Innovative Practice Drills

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Innovative Practice Drills

H e a t he r Ma cy
H e a d W om en ’s Ba s k et ba ll C oa ch
F ra n ci s M a ri on U niv e rs i ty
8 4 3. 66 1. 1 24 9
h m a c y@ f ma ri on . com

Finishing School
Daily repetitions that include 100 shots using the glass. Shooting

Fire Truck Shooting

Shots that leave you shooting with confidence. Shooting

5 Point Closeouts
Plenty of reps in a short time - can dictate drive or shot. Defense

Drake Drill
Getting transition scores against the clock. Team

Numbers Game
A build up from 2-on-1 to 5-on-5. Team

3 Man Game
Defense to Offense, shooting off of a curl. Shooting

Gut Check
Attacking the glass against defense making a play. Defense

Shell Drill 4 vs. 4

Defending the skip—low man wins (Utilizing ropes). Defense

3 to 1 Defense
Advanced ‘zig-zag’ - using ropes and weights. Defense
Finishing School
 Jumping stationary layups & reverses.
 Ambidextrous mini hook and bank shots
 Shots are through contact; FTs finish the sequence
Fronts Backs Dunks Dunks Center 10 Banks Total
FTs 1st 2nd 3rd
10 R 10 L 10 R 10 L 5R 5L 5R 5L 100
10 10 10

Fire Truck Shooting

X it Out
 Start in triple threat at the elbow.
 Player will go down the lane, then across the lane.
(dribble right, step right; dribble left, step left)
1-Lay-up (R), Lay-up (L)
2–Power Lay-Up (R), Power Lay-UP (L)
3– Jumper (R), Jumper (L)
4– Step Through (R), Step Through (L)
 1 dribble; 3 steps
 Do from the right and left elbow.
Total Shots Taken = 16

16 Spot Shooting
 Player starts at cone A.
 After each shot, player sprints to touch cone A.
 Series of shots:
1– Bank(1), Bank(2), Bank (1), Bank (2)
2– 2 three‟s
 Player curls (5), Flares (4); 3 times each.
 Player sprints to touch cone B.
 Player shoots 4 along 3 point line; touching
cone B in between shots.
5 Point Closeouts
 5 players, with balls, are
spread around arc.
 5 defenders start with
hands touching in the
middle of the lane.
 Defenders close out low,
X out close outs.
 “Pressure, Pressure… Dead 1, 2, 3”

Drake Drill
 5 on 0 transition, filling wide lanes.
 Cones placed at the 4 elbows.
 PG (1) serves as an outlet and kicks ahead.
 Goal of 7 scores per 45 seconds of drill.
 FT counts as a point.

Numbers Game
 The team is split into two even groups.
 Competitive play starts with 2-on-1 game.
 Keep score and add one player on each
offensive possession.
 2-on-2, 3-on-2, 3-on-3, 4-on-3 until it‟s 5-on-5.
 Winning group earns „Sprint Pass‟.

3 Man Game
 2 players mirror step & reach defense on
end line.
 Player facing in curls off of „screen‟ for shot,
then sprints to end line.
 2 jogs back and 2 & 3 mirror step & reach
defense on end line.
Gut Check
 2 players figure 8; 1 starts with the ball and
dribbles while the other is sprinting.
 Defense beats driver to the rim & makes
a play.
 Starts with ball off dribble.

Shell Drill 4 vs. 4

 Support staff holds a web of ropes across
the court.
 Sprint ball to wall under the ropes.

3 to 1 Defense
 Players hold a 5 foot rope or a 5lb. Weight in
each hand.
 Players are to turn the dribbler 3 times in
the back court.
 After reaching half court, player is to keep the
driver to one sideline.
Taking a Slightly Different Approach…
Hear and Repeat ~ Whether it is an out-of-bounds set, a defensive
alignment or „Water Break‟… The players hear what the coach says
and repeats it aloud.

Sprint Passes ~ During competitive play, “Numbers Game” for

example, the winning team will receive a “Sprint Pass” that they are
allowed to redeem when they feel necessary during sprints at a later

Bungie Finishing ~ A bungie cord is placed around player‟s waist

during the “Finishing School” sequence. Support staff applies

Days of Silence ~When the team fails to TALK in practice, that

privilege is taken from them. A couple practices or a few days of
silence helps the team value the ability to use their voices.

Water Intake Charts ~ Players are advised to carry water bottles to all
of their classes. Bottles are also present during film sessions and team
meetings. The players keep track of the water they have consumed
during the week and the total is placed on our weekly water chart.

C.E.O.s ~ Chief Energy Officers. There are more than one on the
team, so there will always be one on the court. CEOs do whatever it
takes to keep the energy of the group high at all times.

G.H.B.G. ~ To prevent leak-outs from hurting you, there are

designated people during each moment of the game that are to pick
Mass over Glass and get back.

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