Current Growth of Internet Subscribers in Bangladesh and Its Benefit Towards Our Economy: A Study On Premium Connectivity Ltd. (PCL)

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Report On

Current growth of internet subscribers in Bangladesh and its benefit

towards our economy: a study on Premium Connectivity ltd. (PCL)


Md Rasel
ID: 18264065

An internship report submitted to the graduate school of management in partial fulfillment

of the requirements for the degree of Masters of Business Administration

Graduate School of Management

BRAC University
October 2021

© [2021]. BRAC University

All rights reserved.


It is hereby declared that

1. The internship report submitted is my/our own original work while completing degree at

Brac University.

2. The report does not contain material previously published or written by a third party,

except where this is appropriately cited through full and accurate referencing.

3. The report does not contain material which has been accepted, or submitted, for any other

degree or diploma at a university or other institution.

4. I have acknowledged all main sources of help.

Student’s Full Name & Signature:

Submitted By
Md Rasel
ID : 18264065

Supervisor’s Full Name & Signature:

Submitted To
Dr. Sumon Das
Professor, Graduate School of Management
BRAC University

Letter of Transmittal

Dr. Sumon Das

Professor, Graduate School of Management
BRAC University
66 Mohakhali, Dhaka-1212

Subject: Application for submission of Internship Report.

Dear Sir,

I am a student of MBA program of BRAC University. I‟m very happy to submit my

internship report for your kind evaluation and appreciation. I would be honoured if you go

through my report and find it worthwhile as really put in a lot of effort while preparing it. I

have immense pleasure to have the opportunity to prepare the report entitled “Current

growth of internet subscribers in Bangladesh and its benefit towards our economy: a

study on Premium Connectivity ltd.” Which I completed based on my practical experience

from premium connectivity ltd. I have followed all your instructions and tried to submit all

the materials.

Please contact me if you have any other questions about the report. I would be delighted to
make myself available at your convenience.

Sincerely yours,


Md Rasel
ID: 18264065
Graduate School of Management
BRAC University
Date: October 03, 2021

Non-Disclosure Agreement

This agreement is made and entered into by and between Premium Connectivity Limited and

the undersigned student at BRAC University, Md Rasel, ID#18264065


Md Rasel



I would like to thank everyone who was engaged in the preparation of this report, both

directly and indirectly. Without their unconditional support and collaboration, none of this

would have been possible.

Dr. Sumon Das, Professor (MBA program) of Graduate School of Management, BRAC

University, deserves special thanks for assisting me in completing this internship report on

time. His support and guidance helped me in making the right decisions.

I'd like to express my gratitude to Mr. Likhan Bhuiyan, Senior Executive (Finance &

Accounts), Premium Connectivity limited, for guiding me through my research. This report

would have remained incomplete if he wasn‟t there with his persistent motivation and advice.

I would like to give thanks to the executives in my Finance and Accounts departments, who

provided me much valuable information that was necessary for me to complete this report. I

want to mention their names as well such as: Mr. Abul Kalam Azad, Mr. Anwar Shikdar, and

Mr. Kairul Alamgir. They were all extremely helpful and supportive. Finally, I would like to

give special thanks to the Management of Premium connectivity limited for supporting me

throughout the work.

Executive Summary

The world is becoming more and more integrated and interconnected, all thanks to the

Internet. In just a few years, the Internet has established itself as a dominant platform that has

forever altered the way we do business and interact. The Internet, more than any other form

of communication, has given the globe an international or, if you prefer, a "Globalized"

dimension. Reaching the other end of the earth is no longer an illusion, but a matter of a few

seconds. For millions of people at home, school, and work, the Internet has become the

universal source of knowledge. It offers a variety of communications, entertainment,

productivity, and lifestyle services and tools that are all meant to be as convenient as

possible. Internet platforms are expanding into new service and content categories in order to

keep users interested and grow revenues. At the same time, Internet allows entrepreneurs to

do things they wouldn't be able to do otherwise, such as access a far broader customer base,

resources, and knowledge that no small business could access with its own limited resources

or time.

In general, people are becoming more and more dependent on the Internet, and so are

businesses and economies around the world. The Internet has become the vitality of entities,

and entities can only survive; in order to thrive in this globalized and technologically

proficient world, you must have the best connections. For a developing country like

Bangladesh, especially when it wants to add the prefix Digital to its name, the situation is no

exception. In order to grow and prosper, it must be connected to the rest of the world within

its own borders. Unfortunately, Bangladesh still has a lot of room for improvement on the


Keywords: Premium Connectivity Limited, Porter‟s 5 forces, SWOT, Internet Service

Provider, Internet, Economy, Internet Subscribers

Table of Contents


Letter of Transmittal ............................................................................................................. iii

Non-Disclosure Agreement .................................................................................................... iv

Acknowledgement .................................................................................................................... v

Executive Summary ................................................................................................................ vi

Table of Contents ...................................................................................................................vii

List of Figures.......................................................................................................................... ix

List of Acronyms ...................................................................................................................... x

Glossary ..................................................................................................................................xii

Chapter 1: Overview of Internship ........................................................................................ 1

1.1 Student Information: ......................................................................................................... 1

1.2 Internship Information: .................................................................................................... 1

1.2.1 Period, Company Name, Department/Division, Address ..................................... 1

1.2.2 Internship Company Supervisor‟s Information: ................................................... 1

1.2.3 Job Scope .............................................................................................................. 2

1.3 Internship Outcomes: ........................................................................................................ 3

1.3.1 Student‟s contribution to the company ................................................................. 3

1.3.2 Benefits to the student ........................................................................................... 3

1.3.3 Problems/Difficulties ............................................................................................ 3

1.3.4 Recommendations ................................................................................................. 4

Chapter 2: Organization Part: Overview, Operations and a Strategic Audit ................... 5

2.1 Introduction .............................................................................................................. 5

2.2 Overview of the company: ....................................................................................... 7

2.3 Management Practices at PCL ................................................................................. 9

2.4 Marketing Practices at Premium Connectivity limited .......................................... 11

2.5 Financial Performance & Accounting Practices .................................................... 11

2.6 Information Technology and Information System Practices ................................. 13

2.7 Industry and Competitive Analysis ........................................................................ 14

2.8 Summary and Conclusions .................................................................................... 19

2.9 Recommendations .................................................................................................. 19

Chapter 3: Project Part: Current growth of internet subscribers in Bangladesh and its

benefit towards our economy ................................................................................................ 21

3.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................ 21

Background .................................................................................................................. 21

3.2 Literature Review................................................................................................... 22

3.3 Methodology .......................................................................................................... 24

3.4 Findings and analysis ............................................................................................. 26

3.5 Summary and Conclusion ...................................................................................... 33

3.6 Recommendations .................................................................................................. 33

4. References ................................................................................................................... 36

List of Figures

Figure 1: Management Structure (Source: PCL) ............................................................... 10

Figure 2: Financial Position on 13th September 2021 from 1st July 2021(Source: PCL). 12

Figure 3: Porter’s five forces Model (Source: Harvard Business School) ........................ 14

Figure 4: SWOT Analysis (Source: Business News Daily) ................................................. 16

Figure 5: Growth of Internet Subscribers of Bangladesh (Source: BTRC) ..................... 27

Figure 6: Number of freelancers in Bangladesh (Source: Online labor index 2020 ........ 32

List of Acronyms

1 TB 1 Terabyte or 1000 Gigabytes

AR-R Account Receivable Receive

BCC Bangladesh Computer Council

BFRS Bangladesh Financial Reporting Standards

BTRC Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission

ERP Enterprise Resource Planning

FTP File Transfer Protocol

GPON Gigabit Ethernet passive optical network

ICT Information and Communications Technology

IP Internet Protocol

ISP Internet Service Provider

MBPs Megabits per second

MNO Multinational Organization

MRC Monthly Recurring Cost

NTTN Nationwide Telecommunication Transmission Network

OTC One Time Cost

PCL Premium Connectivity Limited

PSTN Public switched telephone network


WE South East Asia–Middle East–Western Europe

VoIP Voice over Internet Protocol

WIMAX Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access


Full Duplex Network The phrase "full-duplex" refers to data transmission and

reception over a single channel at the same time.

Microwave connection Microwave is a line-of-sight wireless communication

technique that employs high-frequency radio waves to

transmit and receive speech, video, and data.

MPLs MPLS (Multiprotocol Label Switching) is a data

forwarding technology that speeds up and controls

network traffic flow.

Chapter 1: Overview of Internship

1.1 Student Information:

Name: Md Rasel

ID: 18264065

Program: MBA

Major/Specialization: Finance and HRM

1.2 Internship Information:

1.2.1 Period, Company Name, Department/Division, Address

I have carried out my internship for the last three months at Premium connectivity limited. In

which first 2 months I worked from home for the pandemic. Finally the last month I worked

in office for gain some practical knowledge about working environment.

Period: July 2021 to September 2021

Company Name: Premium Connectivity Limited

Department: Finance & Accounts

Address: Cha-21/2, Uttar Badda, Dhaka 1212, Bangladesh

1.2.2 Internship Company Supervisor’s Information:

Name: Likhan Bhuiyan

Position: Senior Executive (Finance & Accounts)

1.2.3 Job Scope

I was appointed as an intern in the finance and accounts department of Premium Connectivity

Limited on July 1, 2021. At the beginning of my internship, I only attended the online

meetings of the organization‟s supervisor from home. At first, he assisted me in writing the

forwarding letter and the letter of Commitment. In addition, my organizational supervisor

helps to understand ERP software and how it works. He also explained to me the work

activities of the department. Finally, on September 5, 2021, I joined the office to gain some

practical knowledge about business activities. The summary of my duties and responsibilities

are given below-

Making Invoice

Making Account Receivable Voucher

Invoice Collection

Posting to general ledger

Reconciliation between Organizational ledger and Bank Statements

Making receivable report

Making Revenue report

Writing forwarding letter

Letter for Bank guaranty and Letter of Commitment

1.3 Internship Outcomes:

1.3.1 Student’s contribution to the company

In addition to normal work responsibilities, I also participated in different work processes. I

mainly work in the finance and accounting departments. I also work online with the

marketing department and human resources department. First of all, I have served as a

business letter writer, such as forwarding letters, letter for bank guarantee, etc. Besides, I

have assisted in developing new link reports daily basis. I also worked with my manager

while reconciliation takes place. In addition, our organization recently takes an initiative to

add a payment gateway to our website. I was responsible to make a report about top 5

payment gateway and their services. Finally, SWOT analysis of the company has been done

by me. So, I also provide some recommendations to improve the current situations based on

my SWOT analysis.

1.3.2 Benefits to the student

At the time of preparing the report, I had a great opportunity to have an in depth knowledge

of all the company activities practiced by the Premium Connectivity Ltd. During my

Internship, I have developed my write up skills and Interpersonal skills the most. I have

improved my communication skills to deal with cross functional teams and senior colleagues.

Apart from that, I learned about VELA core ERP software which is developed by the highly

professionals of Premium Connectivity ltd. So, the overall my internship program was

beneficial for me.

1.3.3 Problems/Difficulties

In order to prepare a well-informed internship report, one needs a lot of information and first-

hand experience on such an interesting and timely topic. Due to obligations and privacy

issues, employees of this organization are not allowed to provide or share with me all the

necessary information required for the results of the report. Therefore, it is quite difficult to

collect the required information during the internship. Due to the limited internship time, it is

difficult for me to collect and compile such an internship report within the limited time.

However, during the internship, I learned a lot. Besides, it is impossible for me to learn and

develop knowledge of all activities and operations of relevant departments.

1.3.4 Recommendations

When working at PCL, I feel that some gaps need to be filled as soon as possible to make the

operation run more effectively and efficiently. Therefore, I have some suggestions for future

intern students who plan to do internships here. They need a thorough understanding of PCL

activities. In addition, there are huge learning opportunities, and future interns need to use

this opportunity for their own benefit.

Chapter 2: Organization Part: Overview, Operations and a Strategic


2.1 Introduction

In this competitive world, every student of the business department needs to gain practical

knowledge to understand the real business world, which is not possible by theoretical

knowledge only. The theoretical knowledge obtained by the books, which is only half of the

knowledge matters. Practical knowledge has no alternatives. Therefore the internship

program is a great opportunity for every student to gain knowledge about the business

organization how things are going on. Master of Business Administration program (MBA)

program is a great combination of theoretical and practical knowledge. So, as for completing

my master‟s program, I need to complete my internship. It is a mandatory part of the MBA

program of BRAC University. I have got a chance to do my internship at Premium

Connectivity limited an Internet Service Providers Company. This report is about my

internship with the topic of the Current growth of internet subscribers in Bangladesh and its

benefit towards our economy: a study on Premium Connectivity ltd. with the consent of my

supervisor. The purpose of this report is to study internet users and acquire practical

knowledge of how the Internet supports the growing economy of Bangladesh. This report

contains some recommendations as well. So, I think this report will show you the scenario of

particular business industry and its support to our economy.


To know about the Internet Service Providers market of Bangladesh

To know about the Premium Connectivity limited

To know about the functional areas of the Premium Connectivity limited

To analyze organizations position in the ISP market

To recommend some possible solutions regarding the issues facing by the



The study is an analysis of the business organization. Basically, it is based on nominal data

which were later used to synthesize a list of imperfections in the system. So, most of the

information was collected from secondary sources. The primary data was collected through

key informant interviews of industry experts and secondary data has been gathered through

library and internet research on reports on internet service providers in Bangladesh.

Independent research work, publications, articles, and reports were also considered secondary

sources for the study. Recommendations were then put forward based on the outcome of the


Scope of the study

This portion of the report is based on Premium Connectivity limited. The scope of the study

is limited to the Organization level. During the internship period, I had the scope to observe

different departments like Finance and Accounts, human resource, and marketing department.

As a result of this, I learned different things from different departments. I learned about their

Enterprise Resource Planning software. I have also learned about creating invoices, Account

receivable vouchers, Account payable vouchers, Receivable reports, Bank Guaranty.

Therefore the study for preparing this report was a great opportunity for me to understand the

business organization activities.


To start with, a period of three months isn't sufficient to cover all the potential breadth of this

report. Therefore, there was a time limitations problem. Secondly, there is a global pandemic

going on and I couldn‟t be able to attend the office for two months. Finally, there is very little

information regarding the ISP industry available in the public domain. In the research, I had

to face some problems. Such as:

Survey Time

Organization don‟t want to provide all the information

2.2 Overview of the company:

Premium Connectivity Limited (PCL), is a certified ISP-Nationwide operator in Bangladesh.

It is one of the many sister concern of NEWTON Group. Under the same banner they have a

telecommunication company named Bangla phone limited (BPL) which is the predecessor of

Premium Connectivity limited. BPL has their network all over the country as they doing

business in Bangladesh since 2004. So, PCL got all the resources of BPL to use. PCL started

its operation in 2019. It‟s a well-organized company with growth. Now they are planning to

provide Internet offerings in numerous methods to satisfy the necessities of the customers

such as: Full duplex Internet service with dedicated bandwidth, point to point and point to

multiple point connectivity. They also have plans for the use of redundant transmission from

more than one NTTN throughout the country. PCL desires to set footprints in different

telecom arenas. It has the functionality of wearing out the commercial enterprise associated

with operating, maintaining, facilitating, and presenting special telecommunication structures

and solutions.

PCL currently provides long-haul, mid-haul, forward and backhaul transmission network

services. It also provides dedicated lines, Ethernet services, dedicated Internet access and

voice communication services. PCL also provides customized complete hosting services to

meet the needs of enterprises. They firmly believe in providing reliable and cost-effective

transmission networks and other connectivity solutions to meet the needs of its valued

customers. It is also committed to providing high quality service at all times.



PCL uses a powerful fiber-optic network to provide high-quality data access over its

countrywide MPLS network. It's a dependable, scalable, and adaptable service. Individual

customers can continue to use their own IP addressing scheme because the routing domain is

virtualized for them. All types of traffic are supported by the very cost-effective integrated


Internet Services

Their Internet services are mainly for corporations and small businesses who want a high-

quality and premium internet experience. Their fiber optic connections are highly secure and

redundant, ensuring high availability and minimal latency.

Internet for Corporate User

PCL's dedicated internet connections provide special deals for business customers.

Corporates and SMEs can benefit from high-speed Broadband Internet at a low cost. There

are opportunities to get data rates of various granularities with dedicated lines for a low

monthly fee.

Internet for Home User

PCL provides home users with high-speed internet connections as well as a variety of value-

added services..

Flexible package


Video Streaming

Buffer less YouTube

Movie Time


Online lag free Gaming

Managed Services

Domain Registration

Hosting Solution

Website Design and Development

Email Solution

Website Security

Power SMS

IP Phone and many more

2.3 Management Practices at PCL

The management policies and practices are mainly responsible for business development.

And provide guidance for any department. Management also responsible for deciding

strategies and quality of the service PCL provides. So PCL management combined with

different departments. Such as: a) Finance & Accounts b) Human Resource c) Marketing d)

Information Technology e) Procurement f) Planning And Development


DMD Director

Finance and Human Resource Information

Marketing Procurment Planning And
Accounts And Admin Technology
Manager Manager Manager Manager Assistant
Senior Executive Senior Senior
Executive Executive developer
Office Senior sales Junior
Executive Assistant developer
Office Sales
Assistant officer


Figure 1: Management Structure (Source: PCL)

The management structure of Premium Connectivity limited has been provided to understand

how the organization and its various wings function. At the top of the management is the

Managing Director of Premium Connectivity limited. He is in charge of the overall business

development of the organization and He takes all the crucial decisions in the organization.

Followed by the Managing Director are the position of Deputy Managing Director and

Director of the organization. They directly report to the Managing Director about the

organizational matters and look after all the departmental functions of the company.

All the departmental heads of the organization directly report to directors. In case of

emergency, they also can report directly to the Managing Director. Further down in the line,

the Departmental Head of the organization is in charge of all external and internal duties of

the company.

The main management practices followed at Premium Connectivity ltd includes

Developing and implementing best Quality & services to support the organization's

strategy and its operational activities.

Establishing and maintaining the best resources and employees to ensure the best

quality service.

Ensuring well-organized chain of command maintenance to develop a more strong

position in the industry.

Developing and implementing strategies aimed at maximizing Efficiency.

2.4 Marketing Practices at Premium Connectivity limited

PCL maintains a good presence in the social media and internet marketplace. They have a

strong sales team who visit every other day in different corporate offices. They also maintain

their own website for promotional activities to attract customers. They also have maintained

their own Facebook page where they post their updates and activities. Other than that, they

post photos of their activities on Instagram. They use the platform to inform new corporate

customers and home users.

2.5 Financial Performance & Accounting Practices

The financial calendar that is followed by PCL starts from 1st July and runs till 30th June.

The finance and Account department are responsible for prepare and submits the budget of

estimated income and expenditure for the following financial year. The Managing Director of

the organization approves the budget for the following financial period after consideration of

all the cases and report on the proposed budget. As this is a family-owned organization, at the

end of the twelve months, the profit balance is mostly retained in the organization for

expanding the business. So, a portion of the profit is retained by the owner to invest in his

other business concern. The Finances and Accounts Department of PCL is responsible for

analyzing, monitoring, and reporting on the financial position and financial performance of

the organization. Finance and Accounts Department prepares reports & key financial

statements such as the Annual Financial Report using Bangladesh Financial Reporting

Standards (BFRS). It is also responsible for developing and implementing the financial and

accounting rules and procedures of PCL. They use their own VELA CORE Enterprise

Resource Planning (ERP) system which facilitates compliance with internal and external

financial reporting and accounting standards and links with external and internal auditors and

other stakeholders on finance and accounting-related issues and concerns.

As they are planning to go public with their group of company within a year or two, they

don‟t allow me to share any of their financial statement. They just allow me to share a picture

of their current position. Here it is:

Financial Position of PCL

Total revenue Total cost Net Revenue
Amount in Taka 128656752 47834110 80822642

Figure 2: Financial Position on 13th September 2021 from 1st July 2021(Source: PCL)

2.6 Information Technology and Information System Practices

This organization operates a separate IT department. This department is headed by the Head

of IT. This department is in charge of all IT activities and provides IT-related facilities to all

its staff and employees. PCL has its own ERP system which has been developed by the IT

department specifically for the organization. This ERP system is a next-generation ERP that

is smart enough to record any sort of organization's accounts. This ERP system is used by the

organization in order to create a link or communication with all departments and employees.

The information technology department is also in charge of updating the organization‟s

website. They regularly update the Facebook page of the organization.

The IT Department manages the following resources:

Cloud Service: The cloud-based services and data storage facilities are provided by

the organization‟s IT department to the employees. This is done to provide them

access to all the concerns to resources and services round the clock. The employees

are able to access these cloud services from anywhere in the world and the employees

have a dedicated 1TB of cloud storage space for their professional use.

Data Center: The data center of the organization is also maintained by the IT

department. The Data Center is fitted with automatic fire fighting systems, dual Air-

conditioners, servers racks, online UPS, Cisco Routers & Firewalls, Core Switch,

Access Switch, etc. All the equipment available in the data center is kept with

redundancy backup.

Server Client System: The IT department is also in charge of the server-client systems

of the organization. These servers support the wide computing needs of the staff and

employees both on and off the organization..

2.7 Industry and Competitive Analysis

2.7.1 Porter’s Five Forces

Threat of
new Entrant

Buyer Power

among Threat of
existing Substitutes

Figure 3: Porter’s five forces Model (Source: Harvard Business School)

Rivalry among existing competitors

One of the major impediments to an ISP‟s entry and expansion in Bangladesh comes from

rival ISPs. Currently, there are about 500 ISPs operant in Bangladesh among which 30 ISPs

are large enough to be considered competitive enough for PCL. These ISP‟s compete on the

basis of packages and customer service. However, small local ISPs in every neighborhood

pose a unique problem for PCL in the sense that they resort to unethical means to curb a new

entrants expansion in their particular areas. This can range from using local political backing

to even cutting off a competitors internet cables. Thus, rivalry can be said to be quite high in

the market.

Threat of substitutes

Threat of substitute products in Dhaka, the capital city, is quiet high as the market contains

other modes of internet such as mobile internet and WIMAX which has higher penetration

and lower prices. This trend is repeated outside Dhaka, where these other modes of internet

often are the most prevalent if not the only access to internet.

Buyer Power

The bargaining power of buyers can be said to be quite low. Case in point would be the

events that follow once a customer is dissatisfied. Dissatisfaction can be due to a host of

factors such as slow internet, line disruptions and poor customer service. In all cases, the

situation condenses down to the customer either compromising with the ISP‟s shortcomings

and living with it or switching to another ISP which may not be better in any way. Since the

customer cannot influence the actions nor the offerings of an ISP and at the very best can

only switch to another provider, bargaining power of ISPs is low.

Threat of new entrants

Threat of new entrants in Dhaka, the capital city, is moderate to high as the market contains

all of the 30 major players and 470 other competitors mentioned above. Every neighborhood

has at the very minimum 2-3 ISP providers leading to a saturated market. However, due to

the markets preference for ever improving products and related services, a new entrant will

not find it difficult to penetrate the market. Outside Dhaka, every district has 2-3 ISP‟s along

with the other modes mentioned above. Threat of new entrants is this market in high due to

the subpar state of service other players provide. New entrants however, may have limited

momentum of expansion due to a lack of awareness in the market and a lack of infrastructure.

Supplier Power

Bargaining power of suppliers, in the case of PCL is quite low as their procurement would

mainly be from their sister concern BPL.

2.7.2 SWOT Analysis of PCL

The following section will mention and elaborate on the strengths, weaknesses, Opportunities

and threats of Premium Connectivity Limited.

Strength Weakness


Opportunities Threats

Figure 4: SWOT Analysis (Source: Business News Daily)


Bangla Phone Limited's network and infrastructure are responsible for the majority of PCL's

strengths. The following are PCL's advantages:

Lower Ratio of Retention: The number of users sharing the same data capacity is

referred to as the contention ratio (or over-subscription ratio). The lower the conflict

ratio, the better the service quality. PCL can afford to give a low contention ratio to its

clients because it buys bandwidth or data from Summit Communication Limited at a

low cost. One of the grounds for charging premium rates is this.

Lower Latency: In networking, latency is described as the “time it takes for a packet

to travel from source to destination,” The typical delay in Bangladesh is roughly 8-9

milliseconds. PCL can regularly provide a latency of 4-5 milliseconds because to their

well-structured infrastructure. While this drop in latency may be undetectable to

residential users and hence of little concern, it may be quite beneficial to business


Higher Redundancy: “A procedure in which additional or alternate instances of

network devices, equipment, and communication media are installed within network

infrastructure,” according to the definition of networking redundancy. It's a way of

ensuring network availability in the event of a network device or path failure and

unavailability.” As a result, the more the redundancy, the less likely the network will

fail if one of the paths fails. PCL provides 4–6 levels of redundancy.

Backbone: BPL has a network backbone that spans over 15,000 kilometers across the

country, as previously noted. This applies to all districts and, eventually, all upazilas.

PCL has full access to all perks as a sister company.

24/7 service: PCL delivers outstanding customer service 24 hours a day, seven days a

week in order to charge premium fees. This is made possible by BPL's network and

infrastructure, which are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week..


The following are some of Premium Connectivity Ltd.'s flaws:

IPv4 addresses are in short supply: The virtual world is shrinking as technology

becomes more extensively used around the world, and IP addresses are running out.

IPv6 addresses are being introduced to compensate for this. However, IPv6 addresses

are incompatible with older devices and networks.

People's opinions on price trends: Internet service providers (ISPs) should be allowed

to provide reduced costs. In actuality, because bandwidth is sold in high-volume

slabs, ISPs can only offer cheaper costs if a large number of customers purchase


PCL is an Internet Service Provider, not an IT firm, so certain services that customers

demand are unavailable. Customers occasionally request IT services that PCL does

not provide and thus cannot fulfill.


PCL's plans that have the potential to provide opportunities for PCL are as follows:

Triple Play GPON (Gigabit Passive Optical Network): The Triple Play GPON

(Gigabit Passive Optical Network) is a service provisioning mode that allows users to

receive all integrated services.

Currently, the three services of Internet access, IPTV (video), and voice over IP

(VoIP) can all be integrated using this technology through a single cable. PCL intends

to implement this technology in the future, which could significantly expand its

horizons. Establishment of the

Data Center: Bangladesh is sandwiched between two tectonic plates, making a single

data center impractical. As a result, it will need to build two data centers in order to be

financially viable. Nonetheless, it is a step in the right direction toward a Digital



The following are some potential threats that PCL may face in the future:

Competition: Despite the threat posed by MNOs, WiMax operators, and other ISPs,

there is a risk that another class of competitors will rise up against PCL if a specific

event occurs. If current NTTN license holders are also granted ISP licenses, this will

happen. If this happens, PCL's competition will become even fiercer.

Uncertain Regulations: At the moment, the ISP industry is not governed or regulated

by the government in accordance with any set of precise and defined norms and rules.

While there is a probability that certain laws will be favorable to PCL if they are

implemented, there is no assurance that this will be the case. Volatility in the market

or in the regulations that control it is always a danger.

2.8 Summary and Conclusions

Bangladesh is currently one of the fastest-growing countries in the world, and its businesses

are following suit. Internet played a major role for Bangladesh to getting final

recommendation to graduate from the status of a least developed country to a developing

country. This appears to be good news for the ISP industry, despite the fact that the ISP

market is currently saturated. This section of the paper looked at the organization of PCL, a

new Internet service provider founded by Newton Group Ltd., and what it wants to

accomplish and, hopefully, achieve in the future. ISPs can play a critical role in realizing

Bangladesh's aim of becoming a digital nation. As a result, PCL has the potential to be a

significant asset to Bangladesh. It should be mentioned, however, that the road ahead will not

be simple.

2.9 Recommendations

The previous part has provided a better grasp of the path PCL should pursue.

To begin, when it comes to the issue of contention ratio, a minimum of 2:1 for

corporate users and 8:1 for home users should be implemented. If the quality is not

compromised, a higher ratio could be implemented. More research should be

conducted to determine this. Other alternatives that PCL may choose to investigate

include customer segmentation by location or other customer segment-specific


In terms of client acquisition, conversion, and retention, PCL can afford to, and

should, invest in cutting-edge marketing and positioning strategies. In order to grow

the ISP market segment and get consumers from MNOs, PCL should start using more

imaginative proactive tactics. This may be aided by the Triple Play GPON.

Other approaches include focusing on business owners, introducing Collective

Purchase choices, and so forth. In terms of pricing options, it has previously been

indicated that Solution B (revenue sharing) is the only one that is realistic.

Finally, Bangladesh is trailing behind the rest of the globe in terms of internet usage.

Other countries have succeeded in creating such a demand for the internet that it is

now regarded as a necessity rather than a luxury. ISPs must become more creative and

imaginative in order to become more powerful players in the market. PCL is in a

similar situation.

Chapter 3: Project Part: Current growth of internet subscribers in

Bangladesh and its benefit towards our economy

3.1 Introduction


Bangladesh is developing as a country, and its businesses are following suit. Bangladesh is

becoming more digitalized as the rest of the world does. In Bangladesh, internet connectivity

is increasing as a result of increased usage of technology and social media. With the

introduction of a number of organizations in the internet service sector during the last several

years, the growth trend has been outstanding. The internet's function is expanding and

becoming more significant. This appears to be good news for the ISP industry, despite the

fact that the ISP market is currently saturated. Furthermore, the internet makes it easier to

start a new business because it is directly related to the dissemination and sharing of

knowledge, which leads to an increase in the adoption of creative techniques. Furthermore,

the internet helps to increased market transparency, which in turn increases competitiveness.

Indeed, incorporating the internet into the manufacturing process boosts productivity and, as

a result, economic growth for IT-based businesses.


To know about current growth of internet subscribers of Bangladesh

To know about how internet can bring change in the overall economy of Bangladesh

To know about how Internet can digitalized our country

To know about how internet can creates new business opportunity

To know about how internet can decreases unemployment rate


The internet and its economic benefits are the subject of this report. Isp market has led firms

to become more productive over the last decade, which has aided our economic progress.

Economic growth is defined as a rise in an economy's productive capacity, which allows it to

produce more commodities and services. Because it promotes information, inspires

innovation, establishes networks, supports business, deepens capital, improves labor markets,

strengthens market competitiveness, and assists enterprises in profiting from expanding

markets, the internet has a favorable impact on the economy. As a result, the internet may be

useful in combating economic downturns. As a result, studying the business sectors that lead

to a healthier economy is critical.

3.2 Literature Review

The internet makes information more accessible and lowers the cost of searching. Businesses

that use the internet can communicate more effectively, more quickly, and at a lesser cost.

This decreases manufacturing costs, increases productivity, and produces economic growth

by lowering internal and external transaction costs (Harris, 1998). Internet makes it easier to

distribute enormous volumes of data that formerly had to be collocated spatially (Bloom et

al., 2011). It also encourages the sharing of information at a lower cost, which encourages the

adoption of innovative technologies developed by others (Benhabib and Spiegel, 2005).

The internet has an impact on the labor market (Stevenson, 2009) and the product market

(Levin, 2011), and internet use appears to be favorably associated to economic growth.

Furthermore, the internet is one of the most important components of entrepreneurship

capital, which promotes economic growth. Entrepreneurial capital is defined as an economic

agent's ability to generate new knowledge (Audretsch and Keilbach, 2007). As a result, the

internet can help the economy recover from the recession by increasing inventive capacities

and increasing entrepreneur-ship capital. The internet creates a network that boosts economic

growth. It's a type of network capital that can boost overall productivity across the economy's

many sectors (Moshiri and Nikpour, 2010). As a net-work capital, the internet has network

effects, which means that the more users who adopt it, the more benefits existing internet

users will receive without incurring additional expenditures. Furthermore, internet

communication allows for social networking, which is beneficial to economic outcomes,

particularly in terms of stimulating innovation (Granovetter, 2005). The internet is believed to

give a solution to the recession since it expands networks and fosters inventive growth. The

internet promotes business, which leads to economic growth. The internet is being used to

expand into new markets, learn new techniques through shared experiences, and build more

resilient supply chains (Parikh et al., 2007). Profiting from providing goods and services to

emerging countries is one of the possible economic benefits of ubiquitous internet access.

Organization, management, and human capital are all affected by the internet (Moshiri and

Nikpour, 2010). Furthermore, high-speed internet allows for the development of new

business models, entrepreneurial activity, and the collaboration of companies that produce

specialized goods (Bloom et al., 2011). It boosts trade, which boosts revenue growth as a

result of commerce (Da- vies and Quinlivan, 2006). As a result, the internet stimulates

business and trade development, allowing the economy to thrive and emerge from recession.

The internet has a positive impact on the job market and economic outcomes. Better job

matching is aided by high-speed internet. In this way, the internet has transformed the way

workers look for work, which has implications for overall productivity (Stevenson, 2009).

Furthermore, the internet promotes market competitiveness and economic growth. Low entry

barriers and increased market transparency are two benefits of high-speed internet (Bloom et

al., 2011) because it aids in the removal of information gaps. Markets become more efficient

as access to information improves and competition grows, resulting in less price dispersion

and increased producer and consumer surplus. Furthermore, Mishra and Newhouse (2009)

discover that the internet has a favorable impact on health outcomes, which may have an

impact on economic development or growth in nations with underdeveloped health-care

systems. To summarize, the internet can help solve the recession problem by improving the

labor market and increasing market competition.

3.3 Methodology

In this paper, a qualitative research was undertaken to acquire information about the growing

number of internet users and their impact on Bangladesh's rising economy. I have not

included any numerical data in the following report because it is a descriptive report. The

report focuses on a real-world scenario. I mostly used verbal analysis to explain how the

internet supports our economy and how it aids us in dealing with the ongoing worldwide


Research method

There are two types of educational research method. These are: a) Quantitative Research b)

Qualitative Research. I performed a Qualitative research in this report. Because conducting

an effective survey with a large number of people are quite difficult, especially when we are

facing a global pandemic.


Firstly I select all the employees of my organization. There was no way to getting access in

another organization to perform an interview because of pandemic except link 3

Technologies. I do have some connections there and perform some online interviews.

Primary I selected 28 people in total from my organization and link 3 technologies ltd.

Sampling Method

The process of picking a representative group from a large population is known as sampling.

There are various types of sampling methods.

Simple Random Sampling

Stratified Sampling.

Cluster Sampling.

Systematic Sampling.

Multistage Sampling

I have used Simple Random Sampling procedure to perform my interviews at Premium

connectivity limited.

Sample Size

Primarily I selected a pool of 28 people and randomly select 15 people to perform interview.

Data source

During the preparation of this study, I employed both primary and secondary data sources.

Such as:

Primary Sources: Primary data was gained from our organization through face-to-face

conversations with my supervisor and managing directors, both of whom have extensive

knowledge of the ISP sector.

Secondary sources: Secondary data was gathered through library and internet research on

reports. Secondary sources for the research included independent research, journals, articles,

and reports.


In the research I had to face some problem. Such as:

Sample size


COVID-19 Pandemic

Organization don‟t want to provide all the information

3.4 Findings and analysis

Bangladesh has become such a large internet market that it is now entering a new phase of

huge digitalization. Bangladesh has recently seen a significant increase in internet

subscribers. Bangladesh is on its way to becoming a digital Bangladesh, with the number of

internet users nearly doubling in the last five years. According to the survey, over 67 percent

of the country's total population now uses the internet, primarily through mobile phones. The

number of internet users in Bangladesh climbed to 116.76 million in August this year, up

from 66.96 million five years ago, according to the Bangladesh Telecommunication

Regulatory Commission (BTRC). Over the last five years, the average yearly growth of

internet users has been 13.5 percent. When compared to the same month the previous

calendar year, internet subscriptions increased by 11.24 percent in October 2020. According

to Financial Express, the surge in internet subscribers is primarily due to the increased use of

smart phones in the country.

According to telecom experts and authorities, the number of internet users has risen in recent

years as manual phones have been phased out of the domestic market in favor of smart

phones. Higher internet penetration in Bangladesh has been aided by the replacement of

manual phones with smart phones, economic development and strengthening of people's

purchasing power, telecom infrastructure development, and familiarization with e-commerce

and online shopping. According to the study, internet service providers, mobile phone

operators, and other service providers are all doing a decent job of promoting internet use in

the country.

In Million Internet
120 Subscribers of

80 Total Internet Uer

60 Mobile Internet


2017 2018 2019 2020

Figure 5: Growth of Internet Subscribers of Bangladesh (Source: BTRC)

According to newly released figures from Bangladesh's regulator, the Bangladesh

Telecommunication Regulatory Commission, the country's internet users have surpassed 115

million (BTRC). In July 2019, total customers were 103.47 million, split between mobile

internet (95.168 million) and ISP + PTSN (103.47 million) (7.8 million). In July 2020, 106.5

million of 115.6 million customers used mobile to access services, an increase of 10 million

user‟s year over year.

Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission has organized a group to draft a 5G

service guideline, with the facility expected to be operational by 2023. However, due to the

Covid-19 outbreak, all preparations have been put on hold for several months. Bangladesh is

on the verge of launching 5G services. Bangladesh has ample 5G spectrum, as well as

network providers and equipment handlers, according to studies. According to a research

published in July 2020, 4G would dominate the market in Bangladesh in 2025, with 46% of

users. 3G users will account for 30% of the population at that time, while 18% will still be on


During the Covid-19 period and beyond, internet use encouraged online buying and e-

commerce, virtual official activities, and online education and health services. Bangladesh's

e-commerce sector has grown 30 times in the previous five years, giving it a significant

boost. The loyalty of suppliers and customers to the online platform for doing business and

acquiring goods has aided the growth of electronic trade in the country. According to the

(BCC), e-commerce in Bangladesh reached Tk 166.16 billion in August this year, about

29.67 times its 2016 level. After 2016, year-on-year growth in online trade and commerce

began to accelerate, with the total value of the business reaching Tk 86.32 billion in 2017.

According to BCC data, the sum was Tk 105.04 billion in 2018 and Tk 131.84 billion in

2019. Bangladesh's online shopping and mobile payment systems have grown in tandem with

the countries increased internet usage. Online payment systems, such as mobile financial

services, internet banking, and other gateways, have been established, and commercial banks

have begun to offer paperless banking through digital platforms to their customers, resulting

in a major increase in online business and shopping.

Internet on changing Economy of Bangladesh

The use of the internet is causing substantial changes in the country. The advantages for

business communications are significant, both in terms of cost savings and speed. Families

with members who live overseas appreciate the Internet because it allows them to

communicate more frequently and at a lower cost. Researchers may now obtain significant

information fast and at a low cost, which was previously impossible. Businesses and

celebrities are gradually accepting the Internet as their primary means of communication.

Special advertising operations are being carried out by ISPs in order to provide Web page

services. A new social class is emerging, primarily among the young generation, who see the

Internet as a useful instrument for advancing their careers and globalizing their ideas and

creativity. Many Internet users have remarked that it has opened up a whole new world for

them, that it has provided them with a new source of knowledge, and that they have made

many excellent friends and organizations all over the world. However, some argue that

surfing online is a very expensive habit that may become addictive and wastes a lot of time.

A segment of young people, primarily from the upper class, are misusing the Internet by

utilizing it primarily for fun, which is not a good practice for a developing country like ours.

The most discouraging news is that Bangladesh has yet to establish an academic network to

provide Internet access to the enormous number of university teachers, students, scientists,

and researchers who are critical to the country's development.

Improving education opportunities

The Internet now has a significant impact on education at all levels by giving limitless

learning opportunities. People can utilize the Internet to produce and share knowledge, as

well as to build innovative teaching and learning methods that engage and stimulate students'

imaginations, at any time, on any device. We can accelerate economic growth and improve

society's well-being around the world by connecting and empowering students and educators.

The greater access provided by the new cable is proving to be quite beneficial to Bangladeshi

students. Students can access class notes, video lectures, emails, and social networks, as well

as communicate with individuals in their profession all around the world, thanks to the

campus's high-speed connectivity. The increased internet connection not only benefits

students, but it also makes life easier for staff and enables for more effective teaching.

Students can collaborate with one another without being constrained by physical or time

constraints. You can now utilize the Internet to access libraries, encyclopedias, art galleries,

news archives, and other knowledge sources from anywhere in the world, which I believe is a

significant educational advantage. The internet is a powerful tool for accelerating the learning

process. I also believe that the Internet is an excellent tool for learning and practicing other

languages. This is a significant issue in many countries, including Spain, and requires special

attention in today's globalized world.

The Internet has evolved into a critical tool for exchanging knowledge and education; it is not

only a source of information and a location where results can be published, but it is also a

route for collaborating with other persons and groups working on related research topics.

Internet connectivity for visitor

Improved connectivity is now available to visitors to the country. According to Pan Pacific

Sonargaon Hotel, the bulk of visitors to Dhaka are on business, hence it was critical that their

requirements be met. Broadband was introduced in 2008, and the hotel constructed a „360-

degree' Wi-Fi system in 2011. This meant that the company's clients were now fully and

consistently served with internet access throughout the building. People of all ages are

benefiting from speedier internet connections at home, away from the hustle and bustle of

Bangladesh's corporate sector. This allows families to stay in touch with relatives all across

the world, as well as assist young people with education, gaming, and access to social media.

Internet on Business

The internet has altered the business process forever. It has made it possible to do business in

new ways. Communication technology along with the internet has given connectedness and

information dispersion a whole new meaning. Employees stay in touch via email, instant

messaging, the business intranet, and other means. On the other side, the internet has made it

easier for company personnel to collaborate. Project work and information sharing are no

longer hampered by geographical barriers. Furthermore, the internet has aided the

development of an online business or e-commerce culture. Many players have started e-

commerce stores in recent years. Internet banking, payment gateways, and other similar

services are all part of a typical supply chain transaction.

Workers can now log in from home or from a remote place thanks to the internet. It has aided

on-the-go employees by keeping them updated on business events. In addition, the internet

has aided the development of concepts such as cloud computing, which has enabled large-

scale data processing and storage. The internet has assisted the company in lowering its

infrastructure costs.

Making the whole country digital

Improving cell and internet coverage will eventually aid in the development of many of the

country's poorer rural areas. This will be a step toward the government's long-term objective

of having the entire country "digital" by 2021. Rural areas are now limited to 2G and 3G

technologies, with the most remote rural areas still relying on microwave and satellite

connections, but plans are in the works to build at least one "data center" every group of

villages. Rural connectivity is already benefiting local Bangladeshis, with telemedicine being

one example. Doctors in outlying villages attend online conversations with Dhaka-based

colleagues who assist them with diagnosis. This service is expected to grow in popularity.

Freelancing: a solution to the unemployment problem

According to World Vision Bangladesh's research, one out of every ten of Bangladesh's 44

million young people is unemployed. Moreover, each year, hundreds of graduates from

Bangladesh's public and private colleges fail to find suitable career opportunities. As a result,

the country's rate of educated unemployment is rising at an exponential rate. Now these

young unemployed persons can quickly begin their careers by taking some IT classes and

freelancing online. They earn a living while simultaneously contributing to the economy by

earning a salary in a valuable foreign currency.

Writing and Translation

Software Development and Technology

Sales and Marketing support

Creative and Multimedia

Professional Services

Clerical and Data Entry

0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000

Figure 6: Number of freelancers in Bangladesh (Source: Online labor index 2020

By increasing Internet access and using technological devices, such as computers or

smartphones, Bangladesh now increases their online labor market. Compatible technologies

include software development, online marketing, writing and translation, data entry or

multimedia services.

Increase economic benefits on Bangladesh‟s digital workforce require better Internet access

and stability. Bangladesh benefits from greater high-speed Internet expansion across the

country to improve the growth of its digital economy.

Opportunities for women

Many Bangladeshi women, particularly those with advanced degrees, forego their jobs to care

for their families. For many Bangladeshi women, freelancing is becoming a popular

employment option because it allows them to work from home.

Bangladeshi women who want to break free from their traditional domestic obligations will

find freelance work to be an excellent option. According to research, Bangladesh's female

freelancers have begun to obtain more trust than their male counterparts in terms of work

quality. Increasing number of women's participation in freelancing boosts trust in the


3.5 Summary and Conclusion

Bangladesh has seen a significant increase in the use of digital technologies, particularly the

Internet. It's making the transition to the internet of things. The widespread usage of the

internet by the general public indicates that a country's economy is improving in quality. In

several sectors of the economy, the Internet has resulted in significant cost savings, resulting

in quicker productivity development. It also results in lower consumer prices, leading in

faster rises in living standards. Despite the challenges of developing an internet-dependent

society, Bangladesh's government has prioritized the development of information technology

usage patterns in several areas. Bangladesh has recently been connected to the information

superhighway by an underwater optic-fiber cable network, creating an environment that

encourages citizens to use the Internet.

3.6 Recommendations

As Bangladesh's economy develops, digital platforms in trade, commerce, and education help

the country progress. And, in order to make it sustainable, the government should concentrate

on a few key areas. These are the ones.

Our economy would grow at a faster rate than it does now if we could extend internet

coverage through low costs; reduce the old system of learning, and commercial and

economic activity.

Many impoverished individuals, particularly women, are still unable to use the

internet. If we can bring them under the net, economic progress will accelerate and

social insecurity will be greatly reduced.

The government should make a concerted effort to attract investment in the

production of digital devices in the country in order to lower the cost of the digital


The submarine fiber-optic cable will be the backbone of Bangladesh's internet and

mobile services for years to come, but it only has a 25-year lifespan, so a replacement

plan must be in place well ahead of that. The government has already agreed to

develop a second undersea cable link with the SEA-ME-WE Consortium.

The lack of a continuous power source is still a serious issue in the country.

Freelancing job, such as intricate software development coding, necessitates a high

degree of attention, which is sometimes disrupted by frequent power outages.

For freelancers in remote locations, a lack of high-quality internet connections, as

well as increased broadband pricing, is a key issue. Despite the availability of

broadband in some locations, freelancers typically find it too slow for their needs.

Another issue for this fast-growing company is the lack of an accessible payment

mechanism, particularly for receiving payments from foreign clients.

Despite modest increases, women's engagement in freelancing is still insufficient. The

government should encourage more women to work as freelancers.

Broadband connection growth is slow: roughly 4 million connections, or about 6% of

the current market. The slow rate of development could be deadly to ISPs' existence,

since it could lead to the market being saturated by MNOs to the point where they

decide on market norms of engagement.

As the demand for internet and data bandwidth increases, so does the need for MNO

base stations to be connected by fiber (for high capacity transmission). If MNOs

respond to that request, ISPs will find it difficult to survive, let alone prosper, in the


ISP growth plans are hampered by a lack of Internet infrastructure in sub-urban and

district areas. Many areas in Bangladesh lack the necessary infrastructure to maintain

consistent electrical supplies, and power outages are widespread. MNOs win out in

certain locations, while ISPs lose out.

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