Desing and Test of An Incubator Analyzer: Ntroduction
Desing and Test of An Incubator Analyzer: Ntroduction
Desing and Test of An Incubator Analyzer: Ntroduction
Abstract— Incubators are cabins that provide the For newborn babies, body temperature is accepted as one
environment with necessary conditions for premature or of the most important variables of life. Body temperature
newborn babies, and they are designed to allow monitoring and measurement is usually performed in the detection of fever in
care of the baby. The incubator analyzer is the analyzer that the pediatric age group hence for infants it is performed to
shows the performance of the incubator. Knowing how close the observe if they can maintain their body temperatures. It is
values of a medical device are to the actual values is very known that body temperature has a daily rhythm and this
important in the treatment process. To ensure the accuracy of rhythm can be affected by many factors such as the presence
medical devices, tests and controls are required. As a result of of disease, ambient temperature or clothing. According to the
periodic tests and controls, it is possible to reduce the risks by
American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) baby body
preventing incorrect measurements. If the temperature,
humidity and oxygen sensors of the incubators are measured
temperature is considered to be normal between 36.1 - 38 °C.
incorrectly, the baby's life would be threatened. This study aims Premature newborn babies have high skin permeability,
to determine the design requirements of a single incubator because of this it is vital for keeping the temperatures to the
analyzer that measures heat, oxygen and humidity in the certain levels. The incubator indicator becomes more
incubator and to design an analyzer. The general design of the important for newborns. As well as, heat loss should be
incubator analyzer consists of a battery circuit, a prevented by convection by keeping relative humidity
microcontroller, a liquid crystal display (LCD) screen, five between 60% - 65% in incubators. In order to have proper
temperature sensors, a humidity sensor and an oxygen sensor. respiratory activity accurate relative humidity is also
Incubator standards of our country and EU has been reviewed important [2].
according to the design. In addition, within the scope of the
project, the sensors in accordance with the standards have been In United States, as a result of retinopathy of prematurity
researched and determined, but due to their high cost, (ROP) blindness are estimated to occur in about 7.000 babies,
alternative sensors are preferred. By that the design of the between the years 1943-1953. In those years’ factors such as
analyzer can be a model for the actual device. Proper firmware light exposure, infection, anoxia, anemia, iron deficiency,
is programmed for temperature, oxygen and humidity sensors, hormone deficiency, have been implicated as the cause of this
and data from those sensors are processed and displayed on a epidemic blindness affecting premature babies. Besides, many
LCD screen. Also a suitable case is designed by computer aided studies in 1951-1956 reveal that the disease is caused by
programs. The analyzer is tested in incubators and functioned uncontrolled oxygen applied to newborns. Thereafter, the
properly. With this project, it is determined that a cost effective oxygen supply to premature babies was restricted and the
incubator analyzer can be designed and with more sensitive incidence of blindness decreased significantly [3].
sensors proper standards can be achieved. This project can be a
model for incubator analyzer design. Given these circumstances, control of the correct
functioning of the incubator used in the treatment of infants
Keywords—Incubator, Temperature Measurement, Humidity with an analyzer will help to prevent adverse situations.
Measurement, Oxygen Measurement, Calibration, Test Ultimately the purpose of this project is to perform a single
Equipment. analyzer design to measure and display the heat, humidity and
oxygen provided by the incubator. The temperature
I. INTRODUCTION differences in the different regions of the incubator will also
Incubators are devices, which are used to help the babies, be analyzed using multiple temperature sensors.
who’s born prematurely or problematic, to be able to continue
their vital functions. These devices are usually transparent, II. GENERAL INFORMATION
clean (sterile), they are with appropriate electronic equipment A. Incubator
and have sound isolation to allow monitoring and maintenance
Incubator is the cabinet where specific temperature,
of the baby. They provide the temperature and humidity
oxygen and humidity are specially created in which premature
environment, anti-bacterial filtered clean and necessary air
or newborn babies are placed in order to protect them from
which babies are accustomed to in the mother’s womb [1].
external factors that may cause harm [4].
The most important parameters used in the incubator to
Incubators are divided into fixed and transport type and
restore the health of the baby are temperature, humidity and
diversified as protection, care, monitoring and treatment. In
oxygen. These parameters are set by the medical personnel
addition to these, there are also infant beds which are called
according to the medical necessity and the babies are followed
heat beds to keep or increase the body temperature of
according to these adjusted values. Incorrect values directly
newborns; phototherapy process can be done in these beds and
affect the baby's vital functions. For instance as a result of a
also in incubators [5].
research of Ergün and friends, malfunctioned incubator used
for transferring the infants increased the rates of asphyxiation
(hypoxia) [1].
E. Exterior Design
For exterior design plastic components which are easy to
process and easy to cut, have impact resistant and lightweight
Fig. 3. Microcontroller - oxygen sensor connection. are used. According to TS EN 60601-2-19 standard,
temperature sensors should be five cm above the incubator
B. Microcontroller base (Fig.7, Fig.8). Apart from the central sensor, a base stand
A microcontroller is the component that combines all the is designed to hold four other sensors.
units that must be contained in a computer system into a single
integrated circuit. As a microcontroller, Arduino Uno has been
preferred because of the possibility to produce electronic
solutions with a single microcontroller and to store the
program in it and to work when required (Fig.4).
C. Display (LCD)
The Nokia 5110 is a low-cost LCD display, with a size of
84 × 48 pixels, supplied with 3.3V and easy to use.
Fig. 10. Testing the device in the humidity cabinet.