Mythos-Errata 2022

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MYTHOS ERRATA 05/09/2022

STUDIO COMMENTARY Page 2: Replace the paragraph of

CRITICAL SUCCESS with the following:
Following some great feedback from
the community and through further CRITICAL SUCCESS: Should a player roll
playesting we felt there were small a natural double six on any two dice,
changes that would add a lot to the regardless of the number of dice rolled,
gameplay of Mythos. The biggest it is considered a Critical Success. If
changes we made were to Combat the score is still less than required to
and Madness. A lot of players felt that succeed, a Critical Success is always
combat was a bit too even, without a considered to be one point higher than
lot of difference in attack and defence the required number. A Critical Success
values meaning that combat just came will always trigger the Mythos Effect of
down to good rolling. We’ve changed an Attack if it has one. If both Models roll
some of those values to make more of a a Critical Success in an opposed roll the
variance and also added in some new Attacker wins and is considered to have
combat actions to mix things up a bit. a score that is 1 point higher than the
Defender regardless of the actual result.
We also wanted to give the Madness
system some more weight so we Page 2: Replace the paragraph of
have changed when madness rolls CRITICAL FAILURE with the following:
happen and updated the charts as CRITICAL FAILURE: Should a player roll
well as altering some of the San trait natural ones on all dice it is considered
values. We’ve also made it easier for a Critical Failure. A Critical Failure of
characters who start the game on their an Action is always considered to
Altered sides. have failed and have a score of zero
The only other changes were simply regardless of the actual score required
tweaks and rules updates to make the for success or the opponents
game run smoother and to be more combat roll.
intuitive. Page 3: LINE OF SIGHT: Replace the
Page 2: Replace the paragraph of BASE fourth and fifth sentence with:
SIZE with the following: For the purpose of working out Line of
BASE SIZE: Models are designed to Sight, models are assumed to have a
be mounted on specific bases. Bases volume of a cylinder with a width equal
are usually round and the Base Size is to the model’s base. The height of the
indicated on the Character Card as 1, cylinder is equal to the width of the
2, 3, 4 or 5. Objectives will also have a model’s base.
Base Size. Page 4: RE-ROLLING DICE: Replace the
second sentence with the following:
This either applies to one die or to all
dice in a test, attack or defence.

Page 4: Replace TEST OF THIRTEEN with lever, picking up an Objective Marker,
the following: etc) Unless otherwise noted you must
be in Base Contact with the target of
TESTS: Thirteen is the number of the dark
the Action to use an Interact Action.
ancients. Thirteen are the baleful stars in
the sky that will mark their return. Players Page 10: MYTHOS. Replace the text for
will be required to make tests for their Mythos Effect with the following:
Characters throughout the game. This
Mythos Effect: Activate a Mythos Effect
is performed by rolling 2d6 and adding
for 1 MYTH if you are successful in an
the result to the appropriate stat on
Attack or Defence Test.
their Character Card. To pass a test, the
total rolled must be equal to or higher Page 10: MYTHOS Add the following as
than 13 after applying any applicable a way to spend Mythos:
modifiers. All Attacks are Opposed
Focus Mythos: As part of any Attack or
Tests. This is where both players roll and
Defence roll, or any Test, except a SAN
add an appropriate modifier and then
Test, a model may spend one Mythos
compare their results. See Combat P.14
to gain a +2 to their dice roll. This must
Page 7: MADNESS THRESHOLD. Add be declared before the dice are rolled
the following: and can be added once to each roll.
Some Characters do not have a Page 10: SANITY & MADNESS Replace
Madness Threshold. They will have the second paragraph with
other triggers that flip their card. These the following:
Characters DO NOT roll on the madness
Upon completion of any action that
Table when they flip but they do still
causes a character to gain a point of
make a roll on the Madness Table at
Madness that would make it go above
the start of the Activation while they are
its Madness Threshold on its ready side,
on their Altered Side.
that character removes all Madness
Page 8: Add the following after the Points then must immediately roll
bold text: 2D6 minus its current Madness value
consulting the table that matches the
Opposed tests, such as Combat Tests,
appropriate trait for that character. This
do not need to hit 13 to be successful.
happens regardless of whether it is the
The Model with the highest roll wins.
current Active model.
A model that is flipped to its altered side
Remove the following bullet point:
for any other reason does not have to
All dice must be rerolled make an immediate roll on the
Madness table.
Page 9: ACTIONS. Add the following
available actions: Page 10: SANITY & MADNESS Replace
the third paragraph with the following:
Mighty Blow (2AP): Use their Combat
Attack against an Enemy model in Whilst a Character is flipped to their
base contact. Add 1 plus your base size Altered Side, they must roll as above
to your result. and consult the Madness Table at the
start of each of their Activations.
Interact (1 AP): This Action may be
used for various reasons relevant to
the Scenario or Special Rules. (Pulling a

Page 11: MADNESS TABLES Replace the Madness Tables with the following:

Value Mortal

The Character’s mind opens up to a Great One. Every fibre of

1 or less or Critical Fail
their being is destroyed in a fraction of a second. The Character is
Succumb to Madness
immediately removed from play.
The Character suffers hallucinations of tiny biting and stinging
creatures covering their body. In an effort to get the things off, it
2 - 3 Screaming Terror suffers WND equal to half its Combat Attack value. This damage
cannot be prevented and the Character gains the Paralysed
The Character falls into a moment of despair, assailed by thoughts
4 - 6 Fatigued of their loved ones and struggles to decide what to do next. The
Character suffers the Fatigue condition.
The ghosts of its past haunt the character. Spectres linger just out
7 - 9 Haunted of sight and shadows dance on the periphery of their vision. All rolls
made by this character suffer a -2 penalty for this Activation.
The Character has thankfully had a moment of clarity; shaking their
10 - 11 Clarity head, the temporary insanity passes and it may be activated as
normal this turn.
The Character sees the world in all its layers and the path before it
Critical Success
becomes clear. It acts as normal but does not gain Madness while
spending MYTH during its current or next activation.

Value Tainted

The characters grip with their psyche is overloaded by Hex energy.

1 or less or Critical Fail
Replace the Model with a Hex beast following the Path of Least
Overtaken by the Hex
Resistance rule if necessary.
The character claws at itself in fury causing it to suffer WND equal to
2 - 3 Incandescent
half it’s SAN score. This damage cannot be prevented and it gains
the Burn condition.
The next time this model activates, as its first Action it must make a
4 - 6 Bloodthirsty Charge against the closest unengaged model within range and
Rampage Line of Sight. If there are no viable targets, it must instead use it’s first
action to move directly towards the nearest enemy Model.
The next time this model activates, as its first Action it must make
a Ranged Attack against the closest model within range and Line
7 - 9 Outcast Paranoia
of Sight. If there are no viable targets, it must use its first action to
move directly away from the nearest enemy Model.
The Character has thankfully had a moment of inner peace;
10 - 11 Peace blinking their eyes, the red haze passes and it may be activated as
normal this turn.
Conduit The character becomes aware of the Taint running
Critical Success
through their veins but is able to ride the invigorating wave.
Remove any Conditions of the Players choice.

Value Myth

1 or less or Critical Fail The Myth’s body falls under the mind’s eye of a Great One, shatters
Gaze from Beyond into a thousand pieces and is removed from play.
Mythos energies crackle through the Myth’s form causing it to suffer
2 - 3 Coruscating
WND equal to half its Arcane Attack value. This damage cannot be
prevented and the Myth suffers the Paralysed condition.

4 - 6 Dimensional Mythos energies wax and wane within the Myth’s body. It refuses to
Disconnect function properly and the Myth suffers the Fatigue condition.

For the briefest of moments the Myth leaves our reality then
immediately returns. Distracted by the sudden shifts the creature
7 - 9 Void Warp
cannot focus. All rolls made by this character suffer a -2 penalty for
this Activation.
The Myth’s energies rise again, its mind refocusing on the enemies
10 - 11 Eldritch Focus
around it; it may be activated as normal this turn.

The Myth is charged with powerful energies from an unknown

Critical Success
source, static coruscating across its form. The Myth gains the
Vigour condition.

Value Crypt Grub

1 or less or Critical Fail

The model is removed from play.

2 - 3 Premature
The model suffers the Paralysed condition.
The next time this model activates, as its first Action it must make a
Ranged Attack against the closest enemy model within range and
4 - 6 Bilious Excretion
Line of Sight. If no enemy models are in range, it must target a friendly
model instead. If there are no viable targets, it may act as normal.
The next time this model activates, as its first Action it must make
a Charge against the closest unengaged enemy model within
7 - 9 Lash Out range and Line of Sight. If no enemy models are in range, it must
target a friendly model instead. If there are no viable targets, it
may act as normal.

10 - 11 De-evolution This model loses one mutation of your choice.

This model gains the Vigour condition and may act as normal. If
there is currently no friendly Crypt Guardian or Oracle of Khepera in
Critical Success
play this model is replaced by the Crypt Guardian model and all of
its associated statistics. Any existing conditions, wounds or sanity loss
are also transferred to this new Crypt Guardian.

Page 14: LINE OF SIGHT (LOS) Replace the target. Player A’s total is 18.
second paragraph with the following: Player B rolls 2d6 and gets 7. They then
For the purpose of working out Line of add their CD value of 6. Player B’s total
Sight, models are assumed to have a is 13
volume equal to a cylinder with a width Players compare the two results, the
and height equal to the width of the difference is 5, in favour of Player A.
model’s base.
5 Wounds are inflicted on Player
Page 14: MEASURING, DISTANCES & B’s Character.
ELEVATION Add the following after the
first paragraph:
SEQUENCE Replace the third
If a Model is higher than a target sentence with the following:
model’s base width that Model gets a
If the Attacker is engaged, they may
+2 to any Ranged Attack rolls.
not make Ranged Attacks.
If a Model is higher than an attacking
model’s base width that Model is
SEQUENCE Add the following after
considered to be in Hard Cover.
the first paragraph:
The Attacker rolls first and declares his
Add the following after the
final total, then the Defender rolls.
first paragraph:
The Attacker rolls first and declares his
Remove the last bullet point
final total, then the Defender rolls.
Replace the last sentence in the first
Replace the second and third
paragraph with the following:
paragraph with the following:
If the Attacker is engaged, Line of Sight
+2 Combat Attack for each
is reduced to include only models that
additional friendly model engaged
are in base contact.
with the target.
-2 Combat Attack for each
Add the following after the last sentence:
additional enemy model engaged
with the Character. The Attacker rolls first and declares his
final total, then the Defender rolls.
Replace the first bullet point with Page 17: TEMPLATE WEAPONS Remove
the following: the seventh sentence that begins with
“Template weapons can still be used…”
If the attacker is the winner they may
spend 1 MYTH to apply their attack’s Page 18: DISENGAGING STRIKES Replace
Mythos Effect. the wording in parenthesis in the second
paragraph with the following:
Page 14: COMBAT EXAMPLE Replace
the section with the following: (of any type, including a Ranged Attack)
Player A is making a Combat Attack Page 21: JUMPING, CLIMBING
against Player B. AND FALLING Replace the second
sentence in the second bullet point
Player A rolls 2d6 and gets 9. They
with the following:
then add their Combat Attack value
of 7, plus another 2 because there is It takes one wound for every inch it falls
a friendly model engaged with their above the model’s size.

Page 21: JUMP EXAMPLE Replace the thing you seek. Kill them, liberate from
third bullet point with the following: slumber and all you’ve wished for shall
The ledge is 2” higher than the Model’s be yours.
Size, so they deduct 2 from their roll. Deployment & Setup: Each player must
Page 23: FORCE SELECTION Add the place one Objective Marker on their
following between the third and Leader’s Character card. This is that
fourth sentences: player’s Artifact Half.
No Character may be taken more than Standard 6” deployment as per diagram.
once in a Force. Game Length: 5 Turns.
Page 23: TURN SEQUENCE Remove the Objective: To acquire your opponents
section “2: Madness Rolls” Artifact Half and perform the Ritual of
Page 24: CHANCE ENCOUNTER Replace Joining (or Destruction).
the Game Length with the following:
5 Turns 6”
Page 25: TOMES OF POWER Replace
the Game Length with the following:
5 Turns
Page 27: GATE JUMPER Replace the
Game Length with the following: 24”
5 Turns
the Game Length with the following:
5 Turns
Page 30: Replace the scenario In
Dreams with the following: 6”

S5 - THE JOINING Victory Conditions: At the end of each

The broken must be remade, that which turn, players earn 1 Victory Point for
has been torn asunder must reunite, each Artifact Half they control.
the sleepers must be called from the In addition, 1 VP is scored for First Blood
shadows, the joining will guide them (inflicting the game’s first casualty) and
to the light.’ The pull of the artifact has 1VP for killing the enemy Leader.
drawn you here, though you thought
Alternatively, if one player performs the
you’d be alone. You recognise them,
Ritual of Joining (or Destruction) then
the enemies who wish to end the glory
they win the game.
of your masters. They have crossed you
at every turn, hoping to destroy the Page 31: Replace all the Special Rules
artifacts before they can be used for text with the following:
their glorious purpose. • A model may not voluntarily drop
It whispers to you, it must be complete, an Artifact Half. A Model may pass an
made whole. Somehow, you know that Artifact Half to a friendly Model for 1 AP.
the cursed thief in the shadows has the • A Myth Model may not be given an
Artifact Half

• If an unengaged model is in base
contact with an Artifact Half, they may 6”
spend 1 Action Point to pick it up and
place it on their Character Card.
• If a Model is carrying an Artifact
Half when it is removed from play, the
Objective is placed in base contact
with that Model immediately before
removing the Model.
• If a Model has both Artifact Halves they
may perform the Ritual of Joining (or
Destruction) for 1AP, ending the game.
Page 32: Add a new scenario as follows:
There is another world alongside this Objective: To complete the ritual and
one. It presses against the boundaries open the gate for the masters, or
of sanity, seeping through when the prevent their coming.
stars are right. Tonight is such a time,
when the constellations above have Victory Conditions: At the end of each
twisted beyond recognition. Black suns turn, players earn 1 Victory Point if they
pulse against the midnight sky, a sign of have the most Models within 3” of the
their coming. The gate must be opened Sacred Site. If there is an equal number
if they are to manifest and make their neither player scores.
will reality. The site is prepared, foul Players score 1 VP for destroying a Hex
deeds done and stones consecrated Beast, however it is generated.
with innocent blood. In addition, 1 VP is scored for First Blood
Space and time twitch and distort, (inflicting the game’s first casualty) and
things that were solid are made 1VP for killing the enemy Leader.
flowing. If you lose focus, you may be Special Rules: At the start of each
transported hither and yon through the Models activation it must make a SAN
veil. Unbelievers come to shatter your Test. If failed, the opposing player may
works, kill them and complete the ritual choose to place that model up to 6”
and the world will be yours. In the name away from its current position.
of the masters.
If a Player scores 1 VP for having
The gate is opening, things are starting the most Models within 3” then the
to come through. Human shaped things. opposing player may place a Hex
Deployment & Setup: Place a suitable Beast anywhere within 3” of the Sacred
terrain piece with an Objective Marker Site if possible.
in the centre of the board. This is the
Sacred Site (representative of any kind
of raised dais, shrine or similar).
Standard 6” deployment as per diagram.
Game Length: 5 Turns

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