Social Dimensions of Education Let Reviewer

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Self-Learning Material
General Instructions:
1. Read and understand the learning content to answer the following questions/items.
2. Choose the letter that corresponds to the best answer.
3. Monitor the time you spent answering the drill.

Learning Content
1. According to Max Scheler’s Hierarchy of Values, _____ is the highest form of values.
a. Values of the Holy
b. Vital values
c. Spiritual values
d. Pleasure values

2. A theory of philosophy that defines views about the learner, the teacher, and the school.
a. Philosophy of Education
b. Pedagogy
c. Curriculum
d. Philosophical analysis

3. Mrs. Santos is an institution in her school. She is not only competent but also known for her
integrity. One time, she finds herself in need of money to settle an honest obligation in the
bank. To her surprise, Mr. Almiro, (the manager of the bank here her property was
mortgaged) is the father of Juliano, her student ho is a candidate for failure. The manager
offers her the amount she needed. Which of the following would you think would b best
action of Mrs. Santos?
a. Accepts not the help and politely explains that as a professional you are not allowed to
receive any favor from the parents or relatives of the students that may lead to conflict
of interest
b. Accepts not the help and inform her principal and the PTA board regarding this matter
c. Accepts the help but emphasize to Mr. Almiro that there is no string attached to it
d. Accept the help, after all, this is an offer and she never ask for it

4. In line with the philosophy of Reconstructivism, which of the following should be given
emphasis in teaching?
a. to become economically self-reliant
b. to seek for a better position in the society
c. to compare oneself with the less fortunate
d. to designate one's superiority over the others

5. Philippines’ Elementary Curriculum emphasizes on the development of the skills in writing,

counting and reading. This manifest the great consideration given to this philosophy.
a. Idealism
b. Naturalism
c. Progressivism
d. Essentialism

6. Most countries outside the Philippines observe _____ high school education.
Integrative Learning Course: CTE Mandated
Laguna State Polytechnic University | College of Teacher Education
a. 7 years
b. 4 years
c. 5 years
d. 6 years

7. What does UNESCO mean?

a. United Nations Environmental, Scholar and Civic Organization
b. United Nations Educational, School and Civic Organization
c. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
d. United Nations Environmental, Scholar and Cultural Organization

8. How can you best describe the philosophy of Confucius?

a. Moralistic
b. Humanistic
c. Egoistic
d. Idealistic

9. The medium/media of instructions in schools during the Spanish era was/were _____.
a. Filipino
b. The vernacular
c. English
d. Spanish

10. The DECS was changed to DepEd because of this RA.

a. RA 7836
b. RA 7722
c. RA 7796
d. RA 9155

11. How will you describe the idea of higher education according to Plato?
a. helps the soul to search for truth which illuminated it
b. made the soul responsive to the environment
c. trains the suitably gifted so that they may be qualified to assume the role of a ruling
d. designed to train and blend gentle and fierce qualities in the individuals and create a
harmonious person

12. What pillar of learning is concerned on the material development rather than human
a. Learning to know
b. Learning to be
c. Learning to do
d. Learning to live together

13. Which among the following describes fully the basis of partnership between community
and school?
a. mutual trust for other's values and perspective
b. admiration of one's talent and aspirations
c. commonality of interest and success
d. None of the above

14. The failure of independent study with most Filipino students may be attributed to _____.
a. high degree of independence
Integrative Learning Course: CTE Mandated
Laguna State Polytechnic University | College of Teacher Education
b. ambivalence
c. high degree of dependence on authority
d. unpreparedness for schooling

15. The following philosophers are proponents of perennialism, except _____.

a. Mortimer Adler
b. Greeks
c. Roberty Hutchins
d. Paolo Freire

16. Teacher Filemon is convinced that whenever a student performs a desired behavior,
provide reinforcement and soon the student learns to perform the behavior on his own. On
which principle is teacher Filimon’s conviction based?
a. Cognitivism
b. Environmentalism
c. Behaviorism
d. Constructivism

17. Which of the following action of teacher Ford is an INAPPROPRIATE way to manage off-task
a. Redirect a child's attention to task and check his progress to make sure he is continuing
to work.
b. Stop your class activity to correct a child who is no longer on task.
c. Move closer to the child to make him feel your presence.
d. Make eye contact to communicate what you wish to communicate.

18. Aside from being a Teacher, Mr. Sandoval is also a community leader. Which of the
following should Mr. Sandoval NOT do as a teacher and community leader?
a. Play an active part in the activities of the community
b. Support effort of the community to improve his status in life.
c. Make himself aloof to ensure that his decisions will not be influenced by community
d. Solicit donation from philanthropists in the community

19. Which of the following situations best depict the role of politics in influencing educational
institutions as agents of charge in society?
I. Filipino students were forced to adopt English as a medium of instruction during
the American regime
II. Filipino students had to learn Japanese during the Japanese occupation
III. Filipino students were not allowed to use English during the Japanese occupation

a. III only
b. I and II
c. II and III
d. I, II and III

20. Which of the following level of education institutions is not covered by The Code of Ethics
for Professional Teachers?
a. Secondary
b. Elementary
c. Preschool
d. Tertiary

Integrative Learning Course: CTE Mandated

Laguna State Polytechnic University | College of Teacher Education
21. This education program promotes equality among students belonging to a multi-cultural
and inter-faith classroom.
a. Sectoral solidification
b. Indigenous development
c. Cultural immersion
d. Multicultural Education

22. “Man by nature is good” according to Confucius, Rousseau and Mencius. This characteristic
of man, makes him easier to be _____.
a. Rewarded
b. Respected
c. Motivated
d. Taught

23. Which among the following are the basic assumptions of behaviorists?
I. All behaviors are shaped by environmental events.
II. Man is free and his behavior can never be shaped by environment.
III. The mind of a new born child is ‘tabula rasa’

a. II only
b. I only
c. All of the above
d. III only

24. Teacher Angel, aside from being a competent teacher, is also a community leader in their
place. Which of the following should Teacher Angel not do as a teacher?
a. Participate actively in the activities of the community
b. Make herself detached to everyone in the community so that her decisions will have no
influence of community politics
c. Beseech donations from philanthropists in the community
d. Develop projects that will benefit the community

25. Cris is a sophomore student who complains to his teacher about his failing grade. When his
teacher recomputed his grade, he found out that he committed an error in his grade
computation. The teacher decided not to accept the erroneous computation before Cris and
so leave the failing grade for the fear that he may lose credibility. Is this, morally right?
a. No, the end does not justify the mean.
b. Yes, the end justifies the means.
c. No, the reason for not accepting the error before Cris is a sign of weakness.
d. Yes, as a teacher you must maintain your credibility.

26. In a multicultural education, much emphasis is given on…

a. Environment
b. Perspective
c. Achievement
d. Curriculum

27. The government’s educational program on _____ made the Philippine Education Placement
Test accessible for adults and out-of-school youth.
a. Quality and relevance
b. Relevance
c. Quality
d. Equitable Access
Integrative Learning Course: CTE Mandated
Laguna State Polytechnic University | College of Teacher Education
28. For teacher Wendell, to promote fairness among his students of diverse gender, family
background and culture, he should ensure a learning environment that is _____.
I. Inclusive
II. Gender – sensitive
III. Exclusive

a. I, II, and III

b. I and III
c. II and III
d. I and II

29. Parents retain access to their children’s school records until the child reaches the age of 18.
This provision is found under _____.
a. The Rights of Students
b. The Rights of the School
c. The Rights of Teachers
d. The Rights of Parents

30. “Man in nature is good” according to Confucius, Rousseau and Mencius. This characteristic
of man makes him easier to be _____.
a. Rewarded
b. Respected
c. Taught
d. Motivated

31. In some culture, women never experienced to be in school. School is no longer necessary
for them since their essence is to serve their families and perform domestic responsibilities.
Is this CORRECT?
a. It depends on what kind of culture that a woman is accustomed to.
b. No, women are skillful just like men.
c. Yes, women are domestic partners.
d. No, there is gender equality in education.

32. In some culture Mr. Soriano has been a Sociology Professor for almost a decade. In his class,
he asked this question: “What type of learning environment should a teacher implement in
a highly pluralistic society?” If you are his student, what will your answer?
a. Safe, Secure and Gender Sensitive
b. Safe and Gender – Biased
c. Safe, Secure and Gender – Biased
d. Secure and Gender – Biased

33. What do the school campus expression promdi” and “barriotic” indicate?
a. The power of the rich
b. The prevalence of ethnocentrism
c. The powerlessness of the poor
d. The low literacy rate of the country

34. With RA 9155, to which body were all the functions, programs, and activities of the
Department of Education related to Sports competition transferred?
a. Commission on Higher Education
b. National Commission for Culture and the Arts
c. Technical Education Services Department Authority
d. Philippine Sport Commission
Integrative Learning Course: CTE Mandated
Laguna State Polytechnic University | College of Teacher Education

35. Which pillar of teaching is vital in building a genuine and lasting culture of peace in the
a. Learning to do
b. Learning to know
c. Learning to Be
d. Learning to Live Together

36. Teacher Veena is a newly appointed teacher. The principal told her to avoid any conducts
that will discredit the teaching profession. Which of the following do you think will not in
any manner discredit the teaching profession?
a. Joining social drinking
b. Writing anonymous letter maligning colleagues
c. Practicing entrepreneurship with the students as clients
d. Revealing confidential information of the school

37. Teacher Jenny rates the art work of her students not just on the merit of its appeal to the
senses but also considers its uniqueness and the responsibility that every student has given
in accomplishing the task. This practice shows how teacher Jenny upholds this kind of
a. Existentialism
b. Idealism
c. Realism
d. Reconstructivism

38. Ms. Demetrio exemplifies an ideal teacher and daughter. She is competent in her field based
on the various recognitions that she received from her school. As a dutiful daughter, she
assumes all the responsibilities of raising her family (this includes her parents, siblings and
their own families) – giving all their needs and wants.

The fulfillment of these is the neglect of the responsibilities to herself. This attitude of Ms.
Demetrio is against what kind of philosophy?
a. Humanism
b. Essentialism
c. Constructivism
d. Existentialism

39. If you have a foreign visitor, what would be the best gift to buy?
a. Embroidered product from Quezon province
b. Expensive Buddha figurines
c. Porcelain wares
d. Imported antiques

40. Which of the following would manifest best the Teacher-Student Relationship?
a. Teacher to inflict corporal punishment to offending student at all times
b. Teacher to inflict no corporal punishment on offending student at all times
c. Teacher to inflict corporal punishment on offending student secretly
d. Teacher to inflict corporal punishment to offending student upon the approval of

Integrative Learning Course: CTE Mandated

Laguna State Polytechnic University | College of Teacher Education

Key to Correction
No. Answer No. Answer
1. a 21. d
2. a 22. d
3. a 23. b
4. a 24. b
5. d 25. c
6. d 26. b
7. c 27. d
8. b 28. a
9. d 29. d
10. d 30. c
11. a 31. d
12. c 32. a
13. a 33. c
14. c 34. d
15. d 35. d
16. c 36. a
17. b 37. a
18. c 38. a
19. b 39. a
20. d 40. b


Social Dimensions of Education


Prepared by:

Integrative Learning Course: CTE Mandated

Laguna State Polytechnic University | College of Teacher Education

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