Sample Essay (Story)

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Your teacher has asked you to write a story for a school magazine. The story must have the

Your story should include:
• background information about the characters
• how kindness is shown

Write your story in 200- 250 words in an appropriate style.

By Aminah Ahmad

My name is Syafiq. I am a clerk. I have a neighbour named Puan Ramlah. Now, I

would like to tell a story about me and and Puan Ramlah that had taken place 10 years ago.

My neighbour is a very kind person. She lives alone. She likes to help other people.
Everybody likes her. She is a retired English teacher. When I was 17 years old, I became a bad
person. I took drugs and I stole other people’s things. I was a thief. All I knew was stealing. I
stole money. I stole motorcycles and even chickens.

One day, I was caught stealing a motorcycle. But, I was lucky because my neighbour
Puan Ramlah helped to settle my problem. She asked the police to let me free and she would
take care of me. She promised the police that she would make sure I behaved. If I was caught
again, then the police could arrest me. The police agreed. I thanked my neighbour and promised
to change my life.

Starting from that day, I became a better person. I went to school to finish my studies.
After school, I would help Puan Ramlah with her house chores because she was not well and
old. I cleaned her house. I cooked for her and did/bought her groceries. I also cleaned her room.
Since she was a teacher, she taught me English and other subjects. I took my SPM examination
and I passed. Then, I became a clerk in Seremban.

I would never steal again. I wanted to help teenagers like me. All these happened
because of her – my best friend, my good neighbour. Now, I am a volunteer at Seremban Youth
centre. I help teenagers to go through life. I do not want them to be criminals. I learnt a lot
about myself by helping Puan Ramlah.


Your teacher has asked you to write an essay for a school magazine. The story must begin with
the following words:

His hands trembled as he placed the receiver.

Your story must include:

• a description of the incident
• how the incident affected the character/ characters

Write your story.

The Terrible Truth

By Abraham Wong

His hands trembled as he placed the receiver. He could not believe what he had just
heard. This could not be true. His wife, Susan, had been hospitalised and he could not be by
her side. He was attending a seminar in Scotland when he got word that Susan was involved in
an accident. His family beseeched him home.

Home. Jason knew that he should be heading home. Susan would need him to be there.
There was nothing he wanted more than to be with Susan, comforting her, nursing her and most
of all ensuring the well-being of their unborn child. It hurt him not being there. All that was
left to do at that moment was to fervently hope that both mother and child were not in a critical

He hastened and caught the next flight home. When he reached the airport terminal, his
heart was beating very fast. He felt so nervous. He received a message from his sister-in-law
that his wife was in coma. There obviously were some difficulties related to his unborn child
forming bleak possibilities that Jason did not dare to put in too much hope. He jumped into a
taxi urging the driver to drive as fast as he could. Alas they were caught in a traffic jam.

Undaunted Jason urged the driver to hasten as he needed to be with Susan. She needed
him. The taxi went fast in and out of traffic, zigzagging on the busy road. Suddenly a big lorry
loomed into their path from the opposite direction. The taxi driver was going too fast that he
failed to avoid collision.

Everything happened at high speed. There was nothing much that could be done. Jason
was sent to the hospital by passers-by. He was critically injured and there was no way to inform
his relatives and family members. They tried to reach him not knowing of his predicament and
to no avail. By this time Susan had regained consciousness. Though she was relieved to still be
alive somehow she could not shake the feeling that something was amiss.

Susan could not really patch the pieces. However doctors had to perform a C-section in
order to save both Susan and her baby. She could not help smiling looking at the bundle of joy
and yet that tugging uneasiness was still there cowering at the far corner of her heart. Her
thoughts were definitely of Jason.

Just then her sister, Susie, came into the room. Susan lit up at the sight of her sister
though it was quite the opposite on Susie. “Where’s Jason? I can’t wait to show him our boy.
He has Jason’s eyes and my smile. I’m sure he would be glad to see our son.” Susan
enthusiastically blurted to Susie. She however stopped when she realised the joy was only on
her part. Susie was downcast and when she did look up tears could be seen welling up in her
Susan was dumbfounded when Susie broke the news. Everything seemed bleak
now that she knew Jason would no longer be there for her. She felt guilty knowing she was the
reason he had rushed to his death. Tears just could not stop flowing but she had to embrace
herself. She had to think of their son. He might not have a father but he would not be deprived
of the love Jason had had for his son. She would do the loving for both of them. She would
ensure that he grows up knowing love has no boundaries and it exudes Death.


Your teacher has asked you to write a story. The story must have the title:

A Dishonest Boy
Your story must include:
• a description of the boy
• the outcome of the dishonest act

Write your story.

A Dishonest Boy
By S. Vagesh

The night was dark and humid. Murphy tossed and turned in his bed, squirming
uncomfortably. He remembered vividly Regina cynical expression when she finally had to
return the silk gown that he promised to buy her, after the cashier told him that his credit card
had reached its limit. Murphy jumped off his bed. He crinkled his bushy eyebrows and started
to think on how to win back Regina. Being jobless, Murphy knew there was no way that he
could have dated her, but the fact that he was the son of the former mayor had given him the

Murphy tilted his head. It is then that the idea came to him. He smiled handsomely to
the sight of his framed business administration diploma, which he acquired a little time ago.
However, he did not bother to find a job with it, since his late father had left him and his mother
with a lot of money and a lot of other properties. Murphy now knew exactly what to do, and
his eyes was glimmering with hope. Only then he was able to sleep soundly.

The next morning, while having breakfast with his mother, Murphy told her his made
up story. There was excitement in his eyes as he spin a yarn, telling his mother his ‘plan’ to
start a business. In order to start his business, he needed a hefty amount of money. At first, his
mother did not believe him. But after he sweet talked her, she finally gave away. After all,
Murphy was the only son of her, so she thought of giving him a chance. Murphy was so
convincing that she thought he had turned over a new leaf and gave him the 10 thousand pound
he asked for. His mother agreed to transact the money that afternoon.

Murphy’s heart jumped with glee seeing his plan started to work. He immediately called
Regina, asking her out for dinner, promising that this time she would be getting the specially
designed silk gown. Regina agreed. Things were going smooth for Murphy. Little that he knew
his plans were about to be shattered into pieces.

It was 7 o’clock in the evening. Murphy checked his style from head to toe. He was
looking dashing and cool, all ready to date Regina. He slid into his late father’s car, telling his
mother he needed to settle several things before starting his business. It was a lie, of course.
Murphy’s first stop was the bank. He needed to draw some money so that he would be able to
buy Regina the silk gown. He smiled by himself as he walked back to his car, 10 thousand
pound richer. Out of nowhere, two men attacked him. Realizing his predicament, Murphy tried
to put up a fight, but was beaten black and blue, before the two men fled away with his money.

Murphy mustered all of his strength and made way into his car. In there, he thought of
his next action. He finally found himself driving to Regina’s place. Upon reaching, he was told
by Regina’s housemate that she had gone out with another man just 10 minutes ago, after
Murphy had failed to show up. Murphy’s heart sank. All of his lies to his mother had taken toll
on him. He was robbed, and Regina had dumped him. Murphy learnt his lessons the hard way.
He now realized that honesty is the best policy.


Your teacher has asked you to write a story for a school magazine. The story must have the
A Dream Comes True
Your story should include:
• a description of the dream
• how the dream is achieved

Write your story in 200- 250 words in an appropriate style.

A Dream Comes True

By Susanna Lee

“Not so fast Lewis!” My immature ten-year-old voice yelled out at the fast disappearing
figure before me. I knew the additional two wheels of my glittering silver-tinted bicycle had
given me a disadvantage rather the advantage I thought I would have. I pedalled with all the
force my undeveloped leg muscles could generate, but it only proved to be futile. I could not
win this race.

I had never beaten my brother, Lewis, in any bicycle race after that. He always seemed
to be one step ahead of me, no matter how hard I tried. Lewis was a caring and understanding
brother, but equally so was he competitive and determined. He was my role model and the
person I respected most, but he was also my main rival. Our parents too supported our healthy
competition. Races with Lewis were never short of passion and excitement, and soon I found
myself getting more into cycling, determined to beat Lewis at our favourite sport.

The years had gradually passed, and the both of us had found a new love, motorcycle
racing. We had worked hard to make our mark in the sport, and both of us had succeeded thus
far, winning respective races in different parts of the world. Yet, he had won many more titles
than me. I could never surpass him, it seemed. Our rivalry was a race and it had become my
dream to defeat him in one.

Now, it was time for us to compete once more. Both of us had entered the widely-
acclaimed “Moto GP” competition, and a showdown would be inevitable. We had not raced
together for many years, leaving this race down to the tremendous amounts of hard work we
had put in. The press had written countless articles about our coming race, and it was finally
time for the big clash.

I turned my head towards him, and I could see his eyes through the visors of our helmets.
Eyes filled with a colourful mixture of nostalgia, happiness and determination. Then, the horn
blared. We raced, neck to neck from the start. It stayed that way for the next seventeen laps,
before the final lap. He sped in front of me, stretching his engine to the limit. It would be
extremely difficult to attempt to rival his pace, and I tried my very best to reduce the gap as
much as I could. As I saw him riding in front of me, I was gripped by a sense of déjà vu.

“Not so fast Lewis!” I mouthed, for the sake of reliving our very first race. Only this
time, I would not let history repeat itself. I flicked my wrist back, accelerating my vehicle. I

concentrated on the figure in front of me. I could feel the effect of pushing my engine to its
limits. My gloved hands were feeling the heat from the overheating engine.

We approached the last hundred metres. I was only half a motorcycle’s length behind
him. With a final flick, we crossed the finish line.

We looked up at the giant screen. A camera replay was being shown. It was too close
to call a winner.

“And the winner is Will!” the commentator boomed through the sound system.

I felt immense relief and a massive sense of achievement. I had finally done it. I had
won the cup. I had won a race against my brother. I had won the race to surpass my brother. It
was truly a dream came true!


Your teacher has asked you to write a story for a school magazine. The story must have the
An Unforgettable Moment in My Life

Your story should include:

• a description of the moment
• why is the moment unforgettable

Write your story in 200- 250 words in an appropriate style.

An Unforgettable Experience in My life

By Suriyati Samad

The alarm clock rang at 6.00a.m. but it was meaningless for I had not slept a wink all
night for fear of what I would be facing that day. The sudden burst of sunlight which cast
shadows on the ground saw me dragging myself unwillingly out of bed. Having showered and
breakfasted, I head out the front door which I made sure to lock before I left. The thought that
I would be receiving my SPM results alone was anything but comforting.

The walk to school that morning was the longest one I had ever endured. The sight of
the school building made my heart pounded more wildly. I quickly made my way to the school
hall, scanned the crowd for my friends, and hurriedly made my way towards them. Looking
around the hall, I saw my peers, each dealing with their nerves in their own way. There were
those who rocked back and forth on their chairs and there were those who sat, chewing on their

A sudden slamming of the door startled me and brought all our attention to the rear of
the hall where we saw our headmaster, with a thick stack of envelopes in his right hand. The
silence that enveloped us was so dense that I could have drowned in it. When he brought the
microphone to his lips, I shut my eyes and held my breath, hoping, praying for the best. What
I heard were the most beautiful words in my life. I had passed with flying colours!

The world became temporarily mute to me as fireworks of joy and celebration went off
in my head. I was ecstatic. The wave of happiness and relief that washed over me was as
comforting and as satisfying as a hot bath on a cold day. I was in a proper state as I made my
way home. My dancing, singing and skipping attracted curious, amused and even sympathetic
stares from pedestrians, but I did not care. I could not wait to get home so that I could ring up
my mother and break the great news to her. Her reaction would be the greatest gift of all.
Unable to contain my excitement any longer, I broke into a run.

As soon as I reached home, I hastily opened the front door and was greeted by my
mother. I was so surprised to see her. She hugged me tightly and told me that on her way home
that morning, my class teacher Madam Habsah had called and told her about my excellent
result. I looked at her and she had tears in her eyes. She then smiled at me and told me that
she’s very proud of me. To be able to hear those words from her had really made those busy

days and my sleepless nights worth it. That moment had become an unforgettable moment for
me as I realised that I had made my mother truly happy.


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