ABSS Licence Agreement Plain

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ABSS Licence Agreement

IMPORTANT - READ THIS CAREFULLY BEFORE USE. This is the Software Licence Agreement (Agreement). As you have
purchased the Product (consisting of the User Documentation and the installation CD or other media containing the
Software), following notification of the Licence you are now legally bound by its conditions. HOWEVER, if the Licence
Agreement contains anything of which you were not aware prior to purchasing the Product or do not agree to be
bound by, DO NOT INSTALL THE SOFTWARE but return the Product to the reseller in its entirety and a full refund of
the purchase price will be made. By installing the Software and keeping the Product you are confirming that you have
purchased the Product subject to this Licence and are bound by its provisions.

TRIAL VERSION SOFTWARE LIMITATION. If you use this Software on a trial basis prior to purchase, then additional
restrictions govern its use. The Trial Version is intended to be used only for evaluation purposes and whilst you may
create your own company data files ("Company Files") you will have access to your Company Files only for a period of
7 days from the date of creation of each Company File. Thereafter, you will be able to access the Company Files
created by you only upon your purchase of the full version of the Software product licence. Upon your purchase of the
full version of the Software product licence, the restrictions in this paragraph (Trial Version Software Limitation) shall
no longer apply, but you acknowledge that your use of the full version of the Software product licence will be
conditioned on your agreeing to the terms of the Software Licence Agreement accompanying the full version of the
Software product licence.

1 Scope of Licence

Asian Business Software Solutions Pte Ltd (the Publisher), through its local publishers and distribution agents, hereby
grants to you, the original purchaser, a paid-up, personal, non-exclusive and non-transferable Licence to use the
Software and the User Documentation only in the region, territory or country specified on the packaging, or in all
countries in Asia, subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement.

(a) Activation You must register the Software and activate the company files you create with ABSS. You may
only access each company file you create for 7 days without registering the Software and activating the file. After 7
days the company file will become read-only until you register and activate the company file. You are entitled to
activate up to five (5) company files. If required, you can obtain additional activations by contacting ABSS Pte Ltd.
Activated company files cannot be re-used or recycled.

(b) Number of Users If you have purchased:

i. Single-User Software Licence, then you may use the Software on only one computer that you own or operate
at a single physical location in respect of company files you have activated. You may transfer the Software from
one such computer to another that you own or operate provided that you do not use or permit the usage of the
Software on more than one computer or computer terminal at a time. In the event of an upgrade or Product
exchange the Licence hereby granted is automatically transferred to the new version or Products.

ii. Multi-User Software Licence, then you may use the Software on only one computer network that you own or
operate at a single physical location and only then in respect of company files created and activated by you or by
another licensed user. You may transfer the Software from one computer to another that you own or operate on
this network provided that you do not use or permit the usage of the Software on more than the licensed number
of computers or computer terminals at a time, nor permit the usage of the Software on more than one network
at any one time, nor permit the Software to be used in respect of company files that you have not activated or
have not been created by you or by another licensed user.

(c) Updates and Upgrades In the event of an upgrade, update or product exchange, the Licence hereby
granted is automatically transferred to the new version or product. All rights in respect of the original Product shall
lapse and no further use of these shall be permitted. Older versions will no longer be published.
(d) Portable or Home Computer and Archive Copies You may make a copy of the Software and install it on
either a portable computer or a computer located in your home provided that the copy is for your own exclusive use
and is not operated simultaneously with the original of the Software. Otherwise, you may not copy or duplicate the
Software, except as necessary solely for archival purposes, Software error verification, or to replace defective storage
media, provided you keep the original and the copies. You may not alter, decompile or disassemble the Software. You
may make copies of the User Documentation up to but not exceeding the number of multi-user Licences you have

(e) Transfers You may not sub-license, lease, rent or lend the Software or the User Documentation or
otherwise transfer any of your rights under this Agreement. Subject to the prior written consent of the Publisher and
the agreement of the transferee to be bound by the terms of this Agreement, you may permanently transfer the
Software (together with any backup copies you have made) and the User Documentation. However, you may not
retain any copies of either the Software or the User Documentation.

(f) Term The Licence granted in this Agreement is effective until terminated. You may terminate it at any time
by destroying the Software and User Documentation, together with all copies, or by returning them to the Publisher. If
you fail to comply with any term or condition of this Agreement, this Licence will terminate and, upon any such
termination, you agree to destroy the Software and User Documentation, together with all copies, or to return them to
the Publisher. Termination of this Licence shall be in addition to and not in lieu of any other remedies available to the

(g) Protection and Security You agree to use your best endeavours and to take all reasonable steps to
safeguard the Software to ensure that no unauthorised person has access to the Product and that there is no
unauthorised copying or distribution of the Software or User Documentation.

2 Limited Warranty & Disclaimer

The Publisher warrants that the media on which the Software is recorded and the User Documentation provided with it
are free from defects in materials and workmanship under normal use for a period of 30 days from the date of your
original purchase. Except for the limited warranty described above, the Software is sold as is and you are assuming
the entire risk as to its quality and performance. It is your responsibility to verify the results obtained from the use of
the Software.

If during the 30-day limited warranty period, you discover physical defects in the media on which the Software was
recorded or in the User Documentation, the Publisher will replace them at no charge to you, provided you return the
item to be replaced with proof of purchase to the Publisher. THIS IS YOUR SOLE REMEDY. IN NO EVENT WILL THE

Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of implied warranties or of liability for incidental or
consequential damages, so the above limitations or exclusions may not apply to you. This warranty gives you specific
legal rights and you may also have other rights that vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. In the event that any of the
above limitations or exclusions is held to be unenforceable, the Publisher's total liability shall not exceed the amount of
the Licence fee you paid.

3 Entire Agreement

This Licence constitutes the entire agreement between the Publisher and the Licensee and any prior representations,
statement or undertaking howsoever made are expressly cancelled. No amendment or modification to this Licence
shall be valid unless it shall be in writing and signed by an authorised representative of the Publisher.

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