Blue Brain Technology

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Blue Brain is the name of the world's first virtual brain. A Virtual machine is one that can
function as, a very appropriate application of an Artificial Intelligence human brain. Reverse
engineering is a foremost concept of implementing the human brain and recreate it at the
cellular level inside a complete simulation. The four major motivations behind the Blue Brain
Technology are treatment of brain disfunctioning, scientific curiosity about consciousness and
human mind, a bottom up approach towards building thinking machine and databases of all
neuroscientific research results and related past stories. There are three main steps to build the
virtual brain are data acquisition, simulation and visualization of results. The mission is
undertaking the Blue Brain technology is to gather all existing knowledge of the brain, raise
the global research efficiency of reverse engineering and to build a complete theoretical
Blue Brain means a machine that can function as human brain. Today scientists are in
research to create an artificial brain that can think, response, take decision, and keep anything
in memory. The main aim is to upload human brain into machine. So that man can think, take
decision without any effort. After the death of the body, the virtual brain will act as the man
.So, even after the death of a person we will not loose the knowledge, intelligence, personalities,
feelings and memories of that man that can be used for the development of the human society.
No one has ever understood the complexity of human brain. It is complex than any circuitry in
the world. So, question may arise “Is it really possible to create a human brain?” The answer
is “Yes”. Because what ever man has created today always he has followed the nature. When
man does not have a device called computer, it was a big question for all. Technology is
growing faster than every thing.
IBM is now in research to create a virtual brain, called “Blue brain”. First, it is helpful to
describe the basic manners in which a person may be uploaded into a computer. Raymond
Kurzweil recently provided an interesting paper on this topic. In it, he describes both invasive
and noninvasive techniques. The most promising is the use of very small robots, or nanobots.
These robots will be small enough to travel throughout our circulatory systems. Traveling into
the spine and brain, they will be able to monitor the activity and structure of our central nervous
system. They will be able to provide an interface with computers that is as close as our mind
can be while we still reside in our biological form. Nanobots could also carefully scan the
structure of our brain, providing a complete readout of the connections between each neuron.
They would also record the current state of the brain. This information, when entered into a
computer, could then continue to function as us. All that is required is a computer with large
enough storage space and processing power.
The functioning of blue brain basically involves the process of human brain uploading. The
uploading is done with the use of Nanobots. These nanobots are so small that they can travel
throughout our circulatory system. Thus, these robots can monitor the central nervous system
by moving through the spine and brain and while still residing in the biological form, they act
as an interface with the computer. In this way, nanobots will provide a complete readout of the
connection by scanning the entire structure of brain. This information regarding the connection
obtained, when input in the computer, could then continue to function like a human being.
Hence, the data stored in the human brain will be uploaded in the computer.
The Blue Brain Project is assumed to be the first one to explore about a true “Artificial
Intelligence” via the process of reverse engineering and also the effort to reverse engineering
a human brain. The vision behind Virtual Brain will help shed some light on some aspects of
human recognition. The Blue Brain Project aims to build a full computer model of a functioning
brain to simulate drug treatments or any other brain related problems. Blue gene supercomputer
constructed by IBM was a machine first used by Blue Brain Project and then a term Blue Brain
was introduced. It can be implemented by using supercomputer, the fastest type but quite
expensive and are assist for special tasks which require abundant amount of mathematical
computations, like weather forecasting employs a supercomputer. The back pane of Blue Brain
is Artificial Intelligence, a technology which builds intelligent machines and imparts intelligent
agents. Knowledge, learning, reasoning, planning, communication and perception are the main
goals of its research.
Main advantages of Blue Brain technology includes (i)We can remember things without
any effort.Decision can be made without the presence of a person.(ii)Even after the death of a
man his intelligence can be used.(iii)The activity of different animals can be understood. That
means by interpretation of the electric impulses from the brain of the animals, their thinking
can be understood easily.(iv)It would allow the deaf to hear via direct nerve stimulation, and
also be helpful for many psychological diseases. By down loading the contents of the brain
that was uploaded into the computer, the man can get rid from the madness.

S7 EC2
RNO: 36

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