quality of the fats and oils.
Episode 7, 00:32:21​ - According to Dr. Obukhanych, an immunologist, sugar harms our
neutrophils and reduces their ability to perform phagocytosis. Sugar and diet do have a big
impact on our health. Certain vitamins have a positive impact in protecting from various
Episode 7, 00:45:01​ - The key to preventing disease is a healthy immune system. Dr. Thomas
and Dr. Margulis wrote The Vaccine Friendly Plan for those who want to vaccinate on a different
Episode 7, 00:53:10​ - I was taught that vaccines were responsible for the decrease and
mortality for many infectious diseases. Was this accurate?
Episode 7, 00:57:05 - ​Let’s look at what happened in California a couple of years ago with
mandatory vaccines.
Episode 7, 1:00:45 ​- Here is investigating reporter Jeffrey Jackson describing the events that
occurred in Sacramento when thousands of mothers gathered to protest of Senate Bill 277.
Episode 7, 01:03:23 - The most precious thing we have is our freedom to choose. Due to
documentaries like The Truth about Vaccines people across the globe are coming educated
about informed medical consent, freedom of choice, potential serious adverse reactions from
vaccines, and conflicts of interest. Based on historical trends whatever happens in California
typically trickles down to the other 50 states. According to Dr. Sherri Tenpenny who has her
finger on the pulse of vaccine legislation, senate bill 277 is to be the model for all 50 states.

The Truth About Vaccines Index: EPISODE 1 – 7 Page 17


Episode 7, 01:10:50 –​ Dr. Tenpenny mentioned forced vaccines several times. I’ve read the
literature it certainly does appear that one of the purposes of the Healthy People 2020 initiative
is to vaccinate all adults as well as children and to eliminate their choice. These are
fundamental rights.
Episode 7, 1:17:00​ - In the United States we cherish our fundamental rights which include
freedom of speech and freedom of choice. No one can tell us what to think.
Episode 7, 1:24:03​ - It’s vitally important to find a pediatrician who respects you and wants to
work with you especially when it comes to vaccines, which may have benefits but also have
Episode 7, 1:24:12 ​- Dr. Mercola is just one of may physicians who have regrets for damage
they may have inflicted on their patients with vaccines. I believe it is a moral imperative to fight
for choice in vaccines. And, to tell the truth about vaccines, including both the truth and the
Episode 7, 1:32:39 - ​All we want is for the system to include freedom of choice in vaccines.
Episode 7, 1:39:21​ - The truth will prevail and the light of truth will be victorious. If your primary
goal is to spread truth help humanity and make sure children are healthy then you will look at
the end of your life and be satisfied.
Episode 7, 1:52:56​ - Wow I can’t believe the 7 days are over. The 7 part series is now done. I
hope you have learned a lot over the last 7 days. I know I certainly have learned a lot as I was
preparing this docu series. At the end we all are not going to agree on everything. Regardless of
where you stand, whether it’s sticking to the schedule or delaying vaccines, or not vaccinate at
all. I think there is one point we can all agree on. We love our children and we want them to be
healthy. It’s our desire that this docu series has spurred debate and discussion on this vitally
important topic. We desire for you to now be empowered to with information so you can make a
wise decision to make you and your family healthy to live a long life. Thanks for watching may
God bless all of you.

Bonaroti, Heidi
Episode 7, 1:42:28​ - My name is Heidi and my son Ben is vaccine injured and now has autism,
and I want to tell you today that I am really happy to share my story with you. I am thrilled to
know that this documentary is leading to the truth about vaccines. The more people that can
hear this message the better. Ben was born right on time, and was a very healthy boy. He was
very healthy up to 15 months. It was his well visit. I took him in for his MMR vaccine. Thankfully
he had an ear infection and It was delayed for 3 months. That pushed his immune system
down, unfortunately and at 18 months he went in to get his MMR, and we notice the change
gradually over the course of week.
There was a very significant decrease in eye contact, and some of his language was lost. He
got explosive diarrhea, he would isolate himself to the edge of the playground, he would isolate
himself to the garden or the outside of the playground. As a mother and a parent you believe
what the doctors tell you. As an occupational therapist, and I had mothers tell me “it was the
vaccines” and I just put it on the back of my mind and as a therapist think they are trying to find
something to blame for autism. If I was to listen to my heart I would have listen to those
mothers who were trying to warn me, and I’ve become one of those mothers. To answer your

The Truth About Vaccines Index: EPISODE 1 – 7 Page 18


question I have blamed myself for a long time, and I hang on to Jim Carrey telling Jenny
McCarthy (who I’ve met many times through this journey of mine) to heal it you have to feel it,
and I am trying to work through that, and embrace it.
As I’ve told you my son was diagnosed with autism at 3 years old, I learned as an occupational
therapist in pediatrics, 80% of my caseload was with autistic kids, and I learned that a gluten
free diet for kids on this diet were doing the best, and I moved forward with establishing a new
diet for us. This was the first intervention we did. We took dairy next. 3 weeks into the diet of
removing gluten, this kid put the hand on the door and looked at me, and said “I want to go
outside”. I was sold. After removing dairy it helped his constipation issues. There was increase
language and eye contact, and gut issues. From age 3 to 4 I went to my first autism
conference, and met Dr. Jeff Bradstreet , that man really but a dent in my child’s microbiome.
Ben had huge amounts of Candida yeast in his guts that were at a very toxic level. We went on
an antibacterial and antifungal things, we did that for 2 years, and we did oxygen chamber
therapy. My husband went into a chamber the size of a conference table in length per se. they
went into a “dive” and it will give him the oxygen he needs. Because he had healed his guts, you
want to feed the good cells with oxygen. 10 days into the hyperbaric chamber he started
playing with his brother. That was amazing.
Once we started the bravo probiotic yogurt, just 3 days in, he stopped wetting the bed, eye
contact was getting better, social interaction was improving, and I met Dr. Marco Ruggiero and
we met with his wife, and he asked me to share the stage with him “autism 1 conference”. We
started with Vitamin D oral right before the meeting with Dr. Marco. We then went on a protocol
building on everything we had done. We then transitioned to the ketogenic diet, then we added
rerum, and added miamino.
It’s overwhelming as a parent because you think something is wrong with you, and people think
you are crazy, until now, where the evidence has come out. Thank god for all these hero’s. We
just want to get the truth out. It’s not just autism, it’s the gardasil vaccine, and the hep b
vaccine. Babies are dying as we speak because we do not have vaccine safety program. No
one is testing these. We just want to take the junk out .

Bradstreet, Tom & Candace

Episode 4, 1:03:44​ - Every parent’s story was pretty much the same. Their child was developing
normally and at 15-18 months received a vaccine and then their child was just gone. The
regression of their child was on the videotape. Heartbreaking story.
Episode 4, 1:29:12​ - There is something truly wrong with the systematic vaccines industry, and
something needs to be done.
(Candace) People still have that right. We should still have that right to ask questions and to
say I want to know.

Brownstein, Dr. David

Episode 7, 1:25:31 - ​Parents need to educate themselves about what’s in vaccines, that the
benefits and risks are and then make the best choice for their children. We’re all trying to do the
best we can for our children, but I wouldn’t blindly allow a doctor to give your child 72 vaccines
without being informed.

The Truth About Vaccines Index: EPISODE 1 – 7 Page 19


Buttar, Rashid, DO
Episode 1, 1:43:52​ - It’s like debating the color of the sky. No matter how you spin it the truth is
the truth and the sky is blue. A lot of people say that the truth is controversial.

Episode 2, 00:45:39​ – You go all the way back to Simpsonwood when they had the
pharmaceutical companies, the institute of medicine was there. The president of the Institute of
Medicine just had a grandchild born and was talking to the epidemiologist and they were talking
about the instance of autism of children who’ve been exposed to thimerosal in vaccines. The
epidemiologist said that there is not only is there a correlation, but a high statistical correlation.
The president of the Institute of Medicine at that time (in 2000) made the comment which is in
the transcripts, “My grandchild is not going to get this, however we cannot let the general public
know this information.”Why? It would cause mass chaos.
Episode 2, 00:50:41​ – When he met with the CDC for the second time in 2006, he was going
through one of their manuals, with a very high individual in the CDC. It was supposed to be a
half hour meeting, it ended up being a six hour meeting, he had no idea that there were people
out there who were addressing some of these things. So there are people at the CDC and the
government that are actually well versed and know the truth and really want to do something.
They have the right motivation, just in case people think everyone is against us. There are good
people out there. According to the CDC and the Environmental protection agency, the most
significant concern is Mercury. The second most toxic substance known to man. So how can
that be good for you?
Episode 2, 1:14:53 - ​Polio was supposed to be stamped out by vaccines. That is not true. Look
at a graphic of polio incidence and pesticide production from 1945 to 1953.

Episode 7, 00:55:45 ​- All the way up to 100 years ago nobody used vaccines. And we still

Centers, Dr. Shawn

Episode1, 1:15:09 - ​For some children, there is a risk. Real risk is that we don’t know which
children they are. Because we don’t know which children they are, we’re exposing the most
vulnerable ones.

Episode 2, 1:33:54 -​ Three types of polio. Parents think their child is protected, but may not be.

Episode 3, 00:33:35 ​– You would make more money selling three vaccines in one than just two.
It’s purely marketing. It’s not medicine.

Episode 4, 1:14:28​ - A well known side effect of vaccines in encephalitis or meningitis. Epilepsy
and seizures are also well known side effect.

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Episode 5, 00:52:47​ - Centers explains the principle of epidemiology and how that was used to
justify the Hep B vaccine. The company promoting this stated the only way to protect all the
children later would be to vaccinate them on day 1 of their life.

Clark, Ian
Episode 1, 00:36:49​- Vaccine companies did not warn of the additives such as thimerosal in
vaccines. Vaccinations are irresponsible the way they are done, the companies making them
are not doing or showing studies proving the safety of the vaccines they are pushing. If they
were responsible, proving their safety, the vaccine companies should be able to be litigated

Crawford, Erin
Episode 5, 1:14:42​ - I was a student in college and was approached about a vaccine that
prevents cervical cancer. I took it and within 12 hours I got extremely sick, with vomit and
fatigue, I couldn’t get out of bed. Then got swollen tonsils, they were shutting my airways. I had
to go to the hospital. It never got better, I was told I just had a virus and was given antibiotics.
They didn’t pay attention to the fact that I had gotten this shot, and essentially had the virus
injected into me. About 6 months later my menstrual cycle broke, I went for test because I knew
I wasn’t pregnant. I tested positive for Stage 3 Cervical Cancer. The very thing this shot was
supposed to prevent. My tonsils swollen to a visible state and the lymphs in the back of my
head were huge. It was evident something was going on with my lymph system. I went to the
hospital and was administered an emergency surgery to remove my tonsils. I asked that they
keep the tonsils and I had them tested. They came back positive for the 3 stands that are in
Gardasil. When I had part of my cervix removed I had them save that as they did my tonsils and
I had that tested. It came back positive for HPV 16 and 18 which I had tested negative to prior to
getting the vaccine, and 16 & 18 are in the vaccine. I couldn’t get out of bed, I almost failed out
of school and lost my job. I was going in every 3 months for checkups, and tested positive
again, at this point the rest of my cervix was removed, and I was told I would not be able to
carry a pregnancy. I was devastated; I always wanted to be a mom one day. About 4 or 5
months later with no cervix I tested positive again, my doctor said I would have to go under
radiation and chemo and one thing I had learned about watching my family members go through
this is that they went downhill fast. So I told them I was not going to do the plan of radiation and
chemo. The doctor told me I would die. I said, so be it. I began researching and studying and
did the Gerson Therapy, and I did my own version of it. I juiced for 42 days, started doing
coffee enemas’ float tanks Methyl B12 injections, and I started feeling better. 6 months later I
went back and tested negative for cervical cancer. This all started about 11 years ago, and I’ve
been cancer free for 9 years.

Elizabeth, Erin
Episode 2, 1:47:12​ - Back in the 70’s we actually had the hippies who really didn’t vaccinate
back then. The few friends I had that didn’t vaccinate were the healthiest of all. I don’t want my
parents to feel guilty. They are still pro-vaccine, and they are opening their eyes. They are
doing what the pediatricians told them.

The Truth About Vaccines Index: EPISODE 1 – 7 Page 21


Fisher, Barbara Loe

Episode 1, 00:12:32 ​- Public health laws are state laws. Federal government protects the
borders and can make laws about people coming into the country.
Episode 1, 00:25:36​ - The CDC vaccine schedule has tripled in the numbers of doses of
vaccines over the years. In that time period there has been an epidemic of disability and health
Episode 1, 00:31:50​ - 2013 - Institute of Medicine released a statement saying the current
vaccine schedule has not been adequately studied for safety.

Episode 1, 00:41:09​ - What other product that carries a risk of injury or death is mandated to be
used by every single person born in this country multiple times without liability?
Episode 1, 00:42:08​ - Each doctor is supposed to keep a permanent record concerning every
vaccine given and any serious health problem person experiences to report to the Federal
Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System.
Episode 1, 00:51:30 - ​In 2011 a case went to the Supreme Court “Bruesewitz vs Wyeth”.
Supreme Court said: “Vaccines are unavoidably unsafe and there should be no more lawsuit
against any vaccine company.
Episode 1, 00:52:50 ​- So, today if you or your child are injured by a vaccine you cannot hold
anybody accountable in a court of law.

Episode 2, 00:04:04​ - Clinical trials are small and cleansed (participants often don’t reflect the
population who receive the vaccine). An active placebo is used instead of an inactive placebo.
Episode 2, 1:23:35​ - We know the original Salk vaccines given to over 100 million were infected
with Simian Virus 40 from the rhesus monkey and proven to cause cancer.
Episode 2, 1:30:20​ - Researchers in 1990s began to culture out SV40 DNA and began to make
the association between the DNA cultures and cancer brain, bone, and lung cancer.
Episode 2, 1:32:12​ - The scientists who tried to do the right thing when it comes to vaccine
issues, they are punished
Episode 2: 1:47:53 ​- So many people do research when they go buy a house, a car, but they
don’t do the same due diligence when someone is going to inject something in your child. The
message is buyer beware. Patient beware. Become educated about infectious diseases and

Episode 3, 00:22:11​ - The original hypothesis in the 1998 study by 12 Britain Scientists was that
there was a potential link between MMR and inflammatory bowel disease with autism as a
Episode 3, 00:22:57​ - An uproar was caused within the industry when Andrew Wakefield
suggested parents ask for single dose vaccines instead of combination vaccines.
Episode 3, 00:50:57​ - Between 1978 - 1979 11 children died in of a week of receiving a DPT
shot. The probability of chance alone was very low.

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Episode 3, 00:53:01​ - A hot lot of vaccines is associated with an unusual number of children that
received the vaccine from a single lot would have seizures, any serious adverse event. They are
now no longer distributing full lots to one specific location in the country.
Episode 3, 1:12:22​ - In 1905 Jacobson vs Massachusetts said states have constitutional
authority to use police force to mandate smallpox vaccinations
Episode 3, 1:14:37​ - Buck vs Bell gave states the right to pass eugenics laws to improve the
human population by controlled breeding and eliminating undesirables.
Episode 3, 1:17:18 - ​How many lives are too many to sacrifice for the greater good?

Episode 4, 00:25:40 - ​People dont know that the CDC on their own website admits that the flu
shot does not work half the time and in some years does not work at all. And that’s their own
Episode 4, 00:57:51​ - Was on the advisory board during development of Prevnar 7 vaccine .The
control vaccine was an experimental meningococcal vaccine. The didn’t know the reaction
profile of the meningococcal vaccine or the pneumococcal vaccine. They gave the children
shots of DPt vaccines in both arms. Whenever a seizure occurred, they wrote it off as DPT.
There was no way to know what was causing the reaction.
Episode 4, 1:03:46​ - Today, everyone knows someone who was healthy, got vaccinated, and
was never healthy again.
Episode 4, 1:23:47 ​- I have looked into pertussis and the vaccines back in 82’ and the story has
come full circle in the 21​st​ century. The DPT vaccines (the one that hurt my son) and the DTAP
vaccine that replaces it… neither could prevent infection and transmission of infection. Now
what you have are many who have no symptoms, or mild symptoms, who can become infected
and can transmit to both vaccinated and unvaccinated people. It’s an illusion and it’s always
been one. The microbe has evolved and has created strains that are not in the vaccine.
Immunity is extremely temporary if at all. Perhaps less than 2 years. You have a lot of Pertussis
in our country and it’s not being reported or recorded.
Episode 4, 1:27:12​ - It’s the medical profession that perpetuated the idea that mothers can’t
birth their babies or take care of their babies without them. Without the medical profession
telling us what is good, and working and not working. They have partnered with the
pharmaceutical companies and the only tools in the medical professional arsenal are drugs and
Episode 4, 1: 36:05 ​- I think a lot of people have been asleep. Because I don’t think they
understood what’s been happening over the past 30 years. When they understand that these
vaccines are causing brain damages and immune system dysfunction, as more children are
born healthy get vaccinated and are never healthy again. We have seen the infrastructure
instead of doing what they should do, such as use the proper science, being partners with
parents in preventing vaccinated death. They are drawing a hard line saying our way or no way.
They are punishing them with societal sanctions like No Shots No School, No Shots, no medical
care, No shots, no health insurance, No shots, No job. This is a very serious situation. And if
we don’t stand up now and fight for our freedom, we are going to fight in chains for the next

The Truth About Vaccines Index: EPISODE 1 – 7 Page 23


Episode 5, 00:06:59 - ​Gardasil was licensed after only studying about 1100 girls under the age
of 16 for 2 years before it was recommended for all 11 and 12 year old girls. Gardasil was fast
tracked, it’s genetically engineered using virus-like protein particles, and they used an aluminum
Episode 5, 00:09:31 -​ When you test Gardasil against an aluminum containing placebo, how are
you going to truly understand the reaction profile of Gardasil?
Episode 5, 00:49:27 ​– In 1991 the CDC said “Every new born baby in the newborn nursery must
get a Hepatitis B shot”. Hep B is a vaccine that was created for a disease that a very low
instance in the United States. It has been an epidemic in certain parts of Asia and Africa. But it
has never been a problem in the United States, Europe, and Canada.

Episode 6, 01:07:34​ - After 9/11/2001, Congress directed the federal agencies to create a public
private business partnership with the pharmaceutical industry that develops vaccines under the
umbrella of creating vaccines to prevent bioterrorism, which soon transformed to pandemic
influenza. Now NIH with the pharmaceutical companies developed new vaccines and share in
the profits. This creates a conflict of interest for the agencies that are supposed to be regulating
the safety of vaccines.
Episode 6, 01:15:06 ​- In 2010 the FDA officials acknowledged that there was PCV 1 and PCV 2
in the rotavirus vaccines. PCV 2 has been shown to be deadly to young pigs.

Episode 7, 01:12:49 ​– Mandatory vaccination, forced vaccination, no exceptions, no

exemptions, vaccine policies and laws are completely contrary to the founding principles of The
United States of America.
Episode 7, 1:17:18​ - When people don’t want us to think, or ask questions or be informed, it’s a
very paternalistic and authoritative attitude that pediatricians and those making decisions about
vaccines are trying to force upon us. In America, we don’t have a tradition of liking an
authoritarian type of approach. In America, we’re used to having the freedom of speech,
thought, the ability to follow our conscience, and have our own religious beliefs.
Episode 7, 1:27:52​ - Individual autonomy, the right to protect our bodily integrity, human right to
informed medical consent, the human right to follow our conscience and our religious beliefs are
all fundamental rights that define what freedom mean. So, if the government takes that away
from us, we’re no better than slaves. We have a moral duty to fight for these rights.

Folmar, Allison
Episode 1, 1:26:33​ - As long as there is no immediate risk to the child, the law says the parent is
to be given deference to make the decisions for their choice of treatment. That’s what’s not
happening. Anyone can call DSHS and make a complaint and there’s a presumption against the
parent before there’s ever been any investigation.

Episode 6, 00:53:11​ – There has to be an awakening in the African American Community. Black
boys are 296% more likely to become autistic than children of other races as a direct link to the
MMR vaccine.

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Episode 7, 01:13:26​ – It is assault and battery if you take a child and force them to get a vaccine
against the parent’s or child’s will. It is a physical touching of another without their consent,
that’s battery. The anticipation of that battery is actually assault.

Dr. Gadugu, Srinivasulu

Episode 7, 00:09:31​ - In 1999 there was an epidemic. The government gave an order that all
allopathic network has cooperate with homeopaths in distributing medicine. That was how they
could reach 20 million children to get the homeopathic medicine to help. By 2000 the cases
[Japanese encephalitis] were almost one fourth. In 2002 and 2003 the cases came down from 3
diseases to a single disease. By 2004 there was neither mortality or morbidity. Only the state of
Andhra Pradesh gave this remedy and surrounding states had very high mortality. Now the
government of India is implementing this same strategy in other states.

Gambrell, Dr. Debra, D.O.

Episode 2, 00:28:09​ - Aluminum has been shown to increase food sensitivities, autoimmune
disease, multiple sclerosis, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, and Alzheimer’s.
Episode 2, 00:37:18 ​- As we are finding out new information about the ingredients and their
effects in vaccines, we should take a critical look scientifically about the safety of vaccines.

Episode 3, 00:37:50 ​– Previously we weren’t testing anesthesia on children under two due to
FDA regulations. They found a correlation between children who were under anesthesia under
the age of two and memory problems later. They were able to tease that out. We should do the
same for vaccines.
Episode 3, 00:38:23​ - Now that we are coming up with new data about what vaccines are or
aren’t doing, we should take a critical look scientifically.
Episode 4, 1:00:55​ - Tylenol introduced in 1959. For three generations we’re children losing
their lack of heat including SIDS, ADHD, autism, asthma. Talks about pregnant women and use
of acetaminophen.

Episode 4, 1:02:17 - ​Trend is changing. Seeing pediatricians not giving pre-vaccination doses of
Tylenol. It is proven giving Tylenol before or after vaccination increases autism risk.

Episode 5, 1:32:06​ - In the hospitals I would see children come they looked healthy on paper,
and can have two very different responses. And over 2 years of watching these kids fall asleep
with anestecia those who were not vaccinated did better under anesthesia. They had a better
Vagal Response. This means that when there is a stimulation within your body, your heart rate
goes down, and then it comes back up. That’s normal. That’s what you want. When you are
stimulating different areas of the body you want that vagal response. With children that are
vaccinated, they do not have that vagal response.

Griffin, Edward, G.
Episode 6, 00:19:56​ - Gary Goldman, Ph.D was doing research for the CDC and gathering
information on the effects of an anti chicken pox vaccine.

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Group, Dr. Edward, D.C.

Episode 1, 1:38:41 -​ The way you naturally develop an immune response is by breathing a virus
in the air; never by it being injected directly into your bloodstream.

Hayes, Laura
Speaker, Activist, Mother of vaccine injured child
Episode 1, 00:55:08 - ​I have to get the word out! I can't let this happen to other children. I was
on of many who thought that people want to hear this. Our son has been greatly harmed by
routine childhood vaccines. As a mother, it's painful.

Episode 2, 00:08:52​ - You wouldn’t allow the vaccine ingredients to be fed to your baby. There
are many shots given with many diseases and you would never be exposed to that many

Episode 3, 1:13:52​ - 1947 Nuremberg Code says voluntary consent is absolutely essential.
2005 UNESCO upholds the decision of voluntary consent, including vaccination.

Episode 4, 1:19:47 ​- The Nuremberg Code from 1947, which two Americans helped write, is
supposed to prevent forever and avoid forced medicine of any kind of experimental medicine.
And, vaccines definitely fall into this category. Your children are guinea pigs.

Episode 7, 1:16:31 -​ Supreme Court ruled in 2011 that vaccines are unavoidably unsafe. If we
don’t have the right to decide what to put into our bodies, what rights do we have left?
Episode 7, 1:28:44 ​- Three major changes need to happen right now: Ban on mandatory
vaccines, restore individual and parental rights regarding medical decisions, and repeal 1986

Hooker, Dr. Brian S.

Episode 3, 00:03:27​ - We are seeing disease outbreaks among vaccinated populations. People
are asking, “Why should I take the risk of vaccinating when they are not effective and when they
put people at risk of adverse events?”

Episode 6, 00:09:40​ - Many employees of the CDC end up in industry. There’s a revolving door
of people in CDC and pharmaceutical companies. The driver is money.
Episode 6, 00:13:30​ - I don’t know why we haven’t taken to the streets with torches yet. This is
manslaughter. We are all apart of the grand medical experiment that is called a vaccination
schedule, that is under-studied, that is only studied by the CDC in order to quell the masses.
The CDC is a risk management organization. They produce studies to sway the option toward
what they want to do.
Episode 6, 00:30:30​ - I started to contact the CDC as a scientist. I knew that the statistics
coming out of the CDC were not making sense.They were cooking the books. One of the

The Truth About Vaccines Index: EPISODE 1 – 7 Page 26


scientists that I talked to on a regular basis was William Thompson. Dr Verstraeten was a CDC
scientist that left the CDC in 2001 before the study was completed.
Episode 6, 00:34:16​ - When they saw a particular effect they didn’t want they would get a bunch
of scientist in the room and they would look at how to exclude cases of autism and other
disorders they were studying, until they could dilute that effect until it was no longer statistically
Episode 6, 00:34:44​ - In 2001 the CDC embarked on the Distefano study. Which was a study
they were going to use to absolve the MMR vaccine from the autism epidemic. They took a
small study sample in Metropolitan Atlanta. What they found was that African American’s who
got the MMR on time were 2.5 times more likely to get an autism diagnoses vs African
Americans who got received the MMR after 3 years of age. They tried to bury this effect. In
2002 they got big trash cans and threw away all the information. Thompson was one of the
coauthors on this study, secretly kept all of his documents.
Episode 6, 00:36:28 ​– They committed date fraud, which is a crime. Everything should’ve been
retained and ultimately end up in the national archives. On top of that, the results themselves
were so alarming and the CDC knew about this effect as early as 2001.
Episode 6, 00:37:29​ - Thompson was conscious stricken in 2004 and he was also set to do a
presentation at the Institute of Medicine. He wanted to tell the truth at that meeting. He stepped
over management to Julie Gerberding directly that there were problematic results that needed to
be discussed. Very soon after he was put on administrative leave and ultimately replaced.
Instead his supervisor Frank DiStefano who was responsible for the data destruction presented
something that was totally fraudulent.
Episode 6, 00:39:09​ – By my estimate, if you look at the number of African American males
born in The United States since 2001, there has been over 100,000 of them diagnosed with
autism since that point.
Episode 6, 39:50​ – After I was out of contact with the CDC in 2004 and my only recourse was
the freedom of information act. Nothing prevented me from emailing them and pointing out the
flaws in their studies. The whole time I was looking for whistleblowers.
Episode 6, 40:40​ – In 2013 representative Bill Posey did a congressional request and got about
10,000 pages to CDC documents. I went through them at his bequest and I found where CDC
employees were talking specifically about my son’s case in vaccine court.
Episode 6, 00:41:54​ – About 3 months later I got a private call and it is Dr. Thompson, and we
exchanged emails and finally got together early November 2013. The things he started sharing,
the tone of his conversation was completely different. This was a different person than the
person I had talked to in the early 2000’s that was basically trying to handle me and get me off
the phone. When he started to reveal this information to me, he told me was going to start
emailing documents not only how you can get data from the CDC so you can independently do
an analysis for all these different studies that he was saying was faulty, or fraudulent. He helped
him get the data. He also went through fraud that CDC committed regarding thimerosal
containing vaccines with not only autism, but other disorders.
Episode 6, 00:45:55 ​- I did a reanalysis basically used the CDC’s methods and showed the data
that was thrown in the trash can.

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Episode 6, 00:46:26​ - Rightfully, Dr. Thompson knew there would come a time where I couldn’t
just keep it under wraps, and out him as a whistleblower. Since 2004 I’ve submitted over 120
FOIA requests to the CDC to release documents. The information that poured out showed a
commitment to absolve vaccines at all costs, clearly that they were in the process of these
analysis and reanalysis and using these methods that were scientific Malthusians. There is no
way to characterize them other than fraud.
Episode 6, 01:03:08​ - Merk has ties to the CDC and knew as early as 1991 that there was a
problem with the vaccination schedule and the amount of thimerosal the children were getting.

​ ugo, Michael R. , ESQ

Episode 1, 00:36:48 ​- Vaccine Manufacturing companies pretended to have production
problems causing money issues in order to press congress to protect them from being sued.
This is where the Vaccine Injury Program came from.
Episode 1, 1:08:10 - ​When parents first come to me it's heart wrenching. They come to me and
they say: “I need to know that I did not do this to my child”. The most important message they
want to hear is that they did not do anything wrong.

Episode 3, 00:49:38 -one dealt with pricing. Before that study was done it was a basic break
even analysis, vaccines cost $0.28 a shot, $2.80 for a vial with 10 shots in each. After that
study, and literally overnight they went from $2.80 to $174.50 per vial.
Episode 3, 00:51:36 ​- They determined that the death were the cause of one lot of DPT
vaccines. The company denied any lawsuit.
Episode 3, 00:55:38 ​- DTaP is much more pure. It cost a half a cent a dose more to make the
safer vaccine.

Episode 5, 1:32.57​ - If there was really nothing wrong with vaccines like dr’s tell patience and
manufacturers tell the legislature. Then the government would not have given out over 3 billion
in claims. The medical establishment has to stop helping thEpisode 3, 00:44:15 – In the early
1980’s there was a paper released that showed a pretty high incidence of seizures. The
medical establishment has a history of trying to deny and bury things that don’t fit their needs at
the time. Many doctors were minimizing the symptoms. The next thing parents do when they
don’t get satisfaction from the medical profession they turn to legal profession. To begin with
everyone was being truthful. Then it became more in the interest of the industry to change the
date because it was condemning them. They got into a phase where they would pay for and
sponsor studies. There was a major study done at UCLA, it began as a 50,000 dose study,
during the study someone went out from one of the drug companies out to UCLA to poke
around. At that point they were about 1500 shots into a 50,000 shot study. The doctor who
went out there went back to his company and said we’re in trouble, there have been 5 seizures
out of 1500. They expected to see 1 in 15,000. During that study, after the company showed up,
somehow or another the numbers changed they went to a lot of them, to not having so many
after the guy visited. The truth started coming out that they were lying. They went from being
truthful because they didn’t think they had anything to worry about, to getting sued, and
manipulating the data making it more difficult to get sue. In about 1985 or so, a judge in New

The Truth About Vaccines Index: EPISODE 1 – 7 Page 28


Jersey ordered one of the companies to deliver their documents to too fast for the company to
be careful. Along with the 80 boxes of documents, there were documents as lawyers that they
should’ve never seen as lawyers. He found documents in there that really showed an intent on
their part to deceive the FDA, medical establishment, doctors, and parents.

Humphries, Dr. Suzanne

Episode 1, 00:14:32 ​- Didn’t know much about vaccines in the beginning of her medical career
because she wasn’t taught much in med school.
Episode 1, 00:23:22​ - We need to distinguish between vaccines. Additives in vaccines cause
health issues.
Episode 1, 1:25:39​ - Evolution of smallpox
Episode 1, 1:29:33​ - More about the mandatory smallpox vaccinations in England and the death
rates . Over 80,000 people in England protested. Leicester, England decided not to vaccinate
and had lowest death rates in the area.

Episode 2, 00:04:51​ - Surprised to find that the vaccine studies don’t use a real inert placebo
such as saline.
Episode 2, 00:06:55​ - Gardasil vaccine had very small percentage tested against saline
placebo, but most tested against an aluminum containing injection.
Episode 2, 1:12:02 ​- Poliomyelitis, 95% of people during an outbreak would be asymptomatic.
Episode 2, 1:17:50​ - Before polio vaccine, any doctor could make the diagnosis of polio.
Episode 2, 1:18:32 ​- After polio vaccine it became much more involved to diagnose someone
with polio and changed diagnostic criteria for polio.
Episode 2, 1:21:18​ - First vaccines contained live strains of the polio virus. Would have been
medical disaster if population had been virgin and never exposed to the disease. Mentions
Cutter disaster and also Wyeth. Paul Offit wrote very good book about the disaster.
Episode 2, 1:24:18​ - Dr. Bernice Eddy was given job at NIH in 1950s to check on the safety of
the vaccine. Talks about what she found out about the SB40 virus which is very harmful to the
kidneys. Not talked about in medical school. Only found out about it after she began studying
Episode 2, 1:37:38​ - We still have just as much if not more paralysis today that we did back
then. We just treat it differently. Transverse Myelitis is a common disease we have hundreds of
cases a year today. Back in the day that would have been an epidemic. We listed the many
illnesses that would be considered the diseases of today that would have been called the polio
of yesterday in the book Dissolving Illusions. There were all kinds of clever manipulation to
inflate the efficacy of that vaccine.

Episode 3, 00:05:25​ - Immune responses to measles vaccines - most people do develop

immunity to measles with just 1 or 2 measles vaccines.

Episode 4, 00:03:01​ - They took the inhaled flu vaccine off the market because it was only 3%
effective last year and it was spreading influenza. Antibody (humoral) immunity stops the body
from producing cell mediated immunity.

The Truth About Vaccines Index: EPISODE 1 – 7 Page 29


Episode 4, 00:12:17​ - 2013 study did use saline as a placebo for flu vaccine. Study found no
huge difference in flu viral infections among vaccinated and placebo group, however there was
a 4-5 times higher incidence of non-influenza viral infections in the vaccinated.
Episode 4, 00:23:22​ - Remember the Swine Flu epidemic of 2009? A lot of people got two shots
that year.

Episode 5, 1:24:34​ - Is it possible that vaccines are the equivalent of epigenetic tinkering with
our make up. I think without a doubt, a vaccine is an insult to our equilibrium and immunity. I
think especially for vaccines that contain aluminum. A hormone interrupter, it interrupts how
DNA is transcribed. I did a talk on this about Trojan Horses and Cluster Bombs on Aluminum
that is on youtube. All of the proof is in the evidence that aluminum is a neurotoxin in a lot of
proven ways. We know that your emotions and stress can change your epigenetic profile. Well a
vaccine is a huge stress and that has been seen as one by epic proportions.

Episode 7, 00:35:31​ - Vitamin C is one of my primary tools as a medical doctor. It has become
the best medicine for my patients and myself. Dr Fred Klenner was one of the first to embrace
Vitamin C and the successful high-dose intravenous treatment of viral infections. It is a toxin
neutralizer and immune system stimulant.
Episode 7, 00:53:29​ - Humanity can move in either direction; towards health or away from
health depending on what’s going on in society. We’ve shown you with vital statistics that
nobody argues with, that the death rate was going down and down in the case of measles and
whooping cough between 1900 to almost zero in 1963 and then the vaccine comes in.

Jaxen, Jefferey
Episode 3, 1:23:24​ - Doctors and nurses understand when they stand up up they could lose
their jobs or worse, and will be replaced with someone who will toe the line in the system and
force vaccines. We work within the system to change it.

Episode 4, 1:05:03​ - We’ve had twenty years of epidemic autism and vaccine injury. Every
injured child is creating a warrior in themselves and their mother. These warriors will keep
fighting. What they’re fighting against is a paper tiger with a lot of money behind it. It cannot

Episode 5, 1:27:49 ​- I have been covering globally the HPV vaccine. The interesting aspect is
that with children or infants that are injured are unable to speak of their effects. Other than the
12 /13 year old young girls who are given this vaccine and are able to speak of how they felt.
Now not only do you have parents sharing the impact but the vaccine injured sharing theirs. All
throughout cultures in Japan, Colombia, France, Italy, Greece, on and on… these stories are
coming out and it’s the same story over and over. Every culture received them with their own
flavor and pushes back with their own flavor as well. A lot of it has to do with their lineage DNA
of their culture’s revolting ancestral spirit. I have to say in Ireland they are kicking some major
butt. When I speak through these families, mothers are using profanity and they have the
mainstream to cover it and they keep it bouncing on the mainstream media and they won’t let it

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go. As A journalist I have studied civil rights movements and this idea came to me, which
Sheila E spoke it, and it was the first time I heard it. This idea of Medical Civil disobedience in
America and this is where we are at right now, and I think that is the answer. Studying the
Vietnam War, the civil rights movements, the fall of the Soviet Union,
Civil disobedience by nature is to oppose in a large scale a morally unjust law, or a government,
or a vaccine mandate… so this was bubbling under the surface for a very long time, and it hit
the streets with the Vietnam war, civil rights movements, and I am seeing the same trends right
now. Doctors are telling me about their “civil disobedience” without naming it that because we
have lost that from our vocabulary and spirit. I have nurses who have shared that they all got
together and had a head doctor sign off that they had received the flu shot. That is the American
constitution right there, people coming together knowing what they are up against.

Episode 7, 1:01:02​ - Senator Pan Allen was asked either to vote on SB 277 that day or defer the
bill. He looked at two people and they came over whispering in his ear. Those people were
pharmaceutical lobbyists. SB 277 was probably the most important thing that ever happened to
the vaccine injury movement. It made it real for families.
Episode 7, 1:32:05​ - Howard Zinn said, “We don’t have to engage in grand, heroic actions to
participate in the process of change. Small acts, when multiplied by millions of people, can
transform the world.” Everyone can disobey in their own way.

Ji, Sayer
Episode 1, 00:07:14 - ​One of the most disturbing facts of our time that you can’t even speak
about potential harms of vaccines without being called an “anti vaxxer.”
Episode 1, 00:27:07​ - If a pediatrician does not follow the vaccines standards, they can be
legally liable for injury or infection, but they are not liable for any injury or illness if they do.
Episode 1, 00:50:26 - ​I believe that vaccines where the beginning of the downward spiral of my
health. It’s a very personal journey for me.

Episode 2, 1:28:07 ​- The problem with injecting cells from another species in humans.
Endogenous retroviruses. More about SV40 virus.
Episode 2, 1:42:03 - ​When you acknowledge this notion that you are constituted by this ancient
relationship by all this “microbes”….. You realize how obscene and mid evil our disease model
really is. By believing in this we have created the very monster that we thought we were fighting.
The bio weapons community in their lab they have created the most monstrous opportunities.
By testing and creating this stuff they have creating the possible reality that apotheosis of the
“germ theory”

Episode 3, 00:05:56​ - If you look at when vaccines were introduced, it was already at the end of
the cycle of past epidemics because of refrigeration, clean water, nutrition.
Episode 3, 00:09:34​ - Many health benefits have been identified for infection from things like
measles; including reduction in cancer, cardiac mortality, and atopic disorders. It is essential for
our immune system to develop and grow by meeting natural infectious challenges. We need
germs. 99% of our genetic material is from microbes, viruses, fungi and bacteria.

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Episode 3, 1:19:44​ - I was affected by vaccines as a child. The moment the state tells us what
to do with our bodies, it redefines us as chattel or property. Takes away our right to bodily
self-protection. Without the right to choice, we are identifying ourselves as slaves.

Episode 4, 00:05:20​ - The Cochrane Collaboration tries to identify if there is industry influence.
They looked at all the vaccines studies and could not find that vaccines were proven safe or
Episode 4, 00:11:05​ - There is no clinical support for the statement that vaccines are safe and
effective because there’s not been a single true placebo controlled trial ever performed.
“Science by proclamation.”
Episode 4, 1:13:17 - ​I have to state the obvious that there’s a cause and effect of the incidence
of autism with the increase in vaccines. It is by no means the single cause. If you look at what
autism is, it’s clearly vaccine induced brain damage.

Episode 5, 00:10:45 -​ Gardasil is the most expensive vaccine ever produced. $150 per dose. It’s
also genetically modified. We need to be looking at the fact that some of the same companies
behind GMOs are also behind vaccines. Monsanto is a subsidiary of Pharmacia, which is owned
by Pfizer. A lot of the GMOs being produced are designed to produce edible antigens so that
there will be an edible vaccine. Vaccines don’t just contain the antigen but also other
substances such as genetically modified yeast. 33% of the protein elements in yeast overlap
identically with human proteins, so when you inject the vaccine with all of these proteins, your
immune system is reacting to thousands of proteins, which can produce self antigens/antibodies
which attack the body. HPV vaccine seems to have the most adverse events reported.
Episode 5, 1:27:24​ - Unless we become aware of what’s going on and the intrinsic disease
promoting properties of vaccines we won’t ever have a world truly safe for our children.

Episode 6, 00:26:48 ​- Some vaccines have human aborted fetal cells as antigens for vaccines.
Episode 6, 01:15:54 - Paul Offit has a patent on the rotavirus vaccine. There are endogenous
retroviruses in the rotavirus vaccine that have the potential to go into the germline of children
and can be passed down to the next generation. Ji mentions the book “The Plague” by Judy
Mikovits which showed that all biologicals including vaccines may be infected with viruses that
cause cancer and neurological issues.
Episode 6, 01:23:12​ - When manufacturers were first contemplating how they could make
vaccines, they considered cancer cells because they replicate quickly. They were concerned,
however, because this can create an oncogenic factor (a gene that can cause cancer), so they
decided to use animal cells instead. Only after they developed vaccines from animal cells did
they realize it can cause cancer.

Kennedy, Robert F., Jr

Syndicated Radio Host, Author, Activist and Environmental Attorney
Episode 1, 00:27:37 - ​When I was a kid I got the smallpox vaccine and the polio vaccine and
that’s it. My kids received 69 doses of 16 vaccines.

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Episode 1, 00:28:15 - ​I’m pro vaccine. I have had all 6 of my kids vaccinated. I think vaccines
have saved millions of lives and I just accepted that they were safe. That’s what the science
said. I started looking at the science and I started calling people within the agencies.
Episode 1, 00:39:39 - ​The decision by congress was not an irrational one given the
circumstances at that point considering all of the litigation against the vaccine manufacturers.
They were considering abandoning vaccines all together. It could turn into a national security
Episode 1, 00:48:28 - ​1989 was the year that this epidemic of childhood illnesses began.
Episode 1, 1:16:26​ - Our health agencies have abandoned the precautionary principle. No
studies show we’re improving the lives of our children.There is ample evidence that thimerosal
is making this generation the sickest in the history of our country.
Episode 1, 1:49:56 ​- It’s not all just money. There is the dogma that if anyone says anything
bad about vaccines you are going to fuel this mythical anti vaccines movement, and children are
going to start dropping dead.
Episode 1, 1:51:30​ - This network president told me that if one of his talk show hosts allowed
me on the air that he would fire the host due to the potential of the network loosing an
advertiser. The CDC an organization that was made to guard the safety of children has been
captured by the industry they are supposed to regulate. The vaccine act got rid of all the lawyers
and class action suits. All the things that curb bad corporate behavior have been dissolving. I
have been told by network executives that during non election years up to 70% of news revenue
were coming from Pharmaceutical industry.
Episode 1: 1:54:35​ - It effectively locks out any kind of debate that you can have both in major
networks and independent media. Media outlets will not cover this debate. The greatest power
of the media is the power to ignore.
Episode 1, 1:58:30​ - It was impossible for me to walk away from it. You have to decide whether
you are going to speak up or put your head down and protect your career.

Episode 2, 00:01:25​ - What is epidemiology? Notoriously susceptible to manipulation.

Episode 2, 00:03:32​ - Statistics don’t lie but statisticians do.
Episode 2, 00:43:10​ - Talking to Governor Bill Posey about studies on thimerosal and the
damage it causes.
Episode 2, 00:43:49​ - Every freshwater fish in America has advisories on it telling pregnant
women not to eat it. The mercury in thimerosal is fifty times as toxic to brain tissue, and twice as
persistent in the
the brain as the mercury in the fish. So why we would we inject that into a pregnant woman or a
little baby? It just doesn’t make sense.
Episode 2, 00:52:09​ - My book “Thimerosal” is a summary of the science that has been done on
thimerosal. We spent three years writing the book, raised a quarter of million dollars to make
sure that we looked at every scientific studies done. Did not cherry pick studies, everything is in
it. We found over 1400 reference over 400 studies and vertically all of them say the same thing.
Thimerosal is a potent neurotoxin, also it does horrendous damage to other organs in the body,
it is reactive to human tissue. It’s the most neurotoxic element in the universe that isn’t
radioactive. The science was really clear. I was naive when I was wrote this book. People were

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saying that the science says there is no link between autism and thimerosal. But I was reading
science and couldn’t verify that. In fact the science I was reading said just the opposite. I
assumed that if people saw what the science said then the policies would then follow, and
additives would then follow. But what I encountered is in the Medical Establishment,
pharmaceutical, and vaccine industries was more akin to religion than science.
Episode 2, 00:54:31​- There are six documents that the CDC has relied on they are on its
website. But all six of those studies have been discredited. In fact they’re so badly discredited
that when the institute of medicine asked to review the science in those studies the CDC
instructed them not to and threatened to defund the Institute of Medicine.
Episode 2, 00:54:31 – ​The principal CDC author of the Scandinavian studies Paul Thorsen who
was the CDC liaison and the data collector. Is now on the run from the FBI and Interpol for
stealing the money he was supposed to use for the study. He has been fired from his university
and is facing 22 counts of wire fraud and theft. And yet his studies are still up as the principal
studies that supposedly exonerate thimerosal from the autism epidemic.

Episode 4, 00:16:02​ - Thimerosal was removed from 3 childhood vaccines in 2003 but the same
year the CDC mandated flu vaccines for pregnant women and small children. Flu vaccines at
that time contained mega doses of thimerosal.
Episode 4, 00:21:12 ​- In some States, if a doctor takes a multi dose vial and drops it by mistake
on the floor and it breaks, he is required by law to evacuate the building and to bring in a
hazmat crew to clean it up.
Episode 4, 00:37:53 -​ Doctors don’t read the science, just trust CDC. It takes a lot of time and
work to read all the abstracts. Strong financial incentives for doctors to get their patients to
comply with CDC vaccination schedules.
Episode 4, 00:38:48​ - Doctors punished by insurance companies like Blue Cross and Blue
Shield if doctors don’t get a certain percentage of their patients to comply with the vaccination
schedule. If 63% are non-compliant, they don’t receive any of their bonuses.

Episode 6, 00:02:08​ - There is the same kind of dynamic that you see in orthodoxies throughout
history, which is a misplaced faith in undeserving authority, which is the CDC. And they have
the need to silence any kind of dissent.
Episode 6, 00:12:13​ - In our democracy, you have institutions that are there to protect children
from predatory corporations and all of these have been neutralized here. They have become a
sock puppet to the industry they’re supposed to regulate. The CDC sells 4.6 Billion dollars worth
of vaccines every year. The CDC is regulating an industry that it’s part of.
Episode 6, 00:18:10 - ​There is a dynamic that is well described and documented that I
encounter pretty much every day of my professional life. It is called “captive agency
Episode 6, 00:27:31​ - It is not the complete CDS agency. It is a small number of people who
became corruptive and we should be concerned about. The Advisory Committee on
Immunization Practices (ACIP).
Episode 6, 01:04:09​ - The Vaccine Act produced a gold rush in the vaccine industry. The
process to get a vaccine approved is streamlined and minimal, so the profit margin was huge.

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By 1989 the CDC structure changed. Almost all people that sit on the vaccine advisory board for
the CDC now have financial tie or conflicts of interest to the industry. In 1989, the CDC put Dr.
Paul Offit as a promoter of unlimited vaccines, but he also had a chair at Merk and owned a
patent to a rotavirus vaccine while he was voting on the CDC advisory committee to add a
rotavirus vaccine to the vaccine schedule.
Episode 6, 01:09:36​ - Politicians have been paid off. There are more pharmaceutical lobbyists in
Washington D.C. than congressmen.
Episode 6, 01:19:27​ - In 2008 the inspector general of HHS investigated the Offit scandal and
found that up to 97% of the people who sit on those committees could have the same conflict of
interest as Offit.
Episode 6, 1:30:37​ - In 2203/2004 the institute of medicine made the declaration that this
controversy the issue if thimerosal causing autism should no longer be studied, that it’s settled
now. No science would ever say that. A hypothesis is challenged and tried again. They
declared no more studies should be done. All the programs gathered and said they would
defund any program that would continue in that research.

Krakow, Robert J. Esq.

Personal Injury & Medical Malpractice Attorney Specializing in Vaccines
Episode 1, 00:45:20​ - There is a government/ industry collaboration to promote vaccination. By
law the government is supposed to publicize the vaccine industry compensation program, but
they intentionally did not publicize it.
Episode 1, 00:58:40​ - I discovered later that during the decade of the 80’s I prosecuted the
wrong drug dealers. Now I focus at least 80% of my time on vaccine injury cases.
Episode 1, 1:10:12​ - Was not made public; was released by someone in winter/spring 2008 and
became highly publicized.
Episode 1, 1:11:20​ - Authorities, especially in the courts have refused to recognize the fact that
vaccines can cause a constellation of symptoms that equal Autism.

Episode 2​, 1:00:40 - Adult cases are more valuable because they can articulate themselves and
describe the symptoms. The burden is on the injured person.

Episode 4, 1: 18:21​ - Edwin Black wrote a book called, “War Against the Weak”. The measure
of our society is how we care for those who are vulnerable. The developmentally challenged
children of the last 20 years are not being well taken care of. We’re in a catastrophe and we’ve
been warning about this for the last 15 years or more.

Episode 5​, 00:14:09 - He was receiving calls from parents who had symptoms [after receiving
HPV vaccine] and now we are seeing the same symptoms [POTS] in girls all over the world.
Often these girls were athletic and had robust immune systems. It’s being resisted in vaccine
court but there are studies showing the connection.

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Episode 6, 00:16:06​ - Historically there are many groups who resist industries causing harm.
Industry is always protecting its interest. Making money is ok, but not at the expense of others.
We can’t speak out against vaccines - it’s taboo.

Episode 7, 00:57:49 - ​Because the government wants to promote the vaccine program they see
that as the hallmark of public health. Senate Bill 277.

Lahood, Nico and Davi

Parents of Vaccine Injured Child
Episode 1, 1:02: 27 - ​We start from a position what we’re for, not against. We are not against
anything, we are for the health of our kids. We share our testimony and give our opinion.

Episode 4, 1:15:21 ​- There is enough circumstantial evidence to prosecute. Doesn’t necessarily

mean causation, but definitely correlation. We need to continue investigating. Shares personal
story of son with autism.

Episode 7, 1:41:38 ​- Because I know you are also a believer in Hosea 4:6 says that my people
perish for lack of knowledge. People just need to get educated. There are 4 things we
advocate. 1. Parents educate yourselves. 2. Let doctors be doctors, and have an opinion. 3.
Don’t force vaccines on parents. 4. We should demand the same safety vaccines that all other
pharmaceutical drugs get, which we know we don’t do. I support choice and vaccines.

Lamo- Jimenez, Mario

Episode 5, 00:30:21​ – Saw an article in 2013 that said “The ministry of health will vaccinate 3.5
million girls against the HPV virus with Gardasil vaccine”. I was living in California for 20 years
and had some information about vaccines. When I saw the article in the newspaper, I wrote an
article for the same newspaper about the dangers of the vaccine. It was known that it had side
effects all over the world. So I wrote the article, it was the first article no one knew about the
vaccine. They hadn’t even started the campaign for the vaccine officially at that point. The
reaction of that paper was can you prove what you are saying there. They wanted another
article with quotes, and sources. So I wrote a 50 page article. They said they couldn’t publish
the article due to fear of being sued. They censored the article and closed it.
Episode 5, 00:31:58​ - Carmen De Bolivar in Colombia, it’s an interesting town. It’s a very close
ethnic population. It hasn’t mixed very much. And they went to that town and they had a
massive vaccination at the schools, then they started to faint. They took the girls to the hospital
and they were told “This is not related to the vaccine, this is a case of Mass Hysteria…” without
any testing. Then the parents started protesting, it was one of the first demonstrations in the
world, where people were demonstrating against vaccinations. A story was commissioned about
the town through the national ministry of health. They had 3 months to produce a story. They
didn’t publish the story. I had to petition the National Institute of Health to see the story. One
week later they put it on their website. It didn’t contain any substance, and telling them they are
crazy there isn’t anything wrong with the vaccine. Many girls started receiving psychiatric drugs.

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Episode 5, 00:38:47​ – They blame the victim, and it’s very extreme. He goes into a story about
one of the girls he interviews.
Episode 5, 00:44:00 ​– This has created a huge hardship for the girls, and their families. They
aren’t getting financial assistance for anything.

Lee, Dr. Sin Hang M. D.

Episode 1, 1:40:23 ​- My articles could not get published; the editors would not even send them
out for review. The process is supposed to go from editor to the peer reviewers, who are the
experts for determination of publishing. These were getting stopped at an editorial level. They
didn’t send the manuscripts for peer review. There is editorial censorship as a problem in
revealing the truth. I had to find other journals that would be willing to publish it.

Episode 5, 00:16:15 -​ Initially I did not want to get involved with it. I thought it is unlikely,but one
of the mothers showed me a report of free viral HPV DNA in the blood of her daughter. Then is
started to test the HPV vaccine.
Episode 5, 00:21:41​ - Nobody challenged the data but the paper was rejected several times.
Eventually it got published in the peer review scientific journal.
Episode 5, 00:23:13 ​- As a pathologist I have not heard of a 14 year old boy dying in his sleep
by a heart attack. Joel Gomez had no health issues at all and was injected with one dose of
Gardasil. 2 month later he was injected with the second dose. He was found dead the next
Episode 5, 00:29:28 - ​As a pathologist I have read pap smear for cervical cancer prevention all
my life. I don't think there is a need for a vaccine to prevent HPV infection at all.

Levatin, Dr. Janet, M.D.

Episode 1, 00:27:52​ - A typical 2 month old baby will get about 9 vaccines at once.
Episode 1, 1:45:49​ - There have been ramifications for me professionally for the decisions I
have made by choosing to not vaccinate on the schedule. I used to be affiliated with children’s
hospital Boston in doing a mentorship with medical students program per se. Medical students
would hear me speak on my practices or alternatives to vaccines and thoughts about the
vaccines, and as a result I was asked to no longer be a part of the program. I was not telling
parents to not vaccinate; parents were coming to me as a result of them wanting alternatives.
This challenged the hospital and the medical program they had in place for their medical
students and I stopped having medical students in my office. The next thing that happened in
relation to being part of a list of providers for the hospitals. This allows you to be on their roster,
So that your patience can go in there if they are sick and be affiliated with insurance companies.
I was then told I would not be able to be part of the “affiliated” doctors because of these issues.

Episode 4, 00:51:24​ - Allergies were unheard of before invention of hypodermic needle. Story of
Heather Frazier’s son who had a reaction to peanuts. She was a historian not medical doctor.
Wrote book called “The Peanut Allergy Epidemic”. She discovered the HIB vaccine uses peanut
oil and also HIB bacterium are very similar to peanuts. When her son ate a peanut, his body got
confused and thought the peanut was the HIB virus and had a severe reaction.

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Episode 5, 00:52:00 ​- Levatin talks about her experience that led her to stop vaccinating in her
practice after the Her B vaccine was mandated for 1 day old babies.
Episode 5, 01:07:49​ - She saw 3 babies die of SIDS within 24 hours of being vaccinated. In
every SIDS case she encountered, the baby had been vaccinated within the last 24 hours.

Lewis, Dr. David

Episode 6, 00:03:13​ - Both government and industry are using false allegations of research
misconduct to discredit scientists who raise questions about government policies and industry
practices. Even when the scientist is vindicated, recovering their career is difficult. Saw from the
inside how funding is gathered and used for research. Saw firsthand how the science around
vaccine safety is manipulated.
Episode 6, 00:58:45​ - There was a massive news media coverage of fraud by Andrew
Wakefield in regards to the Lancet study, but as Lewis investigated further, he found the
documents did exist and Wakefield was not guilty of fraud.

Episode 7, 1:39:33​ - At the end of my life I’d like to look back and say that I’ve been as good to
other people as I could be. It’s been a guiding light in my life, my wife, and my children. I think
people think about science as facts and cold and hard intellectual pursuit but it’s not really.
Hardly anything we do in science it’s what vaccines are supposed to be about, protecting our
health. You go to work in the real work, in universities, and government agency and you learn
that it’s not what it’s really about, it’s about making money. At that point you can choose what
you are going to do, bail out? I chose to stay in the system and fight it.

Malaguti-Boyle, Dr. Manuela

Episode 4, 00:45:02 - ​In Japan, children receive three vaccines at two years of age, but not
before the age of two because the immune system is developing so the child’s immune system
can actually deal with the vaccinations. In some countries, the age is lowered and vaccinations
are actually given at birth. Studies have shown those children haven’t done very well. At the end
of the day, it would seem that it’s better to let parents choose when, or if, their children are to be
vaccinated. In some countries, like Australia, that choice has been take away.

Margulis, Dr. Jennifer

Episode 1, 00:01:14​ - Why we shouldn’t talk in terms for pro/anti vaccine. We all care about
healthy children and population
Episode 1, 00:08:26​ - Idea behind informed consent. With a physician, you should talk about
positives, negatives and alternatives regarding vaccination.
Episode 1, 00:22:27​ - We have to look at vaccines on a vaccine by vaccine basis. “Don’t throw
the baby out with the bathwater.”
Episode 1, 00:29:36- A study in Pediatrics showed that parents who decided to delay or forego
vaccines made over $70k a year and had the most education. Something is wrong with the
current CDC schedules. Public health officials tell parents to follow the CDC schedule but do not
follow it themselves.

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Episode 1, 1:16:58​ - We have so many vaccines being added to the schedule with children
being exposed to other things like aluminum, polysorbate 20, polysorbate 80, formaldehyde.
Episode 1, 1:17:27 ​- It has not been scientifically proven that this vaccine schedule is safe.
Episode 1, 1:41:55​ - If the debate is frowned upon and not allowed you have to ask why is it not
ok to speak about these issues? What is at stake here? Why wouldn’t we want to have the
healthiest and safest, and most scientifically based vaccines schedule?
Episode 1, 1:58:04​- We all have to begin communicating. The public health officials to parents,
to doctors, this is not religion this is science. We don’t have to agree, but we can figure it out

Episode 2, 00:37:02​ - Aluminum is highly neurotoxic which can cause a child to have
neurological issues.
Episode 2, 00:38:42​ - What people don’t understand is, informed consent is only as informed as
your doctor is. A lot of doctors don’t even realize there is aluminum in vaccines. If they do they
don’t know how much is in there, or what a safe dose is. Doctors were trained that aluminum is
Episode 2, 1:09:56 - ​I feel very strongly that parents must have a choice whether to vaccinate or
not to vaccinate their kids. Medical intervention has to be a choice.
Episode 2, 1:45:38​ - It’s hard for people to understand but there are benefits to getting certain
illnesses. We actually know that some infectious diseases help us not have auto immune
disorders. That something that is very hard for Americans to understand. A parent that chooses
not to vaccinate is making an evidence base decision that they rather take the risk of being
exposed to infectious disease than to risk of being exposed to vaccines. It may not be the
choice for someone else. Those are appropriate decisions and conversation to be had. There is
no anti or pro stance.

Episode 3, 1:28:45​ - It’s difficult when someone questions your longstanding beliefs. It turns
your world upside down. We need to do that in the US because the health of our children is
terrible. Part of the problem is we have too many vaccines too soon. Vaccines are the bread
and butter of pediatrics. The best doctors realize the CDC is wrong and we need to change our
schedules for vaccines.
Episode 3, 1:32:35​ - Time for doctors to speak up and admit they were wrong.We need to follow
the example of Dr. Paul Thomas and others who are beginning to speak up. Too many children
have been damaged by toxins. Parents are smart. It’s time to end autism and autoimmune

Episode 4, 00:59:55 - ​It’s crucial a child be able to detox after a vaccine. Mother called a
pediatrician who told her it was normal for her baby to scream for 24 hours following a vaccine
and to give the baby Tylenol. That’s the last thing you want to do. You’re guaranteeing the child
will have more trouble detoxing. Tells why not to give Tylenol and how it reacts in the body.
Episode 4, 1:01:40​ - Study coming out from researchers at Duke and Harvard concerning
everything we know about acetaminophen.

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Episode 4, 1:02:48​ - You have to read beyond the headlines of scientific studies. We also know
the negative effects are magnified in the presence of testosterone. Acetaminophen might be
one of the reasons there are more autistic boys than girls.
Episode 4, 1:09:52 - ​She sat down with surgeon general of Norway while researching her book.
Asked him if he mandated vaccines. He looked at her as if she had three heads. Most people
follow the vaccination schedule. If people in the US are not following schedule, makes me
wonder why. More than 99% of women in Norway breastfeed their babies. At six months, most
Norwegian babies are still being breastfed. We need to support mothers who are breastfeeding,
especially if they’re having trouble with it.
Episode 4, 1:11:51 - ​In Iceland, there’s also a very high percentage of breastfeeding mothers.
Experienced acceptance when breastfeeding her baby in Iceland at museum. Shared the
experience.Breastfeeding is a public health initiative.
Episode 4,​ ​1:29:48​ - What I would tell parents is to trust themselves. You know your child better
than anyone else in the world. We should not be trusting government agencies to tell us what to
do with our children. The CDC does not know better, nor your child’s teacher or doctor. You
know them better than any of them. We need to find medical professional that we trust who we
can make collaborative decisions with regarding our children’s’ health.
Episode 4, 1:35:08 ​- I’ve interviewed parents whose son was born on March 2, and they made
sure that they had their doctor’s appointment every march 2, without fail. They did everything
the doctor told them to do. Which means they did their vaccinations, gave them Tylenol with
their vaccines, which is something you should never do in conjunction with vaccines and then
their child got sick with an ear infections and they gave them antibiotics and today their child is
severely autistic, or has type 2 diabetes, or has severely compromised health. They say “I
followed your orders” what went wrong, and the dr. says, I don’t know, or they say it was genetic
, when they know it was not genetic. Those are the people that are being betrayed by our
medical system who are turning away from mainstream medicine, because mainstream
medicine is failing them.

Episode 5, 00:46:23​ – Tells a story about her daughter when she was a newborn.
Episode 5 00:48:34​ – In 1999 the CDC realized they had never counted up the cumulative
exposure to mercury that was being given in the infant vaccine schedule. During that year they
issued a statement to every pediatrician in the country saying let’s not do the Hep B vaccine at
birth because of the worry about mercury exposure.
Episode 5, 00:49:15​ – We still give the Hep B vaccine to newborn’s but it no longer has
thimerosal. It is still very problematic and probably a completely unnecessary vaccine.
Episode 5, 01:00:04​ - Doctors in America do not give their own children the Hep B vaccine at
birth even though they recommend it for their patients.

Episode 6, 01:12:45​ - When Paul Offit was in training in Appalachia, he saw a child die of
rotavirus, which has encouraged him to believe vaccines are a miracle. The problem is the
rotavirus is a disease almost every child in America gets and is mostly very benign. The vaccine
is not one that children in America need. It might be appropriate for children without access to
food and healthcare.

The Truth About Vaccines Index: EPISODE 1 – 7 Page 40


Episode 6, 01:17:55​ - While the rotavirus vaccine may have been effective to take the spread of
rotavirus down, it has also led to a new virus, norovirus, which is much more virulent and
problematic than rotavirus. Rotavirus is much more benign and the vaccine should no longer be
Episode 6, 1:35:03​ - If kids were really healthy we would know we were doing things right. The
proof is in the pudding. We have an overly aggressive vaccine question that is not based on the
current science. Let’s have a conversation, a debate, and have some real science to learn
which ones are safe and which ones are necessary and how do we best protect our kids. We all
care about the same thing, healthy kids. No one wants to see a recurrence of diseases like polio
and measles. That is not what this is about. What this is about is making sure we are not
compromising our children’s immune system in trying to protect them against diseases. We are
doing too many vaccines too soon.

Episode 7, 00:13:40​ - If we want to practice evidence based medicine and support what is best
for our children, we have to support women to exclusively breastfeed babies. It’s absolutely
crucial that human babies drink human milk. Our infant mortality rates are quite high compared
to other industrialized countries, maternal mortality rates are also high. We can reduce the infant
mortality rates by getting the breastfeeding rates up. Real preventative medicine is not about
vaccines, it’s about exclusive breastfeeding right from the beginning of life.
Episode 7, 00:39:55​ - We need to feed our kids real food. For babies breast milk exclusively,
and real, recognisable food for our children. We need to avoid antibiotics and Acetaminophen
(Tylenol) and give our kids time to move outside to get sunlight and Vitamin D.
Episode 7, 1:18:40 ​- Many pediatricians will kick families out of their practice if they refuse to
vaccinate. So, how can you have informed consent if you are told if you choose not to
vaccinate, you can’t be my patient any more?

Mercola, Dr. Joseph

Episode 1, 1:13:13 - ​Clearly a potential for harm. Parents need to make the responsible
decision to carefully weigh the evidence.
Episode 1, 1:37:56​ - Our bodies were designed and created to have an immune response when
exposed to an infected agent. You have lifelong permanent immunity when you are exposed to
an infectious agent and have a healthy immune system. That’s the ideal. When you get it
artificially it is almost universally less than ideal.
Episode 1, 1:50:20​ - The most firmly grounded entrenched belief in conventional medicine for
preventive health is that vaccines are crucial to health.
Episode 1, 1:56:47​ - It brings me to tears, I really did not know and I failed in my responsibility in
doing my due diligence to therapies that could have been more beneficial. In reality I just did not
do my homework.
Episode 4, 1:30:31 ​- There are some serious irreversible damages that can occur from these
things. It’s all about a cost risk analysis. You have got to the do the homework. There are less
than 1% of people who do the homework. They just don’t have time.

The Truth About Vaccines Index: EPISODE 1 – 7 Page 41


Episode 5: 1:26:25 ​- Their intentions are to use this for the greater good. It’s ok to have a few
people die and suffer because most people are going to be protected. The problem is this isn’t
true. This didn’t for the greater good. They don’t have any screen systems in place to identify
the damaged individuals. There are many vaccines like hept B, gardasil vaccines that are
destroying so many people and girls. It’s truly devastating.

Episode 7, 1:26:31​ - When I think of this, I am almost brought to tears because I know I
intentionally caused damage by my efforts to comply with the standard recommendations of
providing vaccines. Knowing that I unquestionably caused damage to children is almost
impossible to live with.
Episode 7, 01:11:58​ – After I came out of medical school I vaccinated thousands of children, it’s
one of my biggest regrets in life. I didn’t know any better, and I blindly trusted them that they
were telling the truth.

Mikovits, Dr. Judy PHD

Episode 2, 1:06:12 - ​An antibody response is not a protective Immune response.

Episode 5, 00:02:21 - ​Only a few strains of HPV have been associated (not necessarily causing)
cancer. Gardasil has pieces of those HPV strains along with aluminum to stimulate the immune
response. It would be more reasonable to make the vaccine available to those susceptible to
cervical cancer and not mandate it on the entire population.
Episode 5, 00:27:46 - ​1 in 10 people injected with Gardasil develop neurological diseases,
chronic lyme disease, reactivated infections, serious narcolepsy.
Episode 5, 00:29:05 ​- Those vaccines have never been shown to prevent a single case of
cervical cancer.

Episode 6, 01:20:16​ - Xenotropic Murine Leukemia Virus-Related Virus (XMRV) is a virus that is
found in people with prostate cancer patients. This mouse-related leukemia virus, which caused
leukemia in mice, can contribute to the most aggressive forms of prostate cancer. The most
likely place that these XMRVs were introduced into the human population is in vaccines.
Episode 6, 01:24:33​ - Reverse Transcriptase Activity is in MMR vaccines and it writes
backwards the genome and inserts itself into our DNA. It then stays in the DNA for the life of
that person. This is a hallmark of retrovirus. In her studies, which she published in “Plague” it
showed these were absolutely a problem in the MMR vaccine, but the government said there
was nothing they could do about it as it was already everywhere in the human population. The
government jailed Judy Mikovits and her co-researcher to try to cover up and discredit their
findings. She was convicted without a hearing and is no longer allowed to continue her research
on this link. She would not sign the papers refuting or discrediting her findings.

Episode 7, 00:58:17 - ​SP 277 has taken away parents rights to refuse. It has been published as
the model legislation for all states. Our kids don’t get an education if they don’t get an injection?
Where is that come from?

The Truth About Vaccines Index: EPISODE 1 – 7 Page 42


Miller, Neil Z.
Episode 1, 00:11:02 ​- The balance of informed consent. Understanding all the risks.
Episode 1, 00:32:31​ - Miller’s Review of Critical Vaccine Studies includes over 400 studies
showing problems of vaccines.

Episode 2, 00:32:50​ - The aluminum in vaccines are causing the children to overdose on
aluminum, which is causing neurological and physiological damage. He talks about the percent
of aluminum children are receiving above the FDA standards of safety.
Episode 2, 1:17:26​ - In late 1950’s definition of polio was legally changed
Episode 2, 1:27:35 - ​About the industry that raises rhesus monkeys to make polio vaccine.
Episode 2, 1:36:53​ - A study shows that the polio vaccines when administered in India are
linked to 47,000 cases of “non polio paralytic disease.” They tried to come up with a name to
disassociate it from Polio. But it’s only those people that were ministered that vaccine that are
being paralyzed.

Episode 3, 00:02:51​ - Many outbreaks of measles and pertussis, 80-100% of the people are
Episode 3, 00:08:48​ - Studies have been done on people who have contracted measles,
chickenpox, rubella and have found that they are less likely to develop certain cancers.
Episode 3, 00:16:16​ - Vaccination rates dropped when the industry stopped giving parents the
choice for single dose vaccines versus the combined MMR, but this drop in rates was blamed
on Andrew Wakefield.
Episode 3, 00:21:03​ - Andrew Wakefield found combining the measles, mumps and rubella
vaccines into the MMR was potentially damaging, and within 6 months of his findings the
industry took away the option for single dose vaccines.
Episode 3, 1:03:22 -​ You and I are being told that it is the unvaccinated children that are
causing pertussis and that everyone needs to be vaccinated.

Episode 4, 00:01:20​ - CDC and FDA claim that 36,000 people die every year from flu, but that’s
a lie. Any given year the average is 750-2000 people that succumb to influenza and most have
preexisting conditions.
Episode 4, 00:13:22​ - The flu vaccine causes problems such as guillain-barre syndrome.
Episode 4, 00:17:00 ​- They put it into multi dose vials as it is cheaper. They add the mercury as
an antimicrobial agent. It saves about $0.15 per dose.
Episode 4, 00:27:25 ​- People that do not get the flu shot on an annual basis while exposed to it
gain cross protection against different strains that might come up in the future. There is a lot of
different angles to this issue that people need to understand.
Episode 4, 00:56:42 ​- Prevnar 7 was designed to combat 7 of the 90 pneumococcal strains.
Within a few years, those strains were knocked out but more strains became more virulent. New
strains that weren’t causing problems in the past were now causing problems. Prevnar 13 was
introduced and within two years, the strains had adapted and there are new strains taking the
place of the thirteen.

The Truth About Vaccines Index: EPISODE 1 – 7 Page 43


Episode 4, 1:06:40 ​- Dr. Gary Goldman and I did another study and compared the vaccination
schedules of nations around the world. Found that United States requires the most vaccines.
Wanted to see if US had best infant mortality rates because we were told vaccines were
Episode 4, 1:08:23​ - Only compared first world nations. What we found was the United States
had 34th worst infant mortality rate in the world. And yet, the US requires the most vaccines for
infants. We found a significant correlation between the infant mortality rate and the number of
vaccines for infants. The fewer the vaccines, the better the infant mortality rate. These results
were published in peer reviewed journals.
Episode 4, 1:17:51​ - There are numerous studies that document the correlation between autism
and vaccines.

Episode 5, 00:04:10 - ​We know there are 15 different strains of HPV that can cause cervical
cancer, but they targeted the 2 causing the most cases (HPV 16 & HPV 18). The vaccine was
pretty effective in reducing disease caused by those strains, however, it created a vacuum and
other strains started causing more problems in their place. These strains are more prevalent
and more virulent.
Episode 5, 01:05:11​ - Neil speaks about his findings of serious infant reactions after receiving
different numbers of vaccines at the same time. He found the more vaccines a baby receives at
the same time, the more likely they will experience an adverse reaction to that vaccine.

Episode 6, 00:09:01​- There’s a revolving door between the authorities that run the CDC and
they move over to take high levels of management within the pharmaceutical companies.
Episode 6, 00:11:07​ - The CDC has a conflict of interest because they are looking after vaccine
safety but they are also promoting vaccines. Vaccine safety need to be in an independent
Episode 6, 00:20:50​ - While Dr Gary Goldman worked for the CDC he found that the chickenpox
vaccine cuts death but raises questions on significant increases of shingles.
Episode 6, 01:01:27​ - The CDC and WHO went overseas with an experimental measles vaccine
and found it was a killer when tested on African babies in third world countries. After finding this,
they tested this same vaccine on African American babies in the inner cities of LA to see if it
would have the same deadly result.

Episode 7, 00:33:06 ​- The WHO has come out and stated that they have done the research that
children that have died of measles had low quantity of vitamin A. Vitamin A protects children
from complications and death associated with measles.
Episode 7, 1:23:45​ - Someone writes almost every week saying my pediatrician made me leave
his practice when I asked about vaccines. I tell them they should thank the pediatrician. Go find
someone who will respect your views.

Muhammad, Minister Tony

Episode 1, 00:36:05​ - Vaccine makers are protected by Congress under the Vaccine Injury Act
and cannot be sued even if it is proven the vaccine injured a child.

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Episode 6, 00:50:30​ – Black, Latino, Native American, and poor White mothers is a group no
one is talking about. The middle class is particularly aware, but the poor have no idea. I’ve been
invited to inner city schools by black educators they said come into my classroom look at the
black boys, 70-80% of them they look spacey, and you can’t get them to interact.

Episode 7: 1:41:00​ - I believe that in one year this movement will have as much traction as
Black lives matter. As the female movement that we are seeing right now, this too. But when
this one comes out and the press is absent in telling people the truth, we believe that this one
will cause so much anger, because when you attack babies that’s not good. There are
countries that have better vaccines in America. Why can’t we go to Switzerland and say “hey
what are you doing to make this work?” It’s not that we are against vaccines, we just want safe

Obukhanych Tetyana , PH.D

Episode1, 1:39:54 - ​Doctors have to follow certain protocols. If doctors realized that the
protocols they are doing are actually harming people, it would be very hard for them to do that
as humans. They would not do it. ​ ​So the medical establishment is making everything possible
to prevent doctors from realizing that what they are doing might be harmful.

Episode 2, 1:08:56 - ​There is not a single vaccine I could find that is proven to be necessary,
safe and effective.

Episode 3, 00:25:31​ - The problem is DNA contamination. When you mix a DNA adjuvant in a
vaccine containing a live virus, it can cause problems with the bodies ability to eliminate that
Episode 3, 00:32:15​ - Some parents might think it’s worth getting the measles vaccine and not
so much the rubella vaccine. But if you have everything in three, then you are pretty much
forced to do the rubella as well. Rubella is dangerous when it happens during pregnancy, it is in
important that you go through rubella as a child so by the time you are an adult there isn’t any
risk for it. Rubella parties would be really great to get everyone immune to this very mild
Episode 3, 00:23​ - Males have absolutely no benefit from Rubella vaccination.
Episode 3, 00:53:29 - ​It depends on how vaccines are purified. Each badge can be different,
you never know.
Episode 3, 00:54:43​ - The DTaP vaccine was developed in Japan in the 80’s.

Episode 7, 00:12:34​ - Breastfeeding is best for babies to fend off bacterial diseases. In Sweden
it has been shown that the risk of meningitis was down 4 fold in exclusively breastfed babies.
The reason that meningitis rose was because of the switch from breastfeeding to formula
feeding that happened in the 2nd half of the 20th century. HIB meningitis was an issue of under
breastfeeding but they introduced a vaccine for it instead of encouraging breastfeeding.
Episode 7, 00:31:08​ - Sugar harms our Neutrophil which guards us from bacteria infection.

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Episode 7, 00:38:55 ​- The immune system knew what was available naturally. All vitamins are
necessary one way or her other.

Dr. O’Shea, Tim, D.C. :

Episode 1, 1:36:53 -​ Vaccination and immunization are two separate physical entities.
Vaccination is taking a man made substance and injecting it. Immunization is something that
has nothing to do with vaccines. There is only one way a human can be immune to a disease.
They either get the disease or are exposed to the disease. As a result your body then builds up
its own immunity via antibodies and more and then they are immune. Immunity is for life, does
not require booster shots​.

Episode 3, 00:31:23​ - A new atypical measles disease has now surfaced from the shedding of
the measles vaccine, which is different from typical measles and can affect those who already
contracted typical measles.

Episode 4, 1:05:36 ​- No child is born with an intact immune system. It is struggling into
existence for the first two years. Most countries in the world don’t vaccinate before the age of
two.The incidence of autism and vaccine injury is much much less than in the United States. In
most other countries, the children receive about half the vaccines that US children receive.

Episode 5, 01:12:33​ - Shaken Baby Syndrome is a cover-up by the vaccine industry to hide the
fact that this is a vaccine injury.

Palevsky, Dr. Larry

Episode 1, 00:06:28​ - Climates of “vaccinate your kid now” or “don’t vaccinate your kid” - neither
standpoint allows for decisionmaking
Episode 1, 00:13:44 ​- Vaccines are not really discussed in medical school other than “they save
lives, this is schedule to use.” He started looking at ingredients.
Episode 1, 00:32:40​ - There have not been any studies looking at the synergistic effects of the
ingredients in vaccines being given together.
Episode 1, 00:40:49 - What business do you know is allowed to practice without liability
Episode 1, 00:47:16 -​ Doctors are not taught what an adverse vaccine reaction looks like.
Episode 1,​ ​00:49:23 - ​Something is happening to the brain development of our children. Nobody
is asking “why” ?

Episode 2, 00:10:00​ - 2005 FDA reported about the contaminants of foreign DNA particles in
vaccines. We do not know if the contaminates will lead to an event.
Episode 2, 00:20:08​ - Something is irritating, inflaming and interfering with the development of
children’s brains causing multiple issues including speech delays muscle weaknesses.
Episode 2, 00:21:49​ - The aluminum in vaccines is not the same as the aluminum we ingest and
is in such a structure that is can easily pass through the brain barrier and bring viruses and
bacteria with it. Polysorbate 80 is used by pharmaceuticals to get drugs past the blood brain

The Truth About Vaccines Index: EPISODE 1 – 7 Page 46


barrier, but this also attaches strongly to aluminum. This is the same technology used in
vaccines. A 2011 study published showed 54% of children had at least 1 of 20 of chronic
Episode 2, 00:29:00​ - Aluminum that has been injected from vaccines has been shown to stay
in the brain for years.
Episode 2, 00:39:35​ - Mercury is still in vaccines. It’s not just in the flu vaccine.
Episode 2, 00:39:47​ – thimerosal is still in the vaccines, Ethylmercury being the organic form of
mercury is neurotoxic.
Episode 2, 00:40:00​ - Aluminum and mercury together potentiate it’s dangerous properties in
creating death in nerve cells.
Episode 2: 1:40:22 - ​If we really look at the literature today, germs may cause disease but in
fact they may help children develop the illnesses to help enhance the removal of the waste.
This may be part of the solution to the stress that causes excess junk in their body not the
cause of the excess junk.
In the mid 80’s the physicians who were training us were practicing medicines in NY in the 40’s.
When children had their illnesses and you left them unsuppressed they almost always had a
developmental growth spurt after the symptoms are over. They prune their nervous system and
immune system and they actually go on to heal and be stronger. Viral illnesses and some
bacterial illnesses may be part of the way the body heals from stress rather than the germs
causing the stress. That shakes the roots of conventional medicine.

Episode 3, 00:06:36​ - Measles is not a deadly disease. We create fear, because we need to use
that fear to get people vaccinated. In places where poverty, poor sanitation, dirty water and
starvation are occurring, any virus can be deadly, because the conditions create the opportunity
for the symptoms to develop.
Episode 3, 00:11:54​ - No one ever gets 2 diseases at that same time. We shouldn’t be given
multiple diseases at the same time. When people get measles and mumps close together, there
is a greater incidence of inflammatory bowel disease. That raises the question, if MMR is given
together, and parents are talking about children developing gastrointestinal dysfunction
consistent with inflammatory bowel changes, then are we increasing the chances of
inflammatory bowel diseases by giving these vaccines together?
Episode 3, 00:15:27​ - When a dr observed in a cluster of children with autism and inflammatory
bowel disease, knowing that when measles and mumps are contracted close together that there
is an increased incidence of inflammatory bowel disease, suggested that maybe giving measles
and mumps vaccines together could produce the same outcome - somehow he became the
poster child for “vaccines cause autism.” (talking about Dr. Wakefield)
Episode 3, 00:22:36​ - The study suggested it may be better to give the measles, mumps and
rubella vaccines separately.
Episode 3, 1:16:45 - ​There’s definitely a philosophy that it’s ok to sacrifice the lives of a few for
the many. Anyone who says vaccines are safe hasn’t read past the title of the article.
Episode 3, 1:17:51 -​ Many theories have been put forth regarding the Zika virus. One theory is
the area was sprayed another is that the mothers were given one of two vaccines, both known

The Truth About Vaccines Index: EPISODE 1 – 7 Page 47


to cause microcephaly (small heads). The Zika virus is benign. In New York, areas in the
summer were sprayed but only in low income minority areas.

Episode 4, 00:19:35 - ​There was a study in the journal of vaccines in 2012 that looked at
injection of the flu vaccine in pregnant mothers. Nobody has ever measured what happens to
the immune system.
Episode 4, 00:30:43 - ​The flu shot makes no sense. The virus that is most likely causing the flu
illness is rarely an influenza virus.
Episode 4, 00:50:40 -​ The mere injection of a material into the body is a medical condition
because you will receive an inflammatory response. Why do you think we’re having so many
food allergies? Because there are food proteins in the vaccines, starting with the vitamin K given
at birth which contain egg proteins. And, castor oil cross reacts with peanuts and tree nuts.
Episode 4, 1:22:45​ - The concept of herd immunity is based on the idea that contagiousness is
the only way disease can be spread. That the only way I can get sick and get exposed to that
germ Is if you who has it gives it to me, as if there is no possible way I can be exposed to that
germ without being exposed to someone who is sick. That is the biggest problem regarding
infectious diseases, infections and herd immunity. This doesn’t allow all the permutations all
the ways you can have a germ in your body and still not get sick. That you can be exposed to a
germ from an environment without being near anyone who had the illness.

Episode 5, 1:21:57 ​- there is an entity in science called Transgenerational Epigenetics . Many

scientists have looked at this concept in both animal populations and human populations. They
take pregnant mice, and expose it to a known toxin, and follow an offspring off that mouse for 3
to 4 generations. What they find is that the effect of that toxin from the first mouse is still seen 3
and 4 generations out without more exposure to it. So we probably have 4 generations of
vaccinated people in our world. We don’t’ even understand the transgenerational epigenetic of
this population. But we keep repeating the exposure and increasing it to each generation. Here
we are in 2016 and there is a definite difference in the health of adults and children in these past
2 generations I can account for. It could be diet, environmental toxins, radio waves, sure… AND
where is the subject of vaccines and that impact?

Episode 6, 00:01:16​ - In medical school, we learned the scientific method. We were trained to
create a question, go through the steps of evaluating the answers and be willing to look at the
data and not eliminate it if we don’t like it. And then draw a conclusion, even if we don’t like it. In
our current state of affairs, we are not allowed to ask the question. It’s not science anymore. It’s
ideology and dogma.

Episode 7, 00:42:12​ - In Feb 2013, JAMA has study on autism in Norway. They looked at the
rate of autism and the moms who took folate while they were pregnant and the moms who
didn’t. Moms who took folate while pregnant, the autism rate was 1 in 1000 and moms who
didn’t it was 1 in 500. It was 1 in 150 in the US then. Why? Now it’s 1 in 50.
Episode 7, 00:54:36​ - In 2000 there was an article in the Pediatrics Journal that discusses the
decrease in mortality from infectious diseases in children between the ages of 1 and 19 before

The Truth About Vaccines Index: EPISODE 1 – 7 Page 48


WW II. It was due to improved sanitation, improved water, better living conditions and better
Episode 7, 00:56:18 - ​Many people say: “if I don’t vaccinate how can I keep my kid strong?” The
body is already strong. There is a way to keep it strong. Good food, good water and healthy
environments create healthy kids.
Episode 7. 1:18:26​ - In almost every case where there’s a child that has been injured by
vaccines, the parents state, “I didn’t want to do it. I had this gut feeling. But, my doctor bullied
me into doing it.”
Episode 7, 1:24:34 ​- Everyone knows there’s a ratio between risk and reward for decisions we
make. With vaccines, does the risk outweigh the rewards? The public is learning there’s a
greater risk to vaccines that there is reward. They’re learning it firsthand and they’re doing their
research. Every attempt is being made to stop them. The science is clear. Vaccine ingredients
are poisoning the body and the brain.
Episode 7, 1:25:01 ​- We’re told vaccines are safe. Have the ingredients been tested? Do they
affect the mitochondria? Do they cross the blood-brain barrier? Vaccine materials can go right
through it, penetrate it, destroy it and go right through to the brain.
Episode 7, 1:31:26 ​- There is definitely a need for surgery. Definitely a need for emergency
medicine. But I can practice medicine without using pharmaceuticals. That’s a blow to me after
having been trained in conventional medicine. It’s a blow to most physicians to realize medicine
is not needed most of the time in children. What’s needed is an understanding of the physiology
and how to help the child move through the symptoms and get better.

Posey, Bill
Congressman from Florida
Episode 1, 00:54:27 - ​Every member in Congress should co-sponsor studies. Why does
anybody fear?
Episode 1, 1:12:20 - ​Discusses congressional hearings on the safety of vaccines and the
vaccine industry trust fund, NVICP.

Rafeeque, Muhammed
Episode 7, 00:02:11​ - 50 years ago, the government of Kerala (India) approved homeopathy as
a system of medicine. A person pays 2 rupees for registration and then gets lifelong free
treatment. Homeopaths are invited to planning of health policies.

Rice, Heather D.C

Episode 2, 1:08:16 - ​Children which are Agammaglobulinemic dont have the ability to produce

Episode 3, 1:24:02 -​ Our culture has forgotten there are different ways to approach health.
Pharmaceutical approach is one way. Another way is the vitalistic approach. We should have
the right to choose. In Vermont, in 2012 citizens almost lost the right for a philosophical
exemption to choose their health care. Now, something’s changed. People who don’t want to

The Truth About Vaccines Index: EPISODE 1 – 7 Page 49


get vaccines are almost demonized. There’s no informed consent if your rights are being taken

Episode 4, 00:29:47 ​- Early on we want to be exposed to childhood illnesses because they are
part of the developmental process of the immune system.
Episode 4, 1:25:39​ - If you look at the people that survived the Spanish flu, later when another
flu epidemic came thru in 1968 or so, those people were protected because their immune
system had been imprinted early on and they had their lifelong immunity. Now with the kids
getting flu shots they are being robbed of their natural immunity abilities being created. This now
opens the door to harm them for the rest of their lives and it makes them susceptible to die from
diseases they would have been able to recover from easily because they would have that robust
immune system within them. When I observe the herd… I tell you what; if the herd was
healthier and happier I would follow the herd.

Dr Ruggiero, Marco MD
Episode 7 - 00:20:18 - ​GcMAF (Gc Protein-Derived Macrophage Activating Factor) are cells of
the immune system. It is a topic that I have been studying for the past 26 years. We began
research and experiments in the lab and we ended up with a new molecule which is actually not
new at all but happens in nature. We called it “RERUM” which means “of things” in Latin. It is
nothing else but the active parts of the old GcMAF without the GcMAF in itself. Rerum is not a
magic pill. It has to go along with a diet protocol like the Ketogenic diet.

Sahni, Dr. Irvin

Episode 2, 00:14:03 ​- Supreme court has stated there is vaccine injury. There are diagnosis
codes for vaccine injury.
Episode 2, 00:16:45 ​- Vaccines are grown in a substrate. They are grown in human or animal
tissue. The substrates can contain other harmful substances such as glyphosate which has
been classified as a probable carcinogen.

Episode 4, 00:34:03 - ​This is a big issue for hospital staff. I have had contention with hospitals
that I worked at in terms of getting a flu vaccine. I have not have a flu vaccine in over ten years.
Episode 4, 00:54:00​ - In rare cases, babies can be born with VKBD which is caused by not
enough vitamin K for blood clotting. Why inject babies with a synthetic vaccine-like drug which
contains aluminum, benzyl alcohol, propylene glycol, which is antifreeze, when you can get a
better source of vitamin K through diet, through the mother’s placenta? VKBD doesn’t happen
very often. It’s just another way to inject a child with pharmaceuticals.

Episode 5, 01:10:28​ - A 2017 study published in Current Medicine & Chemistry concluded that
there needs to be more investigation into the deaths occurring in a short space of time after
vaccination to objectively evaluate the possible causative role of the vaccine and SIDS. Do
vaccines cause SIDS?

Seneff, Stephanie

The Truth About Vaccines Index: EPISODE 1 – 7 Page 50


Episode 2, 00:19:03​ - Glyphosate slowly erodes health over time, opens up gut and brain
barriers so the ingredients in vaccines can get into the brain, which puts many children at risk.

Episode 3, 00:19:25​ - She talks about her experience questioning the MMR vaccine, which had
puzzled her as to why it was having such a reaction in children. Andrew Wakefield’s reputation
was destroyed when he came out with information the government did not want to know.

Tenpenny, Dr. Sherri

Episode 1, 00:15:56 ​- Very few vaccines when she was in medical school. All newer doctors are
told to follow the schedule and how to deal with vaccine hesitant parents.
Episode 1, 00:18:28 ​- Doctors are being taught how to deal with vaccine hesitant parents.

Episode 2, 00:05:39​ - Real placebo is not used in vaccine safety testing

Episode 2, 1:04:43​ - Effective means you do something that achieves the intended goal. A
vaccine should create an anti-body.
Episode 2, 1:07:05 - ​They said: We don't really want to bring up the discussion about
antibodies. We don't really know what it means.
Episode 2, 1:11:27 -​ Polio: there are at least 7 or 8 families of viruses that can cause paralysis.

Episode 3, 1:02:21​ - Children under the age of 3 month are at higher risk of contracting

Episode 4, 00:39:14​ - This year’s Blue Cross/Blue Shield handbook actually talked about
something called a “Combo Ten”. If 63% of the children in their practice are vaccinated by the
age of two with the Combo Ten vaccines, the physician is rewarded $400 per child. If you have
1,000 children in your practice and 63% are fully vaccinated, you get $400 X 630 = $252,000

Episode 5, 00:07:43 -​ Gardasil has the highest concentration of aluminum of any vaccine on the
market. In the safety study they used a shot of aluminum as the placebo, so when they looked
at the side effects, they said that they were the same for the vaccine as the placebo, therefore
the vaccine was as safe as the placebo.
Episode 5, 00:12:43 -​ Gardasil vaccine has caused many debilitating things including
autoimmune conditions, POTS, up to 180 confirmed deaths.
Episode 5, 00:59:46​ - The Hepatitis B vaccine has a long list of neurological complications, and
there is no reason to give that vaccine at birth.

Episode 6, 01:22:49​ - Stray viruses and viral contaminants that come from animal cells are in
vaccines and are being woven into the DNA.
Episode 6, 1:33:55 - ​Science is never settled, and the more vaccines they add to the schedule
the more complex it is. Think of adding ingredients when you are baking cookies. It gets more
complicated. And it gets frustrating when people who have spent time researching like me and
others and have come across 700 to 1500 articles in the medical journals showing the problems

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associated with vaccines, and we are called anti science, when what we are doing is presenting
a science with their very own science.

Episode 7, 01:04:14​ - We keep talking about kids, and pediatricians. It’s important to understand
that adults are being put in this pot of mandatory too, with healthy people 2020 and with the use
of electronic medical records.
Episode 7, 01:04:29​ – Electronic medical records came to be around 2010 when all doctors
were told you have to use these to get billed. The problem was how expensive they were. A
Medicaid module was $43,000, and Medicare module $62,000 per physician in the office. They
government said they would pay for them in exchange for that you just have to give them all the
Episode 7, 01:05:42​ – In 2016 they added a box that had to be checked for your immunization
status. That goes into the immunization information system or the Local Regional and District
Vaccine registry. The intentions of these registries are to be cradle to grave tracking of your
vaccination status. The national adult vaccine plan was released in February 2015 and at the
same time they introduced an “implementation plan”.
Episode 7, 01:06:50 ​– The adult vaccination plan actually has language that says they want
people to demand and request their vaccines, and if they haven’t demanded and requested
them and they will be offered to them they have financial incentives to give it. It is to be required
for every vaccine that’s currently on the market and every vaccine in the future.
Episode 7, 01:15:16​ – When a lot of people listen to talks about vaccines, they say well my kids
are past that. I don’t have to worry about that anymore. Many of the vaccines that are being
developed are for adolescents and adults. The adult vaccination plan is a 5 year system to get
people on board by 2020.
Episode 7, 01:07:08​ – Healthy people 2020 started in 1990 when the surgeon general came
forth and worked with the department of health and they created the healthy people guidelines
for 1990. There were 15 goals, and about 225 objectives. In the healthy people 2020 guidelines
there are 44 goals and 1200 objectives to look at every corner of our health and life. They want
to have 90% of the population vaccinated with the Flu, DPT, and MMR shots. This started out
as a guideline, it is now a goal. Another step in the goal is to take away your right to refuse.
What healthy people 2020 is supposed to do is to get everyone vaccinated.
Episode 7, 01:09:33​ - In 2010 the Gates Foundation put up 10 million dollars start this to the
decade of vaccines. Within this decade of vaccines from 2010 – 2020 and the healthy people
guidelines, we need to have electronic medical records, take away the right to refuse, and make
guidelines to goals. We only have three years left for people to become really aware and to get
involved of not in not allowing this to happen in the future.
Episode 7, 01:10:23​ – It affects everyone around the world because in 2000 The Gates
Foundation funded an organization called “GAVI” they started it with a donation of 750 million
dollars since that time they have invested 6.8 billion dollars into vaccinating the world.
Episode 7, 1:23:00 ​- What parents need to have in their court is someone who’s raised a baby
before, a professional or family member who knows what things are normal. Instead, they have
a pediatrician that says if you’re not going to vaccinate, then leave my practice.

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Tharpe, Julius
Episode 4, 00:40:04 - ​Tells story of how he and his wife were treated by their pediatrician when
they didn’t want to vaccinate their baby.

Thomas, Dr. Paul

Episode 1, 00:03:14​ - What is the theory behind vaccines? What really keeps us healthy is a
strong immune system.
Episode 1, 00:05:45​ - Feels like American Academy of Pediatrics has not been as thorough on
vaccines as he would like regarding investigating issues.
Episode 1, 00:09:32​ - What is iatrogenic? The Vaccine Friendly Plan. Insights on vaccines and
Episode 1, 00:15:26​ - Most doctors trained today have no idea what's in vaccines.
Episode 1, 00:18:54​ - He began giving parents the real facts about vaccines - benefits, risks and
alternatives. Paternalism is when a dr says you have to do this treatment or leave.
Episode 1, 00:34:34​ - Tobacco science in the 1950s promoted the safety of smoking cigarettes
until studies were done over years and decades proving tobacco is a leading killer. We need to
do those same types of studies for safety for vaccines.
Episode 1, 00:43:20​ - The reason the VAERS system does not work is doctors do not know
what to look for in terms of what a vaccine reaction is.
Episode 1, 1:18:21 ​- Saw first case in his practice in 2004 - 2005 of child who was completely
normal at age one, digress into severe autism in a matter of months. He thinks it’s just a
coincidence because the Journal of Infectious Diseases is telling him there’s no correlation with
Episode 1, 1:20:01 ​- Gets second child normal at one who develops autism; means 1 in 100 are
autistic in his practice at that time. In medical school in 1985 saw no cases of autism. It is true
that the autism rate has skyrocketed.
Episode 1, 1:21:35 ​- By November 2007, had 4 cases of autism of children who were normal at
age one, then severely autistic by age two. It was the last straw.
Episode 1, 1:22:26 ​- He had already done his own research and found the levels of thimerosal
(mercury) was at unsafe levels in vaccines, as well as, aluminum.
Episode 1, 1:35:55 -​ We use Immunity and vaccination interchangeably, but Immunity is a whole
different ball game. Immunity is how robust is your immune system in fighting anything.
Immunity also includes gut immunity, and bacteria. We are destroying our immune systems with
Episode1, 1:1:53:49​ - If you make vaccines you want them given and If you can have them be a
standing order you can make them sell. This has been their marketing plan. If the media would
be honest they pick and choose how they are going to report on things.

Episode 2, 00:11:33​ - Package inserts for all pharmaceutical products contains ingredients, side
effects, etc. Doctors do not have time to read through all of that.
Episode 2, 00:30:50​ - There was FDA document (2010) that states not to exceed 5 micrograms
per kilogram per day of aluminum. For every day you exceed this, you lose 1 point on Bailey’s

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developmental score. The CDC’s articles about the safety of aluminum is based on aluminum
taken orally, not injected. We are far exceeding the safe levels of aluminum in vaccines.
Episode 2, 00:38:31​ – What people don’t understand is, informed consent is only as informed as
your doctor is. A lot of doctors don’t even realize there is aluminum in vaccines. If they do they
don’t know how much is in there, or what a safe dose is. They were trained that aluminum is
Episode 2, 00:48:15​ – It makes absolutely no sense why they chose to leave thimerosal in the
multi dose flu shot. That’s the major source of thimerosal today.
Episode 2, 00:48:42​ – Horrified that we are giving vaccines to pregnant women, there is no
testing. Just read the package insert for the vaccine it says “Never tested in pregnancy” and yet
our CDC has recommended over the past few years to get the flu shot.
Episode 2, 00:49:08​ – In the last few years the CDC has pushed for pregnant women to get the
TDAP shot as well. That’s another whole story but the problem with that is it’s a huge dose of
aluminum and it’s getting injected, so you’re mainlining a toxin to a developing brain with no
Episode 2, 00:49:21​ - You can go to the CDC website and go to vaccines in pregnancy and look
at the articles they list as justification for doing those. There are no long term studies. They’re all
very short term, very small numbers sometimes 100 or less pregnancies. What they’re calling
safe has nothing to do with looking at neurotoxicity.
Episode 2, 1:09:21​ - Parents don't realize that when they go to the hospital to give birth and sign
all the paperwork they just gave permission for that vaccine.

Episode 3, 00:16:51​ - Congress commissioned the CDC to do a study on the MMR autism link
and they reported there was no link. Whistleblower William Thompson from the CDC came
forward with the data that had been intentionally excluded from the CDC study which showed a
300% increase in autism in African American boys after receiving the MMR vaccine.
Episode 3, 00:23:55​ - In his Vaccine Friendly Plan, he suggests waiting until after age 3 for
vaccinations to reduce the risk of autism. The two groups most at risk for autism are the ones
with and family history of autism or severe neurological problems and/or autoimmune disease.
Episode 3, 00:27:48​ - The reason people fear measles is the recent “epidemic” outbreaks of
Episode 3, 00:58:38​ - Since the early 1990’s we changed in the US from DTP to DTaP
There are just 5-10 death of whooping cough per year in the US to about 4 Million births.

Episode 4, 00:20:27​ - We understand that Autism for example is an inflammatory condition in

the brain. We want to avoid inflammation.
Episode 4, 00:26:54​ - A Canadian study looked into how people reacted to a new flu virus when
they had a flu shot every year vs not having it every year. Those who did not receive the yearly
vaccine were much less affected of getting infected by a new strain.
Episode 4, 00:33:34 - ​You can look at the CDC data for how effective the flu shot has been. Its
running around 30%-40%.

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Episode 4, 00:35:10​ - I had the flu shot and was the only time I got sick. I have a nurse who has
never had the flu shot and is exposed on a daily basis treating the children in my practice. She
has a robust immune system. That’s what we need.
Episode 4, 00:36:06​ - Pediatricians subjected to “health measures” set out by health plans
which are basically how well we vaccinate. Pressure on doctors to vaccinate. Would like to see
a study that measures the difference between populations that aren’t vaccinated vs those that
Episode 4, 00:43:07 ​- He’s a busy pediatrician with around 13,000 patients. Still vaccinating, but
at about 50% the CDC rate. Lost over $1 million just in administration fees by not vaccinating at
CDC rate. Vaccines are a huge money maker for pediatricians, even though they don’t want to
acknowledge it. Most pediatricians wouldn’t survive without the income from vaccines.
Episode 4, 00:47:29​ - The Hib vaccine was introduced in 1987. The CDC says, “Do” and we
pediatricians jump.
Episode 4 00:47:50 ​-At that time, we were seeing a lot of meningitis. We almost never seen
those types of things today. We did see a big drop in the cases of meningitis after introduction of
the vaccine and I was a believer in vaccines. What you need to know today, HIB causes only a
handful of cases a year in the United States. Could be the strains have changed. That’s what
happened with Prevnar and they had to come out with Prevnar 7 and 13. So, for informed
consent, parents might be comfortable with the risk of one in a million of type b.

Episode 5, 00:40:29​ – There is a glaring example of tobacco science when we look at the HPV
Episode 5, 00:41:53​ - In vaccine studies, if you’re really going to compare the side effects for
the vaccine compared to not. Then you need to use placebo. Placebo if you’re injecting a
vaccine should be saline. Well they injected the same huge dose of aluminum as was in the
vaccine. That’s not a valid study. But it was accepted, and they stopped their research early
because they saw a slight decrease in Cervical Dysplasia. It has never prevented a single case
of cancer.
Episode 5, 00:43:03​ – Then they create HPV 9, instead of using saline they used HPV 4 as the
Episode 5, 00:44:47 ​– HPV vaccine is no longer being used in Japan, due to the amount of auto
immune problems, and deaths. In Japan they are allowed to talk about side effects. So they
tend to be ahead of the United States in figuring out when there is a bad vaccine.
Episode 5, 00:55:42​ - In 2001 in Oregon there was a huge push for pediatricians to move the
Hep B vaccine from teenagers to newborns. The only way a baby could get Hep B would be
from the mother, which is rare. They convinced doctors to do this in order to create a generation
immune to Hepatitis B. Some studies have showed the autism rate has not changed since
thimerosal was taken out of vaccines, but at the same time this was taken out, the Hep B
vaccine was introduced to babies.
Episode 5, 00:58:33​ - Dr. Thomas runs through the calculation of how much aluminum a
newborn baby is getting through vaccination. It is vital to look at the amount of aluminum in
vaccines like the amount of thimerosal was studied.
Episode 5, 01:08:07 ​- It is possible that SIDS is related to vaccines.

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Episode 5, 1:31:34​ - Let’s all stop pointing fingers. Essentially we are all working in areas
without sufficient information. If we are going to answer these questions and save the children of
America and of the world, we need to do the right studies. They just keep studying one vaccine
at at time, and do it for a short amount of time, and move on. No, we need to study this more
and further.

Episode 6, 00:07:22​ - Pediatricians are trained to believe that the CDC is the top institution
where all the smart people are. They accept it without question. He began to question when
looking into the Hep B vaccine. Hep B vaccine pushed on newborns is scientifically illogical and
Episode 6, 00:11:41​ - CDC is just a marketing branch of pharma. Their job is to promote
vaccines. Are vaccines really helping or not?
Episode 6, 00:22:46 -​ The chickenpox vaccine actually works fairly well; it’s not around
anymore. But guess what is around? Herpes Zoster (shingles), which is actually a reactivation of
Episode 6, 00:49:36​ – In 2004 the main journal that pediatricians read called “Pediatrics” came
out with a study saying that there is no link between MMR and autism. Then the Institute of
Medicine came out with a huge report saying there is no link between vaccines, and thimerosal
and autism. And they made a statement “And we shouldn’t study it any further”.
Episode 6, 01:13:04 ​- The data doesn’t support using the rotavirus vaccine. Also, if the vaccine
is not given by 9 months of age, it cannot be given at all. Otherwise, it can make a person sick.
The rotavirus vaccine has been shown to be contaminated by other substances.
Episode 6, 01:17:30​ - Paul Offit sat on the ACIP that makes vaccine recommendations right
before the vaccine he was making ended up being recommended.
Episode 6, 1:32:28 ​- Science is never settled. Here is the thing when I grew up I got one or two
vaccines. Back then they were fairly safe. The environment was fairly safe. I grew up in Africa
things were fresh, no pesticides, etc. Now we have the same thing but with hundreds and
thousands of pesticides and chemicals that are in our world. You give that same vaccine today;
it may have a different outcome. And when you give a vaccine you have to start all over. We
have to keep our scientific minds open and start looking at what’s actually happening.

Episode 7, 00:15:08​ - It’s important to have a vaginal birth through the birth canal that’s teeming
with good bacteria that becomes the beginning of that child’s gut flora. A C-section in a sterile
environment with hospital organisms and that becomes the flora and the baby gets c.diff. The
best way to get past that is with probiotics.
Episode 7, 00:45:36​ - The Vaccine Friendly Plan is a way to vaccinate that is way less toxic.
There hasn't been a case of polio acquired in the US since 1979. If you’re going to vaccinate
according to the Vaccine Friendly Plan, make sure you do not have a family history of autism,
neurological problems or autoimmune problems.
Feb 2015 case study of his patients: 1000 + Children who did vaccine friendly plan, no autism.
238 unvaccinated children, no autism. 900 vaccinated children, 15 cases of autism. The
unvaccinated group were the least ill.

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Episode 7, 1:32:57​ - Particularly concerned about any vaccines during pregnancy.Until there are
long-term studies done on primates, or even rats, no vaccines during pregnancy. Stress is a
huge factor during pregnancy. Be very careful what you’re putting into your system. The uterus
also can bring toxins to the unborn child. Do not get the hepatitis B vaccine if the birth mother
doesn’t have hepatitis B. Look very carefully at any vaccines. If you have any risk factors, such
as family history of autism, neurological disease, autoimmune disorders, you might choose to do
no vaccines. Until we have better data, follow the “precautionary principle”.

Vaughn, Brandy
Episode 2, 00:02:25 ​- Former Merck employee. Saw how shady and unethical things are done.
Data is twisted and manipulated.
Episode 2, 00:06:11​ - Vaccines are not studied against placebo, they are studied against the
toxic additives that are in the vaccines. Both will show the same level of damage therefore,
vaccines are considered safe.

Episode 3, 1:29:49​ - Had parents bring him articles and is so grateful to patients who came to
him with information. Went to a conference on autism and was blown away by the science
presented. Physicians are isolated and trained to think in one way. Parents are frustrated
because no one is listening. Learns a lot from his patients.

Episode 4, 1:06:05 - ​Survey of over 5 million people showed 70% voted to follow CDC
guidelines for 72 vaccines for children before the age of eighteen, 26 in the first year of life. And,
we have some of the highest infant mortality and SIDS rates. Not a coincidence.

Episode 7, 01:11:09 – To me there is no more fundamental right in the United States than what
we put in our body. We have fundamental rights to property and free speech but if we don’t
have a fundamental right for what goes in our body, when nobody else is responsible for the
consequences. Then what good is having any other rights?

Wakefield, Dr. Andrew

Episode 1, 1:17:30 - ​We don’t feel we can question vaccines because of what happened with
smallpox and polio and their success. We’re talking about something completely different here.
We’re talking about the safety of vaccines.
Episode 1, 1:22:44 - ​Have to make sure any public health measures to insure the safety of
children must be across the board safe. Any red flags should mean there is a problem with a
vaccine until it is proven otherwise.
Episode 1, 1:26:46 ​- More about Dr. Jenner and evolution of smallpox vaccine from cowpox.
Both Jenner’s children died from his experiments.
Episode 1, 1:31:32​ - Eradication of smallpox was really a function of containment and isolation.
Episode 1: 1:45:20 ​-If you offend public health and threaten their bottom line. There is no price
that you will not pay. This is ruthless pragmatism. They will destroy you in order to protect their
bottom line.

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Episode 1, 1:48:23​ - It has gathered extraordinary momentum. Taking a life of a religion and
not any kind of science.

Episode 3, 00:13:54​ - In Japan they gave the mumps vaccine as a single and very few if any
reported cases of meningitis reported. When they combined it with measles and rubella, there
was a dramatic increase in the adverse reactions to the vaccine. The idea that vaccines are
safe has been put out as a public relations exercise. It’s become part of the rhetoric, the mantra
- but it’s not true at all. The CDC is deeply compromised.

Episode 6, 00:29:02 ​- William Thompson is the first insider in the history of the world to come
forward from the Immunization Safety Office of the CDC and say: “we have known for 13 years
there is an association between the MMR vaccine used in America and Autism in children and
we have covered it up”.
Episode 6, 00:54:14​ - 1​st​, you have the fraud, 2​nd, ​what happens when the CDC presented their
data to the Institute of Medicine, Frank DiStefano got up there and lied about the data. The
message to the IOM is safe. They released a report that said “No need for any further research”.
That went to the US court of federal claims, and 5000 children who had claims were denied in
large part by the fraud caused by the CDC. This is an obstruction of Justice.
Episode 6, 00:58:17​ - We are dealing with people who’ve sworn to protect the children of this
country. But they are doing the opposite; they are deliberately putting them at risk of a major
lifelong debilitating disease.
Episode 6, 1:36:10​ - It has been an interesting 20 years. We did what we should have done,
that was listening to parents. They said my child was fine, they got the mmr vaccine And now
my child has bowel problems and they regressed into orphism. I didn’t know what that was, but I
knew about bowel disease. These symptoms merited investigation, so we got them together
with the world’s leading pediatricians, and the parents were right, the children has an
inflammatory bowel disease and when we treated that the bowel symptoms not only improved
but their cognitive abilities improves, their autism improved. It didn’t go away but it made a huge
difference to the child’s quality of life. We published the first 12 cases, where we explicitly said
this does not prove an association between the MMR vaccine and the syndrome. That it needs
further research, and it has become the largest most misinterpreted article, and I don’t even
think many have read it. Some freelance journalist and others, they came after me and try to
dismantle my practice, career, and my credentials. They wanted to claim that I committed fraud
when there were 13 other people on that paper, it was absurd to think that I single handedly
would do such a thing when there were so many other contributors and the data proves it. They
went after some of the leading professionals who are on the verge of retirement and wrote the
textbook on subjects that are now being taught. It was so fanciful and so complex, and they had
such a powerful media to deliver the message through the mainstream media they gathered up
and it became super hard as a single individual to fight against them, all I could do was to roll
with the punches. So this has been the first time in 20 years, now with William Thompson
coming forward, that it’s resurfaced. With a story that was based on a hypothesis of age of
exposure, that we gave them all that time ago. What happens to me doesn’t matter at all, what
matters is that we find a solution for healthier kids.

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Episode 7, 1:35:00 -​ ​(Ty Bollinger) One more questions Dr. Wakefield. If you had a young child
now, what would you do? Vaccinate or not. After a lot of research I came to the conclusion that
if I had a young child a newborn any vaccines. Until I can be told that they are individually safe
and tested to be on a good schedule. There are chiropractors that come to these meetings,
with their babies and they sit in the back, the babies are fully engaged, with eye contact, very
well behaved, and it’s amazing how well unvaccinated babies do.

West, Edda
Founder of Vaccine Choice Canada
Episode 1, 00:53:24 - ​My son sustained a permanent brain damage. Your child struggles with
basic things that most children can easily do.

Episode 4, 1:27:40 ​- One of the big lessons for me for that from the experience with both of my
children is recognizing that inner decision making is needed. We need to use more than
intellectual capability. You need to listen to your heart, your gut. Most parents defer to the expert
despite their own hesitations. You need to put your mind and your heart together, because
once you have injected those substances to your child and something goes wrong, you can’t
remove it, neutralize it or change it.

Episode 6, 01:02:30​ - The medical profession and governments are ignoring the crisis of
vaccine injury and are covering up the corruption and fraud that exists in the science that has
allowed this crisis to continue.

Whatcott, Dr. Cilla

Episode 7, 00:01:10​ - Homeoprophylaxis has been around over 200 years and it’s about using
nosodes which are made from disease products or animal, mineral or vegetable products. They
are diluted and potentized so there are no original molecules left in the substance. It’s an
energetic frequency of that substance, that when introduced into the system, it educates the
immune system so that it can recognize the disease if met in nature.
Episode 7, 00:03:36​ - Cuban study on Leptospirosis. In 2007-2008 they used homeoprophylaxis
to immunize against lepto and found a reduction in lepto in the areas that used HP while there is
was in increase in the areas that didn’t.

Wolfe, David “Avocado”

Episode 1, 1:42:11​ – Why is this so taboo? Why can’t we do rigorous scientific studies with a
vaccinated group and one that is not? We should have these kinds of studies for every vaccine,
but we have zero. Is there something to hide?

Wolfson, Dr. Heather D.C.

Episode 7, 1:36:27​ - I was born to do this. I am doing this for my boys and all the other children.
They deserve to not go through this. Parents are brainwashed and they need to know the truth.
Doctors are brainwashed and doctors need to come out of the closet and tell the truth like my

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husband. It was scary to have the death threats and the phone calls to the office, to the home.
CNN was stalking my husband, accusing him of going dark, accusing him of endangering the
lives of other children. It’s my job to protect my child. I know what is in vaccines; I have done
the proper research. Not only are the vaccines not treating the infection they are supposed to
treat, these are benign infections that we want our children to get so they can build a natural
lifelong immunity to it. They can protect us from the same diseases the vaccines are causing.

Wolfson, Dr. Jack, D.O.

Episode1, 1:44:26 ​ - In 2015 with the measles outbreak (of 150 people), there was one case of
a person with compromised immune system to died, and it was found in her autopsy it was due
to the measles. A friend asked me to be a part of a debate on the NBC local affiliate. I did my
piece on there which lead to a lot of commentary. The negative commentary lead to them calling
for my censorship and license.

Episode 4, 00:18:38 ​- These vaccines clearly causing damage to the gut barrier leading to
autoimmune conditions.
Episode 4, 00:31:45 -​ Doctors are not asking what preceded the event. US physicians need to
ask the questions. My patient had the symptoms 6 hours after the vaccine.
Episode 4, 00:42:05 -​ Used to be all about the patient. Now, it’s all about the doctor and how
fast they can move patients on. Patients needs are not being met. Doctors are not taking the
time. Money-driven system. Patients are suffering in this system.

Episode 5, 01:12:53 - When he looks at a patient’s vaccine history, he tends to find their current
symptoms started after receiving a vaccine.

Episode 7, 1:30:06​ - Doctors need to take the time to tell patients the truth and let them make
the informed decision. Once they see the risks, many will opt out and that’s a good thing.
Episode 7, 1:38:11​ - We were receiving emails such as “you better hope I don’t see you out in
the streets” “I hope your children die of measles”, as if my two healthy children, who were
breastfeed, who were given natural immune boosters, given love, natural organic food, were
going to get sick from viral bacterial infections. Natural immunity will prevail every time. They
would call the office and make statements. We’ve made amazing friends, so many friends. So
many amazing people that are on our side, and the dr’s are there, we’ve all gotta come together
and speak out and speak the truth, and then we will prevail and win this war.

Zielinkski, Dr. Eric, D.C.

Episode 1, 1:39:26 -​ It’s a presupposition.Something that is no longer questionable. Those that
do question it are seen as the outliers. They are considered the dangerous ones.
Episode 1, 1:55:40 - ​I’m convinced 99% of every young adult going into the medical profession
have a heart to serve and heart to help. Then they get indoctrinated. Everything is formulated in
a very biased way to convince people in one direction. You graduate after being “brainwashed”
for 8 years. These individuals are not the enemy. The enemies are the “systems”.

The Truth About Vaccines Index: EPISODE 1 – 7 Page 60


Episode 2, 00:11:01​ - Triton X-100 surfactant is in industrial cleaners, paint and pesticides. And
it’s in the flu shot. The concept of part per billion doesn’t matter. If it’s toxic, then it’s toxic.

Episode 4, 00:04:23​ - CDC admitted last year that the flu strain wasn’t the right one.

Episode 7, 00:15:57​ - Bubonic plague vs essential oils. There is a research paper that shows
that essential oils of clove, cinnamon, eucalyptus, rosemary, lemon and orange kill the flu virus.
WWI and WWII they were using oregano and thyme to combat gangrene infection on the
battlefield. So, what happened? Antibiotics came into play. Antibiotics changed the paradigm.

The Truth About Vaccines Index: EPISODE 1 – 7 Page 61

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