Technology For Teaching and Learning
Technology For Teaching and Learning
Technology For Teaching and Learning
Guided Practice
A. Learning content
B. Learning outcomes
C. Durability
D. Aesthetic appeal
Answer: B - According to the systematic approach to instruction, defining the learning outcomes or
objectives shall be the most critical consideration when choosing an instructional material.
2. Mrs. Flores would like to supplement learning for her Personality Development class. Which of
the following she may utilize as a supplemental material?
B. LCD projector
C. curriculum guide
D. slide presentation
Answer: A - Supplemental materials are used to enhance the content of a subject. LCD projector and
slide presentation are tools used for content delivery while the curriculum guide is a list of competencies
that a learner must achieve for a specific subject.
3. Ms. Lea wishes to perform literary analysis on the novel "To the Lighthouse." Which of the
following is the most appropriate level of experience for this?
A. Symbolic experiences
B. Iconic experiences
C. Enactive experiences
D. Experiential experiences
Answer:A- Literary analysis deals with visual symbols. Hence, the suitable experience to employ is
4. Which among these terms is the most encompassing in the context of applying technology in the
teaching-learning process?
A. Information Technology
B. Instructional Technology
C. Educational Technology
D. Technology in Education
Answer: C - Educational Technology is the application of technology in enhancing teaching and learning.
5. As technology applied in education, which is the most limited in terms of the amount of
information that may be transmitted through its use?
A. chalkboard
C. internet
D. moving film
Answer:A- In Dale's Cone of Experience, text symbols are the least among the other experiences.
6. Which statement supports the ultimate goals of integrating the use of technology in education?
Answer:B- This suggests that education is dynamic, and it should adopt the utilization of technology
because its advancement is unavoidable.
7. Lloyd cannot attend his class because of chicken pox and cannot attend school for the meantime. The
teacher decided to provide him with a kit of activities similar to his classmates so he won't be left
behind. This program is also known as _____.
B. Distance Learning
C. Informal Education
D. Modular Lesson
Answer: D - Lloyd needs a material that is self-sufficient since he will be studying at home. The most
suitable material that his teacher may provide him is a module, a unit of work in a course of instruction
that is virtually self-contained and a method of teaching that is based on the building-up skills and
knowledge in discrete units.
D. Entertainment value.
Answer: D - Instructional materials are made to present learning content to the students and not to
entertain them.
9. Teacher Mel brought a white mouse in the class during a discussion about mammals. The white
mouse is a device commonly known as realia. Teacher can bring Realia only when it is _____.
A. available
B. feasible
C. affordable
D. workable
Answer:B-Realia are objects from real life that is used as an instructional material. Realia can be brought
inside the classroom only when it is possible or feasible.
10. Teacher John is using technology to enhance the learning in his subject matter. He is practicing:
A. gamification
B. collaboration
C. technology-driven
D. integration
Answer: D-Integration or Technology integration is the application of technology in teaching and learning
11. The following are the instructional materials as supplements to textbooks EXCEPT:
A. computer software
C. guide questions
D. mobile app
Answer:C- The other choices are used to enhance or supplement textbooks, but guide questions are
used to provide focus and direction in studying the textbooks.
12. Teacher Gabriel showed only the important portion rather than whole video as a motivation to his
lesson in the class. What did he achieve?
A. saving on electricity
D. managing discipline
Answer: C-If Teacher Gabriel has shown only the important portion of the video, he may maximize his
time and facilitate reflections and other relevant activities.
13. The following are the importance of internet and world wide web in the teaching and learning,
Answer:D- Finding a lifetime partner via internet and world wide web has nothing to do with teaching
and learning.
14. Arrange chronologically the following events of instruction that developed by Robert Gagne:
l. Elicit performance
A. I,IlI,ll,and V
B. Il,V,Ill,andl
C. II,V,III,IV,and I
D. III,IV,V,I,and ll
Answer: D - The 9 events of instruction by Robert Gagne follow these steps: (1) Gain attention of the
students, (2) Inform learners of the objectives, (3) Stimulate recall of prior learning, (4) Present the
content, (5) Provide learning guidance, (6) Elicit performance,(7) Provide feedback, (8) Assess
performance, and (9) Enhance retention and transfer to the job.
A. Progressivist
B. Constructivist
C. Traditionalist
D. Behaviorist
Answer: B- Constructivists believe that learners construct knowledge through experiencing things and
reflecting on it.
16. Blended learning is made possible partly through actual classroom meetings coupled with
A. print module
B. tape-recorder
C. online
D. private tutor
Answer: C-Blended learning is an education program that combines online media and traditional
classroom setting.
17. Among the five levels of technology integration, what is achieved by Teacher Ruby who directs
students on the conventional use of tool-based software, e.g. Microsoft, as an entry point?
A. adaptation
B. infusion
C. adoption
D. transformation
Answer:C-Adoption is a level of technology integration when the teacher directs the students in the
conventional and procedural use of technology tools.
18. What level of technology integration is achieved by Teacher Fe who applies collaborative learning
and also enables students to use technology to collaborate with peers and experts regardless of time
zone and physical distances, etc.?
A. infusion
B. entry
C. transformation
D. adaptation
Answer: C-In this question, Teacher Fe conducts distance learning. It is a method of education that is
received by the learner at another geographical location. Distance education is an example of
19. MOOC's or Massive Open Online Courses are open since they are.
B. in the internet
20.With the influx of technology in the 21st century, how can students be best re-educated on the
ethical use of social media, such as Facebook and mobile texting?
Answer:A-The most feasible action that the teachers can do to re-educate students on the ethical use of
social media is through integrating social media competencies in the daily lesson.
21. Teacher Marc is searching for an appropriate mobile app that he can use in his history class. What are
the factors that may help him in evaluating the app?
A. objectivity
B. accuracy
C. authority
Answer: D -All of the choices are very important and should be considered in evaluating an appropriate
app for history class.
22. What type of knowledge refers to the methods of teaching, including identifying objectives,
developing learning activities, and evaluating learning outcomes?
A. Technological knowledge
B. Content knowledge
C. Pedagogical knowledge
Answer:C- According to the TPACK framework, pedagogical knowledge is the teacher's advanced
knowledge about the strategies, methods, and processes in teaching and learning.
A. Pedagogical knowledge
B. Subject knowledge
C. Content knowledge
D. Technological knowledge
Answer: C - Content knowledge pertains to the specialization of the teacher. This means that the teacher
should be an expert and should have a solid understanding of what he/she teaches.
24. Teacher Leric uses virtual reality box in teaching solar system. What type of experience does Teacher
Leric employ?
A. Enactive Experiences
B. Iconic Experiences
C. Symbolic Experiences
D. Abstract Experiences
Answer:A- Enactive experiences refer to direct experiences. Under enactive experience is the contrived
experience, which are used as substitutes when real things are not practical or impossible to bring the
real thing inside the classroom.
25. In providing the students access to the internet, teachers should observe these standards, EXCEPT:
C. Require students to cite all the websites they use to ensure that they give proper credit and avoid
Answer:B- Teachers should inform and monitor the students of their boundaries in accessing the
26. What educational technology is most appropriate in showing the trend in temperature change from
A. bar graph
B. flowchart
C. drawing
D. map
Answer: A-Among the choices, the suitable educational technology to be used in showing the trend in
temperature change from month to month is bar graph.
27. In ICT, what component advanced the application of modern-day digital technology (PC's phones,
internet communication, etc.) that was superior to the analogue technology in the late 1900's (e.g.
movies using projectors, line telephone communication, beepers etc.)?
A. electronic circuit
B. physical structure
C. editorial content
D. entertainment content
Answer: B - The difference between the modern-day digital technology and the analogue technology in
the late 1900s is physical structure-from analogue to digital.
28. What is the appropriate response for millennials who are more exposed to virtual reality (digital toys
and tools) instead of actual reality?
Answer:D-Virtual reality can be relevant in education if the teacher aligns learning in the context of
29. Face-to-face communication is made possible via computer through the use of _____.
C. Skype
Answer: C-Skype is a computer app that is used specifically for online chatting and face-to-face
Technology for Teaching and Learning
30. Leric would like to create a brochure for his entrepreneurship class.What application software should
he use?
A. spreadsheet
B. word processing
C. slide presentation
D. desktop publishing
Answer:C- Educational technology is the application of technology in teaching and learning. Since the
television was used for entertainment and not for teaching and learning, it cannot be considered as
educational technology.
A. citing of references
33. Librado was assigned to create a letter of invitation for the parents for PTA conference. What
application software should he use?
A. spreadsheet
B.word processing
C. slide presentation
D. desktop publishing
Answer:B-Word processing applications are used to create documents that contain textual information
such as letters.
34. This corresponds to eliciting students' interest in learning:
A. self-sufficiency
C. significance
D. usefulness
Answer: B An instructional material can stimulate students' interest if they find it meaningful and
35. Mr. Santos is an instructional designer whose project is to develop an app for Philippine history. He
sees to it that the content and the assessment are aligned with the objectives. What consideration is
referring to?
A. currency
B. authority
C. objectivity
D. accuracy
Answer:C-Since the primary focus here is alignment of the app to the objectives, Mr. Santos is evaluating
the app's objectivity.
B. Schools that integrate online learning must confer with parents about this.
D. Lack of a proper computer laboratory does not mean poor student performance.
Answer: C - Not all the time the use of computer is beneficial. There are still subjects that can be best
taught without the use of technology.
37. People who were born in the time, when digital technologies were commonplace are called
A. Digital natives
B. Digital migrants
C. Digital experts
D. Digital dinosaurs
Answer:A-Those people who were born in the era of technological advancement are called digital
38. Support instructional materials aim to advance this improvement in the classroom.
A. enhancement of learning
D. speeding up learning
Answer:A-Support instructional materials are additional learning resources that can be used to improve
the learning of the students.
39.Before technological advancements and student diversity were widely seen and accepted in
classrooms, what classroom management paradigm was dominant and prevailing?
D. Self-discipline is integrated.
Answer:B-Before the 21st-centurylearning which promotes the use of technology and inclusivity, the
dominant classroom management paradigm was the interaction flow is one-way. Simply put, it is
40.What technology integration is achieved by Teacher Gina who directs students conventional use of
tool-based software e.g. Microsoft as an entry point?
A. Adaptation
B. Infusion
C. Adoption
D. Transformation
Answer:C-Adoption is a level of technology integration when the teacher directs his/ her students on the
conventional and procedural use of technology tools.
41. Selena would like to select all the text on her document. What shortcut key should she use?
Answer:D- Pressing the CTRL key and the A on the keyboard will select all texts on the document.
42. Internet consists of thousands of networked computers around the globe. Which of the following
terms that does not refer to internet?
A. net
B. online
C. cyberspace
D. information superhighway
Answer:B-Online does not refer to the internet. Instead, it refers to the status of the user in the internet.
43. Which among these terms is the most encompassing in the context of applying technology in the
teaching-learning process?
A. Information Technology
B. Instructional Technology
C. Educational Technology
D. Technology in Education
Answer:C -Educational technology is the term used to describe the application of technology tools in
teaching and learning.
44. Teacher Maricar is searching for an appropriate mobile app that she can use in her anatomy class.
What is the factor that may help her in evaluating the app?
A. Content Knowledge
D. Technological Knowledge
Answer:B-In order for Teacher Maricar to evaluate the app for her anatomy class, she needs
technological content knowledge. She needs technological knowledge to evaluate the technical
specifications of the app and content knowledge to check the content of the app, which is anatomy.
Answer:B- ICT means Information and Communications Technology. It refers to the different technology
tools used to manage information and for communication.
D. K to 12 Act of 2011
Answer: B - R.A. 10844 is also known as the Department of Information and Communication Technology
Act of 2015.It is a law establishing the DICT, an administrative entity of the executive branch that will
plan, develop, and promote the national ICT development agenda.
A. Design
B. Development
C. Analysis
D. Evaluation
Answer:C-Under the Analysis stage, the teachers will set the standards and objectives based on the
teacher's analysis of the learners.
48. Rule of Six is followed by Teacher Melinda whenever she is creating her PowerPoint presentation.
Most likely, she will:
A. Limit her presentation to six slides with six sentences on each slide.
B. Identify six important points to discuss and use about six minutes to explain each point.
C. Have six lines on each slide and each line must not have more than six words.
Answer:C- The six rules in creating a presentation means there should only be six lines in a slide and each
line is composed of six words. This is to ensure that the slide is clear and visible.
49. If intended instructional material is not available, what materials can be used?
A. realia
B. maps
C. improvised
D. supplementary
Answer:C- If the planned instructional material is not available, the teacher must be resourceful and may
use an improvised material.
50. Mr. Amonelo would like to request audio-visual aids from the multimedia center. Which should not
be included on his request?
A. television
B. videotapes
C. specimens
D. LCD projector
Answer:C-Specimens cannot be considered as an audio-visuaI aid but a realia, meaning "real objects".
Audio- visual aids are instructional materials that present sounds and visuals.
Independent Practice
1. The following are responsibilities of the Educational Technology Center of a school EXCEPT:
A. ensure that learning resources will be accessible for teachers and students
2. What type of knowledge refers to the ability of the teachers to formulate objectives, designing
activities, and assessing learning outcomes?
A. Teaching knowledge
B. Content knowledge
C. Pedagogical knowledge
D. Instructional knowledge
A. Pedagogical knowledge
B. Subject knowledge
C. Content knowledge
D.Technological knowledge
4. What level of technology integration is reached by Teacher Leimari who builds a learning
environment that instills the power of technology tools throughout the day and across subject areas?
A. Infusion
B. Adaptation
C. Transformation
D. Adoption
5. Which of the following shows the technological, pedagogical, and content knowledge in
preparing for Grade 4 Math class?
A. Allow students to find apps in the internet and share them with classmates.
B. Ask students to watch video downloaded from YouTube and ask students to summarize video
C. Evaluate Math app on multiplication, match them with learner's skill level, demonstrate use of apps,
allow students to explore, and ask students to summarize lesson.
D. Check math competencies of Grade 4 students as basis for answering multiplication exercises on the
6. What technology integration is achieved by Teacher Maricar who encourages adaptation tool-
based software by allowing students to choose a tool and modify its use to accomplish a task at hand?
A. Adaptation
B. Transformation
C. Adoption
7. What technology integration is achieved by Teacher Lorenz who creates a rich learning
environment in which students engage daily in activities that would have been impossible to achieve
without technology?
A. Adoption
B. Adaptation
C. Infusion
D. Transformation
8. Mr. Arceo evaluates an app for Grade 11 Science, ensuring that standard competencies are
included and are not too easy or too difficult for students. He focuses on the criteria for
A. Organization
B. Accuracy
C. Currency
D. Appropriateness
9. Teacher Melinda applies collaborative learning but also allows students to use technology to
collaborate with peers and experts regardless of time zone or physical distances through blogging. This
level of technology integration is
A. Infusion
B. Entry
C. Transformation
D. Adaption
10. Teacher Leric allowed his students to conduct a survey through an online form with different devices.
What has been part of ICT in her activity?
A. Matthew Doe
B. Mark Zuckerberg
C. Joe Williams
D. John Goldings
12. What is the main aim of displaying statistical data through graphs of differing heights in a Histogram?
A. Data flow
B. Frequency distribution
C. Quantitative value
D.Symbolic figures
13. Teacher Marge will develop her instructional material for the topic "Photosynthesis." What is the
criterion in selecting and use of instructional materials?
A. learning outcomes
B. differentiated approach
C. SMART principle
D. learning domains
14. Sir Jay-Ar will discuss global warming to his Grade 5 students. He wants to ensure that the students
will be interested. He needs to:
B. Include pictures and a short video clip that captures the effects of the global warming.
C. Use a different slide design with nature images for each slide to sustain interest.
D. Put one paragraph per slide to emphasize the facts about global warming.
15. Which of the following attributes is vital for teachers and will enable them to adapt to the current
trends in teaching (i.e., utilization of digital tools in teaching)?
I. Persistence
ll. Optimism
III. Curiosity
A. I and ll
B. I only
C. I,Ill,and IV
D. I,II,Ill,and IV
16. Appraising, computing, budgeting, and analyzing can be considered competencies relating to:
A. research
B. literacy
C. data gathering
D. numeracy
17. Globalization is one of the evolving topics in the recent years. The world has become borderless
primarily because of:
C. technological advancement
D. ASEAN integration
A. It has a study guide that includes content, objectives, activities, and assessment.
D. It is graded.
20. The computer unit, cable, and keyboard are referred to collectively as:
A. workstation
B. software
C. multimedia
D. hardware
A. Supplementary media
B. Educational technology
C. Print materials
D. Instructional materials
Technology for Teaching and Learning
22. The school's educational technology center provides teachers resources such as apps and websites
available in their locality. Which of the following is the role of Educational technology center?
A. Reading Center
C. Center of learning
D. Center of Resources
23. The school's educational technology center regularly conducts seminars and conferences on the
utilization of latest technologies for teachers. Which of the following is the role of the EdTech center in
this scenario?
A. Center of resources
B. Agent of teaching
C. Organizer
D. Reading Center
24. In order for the students to clearly understand the structure and content of the teacher's
presentation, the teacher should have:
A. a summary
C. a short conclusion
D. a short preview
25. An English teacher would like to enrich the knowledge of the students about Shakespeare's Romeo
and Juliet. Which of the following planned routine activities can be applied by the teacher?
A. essay writing
B. role playing
C. film showing
D.field trip
26. Miss Jisoo, a Grade 10 teacher, wants to stimulate students' participation on a topic regarding family
conflict. Which of the following activities should she employ?
A. Photos
B. PowerPoint Presentation
27. Which of the following activities best describes: "What I hear, I forget. What I see, I remember. What
I do, I understand?"
A. Independent learning
B. TV watching
C. Collaboration
D. Active learning
28. Teacher Muli wants to teach his students about poisonous snakes. Which is the best to employ?
A. Iconic experiences
B. Enactive experiences
C. Symbolic experiences
D. Actual experiences
29. Miss Micah wishes to perform literary analysis on the novel "To The Lighthouse." Which of the
following is the most appropriate level of experience for this?
A. Symbolic
B. Iconic
C. Enactive
D. Experiential
30. During her history class, a video downloaded from an online source was shown by Teacher Len.
Which of the following is the most appropriate action when utilizing such material in her lesson?
D. Tell the class that she paid someone to make the video for her.
A. direct-purposeful experience
B. Contrived experience
C. Dramatized experience
D. Exhibit
32. Teacher Marc teaches how to add mixed fractions using a mobile app. He tasked the students to
work independently to provide them adequate time to practice. What level of technology is shown?
A. adaptation-active
B. adoption-collaborative
C. infusion-active
D. transformation-collaborative
33. Teacher Sarah uses a Prezi presentation to show the classifications in Kingdom Animalia. She then
demonstrates the teachers on how to use a software in making graphic organizers to classify animals.
What kind of technology integration is shown?
A. entry-constructive
B. adoption-constructive
C. Infusion-constructive
D. transformation-constructive
34. A Grade 9 social studies teacher asked the learners to work with other Grade 9 students from the
campuses in Manila, Bicol, and Cebu. Their project is to create a documentary film that will promote
peace. They will be using social media to raise awareness about their peace campaign. What is the level
of technology integration involved in this activity?
A. entry-active
B. transformation-constructive
C. adaptation-collaborative
D. adoption-constructive
A. iPad
C. Wikipedia
B. Facebook
D. Google
36. Massive Open Online Courses is one of the current trends in education today. Why is MOOC
considered as massive?
A. MOOC requires a large amount of computer storage.
37. Which of the following is the kind of source that critical learners depend on to find the truth or
resolve problems?
A. credible
B. biased
C. opinionated
D. interesting
38. Mrs. Baita is evaluating a website for her literature class. She is ensuring that the factual pieces of
information found on the site are well-documented and diagrams are properly labeled. She is also
checking that there are no misspelled words nor grammatical errors. What criteria is she focusing on?
A. Appropriateness
B. Clarity
C. Motivation
D. Accuracy
39. Which of the following is the lowest level of technology integration in the instruction?
40. Miss Ang applies her pedagogical knowledge in teaching Science when she:
A. Looks into the characteristics and interests of the learners in order to choose activities that would
match them.
41. Mr. Laurenciano is planning to integrate technology to his social studies lesson on the EDSA
Revolution. He is applying his content knowledge when he:
A. Considers the learners' multiple intelligences before preparing his technology integration lesson plan.
D. Sets up wikispaces account for his students to blog about EDSA revolution.
42. Miss Gene implements technology integration for Grade 4 students to work on multiplication of
decimal numbers. Which of the following reflects technological, pedagogical, and content knowledge?
A. The teacher checks the math standards for 4th graders based on these standards, and lets her
students answer multiplication exercises on the blackboard.
B. The teacher makes the children watch a video that she downloaded from YouTube and asks the
children to summarize it.
C. The teacher evaluates math apps on multiplication, matches them with her students' skill level,
demonstrates how the apps are used, and allows her students to explore and work on apps.
D. The teacher makes the children play whatever math apps they find in the internet and lets them share
in class about their experience.
43. Among the choices, which is not included in Merill's principles of instruction?
B. Learning is promoted when existing knowledge is activated as a foundation for new knowledge
D. Learning is promoted when new knowledge is integrated into the learner's world.
A. Utilize technology
45. Teacher Levi teaches about technology and use of technology to his learners. What element in digital
citizenship is he implying?
A. Digital Access
B. Digital Commerce
C. Digital Communication
D. Digital Literacy
46. This following apps can be used for collaborative work, except _____. :
A. Google Drive
B. Edmodo
C. Wikispaces
D. Google Chrome
47. It is the set of rules about the behavior acceptable on the internet.
A. Code of Ethics
B. Netiquette
C. Law of Internet
D. R.A. 10844
48. Microsoft Company is popular when it comes to software manufacturing. Who founded Microsoft?
A. Steve Jobs
B. Tim Berners-Lee
C. Mark Zuckerberg
D. Bill Gates
49. He is being called as the "Father of Computer" for inventing the Analytical Engine.
A. Charles Babbage
B. Blaise Pascal
C. Tim Berners-Lee
D. Mark Zuckerberg
50. According to Republic Act 10175 or otherwise known as "Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012" the
following are forms of cybercrime, except:
A. illegal logging
B.identity theft
C. cybersex
D. illegal access