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Part A
Each Question carries 5 Marks
1.with neat diagram explain the principle of horn antenna.
2.explain the axial mode helical antenna.
3.explain the axial mode and normal mode of operation of a helical antenna.
4.What are the requirements for an antenna used in a mobile handset? Give
some typical antennas used in cellular handsets.
Part B
Each Question carries 10 marks.
1.Explain the different types of helical antenna and design of helical antenna.
2.With the help of neat diagram explain the principle of operation of log
periodic antenna.
3.Explain rectangular micro strip patch antenna and explain its design steps.
4.Design a rectangular microstrip antenna using a substrate with a dielectric
constant of 2.25 and operating at 9 GHz. Take Height of Substrate (h=0.16 cm).
Part A

Each Question carries 5 Marks

1.What are cavity resonators? Derive the equation for resonant frequency for
a rectangular cavity resonator.
2.Determine the resonant frequency of an air filled rectangular cavity
operating in the dominant mode with dimensions as a=4cm, b=5cm and
3. How oscillation generate in reflex klystron.
4.With neat diagram explain the operation of travelling wave tube.

Part B
Each Question Carries 8 Marks
1.Derive the power output and efficiency of a reflex klystron.
2.Show that the axial electric field of TWT varies with convection current.
3.Derive the expression of axial field of helix TWT.
4.A helix traveling wave tube operates at 4 GHZ. Under a beam voltage of 10
KV and beam current of 500mA. If the helix is 25ohm and interaction length is
20cm. find the gain parameter.
5.With the help of neat sketches and sufficient equations explain the working
of a cylindrical magnetron.
6.A two cavity klystron amplifier has the following parameters:
V0= 700V R0= 100 k ohm I0= 30mA f=3GHz
Gap spacing in either cavity d=1mm, spacing between the two cavities L = 5cm
and shunt impedance Rsh=30k Ohm.
Input gap voltage to give maximum voltage V_{2}
Voltage gain, neglecting the beam loading in the output cavity
Efficiency of the amplifier, neglecting beam loading.
Beam loading conductance and show that it can be neglected.

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