Getting Started: Accountedge Accountedge Network Edition Accountedge For Windows

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Getting Started

AccountEdge AccountEdge Network Edition AccountEdge for Windows

Acclivity LLC Website: Acclivity LLC 2010

MYOB Technology Pty Ltd 2010 All rights reserved.
Disclaimer Information supplied by Acclivity LLC. (whether in user documentation and other literature, video or audio material, training courses, websites, advice given by staff, or provided by other means) is intended only to illustrate general principles, and may not be complete, accurate or free of error. As accounting standards, taxation requirements, legislation and the circumstances of individual businesses vary widely, this information cannot be considered authoritative and may not apply to your specific situation. You should obtain competent advice from a qualified accounting, taxation, informationtechnology or legal professional before acting on such information. To the extent permitted by law, Acclivity LLC is not liable for any special, consequential, direct or indirect damages arising from loss of function, profits or data resulting from your application of such information. In the event that any of the above limitations are found to be unenforceable, Acclivity LLC's liability is limited to the return of any fees or monies paid for the purchase of the product or service.


Trademarks AccountEdge is a registered trademark of MYOB US, Inc. in the United States and other countries. Acclivity is a registered trademark of Acclivity LLC in the United States and other countries. Adobe, Acrobat, Acrobat Reader, Adobe Reader, PDF and PostScript are trademarks or registered trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated. Address Book, AirPort, Apple, AppleTalk, Finder, iBook, iCal, iMac, Macintosh, Mac, the Mac logo, PowerMac, PowerBook, QuickTime, the QuickTime logo, Rendezvous and the Rendezvous logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the USA and other countries. Mac, the Mac logo, the QuickTime logo and the Built for Mac OS X graphic are trademarks of Apple Inc. used under license. MobileMeSM is a service mark of Apple Inc. American Express and AmEx are registered trademarks of American Express Company, its subsidiaries and affiliates. Google Maps card links included with permission. Mastercard is a registered trademark of MasterCard International Inc. Microsoft, Entourage, Excel, Internet Explorer, Office, Outlook, Windows, Windows Server and Word are trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the USA or other countries. SM2DGraphView Copyright 2002-2008 Snowmint Creative Solutions vCard is a registered trademark of the Internet Mail Consortium. VISA is a registered trademark of Visa International Service Association. Other products and services mentioned may be trademarks, registered trademarks or service marks of their respective owners.

AccountEdge End User License Agreement

This is an agreement (the Agreement) between you, the end user, and ACCLIVITY LLC or its local publishers and distribution agents. Software is defined as the ACCOUNTEDGE computer program and user documentation that is included with this Agreement and any updates or maintenance releases related thereto. By installing and/or using this Software you agree to become bound by the terms of this agreement. Do not use the Software until you have carefully read this Agreement.

IF YOU AGREE WITH THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT, CLICK THE ACCEPT or AGREE BUTTON WHILE INSTALLING THIS SOFTWARE. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT, DO NOT USE THIS SOFTWARE. PROMPTLY REMOVE IT FROM YOUR COMPUTER. You may then return the entire package and your receipt within 30 days to the place from which you obtained the Software for a refund of the purchase price. Until return of this package has been accepted, you are governed by this Agreement. This Software is protected by copyright laws and international treaties and may only be used in accordance with the License terms and conditions. TRIAL VERSION SOFTWARE LIMITATION. If this Software is a trial version it has restrictions on its use and is intended to be used only for evaluation purposes. This software may be used for 30 days as of the first time you run the software. Upon lapse of such period the software will disable automatically. If you wish to use the software after the tryout period, you need to purchase and activate a Commercial License for continued use. Upon your purchase of the full version Software product license, the restrictions in this paragraph (Trial Version Software Limitation) shall no longer apply, but the remainder of this Software License Agreement shall remain in full force and effect, and in the event there is any conflict between this Agreement and the full version software license agreement, the full version software license agreement shall control. LICENSE. Subject to the terms of this Agreement, Acclivity LLC or its local publishers or distribution agents grants to you, the original purchaser, a royalty-free, non-transferable (except as specified below), non-exclusive License (the License) to use the Software, unless otherwise agreed to in writing by ACCLIVITY as follows: a. ONLINE ACTIVATION The Software requires online activation and registration in order to use the Software under the terms of the License. If you do not activate your copy of the Software, your copy of the Software will disable automatically 30 days after you first install the Software. You are required to enter personal information during online activation. You need an active, functional internet connection to activate your copy of the Software. Your licensed use of the Software is bound to the computer(s) you used to complete activation. You may need to reactivate your copy of the Software after replacing the logic board of your computer or otherwise changing the hardware configuration of your computer. You may need to contact Acclivity or its local publishers or distribution agents to complete reactivation. This License does not allow the Software to be activated and used on more computers than the number of computers you have purchased Licenses for. 4 G ETTI NG STA RTE D







NUMBERS OF USERS. i. Single Site License. You may install and use the Software on only one computer that you own or operate and must not use or permit the usage of the Software on more than one computer or computer terminal at a time by multiple users unless additional licenses are purchased. Additional licenses are required for each user accessing the software by way of ASP/terminal servers/web clients or other remote connection. You may transfer the Software and its License from one such computer to another that you own or operate provided that you De-register your software and Reactivate. In event of an upgrade or product exchange, the license hereby granted shall automatically transfer to the new version or products, but you will be required to Activate such upgrade. ii. Additional Licenses. You may install the software on the number of computers that you have purchased Additional Licenses for. Additional licenses can be purchased for your business from Acclivity or its local publishers or distribution agents to allow multiple installations and for simultaneous user access to accounting files across a network. Additional Licenses are also required for each user accessing the software by way of ASP/terminal services/web clients or other remote connections. One license shall apply to one individual named user within your legal entity. Additional Licenses can be purchased for use on computers used remotely, by the original purchaser only. UPDATES AND UPGRADES. In the event of an upgrade, update or product exchange, the license hereby granted shall automatically transfer to the new version or product. All rights in respect of the original product shall lapse and no further use of these shall be permitted. ARCHIVE COPIES. You may not copy or duplicate the Software, except as necessary solely for archival purposes, Software error verification, or to replace defective storage media, provided you keep the original and the copies. You may not alter, decompile, or disassemble the Software. You may make copies of the user documentation up to but not exceeding the number of multi-user licenses you have purchased. COPIES. You may not copy or duplicate the Software or this Trial Version Software and distribute it to others for their evaluation, except as necessary solely for archival purposes, program error verification, or to replace defective storage media. You agree to retain the Software and all such copies in your possession. RESTRICTIONS TRANSFER. You may not lease, sublicense (including offering the Software to third parties by means of ASP/Terminal Servers/Web Client or other means of Remote Access), rent, lend, distribute or otherwise transfer or assign the Software, Licenses, Additional Licenses, Product Updates or any lawful copies thereof, except that you may transfer all of your rights and interest in and to the Software, including any upgrades and additional licenses purchased, to a single person or entity (Transferee), provided that (i) you either transfer to the Transferee any and all copies you may have made or destroyed said copies upon transfer of the Software, so that you retain no copies, (ii) that you transfer to the Transferee any and all manual(s) which were provided by ACCLIVITY or its local publishers or distribution agents pertaining to the Software, (iii) the Transferee agrees to be bound by the terms of the Agreement, and (iv) you notify ACCLIVITY or its local publishers or distribution agents in writing of such transfer, and provide the name and address of the Transferee. TERM AND TERMINATION . The License is effective until terminated. You may terminate the License at any time by removing the Software from your computer and destroying any copies you have of the Software. 5


The License is automatically terminated if you violate any portion of this Agreement. You agree upon any such termination to destroy the Software together with all copies. Upon termination, there will be no refund of any monies paid by you except in connection with the 30day return policy set forth above. Termination of this License shall be in addition to and not in lieu of any other remedies available to ACCLIVITY or its local publishers or distribution agents PROTECTION AND S ECURITY. You agree to use your best endeavors and to take all reasonable steps to safeguard the Software to ensure that no unauthorized person has access to the Product and that there is no unauthorized copying or distribution of the Software or user documentation.

UPDATES AND CONTINUING FULFILLMENT. If ACCLIVITY elects, in its sole discretion, to produce subsequent updates and revisions to the Software (collectively, Product Updates), you may receive such Product Updates as they become available for your licensed version of the software. Updates are delivered online. All Updates are subject to the terms of this License. COPYRIGHT PROTECTION. Except as set forth in LICENSE above, you may not copy or use the Software, and any copy that you make as permitted by this Agreement must contain the same copyright and other intellectual property notices that appear on or in the Software. The Software is protected by United States and International copyright or other intellectual property law. ANY USE OF THE SOFTWARE, EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY PERMITTED IN THIS LICENSE AGREEMENT, MAY SUBJECT YOU TO CIVIL DAMAGES AND LEGAL FEES, AND MAY BE A SERIOUS CRIME. CONFIDENTIALITY. The Software constitutes Confidential Information and contains trade secrets of ACCLIVITY. You are not permitted to disclose the Software to any third party except in accordance with this Agreement. You may not reverse engineer, disassemble, or decompile the Software or other related files, or otherwise attempt to discover the source code of the Software. TRADEMARKS. Trademarks shall be used in accordance with trademark law, including identification of trademark owners goods and services. Trademarks can only be used to identify printed output produced by the Software, and such use does not give you any rights of ownership in that trademark. PROFESSIONAL ADVICE. ACCLIVITY AND ITS LOCAL PUBLISHERS OR DISTRIBUTION AGENTS ARE NOT ENGAGED IN RENDERING LEGAL, ACCOUNTING, OR OTHER PROFESSIONAL ADVICE OR SERVICE. IF LEGAL ADVICE, OR OTHER EXPERT ASSISTANCE IS REQUIRED, THE SERVICE OF A COMPETENT PROFESSIONAL SHOULD BE SOUGHT. IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO KEEP INFORMED OF ACCOUNTING, TAX, AND/OR PAYROLL CHANGES THAT MAY AFFECT YOU AND TO ENSURE THAT YOU FOLLOW THESE CHANGES. LIMITED WARRANTY AS TO MEDIA. ACCLIVITY warrants that the media on which the Software is recorded is free from defects in materials and workmanship under normal use for a period of 30 days from the date of your original purchase. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES. EXCEPT AS PROVIDED IN THE FOREGOING PARAGRAPH (LIMITED WARRANTY AS TO MEDIA), ACCLIVITY DISCLAIMS ANY AND ALL WARRANTIES TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. THE SOFTWARE AND RELATED MATERIALS ARE PROVIDED AS IS. ACCLIVITY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS, WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED, STATUTORY OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR WARRANTIES THAT THE PRODUCT IS FREE OF VIRUSES OR ERRORS OR WARRANTIES OF NON-INFRINGEMENT OF THIRD-PARTY RIGHTS. ACCLIVITY DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTY AS TO THE PERFORMANCE OF THE SOFTWARE OR AS TO THE 6 G ETTI NG STA RTE D

RESULTS THAT MAY BE OBTAINED BY USING THE SOFTWARE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE INSTALLATION, USE, QUALITY, AND PERFORMANCE OF THE SOFTWARE IS WITH YOU. IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO VERIFY THE RESULTS OBTAINED FROM USE OF THE SOFTWARE. Some jurisdictions do not allow the limitation or exclusion of implied warranties, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you. This warranty gives you specific legal rights and you may also have other rights which vary. This disclaimer of warranties and the limitation of liability below shall not be modified, diminished or affected by, and no obligation or liability will arise or grow out of the rendering of technical, programming, or other advice or service, or the provision of support for the Software by ACCLIVITY. LIMITATION OF REMEDIES. ACCLIVITYS AND ITS LOCAL PUBLISHERS OR DISTRIBUTION AGENTS ENTIRE LIABILITY TO YOU AND YOUR EXCLUSIVE REMEDY SHALL BE THE REPLACEMENT OF ANY DEFECTIVE MEDIA (SUCH AS CD-ROM) RETURNED BY YOU TO ACCLIVITY OR ITS LOCAL PUBSLISHER OR DISTRIBUTION AGENT WITH PROOF OF PURCHASE DURING THE 30-DAY LIMITED WARRANTY PERIOD, AS SET FORTH ABOVE. IN NO EVENT WILL ACCLIVITY BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOST REVENUES, DATA, PROFITS OR SAVINGS) ARISING OUT OF YOUR USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE SOFTWARE EVEN IF ACCLIVITY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE LIABILITY OF ACCLIVITY ARISING FROM YOUR USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE SOFTWARE EXCEED THE FEE PAID BY YOU FOR THIS LICENSE. Some jurisdictions do not allow the limitation or exclusion of liability for incidental or consequential damages so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you. AMENDMENT. ACCLIVITY has the right to change the terms of the End User License Agreement at any time. Your continued use of the software after such changes constitutes your acceptance of this or a modified End User License Agreement. Please regularly review the End User License Agreement available on the Acclivity web site for amendments, changes and additional terms. ACCLIVITY also has the right to change, delete, remove, discontinue or change any feature, function, service or software at any time. Prices of the software, services and support may be changed at any time. GENERAL. This Agreement will inure to the benefit of ACCLIVITY, its successors, and assigns and will be construed under the laws of the State of New Jersey, USA, except for that body of laws dealing with conflict of laws. If any provision of this Agreement is deemed invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, such provision shall be enforced to the maximum extent permitted and the remainder will remain in full force. This Agreement is the entire agreement between you and ACCLIVITY in respect of the Software.

Fast start
This Getting Started guide contains instructions on how to install, register, and set up AccountEdge and AccountEdge Network Edition products. Follow the tasks below to install and begin using your software.
Task 1 2 3 4 5 6 Check your system requirements Install your software Register your software [Existing users] Upgrade your files [New users] Set up a company file Check for software updates See page 9 page 10 page 12 page 13 page 20 page 34

For information on support plans, see Support Options on page 35. For information on payroll services, see Payroll Options on page 36.


Check the system requirements

Hardware and software requirements will vary depending on your operating system. Before installing your software, make sure your computer is able to run AccountEdge or AccountEdge Network Edition. Please visit for the most recent and up-to-date AccountEdge system requirements.


Install your software

To install AccountEdge (Mac) or AccountEdge Network Edition (Mac)
1 2 3

If your computer allows only users with administrator privileges to install programs, log in as an administrator. Save any open documents and close all programs. If you are installing from a CD: a Insert your AccountEdge installation CD into the drive. b Double-click the AccountEdge CD icon on your desktop. The Finder appears, displaying the CD contents. c Double-click the Setup icon. An installation window appears. If you are installing from a downloaded file: a Double-click the downloaded AccountEdge DMG file to mount and open the disk image. b Double-click the AccountEdge installer file. An installation window appears. Follow the onscreen instructions to install AccountEdge. Installing AccountEdge Network Edition If you are installing AccountEdge Network Edition on the host computer for the first time, do not customize the installation. This ensures that all critical components are installed.

6 7

When the installation is complete, if prompted click Restart. Your computer will restart. [AccountEdge Network Edition users only] Start FileConnect: a Go to your Mac OS X System Preferences. b Click the AccountEdge icon in the Other section of the System Preferences window. The AccountEdge system preferences appear. c Click Start FileConnect. d Enter the password for Administrator and click OK. Repeat from step 1 on page 10 for each workstation in the network. You only need to run FileConnect on the host computer.




To install AccountEdge (Win)

1 2 3

If your computer allows only users with administrator privileges to install programs, log in as an administrator. If a virus scanner is enabled, disable it. Insert your AccountEdge installation CD into the drive. The Installation Assistant window appears. If an installation window does not appear, open the installation CD in Windows Explorer and double-click the setup.exe icon.

4 5 6 7

Follow the on-screen installation instructions. When the installation is complete, click Finish. Your default web browser displays the Whats New in This Version topic from Help. If you disabled a virus scanner at step 2 above, re-enable it. Repeat from step 1 above for each computer in the network that will use AccountEdge.



Register your software

You will be required to register and activate your software online. Registration identifies you as the legal owner of the software. Once registered:

new customers receive Introductory Support you can subscribe to support plans so you can receive ongoing technical support you can subscribe to a payroll service to obtain access to payroll updates youll receive information about product upgrades, new products, and other services

For more information on payroll and technical support see Support Options on page 35 and Payroll Options on page 36. After installing the software, you will have 30 days to register your software. After this point, you will not be able to access your company file or sample files. Each installation of the software will require you to register. Your serial number has attached to it the number of allowed installations. Each serial number allows for one installation unless additional workstation licenses are purchased. To move your software from one computer to another, you will need to deactivate your registration on one computer to install on another.

How to register
To register, you will need your serial number. Your serial number is printed on the sleeve of your AccountEdge software CD. If you downloaded your software after purchasing online, your serial number is in the email confirmation you received when you purchased your software.

To register your software

Registering your software is easy: You must be logged in as an Administrator to activate your software.

Launch the AccountEdge or AccountEdge Network Edition software.



Click the Register link on the bottom of the Welcome window or if you are already in your company file, choose Registration from the AccountEdge or AccountEdge Network menu. If you are using a windows product and are already in your company file, choose Registration from the Help menu. Once all required information has been entered, click Register. After we have received your registration details, we will send you confirmation of your registration by email.

Upgrade your files (existing users only)

Company files created with a previous version of your AccountEdge or Premier Accounting software need to be upgraded. You also need to upgrade all customized reports, forms, letters, and spreadsheets that you used with your previous version of the software. Make sure you back up your company file before you upgrade it. Once you upgrade your company file, you can open it only in AccountEdge or AccountEdge Network Edition, depending which software you use. However, the backup file can still be opened in your previous software version.

If you want to... Upgrade AccountEdge for Mac files Upgrade AccountEdge for Windows files

See page 14 page 16



Upgrade AccountEdge for Mac files

Do the following for each company file:
Task 1 2 Action Upgrade your company file Upgrade your customized templates See below page 15

Upgrading from AccountEdge to AccountEdge Network Edition If you are upgrading from AccountEdge to AccountEdge Network Edition, you do not need to upgrade your files.

Task 1: Upgrade your company files

If you are using AccountEdge Network Edition, and users access company files from a shared location, you need to upgrade your company files on the host computer.
1 2 3 4 5

Back up any company files that you use. In the Finder, go to the AccountEdge installation folder and double-click the Upgrade Assistant icon. A welcome window appears. Click Next. The Find File to Upgrade window appears. Click Find File. The Open window appears. Select the company file you want to upgrade and click Open. The Find File to Upgrade window reappears. The current path and file name of the selected company file appears below the Find File button. The default path and name for the upgraded company file appear below the Save As button.

If you want to change the location or name of the company file: a Click Save As. The Save As window appears. b Specify a new location or type a new name and click Save. Click Next. The Confirm window appears. Click Next to start the upgrade. When the upgrade is finished, the Complete window appears. If you want to upgrade another company file, click Next and repeat from step 3 above.

7 8 9

10 Click Finish to close the Upgrade Assistant.



If you customized any reports, forms or letters in your previous version of AccountEdge, proceed to Upgrade your customized templates, below.

Task 1: Upgrade your customized templates

If you customized reports, forms, letters, graphics, or spreadsheets using a previous version of AccountEdge, you need to upgrade these templates to continue using them in your new software version.

Important notice for upgraders A number of enhancements have been made to the way images and fonts are handled on customized forms. To take advantage of these enhancements, you will need to re-attach the graphic(s) on your customized forms.

In the Finder, locate the installation folder of your previous version of AccountEdge (for example, the AccountEdge 2010 folder) and open it. The installation folder contains these template folders:
Folder Custom Forms Letters Spreadsheet Graphics File extension *.rpt *.frm *.dot *.xlt *.bmp, *.gif, *.jpg, *.tif, *.png Description Standard and user-customized report templates Standard and user-customized form templates Standard and user-customized Microsoft Word document templates Standard and user-customized Microsoft Excel spreadsheets Any graphics such as company logo, employee or item photos, etc.

2 3 4

Open the AccountEdge installation folder. In the installation folder of the previous version, open a folder containing customized templates (for example, the Forms folder). Command-click only your custom template files. Avoid overwriting the latest standard templates The standard templates included with AccountEdge may have improved features. Make sure you select only the templates that you created,



ignoring the old standard templates, so that you do not accidentally overwrite the new templates.

Press and hold the OPTION key and drag-and-drop the selected template files over the corresponding folder (for example, Forms) in the AccountEdge installation folder. Repeat from step 2 on page 15 for each folder containing customized templates.

Upgrade AccountEdge for Windows files

Do the following for each company file:
Task 1 2 Action Upgrade your company file Upgrade your customized templates See below page 17

Task 1: Upgrade your company files

To upgrade your company files

Open the upgrade assistant. Go to the start menu > All Programs > AccountEdge > Tools >AccountEdge Upgrade Assistant. The Upgrade Assistant welcome window appears.

2 3 4

Click Next. The Find File to Upgrade window appears. Click Find File. The Select Company File to Upgrade window appears. Select the company file you want to upgrade and click Open. The Find File to Upgrade window appears. The file path and name of the company file appear in the field below the Find File button. The proposed path and name of the company file, as it will be after upgrading, appear in the field below the Save As button.

If you want to change the location or name of the upgraded company file: a Click Save As. The Save As window appears. b Select the file location, type a new file name, and click Save.



Restricted access to the Program Files folder in Windows Vista User Account Control (UAC) is a security feature in Windows Vista. If UAC is active, files saved in the Program Files folder can only be opened by the Windows user who saved the files. If other users need to access your company file, do not save it in this folder. For more information about User Account Control, see Windows Vista Help.

6 7 8

Click Next. The Confirm window appears. Click Next to start the upgrade. When the file has been upgraded, the Complete window appears. If you want to upgrade another company file, click Next or click Finish to close the Upgrade Assistant. If you customized any reports, forms or letters in your previous version of Premier Accounting, proceed to Upgrade your customized templates below.

Task 2: Upgrade your customized templates

If you use customized reports, forms, letters, graphics, or spreadsheets, you need to upgrade these templates to use with the AccountEdge Windows version. You can automatically upgrade your custom templates using an upgrade assistant (see below), or upgrade them manually by copying the templates to the installation folder (see page 19).

Important notice for upgraders A number of enhancements have been made to the way images and fonts are handled on customized forms. To take advantage of these enhancements, you will need to re-attach the graphic(s) on your customized forms.



To automatically upgrade your customized templates

Customized spreadsheets need to be upgraded manually If you have customized spreadsheets that you want to upgrade, you will need to follow the procedure To manually upgrade your customized templates on page 19.

Open the templates upgrade assistant. Go to the Start menu > All Programs > AccountEdge > Tools > AccountEdge Templates Upgrade Assistant. The Templates Upgrade Assistant welcome window appears.

Click Next. The Copying Files window appears. The path to your previous Forms folder is displayed in the Source field and the path to your current Forms folder is displayed in the Destination field. If the previous version cannot be found If your previous software was not installed in the default location, a message will appear stating that the previous version could not be found. To manually locate it, click Browse and select the location. Select the .exe file (for example, myobp.exe) and then click Open. The correct path should now be displayed in the Source field.

Click Start. The upgrade process begins. Old templates folder The upgrade assistant moves the default templates for the latest version (for example, AccountEdge 2010\Forms) into a folder with the prefix Old (for example, AccountEdge 2010\Old Forms). You can find any new forms that were not available in the previous version in this folder.

When the process is complete, the Finished window appears.


Click Finish to close the Templates Upgrade Assistant.

If you were unable to upgrade the templates using the Templates Upgrade Assistant or if you use customized spreadsheets, complete the procedure below.



To manually upgrade your customized templates


In Windows Explorer, locate the installation folder of the previous version [For example, Premier2009 or AccountEdge2010]. The installation folder contains these template folders:
Folder Custom Forms Letters Spreadsheet Graphics File extension *.rpt *.frm *.dot *.xlt *.bmp, *.gif, *.jpg, *.tif, *.png Description Standard and user-customized report templates Standard and user-customized form templates Standard and user-customized Microsoft Word document templates Standard and user-customized Microsoft Excel spreadsheets Any graphics such as company logo, employee or item photos, etc.

2 3

Open the folder containing customized template files (for example, if you have customized invoice templates, open the Forms folder). Select only the template files that you created. To select multiple files, hold down the CTRL key and click each template. Avoid overwriting standard templates The standard templates included with the latest version of your software have improved features. To avoid overwriting the new templates with old versions, select only the template files that you created.

4 5 6

Go to the Edit menu and choose Copy. Open the Forms folder in the AccountEdge 2010 program folder and paste the selected forms. Repeat from step 2 on page 19 for each folder containing customized templates to be upgraded.



Set up a company file (new users)

When you create a company file, you record basic information about your business, such as the business name and contact details. You must also specify the month and fiscal year of the earliest transactions you want to record. Depending on the features you want to use, there are some additional tasks that you may need to do. Essential tasks The tasks you need to do depend on whether your accountant has created and set up a company file for you, the information you currently have, and when your business started. Advanced tasks When you have completed the essential tasks, you can start recording transactions. However, if you need to use the advanced features of this software, (such as the payroll features) you will need to do further setup tasks. These tasks are covered in the Online Help files..
Task 1 2 3 4 5 6 Create a company file Easy setup assistant Set up preferences Set a password for the Administrator user ID Set up accounts Enter the account opening balances See page 21 page 24 page 24 page 25 page 27 page 32



Task 1: Create a company file

When you make entries in your software, the information is stored in a file called a company file. Do you already have a company file? If your accountant has provided you with a company file, or if you want to use a file created with a trial version of this software, you dont need to create a company file.

Before you start, you need to know:

Your current fiscal year This is the fiscal year for which you want to start recording transactions in your company file. Note that a fiscal year is represented by the calendar year in which the fiscal year ends. For example, if your fiscal year ends in December 2010, your fiscal year is 2010. This is the month in which your fiscal year ends. For most businesses the last month is December. This is the earliest month for which you want to record transactions. For example, if you want to enter transactions dated September 1 or later, your conversion month is September. You cannot enter transactions dated before the conversion month. You can choose to have 12 or 13 accounting periods. A 13th period is a period for recording entries which you do not want included in the accounting figures for a particular month. For example, you can use it to record year-end adjustments that are attributed to all months. If in doubt, choose 13 periods.

The last month of your fiscal year Your conversion month

The number of accounting periods in your fiscal year



The default list of accounts

Accounts are categories to which you allocate each of your transactions. When you create a company file, you need to specify a default list of accounts. You can: start with an accounts list provided by AccountEdge. You can select a predefined accounts list suitable for your business. import a list of accounts. You can import an accounts list from another company file, or one that has been provided by your accountant or Certified Consultant. build your own list. You can start with an accounts list that has the minimum accounts required by your software and then add to it. Note that you can modify your accounts list after creating your company file.

Some company file information cannot be changed Take care when creating your company file as some informationsuch as your current fiscal year, last month in fiscal year, conversion month, and accounting periodscannot be changed once you have created your company file.

To create a new company file

1 2 3 4 5 6

Start your software. A welcome window appears. Click Create new company file. The introduction page of the New Company File Assistant appears. Read the information in this page and then click Next. The Company Information page appears. Enter your business contact and registration details. If available, enter your software serial number. Click Next. The Accounting Information page appears. Enter your fiscal year details and conversion month. Current fiscal year This is the fiscal year for which you want to start recording transactions in your company file. It does not need to be the fiscal year that your business is currently operating in.

7 8

Click Next. A confirmation page appears. Check the fiscal year and conversion month and then click Next. The Accounts List page appears.


Select the default accounts list you want to start with.

If you choose to... start with an accounts list provided by AccountEdge import a list of accounts build your own list

Continue with... step 10 below step 12 on page 24 step 12 on page 24

10 Click Next. An accounts list selection page appears. 11 Select the industry and type of business that best matches your business.

A suitable accounts list for the business type you selected appears. If you want to print the list, click Print. Later, you can tailor the list to meet the needs of your business.
S ET U P A C O M P AN Y F IL E (N EW U S E RS ) 23

12 Click Next. The Company File page appears. 13 If you want to change your company file name and location:
a Click Change. The Save window appears. b Select the required location. c If necessary, type a new file name in the Save As field. d Click Save. The Company File page reappears.

[AccountEdge Windows only] Restricted access to the Program Files folder in Windows Vista User Account Control (UAC) is a security feature in Windows Vista. If UAC is active, files saved in the Program Files folder can only be opened by the Windows user who saved the files. If other users need to access your company file, do not save it in this folder. For more information about User Account Control, see Windows help.

14 Click Next. Your company file is created and the Conclusion page

15 Click Command Center to display the Command Center window or

Click Setup Assistant to continue to customize your company file setup.

Task 2: Easy setup assistant

You can setup your preferences by using the Easy Setup Assistant. This assistant guides you through setting up some key preferences. To begin using the Easy Setup Assistant, click Customize. After you have finished each section beginning with Customize, Accounts, Sales, Purchases, Payroll click Close. If you have completed each section, you can select Do not show me the Easy Setup Assistant when I open my file.

Task 3: Set up preferences

Preferences are settings that enable you to tailor your software to your business requirements. Do you need to complete this task? While you can complete this task later, you should review the default preferences that have been set before you start entering transactions.



You can set preferences to customize the way your software operates. For example, you can choose to automatically print invoices after recording them, or prevent transactions from being edited. You can set up your preferences using the:

Customize Easy Setup Assistant. This assistant guides you through setting up some key preferences. To access the assistant, go to the Setup menu, choose Easy Setup Assistant, and then click Customize. Preferences window. This window lists all of the preferences. To view this window, go to the Setup menu and choose Preferences. Use Audit Trail Tracking If you want to keep a record of transactional, tax, account, payroll, and system changes, select this option. For more information about audit trail tracking, see your Online Help. Transactions CANT be Changed; They Must be Reversed If you want to prevent transactions from being edited or deleted, select this option. When you do want to change or delete a transaction, you will need to record a reversal transaction. For more information, see your Online Help. I Deal in Multiple Currencies If you want to enable multi-currency accounting, select this option. For more information about working with multiple currencies, see your Online Help.

Some preferences you should consider choosing include:

Task 4: Set a password for the Administrator user ID

A user ID is the means for:

controlling access to a company file tracking a transaction record history saving individual preferences

When you created your company file, a user ID called Administrator was automatically created. By default, the Administrator user ID does not have a password assigned to it. Anyone who signs on with the Administrator user ID will have complete access to all command centers, functions, and windows and will be able to create, edit, and delete other user IDs. For that reason, as soon as you create a company file, you should assign a password to the Administrator user ID; otherwise, anyone can sign on and then enter, edit, and delete transactions in your file.

To set a password for the Administrator user ID


Start your software. The Welcome window appears.



2 3 4 5

Click Open your company file. The Open window appears. Select the company file to be opened, and click Open. The Sign-on window appears. Click Change Password. The Change Password window appears. In the Change Password window, leave the Existing Password field blank, type the password in both the New Password and Confirm Password fields.

Click Record.

User access restrictions If you want to restrict other users from accessing certain features or information, you can create additional user IDs and specify their access restrictions. For more information, see the Managing user accounts and company files chapter in the Online Help.



Task 5: Set up accounts

Accounts provide a means for grouping similar transactions. For example, if your business pays rent for the use of its premises, you would create a rent account and then allocate all rent payments to that account. The accounts you use for your business are grouped in an accounts list. Do you need to complete this task? If your accountant or Certified Consultant has provided you with a company file, this task may have been completed for you. In this case, go to Task 6: Enter the account opening balances, on page 32.

When you created your company file, you selected a default accounts list to start with. This list may already have the accounts you need. If not, you can change the list to suit your needs. If you are unsure, ask your accountant which accounts you should create, edit or delete. If you chose to import a list of accounts, you should import this list now. For information about importing data into your company file, click the Help button in this window. Account numbers Each account is identified by a unique five digit number. The first digit indicates the accounts classification (for example, accounts starting with 1 are asset accounts). The remaining four digits determine its location within the classification. The lower the number, the higher up in the list it appears. For example, account 1-1100 appears above 1-1200. Account classifications and types The accounts list groups accounts into eight classificationsAssets, Liabilities, Equity, Income, Cost of Sales, Expenses, Other Income, and Other Expenses. Within each account classification there is at least one account type.



Account classifications and types are described in the following table.

Asset (1-xxxx)

Bank Accounts Receivable Other Current Asset Fixed Asset

Money in the bank, for example, in a checking or savings account. Money owed to you by your customers. Assets that, if required, can be turned into cash within a year. These may include your term deposits. Assets which have a long life, for example, buildings, cars, or computers. Fixed assets are usually depreciated. Other assets you own, such as loans made to others and goodwill. Repayments to service credit card debt. Money owed by you to your vendors. Money owed by you that is due in less than a year, for example, tax. Money owed by you that is due in more than one year, such as a business loan. Other money you owe. The businesss net worth, that is, its assets minus its liabilities. Common equity accounts are current year earnings, retained earnings, and shareholders equity. Revenue from the sale of goods and services. The direct cost of selling your goods and providing services, for example, purchase costs and freight charges. The day-to-day expenses of running your business, for example, utility bills, employee wages, and cleaning.

Other Asset Liability (2-xxxx) Credit Card Accounts Payable Other Current Liability Long Term Liability Other Liability Equity (3-xxxx) Equity

Income (4-xxxx) Cost of Sales (5-xxxx) Expense (6-xxxx)

Income Cost of Sales




Other Income (8-xxxx) Other Expense (9-xxxx)

Other Income Other Expense

Other revenue, for example, interest earned on savings and dividends paid from stocks. Other expenses, for example, interest charged.

Header accounts Your accounts list consists of detail accounts (the accounts to which you allocate transactions) and header accounts. Header accounts group related detail accounts to help you organize your accounts list. For example, you could group your telephone, electricity, and gas expense accounts using a Utilities header account. This makes it easier for you to locate the utility expense accounts in the accounts list and to see your combined utility expenses. You group accounts by indenting the detail accounts located directly below a header account.
Header accounts

Detail accounts

Note that:

You cannot allocate transactions to a header account. The balance of a header account is the sum of the detail accounts indented directly below it. You can create up to three header account levels.



Setting up accounts
If you want to... Create an account Group detail accounts with a header account Delete an account Change the details of an account Import an accounts list See below page 32 Online Help Online Help Online Help

To create an account
1 2

Go to the Accounts command center and click Accounts List. The Accounts List window appears. Click New. The Edit Accounts window appears.

3 4

If you want to create a header account, select the Header Account option. Select the account type from the Account Type list. The Account Classification field changes according to the selection you make. For more information on account classifications, see Account classifications and types on page 27. Enter a four-digit number for the account in the Account Number field. The number must be unique within each account classification. Press TAB and type a name for the account.

5 6


Click the Details tab.

8 9

If you want, type a brief description of the account in the Description field. If you are creating an asset, liability, or equity account (other than an asset that has the account type of Bank), select an option from the Classification for Statement of Cash Flows list. Classifying accounts allows you to generate a statement of cash flows. This report shows how your cash position has changed over time, profit earned, and where your cash was spent. If youre unsure about which classification to use, consult your accountant or a Certified Consultant.

10 If you are creating a bank or credit card account, and you want to keep a

record of your bank account details, click the Banking tab and enter your account details.
11 [Detail accounts only] If you want to enter historical balances, click the

History tab and complete the Last FY column. That way you can compare the years monthly account balances with those of the corresponding months last year.
12 [Detail accounts only] If you want to set up a budget:
a Click Budgets. The Prepare Budgets window appears. b Type the budget amounts in the monthly columns. c Click Close.

For more information about budgets, see your Online Help.

13 Click OK when you have finished. The account you created now appears

in your accounts list.



To group detail accounts with a header account

You group accounts by indenting the accounts located below a header account. You do this by clicking the Up button or the Down button located at the bottom of the Accounts List window.
1 2 3 4

Go to the Accounts command center and click Accounts List. The Accounts List window appears. Select the detail account you want to group. If you want to group the account with the header account located immediately above it, click Down . If you want to group the account with a header account above the current header account, click Up.

Task 6: Enter the account opening balances

Account opening balances are the balances of your accounts as at the first day of your conversion month. Do you need to complete this task? If you were in business prior to your conversion month, most of your accounts probably already have balances. If you want to produce financial reports that included these balances (such as a balance sheet), or you want to track the balance of accounts with a cumulative balance (such as your bank account), you need to enter these balances.

You can find your account opening balances on a trial balance report, a balance sheet or a profit & loss report prepared for the period immediately prior to your conversion date. You can ask your accountant to prepare these reports. You may also be able to find your account opening balances using your previous software or paper-based records. The balances you enter in your accounting software depend on whether your conversion month is also the first month of your fiscal year. If your conversion month:

is the first month of your fiscal year, enter the opening balances of your asset, liability, and equity accounts only. The opening balances of your income, cost of sales, and expense accounts should be zero. is not the first month of your fiscal year (for example, if your fiscal year starts in April but your conversion month is August), enter the opening balances of all your accounts.



Opening bank account balances You can enter either of the following amounts as the opening balance of a bank account:

the bank account balance that appears on your balance sheet or trial balance reports as at the day prior to your conversion date. For example, if your conversion date is January 1, 2010, this is the bank account balance as at December 31, 2009. These reports can be provided by your accountant, or you can obtain the balances using your previous software or paper-based records.

the checkbook balance of the account as at the end of the day prior to your conversion date. You can calculate your checkbook balance by taking into account the transactions not yet cleared by your bank as of the conversion date and the balance that appears on your bank statement at that date. For example, assume that $500 worth of deposits and $1000 worth of payments were unpresented as at your conversion date (that is, they had not appeared on a bank statement). The checkbook balance would be calculated as shown below:
Bank statement balance as at the conversion date ADD uncleared deposits SUBTRACT uncleared payments Checkbook balance as at the conversion date $21,000.00 + $500.00 $1,000.00 $20,500.00

To enter opening balances

1 2

Go to the Setup menu, choose Balances and then Account Opening Balances. The Account Opening Balances window appears. Enter the balances in the Opening Balance column. Enter opening balances as positive numbers Dont, for example, enter liability account balances as negative numbers. Enter negative amounts only if accounts truly have negative balances.



Check that the amount in the Amount left to be allocated field at the bottom of the window shows $0.00. If this field displays an amount other than $0.00, check your opening balances again because they are either incomplete or incorrect. However, you can continue the setup process if there is an amount in the Amount left to be allocated field. The amount will be assigned to a special equity account called Historical Balancing.

Click OK.

Check for software updates

To make sure you are using the current version of your accounting software, you should check every so often to see if any updates or upgrades are available. To check for updates using a Mac computer, open your company file, then go to the AccountEdge menu and click Check for Updates. To check for updates using a Windows computer, open your company file, then go to the Help menu and click Check for Updates.



Support Options
Introductory Support When you register your accounting software, you automatically receive 30 days of introductory support. During this period, our Support team will offer assistance with installing your accounting software and setting up your company file. You can call Introductory Support at 973.586.2325 between 9am - 6pm (Eastern Time), Mon-Fri. AccountEdge Support Get the answers you need when you need them. AccountEdge Support offers expert phone and email support from our support staff. For more information or to enroll, visit or call Customer Service at 800.322.6962. Pay Per Call If you need technical assistance other than installation help, and do not want to purchase AccountEdge Support, you can use Pay Per Call Support. Call 800.662.3788 between 9am - 6pm (Eastern Time), Mon-Fri. Credit card required.

Technical support is limited to installation, upgrade assistance, basic usability, and basic functionality. We cannot resolve issues caused by third-party services, service providers, hardware, software, or networking problems. Technical support is limited to the current version software and two versions back. Phone support does not cover inquiries on general accounting or taxation issues, nor does it include application consulting or training.



Additional Support Resources

Certified Consultants Certified Consultants are independent computer or accounting professionals who demonstrate a high level of knowledge, skill, and experience with AccountEdge. Certified Consultants can assist you with installing, setting up, and using your accounting software. They can also provide product demonstrations and on-site training. To find local help, visit Self Help A variety of Self Help options are available under Software Support Resources located in the Help menu of your product.

Payroll Options
Payroll Tax Services Enroll in one of our Payroll Tax Services to make sure you have the most recent payroll tax updates. As a Payroll Tax Service member, you also receive any upgrades to AccountEdge that are released during your membership term. Payroll Tax Services are available with or without software support. For more information or to enroll, visit or call Customer Service at 800.322.6962.



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